#made me feel so powerful when I could touch my forehead to my feet in butterfly and some guys could barely move their knees
forgetful-river · 1 year
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if you're doing drawing rqs atm, i'd love to see your take on nepeta in this outfit, if that's alright with you!
I do requests whenever the stars align and I already like drawing the character, so yeah, technically!
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This is a woman who kicks your ass for an hour at your boxing class but then is so cool about it you feel bad for being upset
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pumpkinbxtch · 6 months
thrill me &
i'll take you to a ride ✷
— leo valdez x daughter of hades!reader
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summary: Sometimes things happen when you let yourself get excited and you are a daughter of Hades. Warnings: none
Your relationship with Leo was very new. You were in that awkward stage where both of you blushed constantly when your fingers tried to interlace or one of you longed for the other's hug, that phase where you couldn't express your desires and hesitated when it came to showing them. This was most evident when you kissed.
However, for you, it involved a bit more than just worrying about appearing clumsy; sometimes, your powers could play tricks on you. Being a child of the big three already made things messy due to strong emotions, now being a daughter of Hades like you, where you spent your time repressing your emotions to avoid bringing the dead to the surface or ending up in China like your brother Nico, made everything even more complicated by itself.
It would be simpler if only your palms sweated, and you could be enjoying being with your boyfriend on a beautiful day in the strawberry field while Leo and you were having a kissing session on a picnic blanket. While both were craving for touch everything was going wonderfully.
The big deal was when Leo put his hand on your waist to pull you closer to him, that simple move made your heart race and lose control, that's when you felt your surroundings change and the overwhelming sensation of being sucked into darkness.
You panicked, felt embarrassed, but you clung to your boyfriend's hand tightly. If it weren't for the spins and Leo feeling like he had just been thrown from a first floor, he might have plead you to let go of his hand before you broke it with the force you were holding it. Although to be honest, you wouldn't have done it even if he begged, you couldn't let anything else happen to him because of you. Amid what seemed like an imminent darkness, another hole opened up, and gravity forced you to fall face-first into an alley.
Your boyfriend's groans made you blush, you wanted to disappear, but if you thought about it for a second more, it probably would happen, and you were tired of that shadow travel already. You rolled onto your side and avoided facing Leo, still lying in the street feeling like a loser, you didn't even have an idea of where they were.
— baby, are you okay? — Leo crawled towards you, and you bit your lower lip. You would have bothered to run if it weren't for your tiredness. You yawned and slowly sat up, hair falling in your face and hands covered in dust. With a slight breeze, the climate change was noticeable to you.
He took you by the shoulders, helping you sit up completely, him squatting and you sitting on the pavement. He sighed seeing you unharmed but curiosity lingered in his gaze. You hugged yourself, hoping it would give you strength to speak. You already felt your cheeks burning and your face forming a grimace of discomfort.
— Sorry, did I... get carried away?.— Leo grinned like an idiot, and chuckled while shaking his head slowly. He fixed your hair and tucked some strands behind your ear, his sweet touch made you sway sleepily. He noticed.
— Did my girl overdo it? — Despite the obvious teasing in his voice, the words comforted you, making you feel less guilty because that's exactly what Leo wanted, he didn't blame you for anything, he wasn't even upset, he was just taken by surprise.
— Sorry — you repeated with pleading eyes. Leo gently took you by the back of the neck and pressed his lips against your forehead, barely touching your skin.
—It's okay, amor. Let's see where we are — he murmured and helped you to your feet, holding your body tightly so you could put most of your weight on him.
Your eyes widened, and sleep left you for a second when you noticed that the signs seemed to be in another language, the streets were too different and narrow.
— I've been here — he said, admiring his surroundings, reaffirming his grip on your hand. You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to continue, and he began to walk with you down the alley until you reached the widest part. You admired the architecture in better detail, the blue sky, and the people. You were no longer in Long Island Sound.
—'ll tell our kids that you kidnapped me to go on a trip together to Italy — Leo joked, and you felt your ears burning.
He looked at you with those chocolate eyes that turned gold in the sunlight. You silently admired how his tanned skin shimmered or the small wrinkles that formed when he smiled, everything about him seemed perfect. Of course in the future you would want to have his children.
— Dork — you accused him, unable to hide that typical way of yours of disguising embarrassment, he let out a small laugh. Leo loved that about you. He cleared his throat, it was a little dry from yelling.
— Well, but anyway, after we take a walk and enjoy this nice place because we would be idiots not to. I wonder... — He leaned towards you, teasingly, his thumb rubbing your palm. — How will I have to 'thrill' you to come back?
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gauloiseblue · 4 months
Despicable Man
(Perv!Graves × Reader)
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[Dead Dove: Do Not Eat | Adult Content MDNI]
A continuation of Oral Fixation
TW: power abuse, unsolicited filming, rape threat
A/N: I just watched S1 of The Following (it sucks), and warren kole just infected my brain with mean!Graves. I just have to write it down, or I'll die of brainrot. Again, mind the tags. Don't read it if it's not your cup of tea.
This is the fourth time you hand in your resignation letter, and the third time he rips it to pieces.
"Can I give you some advice?" He said with a sneer, "If you want my attention, you wouldn't get it by writing these letters. You're wasting your time."
A vein pops up on your forehead, and you slam your hands against the table.
"What's wrong with you?" You shouted at him, "It's not a game, Graves. I'm not playing whatever it is you're playing, I'm quitting!"
"Whoa." He lifts his hands in a mocking manner as he leans on his chair, "You talk to your boss like this?"
"You're not my boss." You hissed.
"Legally, I'm still your boss." He pointed out, and you swore you felt your blood boil, "So don't talk to me like that."
"You think I fucking care?" You spat, "You're not my boss anymore because I'm leaving. Sue me all you want, I'm not gonna stay in a company that threw my grievance letters into the trash."
"Watch your mouth." He warned you with a tone that made you freeze. "I can still punish you if I want."
You open your mouth to speak, before you decide against it.
"Where do you think you're going?" He called out when you turned your heel, before striding towards the door.
"I'm leaving." You retorted, voice dripping with venom.
"No you're not." He stated. "Sit down."
"I'm not gonna sit down and listen to your bullshit." You glare as you push down the door handle, "I've had enough of it, I'm leavi—"
Your feet come to a halt when you see a man standing outside the door, blocking your way out. You recognize him from his black mask and athletic build—he's the commander's guard dog, Graves' most loyal bodyguard. You instinctively take a step back, as the man slowly stalks toward you.
You rattle your brain as you try to think of the reason why he's here, and why he locks the door behind while his eyes stay on you. Until you hear a voice from behind—saying the same words you've heard before, only it's darker, more dangerous this time.
"Sit down, (Name)."
Your hands were seized by the man before you could protest. He drags you from the door, and to the large desk where his boss sits. His grip on you is so strong, that it's impossible to escape him. And when he pushes you down to your seat, you lift your head and snarl at the man across the table.
"What's the meaning of this?"
He tilts his chin in a mocking manner, before he rises from his seat and walks round the table. "What's the meaning of this?" He purses his lips as he pretends to think, "I don't know, you tell me."
You jeeringly scoff at his question, "So is this how you take care of your problems? By threatening them until they withdraw from the case?"
"Oh no, not at all, mon cher. In fact, I want to help you."
You look at him as if you're listening to a mad man's ramble, but he only smirks as he continues.
"You see, I've… reviewed all of the accusations that you wrote against me, and I must admit, you're good at using the right terms." He uttered, "But, you forgot one thing. To win a case, you have to have concrete evidence."
When he turns his gaze on you, you feel your blood run cold, as you catch the subtext of his words.
"And the video that you sent as evidence? It doesn't have my face, mon cher. How are you gonna convince them that it's me? That it's my hand that slipped under your skirt, as I cornered you against the counter? Mind you, it's merely a touch, it couldn't be counted as sexual assault."
A satisfied smirk spreads on his face, as he sees resentment begins to fill your eyes, as well as bitter tears.
"You're smart, (Name). I always like that about you. You stubbornly wanted to prove my wrongdoings, you even brought a hidden cam for it. It's a shame the angle was wrong." He leans closer to whisper in your ear, "And it's a shame that no one cares."
Your glare turns dagger as he pulls away from you.
"Now that it didn't work out, you tried to leave the company. Guess what, mon cher? You need my signature for it." You clench your fist when you hear him chuckle, "In the end, you still need me for your escape."
He lets out a derisive 'whoa' when you're thrown back to your seat before you could punch him. You struggle against his bodyguard's grip, while you scream at him.
"Fuck you, Graves. Fuck you and your arse licking dogs."
"Alright," He sighs as he flicks his wrist, "Shut her up."
Your protest soon turns into a muffled shout, as your mouth is covered by a big hand. You wince when the grip on your jaws becomes too tight, and you claw the arm that slings around you from behind.
"Where were we? Oh." He rummages through his pocket, and pulls something up. Your eyes widen as you recognize the two items from the clink of the metals.
"As I told you before, I want to help you. But my service doesn't come cheap." He sneered as he stood in front of you, "You know that, do you?"
You start to thrash against the man's arm, trying to get away from him. But he seizes your hands so easily, and you watch in horror as he locks the handcuffs around them. Leaving one and a half inches of space between your wrists.
"There we go." You saw him smirk, before your vision came to a blur for a second. By the time you realize it, you've stooped on the ground, with a sore pain on your knees.
The man had pushed you down from your seat, and you heard the heavy drag of the chair from behind. You raise your head to protest, but the word dies down the moment you spot the handycam on his hand.
"Say hi, (Name)." He grinned as he pointed the camera at you.
The dark lens reflects your face, wide-eyed, and mouth agape. If a picture could show a thousand words, then it must've captured the paralyzing shock of your stare.
"You're insane." You whispered in disbelief, while he placed the cam on the table.
"You keep saying those words, darling. But do you even know what they mean?" He bends down to check the device, "What's insane for you, (Name)?"
An immediate answer comes up from your thought, but it dies down the moment it lands on your tongue.
"No words to say?" He sneered, "Where'd that attitude of yours have gone, hmm?"
He slowly circles around you, with a hungry flare in his eyes.
"Now, where were we?" You heard him flout, before you flinched at the sudden pat on your head. "Oh, right."
He seizes you by your chin, which makes you shout at the rough treatment. The urge to spat at him comes up to a boiling point, until you see the prominent bulge inside his pants.
"As I was saying, I'll help you get clear evidence for it. My face is already in the video, so the jury will no longer have to guesswork." He said with a smirk, "Of course, it'll become invalid if we're just conversing, right?"
The sound of click snaps you out of shock, and you watch in horror as his belt slips out of the loops.
"It'll be easier for you if you comply. But if you don't, we can always do this the hard way." He spoke in a low tone, as he shoved down his pants, "Open your mouth, or I'll ruin that pretty hole of yours."
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kkaleidos · 1 year
as fate, not coincidence
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assigning them a selection of romance quotes that make me want to rip my hair out
featuring. ayato, childe, cyno, xiao ( separate )
notes. sfw, reader’s gender is not really specified ? written in lowercase, not proofread ( my apologies )
— admin sunny 🪼
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“it could never be a mistake to love you. loving you is a privilege. an honor i don't take lightly, and i want to keep on loving you every single day, for the rest of my days.” — so that happened; katie bailey
a quiet promise under the moonlight. he gently holds onto the tips of your fingers, forehead brushing against your own as the light bathes you in sterling silver. there is something different about him when you are away from the eyes of the public, his shoulders are lax, his eyes soften. it’s a look that is reserved only for you, fluttering under the hours of midnight as you press gentle kisses against the corners of his lip.
sometimes, he feels like a comet pulled into your orbit. the warmth of your touch melts away the formal coating of his exterior, and he would let you pull the heart right out of his chest if only you wanted to. but you don’t, instead you kiss him like he is made of fine porcelain. and in turn, he holds you with all the care in the world, as if you hold the entire universe in the palms of your hands.
if only he had the power, he would bring you the stars and trace the lines of every constellation that reminded him of you into the hold of your gravity.
and when the sky finally clears and the world finally fades to a low hum, ayato is there to finally let the gears in his head stop turning. and only with you does he finally let his heart pulse instead.
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“i can’t say that i understand love, or that i’m very good at it, because i’ve never loved anyone before. but i love everything about you. everything. i don’t intend to stop loving you, and i hope that somewhere deep inside, you still love me, too.” — finale; stephanie garber
it’s as if the earth has fractured beneath his feet. childe is not clueless, and maybe, he understood the risks from the very beginning. he’s surrounded by waves, stranded on an iceberg lost at sea as they crash and roar like the storms of inazuma.
and so, he draws back, removing himself from your life. or so he tries — retracting his hands when he feels himself reaching out to you, turning his eyes away when you meet his gaze, pulling back when he’s aware of just how close he is to you.
it doesn’t work, of course it doesn’t. because he could never truly stay away from you. sometimes, he thinks the world is playing a cruel trick on him. you, who continued to stay by his side even through his questionable work, even through the past deceit and wall of lies. how could someone like you, someone who was nothing but good, someone who was beloved by everyone. what could someone like you possibly see in him?
you berate him as soon as that question escapes his lips. he says it like it’s a joke, but you know —you always do. he’s the one you chose, the only one you want. and when you finally pull him in for one last embrace, when the waves finally wash over him, ajax finds himself finally able to breathe.
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“i’ve loved you all my life. you’re the love i chose. out of everyone in the world, out of everyone i’ve ever known, i chose you. at the edge of everything, love and faith have always brought me back, and back to you.” — queen of air and darkness; cassandra clare
an undying loyalty during the last breath of summer. the foliage of sumeru city never loses its color, vibrant and green throughout the four seasons.
cyno is a busy man, he is always in and out of the rainforest — traversing across the desert sand and discarded temples. but he always returns, like the promise of winter, like a blossoming camellia under the warmth of spring.
the people of sumeru never dream. a fact that has been true for years and on. but sometimes, when he is away from home, when he closes his eyes for just a second — he sees you standing there with a warm eyes and a smile that glows in the sunset.
you’re waiting for him, you always are. and cyno doesn’t waste a single second, running straight towards you and pulling you into a tight embrace. your laughter echoes through his ears, the most vibrant smile flashes your way. and when he wakes in the middle of the night, you’re still there beside him — as if he’d never left at all.
the people of sumeru never dream. he knows that from the very bottom of his heart. but what is a dream, if not with you?
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“i am extremely picky about people. most of them, i don’t particularly like. i have very high standards for the ones i let into my life these days. and you, are my favorite of all of them. i love you best of all.” — meet me at the lake; carly fortune
he is a fawn learning to stand on its own for the very first time. clumsy, unstable, distrusting of everything and the world around him.
xiao is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of you. or perhaps he’s afraid of the feelings you give him. a heavy heart locked behind centuries of bloodshed, he has promised himself he would never allow himself that level of vulnerability ever again.
you bring him a type of uncertainty that he doesn't quite know how to balance, and that makes him afraid. how is he supposed to keep his guard up when it's so easy for you to break past them? when all it takes is for you to press soft kisses against his callous knuckles before he becomes weak in your hold?
“does that bother you?” the question rings in the back of his mind. and he falls silent. did it bother him? that you could read him like a book? that you could tell exactly what he was thinking at any given moment? that he couldn’t seem to hide anything from you?
“no,” he finally says, spoken from the depths of his chest, “it doesn’t bother me at all.”
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yan-lorkai · 4 months
Then may I request
Cute yandere Simeon with a darling who loves him back using the song don’t blame me by Taylor swift?
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☆ A/N: It's been a while since I wrote a song fic so I took my time with this, darling. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :3
Don't blame me, love made me crazy
Soft music filled the air, enveloping Simeon and you as you twirled through his room lit by candles positioned around you two. Your feet slid gracefully across the carpet, following the rhythm of the melody that echoed.
If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right
Simeon held your hand gently, guiding you with skill and kindness. His eyes met yours, reflecting something you can't quite decipher but don't care too much right now, too focused on each step and twirl, a laugh bubbling on your chest as you take in the soft expression on Simeon's handsome face. A sweet smile gracing his lips which you find yourself kissing while you two dance.
Lord, save me, my drug is my baby, he wants to ask and beg, knowing every thought that run through his mind when it comes to you. He wants to scream, rip out his chest for the world to see how his heart beats only for you. But still he smiles and reciprocate, he kiss you, your cheeks, your nose and forehead, he kiss evey inch of skin his lips can touch. I'll be usin' for the rest of my life
You nuzzle your head on his chest, basking on his scent as if it was the air you had to breathe. Angelic power always seemed to overwhelm you when you stayed too close to him, when you were kissed by him, it was like a disease spreading through your whole body.
You looked at him. You didn't cared at all. His arms were the safest place in the whole world and you wouldn't dream of not being in them.
For you, I would cross the line
I would waste my time
I would lose my mind
"Feeling tired of dancing, dear?" He inquires, fully aware that weariness never truly settles in when it comes to this activity. Not with him at least. It was fun, filled you with happiness, like only an angel could.
Simeon gently presses his forehead against yours, his captivating blue eyes locking onto yours and you feel yourself get warm under his stare, a little shy maybe. Still you take his face on your hands, brushing his cheeks with your thumbs.
My name is whatever you decide, and
I'm just gonna call you mine I'm insane, but I'm your baby
"I love you." You mutters to him, placing another kiss on his lips, much more softer and calm than all the others. The song stopped playing, the sound of the fireplace flames perpetuating throughout the room.
"I love you more."
It was true. But you didn't need to know about it. Simeon let you tell him why you loved him more, how you loved him more than the whole universe, feeling a special kinda of happiness residing on his chest spread through his body.
If you only you knew what he have done to you...
Don't blame me, love made me crazy
If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right
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lovelybucky1 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 12- Period Sex
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warnings: afab reader, period sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex,
kinktober masterlist
main masterlist
Bradley Bradshaw is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He’s caring, attentive, and oh-so willing to wait on you. He does everything in his power to make sure you’re comfortable and content, which is why when you were hit with a particularly painful bout of cramps, he never left your side.
He made sure you had water, coffee, juice, soda, ibuprofen, blankets, pillows, a heating pad, and all the stuffies you could ask for to keep you comfortable. He put on your favorite movies and sat on the floor next to the couch to watch then with you.
While everything he did made your heart swell, you were still experiencing pain. Bradley hated seeing you like this, so he went to the internet to do some research, and found something very interesting.
“Period sex?”
“I read that it helps with cramps, and if nothing else it’ll take your mind off the pain,” he explains, a pink blush on his cheeks.
“I’m not opposed to the idea but… won’t it be messy?” you ask hesitantly.
Rooster smiles softly. “Don’t worry about all of that, honey. I’ll take care of it. You just go take a nice shower and relax while I set everything up, okay?”
You nod and Bradley kisses you gently on the forehead before helping you out of bed and carrying you to the bathroom like the princess you are. He gets you a black bath towel and wash rag, not because you can’t reach them, simply because he wanted to. You hug him tight before he leaves you to shower.
While you’re busy washing up, Bradley sets up the bedroom. He dims the lights, makes the bed, lays more black towels out, lights a few candles, draws the curtains, and sets out comfortable clothes for you.
Before long, you’re opening the bathroom door, steam pouring out from behind you as you stand in the doorway, wrapped in your towel. You take in the sight of the room, looking as romantic and magical as it did on your anniversary.
Bradley appears in the doorway of the bedroom, a cool bottle of water in his hand. He sets it down on the nightstand before walking over to you. He leads you to the bed and he pauses in front of it.
“Tell me how you want this, sweetheart. Do you want clothes on?” he asks, gesturing to the folded pile on the arm chair. You shake your head and he smiles a bit, trying to hide his giddiness at getting to see your breasts. “Talk to me, baby.”
“I… want you, Bradley,” you whisper, feeling shy. He pulls you into a hug, pinning your arms to your chest while you try to hold up your towel, and the two of you just laugh.
Bradley lets you go and he brings his hands up to take the edge of the towel from your grasp. You let him, and he opens the towel and lets it fall to the floor at your feet, exposing you to him.
His eyes travel over your bare skin, and he curses under his breath. He thinks you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen by far, and it makes him beyond happy to call you his.
He places his hands on your hips and leans in to kiss you gently. It’s soft, slow, tentative, like you might break if he moves too suddenly. You appreciate the thought, but even during this time of the month, you’re not going to break. You kiss him back with more intensity, and you catch his moan of surprise in your mouth. He pulls away a bit to chuckle.
“Let me take my time with you,” he whispers, and you can’t deny him that.
He warms you up slowly, continuing to kiss you as he walks you backwards, pressing you against the bed. His hands trail over your body, until they meet their final resting places on your lower back and between your legs.
Bradley rubs your clit slowly, using the slickness of your pussy to ease his movements. You’re more sensitive than usual, and the callousness of his fingertips almost hurt as they touch your bud.
“Fuck,” you whimper, just as he pushes his middle finger into you.
“So tight for me, sweetness. I’m gonna have to work you open.”
He pulls his finger out, and you whine at the empty feeling. You don’t have to long much, because once he has you on your back on top of the towel, his fingers are back inside you, scissoring and stretching you.
Once you’re open and ready for him, Rooster wipes his hand on the towel, kicks off his sweatpants and tosses his shirt across the room, then crawls on top of you. His knees rest between your legs and his forearms cage your head.
“You want my cock, honey?” he asks, voice a low whisper in your ear.
“Yeah,” you reply in a similar tone.
“You want me to wear a condom?”
You consider his offer, knowing that there will be less of a mess if he does, but you both love how it feels without one.
Rooster chuckles breathily in your ear. “Good girl.”
He slides his tip through your folds until you’re squirming. By the time he pushes in, you’re desperate for it. The wet squelch of his cock bottoming out into you makes you cringe, but the feeling is too good. 
“So fuckin’ wet, honey. Feels so fuckin’ good,” he mutters.
He grabs your thigh and brings your legs around his waist so he can fuck you deeper and hit the spot he knows will make you crumble. 
“Fuck, Bradley!” you gasp.
