#magickal creatures under the sea
lifeofamage · 4 months
For souls with venus in Capricorn, love is fortitude and wiseful grace.
I see Capricorn as ethereal - a deity of the seas shaped in the form of an elder lady goat, with long tails of seaweed entwined into her fur. She is mostly still, she rarely moves from the depths of her cove - when she does, it comes with a heavy swiftness.
The love of a Capricorn Venus is both magnetic and repelling, rising into an effervescence that guides you into a crystallisation of your truest self, simply by witnessing Capricorn's presence. She is the mother of internal reaping, for joyous outer benefit. The underwater cave.
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aislingyngaio-games · 7 months
Junon and Nibelheim Tifa symbolism through Rebirth lore
This tumblr post is actually further expansion from this twitter thread I made on the relationship between Tifa and Junon that I've noticed. Now that Rebirth is out.... hoo boy idk if I'm overthinking this or if the devs are just this big-brained. Spoiler alert for Rebirth, OBVIOUSLY. You have been warned.
Part 1: Phoenix, Deity of Junon Region
So to begin with, I'd like to draw your attention to what actually first attracted my attention to the possibly deliberate symbolism of Junon: the combination of the regional deity (Phoenix) and the regional chocobo (Belle the mountain chocobo).
As is obvious to any Final Fantasy fan by now, Phoenix is the summon of fire and life/rebirth, two themes important to Cloud and Tifa, both of whose childhoods "died" in the Nibelheim fire and massacre five years ago and yet "reborn", or rather survived, from the ashes of their fallen hometown because of their promise and bond with each other. They are each other's proofs they are who they are: Cloud and Tifa from Nibelheim. As a sea-facing town with an underwater reactor (even Under Junon is named "Sea Dragon Square"), wouldn't it have been more thematically appropriate to have Junon worship either the Leviathan (admittedly Leviathan is the guardian deity of Wutai in FF7 lore, but Wutai was pushed to pt3, and it didn't stop Leviathan from being a Chadley-earned summon in Remake either) or Shiva deities (which is the summon you get in OG Junon from Priscilla) instead of Phoenix, unless the switch was a deliberate narrative choice? After all, as I've posted in my original Twitter thread, Junon is the first place Real Cloud truly tries hard to "awaken" SOLDIER Cloud into speaking with Tifa. This is translated in Rebirth into Cloud and Tifa's reconciliation after their falling out at Kalm, and Tifa's relationship wheel being the non-optional, story-mandated dialogue choice in this chapter. The Rebirth-themed summon in the Rebirth-named game being set in the Junon region over all other regions? HMMMMMMMM. (And nobody better forget that Mr Dolphin <-> Tifa's limit break Dolphin Blow parallel either ;) )
Also, OG callback: Phoenix summon was actually obtained from Fort Condor in OG, and guess what huge ass creature immediately appeared the moment the party exited the Junon-side entrance of Mythril Mines? Aye, the Giant Condor. The protorelic sidequest in Junon is also linked to the Fort Condor minigame (a variation of the boardgame from FF7 Remake Intermission) that specifically chose to magick both Cloud and Tifa (as well as Barret) in to do battle. And of course, the "Dreaming of Blue Skies" Tifa-related sidequest in Junon region involves baiting the Giant Condor with bovine meat to take a picture of (and while waiting, they sky-gazed together at the clouds).
(Side Crisis Core tangent: Phoenix's materia is obtained from - guess where - NIBELHEIM WATER TOWER, as the first part of the Seven Wonders of Nibelheim sidequest)
(Side simulation tangent: The Phoenix simulation Chadley makes for the Rebirth team to fight can summon Bombs, which is one of the two bracelet charms Tifa is prominently featured with in the Retrilogy, the other being Chocobo, which usually symbolizes Cloud)
(Side LOVELESS tangent: The summon that Rosa calls to defeat Varvados looks amazingly like the Phoenix summon, and the resultant ending motif - the fiery destruction of Guardia, the mutual protection of Alphreid and Rosa, and the unpromised promise of fidelity and reunion - most resembles the destruction of Nibelheim, the mutual protection between Cloud and Tifa - Cloud as Tifa's physical protector & Tifa [being Cloud's motivation] as Cloud's emotional protector, and the fulfilled yet voluntarily continual fulfillment of the promise at the water tower between them)
Part 2: Odin, Deity of Nibel Region
Now what of the actual place of Cloud and Tifa's births? Well the regional deity is, appropriately, Odin, Norse god of death, while the regional chocobo is Selena Shirena (in JP romaji), the blue ocean chocobo.
Odin in OG is also obtained from Nibelheim (specifically Shinra Mansion), and interestingly, when linked with "Added Effect" materia on an armour piece, can provide immunity to instant death on the wearer, while if the same pair of linked materia is equipped on a weapon, it can cause instant death. This is a most curious and most pertinent symbolism for the birthplace of not only the only two people in the FF7 party to have ever tasted Masamune blade first and survived (rip to the other Nibel villagers though) but also, thematically tragically, the birthplace of Sephiroth, whose destructive powers with said blade are legendary. Not forgetting of course, that central in the stories of Nibelheim is "the other side of the mountain" being a local reference to the mythical/thematic land of the dead (remember which two characters are pictured on the Mt Nibel side of the two Rebirth Nibelheim keyarts?).
