#mage whumpee
nat-1-whump · 2 months
Whumpee was a capable magic user, having cultivated that skill their whole life. So, naturally, they took liberty in exercising it every change they got. From teleporting rather than traveling, to using telekinesis to carry heavy things, to using illusion spells to pull lighthearted tricks... it was a wonder they ever had any energy left to cast more spells at all.
However, they were injured and had to be hospitalized. The doctors put them on magic suppressants, warning them that using magic could be unpredictable, or even dangerous, in their vulnerable condition. It was safest to take their powers away for the time being.
Whumpee did not take this news well.
One evening, Caretaker went to visit Whumpee. Whumpee had seemed particularly upset with their loss of magic last time Caretaker visited, so this time, they brought them a stuffed animal. Hopefully it would comfort them, at least a little bit, as they recovered.
They expected to find Whumpee frustratedly picking at their bandages, or in a restless sleep, as usual. But when they opened the door, they found Whumpee knelt down on the floor, sobbing over a shattered mug.
Caretaker hurried to set the plushie on the bed. They crouched down next to Whumpee, and put a hand on their shoulder. "Hey, it's alright. I'll help you clean it up, and we can get you a new mug, okay?"
Whumpee sniffled. "I-I can't even fix a stupid cup..." They cried.
Caretaker instinctively glanced towards Whumpee's hands, worried that they'd cut themself trying to pick up the pieces. They were initially relieved to see that Whumpee hadn't, until they realized that Whumpee must have tried---and failed---to use a mending spell instead. That must be why they were crying now. "...Fix it? Whumpee, no... You can't. Not right now. Look, I'll go get a broom to clean up the pieces, and-"
"No, I want to do this..." Whumpee looked up at Caretaker, their eyes reddened and tearful.
"Whumpee, you can't, remember? They-the doctors, they put you on magic suppressants until you get better." Caretaker wasn't a magic user themself, so they wondered what it was like to lose magic powers after using them for so long. They figured it probably threw poor Whumpee's system all out of whack.
Whumpee considered for a moment. They looked at the broken mug, then back at Caretaker. "Wait, I think... I think I can force a tiny bit, just a little..."
"What do you mean, 'force?' Whumpee, I really don't think that's a good idea." Caretaker tried to take Whumpee's hands in their own, but Whumpee pulled away, focused on the broken mug.
Whumpee picked up a few pieces. They ignored Caretaker's protests and closed their eyes, chanting a mending spell under their breath. Their brow furrowed, as they seemed to strengthen their resolve to cast the spell.
To Caretaker's disbelief, a faint light began to flicker from Whumpee's palms, the glow peeking out from under the ceramic shards. A couple of pieces began to shudder, clinking as they seemed to gravitate towards each other.
Suddenly, the pieces went still. They clattered to the floor as Whumpee's arms fell limp. Like a reflex, Caretaker grabbed Whumpee and pulled them into an embrace before they could collapse into the pile of sharp pieces. The ceramic shards glittered in the light from the window, as if to taunt them.
"Whumpee!" Caretaker felt a warm trickle against their chest, and gently turned Whumpee's head up to see a stream of blood coming from their nose. They shakily pulled Whumpee up and took them back to their hospital bed, struggling to carry their limp body. After draping Whumpee over the blankets, they found a paper towel and began to clean the blood off their face.
Whumpee's eyes fluttered open as Caretaker wiped their bloody nose. "D-did I do it?" Their voice sounded distant and groggy.
Caretaker's heart broke. Whumpee sounded so hopeful. "No, Whumpee. Your cup's still broken. But you have to rest, okay?" They instinctively put a hand on Whumpee's chest to push them down, fully expecting Whumpee to try to pull themself out of bed.
Instead, Whumpee only stared up at them, defeated. Caretaker noticed the dark circles under Whumpee's eyes and was about to ask when they last slept, when Whumpee's gaze wandered past Caretaker to the floor.
Caretaker followed their eyes to where the fragments of ceramic seemed to glow in the fading sunlight. They felt they should leave Whumpee's side to clean it up, but now, such an action felt too... final. They figured it would only make Whumpee feel worse, watching the pieces they tried so hard to fix get swept up and dumped in the trash.
A sniffle from Whumpee pulled Caretaker back to the moment. They looked down to see Whumpee's eyes well up with tears. Wordlessly, they squeezed Whumpee's hand.
Whumpee pulled their hand away and curled themself up on the bed, hiding their face behind their knees. Their sniffling turned to full-on sobbing.
Caretaker gently stroked Whumpee's hair, trying to find the right words. "Whumpee... You need to rest. Nobody is expecting you to start casting spells again so soon. Not after all that happened."
Whumpee peeked over their knees. "It hurts. It feels like they took something out of me and it messed everything up."
