korruptbrekker · 1 year
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Am I interested in this movie at all? No. But I like this format, so I'm participating in this trend anyway. :)
Also bonus TSVCU characters:
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aq-s74 · 11 months
just wanted to stop by and mention something about me:
I make Minecraft skins!
here's Edwina of TwoSet Violin from the TwoSet vs Davie504 battle:
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and Maid!Brett with the original maid costume design:
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[ original unedited maid outfit base ]
that's all from me! have a great day :]
( I also take requests, you can ask in my AMA )
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artyasumi · 1 year
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He is sooo hard to draw but ANYWAY
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wes-laye · 1 year
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I watched the Twoset and Davie504 concert and it was super cute hehe
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expiredrosin · 1 year
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Mozart was definitely behind this
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joishuhu · 1 year
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A little brett tarot card fanart :DD
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mmoosen · 8 months
Spooktober 2023 - Day 15
Spooktober Prompts by @wolfboy88
It's Spooktober!!!☠️🎃🔮🪄🩻🍬
The prompt for today is Halloween Party, which I edited into Halloween Costume Party. Below the cut is the prompt and a couple pics as my inspo
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Brett and Nolan have been dating for a couple months when Mason and Corey announce they are hosting a Halloween costume party because Mason’s parents are leaving for a fancy Halloween themed charity gala in LA. All of the lacrosse seniors and juniors, and anyone who Mason vaguely trusts to not get too drunk, is invited with the caveat: costume required.
So as Brett and Nolan are walking down the halls to their next class of the day, Brett asks,
“Lori already ordered all my stuff to be her matching angel for Mason’s party. Any idea what you’re wearing next week?”
Nolan had not thought much about it, so he responds, “I don’t know. I might just wear my Jack Frost costume from last year. It’s kinda plain though.”
“No slutty maid costume?”
Nolan nearly trips over his own feet, fumbling with the notebooks held in his right hand as Brett tightens his grip on Nolan’s left hand to prevent him from fully tripping on his face. With a bit more control over his balance, Nolan tries to get an explanation for that comment. “W-what?”
“You know? It’s Halloween and every twink is in some sexy maid costume. Just like how every straight dude who hates costumes is just gonna wear a jersey. And all the girls who think they are better than you dress in…"
Nolan lets Brett lead the conversation away from the maid costume comment into the other stereotypical Halloween costumes before they stop at his classroom. Brett gives his hand a quick squeeze before leaving him to head to chemistry, but Nolan cannot focus during his history class, always coming back to the comment. He hides his phone behind some of his books to make a quick Google search for what Brett was talking about.
The next Friday night, Brett and Lori rush out the door in their matching costumes, already ten minutes late to Mason’s party. Brett may have taken too long getting the halo in his hair to sit right and Lori’s devil makeup took her forever. The drive to Mason’s is a bit frantic but as Brett pulls around the front, he lets Lori jump out at the door so Brett can drive back to the spot Mason designated for Brett and Theo to park. By the time Brett makes his way into the living room, Lori has disappeared from sight and Brett cannot see any of his friends past the packed living room of drunk dancing teens. He had heard the loud music from down the block; being in the same room as the speaker, Brett had to turn on his werewolf senses to hear Lori talking in another room. Brett quickly makes his way through the crowd, waving to a couple acquaintances until he finds Lori in the kitchen, already with Alec.
Alec has his head almost buried in the snack table, but Brett can recognize the attempts of Alec’s karate fighter costume. Alec barely looks up to tell Brett, “Hey, nice costume.”
Brett simply nods to Alec’s back and turns back to Lori, who is sporting a much bigger smile than he was prepared for. She is reeking of mischief as she asks,
“You found Nolan yet?”
“No, why?”
“I just love his costume; how much did you pay him to dress that slutty?”
Brett immediately turns his head to frantically scan the crowd again; He didn’t hear Nolan the first time, but his interest was piqued now. A second after searching for Nolan’s voice, he hears the quiet whisper of his boyfriend asking someone to ‘stay still’ upstairs. Without giving Lori a second look back, Brett heads for the stairs with his attention focused on the area around Mason’s bedroom. He catches the whispers of Theo and Liam’s voice around Nolan as he quickly pushes through to get to the open doorway.
