#mainly dialogue
zombiequeenblog · 1 year
Chapters: 3/15 Fandom: Ghost (Sweden Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Cardinal Copia/Original Female Character(s), Papa Emeritus III & Original Female Character(s), Papa Emeritus II & Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Cardinal Copia, Papa Emeritus III, Papa Emeritus II, Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: POV First Person, Swearing, Dark, Italiano | Italian, Français | French, 19th Century, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Kidnapping, Non-Consensual Touching, Mild Blood, Threats, Bodice-Ripper, Superstition, Catholic Character, Face Slapping, Humiliation, Captivity, Daggers, Eventual Smut, Wine Summary:
A lonely stroll down by the Caribbean shoreline goes terribly wrong.
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nassilove · 1 year
Getting an S/O - Tetsuo
Relationship status: Best friends
Age group: Adult
Setting: Traveling in Britain together
Friends location: In Japan
Focus: Tetsuo
Duration: Medium
“Arumi 愛龍美” ♀
“Tetsuo 哲和” ♂
“You look happy."
“... Hm? What?”
“I said you look happy.”
“Hey, what's got you so distracted?”
Arumi latches onto his arm, trying to read his phone screen.
“H-Hey- Rumi-!”
“Come on, show me what's got you smiling like that! Haven't seen you smile so much in a while!”
“For someone who is japanese you sure don't know manners-”
“Hush hush, you! We’re not even in Japan. I don't need to be overly polite.”
“You were never polite.” “To you maybe.”
“What is that supposed to me-”
Before he can finish his sentence, Arumi reaches out to grab his phone. Running a few paces away.
“Hey- My phone! Arumi!”
“I won't give it back until you tell me!”
“You could just read it.”
“Are you giving me permission?”
“No.” “Then I won't. But I will still hold your phone hostage.”
“That doesn't make it better!”
“Come on Tetsu! Tell me!”
“Why are you so interested-”
“Your smile is making my eyes bleed. You're basically glowing with happiness! I need to know why!”
“Oh, hush.”
“Hey- that's my line!”
“Hm… Okay, if you tell me what you meant by ‘To you maybe.’ I might tell you why I’m smiling.”
“You might? Come on, that's a bad trade!”
“It's the only deal you're getting. What's it going to be?”
“Fine, I’ll tell you. Not like it was a secret.”
“You know how our first impressions didn't go so well? Yeah, I just decided there and then that since you already saw me like that, and you seemed to dislike me anyway, I might as well be myself.”
“Usually it would be flattering to hear ‘I’m only myself when around you.’ but our situation was anything but.”
“Yeah. Kinda funny though. But! Now it's positive! I could never be myself around the others. Well, maybe except for him.”
“He's not exactly from Japan either, so it would make sense he'd be more relaxed about the rules. Though, whenever I was around, you didn't seem to care that the others were too.”
“To be fair you were very provocative. And hey, isn't he from here? Man, I wish he came with us…”
“Next time.”
“Hopefully! If he can make time for his best drinking friend.”
“You guys drank like sailors about to die.”
“Well we did die the next day so it's not exactly wrong.”
Tetsuo smiles to himself, she always gets distracted so easily. It's nice to talk but he needs his phone back.
She was about to say something more when he reaches out and snags back his phone.
“Haha! I got it.”
“Hey!!! That's not fair!”
“It's called revenge. You should've guarded it better.”
“Ugh. If you didn’t look so happy I’d have punched you by now.”
“You know what will happen if you do that.”
“Yeah, not feeling like grappling you again when we’re in public, thanks.”
Arumi lets out a choked gasp-grunt. Seeing Tetsuo on his phone, AGAIN.
“Tetsuo!!! You can't do this to me!”
“... Hm?”
“Look, I don't mind you texting, you look happy and I'm happy for you, but can you at least respond to me?”
“... Sorry Rumi… Give me a moment.”
She pouts, then sighs, seeing that he was not going to stop any time soon.
“Whatever, let’s just go.”
“Thought you wanted to see the sights here.”
“I do.”
“Then look around!”
“I am.”
“No you're not! I can see you're not!”
“Ugh. Tell your lover I said hi or something.”
“Yeah I will- Wait! How did you know? Did you actually peek?”
“What do you mean what?”
“It was… Just a joke.”
“Ah, damn.”
