#made him an owl cuz it seemed fitting
salty-an-disco · 7 months
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Here’s some doodles of me figuring out Parable Narrator (Parrator, if you will) before going to sleep
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
Animal ideas for last anon! These aren't gonna be based on symbolism, even if I might use that for some. And as Kiibo is a robot, he's the only one who'll stay dead unfortunately :(
Kokichi, Kaito, Kaede: Birds! Crow, owl, and pigeon (specifically the emerald dove... misleading name) respectively. Crows and owls have beef with each other in the wild, so the fact that Ouma and Kaito aren't trying to kill each other when they fight should nudge Saihara in the right direction. Kaede as the green dove should also throw him off, cuz usually they hang out in rainforests, they shouldn't be in the city, and yet here this singular pigeon is.
Tsumugi, Gonta, Miu: Mammals! Fox, black bear, and bat respectively. Now here's where Saihara starts thinking he's tripping hard cuz is that a fuckin BEAR pulling up at his door now. Tsumugi as a fox just seems right, and as the mastermind, she wants to hit the news for being the first fox to attack a human (Saihara) unprovoked and without rabies and she wants to do that now... but that can be saved for plot. Miu as a bat is funky. Also she can tussel with Ouma in the air. They can't understand each other now but Ouma's totally calling her a blood-sucking parasite
Korekiyo, Tenko, Angie: Fish! Koi fish, great white, and damselfish respectively. Korekiyo as a koi fish, like Tsumugi, is just the right thing to do... Tenko as a great white would absolutely make Saihara uncomfortable, assuming he lives near the ocean. She'd probably scared the crap out of him at first but the shark acted so bizarre in that it made threatening gestures but never attacked... and I picked damselfish mostly for the fact that it can be found in Polynesia too. Like Kaede, it mostly inhabits tropical zones, what is this one fish doing here in city water??
Rantaro, Kirumi, Ryoma: Reptiles! Beauty snake, forest ratsnake, and Japanese pond turtle respectively. Beauty snakeskins are, as their name suggests, highly traded in black markets for how pretty it is, and I thought, hey, that sounds fitting. Forgive me for not making him the Amami rabbit though. Forest ratsnakes like to hang out in burrows, and that sounds like a dirty job for Kirumi to clean. I'd find it nice if she cleaned up Saihara's house as best she could when he was gone. And Ryoma as a turtle... I mean come on how could I not. But seriously yeah he'd be the quiet observer that Saihara finds just a little unnerving cuz there's always this one turtle that likes to stare at him when he goes to the swamps.
This is long. TLDR: Saihara's become the first Disney prince and his neighbors are scared shitless of the newbie who seems to have zoos in his backyard
omg this is fantasic
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graphitesatellite · 3 years
hcs on what greek god/mythology character are the main 6?(ex:achilles,icarus,the fates,zeus,aphrodite)
ohhhhh dear requester how you spoil me -w-
buckle up kids cuz I have So Many Opinions
Hecate and Selene popped into my head immediately, being goddesses of magic/witchcraft and the moon, respectively. Hecate also has strong ties with the spiritual world and death and the moon (and necromancy oh-la-la), which seems to give her the most in common with Asra, but it doesn’t go much deeper than that.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Hypnos, sleep incarnate, as a candidate, if only because I’ve been comparing the two in my head ever since I started playing Hades, but once again it really doesn’t go that deep.
You could also make a case for Astraeus, titan god of the stars, father of the traveling stars and the four winds.
But my official pick is gonna have to be Hermes, messenger of the gods, patron of travelers, roads, and astrology, notorious trickster, and the only Olympian capable of crossing the border between the living and the dead. Hermes, like Asra, was a precocious child, but his easy charm and resourcefulness made him very likeable. He’s commonly portrayed as an athletic, beardless youth, and one of his main symbols besides his winged sandals is the caduceus, a staff entwined by two snakes that’s able to wake one up or put them to sleep. Seems like a perfect fit to me.
Okay we’re all thinking it so let’s just get it out of the way: Nadia is Athena. Association with owls, wisdom, strategy, handcrafts, creator of the olive branch (the OG peace offering), dispenser of the best advice, universally revered and feared — she is Athena. The only thing that doesn’t track is Athena is a maiden goddess and Nadia absolutely fucks.
So in that way we can compare her to Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty who also fucks. And Hera probably deserves a mention as the queen of Olympus.
For fun we can compare her to Artemis, the great huntress, or Themis, the prophetic titan goddess of divine order. If I had to pick anyone other than Athena, I would have to go with Themis. She checks the most boxes.
But yeah we all know it’s Athena.
Asclepius is the god of medicine, used to be a mortal doctor, so that’s pretty self-explanatory. And while he does have strong associations with snakes (nudge nudge) and bringing people back/coming back from the dead, I’m not entirely convinced he’s the best candidate. Where’s the Stress? The Drama?
Dionysus is a plausible choice seeing as he was also brought back to life after a violent death. Not to mention the drinking habit and the giant group of fanatic female devotees (I’m looking at you, The Fandom.) And honestly, Dionysus is pretty selfless for a god, having not only rescued his mother from the underworld but also the princess Ariadne (who he later married) from the island where Theseus abandoned her. I mostly hesitate because as the god of wine, he’s also associated with rage and violence, which are not things I can really see for Julian. He’s not a mad lad, he’s a sad lad.
He and Prometheus do share qualities of rebelliousness and self-sacrifice, but imo this one falls apart as soon as you realize Prometheus is the titan god of forethought. You could also try to link him to Apollo, father of Asclepius, another god of medicine, through his association with crows, but the story of Coronis doesn’t match up well with Julian either.
His time during the plague, especially around when Lucio died, makes me think of Daedalus, the master craftsman who built the labyrinth and was imprisoned in a tower by King Minos (it’s not important why). They both did manage to escape their situations and go on the run. It’s either Daedalus or Asclepius for Julian, hard for me to choose just one for him.
I think of Muriel, I think of Atlas, mainly due to the tremendous burden they both carry. I think of Hephaestus and his somewhat self-imposed isolation (if I were him I wouldn’t wanna hang out with the Olympus fam either). I even think of Hades, bound to the underworld by shitty luck. But none of those quiet hit the target.
Artemis is a little bit closer, if only because of her connection to animals and nature. Pan might work if he wasn’t so jovial. This is a toughie, not a lot of Greek figures isolate themselves the way Muriel does, nor do they harbor so much guilt and self-hatred.
So the Minotaur is the next logical step I think. This is based less on the actual mythology and more on my interpretation of Asterius' story. Like Muriel, he was treated as if he was more beast than man, and he was eventually trapped in a bloody arena where his sole purpose was to kill.
Yeah I’d have to go with either an even more shredded Artemis or Asterius. You could make a good argument for Hephaestus but I personally prefer the other two.
My first thought for Portia is Atalanta, y’know the girl who was literally raised by bears. I feel like they have a similar feral energy, very fierce, very powerful, very determined. Unfortunately Atalanta is like, the only female Greek hero. I’ll include Artemis too, she and Atalanta were into a lot of the same stuff.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is Hestia, goddess of the hearth, feast, and sacrificial fire. I honestly think Hestia is too static of a character to properly represent Portia, but there is something to be said about her associations with fire, home, and food. There’s a facet of Portia that is very domestic, but it’s just a part of her overall personality. (And once again, maiden goddess, but Portia definitely fucks.)
Similarly, you could compare her to Hebe, the goddess of youth and cupbearer to the gods, but really only on the grounds that she’s one of the younger LIs, and that she’s spent time as a servant.
After some more digging around it’s pretty clear that Atalanta is my favorite option, I’m gonna have to go with her.
The most obvious choice is Pan, I’m sure we can all agree on that. Literal party animal, literal goat man. Dionysus is also up there, but he’s really too good of a guy for Lucio, which is kind of nuts to say. You know you suck when a Greek god has the moral high ground over you. I feel like there are more and better options to explore.
For instance, Poseidon! A temperamental dick who does whatever he wants because he’s usually too dangerous for anyone to stop him. Literally all Poseidon does is hold grudges and cause violence for attention. Sounds a lot like someone we know, huh?
Then there’s Epimetheus, titan god of afterthought, father of excuses. One of the most mocked Greek figures, and for good reason. He’s the embodiment of a fool, not to be confused with The Fool. A fool as in an idiot. Like Lucio.
Zeus is also worth considering, because like Lucio, even though he’s in charge, he’s just the worst, literally the worst. Unfaithful, belligerent, narcissistic. Oh, Narcissus would also work now that I think about it. Let’s say it’s either Narcissus, or maybe Pan after all, since Pan is one of the only gods who’s ever been “declared” dead.
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twilit-hyrule · 4 years
So I feel bad cuz I’m pretty bad at actually drawing my ideas and uploading them... I have a bunch of doodles and concepts on my ipad that I haven’t finished yet 😅. Pokemon teams, superhero AU, some angst etc. (I have a lot of notes and stuff but comparatively few drawings).
So I decided to just upload some wing designs I have for the boys since I’ve seen some Wingfic stuff going around again! (The writing in-between is just a small info dump on which birds inspired me/what I based their wings on for anyone who is curious! So feel free to skip it or guess the birds before reading (it’s always two bird species per Link btw.)).
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(I’m begging, pls ignore the akward standing pose I used for all of them. And the face markings! They look weird...)
I based Sky’s wings on a golden pheasant, and a red macaw. Felt fitting to give him red wings! And I couldn’t miss up the opportunity to add some master sword coloration with the purple and blue hues.
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Four is obviously based on a hummingbird (long-tailed sylph to be more specific!), but the second bird I used as inspiration was the quetzal. It added the red underside and the long green feathers that would trail after Four (they would also be a bit longer than they are here).
Both him and Sky (and the hylians in their worlds) are very colourful compared to the others, because the bright feathers wouldn’t attract danger in their eras (the monsters were sealed away (Four) or couldn’t reach them above the clouds (Sky).
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Time’s wing structure is based on owls, so he is also the most silent during flight! I wanted his wings to be gold-ish in colour so I based him on a barn owl, but I also wanted something more dangerous for him (barn owls are surprisingly small). So I added some golden eagle into the mix.
(His wings are also the most plain(?) I guess, since I had trouble imagining him with something more decorative/complicated)
I’d imagine when he turns into the feirce deity the wings grow in size and turn snow-white (like a snow owl, maybe with reflective silver instead of black markings?). Maybe grow some white peacock feathers for the tail too, he can afford to be flashy XD.
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Twilight has the biggest wingspan of them all. I based him on a bearded vulture (they have the 6th biggest wingspan of all birds! Well, according to one lazy google search at least...), since I thought it fitting that he is a bird with a lot of negative stigma attached (like with his wolf transformation, vultures are rarely -if ever- considered good). They also eat bones, which also matches! And yes, their eyes are red which looks pretty damn cool.
The second bird that inspired me was the turquoise browed motmot (long tail feathers), but I’m still fighting with myself about whether I should make the feathers on the outside turquoise or not... either way I really like the sunset colours :)
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For Wild I chose an osprey, I wanted a bird that mostly ate fish and lived near bodies of water because of Mipha.
...admittedly that reasoning made more sense in my head.
However! I was also inspired by magpies. Wild will absolutely pick up and keep any shiny object that he finds! Hurray for scavengers!
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Eagle-ish wings! I based him on the secretary bird, it seemed extra enough for him. Though I just really like the look of those birds (really pretty!). Mixed with some major mitchell’s cockatoo for the beautiful fade from pink/light red to white.
(I’d imagine he’s low-key jealous of Sky and Four because their wings are so colourful.)
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Again, like with Four, I went with the obvious choice; a seagull. Though I also sprinkled in some bluejay for the beautiful feather coloration.
Wind really likes how closely his wings match those from Warrior (since he looks up to him) both their wings have a softly fading colour on the inside and feathers darkening in layers on their backs. He just thinks it’s neat.
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The first bird I looked at for Legend was the southern carmine bee eater, it has a pink-ish body and a blue/green crown of feathers on it’s head. I mean, that just screamed Legend to me.
The second bird I chose was the peregrine falcon, the fastest bird in the sky! After all, Legend is the only one of the chain to always wears his pegasus boots.
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One of my personal favourite wing designs! Hyrule was mostly inspired by a starling, I wanted him to appear more... magical? And the white spots remind me of stars (well, it’s a starling). The inside of his wings is very loosely based on the great grey shrike, a slightly brutal bird, which fits well with the consensus that he lives in the grittiest Hyrule.
