#madlad neighbor
tea-with-eleni · 2 years
Shoutout to our madlad neighbor Ben across the street who is probably responsible for the murder hornet my mother stepped on in our kitchen. At least, we think it was a murder hornet. It was too big and the sting was too painful for it to be much else.
we don't know he's responsible but he also brought in an obscene amount of sod over the last week so it's probably his fault somehow.
Other things Ben has done:
Installed new electrical wiring in his own attic. He is not an electrician.
Burned down his house via the faulty electrical wiring on Christmas Day 2018.
Designed a new house to go on top of the foundation despite the fact that he is neither an artist nor an architect. Our next door neighbor, an architect, told us this with mild horror. The man around the corner, our incredibly classy dentist, was likewise Aesthetically Offended.
Hired like two people to build the Arthur Dent eyesore of a house over the course of 2019.
Cut down a tree in his sideyard he didn't like by climbing said tree with a chainsaw and sawing off branches one at a time. Including the branch he was sitting on. My parents were getting their Best Lesbian Friend to help with some tree branches that fell in their yard at the time because she had a collection of chainsaws and is always down for a good time. She got distracted watching Ben because, "He's going to die."
Built his child one of those wooden backyard playset things.
Rented a cherry picker to deal with the rest of the branches on the tree in his sideyard. My parents had, at that point, hired some very nice people to help paint their house. They sat on our front porch and watched Ben run over the playset with the cherry picker. Also his fence. To quote one of them, "My brother could do that pretty cheap, but I'm not going to tell him. This is more fun."
Tore the bumper off his car trying to remove the stump left from his sideyard tree
Destroyed the fence, again, after renting some kind of heavy machinery to level part of his backyard.
Bought a plastic skeleton for his front yard in 2020. Moved and posed it every day in October. My parents noticed that he left the door for one of the trucks he'd rented unlocked and took the golden opportunity to prop the skeleton up in the driver's seat.
Bought some kind of very sweet and very cute large fluffy dog. Had to get surgery for the dog after it ate two pairs of socks and a towel. The dog has now recovered but is baffled by the way his lovely backyard fence keeps getting crushed by construction equipment.
To continue the skeleton army, he also bought one of those 12' skeletons last year. It was also posed daily along with the other, human-sized skeleton.
We're not really sure how Ben is still alive despite his best efforts. At any rate, murder hornets seem par for the course. He's actually a nice guy, just insane. The working theory is that he comes from family money and was one of those sheltered rich kids who was never allowed to play in the dirt as a child and is making up for lost time now.
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
More Reading Thoughts: A Long-Expected Party
There’s something so incredibly endearing about the slow, meandering beginning of LotR.
Even today—in a day and age when every author tries to grab you by the eyeballs in the first five words—Tolkien’s writing still has that gentle, irresistible draw that takes you by the hand and leads you slowly but surely into adventure. Something about a “birthday party of special magnificence” just appeals to all our inner children, I think; and the tiny mysteries, and the joy of a world of fantastical creatures living in peace and comfort, just adds to that. You want to go to Middle Earth, and you want to get lost in it. It’s like a lazy river at a water park; you wade in, get settled, and relax, and the next thing you know you’re far away from where you started.
All of that to say, Tolkien’s writing is goals and I aspire to be even a fraction of what this man was someday.
Anyway. To the bullet points!
Isn’t it hilarious how quick people are to begrudge one another their good fortune?? If Bilbo had been poor and died in a timely manner his neighbors would probably have liked him just fine, but he gets a lot of wealth and lives a long time and all the hobbits go >:-(
They’re not wrong to be suspicious, of course, but it’s still a biting social commentary. And very funny!
“As Mr. Baggins was generous with his money, most people were willing to forgive him his oddities and his good fortune.” 🤣
“You should come live with me so we can celebrate our birthday parties more comfortably together” belongs in the same category as C. S. Lewis’ “and they got so used to arguing that they married each other to keep doing it more conveniently”
“And suddenly, all the old people found that everyone actually WANTED to hear their rambling stories!”
Hobbits are all so terribly prejudiced. What endearing morons.
Ooh, confirmation that Bilbo and Frodo look similar!
“There never was much to tell of him! … Till he was drownded.” “DROWNDED??”
I love that the only things we know about Drogo Baggins are that he was unremarkable and fat and married a strange woman
The Gaffer: “Thank goodness Mr. Bilbo saved young Mr. Frodo from those strange, dastardly Bucklanders…”
Meanwhile, Merry feels his eye Twitch and doesn’t know why 🤣
The spelling of jewels as “jools” is adorable for reasons I can’t describe
Tiny Gaffer Gamgee saw Bilbo come home from his Adventure!!