“You have a lover? Why wouldn't you tell me? Afraid your girl-friend would be jealous?”
“No. I was afraid of you having more things to tease me about.”
“Eh, close enough. Come on! What's their name? When did you meet?”
“You're not escaping me Tetsu! You have to tell me everything!”
“Oh hush, don't be dramatic! As your best friend forever, you're legally obligated to tell me about it.”
“This is why I didn't tell you.”
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Disgustingly messy and crusty sketch dump but I couldn't get my own terrible theory out of my head and ended up making a bunch of sketches about it. Also at the end a bonus dickbats and Damian doodle bc I was reading an issue of their Batman and Robin run (IDs in Alt)
#dc comics#dc#batfamily#batman#damian wayne#stephanie brown#tim drake#dick grayson#cassandra cain#duke thomas#anyway. zdarsky run sure is something huh?#its still so funny to me that half of 148 was leaked a few days before like someone has it OUT for that book over at bleeding cool ig#i don't necessarily think this theory will come true I'm just imagining how stupid it would be if it did#I'm not super happy with the dialogue in the cass+duke+dick comic but i felt my og dialogue might've read too fanon#mainly just bc cass' last sentence was originally shorter/just ellipses and duke said smthin like ''wait? villain arc?''#which you could easily find in wayne family adventures. even tho it would've been appropriate for this situation 😭#now the dialogue just sounds kind of generic (esp cass') and it's BOTHERING ME AUGHH. this is the comic book fandom panopticon /j#anyway Bruce is in the retirement home in this scenario /j#me n my friends were talking over discord and came up w the cursed scenario that jason is tims robin in this (apart of the 'redemption' arc#-that he's been nail gunned with in this run. god this run is so weird when it comes to jason. like it doesn't outright dislike him-#-like it clearly does damian and (more obviously) cass steph and duke) but the tone of everything w jason is still bizarre#god. anyway yeah i didn't draw him but please picture grown man tank Jason in the robin undies (ala tt 03 but dare i say better)#also the dick being silly sketch was bc the issue i was reading had damian refer to dick as 'jolly'#specifically like ''unreasonably jolly'' or something like that (god i love when ppl find dicks cheerfulness deeply unsettling hehehe)#and i thought it was so funny. bc damian met dick when we has going through his ''bruce is dead'' depression-#-and STILL thought that dick was extremely unserious. he sees happy dick and is like ''what is wrong w you. genuinely''#but at the same time he loves it#i need to stop reading their batman and robin run so scatteredly (or i can just reread nightwing must die...always a possibility)#anyway yeah 👍 bad sketches be upon you#mine
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
Do you enjoy underfell? I thought you disliked aus /genq
i don't dislike the concept of AUs itself, I'm just not a fan of like... the subculture that spawned around them in the UT fandom specifically and how it eventually took over almost all canon content (especially when it limits itself to the bros)
i like aus visually! i am an artist at heart after all. it's just that, if I'm going to care about them as stories and not just fun design ideas, my bar is uhh almost impossibly high the further you move from canon lolol.
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jessieren · 2 months
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Not sure if this counts as a fidget but given the talk of tight white shirts and stretches last night it seemed apt…
You’re welcome ☺️
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the-creeping-city · 2 months
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thanks for your patience, everyone! my irl life is settling down a little, and switching to a font helped me finally finish this :) keep an eye out for more updates!
MOON 3 previous - what's next?
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Heartbreaking: Girl Who is 11,000 Words into Her First Draft Convinces Herself that it’s all Garbage and that She Should Start Over
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prommytheus · 2 months
Hades 2 looks really damn good so far but i think so far it lacks Hades OG’s unique swagger that I feel really drew people to it. I think as it develops further and it receives more input it’ll resolve most of my gripes, but there are some just fundamental vibe differences that are always going to keep it lower than Hades in my personal book
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
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I found a video with All UNIQUE Mid-Match Story Mode Dialogues! on YouTube and here some screenshots for Bi-Han’s quotes after losing to Nitara and Ermac and can we talk about how graciously Sub-Zero accepted the lost fights? How he praised his enemies for their skills he was warned about (childhood stories and Liu Kang) and how satisfied Sub-Zero is for a chance to face a worthy (powerful) opponent. 