(They impale their live prey on on thorns for anyone who is curious.)
If any of them look kinda strange, it’s probably because I tried to make them all look unique. With the exception of Twilight. I wanted him to look slightly similar to both Wild and Time (main reason why I am contemplating adding some blue-ish colour). Brown and yellow/gold from time, and that dark border on the edge of his primary feathers was inspired by Wild (like Twi he is also mainly brown).
I also actively avoided making their wings green because most of them already wear green tunics, and that’s just too much.
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autistartism · 3 years
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Tf2 Characters as furries. Designs are pending.
RED Team (left to right):
Pyro: Branichus Bombardier Beetle - bombardier beetles are a species of beetle than can shoot boiling water out of their abdomen. Boiling water, fire, both things that burn.
Engineer: American Beaver - idk about the beaver thing. I chose it because beavers are one of the only animals that make stuff. Some kind of primate would be more fitting but I don't find them as cute since they resemble humans. Input would be appreciated.
Sniper: Australian Hobby - I wanted a bird of prey cuz of the eyesight and aim. I felt hawks felt more Australian than owls, plus owls don't urinate. Hawks don't technically urinate in the same way a human does, but still.
Spy: Red-Bellied Black Snake - I knew from the get-go I wanted him to be a reptile. I did consider a chameleon but I find the fact people thing they change colour to camouflage annoying (lizards are a special interest), and he is sometimes called a snake.
Medic: Mourning Dove - I didn't want a white dove cuz 1. It would just be medimedes. 2. Cuz he would look too much like his pet doves. Plus, 'mourning' felt very fitting giving he appears to have empathy issues and kills people, enjoying it more than his teammates.
Heavy: Grizzly Bear - do I need to explain? Big hairy gay man. Lives in a mountain. Protective. Is compared to a bear in his bio.
Scout: Appalachian Cottontail - rabbits are fast and skittish, pretty weak and low on the food chain, and buck teeth. Ik Spy's his dad, but in terms of cross-species breeding, it seems the offspring often takes after the mother. Maybe he has a few scales or some small fangs.
Soldier: Bald Eagle - AMERICA
Demoman: Highlander Pony - the national animal of Scotland is a unicorn. So horse. Plus there's a lot of country sides and horse riding there, I believe. So I made him a horse, specially a pony breed from Scotland.
BLU Team (left to right):
Pyro: Metrius Bombardier Beetle - a different species of bombardier beetle. These ones are black with round booties.
Engineer: Eurasian Beaver - again, idk about the beaver.
Sniper: Brown Goshawk - another hawk native to Australia.
Spy: Blue-Bellied Black Snake - it's the same thing but blue.
Medic: Diamond Dove - I love these birbs. Plus they kinda bluish.
Heavy: Polar Bear - white fits the blue more.
Scout: Mountain Cottontail - another rabbit.
Soldier: Golden Eagle - I just chose another popular eagle.
Demoman: Shetland Pony - another Scottish horse breed.
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Okay, something that never made sense to me was the fact that Belos threatened Lilith with Petrification.
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"You'll be stripped of your rank and banished from my coven.
"You do know what happens to covenless witches don't you?"
Pretty much, "Hey do this or I'll kill you."
So here's my problem.
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We know that Belos has gotten away with Petrification.
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Because to the residents of the Boiling Isles, Petrification isn't something that happens often. For Belos, it probably happens at least once a week maybe more. So he's used to turning witches to stone, unseen from the public eye.
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"Ah, Lilith. You chose the wrong side."
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He sends her and King to be Petrified.
Belos was willing to kill Lilith with no witnesses. But sends her up for public execution with her sister...where everyone can see it.
Why make a big spectacle of her death instead of just sweeping it under the rug?
Why didn't he just kill her right then and there if she's outlived her usefulness? (Ignoring the fact Luz was present and the story standpoint.)
Because imagine having to clean that mess up. You publicly execute your coven head on live television or whatever. Sure, Belos could bend the truth saying Lilith tried to attack him but seriously, what was this dude thinking? If your coven head is on posters and is more or less idolized by the younger generation, there is no way to easily sweep that under the rug...well maybe lying to the public about her cause of death if he had killed her with no witnesses.
So while I am confused as to why Belos himself didn't kill her at that moment, I'm also interested in the fact he was willing to kill her with no witnesses.
Maybe, in aoaw before Luz and Co. even stepped foot in the castle, there was a different plan in place, a plan that may have gone into action because Belos felt like giving Lilith a day to capture her sister would give him what he wanted, aka the portal. And if it didn't, it would be time to call up whatever ace is in his sleeve.
Maybe the "break glass in case of emergency" was to use Lilith as a bargaining chip. "The portal for your sister or she gets turned to stone." Which sorta seems fitting cuz he never told Lilith to kill Eda or to bring the portal by force, he simply lied to her saying, "Bring me ur sister and I'll heal her curse...actually lol, that was a lie. I just wanted the portal."
But I'm probably missing something. The end goal was the portal. If he had to use Lilith as a bargaining chip, then he probably would.
But like okay, angst time, if Belos had killed Lilith in front of Luz and King, and then proceeded to send King up for Petrification, then we have:
Luz, probably massively traumatized.
King, somehow trying to tell Eda her sister is dead.
Lilith never splitting the curse cuz she's dead at this point.
Eda stuck as the Owl Beast.
Eda having to live with the fact Belos killed her sister, and Luz seeing it in front of her eyes.
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twisted-nox-sidus · 4 years
Hello, I hope your well. I really love Strix and the headcannons you write. Now that we know that the dorm leaders have Overblotted. Can you do a headcannon where the headmaster has them on prohibition and has Strix supervises them while they recovered. Thank you and stay safe.
Anon continued: I almost forgot, during my last post, only Riddle and Leona was shown to have gone to their Overblot mode. Since Azul’s Overblot is coming this late April while the others are coming soon. If you have the time, can you please do a headcannon where like I’ve asked, the headmaster has them on prohibition places them on the Ramshackle Dorm under Strix’s care & supervision. Thank you, stay safe and have a good day or night.
I’m taking this as an advantage to slip in some romantic hints (cuz the boys fell for her in one way or another, especially after she snap them out through a therapist session), so this is a little self-indulgent lol. 
Post-Overblot Prohibition Club
Riddle Rosehearts
As a supervisor, Strix should have expected to be tasked with this job Crowley assigned her. Being the therapist of a school of egotistical boys is not what she had signed up for.
Riddle felt guilty for degrading her status as a non-magic user. He had said it pretty cruelly with a smile, he admits as he looked away ashamed.
That’s what’s keeping him down? She was surprised he even remembered that.
Strix placed a hand atop his head and stared. Her eyes bored him mysteriously. “Yeah.”
A wide blush instantly colored his cheeks the same color as his hair. “What was that?! Why did you just say ‘yeah’?!”
“Hm. I wonder.”
She likes to tease Riddle a lot, but her touch is gentle. Her impression on Riddle became better once she understood why he became this way.
“I know this is cruel to say, but it was better for you to Overblot than suppressing it. Now that you released everything out, you can start over from zero.” Strix told him. The same would apply to future Overblots she had a feeling she’ll come across, not just from Riddle.
Riddle avoids making eye contact with her serene blue gaze. She didn’t have to remind him how he bursted into tears like a toddler...
He notices her still staring at him. “...What? If you have something else to say then say it.”
She propped an elbow atop the knee of her crossed legs and held her cheek as she stared with a mirthful shimmer in her eyes. “You’re cute.”
Riddle choked and almost fell off the bed. How did she say that with a straight face? Does she enjoy teasing the hell out of him?
“Yes I do.” “How-?!” “Your face speaks louder than words, little ladybug~” “Don’t call me that!”
Leona Kingscholar
Strix couldn’t believe she had to do this the second time. The term hadn’t even passed half way and there’s been two Overblot incidents already. NRC is on a roll.
Leona gets bored easily in the rundown dorm. That’s why most of their time together is spent playing chess.
Leona learns Strix has one hell of a poker face. He couldn’t tell if that was natural or if she really was putting on a mask. Sometimes it may fall between the two. Perhaps even the girl herself doesn’t even know.
He wants to test the waters. How flustered can this blank-faced owl really be. Boredom drives the feline’s curiosity.
“Oi, supervisor. Fix my bedding. It’s uncomfortable.” A roll of her eyes. “As you wish, ‘your highness’...”
After she fluffed the pillow and smoothed the wrinkles, she was about to leave when a long tail wraps around her wrist.
“...Do you need something else?”
He plops back on the bed and turns to his side, facing her. His tail still wrapped snugly on her small wrist, he pulls her hand to his lips, teeth lightly grazing the soft flesh base of her thumb. Striking green eyes look up beneath his lashes. “Your undivided attention.”
Strix jolted. Shivers crawled down her spine. What. The. Hell. Damn that was smooth, but she’ll die before admitting it to him.
Strix pursed her quivering lips. She then released a sigh; a delicious blush was evident on her porcelain white cheeks, contrasting her vivid eyes that remind him of the clear sunny blue skies of his homeland.
Her stiff hand slowly relaxed on his skin. Long slim fingers brush his hair and massage his scalp. “I didn’t think you’re so needy for affection...” She mumbled, avoiding his gaze. He really is a cat in and out.
Leona closed his eyes and smirked in triumphant content, ears twitching twice. He could say the same for her.
Azul Ashengrotto
Strix simply sipped her tea as she relives this scene for the third time. “Welcome to the Post-Overblot Prohibition club. Be glad you fixed the dorm after the first two. You’d be eating dust first thing in the morning.”
“Is this how you treat your guests? With that kind of hospitality?” “Try being in my shoes. I get underpaid dealing with everyone’s nonsense, including you I’ll have you know.”
After Azul Overblotted, he suddenly became more intrigued with Strix, as if he wasn’t already due to her appearance of a beautiful mermaid. Even the fish mistook her for one when she was admiring the underwater view from behind the glass.
“You would fit in swimmingly with the merfolk if you were a mermaid yourself, Strix.” He’d say with smooth buttery sweetness that fell to nothing on her ears as Strix fixed his bedding.
“I’m good walking with my feet, thank you.” She had already attracted the merfolk visiting the museum, who mistook her for a mermaid in the disguise of a human. Everyone there, man and woman, old and child, thought she was very beautiful as a human. Imagine her being a mermaid.
“I can make it happen, you know. The underwater sea seems to treat you much kindly than the earth.” Azul was testing her. Where does her soul truly desire? She can’t deny her heart.
Strix was quiet, not once sparing a glance his way. “...Maybe so. The merpeople seem nice, but I bet that was because of my looks. Regardless, I want to remain on land. The people I love are not from the sea. Otherwise, I’d gladly take your offer. Putting that aside...”
Strix grips Azul’s jaw, holding a spoonful of steamy warm porridge made by yours truly.
“Eat your damn porridge, you junk-foodie octopus!”
Azul can’t wait to finally get out of this hell hole.
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Hi hi!! May I request one for haikyuu where reader is Yaku’s younger brother and he’s on the team. It’s during the training camp and he meets and has a crush on Akaashi but doesn’t know how to talk to him cuz he socially awkward and stuff? Thxx!!! Luv your works by the way uwu *^*
No thank you!!! I’m so happy to hear that! I’m so sorry it took me so long to write this but the Christmas-New Year period has been quite busy for me m(_ _)m I took the liberty of making you a first-year setter since I needed something to start from. I really do hope you like it tho!
Also sorry to the other person who sent me another request but don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you! I’ll get to writing your request as soon as I can!
Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Male Reader
Word count: 1970
密かな眼差し — Silent Admiration
 “Listen up, boys!”
You turned around to look at Kurōwho was calling for your attention. You were sitting on the floor ofyour locker room alongside your teammates, all of whom had gatheredthere early in the morning, and now everyone’s eyes were on Kurō.Kurō was standing in frontof the lone window and as you turned around to look up to him, yousquinted, as the summer sun blazing through the glass pane, stillhanging relatively low above the horizon, hurt your eyes a littlebit.
“Starting today, we’ll be training with Fukurōdani, Ubugawa,Shinzen, and Karasuno so don’t you dare do anything toostupid. I’m talking to you, Yamamoto!” saidKuroo, causinggiggle to rise across the room, except from Taketora himself. “I’mgonna go and show our guests around so you go to the gym and waitthere, okay?”
As soon as you rose to your feet, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Stressed?” asked Morisuke.
You gulped.
“A little. You know the guys we’llbe training with, right, nii-san?”
