sous-france · 27 days
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Le Grand Départ : Réaliser un Rêve en Famille Le 16 avril 2024 marque le début d'un voyage longtemps attendu pour notre Ûmra, un pèlerinage sacré vers la Mecque. Après des mois d'anticipation, nous partons de Paris avec l'agence DOGAN VOYAGES, prêts à réaliser un rêve familial. 
L'Arrivée à Médine : Illumination Spirituelle À notre arrivée à Médine, la ville est baignée dans la nuit. La Mosquée du Prophète, Masjid Nabawi, brille de son éclat, offrant un spectacle saisissant. Notre hôtel, situé à proximité, nous donne un accès privilégié à ce lieu saint. Rapidement, l'appel à la prière de l'aube nous rappelle notre objectif sacré.
Prière à Masjid Nabawi : Une Connexion Profonde Rejoindre les fidèles pour la prière à la mosquée est un moment rempli d'émotions. La récitation du Coran par l'imam crée une atmosphère de recueillement et de sérénité. La fin de la prière nous réunit avec nos proches, renforçant notre lien familial et notre engagement spirituel.
Début de l'Aventure à Médine : Rencontres et Unification Notre séjour à Médine est marqué par des rencontres avec des personnes de différentes cultures, tous unis dans une communauté spirituelle. Mais le moment le plus marquant reste notre passage devant la tombe du Prophète Mohammed ﷺ, accompagné de ses compagnons Abû Bakr et Omar.
Conclusion : Une Expérience Inoubliable Cette expérience nous laisse une empreinte indélébile dans nos cœurs. Nous remercions humblement notre Seigneur pour cette invitation et cette expérience unique, qui continuera de nous inspirer et de nous guider dans notre vie spirituelle.
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☞ 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒔-𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
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Médine pose de parasol une alternative contre le soleil brûlant
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chatgpt1 · 3 months
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lheautontimoroumenos · 6 months
it's the way I'm in the top 0.05% listeners of Médine, 3 out of my 5 most listened to songs are from Médine France, my top 1 is Paratonnerre and then my top 4 is, get ready, lacy by olivia rodrigo. French radical leftist with a side of a history of crushing on my straight friends 😌
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361forum · 7 months
"République du mépris", le morceau de Naïli, avec Médine & Akhenaton
En 2011 on retrouvait Médine et Akhenaton sur le même morceau
En 2011, Naïli sort son album intitulé L’empire des Rêves Médine et Akhenaton participent au morceau République du Mépris, qui aura droit à une petite vidéo.La prod. est de DiazCe clip est en fait le morceau, avec une intro réalisé par les 3 rappeurs. Vidéo qui sera uploadé sur YouTube le 7 juin 2011 Lire les paroles
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micmacplanet · 9 months
Polémique autour du rappeur Médine
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urbanxreporterz · 1 year
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📅 🎉🎊 #Médine #urbanXreporterzCALENDRIER #urbanXreporterzAGENDA #medine Sharing 🤝 partager 😃 positive 🔋 energy 📅 📺🤜🏻🤛🏾 ✌️🤝😍🤣 👉🌍 https://urbanxreporterz.com 🌎👈 #urbanXreporterzMRbenoitD #MRbenoitDtv @urbanXreporterz @Xreporterz #urbanXreporterz #calendrier #Agenda #Events #EVENEMENTS 🎵🎹🎸🥁🎤#urbanXreporterzMUSIC #urbanXreporterzMUSIQUE #Musique #music #chant #sing #instrument #son #song #urbanXreporterzHIPHOP #HIPHOP #zulunation #RAP #MC #Rapper #dancer #freestyle #style #lifestyle (à Marseille, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClrDNvEshD3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smithleonardo · 2 years
Les prêts personnels portent le total des prêts des sociétés financières saoudiennes à 19 milliards de dollars au premier trimestre
Les prêts personnels portent le total des prêts des sociétés financières saoudiennes à 19 milliards de dollars au premier trimestre
RIYADH : L’Arabie saoudite accueillera le 116e Conseil exécutif de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme des Nations Unies les 7 et 8 juin à Djeddah, avec environ 180 participants du monde entier. L’événement de deux jours délibérera sur toutes les mesures nécessaires pour mettre en œuvre les décisions et recommandations du conseil pour soutenir le secteur. La session du Conseil exécutif se tiendra…
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sous-france · 25 days
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La mosquée de Qûba : sur les traces du Prophète Mohammed ﷺ Saviez-vous que la mosquée de Quba est située à la périphérie de Médine ? C'est l'une des plus anciennes mosquées du monde, datant du 7ème siècle. Une merveille architecturale chargée d'histoire et de spiritualité, un lieu où la foi et la tradition se mêlent harmonieusement.
📷 𝑀𝐾 | © ☞ 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒔-𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
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The 2012 French rap feud (Booba / Rohff)
In 2012, a legendary rap feud occured in France, between the rappers Booba, Rohff & La Fouine (Morsay tried to get involved). I thought it could be interesting for Americans to hear about it, if you want.