"I know... But you'll feel better once you sleep, yeah? And the more you rest, the sooner you'll be recovered enough to handle your magic again." Caretaker pulled the blankets up to Whumpee's shoulder and handed them the plush toy they'd brought earlier.
Whumpee moved their legs away from their chest, exposing their face as they clutched the stuffed animal. Their momentary comfort gave way to worry. "What if I forget how to use magic while I'm in here, though? W-what if I'm never able to use magic again?" Their lip started to quiver.
Caretaker gave Whumpee a warm smile, though their eyes held a look of pity. "I'm not sure, Whumpee. I don't know a whole lot about magic... How it works, what it takes to learn it." They patted Whumpee's shoulder. "But whatever happens, I'll stay by your side every step of the way. I'll promise you that much."
A small smile formed on Whumpee's face. Though they still seemed worried, Caretaker's reassurance calmed their nerves somewhat. They closed their eyes, squeezing the stuffed animal against their chest.
The two rested quietly in the hospital room, the shadows stretching higher up the wall until the orange sunset outside had darkened to a rich purple. Once Whumpee dozed off, Caretaker swept up the broken pieces. They sat down next to Whumpee again and gently placed a hand on their cheek.
Whumpee mumbled contentedly. For the first time in a while, their sleep seemed... peaceful.
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scaewolf · 5 months
Fantasy Pet Whump - Whump Exchange
@whump-art-exchange @cepheusgalaxy
TW: Blood, Injury, Non-Con Touching (non sexual), Restraints, Degradation/Dehumanization, mention of murder, mana drain, exhaustion
I really couldn't decide on a topic for a single Artwork so I came Up with a whole story and made a short comic.
Since a Whump Comic with only one character isn't spicy enough I decided to let my OC join the fun. So you get some Petrichor x Demonatio. (Demonatio being the inofficial title of my boy Ėnātio being possessed by Idolen)
I really Hope you enjoy what I created.
Some Background Info for Context:
Petrichor was at class. One of his least preferred subjects being "Spirit Manipulation".
Todays topic you ask?
Everyones exorcism went smooth. Until it was Petrichors turn to reveal a big mistake of the teacher.
Instead of picking a lower rank demon for Petrichor to subdue, a calamity rank demon lord managed to slip inbetween.
As soon as he got to take control over the presented Body, he took off to slaughter the whole class including the class master.
Petrichor, due to stupid luck, managed to stay upright until the very end. Doing his best to cast protection magic while the others worked together to finish the exorcism. Until they couldn't anymore.
Next Up:
The last moments of Petrichor enjoying his freedom before being taken to the demon realm since he catched Demonatios eye.
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Page 1 Text:
Petrichor: Goddamnit! I am running out of mana
Demonatio: Give Up. Come pet, take my hand.
Petrichor: //sooo...tired// I can't push through anymore.
Demonatio: My sweet pet, Mine, kneeling suits you.
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Page 2 Text
Demonatio: So weak all of a sudden. Already ran out of bark, little pet? Don't worry, worry master will take care of this.
Demonatio: WAKE UP! Time to take in your new Home!
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Page 3 Text
Demonatio: Welcome to my domain.
I also made a Reference Sketch of Petrichor for myself so---
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I did not add the hair strand because it was mostly for clothing/general design consistency.
If I got any details wrong in the final Comic I blame my selfmade ref Sheet I based on the sketches. (i accidentally made his gloves too long so they Cover His tattoo🥴)
I really loved working on this. Especially his hair gave me life <3
That's it, that's the post. Hope you enjoy this art exchange :)
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It's Magic
This snippet is for @creweemmaeec11!
Villain pressed the knife deeper into Hero's side, the blade glowing with harmful magic.
"Pathetic little thing," Villain laughed, yanking the blade out.
Hero gasped, lurching forward. They crashed down in the alleyway.
"Lesser beings like you should learn to stay out of my way," Villain said, "maybe your corpse will serve as an example."
Villain cast a spell, causing little cuts to open all over Hero's body. Hero whimpered in pain. They looked up with blurry vision as Villain strode away. Was this really how it was going to end? Killed by a magic user? Hero didn't have the energy to worry about it; they started to drift off, their head light and their limbs heavy.
Hero stirred to the feeling of a gentle rocking sensation.
"Mm..." they mumbled.
"Shhh," a voice soothed.
The rocking sensation stopped suddenly as Hero was laid down on a soft surface. They forced their eyes to open. They tried to sit up, but a hand gently pushed them back down.
"Don't-" the voice said softly, "don't get up. You're hurt."
Hero stared up at their rescuer. Their vision cleared, and their face went pale. Hero scuttled back on the couch.
"S-Supervillain," Hero breathed.
