#m. owens » canon
lovely-pixie · 10 months
I literally cannot make this shit up. Sophia Di Martino has obliterated the 'canon' ship. It has sank deeper than the titanic I'm afraid.
She called it "weird", "same person". The kiss was not romantic, meaning she just wanted to "go through with her plan" of killing He Who Remains.
"It's been fun, dude...so see ya" LMAOOO
I would be so embarrassed if Tom said that about Mobius💀
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meideixx · 11 months
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radio-hour · 10 months
the fact owen wilson has made me cry multiple times with his silly lil characters and their silly lil boyfriends is insane
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whogirl42 · 11 months
Me, watching a new episode of Loki S2: there's no way Lokius could possibly be louder than this
The next episode: hold my beer ;)
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For Molly - B, L, E, P
B ─ Breeding. Is this one of their kinks ? Do they often have unprotected sex ? Have they ever had any pregnancy scares ? Molly might have offered to birth children for friends that cannot have them, but she's never actually been pregnant nor does she ever want to be. Breeding, as a kink, kind of freaks her out - mainly because she comes from a large family and eugh, it makes her think of them and their teachings (specifically for her) to be fruitful and multiply. That being said, Molly isn't always the best at having protected sex. She's had at least one pregnancy scare (one with, awkwardly, her best friend), and it's because of this that she's considering getting sterilized.
L ─ Lingerie. Do they enjoy wearing it and/or seeing their partner in lingerie ?  What kind of lingerie do they find the sexiest ? Any other clothing they love seeing their partner in  ( like grey sweater pants, wearing nothing but an apron, really short shorts, etc… ) ?  Do they often wear what the other likes, just to please them ? She's not really a sex-oriented person, she cares more for intimacy than the act most days. That being said, she loves lingerie on herself and others. For herself, she prefers things that are dark, goth themed, and have a touch of bondage about them. She also likes anything that exposes her ink, she has a lot of tattoos she loves to show off, and even her own leg scars don't bother her when it comes to showing skin. As for partners, she likes whatever they're the most comfortable in. It's about the trust, about the intimacy and vulnerability. But god, does she love a shirtless man in loose ratty sweatpants and women in nothing but baggy shirts.
E ─ Experimenting. Are they willing to experiment new things ?  Is there something they’d like to try with their partner, but haven’t had the chance yet ?  Any experiments gone wrong ? Unfortunately for her partners, Moe has a tendency to get bored easily and while she's not necessarily sex-driven in relationships, she does like to experiment when the time for sex arrives. She'll try mostly anything (consensual) at least once or twice, and will have a review of it when the act is over. If she's feeling particularly cheeky, she'll make a report card or pull out some stickers. There's not really anything she's actively looking to try with a partner, mostly because she's tried a fair amount of the things on her small list that she's wanted to. Mostly, she's interested in getting an orgasm and post-sex cuddles. She is a slut for post sex cuddles. Let her big spoon. One thousand percent, there have been some sex-related experiments that have gone wrong - but the only one she will freely admit to is the time she got a guy all tied up and he fainted on her and she had to call an ambulance. That was... A night to remember.
P ─ Public. Have they ever done it in public ?  Were they caught ?  Do they have a favourite public place to do it ? The Queen of Awkward Car Sex in Dumb Places. You might be wondering, why does she keep doing it if car sex is so awkward and uncomfortable for someone of her height? Well... We've got nothing chief. Sometimes, you just gotta do it where you are. But never in her corvette because she's not a fucking savage animal. She doesn't even allow drinking in the car, let alone human juices.
SEXY ABCS meme ; accepting
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violetswritingg · 1 month
Main Masterlist
Coming soon!
Tyler Owens x OFC!
Description: When cowgirl meets cowboy after a year of no-contact and chaos ensues during storm season!
Rating: M (Mentions of blood and death in Tornadoes and storms alike, angst and loss of loved ones, car accidents, Tornado aftermath, and injury to characters, slight age gap (5 years))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 (Coming soon)
Young Justice
Canary Cry
Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x OFC!
Description: Her violence was silent. Until it wasn't.
"I'm fine."
"Fine is just another word for drowning."
Rating T-M (mentions of blood, child abuse, mental health, cannon situations of violence and the like. Loss of parents, hard of hearing/deaf character, poorly written fight scenes lol)
0: Creation
1: He Left
2: Birthday's and Nightmares
3: Drop-Zone A
4: Drop-Zone B
5: Disappointment
6: School'd
7: Trash Go Boom
8: Home
9: Infiltrator
10: Outfiltrated
11: Truces and Text messages
12: Denial
13: Downtime
Act two
14: Bereft
15: Mortal Wounds
16: Home Invasion
17: Alpha Male pt.1
18: Alpha Male pt.2
19: Plant Subterfuge
20: Revelation
21: To be determined
22: To be determined
23: To be determined
24: To be determined
25: To be determined
Only in Darkness
Jason Todd x OFC!
"Only in Darkness can you see the stars."
Marlowe Knight stumbling upon a girl prophesied to end the world and going on the adventure of a life time.
