megafunk · 1 year
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I was rummaging through my old files and came across this sketch, among others haha. For context, these characters, and a few others, came from a very very vivid dream. In the dream, the world is slowly being engulfed by a black substance just known as the Fog. The fog has a misty appearance when looked from afar, but turns more thick when touched. Think of cotton candy. It slowly creeps up to anything alive and takes it over. Mageknights are the world's response to the Fog. They are well trained and just as the name says, both mages and knights, and mostly specialize in either enhancement or projectile magic. In this world, the magic is very taxing on the body AND the mind, so to practice it properly you have to be physically fit. The dude on the left in the first picture is "Sir" "Veraten". Sir Veraten was an actual mageknight, but he and his horse crashed into the Fog when he was drunk because of a bet. The Fog is itself very alive and very curious about all of life, so it let a piece of itself use Veraten's body to explore the world without being eradicated on sight. The body itself is now essentially a corpse and its movement is closer to the movement of a something pretending to be a person rather than an actual person(go figures). New Veraten is completely silent but has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and experiences. He loves gardening, but unfortunately his Foggish influence monsterfies the plants :(. He doesn't seem to mind it though. Sir Torven is a mageknight captain who was sent with 19 men to the monastery outpost closest to the ever-growing wall of Fog. At one point or another all 19 men gave up and left Torven alone. That is what the official texts back home say, anyways. Torven arrived at the lonely monastery with one remaining, although weird looking mageknight at his service. Torven is a very energetic and happy-go-lucky guy, a perfect leader. But he is painfully unaware of Veraten's true nature. The lady on the right in the first pic is Sister Agnes, one of the few remaining nuns at the lonely monastery. She was the most excited out of all of them to welcome their new "saviors" and soon found herself befriending them. She and Torven became something of parental figures to Veraten, in that they keep him out of trouble, such as hurling himself off of the monastery walls to see what's going to happen.
Ages ages ago I made a bad mock up of what the Fog looks like in the world.
This is all so silly and nowhere near as serious of a worldbuilding project as Eraden, but still close to my heart. I might expand upon these dudes and their world soon. For now, gonna call tag relevant posts with #KnightsOfDren
sorry for the wall of text, I like explaining shit. Any questions? My ask box is open :D
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fettered-visage · 1 year
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Mage Knight Unlimited Comic (Japanese Version) Part 2
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myrfing · 4 months
i wont lie guys i wanted dalmasca + the freed provinces so bad.
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stratosbannot · 2 years
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Knight of the Oaken Shield Book 1: Shadow Phoenix Rising - Chapter 6: The Third (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1280224270-knight-of-the-oaken-shield-book-1-shadow-phoenix?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=sirsukena&wp_originator=urZFcs6OUUEaybgRGEnwZ0PXvVb7zjZc5xGLbtXRkdGq8Zo699%2FZGM3BEbRZbvy6WGVtV9zdi3QlkIoQCSOkMnJmJQmk9acJ5sW2CdAlsNwSkHP6UYKlyNiLauImhzlr Owenia a country renowned for its valiant and powerful magic knights. Its said a single Oakencrest knight is worth more than ten of his counterparts in other countries. Rollo a young man living within the capitol city of Oakencrest has always dreamed of joining the knights his father once had proudly joined, so when he is excepted to be a page in the order of the Oaken Shield he is overjoyed. But when a order of dark knights breaks into the royal palace and makes off with a Powerful relic Rollo is swept up into a conspiracy a thousand years old. It will take all his cunning and more than a few friends so find out what these dark knights' motives are and stop them from possibly destroying all of Silcrestia.
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nerdy-grimiore · 1 month
. : Correspondences - Shadowheart : .