Hero's breaths quickened, coming out in short little gasps. Their heart felt like it was going to beat out of their chest. Supervillain held their hands up in a placating gesture.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," they said, "I promise."
Supervillain took a step closer, and Hero flinched hard, screwing their eyes shut. Instead of a harsh strike or a dark spell, Hero felt the gentle pressure of a hand on their forehead. They cracked an eye open and looked at Supervillain.
"No fever, that's good," Supervillain said.
Soft green light emanated from Supervillain's hands. Hero's breathing became deep of its own accord. Hero blinked in confusion.
"Wh-what are you doing?" Hero asked.
"It's a calming spell," Supervillain explained, "I don't want you to panic."
Supervillain gestured to Hero's shirt.
"May I?" they asked.
Hero felt themselves nodding, a forced calm settling over them. Supervillain thanked them and lifted their shirt.
"It seems to be healing well," Supervillain said, "my magic made short work of your cuts, but this stab wound was pretty bad."
"Yes, my healing magic. You're lucky to be alive, if I hadn't found you... well, it doesn't matter now."
Normally the mention of magic would have Hero hyperventilating, but the calming spell was weaving its way through their mind and body, keeping them pacified.
"Let me work on your wound some more, you don't deserve a scar."
Magenta light flowed from Supervillain's hands into Hero's healing wound. The area began to feel warm and fuzzy. Hero watched as the wound faded away completely, leaving nothing but smooth, undamaged skin.
"Can I get you anything?" Supervillain asked.
"I, um..."
"How about something to eat and drink?" Supervillain offered.
Hero quickly shook their head. What if they poisoned it? Then again, Supervillain probably wouldn't go through the trouble to save them just to poison them... on the other hand, though, this was Supervillain they were talking about, and-
A floating tray of food interrupted Hero's thoughts. On the tray was a bowl of chili and a cup of water. Supervillain ushered the tray over with a finger. It settled a few inches over Hero.
"It's, uh, it's waiting for you to sit up," Supervillain said.
Hero sat up cautiously. The tray, satisfied, landed gently on Hero's lap. The spoon flew into Hero's hand. Hero yelped in surprise.
"Yes, that particular spoon is rather forward," Supervillain said apologetically, "you'll get used to it."
Hero gulped. What would happen if they didn't eat? Would Supervillain kill them in a harsher way? The spoon, growing impatient, zipped out of Hero's hand, filled itself with a helping of chili, and forced its way into their mouth.
Flavors danced on Hero's tongue; the chili was absolutely delicious. The spoon left Hero's mouth and grabbed another helping of chili. It waited for Hero to swallow.
"I wouldn't poison you, if that's what you're worried about," Supervillain said, "I went through a bit of trouble to save you."
Hero swallowed hesitantly. The spoon eagerly shoved the next bite of chili into their mouth. Hero grabbed the spoon and started to feed themselves. Supervillain smiled.
"Why... why did you save me?" Hero asked.
Supervillain's smile faltered, replaced with a concerned expression.
"I couldn't just leave you there," Supervillain said.
"Yes you could've! You're Supervillain! You're the most powerful mage in the city, and I'm..."
"Yes?" Supervillain prompted.
"I fight mages! I'm your enemy!" Hero blurted.
Supervillain sighed. They waved a hand and an armchair tottered forward. Supervillain sat down, snapping their fingers. A cup of tea materialized out of thin air. Supervillain took a sip of it, then set it on the saucer, which was still floating nearby.
"Why do you fight mages?" Supervillain asked, as though Hero had come in for a therapy session.
"Because they use magic! And magic is- well, it's evil isn't it?"
"Look around you," Supervillain gestured to the room, "I've been using magic nonstop since I brought you here. Have I been using it for evil?"
Hero didn't respond.
"I've done nothing but heal you and tend to you with my powers," Supervillain continued, "what I want is for magic users and non-magic users to get along and enjoy each other's gifts. Of course, not everyone shares my sentiment, such as the mage who attacked you."
Hero shook their head, trying to rationalize Supervillain's words. Supervillain sighed again and stood. The tray floated away with the empty chili bowl. The spoon followed it back to the kitchen.
"You should get some rest," Supervillain said, summoning a blanket, which draped itself over Hero, "let me know if you need anything."
Supervillain began to leave.
"Wait!" Hero said weakly.
Supervillain turned.
"Thank you, Supervillain," Hero said quietly.
Supervillain cracked a small smile.
"You're welcome..."
"Hero," Hero said, "my name is Hero."
"You're welcome, Hero."