Rating: M (Blood, cannon typical violence, sibling rivalry, scars, torture, trauma, angsttttt)
1: A New Chapter
2: Crime Scenes and Cafés
3: Dodged Calls
4: Cop Killer
5: To The Rescue
6: Blueberry Pancakes and Rooftop Memories
7: Phone Calls
8: Panic and Motel Conversations
9: Old Friends
10: Second Chances
11: Leaving
12: Nuclear Family Drama
13: On Edge
14: Different Places
15: On The Move
16: TBD
17: TBD
18: TBD
19: TBD
20: TBD
21: TBD
22: TBD
Adrian Chase x OFC!
Back in 1939 the Court of Owls set out to create the first Talon, they called this initiative the Ghost protocol. Their product? everything they ever wanted in a solider for their nefarious schemes to keep their power over Gotham City.
Roberta Harris, Bobbie if you don't want to get shot somewhere important, never wanted this life. A 'criminal' to the world and a legend in the world of spy shit and black ops project's. The bomb in her head keeps her compliant with Waller's demands until Project Starfish wins her her freedom. What will she do now?
A world in which an elderly lady moves to a small town in Washington state to get away from the superhero bullshit only to get pulled back in against her will. Growing along the way as a result.
Rating: M (For obvious reasons, it's Peacemaker)
1: Freedom
2: TBD
3: TBD
4: TBD
5: TBD
6: TBD
7: TBD
8: TBD
9: TBD
10: TBD
Mark Grayson x OFC!
Description: In which two superpowered teens meet and fall in love amongst blood, death, and betrayal
Rating: M (Canon typical violence, betrayal, mental health issues, abandonment issues, child neglect, angsttttt)
Too Good To Be True
Attacked From All Sides
Outer space
Burial Plot
Shit Show
Shit Show pt.2
More coming soon!
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szollibisz · 5 months
Do you have any hcs abt how Curt and Owen "came out" to one another? (Using the term loosely cuz obviously they can't just be like "IM GAY") And also how they got together (who fell first etc etc)
Ok, so to preface this, my favourite thing about curtwen is just how many ways you can interpret their pre-canon relationship.
I try to keep their story relatively loose in my head, save for a few headcanons I very strongly believe in, because it's more fun this way.
For me, the #1 headcanon that's in all the iterations I think of, is that they hated each other at first. I think their personalities clash way too much for them to be all buddy-buddy on the first day. (Physical attraction? maybe. Was it minuscule compared to their irritation with each other? yes.)
I just think it's interesting how the two of them gradually (and begrudgingly) start to care about each other.
I think their "friendship stage" is one of my favourite parts about the whole thing. Now I refuse to believe either of those men have friends. Maybe coworkers and acquaintances, but not friends. Which is why this stage lasts so little.
As their work their way up to care for and respect each other, both of them go a little crazy about it.
It's the first time in years or even decades they felt genuine affection and maybe even trust, and both of them are extremely starved for it. So it really doesn't take much for them to fall for each other. (especially since the aforementioned physical attraction was always there and only getting stronger as they learned to tolerate each other)
I imagine, because of this, Owen was the one who fell first, and he employed his usual tactic for dealing with unwanted feelings: Being an ass and depriving himself of good things. He got more intense about his work, trying to immerse himself in it, so he'll stop thinking about Curt. He stayed up late, didn't even try to take it easy when he had a migraine, drank shit coffee and other great things.
It technically worked. He looked like shit, which in turn made Curt worried, and if Owen completely invalidated his worries the two of them would get into a fight, be mad at each other and not interact so much. Owen thought this would make him not yearn for Curt so bad (he still did, in fact, yearn for him that bad)
When Curt realized he was in love with Owen he was pretty horrified. Like listen. If someone has commitment issues it's Curt. Maybe he had a boyfriend or two during his teenage years/twenties, but they didn't end well, and since then he's been trying to keep everybody at arms length. He convinced himself Owen wasn't so bad because hey. They were just buddies (and Curt desperately needed a buddy.)
He tried to shove down and ignore his feelings, but moaning your friend's name while banging another guy may just be a little more than what you can avoid.
He never understood why Owen turned so cold suddenly, and he was terrified Owen just didn't like or trust him anymore. In turn he was also mad at him for trying to shut him out.
Their little hate renaissance could only last so long though. They were still each other's only friends and no matter what they did they kept being drawn back to each other.
This was a super long preface but. I am not normal about those two.
So. different scenarios and headcanons and whatnot
1. Either one of them somehow discovers the other is gay. This would probably mean Owen finding out about Curt, because, I wholeheartedly believe that man would leave during a mission sometimes just to get a quick fuck in. Maybe Owen finds out with evidence (fast & easy method) or he just starts strongly suspecting with his great spying and deduction skills (slow & torturous method, he'd try to convince himself he's just seeing what he wants to see) either way, the confrontation would be very uncomfortable for both of them. Curt would deny it ofc, and Owen would go through the internal battle of "tell him it's fine, you won't rat him out, but be a little homophobic about it, so maybe you can keep the only friend you have, but also be ok with the fact that he'll always be with other men and never you" or "tell him you're gay too, maybe he likes you, maybe not, and potentially risk losing your job and livelihood and everything you've ever worked for" He'd most likely end up doing the latter, surprising both Curt and himself. (He's already way more into Curt than he admits to himself) And things escalate from there.