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Element: Spirit
Epithets: The Dark Justiciar, The Renewed Selunite
Imagery/Symbolism: Darkness, Night, Moon symbolism, Faith symbolism, ‘Cleric’ symbolism, Devotion symbolism, Dreams
Crystals: Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Black Onyx, Moonstone, Labradorite, Jet, Flourite
Colours: Purple, Black
Tarot Card: The High Priestess, The Star
Scents: Vanilla, Lavander, Anise seeds, Jasmine, Lemongrass, Willow, Cardemom
Numerology: 7 & 9
Herbs: Star Anise, Mugwort, Angelica, Blue Lotus, Wormwood, Peppermint, Thyme
Offerings: Skulls, Orchids, Purple Candles, Scrying mirrors, Incense, Maces, Silver jewellery, Representations of Shar or Selûne (if working with selunite epithet)
Devotional acts: Standing up for yourself, Showing devotion to your guides/deities, Studying religion, Healing others, Stargazing, Working with flowers, Honouring her and Shar or Selûne (if working with selunite epithet)
What to work with her on:
Healing your grief
Overcoming your phobias
Healing childhood trauma
Dream work
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deidremercer · 8 months
Figured I should post this here why not I love sharing my OCs. Ivy's got a new design, she's not a paladin anymore she's a Mageknight! (Spheres 5e) Not much has changed except she doesn't need to be religious anymore which is good because she never had much of a tie to her god anyways she was only really a paladin to fulfill the mechanical requirements I wanted out of her, and now she isn't!
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As a Mageknight she has to have a casting tradition, part of this tradition is her new tattoos! Each design on her arm represents one of her spheres of power or might. Whenever she taps into one of her spheres, the corresponding tattoo glows.
From top to bottom her spheres are Protection, Guardian, Destruction, Retaliation, and Nature. She has another one on her back from the Life sphere. Nature has been split into 6 smaller symbols to represent each of the 6 elements that fall under that Sphere
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But yeah she's still an anxiety lesbian, she's still in desperate need of validation and all of that. So yeah Ivy updates and stuff!
Here's a bonus outfit for you.
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petnews2day · 1 year
Cuddly Cute Kittens Get Spoopy with 'BOOoop.'
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/DCvLa
Cuddly Cute Kittens Get Spoopy with 'BOOoop.'
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Smirk & Dagger Games will release BOOoop., a new Halloween edition of boop., into retail in September 2023. This new edition of boop. (see “‘boop.’”) adds a little spoopy magic to the game with new meeples and a Halloween themed bed. Ghost Cats enter the mix, which can float between spaces on the bed. These […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/DCvLa #CatsNews #8216Akira8217, #Batman, #BuffyTheVampireSlayer, #DragonballZ, #DungeonsAndDragons, #GundamWing, #HarryPotterGenresWeCoverIncludeFantasy, #Horror, #JRRTolkien, #JLA, #LoneWolfAndCub, #MageKnight, #MagicTheGathering, #Pokemon, #SailorMoon, #Sandman, #ScienceFiction, #SpiderMan, #StarTrek, #StarWars, #Superman, #XMen
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projectpoison · 1 year
I've been making many cool DnD characters lately, but like, am probably not going to get to play them for quite a while. Very annoying. I've got:
'The MageKnight', a human fighter/wizard multiclass. She's a bounty hunter who used to be a city guard under the rule of a tyrant king. This kingdom strictly prohibits the use of magic, although higher ups in the guard and the royal family use it anyway. Some stuff happens, I'm not sure on the details quite yet, and she's imprisoned and is on death row, but uses magic to escape. She very narrowly manages to flee the kingdom and now has a price on her head placed by the king himself.
'Mal', an orc barbarian with a homebrew subclass written by me. A former protector of the small swamp village she called home, Mal is the biggest, strongest person in town. One night she's knocked out and when she comes to it's days later. She's in a basement strapped to a vivisection table with several new prosthetic parts: two new steel hands and forearms, very gauntlet-esque, two large boots replacing her feet and lower legs, Starfox style, and what seems to be some sort of energy cell lodged into her chest. She breaks free of her restraints and ascends a flight of stairs to reveal her entire village in a blazing inferno. She has no idea what happened.
'Yvette', a goblin druid, and her familar 'Sven', a friendly mimic with stubby spider legs. Nothing in the way of backstory just yet.
'Sine', a warforged of probably a casting class, I'm undecided. They're very beat up, missing an arm, cracked monitor (which is their face), no voicebox (can only communicate though printing messages onto their screen), among other things. They don't know really who they are, how they got into this condition, or what their original purpose was.
So yeah. DnD's fun, I hope I get to play it again.