“Well, I do knot the guys fromFukurōdani, Ubugawa,and Shinzen” yourbrother answered. “We’ve trained together a few times. They’reall pretty cool guys even if some of them can be a little…eccentric. But I don’t knowmuch about Karasuno,” he added. “We’ve had a practice matchonce in Miyagi but that’s pretty much it.”
“That doesn’t help much but…Thanks, nii-san.”You gave your brother a faint smile.
“Oh come on, you’ll be okay! You can always hide behind me ifyou’re scared,” Morisuke teased.
“Don’t be surprised if Iactually do end upclinging to your back,” you teased back.
Youkept talking and teasing each other back and forth as you covered the short distance separating your locker room and the gym. Once you gotthere, you started getting everything ready for the practice, settingup the net, bringing out the balls, mopping the floor… Halfwaythrough, the members of Ubugawa and Shinzen arrived at the gym andcountless unfamiliar voices filled the air, adding to the usualhubbub of your teammates setting up the court and reverberating against the gym walls, making you slightly uneasy. Youtried to stick to Morisuke as much as you could, at least when he wasnot greeting other teams or running off to kick Yamamoto or Lev tostop them from causing trouble.
A fewminutes later, Fukurōdaniarrived, adding a whole newlevel to the general ruckus with their rather loud owl-hairedcaptain. You remembered seeing him fromthe stands once when you went to cheer on your brother but somehow heseemed even louder now than then. You ran off to the side where Levwas sulking after being scolded particularly harshly, this time byKurō.
“Wanna train with me? I can tossthe ball for you,” you spoke to Lev, causing him to jump upimmediately.
“For real?! Of course I want to!”Lev exclaimed, making you letout a sigh of relief. Now,you had an excuse not to talk to anyone else, even if only for thetime before the official practice began. Youwere about to head for the ball basket when you heard an unfamiliarvoice from behind your back.
You turned around to find a tall, slim figure standing right in frontof you. A pair of gunmetal blue eyes bore into you from underneaththick, black eyebrows and a mop of messy hair of the same color.
“I’m looking forward to training with you,” the dark-haired boysaid, both to you and to Lev, giving the latter a small nod ofacknowledgment.
“Umh, likewise?” you said questioningly, trying to remember ifyou knew him. He knew your name so you probably should also know hisbut you just couldn’t remember it.
“Umh, excuse me, but do we know each other?”
“I know you. I saw you in one of your matches when you went in tosub Kenma. You weren’t half-bad for a first year. I’m AkaashiKeiji, a setter like yourself. I hope we can learn from each other.”Akaashi spoke in short but pronounced sentences. You kind of juststood there, listening, and nodded when he finished, acknowledginghis words. He nodded as well and simply walked away.
You remembered now. You had seen Fukurōdani’s matches a few timesin videos. Akaashi’s tall figure, his dark hair and calm demeanormatched those of Fukurōdani’s first setter.
“Yaku? Should we go and get the ball? …Yaku?” Lev tried to snapyou out of your trance but to no avail.
You were still standing where Akaashi left you, dumbfounded. A settermuch superior to you, the setter of one of the strongest highschool teams in the country, praised your skills as a volleyballplayer and admitted he could even learn something from you.Although you’d had your doubts about having four other teams hangaround your school, most of those doubts vanished after yourconversation with Akaashi.
And you had to admit he was kind of your type.
It was a crush. It was definitely a crush.
You spent the last few days training intensely and getting to playagainst so many different, strong players was cool and all but youwould find your eyes wandering towards the pretty Fukurōdani setterevery now and then, probably even more often than you’d like toadmit. But you had yet to make a move, any move actually.You’d only played a few games against Fukurōdani and… that waspretty much it. That was all the contact you’d made with Akaashi.Before you even knew it, it was already the last day of the jointpractice and the BBQ you were going to have in the evening was yourlast chance to do something. You had to at least get hisnumber. Texting was the less embarrassing alternative to campingoutside his school whenever you wanted to talk to him.
But even as the sun sank over the horizon and the BBQ started, youstill couldn’t force yourself to talk to Akaashi properly. How didother people even do it? Talk to strangers? Holding casualconversations with people they barely knew anything about?
Akaashi was right there, standing by the grill and talking toKarasuno’s setter, yet he seemed so far to you.
“What are you staring at?”
You didn’t even notice when your brother approached you. You didn’tanswer and just kept chewing your veggies.
“You like Akaashi?”
You choked on your veggies.
“Wow, wow, are you okay?” said Morisuke with a genuinely worriedexpression on his face. You coughed a few more times, trying to getthe food out of your respiratory tract.
“I-I’m okay,” you managed to mumble.
“Here, have some water.”
You took the cup and drank all the water in one go. It took you amoment to realize that the voice that had spoken to you just now andthe hand that had brought you the cup of water hadn’t been yourbrother’s. The said brother, by the way, simply disappeared fromyour side. You looked around only to find him looking at you from allover by the grills, and when he noticed you looking at him, he winkedat you and mouthed “good luck.”
Best worst wingman ever.
“Better now?” asked Akaashi.
“Y-yeah, thanks,” you said.
And the dreaded awkward silence fell between you.
Akaashi was right beside you and you didn’t know what to say.
“So… How did you like the practice?” asked Akaashi.
“It… It was fun.”
“Having to do the laps was?” It was the first time you sawAkaashi smile.
“No, not that part,” you giggled, “but I need to work on mystamina anyways so…”
“Me too, man, if I want to keep up with Bokuto-san.” Akaashi letout a small sigh although you could tell he wasn’t being completelyserious.
“It’s already amazing you’re keeping up with him as you arenow. You’re amazing. Yeah,” you added sheepishly.
“So are you. Just what did Kozume teach you? You fit right in yourteam’s playstyle, and that’s no easy feat, given it’s thatNekoma.”
“Not much, really.” It really felt good to be praised by Akaashi.“I learn mostly by observation. I’m still a first year so I don’tget to play in official matches. Kenma-san isn’t really the kind toteach anything to people so… I mostly just watch and copy what Ican.”
“That’s even more impressive if you ask me.” There you gotanother smile. “But I’ll gladly train with you the next time wehave practiced together. That is, if you need any guidance.”
“Yeah, sure. Actually…” You gulped loudly. “If we—” Youfought really hard not to let the words get stuck in your throat. “Ifwe could, like, exchange numbers or something, I could ask you somequestions that way. If you were so kind as to answer them. Aboutvolleyball. And setting.” “And other stuff,” youadded in your mind.
Akaashi blinked a few times and you held your breath.
“Sure, why not,” he finally said, pulling his phone out of hissweatshirt as you pulled out yours.
“Aaand done,” said Akaashi. “I’ll text you later to checkif—”
“Bokuto-san.” Akaashi let out a deep sigh.
“Who is that pretty boy you’re talking to?” asked thehorn-owl-like guy who you knew to be Fukurōdani’s captain. Youwere so surprised by his sudden appearance your face seemed to haveforgotten how to blush.
“Bokuto-san…” It looked as though Akaashi was holding himselffrom facepalming, as he raised his hand towards his face. “MeetYaku-kun, Yaku-san’s younger brother and Nekoma’s reservesetter.”
“Oh is that so! But why are you standing so far from everyone else?Come on, let’s have fun together!” Bokuto said as he grabbed bothyour and Akaashi’s hands and dragged you towards the tables. Youturned your gaze toward Akaashi in hope of getting some kind of helpor at least explanation but he just looked back at youapologetically.
“This is my life. And also yours now, it seems,” he sent you asheepish smile.
Your heart skipped a bit at the thought that Akaashi alreadyconsidered you a part of his life. Soon, you were being greeted byother members of Fukurōdani, then even joined by a few members ofShinzen, Ubugawa, and Karasuno as everyone was just talking toeveryone else. You felt a little dizzy, being confronted with so manynew names and faces but every time you felt too out of place, youjust looked at Akaashi who gave you a reassuring smile.
Your name had been called by so many unfamiliar voices so many timesduring this practice that you weren’t even surprised this time. Itseemed to just be a thing that everyone knew your name. You turnedyour face in the direction of the voice and was confronted withKarasuno’s setter frowning face.
“Name’s Kageyama. I wanted to talk to you about the feint youused during our last match, the one where you mislead the opponentteam with your eyes? I tried talking to Kenma-san but he just ranaway,” Kageyama said. “Why is everyone running away from me,”he added in a much quieter voice.
“What’s that about?” Akaashi suddenly spoke up, turning hisgaze to you. “I wanna hear about that, too.”
You found yourself under the pressure two pairs of blue eyes boringinto you with expectation in their gaze. Both your crush and one ofthe most talented setters you’ve ever met were looking up to youfor guidance.
You smiled to yourself. It still wouldn’t be something you do everyday but maybe getting out of your comfort zone wasn’t so bad afterall?
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blankdblank · 4 years
Blue Eyes
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Prompts 47/48
“What use are you to this team?” On paper it would seem innocent but from the still battered and exiled Prince Loki punished by helping his brother’s friend formed team of idiots the words were seeping with acid. Everyone had made their usefulness clear while he was stuck with you, only all those little questions about the crew could be answered by paying closer attention.
One main joke, one main running theme was do not anger the white rabbit, a tip of a hat towards the Monty Python sketch but any who seemed to anger you since joining the team would find themselves up to the strangest of things.
Who made those adverts for the school children posed as Cap?
Who posed as Bucky, Sam and Hawkeye in that calendar for charity in such high demand they sold out in mere minutes online?
Who on earth has managed to find the time for the Doctor Strange to have posed for a group of third grade art students who had written so many crayon scrawled letters for weeks?
The answer, you. Well, not you exactly. It could be small, tiny, if you had a miserable day or stubbed your toe just the right way and they took the last piece of toast you would never take in case another person would want it they would find themselves talk of the media for their next good deed. So the real question coming up, was what next would Loki do?
He clearly didn’t want to be your partner and so taking the helm of the jet you could hear his muttering that at least you had some use to the team yet when you landed and he saw you swiveling your seat around to pull out a clipboard he stood looking you over as each of the team stood huffing and shaking their heads heading for the open hatch.
Poking him in the arm Sam said to the Prince, “I get shot I’m punching you Prince or not!” Shaking his head and moving forward, “Walking into a maze of gunfire oh let’s go and piss off the White Rabbit!”
Without a buddy to pair up with Loki stood looking you over only to hear you say, “Don’t go wasting time staring at me Prince Loki. What else could I possibly be good for other than guarding the ship?” waving your hand to shoo him out joining Vision and Wanda’s duo he remained in place as you got to marking off the checklist, “Don’t be jealous I get the list you get to be shot at blue eyes.”
Hesitantly he stepped off the jet halfway flinching at the hatch closing behind him realizing what he had done. You weren’t doubted, he had shouted that to himself internally. He merely wanted to keep you safe. Something about you gave off a sense of wariness to others, almost siren like, beckoning others towards you but also away knowing there was something hidden deep below the surface a danger to any who crossed you. It was curious why you had that nickname other than the pocket watch you kept on you while your hair seemed to shimmer with ebony locks speckled with odd blue and white in each tight curl almost like black opals. Along with eyes that shifted between green and purple depending on the angle one observed them from. Oddly enough appearance alone was enough to draw him in but once he heard your voice, as if it had called to him a million times in his dreams all since his childhood, he knew he had to keep you safe. Only intentions are best left to when you haven’t been pummeled by a giant green radioactive personality to an otherwise amiable scientist.
Sure enough his doubles had made easy work of the lock systems and getting the group through a series of hidden traps, until they didn’t and Bucky’s metal arm bumped a pen off a table that dropped right through a hidden array of laser alarms that had been signaling the agents on the other side of the walls that were about to drop. The sudden flash of a white bounding ball of light taking the shape of a white rabbit drew the Prince’s eye and before Nat could grab the com button to call you the walls dropped and the group lifted their weapons only to glance around at the clearly frozen agents.
“Seriously Buck?”
The question had the Winter Soldier waving his hands at his sides in a huff replying, “I bumped a pen.”
Now a glimmering ball of light hinting that your body was still on the jet to the Prince you lifted a finger, “You don’t touch anything, if there’s a skeleton with jewelry or a pendant of any sort you don’t touch it. If there’s a table of food in the middle of an empty room,”
Sam shook his head, “You don’t touch that. Nope, nuh uh, cuz then creepy naked wrinkly man with eyeballs in his palms is gonna come out and eat you like the little fat greedy kid you are.”
Steve, “What?”
Peter, “It’s Pan’s Labyrinth, we can watch it when we get back. Brush up on your Spanish.” Nodding at his assigned buddy who looked to you again.