Part 3: Junon/Nibel Connection via Regional Chocobo Abilities
From Junon region, we have Belle the grey mountain chocobo (which btw, is a requirement to reach the Phoenix summon crystals that will both weaken the simulation fight and strengthen the summon materia), and a clearer parallel cannot help being drawn to Cloud and Tifa hailing from the village of Nibelheim located at the base of MOUNT NIBEL, where both share memories being on that mountain (once when Tifa was 8 and Cloud 9, and again when Tifa was 15 and Cloud 16 - SEVEN years apart). Similarly, the Nibel region chocobo - required to access the Odin summon crystal - is Shirena the blue ocean chocobo, making both Junon and Nibel chocobo abilities the diametrically opposite elements of their region's most significant landscape/towns - Junon the ocean-facing city with the mountain chocobo, and Nibelheim the mountain-shadowed village with the ocean chocobo.
(Side Costa del Sol tangent: Cloud's blue shirt swimsuit is named "Ocean Chocobo" which makes for it being the Nibel region Chocobo ability seems accidentally on purpose appropriate, as well as being the more "real Cloud" of the two swimsuit options for him imo, while the Wild Surf option seems too... Zack minus the sunflower, so basically the SOLDIER Cloud option)
So, let's now look at the symbolism of Junon and Nibelheim together, as both mirrors and opposites, as parts of a whole.
Junon and Nibelheim
Phoenix and Odin
Life and death
Mountain and ocean
East continent and west continent
Taken together, the bond between Junon and Nibelheim almost looks like the endless cycle of death and life/rebirth, which is very symbolic of how the Lifestream works (those who are born from the Lifestream return to the Lifestream). Just as Phoenix is both life and destruction, just as Odin can be both death and protection, it is the complementary, symbiotic love of Cloud and Tifa, at once opposites yet similar, at once separate but a team, both strong yet each having their own weaknesses that the other balances, that ultimately is most emblematic of the lifecycle of the planet.
It is no wonder then, that Tifa is the one chosen by the planet and the WEAPONs, both in OG when Sapphire Weapon caused the distraction that allowed her to both embody yet subvert her role as the Andromeda of Greek legend by enabling her to save herself from her execution at Junon with the help of friends, and in Rebirth when the Gongaga WEAPON choose to show her the true struggle of the planet that she might reach Final Heaven, and be the heroine who will save and stay by the hero's side till the end.
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abxolotl-rewrites · 9 days
The Mer'ai
Okay so, the Mer'ai. New race yay! Have another infodump. It's not all of it (same for my SK post) but here!
The mer'ai are basically merfolk. They are an all women race, found in the oceans of the world, with their two main (and pretty much only) settlements being 'Vana' in the sea around Gal'ruk and 'Aqunis' in the sea between Tu'la and Ru'aun.
Their top halves are similar to humans, the difference being scales on some and their ears being finned. The Mer’ai are normally seen with intricate tattoos adoring their bodies. Their bottom halves are normally similar to different species of sea creature and their sizes vary due to this as well. Some Mer’ai are known to have sharp teeth and claws.
They are based off of saltwater fish mostly with some being based on sharks, dolphins, whales, eels, octopi, etc. Though the larger mer'ai, like those based on sharks and whales are rarer due to the amount they have to eat. Those based on sharks and orcas as an example are normally more monstrous looking compared to the other mer'ai.
Their diet also follows what sea creature they are based on, with most of them being purely carnivorous.
They also get the traits of what they are based on. Examples being that those based on marlin are very fast and sharks are quick and heavy hitters but need to conserve energy due to their size.
The mer'ai, being an all female race, evolved their own ways of reproduction, either through magick, witchcraft or other means. They are able to have children with other races but most don't.
The mer'ai are generally larger than humans and usually need to stay hydrated with salt-water or fresh-water (depending on what they are based on) to keep themselves going as well as food.
Mer'ai are able to regenerate a small amount if they are in or covered in water, they can heal small wounds but the larger it is, the harder and slower it is to heal before it kills them.
They are also faster and stronger than humans, the level of this depends on what they are based on.
They are generally unfriendly towards surfacers, especially in Aqunis, with many centuries of them being hunted by the surfacers if seen. There is a common tale in Aqunis, of a mer'ai noble who falls for a surfacer. In one version, they live happily ever after. The most common version being that the noble's mer'ai identity is found out and killed. It is often used as a cautionary tale to the young mer'ai.
This hasn't stopped some mer'ai from going out and falling for surfacers, some of these unions leading to the creation of the landwalker mer'ai.
Landwalker mer'ai are able to hold their human form far longer compared to other mer'ai, being able to keep it up for days on end. They are also omnivorous, not barred by their mer'ai parents diet.
All mer'ai have the capacity to use magicks and be born with it, as well as use witchcraft. The royal family of Aqunis are able to call storms and the royal family of Vana can control the ice around them, including the glaciers.
Unfortunately, the mer'ai of Vana were twisted and corrupted when the sea around Gal'ruk was cursed.
The mer'ai of Aqunis had their young princess killed under the orders of Esmund The Protector, the reasoning for this is unknown by those in Aqunis. In retaliation, the Aquni General attacked the village of O'Khasis, killing many before she was killed by Esmund. Aqunis was later attack by O'Khasis, also in retaliation. The attack killed most of the mer'ai of Aqunis, with the survivors vanishing a few years later.
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(Seemingly) random things hidden around Gavin and Freelancer’s home.
Sand dollars in the spare change dish. 
It took an hour to find one as intact as possible with a clear pattern and few chips, but, in the end, they brought back all the pretty ones. Caelum loves the sound they make when shaken, loves to marvel at all the places the little sea urchins have been. 
A black child’s apron hidden in the back of the linen closet.
