asiawalecka · 1 month
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batrogers · 8 months
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LINK, FROM OUTSET ISLAND Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Hyrule Warriors
[From my original Linkverse, That Broken Promise]
GENDER: Male (amab) PRONOUNS: He/Him HEIGHT: 5'1" AGE: 22 HEALTH: Mostly blind [macular degeneration], severe flogging scars
WEAPONS: Staff, Seabreeze Boomerang ITEMS: Telescope, Grappling Hook, Power bracelets SPELLS: Magic Armour
On his twelfth birthday, Outset crossed paths with the Helmaroc King when it kidnapped his little sister. With the help of Tetra, he met the King of Red Lions who was the transformed King of Hyrule from the distant past. He opened the Tower of the Gods, retrieved and revived the Master Sword, and defeated Ganondorf with Tetra's aid beneath the seas. After, he left his home with her and was drawn into saving Oshus, the Ocean King, from the predation of Bellum before they made their way to new lands. However, their first landing ended in disaster with the Admiral of Gamelon attempting to kill him. They retreated to “cursed” lands nearby, under the watchful eye of the Lokomo Anjean where they stayed while he recovered. His recovery, however, was interrupted and he and Tetra were both drawn into the timeline holes created by Cia’s near death. They gave what aid they could, given his condition, and before too much time had passed they could return to their new lands.
Outset is a gregarious, fiercely independent person who is loathe to admit his limitations. He will try anything that seems fun, and only ask for help after he's started nine times out of ten. While he and Tetra founded New Hyrule, they were only so many people. At present, they’re focused on bringing people back and often they get sidetracked by random whim.
Outset speaks easily and is technically literate, but he can no longer see well enough to read or write. He also does not know, nor see well enough to understand sign language most of the time.
Outset is mostly interested in women but is game to try almost anything. He is a little shy about new people and picky about how they treat him with regards to his blindness. He’s never had a serious relationship, and he and Tetra have only recently gotten over a long fight about her feelings of guilt about when he lost his sight.
CURRENT MEDIA: Though There Be Fury On The Waves, rated E for violence Two WIP
Songs from the playlist for Outset: Go The Distance, by Michael Bolton Sea of No Cares, by Great Big Sea Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely), by P!nk
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treesbian · 1 month
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i figured out the insane big bottom lashes now ^_^ yayyyyy
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seven-ruins-it · 10 months
neither God nor Neil Gaiman appearing as sleep paralysis demons will stop me from finishing this GO fanfiction on this night i swear to redacted
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gay-jellyfish-hat · 2 years
AU projection time after having my daily anxiety attack about the fact ima go blind:
Jon has JMD (Juvenile Macular Degeneration) and never realized it when he's younger. It starts to progress a bit before the beginning of season one, but because of everything that happens in season one, season 2 is basically Jon not taking care of himself, so he never goes to the eye doctor to get it checked up on.
Over time, as his vision weakens, he needs to rely on the statements less and because his connection to the eye is slowly weakening. He also gets increasingly clumsy because his vision is starting to get blotchy, but he just waves it off as lack of sleep. It starts to get real bad in the beginning of season 3 until about a bit past mid season 3, he goes legally blind, weakening his connection with the eye, allowing him, Martin, Melanie, Basira, Daisy, and Tim to quit.
Tim and Melanie both distance themselves as much as possible from Jon as fast as possible while Daisy and Basira don't actively ignore Jon, but they don't try and reach out to contact him. Martin ends up moving in with Jon to help care for him with his "only kinda being able to see" thing and they end up becoming very close.
One day, while Martin is making him tea, Jon just asks him out, out of the blue, and then they start dating. Enter a bunch of romance here. After this, Jon decides to see if he can reconnect with his ol trauma buddies and ends up healing his relationship with Tim, Melanie, and Georgie and creating a bit more of a bond between him and Basira. He and Daisy, as Daisy has gone cold turkey in this au too thanks from help from Basira, become really good friends like in the og universe
Oh, and this whole time Elias is pissed cause his entire 3 year project is ruined and Annabelle is just exasperated. She is in a "Mother of Puppets, we have to do this all again. Hhhhhhh" kinda mood till she finds another potential child to send a creepy book and traumatize
Of course, she still sends the occasional "I'm still watching you Jon" spiders to the couple's house, scarring the shit outta Jon cause the spiders are the only thing he can see with any clarity with his awful vision, which is the point
But for the most part, they all live supernatural free lives. And since his connection with the eye isn't totally severed, Jon still gets little bits of info about what Annabelle and Elias's plan was for him. But this time, he gets actual time to properly grieve with a therapist about it
Oh, and when Jon and Martin got married in this au, they moved to Switzerland, of course
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actualmichelle · 5 months
my dad's home from his eye surgery and seems to be doing well! He was under light sedation but seems pretty alert, and he has to keep his eye covered till the followup tomorrow but hopefully he will have a quick and easy recovery!
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xpr1smx · 2 months
My job cut my benefits..so if y'all could help me pay for my aching teeth that'd be awesome. I can crochet you a scarf, or chicken-shaped coasters or a granny square with a cat in the center! Any help at all is appreciated. 🩷
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glacialswordsman · 17 days
i Need to stop getting holes in my eye wtf
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averinthine · 21 days
few spurious rivalries are felt quite as passionately as those between groups of people with different medical problems that share certain features and/or treatment options in common, information about each of which keeps fouling up the search results for anything to do with the other.