The Gaffer’s words are strangely prophetic. Sam did indeed land in trouble that was bigger than him—and thank goodness he did.
The Gaffer basically says here “if generosity is being strange, we could do with a lot more strangeness!” and honestly that’s a motto I want to live by
I love that Sam is most likely the one who started the rumor about the fireworks X-D
I wish we’d gotten to see the Dwarves visiting Bag End in the movies. It’s a shame they were cut. Imagine what cool costumes they could have had!
“G for grand!” and Gandalf’s smile. Ugh, my heart 🥹
Pity that September 22nd fell on a Friday this year. We were so close to it being a Thursday, like in the book! Oh well. Try again another year, I guess X-D
Are small business owners grumbling about your purchases from foreign parts?? Here’s an easy solution! Just BUY OUT THE STOCK OF EVERYONE FOR MILES AROUND IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS
Also the fact that the post offices are absolutely flooded 🤣 Bilbo, you madlad
“Old Gaffer Gamgee stopped even pretending to work on his garden” LOL
The brief paragraph of NOOO BAD WEATHER THE DAY BEFORE THE PARTY is honestly spectacular. It’s so nerve-wracking for just a second there—which is hilarious in light of the war and death and GIANT SPIDERS we’re going to read about. I think it has a flavor of Tolkien’s beliefs on eucatastrophe hidden in there—it’s not out of Bilbo’s own effort that the weather cleared up just in time for his party, it was just happy providence—but I’m too tired to write an essay about it right now.
“Half the Shire’s been invited…and the rest of them are turning up anyway!”
The hobbits who came through the gate again to get a second present 🤣🤣🤣
“The hobbit-children were so excited that for a while they almost forgot about eating.” That’s impressive!!
I love that some of the toys are dwarven-made. That’s such a cool detail that makes the world seem both fantastical (because dwarves!) and real (because you can Amazon order toys from them!) at the same time.
The names of the fireworks!! Especially the ones that are onomatopoeia, like “backarappers”! It just makes brain go ✨✨✨
Pfffft, yellow rain
There’s the express train reference!
Notable difference here: in the movies, the big dragon firework was set off ahead of schedule by Merry and Pippin, and all the hobbits freak out. In the book, the big dragon firework is set off right on time to signal supper, and all the hobbits freak out (but are immediately pacified by food).
Small detail I’d like to see in more fanfics: “Bilbo had been specializing in food for many years, and his table had a high reputation.” Yes, the idea of Bilbo and Frodo eating like the bachelors they are is hilarious, BUT! We have textual evidence to the contrary! I don’t know if this line means that Bilbo was a magnificent cook himself or simply hired magnificent cooks, but either way, it’s canon that the Bag End bachelors ate like kings!
“The feast was so incredible that everyone was incredibly full and took home leftovers and no one bought any new groceries for weeks. The good news is that Bilbo had bought out all the grocery stores anyway, so it was fine.”
Why is the detail about the golden buttons on Bilbo’s waistcoat so enchanting to me?? I really think this chapter just activates the Inner Child Mode in my brain, and suddenly even something as simple as shiny buttons becomes beautiful and magical. Also it’s just a lovely way to paint a vivid picture in my mind.
I’m so glad they kept so many of the jokes in Bilbo’s speech for the movies 🤣 “PROUDFEET!!”
And now here we see Tolkien, author of the fantasy epic that has defined the genre for a century and counting, unironically using caps lock. Folks, you can’t make this crap up.
The sneaky way Tolkien says Bilbo vanished before he mentions the flash of light is Very Good and hints at the fact that there’s something else at work here
Rory Brandybuck is the G.O.A.T.
“But at the same time he felt deeply troubled: he realized suddenly that he loved the old hobbit dearly.” Aww, Frodo…
Incredible that the debate between Bilbo and Gandalf over the Ring takes up almost four pages, but it doesn’t feel like it. Excellent suspense.
I wonder where Gandalf is going “to bed”. It doesn’t look like he’s staying in Bag End, so did he get a room at an inn somewhere? Is he sleeping in his cart??
Also it’s implied later in the book that Gandalf the White doesn’t sleep. Inconsistency?? A slight untruth?? Secret powerup to Gandalf the White that we’ve overlooked??