The mix of the pain from your cramps and the pleasure of his thick cock inside of you make your head spin. You’re already more sensitive than usual during this time of the month, and his teasing wound you up even more. You know you won’t last long, especially when his fingers find your clit and begin to toy with it.
“Gonna make you cum, sweetheart. You’re gonna cum ‘til you can’t anymore,” he says, mouth pressed against your eat.
He sucks your earlobe into his mouth as he drives his cock into you. Noises are flowing freely from your lips, and you don’t have it in you to be ashamed, not when your boyfriend is making such a mess of you.
You feel the knot in your stomach tightening, so you bring your other leg up to wrap around his waist. He’s impossibly deep, and your orgasm crashes over you like a wave. He fucks you through it, never once faltering in his pace.
“That’s one. I know you have more in you, honey.”
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wheneclipsefalls · 2 years
Ma Neteyam pt.7
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Explicit, Minors do not interact
 Part 6, Part 8
Summary: Neteyam can only put off his desires for so long.
Warnings: smut, mxm anal, explicit, power imbalance, stockholm syndrome, dirty talk, abo universe, daddy kink, swearing, angst, etc.
A/N: This chapter is long! I got pretty carried away but I’m happy with how it turned out. Thanks for patiently waiting on this one
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“Eat up baby, you’re gonna need it.” Neteyam’s eyes snapped up from the plate of fish presented to the alpha’s expression, confused by the heartier breakfast. 
“Why?” The omega questioned, nervously watching Kxolo take his seat next to him. 
“It’s a surprise.” Kxolo wrapped one arm around Neteyam’s waist to easily pull him against his side. There was a giddy grin etched into the Olo’eyktan’s expression that made Neteyam suspicious. He was not sure whether or not he should be excited for the ‘surprise’ or wary of it. For all he knew, it could simply be a continuation of the activities from the day before. However, Neteyam couldn’t help but feel an unnatural thrill at the possibility of the latter. 
As they ate, Neteyam caught the look that Kxolo gave Tamil which was quickly reciprocated with a subtle nod. For the rest of the meal, the boy tried to pay extra close to their conversation and body language, searching for anything else that would hint at the surprise. He still wasn’t sure he trusted the three of them together, especially Pulo. 
Neteyam had lost his taste for surprises a long time ago from growing up with his younger brother. When Lo’ak had a ‘surprise’ it usually meant he had a problem that he was about to drag Neteyam into. He still remembered the spanking he received after helping, or rather begging Lo’ak not to, catch a palulukan at 13. Both boys could barely sit for a week after the disaster. 
“I don’t get a hint?” Neteyam innocently batted his eyelashes at the older male for good measure. The efforts were seemingly wasted as the alpha simply laughed and planted a kiss on his forehead. 
“Patience, ma Neteyam.” Neteyam wiggled his toes against the dirt, trying to distract himself from the rush that soared through his body at the intimate nickname. His omega senses had been responsive all morning, preening at every praise and touch Kxolo gave. 
When breakfast finally finished, the alpha disappeared with the Pulo and Tamil, promising to be back in a few minutes for his surprise. Vamai happily agreed to stay with Neteyam as they waited. The boy groaned at her persistence in keeping his eyes closed. He hissed and tried to shrug her off as her small hands cupped around his eyes, but to no avail. 
“Vamai, quit it. I’ll keep them closed, I promise.” Neteyam shifted between his feet, fighting every urge that told him to peek. Vamai was giggling, forcefully positioning him into the right spot to stand. Her giddy did little to put the boy at ease, wondering what sort of mischief the group had cooked up behind his back. For all he knew, it could be Kxolo served on a silver plate and the girl would be ecstatic to aid in his embarrassment. 
“As my friend, I do feel like you have some obligation to warn me if this little surprise is my demise.” His ears twitched, picking up on every noise reverberating. Only Vamai’s pacing footsteps could be heard. 
“You and I have very different definitions of friendship duties, Neteyam.” She laughed, shoving his shoulder playfully. With his eyes closed, the push sent the other omega back a few steps blindly trying to regain his footing. 
Neteyam’s tail shot up on high alert at the sound of a distant screech. Vamai was quick to palm over his ears in order to dampen the noises.
“Vamai, stop!” He attempted to pry the girl off again but the matter was useless as her hands always returned. Although not able to block every sound, his hearing was muffled enough to be confused as to what was occurring around him. 
Once the commotion had settled he felt her fingers leave his ears. 
“You can open your eyes now, baby.” Kxolo called a few yards in front of him. 
Neteyam wearily peeked them open, braced for any type of scene to unfold before him. His eyes were instantly caught by the swirling colors of brown, green, and blue he could recognize anywhere. 
“Surprise!” Kxolo beamed, gesturing to the ikran. The creature immediately went to snap at the hand, causing the alpha to draw back quickly. A loud laugh slipped through Neteyam’s lips as he observed the scene. Over five Na’vi males tried to hold down the restless ikran. 
“Azer!” Neteyam bounded for the ikran that screeched in earnest at the familiar na’vi. 
The mighty creature instantly calmed as Neteyam ran his hand along Azer’s head and neck. Kxolo watched from the sidelines proudly as he observed the boy’s tearful eyes and wide grin. He watched the way Neteyam calmed the ikran with such gentleness and intimacy, it was obvious the two knew each other well. Even Tamil let a small smile form, seeing Neteyam so ecstatic. 
“But how did you…and when..” The omega sputtered out, only barely glancing up from Azer occasionally. Kxolo motioned for the others to be dismissed before hesitantly walking toward the ikran and omega. Azer watched the male cautiously with keen precision. Kxolo was careful to not make any sudden movements. 
“I guess you could say your dad and I came to some kind of agreement.” Neteyam’s head snapped up at the comment with furrowed eyebrows. 
“And what agreement would that be?”
“That we both want you to be happy.” Kxolo stated simply. The Sully boy scrunched his nose back at the male, unconvinced.
“Oh really? It was that simple.” His tone dripped in sarcasm. Neteyam had to pull Azer’s head back from trying to snap at the alpha again. Finally going around the ikran’s head, Kxolo was able to face Neteyam properly. 
“Simple is not how I would describe it, but I can be very persuasive as you know.” Neteyam rolled his eyes at the wink Kxolo sent him. Crossing his arms, the taller male continued. “Obviously relations between Toruk Makto and I are…strained to say the least. However, he did not do this for me. He did it for you. We both figured you deserve to have a friend from home with you.”
“Oh.” It was all Neteyam could get out as a large lump began to form in his throat. Tears strained against the back of his eyes, but he fought them off, trying to look past the male’s broad shoulder instead of at his eyes. He subconsciously laid his head against Azer’s, taking in the information. 
“Well I uh don’t know what to say…t-thank you.” Neteyam felt foolish and ungrateful letting out that excuse of a thank you, but it was all he could get out without giving away his surging emotions. 
“Of course. Anything to see you smile.” Neteyam's eyes finally locked on the male’s face to find a warm smile overtaking his countenance. There was something so sincere in that gaze, Neteyam couldn’t look away. 
It felt naive and wrong to admit, but for the first time, Neteyam believed him. He considered the idea that perhaps in his own way, Kxolo truly did want to make him happy. His heart beat heavily in his chest at the thought. Neteyam couldn’t tell if the soothing circles he ran along Azer’s skin were meant to calm the ikran or himself. 
The omega softly shook his head as if to shake the train of thought out too. 
“I guess I know now why there were so many messages being sent back and forth.” Neteyam weakly laughed.
“True, a great deal of them have been to arrange this. Now you see why I break my back to keep you out of those meetings.” Kxolo teased, affectionately brushing his knuckles along the boy’s cheek. He admired the way it lightly dusted pink at the action. 
Azer made another pass at the male, Kxolo flinching out of the way just in time. Neteyam was quick to calm him down with soothing strokes and coos. 
“I don’t think he likes me very much.” Kxolo chuckled deeply. 
“Well Azer is very sensitive. He doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, it frightens him.” The ikran finally tore its predatory glare from the Olo’eyktan to focus on Neteyam. 
“An understatement if you ask me. He fought tooth and nail the entire way from the Hallelujah mountains. Your mother was the only one he took kindly to.” Kxolo instantly felt a pang of regret as Neteyam’s doe eyes looked up at him with a glimmer of hope. Silence was all it took for the omega to realize it was falsely fortified. Taking in a deep breath he turned back to the Olo’eyktan. 
“Let me guess, there are rules.” Neteyam strained his voice deeper in an attempt to imitate the Olo’eyktan. 
“A month here and that is the best you can do? That was weak, little one.” Kxolo mocked, crossing his arms over his chest. Neteyam felt the immature urge to stick his tongue out at the alpha in response but figured it would only result in being teased more. “But since you bring it up, yes there will be some rules.” 
“Naturally, since I know how much you enjoy establishing them.” Neteyam teased but a sudden nervousness made him switch back to focusing on Azer, in fear of maybe pushing the alpha too hard. 
“What I enjoy is not having to chase after your ass through the forest so you don’t hurt yourself.” The tone was still light and teasing as Kxolo raised an eyebrow but there was a hidden sternness to it. An unspoken message that the only danger in Neteyam running away was not him actually escaping but rather hurting himself in the process of trying. 
“For now I only want you flying when I am with you. And I need you to let me lead the way. I don’t want you getting lost again.” Neteyam suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at the male. He was certain he would have never gotten lost if he had an aerial view from his ikran the whole time. 
“Is that it?” He questioned, trying to keep the annoyance from slipping into his tone. 
“Stay close. Wander off and I’ll have you back in thirty seconds.” Kxolo promised, sending him another wink. 
“I’d like to see you try.” Neteyam murmured under his breath once Kxolo’s back was turned. Whether or not the alpha heard the remark, he didn’t say anything. 
A distinct yipping sound echoed across the trees as Kxolo called for his own ikran. Within seconds a creature with mighty wings adorned in mixtures of yellow and blue was swooping down towards them. Azer hissed at the ikran Kxolo was calming while backing away from the pair. Neteyam did his best to keep him placid with reassuring pets and sounds. 
“You’ve met Eyvu before, although not officially.” Kxolo gestured to the female ikran eating the fruit from his hand, unbothered by Azer’s show of aggression. “I have the rest of the day blocked off so, it's just you and me baby boy.” 
“Where are we going?” Neteyam watched the edges of the alpha’s lips turn up slightly in an effort to suppress a grin. He shifted back and forth between his feet once again cautious of the plans Kxolo could have made for the two of them.
“That is for me to know and you to find out.” Without waiting for a response, the Olo’eyktan turned to grab several items from the large satchel attached to Eyvu. Neteyam instantly recognized his battle band in one of the male’s hands.  
 The omega rolled his eyes as Kxolo insisted on fitting the band around the boy’s waist himself, another excuse to fondle him. Regardless, his body perked up at the touch, leaning into every swipe or drag of the fingers against his torso. 
Kxolo gave a crooked smile while showing Neteyam’s rider's mask pinched between his thumb and finger. Neteyam didn’t protest when the male carefully settled it around his head and forehead, shifting it back and forth until it was in place perfectly. 
Instead of falling away, Kxolo’s hands settled themselves on each side of Neteyam’s face. Thumbs running along the boy’s cheek bones, Kxolo leaned in slowly till their noses nudged against one another. The air left Neteyam’s chest as he was pulled into a deep kiss. 
A shiver from his head to toes rushed through his body, prompting the omega to rise on the balls of his feet in order to reach the male easier. His hands naturally found their way to Kxolo’s shoulders, savoring the feel of the muscular expanse of the muscles and smooth azure skin against his fingertips. Their tongues swirled lazily, only occasionally breaking away for small spurts of air. The feeling of warm large hands encompassing his head as Kxolo maneuvered it in whatever direction, sparked a warmth in his stomach that couldn’t be explained. 
Neteyam gasped for air once they pulled away, faces still only inches apart. A delicate kiss was placed atop the boy’s nose, causing his eyelashes to flutter close momentarily. A loose free smile graced Kxolo’s lips. That touch of sincere happiness was back in those golden orbs, almost childlike. Neteyam marveled at the contrast it was to the mighty Olo’eyktan role Kxolo usually maintained. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You just looked too beautiful.” The air was caught in Neteyam’s throat as his brain went blank, looking for a response. There was not much time for one to be given as one last kiss was pecked onto his cheek before the towering male was turning around and heading back to the other ikran. 
He shifted the mask idly, looking for something to do with his hands. It wasn’t until Azer had nudged his shoulder that Neteyam remembered what they were there for and finally connected the tsaheylu. A heavy sigh worked its way through his body as he was once again able to feel every pulse and heartbeat of his friend. Their breathing synced into a slow hum that was bubbling with strength and excitement. The omega could tell that Azer knew they were about to fly together again.
Boarding Azer again felt as natural as breathing, but as they took off, he could feel the extra strain in his muscles. His thighs tensed and shook from not being in proper use for so long, but Neteyam diligently shifted and clung until he was appropriately in position to ride properly. 
The wind picked and crashed into his face as they raced upwards and out of the treeline after the ikran ahead. His stomach lurched at the dramatic pull of gravity from their vertical ascend against it. It wasn’t until they had leveled out once more that Neteyam was able to focus on anything besides clinging to the creature. 
For the first time in weeks the horizon was in clear view. The endless blur of orange and yellow scraped across in the distance, another reminder of how infinite the world could be. Gliding through the open air, Neteyam could hardly breath, taking in the vastness of skyscraping trees intertwined that flowed into bodies of water rushing into one another. Ikrans decorated the skies in clusters as they freely danced through the empty space. 
It was like seeing it for the first time. 
Although more harsh and unyielding at the speed, Neteyam swore the air felt crystalline pure in comparison. His lungs filled deeply, basking in the smell of pine and sunshine. Panning the distance, Neteyam caught sight of Kxolo watching him from the right. He had forgotten the alpha was even there, but the older male was content to patiently glide beside as Neteyam had his moment. 
“Follow me.” He called before banking to the right. Neteyam shifted his grip on Azer before swinging them in the direction of his mate. 
It only took a few minutes of following the alpha calmly for Neteyam to feel Azer’s impatience at the speed. They both yearned for sharper turns, fast uptakes, and winding paths that would leave one's head spinning. 
Neteyam swirled them into an aerial spin, hands holding on for dear life as toes gripped the ends of the saddle. Adrenaline mixed with pure ecstasy raced through his veins with every twist. A scream ripped its way through his throat as they continued their way through the air, completely weightless. 
A sharp cry to their left startled Neteyam into finally looking over and seeing Kxolo bumping alongside them. Azer let out an aggressive cry, going to snap at the other ikran but Neteyam swiftly swerved them away in time. Kxolo burst into a laugh before jetting down into a spiral descent. 
Neteyam followed without hesitation. The speed along with the spinning made it near impossible to tell when the world was right side up. Only streaks of color could be interpreted as they continued to cut down through the air at great speeds. The omega could hear the alpha’s own cries and yips of glee beside them. 
Neteyam and Kxolo leisurely took the path towards their destination, oftentimes going off to explore certain parts of the forest unseen to Neteyam or race each other to designated tree lines. The omega’s heart soared at the taste of true freedom. 
He would no longer be prisoned to the grounds covered by trees that dwarfed him and blocked the sunrise. Neteyam didn’t realize how much he truly yearned for flying until it had been taken away. It reminded him of the first time he rode Azer after completing his iknimaya. Their first ride together was clumsy  and uncoordinated but nothing could beat the awe and rush of adrenaline that came from swimming through the clouds. He was invincible. The world was below him and Neteyam lived among the stars. 
His body became quicker to respond to the changing sharp angles and turns as he clung to the ikran. The glides became smoother as the muscle memory snapped into place and Neteyam was able to chase the horizon without a single thought. Azer and Neteyam moved as one, inseparable in body and mind. 
“Keep up, little one.” Kxolo yelled over his shoulder teasingly. The alpha swerved to glide behind the backside of the roaring waterfall with ease. Neteyam struggled slightly to get them into position to do the same but found his way nonetheless. He couldn’t keep the grin from his face and laugh from lips as the thundering water crashed close enough to mist their bodies completely. 
Any sense of time slipped between Neteyam’s fingertips as the pair continued to ride till his thighs were on fire. At some point the omega knew they were flying in circles, putting off reaching their final destination, but he couldn’t care less. It was the most he had felt like himself since arriving to the clan. 
When they finally perched along a cliffside covered in thick grass and small budding flowers, Neteyam’s legs wobbled beneath him as he dismounted. He brushed along the ikran’s neck, calming the exhausted animal down before going to stretch his own limbs out. Every part of his body ached from holding the crouched position over Azer but the pain was welcomed with the knowledge that it had come from doing something he loved. 
“I thought I lost you there for a minute.” Kxolo called while taking out a blanket from the pack on Eyvu. Neteyam rolled his eyes and snorted at the teasing.
“As if. I was riding your ass the whole time. If I weren’t rusty from my month hiatus we would have been a speck in the horizon to you.” Neteyam pushed the mask off of his head to see the alpha’s expression better. An amused demeanor was all he found as Kxolo finished laying the blanket out and sauntered over to the smaller male. 
“Hmm arrogance suits you well, my love.” As usual, Kxolo took liberties in invading Neteyam’s personal space at the first chance possible. “And so does flying. You were beautiful out there.”
Large hands casually grasped at Neteyam’s hips, bringing him in closer. 
“You weren’t too bad yourself.” The omega muttered, unsure of where to rest his hands at such close proximity. He flinched as small circles were traced over the matching hickeys on his hips. 
“Generous of you.” The older male chuckled before intertwining their fingers and pulled Neteyam towards the laid out blanket. Neteyam sat obediently as he watched Kxolo carry over an arrangement of carefully packed fruits, berries, nuts, and dried meat. 
The alpha confidently settled himself behind Neteyam with a leg on either side of the boy. He didn’t question the older male when he removed both of their battled bands and placed them to the side. The intimate position had the omega squirming slightly but when one large hand gently pushed against his chest to urge him to lean back, Neteyam caught a whiff of Kxolo’s overpowering scent and every muscle in his body relaxed. He could no longer remember why he would want to move in the first place as his omega hindbrain sang praises of approval and relief at the feeling of the alpha cuddling him close. 
Neteyam obediently opened his mouth as different pieces of fruit were hand fed to him. His mind was already drifting off into its own world, too tired to care or even notice the intimate act. His eyes lazily followed the soaring patterns created by wild ikrans drifting through the clouds. The omega basked in the silence and reprieve the lookout point brought. 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Kxolo asked, putting another piece of fruit in front of the boy’s lips. Neteyam quietly chewed, trying to think of some response. 
“Did you see my family when you picked up Azer?” 
“Pulo led a small group to meet them and bring him over last night. I was a little preoccupied.” He could feel the male's lips pulled into a smirk as they leaned down to brush against his cheek. “That reminds me,” Kxolo shuffled behind him, pulling a few small objects out of the satchel. Neteyam turned around to face the alpha, sitting on his knees.
“These are for you.” Placed in his hands were colorful bracelets of different patterns and designs. He ran the beads between his fingers, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I’m told they are from one of your sisters.” 
Neteyam perked up, remembering the bracelets that his parents had mentioned Tuk making for him.
“Tuk was there?” He began to more closely observe each and every bracelet, impressed by the complexity and clean construction his youngest sister was able to execute. 
“She was there alright and according to Pulo, the most intimidating child he had ever met. She made him promise to get these delivered to you in one piece followed by some very creative threats.” Neteyam laughed loudly at the mental image of tiny Tuk pointing her finger angrily while growling out demands and threats at the grown alpha. He couldn’t help but be proud of his sister’s passion. 
“That sounds like her.” His grin spread from ear to ear as he continued to admire the bracelets, unaware of Kxolo fondly watching him. “She gets very serious about her projects. I almost lost my title of favorite brother to Lo’ak once because I accidentally snapped one of her necklaces.I had to give her rides on Azer for a whole week to make it up to her.” He chuckled. 
“I’m sure that secured your title permanently.” Kxolo listened intently, happy to hear the boy babble about his family. Truly just content to hear Neteyam talk about anything that brought him joy. 
“Well that’s not even half the stuff Tuk has dragged me into. Last year she became obsessed with the idea of princesses. They’re a Sky People thing, like a Tsahik in rank I guess but they just dance in these giant dresses with sparkly hats on their heads.” 
Wrinkles formed between Kxolo’s eyebrows as he tried to understand the weird Sky People custom Neteyam described. The omega gave a small laugh at his expression, waving his hand to show the definition didn’t really matter. 
“Anyways, she spent weeks creating these makeshift tiaras, the sparkly hats, out of twigs, beads, shells, anything she could get her hands on. Dragged Kiri, Lo’ak and I into having a tea party. It’s just sitting around drinking stuff with these ridiculous head pieces on. Lo’ak found some lame excuse to bail and Kiri was called to the healer’s tent so I was the only one left to be tormented by her for three long hours.” He secured an orange and purple bracelet around one wrist while continuing. Kxolo held in a coo at the idea of sweet patient Neteyam grumbling with a cup in hand and sparkly headpiece on for hours in order to entertain the girl. 
“Unfortunately, a few of the other warriors walked by during this escapade. Tuk was more than happy to explain what we were doing and for months I had the nickname ‘Princess Neteyam’. It took Lo’ak punching one alpha in the nose after using it for the trend to finally die off.” Finally finishing the story, Neteyam’s cheeks started to burn red as he realized how much rambling he had done to the alpha, and with an embarrassing story nonetheless. 
“She is lucky to have such a caring older brother like you, sweet one.” Kxolo purred, thumbing at the ebbing red spreading across the boy’s cheek bones. 
“I don’t know why I told you all that.” His eyes averted from the Olo’eyktan’s gaze down to the remaining bracelets still in his lap. 
“I like your stories, baby.” Kxolo assured. “Were you teased often by other warriors?” Neteyam knew that the older male was really asking about alphas in particular. He knew better than to let Kxolo in on all the courting, teasing, and flirting he had endured from other alphas in the clan. Yet somehow, the words slipped out. 