It cost Freelancer several hours, twenty dollars in supplies, and a not insignificant amount of blood to embroider a specific constellation on the front. It’s untidy, one of the stars has been permanently stained purple, and there’s a hole in one of the pockets. It’s Caelum’s favorite thing to wear.
A SpongeBob SquarePants toothbrush and bubblegum toothpaste in the bathroom drawer.
Caelum has not, does not, and will never need to brush his teeth as an ethereal creature of pure magic. He likes to do it anyway just for the way he and Freelancer grin in the mirror after with clean teeth.
A neon blue stuffed dragon the size of a toddler in the corner of the guest room.
Gavin could have magicked the toy out of thin air, but he didn’t go to the country fair to cheat. He went to the county fair to play fifty dollars worth of skeeball and win his little brother a prize. 
Sticky note drawings hidden in textbooks. 
A small, glittered handprint on the fridge. 
Kid-sized bunny slippers under the bed.
It hasn’t been just Gavin and Freelancer’s home for a long time.
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anneapocalypse · 27 days
As I continue digging back through Il Mheg quests, one of the things I find interesting is that "fae" as a designation seems to be as much cultural and circumstantial as it is a description of an innate quality. The Pixies and the Fuath are what we might think of as the most obvious form of fae creature: immortal beings born from the souls of mortals who died under specific circumstances and whose souls did not dissipate into the aetherial sea, but instead remained, like ghosts, coalescing aether around them to give them a new form and a new life. They live a fundamentally different existence than mortals, possess certain innate magicks, and are often seen as dangerous tricksters by mortals.
Nu Mou are also undeniably fae, but they differ from from their more mischievous cousins not only in that they enjoy and desire the patronage of mortals, but that in certain ways they behave more like a mortal spoken people. They employ tools such as staves and grimoires in their magicks, similar to mortal mages. (The Fuath might also do this? but so much of their magic is illusory that it's difficult to tell what is real and what is glamour.) But most notably there's a quest in which a Nu Mou speaks of their child, suggesting that they reproduce as mortals do--something I don't think we ever hear of in the Pixies or the Fuath. I also haven't found any mentions of the Nu Mou being born of mortal souls, suggesting to me that they are, in fact, simply another spoken race, just a very long-lived one--perhaps not unlike dragons!
And then there's the Amaro! Most Amaro aren't fae at all; they're simply the bird mount common to Norvrandt. Long ago, they were granted the gift of intelligence by a Voeburtite mage, but that gift has since all but died out. In particularly long-lived Amaro, however, that spark may return, and these intelligent Amaro have formed a community in Il Mheg. In doing so, they have become fae folk themselves, as Nimbus says: "But then we are fae folk too. When first we made our home here, we swore an oath to the faerie king, you see. 'Tis easy to forget sometimes." As the Amaro have been entrusted with one of the four relics that unlock Titania's castle, it's undeniable that they are accepted as citizens of the Faerie Kingdom just as much as the others, no matter their origins.
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sealrock · 10 months
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the result of researching stories about japanese mythology, fox-wives, and binge-watching inuyasha for the 99th time in a row:
takami and tomoko, twin auspices who take on humanoid forms. my lore on them is very bare bones and subject to change but here's what I got thus far:
'takami' and 'tomoko' are just aliases. they're true names are 'raikou' and 'futen', they are the twin lords of chaos and the scourge of the east
while they appear human, the twins have pointed ears and 'birthmarks' along their faces
despite their appearances, takami is known to be a dense, wisecracking trickster who eats his weight in his favorite foods. tomoko is the mature one of the two; if takami gets too brash or if he intentionally annoys her, she'll yank at his hair to shut him up. despite her no-nonsense attitude, tomoko has a love of fashion and theater
they hail from the eastern region of koshu and are said to have been born near daitenzan mountain nearly two thousand years prior
their original forms were of raccoon dogs born with silver and black fur. because of their unique coloring, various lords and poachers of the region wished to hunt them for their body parts as they believed they would bring them good fortune. the will to survive allowed them to live beyond their natural lifespans and gain sentience and immense spiritual power
they can take on the forms of silver raccoon dogs at will to hide out or escape trouble. while under the effects of aramitama, they can transform into terrifying creatures and wreak total destruction on the lands
takami and tomoko are formidable foes in battle as they harness the powers of lightning and wind. while their ages may differ, they could rival the four lords in brute strength alone
the twins can be seen flying by at times: tomoko rides on a cloud while takami's mode of transportation are floating wheels of fire beneath his feet
tomoko has been called 'the wind sorceress' for her ability to harness deadly gusts, gales, and twisters with her fans; they're sharp enough to behead a man if he's not careful. she's also agile, swift on her feet, and can create clones of herself out of air
takami wields a naginata called 'raiden'. it is rumored to be cursed with demonic energy. besides being a polearm, takami uses his naginata as a lightning rod to channel thunder and lightning for ranged attacks
the twins operated as mercenaries during the age of blood; they served various clans on both sides of the war throughout the centuries for coin. they gained infamy for their peculiar magicks and penchant for mayhem. while awe-inspiring, the warlords at the time grew fearful of the twins' power as auspices and elected to band together in order to slaughter them. takami and tomoko narrowly escaped certain death by fleeing to onokoro in order to hide in the looming tower heaven-on-high. they took advantage of the mortals' superstitions of the island and laid low for the next few centuries
they became unofficial guardians of the ruby sea and the locals of onokoro believe that the heavy gales and severe thunderstorms, sometimes deadly, are caused by raikou and futen. they offer prayer and worship to quell the twin fury of the auspices
at some point in time, takami fell in love with a mortal named tauvane, a rare occurrence amongst their kind. this would eventually lead to his downfall and tomoko's loss of spiritual power, it was stolen by tauvane who now harnesses chaotic wind powers (wip)
takami unknowingly sired a son known as achille who inherited his father's power over the destructive element of lightning. tomoko is achille's aunt and achille can descend into a primal rage as a result of being part-auspice
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
Vampire!Aymeric Headcanons
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A/N: So originally this was going to be the first post for Frightfest, but I am impatient! So you'll get this post early! Please enjoy and await for all the things that will be coming your way!