2. Dramatic post mission (maybe a "I thought I'd never see you again" moment) This is where their friendship gets really interesting to me. For a scenario like this the months long yearning is a given, maybe even a lot of unresolved tension between the two (which would probably be resolved with violence anyways) They care very deeply about each other by now. They know each other better than anyone, and their idyllic relationship is only made into a living hell by all the pining. At this point I mean, they'd buy each other birthday gifts, go over to the other's house when they were in the same country and share way too much info over drinks. Their job is always dangerous, but even they can get scared. Maybe we're talking being crazy outnumbered, or a torture/hostage situations, or hell even a collapsing building. Point is, id either one of them thought the other (or both of them) may die, at this point they'd be impulsive enough to just say I love you or kiss the other. In the moment neither of them would care, and later on, when you'd normally talk about things like near death makeout sessions, they'd just. not. do that, because communication is for guys with better life prospects. This one has absolutely no coming-out talk in it, simply because they don't need it
3. Possibly drunk hookup Now clearly, we are talking about two of the most down bad men ever. This is one scenario, I think could also work really well when they still really hated each other. Maybe throughout their first few mission they both gathered enough evidence and sussed each other out, and after (yet another) explosive fight they might just. Alleviate the tension by not beating each other up but by. other means. They don't end up talking much about it, but it keeps happening, and wait maybe they don't even hate each other all that much. (This is the more sober option) The other one is where the "possibly drunk" comes in. If they've been friends for a while, they probably got used to working around each other and finding comfort in the other's presence. This includes little habits, inside jokes, and even (very small) physical touches. This probably wouldn't go down during a mission, it's more likely to happen at either Curt's or Owen's house, maybe during some holiday. Both of them realizing it's a pretty bad idea early on, because, without all the stress of the missions and navigating a foreign country all that's left is them and the feelings they have for each other. Owen would probably say no to drinks for the first few times, just to avoid a potentially dangerous situation, but Curt would wear him down eventually. Now, with both of them drunk and comfortable, it wouldn't take much for things to escalate. Maybe Curt forgets to take his hand off of Owen after patting him on the back, or Owen holds Curt gaze for a little too long. Either way, those two end up fucking. The next day both of them are a little horrified, but they manage to come clean about their feelings (even if it's in the most backwards and convoluted way possible)
Happy ending (or not) There's many more ways it could've happened, but I already wrote wayyyy too much I think.
In the end I don't think they'd ever have a proper conversation about homosexuality, even way into their relationship. It's something they slowly pick up on from each other. How ashamed are they, what makes them tick, what you shouldn't say etc. And then of course, since they don't communicate properly and sometimes purposefully hurt each other, they'd throw it all back in the other's face.
I'm not sure this is what you meant when you asked for hcs, but I got carried away.
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mllebleue · 3 months
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It is in my hands! Officially out July 1st from McFarland but on order now. 16 essays on Star Trek novels and their authors.
Table of content:
Introduction: Into the Vastness of the Novelverse
­Caroline-Isabelle Caron and Kristin Noone 1
Official, but Not Canon: The ­Tie-In Writer’s Dilemma
David Mack 19
Feinting Forward, Barging Backward: Philosophical Analysis of Spock, Messiah!
Anne Collins Smith and Owen M. Smith 37
Growing Up with Deep Space Nine: Recruiting New Fans and Teaching Ideology Through YA Literature
Judith Clemens-Smucker 52
“300 ­full-color action scenes”: The Star Trek Fotonovels, Multimodal Storytelling as Paper Television?