“Well being a male omega always comes with a certain amount of unwanted attention.” Something dark flickered in the Olo’eyktan’s eyes. Neteyam mentally cursed at himself, trying to figure out why he had said anything at all when he knew it was a bad idea. 
“Like what?” Kxolo maintained his casual posture and nonchalant voice, but that hard steel in his eyes did not vanish and Neteyam knew he had stepped into dangerous territory. Alphas were known to be territorial and possessive, something Kxolo had already established several times in their relationship. The last thing he needed was for the Olo’eyktan to hunt down the silly boys that had chased him back home. Lo’ak had already done too much of that for Neteyam’s liking. 
“Oh it’s nothing. Yum fish, did you want some?” Neteyam reached for the small basket of fish, desperately trying to steer the conversation in a different direction. 
“Neteyam.” Kxolo drawled. Intense eyes bore into the side of Neteyam’s skull as he fiddled with the fish. 
“You know I caught a fish just like this when I was little. It was pretty impressive for an eight year old.” His mind scrambled for any information that could permanently keep them off the topic of persistent alphas. 
“You didn’t answer my question, little one.” The words were on the verge of a deep growl and Neteyam’s heart rate sped up at the tone. A sudden urge to tell the alpha everything bubbled to the surface but the omega swallowed it down. 
“Sure I did. Yovo?” Neteyam held out the purple fruit in offering. Kxolo slowly grabbed the fruit from his grasp and laid it to the side, eyes never leaving the omega before him. 
“Is there something you don’t want to tell me, little one?” Finally making eye contact with those golden orbs, Neteyam found it nearly impossible not to say something in response. 
“It really is nothing. Just a few silly alphas that had a hard time taking no for an answer. Had to get a little creative in shaking them off, but it was fine. My dad and Lo’ak were pretty stern with some of them.” The confession spilled out messily, almost against his will, but Neteyam did his best to remain aloof, picking at the fish in front of him. 
The pheromones drifting from the alpha were slowly shifting into ones of lethal anger, so Neteyam decided to try a new strategy. Shuffling on his knees, the boy hesitantly straddled one of Kxolo’s outstretched thighs. He did his best to flutter his lashes innocently at the male while holding up a piece of yovo in front of Kxolo’s lips. Sharp eyes watched the boy warily. 
“Here, I’ll feed you.” His lips cracked into a nervous smile. 
Long fingers wrapped around his small wrist, lowering it from the Olo’eyktan’s lips. 
“Shake them how?” Kxolo’s jaw clenched, as the intoxicating pheromones rolled off of him in waves towards Neteyam. The boy bit his lip to stop himself from continuing on and making things worse, but there was a little voice in the back of his head that was getting progressively louder. A voice that begged for him to tell the alpha what he wanted to know. To give in and spill any and every secret he ever had. 
“Just some silly ways I got some of them to stop following me around after asking didn’t work.”
“So they stalked you.” Neteyam’s chest tightened at the rumbling voice. 
“Well I wouldn’t call it that necessa-”
“Did they touch you?” A fire seethed in those golden eyes and Neteyam felt drunk off of the possessive tone that fell over him. It took serious effort to not present his neck to Kxolo submissively. 
“N-no not really. I don’t see why you care so much anyways.” Neteyam knew it was the wrong thing to say the second the words left his mouth. 
An arm of iron steel wrapped around the omega’s back, pulling him further up Kxolo’s thigh until they were chest to chest. Neteyam whimpered at the friction of the movement, the coil of arousal already forming. His chin was pinched tightly between the alpha’s thumb and finger, forcing the nervous omega to maintain eye contact. 
A looming intensity settled over Kxolo’s features, a burning fire that could not be tamed. The musky scent encasing Neteyam’s senses had his head spinning, staring dumbly up at the male. The boy’s fingers gripped at the beads adorning the alpha’s neck, looking for something to grasp on to. 
“I care because you are my omega, my mate. And it is my job as your alpha to protect you. Nobody touches what is mine.” The deep rumble of assertions were laced with dark threads of promises. Promises to own. Promises to protect. Promises to kill threats, if necessary. 
Shaky breaths slipped through Neteyam’s lips. His thoughts felt like a tangled mess of string, with no beginning or end, no sense in any of it. All that he could focus on was the pure power and dominance radiating from the alpha, his alpha. 
“I am always going to look after you, baby boy. I take my responsibilities very seriously and you are my utmost priority.” Neteyam preened at the affirmations. His fingers happily slipped behind Kxolo’s heads to begin playing with the braids happily. He caught the corner of the Olo’eyktan’s lips twitching upwards almost into a smile before disappearing. 
“Neteyam,” The omega’s eyes snapped back into focus from their wandering along Kxolo’s broad shoulders. “If anyone ever touches you or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, I need you to come directly to me. You tell me what happened, and I will take care of it.” An ominous ambiguity lay around the definition of taking care of it, but Neteyam didn’t dwell on it. “Can you promise me that, baby?” 
The back of Kxolo’s knuckles tenderly traced his cheekbones. Shivers traveled down Neteyam’s spine as he nodded. 
“Use your words, baby boy.” He commanded gently. 
“I promise.” Neteyam whispered, causing a grin to slowly return to Kxolo’s face. 
“Good boy.” He praised the omega. Neteyam held in a whimper at the words as slick began to leak out onto Kxolo’s thigh. 
A strong grip around the back of his neck pulled the boy into a slow heated kiss. His fingers held onto the braids for dear life as his hips accidentally rutted against the Olo’eyktan’s thigh again. His head was already starting to turn fuzzy but Neteyam knew there was one thing he had to do before losing himself to the pleasure. Kxolo let out an unsatisfied grunt when Neteyam pulled himself out of the kiss with some force. The grip remained but the alpha didn’t try to pull him back in. 
“Kxolo?” He hesitantly whispered. 
“Yes baby?” Kxolo watched the boy’s expression vigilantly. 
“L-last night when we were…together,” Neteyam gulped, willing himself to spit the words out he had been holding in all day. “Why didn’t you take my virginity?” Kxolo repositioned his hand from Neteyam’s neck to instead run soothing strokes through the boy’s braids.
“Take,” He hummed. “Precisely because of that. I don’t want to take your virginity, Neteyam. I wait for the day that you give it to me. Last night you were in no position to do so, completely overtaken by your desire. I wasn’t about to do something that would have you singing praises one night and hating me the next.” 
The explanation made sense, was even thoughtful, but a part of Neteyam’s heart sank. He knew convincing the other male wasn’t going to be easy, but the boy knew what he wanted. He knew what he needed, what he thought of every night he closed his eyes to sleep. 
“I’m giving it to you now.” There was a silence as Kxolo’s eyes closed and he took a deep breath. Neteyam recognized it as the same expression his father wore when trying to hold his temper back, praying to Eywa for strength, but Kxolo was praying to control something else.  
“It is a dangerous thing to tease me, baby boy.” Neteyam was instantly shaking his head, shuffling further up the alpha’s thigh. 
“I’m not.” Kxolo’s  jaw clenched at the words, eyes roaming up and down Neteyam’s form slowly. 
“I only have so much self control, Neteyam. Do not say this to me, unless you are committed to following through. I will not wake up to a bratty omega that regrets giving in. Do you understand?” The coil wound tighter and tighter in Neteyam’s core at the words. He knew then more than ever that he wanted the male. He wanted to give everything over to the Olo’eyktan till all of his worries were illegible words drifting at the back of his mind. 
“I know what I’m saying.” Neteyam smoothed his fingers along the expanse of Kxolo’s shoulders, relishing the dip and curve of the strong muscles. “I’ve wanted you, needed you, for a long time.” He laid opened mouthed kisses along the older male’s neck, avoiding the thick beaded choker. “It’s the only thing that runs through my head at night when you're pressed up against me, or when I wake up and I’m drowned in your scent.” He squeaked as the arm around his back yanked him up against the alpha till they were chest to chest. “Please help me, alpha.”
Kxolo gently shifted his hand to encase Neteyam’s neck, forcing the boy to look upwards at him. The other hand went to claw and squeeze at the boy’s ass mercilessly. More slick was released and Neteyam was suddenly desperate for the friction against Kxolo’s thigh. Despite this, he didn’t move, didn’t dare breathe. He was pinned by the dilated pupils staring back at him, swimming with primal desire. 
“If you want this, you are going to promise me something, baby boy.” 
“Anything.” he breathed. 
“Promise me that tomorrow when your head is out of the clouds and you remember what we have done, you will not be upset with me. Promise me that this is more than just your hormones talking.” Dull fingernails dug into Neteyam’s plush ass cheek and he whimpered at the sensation. 
“I promise, Kxolo.” The crooked smile that slowly seeped its way across Kxolo’s face had Neteyam shifting uncomfortably under his loincloth. Anticipation was steadily creeping in the pit of his stomach. 
The hand around his neck dragged down the boy’s torso, never missing a chance to land a quick flick against a nipple until it circled around to his back and gripped the other cheek. Neteyam let out pitiful little whimpers as Kxolo palmed both cheeks and spread them apart slowly. Despite the bands still securing his loincloth in place, Neteyam could feel the soft breeze against his wet hole. He had never felt so vulnerable and naked, and yet never more aroused. 
Hot breath tickled his ear as the alpha leaned in close to it. 
“Are you ready to be mine, baby boy?” Neteyam’s own fingernails dug slightly into those broad shoulders as the familiar haze began to overtake his train of thought. 
“Yes daddy!” He cried out as one finger skated against his rim. 
“You have all the right answers today, don’t you?” Kxolo chuckled. One hand on the boy’s hip and the other still digging into one cheek, Kxolo began to move Neteyam back and forth across his thigh. 
The friction was sweet torture as his stiff cock dragged along the smooth skin. Kxolo’s hands pressed him down harder, insisting on Neteyam letting his whole body weight be pressed down against his stripped thigh. The omega yearned to remove the piece of fabric separating his cock from the flexing muscles. Neteyam’s whimpers into the crook of Kxolo’s neck finally caught the male’s attention. 
“Don’t pout, pretty thing. Daddy’s trying to get you ready for him.” He smirked at Neteyam’s increasing ruts against his thigh, aching for any type of pressure. His smile, however, dropped when the omega halted the movement to reach for his loincloth and begin taking it off. “Nuh-uh baby boy, not yet.” He demanded. 
Neteyam sent pleading eyes at the male, but obeyed anyways. He rutted against the exposed thigh until there was leaking precum staining his loincloth. No matter how hard he tried to buck or how many different patterns he tried, it was never enough to get him close to the edge, only enough sensation to have him aching for more focused attention. 
The omega tried to distract himself by laying kisses along the column of Kxolo’s throat, progressively getting more annoyed at the beads blocking his path. The distraction was only effective for so long as Neteyam could already feel the cut of the woven blanket into his knees as he rocked himself back and forth. 
“Daddy please! I need more, need you closer!” Neteyam could practically feel the waves of approval in the pheromones that drifted from the alpha. Before he could ask again he was pushed flat on his back with Kxolo watching on his knees from the side. 
Neteyam reached a hand for the male, but was shushed gently as he repositioned himself to straddle the omega’s knees. Seeking some sort of contact, Neteyam was finally able to locate a hand and intertwine their fingers together. His tail wrapped around the forearm too for good measure. 
Devious eyes peered up at Neteyam as Kxolo bent down towards his clothed crotch. The omega was unable to look away as the Olo’eyktan placed an intentional kiss on top of his bulge, then licking over the precum spot darkening the loincloth. Neteyam could feel himself getting more and more anxious as he was teased relentlessly. 
Kxolo swiftly moved his head along the top of the loincloth until reaching one of the straps holding it on. He stared back at the whimpering omega with glee as he carefully used his teeth to latch onto the strap. Using that grip, he tugged it slowly down Neteyam’s leg, loincloth following reluctantly in the process. Goosebumps bloomed across the azure skin as the sharp edges of Kxolo’s teeth grazed his limb consequently. 
Halfway down the boy’s thigh, Kxolo grinned slightly as the hard little cock slapped against Neteyam’s stomach. When he had finally managed to get the fabric down to the boy’s ankles and off, Neteyam was panting heavily and squeezing his hand till there was little circulation. 
He ran the side of one finger up the length of Neteyam’s cock, lightly swirling around the head once reaching the top. It twitched and leaked shamelessly as Kxolo teased along it with feather light touches. 
“Don’t be mean.” Neteyam complained, hips shuffling to escape the teasing. 
“Am I not allowed to admire my omega’s little cock?” Kxolo mocked. Neteyam let out another loud groan as the alpha swiped his thumb over the head harshly with a squeeze. “So pretty.” He cooed. 
Watching from lidded eyes, Neteyam drank in the sight of Kxolo hungrily. A white heat ran through his veins, screaming at the omega to fulfill every dirty desire. His heart rate sped up as he remembered what it felt like to trace along the lines and curves of the larger male’s torso. He began to salivate at the idea of following them with his tongue instead. 
Tired of speculating, Neteyam quickly pushed himself up until he was back to straddling Kxolo. Their lips attached automatically as the Olo’eyktan gripped the smaller body against his forcefully. The kiss quickly turned into a mess of tongue and teeth. Neteyam’s own canines scraped along Kxolo’s bottom lip. The licks and kisses began to trail away from the alpha’s lips and towards the male’s right ear. He ran his tongue down the side of Kxolo’s neck, alternating with wet kisses. The scent was intoxicating, pushing Neteyam to travel further and further down the expanse of skin. 
Kxolo watched in pleasure and amusement as Neteyam separated them enough to duck his head down to the male’s chest. Small hands fervently danced across the male’s lower abs and sides. Tongue and teeth scraped along his pecs before settling against a spot next to Kxolo’s collarbone. Lust filled eyes twitched upwards at Kxolo before Neteyam latched onto the spot. 
A small groan left the alpha’s throat in surprise. Neteyam sucked the patch of skin zealously trying to leave a hickey. A primal urge to mark the alpha as his own just like he had done for him. 
“There you go, baby boy. Such a good boy marking your alpha.” Kxolo growled at the slight pain radiating from the spot. 
Neteyam pulled off with a messy smile, fingertips running along the small mark already forming. The heat inside of him burned brighter at the praises that so easily fell from the Olo’eyktan’s lips. Hastily placed kisses ran down Kxolo’s chest and abs in celebration. 
Kxolo massaged and dug into the curve of Neteyam’s ass, letting the boy explore and mouth at his body freely. He allowed himself to bask in the feeling of the inexperienced tongue and fingers desperately searching him. His cock was already on the verge of bursting out of his loincloth, but Kxolo yearned to slow down time as much as possible. He was in no rush to subdue Neteyam’s oral fixation.
Sharp tugs to his loincloth snapped Kxolo out of his blissful trance. He fought back a laugh as he watched Neteyam angrily yank at the straps, unable to pull it off with Kxolo sitting down. He watched the omega’s frustrated expression with pinched eyebrows and lips formed into an adorable pout. It wasn’t until Neteyam refocused that expression up at the alpha that he decided to have mercy on the boy and remove his loincloth for him. 
Kxolo jolted drastically as warm lips wrapped around his cock within seconds of the cloth falling away. He watched in awe as Neteyam intently tried to fit the large member into his mouth, whining when he was only able to fit it halfway down. The sound sent vibrations through his cock that had him twitching and groaning in delight. 
Animalistic desires surged through Kxolo’s thoughts at the sight. His pretty little omega, desperately sucking at his cock, poor little thing barely able to handle it but gagging earnestly on it anyways. An oral fixation indeed. 
“Missed me that much, huh?” He breathlessly laughed. He fought back the urge to buck into Neteyam’s warm mouth, but as the suckling and gagging continued, it became progressively more difficult to hold back. 
Trails of saliva coated the corners of Neteyam’s outstretched lips. His eyes were glossy but determined as they went back and forth between focusing, squeezing shut in frustration and blinking up at Kxolo. His lower abs tightened in anticipation of the impending orgasm coming his way. There was only so much self control he had left before his instincts would take over. 
“Keep going like that and you’ll have me cuming down your throat.” Kxolo warned. 
To his surprise, Neteyam moaned sweetly at the words. Looking down at those eyes it was obvious the boy was somewhere far away, completely lost in the primal desires his omega screamed for. It was Kxolo’s last tipping point.
“You want that, baby? Want daddy to fuck his cum down your throat?” Neteyam did his best to nod without letting the cock fall out of his aching mouth. 
Kxolo used both hands to gather Neteyam’s braids and cue into a makeshift ponytail. He swirled it around one wrist before gripping the gathered hair tightly. Satisfied with the makeshift handle, he gave the boy one last warning. “Remember what I said about breathing through your nose.” 
He guided the boy down his cock before harshly tugging his hair up till Neteyam’s lips were just around his head. This pattern continued, long strokes as the omega became closer and closer to taking in all of his alpha’s cock. The boy would choke and gag as the head and part of the shaft would hit the back of his throat. Despite these struggles he continued to suck and hollow his cheeks in effort to reach his goal.
The pace slowly turned brutal as Kxolo manhandled the boy’s head up and down, chasing his own high. He did his best to check on the boy throughout but there was little need as Neteyam continued to moan and slick could be seen coating the boy’s thighs from where Kxolo sat. 
Deep growls and groans filled the air with Neteyam’s wet noises and whimpers. The alpha could feel his high reaching quickly as his cock was squeezed tightly by his mate’s little mouth. The golden eyes blinking back at him in search of approval set him on the edge. It wasn't until a small hand came to fondle his balls that Kxolo lost it. 
“Neteyam!” he growled as stars clouded his vision. The omega sputtered and choked at the feeling of warm cum down his throat but this time he didn’t pull off. Kxol drunkenly watched his omega suckle down the sperm. 
Finally down from his high, Kxolo released the boy’s hair and gently slid his sensitive cock out of his mouth. Neteyam’s chest rose and fell quickly as he gasped for air. There was an unmistakable smile forming along his panting lips. 
“You ok, baby boy?” Face still a mess of spit and dribbling cum, Neteyam pulled them into a passionate kiss. Kxolo laughed between their lips before grabbing him by the waist and deepening it. 
“Swear your mouth was made for me, baby. It was made for daddy’s cock wasn’t it?” Neteyam nodded eagerly. His hips began to move against Kxolo’s pelvis seeking friction for his erect cock. 
“N-need your cock i-inside daddy!” Neteyam’s voice was barely a raspy moan from the ache in his throat. The sound had the alpha moving into action immediately. 
The world spun as Neteyam was pushed back onto the ground with his ankles held together in one hand that pushed them up towards his ears. His hole fluttered against the cool air, wet and desperate for attention. His toes wiggled in anticipation as he strained to see the alpha from the otherside of his upturned legs. A disappointed whine cut off his train of thought at the feeling of a finger being pushed in, instead of what he really wanted. 
“Have to stretch you out first, baby. Try to be patient.” Neteyam tried to focus on the soothing rumble in that voice. He could feel himself practically ripping holes into the blanket as he gripped the material with both hands. 
Minutes felt like hours as the Olo’eyktan thoroughly added finger after finger, swirling, twisting and scissoring to ensure he was being stretched properly. The pleasure was undeniable but Neteyam couldn’t help but feel as if it was not enough, not when he had been promised to be filled. 
Twisting to one way, Neteyam was finally able to catch a glance at the concentrated Olo’eyktan. A prideful smirk made its way across his face as he noticed the alpha was already back to full mass. He bit his lip at the sight. 
“What did I say about being patient?” Kxolo raised his eyebrow at the boy.
“I am being patient.” Neteyam innocently whined. 
“Then stop,” The three fingers jammed against his g-spot abruptly. “Tempting me with that lip bite.” A silent scream had Neteyam’s mouth wide open as Kxolo continued to massage and rub that special spot. “You know how I feel about that.” 
“I’m gonna cum!” Neteyam blurted out.
“Won’t be the last time today.” The promise had Neteyam shaking as the orgasm ripped through him. His stomach became painted in ropes of cum as the fingers continued to ride him through the high. Finally opening his eyes, Neteyam blinked at the mischievous alpha smirking back at him. 
“Feeling a little more patient now?”
“Asshole.” Neteyam muttered, earning himself a sharp spank to the ass. 
Still sensitive but aching for more, Neteyam’s suspended legs began to tremble as Kxolo pushed his thumb past the rim. Kxolo watched in smug fascination as the tight rim of muscles began to stretch and form around his fingers. He eased the whimpering omega with soft coos and kisses to the bottom of his thighs periodically, promising he would have his cock soon. 
Finally when his hole was relaxed enough and Kxolo couldn’t hold himself back anymore, he repositioned Neteyam to get him ready. The boy’s small body was pliant as he parted those legs to place them on either side of him, bent at the knees. His heart warmed at the sight of Neteyam’s tail naturally wrapping itself around Kxolo’s thigh. 
“So pretty.” Kxolo murmured with a soft kiss to the winking hole. 
“Please please please Kxolo.” Sitting up to face Kxolo, sparkling eyes on the brink of tears blinked back at him. Kxolo’s breath caught at the sight. His pretty Neteyam. 
One hand lined up his cock to the entrance while the other pulled the omega into a deep kiss. It was interrupted as the head of his cock just barely breached the ring of muscles. Neteyam sharply took in a breath. 
“Relax for me, baby. That’s it. Good boy.” Kxolo tenderly brushed the hair from Neteyam’s sweaty forehead. Inch by inch slowly pushing into the tight heat, it took great effort to keep his own voice even at the sensation. It took every fiber of self control to keep himself from plunging in mercilessly. 
His pelvis finally met the curve of Neteyam’s ass. The omega’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, breathing intensifying at the full feeling. It was unlike anything he had felt before. So many nights imagining and yet nothing could prepare him for it. The burning stretch had him caught in a limbo between pleasure and pain. 
“Great Mother! You are so tight, Neteyam.” Kxolo growled into the smaller boy’s neck in between kisses. “How’s my baby? You doing alright?” 
“So big.” Neteyam cried, shifting slightly on the cock. Kxolo fingers dug into one of the soft thighs, holding himself back from moving. 