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redwoodrroad · 2 years
ayo can i get uhhhhhhh all the general info & background 6, 7, & 8 for mort please 👉👈😳
(also hi i glued my fingers together help)
-gently pries your fingers apart and holds your hands in platonic adoration- thank you my friend i will absolutely answer these for you 🥰
General Info
1. Name
Morten Iversen! 🥰
2. Associated game/era
Skyrim 🙌 not that this is part of the ask, but i first played skyrim many many many years ago, probably very soon after it came out, and mort was a very different guy back then! he was a lot more grunge and sort of grumpier. i gave him a redesign several years ago, and then when i met @renmorris , we solidified a lot more details about him and his personality 🥰
3. Age at the beginning of game/relevant time period
about 28—he’s young but not crazy young for an adult adventurer
4. Race
Nord! he doesnt get along with most other nords he meets, but he still loves his people and loves his homeland very much
5. Sex/gender
6. Sexual orientation/preferences
gay/preference for men and nonbinary people
7. Class
he’s like a mageknight almost; he wields a sword in one hand and magic in the other typically. sometimes he does greatsword but very rarely
6. What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people?
he’s besties with Lydia, his housecarl-turned-bff, serana, his grumpy ally in the face of a shared enemy turned other bff, and erik the slayer, who would later become his husband. he’s also close to arngeir and the greybeards and considers them family. oh and he’s close with sheogorath too ofc 😌 and with sheogorath comes some of our other OCs that live in the isles or come to live in the isles later—including Cillian, Ra, and Khara, all TES “core game” characters that Ren and i have made 💖 (i put that in quotes because Blades is barely even a game, let alone a core game)
7. What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one?
he doesnt have one in the beginning :( he doesnt remember them at least, and he never finds them. instead he makes his own family among his friends and loved ones and the greybeards; arngeir becomes like a father to him, and he loves him very much
8. What guilds do they join? Are they committed to those guilds, or are they mostly in them for the benefits?
the thieves guild and the college of winterhold i think are the only ones he really spends most of his time with, and he sees both through to the point where he becomes the leader of both. dawnguard sort of counts… it’s less of a guild though, but he does spend a lot of time helping them. he does join the companions, but he doesn’t uh go all the way with them, so to speak LOL
i will also mention that he was invited to join the dark brotherhood but refused them outright. Ren and i have been playing with the idea that he reacts so negatively to being kidnapped by astrid that he straight up kills her for it 😔 maybe even goes to wipe out the rest of the crew too because he doesn’t like being put in that position at all!
THANK YOU FOR ASKING, this was so fun!! 💖💖
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2500kn · 4 months
Oops guess who got sidetracked
Anyways.. here's a preview title for this weeks (?) fic
inspired by here: mageknight au
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sacred-stanning · 5 months
Chapter 15 Part 1: More Reclassing, and then we head to Jehana
Ross has been a pirate long enough. It's time to reclass him using the weird reclass item.
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His options are Warrior and Berserker. I don't think he really needs bows (especially since he would start at E rank), and being able to walk on mountains and water is sometimes handy. Most importantly, Berserkers get a flat +15 crit bonus.
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Yeah! Go Ross!
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Also, while I was looking at axes to give him for the next map, I realized something that I had overlooked in previous posts. There are actually 2 different kinds of anti-sword axes. I think I've been referring to all of them as "Swordreavers" up until now, but there is actually a "Swordreaver", and also a "Swordslayer". (In Japanese, a "Sword Buster" and a "Sword Killer".)
They're both C level axes with 11 might, 13 weight and 5 crit, but the Swordslayer has 80 hit and deals effective damage to sword-based foot soldiers like Mercenaries, while the Swordreaver has only 65 hit and doesn't do effective damage. The Swordslayer also has more uses, so it's overall just better.
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L'Arachel can become a Valkyria, or a Mageknight. They're very similar stat-wise, and they both have horses. The big difference is that Mageknight gives her C-rank Anima tomes, and the Valkyria gives her D-rank Light tomes.
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I went with Mageknight. She's still going to be doing more staffing than attacking, so the tome type isn't super important, but Fire tomes are cheaper than Lightning tomes, and have more uses, so I decided to go with Anima. She also starts at a higher rank with Anima, so if she wants access to more powerful tomes later, it will be easier to get her there.
Like, she can already use Elfire off the bat if she wants to. And if she can get just one more rank, then she could potentially use Bolting. The Anima tomes also tend to be about 2 weight lighter than the equivalent Light tomes, and L'Arachel doesn't have great con, even after promotion.