Caroline-Isabelle Caron 69
Putting the Romance Back into Space Opera
Valerie Estelle Frankel 90
“The dream of stars”: Judith and Garfield ­Reeves-Stevens and the Star Trek Epic
Geoffrey Reiter 107
Imzadi, (Almost) Happily Ever After and the Female Gothic Tradition
Carey Millsap-Spears 124
The ­Tie-In Novels of History: Adaptation and Expansion in Diane Carey’s Star Trek Fiction
Kristin Noone 141
“What’s in a life?” Grappling with Genre, Gender, and Liberal Humanism in The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway
Mareike Spychala 159
Wind-Riders, Divers, and Merry Whales: Vonda N. McIntyre’s Star Trek Novels
Una McCormack 174
“The sheer unpredictability of the insane, demented galaxy”: Peter David’s New Frontier Novels
Val Nolan 192
The Hurt and the Comfort in J.M. Dillard’s Mindshadow: ­Tie-In Novels and/as Fanfiction
Agnieszka Urbańczyk 209
Surviving the Borg? Exploring Vengeance and Humanity in Peter David’s Vendetta
Brian de Ruiter 226
Contaminated Community in Jean Lorrah’s The IDIC Epidemic
Leah Faye Norris 243
Kira Nerys: Bajor and Beyond
Sherry Ginn 255
A Coda on Coda
Caroline-Isabelle Caron 266
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dartlekey · 9 months
Don't look back (COMPLETED)
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Author: @dartlekey
Artist: @the-chilly-kat
Word Count: 92,792
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Minor or Background Relationship(s): Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler, Will Byers & Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Dmitri Antonov/Murray Bauman, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson & Eddie Munson
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Sam Owens (Stranger Things), Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Dmitri Antonov, Murray Bauman, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Dustin Henderson, Original Characters (for a little extra flavor)
Additional Tags: post s4/alternative s5, Vecna is dead but the apocalypse is very much alive, Vampire Steve Harrington, Vampire Turning, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Body Horror, Blood and Gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood Drinking, Codependency, Dom/sub, retroactively negotiated kink, dubcon, nonsexual bdsm, but also sexual bdsm, Dom Eddie Munson, Sub Steve Harrington, Switch Eddie Munson, Switch Steve Harrington, Blowjobs, Rimming, Choking, Anal Sex, individual chapter warnings, Ambiguous/Open Ending, mixed ending
Collections: Steddie Bigbang 2023 -> @steddiebang
When Eddie Munson wakes from a month-long coma, the apocalypse has already started without him. The air is poisonous and monsters roam the streets of a half-destroyed Hawkins, but he's also got problems of a more personal nature: For one thing, Eddie's so weak he can barely walk on his own, and he's pretty sure there's something wrong with him, like, emotionally. For another, there's the fact that Steve Harrington has begun turning into some kind of vampiric Upside Down creature. Also, he's into men apparently, and more specifically: into Eddie. So there's that. The way Eddie sees it, that leaves him with three problems to solve - one, saving the world, ergo destroying the Demobats' nest in the Rightside Up, and closing the cross of rifts splitting the town. Two, saving his friends, so waking Max from her coma, and guiding Steve (read: domming Steve) into figuring out his new vampiric powers without hurting anyone, or getting his head blown off by their very trigger-happy "allies". And three: figuring out what it really means to care for someone, and how far he's willing to go for the man he's rapidly becoming unhealthily obsessed with. Here's to turning into the monsters people always said they were.
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freetobeeyouandme · 7 months
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Chapter 6: We Take a Portal to School
Chapter 6 of my Byler Isekai AU is now up on Ao3! The party gets to relax a little after almost dying in the last one while also making plans on how to proceed. Plus there is some Mike and the boys bonding and worldbuilding happening, which is why this whole thing comes in at almost 10k. You're welcome.
Tags: M, Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Fantasy AU, Canon Typical Violence, Canon Typical Horror, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
Mike Wheeler hates High School, so when he almost dies and falls through a portal to another world, he’s not going to complain. Especially not when that world does not only have swords and magic but seems to work exactly according to the rules of his favorite tabletop role-playing game. But his euphoria might be short lived because the party of adventurers he falls in with turns out to be the target of an evil god and the fate of the world might rest on their shoulders. So, exactly like his games of D&D. Except the wanna-be Paladin soon realizes that being a hero is much harder in real life than it is in-game. - Or, Mike gets isekai’d into a world where D&D is real.
An excerpt and taglist below the cut:
They are found, eventually. From where Mike is sitting he can see three doors leading into the building, all made of the same heavy wood. The one that opens grates on the stone floors, the noise so loud in the reverent quiet of the courtyard that Mike jumps.
The others turn towards the noise with equal looks of dread and resignation.
The door admits two men wrapped in white robes and big, colorful fabrics wrapped around them like greek togas. The smaller of the two is elven, a little shorter than Mike himself, with a pudgy, almost dad-like shape, short, thin white hair and pale skin. The other man is an owlin with brown and creme feathers, sort of like a barn owl. He towers over the other man but hangs back as they make their way to the edge of the walkway, curiously watching their bedraggled group, whispering to each other, before they finally step into the courtyard proper.
Mike puts his hand on his sword, not sure he’s ready to fight if it comes to it but also knowing that he’ll have no other choice. The men hold themselves friendly enough and as far as he can see they’re not carrying weapons, but in a world with magic that doesn’t mean much.
One’s weapon had also only been his mind.
The others react calmly to the approach, though. Lucas straightens up a little, clearly torn between holding onto Max and assuming his princely duties as their leader. Hop, Mrs. Byers and Jonathan look from the men to the group around Mike, and Will rises to his feet and approaches them. He meets the smaller man’s eyes and bows.
The man in charge smiles a smile that isn’t really comforting when he sees their Cleric. “Young Master Byers. I didn’t expect to see you here ever again.”
Will keeps his head bowed. “High Mage Owens.”
“Did that goddess of yours forsake you after all?”
Mike is sure the intention is just friendly ribbing, but the man’s tone is just slightly off, and Will gives him no more than a tight smile when he lifts his head.
“I’m afraid not, sir,” he replies. “But we seek shelter all the same. We will leave if you need us to, but-” he trails off, looking around the courtyard at his tired and grieving friends.