“The sun rose. The hobbits rose rather later.” Pffft
The SHADE in all the presents oh my WORD
Except for the ones for the poorer hobbits. Bilbo’s gift for the Gaffer is so simple in its contents, and yet so generous and thoughtful 🥹
MY FAVORITE HOBBIT (don’t tell the others)
How old would Merry have been here?? Like nineteen?? Incredible that he was already such a logistics guy that Frodo trusted him to keep an eye on the house while all the chaos is happening.
“Do you hear that, Merry? That was an insult, if you like.” “It was a compliment, and so, of course, not true.” HAHAHAHA DRAG HIM MERRY
Frodo: “I’m so sorry, I thought you were Lobelia!” Gandalf: “Understandable, have a nice day”
“I would give them Bag End and everything else, if I could get Bilbo back and go off tramping in the country with him.” N’aww, Frodoooo 😭
“Look out for me, especially at unlikely times!” Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.…
“Frodo did not see him again for a long time.” Ooh, ominous.
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brujahinaskirt · 2 years
I live in such a nice little niche of my primary fandom that sometimes I wander out of it and my mind blows out my ears as a result of me reacquainting myself with the reality that so many braindead how-many-tanks-does-it-take-to... "history nerd" viking-wank redditors played the whole 100+ hour plot of Kingdom Come: Deliverance and somehow walked away with these ultimate takes: 1. Scholarly Radzig terrified-of-my-own-son Kobyla is a suave anime protagonist Casanova who never made a mistake or social flub in his life, 2. desperately lonely I'll-pay-you-to-like-me alcoholic Hans Capon is a cool and sexy madlad and all the bitches want him, 3. dopey little mama's boy Henry of fucking Skalitz is a hardened morally gray Witcher-level badass Cuman-destroying unfeeling fearless supersoldier, 4. the grand takeaway of this game is that feudalism is a generally good system that works for the commonfolk (oh except in all the scenes in which the main character's friends and neighbors are being butchered alive at the idle whim of a conniving robber baron or starving in the streets thanks to a certain ~mistakeless~ lord's disinterest in actual governing in preference of thinking about philosophy and plotting self-serving military maneuvers)
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squadrah · 2 years
squadra members as kings? what would each one be as a king of his realm? you can take this to a variety of directiins, ve it realism historical or fantasy kingdoms, long in the past or modern... i guess what i am craving for is each as a king + general genre/outline/vibe of this story 👀
Risotto: I feel like he would have risen to power by assassinating a usurper to reclaim the throne for his own family; at the same time, the rumors and the repercussions would have ensured that his reign would be bittersweet as well as short. Say, the neighboring kingdoms have conspired to put that usurper on the throne because that person would have favored them in terms of foreign policy, but with Risotto foiling their plans, the neighboring kingdoms decided to go to war with him instead. He is known as the Knight King. I want him to have an enormous sword, and I want a dozen men to carry his body home from the battlefield.
Formaggio: Aww, gosh. My immediate thought was that if you wanted to have a miniature kingdom with a Tiny King, here is the perfect candidate. Maybe he made a fairy turn him small with the ability to speak in animal tongues, and now he has a whole empire of mice that have learned to walk on their hind legs to be fancy and songbirds as his messengers. Despite his stature, he would be such a wild card in foreign negotiations; imagine some normal king trying to throw his weight around, and this little rascal just tells him he has agents in all the kingdoms and they will target the vital crops first. An absolute madlad.
Prosciutto: Oh, man, this is tough. I absolutely love an eldritch angle on Prosciutto so I was tempted to go with him being some sort of lich king type being? But then I realized that out of everyone here, he has the potential to become that One Illustrious King who remains legendary for centuries to come. I'm talking amazing statues and portraits accentuating his handsome face and how much royal cunt he served. I'm talking anecdotes of his rapier wit and his absolute ruthlessness in times of war. I'm talking him sponsoring so much culture, particularly fashion. The type of king where you read a true history of his reign and you're still like, Wait, is this real? Really?
Pesci: I want this boy to be King of the Merfolk. He is friendly to humans and actually fascinated by their relationship to the sea, to the point where he has a very extensive fishing pole collection, wears hooks as earrings, and actively trades with the local people - in exchange for water-resistant trinkets, which have actually inspired an artisan revolution in the region, the merfolk are trading pearls, shells, deep sea fish, and the finest seaweed. He isn't particularly about power and control so he rules over the waters with a loose hand, but threaten anyone he loves and he might just invoke a storm upon your ships!