I strongly believe that how characters deal with failure speaks a lot about them. The way Bi-Han accepts the defeat without anger or resentment brings an interesting nuance to his personhood and contrast a lot to how fandom these days like to portrait original Sub-Zero mainly as an arrogant jerk.
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ruby-static · 3 months
Nick just gets progressively done with Vincent's bullshit- and really? Can't blame him. This dude's sass kills me.
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obsessedwithegos · 3 months
Consider: a whump fic written like a movie or theater script
Gen: @emmettverse @blackberry-nightingale
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nassilove · 1 year
Getting an S/O - Arumi
Relationship status: Best friends
Age group: Adult
Setting: Traveling in Britain together
Friends location: In Japan (Mitsuaki) and Britain (Goldie & Chihiro)
Focus: Arumi
Duration: Short
“Arumi 愛龍美” ♀
“Tetsuo 哲和” ♂
“Hey, you've been here for a while. What's up?”
“Tetsu I just got here.”
“I didn't mean at my house, I meant in Britain.”
“Oh really?”
“You're acting a bit different too.”
“How can you even tell?”
“I've known you for years, it's obvious, your movements are slower and you're fidgeting more often, you're also using softer language, but the most obvious part is probably your cheeks flushing.”
“I know you're a detective but did you have to analyze me?”
“It wasn't on purpose. As I’ve told you, I’ve known you long enough to notice.”
“Whatever… Nothings happening! I just felt like staying longer.”
“I didn't say anything was happening.”
“Yes but you implied it!”
“You normally speak more than this.”
“Stop analyzing my behavior…!”
“What do you mean ‘Aha~’ you can't just say that!”
“I can, and I did. I can do it again. Aha~”
“Look Tetsu, as nice as it is to see you having fun at my expense, can we move on to another topic?”
“Not until you tell me why you're acting differently.”
“No way! Why?”
“For what? I don't know what I did to warrant revenge this time!”
“Aha~ I have to make sure I get my revenge some day.”
“You're not human.” “Says the dragon.”
“This is familiar…”
“Isn't it…?”
“Oh! I get it now! You have a lover don't you?”
“W-WHAT!? How did you randomly come to that conclusion!?”
“I was reminiscing and remembered something, that's all.”
“From your reaction I'm guessing I'm right?”
“Yeah yeah whatever, I have a boyfriend.”
“What are the chances he’d be in Britain too?”
“Hehe, I guess we’ll see each other more often! I wanted to tell you later but I might as well do it now.”
“Oh! You're staying! It will be nice to see you regularly again.”
“Aww! Did you miss me?”
“We’ve known each other for years. It's impossible not to miss you when you're gone, even if we still communicate online.”
“Wow. Ok. I didn't expect that. It's nice though. I missed you too! Did you know how much I missed tackling you?”
“Yes, you tell me all the time.”
Arumi smiles as she jumps in to tackle Tetsuo. This time there's no grappling, just a nice hug. Though it’s a bit suffocating on his end considering their size difference.
After a few seconds, Tetsuo gives her a final squeeze and pulls back so they can meet eye-to-eye.
“So, when am I going to meet him?”
“I’ll go ask him about his schedule and we’ll figure it out, and that means as soon as possible!”
“You look excited.”
“I am! Hehe! I can't wait!”
“I rarely see you giggling and jumping around like a little girl, you must be really happy.”
“Hehe! I can't help it! I'm just so excited!”
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hailsatanacab · 1 year
"He's gonna sell it all 'cause he's Danny Phantom"
that's so fucking funny, i hate how much i love this!! i have made it way too long, rip to my five sentence rule - there's such a goldmine of content here lmao
"I'd say it's been going on for... about a month now?"
"Two months," Sam interrupts. "It started just after your parents came in, remember?"
"Oh, Ancients, yeah, them. I can't believe I forgot that."
"Yeah, dude, it's thanks to them that this all started!" Tucker's practically vibrating in his chair, far too cheerful about the whole thing.
"Yeah," Danny sighs, looking directly into the camera. "Thank you, Mom and Dad. Thank you very much."
"Danny's parents are ghost hunters, which, as you can imagine, got Michael very excited. And very into ghosts. He accused Meredith of haunting him the other day, now he keeps spraying her with holy water and yelling 'Begone, foul spectre!' He's really taken a liking to Danny's parents."