Owens follows the gaze with the same look of cold kindness that he’s been wearing since he stepped through the door. His eyes snag on the corpse sprawled out beside their bags. “So it is true that the Circle has fallen. I told Martin not to trust in gods.”
El tenses at the name, looking down at her feet. Mike understands the feeling. He doesn’t like that fact that this man used to be on a first name basis with the Father of Gods.
The man behind Owens leans forward, whispering something in his superior’s ear. Owens purses his lips, then shakes his head.
“Have you brought his body here with you to resurrect him, or-”
“No,” Lucas says, much too loud in his hurry to speak up. Again he looks at Mike in a way that makes him uncomfortable – a feeling not at all helped by the way Lucas still clings to Max. “He should receive a proper burial...we brought him so he wouldn’t fall into One’s clutches, but no...we just- the body just-”
He trails off.
Owens watches him with calculated interest, the barest hint of a shadow passing over his face. Then he turns back to Will with a tight smile. “We will take care of it.” He nods at Max. “Your friend-”
Hop rises to his feet and joins his son. “She’ll be alright, she simply needs rest.”
Owens nods. “You all need rest. And you shall have it. Let it not be said that the Laboratories turned away heroes in their hour of need.” He motions for the man behind him. “Shepard, see that rooms are prepared for our guests. And have the kitchens bring some food up for them.”
The man whispers something else in Owens ear, and Owens nods. Then the owlin hurries away.
“Come,” Owens gestures for them to follow him. “We have far more comfortable places to discuss your predicament than our portal room.”
Unofficial Tag List (aka you interacted with my posts about this fic, please tell me if you want me to not tag you in the future (or want to be added)): @smalltownwheeler @wheelerpilled @wrong-energy @willthelies @foodiewithdahoodie @doggo9 @gardenfairie @beelikesbyler @beverlysclown @yickarus @sourdough-el @hessolivagant @hesquietoday @oldfashionedmorphine @total-serene560 @bylersrise @hawkinsunderground @longtallglasses @generalstorecashier @usnaavi @camel-casing @bylersbear01 @turningsoft @casatoan @maru-chu @xobyers @goldentrunks @itachisnipplesharingan
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 11 months
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September August July June
Note: these are not in any order!
The night before Halloween by @ladytessa74
M | 21k
This is the cutest thing ever!! And also spooky. TK & Carlos and their five-year-old Elijah celebrate Halloween, go to a pumpkin patch and receive some unwanted visitors. Tessa’s TK & Carlos are as syrupy sweet as ever, but add on the cuteness of Elijah, aka Koala Bear, and I’m 🫠
Suddenly, in the Silence by @carlos-in-glasses
E | 10k
Another banger from Cig. TK & Carlos ride out a storm at Andrea’s house and are visited by a specter (maybe?). This is a beautiful look at faith and spirituality, and how people cope with the question of what happens after when you lose someone. Things I love: TK knowing nothing about cars but making them go vroom, Andrea and Tía Lucy with their seances, Carlos being a grumpy kitten, TK sashaying around in his fancy silk pajamas, the family dynamics of Andrea, TK & Carlos. They’re just so comfortable with each other in this fic, it feels so natural.
Road Rash by vaguenotion
T | 12k
Wow!!! The tension in this one. TK and Judd take a trip to visit Judd’s dad and encounter some nefarious characters on the way home. The Judd & TK brotherly dynamic is top notch here. The action, the pacing, the twists! All done so well. Cliche as it sounds, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
The Shadow by @itsrandomnobody7
T | 4.5k
Tarlos as pirates! I loved this concept! A very sweet story with one of my favorite visuals: Judd and Nancy fighting back to back.
Even if the World Ends Tomorrow by @bonheur-cafe
T | 12k
In this post-apocalyptic story TK & Carlos remember to celebrate their anniversary when the bluebonnets bloom 🥹 Carlos is injured and TNT has to treat him with limited resources. Lots of beautiful imagery here and sweet Tarlos moments.
come what may, I'll still stay by @strandnreyes
E | 26k
This is a very interesting and probably realistic look at what Carlos would be like if he did become a detective. He is so like Owen, and I love the way that aspect of his personality is explored here. Lots of juicy Tarlos tension. The story gives TK a lot of room to really feel his feelings in a way that feels true to character.
The Knave of Hearts . . . brought back the tarts by @liminalmemories21
E | 60k
Another incredible installment of the beloved art heist series! I highly recommend reading the first two before this one. The first two stories were so much about Carlos coming to terms with his past and learning to trust TK. This part TK has to grapple with insecurities stemming from his own history. And there’s another really fun heist!! Also spotting the Easter eggs and twists on canon is a lot of fun too.
Made it Easier Somehow by @paperstorm
T | 1.6k
Soft little moment of Carlos coming home after a late shift to find his husband asleep on the couch, having tried and failed to wait up for him. TK through Carlos’s eyes is always very sweet, but especially when Carlos is reflecting on what their relationship means to him.