I dunno. It doesn't really matter much either way.
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I looked around for someone to give the Angelic Robe to, and I realized that, among units who see a lot of combat and get hit a lot, Vanessa had pretty low max HP, so I gave it to her.
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"We move on Jehana immediately. Grado's army is already there laying siege, and we don't have a moment to waste. I know that everyone is tired, and I'm sorry for not being able to give you all more time to rest, but this is the situation we have been forced to deal with."
Ephraim turned and walked away from his officers. Vanessa could see the worry in his face, and she saw the fatigue in the faces around her. "This will be tough for me to break to the rear guard pegasus knights, even if they didn't see a lot of direct combat. I guess I better get it over with," she thought.
While she didn't intend to delay her duties, she found herself thinking, "I have another conversation that I shouldn't put off either..."
Vanessa knew Lute would be nearby somewhere, so before she gave her orders to the head of the pegasus rear guard, she went in search of her. Unlike Vanessa, Lute wasn't any sort of officer, so she hadn't been at the meeting just now, but she usually ended up hanging around the pegasus, wyverns, or horses after battle.
"Not an officer, that's one way to put it!" Vanessa thought. After all, Lute wasn't even a proper soldier. If anything she was closer to a mercenary, not that that label really applied either. "It's funny," Vanessa thought, "if it weren't for how desperate and by-the-skin-of-our-teeth this whole war has been, both under princess Eirika and now under prince Ephraim, I doubt either of them would have let Lute tag along with us. And then no one would have ever known what a talented mage she is!"
That's what Lute was, Vanessa decided, not a soldier, not a mercenary, a tag-along! She's a totally new category of her own!
Vanessa laughed and thought of when Lute and Artur had first had formal introductions among Eirika's small force. Vanessa remembered the pained face Seth made when he thanked Artur and Lute for their help and introduced himself and Eirika, and then Lute launched into a five minute analysis of the monsters they had seen before Artur finally interrupted and gave his and Lute's names in return. Vanessa had been the one to run into Lute and bring her along to fight the monsters, and she remembered being worried at the time that she was going to get in trouble with Seth!
"Ironically, I'm probably the person who would have been most opposed to a totally inexperienced, non-soldier like her joining us under normal circumstances," Vanessa thought and frowned. "Everyone's right, I do have a stick up my...Well, hold on. Moulder was just telling me not to be so hard on myself." She breathed deeply and tried to relax.
"I'm glad that we didn't meet under 'normal' circumstances though. I'm glad I got the chance to know Lute. I like her a lot!"
Vanessa felt herself smiling and stopped walking. Wait, why did it feel so good to admit to that anyway?
As if to test herself, she whispered quietly, "I like Lute a lot. I enjoy spending time with her!"
"Are you talking about your wyvern?" a voice suddenly spoke up from behind.
Vanessa jumped! It was Lute!
"Stones! You scared me! Why are you standing right behind me?"
Lute flinched slightly. Vanessa suddenly panicked, "Oh no, did I seem angry again?" she thought.
She spoke quickly, "I'm not angry. Actually, this is perfect, I was just looking for you."
"I was looking for you," Lute spoke quickly. "I'm sorry that I got you in trouble, but I talked with Coulder and he said that you were my friend. Are you my friend, or are you angry with me?"
Vanessa paused for a moment to figure out what Lute was saying. "Right," she thought, "I asked why she was behind me, so she told me why. And she talked to Moulder, ok, yeah I knew about that already."
Vanessa took a look at Lute's face. She had her usual, fairly blank expression, and she seemed to be waiting for Vanessa's response. Vanessa also noticed that Lute was carrying a book with her, and that she held it tight to her side, with one arm wrapped tensely around it. She tapped the book with the fingers of her other hand.
"Lute, I was never angry at you to begin with. I tried to tell you that, but I guess I didn't communicate it clearly enough. I'm sorry about that."
Lute was still silent and her face didn't change, but Vanessa noticed that her shoulders relaxed a little, and her grip on the book loosened slightly.
"Are we friends?" Lute asked.
Vanessa smiled, "Yes, definitely! I hope so! I like talking with you, Lute!"