“I know, baby boy. You are taking Daddy’s cock so well, so tight for me.” The burning slowly began to fade. Neteyam found himself restless, squeezing around the cock in efforts for more. 
“Shit, Neteyam! Careful there.” 
“Need you to move now!” He whined, bucking his hips back against the alpha’s pelvis. Kxolo let out a string of curses before complying. 
He slid out slightly, savoring in the tight walls that held him inside mercilessly. Every drag sent white hot pleasure through the alpha’s veins, barely able to move with the way his omega’s hole hungrily sucked him in. Neteyam on the other hand was already incoherently begging for more, faster, harder, deeper.
“Careful what you wish for.” The alpha growled before pulling completely out and slamming back into the hilt without pause. Neteyam screamed at the sensation. His hands clawed Kxolo’s shoulders to pull himself up. 
He repeated the movement again and again until Neteyam was letting out scream and whimpers at every thrust. Kxolo couldn’t keep in his own groans as the tight heat sucked him in effortlessly. 
“Yes yes YES!” Neteyam screamed into the male’s shoulder. 
“Found it.” Kxol smirked as he teased around that spot with his thrusts, only then to randomly hit against it at full force. The teasing had Neteyam fully shifting himself onto Kxolo’s lap, looking for some sort of control. 
“Wanna ride you daddy.” He whimpered. Kxolo lovingly kissed along the boy’s neck, nodding at him to continue. He steadied the hesitant omega with hands to his hips, guiding him up and down. 
Neteyam intertwined his fingers through the beaded choker around Kxolo’s neck, using it as a grip. With every thrust, Kxolo found new places to kiss and praise within his reach. Little love bites littered the side of Neteyam’s neck down to his jetting collarbones. 
Kxolo took in every sight, touch, and sound and committed it to memory. He reveled in the feeling of Neteyam’s small body finally wrapped in his arms, no space between their bodies, perfectly together in one. He ingrained the sounds of those whimpers into his brain, noticing every hitch of breath or cut up exhale the boy breathed. This was where he belonged. This was where Neteyam was meant to be. 
A sharp tug accompanied by a sounding snap brought him back to reality. Beads were falling everywhere between their bodies, his necklace split to one side. A glance to Neteyam’s hands still grasping strings and beads, had the alpha chuckling, realizing he had broken the choker once used as a handle. 
“S-sorry.” Neteyam barely got the words out as he struggled to maintain the bouncing motion in pace. 
“I think I like it better like this anyways.” He laughed, reassuring his mate. “Why don’t you let me take over, hm?” Neteyam nodded, eyes barely peeking through the lids. 
Kxolo pulled out carefully, cooing as Neteyam whimpered at the loss. He flipped the omega over on this stomach with knees underneath him to prop his ass up. He wasted no time in re-entering the boy from behind. Neteyam hiccuped and cried in pleasure as he was filled once more. The new angle had the alpha able to fuck into him deeper than before, reaching the boy’s g spot head on.
“I know baby, I know.” He grunted as Neteyam began to let the tears freely roll down his cheeks. The pleasure was overwhelming, it sucked the very breath from his lungs. A firm hand pressed against his lower back till Neteyam was bowing back into a provocative arch. A warm chuckle had him looking back in confusion at the alpha.
“Maybe I’ll have some yovo after all.” Kxolo teased, gesturing to the purple fruit that rubbed off onto Neteyam’s back from laying down across their picnic spread. Kxolo picked up the pace, jackhammering into the little hole. 
The flat of his tongue ran from the base of Neteyam’s spine to the bottom of his upturned ear. He delighted at the shivers and goosebumps that speckled across Neteyam’s skin at the act. He liked his lips and hummed at the sweet taste before repeating the action. Between licking off the fruit juice the Olo’eyktan would look down at where their bodies connected, watching the omega’s ass bounce against his pelvic bone. 
“So good so good sogoodsogood.” Neteyam screamed weakly, underneath the larger male. Kxolo continued to sink into the boy harder, shooting for the little spot that made him see stars. 
“I know, baby boy. Feels so good. You are being so perfect for me. So fucking beautiful!” The older male growled, rutting his cock faster into the boy’s hole till there were red marks forming along the cheeks where his pelvis was hitting. “Are you gonna cum pretty boy?” 
Neteyam nodded hastily against the woven blanket. He reached his hand back blindly searching for contact. Kxolo understood instantly and instead pulled the boy up until his back was flush against the Olo’eyktan’s chest. Neteyam nestled easily into the form with his head thrown back against the older male’s shoulder. The two intertwined hands, laying them across the omega’s bulging stomach. 
Neteyam unlatched one hand in order to reach for his own leaking cock. Kxolo quickly slapped the hand away sternly. He went to complain until the Olo’eyktan’s own hand reached around to wrap firmly around his length. 
“That’s mine.” The reverberating growl made Neteyam’s toes curl in pleasure. 
The brutal pounding from behind and strokes to his cock had the omega shaking from the intense stimulation. He was barely able to tell left from right. Every stroke brought him closer and closer to his release. Barely a breath away from pure ecstasy. 
“So beautiful on my cock, Ma Neteyam.” The orgasm ripped through Neteyam fiercely. His hole squeezed harshly around the older male’s cock causing a loud groan to leave his lips. He held the boy, continuing the rhythm, as the omega’s body shook and convulsed. 
“Good boy, cuming for daddy.” He purred, hips zealously snapping into him in order to push himself over his own edge. One final squeeze around him had the man growling as his own release spilled into the smaller male’s hole. 
“Love you so much, Teyam.” He moaned euphorically. 
Neteyam’s muscles felt powerless as he lay there, completely lost in the post orgasm haze. Kxolo continued to affectionately pet the boy’s soft skin, whispering praises into his ear. Eventually, keeping his eyelids open was too much for Neteyam and he drifted seamlessly into a deep slumber. 
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Neteyam napped for over an hour, head laid happily on Kxolo's lap. The Olo’eyktan was impressed to find the boy stir not even once as he cleaned the cum off of both their bodies with a wet rag. He stroked longer fingers across the boy’s sides sweetly as Neteyam slumbered deeply in the setting sunlight. 
When Neteyam finally woke, the two found that he was in no state to ride on his own. The boy could barely walk, let alone crouch over Azer to fly. Instead, he watched as Kxolo packed up their things and then joined him atop of Eyvu. The omega snuggled close into the Olo’eyktan’s large frame, seeking refuge from the cold wind whipping across his skin. 
When they finally landed in the village, Azer trailing behind, Vamai was the first to greet them. She ran towards the two dismounting from around the corner. She watched as Neteyam was carefully helped down from the Ikran’s back. Her eyes landed on the broken necklace around her Olo’eyktan’s neck and the two’s messy hair. A knowing smirk stretched across her lips as devious eyes sparkled in the night. 
“Welcome back. You two seemed to have a lot of fun.” The Olo’eyktan rolled his eyes at the girl's insinuation. Neteyam was too exhausted to register what she was saying, let alone care what it meant. 
“Nice to see you too, Vamai.” Kxolo politely nodded at the omega. Neteyam snuggled against the taller male’s side, daydreaming about their hammock at home. 
“Hi Neteyam.” She happily chirped, leaning towards the boy to get his attention. His eyes reluctantly focused on the familiar figure before humming out a ‘hello’. Kxolo cut in before the frolicsome girl could tease his mate anymore. 
“Vamai, do me a favor and make sure to let Epok know we made it back safely.” He requested. Vamai raised an eyebrow back at the Olo’eyktan.
“Why me?” Neteyam tuned in to the conversation, sensing the weird atmosphere around it. 
“I figured you are going to see him tonight, are you not?” Kxolo fought that smirk tugging at his lips as he watched the girl squirm. “I know how much you two enjoy your time together.” 
Vamai’s lips formed into a thin line, trying to keep her composure at being caught. Knowing when to cut her losses, she quickly agreed and scrambled off into the bushes. 
“What was that about?” Neteyam questioned. Kxolo finally finished taking the pack off of Eyvu and setting it to the side. 
“Time for bed, baby boy.” He simply stated before carrying Neteyam bridal style to their hammock. 
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“And I found these purple rocks by the lake that are Neteyam’s favorite color! I think I can weave them into a necklace. Kiri said she might know how.” Tuk babbled in excitement while gesturing to her older sister. 
Lo’ak rolled his eyes at the display. It bugged him to no end how optimistic Tuk was being about the whole situation. He figured, however, there was nothing more he could expect from a little girl. He could feel his father’s warning glare flash in his direction before returning his focus back onto his youngest daughter. 
“I’m sure he would love that, babygirl.” He hummed before handing Neytiri a plate of fish. Tuk smiled softly at her parents' approval as she continued to eat dinner. 
“How are you planning on getting it to him? It’s not like that skxawng is letting us visit Neteyam.” Lo’ak gritted through his teeth. 
“I already sent five bracelets over, Lo’ak.” Tuk proudly stated, lifting her head high. 
“Oh yeah and how do you know they are actually going to give them to him? We have no idea if they are allowing mail to come through.” 
“Lo’ak.” Jake growled at his son, but Tuk continued anyway.
“Trust me, that ugly man knows better than to defy me.” There was a devious spark in those eyes that had both parents giving their youngest an inquisitive side eye. 
“Don’t get your hopes up.” Lo’ak muttered, once again picking at the fish. 
“Lo’ak, that’s enough.” Neytiri hissed, sending him a death glare. 
“You’ve been so mean since Neteyam left.” Tuk complained, crossing her arms over her chest. “Nete always played with me-”
“Yeah well I’m not Neteyam!” He bursted out, rising to his feet. “And I have more important things to do than playing mermaids with you.” 
“That’s it! Get your ass outside, now.” A deadly fire raged in that tone as Jake pointed at the tent door. Lo’ak happily obliged, not wanting to face Tuk’s hurt expression. He knew the words were out of line, but he could feel the stress getting to him and sometimes it came out in ways that caused collateral damage. He promised himself that he would apologize to her later, maybe find a few of her favorite flowers to smooth things over. 
He could feel his father’s heavy footsteps behind him. Once out of hearing range he turned to face the fuming man. 
“You need to be careful how you speak to your sister.” Jake crossed his arms, the picture of discipline and structure. He knew that look and figured there was no point in arguing when his father was in that mode. 
“I know, I’m sorry sir.” He mumbled with a clenched jaw. 
Jake let out a long exhale. His fingers went to pinch at the crease between his eyebrows in stress. 
“I know that you miss him, we all do, but right now we need to stick together. We need to be there for one another.” Jake tried his best to let the words come off more gentle and patient. It was times like these that he wondered if it was better to send Neytiri out for this talk instead. 
Lo’ak tried to keep a stoic expression as his fist clenched behind his back. How could they stick together when Neteyam was clearly gone. Sullys stick together, but somehow it was ok that Neteyam was left behind? ‘Taken’ Lo’ak reminded himself. That bastard alpha took his brother.
He swallowed down the rage in order to keep his composure. Lo’ak couldn’t have his parents suspecting another attempt. He needed to play his cards carefully, perfectly. Amnu had already agreed to cover for him so that his parents wouldn’t bat an eye at his disappearance tomorrow night. He knew the other alpha agreed partly out of hopes of courting Neteyam when he got back home, but Lo’ak didn’t care if he had to take care of that problem in the future. His first priority had to be bringing Neteyam home. 
“Your mother and I are doing everything we can to deal with the situation.” Jake continued. 
The equipment was ready and packed. He knew how to attach it to his ikran without weighing her down too much. 
“Hell, everyone is doing what they can to figure out how to get him back without a war.”
He knew the way to the other village. Lo’ak had memorized the path Azer and the other ikrans had taken. The Sully boy knew how to recognize an Olo’eyktan’s tent from a regular one. Neteyam was sure to be there. 
“But I need you to trust us.” Jake finished. He blinked down at his son, trying to make out whether or not the boy was really listening. “Are we clear on that, Lo’ak?” 
“Yes sir.” Lo’ak habitually responded. He schooled his features into one of understanding and patience. Jake seemed happy enough with the response and motioned for them to return to dinner. 
Lo’ak let out a quiet sigh.
In a little more than twenty four hours, Neteyam would be home.
Taglist: @perfectprofessorloverapricot​
149 notes · View notes
sams-sass · 10 months
A Blacksmiths hands
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So....this was just something I conjured in my mind one day, and then my imagination ran a little wild. This is completely based on this AI pic that the lovely @winchest09 made for my hormones.
I hope you enjoy!!
Warnings: implied sex. Romance. SWOON
Sam stood against the table, his hands gripping the sides for two reasons. One was to hold him up steady, and the other was to keep himself from going mad as he stared at you. His skin begged for yours. He clenched harder into the wood as you slowly raised your shaking hands to remove your coat. You looked down, breaking eye contact for a moment. A strand of your hair dipped into your eyes, and it took everything in him not to reach out and feel the strand move within the pads of his fingers. He waited in false patience for you to move. When your feet finally started to bring you his way, Sam thought he might lose all control. This was wrong. He knew that. You were a woman of status and wealth. Your family name held power and control over people. You came from a different life—a life of privilege and extravagance. A life of carefree savor. His life was one of pain and sorrow. Of poverty and filth. His skin wore the marks of his labor, his soul the marks of his existence. You were a lady, and he was a blacksmith. There was no world in which your paths should cross. And yet here you stood in his shop, surrounded by metal and heat. You stopped walking and tilted your face to his, looking at him, waiting for him.
The fire's amber glow surrounded you in a soft light that dimmed and hushed his logical mind, allowing instinct to rage through his body like the waves of a tempestuous sea. Using the small amount of self-control he had left, he released the table from his grasp. Raising his hands to your face, he gently removed the pins holding your hair in place. Your lips parted, and he could hear your breath quicken in your chest. Once he pulled the last pin, he moved his fingers over your cheekbones before letting them slip into your hair. You swallowed thickly and closed your eyes, leaning your body against his. Sam felt your touch move over his outer thighs. He took a long and ragged breath before tilting his head to press his forehead against yours. 
“I do not believe you could imagine how badly I want this. How badly I have longed for you.” He breathed into the space between your bodies. 
You let out a sound between a moan and a giggle, your breath tickling his lips. 
“How many have you had before me?” You whispered. 
There was a pause. A restless moment when the air grew thick and the silence raised in volume.
“None.” He finally answered. 
“And after tonight?” Your hands ran up his chest, fiddling with the tie on his tunic. 
Sam circled the tip of your nose with his before leaning back to look you in the eye. His hands still held your head, his thumbs running through your hairline. 
“Only you. Until the end of my days.” He vowed. 
Sam leaned his head down for a moment. You thought he would kiss you, your breath hitched in your throat, waiting for his lips. He surprised you by dropping to his knees in front of you. His large and strong arms wrapped around your waist as his mouth began to move over your clothed torso. You could feel the wet heat from his mouth through the thin fabric of your nightgown. Running your fingers through his silky chestnut locks, your head tilted back as a sensation bloomed in your core. Sam rose higher on his knees, bringing his face to your chest. You fisted the back of his hair and forced him to look up at you. The moisture on his pink and puffy lips glistened in the fire’s light. His eyes tilted up slowly. They were soft yet wild as if he was about to worship and devour you all at once. 
“It is as though no matter how hard I try, I could never be close enough to you,” Sam whispered. 
Lowering his mouth, his lips traced your collarbone. 
“You have entranced me.” His kiss became hungrier against your chest, nipping and sucking at your flesh. 
His finger dipped past the seam of your dress to tickle your breast. Your breathing became more erratic. 
“I crave you. It is your name, I whisper into the heavens. It is your face that I picture in my lowest moments. And it is your body that I surrender to in the darkest hours of the night. I submit to you, my lady. My darling. My love.” His tongue licked a small stripe between your breasts before his teeth bit into the tie of your dress, pulling it down slow yet steady.
If his arms had not been wrapped so tightly around you, you believe you would have sunk right there into the dirt floor. You desperately clawed at his shirt, tearing it from his body to feel the scarred and rippling skin of his shoulders. Sam practically ripped your nightgown in half, his large hands covering the swell of your breast within them. Suddenly, he stood. Grabbing you with him, holding you close. Your bare chests touched, and the hair on his chest tickled you softly. Sam placed you on the table, holding you up with his forearm. 
He pulled away slightly. You bit your lip to hold back your gasp of frustration. You watched his throat work as he held himself back. His breath was heavy and loud. 
“Are you certain?” He asked. 
“Sam…” You trailed off, reaching for him again. 
“Y/N. If I give myself to this. If I let my lips finally grace yours, I will have crossed a point of no return. I will never stop loving you until the hands of time cease to exist. Do you understand me? If you allow me to taste the sweetness of your mouth, I will be yours for the rest of my days.” 
You let yourself look him over. Tall and muscular. Beautiful and warm. His hungry eyes had softened once again. You looked at every scar that you could see. All the marks that told his story were written across the tapestry of a man who stood before you. He was letting you choose, giving you control over the situation, knowing that your title, house, and reputation would be at risk. Providing you the comfort of hearing that he would stop if asked. The right side of your mouth pulled up in a smirk.  
“I have never been more certain of anything in my li-” You couldnt finish your sentence before his starved lips were on yours. 
He kissed you how the sun kissed the earth each morning, warming it from its radiating touch. As the land waits to be illuminated by the rays that break through clouds and trees, your need grew with anticipation. And like the heated rise of daybreak, you felt yourself melting into him, awakening with every brush of his skin. Just as the birds sing for the light to dance across their feathers, you flew high into the beam of white-hot ablaze that grew from your core and stretched into your entire being. 
Sam’s fingers lifted the hem of your dress, pulling away the fabric meant to keep you hidden and pure. The worn and strong hands of his tireless labor finally touch the most reserved parts of you. His callouses left goosebumps in their wake as he felt your inner thigh slowly reaching where you needed him most. He momentarily broke the kiss to remove your nightgown before reattaching his lips to yours. His long fingers dug into the skin of your hips, his thumb dangerously caressing the space just below your belly button. He fisted your thigh and yanked you forward until you were teetering on the edge of the table. His hips rutted into yours, and you finally felt him. Your eyes rolled back in your head, and you could hear the sharp inhale into his lungs. His hands dug back into your hair, forcefully pulling your head back as he lay kisses and soft bites on your neck and chest. He pushed you slightly so your back was against the table. Standing over you, he slowly lowered his body to yours, caging you against him with his powerful arms. His lips teased yours, hovering just above reach before he slid down. His pointed nose dragged a line down your entire torso, his tongue delicately tasting your skin, stopping at the line of your hips. 
“I do not believe there is a greater pleasure for me than yours.” He whispered, his hot breath tickling the unexplored flesh between your legs. 
Pushing yourself off the table, you braced your weight with one hand while the other hooked under his chin. You watched his eyes move up your body before his head tilted to look at you. Guiding him up with one finger under his jaw, his eyes leveled with yours again.  
“Prove it.” Your voice was breathy. 
The last sound you remember before Sam’s finger slipped through your folds was the carnal growl that rumbled his chest. 
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
This Is For Haunted Hoedown Day 4! | My Haunted Hoedown Master-List | Bucky Barnes & Characters Master-List
artificial intelligence au + "do you like it when I touch you like this, I can keep going if you want me to".
Synopsis: Your "Bucky Bots" are acting odd, and you're determined to fix the malfunction.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: (it was so difficult to come up with something for this ngl) robots behaving in a sexual way? slight dub!con. robot!buckybarnes x f reader. fingering.
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You have been at this for days, trying desperately to pinpoint what caused the A.I.R. to malfunction. You fiddle with his backside, wires, and switches fill his compartment, waiting to be cut, analyzed, or messed with.
A.I.R was your own intelligence company. Standing for, (Artificially Intelligent Robots). It took you years to be where your feet stand now, in your own private lab, with enough money to donate to countless charities, and still have some left to retire on.
Recently, your MBBs, (Male Barnes Bots) have been acting strangely. You’ve often found them nearing you when you're not looking, even if their power switches are off. One of them even wrapped a metal hand around your waist, attempting to pull you to its metal frame.
You screamed, prying off the robot’s hand and reaching around to pull its connector wire. It powered down immediately, and you couldn’t lie it had shaken you a bit. Working with AI can be scary, especially with malicious people on the internet. But putting that intelligence inside a vessel, it’s even spookier.
Anything can go wrong.
Even as you tear at one of the Barnes Bots wires, you huff, wiping the sweat from your forehead and placing the tool down on the lab table. The bot lies lifeless on the table as you switch to look into its program.
You turn the monitor to face you, the screen reflecting in your glasses. Hunching over the desk to toy with the mouse, you start clicking the files, rummaging through its code. Most are just random data commands, the Barnes Bots were originally made to help with everyday activities.
Cooking, Cleaning, and Shopping.
Like a Roomba, but better.
Way better.
Due to this… problem, the bots release date has been called off, and now you are stuck in the lab trying to figure out the problem. You were the only one who could, this was your technology. You click on the only file you have left to sort through, scrunching at the harshness of the computer screen light.
It’s raining outside, and it’s almost completely pitch black.
How long have you been at the lab? Hours must have passed by. The file opens to rays of codes, and almost immediately you spot it. The inputs and outputs have been messed with. You pull away from the screen, nervously glancing at the Barnes Bot.
A virus is in his system, someone must have downloaded it, or the files might have been corrupted. You gasp, feeling a metal hand wrap around your hip, molding your hoodie to your small body. Anxiety seeps into your bones as you catch the reflection of your captor. The broken-down bot is still on the table, but behind you, is one of the many hundreds you created.
“A.I.R! Power down Barnes Bot 34” Your AI system doesn’t respond, and the Barnes Bot still has his metal fingers wrapped around your waist. You are scared now, this stuff only happens in movies, the whole “Watch out, your creations might turn on you" has never been more real at this moment.
You flip around, facing the bot. It’s one of the realistic versions. “Bucky” is what you had called this model. You had to admit, the face you created for the bot was gorgeous. His metal fingers were wrapped in the mold as well, making his artificial fingers feel like flesh.