Where There Are Octobers by @iboatedhere
E | 51k
I was delighted to see Rae doing her daily October prompt fills again this year, even if it’s not for my favorite boys this time. Every day is a different little adventure, from doctors to strangers in the park to assassins on the run. The characterization and the dialogue is so, so spot on in every universe.
As always, this is not in any way a comprehensive list of all the good stuff that came out in October. This is the stuff that I was able to read and vibed with. This is a way for me to hype the stories that got me excited this month, and I encourage everybody to be intentional in reblogging fics and screaming about the stuff you’re reading and enjoying all month long. Let’s work to build this fandom into a more inclusive and encouraging place to create! Also, caveat that the Gabriel grief stuff is tough for me, so I’ve been avoiding and/or very slowly making my way through those ones
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dinluke-ao3feed · 1 month
you're going to die here you know
Read it on https://archiveofourown.org/works/58218016 by earthlylibra There’s a grit under Luke’s nails that won’t go away. Words: 13441, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, The Mandalorian (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin, Owen Lars, Beru Whitesun Relationships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Pre-Star Wars: A New Hope, Luke Skywalker has Self-Worth Issues, Strangers to Lovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Finger Sucking, Hand & Finger Kink, Light Angst, Blindfolds, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Hopeful Ending, Luke Skywalker-centric
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thelaurenshippen · 10 months
Hi, I wanted to ask, what are your personal hc for tbs caracters after the canon timeline? like what is caleb doing with his ability and did sam leave the am and do joan and jackson ever happen or is that too caught up in owen? what is damien doing and what about olivers arc? and where is chloe-
im sorry ill shut up now im way too invested in these caracters
no, never shut up! I love hearing from people who are invested in these characters!
this isn't something everyone knows, because it's hard to get the word out about things not on the podcast feed, but the technically last bit of canon TBS timeline is this planner that most of the characters write in for Caleb and Adam's graduation. there's not a ton of concrete information in that, but the broad strokes are that Caleb and Adam move to the NYC area, Frank and Chloe are back in Boston, Oliver and Frankie are friends, Frankie and Caitlin are dating, Oliver and Mark are...something, and Sam and Mags are also something!
I realize I answered none of your wonderful questions with that and...I''m sorry to say I can't! not because I don't have ideas, but because I don't like to publicly say much about the post-canon lives of the characters (no matter how much I emphasize that they're my HCs, I know that the creator saying something can still kill the fun for some fans!). sometimes I'll speculate/toss out headcanons with the Pals in our discord server but otherwise, I really like to leave it open for fandom to do whatever they want and to leave myself room should I ever want to go back in and do something in this universe (unlikely, but never say never!).
I'm sorry I can't give firmer answers but would love to hear your ideas for where the characters end up!
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imabillyami · 1 year
You’re made of something new
Read on Ao3
Relationships: Jey Uso/ Sami Zayn
Characters: Jey Uso, Sami Zayn, Jimmy Uso, Kevin Owens, Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa, Paul Heyman, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins
4.6k words, M
sexual content, frottage, kissing, fluff and angst, fluff and smut, established relationship, kayfabe compliant, canon compliant, Jey is glowing, Sami is horny on main, there’s actual plot and convos, but there’s also lots of horniness, jimmy is tired of them
Sami and Jey get into things after MITB. Things being a storage closet and each other’s pants.
This serves as a 2nd installment to this one in a way, but probably could stand on its own, too.
Lovely @taydaq​ posted this a while ago and I’ve been looking for a way to write something along the lines ever since and well, here we are. It’s different from the original prompt, but it’s something. This MITB felt like the perfect setting for it. Tay, I know you and Syd both had a bit of a rough time with that match, but this is for you and I hope it makes you smile 💜
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E ─ Experimenting. Are they willing to experiment new things ?  Is there something they’d like to try with their partner, but haven’t had the chance yet ?  Any experiments gone wrong ? lmao. Moe would like to let Keegan tie her up - but she's also wary because she's not terrible sure about his boundaries regarding that kind of stuff. Mostly, their sex (imo) is kind of aggressive, but always with freeish limbs. No bindings. She's not terribly sure of his ability to separate work from, uh, play, so she hasn't brought it up before.
F ─ First time. How was their first time together ?  Was any of them nervous ?  Did it live up to their expectations ? Let's be fair, Moe wasn't nervous at all and probably jumped him first, which turned into a bit of rough housing. Miscellaneous items were knocked over, a lamp was broken, and she definitely got a noise complaint - but it was well fucking worth it after. She definitely was falling in love with him before then, but after the first time they have sex? She's possessive.
@pseudodead : moe / kegs: e, f SEXY ABCS meme ; accepting
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shellibisshe · 1 year
–oc tag game
tagged by @corvosattano @jackiesarch @marivenah @nuclearstorms @leviiackrman @nightbloodbix @chuckhansen and @queennymeria thank you all!
i think this has made it's rounds but tagging @loriane-elmuerto @jendoe @florbelles​ @unholymilf @denerims @risingsh0t @indorilnerevarine @lizzywizzy @ladysanjo @teamhawkeye @benwishaw @ghostfvcker and anyone else!
buckle up yall im going to get sappy. also super ungodly long post under the cut IM SAPPY
– favorite oc.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
i say it a lot but. she is me i am her. like actually, spencer has only been an oc for like a week and she has taken such a tight hold on my brain. I pour a lot of myself into my ocs, but i think spencer is the oc that has really gotten the most. she is the closest to a self insert i think out of all of them, she shares a lot of my behaviors and such. but she is just so fun for me to talk about (im sorry to lori and aj) and figuring her out has been such a blast.