Supervillain flicked their wrist, and the lights went out. They left the room to let Hero sleep. Hero snuggled under the blanket and closed their eyes. They were still very confused about many things, but maybe magic wasn't as evil as they had thought.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld  @surplus-of-sarcasm
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whumpshaped · 1 year
im sure this post has been done before but whats everyones go-to whump scenario before bed
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Whump Week - Day 4
This one was SO fun omg thank you @week-of-whump!! Dw too much about being unfamiliar with this risen demon au just know that the war mages are dead now and all have grudges. c: Shout out to @whumpr for inspiring this one bc I WAS gonna do something fluffy but this sounded like way more fun.
Prompt: "Your blood looks so pretty" TWs: Intimate whumper, creepy whumper, whumper turned whumpee, whumpee turned whumper, death mention, murder mention, gore, hauntings, hallucinations, flirting but like in a threatening way
Luis rubbed his eyes, suddenly awake. The room was dark and quiet. His wife was sleeping peacefully next to him.
Nothing was lurking in the corners. No rings of white peered out from their halfway-open closet. He sat up. There were no fingers curling around the white frame of the door.
He'd been seeing things lately.
He needed some water. Something in Luis' gut told him to suck it up and go back to sleep--it said that something was in his house. He got up anyway.
Luis padded through the familiar, dark hall of his home and into the warm glow of the kitchen. The dim light above their sink wrapped him in safety as he drank long and slow. The winter chill of the water lanced through his head--a brain freeze. It grounded him, soothed the instinctive dread.
There was nothing to be afraid of.
This was his home, the space he shared with his wife. He'd lived in this house ever since they had first gotten married. He'd fixed leaks and renovated it, repaired it after bad storms, if it needed doing then he'd done it. He knew their house like he knew the scars on his palms.
There was nothing to be afraid of.
Luis washed the glass and put it away. He ran his hand under the tap and washed his face, breathing deeper as the cold pulled the rest of his tension from his shoulders. "I am being silly."
When Luis turned back to the hall, he stopped.
A tall, slender figure stood in front of his bedroom door. Its platinum blond hair hung down past its shoulders and glowed in the darkness. Two white rings shone out at him. They met his eyes. He knew that shape.
It started to walk closer.
It led its gait with its shoulders, prowling forward. He knew that walk. His war mages walked like that in their gear. Dimitri had walked like that even when he wasn't in his gear.
Dimitri had walked like that when he found Luis trying to hide Laredo's body. He hadn't stopped when Luis had ordered him to stand down. He'd pounced, instead, face contorted in fury as he flung himself into a fight he couldn't win.
Luis still remembered how Dimitri had sobbed and called him a monster.
Dimitri smiled, coming into the light. "Luis." He purred, sharp teeth glinting. "It's been a while."
Blood dripped down from Dimitri's throat, the hole that Luis had burned through him gaping and taunting him. Deep red splattered into the hardwood floor with every step Dimitri took. He had two sets of horns now, and feathery wings that filled the hallway. A long, thin tail swished, the pointed tip shivering happily, like he was a freshly-fed cat.
There was nothing to be afraid of. Luis knew that stress could cause hallucinations. Hallucinations couldn't hurt him.
Luis smiled. "It has, Dimitri." He met Dimitri's eyes, remembering how many times he'd seen that same sharpened bloodlust glittering on his most violent war mage's face.
Dimitri's hand raised to Luis' face, hovering less than an inch from his skin. He smelled like burned flesh. Blood dripped from his mouth. He was still in the clothes he'd been wearing when Luis killed him. Short shorts, a crop top, some fishnets and heels. It had been Dimitri's day off. He and Laredo had had something planned, some date. "You know, you were always very handsome, Luis."
"That's not appropriate to say to me, Dimitri." Luis said. It was habit. Dimitri and Laredo had always liked to jokingly flirt. An odd little game the three of them had played, usually to test Luis' mood.
"I know." Dimitri said, leaning closer. Their noses were almost touching. "But I'm not your soldier anymore. And I think you deserve to hear this." Dimitri's voice was soft.
Luis backed up. Dimitri followed. He matched Luis' pace, up until his back hit a wall. Brown eyes with their pupils ringed in white bored into Luis' own. Luis couldn't look away.
This was a very vivid hallucination.
Dimitri's hand came to rest on Luis' face. His thumb pressed into his cheek. Luis froze. Dimitri was warm. He was solid. His hand was smooth. He felt the points of Dimitri's new claws pressing against his skin.
This was not a hallucination. Dimitri was dead. Dimitri was right there, cornering Luis against a wall in his own home.
"Please." The word slipped out before Luis could stop himself. "I don't want to die."
Dimitri laughed. It was soft and quiet and the worst noise Luis had ever heard in his life. He wondered how many times Dimitri had cornered someone like this on the field. He wondered how many unexpectedly quick interrogations had wound up with the person not even an inch from Dimitri, like this, aware that their life could end in an instant.