Finally, Brett glances into Mason’s bedroom, and he immediately stops in his tracks when his eyes catch a glimpse of skin as Nolan is slightly bent over. A pair of tall white socks go up his calves leaving a long stretch of Nolan’s pale thighs exposed before the frilly white edge of a maid’s dress stops him from being able to look any further up. The shorter skirt connects to a partially laced up corset and Brett finally sees what has Nolan bent forward. Theo is sitting on Mason’s bed as Nolan is giving him an eyeliner cat nose and whiskers. But Brett isn’t giving Theo a second look with all there is to see of his boyfriend’s ass peeking out of a maid costume.
Even hearing Liam hype Theo’s costume up and Theo laughing does not stop Brett from using all the precious time he gets to check his boyfriend out -without Nolan trying to slap his arms at least. His eyes only leave from the vast chunk of unblemished skin on Nolan’s thighs as he watches Nolan turn towards him. Brett finally sees the full costume complete with little bows and lace as Nolan brightly greets him.
“Hi, you finally made it.”
“Hey.” Brett can’t hide his awe in his voice as he finds it hard to rip his eyes away from Nolan’s costume to see everyone in the room. Nolan had presumably just finished Theo’s cat makeup to go with his fake ears, Liam is some kind of gladiator, and Mason and Corey are dressed as the popular couple from Adventure Time.
“I… I love the outfit.” Words are barely forming in Brett’s mind but he’s genuine in his compliment.
“Well, you said it’s what everyone wears.”
Nolan’s attention moves back to the small pile of makeup on the bed, so Brett whispers to himself “Thank god for that.”
Nolan finishes capping the eyeliner and quickly puts the makeup into the little bag as he asks, “I like your angel outfit, where’s your other half?”
“Lori’s downstairs with Alec.”
“I’m done with Theo’s makeup now. Wanna get me a drink?”
Brett hears the rest of boys talk about finding Hayden and Gwen before they all start heading out through the doorway, so Brett simply nods and motions for Nolan to follow out behind them; but as Nolan walks past Brett, he immediately steps right behind Nolan and stays right in his space as they head back to the kitchen.
Brett tries to casually stand in Nolan’s space without getting too handsy for a public setting, so he simply starts to play with the strings of Nolan’s corset as they wait for their turn at the drink table. Nolan seems to enjoy the silence as he leans back into Brett until the table opens. As Nolan moves towards the table, Brett is right behind him. And as Nolan shifts to the right to grab a cup, Brett shuffles with him.
He must have confused Nolan since he quickly asks over his shoulder,
“Why are you stuck to my back?”
“I can practically see your ass in this,” Brett lets his fingers graze the empty skin he’s been drawn to, emphasizing his point, “I’ll be behind you all night if it means no one else is getting my view.”
Brett watches Nolan’s hands shake and slightly spill the alcohol onto the table as Nolan turns and shouts as quietly as he can with the loud music,
“Jesus Brett!” but as with most of their flirting Nolan hits back with a sassy response. “Possessive much? What am I, your chew toy?”
Brett moves his hand to rest on Nolan’s waist as he starts to laugh through his answer,
“Only my favorite one, doll.”
Brett finds himself leaning back to not get elbowed in the gut.
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kreiburgs · 2 years
keep your kinks to yourself, said the guy who made his best friend wear a cat maid outfit.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 4 months
I'm so annoyed, my best friend has such an asshole for a husband. He basically never pays attention to her, all he cares about sport, beer and his friends. He never helps around the house and he's a lazy slob! He's always at the gym or going to the game with his bros. He's such a prick, maybe he should just be date his bros since he's so obsessed with them. He's always complaining about his wife "bothering him". Plus who would want to marry a slob anyway, as a husband he should be devoted to cleaning his house and caring about who he is married to.
I think I found the guy you're talking about, and you're totally right about him being an asshole. Your friend deserves better than an uncaring, selfish, pig-of-a-husband. That girl has tolerated him for too long! She won't be seeing him or his sexist buddies ever again when I'm done here...
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Just look at him! The first thing he does when he gets home is grab a beer and park that fat ass of his on the couch. Sure, he might hit the gym later on his way to the bar, but he's not planning on helping his wife out with dinner. He's not really planning on talking to her at all until he needs a blow job later tonight.