Warning: slight obsession, vampire compelling human
Note: For this HC, Ishgard would play under the guise that they are the "Holy" Sea when in fact, they are anything but.
@theotakufairy @blunt-cake-yes
Frightfest '22 Masterlist
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Ever is he a charming eleven man
he is both hated and loved
but not for his true nature
and he'd like to keep it that way
none would need to find out, less they'd like to lose their life
not that he would like to do that, he does love his people
but he must survive
he had not lost his control in a long time
but blood lust was inevitable
especially as his recent obsession and prey, you, the Warrior of Light had made your way into the city
how he longed for you after all this time
in hopes that you would come into his domain
and yet here you were
he had watched you from afar as you climbed the steps towards the Fortemps Manor
did you feel his eyes on you?
becoming one with the mist, he'd watch as you turn to look
had you ever feel slightly suspicious of him when you'd first met him?
he was too nice
way too charming
his presence was strong and alluring
there was something about him that had your mind wandering to him
and his eyes would pierce into your soul, making you feel dizzy
he was hypnotizing
perhaps you just had a crush on him
no, you were in love with him
and you were excited to finally see him
you should have kept your suspicion with you
for maybe you would have been stronger against the magicks
it wouldn't be long before he sends for you to visit him in his dark office
you had wondered yourself why it had been so dark in there
not to mention that Ishgard was often so foggy and stormy
"Y/N. It fills me with pleasure to see you."
"It has been a while Ser Aymeric."
"Too long."
and despite how he practiced being in the same room with you, he was overwhelmed by the blood coursing through your veins and the fast beating of your heart
and you could tell that he was distracted
not to mention that you saw fangs protruding from his lips
you had heard stories of a creature called "vampire" but had never seen one
but him? a soulless monster?
and one in the Holy Sea where they should have been most weak?
you moved without thinking, the chair you were sitting in, clattered on its side with a clatter
he too moved to stand, his wild blue eyes trained on you as he bared his fangs, letting out a hiss
it wasn't long before you felt the wall against your bad
but yet he did not make the move towards you
instead his gaze softened and he smiled at you
damn that smile
it was bewitching
You were confused
was he not going to kill you like the stories say?
"Y/N. It is due to my negligence that you are aware of my secret. Regrettably, a dire choice must be made. Death, should you run, or a life as one of us."
"Is there a third option?"
"Staking me through the heart; though I do not recommend. I wouldn't want for Haurchefant or Estinien to be tasked with killing you."
they were vampires too?
you couldn't imagine Haurchefant as a vampire
there was no way
you wouldn't want to do that to Aymeric
all you wanted was to love him and be loved by him
and yet now a possibility of death and/or bad luck loomed over your head
you needed to make your decision
"Does it hurt? To be like you."
"Only for a moment. Worry not. I will hold you until the pain subsides."
he held out his hand towards you as his eyes locked with yours
like before, you felt lightheaded and could not advert your gaze
but why would you want to?
he was beckoning you to his side, inviting you in close
only when he closed his eyes were you able to blink
"See you when you awaken, my love."
the last thing you remember was the searing pain and the fading sounds of your own muffled screams
and you'd be pulled into a dark eternal slumber
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floralneonlights · 1 year
In my rewrite, I created new regions and described the regions that exist already.
This post is kinda long so I'm sorry
Ru’aun Region [ GODDESS - Irene ]
Geography - Water is the main form of travel with very little roads. The Yggdrasil Forest and Sacred Forest are both located in this region but are very different. While both are secretive locations and laced with magic, the Sacred Forest is known for the home of many mythical creatures while the Yggdrasil Forest is the home grounds for many elves. The Ru’aun region has many different regional climates, unlike the Gal’ruk Region.
No monarchy; O’Khasis is trying to change that though.
Gal’ruk Region [ GOD - Enki ]
Geography - The region of Gal’ruk is one of sea and ice. Despite this, there are many natural resources surrounding the place, previously a wondrous trading port until the Demon Warlock set his home there, turning the Gal’ruk region into one of danger. After the Demon Warlock fell, the Gal’ruk region opened up ports again and are slowly but surely getting travelers again.
No monarchy (divided up, never been a kingdom based region)
Tu’la Region [ GODDESS - Menphia ]
Geography - High resources in metals and magick. The best it can be described as is a steampunk region with many demon tribes located there, including Cat Yokai. Although, humans can be found there as well. Due to the opposing groups, they can never work together leaving the region in ruins. All of them are divided.
Run by a monarchy, under tyrannical rule.
Ivorian Region [ GODDESS - Drorit ]
Geography - Hotter than the other regions, is known for finding rare and precious gems in the waters, and rumored to be where the relics of the Divine Warriors were founded. The main system for the Ivorian Region is the gem/crystal/ore trading, as they have the highest amounts out of all the regions.
No monarchy, followed after what happened in Ru’aun
Umbre’en Region [ GOD/GODDESS - none; Shad is from this region ]
Geography - Usually cloudy and gloomy weather, but has great cropping grounds and leads to the crops never being overwatered. Known for great soil, rain and thus great crop production. Despite being the region where the embodiment of death to many comes from, it somehow has a faster production rate for growing crops. Rumor is that it was blessed by Enki when visiting.