Was this how Dimitri had felt? How Laredo, or Izan, or Manuel, or Mariano had felt? Had their hearts raced too quickly? Had the world closed in until it was just them and Luis?
"Oh, Luis. Sir. I'm not going to kill you." Dimitri's thumb pressed in harder against Luis' cheek. The point of his nail sank into Luis' skin. "I won't even hurt you. Not really. I just want to see you like this."
Luis flinched as Dimitri dragged his thumb along Luis' cheekbone. The claw sliced him open as easily as if Dimitri had pulled his favorite knife on Luis. Luis shook.
"It's a shame you didn't ever go on missions with us." Dimitri continued. "We never really got to see you on the field. All battle-worn." Brown, inhuman eyes followed a drop of blood as it escaped the cut, clinging to Luis' face, following the sharp curve of his chin and down his neck. "Because this is a good look on you. You have pretty blood."
Luis blinked.
Dimitri was gone.
The blood had disappeared from the floor. His face still stung. When Luis brought his hand up to his own face, he felt his blood smear.
Luis washed his face. He got another cup of water. He got a bandage from their first aid kit.
Luis could still smell cooking flesh and the metallic tang of his own blood when he slipped back underneath the blankets. His wife snuggled up to him again, oblivious to it all. He felt like he was vibrating.
As Luis was drifting off again, mind racing, he could've sworn he heard Dimitri laugh from the hallway.
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wolfeyedwitch · 4 months
Hidden scars for No Prisoners?
Hello! I am so sorry for how long the wait has been on this. I hope you enjoy the story and art, and thank you for sticking around!
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Velissa’s hands hovered over the painful-looking scars, not daring to touch them. Her heart was in her throat, choking off any words she might have said. She’d known the young mage she’d rescued from the town would need medical attention. If nothing else, the girl’s hands would need therapy after having been immobilized in their restraints for so long. But this?
There were so many. Some were mostly healed, if healed poorly. Others were fresh, little more than scabbed-over blisters. 
The thin, scarred shoulders hunched in further as Velissa watched, making the girl’s discomfort obvious. Pale skin littered with red weals pulled tight over spine and shoulder blades. 
“They thought it was funny,” the girl said, breaking the silence. Her voice was raspy, like she hadn’t used it in a while. “The guards.” 
Velissa finally managed to find her own voice and ask, “What was funny?” 
“Burning me,” the girl answered quietly. “A fire mage, getting hurt by her own element. Hilarious.”
Velissa thought she could feel her heart break at that. Elemental deprivation was a form of torture for mages, and something the town cells relied on to keep mages imprisoned. For the girl’s only contact with her element to be when someone used it against her was an extra level of cruelty.
“I’m so sorry,” she said finally, unsure of what else she could possibly offer. 
The only response she received was the girl quietly beginning to cry.
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@kim-poce @cupcakes-and-pain @badluck990 @livingforthewhump @ghostfacepepper @fleur-alise @extemporary-whump @myhusbandsasemni @heart4brains @kixngiggles @towerlesskey @darlingwhump
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newbornwhumperfly · 2 years
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whump aesthetics • vanyel ashkevron (a sad sweet gay wizard boy from mercedes lackey’s the last herald-mage trilogy)
a (belated) birthday gift for @much-ado-about-whumping - for vanyel is their beloved childhood blorbo! 💙🎂💙🎂💙
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doggonewhumper · 10 months
"Seriously, I'm Fine"
made using @whumpprentice 's sickfic wheel
Reyna knew she wasn't supposed to be here.
She was walking down the stairs to the dungeons, a cloak wrapped around her shoulders to ward off the chilly air. She knew a mage had been captured, and she wanted to see them. Why? She didn't know. She just felt some sort of... connection to the poor mage. She would never know what the feeling was unless she sought it out, so there she was, disobeying the biggest rule she was given - don't go into the dungeons. She knew that her brother was just trying to protect her; she was always sick and weak, and there were dangerous criminals held underneath the castle. Despite this, she still wandered the cell-lined halls, peaking into each one. She didn't know what she would do when she found the mage, but that didn't matter to her. Not yet.
"What's a little girl doing in a place like this?" one prisoner jeered. She made a face and ignored him. Yes, she was small, but she was no child!
She continued searching until she found a cell with an injured person. They were wrapped in bloody bandages, lying on the floor facing away from the door. They had long hair that was spread out on the floor. Somehow, she knew this was the mage.
"Hello? Um, hello?" Reyna whispered. The mage stirred, turning to face her. Their eyes widened when they saw her, but they didn't say anything.