“You don’t ignore your reflection in old mirrors. Don’t insult cats or owls, always follow rabbits. And more than anything, you ever find a room with a box in the middle of it, don’t touch the box.”
Loki’s brows furrowed, “What sort of danger could the box prove if it is alone?”
“What couldn’t it?” Your brows inched up, “Answer me that silver tongued Prince?” You said sticking your tongue out at him in your walk past him guiding the others through the groaning agents Quicksilver was snatching things off them that would be needed later.
The rest of the mission you ghosted through with the confused Prince trying to work out what you were doing exactly. Clocks had frozen but the agents along the way seemed to be held in place painfully and fully conscious of who was moving past them with any system to be used acting at regular time so you weren’t truly freezing time. There were no ice charms and every reflective surface seemed to give off a different image in your place of another face from the crowd of guards. Three checks of your watch unseen on your glowing self but still with your body and your glowing double vanished leaving the group to their own way out. Eventually being a leaf from a tall window into the open hatch of the jet you hovered there.
Behind you Loki sat for the five hour flight trying to first think of what to say to patch what he had done. “Does the box explode?”
Glancing back over your shoulder you replied, “I think you’re missing the point.”
“I would be far more wary of a box that could explode.”
“It could do a great many things, one doesn’t know, hence the reason to leave it alone.”
“Not a very good reason to be wary.”
“A million tales hold the same hidden trinket of a theme, great fear of the unknown.”
“Why fear the unknown?” He retorted twirling one of his daggers between his fingertips above his lap rocking a knee side to side.
“You should know the answer.” That had his eyes lifting to the back of your chair, “So quick to refuse me my spot on the team when you still haven’t asked me my name? To think you’re the brother with manners is astounding at odd moments.”
“Everyone else said your name, perhaps I should have still introduced myself, however, how was I to know you were useful?”
“Same way to find out if the box would explode or not.” That had him smirking and rolling his eyes, “I take it you are used to being thrown across a room blue eyes? Since you seem so keen on explosions.”
“With a brother like Thor who wouldn’t be used to explosions?”
“So you take your sibling rivalry out on me then?”
“It is no rivalry. I am far superior and fit to rule over Thor.”
“I don’t believe Thor wants to be ruled, part of why he’s hiding here.” Making him smirk again.
“I see what you are doing, twisting my words.”
“If you don’t mean them then don’t say them blue eyes.”
“Is the color of my eyes significant?”
“Depends who you would ask I imagine blue eyes.”
While the others slept he continued to try and dig his way out of his verbal maze with you only to have you slip away from his intended topic by his own verbal shift guiding you another way. Proving to be his most difficult opponent yet, and once you got back his confusion only grew more as you slumped in your seat and Bucky came over to pick you up as your body shifted into a large white rabbit he carried into the tower to your apartment luring the confused Prince behind you eyeing you in your sleep.
At breakfast he’d hoped to see you again only to catch the smirks of the others but it would be four days with only rare glimpses of you between trips through the tower until he would see your pay back. It seemed the Prince was on quite the tour of stops to rebuild his image. A school stop here, a public appearance there, all for good causes he certainly couldn’t openly object.  Though the more he saw your double of him giving an impressive side to his public persona for these mortals it only stirred up the question of why.
“Could you explain why you have been impersonating me?” he asked behind you as you entered the kitchen post shower in your pajamas looking for a snack before bed.
“Are you so certain it wasn’t you a those events?”
“You will not weasel your way out of this.” He said following you to your room noticing the double of him you cast to peel your orange for you with the dagger taken from the real Prince.
“I am no weasel blue eyes.”
“Forgive me only rabbit does not have the same connotations to the term. And you still have not answered me on what the significance of my eye color was.”
“Was, is, blue today, blue tomorrow, what does it matter what it matters?”
His brows furrowed curiously as it tapped something deep in his memory he couldn’t place. “Riddles, again you speak in riddles.”
“Oh no, I do not speak in riddles, but I could, if you wished me to.” You said smirking in a turning glance at him as his double opened your bedroom door for you with eyes glimmering in an odd slitted turquoise shade.
“No riddles, only answer me this, why are you doing this? All these events? What do you gain?”
“I gain nothing, you are the one who followed me.” You turned only to feel his hand on your wrist holding you in place as your voice shifted into a familiar echo from an old dream.
“What are you talking about?”
Right up against his ear your lips came in a move forward to whisper to him, “I am the pendant untouchable, feast unscathed. Familiar above and box alone you have seen me once, now and again. Down a well that no one has built, demolished or been, I am the white rabbit you set free. All these years, with one thing you have known,” inching back you asked, “What color are my eyes, purple or green?”
Your eyes flashed from one color to the next as his mind reeled back to how he knew you, a child he’d sworn he’d seen in the gardens as a child vanishing into a secret well he chased you into beginning a lifelong love of exploring. Though the longer he stared into your eyes the less he could move absolutely terrifying him in his frozen state. All he could manage to mutter out was, “Gre-uple.”
Under hot water your eyes shut and washing away the long day of impersonating Loki at another vent you ended up in a lively paint fight with a band of kindergarteners at an art fair who were thrilled to meet a real life alien Prince you tried to relax. Soaping up then rinsing off only to shriek at the half naked Prince who had opened your shower door. Wide eyed in a bright red stare he murmured the word, “Gre-uple” then groaned in pain while you shit off the water and draped yourself in the towel from the door that had blocked his approach for you.
“Oh come on,” huffing you took the Prince’s hand forcing his body to follow you to your armchair you pushed him into then gave him a reminding nudge to remain seated in your step away to grab your sound blocking headphones. Over his ears you settled them and watched his eyes blink back to blue. Confused and shaking his head he took in the much different room from his now apparent trance and your clearly soaking wet self compared to his half naked self.
In his try to remove the headphones you reached out to brush his hands away luring his eyes back to you seeing your raised finger. A pad and pen floated to you from your desk and across it you wrote, ‘Delusion ray being worked on, do not remove headphones.’
Loki’s brows furrowed in taking the pad and pen he wrote back asking, ‘Why does it matter if my eyes are blue?’
Looking from the pad to him a few times he pointed to the page in a silent demand for an answer and your head tilted a moment before you wrote, ‘Your eyes aren’t blue. They’re the color of brand new stars growing brighter.’
For a long time he stared at your answer confounded on what to say back as his mind had just seemingly erased itself. Lost to silence and imagined solitude while you slipped out of the room to dry off and change into shorts and a baggy sweater only to find him with pad in hand he handed to you and tapped with the pen. Crossing his arms trying to seem obstinate he wouldn’t leave without an answer. ‘How did you get out of that well I found you in? I have to know how you escaped to find me. Tell me again, what happened, but this time leave out the lies.’
Smirking at his question you only made him huff and his brows furrow as he watched you write back your response that nearly had him shouting. ‘I was never trapped, you were.’ That had his eyes snapping back to yours only to drop again at your next tap on the page, ‘I heard you crying, Thor wouldn’t play with you. Too busy with friends. So I showed you new stars he will never know. You used to follow me everywhere, at least until you couldn’t see.’
His brows furrowed and he looked at you again shaking his head then took the pen from you, ‘Couldn’t see? What couldn’t I see?’
Accepting the pen back you wrote, ‘You remember Thor got sick, and you swore you would give up exploring all matter and time for his safety again, from then, you couldn’t see me. Or hear me, or remember it seemed.’
His lips parted and you forced a grin taking hold of his wrist to guide him back to his room where his hand clapped around your wrist and he used a double to write, ‘I can never apologize enough. You were my very best friend. The stars never looked the same.’
Flashing him a grin you took the pad back, ‘I know why you forgot me, and what he has taken from you. For now rest, you have a meeting with a second grade class tomorrow.’ You showed him the page and his mouth dropped open only to close, ‘Repayment for walking into my shower.’ Instantly making his face start to blush from his ears over his cheeks.
“Mommy? How did you and Daddy meet?” Slowly opening an eye Loki could hear Morgan asking that through the background of the morning daily report Tony was trying to give only to turn it off three minutes in to correct what Pepper was saying with his own version. Sitting up the Prince rubbed his face feeling the headphones sliding down the sheets to his back after having fallen off his head. Instantly remembering your notes he turned to collect the pad he had kept to re-read your conversation confirming it was true before he was blushing again imagining you in the shower naked just a foot from him after having come to seeing you drenched in a towel. Up he stood and adding this to the list of slights he had to correct he got dressed and went to fix himself breakfast readying for his day with the children you had promised him to. Into the lift he went a bit surprised to find you joining him there.
“I had assumed you would be leaving this to me alone.”
In a giggle you replied, “Seriously? They may be seven but they could eat you alive.” Smirking to himself as he felt right at home again he exhaled slowly allowing the moment to be savored, alone on another dangerous adventure with his oldest friend.
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artistdove · 5 years
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This popped into my head and I had to draw it. Sanders Sides as Winnie the Pooh characters, I am probably not the first person to think of this tho… eh. Bit of a description on why I chose this line up. Edit: I gonna make a new one but for each character since I changed them. Thomas/Christopher: Friend to all sides, plays with all of them mostly, and learns from them not much to say cuz it speaks for it self. I did base the design off of some younger pics of Thomas. Logan/Rabbit: Both are smarter than most of the others, likes order, and loves healthy meals. Plus, they both have short tempers. Patton/Kanga: Both are parents, has kids( idk if that’s true with pat), loving and caring, can be strict, and will stand their ground. Roman/Tiger: Both can be somewhat prideful, likes to perform and talk about themselves, butts heads with Logan/Rabbit, and both are very energetic. Virgil/Eeyore: To be honest, Virgil was the hardest one to pick a character because I could see Eeyore, Piglet, and somewhat Lumpy being him. But I went with Eeyore because he always has a mopey and gloomy demeanor and sees the bad things in life, appreciates his friend’s help and love, doesn’t seem to take sides, and can be misunderstood by the others. Remus/Owl: Originally I was gonna make Roman him but I thought Remus sort of fit him more cuz he never stops talking and saying the most random of things and misinterprets a lot of words which causes the others to believe in fake info or freak out. Deceit/Woozel(Snaezel): I sort of forgot that there is a picture of a woozel in Winnie the Pooh. Anyway, I made him a woozel cuz they are seen has a bad guy and they’re mischievous and cunning. I made him look half snake because there are no snake characters in Winnie the Pooh by making his legs not very noticeable and have patch work that looks similar to a snake.
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thestarkerisobvious · 4 years
The Shed
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amazing art work by @starker-sorbet​         A snugglefic for @mrstarksbabyy​
Sixteen    The DeSlaughter House
2    The Shed
The shed was, technically, on Peter’s family’s property, although he had learned that fact from the boys that had dared him to go in it.  As far as Peter knew, their property ended in a line that cut across the lake. Peter had found the shed and the free-standing chimney the first year they had moved there, of course.  He had gone inside more than once, looking for owls’ nests or foxes dens.  But the last time he had gone in, he had discovered it was a human boy nest, with some obvious attempts at a clubhouse and some magazines featuring naked girls. He never went back inside.
That’s where they were headed that last day of school, the last day that Buster and Buddy Greenleaf suddenly got chummy with Peter and said they wanted to “hang out” to “shoot the shit.”  Peter was suspicious of course, but in the end he joined them.  
Walking home with a crowd of boys, at least he wouldn’t have to worry about dodging hand-holding, and marriage proposals, from Missy Lovelace.
And it had been educational, sort of.  
He had heard the story of Tom Dylan Post before, and had known that the man had disappeared after murdering his girlfriend.  What he did NOT know was that the intact fireplace-and-chimney that stood apart from the shed had been Tom Dylan’s house, and that it had been burned down by angry townspeople who couldn’t find the man.  “They would have burned down the house you live in too,” Buster had informed him.  “But you know, the ghost.”
“That’s a pretty helpful ghost, I’d say,” Peter posited.  That got a laugh.  They had seemed friendly, Peter remembered.    Even with Mike’s warning, the day up until the shed was a happy memory. School was out.  Summer was starting.  Summer meant endless library time, uninterrupted by pointless schoolwork. Summer meant three months free from hand-holding and marriage proposals from Missy Lovelace.  (And Summer meant Autumn.  And Autumn meant Tony.)