You mentioned his name was Brett, I think?
Well, Brett can barely hold a job. He's lucky you gave him a chance and got him a gig as a delivery man. I think he's been doing this for a month now, but he absolutely resents the work. Brett can't really enjoy anything unless he has a beer in his hand, and he absolutely hates wearing that stuffy little uniform.
Nevertheless, he's been consistently showing up so far; probably because his wife is waking him up, washing his clothes, and feeding him breakfast. Brett essentially only uses her as a maid and sex toy!
It's a good thing I've got something planned for Brett today as he starts his delivery rounds. He doesn't notice me following as he grumpily carries a package out of his truck, and he doesn't have time to react when I reach out and grab the back of his head.
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"You're not going to move," I command, sinking my fingers into the soft parts of his skull, "You're going to let me in."
A deep sigh blows out of Brett's mouth, and I know his willpower is gone. "I'm not going to move. I'll let you in..." he repeats numbly.
With permission, I shoot inside his mind, discovering much of what I expected. His thoughts revolve around meeting up with his bros after work. He hasn't genuinely cared to think about his wife in ages. His mind is just as simple and unlikeable as he is.
Good thing I'm here to change it!
"Brett, I'm changing your thoughts. You like that. You want me to rewrite you."
"You're..." he struggles to form words, "You're changing my thoughts. I like that. I want you to rewrite me..."
"Good," I grin maliciously.
Bringing my lips closer to his ear, I begin to fill his head with his new personality. He accepts all his new goals and dreams wholeheartedly. I imagine, you will like them. They're the ones you asked for...
Done for now, I pull out of his mind, whipping Brett back into consciousness! He gasps for air as he regains his senses, but then something overtakes him. He's taken off running down the street!
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I follow behind, knowing exactly where he'll end up. I must say that I enjoy watching his thick ass jogging away in those tight brown shorts. He's a lot more muscular than I gave him credit for.
I'm sure his new husband will enjoy that body of his too.
Brett sprints several blocks and runs straight up to a house at the end of the street. It's the home of one of his football buddies. I think his name might be Axel or Alex or something. I'm not sure.
Anyways, Brett bangs on the door, panting like a dog. When the door is finally opened, he wastes no time. Brett pulls his bro in for the long passionate kiss he's been waiting for.
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"Dude?" his friend mumbles as their lips part, "What are you doing?"
Little does he know that I already hypnotized him, too. He's going to accept everything Brett does like it's what he's wanted all along.
"Axel! Man, I love you!" Brett moans, pulling his football buddy in closer, "I want you to marry me. I'll quit my job and be your housewife. I'll be better at that! And you can boss me around and use me however you want, bro! I mean everything; cooking, cleaning, everything!"
"Woah, dude! That's a lot to take in," he hesitates, but already his mind is giving in, "But yeah. I like the sound of that. Being my wife means more than just cooking and cleaning though."
Brett looks at his new love earnestly. Meanwhile, Axel straightens up and crosses his arms to look rough.
"It means pleasure, whenever I want it and wherever I want it. It means you only get to watch the football games in between you serving me and my friends. By the way, they're just my friends now. Got it, dude?"
"Yeah," Brett whines, "Just let me start now!"
Axel smirks and pulls his new house husband into the house, giving him a possessive slap on the butt as they pass over the threshold.
"Alright, bitch. I'm gonna treat you just as bad as you did that old girl of yours."
"Who?" Brett asks out of genuine confusion, but he's already brushed off the comment and dropped to his knees.
"I don't know. Don't care either," Axel sneers, "Just get started. Haven't blown a load all day."
The faint sound of repetitive gagging echoes out of the house as the front door slams shut. It seems like my work here is done.
The football gang will enjoy having a very willing bro to take care of all their needs, and Brett will do it with a genuine smile on his face. That friend of yours is a free woman, so I suggest she find something fulfilling to do with her life. Brett may be trapped in another marriage, but she sure as hell isn't!
Hope you liked how I handled your problem!