Everything about this bot looked human, the way he moved, the way he talked. “Let go!” You scratch, trying to pry off his fingers. The bot smiles in an odd way, almost seductively…
You feel his other hand reach down your pants, as he keeps you in place. You kick, aiming for its legs, but it won't let up. “Power down!” The bot’s fingers dip into your panties waistline, a shiver coursing through your back. If you could just get to his connecter-
“Fuck.” An illicit moan echoes you, feeling its faux flesh fingers graze against your folds. You're stuck against the desk, unable to stop ‘Bucky’.
“Need to please you.” The bot says, his voice sounding as smooth as a human's, with no gaps or pauses like you hear in normal ai. Right then and there, you’ve figured it out. There’s a virus all right, and it’s causing the bots to act in a sexual manner.
You reach around his head, but the bot pulls away quickly, dodging your fingers. His own appendages circle your clit as you buck against him, begging for the torture to stop but for the pleasure to continue. This isn’t right, you shouldn’t be this wet from an A.I.R M.B.B.
“Do you like it when I touch you like this? I can keep going if you want me to.” The bot says smoothly. Its faux eyes lock with yours, his fingers bruising your hip as his hand finds your entrance.
This can’t be real. The words that come out of your mouth are feral and-
“Answer me, human.”
That response should concern you. Barnes Bots should not be acting like this, but when those fleshy fingers slide against you, their body pressing down on you, pushing you further into the desk, you don’t seem to care.
“Yes, Bucky!” You cry, bucking your hips into the metal framework of ‘Bucky’. It’s late, you're probably hallucinating from the lack of water you’ve had all day.
“Doing so good, human.”
“Good girl.” The bot somehow purrs, working his fingers in and out of you. You close your eyes, your fingers holding onto the edge of the desk. Heat rises in your cheeks, being praised by a robot…
Your robot, for that matter, Shouldn’t make you wet. But it does a large enough amount that the bot notices, hearing his metal framework slide in and out of your wet heat.
“Come for me, my little human. Make a mess on my fingers.” The Barnes Bot drones on, pumping his fingers in a curling motion. You didn’t program them to do that. Something is seriously messed up in the code, but right now, it doesn’t matter.
Not even a little bit.
A few more cruel thrust has you coming against the bot’s fingers, feeling his cool digits slide out with crude noises. You open your eyes, the orgasm still wracking waves against your small body. You lock eyes with the ‘Bucky’ Bot, his faux stare boring into your fingered-out frame. His metal fingers are covered in your desire.
Thank god they're waterproof.
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lala3244 · 9 months
Heartbreaks: ASMODEUS
~ Finally got around to do finish Asmo! I am sorry for the beginning it is a bit rushed. I am not really comfortable with writing Asmodeus but I went a bit crazy with this one 🤣~
Lucifer Diavolo Mammon Satan Belphegor
You started dating them but others had decided they should date demons of powerful lineage not a mere human.
Warnings: Hurt/no comfort
It was soothing to spend time with the Avatar of Lust. He often spoke about himself but he was a good listener and he always loved taking care of you. Always painting your nails. Trying new patterns or new polishes. He loved a spa day with you and you didn't mind. You weren't a huge fan of them but with Asmodeus it was different. It was all about you and your skincare. He would always seek you out after classes to go shopping or to go for a drink. He would come to your room in the evening to do your skin care routine before bed and he would always be touching you in some way. You were slowly getting feelings from all the attention, all the touches, all the nice things he would say about you. You weren’t sure he felt the same about you. It is easy to mistake genuine kindness to something else. So you let it go, you wanted him to make the first step. Sometimes, he had events organised by the Majolish and he would ask you to accompany him. You would agree all the time because it meant more time with him. He would take you shopping for new clothes and choose matching outfits for the two of you to wear for the evening.
There were rumours about you that you were a couple and you were a future power couple. You felt embarrassed by those rumours especially when he would reply on his Devilgram with an ambiguous picture of you two. He would always laugh at your reaction, making fun of you.
Slowly your friendship started to get a bit more flirtatious. He was always flirting with you anyway but you would never reply back but now, you would answer to his flirty words by your own and your touches too. It lasted for weeks and none of you made the first step. One day, after another spa day with the Avatar of Lust, you kissed him. It took him by surprise, he tensed for a second then he melted into your kiss. He pulled away first then put his forehead on yours. “That was nice. Why did you do it?” You closed your eyes, a bit ashamed by your boldness because now you didn’t really know how to handle the situation. “I-… I love you, Asmo.” He squealed with happiness, he followed that with a lot of pecks on your lips. You were laughing as he held your head, pecking you. “Stop! Stop!” He eventually stopped, he looked at you in the eyes, serious. “You know, I love you too.” You smiled and you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer to you. You kissed him again and deepened the kiss. After a few seconds of making-out session, you were the one pulling away. Asmo looked radiant after your confession as if he had needed your love to be even more beautiful or maybe your fantasies of kissing had finally came to reality and you saw him differently. You hugged him with your whole body and leaned your head on his chest. You could hear his heart beating fast and his breathing was shallow. You looked up at him, a bit worried. “What’s wrong?” He wrapped his arms around your body and hid his face in your neck. “Nothing is wrong. I just can’t believe, I have you in my arms and that you kissed me! YOU KISSED ME!” He spun you around and put you back on your feet. “We are going out tonight! A real date!” You smiled at the sweet demon and nodded. “I let you surprise me with your outfit.” He winked at you and guided you outside his room while you were laughing.
You quickly ran to your room and took all your clothes out. You couldn’t believe that it just happened. You were so glad that you had made that first step. You were on cloud nine and so proud of yourself. You couldn’t believe the Avatar of Lust was in love with you! You were so relieved. You looked at your clothes and wondered what you should wear. It took you a few minutes but you found the perfect outfit! You went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and went back to your room where you got dressed. You finished the final touches and texted Asmo.
I am ready when you are!
He answered back quickly.
I’ll be there in a couple of minutes!
You waited patiently while a bit anxious as you were going on a date. It had never been a date before. Well, you never thought it was, at least and it has been a long time since you went on a date. The Avatar of Lust knocked on your door and you opened it. He gasped, “You look sublime!” You blushed at the compliment. “Thanks… You too.” He held his hand out and you grabbed it. You closed the door behind you and you left the house.
You walked to the restaurant, hand in hand. “So? Is it an official date?” He looked at you and smiled. “Yes, I would say it’s an official date.” You squeezed his hand. “I like that. The rumours will turn out to be true then!” He giggled. “They’ve always been true, you just didn’t know it yet.” You gasped. “What?!” He let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “Yeah, I know you would eventually crack and kiss me. I am THAT irresistible!” You slapped him softly on his shoulder. “How dare you! But I am glad I did it anyway.” He kissed the top of your head and whispered. “I know and I am glad too.”
You entered the restaurant, Asmo’s arm still around your shoulders and all the patrons turned their heads. A few of them took their D.D.D out and snapped some pictures, not so discreetly as their flashes went on. You sat down at a table near a window, ignoring the stares of a few of them. You looked at the menu, even though you already knew what you wanted as you had been there a few times with him. The waiter arrived, a fake smile plastered on his face. “Would you like to order some drinks first?” Asmo nodded while looking at you and ordered for the two of you. The waiter left and you two were alone again. Asmodeus grabbed your hand on top of the table and ran circles with his thumb. “It’s nice! A real date with you and everyone is watching!” You blushed. “I know. I don’t like that they are all watching.” Asmo turned his head around, a huge smile but in his eyes, you could see something else than just kindness, a warning of some sort. The demons who happened to look at him, turned quickly their heads away, aware that if they were to watch any longer, the nice Avatar of Lust might turn into a bloodlust creature. After he was satisfied that you wouldn’t be bothered anymore, he returned his attention back to you. “There! We should have some quiet now.”
The dinner went without any trouble. You went for a walk, looking at the city’s lights. It was nice to be out with him as a couple. He would steal some kisses while you weren’t looking at him, always making you giggle and he would beam at your cute reaction. After a while, you had noticed people following you from afar. You turned to the demon. “I think we are being followed.” He nodded. “I know. They are part of my fan club.” He gave you a smile to comfort you. “Don’t worry, they all love you.” You shrugged, you didn’t like the energy that they were giving off but your companion didn’t seem to mind so you let it go. You finally went home and after kissing the demon goodbye, you went to your room. You had a good nice sleep and you woke up happy and impatient to see your boyfriend again. You took your D.D.D and looked at the time then you saw all the notifications. You were mentioned on all social media platforms, people had made videos o the devil tube, talking about you and your relationship with Asmodeus. They all had a common thing: they didn’t want you to be together. You gasped, shocked. They even made a petition to be sent to Lord Diavolo so he would have to order the two of you to stop dating. You didn’t know people could do that or if it was allowed but most of all you thought they wanted you to be together, with all the rumours and you didn’t hear people complaining about it. You left your bed and ran into Asmo’s bedroom. He was still in bed, barely awake but sat up when you entered without knocking. “ASMO! Did you see?” He grabbed your D.D.D and squinted as his eyes weren’t used to the light yet. He lowered his hand holding the D.D.D but stayed silent. His gaze was piercing through you and you started to fidget. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, he cleared his throat. “I see. I didn’t expect this reaction… At all…” he stood up and hugged you. He pressed his lips against your head. “I’m sorry, hon”. You wrapped your arms around his waist. “What are we going to do?”
Before he could say a word, you heard Lucifer yelling both your names. You pulled away at the same time, looking at each other. You both ran down to Lucifer. He stared at both of you. “Look outside.” You looked and you saw a group of demons standing outside the House of Lamentations, holding signs. They were manifesting their unhappiness about your relationship. You turned your head to the Avatar of Lust who looked shocked then to the Avatar of Pride who had a scowl on his face. “They are also in front of Lord Diavolo’s Castle.” You gasped. “WHAT?!” You couldn’t believe it! They really were overreacting! You looked at Asmo, tears were falling from his eyes. You approached him and hugged him. “What are we going to do?” You looked at Lucifer, who looked saddened by the situation. You clearly didn’t ask for it… “I’ll go and see Diavolo. We will sort this out.” You nodded still hugging the now sobbing demon.
Lucifer came back an hour later and you were still in the same position, except Asmodeus’s tears had dried off. “I’m sorry but the House of Lords got involved. Apparently, they are manifesting everywhere.” You closed your eyes. “Aren't they exaggerating? I mean why is me and Asmo dating is any of their problems?” Lucifer shrugged. “I talked to the spokesperson of the events. They don’t consider you good enough for Asmodeus. They think he should date someone of high status. The House of Lords agrees and they already found someone.” Asmo’s grip tightened around you, he looked at his brother. “But I don’t want someone else!” Lucifer put a comforting hand on his younger brother. “I know but there is nothing I can do nor can Diavolo.” You hugged the demon tighter and while you were repressing your tears, you whispered. “It’s okay, Asmo. You deserve better anyway. I’m sure they will be as beautiful as you are.” The demon didn’t respond and started to cry again. You looked outside, a single tear falling and noticed that the group of demons was leaving. Apparently, they heard of the resolution and your heart sank. “Lucifer? Do you know who that demon is?” Lucifer crossed his arms and nodded. “Yes, she is a big influencer on the Deviltube and she comes from a very wealthy family.” You closed your eyes and this time, you cried. You couldn’t compete with that. Lucifer came closer to the two of you. “Come Asmo. They have arranged a meeting in an hour for the two of you to meet.” You frowned at the eldest. “Already? Did they have this planned for long?” Lucifer looked away and blushed slightly. “I think since you first went out together.” Your eyes widened at the realisation. So for months, they had planned this and never said a word. Lucifer never said a word. “You knew?” His blush deepened. “Yes but I was forbidden to say anything.” You rolled your eyes. “Sure.”
Finally, the two brothers left, leaving you alone with your thoughts. It was heartbreaking to see Asmo in that state and you had wished you could have come with him, to at least, support him but Lucifer thought it might have been awkward and that Asmo would be clinging to your side. You sighed. You decided to have a look on the Deviltube to see what that influencer looked like. You dropped your phone when you realised who it was. Leviathan had talked about her so much, gushing about how smart and nice she was and also, so beautiful. You hid your face with your hands and started sobbing. You knew Asmo would not stop talking about how beautiful she was, almost as beautiful as he was. You didn’t think you could bear listening to him about her, so you called your friend Simeon. You asked him if you could stay at the Purgatory Hall with them for a few days, to which he agreed immediately, no questions asked.
You packed a bag and left without a note. When Lucifer and Asmo came back to the House of Lamentations, you had been gone for a few hours. Asmo looked for you everywhere in the house but was disappointed when he couldn’t find you. You might not have been able to date anymore but he needed you now more than ever and his heart broke when he realised you left.
I Hope you are enjoying your holidays!
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A Page, Turning
There’s another me on the page, another me in the mirror.
This is part 15… of 20. Your hand is frozen, afraid to see what lies on the other side.
(I have a goal to finish this saga in late 2023 or early 2024 so wish me luck on powering through the last few installments 😅)
The Tale of the Cursed Raven:
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5 I Part 6 I Part 7 I Part 8 I Part 9 I Part 10 I Part 11 I Part 12 I Part 13 I Part 14 
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“Do you know what drives a story forward?”
He asked the question without looking up from her manuscript. His tone was flat, but edged with sternness as he cut a line of red ink through a sentence. The color fuzzily bled into the parchment paper.
“No. I don’t,” she replied. Truthfully, innocently.
Her mentor slashed through another section, indicating off the offending areas in telltale red. Each strike of the quill made her flinch, as though those strikes were cutting through her instead of through her work.
“Time?” she offered, her guess echoing in the dark room.
He set his papers down and scoffed. The full extent of his gaze settled on his pupil. Discomfort gnawed at her.
His eyes were empty ones. They did not belong to a man, but what remained of one. Just a husk being blown around in the breeze.
“It’s the characters.”
“The people we write about.” He slapped the back of his hand against the marked-up manuscript. “A rock won’t cast itself into a lake, it needs someone to throw it. An adventure does not begin if the hero refuses to answer the call. And what good is a rich world and lore without beings to bask in it?”
A light bulb went off in her head.
“Oooh. So characters… make things happen!!”
“Not just that. It is through the characters that a story is shaped. The outcome, the ending… it is the result of all the characters, their choices, and their bonds and connections with one another.”
“Everything is connected?”
In his circle of candlelight, his empty eyes seemed to soften the slightest bit. He slumped forward in his seat, pressing his forehead against a palm. When he looked down, written words were a blur.
“… I realize that now,” he murmured. A soft groan rushed through his teeth.
“Teacher?” She placed a tentative hand on his arm—the arm still gripping his quill. The raven could feel the muscles under his skin stiffen at the touch.
He pulled away. This time, he did not make eye contact as he spoke. The flickering flame of a candle was his companion, his solace.
“Readers have their reasons for seeking stories. They want to relate to someone, they want to meet new faces, they want to cry and to celebrate with them, they want to be loved. They want to escape.
“Stories make us feel things, child. And just as the characters impact their stories, so, too, do those stories change the world.”
He slammed both hands down on his writing desk.
The candle wobbled, and papers flew into the air. They slowly drifted down, big bales of white against and the shadows they projected along the walls. White feathers and black feathers in a gentle rain.
“The real world. It puts hope into people’s hearts, and it can tear them down just as easily. It’s your role as storyteller to bring the feelings put on the page to life.“
I don’t even fully understand my own yet, she wanted to protest. But the words and the composition of them eluded her.
The raven’s mouth remained sealed shut.
“There’s no soul to your characters. Rewrite it,” he commanded gruffly, jerking his chin to the papers scattered at her feet, “and this time, make it something worth reading.”
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The gemstone set in her magical quill has not fully cleared yet. Once a clear, deep navy, it now has tendrils of black threaded through it. Plumes of smoke floating up sweetly into the night.
Raven closes her fingers around the writing implement. A book is on her lap, open to a fresh double spread.
Doubts louder than the screeching baby robin swirl in her head.
You’ve never gotten a grip on your unique magic. What happened all those other times you tried to tame it? You failed. Even when you try to cheat and use tools to help channel the magic, you fail.
High quality parchment, enchanted inks, quills made from the feathers of rare birds… No matter what you use, it never works.
The problem isn’t the magic or the conduits, it’s you.
Your own weakness.
Each nasty thought is a little black bird, taking root and roosting where it shouldn’t. The doubts collect into a familiar feeling, a dark cloud suspended above her heart. A group of them, a swarm.
An unkindness of ravens.
She frowns, pressing the nib of her quill into the corner of her first page. It leaves an imprint, a dent. Proof of her existence.
I know I’m weak.
Her confession causes the darkness to cave in, crashing upon her in a thunderous roar. What is left is the quiet that comes after a storm has settled, and a soft, resolute realization.
I was never strong to begin with, but… I can still give others strength, can’t I? That’s my role. Not a storyteller, but someone who gives support.
She crinkles her brow, shutting her book. Raven lays her pen flat against the cover, then her hand on top of it.
Maroon leather dappled with spots of sunlight. Pockets of light in a place of shade.
Characters are connected. To the world, to their stories, to other characters. And even to me. Then…
I should have the power to change it too.
To make that magic real myself. To turn dreams into reality.
Her eyes drift shut, and a match strikes, igniting a flame inside of her. A warm buzz skitters across her skin. Magic hums in her veins, manifesting at her fingertips.
“The future is but a blank page. Allow me to guide you through this story.
“Quoth the Raven!”
Something in the air shifts in response to her plea.
She sighs and reaches—this time not within herself, but outward.
To the robin.
There is momentary nothingness.
Then the ground at her feet falls away in one clean chunk.
She’s suddenly sailing through a void, book and quill slipping out of her grasp. The whirring of a great plummet rattles her bones, chilling hands tugging at her skin.
What is this?
Raven doesn’t entirely understand what’s happening, but for once the unknown does not frighten her. Curiosity pulls her deeper down the rabbit hole. Her insides skip, almost embracing the call.
It feels so natural, so expected, for an entirely new experience.
Is this… how it was meant to be all along?
An impact is her answer. Raven’s feet connect, spirit anchoring to a new space.
Sharp pangs spike along both arms. She hisses, expelling a deep breath through her clenched teeth.
But worse yet is the pain in her chest, a boulder cast into a raging river. Her eyes sting, and her throat is torn asunder, left raw and frayed.
The world explodes into another existence, painting everything over with a coat of jet black. The sky, the plants, even Raven, rendered by the night.
A curtain descends, falling across her head in silken waves. Chords of color dangle from the darkness. All shades of blue, all pulsating with pain.
She recognizes them.
The rich blue-violet of Fear, the palest pastel of Forgotten. A cobalt so deep that it was nearly black—Despair.
These must be…
Raven naturally extends a hand to the colors—introducing a new flash of pain down her arm.
Whispers snake along her skin and slink into her ears, indiscernible and unwelcome. There’s a slight shove against her shoulder, testing her sturdiness.
Don’t push me out, she coaxes the robin’s mind space. I’m a friend. I’m just like you.
The sky shudders.
A harsh wind roars, blowing her bangs and pigtails back.
Blue soars through the darkness, weaving ribbons of a pure and cloudless color. Those streaks, Raven realizes, are drawn by a whole flock. They’re loosely defined, existing as nothing more than outline of some bird-like shapes—but the air is theirs.
Her heart fills with melancholy, sadness seeping into the cuts and gashes already there. Salt rubbed in the wounds, reopening scars.
Her pulse picks up pace, her blood rumbling like thunder. The birds passing overhead are a scene put on fast forward, their shadows racing for the sunset.
This feeling is familiar.
Raven shakily takes Despair in her stiff, aching fingers, rubbing a thumb along it. There is no glossiness or sheen to the darkness, no light that refracts.
Icy images slam into her.
A nest. Shattered eggshells. Feathers and beaks. Robins clamoring together. Wings spread out. Takeoff.
Blue, endless blue.
Uneasy steps to the edge. Clumsy footing, a slip. Infantile wings flapping in desperation. A small body falling, falling, falling…
Fallen down.
Raven nods slowly.
Once upon a time, you were bright-eyed and hopeful. You dreamed of the sky, and exploring it with your loved ones.
One misstep and disaster struck. Your wings were injured, and your dream shattered.
Separated from your family and unable to fly, you don’t know what to do. You’re scared that you’ve lost everything—including yourself. You think that this is where your story stops.
She digs her nail into Despair.
But I’ve seen beyond ever after, and I know that ‘the end’ isn’t truly the end.
The deals offered to her. The hands she had held. The promises not kept.
All those times, I thought I was done for—but life still went on. No… I moved on. I continued living. I went to a new place, I met new people, I experienced new things. What hurt me before made me stronger.
Her shoulders sag, burdened by an unseen weight. She stands tall and lifts them, picturing arms supporting her on both sides and a hand upon her back.
“You’ve truly changed—here, at our Night Raven College.”
She smiles.
My wings are broken too. Not physically, but it keeps me from flying. They’re still healing. I’m not yet ready to see the sky again. But I know that, someday, I’ll be able to fly once more. The same goes for you.
Your story is your own. It’s only over if you let it be—if you let the story write you instead of the other way around.
This page can’t turn to the next without you.
Raven’s breath echoes into the ground, oscillating outward in waves.
She feels a heartbeat buried in the earth. Deep below the dirt, the sound dullened by the distance and the substance piled between them.
Her own pulse slows, matching it. Exhales, long trains of secrets unwinding themselves and drifting up into the sky.
Slow, steady—calm.
Their heartbeats align, becoming one.
Breaths coalescing.
Willing the flow of the feelings, guiding them with a channel formed by her hands.
A radiant blue pools in a circle around Raven’s thumb. The shade of the sky seeps into Despair, coloring the whole chord. It bleeds down into the others—Fear and Forgotten and more.
Before long, Raven is standing under a curtain of sky blue. Cool to the touch, and comforting. She feels like she’s surrounded by plush clouds.
A passing breeze pats her cheek as she sifts the strands between her fingers.
This is… my answer.