"Can't imagine why."
"Yeah, and then—then—" Tucker dissolves into laughter, wheezing as he tries to catch his breath. "Then he brings in that personal trainer! In her yoga pants and crop top, with a pilates ball and everything! Sends her over to—to see Meredith, and then—oh Ancients—then when the woman leaves and Meredith is still there, he locks himself in his office and blasts the Lord's Prayer!"
"We think he mispelt exorcist. Hired someone in exercise instead."
"Exorcists are all phoney, anyway! And PTs are only slightly less phoney, so make sure you do your research and get someone that actually knows what they're doing before you commit, kids." Danny says, pointing down the camera. "That's how I got so jacked."
Both Sam and Tucker share a look before bursting into even more laughter. With a soft smack on his arm, Sam can't help but tease, "Please, you're 5'4" and look like you'd break your arm if you ever picked up a ream of paper. No wonder your sales are so low."
"Wow, that's so rude. I can't believe you'd do me like that. I'm 5'4 and a half, thank you."
"That's right, babe, and we love you for it."
Their laughter peters out and the trio slowly pull themselves upright in their chairs, remembering the cameras and the story they're meant to be telling.
"Honestly, thanks to these guys, the past few weeks have been a nightmare."
"Now who's being rude? At least this is one of those fun nightmares that you can laugh about later."
"Nope, this is a normal nightmare that everytime you think you've woken up from, you get back to work and see your boss dressed up in a hazmat suit that your parents sent him and realise that actually, maybe the real nightmare was the work colleagues you made along the way."
"Oh. Yeah, that sounds about right, sorry, Danny."
Tucker puts him on the shoulder and stays silent for a grand total of five seconds before turning back to the camera with an ecstatic grin on his face and a deep breath.
"Anyway, everytime one of us goes into Michael's office, we sneak something off his desk and blame ghosts. Sam's hidden some speakers in the ceiling that play recordings of her crying on a timer."
"I should have been an actor. I also got some of the warehouse guys in on it, so everytime Michael goes down there they'll throw a box or two around and make some ghostly moans. Didn't even ask why, they just agreed."
Sam's back to looking very proud of herself. Danny's back to cradling his head in his hands.
"Is that why Boxy's been about lately? Guys, seriously? I need to sleep!"
The only answer he gets is a shrug as Tucker turns back to the camera.
"Oh, and I've also installed a script on his computer so that whenever he types the word 'ghosts'—or 'goats', again, he's not really great at typing—his screen starts getting all staticky and closes down. He shrieks everytime, it's so funny!"
"I wonder if he'll go with a different PT to exercise his office next?"
"We should suggest P90X—your office ghost free in three months or your money back!"
Sam and Tucker are both burst into laughter, sinking deeper into their chairs as Danny just shakes his head. It takes a solid minute for the two to calm down, and more than one pointed question from the producer to get them back on track.
"Where's it going? Does it really have to go anywhere? Can't the joy of the bit be destination enough?"
"I wish it would go away," Danny groans, still not lifting his head. "I get enough of ghost hunting in my free time, I don't need it here, too."
"I've changed Danny's employee file to list him as deceased just to see how long it takes Michael to notice."
"Seriously? Tucker, really? That's—"
"Genius, Tuck. And then we can be all: 'Michael, what are you on about? Danny's been dead for three years!' I can't wait to see his face!"
"You guys know that Dwight's going to actually try to end me if he finds out, right? Pretty sure Dad slipped him a Fenton blaster before he left."
"You know what they say," Tucker says, grinning directly down the camera, "'Gaslight, Ghost them, Get pranked, boss!'"
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
What happened to suns?
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NSH: This man has done irrepairable damage to my mental facilities. That's a crime, y'know?! Messin' up an Iterator's noggin cogs??? They are a *filthy* criminal.