If we had to make comparaison, Booba would be French Drake, he had big mainstream success (melodic stuff too, went on the radio) pretty much apolitical music (he is also half white), Rohff would be Kendrick Lamar though the parallels doesn't work as well (Médine or Kery James would fit better, if you want to listen to any French rap, listen to them) Rohff's rap is more political & more culturally relevant, rooted in the neighborhood.
The similarities end here, because unlike J. Cole, Drake or Kendrick, La Fouine went to prison several times adding up to a couple of years (but mostly before his rapping carrier), he served time at the same prison at around the same time as
Booba, who was already a rapper when he went to prison for a year and a half. After that he went into detention for a few months two more times over the years.
Rohff did some prison after he became a rapper, but most notably, because of the rap feud I'm gonna talk about with Booba. There was a fight in 2014 that led to someone being in a coma & a five year prison sentence for Rohff (he served a few months).
For this reason & others (like the fact that all the French rappers I mentioned, all stand with Palestine), the Drake / Kendrick Lamar feud makes me laugh with indulgence.
You can listen to the tracks if you want to witness this glorious, very sexist & homophobic history (you can try to google translate the lyrics but most of it is slang they probably won't translate well), but I offer a summary of the feud, with some very short explanations of the events, lyrics & a few translated lines :
Responding to Rohff calling him a "zoulette" (an offhand on tv in August 2012, source) Booba dropped "Wesh Morray" (Yo couz'), in september 2012. There is not much there, in the song he said he is on top (money, cars, friends, rap game), talks about being a thug ("I come home from the street, I never came home from work"), it's really not his best imo.
The response came 5 days later, using the same music sample. Rohff attacks Booba on his race (Booba is half white) & on his credentials:
"you use our codes, our words, our methods" "neither arab nor black, the biggest liar of this age"
(paraphrasing) "Diams (woman rapper) had better sales than you, that's why you came after her"
"stop your "thug life" [bullshit], Tupac is turning in his grave", "Kery [James] didn't mention your name, what are you talking about", [that means he is not a real one]
"nothing glorious about showing off your little criminal record, real ones don't need to prove anything, you didn't grow up in the 'hood, you'll never be like us, don't make it a whole thing"
(Rohff destroyed him basically).
Two months later, La Fouine came into play, mentioning it in a song "I hear the clash about you on the radio, but like the call to the mosque you can't respond" (which is a bad burn, almost two months & Booba hadn't fought back, also Booba not attending mosque, is not a good Muslim, very easy jab to make). He also released a 20 min video talking shit about Booba, which he can because of the common past with the Fresnes prison which is apparently were La Fouine started disliking Booba.
After that, Booba avoided Rohff (he cancelled a birthday party to avoid him :) ) & he fired back two months later (early 2013, things didn't move as fast back then), his song barely mentioning Rohff, it heavily focused on La Fouine having a sexual assault on a minor on his criminal record (there is audio evidence in the track of someone he said is a cop saying it, on a phone call that was a setup)
Four days later, La Fouine fired back (choosing in very poor taste imo to use as the hook "besides Booba I didn't rape anyone"), mostly mocking him for his cowardness "you refuse to meet-up & you piss yourself" & bragging about his wealth: "Fouiny [himself] is a homeowner".
This is one line I still remember this song for, though "you have tatoos, we have scars" Ten years later I still love that line.
La Fouine pushed back further on the sexual assault on a minor allegation, saying Booba is irrelevant in the rap game so he has to ressort to making up lies, that the woman "cop" on the phone call said he had done sexual assault on a minor in 1997, when he himself was 15 (he really should have stopped there, but then he said "I don't know, in junior high, I probably put my hand on a girl's ass for a second... Oups, sorry! But I swear, Booba besides you I didn't rape anyone").
Booba fight back a week later, calling La Fouine "Emile" refering to the famous rapist & murderer of disabled minors (Emile Louis). He provided further audio evidence of La Fouine having committed sexual assault, at some point in the song he says (doing a voice as if he were La Fouine) "send to minors up [to my Miami appartement], I'm worse than R. Kelly" (this is from february 2013 btw). He also accused La Fouine of just doing business (so not making a lot of money from selling records) & not being relevant to the rap game.
A month after that, La Fouine & Booba had a fight in the Miami hotel they were both staying at.
The fight that led to an unrelated party ending up in a coma happened a year later.
From what I can tell, the hatchet hasn't been buried & the only reason things didn't get worse is that Booba actually is a coward, who actively avoid them (or he is wise not to engage in meaningless physical conflict, but why he has to talk so loud then?)
Anyway, no way the Kendrick Lamar / Drake feud goes as far as this, but still, pretty entertaining. Less criminal record, better music, you win some, you lose some.