She falls back, setting the color to the wind. No grass or ground bothers catching her.
The world vanishes, and she’s tumbling through that vast, wonderful color. Sinking into a beautiful abyss with no bottom.
Free falling, flying.
Everything implodes, converging in her tiny body.
The moon and sun and clouds and stars all fold up and pack tightly inside of her. Aurora ribbons and storms with silver linings. Even the shadows slip in, riding upon slivers of light.
The sky is bottled up.
Shoved into her.
And she’s back.
Raven opens her eyes. Real sensations slowly piece together again.
Wobbling wetness in her eyes, trails blazing down her cheeks. Her breath expels in deep, heavy pants. Head swimming, her slight form shaking violently.
The aftereffects hit her all at once.
Nausea makes its home in her gut, dampening her attire with sweat. Pressure presses down hard on her skull, threatening to crush it like an overripe fruit. A consistent, dizzying pain creeps at the corners of her vision.
She gulps and looks down.
The gem set in her magical quill is nearing a pitch black. A single thread of color hangs in the delicate balance, refusing to be overtaken by obsidian.
But the robin doesn’t move a muscle. It regards her with an eerie calmness, eyes wide and innocent.
Waiting for what is next.
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“... So, here you are."
The quiet but resolute accusation pierces the forest.
An impish young man seats itself beside them at the lake. He wears a brilliant green vest, a jacket draped over his shoulders. When he grins, there is the flash of fangs and a glint in his big, ruby eyes. They beam out from behind uneven, dark bangs streaked with magenta.
"Vanrouge." Their smile is bitter. "How kind of you to join me in the audience. A bit late for it, though."
"I thought I sensed a familiar presence—and I was right. That magic was your barrier after all." He casually crossed his legs. "Tell me, old friend, what brings you to Sage's Island?"
They laugh. "Meddling in others' affairs, are we?"
"Isn't that precisely what you're doing?" Lilia meets their harsh words blow for blow. It comes as naturally to him as swordplay.
"We never did see eye-to-eye on these things. The path to true happiness never does run as smooth as we want it to, do we?”
"I see that you have no intention of backing down." He frowned. "You have a special interest in this one, or...?"
They dip a finger into the lake water, causing its surface to ripple. The rings rise and fall so easily.
"This story--her story-- was set into motion long ago. It is far past the point of no return. Whatever you do and say now cannot sway the path she has chosen to walk along."
"Ah, but you make exceptions for your own actions?"
"How is she to develop if she cannot overcome the simplest of obstacles?"
"Simple? Even I can see that you're being needlessly cruel and unusual."
"And you are being needlessly lax and indulgent. Time has softened your barbs, O’ Crimson Demon.”
“We don’t speak of the past,” he says quickly. “Not here.”
“You treasure your time here so, even when you are short on it yourself. Worry for yourself, and not for the juveniles you seek to coddle.”
The words hurt—but behind them is a blunted kind of darkness, something deeper and more sullen. An anger and a sadness not shown to the world.
He suddenly understands.
A personal vendetta, then, he ventures. "If this is concerning the Loveless King of old--"
"It is no longer about him. It is about his successor, the one who bears his legacy."
"What is the point of making the child--any child--suffer so? Does she truly deserve to bear the sins of her forefather? Can you not allow her to live and let live?"
The only sound is the water washing everything away.
"Answer me, Estella."
She holds up a finger, silencing him.
"... Listen. Watch. The next scene of the story is unfolding. The finale is afoot.”
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A pair tromps through the woods, each person a considerable distance apart. A boy in a headscarf is far ahead, calling out into the thicket through cupped hands. His gloomy partner trails after him unenthusiastically, hunched over and muttering curses.
"No luck so far..." Kalim sighs, his shoulders sagging. "Poor Raven! She must be so confused and cold and tired out here all by herself."
Idia sighs too--much more despairingly.
“‘Poor Raven’ this, ‘poor Raven’ that… Where’s MY ‘poor Idia’?!" he muttered to himself. "I was right in the middle of a game when the headmaster put out that 'urgent' summons and it cost me the match!"
I’ve just been taking Ls left and right lately... First it was Azul-shi pestering me for 'just a little favor', and I felt bad for him so I caved!! That’s the LAST time I decide to have a heart! I had to give up that precious concert ticket to someone that doesn't even appreciate the art of idols!! Then Floyd doesn't do the ONE job he had to do, and I missed out on some limited edition in-game prizes… And now being sent on a rescue mission I didn't ask to be a part of...!
Hell hasn’t known true fear until it’s met with a raging gamer...!!
"Oh, I know! I'll have Jamil run her a hot bath and prepare a banquet to welcome Raven back once we find her. That way, she'll be able to relax and get comfortable again," Kalim babbles ahead of him, all smiles again. (His sadness never lasted that long, Idia had noticed.)
Kalim glances at his partner, then gasps. "Oh gosh, Idia! You look so worn out! You've been so hard at work trying to help us find Raven, it's no wonder you're tired! Should I have Jamil prepare a hot bath and a banquet for you too?"
"N-No!!" Idia snaps. "A-Anything but that!! I think I'd rather die..."
"You feel like you're going to die?! Oh no, should I call a doctor for you?"
"D-Don't do ANYTHING for me, I'm begging you!"
Idia's plea echoes through the forest, shaking the leave above them. They rattle, producing a light, shifting sound. And then...
A chirp comes from far away.
Kalim leaps at the sound. "Did you hear that just now? It sounded like a bird...!!"
"I-Is it really that surprising to find a bird in a forest? Even a shut-in like me knows that's basic common sense..."
"Eh, really? I'm more used to seeing birds in cages. They bring in lots of them at some ceremonies and property openings I've been to. Then we cut a big ribbon and all the birds get released into the sky!"
Kalim glances in the direction of the chirp. "Hey, maybe if we go to the bird, we can ask it for help!"
"H-Huh? That's the first decent idea you've had all day. Birds have the aerial advantage in a situation like this." And the sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can retreat back to my bedroom to catch up on the event, Idia adds. "M-Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to be paired with you after all. It can be useful to have a party member with a high Animal Language stat!"
"Oh, I'm not good at Animal Languages at all!"
"... Wh-What?"
"I just kind of get a gist for what they're feeling by listening really hard!
"H-How are we supposed to communicate what we need help with to any forest animal then?!"
"I can try my best!"
"What if your best isn't good enough?! I-I take back everything I said, being stuck with an extrovert's the WORST!!"
"Don't be like that, Idia!! We can definitely power through this together!!" Kalim rushes over to his upperclassman's side and--to Idia's horror--links arms with him. "Come on, let's get going before we lose the bird!"
"W-Wait, don't just go deciding that on your own...! A-And be careful, I’m not an athletic otaku! D-Don't pull on my arm, you'll dislocate itttt...!!"
Idia's protests go largely ignored or not registered. In the distance, critters scatter on little paws and hooves. Away from him, away from them.
Kalim drags him along the twisted road ahead and toward an uncertain outcome.
Only the hope of a birdsong to guide them.
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Elsewhere in the woods, another pair struggles.
"Tch. I can't believe I was woken up from my nap for this,” Leona groans, batting a branch out of his way. Leave it to the headmaster to call us in to do his dirty work. “If he can’t keep an eye on the canary, that’s his problem, not mine.”
“Oh, quit it, will you?” Vil retorts with a sigh. “It’s exactly this kind of attitude that reflects poorly on both yourself and your entire dormitory.”
“You can’t possibly be happy about this.”
“I’m not--but you certainly aren’t making this any more bearable for me.” Vil grimaces as he steps over a large twig. The path before him is long and littered with environmental hazards: rocks, mud, and bugs--none of which he had dressed for. “The least you can do is go about this gracefully.”
“Oh, I do apologize, your majesty. I didn’t realize we were on our way to greet the Queen of Hearts herself,” Leona spits. “Wouldn’t want to offend her with poor manners now.”
“So you think it’s appropriate to offend me with your poor manners instead?” Vil huffs.
“Not like I have a choice. You see any other sorry saps around?”
Their sour exchanges are nothing new, but it offers Vil temporary reprieve from the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Like a pool of fabric clenched in a fist, it gathers, twisting into a concentrated lump. An inkling of dread.
“... Something is wrong,” Rook had said. He, who was always smiling, had unmistakable panic in his eyes that night. “Something is terribly amiss.”
Vil hadn’t thought anything of it until the summons had come.
They had all anticipated the same old thing. Another emergency meeting with some inane demand from the headmaster, some offloading of responsibilities onto the dorm leaders. Expected, shared reluctance and complaints to match the headmaster’s crocodile tears.
It was simply that his niece had gone missing, and he sought her safe return. There were groans and eye rolls to be had, immediate rejections of the request as he scrambled for a bribe or a blackmail that would convince them.
The man was so flippant--yet he pleaded with such an intense desperateness. Not acted, nor exaggerated.
From the night before, Rook’s foreboding warning had arisen fresh in Vil’s mind. And again, now.
Danger on the horizon. A tragedy on the brink of becoming reality. The huntsman had a penchant for sniffing them out.
“... Rook, you absolute fool of a man,” Vil grumbles. “What have you gone and gotten yourself entangled with now?”
“Bleh, why’d you have to bring him up all of a sudden?” Beside his fellow dorm leader, Leona glowers, his ears flattening. “Cut it out or you’ll will him into existence. It’s already bad enough I have to put up with one pain in the tail.”
The wind passing through set the leaves above them rustling. Papery thin and delicate, the foliage may as well have been papers being shuffled and sorted.
“It’s rude to eavesdrop,” Vil shoots back. “Do you mind?”
“Can’t help having better hearing than the average human,” he shrugs, infuriatingly smug.
“Oui, Roi du Léon! That is but one of your many charm points!!”
“Yeah, that’s... right...”
Leona’s face slowly falls. Vil’s own expression matches his. Neither of them had noticed a third person emerging after them from the thicket. Not a smell, nor a sound, to give away his presence.
He stands between the duo, the brim of his feathered hat obscuring his eyes. A blonde bob cut, the rich violet and crimson band of Pomefiore upon his arm.
Rook casually tips his hat, causing Leona to shudder and back away. “Bonjour. What a coincidence it is to meet two kings sharing a stroll. It must be destiny that our paths crossed!”
“Oh good, you’ve jinxed us,” Leona drawls, passing Vil a glare. “Go figure.”
He doesn’t deign to acknowledge the lion with a response. Instead, Vil steps toward his huntsman. “Rook, just what is going on here?”
“Hmm?” His smile is far too dazzling for the circumstances. “Are you curious about my day? I’ve only been out taking in the sights and sounds of nature myself.”
“Be serious!” Vil considers shaking him by the shoulders, but thinks better of it. “This wasn’t the ominous attitude you had yesterday.”
Leona scowls. “Your first mistake was to trust Rook with anything at all.”
“As though you’ve been of any more use?”
Their sharp quips are met with a voice like a gentle caress.
“Roi du Poison, Roi du Léon.”
Rook tenderly took each of their hands in his. He playfully swung their arms from side to side in a simple dance, his lips forming a musical chuckle. “Oh, I’ve had the honor of witnessing the most marvelous scene!! It sets my heart aquiver at the thought.”
“What...” Vil sways with him in a confused daze. “What are you on about now?!”
“Looks like he’s finally lost his senses,” Leona simpers. “Tragic, really.”
“You’re not providing any concrete answers, Rook,” Vil protests, tugging on their linked hands—as if to snap him out of his trance. “What happened when you went out last night?”
Rook smiles dreamily. “What indeed. You see, I’ve looked beyond the looking glass and glimpsed the birth of new magic not once, not twice, but three times! First Monsieur Spade, then Monsieur Crabapple… Fufu, I’m quite the lucky man.”
“The first years that came into their unique magic,” Vil recalls. “Yes, I’m aware. Then this third incident must be…”
A bird sounds somewhere in the forest.
Leona immediately catches on. Quick as a cat, he pounces on the opportunity presented to him. “You’ve seen the canary. Well, track her down for us. Poor old Crowley’s beside himself without his golden girl.”
Irises in slivers of green peer out from the shadow of his hat. “Non, I’m afraid I can’t allow that. We mustn’t interfere at a time as fragile as this.”
“You’re making this real unnecessarily difficult. Step aside before I make you.”
The frustrated growl in Leona’s tone does little to frighten him. Rook laughs softly, looking fondly upon the woods surrounding them.
“A flower of evil is most beautiful when left on its own to bloom. If plucked, that vitality dissipates with time.”
He wishes to see it at the height of its beauty.
Pure, noble, and true.
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At the end of a path is a clearing--and in that clearing is a raven.
She's crouched to the ground and deliberately made her presence as small as possible. Beside her is a basket. She stares into it, as if afraid to disrupt whatever is inside.
She turns at the call of her name, eyes swelling at the appearance of Kalim and Idia from behind the trees.
“You’re okay!” Kalim tackles her in a smothering hug. “Everyone was so worried!!”
“Speak for yourself,” Idia mutters. “Assuming that everyone will just smile and agree with whatever motivational stuff you spew out... Th-This is why I can’t stand the sparkly, outgoing types irl!”
“You came looking for me?” Her words are tentative.
“Bzzzt, wrong. The headmaster cried and begged for us to find you,” Idia sneers, refusing to meet her curious eyes. “Some of us have more important things to do than random side quests.”
“Uncle did?”
It’s surreal to say.
Shame and shyness well up in her chest. She wonders what he must have been feeling when he discovered her note, wonders if she’s worthy of such worry. Raven is trapped between an apology she can’t bring herself to utter and the questions that fill her head.
“We’re so glad we found you!” Kalim finds her hands and squeezes them. “Let’s go back.”
“Back…?” She’s bewildered by the word. Blinks several times to reacclimate herself to it. “To everyone… to Night Raven College?”
“Gahahah! Of course, where else could we mean? Right, Idia?”
“D-Do you really need my input on this… There’s literally no other place we could mean.”
“... That’s right,” Raven agrees, just barely audible. “Night Raven College is my one and only home. My nest.”
She cradles the basket to her chest, hanging her head low. Her shadow is cast over the contents, odd bobs and ends collected from the forest, remnants of the place she once resided in.
Both the old and the new, together. Something borrowed and something blue.
“... I want to go home,” Raven says quietly, “if you’re willing to have me.”
“Huh, what kind of stupid question is that? The quest was to come and find you. There’d be no point in it if they didn’t want you back with them.”
“There’s people that would miss you if you just up and flew away, Raven. Friends and family,” Kalim adds. He doesn’t speak with the same scathing bite as Idia. “You should have seen how the headmaster was acting, it broke my heart!”
“Yeah, ngl it was p pathetic.”
“That... certainly sounds like Uncle.” There’s a slight laugh concealed in her statement. Amusement at the ordinariness of it.
She sucks in a breath and wills herself to stand. Her legs wobble, no steadier than a newly hatched chick taking its first steps. “I’d better not worry him any more than I already have.”
“You can lean on me for support if you need it,” Kalim offers, offering his shoulder. “Let’s get you back safely!”
“Finally.” Idia turns and starts grumpily tromping in the way he came from. 
He fumbles with his noise-cancellation headphones, wanting to wash away the outside world from his senses. As he slips them over his ears, he overhears Kalim and Raven behind him.
“What were you doing all the way out here anyway?”
“I was looking for something for the longest time. But now I think I’ve found it.” She pauses. “No... a little birdie helped me find it. A piece of the future.”
The junk in her basket? She was looking for that? Idia scoffs and tunes them out. Whatever.
Soft instrumentals play the opening notes of a song. The Fates will soon join in a harmonious choir, spinning the story of another hero. Behind him, Raven gives a rapt observation over the music.
“Ah... The sky is so blue today.”
Idia inclines his head, a hand shielding his eyes from the shining sun. Above, a deep, permeating blue expands in all directions. He hadn’t much noticed it before--not when he was so often cooped up in his own bedroom.
It’s so bright, so hopeful.
A wind blows. Drying up tears and lifting their spirits up. Idia’s fiery hair whips in the breeze, shimmering in the sun as he braces himself against it.
Right before the lyrics begin.
“Oh yeah, the sky’s really pretty today!” Kalim notes. “I’ve always wondered what makes the sky blue? Sometimes it’s more and sometimes it’s less.”
“I wonder too.”
The Fates erupt in Idia’s ears, heralding destiny ever closer.
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A Soothing Rain of His: Chapter VII - The Winter Fete
Chapter Summary: The biggest party of the year arrives and Alina is attraction of the show. Once, you would cheer her on. But you feel she's stealing Aleksander from you. Things between you and him are on the edge. Will your love prevail? Or will you leave and break your hearts?
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Ivan, Alina Starkov, Nadia Zhabin, Genya Safin, Marie, Fedyor Kaminsky
Word Count: 4425
A/N: This chapter contains some plot from fifth episode of season one. Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089584627/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089684667/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089684644/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683684/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683626/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559817/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683636/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559893/
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
It's been months since Alina came to the Little Palace. You knew things would change, but you didn't know they would do it that much. Because now you've been barely spending time with Aleksander. Sure, he still shows you he loves you whenever you two are alone. Kisses. Smiles. Laughing. But you can't remember the last time you two went somewhere together. Or you were kidnapped because you used to be his servant. You missed this all (maybe except for the kidnapping part). You missed him.
The day of the winter fete arrives. It's probably the most lavish party of the year, held at the Little Palace towards the end of the winter season. During it, among other festivities, some Grisha demonstrate their powers to the delight of the gathered.
That day, you are in Alina's room with her, Nadia and Marie. You, the Sun Summoner and the Squaller are having a blast, laughing at the poor Inferni, who panicked when she was asked on a date.
'I panicked,' she tries to defend herself. 'Nobody's ever asked to spend time with me before.'
'So you set him on fire?' Alina asks and you cackle.
'It was an accident,' Marie insists.
'The Squallers had to launch him right into the lake,' Nadia says
'So, set ablaze, then nearly drowned,' Alina says. 'You've made quite a first impression.'
Marie groans, touching her forehead. The rest of you laugh. Just then the door opens and Genya walks in with a servant.
'Hi, Genya,' you all say.
'They need you for the kefta,' Genya says to Marie.
'No, I'm so late,' Marie says and dashes for the door. 'Nadia, come on!'
Nadia follows her, slower, and soon they leave the room. You stand up from your seat and smile at Alina.
'I better get going, too,' you say and head toward the door. 'See you all later!'
'I hope you'll like your kefta,' Genya calls after you.
'I'm sure I will!' you assure her and leave the room. But instead of going to your chambers, you take a walk. You watch the preparations for the fete with a smile.
You're not exactly surprised, when in the end your feet take you to Aleksander's chambers. You walk inside, looking around. You don't see him, but you hear a voice from the bedroom:
'Ivan! My kefta!'
You notice his kefta on a table. You grab it and enter his bedroom. He turns and stops, seeing you.
'You're not Ivan,' he says.
'Sorry to disappoint,' you say, a teasing smile on your face. Aleksander smiles.
'Your sight is never a disappointment,' he assures you.
'So, I don't have to be jealous about Ivan?' you ask. Aleksander rolls his eyes.
'Ivan has only eyes for Fedyor,' he says and caresses your cheek. 'Just as I have only eyes for you, my love.'
I wish I could believe that…
You shake those thoughts from your head. You smile and present him his kefta.
'May I?' you ask, glancing at it and then at him. He looks at you for a moment. He nods.
'Thank you,' he says and turns around. You walk to him and help him put his arms into the sleeves of the kefta. Then he turns back and you adjust it. There's a soft smile on your face.
'It reminds me of the old times,' you say quietly. 'Do you miss them sometimes?'
'No,' Aleksander answers and you look up at him with surprise. 'You're much more than a servant, [Y/N].'
'Well, I miss that I could spend almost the whole day with you,' you say after a moment. Aleksander cups your cheek.
'Soon, lapushka,' he assures you. 'Soon you will be right by my side for all to see. In a way you deserve.'
You frown. You try to read from his face what he means. But then you hear footsteps and you both pull away.
Alina enters the bedroom. She stops, seeing you.
'Oh, sorry for interrupting,' she apologises. You force a smile and shake your head.
'You're not,' you assure her and glance at Aleksander, whose eyes are already focused on Alina. 'I have to go anyway.'
'I can't wait for your performance,' Kirigan says, as you walk toward the door. You turn to him and roll your eyes.
'Oh, please,' you say and link your arms with Alina. 'We all know you can't wait for Alina's performance, not mine.'
'I can't wait for both performances,' Aleksander insists.
'See how is he sweet-talking me?' you ask, leaning to Alina. 'It means he will want something from me later.'
Alina chuckles. Aleksander sighs and gives you an exasperated look.
'Fine, fine, don't look at me like that, I'm going,' you say, separating yourself from Alina. You turn and start walking.
'[Y/N],' Aleksander stops you. 'I'm sure you will do splendidly.'
You shoot him a grateful smile and nod. Then, you turn and leave. Smile falls from your face as soon as you leave his chambers. Because deep down you don't want to leave the two of them alone. In his chambers.
You chat and laugh with your fellow Tidemakers during the fete. You still feel out of place sometimes, but among them you are more at ease. And they're the ones that accept you the most.
Suddenly, a fireball flies over the guests' heads. They gasp and look around. You smile slightly, watching how the Inferni twins, Polina and Pavel, throw the fireball to each other. When they're done, the guests clap and cheer.
But the fireball is still in Pavel's hand. And suddenly, he drops it next to him on a podium and a small fire starts. For the guests it looks as if he couldn't control it. So they gasp and panic a bit.
However, suddenly, water extinguishes the fire. And it doesn't disappear. People look around and see you taking Polina's place, your hands brought together.
'You can do it, [Y/N],' a fellow Tidemaker whispers. You small slightly. It's nice of them, but you're still very nervous.
You move your hands and the water raises in the air. You create incredible shapes with it. Animals, flowers, flourishes… People are delighted. But you're not done yet.