Monarchy, normal rule. 
Aerania Region [ GOD - Fionn ]
Geography - Very small scattering of islands, presumed to previously had bigger and more islands surrounding it but had been flooded. Known for having merfolk and water spirits roaming the area while humans living on shore. Many water spirits and half-merfolk live on the land as well. Known for their marketplace: fish, wool, literature. Basically a place to stop to get basic needs, a merchant region.
Monarchy, somewhat chaotic rule due to the scattering of the islands, but not tyrants.
Rigguard Region [ GOD - Esmund ]
Geography - At one point, Rigguard was a luxurious place to live, massive mountains to hike, high wildlife rates, and warm weather. Until a curse was placed on it, turning it into an ice wasteland with very little parts left that keep the warmth that was originally all around. Struggling to make it by and the king and queen becoming MIA leaving the people with no guidance left. Seemingly forgotten by the other regions.
Monarchy, though as of recent, the king and queen have fallen into some sort of episode.
Some small notes - Fionn and Drorit are my new characters for the Divine Warriors, collectively replacing Kul'zak - If you want to add anything to the canon regions (Ru'aun, Gal'ruk, and Tu'la), it would be appreciated. - If you want a separate post on my version of the Divine Warriors, please let me know :] I'm going to post the main points of the rewritten characters once completed.
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tiny-buzz · 1 year
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All along the deck the coffin rattle of Philbin’s stride rang out like that festively hideous bell which calls to dinner the cannibals of some of those fetid tropical isles on which only a few civilized men have stood, and most of them men of New England and more interested in the perambulations of the great monsters of the deep* than in the curious customs and cuisines of savages. From the forecastle and the binnacle and the mast and the topmast and the topgallant mast and the quarterdeck the men would stop in their watchings and their nettings and their many occupations to pay that terrible, wonderful sound heed as he passed them, though none could account to themselves why the sound of walking should disturb their reveries and labors so. Anon his stride came to a sudden halt, and at once he turned to Tiny and ordered that all the men be sent aloft to attend him.
“By the mines, captain, did I hear you correctly?” asked the puzzled mate.
“By thunder, I mean what passeth my lips as all worthy men do, thou quivering howler! Now send them aloft at once!”
At this Tiny hastened to obey, and soon we all stood before Philbin, with a tense placidity like that of the last sheet of ice over the river in Siberian spring, the perfect stillness betraying the rushing beneath, and the flood soon to unleash.
Philbin raised his hands, in the manner of preacher and general, of Bonaparte and Luther, of Caesar and GoBoDi, that savage cannibal chieftain whose exploits ring out in island annals.
“My fine crew, I ask thee: what dost thou do upon the week end?”
“We honor the man!” all cried out at once.
“And what next?” said he.
At this the crew puzzled, for they knew not what they would do after honoring the man, for the honoring of the man was so ingrained that it was as if their captain had asked what they would do after their hearts ceased to beat and their lungs ceased to cycle the vitreous ether through their forms.
“Thou knowest not?” asked Philbin, his voice rising like the waves, “and how couldst thou know, when at day’s end the week-end may end? Then we must extend it!”
“But captain,” cried out the timorous mate, “even the Ass Weekend?”
“Aye! And damn any man who say otherwise,” cried the Captain in fanatic glee.
“It is madness to extend the week end, Captain, for time marcheth onward inexorably. I say again. madness!”
“I say to thee it is madness to end it! Are we to honor the man no longer? Are we to bow before that dumb brute time and its dictates? I say to thee that time passeth not for the man who refuses to sail in that current! We shall extend the Week End, aye, by twenty and four hours, and we shall strike down all who oppose us!” At the end of this great exhortation, the captain turned to we in the assembled crew, “wilt thou join me, brave men? Wilt thou extend the week end with me!”
At this a great cry rose up from the men, all enchanted and enthralled with the great bigotry of the captain’s purpose. We were as the zombys of Hayti who, under the witch doctor’s sorceries and magick, are induced to do their bidding. We cheered and wept for the week end had been extended.
“Thou art good men all!” cried the captain. [Aside] “Now I have them, good and true, and they shall follow me gladly through as many extensions as can be borne.”
*The great fish of that region is of the species that is called the “Right Whale” by some Newfoundland fisheries, though despite being called such it is a laggardly creature of small size, a minor vassal to the majesty of the great sperm whale, mightiest and most awful of all the fish in the seas, and the preferred catch of New England whale men. As such these patterns of visitation may help to account for why that particular isle is so rarely visited, for the Newfoundland whalers rarely venture to such warm waters as those and the New England men without fail have their eyes upon the mighty sperm whale.
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julienelson · 1 year
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A reminder that the Full Moon will be here in one week - 3rd July for the Southern Hemispher Witches.
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Capricorn is known as the sea goat and its symbol is that of half goat and half fish or I refer to her as half mermaid. Not only does this incredble sea goat climb the highest mountain it can dive deep into the ocean!
This for me reveals the archetype of mermaid energy - The Seductress, blended with strength and will power of this marvellous mythical creature.
Capricorn Full Moon can cast light upon that which is no longer serving you. Cappy's energy is not afraid to take on challenges facing them head on ... embracing these may result in receiving great rewards.
Sun in Gemini brings excitement, creative thinking and having fun!
Just one day after the Full Moon, the Sun will also align with the star Sirius known as our Spiritual Sun, also Dog star is the brightest star in the night sky other than the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and ocassionally Mercury.