Ghiaccio: The predictable answer would be to make him a fantasy-type Ice King, but somehow it feels better, more organic, I guess? To just have him be the king of a realm in a very cold climate where he is a small man wearing enormous furs for warmth as well as swag, and he is constantly challenging himself to endure the cold better by swimming in the icy waters and meditating outside in his own constantly angry way. Might have difficulties skirmishing too far from his region or out of season, but attack him on his turf, especially in the dead of winter, and there will be no survivors.
Melone: Now this one is a mixed bag. On the one hand, he is a Sovereign Scholar, he is a thinker and a scientist and a philosopher and an alchemist, the type of monarch that isn't afraid of new ideas. On the other hand, he might just fuck around so much among the courtiers that there would soon be a hundred different bastards in line for the throne, and not being too whole of body, Melone would have to spend the last years of his life devising some sort of competition to figure out who is fittest to rule. Did he just invent the Hunter Games but for his own children? Goes down in history as a very interesting but very confusing period for his people.
Illuso: Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the most paranoid ruler of them all? That's right, it's Little King Meowmeow over here. I could see him as being the eldest of a dozen royal siblings with a sickly father who soon passes him the crown by default, but now this otherwise good-looking and even somewhat functional specimen lives in constant fear of his seven swole and terrifying brothers, who are not only praying for him to be infertile, but are so ready to slaughter him to take his place. He will be romanticized as a delicate and tragic figure whose policies might have been shit, but just look at that hair. Wow. (He was ultimately killed by his sister, who also killed all her other siblings. She then reigned for fifty years.)
Sorbet: I am sad to say that he would go down as His Miserly Majesty, the type of king that is absolutely obsessed with the treasury and the gold. Perhaps he assumed the throne at a time when things were looking bleak for the monarchy, perhaps he was born this way, but the fact is that he is constantly counting coins and entering into trading agreements with him is like trying to draw blood from a stone with a widow's peak. Despite all this, he is sporting little to no finery, and nobody really understands where all that wealth is going, because it's not really circulating that well if you catch my drift. Kind of an enigma, but historians will probably figure it out.
Gelato: I sincerely believe that if you combined a feral king and a goofy clown, he would be what comes out of that interaction. In fact, let it be known that his mother the Queen had a turbulent affair with the court jester, and now their offspring is passing very silly laws and setting things on fire and he is a nightmare to negotiate with because in-between puns and being just a little too familiar, he will murmur in your ear that he will stab you thirty times if you back out of that sweet bilateral agreement the two of you had just made. Very controversial in retrospect, but is known for having thrown some of the most amazing feasts and festivals the kingdom has ever known.
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mrskodzuken · 3 years
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pairing: Kozume Kenma x f!reader
wc: 535
tw/cw: timeskip!Kenma, established relationship, FLUFF (yes, in all caps stfu grrrr <3).
a/n: was kinda based on this ask I've sent to my baby moot @/love-amihan hours ago, which reminded me of this scene from the hit Korean drama, My Love From The Star, which was first aired on Philippine TV a few years ago (hence the Filipino dub names used, Matteo/Min-joon and Steffi/Song-yi) which spawned a Philippine adaptation that garnered equal recognition/accolades like its Korean counterpart iirc; a Thai adaptation also aired on Philippine TV, too btw ^^;; AND YES I MISSED WRITING FLUFFY STUFF YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ ; u ; special thanks to my wifey @miss-minty-writes for beta-reading this! ILY 3000 <3
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“This never happened in my life! If you were human, how could you not react to me?”
You were grinning like mad watching an episode of My Love From The Star on your PC that you didn’t notice your boyfriend Kenma entering your shared room.
“Eh? You’re watching that Korean drama again, kitten?” he softly asked from behind you, his chin perched on your shoulder. You jumped back in response, startled (also accidentally hitting Kenma’s chin in the process), and turned around to face him with your cheeks flushed and eyes wide.
“H-how long have you been standing behind me?”
The gamer rubbed his hurt chin, staring coldly at you with his golden cat-like eyes, pouting. “A little. And goddammit, Y/N, that hurts… I think you’ve dislocated my jaw.”
“What?!” You rushed in front of Kenma and gently cupped his chin, a worried expression etched on your face. “Does it hurt? Does it really hurt? Oh God, Kenma, I’m so sorry!” Your boyfriend, on the other hand, couldn’t help but feel a bit squirmish under your cute sorry gaze, red blooming across his cheeks.
“...if you didn’t walk behind and scare the shit out of me, I wouldn’t jump and hit on your chin.” Tears started to peek out from your eyes, making the former Nekoma setter panicked.