serious answer: a sequence of unfortunate events, basically. idk how long you've been here so i'll start from the beginning
Suns is a very early Gen 2 Iterator. the jump between the 1st n the 2nd Generation went physically very smoothly, but when it comes to the more subtle aspects of a person, it went worse. early Gen 2s r known for bein bad with emotions (the other Iterator that is like that that shows up is Fish. he's rather emotionally crass and unwieldy)
Suns scored the worst possible lottery result while spinning the early Gen 2 emotion capability wheel and their emotional skill and ability to produce the stuff in the first place is in the single digits. they are very conscious of this fault of theirs and instead of doing something more productive with it more often, they rather spend their single digit emotion capability on bemoaning and despising this fault
they do come to Nish for help with it, basically have therapy sessions with him (Nish is the most emotion-capable Iterator in like... Ever) and they do put up a front of this cool, chill, amazing guy persona around themselves to get better accepted by the other Iterators (all of them except Gen 3s know that this cool guy thing is a ruse though. they appreciate the effort however). so they kinda awkwardly fake emotions n go on through their life. this persona is who Pebbles ultimately decided to look up to as his mentor btw. it was never really the real Suns, only maybe some glimpses of it
next unfortunate event shows up first mentioned in my old big headcanon post for the canon Iterators:
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(Suns is built quite close to the south pole, though the summer months can still get stupid hot)
at some point i started headcanoning that my Suns has very slow processing time. like absolute Shit reflex time. like
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this is canon ☝
n then i put these two headcanons Together ✨ so basically: because of the lack of emotional capability, Suns feels a big need to compensate for stuff. even though the Solis colony is one of the sweetest and kindest colonies out there, they felt like they need to give More. so they started running hotter for the sake of their citizens. but yanno, periodic basically overheating is going to cause damage to hardware shit, not to mention the poor fauna that makes up an Iterator Hivemind. and that's how Suns damaged their processing speed
now as to why i say Suns would go offline in the post-mass ascension off string au: they are falling apart at the seams. torturously slow, but terribly. they are rotting alive- but not in the same way as Pebbles, it's not THE Rot. it's just... a rot. natural decay, not godly cancer. their nickname in DMs between me n shkiki is literally mr. Decay cuz of this
because of a combo of their slow processing time, their location (snowstorms + changing temperatures that go into extremes on pretty much both sides of the spectrum) and their pre-occupation with Pebbles related matters, Suns got yo normal booboo and didn't treat it and when they finally directed attention to themselves, a good portion of them has already decayed including the puppet
yes, they are That wigged that they didn't notice one of their most important parts rotting alive while even using it. this whole thing i refer to as hot girl summer arc btw
after Spears' campaign (they notice they have an infection during the slug's journey back to them) Suns is so fucked up over everything that they just go "Fuck it. why try anymore. i won't fight this. at least i feel *something* rather than nothing, i suppose. i deserve this." and allow their condition to only worsen and don't tell people about it
in the time of the Hunter's campaign i can imagine that they'd be so caked in all of this shit, all physically, emotionally and mentally, that they just wouldn't try at all to save themselves
and fact is, the others will try to help them. especially Wind will. but at some point a person needs to recognize that nothing is going to go anywhere if the other party refuses to put in any effort into getting better too and only drags the innocent one down right along with themselves
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starbuck · 6 months
if anyone was wondering, i’m currently reading published RPF about F. Scott Fitzgerald for *checks notes* my job, so that’s how my life is going.
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 8 months
This ask has been rotating in my mind a bit
(I recommend reading it first before going on this one. But beware of graphic descriptions of violence and wounds and blood)
"All I could see was you hurt! I don't want this! What is wrong with me?! Why, why— I dont like seeing you like this, what happened? ...did I do this?"
"It wasn't you," you say honestly, hand gently cradling the side of Sun's faceplate. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"Then why do I see those things? Why is my memory messy and I... i keep..." he doesn't finish, but you understood enough.
"It's okay, I'll fix it" -somehow. You offer him a smile, comforting but not giving him an actual answer. This is bad enough as it is. He doesn't need to know those are not dreams. You're afraid he'd never look you in the eyes again.
Then everything would have been in vain.
You hate keeping things from them. You convince yourself it's the same kind of secret you keep when you pull all-nighters to convince management of something and then let your friends believe it was the higher-ups goodwill all along. It's so they can have hope. Be happy.
"I'm not sure why you get to see it, but I'll fix it." Though you don't even know where to start. First things first, you decide, and that is to calm Sun down. "I'm here, I'm safe, we are both here, you'd never hurt me."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I know you. Look at you now."
"What if we bugged out?"
"You and Moon wouldn't hurt me, Sun." And it's the truth. They wouldn't.
The thing that you keep at bay is not Moon.
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