When the Sun and Sirius meet and align, a portal of high-frequency energy is going to be magnified due to the presence of the Full Moon. Get clear on your desires amd magickal spellcrafting.
With challenges afoot we are receiving a higher vibration
to honour our Soul. This energy is letting us know we can handle whatever comes our way!
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Expanisve Jupiter is in a strong position with this Full Moon and casts of veil of support to enhance and magnify your strength and determination in rising unapologetically.
Also known as the planet of luck Jupiter can be on your side under this Full Moon, be sure to take advantage of it.
When confronting any challenges that may present look for the silver lining that Jupiter offers.
This Full Moon will be a potent reminder that you have the strength and intuition to move through whatever comes your way!
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akumaverse · 2 years
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First Appearance: Trilby's Notes
Dimension: Chzo Mythos
Allegiance: Evil
In the first century, there was a druid known as Cabadath. He was skilled with magick and claimed to have made dealings with the creatures in the “Ethereal Realm”. It is within this time that he found out about an entity known as Chzo. Cabadath planned to summon him into his realm of Technology and control it. But his arrogance led to his own capture by the creature and entrapment in the World of Magick. Chzo decided to punish the druid by placing his soul into an oak sapling where he was tortured for 500 years by the God of Pain. 
All this eventually warped Cabadath’s mind to become Chzo’s most loyal servant: the Prince and promised to ensure anyone foolish enough to cross his path will know the name of the King. This first happened in 1501, where a Norseman Woodcutter cut down the Oak Tree that contained the Soul of Cabadath. The Father was killed so the son could spread the word of Chzo, but nobody believed him. That wood would somehow leave its original location to be made into a harpsichord that resides in the Unicorn Inn. It was there where he would find someone to create the Order of the Blessed Agonies to truly spread the name of the King.
When the harpsichord was later destroyed and turned into a crate, a young man used a piece of that wood to create a wooden statue to symbolize his good luck from being rescued from the sea. Instead, that Idol would become another tool for Chzo so he could create a bridge. When John DeFoe got the idol, Cabadath influenced him to abuse the young defromed DeFoe to shatter his Mind, Body and Soul to create a Bridge to be used at a later time. Under the order of the Pain Deity, Cabadath got the blood of the one who hurt the Bridge to the Order of Blessed Agonies so they could create clones that would keep corrupted DeFoe calm until the time came.
But eventually Cabadath realizes that the Bridge was not to bring Chzo into the World of Technology, but to bring someone to replace him. So in the week before precist moment of time between the destruction of the body and soul of DeFoe, Cabadath was planning to hunt down the Bridge’s mind and destroy it before the ritual can be complete. But despite his effort, the Mind was destroyed right in the precise moment it needed to and brought the New Prince into the world of Magick and replaced Cabadath, the Arrogant Man. And he knew the name of the King… It hurts…
Sprite Credit
Current Version by AkumaTh
Fun Facts:
This will be the only entry from the Chzo Mythos to be in the cast page. I couldn’t pass up having a Halloween Cast Page entry on Halloween.
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brucewhite · 8 months
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“Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it.” -The Creature, Frankenstein
Character Name: Bruce White
Title/occupation: Personal servant to Luca Paguro
Magick Status: Deep-sea merman (secret)
Bruce (not his real name) lived twenty-four happy years at the bottom of the ocean, hunting massive sea creatures with his pod of merfolk. That was until the ships came, and the deep-sea divers. The next thing Bruce knew, he was being taken far, far away to a strange place where people in white coats stared at him for hours on end, writing down observations and speaking a strange language.
It was terrifying and painful and, at the same time, dull compared to his life under the sea. He slowly began to pick up the language, but the merman still hardly understood these human customs. All he wanted was to return to the ocean.
It was only with the help of a mad scientist conducting even stranger research down the hall that Bruce managed to escape. Using the small amount of English he had learned, Bruce managed to find his way to the coast, where a servant at a large estate kindly took him in and helped him to get a job. Over time, Bruce learned the ways of the estate and advanced to the role of personal attendant for Luca Paguro themself, with whom he had developed a friendship.
Now in London, Bruce knows this may be his opportunity to finally find his way back to the sea— but his fondness for the family who showed him kindness makes this difficult, and he hates the idea of betraying them.
And worse... old enemies from the university could be lurking around any corner.
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What are their most prominent memories of each other? For Anthea and Hyth
Oh oh! Good one! So they have a lot of shared ones but these more prominent ones are ones that stayed with their souls and what their shards dreamed of the other before ever meeting post ew (listen the aetherial sea to me is where all of time exists and doesn’t exist so like explains a lot of things) Anyway here’s a few that were common for their shards to dream of.
Under cut for Endwalker spoilers
For Hyth one was the first time they kissed and he saw their face the first time since meeting them. There was some festival/celebration happening in Amaurot and Thea was dragging him along to find the stall of this one restaurant that always had some special food as a limited time thing, he remembers how their laugh sounded and the way the late afternoon sun hit their eyes. A time where he was feeling a bit down about himself trying and failing once more to transform or perform creation magicks at the same level as his friends and Anthea coming to him reaching a hand out with a soft and encouraging smile with words of comfort (this was one that frequented Laelius’ dreams especially once getting into being an overall construction person).