“Ah ah, don’t cry please! I was just joking about my jaw dislocating, I’m sorry! But it really hurts, kitten… maybe if you’d kiss it, the pain will go awa-ow! Let go!”
You gripped Kenma’s chin reeeeeal hard (more like pinching); his hand gripping back around your wrist, trying to pull it away. “No! I hate you, and I’m taking back my apology for earlier, baka neko!” You peeked out your tongue at him annoyingly.
He finally pulled your hand away from his more-than-aching chin and, looking at you adoringly, placed a soft kiss on the palm of your hand, which made your breath hitch and heart jump. You can’t hate your introverted gamer of a boyfriend-you love him!
Kenma smiled. “I love you, too, my Y/N.” He let go of your hand. “Now, answer my question: why are you watching My Love From The Star again? And that episode… that scene…”
“My nickname is the Fairy of 15 Seconds. I mesmerize people in 15 seconds of the commercial.”
Your fingers twirled on a loose strand of your hair, your own eyes looking down. “Eto… I-I just wanted to binge-watch on it again,” you mumbled.
“Yeah, sure. You were kind of grinning like a madlad a while ago.”
“Shut up, you!” You turned back in front of the PC and continued watching as Steffi set up her phone’s timer to 15 seconds and started making cute, alluring poses in front of her manager and neighbor Matteo. You noticed Kenma staring at the PC screen, watching the scene unfold too.
It was after the kiss when he finally spoke. “Wanna try it, kitten?”
You looked at your boyfriend, confused. “Pardon?”
He quickly whipped out his phone, a few finger taps, and showed you the timer on the screen being set to 15 seconds, smirking. “Can you endure a pretty setter like me for 15 seconds?”
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The Cat's General Taglist (form link here): @love-amihan @cemeiia @antisocia1-bean @toge-chan-out @lumpiang-toge
My Masterlist
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ashes-in-a-jar · 3 years
Man upstair is such a good EP tho....I couldn't get it out of my head for days. Still thinking Abt that weird meat creature n the meat nailed to the walls n floor 👌👌👌👌
(this post) Oh my god I'm happy I'm not alone!!
Idk why I'm so fixated on that one, before that episode I was still on the fence regarding tma but after that whole gore parade I was like 'sign me up :D'
Also the hilarity of an angry downstairs neighbor ranting about the weird smell and the leaking and then marching up finding meat wallpaper and a pile of meat with eyes causing all the problems. What a madlad glad he survived the ordeal of having Problematic living conditions. Hope that dude is doing well.
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literalnobody · 4 years
depending on how rural you get, some people’s *driveways* take a good 5 minute drive through the woods. i remember visiting my grandma on thanksgivings, driving a good 45 minutes deep into the woods, looking for her rose and magnolia bushes that mark her drive way seperate from everybody else’s driveways. Some of her madlad neighbors didn’t even mark their driveways- i have no idea how mail gets delivered there.
oh well honey now you’re just describing Ireland ;) 
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kramersoup · 3 years
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i’m not really a fan of either of these shows but these pictures are so stellar. the teenager energy is so poignant and beautiful. so awkward and sacred. so weird and so familiar. the teenage years suck for so many reasons but i have so many stories from the time i was like 12-15 doing stupid shit like the first photo.
the first thing that comes to mind is when i was in 9th grade and our band went to a local community college to play for a competition. afterwards we were basically dumped in a parking lot and told to get some lunch. we went inside the grocery store, all five of us goofy teenagers, the only freshmen in jazz band. we didn’t really have anything in mind when going in—in fact, if i remember correctly, we had already eaten: we got sonic, joking that we were in an invisible car, grinning ear to ear the whole time, then couldn’t stand the unbearable heat, so we went inside the neighboring popeye’s to eat. what are the chances that the manager would come out and see us eating burgers??—we were just going in to goof around, because the thought of all of us grocery shopping together was the funniest thing we could think of. we bought some cookies and a pint of ice cream, then panicked at checkout realizing we forgot to get spoons, a very necessary thing to eat ice cream. i think i was the one to run off and grab some. at some point one of them jumped into the cart, and he was not a small guy. i’ve been typing so long i forgot what my original point was. i guess sometimes i miss the inherently fun stupidity of being 14.