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amara owens [infamous: second son]
MISS AMARA CELESTE OWENS. I've had her for as long as i've had the fc5 clowns, or maybe even longer. Amara is an oc that makes me really happy. for a while, i never knew where i wanted to put her; i tried making her a multifandom oc but it just didn't feel right. then i played infamous: second son and it felt like everything just clicked with her. she's one of my most important ocs, no one else have i played the same game 6 times for.
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marian ramos de-león [red dead redemption 2]
ms marian is also one of my oldest ocs, she's a little younger than the fc5 clowns, but she's also one of my favorites. she's another really fun character for me to think about. it was so fun to play the game and know exactly where she would be and what she would say. while i haven't done much with her canon or sadie au, making this new, spooky au for her was some of the most fun i've ever had with an oc. using concepts that i've always been a fan of but never really used has been so fun and it all clicks so well with marian
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sylvie green [call of duty: modern warfare 2019]
my child whom i share custody of with lori. she has been one of my favorites for almost a year now, another one that has helped me figure out some stuff about myself, and like spencer she truly did grab onto my brain and has not let go. i never thought i'd make an oc for cod, let alone like,,,22 including side characters. half the fun has been getting to bounce ideas off of lori, and sylvie is absolutely one of those ideas. most things about her-- her name, her face, her backstory, even her ship-- are all lori's amazing ideas and i am so happy to have both of them in my life.
honorable mentions: elenore parker, hanan shepard, iseul jeong, corinne sorrell
– newest oc.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
like i said! i've only had spencer for like,,,4 days i think atp. but i love her a lot. with it being summer time here, i started thinking about the quarry again and jacob those that have been here u know i see a himbo i have to make a partner for them and decided it might be fun to make an oc for a horror game for a change! and i'm really happy i did.
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jackie castillo [marvel]
more of lori's influence, seeing them talk about Asra and the rest of their marvel ocs made me want to make my own. Jackie is still a bit of a wip, but i love her all the same and i really do need to do some development on her.
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blake liu [marvel]
my other marvel girlie. even more of lori's influence. Riri's roommate turned fellow kidnappee turned girlfriend. Asra's adopted daughter. Blake is so many things but everything clicks so well for her. another one i need to develop more, but i am so happy to have her as well.
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thalia [assassin's creed: odyssey/origins]
thalia's some kind of phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes deal, but in a like, i scrapped one oc and made her. when i was overhauling Amara, i decided her assassin's creed au didn't really work, but i wanted an oc for odyssey so bad; so enter Thalia. she's one of my more stick in the mud characters but i still love her a lot.
honorable mentions: daphne palmer, silas kane, noah callaghan, andy kwan, rhea dawn
– oldest oc. (also; the favorites pt.2)
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elenore parker [far cry 5]
you all knew she'd be here. the blueprint. the very first clown. the batshit insane queen herself. the reason i made this blog. Elle has been through a lot. and i've been through a lot at the same time. she's been there for me as a creative outlet through a lot of bullshit and i am so thankful for her. making her let me deal with some of my own trauma in a way. she's one of the only ocs that i shove into different ships and aus, and every one just works so well for her. she's gotten a bit of an overhaul recently and i'm even more happy with her now.
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emily parker [far cry 5]
i can't talk about Elle without Emily. Emily is also a very self inserty character but she's also someone i wish i could be somehow. I don't lean on her as much as i lean on Elle, but i enjoy messing with her every time i do. she's an older oc, but there's still things that are up in the air about her namely if i will ever commit to shipping her with Wheaty.
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margo seed [far cry 5]
Margaret Elizabeth Seed, the only oc i have argued with someone about. she was the very first ship kid, such a commanding presence; ever since making her it almost felt like she made herself if that made sense? another one that things just really clicked with; she's also my first aroace oc, and that has become very important to me. she stands on her own, she's another one that i want to be like when i grow up.
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daniel seed [far cry 5]
the second ship kid. Daniel almost didn't exist, but i decided Margo could benefit from a narrative foil of sorts. he was a bit of a hassle, he was my first male oc and as such i couldn't land on a face claim for the longest time which was really frustrating for me. he and Margo are both such fun characters to write for, i love how i've managed to make them so similar and so different at the same time.
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warren armstrong [far cry 5]
Warren was made at the same time, or close to the same time, as Daniel. he's the first oc that I have actually come up with a family for though, and that has become somewhat of a trend because of him. Warren took a second to really figure out, but he fits in so well with the twins and their shenanigans once i did. I don't talk about him nearly as much as i should, but he is also one of my favorites.
honorable mentions: fern solace, ashlee burrell, katherine boyer, judith burch, kennedy ryder, amara owens
– meanest oc.