Anthea meanwhile was the first time he told them he loved them with dappled sunlight behind him making a halo that lit his undone hair. The sheer embarrassment of their first meeting since Thea fell into him and then had him be the judge of their latest creation. That day on Elpis like in the game when they watched Emet help the creature to fly. It was a simple moment but they treasured it since the other two couldn’t remember it. And lastly the surprise gift of him getting a place that was bigger for them so Thea could have a garden like they did growing up (like house was all set up and everything by the time he showed them the place). Many of these moments were what made Ellen really search and be picky with love because they knew early on how it felt and searched for that in every part of their life so she was much more extroverted in the end.
Now there are two shared memories that are etched onto their souls that were reoccurring dreams. First one was of their goodbye before the sacrifice, that final kiss between them always lingered on their shards when they’d awaken from those dreams. And then the second was from just before they let themselves be taken by the aetherial sea, Hyth showed Thea the field of Elpis blooms and told them of the impact their creation, that Anthea always thought to be the most flawed of anything they had made, had on everyone and the world at large. While Hyth was using it to assure them that they in the end gave the ultimate gift to the star and it was something that wasn’t perfect, Anthea took it as assurance that the purpose they found for themselves in the middle of their tragedy was the right one for them and always was they just couldn’t ever see it yet. That purpose being a guide and comfort and shepherd to those lost which they did for thousands of years on the moon, and now they see that it applied in the future of the star that was a goal overall in a way for the ancients. Their shards remember the others face and the love and hope and contentment of what was to come and that should they ever meet again in the future it wasn’t going to be because there was a sense of undone things but more a new beginning and falling in love all over again if that makes sense and seeing how it plays out. Like their story ended on the same page and now they get to see how Laelius and Ellen’s version goes.
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lily-of-rabanastre · 10 months
Ascilia, Chapter 13 Excerpt
Just a bit of a teaser while I continue writing.
Ascending through the pitch black cloudfront, her beloved Lily and her sister Rubedo in hand and the Dream Stooges close behind, Ascilia broke through to the other side. She had expected to see an unusual skyline—filled perhaps with living constellations or falling stars. But what she witnessed as she crossed that threshold sank her heart.
A great sea mirroring the one below churned high above crumbling Radz-at-Han, glinting starlight piercing through its deep blue depths. Garlean warships the likes of which she’d never seen floated upon the water’s edge, raining mortar and aether upon the city’s broken walls and shattered buildings. A massive offwhite airship was docked at the city’s landing—this she recognized by Lily’s as the Dalriada, the flagship of the IVth Legion. That it was here made it clear as crystal who the soldiers within the tower had been.
And yet despite the overwhelming presence of their unusual armada, there were no signs whatsoever of soldiers. Nor Thavnair’s own people, for that matter. It seemed Mikoto’s hypothesis was right—every figment they’d encountered was a product of Ahewann’s mind. And with every last one of them dispatched to slow her party down, the city was surely empty.
The purpose of the bombardment was clear. To watch the sum of one’s existence be obliterated would strain the limits of anyone’s spirit. Under most circumstances this would end with the victim ceding their body and soul as vessel and sustenance to the voidsent, or worse: transforming into a voidsent themselves. But with Zodiark’s demise and the lingering effects of the Song of Oblivion, the fate of both host and parasite would become far bleaker.
As Ascilia set foot upon the bridge leading into the city, several hair-raising howls reverberated up from below. There was no time for chatter, for the beast Garmr would soon be upon them. Setting Lily and her sister down beside her feet, she strode forward several paces, then turned and kneeled down before them. Once the Dream Stooges joined her and Mikoto had been set down beside the pair of bantam bunnies, she began to channel her aether.
“May this blessing ease the weight of your burdens,” she incanted, holding out her hands before them. “Esunaga!”
One by one, her allies began to grow back to their true size. First was Lily, who stumbled over to the edge of the bridge, burying her face in her hands. Mikoto swiftly rushed to her side, patting her on the back and asking if she was alright. Finally, Rubedo stood before her, drawing her firearm and adjusting her visor.
“Thank goodness that’s over with,” she intoned, glancing over her shoulder at the Dream Stooges. “Will you three join us in battle?”
“A-against the m-mutt?” Curlax stuttered. “You saw what she can do!”
“We, um, might come up a little short,” Moebius groaned. “I mean, we do have our magicks…”
“Would you mind if we hung back?” asked Laragorn. “We’ll support you from afar!”
“Any help you can offer would be appreciated,” Ascilia answered, flashing a warm smile.
As her beloved Lily shook off her embarrassment and she and Mikoto armed themselves, Ascilia firmly gripped the hilt of her own blade. Beneath her feet she felt the stone beneath her tremble and heard the scratching and clawing of a dozen legs. Spinning about as she stood up, she caught sight of not one, but three towering figures rising up from beneath the bridge, barring their path.
Each of these beasts was roughly the size of an aurochs or marid, and though their shaggy golden fur marked them as a some large breed of dog, their gangly forelimbs bore greater resemblance to those of a man than a hound. Despite that, something about the creatures seemed familiar to Ascilia. And for a moment she wondered how there could be three of them when by her reckoning there was only one Garmr.
Both questions answered themselves shortly thereafter as two of the hounds sank their teeth into the flanks of the third. With a sharp yelp, the middle beast reared up onto its hind legs, and the two attackers  transformed into light as they melded with it. Once the three had become one, it reached up and manifested a one-handed crystalline sword, then assumed a fighting stance Ascilia had seen only through another’s eyes.
Garmr’s eyes glowed an ethereal blue, the same color as her sword. Upon three legs and with a terrible howl, it began to charge.
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mysticalmagickial · 1 year
You're wandering along with a moment-capture device in hand.