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korruptbrekker · 1 year
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thefisherqueen · 5 months
My favourite moments of the Granada Shoscombe Old Place episode:
When Holmes makes a mess of all the papers once again
Watson having to silently mouth information to Holmes during the conversation with the client because Holmes just can't be bothered with trival things like famous horses
Client: "She (the maid) was certainly devoted, but I won't say to whom" Jeremy Brett: *confused aroace sound*
Watson smiling in the background when Holmes, still examining a piece of HUMAN bone found in a furnace, suddenly switches to asking about whether the fishing is any good
The whole scene when Holmes and Watson enter the inn is gold. They're trying to act all natural but it's so not working, all they get is suspicious stares
Watson getting into the house as a doctor - disguised as himself, rather clever! He clearly regrets his life choices so much, though, when the old butler tells him about his erection problems. Hardwicke's expression really sells that
Holmes sniffing everything in the sister's bedroom like a dog
"Holmes that is desecration!" *immediately helps Holmes open the coffin anyway* I vehimentely hate that there's a large spider inside the coffin when they open it, because despite such a horror movie cliché it's so outragely wrong and betrays an astounding lack of knowledge about spiders. Maggots, worms, flies, yeah sure but spiders have no buisiness being on corpses. They suck out liquified insects, they literally can't eat anything solid, so no nibbling on rotting corpses for them! I really do want to pet that spider, though. It can't help that it was put in this episode and it I looked really cute and fluffy *end of random rant*
I do have a weakness for crying men. Let out these tears! If you did that earlier, 'lord', you might have not been so violent and unpleasant and someone might have helped you with your problems
The ending when mrs. Hudson brings champagne and confesses to also have gambled on the winning horse is great
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fictionalreads · 4 months
Chicago Fire Season 12 Episode 6
Severide and Kidd
Where are you Severide?
Oh we’re lying. Okay.
I miss the cigar chats.
Nothing better happen to Severide in this vent.
Oh it was a fake explosion.
Brett and Casey
So you really just gonna get married in a fish store?!
Damn. Of course Casey walks in.
Y’all really just making out while she at work huh?
Told you I had a bad feeling.
Smart move Brett.
Not a fan of this bow tie Matt.
Oh yeah Amelia! Is she there?
Why is there only one Darden boy? Not enough in the budget?
Welp. That’s it for Brett.
Yes. Maid of Honor it up!
Why not just talk to Carver?
Oh this lady is a bitch. She has to go.
Sam is so patient with her. I approve.
Gibson and Kylie
But yes Kylie just tell them you want to transfer if there’s ever an open slot.
I keep forgetting to do this.
Rome Flynn is so fine.
LMAO Hermann has no shame.
Oooh it’s so pretty
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stellariders · 26 days
In the Meet US At Molly's pod, when they asked her why Kidd wasn't Bretts' maid of honor & she's like someone had to hold the baby. I knew then she was not well because excuse me? Literally, ANYONE could have held that baby...
i was listening to that and i thought her reasoning was strange and i don’t fully understand it. now if she said that it was because brett became closer to violet in the past 2-3 seasons, more then violet and stella did then i’d understand because i’d fully agree with that. because it’s true that brett got closer to violet, but andrea basically said that brett chose violet because she wanted “to say a special thank you to violet” and that brett didn’t have that history with violet that she did with stella so she knew stella would understand why she picked violet. so it almost feels like brett felt like she had to pick violet rather then because she wanted to. idk i think im overthinking that.
yeah anyone could’ve held julia but i guess stella holding julia made the most sense since brett’s (other) best friend is stella. so who do you trust more then your best friend? plus i don’t think it was for the whole wedding. julia was probably passed around to everyone . cause we saw trudy holding her too
i also had to laugh when andrea said the stella was part of planning the wedding because she wasn’t… at least not that we saw. it was just tony, violet, and brett that planned.
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bad-pun-king · 1 year
I’ve been getting into homestuck recently and stumbled across classpects as a concept awhile ago. I got curious and went to see if any Wildbow protagonists had been given classpects in crossover speculation. I was only able to find any for Taylor, probably because fans of both like to compare her to Vriska from what I’ve seen, with arguments for Taylor being a Page of Rage, Witch of Doom, or Bard of Heart.
I’d like to go over each protagonist personally, but it’s been too long since I read Worm, Ward, or Pact and reading those I was still all in on how the narrator sees things and bad at reading into the narration instead of just reading it, so those 3 all kind of blend together in my head too much for me to try them. I might do Sy, but I haven’t thought him much yet for it.