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ines cousland [dragon age origins]
I have a lot of violent or manipulative ocs (i think, at least), but none of them are on the level that Ines is. Ines walks around with a sort of chip on her shoulder about the world she lives in. she's composed and calculating and power hungry. she makes a lot of cruel and sort of impulsive decisions as a warden, but she is always one step ahead of those that challenge her. she knows she has enemies and she will stop at nothing to ruin their lives just for the fun of it. she's also incredibly ambitious as well; she wanted to be one of, if not the most, powerful people in Thedas, and she would stop at nothing to get herself there.
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rhea dawn [fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood]
Rhea is not nearly as malicious as Ines is but she has her moments. she's not technically a villain, but she's also not really going out of her way to help the heroes either. she's never really had any second thoughts about her actions, she will take her own side before anyone else's. she knows she's one of the most powerful alchemists in the world, and if that inspires some fear then so be it.
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levi choi [call of duty: modern warfare 2019]
he has to be here, but he's not really that mean compared to the two above. Levi's that friend that is always brutally honest, the one that you just want to fight sometimes because of it. he's not afraid to say what he thinks, he never writes a check that his ass can't cash, and you will hear about it if you piss him or his friends off.
honorable mentions: raina hawke, scott ryder, morgan brooks, noah callaghan, althea elowen, minerva siobhan, katherine boyer, shannon turner
– softest oc.
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melanie vargas [the last of us]
Mel is another oc that got somewhat of an overhaul. when hbo tlou came out, i decided i didn't like the direction i went with her, so i scrapped it and started over. she turned out a lot softer this time, being reworked to be one of the friendliest faces of Jackson now. she is a bit more of a background character now because of her role in the universe, but i think that works out better for her.
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amara owens [infamous: second son]
my favorite daughter here once again. Amara is one of the softer characters in the main cast of second son but that's not to say she's a pushover either. she would do anything for her friends, she would give anything to help a stranger. she's just one of those ocs that radiates a lot of positive energy and light.
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kennedy ryder [mass effect: andromeda]
another one that's soft but is not a pushover. Kennedy would do anything to help anyone in need, but she will not let her kindness be taken advantage of by anyone. she's seen a lot, she's been through a lot, but she doesn't let it get to her. she's also the resident optimist of the gang, which can be a blessing and a curse.
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nettie hayes [red dead redemption 2]
nettie, however, is too soft for her own good. maybe. she's the most optimistic oc of mine, always has her rose colored glasses on. in her mind, her world is a lot more idyllic than it is. she is a bit of a pushover as well; she can recognize when she's being screwed over but she won't do anything about it. she wears her heart on her sleeve and is probably the most sensitive of my ocs
honorable mentions: veris lavellan, bea morgan, daphne palmer, taylor ross, daniel seed
– most aloof/standofish oc.
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arden [potion permit]
she's quiet, she keeps to herself, she doesn't say much. Arden's not like this because of something that's happened to her, i think you could say; moreso, it's her line of work that made her like this. Arden tries to not get attached because she knows most people she deals with will only be in her life a short period of time. most people, not all of them.
honorable mentions: rhea dawn, spencer clarke, thalia, katherine boyer, ines cousland, nadine hayek
– dumbest (affectionate) oc.
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veris lavellan [dragon age: inquisition]
Veris Rila, my first inquisitor, one of the dimmest lightbulbs in my chandler but she still shines. she is the very definition of 'just trying her best.' she's smart in her own way, one that does not make sense to anyone but herself. she's also impulsive, almost out of spite at this point.
honorable mentions: daniel seed, margo seed, blythe trevelyan, silas kane
– smartest oc.
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gwen khoury [uncharted]
Dr. Gwendolyn Mila Khoury, Ph.D. Gwen learns shit just for the fun of it honestly, and she will spout off if given the chance. she is incredibly, and sometimes annoyingly, curious. Gwen will pick up a new language or skill just to learn something new.
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hanan shepard [mass effect]
another knowledge sponge, Hanan loves to learn about anything she can get her hands on. ship engineering, biotics, alien languages-- Hanan will find something new to learn whenever she can. and she will not hesitate to info dump on the nearest person.
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andy kwan [tomb raider]
Andy! another incredibly bright mind. she's working on her masters in ecosystems ecology for much of the tomb raider shenanigans, and she uses these trips for her own personal research. she's not quite on the 'learning something new just for shits and gigs,' but that does not stop her from constantly taking in some knowledge somehow
honorable mentions: amara owens, ethan moreno, taylor ross, spencer clarke, emily parker, iseul jeong, daphne palmer, nadine hayek, alicia rossi, jules rossi, blake liu, arden
– oc you'd be friends with irl.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
we're ending where we started. i put spence in this category because i really do mean it when i said she is me. her behavior and personality is so similar to my own. she's another oc that is really someone i wish i could be like.
honorable mentions: daniel seed, taylor ross, ethan moreno, veris lavellan, blythe trevelyan, amara owens, blake liu, kennedy ryder, bea morgan
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