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elinaline · 9 months
Putain mais c'est dingue LFI là. Ils s'attaquent aux juifs qui disent que ça serait bien à minima des excuses de la part de Médine pour ses gestes antisémites, genre sans déc ils en sont à dire "si vous pensez que Médine a été antisémite vous êtes de droite en vrai" heho ???? Allo ?????? Après avoir défendu le mec qui battait sa femme vous défendez le mec qui a fait des quenelles genre. Sans soucis ?? Pas besoin d'ennemis avec des alliés pareils.
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albad · 9 months
Médine : histoire d'un acharnement initié par l'extrême droite - Contre Attaque
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I was tagged by the coolest tumblrina @wvnjo to answer this ask game. Each time your personal tags show up on my dash, i think about how much someone as full of energy and ambition like you deserves to reach her life goals. I can't be more than a groupie who is cheering for you from the side, but i'm doing it with all my heart. 💗
Name: Imane
Sign: Lion sun, Taurus moon, Capricorn rising,
Height: 1,58m
Time: 18:45
Birthday: july 27th
Favourite bands/artists (the ones i always returned to in difficult times): Ali Farka Touré, Toumani Diabaté, Fayruz, Umm Kulthum, Cesaria Evora, Médine,  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and so many more
Last movie: US by Jordan Peele
Last show: Severance (an instant favourite: series that mix sci-fi/political concept+ philosophical/metaphysical questions about the nature of identity+ impossible love stories will always have a special place in my heart)
When I created this blog: I think in 2011 but it's not my first blog on Tumblr
What I post: What my mood dictates me. I see my blog as kind of stream of consciouness created to calm and to relax. I reblog quasi exclusively (since i have no talent) all sort of arts (photography of nature, architecture, paintings, poetry, music, gifs of films) and sometimes current news about the world (Palestine), but in a specific order because my brain needs a visual/aesthetic connection to what i reblog and more importantly an invented (by me) narrative continuity between the posts. That's why i don't reblog immediately what i like or bookmark. I search/create in my mind the stories that gives sense to me to the flow of the pics/gifs i pick.
Last thing I googled: Algeria
Other blogs: Fandom blogs. It's pure nostalgia for my childhood favourite tv shows.
Do I get asks: Very rarely. That's why i rarely post personal thoughts. I think most of my followers prefer this blog to speak for itself, without additional thoughts...
Following: I don't get this one. Am i is supposed to say how many people i follow or who i follow?
Average hours of sleep: usually 6-8h. I can't have less: i'm too old to endure sleepless nights anymore.
Instruments: None
What I’m wearing: A cute blue dress i received as a gift from my mother who just came back from her holidays in Algeria.
Dream job: Quoting my muse @wvnjo "I don’t dream of labour". I studied law and worked in the field for years because i have a strong sense of justice. I loved to defend people but lost a lot of my illusions, so i quit. These days, i daydream of some activity, (not necessarily a job, volunteering would be very okay), with children: helping in a children library (i love to share books and stories with children) or teaching some after classes lessons to children of primary schools.
Nationality: algerian the only one that matters in my heart and forever. I have been born, raised and lived my entire life en France. I have the french citizenship but i don't feel i belong here. If my health condition was better, i would pobrably try to leave France.
Favourite songs (currently, it changes all the time): Sun May Shine by Tamino, all because my favourite music librarian @wvnjo rebloggged it and got me hooked. it's so melancholic and so soft at the same time, i think i will never be not haunted by Tamino's voice (and the notes of arab influence in his music certainly helped a lot).
Last book I read: The Willow Tree by Hubert Selby Jr. A very powerful modern story on revenge, grief and forgiveness about a young black american boy whose life is shattered when his hispanic girlfriend and him are attacked by a street gang enraged by the fact they are a racially mixed couple. I loved how the author used such a musical and poetic language to tell a a seemingly hopeless and dark tale, until grace comes from an unexpected place and enlightens again life.
3 fictional universes: Middle Earth. Battlestar Galactica. All poems and plays related to the House of Atreus: The Illiad, The Odyssey and The Oresteia.
Tagging all my mutuals and everyone who feel inspired by this ask game.
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bruderherzlove · 3 days
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Promotion exclusive pour l'Omra en septembre 2024 :
 Dates : OMRA du 14 septembre au 23 septembre 2024
 Prix  A partir de 1299€
L'offre inclut :
Vol avec Saudia
Visa touristique
Hotels avec petit déjeuner inclus
Transferts en autocar climatisé
 Inclus dans votre Omra de septembre 2024 :
Accompagnement spirituel
Sessions éducatives à Médine et à La Mecque
Visites guidées à Médine (le cimetière des martyrs d'Ouhoud, la mosquée Quba, la palmeraie) et à La Mecque (le mont Noor, le mont Thour, Arafat, Mina, Muzdalifa)
Réservez dès maintenant sur Pelerinhajj.com
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latribune · 20 days
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wiwsport · 1 month
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