What I want to do right now is give classpects to Verona, Lucy, and Avery, based on my understanding of the classes and aspects I’ve been able to pick up.
Verona I would say is probably a Mage of Heart. Her arc has been more less about getting her to find a good place for her Self. She couldn’t really be herself with Brett always being nearby ready to whine to her about some bullshit or another, treating her as daughter and wife at the same time despite her age, and never appreciating any of the work she actually did until she just stopped doing it all together. Now she has her demesne that allows her to have her own home as she wants it, it’s become a hangout spot for all her closest friends, and she doesn’t have to worry about invaders doing any sort of harm to her, emotionally like Brett or even physically in most cases. Not to mention she can also easily interpret and communicate with nonverbal Others like Tashlit. But that’s just why I see her as Heart. For Mage it was more or less just that loves learning about her interests so much. She’s turning her demesne into a bookstore for books that were never written, she’s easily the most well-rounded in terms of understanding practices of the 3 Kennet Witches, and she’s even experimented with different things both mundane and magical to see how she likes them, such as that friends with benefits relationship she had with Jeremy for awhile or trying out Hosting, alchemy, enchantment, among other practices. I had also considered Void for Verona on account of how easy it is for her to play around with the truth without lying outright to confuse people, but ultimately her arc is more about getting from where she hated her life and circumstances so much she wanted to give up her humanity and become virtually anything else to getting where she’s perfectly comfortable being herself and flourishing under her own power, which to me reads with the idea that Heart is about the Inner Self.
Avery was probably the easiest of the trio. Maid of Blood. It’s my understanding that Blood is supposed to be about relationships and connections, and Avery has become something of an embodiment of networking with how many friends and contacts she’s built up over the course of Pale, and that’s all starting from a point where she could go months at a time without anybody noticing she hadn’t said a thing because of how disconnected she was. My understanding of a Maid is someone that takes care of, creates, and maintains their aspect, and boy howdy if Avery doesn’t do that. She literally goes to the edges of reality itself via the Paths to find contacts who’d otherwise be unable to contact anyone in a meaningful way in the form of Lost, who would all otherwise be to conceptually close to the ideas associated with Breath to get anywhere in their continued existences. Avery’s also the one of the trio most likely to allow an antagonist to redeem themself for similar reasons.
Lucy was the hardest one for me to get. I’d definitely peg her as a Knight, but I can’t decide if she fits better as a Knight of Hope or a Knight of Rage. I could see her as Hope because Hope players are described as “driven first and foremost by their convictions. They do right for right's sake, and are quick to come to the aid of anyone they deem to be experiencing injustice.” That sounds extremely Lucy, but Hope as a concept also seems to be connected to the use of positive emotions to empower and accomplish where as Lucy is not someone I would describe as being emotionally positive. She is almost always on guard in some way or another, always prepared to be ‘bullet-proof’ in as many ways as possible because she’s anticipating some asshole coming up and challenging her on some arbitrary thing. Even her Sight allows her to see specifically negative emotions and pain in the form of watercolor-esc stains. This is where interpreting her as less Hopey and more Ragey comes in. She’s very tired of the way the world is. She fights tooth and nail in arguments, in magic, in duels, and in Law to gain just a bit of ground even if it isn’t as much ground as she had wanted. Training under Guilherme and Bubbleyum does seem to have taught her to be coolheaded enough not to suppress her anger but to channel it for all those sorts of fights I mentioned. Rage at the injustices of the world and especially those right in front of her that she can do something about, is what fuels her. As for why I’d put her as a Knight, that’s because Knight is the closest to how she normally operates. She doesn’t seek the knowledge the way a Mage or Seer does, she doesn’t really fit homestuck’s idea of an Heir or (ironically) Witch, she doesn’t generate or heal like a Maid or Sylph, and she isn’t destructive of any aspect like a Prince or Bard, she isn’t taking to deprive from others like a Thief or Rogue, and she certainly isn’t as selfish as she could be with her defense of what she cares about like a Page. The idea that she serves Hope for the future or exploits her own Rage or whatever it is Knights are supposed to one-worded to, Knight fits the best of the classes.