“I still don’t see why I’m supposed to be afraid of a “haunted shed” that is on my property, and I told you, I’ve been there twice…” he had said boldly as they approached the shed from the south.  They were headed north, directly facing Peter’s house.  Peter felt 6 feet tall.  On his own property, facing his own “haunted house” he didn’t feel awkward or tongue-tied at all.  He could crack dirty jokes and swore just like they could.  Suddenly fitting in with this ghost-story telling, wise-cracking crowd of boys didn’t seem like such a herculean task at all.  Sure, they liked to shoot animals and he liked to study animals, but Mike’s dad liked to study animals too.  Sure they wanted to drop out of school when they turned 18 and Peter wanted to go to college, but Mike wanted to go to college too.  
And sure, they wanted to trick him into going into a shed to discover some girly magazine, a Playboy or a Penthouse, and peter could do that too.  It was gross and disgusting, but a lot of science was gross and disgusting. He figured it out as they approached the shed, stealing himself up for the moment.  Dissecting frogs and fetal pigs and cows hearts was gross too, and he was looking forward to doing all of that if they let him take the senior science class next year.   A naked woman wasn’t any more gross than that, was it?  Well, yes it was, but it was a gross he could handle.  He was ready.  And he had a plan.
“That shed has got ghosts AND snakes, and that’s why we dare you, cuz’ YOU claim you ain’t afraid of either, Parker,” Buddy was sneering, but Peter waved him off.  Of course he wasn’t afraid of snakes, because he knew whatever was in there wasn’t venomous.  He knew because of Tony.  And he wasn’t afraid of Playboys, either.  Grossed out, yes.  But not afraid.  He had a plan.
“Come on, you’re just stalling.  You’re as slow as Christmas.  Quit draggin’ your feet,” the boys hectored as Peter and Mike examined the lone chimney and fireplace, talking to teach other excitedly about how the cabin must have been situated around it.  Peter hadn’t spent much time examining the chimney after he determined nothing was living inside it, now, knowing it was part of the Post Family’s history.  
“Hey Slaughter-man, quit yackin’ about chimney and tell Pussy-boy to go in the shed!  We dared him!”
“Shut the fuck up Buster!” Mike had yelled back, and Peter had thrown up his hands in between them both and made a joke.  
And, just like that, for just that moment, he had felt it.  Something he hadn’t felt since New York City.  That feeling of home.  He was hanging out with his friends.  They were trading ghost-stories and trashtalk and dares, and he was playing peace-keeper when voices were raised.  Just like he had in the city.  He was laughing as he walked toward the shed.  He felt completely carefree.
“Hey Mr. Post!  Mr…. what was his name?  Hey Mr. Murder-guy Post?  Did you know you were famous?”  he called out to what lived in the shed (if there were non-venomous snakes inside, he wanted to give them plenty of warning.  That’s why he stopped to knock on the wall.)
“Hey… Mr. Tom?  Tom Dooly… Dula… Mr. Tom Whateverthehellyournameis…”  
“Oh my god man, stop!”  That was Buddy, a moment of real fear in his voice.  Peter smirked.  But that was Devil’s Holler’ boys for you.  They had no fear of grabbing a girl’s butt or starting a fist fight or handling loaded guns, but they took the Post Ghosts very seriously.  
“Sorry, don’t be mad at Buddy, Mr. Tom-Ghost.  He doesn’t care that you went all Lizzy Borden on your girlfriend.  He says he’s going to kill his girlfriend too.  Axing your girlfriend, that’s heavy.  But for serious,  Just Say No man…”
That’s how he announced himself as he stepped inside the cool darkness of the shed.  Automatically he looked up to see if any owls had moved in since he had last been there, but there was only empty birds’ nests. Probably eastern bluebirds, from the looks of it.  Several brown mud dauber structures as well, he could see.  Nothing interesting.  
Then he remembered what he was supposed to be doing there.  He looked towards the north wall, to see if the boys could see or be seen. But the gap in the wall was grown over with weeds now.  If he stood next to the wood he could look through the bullet holes and see out, but unless they came and stood by the door, they wouldn’t see him.  So he looked for the magazine.
There it was, exactly here he knew it would be.  Dead center on the floor, just so he wouldn’t miss it.   Sitting on an overturned crate, like an offering.  
He picked it up fearlessly and started tumbling through looking for the right picture.  His plan had been to walk up to Buddy and say “Hey look! I found a picture of your mom!” and point at a random page.  He had been planning to do that without even looking at the picture, but had thought better of it.  Not every picture in those magazine was of a naked lady. Some of them were articles.  
The first picture surprised him.
The second picture made him cringe.
But what the men were doing to each other on the third page made him drop the magazine and back away.
For what seemed like several minutes he could move.  His heart was pounding, his face flushed.  He had forgotten how to breathe.  He might have stood that way for an hour if he hadn’t heard something move above his head.  That drew his eyes back the empty bluebird nest.  The mud daubers structures.  The place where the owls weren’t.  That reminded him – he was in the shed.  The boys were outside, pranking him with the magazine.  If they were behind him, looking through the doors they would know…
…they weren’t.  He crept to the north wall.  A quick look through the bullet holes told the truth – they had sent him int here and snuck away.  At least he was alone.
His heart still pounding, as he were an animal being pursued, he turned over the crate and found it empty.  Picking the dirty magazine up by one corner he tossed it into the box and exited the shed through the gap in the south wall.  Then he ran.
A dead oak stood dramatically at the top of the ridge, it’s bare black limbs could be seen grasping towards the sky all the way from the Post Lake.  Under the leaves there Peter shoved the dirty pictures.  Tossing the crate aside, he ran all the way home.
He was back two hours later.
Finding the magazine was alarmingly easy.  It was still there, intact, most of its pages surprisingly legible.  It was like the evil doll in the Twilight Zone, Peter thought grimly as he retrieved the empty crate and tossed the hateful pages back inside. Maybe there’s no point it trying to destroy it.
“But it’s not a doll, it’s pictures on paper,” Peter assured himself.  “Just ink on paper.  And paper is delicate.”  
And that’s why the magazine featuring muscular sweaty men with huge mustaches (for the rest of his life Peter would think of it as the “mustache magazine”) found its new home at the bottom of Post Lake.  Peter walked home and slept easy that night.
He slept in one of the other beds in that hallway, but he slept easy.  The dirty magazine had been completely destroyed.
That way, he could never go back and study those pictures again.
The Master (Post)
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ikemenfics · 5 years
It’s winding down the end of summer and I thought...why not
Word Count: 2015 (think I could pull four more words outta my ass?)
For: @ashv716 cuz I see what you did there...Thank you so much for your support!  I hope this will suffice..
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You sat in your corner of the hut.  How long has it been since Kennyo took you hostage?  A week?  Two?  You tried counting and failed.  [How does Sasuke keep up so well with the tracking of time here?]  It didn’t really matter.  What mattered was the fact that you were still here.
Kennyo, for all his talk, did treat you fairly at least.  You weren’t sure if that eased the fear of being kidnapped from the Oda forces or not.  Not that you’d been entirely there by your own will in the first place.  The cosmos were just having quite the kick knocking you about, weren’t they?  But there was something about your current captor…
You were sure you could see it, just behind his midnight eyes.  That deep, gnawing pain.  You knew the story...sort of.  Of how Kennyo and his men stood against Nobunaga and subsequently were defeated.  You knew that no loss in war was ever easy, so of course you understood how the pain got there.  But...it was still there, and it still moved you to see it every time.  Perhaps that was why when Kennyo released your bonds you didn’t run.  You were getting confused.  [Getting attached isn’t the plan.  You are going home soon.  You can’t drown in those pain filled eyes.  Stop thinking about his eyes.  Or his face...H-hello, heart?]  You sighed.  It seemed you went from the devil’s palace to something far more complicated.
“I’m coming in,” a gravelly voice greeted from beyond the hut and speak of the Buddha, Kennyo entered.  He carried a bowl, something you’d come to associate with being meal time for you.  Kennyo didn’t eat with you, but he always sat and watched as you did.  Guess the demon has to make sure you get all your nutrition for the day.  You reached out, giving a quiet thanks, and took your food.  
“There is no need to thank me,” came your response.
It was familiar banter.  You’d thank him, and he’d either tell you not to thank your captor for keeping you alive, or questioning why you would thank your captor.  After all, he did kidnap you.  You sometimes argued back, but today your preoccupied thoughts with the eyes gazing down at you in equal mix of shame, pity, and something you couldn’t quite name made you mute as you looked down towards your food.  It looked like namasu would be your dinner for today.  You took the chopsticks, giving a soft, “itadakimasu,” and took to your meal. 
It wasn’t anything Gordon Ramsay would fawn over, but as Sengoku cuisines went, it was good to you.  The fish had been grilled and the warmth of it relaxed you.  The vegetables of the salad seemed to have come from around the forest.  Definitely not the salad one would get from Miyabian or anything, but it was filling all the same.  You ate in silence, Kennyo silently watching you in a way that had your heart pattering inside you.  [Stupid stupid brain.  You had to bring up those eyes and now the heart ran off.  This wasn’t in the plan.]  You closed your eyes, put down your bowl and chopsticks, signifying you were finished.  Perhaps he expected to get stabbed with chopsticks, but Kennyo never seemed to take anything from your hands while chopsticks were present in either of them.  
“Do you need more?”  He asked, standing and taking your bowl.  You shook your head in the negative.  
“It was filling, thank you.”  
“Why do you thank me?  Do you still not realize the situation you’re in?”
“You keep asking and I keep telling you that I do..”
“Then why?”
Kennyo’s eyes crinkled, the confusion evident in his expression.  There was a lot of why happening in that face.  Why haven’t you run?  Why haven’t you cried?  Why haven’t you tried to fight?  You were pretty sure he had you pegged on the last one.  After all, fighting wasn’t exactly a common occurence of the 21st century and apparently your ‘I’m not a warrior’ status showed.  
You dared a glance up, really taking in his expression.  It was painful, those beautiful dark orbs.  The scar bisecting his face had nothing to the pain those wondrous pools held.  The silence stretched as you two simply watched each other.
Eventually, he sighed, the moment broken as his face turned from yours.  He opened the hut, handing the bowl to someone outside with a muttered word.  The guard that had been apparently assigned to watch your hut hurried away.  You blinked, confused.  Was Kennyo letting you go?  
He didn’t really look at you, opening the door wider, the sunset spilling into your tiny space.  The last vestiges of summer glowing in the world beyond.  That meant it wasn’t long until the wormhole opened and all of a sudden, you weren’t sure anymore that you were ready for it to.
“Come,” he said, stepping out, “You need to exercise.  No harm will come to you.”
“Not that I ever believed you would…” you whispered as you stood.  You did feel a bit stiff, the last few days of being locked away needing to be worked out as you stretched a bit.  
Your comment did not go unnoticed, a grunt being your answer as you walked outside.  It was bright and still warm, the night not quite having taken the summer’s day away just yet.  The sun was a dark orange sphere on the horizon, the sky painted in pinks and purples that marked the time.  It was stunning and your heart fitted a little more as another warmth claimed your back, Kennyo having stepped out of the hut behind you.  [It’s so romantic…]
You were prodded eventually to move, breaking you of your romance addled daze.  Your cheeks burned as you hid your face, Kennyo leading the way.  You walked the camp, a circuit you’d grown used to as you’d had to exercise every so often during your stay in the Honnonji hostel.  This time, though, instead of tracing your way back after stopping by the training grounds, Kennyo stepped further.
A hand reached back, taking your hand gently but firmly.  It took everything you had to keep your heart where it belonged as Kennyo guided you into the trees beyond the camp.  You stared at his hand, yours being swallowed inside his grip.  [His fingers are longer than I thought they were...He has nice hands.  Big and worn...but long and strong also..]
You failed to keep track where you were going, or how long you’d been walking, but soon it was dark.  Not quite night, but trapped in that twilight phase, the first stars peeking through the trees in greeting.  Kennyo stopped walking, allowing you to finally take in the scenery.  
Trees cast long shadows, making the forest darker than the time said it was.  You could hear the crickets coming out to play their songs.  You could hear an owl somewhere above your head, your facing turning upwards to find the source that you knew you wouldn’t discover.  Wind brushed through your hair, the coolness of night finally coming to take her due.  If the sunset was romantic and beautiful, the night was mysterious and content.
Kennyo still held your hand, his other holding up a strange paper tube with a handle you hadn’t realized he carried all the way out here.  He knelt, his hand still grasping yours and set the item down to strike his flint against a rock he’d found on the ground.  The small flame came alive and Kennyo moved it to the small wick inside, creating a small lantern’s glow.  It looked for all the world like a paper and bamboo gando lantern.  [Sasuke would thrill at seeing that here].  You were mesmerized at the small makeshift flashlight Kennyo had created.