"Hi! Um, are you... or rather, do you want something to eat?" she asked softly. The mage sat up slowly, wincing, and nodded, still not speaking. Reyna pulled an apple out of the pouch on her belt and held it out. Her slim wrist easily fit in between the bars of the cell. The mage crawled over hesitantly. "It's okay, I promise," she soothed. The mage reached out slowly. About an inch from the apple, their hand quickly latched on to her wrist, making her drop the apple. They pulled so that her body and head slammed into the bars. Her cry echoed against the stone walls of the dungeon.
"I'm not stupid. You won't poison me!" the mage yelled. They let go of her arm, and she cradled her wrist to her chest. They took the apple and threw it at her. It hit the cell bars, but she still flinched away as it hit close to her face.
"No, no! It's not poisoned!" Reyna cried out, teary-eyed. Before she could say more, footsteps and the clanking of armor echoed down the hall. Her brother, Roman, and a couple other guards ran up to her, weapons drawn.
"Reyna!" Roman called. He grabbed her and held her close, glaring at the mage.
"I'm fine!" Reyna said. She struggled against her brother as he held her head to his chest, trying to see the mage again. "Seriously, I'm fine!"
Roman didn't respond, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her out of the dungeons. She struggled at first, but she quickly resigned herself to being carried, shaking like a leaf. The last thing she heard was a cell door opening, a snap, and a scream.
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rookthebird · 2 years
whumpy side stories for the whumpy books?
should i write “mage overworks himself and collapses in his laboratory with no one around” as a lil side story treat first, or “cinnamon roll monster gets his first human disease and becomes sick and delirious and thinks the caretaker is going to kill him?”
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 6 months
We all know about magical fatigue as a whump trope for magical overuse. Now I raise you: Magical euphoria.
Magic that feels good to use. It leaves the user dizzy and lightheaded, a giddy energy rushing through their entire body. It's enough to leave the most stoic whumpee giggling madly, to make the most obedient soldier go rogue. It's a power that ultimately, inevitably, controls its user.
Mages aren’t trusted to act on their own. They can’t be, not when each spell costs them their sanity. Not when, in a daze of manic joy, they’re just as liable to destroy the enemy as their allies.
And so they need a handler.
Imagine Caretaker in this situation. Forced to watch Whumpee throw themselves into madness, to turn themselves into an unthinking weapon under the demand of some uncaring general. Having to put aside their affection for Whumpee as a person, and analyze them as a tool.
It’s Caretaker who decides when Whumpee is still fit for battle. It’s caretaker who has to look into their dazed and distant eyes, blood dripping into a too wide smile, and decide if Whumpee has anything else to give.
It’s Caretaker who decides when they’re too far gone, when Whumpee needs to stop. And if Whumpee can’t, it’s Caretaker’s job to make them stop. Even if that means using force, even if it means hurting them, because letting them run wild isn’t an option.
And when the battle’s over, when Whumpee is either led or dragged away to the medical wing, Caretaker’s the only one brave enough to tend to their injuries. They wrap bleeding, scorched fingers without a word, the only sound being Whumpee babbling, mad ramblings. Caretaker knows they won’t remember any of this. They still talk to Whumpee anyway, soft, comforting words they hope will bring Whumpee back faster.
And when whumpee’s eyes finally clear, when their body sags with exhaustion they’re just now able to feel, Caretaker feels nothing but grief, because it’ll start all over again tomorrow.
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shshshquietnow · 3 months
Whumpers that get their energy from fear. Feed on it, need it for a spell or machine. Whatever it is they don't care about hurting or killing whumpee, no no no that's a waste of resources. Whumpee is perfectly terrified and it's delicious! So whumpee doesn't need to know this monster isn't planning on eating them or this scientist hooking them up to a machine isn't gonna cut them open or this mage isn't going to absorb their soul or whatever. Whumper just wants them to sit there, be fun to toy with, and be scared out of their MIND.
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whumpsday · 2 months
Whumpmas in July Day 16: Create a whump meme!
whump tag meme! to participate: tag (or comment or reply) with one letter or number from each row. at the end, you should have a 12-character code representing your tastes in whump!
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my code is ADILOQUWZ147. what's yours?