Lute smiled slightly.
"Do you like talking with me?" Vanessa asked.
"Yes. And I like watching you ride your pegasus, or your wyvern. You fly very well, and you look very impressive."
Lute looked at Vanessa's face to see how she would react. It was a compliment, so it should be ok, right? "I don't think I've overstepped any bounds, and I don't think it could be misinterpreted in a negative way..." she thought to herself. "And it's true too!"
Vanessa looked down slightly and laughed. "Uh, thank you. I appreciate the compliment. You're magic is very impressive too."
"She liked the compliment," Lute thought. "And she said she is my friend!"
Lute suddenly felt light on her feet. She was happy about this! Vanessa wasn't angry! She wanted to be friends!
"I'm just glad we got that all cleared up," Vanessa said, looking down at Lute's face with a smile. "And I'm sorry, but I really have to run and tell prince Ephraim's orders to the pegasus rear guard. You know that we're marching out right away, right?"
Lute nodded.
"If I'm not flying front spot the whole time, maybe we can march together!" Vanessa said brightly.
Lute nodded again. "Can I watch you talk to the pegasus rear guard?"
"Watch? Um...sure. But why?"
Lute couldn't think of how to answer the question properly, so she just answered, "It seems interesting. I want to make observations."
"Alright, well come along then. I need to hurry." And with that, Vanessa walked quickly off with the much shorter Lute half-walking, half-jogging behind her.
"Knowing of his sister's dangerous situation, Ephraim moves his army towards Jehana immediately, without waiting for aid from the Frelian army behind them."
This is at least the second or third time that the game script has referred to the fact that Ephraim / Eirika are being backed up by Frelia's army and/or mercenaries. Sacred Stones also has a pretty small cast by GBA FE standards, so imagine if this game had done the Shadow Dragon thing and it would start giving you randomly named Frelian units as replacements if you got too many of your own units killed...
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"There's Jehana... It's already been destroyed."
Seth also shows up to warn us, the player, about the dangers of sand for horses.
"If the ground be grains, leave behind the reins." --Some Fire Emblem very smart guy, probably
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Seth also warns Ephraim to be, like, careful or something, but Ephraim is all, "We just gotta rush in and beat up everyone and save Eirika. I got this!"
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Lyon shows up and checks in with Caellach. (He notably does not check in with Valter, because who in their right mind would want to talk to that creep?)
At first, Caellach is stumbling over his words a bit, and Lyon tells him something like, "Don't worry about the polite speech. You were promoted from a mercenary to a general because of your actual talent in combat."
Japanese has polite speech that requires different conjugations of verbs, and sometimes different word usage. The idea behind this exchange is that Caellach is a salt-of-the-earth guy who has spent his career amongst rough characters, so he's not used to the type of speech that would normally be expected when addressing royalty like Lyon.
Just as a quick, far-from-comprehensive example, the basic word for go is "iku". It can transformed into "ikimasu" for more polite speech, but then you also need to consider who is going in very formal situations. If it is you, or someone in your group, you might use the humble word "mairimasu". But if it is someone you are talking to, or someone in their group that you want to linguistically raise up to show respect, you might use "irasshaimasu" or "ikaremasu".
And there are many more examples like this, so it is actually rather complicated to use proper formal, polite speech in Japanese.
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After being told to relax, Caellach suddenly asks Lyon if he's really ok with them going after Eirika since he thought that Eirika was an old friend of Lyon's.
Lyon responds that Eirika is a "very important person" to him.
Lyon asks Caellach if he had anyone he was close to, and Caellach mentions a fellow mercenary from his mercenary days named Joshua.
Yeah, that Joshua. The one I got killed when I forgot to have him use a vulnerary.
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Here's the team this time. Even though I just promoted her, I'm leaving L'Arachel behind because horse.
I am however, bringing Lute despite horse because Lute.
I decide to bring Gerik because he has bows and this map has a bunch of fliers, so I was thinking it might be relevant.
And the last horse I bring is Franz because I want someone with good defense to take lots of hits in the south of the map.
I choose not to bring Rennac, which may be surprising to anyone familiar with this map, since bringing a thief or a rogue makes getting the treasures hidden in the sand faster. But the thing is, once you wipe out the reinforcements on this map, you have all the time in the world to find the treasures in the sand, so you don't actually need a thief or rogue.