“Are you tired?”  He asked.  You shook your head, now thoroughly curious what the monk had planned.  You continued to move deeper, the small glow forcing you to giggle at the small Slender references you knew the big man in front of you wouldn’t understand.  He glanced behind you, clearly having caught the small sounds you were making, but made no comment.  
It had already grown chill, the signal that night had fully overcame the world, when Kennyo stopped again.  His hand released yours, and the cold and lack of his touch immediately making you wish he’d take the action back. 
Instead, you asked, “Kennyo-san, why are we here?”
He looked over to you, his face softening, “Are you afraid?”
“You should be afraid.”
“I don’t think you’re as bad as you think you are...why be afraid?”
Kennyo gave a wry grin, blowing out the light he’d made.  You could barely make out his face in the darkness.  “I am a demon.  You should be afraid…” he said, anguish clear in his whisper.
You tried to discern his expression and couldn’t.  Neither of you made a move.  The silent night stretched on forever and you didn’t know if you wished it would actually do so or if you’d rather something happened.
A flicker in the corner of your eye had you turning.  Kennyo’s eyes followed yours.  Another flicker.  Then a third.  Small little flicks of light were filling the scene around you as little fireflies came to life.  The forest took on a near ethereal glow as fireflies flitted towards the two of you.  
You looked towards Kennyo, noticing that, for the first time, his face was not a mask of age old hurts.  The grin from earlier still remained, his features looking years younger as he took in everything.  It was a rare show and you had front row seats.  Your heart did a dance and you just knew you were grinning like a teenager with a crush.  
Kennyo looked down to you, his night dark eyes showing tiny pricks of gold as the little glow bugs flew about their nightly business.  His face held an almost ironic humor as he took in your features.
“Seems even the Buddha agrees with you, princess,” he muttered.
You grinned back, “So...what now, mister demon?”  You couldn’t help needle the man after all the show he put into telling you of his dark nature.  
He huffed at that, shaking his head.  “It seems I’ve no choice…”
He leaned towards you, his lips snatching yours before you had time to blink.  His eyes stayed open, watching your face, your own eyes unable to close.  His lips lingered a moment or two before he pulled away, leaving you breathless.
It wasn’t some passionate ballad of tongues like most romantic kisses were, but even so you were swooning on your feet, giddiness making you a touch dizzy.  You giggled and arms were around you, steadying you on your feet.  
“How that Devil King managed to find such an innocent creature…” Kennyo started, his voice full of flustered exacerbation.  You pressed your face into his chest, trying for all the world to stop the blushing and giggling.  
You were soon enough able to calm yourself.  Glancing up at Kennyo again.  By then, his face has sobered, leaving you a little bummed at that.  You stayed in his arms as the night chirped and glowed around you.
“Kennyo-san…” you whispered, a sudden curiosity coming over you, “...why did you bring me out here?”
He opened his mouth, clearly at a loss for words.  His eyes narrowed as he seemed to consider the question.  
Finally, he responded, “It hurt me to see you so isolated.  I may be a demon, but even I could not bear to see such a beautiful flower wilt.”  He sounded confused, you leaning closer to prod him more.
“I figured I would come and show you what I could do…” he continued, “but found that I couldn’t get past how much it hurt to frighten you further.”  He gave a small huff of a laugh, “Some demon I have made…”
You nuzzled into his chest, taking in the scent, “Yeah…” you muttered, “some demon.”
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madisonrooney · 5 years
im not that involved in the tangled fandom but i have some Thoughts on the finale/series overall now that its done so i figured id share. im a little under the weather so sorry if these are kinda scattershot
(spoilers below)
for starters, ive been watching since the beginning and was hype since it was announced. i love tangled the movie, probably in one the higher tiers of my fav disney movies, not to mention it was the first tv show wed gotten based on disney movie since emperors new school 11 years prior.
at first i was skeptical about them giving rapunzel her long hair back. it was pretty clearly just a marketing ploy but it was done pretty well in the pilot which i really liked so i could get behind it.
i thought the first half or so of s1 was really good and really cute. it was just a sweet little slice of life in corona. 
i started to get disappointed in the show once queen for a day came around. varian is my fav character (more on him later) and i didnt really like his villain arc. it felt really out of nowhere. not an obvious villain, not a surprise twist villain, just a character that didn’t feel like should’ve been a villain at all. it just didn’t bode well with me. 
i also felt that the jump from slice of life show to high stakes, serialized show was far too abrupt. even tho i liked the second half of s2 and all of s3 better (more on that later as well), it still seemed to have an uneven balance of light and heavy plotlines. i dont wanna sound like one of those people who hates filler episodes. filler episodes are good, but need to be done in the right way at the right time, and i feel like this show didn’t do that very well.
speaking solely on the high stakes, i really feel like they were too high for a show of its kind. in a way, i felt it was somewhat disrespectful to the source material. the show isnt canon, and i feel like it made some big changes that effected the story and characters from the movie, which i think is taking a step too far if youre working on a tv show thats made by an entirely different crew than the film (even tho its the same cast). like, eugene’s dad being revealed and being given a backstory, gothel having a daughter, it just felt like too much for me. compare it to, say, the dragons series, which had very high stakes but also fit snugly between the first and second movies, and took great effort so that nothing they did effected the films’ stories. the showrunners on the dragons show were even consultants on the third movie, so they all flow together nicely.
but rapunzel and the great tree reeled me back in and i was much more invested from there forward, main reason being it gave me my favorite trope (that was kind of already there, but even moreso from this point on): a bubbly girl and an angsty girl who are somehow best friends, though they may be at odds sometimes, like during this arc. i became way more invested in cass as a character and rapunzel and cass as friends (or a ship, im fine with either).
my problems with the imbalance and too high stakes didnt go away with the remainder of s2 or with s3 but my investment in cass’ arc (AND THE REDEMPTION OF VARIAN WHICH I WAS HOPING FOR) was enough for me to put my issues with the show at least somewhat aside.
as far as more things i liked about the show:
he is my fav character and has become one of my new fav characters of all time. i have this thing i think ive mentioned before where if i like an actor and like a show he’s in i love the character twice as much as i otherwise would. so having one of my fav broadway actors whos in one of my fav broadway shows play him made him an instant fav. but i also just love how cute and quirky he is.
like i said, i love cass and grew to love her more through her newest arc. partially for the same reason as with varian with the VA thing. i dont know much about eden espinosa but ik shes played elphaba and i love that they employed so much broadway talent for this show (more on that later). since the show has started, ive gotten into rent, and she was broadways final maureen, so thats cool too. but beyond just that, i love her arc and personality and of COURSE her relationship with rapunzel, that being one of my fav aspects of the show. it fits right in with liv and maddie, riley and maya, trish and jessica, webby and lena, luz and amity (depending on how the rest of the owl house plays out lol) and im HERE FOR IT. also, despite the fact that i wasnt a huge fan of the high stakes, i give the crew a lot of credit for making a main character a villain for an entire season. thats a big step for disney to take that i dont think theyve come anywhere near before and i give them props for that.
the broadway and disney alum cast!
weve got james monroe iglehart, pat carroll, christian borle, gavin creel, laura benanti, jane krakowski, etc. and as a broadway nerd i love that, not to mention that some of these people had worked with alan menken before which is awesome
the fact that they brought back the ENTIRE movie cast PLUS alan menken is amazing. i dont think any other show based on a movie can quite attest to that
so, onto the finale itself
- i was worried varian may go bad again especially given his initial resistance to eugene suggested his dad might go bad but that didn’t happen so yay. i noticed other people mentioning musical call backs but the only one i noticed was let me make you proud and it made me so happy - ALSO VARIAN BEING THE ROYAL ALCHEMIST IM SO PROUD OF MY SON - this being disney, i figured cass getting redeemed was probably inevitable, but i’m still relieved it happened. now i dont have the bad taste left in my mouth jessica jones gave me. and i loved how her redemption went, seeing her so vulnerable and letting herself be that vulnerable in front of rapunzel CRYING INTO HER ARMS LIKE MY HEART. they really made her very broken, it reminded me a lot of maya hart. sometimes disney channels not willing to go that deep but im impressed they did. - i was kinda hoping it would be revealed that gothel wasn’t actually cass’ mom, i remember seeing some people hoping for that, cuz, again, i feel like thats a bit much to change from the movie canon, buuuut that didnt happen. oh well. - I WAS HOPING FOR I LOVE YOUS BETWEEN CASS AND RAPUNZEL AND WE GOT IT AND WE GOT A HUG AND IM ALIVE - lance adopting the kids was adorable - all the movie parallels were *chefs kiss*
everything wrapped up so nicely and im really happy with it as a finale!
that aside, again, i do still have some issues with the show. so im gonna take a moment to shamelessly plug big hero 6 the series bc imo that does the movie to show adaption FLAWLESSLY.
tl;dr: great finale, despite both loving and hating some things about this show, yall should watch big hero 6 the series, im love varian
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theprodigypenguin · 5 years
Scamander Headcanons Cuz I'm Pissed At Life Right Now
I'm in a very shitty mood so I'm gonna try and get rid of it by indulging in my version of the Scamander twins and their parents and life. Please note none of these are canon, they're my personal headcanons and opinions, you're allowed to have different ones. These are the ones I'm sticking too though, so have fun with yours like I have fun with mine:
Lysander is the oldest by a full five minutes.
They're the same age as Lily Luna, but Lily was born first.
While they aren't official Wotters, Luna and Rolf spend many holidays and just general get-togethers with them, so the twins grew up around the Weasley cousins and the Potter kids.
Lorcan is a Hufflepuff like his father but takes after his mother in personality.
Lysander is actually strikingly similar to his great grandmother (Tina) and his great grand uncle (Theseus).
Lysander is a Ravenclaw like Luna.
Lorcan is a very quiet and airy person, seeming to be constantly stuck in a daydream and often seen swaying on his feet as if to music.
He's a generally very happy person and loves hugs.
He gets along with most people, though he is occasionally bullied for being "weird".
Never seems to mind the bullying, usually just smiles through it and often will try to hug his bullies because "they need a hug".
Lysander, on the other hand, is very different, argumentative and cynical, hard to talk to because he tends to ramble when he's anxious (which is a lot).
Unlike Lorcan, Lysander has trouble working around his emotions, and usually just ends up getting frustrated and angry.
Finds it difficult to make friends because of internal self doubt and the fear that they'll ditch him eventually when they realize he's so difficult.
Because of this fear, he tends to ghost potential friends before they can really get to know him.
Says it's for the best.
Lorcan is a Legilimens like his great grand aunt (Queenie).
Lysander, an absolute dumb ass, is unaware of his brother's talent until they're around seventeen or eighteen, because he's a fucking idiot.
Like most born Legilimens, Lorcan has trouble controlling it sometimes, which often lead to migraines and physical trembling, fatigue and fainting spells.
If the thoughts get too overwhelming then Lorcan will seek out the most relaxing presences, the people whose thoughts aren't as loud, or are more predictable.
Lysander is often thinking of simple things like school or music, occasionally he'll be reciting something ridiculous in his head, and Lorcan finds it oddly therapeutic, so nine times out of ten he'll look to Lysander for comfort.
Other comforting presences are Filius Flitwick (he's always thinking of music compositions for some reason), Hagrid (always thinking about his creatures and his cooking), Scorpius Malfoy (his internal rambling is quite similar to Lysander's), McGonagall (she knows about his talent and always tries to be aware of her thoughts when she's around him, so she doesn't overwhelm him), Madam Pomfrey (also aware of his condition), and of course his parents.
Being in the great hall for meals always strains him the most.
Lorcan seems to take after their family the most, and has a born talent for dealing with and caring for magical creatures.
He was capable of calming even the testiest of creatures when he was still very small (and he's Newt's favorite but don't tell Lysander).
Lysander, on the other hand, is absolutely horrible around animals.
He doesn't even own an owl/cat/toad because when Rolf took him to get a pet for school, everything he held tried to bite or scratch him.
Because of this stark deviation from his family, Lysander spends much of his youth and teenage years hating himself, doubting himself, and fighting against incredible shame, thinking he's somehow less than the rest of his family, assuming they're ashamed of him and hate him as much as he hates himself.
He finds a bit of comfort in his studies, and prefers reading and hiding in the library or down by Black Lake over making friends (because he's honestly terrified of making friends).
He has amazing grades in everything accept for his Care of Magical Creatures class.
Though Hagrid never says so, Lysander can tell his teacher is always disappointed when he messes something up.