(descriptions under the cut in case some images are unclear)
ABC: Whumpee / Whumper / Caretaker
DEF: Chains / Rope / Drugging
GHI: Spiked bat / Shock collar / Knife
JKL: Scientist, Detective, Royal (Real humans) / Hero, Villain, Mage (Superhumans) / Vampire, Mer, Fairy (Nonhumans)
MNO: Soup / Water / Blood
PQR: Nice clothes / Bad clothes / Nothing
STU: Cold / Heat / Box
VWX: No food / No air / No sleep
YZ0: Collar / Brand / Tattoo
123: Cage / Small bed / Large bed
456: Scared & Crying / Angry & Defiant / Stockholmed & Conditioned
789: Happy end / Bad end / No end (series that go on indefinitely)
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bloodredfountainpen · 3 months
Ok, so we’ve seen the violently protective caretaker shtick right? Love that. What about violently protective whumpee? Specific scenario I have in my head rn:
Whumpee was someone very powerful; a powerful mage, a legendary knight, a living weapon. They were captured, whumped, then left for dead in the woods somewhere, where caretaker found them and nursed them back to health. Since then, whumpee has been living with caretaker, helping them on their farm, your standard issue domestic bliss. Caretaker isn’t a fighter by any means, they’re a kind, gentle soul who wouldn’t hurt a fly. A bit naive, even. This is whumpee’s favorite thing about them, since all whumpee knew up until meeting them was violence and harshness.
One day, Caretaker doesn’t come home, and whumpee goes absolutely feral. Full on super-detective mode tracking them down to whumper’s lair. They break in to find caretaker in a relatively minor situation (say, sitting in a cell with their hands tied but otherwise unharmed). Enter whumper.
Whumpee goes eerily calm, smiles this creepy smile, looks at caretaker and says “I’ve just gotta take care of something quick. Won’t be a minute.” And then proceeds to graphically murder whumper just outside caretaker’s sight. Bonus points if caretaker is completely oblivious because whumpee never explained their past. Caretaker asks about it, insisting that they want all the details. They’re outraged that whumpee killed whumper like that, because from caretaker’s perspective, whumper hadn’t done anything warranting that. Whumpee asks if caretaker is sure they want to know, then explains what whumper did to them in an oddly calm and frank manner and finishes by saying, “You’ve been so kind to me all this time, I had to protect you.”
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whomeidontknowthem · 2 months
Eyes on me – an interactive whump story. Part 2.
Previous part. Masterpost. Next part.
Content warning: institutionalized slavery, imprisonment, dehumanizing language, it/its for an unhuman whumpee, pet whump.
"In folklore, any mythical, magical creature is commonly called 'fey'," they book that Lord Teelo had ordered after returning to the inn room said. "It is, of course, a wide misconception that is not accepted in any theory that has even an ounce of respect for itself. Fey is not just another way to say "magical", but a registered phenomenon different from a spirit, a magic-infused animal or a demon, and especially has nothing to do with tiny folk with wings, whose existence is widely refuted…"
It went on and on, an irritatingly salty response siting some previous debates and calling out authors the lord had never heard about. It could be entertaining in its own right – Lord Teelo was anything but impartial to loud grudges and decades old arguments – if not for his lack of experience with the topic rendering the details tedious and the fact that it wasn't idle interest that led him to seeking out the book.
The papers had been signed in half an hour, the impressive sum of money changing hands as the decision had been finalized at the spot. The arrangements had been made immediately after to transport the creature to the lord's summer house. It was to spend its last night at the auction house, and then, in the morning, they would ride – Lord Teelo in his usual carriage and his new property in an impressive cage – towards its new home.
The thrill of the purchase was sure to keep the lord awake, and he decided to spend the time on research. Learning about the kind of thing that came into his possession was paramount – after all, he didn't want it to die before its time because of his ignorance.
"Fey is defined by any reputable source as an otherworldly creature. It does not come with as many defined characteristics as an unsoundly educated person would believe: a creature from another dimension does not have to have wings and three pairs of limbs, though it is not out of the realm of possibility. A fey can look exactly as your regular cattle. The one thing that makes it fey is that it is not from the reality we live in."
The text wasn't very useful. In the two chapters Lord Teelo had managed before throwing the book into his bag and settling in bed, there was an infuriatingly little amount of actual, useful advice. The further he read, the more sure he was: he would have to figure things out by himself.
It was the thrill that came with owning the never before seen creature, one he wasn't even sure was from the same world, one, if it wasn't, that would catch the interest and desire for experiments by mages all over the world.
Now that he thought about it, maybe he should get into contact with a few. Their insight would be valuable either way – the lord was doubtful that the rainbow marks on the creature's skin could be the result of anything but magic, and magic tended to come with complications he wasn't confident he could deal with by himself.
Getting in contact with the sailors who caught the thing was a good idea, too. He'd already asked for the name of their ship and drafted a letter to a good old acquaintance in Froien. She would get the information to him in no time, even if he'll definitely have to show the creature to her afterwards. Keya, as he knew her, was curious beyond all else. Lord Teelo couldn't wait to see her face and the faces of his other acquaintances when they saw the kind of prize he'd gotten. The images of their amazement and barely hidden jealousy made him giddy with anticipation.
He wanted to make the most out of the day, and so was up and in the back garden of the auction house barely an hour after sunrise, despite the morning chill finding its way to his very bones through the layers of fabrics and furs he'd donned. A cart made into a cage with thick iron bars – provided with the purchase, of course, and with how much he'd paid Lord Teelo would be personally offended if it wasn't – was hurriedly readied and brought to the doors of the building.