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It was sunrise not long ago, and though you feel uninspired this morning, you decide to wander outside with a camera in hand. The first time you've done so this seriously in a long while, and though you say seriously, we know you really mean you are going with simple intent; to capture something amidst whimsy and your utter joy under the sunlight, because birds are everywhere, like little fae hopping through cracks in our understanding - of course they're fae, there are wings and songs and shows of dramatic singing, things we look past in search of some deeper magick. You stop to admire the way that they move with a dance or with the intelligence of a creature whose experience we will never come to understand.
It is simply cryptidicy. It is a bird's very nature to be everywhere and nowhere at once, in cities and bushlands and fields and seas, to lure us in and laugh when we cannot keep up. Do not eat the things that they give you, only steep in the love which you find here. What you know and what you feel and see in front of you is like the shiny rock to your own bird brain.
Here you are in the morning light and the air of a new day. You cannot help but feel enchanted and connected a little more than the version of you earlier this morning did, and you hope you can connect the emptiness to this joy one day. You also cannot help to be excited and to want to share, because every time you come here it is a new discovery. You have so much to say about the places you arrive each day but you suppose that that is the nature of nature - it wants to tell a story. It wants to connect through roots and fungi systems and energy in the air and rocks, folded in the scientific magick of our understanding and expanding whatever we know to be true.
Perhaps one day you might consider the creation of a space for your efforts, your loves and your hopes. Perhaps you really will share it, the magick that you see, with anyone you possibly can as you have attempted to so far. You think you feel a little more inspired now; so you open the web and choose to put your passion somewhere, a fly in a net and a blog on a site, in hopes that you catch glimpses, or fall into caverns, of jewels of passion from others like you.
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sunveiledrp · 1 year
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Hey sunlings! Today we've got a preview of our factions, which are optional groups your character(s) can be a part of. Factions come with automatic connections and plots, so we heavily encourage our members to get involved with them. All of these factions are selectable in your character profiles, and searchable in the member list. Members will also have the opportunity to create their own factions by purchasing them in the shop.
So check under the cut for a preview of our available factions and start thinking about where your character(s) might fit!
Druid Groves
The Hallowed
The Hallowed are a peaceful grove of druids with old ties to San Castana. Their compound on the edge of the valley offers a place of respite for their members, with lodging and food provided for those that stay to work the land and maintain their sacred grove. While many druids reside on The Hallowed's compound, many more live throughout San Castana. But they all come together often for sabbats, celebrations, and ancestral ceremony.
Vampire Nests
House Aeternum
Extremely well connected, House Aeternum is one of the oldest nests on the west coast. Involved in advocating for vampire rights, they've poured much of their time and money into building the city and their reputation so as to enjoy their eternity. And while they do not condemn feeding on mortals, they do emphasize consent and restraint. Most members of their nest live in their lavish estate downtown, and are involved in various councils, clubs, and organizations to maintain their reputation and good standing.
The Lost Nest
A relatively new nest in San Castana, The Lost all have one thing in common: they do not want to be found. Embracing their feral nature, their members do not care for rules they were not there to make, and are taking every chance to break them. How they keep escaping authorities is a mystery, but their uncontrolled natures are reminding everyone that creatures of the night should be feared. Their hunting grounds seem to primarily be on Castana Beach, and while it's suspected their lair is somewhere in the sea caves, they have yet to be found.
Werewolf Packs
The Ironpelt Pack
In the forests north of the city past Castana Beach, the howls of the Ironpelts echo. But San Castana's oldest pack is more than just that, they're also a popular motorcycle club in East Castana. While not all pack members participate in club activities, all club members are part of the pack. Their alpha, a famous local warg, is known for being on the wrong side of the law, but also for helping to rehabilitate new werewolves. Closely knit, they are more of a family than than anything. But they are still a fearsome pack, and deadly when crossed on nights of the full moon.
Witch Covens
Ad Astra
A powerful new age group, the Ad Astra coven is renowned for their work in divination. Relatively new, they have attracted some of the world's most powerful seers and are sought far and wide for their abilities. Promoting health and wellness above all, they have a monthly newsletter and a seasonal catalogue to buy spell ingredients in bulk.
The Arcane Circle
More of a secret society than a coven, The Arcane are an underground collective who work in the shadows. Based in the catacombs beneath San Castana University, they explore forbidden magicks, operating under the nose of The Witches Council in secrecy. The entrance to their meeting place is hidden in the basement of the main library behind a painting that reads "nitimur in vetitum," and initiates are invited to join the circle only once a year.
Misc Groups
The Black Market
An underground network of criminals and ne'er-do-wells, the black market makes most of their money through under the table deals and owed favors. Run by the king of the underworld himself, they have their hand in a little bit of everything, laundering their money through legitimate local businesses to avoid detection by the feds. The black market doesn't discriminate on who joins their ranks, but cross them and there won't even be an obituary to remember you by.
The Gemini Legion
Masquerading as a private humans only social club, The Gemini Legion is extremely selective in who they let into their affairs. For all intents and purposes, they are a refuge for humans in a supernatural world, active in San Castana and known for their philanthropy. But in the depths of their compound downtown, they're more like a private militia, a vigilante group that hunts supernatural creatures. The Legion works quietly and efficiently, promoting a mortal agenda and working to keep their true purpose under wraps.
The Order of the Chimera
Established in the 1800s, The Order of the Chimera is a secret society inspired by the industrial revolution to do things better— to innovate. Some have even said that the famous author Mary Shelley was among this collective and from it, drew inspiration for her most notorious piece of literature. One can only imagine the kind of horrors (or 'innovating') that go on under the society's dais as they look to improve upon or make all new superior creatures.
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