Your hands move faster. The water gathers in a one big tank. It starts turning fast. The guests gasp, but the water doesn't splash them. Suddenly, you stop… and the water has taken a shape of a snowflake. You exhale shakily and your hands move slightly. The water starts freezing. People gasp again, when the snowflake doesn't turn into a giant shape made of ice. But instead, a giant snowflake is over their heads. From snow.
You risk a glance at Aleksander. Your heart skips a beat when you see pride in his eyes, as he stares at your display with a smile. However, your smile falls when you see Alina next to him in her new black kefta with golden embroidery. Black. His colours. You know he must have given his permission. He wanted her to wear his colours.
Suddenly, the snowflake bursts. Snow falls on the guests. They cheer and clap, delighted. You force a smile and bow, pretending it was part of a show and not you losing control. You step down and join your friends. They congratulate you and agree that your little 'improvisation' was a much better end of the performance. But you barely hear them.
The applauds dies when Alina and Aleksander take on the stage. Kirigan says something to Alina and turns to the gathered.
'Her name is Alina Starkov,' he says. 'And she will bring liberation to us all.'
He walks down the stage and people part in front of him. He spreads his arms and then clasps them together. Darkness swallows the room in an instant. He motions at Alina and moves away.
Alina takes a few steps forward. She brings her hands together and when she separates them, there's sunlight between them. She creates an orb from it and raises it in the air with one hand. Then, she creates another one with her other hand. She connects them and sends them to the middle of the room, lightning it up.
She looks down at one point. You follow her gaze and see Aleksander. Your heart clenches when you see how he looks at her. With awe, admiration… and something else. Love? You fear it is that.
Alina spreads her arms and the light explodes. Then she brings them together and it disappears. The normal lights come back. Alina smiles, happy with her performance.
People start murmuring 'Sankta Alina'. Some touch their foreheads and their hearts with their fingers. Some kneel.
You can't bring yourself to celebrate the success with others. Your heart is breaking and it hurts so much. But you force yourself to endure the party. You have to take a moment at one point, though, so you step out. But you bump into Alina.
'Oh, sorry!' she says with a smile. Your stomach turns. You force a smile.
'You did wonderfully, Alina,' you say. 'I knew you had it in you.'
'Thank you,' your friend says happily. 'You did well, too. Your performance was just… wow.'
'Thank you,' you chuckle and look at her with, you hope, a teasing look. 'Your kefta is beautiful. Will I be hearing wedding bells soon?'
Please, say 'no'. Please, please, please…
'No, no,' Alina laughs… but blushes and smiles slightly, looking down. She looks at you and bites her lip. She looks around. She grabs your arm and pulls you to the side. You're now really scared.
'Don't tell anyone…' she whispers, '… but I… I kissed him.'
She blushes. And your heart stops. You feel as if you were falling. But you force yourself to stay calm.
'Oh,' you whisper. 'Wow. How brave of you. What about him? Did he… kissed you back?'
You beg her in your mind to deny. But she smiles shyly. You brace for impact.
'Well, not exactly,' she answers and you get ready to sight with relief. 'But he said I had surprised him… and smiled. And laughed. So… maybe… there's a chance for me? I don't know. I… I think I really like him. But I don't know what to do now.'
You don't sigh with relief. Your heart aches. But you force yourself to take Alina's hands in yours. She looks at you, puzzled.
'Hold him gently in your hands,' you say quietly, begging your voice not to crack. 'He has been cracked enough as it is, and his heart is more shattered than he lets on.'
Alina looks at you, stunned. You smile slightly at her and let go of her hands. You quickly walk away from her. Because if you stay, you might cry.
After you calm down you return to the party. You talk with a few Tidemakers. At one point you notice Alina being escorted by two guards.
But then Aleksander shows up in front of them. He says something and then… gives your friend flowers. Alina smells the flowers and smiles. She takes Aleksander's arm and together they leave the room.
'Excuse me,' you say to your friends and hurry out of the room, using the other exit. You have to get out or you might explode. Or break down in front of those people. You can't have that.
A moment later you're on the corridor. You stop by one of the windows and turn to it. You look outside and hug yourself. You exhale shakily and try to calm down your breathing. But tears fall down your cheeks anyway.
What you don't know, is that someone noticed you leaving. And the reason why. So, a moment later Fedyor shows up on the corridor. Seeing you, he speeds up.
'[Y/N],' he says. You turn, startled. Fedyor stops at the sight of your tear-stained cheeks. For a moment you want to quickly dry them. But instead, your lip trembles. Your friend looks at you with compassion and spreads his arms.
'Come here,' he says. And you do. You rush into his embrace and let him hold you. And yourself to cry.
'Being ignored by someone who's attention means the world to you is the worst feeling ever,' you whisper after a moment. Fedyor's hold on you tightens.
'He doesn't ignore you,' he denies. 'You mean the world to him. You're all that he can see.'
'I think you're mistaking me for Alina,' you say bitterly, but forcing a smile. Fedyor sighs. He pushes you away slightly. He opens his mouth to say something, but stops seeing your face. You can only guess your tears washed away your make-up with which you tried so hard to hide.
'You haven't been sleeping well,' Fedyor says quietly.
'I've been sleeping fine, thank you very much,' you say, trying to free yourself from his grip. But he doesn't let go.
'Then where did those shadows under your eyes come from, hm?' he asks. You are quiet for a moment.
'It sucks when the only person who can make you feel better is also the reason you always cry,' you finally answer. Night after night you have been crying yourself to sleep. Missing him, cursing him. And her. You hate it. You hate he has such a hold on you. You hate that you are so weak. You hate yourself that you can't just trust him and his love. So, you cry.
'[Y/N]…' Fedyor starts slowly. 'You must believe me when I tell you that he does love you. I've seen him with Alina and I've seen him with you. There's a huge difference, I assure you.'
'Of course, there is,' you agree, your voice shaking. 'I'm just a Tidemaker. She's the Sun Summoner. His equal. They complete each other. I've been a fool not to see it.'
'That's not true,' Fedyor denies vehemently. 'You're the one who's completing him. His heart is yours. I know it doesn't seem like that. But trust me, give it a bit more time and it-'
He cuts himself off. You look at him with suspicion. His lips are pursed in a tight line.
'You know,' you realise. 'You know why he's doing all of that. Why? Fedyor, why?'
The Heartrender looks away. You scoff. You shake off his hold on you.
'Fine, don't tell me,' you snap. 'But don't expect me not to be hurt by how he behaves. I have feelings, you know. And words can't reassure me by themselves.'
You turn on your heel and march away. Fedyor calls after you but doesn't chase you. Good. You can cry again.
Alina is gone. Kidnapped by three rouges from Ketterdam. Aleksander is doing everything he can to locate her and bring her home.
Poor Marie is dead. She was killed by a man travelling with the three rogues. But he betrayed them, because he had stricken a deal with General Zlatan. He was to kill Alina. But instead of her, he found Marie who thanks to Genya looked like the Sun Summoner.
You're worried about your friend, naturally. But seeing how Aleksander is upset because of it, makes your stomach turn. You know he will go to look for her. And thanks to Zoya, you know you're not on the team. You're supposed to sit restless in the Little Palace. You are furious about it. Until you hear Fedyor is not going either.
'Come in!' the Heartrender calls, hearing a knock on his door. It opens and you walk in. You frown, seeing he's packing.
'I thought you're not going after Alina?' you ask.
'Because I'm not,' Fedyor answers. 'I'm going to look for Nina. We finally have a lead on her.'
'Without Ivan?' you ask, starting to pass things to Fedyor. 'How will the two of you survive that?'
Fedyor chuckles. He smiles at you and you answer with the same. You observe him in silence for a moment. Then, an idea forms in your head.
'I'll go with you,' you decide, causing Fedyor to drop his spare kefta. 'I know I'm not Ivan, but I will have to do for you.'
'[Y/N]-' Fedyor starts, panicking.
'Don't,' you interrupt him. 'I made up my mind. I'm not going to stay here, while you all are looking for people. I want to help. I am going to pack now and no one is going to stop me.'
You turn on your heel and walk away. Fedyor stares after your retreating back, horrified.
'Saints,' he whispers. 'He's already mad as it is.'
'Who is?' Ivan asks, entering the room. 'Actually, never mind, I can guess. But why is he going to be more?'
'Because [Y/N] has just decided to go with me after Nina,' Fedyor answers. Ivan pauses.
'What?' he asks. Fedyor sighs and runs a hand through his face.
'Things are bad, Ivan,' he says. '[Y/N] is convinced he chose Alina over her. She… she is tired and has given up. I fear that if she leaves with me… she may not come back.'
'Then we better tell all that to General Kirigan and make sure it doesn't happen,' Ivan says after a moment. Fedyor nods, determined. Two Heartrenders quickly leave and head to Aleksander's chambers.
'Enter,' Kirigan sighs after hearing a knock. He turns to the door, annoyed. Ivan and Fedyor enter, grim.
'Well?' Aleksander snaps. 'What is it?'
'[Y/N] has decided to go with me after Nina,' Fedyor answers, deciding to just go for it. Kirigan freezes.
'She. Has. What?' he growls. Fedyor gulps. Aleksander seethes.
'What is she thinking?' he asks, barely controlling his shadows. Two Heartrenders exchange a look.
'She's hurting, General,' Fedyor says, causing Aleksander to stop. 'She… saw you giving flowers to Alina.'
'We think this may be her way to… gently remove herself,' Ivan adds. Aleksander goes pale once he understands the meaning of those words. You don't intend to come back.
'Come with me and guard the door,' Kirigan orders, already marching out of the room. A few minutes later they reach your room. Aleksander bursts in without knocking and is met with a sight of you packing your things with Natasha.
'What is the meaning of this?' he demands. You grit your teeth. Damn you, Fedyor.
'Exactly what it looks like,' you answer calmly. 'I'm packing. I'm going after Nina, my dear friend, with Fedyor.'
'Leave us,' Aleksander orders Natasha after a moment. 'Now.'
Your friend looks at you, uncertain. You nod at her. You imagine there's going to be a lot of yelling. You don't want her in the middle of this. So, Natasha curtsies to Kirigan and leaves.
'[Y/N], stop moving and talk to me,' Aleksander says when you don't pause even after your friend is gone.
'Oh, now you want to talk to me,' you scoff. 'I should have started packing weeks ago, then.'
'What do you mean?' Aleksander asks. You chuckle humorously.
'I mean that for the past weeks you've been ignoring me, General,' you say. 'I'm tired of it.'
You calling him by his title feels like a slap to Kirigan. And the way you look at him, with anger, hurts him. And makes him upset as well.
'I already explained myself to you,' he says, his voice low. 'I've asked you to be patient. To trust me.'
'Well, you made me reach my limit!' you say, throwing your hands in the air. 'Honestly, you can't think I'm blind, do you? That I wouldn't notice the black kefta on Alina? Or see you giving her flowers? Or that she won't confide in me, her best friend, about how she kissed you, a moment after I left your chambers?'
Colour drains from Aleksander's face yet again. You turn quickly, so he wouldn't see tears in your eyes. Silence fills the room. Until you hear slow footsteps behind you. You wince when Kirigan's hands land on your hips.
'When I tell you I love you,' he says, his voice a bit shaky, 'I don't say it out of habit or to make conversation. I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.'
Tears fall down your cheeks. It takes every ounce of your strength not to turn and hide in his arms. But you tell yourself to be strong.
'If that was true, then you wouldn't treat me like you have,' you say. Aleksander stiffens behind you. You free yourself from his grip and walk away. Kirigan gulps.
'I'm sorry,' he says. 'I know it's not enough. I know now I hurt you. It was wrong of me. But, please, don't go on a dangerous journey, just to spite me. Or to leave and never return.'
'Don't ask me to stay and watch you love someone else,' you say after a moment. 'I get it, Aleksander. I truly do. She's your equal. You and her are going to change the world. You both will… live for a really long time. You deserve someone like that. But please… please don't make me watch this. It hurts too much.'
You don't see this, but Aleksander reaches out to you. He pulls back after a second and clenches his fists.
'I swear on my life, I don't love Alina Starkov,' he says, his voice firm. 'You're the one that has a hold of my heart. It was killing me to spend time with her and not with you, giving her my attention. I wanted to call you to my chambers so many times. Or just walk to you. But I knew she might visit me suddenly. So, I kept my distance, even though it was hurting me. I know it's nothing compared to the pain I caused you. But believe me that I love only you.'
You bite your lip. You want to turn and see if you heard him correctly. Because he sounded like he's on the verge of crying. And you've never seen him cry. Not once.
'Tell me what I can do to make you stay,' Aleksander pleads. 'What I can say, so you won't leave. I need to know how I can fix this!'
'Tell my why,' you answer after a moment. You turn around, miraculously still fighting back tears. But Aleksander isn't. He's crying, his eyes are red and puffy. You're stunned by it.
'Tell my why you flirted with Alina and let her kiss you,' you say. 'Why you wanted her to believe you have feelings for her.'
Aleksander purses his lips. You wait. And wait. You're about to scoff and turn…
'I needed her to trust me,' he finally says. 'To depend on me. To be loyal to me. So we could destroy our enemies together.'
'And you had to lie to do that?' you ask, frowning. 'Manipulate her?'
'Everything I do, I do for the sake of all Grisha,' Aleksander says. 'For you. I know I'm… overprotective sometimes. Keeping you by my side, keeping you here, keeping you in the dark… I shouldn't have done that. I should have told you at least a part of my plans. But I… I just want you to be safe. I want so badly to protect you from the world, because I know all too well how bad it can be.'
'Yes,' you say after a moment and gulp. 'You should have told me. Why didn't you really tell me what you are planning?'
'… I didn't want to scare you away.'
'… Idiot. How many times? I love you no matter what. Remember what I told you when you asked me how would I look at you if you told me about the darkness inside you?'
'That despite every terrible thing I did you would love me anyway.'
'Did I run away after you told me you're the one who created the Fold?'
'And what did I do?'
'… You hugged me. You held me in your arms for the whole night and whispered how much you love me.'
'Then why did you think this would be any different?'
Okay, you lost the fight. You're crying. Aleksander lets out a chuckle through his tears.
'Because I'm a fool, who's biggest fear is losing the woman he loves more than anything,' he answers. You shake your head, exasperated. But your look softens.
'Do you promise you love me?' you ask, your voice shaking a bit.
'I swear,' he answers, looking at you seriously. You exhale shakily and let your tears fall.
'My darling, come here, let me hold you,' Aleksander says, opening his arms. This time you run into them and let him embrace you tightly.
'We're still not okay,' you whisper.
'I know,' Aleksander says. 'I know, moya milaya. I'll make it up to you. I promise. But first I must find Miss Starkov. Before it's too late.'
'What will you do to her when you do?' you ask after a moment.
'Not "if"?' Aleksander asks, smiling slightly. You scoff.
'I do know you, you know,' you answer. Aleksander chuckles. He's so grateful for your faith in him. Even though he hurt you…
'All will depend on how will I find her,' he answers your question. 'But I will no longer flirt with her, kiss her or make her believe there can be something between us. Because I have you.'
You smile in his kefta and his grip on you tightens. You stay like that for long minutes. In fact, you don't leave each other's side until it's sundown and Aleksander must go for Alina. But before he leaves your chambers, he hugs you one last time.
'Wait for me,' he pleads, the words coming out choked and pained. 'I need you to wait for me.'
'I will always wait for you,' you say after a moment. Aleksander cups your face and kisses you passionately, taking your breath away. You sigh when you part. You look at each other for a one more minute, then he leaves. Ivan follows him outside, sending you a small smile, which you return.
It drops when they're gone. You exhale shakily. Like you said, you and Aleksander are not okay yet. But there's progress. You are ready to wait for him to make things right.
But then the Fold expands and it is said the Darkling is dead. Grisha are being hunted because of what Aleksander has done. You must run for your life, your heart broken because of the news of Kirigan. And you don't know if you can continue living without him.
Thank you for reading! Please, reblog, like and comment if you could. This was supposed to be a two-part fic. But I've decided to make all parts more or less the same length, so I'm ending this one after the end of season one and the third part will be the season two. That means it's all for now, but the final part should be published soon. Take care until then and let me know your thoughts about this one!
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49547866/chapters/125872165
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allthesmutl0vers · 1 month
The Fate Of Us: Chapter Two
Chapter Two
The moment my feet touch the ground, it’s as if I’ve been through a whirlwind. The world around me spins, and I struggle to find my balance.
Chuck, a familiar face, is quick to react as I stumble. His hand wraps around my arm, steadying me. “Woah, easy there,” he chuckles softly. “Here, let me help,” I hear him say before his fingers land gently on my forehead. A warm feeling courses through my body, taking away the dizzy feeling and replacing it with calmness. “There, is that better?” He asks kindly.
I look up at him, the sun shining against his brown hair, and he smiles down at me. “Yeah, loads,” I say as I take in my surroundings.
The scent of motor oil and rusted metal fills my nostrils as I take in the grounds of the Singer Auto Salvage yard. The lived-in house that I know holds the start of my journey, whether that journey is to save Chuck or kill him. One way or another, I’m not writing the story anymore.
I’m living it.
“I can’t believe it,” I mutter under my breath. “I’m actually here.”
Chuck moves to stand beside me. “You are y/n, and I have one more surprise for you,” he says, looking at me from my side. I turn to face him. “You know how dangerous this world is, and even though I know you know how to kill everything, you’re not a hunter,” he says softly. “And as I’m sure you can imagine, I don’t have a chance if you die. When I touched your forehead, I made you immortal.”
I take a step back, trying to understand. “What— what do you mean immortal?” I ask, trying to take in everything that has happened to me in the last two hours. “Like, I can’t be killed?
Chuck nods his head slowly. “Yes, exactly like that. Nothing in this world can kill you. You can still be hurt,” he clarifies. “But you can’t be killed. Not by any weapons that exist in this world. You can’t be smited or possessed by angels or demons either.”
“Does that mean I’ll live forever? Like longer than anyone here?” I ask nervously.
I didn’t ask for that.
Chuck pulls a small vial from his pocket, a silver chain connected to it to make a necklace. “As long as you wish to live,” he hands the vial necklace to me. The small vial contains a shimmery, white liquid that feels warm to the touch. “In this vial is a very small amount of my grace, my power. It’s only good for one wish. Whatever that wish may be, anything you could ever want or dream of. Whether it is to be mortal again, or to go back home, or to save a life,” he raises a single finger.
“But only once. The amount inside is just enough for one wish. Hold it close, y/n. You won’t get a second one,” he says sternly.
I put the necklace over my head, tucking the small vial inside of my shirt. “Why are you being so nice?” I ask him curiously, hoping I don’t offend him.
Chuck places a hand on my shoulder. “I told you. I want to be better this time around. I want to be a kind and loving God, and I want people to trust me. I want you to trust me.”
I nod my head slowly. “As long as you hold up your end of the deal, I’ll hold up mine,” I say, watching his kind expression falter for just a second before he smiles again and nods his head.
Chuck turns towards the house. “One last thing, y/n,” he says. In this world, I wanted to make it easier for you to adjust and easier for you to be welcomed,” he sighs. While you’re here, I made it so Bobby is expecting you.”
My eyes scrunch in confusion as I wait for him to explain. “As far as anyone here is concerned, yes, you are from your world. However, he knows that you’re the daughter of the man who plays him in your world.”
“What?!” I hiss in disbelief. “Why would you do that?!”
“Like I said. To make it easier for them to accept you. You know they wouldn’t trust you if you just knocked on the door and said God sent you to change the fate of their entire universe, with absolutely no real connection to them besides watching them on TV,” Chuck explains. And as much as I don’t want to admit it, he’s right. I’m just worried they’ll find out the kind of man my dad was.
Chuck nods towards the house. “It’s time, y/n, it’s time for you to start your journey. If you ever need me, just pray, and I’ll come,” he smiles before disappearing before my very eyes.
I take a deep breath, pinching my arm to make sure I’m not dreaming. Pulling the bag up my shoulder, I walk up the gravel driveway to Bobby’s front door.
How will he react when he meets me? Will he trust me?
Why would he? He has no reason to. I’m a stranger to him.
He’ll probably kill me. Or, at least, try to. Chuck said I can’t die, but isn’t that suspicious?
I step up onto the porch, my shaky hand clenching as I knock on the door.
Knock, knock, knock.
The seconds that pass as I wait for an answer feel like hours. And in those seconds, I contemplate just turning around and running away.
Isn’t just being in this universe enough? I could start over, write my novels from scratch, and republish them. Dark romance isn’t really a big thing yet. I could be one of the firsts.
That option starts to sound like a really good idea. But as I turn around to walk back down the porch steps, the door opens behind me. All of the air feels sucked out of my lungs as I hear a gruff voice behind me speak.
“Can I help you?” Bobby’s gruff voice sounding confused but kind.
I slowly turn around to face him. Taking in the fact that he’s actually right in front of me, that he’s alive.
His furrowed brows relax before raising his forehead, and he sucks in a breath of his own, opening the door wider. “My God,” he says softly. “Y/n?” He asks.
I clutch the strap of my duffle bag tightly, nodding my head slowly. “That’s me,” I respond, trying to take in the fact he’s saying my name.
Bobby steps out onto the porch, taking a few steps closer to me before he smiles and wraps his arms around me tightly. The scent of old books and motor oil fills my nose before he pulls back and puts his rough hands on my shoulders. “Sorry, it’s just so crazy to me that you’re actually here in front of me. My flesh and blood,” he says proudly.
My stomach feels tied in knots. This man is the complete opposite of the man my father is. Where Jim is cold and off-putting, Bobby is warm and inviting. I still remember the day my birth father left me in the dust to my own devices.
Three Years Ago
“Hey, Dad, do you have a minute?” I asked cautiously as I knocked on the door to his office in the den.
My father cleared his throat. “What do you want?” He asked in an annoyed tone.
I pushed open the door and walked inside, clutching the finished copy of my first novel to my chest. I walk slowly to the end of his desk. “I finished my novel,” I say softly. He groans and rolls his eyes before meeting mine, holding out his hand for me to hand it to him without a word.