The sounds of clattering and clinging and human voices burst through the open door before the creature was dragged out. It was the size of a northern wolf, bound and twisted and carried by two cautious servants. It craned its neck and bared its teeth through the muzzle, a wild animal, a scared one, and if not for the lines running down its skin and the weirdly human-like hands – with thumbs even if they were too long to actually be human – Lord Teelo would have taken it for nothing more than a dumb beast. Then it opened its mouth as wide as it could and let out a whole string of sounds – low and guttural and constantly repeating in patterns that made the lord think that it was trying – no, saying something in an unfamiliar, alien language.
He felt his pulse high in his throat, watching the creature as it was pushed inside the cage, chains around its limbs secured and the door locked behind. It kicked and threw itself against the metal only to settle back a moment later, too smart to waste energy on a fight it couldn't win.
And then, it noticed him.
Lord Teelo thought it recognized him – or maybe it was a wishful thinking fueled by the way it stilled and stared and then craned its neck to the side and forward, baring fangs in a display that was chilling even despite the binds. The unblinking yellow of its eyes pierced right through him.
He felt goosebumps creeping up his arms but refused to acknowledge it. He was safe, he reminded himself. It was tied up and helpless. No matter how it bared its teeth and tried to look scary, he was the master.
He stepped forward, lifting a hand up to place at the edge of the cart. The creature glanced at it, then continued staring. The lord smiled, "Hello there."
The creature growled and then said something. Lord Teelo continued soothingly, "No need to be so tense. We'll get to know each other -- you'll get used to me in no time."
In the light of the starting day, its skin didn't look like that startling black he saw in the dim cell. It was more grayish – still dark, though, and still unnatural. The pattern of colorful lines didn't look any less striking. His fingers ached to touch it, to feel if its skin was rough under his touch or as human-like as some of its features were. As the black short fur framing its face and ending in the middle of its back in a sort of haircut. Fey, Lord Teelo thought fervently. It had to be one. It was too strange in some ways and too familiar in others. It had to be a creature from another world. What other explanation could there be?
"Lord Teelo?" A voice came from his side and soon he was regrettably distracted, finishing the transaction and discussing the details. Servants pulled a thick piece of fabric covering the cage from view. Lord Teelo dismissed the pang of regret at their actions, reminding that he was going to have months worth of time to play around with the new toy.
He wondered what it'd be like. How it'd act. Would it be able to learn the human tongue, or prove to be too dumb for it?
He wondered where it would live. And – ah, this was an urgent question, was it not? He should send a letter to make sure it was all taken care of by the time he arrived.
Updates every 7-10 days (depending on how much time I have and how obvious the poll result is)
@isikedmyself878, @fraugustends, @otterfrost, @fuchstastisch, @3-2-whump, @the-lone-youth
Tell me to be tagged in the new parts!
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 8 months
Where are my 30+ yo sad ace mage whumpees who have been through so much shit they shouldn't be alive but instead end up happily in a qpr.
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whumpwillow · 1 year
Types of whumpees, a comprehensive list
this is really more for my own personal reference since I need to write everything down because my brain is made of smashed banana and cannot remember anything ever. 🍌
species / role:
mortal whumpee, the average human being
immortal whumpee
vampire whumpee
demon whumpee
angel whumpee
phoenix whumpee
elf whumpee
faery whumpee
tiny whumpee
giant whumpee
android whumpee
cyborg whumpee
robot whumpee
draconic whumpee
mer whumpee
dryad / plant-person whumpee
mage whumpee
royal whumpee
bodyguard whumpee
knight whumpee
naga whumpee
werewolf whumpee
dhampir whumpee
genie / djinn whumpee
ghost whumpee
zombie whumpee
undead whumpee
selkie whumpee
pet / box boy whumpee
guard dog whumpee
living weapon whumpee
assassin whumpee
spy whumpee
rebel whumpee
deity whumpee
slave whumpee
mafia boss whumpee
CEO whumpee
villain whumpee
superhero whumpee
sidekick whumpee
civilian whumpee
famous whumpee
known whumpee
returner / regressor whumpee
monster hunter whumpee
defiant whumpee
stoic whumpee
weak whumpee
cowardly whumpee
pathetic whumpee
obedient whumpee
prideful whumpee
detached whumpee
enduring whumpee
feral whumpee
vicious whumpee
powerful whumpee
bargaining whumpee
disbelieving whumpee
hopeful whumpee
hopeless whumpee
self-loathing whumpee
regretful whumpee
conditioned whumpee
Feel free to add on to this post if you think of any more!
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