Bonus bit, going purely based off vibes I’d say Verona and Lucy are both derse dreamers while Avery would be prospit.
I’d like to do the other protagonists too but like I mentioned above it’s been too long since I read Worm, Pact, or Ward for me to do Taylor, Blake, or Victoria. I still can and might do Sy, I only recently finished Twig so he’s still fresh enough on my mind I think I could, just not now. In the meantime I’d like seeing some other people try at any or all of them. Get some speculation going for wildbow protags other than Taylor.
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tenpixelsusie · 1 year
What're some Brett HCs? :3
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i'm the brett-meiser i see... like the snow meiser for brett hand
HEEHEEHOO <3 tw for food mentions??
- Brett can bake! when he moved off of his family's property in college, he had to learn to cook for himself (and his roomates) in a little rinky dink apartment off campus, and during that time, he learned how to make the most MOUTH WATERING chocolate chip cookies.
his secret? he paints melted butter onto them as soon as they're out of the oven. the cookies taste like heaven, and they always bring tears to anyone's eyes the first time they take a bite.
...he can also make a damn good lasagna. old recipe from the butlers and maids that raised him in the old hand manor.
- HE LOVESSS RPGs. especially ones where you can befriend the characters??? augh. lovely. perfect. his favorite in particular is the classic MOON RPG (y'know the one that toby fox got inspiration from when working on undertale? speaking of,)
he's also played the utdr games. he ABSOLUTELY cried at the true pacifist ending (i have a headcanon for andre that ties into this actually! he played ut bc of the sans memes back in 2016, then reccomended it to brett a couple years later.)
he's played deltarune OF COURSE. and his favorite characters were sweet cap'n cakes :-] (scc ties into my next thing heehee)
- H☆R fan!!! while he is- and always will be- a fan of almost exclusively 1980's media, he found joy in the homestar series back when it was in its early stages. his favorite character is strong bad! (and he really enjoyed scc in dr bc when they introduced themselves in game he was like "wow! just like homestar!" lol)
- OVERBITE!!! he has an overbite. he had to get braces to fix it in middle school, but it never fully went away.
- y'all've most likely heard his voice. he's got a bit of a southern twang to him (just like me a bit :3), and his parents made him go to speech therapy to get rid of it when it was a REALLY strong accent. but nothin' can keep a country boy down, amiright folks!?
...tough crowd.
- GREATEST PERSON TO HUG EVERRRR. he's got a lot of lovin' in his heart and a lot of it is expressed through physical affection and words of affirmation, both things he excels at! brett can give the most comfortable hugs in the galaxy, from a quick squeeze around the shoulders to a literal pick me up!...and spin around. and nuzzling cheek... hehe. (he actually made reagan fall asleep in the middle of one of them, so he kinda just carried her to her lab to snooze <3.)
- uses fidgets quite frequently, especially those rings that you twist <3 he's got a glittery one that he wears on his right ring finger and it works well for him. he uses chewlery as well and both of these things help him focus quite better than without.
- hmmmm hmmm... he loves to hum. humming is good. nice noise. he's got a groovy tune in his head at all times and he ain't afraid to show it! well- hum it, in this case.
- i like to think that if you messed up his hair all the way, he'd have kind of longer hair. that's how he had his mullet in the brettfast club episode...!
- mr bisexual... probably bi ace or bi aro. either way he swings! (personally i think he's arospec AND aspec. maybe demiro and demisexual (TOTALLY not making all my faves aro/arospec WHATTT. nooo.))
- unlike what'd you expect, he actually doesn't like milk chocolate! he prefers dark chocolate. richer taste, y'know (smthn smthn uhhh run and tell that from hairspray)
brett can sew!!!! he repairs his and his friends' clothes a lot AND makes stuff too (cough cough. hand puppets and such)
- can also do makeup SO WELL. his goth phase really had some results... the guy knows how to do eyeliner. it's basically second nature for him.
- sleeps with a teddy bear. the guy likes cuddling. probably has on o' those those special ones that you can easily heat up in the microwave or dryer!!
- paints his nails on the occasion :)
that's!!!! mostly it!!!!
OH AND @niceysboy since i screenshotted your ask!
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kreiburgs · 2 years
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we did cyanotypes in art today 🥸
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