He's excellent at the written aspect of the class, he just can't physically handle the creatures.
Lorcan can read him like a book, and always feels sad when he hears Lysander thinking so badly of himself.
He tries to cheer Lysander up the best he can by reassuring him that just because their name is Scamander, doesn't mean they all have to be Magizoologists.
That Lysander can be anything he wants.
In the end he takes a lot of strength from Tina and Theseus, who become his role models, and he becomes an Auror straight out of Hogwarts.
Lorcan, unlike Lysander, loves animals. Creatures don't have any discernible thought process that humans can interpret, so Lorcan finds being around them very soothing.
He owns a big ginger half Kneazle cat, a gift from Rolf when he was just a kid, given to him when it was just a kitten.
The cat fucking hates Lysander and Lysander hates it right the fuck back.
Lorcan takes him everywhere though and it annoys Lysander SO much, cats don't belong in the FUCKING classroom!!!!
Despite how different the twins are, they're very close. Maybe not attached at the hip, but still close.
Lorcan isn't ashamed of hugging his brother whenever they cross paths at school, saying he loves him every chance he gets.
Lysander, while not as physical as Lorcan, still loves his brother dearly, and though he complains about the constant hugging, he has never and will never push Lorcan away.
Also not one to throw around the phrase "I love you", Lysander will mumble it incoherently when Lorcan insists he say it back.
He acts annoyed with his brother sometimes, because Lorcan's airy go with the flow attitude clashes terribly with Lysander's schedule oriented life.
Lorcan is a messy kid, his robes are never on right and his tie is always crooked or knotted wrong, so whenever Lysander sees him he stops just to fix the tie and straighten his robes.
Of course the minute he's gone Lorcan absentmindedly messes everything up again and gives Lysander a brain aneurysm from it.
To people who don't know them, it might look as if Lysander hates his brother, is so terribly annoyed with him, but Lysander loves his brother, and he hates nothing more than when people bully him.
While Lorcan doesn't mind it, Lysander has gotten into more than one physical fight (who needs fucking wands when you have fucking FISTS) trying to get the bullies to back off.
Lysander has a strong sense of justice and wanting to look after the little guys who can't defend themselves, which is one of the reasons being an Auror fits so perfectly for him.
Lysander is also an excellent flier and loves Quidditch, but never tried out for his house team because of his anxiety and fear of failure.
After Hogwarts, Lorcan studies Magizoology with his parents, specializing as a Healer for Magical Beasts (wizard vet!!!).
Lysander moves to his own flat in London to be closer to the Ministry and his work, partly because being an Auror is dangerous and has the potential of making him enemies, so he doesn’t want to end up bringing danger to his family.
Lorcan stays living at home because that was where their creatures were, where he studied after school and took care of the magical beasts that his family would bring home.
Though he would also travel in the situation where a creature was sick and couldn’t come to him instead.
Lysander is bisexual, but he’s had a crush on Lily since they were thirteen.
It took him several years to realize he liked her as more than a friend, though, and Lily was the one to ask him out first.
At first their “dates” were restricted to studying as friends (Lysander helping Lily prepare for exams), flying together during free periods (Lily insists Lysander help her practice for Quidditch), and walking to Hogsmeade and spending the day there together.
They don’t become an “official” couple or tell their families until after graduating and getting jobs.
Lorcan is omnisexual, but it’s very difficult for him to open up to people since their intentions are so clear to him, and normally not as pure as he would like.
He isn’t one to take relationships lightly, and is actually very sensitive when it comes to people’s crushes on him, or if he’s the one with the crush.
In the future he ends up falling in love with one of Lysander’s Auror partners, Liam McLaggen (OC), which Lysander isn’t exactly HAPPY about.
Both Lysander and Lorcan are around the same height.
Lysander has his mother’s silvery-blue eyes and keeps his hair neatly cut and styled.
Lorcan has blue-green eyes (see Newt!!!!) and his hair is a bit longer and curlier than Lysander’s (it’s also a lighter shade of blond).
After years of reading by dim wand light in the middle of the night, Lysander had to get himself glasses before starting at the Ministry(who hasn’t read books in the middle of the night under the covers with nothing but a flashlight?).
He’s supposed to wear them all the time, but rarely does, claiming he only needs them for “reading”.
It takes a while, but Lysander eventually becomes good friends with both James and Teddy.
James played difficult at first, pretended he didn’t like Lysander because he was dating Lily (and as the big brother it’s his job to be suspicious of his baby sister’s boyfriend, right?) but they genuinely got along and enjoyed each other’s company.
James basically adopted both Lysander and Lorcan as two more little brothers. Lorcan is very pleased with having another brother, Lysander not so much.
Lysander didn’t make any permanent friends during his seven years at Hogwarts, but as soon as he joined the Aurors and was placed into a field team he quickly made friends with each of his partners.
He would die for them, and they would die for him (but he’s not allowed to die cuz Lorcan would cry and Rolf would ground him).
Okay heck that’s all I got for right now, but writing all this down was super therapeutic. Heck I love the Scamander brothers. And I know everyone in fandom probably have a million different headcanons for these good boys, considering they’re not mentioned much in canon aside from the fact they exist, so their personalities are entirely fluid and up for interpretation, buuuuuut I’ve thought so damn much about about them and I’ve grown super attached to my version of the boys. I wanna reiterate what I said before though, if you have headcanons that differ from mine you are hecking valid and should be proud of your headcanons because they can be insanely hard to think up!
Anyway yeah, I’m in love with the Scamander brothers, bye!
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trashcanfanfics · 5 years
Headcanon Animals
These are the animals I can see the Avengers mcu characters being
Steve (Captain America):
Turtle. Hear me out. Not only is he old but he is strong and tucks behind his shield for protection much like a turtle does with its shell. Do not let him out of your sight, he may be slow but damn if he doesn't take opportunities. (Based on a post I saw a while back and can't remember where I saw it)
Bucky (Winter Soldier):
Everyone I have talked to about this sees him as a cat and I kinda agree with that due to cat having nine lives and all that, not to mention his personality. I can, however, see him also being a wolf. They are strong and intimidating but also very beautiful and mysterious. Wild doggy who just needs to be scritched behind the ears.
Tony (Iron Man):
Tbh Tony seems like one of those fancy birds that's all pampered until they fly away and then comes back a completely new bird. He went through a tough time and it made him a better guy, really opened his eyes to some shit. He's still a brat tho.
Thor (God of Thunder):
You can look me in the eyes and tell me that Thor wouldn't be a bear and I'd call you a liar. Thor is a bear because he is super intimidating but so fuzzy. He protects his loved ones and all he holds dear like a mama bear with her cubs. Can and will hug you against your will.
Bruce (Biochemist):
Bruce and Hulk are two different personalities and will be separate animals based on qualities. Bruce is totally an octopus. He's smart and squishy. Plus he can blend into the public better because hardly anyone can recognize who he is, kinda like those camouflage octopuses. If he is uncomfortable, he will camo his way to the background to escape. You will not find him.
Hulk (Gamma Mutant):
Hulk is actually a dog. He doesn't smash without permission but it's kinda hard to get him to let go of the tug toy once he's riled up. Loyal, strong, would probably hug you if he thought you needed it. Hulk is dog.
Natasha (Black Widow):
She was really hard to distinguish as an animal but I'd pin her to be a fox. She's beautiful, powerful, cunning, and very smart. Also the red hair and red fox (there's even grey foxes to match her most recent hair color from Infinity War). Probably will take things of yours to prove she is the sneakiest of sneaks.
Wanda (Scarlet Witch):
I think she would also be a wolf because she travels with a pack but is strong on her own. She's loyal and can whip ass. Also, very pretty and clever. Do not pet unless she gives permission. She's kinda touch starved but that's all you have to worry about.
Vision (Scientific Breakthrough):
He's an owl, hands down. Very wise and very observant. Also, owls can be absolute dorks. Super smart and can forget very common things. They both fly with such grace. Bumps into glass anything a lot.
Clint (Hawkeye):
Also a dog. Ferocious and protective. He does what he thinks is right. Whether he brings you a potato or saves you from a murder bot, it's always smart to give him reassurance.
Sam (Falcon):
It's kinda cliche and obvious, but he is a falcon. Listen, he was trained to fly around and take care of baddies in the field much like how falcons are trained for hunting. They always return cuz now they're loyal to you. He likes beef tenderloin.
Rhodey (War Machine):
A lot of these people end up being dogs...Anyways, loyal to his beliefs, a good support, knows all of his bestie's secrets. He really is a good boy and he tries his best.
Peter (Spiderman):
Okay, he is an excited golden retriever puppy. He follows you every where and cannot get rid of his goofy smile. All he wants is for everyone to be safe and happy and will sacrifice himself to do it. He wants to do everything and make everyone like him. He tries really hard and deserves all the belly rubs.
T'Challa (Black Panther):
I would say panther but he's more like a house cat. He is definitely in charge and freezes up when he sees something move outside the window. Successfully takes down flies within the first five tries. Strong and sleek fur.
Nick (Fury):
Bruh he's a bat. He hears everything and has minimal eyesight but can fuck you up no problem. He dwells in caves and dark places until he thinks he's needed/wants to come out. He does his own thing and then all of a sudden he's at your window.
Phil (Coulson):
Honestly he's also a golden retriever due to loyalty, reliability, and excitability. He is very loyal and will follow what you tell him to without much hassle. He will always be there for you when you need him and gets really happy about small things. He is one of the best and deserves treats for everything he's been through.
Maria (Hill):
Also a fox, she's beautiful, clever, and very resourceful. She mainly stays behind to operate the what she sees fit. Cold demeanor but very loyal and fun. Enjoys sitting and watching the chaos.
Loki (God of Mischief):
Yes, he's a cat because of his many deaths and snooty attitude and only showing affection with sarcasm, but he could also be a fox because of the mischief and historically symbolism of illusion. You will be robbed of snacks if you even think of letting him stay.
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primrooks · 5 years
Wands of a Feather: An Elena of Avalor/Sofia the First Crossover
[Chapter 1] AO3 link here! *This was a chonker of a chapter, so I had to split certain events into two. There's still a lot to come, cuz it's gonna be one packed weekend for our two magic boys. Chapter 2: The Conjurer’s Conference
“With each deed performed, for better or worse, a power is granted, a blessing or curse.”
Cedric repeated the words in his head as he finished drying off his face and replaced the towel by the washbasin. Weeks had passed since he last thought about the Amulet of Avalor; odd how some years-long obsessions could simmer like a soaked bonfire.