as for the second photo, it reminds me of my later teens. a different type of awkwardness. not guffawing publicly with madlad syndrome, but just vibing, content with being a little out of place. as a 17-19 y/o you’re more free, less turbulent, less self-conscious, a little lost, but trying to make the best of things. the guy in the picture makes me think of so many guys i met in high school. somewhat stiff and introverted with zero social skills but goofy. i went on a school trip to iceland with three guys like that this summer. by the end of the trip we had all revealed our deepest darkest secrets to each other over tiny bottles of hotel wine. we showed each other memes and ate many meals together, and they saw me throw up all of my breakfast on a whale-watching boat. now they’re all at different colleges across the country.
funny how quickly things change. teenagers of tumblr, enjoy these years for the good things they have to offer. i know a lot of it sucks but you’re going to come out of it wishing you made the most of it.
and specifically to my fellow later-teens: keep that energy of loving life close to your heart. always think of your 12 year-old self. always think of your roots. i always think of backyard wildflowers and sitting in recycling bins to make my friends laugh. that’s what it’s all about.
(disclaimer: i am not one of those people who misses high school and constantly romanticizes it and thinks they’re the golden years or whatever. i am so glad that i graduated this year. high school sucked.)
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joocydragonfroot · 4 years
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Gotta get me one of these madlads. I like em. I like em a lot. Im gonna get one and beat on it so hard that my neighbor stops flirting with my mom. I’m gonna get me one of these madlads.
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daydreamodyssey · 5 years
uh... do you ship gordon and alyx? no clue if you do. if you do, them! if not, then take your pick!
I do actually yeah! Thanks!
(This is going to be SUPER interpretive, so please understand me lol)
falls asleep on the couch
Both of them have busy lives, what with science and making due in the post-apocalypse, so they crash on anything that’s comfortable
makes friends with the neighbors
Alyx is more charming and extraverted so she’s going to have the most rapport with strangers
is the adventurous eater
Alyx again just because she’s grown up on limited good foods, and more on things like cooked headcrab. Though Gordon went to college AND grad school, so he’s probably used to cheap available food too
hogs the covers at night
Gordon probably just cuz he’s more used to comfortable blankets before Earth got invaded, but it’s nothing extreme
forgets to do the dishes
I picture Gordon as scatterbrained if he’s not doing a task, so he’ll forget ‘em but he’ll get on it if reminded
tries to surprise their partner more often
Alyx, she gets a kick out of “gotcha” scares so I can see her liking his reactions
leaves dirty laundry on the floor
Gordon, from his man-child uni days, until he goes madlad with spring cleaning
stays up til 2 AM reading
Gordon would absolutely go intense into physics or sci-fi books way past healthy waking hours
sings in the shower
Alyx. She hum-sings in a part of the game, and it’s more than we get from Mr. Man of few words
takes the selfies
Alyx is more photogenic, but Gordon might go for sillier selfies
plans date night
Alyx tends to lead a lot of the non-action stuff, but Gordon will be the one to be creative with what he’s got
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I thought you'd find this funny. my neighbors are playing random songs loudly, so to counter it I'm blasting meme songs on every device with the doors open. (I have 5 google homes at full volume)
Oh wow. That is dedication at its finest, you chaotic-good madlad.
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stan-magic-blog · 6 years
Ot7 as things that were said in my groupchat
Haechan: You see, he already knows that I am into bondage, so I would need a madlad social skills to trun it into my favor, but I only have madlad depression.
Mark: Shut up! At least I own a fucking bible.
Chenle: I decided not to study medicine in the end. My mother told me that my only job is being her child and I am inheriting the hotel anyway.
Jeno: My dream is to be the type of neighbor that gets stones thrown at their windows and feeds every cat in a 1000 km radius.
Jaemin: I don't need to study in order to suck a dick for living.
Renjun: Your friendship with me is supposed to expire in four years, don't make me cut it short.
Jisung: If you weren't like 150 cm, I would hear you.
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smoothshift · 6 years
Any other "OEM Anarchists?" via /r/cars
Any other "OEM Anarchists?"
A post over on /r/madlads about using Apple headphones with a Samsung phone reminded me that in the past year I have put ACDelco parts on my girlfriend's Ford, and Motorcraft parts on my dad's Chevy. ACDelco filter because I got some on clearance, Motorcraft because their filters are actually really good quality.
I ordered some brake pads on RockAuto today, so of course I decided to order a Denso filter for my buddy's Jeep.
Now all I have to do is order something Mopar for my neighbor's Toyota to complete the cycle.
Does anyone else buy from a manufacturer owned by/strongly associated with one OEM and install them on another OEM's vehicles? Any practical reason? Or just for giggles?
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