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mercyandme007 · 2 months
Force Free/R+ service dog handlers reblog and share a recent success you had with your dog
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Sight Mapping
Identifying the tiny changes in DNA that might be causing disease is like trying to spot a single typo in a whole book. Figuring out how that change is having an impact is even harder. Researchers taking up this challenge for adult macular degeneration – a leading cause of blindness – focussed on cells in the eye called the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE). They explored a protein called LHX2 (red in the composite image of mouse eye structures and lab-grown human cells) that influences gene expression in the RPE. Without LHX2, protein production dropped overall, and by mapping where LHX2 and another related protein (green) bind to DNA, they managed to pinpoint key genes involved in adult macular degeneration. Variation in the DNA influences how well LHX2 can bind, altering important gene expression and revealing details of macular degeneration risk, and potentially steering future research into new treatment approaches.
Written by Anthony Lewis
Images by Mazal Cohen-Gulkar, composite by Ruth Ashery-Padan
Research by Mazal Cohen-Gulkar, Ahuvit David, Naama Messika-Gold et al, Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neurosciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Research published in PLOS Biology, January 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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acetrainerkatie · 1 year
not to get emotional on main but all I want for my birthday next month is to have perfect vision 🥲
I don't qualify for LASIK bc my prescription is so high (-10 L -12 R and astigmatism on top of that) so my only option is ICL, which is significantly more expensive. LASIK costs around 1000-4000 USD per eye. ICL is 3500- 5000 USD per eye. and since it's considered cosmetic my insurance won't copay.
I'm 22 - almost 23 years old. I've had glasses since I was 3. my eye doctor told my mom I had the worst eyes on a 3 year old he's ever seen. he even told her there was a good chance I'd be blind before I turned 18. I'm so glad I didn't. I don't even know what I would do if I went blind...
my current financial situation isn't the best. partly my fault for quitting my second job and putting way too many bill payments on a credit card. partly for not having any financial support from family. partly for instead of going to college I moved out of my mom's shitty roach infested trailer and into a shared apartment with a roommate who leeched off of me instead of contributing anything.
like I know I don't have it the worst. I'm not homeless. I still can see with glasses. my life is ok considering the state of the world.
I just want to be able to wake up and see. to not have glasses that irritate the bridge of my nose. to not have to go on rollercoasters with my glasses in my pocket and not being able to see anything. to not be afraid of going swimming because my glasses are in a bag on a chair and not on my face. to be able to wear sunglasses comfortably so the UV rays don't make my vision worse (I'm high risk for macular degeneration and retinal detachment.) even applying makeup is impossible unless I climb onto the bathroom sink, and don't even get me started on shaving in the shower. it's these little things people take for granted, when they buy the plastic lensed glasses frames as accessories and colored contact lenses to make their eyes red or purple or gold. I didn't get a choice not to need glasses or contacts. I just want to have the option of those things without spending a fortune on getting them in my prescription, if that's even possible to start with.
like. dude. what do I do at this point?
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Importance of Early Detection in Retinal Diseases
We can see and understand the world around us thanks in large part to the retina, a sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. Sadly, retinal conditions can progressively reduce eyesight and, if not addressed, result in lifelong blindness. Early identification and prompt action are essential for maintaining vision and avoiding permanent harm. This blog will discuss the critical value of early identification in retinal illnesses and how it may have a profound impact on a patient's quality of life.
Let's read it out:
Finding Hidden Threats
In their early stages, retinal disorders frequently manifest quietly and without obvious symptoms. A slow loss of vision can occur as a result of conditions including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinitis pigmentosa. Regular eye exams by a trained eye care practitioner are crucial for early detection of these disorders and quick action.
Maximising Treatment Effectiveness
Early identification frequently opens the door to more potent treatment alternatives. Eye care professionals can advise on suitable treatments, drugs, or operations to prevent or reduce disease development, minimise vision loss, and preserve quality of life, with prompt diagnosis.
Preventing Vision Loss
Once retinal illnesses cause vision loss, they frequently cannot be reversed. Early identification gives you the chance to take action before serious damage takes place, greatly lowering the risk of long-term vision loss.
Protecting Peripheral Vision
Peripheral vision loss can develop gradually in some retinal conditions, such as retinitis pigmentosa. Early diagnosis enables patients to adapt and make better use of their remaining eyesight, preserving their independence and safety throughout everyday activities.
Increasing Life Quality
Having healthy eyesight is essential for overall well-being and life quality. Early diagnosis and treatment of retinal illnesses can support people in maintaining their independence, participating in their favourite hobbies, and maintaining social connections.
Increasing Proactive Eye Care Power
As we get older, it's even more important to get regular eye exams since the risk of retinal illnesses rises. Early identification enables people to take proactive measures to safeguard their vision through lifestyle changes and appropriate eye care.
It is impossible to exaggerate the value of early identification of retinal disorders in terms of saving sight. Eye care practitioners can apply effective treatment techniques, reducing or even stopping disease development and maintaining vision, by spotting retinal disorders in their early stages. Regular eye exams are essential for identifying these silent dangers, giving people the power to take charge of their eye health and live a life with unhindered vision. Make an appointment with an eye care specialist right away to protect the priceless gift of sight if you or a loved one haven't had an eye checkup in the last year. Rather, if you are facing any retinal disease, our team of Retinal Disease in London is here to assist you. We have years of experience in this field.
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estaminet-of-life · 1 year
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goodrichoptical · 1 year
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dr-whoopsie-daisy · 1 year
There are treatment options for Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration just released now within the last 6 months, which was previously the leading cause of untreatable vision loss in the world. (Cataracts are leading treatable causes of blindness)
Wet ARMD has had treatment for years due to the blood vessel growth but those who never transition from dry to wet and got geographic atrophy just got worse and eventually needed low vision training.
So I'm a little emotional about being able to tell these patients there is a treatment now. 🥺
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