In one corner of the room, Quarry, his new eagle-owl familiar, still dozed soundlessly in his perch, peaceful as could be. Back when Cedric was scouring the local aviaries trying to find a suitable new companion, Quarry endeared himself immediately with his permanently-set scowl. The owl himself was actually very sweet and made for an eager assistant, but the dark brow lines extending from his ear tufts always made him look comically offended. The sorcerer smiled and scratched softly at Quarry’s black-and-white crest, knowing that he would be up soon. They had one more round of practice before the Tri-Kingdom showcase that afternoon, although by all means they were ready to give their audience a good show. But Cedric hoped, against all rational thought, that he wouldn’t run into that Mateo boy again. He was still annoyed at himself for that graceless display of shock when he realized the boy’s identity, but then he had to get carried away and introduce himself on top of that. As if the boy wouldn’t have heard from Princess Elena about the Amulet of Avalor’s history, including some of its less-than-rightful holders. He was fortunate enough that they’d parted ways soon after, and that Mateo didn’t recognize him instantly. Perhaps Princess Elena ultimately didn’t register Cedric as a threat. All of the ruckus from the last Conjurer’s Conference happened after she had been freed from the Amulet, and Sofia told him that she was keeping correspondence with her, though the Avaloran princess was understandably rather occupied in other matters. Yet if there was anyone who could spin his story in a positive light, there was no one else whom he trusted more. But that told him nothing about what Mateo might think of him, and how the young lad would feel about someone like Cedric being stationed so close to his country’s most valuable magical artifact. He thought that this year would be a nice do-over of last year’s fiasco, but now all he wanted to do was get through this conference without a hitch and return to his tower in Enchancia. He’d just put on his robe when Quarry flew up to the crook of his left arm. The owl hooted hesitantly, his amber eyes curious and alert. Cedric smirked, recalling how Sofia described Quarry’s voice and speech patterns as boyish, even though he was an adult bird. Even without magical animal speech, Cedric could gather that his familiar was nervous; today would be the first time he’d assist in a magic show in front of an audience. “Let’s not get cold talons now,” he admonished. Quarry replied with a quieter hoot. “I’ve been there before many, many times, and I will say... I can’t guarantee that it’ll go perfect.” The owl gave a fearful “H-hoo?” “But I know you’ll be marvelous, Quarry,” said Cedric, stroking his crest again, right up to the sweet spot on Quary’s head. If a bird of prey could somehow purr, he had no doubt Quarry would’ve done so. It surprised Cedric how quickly they had taken to each other, especially with all the bitterness left in the wake of Wormwood’s betrayal. But he knew that Quarry was his chance to start anew, to once again have a companion he could trust with his work and his life. “Now come along, we’ve still got an hour left before the show starts,” he reminded him. Quarry gave a trilling hoot, flying in place as Cedric went over to his armoire to collect the rest of his supplies. The conference site was about a twenty-minute walk from their villa, but outside was a perfect balance of blue sky and cloud cover. Hopefully the rest of the weekend would carry on with that same clement level of pleasantness. +++ Mateo had painted in his mind what the Conjuror’s Conference would look like once he finally stepped through the gated entrance, and the real thing didn’t disappoint. The spacious front lawn of the estate was already packed with stalls touting charms, familiar care kits, designer robes, sample wands, and enchanted toys and art pieces. Further down the lawn, the air grew rich with the heady scent of rare herbs and incense pots, and several stalls were just focused on selling gardening supplies for the aspiring apothecary. There were even a couple of sigil tattoo stands, showing off elegant designs of mystical animals, constellations and summoning circles. Mateo didn’t even have any interest in getting one, but he was still intrigued to see what designs were popular. He knew his mamá would have given him some serious side-eye for even looking at these kinds of stalls, but so long as he was by himself, he practically had the run of the place. And that was just the outside. Past an elegantly carved set of dark oak doors, the rose marble-floored foyer of the estate’s main house was where mages gathered to mingle, while the translucent hands of invisible servants went around with trays of finger foods and tea cups. Mateo noticed some enchanted portraits hung from the beige walls, displaying curious fairies, unicorns and dragons looking down at the assembly. It seemed as if spellcasters of every nation from Norberg to Khaldoun were present, and he could see the experience etched into their sharp eyes and deep laugh lines. Mateo had seen the day before that most decorated mages were close to Cedric’s age or older, but now he noticed something else: many of them were followed around by apprentices not much younger than himself. They ran the gamut from eager, wide-eyed children to nervous teenagers, and they stuck to their masters like ducklings waddling after their mothers. In their arms they held satchels, staves and familiar carriers, if those familiars weren’t perched on their masters’ shoulders or sitting at attention at their feet. These apprentices were obviously dressed for a public event, their robes spotless and fitted with not a wrinkle out of place. As he stood taller and carefully straightened out his maroon robe, Mateo felt a harsh bump against his hip. “Hey!” he cried. “Oh, pardon me. Maybe you shouldn’t be staring off into space so close to the doorway!” retorted a bratty voice somewhere around Mateo’s waist-level. He looked down to see a blue-robed boy no older than twelve, his freckled face pinched into a condescending smirk. “Wendell! That is no excuse for such behavior!” scolded a fancily made-up woman in white storming up to them. The boy’s smirk vanished, and he meekly ducked his head as the woman towered beside him and crossed her arms. “Well, Wendell?” she prodded. Wendell’s brow was set to a harsh V as he looked back up at Mateo, but he managed to eke out one “I’m sorry.” Mateo was just as eager to move past this as he was. “It’s fine. But I appreciate that you apologized,” he said, his tone more gracious than he really felt. “Please pardon my son’s behavior,” said Wendell’s mother. Her eyes then took on a discerning light, just as Cedric’s did. “And, beg pardon, young man, but I can’t recall seeing you last year. Have you just taken on your apprenticeship?” she inquired. Mateo blinked. “Oh... well no, I actually never was an apprentice. Where I come from, there weren’t any wizards around to teach me.” As soon as he said that, both mother and son stared as if Mateo’s hair suddenly turned green. That… was that the wrong thing to say? He’d only spoken the truth, but now he realized that he didn’t have time to go over Avalor’s troubled history with magic. “Wait, no! That’s not a hundred percent true,” he exclaimed. “I took a lot from my grandfather’s old writings and books, so I did have a master wizard to learn from, and.. well, circumstances being what they were, um...” What was he doing? He should have his introduction down pat! “You’re a self-taught wizard? Now that’s something you don’t see everyday,” the woman remarked. “That’s just how it worked out.” Maybe if he just kept his answers short and neutral enough, she’d lose interest. “Who is your grandfather then?” she asked, busting any wishful thinking. A short and neutral answer wouldn’t stop her reaction from being anything but. Mateo took a deep breath. “He’s Alacazar. The... the former Royal Wizard of Avalor,” he replied. “Avalor? You mean the country where-Oh, goodness!” she gasped. “I heard about you! You broke a painting spell, and helped save the whole royal family!” Wendell’s scowl vanished as he looked back up at Mateo with astonished eyes. “Lissabeth my dear, is something the matter?” asked an approaching enchantress in a silken yellow gown, accompanied by a small group of mages. Oh great, an audience. “I happened upon this remarkable young man. His grandfather was the last Royal Wizard of Avalor!” Lissabeth proclaimed. A middle-aged sorcerer in green laughed in surprise. “I’d heard through the grapevine that we had a guest from Avalor this year, but I’d taken it for the usual claptrap.” “Er-“ Mateo tried to answer, but Lissabeth interjected, “And he just told me that he learned all that he knows about magic by himself.” “Hm. That’s rather unorthodox, but given the circumstances, it probably couldn’t be helped,” said another sorcerer, stroking his short black beard. Mateo tried to laugh it off. “It’s funny, I was just saying that-“ “But wouldn’t some measure of qualification be needed? There should be records kept of the boy’s progress,” interrupted a younger woman in a shimmering dragonscale shawl. “Doesn’t that seem rather belated at this point, Professor Willough? There are only so many schools who’ll take in wizards his age, not to mention all the rigmarole involved in getting into magics universities,” said Sorcerer Shortbeard. “How about a kingdom-issued exam?” suggested one wizard that Mateo couldn’t even see. “Do they have any qualified individuals to oversee that in Avalor?” asked another. “We might be able to find someone within the Ancient Arts University Association,” said the first enchantress to approach them. “Would you be interested, young man?” asked Lissabeth, addressing Mateo as if he hadn’t been overridden in this exchange. “I…” Mateo’s left hand gripped the satchel holding his tamborita like a lifeline. The only way out of the deep end was to say something . Preferably something astute. Or at least coherent. He crossed his hands behind his back, straightened his knees, and tried to recall the last time he watched Chancellor Esteban or Gabe speak in public. “I hadn’t put all those factors into consideration. I only took on the title of wizard officially just last year.” That’s it, he thought. Short, neutral, but stay alert. “How has that been, lad?” Shortbeard asked with a kind smile. “I’ve learned a lot just from experience, and it helps that I have so much support back home,” he responded. “Er, how long have you been studying magic on your own?” asked Professor Willough. “Basically for as long as I can remember. Close to twelve years, maybe?” “I’d say he has the experience to at least speak with a university board member. I do know a few who should be about,” she said, looking around the foyer. “I’ll think about that after the conference,” Mateo added quickly. “It certainly would help to have something on paper.” And get all of you off my back, please. “Why don’t you come over to the soirée on the estate rooftop tomorrow evening? It’ll be just like this, only with a more casual atmosphere. I think it would be a lovely opportunity for you to get acquainted with more of the wizards here, and bounce off more ideas for potential decisions,” suggested Lissabeth. Something that was even more of this? “That’s very kind of you, my lady, but I’ve hardly packed anything suitable to wear for a soirée,” said Mateo, exerting considerable control to keep his voice from shrinking. “Oh tish tosh, like I said - it’ll be a casual affair. And rest assured, we’ll all be looking out for you, making sure you’re not bothered by some of the more talkative elders,” she breezily assured him. Not wanting to dwell on that statement, Mateo decided now was his time to bow out. “That sounds amazing, thank you. It’d be great to meet some of the people I see at the showcases and seminars today,” he said, praying that someone would take the hint. “Oh, we do hope to see you there, my dear boy!” “You have a wonderful day now!” “Would you mind stopping by the enchanted gardening stall this afternoon?” Mateo responded with as many “Yes”s and “Thank you”s as warranted, careful not to look anyone in the eye for too long as he ducked and wove his way across the foyer and into the main hallway branching off from the left. “Oh, Lissabeth dear, did you happen to catch the boy’s name?” asked Shortbeard. By the time they looked back, Mateo had made himself scarce. --- The doors leading to the courtyard were just within reach, and any second thoughts about slipping away scattered with the bracing scent of the sea. Turns out, when a former tourist attraction’s featured highlight was its expansive range with an ocean view, all of the event’s main attractions would be lined up there. As crowded as the foyer had been, this was where all the action was. Everyone here scattered in groups or as individuals, taking in live demonstrations of new illusions, mystic menageries, a cadre of fortune-telling tents, game booths, and a hedge labyrinth that took things to the next level with enchanted climate simulations. And no one could miss the focal point of the conference: a whole quarter of the great field was dedicated to a gigantic beige tent with a green banner flaunting the name “Marvels of Tomorrow” in shimmering white letters. Red, blue and green curtains coated the sides of the tent, and a length of red velvet carpet led up to the entrance. Mateo didn’t know what to expect as he stepped into the tent, and he was immediately struck by how vibrant everything was. The inner perimeter was bedecked with decorative flowering plants and towering tropical trees, creating the illusion of a jungle growing around the cleared expanse containing the booths and smaller tents. The effect was heightened by the tallest trees reaching the roof of the pavilion, though enough bare area was left for sunlight to filter through the tan canvas. Flittering across the trees were automated toy birds, lovingly crafted with silver and bronze filigree on their wings, tails and beaks. Their trilling songs echoed throughout the pavilion, carried over the bustle of the conference attendants. The spectacle before him drove off all his earlier unease from the foyer. This felt overwhelming in a good way; a surge of excitement that lit his eyes and powered his gait as he made his way to the showcase theater. The pavilion was split into two large circular areas, not unlike circus rings. The theater area was a raised wooden platform located in the second, larger circle, placed flush against the farthest end of the tent, with six rows of low wooden benches for the audience. A magenta curtain patterned with stars covered the stage proper. There was already a considerable crowd lounging and mingling on the benches, but thankfully, it wasn’t difficult for Mateo to find a good spot in the middle row. “Attention to all our esteemed guests and attendees: the Tri-Kingdom Sorcerer’s Showcase will now start in ten minutes,” announced a booming voice speaking over their heads. “The showcase will be the first of many displays of wonder that we’ve in store as part of the Marvels of Tomorrow exhibit, and we indeed hope you have a marvelous time during your stay. Thank you.” “You heard him, you majestic mages! Let’s find our seats and get ready to start the show!” shouted a perky voice from the stage. In a puff of violet smoke, a young woman with waist-length light pink hair, a pearl-studded diadem, and a flashy blue-and-white dress robe appeared before the curtain, raising a thin golden wand. With a flick of her wrist, she gathered the errant smoke into a floating ball, and then tossed it into the air. The smoke-ball spiraled upwards for a few feet before it burst into a shower of sparkling lights, and Mateo applauded along with the crowd. “Welcome, and what a wonderful morning to see you all here on the first day of our Conference! I am Isadora the Illustrious, your humble host!” shouted the sorceress. A few loud hoots and whistles pierced from the younger attendees, though they were met with reprimanding looks from their elders. Their host, however, paid no mind as she tucked her wand back into her sleeve. “It gives me great pleasure to introduce our esteemed line-up of Royal Sorcerers, because they’ve prepared quite the eye-popping show to get this weekend started! But before we get that going, a few points to keep in mind: we’ll want our sorcerers to give you the best show they can, so let’s keep our familiars at their best behavior.” Isadora went on to list some standard bits of protocol, none of which surprised Mateo save for the point about errant demon summonings. “But well, I think we all know what to do there, now don’t we?” jested Isadora with a knowing smirk. A handful of mages laughed in response, though Mateo felt the joke slip through his grasp like a hard-flung china plate. “Alright, let’s not keep you or our panelists waiting!” Isadora drew up her wand again, and with one dramatic flick, a mysterious violet light flooded the theater area. Everyone in the audience held their breath as the curtain began to rise on its own. Mateo’s smile grew, and his hands gripped at his knees as a silhouetted figure stepped forward. 
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