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I could have brought this guy too. Since Knoll is a mage, he doesn't lose movement on the sand. But the thing is, since I'm not bringing Rennac, I can't get the promotion item on this map that Knoll needs. There is a universal promotion item on this map, but I want to give that to Cormag.
Knoll is not really that useful usually until he promotes, so I might just hold off on deploying him until during or after chapter 19 when there is a secret shop where I should be able to buy a guiding ring.
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Next time: Checking out the map
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fettered-visage · 1 year
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Mage Knight Unlimited Comic (Japanese Version) Part 1
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pilmyeol · 6 months
eden pre everything is so funny to me like yeah its eden oliver prince calebs loyal mageknight who will surely be super normal about it when the prince chooses to die horribly right in front of him
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nerdy-grimiore · 2 months
. : Correspondences - Wyll Ravengard : .
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Element: Air / Earth
Imagery/Symbolism: Blades/Athames, ‘Justice’ symbolism, ‘Monster hunter’ symbolism, Infernal symbolism, Heroic symbolism
Crystals: Garnet, Bronzite, Carnelian, Pyrite
Colours: Red, Black
Tarot Card: Strength, King of Wands
Scents: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Pine, Dragons Blood
Numerology: 6, 3 and 8
Herbs: Basil, Pepper, Star anise, Cloves
Offerings: Incense, Blades/Athames, Candles, Drinks, Poetry/Art
Devotional acts: Justice Work, Acts of charity, Standing up for yourself and others, Writing poetry and art for him, Toasting to your and his heroism
Notes: May not work well with Mizora. Works well with Karlach. (see my other post)
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Taglist !!
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petnews2day · 4 months
Ladybug and Cat Noir Series Kicks Off at Family-Friendly Price
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/VLDkt
Ladybug and Cat Noir Series Kicks Off at Family-Friendly Price
Mad Cave’s Papercutz imprint will release Miraculous Chibi: Volume One: Pizza Pursuit and Other Cat Tales, the first volume in its new Ladybug and Cat Noir graphic novel series, at a family-friendly price.  The 64-page 6” x 9” volume will retail for $7.99.  The new graphic novel series, announced last year (see “New ‘Miraculous’ Graphic […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/VLDkt #CatsNews #8216Akira8217, #Batman, #BuffyTheVampireSlayer, #DragonballZ, #DungeonsAndDragons, #GundamWing, #HarryPotterGenresWeCoverIncludeFantasy, #Horror, #JRRTolkien, #JLA, #LoneWolfAndCub, #MageKnight, #MagicTheGathering, #Pokemon, #SailorMoon, #Sandman, #ScienceFiction, #SpiderMan, #StarTrek, #StarWars, #Superman, #XMen
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dimestorehobby · 4 years
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The gang’s all here...
From left to right: Jimothy (Ranger), Aramis (Wizard), Edrick Thorne (Rogue), Hogan (Warlock). In the background is Rondo, a notable NPC and Jimothy's new best friend (as of two sessions ago).
Jimothy and Aramis are Reaper minis. Edrick was picked up from a random bin at the local store—I think he may be a Zombicide: Black Plague mini. Hogan is also Reaper, but I modded him for the pegleg and quarterstaff. Rondo is a repainted HeroClix Hulk figure.
JIMOTHY is a Silvanus Scout desperately trying to get people to sign off on his merit badges. Somehow, the lil' bastard is the most powerful member of our party.
ARAMIS is a chaotically curious little alchemist who will wake a demon just to see what it does. He's going to get us all killed at some point. I still don't know what class of magic user he is, and I kind of love that.
EDRICK THORNE is the least scrupulous rogue this side of the Evergale Sea. I think he has some people principles, but absolutely none when it comes to money and valuables.
HOGAN the warlock (my OC). A farmboy whose leg was amputated by a threshing machine at age 13. After the accident, desperate to keep helping his struggling family, he apprenticed with the local weather wizard. But when that wizard was killed in a tragic, unnatural flood, Hogan may have accidentally struck a supernatural bargain to save his town from destruction. Not giving anything else away in case a party member reads this blog ;)
RONDO is a big lovable ball of fists. Jimothy beat him in a drinking contest and they've been inseparable since.
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