My father flips through the pages, barely spending five minutes to look through all three hundred pages of it before he closes it and places it on his desk. My hands shake as I wait for his opinion. It shouldn’t matter to me as much as it does. My father is the hardest person to please.
“It could be better,” he says flatly before opening his laptop again. I try to control the rage that floods through my veins and the disappointment that stabs into my heart like an icicle. “How long did it take you to write it?”
I clench my fists at my sides, willing the tears of frustration I want to cry to stay back. “Six months,” I say through gritted teeth.
He scoffs and shakes his head. “A little slow for someone who claims to love to write. The writers on set write that many pages, more than three episodes in a month,” he chastises. “Honestly y/n. You’re wasting your time wanting to be behind the screen when your mother and I worked so hard so you could get in front of it. Ridiculous.
“I don’t want to be on the screen, though. I’m more comfortable writing. I like expressing myself on the page,” I shoot back defensively.
He slams his hand on the desk, making me jump. He’s never hit me before, but I don’t like it when he does it. “You are so damn ungrateful. Do you know how many young women would kill to have the opportunities you have?! Your mother and I provided a good life for you. Gave you everything you ever asked for and everything you could ever want, and you want to squander it. For what? A few shitty pages of a novel that will never see the light of day?!” He throws the pages of my book over the desk, the papers scattering across the floor.
I can’t contain my anger anymore. I’m fed up with his narcissism. “Then I’ll publish it on my own! I don’t need you or your publisher or even your damn name on the acknowledgments! I’m done!” I yell back, finally standing my ground.
My father pushes back his chair, rising to his feet. “Then get out! Get out of my house until you find some sense!” He yells, pointing to the door. “I mean it! Out!”
I run out of his office, leaving behind the scattered pages of my book as I run upstairs and pack a suitcase. I pack only what I can fit inside of it, leaving everything else behind. I open my safe, grab the ten thousand dollars in cash that I keep there for emergencies, and stuff it into my purse.
After I left, I got a job working as a waitress in a small town. With the cash I took from my safe, I was able to rent a small one-bed, one-bath cottage home and get an old beater from a used car lot. I never touched my inheritance account, never even checked it. I meant what I said about doing it on my own. Screw him.
“Y/n? Y/n? Are you okay?” Bobby asks me, his brows furrowed with a worried expression on his face.
I nod my head, pushing back the memories of my old life. I don’t want to re-live them anymore. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. It’s really nice to meet you, too,” I say softly, giving him a small smile. “Sorry, it’s just still hard for me to believe I’m actually here.”
Bobby laughs and nods his head. “The feeling is mutual kiddo. You want to come inside?” He asks, pointing to the front door with his thumb.
I nod my head once. “Sure, I’d like that. Thank you,” I say softly, clutching my duffle nervously.
Bobby leads the way, opening the door and holding it open for me. I look around, feeling like I already know the house. It’s exactly like the way it looked on TV; part of me feels like I’m simply walking around a set.
“It’s not much, but it’s home,” Bobby says, rubbing his head before putting his trucker hat back on his head.
“I love it,” I say, turning to smile at him.
Bobby smiles and nods his head. “I set up a room for you. I’ll let you get settled in, and then I figured I could fire up the grill. You like burgers?” He asks, leading me up the stairs.
“I love burgers. That’d be really nice. Thank you for welcoming me into your home,” I say politely as he opens the door to a spare bedroom.
Bobby chuckles. “As far as I’m concerned, it’s your home to now,” he says as he steps into the room with me as I set my bag down on the bed. “Listen, kiddo, I know I wasn’t the best dad in the other universe to you, but… I hope I can be a better one in this one. But if you don’t want to have another dad or a dad, or Christ, I don’t know. I’m sorry this is all just so strange.”
I smile softly. “Listen, um… Bobby… Is it okay if I call you Bobby?” I ask nervously. He nods, and I continue. “To me, you and Jim are two entirely different people, in the best way possible. It’s just hard for me because he threw me out at nineteen… Kind of like John did to Sam. Actually, exactly like that,” I explain. “I know you and Jim are entirely different people, so I feel like it’d be best if we just start slow. Try to figure out what it is that’s going on first.”
Bobby sighs in relief. “That sounds great. ’Cause I gotta level with you. I have no idea how to be a dad,” he chuckles.
“So let’s just start with dinner,” I say with a smile.
Bobby nods and smiles back. “Sounds good, kiddo. I’ll be out back when you’re ready.” He says before exiting my new bedroom.
I sigh in relief, examining my new room as I put my things away. Wondering what Sam and Dean are up to. Wondering if Lucifer is still in Cas. If I should call Cas ‘Cas,’ or if he’d prefer Castiel. Wondering if Jack’s been born yet.
But one thing is certain: I won’t let Chuck almost ruin the entire world again.
That’s for damn sure.
Chapter Three
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countrymusiclover · 8 months
15 - Professor X and Mystique
Part 16
Battle of Heart and Mind
Found this deleted kitchen screen from Days of future past so I included it in this story. Enjoy 😉
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
Walking into the kitchen to get a drink after we had landed the plane back here earlier this morning. Turning the water on I put some in a glass turning around on my feet dropping the glass at who I saw standing in the doorway. “Holy shitt Raven.”
“Addi….” She muttered racing towards me throwing her arms around me and I chuckled into her shoulder hugging her back.
She squeezed me tightly and we just held each other for a few moments longer since it had been years since we had seen the other. I broke the embrace finally not imagining that she was back here. “What are you doing here?”
“You said if I needed help to come here and find you. I want your help to kill Trask.” She declares lowering her face to my pregnant belly. “I guess your answer will be no. Who’s the father?”
I replied simply. “Erik.”
“Addison! Hank, I can hear them.” I heard Charles' voice holler through the living room.
“I’ll be back. Wait here.” Touching her arm I rushed towards the sound of his voice knowing something was wrong. Skidding on the wooden floor I almost fell on my ass if I didn’t grab a hold of the wall. Charles was laying against the wall grabbing at his hair and clutching his eyes shut tightly. “Charles, what’s wrong? Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“I love you, Addi.” I heard his voice say inside my mind and I had my answer.
Logan didn’t understand though. “I thought you could walk?”
“It’s past the time he took his treatment. The serum that gives him the ability to walk but it hides his powers.” I dropped myself down on my knees and my belly bounced against Charles' leg.
“Hey, hey, pull yourself together, it's not over yet.” Logan said.
Charles moved his fingers to his temple reading his mind mumbled what the man from the future was really thinking. “You don't believe that.”
“How do you know?” Logan knitted his brows.
“As these go, this comes back.” Charles sucked in a breath placing one hand on his thigh then moving his hand back up to his forehead. “They all come back.”
“Look. I'm still here. She's still out there. But we need your help Charles. Not like this, I'll need "you". We can't find Raven not without your powers.” Logan paused watching him trying to convince the professor.
Charles shook his head letting heavy tears falling down his face keeping his hands up on the side of his forehead. “I can’t do this. I’m not strong enough. I need the serum.”
“Charles, look at me. Logan is right, we need the real you.” I touched his shoulders, making him look me in the eye.
He sniffed sharply, pressing his back against the wall. He was becoming an addict to the serum and I knew it would take something big to keep from taking anymore. “The voices, Addi…they’re too much. I can’t sleep hearing them. I can’t…have them in my head….because it’s so much pain!”
Moving one hand through his hair he made noises in disagreement. I tilted my head to the side, wiping away tears that were on his face. “I know that it’s a lot but we need - I need you, Charles Xavier.”
“What could you need me for? Erik’s the one you want.” He questioned avoiding my gaze.
I quickly responded to him resting my forehead against his when I spoke towards him. He needed to know that my feelings for him were starting to change from what they used to be a few months ago. “Erik and I aren’t right for each other right now. You’ve been by my side through the whole pregnancy. I have been there for you. We can’t abandon the other, not now, not ever.”
Charles mumbled under his breath needing to hear me say the words, regardless if he knew your heart truly would end up elsewhere. “Just once say the words, Addi.”
“I love you, Charles Xavier.” I mumbled drawing my forehead away from him, placing his freehand over my stomach. “We all need you, Logan needs you, Raven needs you, I need you, but most of all my children need you.”
Hank finally entered the room carrying a syringe with the serum. “I added a little extra since you missed the original dose.”
“Charles…” I whispered under my breath when he held the needle tightly in his fingers staring at it.
Yet he dropped it on the ground beside his leg, covering his face with his hands taking a few breaths. “Hank, could you help me to my study please?”
“Are you sure about this?” Hank asked helping him sit down at his desk opening the closet revealing the former wheelchair.
Charles admitted grasping my hand in his. “Absolutely not…but we have to find Raven.”
“Actually she found us. She's downstairs in the kitchen…don’t be mad but you still need your powers to be who you really are.” I squeezed his hand in mine sensing a glare from the telepath but he made no verbal argument against me while we all headed downstairs to the kitchen.
Charles breathed out her name rolling over to her in his wheelchair with open arms and to my surprise she did hug him back. “Raven…I didn’t think you'd come home.”
“This isn’t my home anymore. I'm only here to hide out from Erik for a few hours. Then I'm going after Trask.” She said to her brother taking a seat across from him at the kitchen table. I pulled up a chair sitting in between the two, leaving Hank and Logan just to stand.
Hank spoke up to her first. “If you kill Trask they'll be ten more just like him.”
“Then I'll kill them too and anyone who stands in my way.”
Logan raised his hands snapping at my blonde friend. “Let’s cut to the chase. You wanna know how all this ends cause I've seen you in the future.”
“Yeah, what am I like?” She asked him.
Logan said. “You're a cold hearted bitch.”
“Well don't hold back.” She snapped in his direction.
“By the time they finish you and they finish you. You've killed so much that you are knee deep in human and mutant blood. You don’t even know who you are.” He kept explaining to her.
Raven declared with a single glare. “Well maybe there wouldn't be as much mutant blood if we made our move now.”
“Those are Erik's words not yours. Besides you'd be giving Trask exactly what he wanted. A reason for humanity to fear and to hate us.” Charles responded.
Raven quickly changes into her natural blue form seeing her brother look away and put a hand over his mouth. “You think they need a reason. Do you honestly they'll ever be able to see me like this and feel anything but fear. You can't even look at me.”
“Raven, cut him some slack.” I butted into the conversation resting my hands on my stomach feeling a little drained from fighting Erik yesterday.
She isn’t fazed by what I had to say. “I can hide like you and Addi, but what about the ones who can’t. I saw them in Vietnam. It’s hard to hide your power when you’re getting shot at and the ones couldn’t hide become lab rats.”
“I will never let that happen to you. I made you a promise a long time ago. That I would keep you safe and that I would protect you. If I’d done my job properly perhaps none of this would be happening to us, perhaps you wouldn’t have left home.” Charles leans forward in his chair shifting his gaze between me and Raven.
“Let’s change the subject for a second here. What exactly is going on between you and my best friend because last I checked she was with Erik.” Raven focuses her attention on me.
Tapping my fingers on the table I lowered my voice, not comfortable having this conversation with Charles sitting on the other side of me. “I was with him for a few years until JFK. He didn’t kill him like everyone thinks. I broke into the pentagon to see him…but let’s not talk about it.”
“You don’t want to talk about it because of my brother right. You got with her didn’t you after she found out she was pregnant.” Raven questions her brother.
Charles clicked his tongue resting his chin on his fists. “That conversation isn’t relevant right now. We just need to be relieved that you are back home now.”
She sighed, lowering her gaze to the floor. “I couldn’t stay here forever, Charles…I still can’t stay.”
“And why not?” He touched his temple entering her mind.
She smacked her hands on the table heading towards the stairs. “That’s why! And it’s not me that you should be worrying about. Erik is going to start that war whether you like it or not.”
“How do you know?” Hank asked her.
She replied leaving the room looking at me. “He told me. Addi, I hope you figure out what you want and choose either my brother or Erik.” She limped up the stairs and Hank followed after her seeing if she needed help with her bullet wound leaving the three of us alone.
“You’re going to drive her away if you keep pushing her to come back. I’ve seen it done to other women in my life.” Logan pointed out.
“I can see if I can convince her otherwise.” I entered their conversation.
Charles glanced at me. “Addi, don’t get offended but how would you be able to do that? You’re not a telepath.”
“I don’t have to be one to know Raven….ohh.” Covering my forehead with my hand I felt myself getting dizzy when I slowly attempted to get to my feet to get a drink or something since I hadn't eaten much. I stumbled into the chair I was sitting in and my knees began giving out from underneath me.
Charles called my name doing the best he could confined to his wheelchair now, reaching out to catch my body since I had fallen forward in his direction. “Addison! Urgh!…Logan.”
“I‘ve got her, professor.” He caught my legs helping Charles be able to hold my body against his chest now.
Charles looked up at him concern clear in his tone of voice. “Help me get her to the lab downstairs….you'll be just fine, Addi.” He sucked in a breath trying to not let his anger rise inside of him when he thought about Erik. If this was his fault like he likely believed it was he would be giving him a good talking to the next time he saw his old friend.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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The woods @huxloween
It has been long time since Hux was planetside. He actually could remember only one time when he was in any woods. And sleeping under the sky? Well never. Not like that. On the ground. Close to fire. With his coat as a cover. His people took the watch and the rest of them was sleeping already, a few meters further to give their commanding officer deserved space.
But Hux couldn't sleep. Every sound made him shiver. His paranoia was awake and ready to take everything around as a possible threat. Darkness was not helpful. He sighed rubbing his face and almost jumped at his feet when Ren stood next to him.
"Kriffing hell. What do you think you are doing." He hissed with knife in his hand.
"Easy." Kylo sat down slowly. "You are projecting, general. Tomorrow we will have tiring day. You should rest."
"I was resting until… "
"No you weren't. You were panicking."
"I was not."
"I can help. It's fine. I felt like that when i was first time on a Star Destroyer. Everything was… Well it was hard. I suppose this can be overwhelming for someone raised on star ships."
"I…" Hux was speechless" don't need your pity." Kylo roller his eyes.
"Just… Let me help."
"No. No force tricks near my head Ren."
"As you wish. But i can help in different way. I don't really need so much sleep i will meditate here."
"You… You want to watch me sleeping?" Kylo nodded.
"If this will help you calm down. Would you want me to? Stay here?"
Hux looked around and into the darkness of the woods and nodded slowly.
"It is… Overwhelming" he said quietly closing his eyes.
"You are safe, General. No need to be scared." Hux glanced at him furiously. "You are projecting, Hux. It's keeping me up. And it's disturbing. Sleep."
Hux tried. He actually fell asleep but after few minutes woke up looking for his knife. He glanced at Ren. Knight was sitting facing away from him. Hux rolled over and pressed his forehead to his back. Kylo sighed.
"Lay down next to me" he said. Ren looked at him in surprise but obeyed. He laid down and touched Hux's back when general rolled over again.
"C'mon… Come here Hux. You are projecting."
"Kriff off." Kylo smiled petting his back and feeling like Hux is slowly breaking. After few minutes he was laying snuggled up to Kylo nuzzling his neck. "You insolent child."
Kylo laughed.
"Really. I don't know why Supreme Leader sent you here with us. I could… "
"You don't? "Hux snorted "isn't it obvious.? " he sighed looking at confusion in Kylo's eyes "it's a punishment"
"For what?"
"For fucking you apparently."
"Oh." He cleared his throat"well it's not very wise then to send us both in the same place isn't it?"
"Use your brain just for few seconds please Ren"
"Its a test."
"It is. And i am not loosing my live or even worse my rank because you couldn't restrain yourself."
"You are the one clinging to me, Hux."
"Shut up." He sighed and closed his eyes.
"I won't let him kill you Hux."
"You won't let him" he mocked" you don't have any chance against him"
"You underestimate me."
"You didn't give me any prove that you are capable of defeating him Ren. I only saw how he tossed you from wall to wall."
"He is my Master, I obey."
"You obey because he has power. It's not a matter of respect. Obedience is an effect of fear."
"It's not" Hux snorted at that and Kylo fell silent and soon he was laying awake and listening to Hux's steady breath. He swore that night to himself that he will kill Snoke and place his head before Hux. And he did. A year later he was kneeling before Hux with Sonke's head next to him.
"Your orders, General?" He asked softly. Because obedience is a choice. And he chose to obey.
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iamsherlocked1479 · 2 years
I can tolarate it
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Pairing: Dr Strange x f!Reader
Summary: Stephen returns from a mission injured and y/n decides to work on him.
word count: 1.2K
Genre: smut, aingst/18+ and a bit of fluff
A/N: sorry its been so long, many many college assignments. nut i hope you enjoy Chapter 5 of Thats not how I'd do it should be out in the next few days. Enjoy
Brushing your teeth you noticed the dust that had been slowly forming above the door. Man the sanctum felt empty when you were alone, you weren’t Stephens maid but you helped him clean after being away for so long. It was a big step down from the lavished life you used to live but you knew what you were leaving behind when you decided to learn the mystic arts. But you had also gained some things too; magical powers, social skills and of course your partner. Oh god your partner, the cocky sarcastic Dr Stephen Strange. Master of the mystic arts, sorcerer supreme and guardian of the New York sanctum. You never intended to become somewhat of an item with him, but who could resist and it definitely helped that he was a perfectionist. Boy you loved that man, but he could at least refrain from galavanting off with the avengers and leaving you alone for days on end.
You sigh, spitting out the toothpaste and sliding into bed, it was cold without him. It surprised you at first but Stephen loved to cuddle, without him you had to stay warm the lonely way using blankets and fluffy socks. You pull the covers over your shoulder and close your eyes slowly fading into a slumber.
A loud crash at the end of the bed startled you awake, Stephen tumbled through a portal hitting the floor.
“Y/n?” He muttered, grasping his side he gripped the bed post and pulled himself shakily to his feet.
“Jesus Stephen, what the hell happened.” You say rushing to his aid.
“We were fighting demons. Argh-“  he paused and pressed his bleeding side. “We won but a straggler stabbed me, I need to sew me up. Nothing vital was hit just hurts like a bitch.” He gasped. You looked at his side and how the navy blue of his robes had been stained with deep crimson red.
“Okay okay, I can do this.” You whipped his arm around your neck and helped him to the next room slumping him on the couch. 
“You need to stitch it up and stop the bleeding, but first wipe it clean and apply pressure.” Stephen said grunting at the motion of his body hitting the couch.
“Okay sounds easy enough, we learned first aid in sixth grade.” You say hastestily.
“That gives me so much confidence.” Stephen grunted sarcastically.
“I told you to stay in bed and ignore the phone call.” You smirked pulling a first aid kit from a portal
“I'm beginning to think you were right.” He said quietly, watching as you pulled his robes off his chest. The stab wound was large, bigger than he made out. You winced at the gaping hole before you, dragging a damp cloth around the edges.
“And you’re sure nothing important was hit?” You asked, watching the blood pour from the tightening hole.
“If it had, I would be dead.” He smiled. His face tightened as you the final stitch closing the wound. You grabbed the cloth and traced it down the wound feeling his hot breath on your neck as he sighed at your touch.
“I know what you're thinking.” You smirk
“Do you now?” He smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. He leaned forward to kiss your forehead, grunting in pain as you lowered him back.
“You’re far too weak Stephen.” You say running your hands down his smooth chiselled chest. “I’ll have to do this one on my own.” Your tone lowered as his eyes darkened watching your hands slither down beneath his pants. You pulled out his half hardened cock and took it into your hands pumping it smiling at the sight of Stephens head dropping backwards over the sofa in pleasure. You fell to you knees biting your bottom lip at the sight of his erect cock standing perfectly on its own.
“Do it, I know you want to please your sorcerer supreme.” Stephens hand glided across your face. Your tongue slid from the tip down his thick shaft skilfully moving up and down, your eyes shone brightly at the sight of Stephen's extacy. The leather of the chair squealed as you sucked harder, Stephen strangling the chair arms as he gripped it. “I wanna fuck you so badly baby.” He pulled your chin up towards you and forced your lips onto his, to which you gladly latched onto. Your faces pulled back and forth as he snaked his hands around your waist, pulling your t-shirt above your head allowing your breasts to bounce down in front of him. He grabbed them softly and massaged them until your nipples pointed and suckled them warmly. 
You sighed joyfully rocking your hips across his feeling his cock pulsing between your thighs. Your cunt soaked through your shorts teasing him, he could feel that you weren’t wearing any underwear and it made him ravenous. 
“Y/n you make me so horny, look at how hard i am. I don’t care how much it hurts. I am going to make you scream.” He stood you both up housting you onto his hips and pushing his cock into you. Your bodies slammed against the wall as he thrusted himself deep inside. His hand slid down towards your clit, his fingers circulated around your folds, touching your clit every time he pushed deeper. The knot in your stomach grew tight as he worked on you, the tension travelled to your core. 
“Oh fuck Stephen. Just like that.” Your juices dripped down his cock as you only making it easier for him to slide into you. Stephen lifted you again and walked you to his bedroom, he flopped you onto the bed and positioned you on all fours over the edge of the bed. He ran his hands over your ass and slapped the cheeks hard watching them glow red. 
He plunged his cock back in again, smiling at the rhythm created by your bodies slapping together. You groaned at the feeling of him going deeper moaning his name pulling the sheets from the mattress. His cock twitched before releasing his thick juices into your cunt, pulling some out as he left. He walked over to the bathroom and returned with a warm cloth, he ran it smoothly over your wet cunt and placed it aside.
“Sit with me y/n.” He walked to his side of the bed and opened the covers for you to join him. You rested your head over his sweaty chest frowning at the sight of his hand clutching his throbbing side.
“I told you, you should have stayed in bed.”
“Just this once, i’ll admit you’re right.” Stephen kissed your forehead and pulled you closer. The room was warm and quiet as the pair of you enjoyed each others company chattering and laughing. The calm moment was ruined by the frantic buzzing of Stephens phone, it was Tony. he sighed picking up his phone.
“Do you think you can tolerate leaving them to handle it on their own just this once?” you stroked his goatee smiling as he put the phone down.
“I think I can tolerate it.”
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