#maintaining weight
blindlystarving · 4 months
If anyone wants to send meanspo or sweetspo whether it be through dms, comments, or asks, go ahead (I need it).
I’ve been around the same weight for about a month now since I gained weight and have been eating WAY more than I should.
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mymiro-006 · 11 months
Discord Fitness Server!
I made a server on discord where we can all workout together!
There are different categories like:
Just Dance/Dancing
Working out
It’ll all be streamed from YouTube and the videos will be linked. Anyone can make suggestions or even show their own routines.
During the call you don’t have to talk or show your camera. It’s just nice to have someone to workout with!
Anyone interested? My DMs are always open!
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lifechangingtips · 2 months
What Is a Healthy Weight?
Table of Contents Exploring the Connection Between Diet and Maintaining a Healthy Weight Understanding What a Healthy Weight Is: The Role of Diet Diet Strategies for Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight Q&A Discover more about what constitutes a healthy weight and how you can achieve it. Visit Life Changing Diet to get all the information you need. Exploring the Connection Between Diet…
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thedenizer · 1 year
How To Manage Health With Fastfood? & Best Diet Info for Low Income People.
How to Manage Your Food Cravings and Stay Healthy
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We all have food cravings from time to time. Whether it's chocolate, pizza, ice cream, or something else, sometimes we just can't resist the temptation of indulging in our favorite foods. But why do we crave certain foods and how can we manage them without compromising our health and wellness goals?
What Causes Food Cravings?
Food cravings are complex and influenced by many factors, such as:
 Hormones like leptin and ghrelin regulate our appetite and hunger signals. When these hormones are out of balance, we may feel more hungry or crave specific foods. For example, women may experience more food cravings during their menstrual cycle due to hormonal fluctuations.
Food can be a source of comfort, pleasure, reward, or distraction. When we are stressed, bored, sad, or happy, we may crave foods that match our mood or help us cope with our feelings. For example, we may crave sweet foods when we are depressed or salty foods when we are anxious.
Food cravings can also be learned and conditioned by our environment and experiences. When we associate certain foods with positive memories, events, or people, we may crave them more often. For example, we may crave popcorn when we watch a movie or cake when we celebrate a birthday.
Nutritional deficiencies: 
Sometimes food cravings can indicate that we are lacking certain nutrients in our diet. For example, if we are low on iron, we may crave red meat or spinach. If we are low on magnesium, we may crave chocolate or nuts.
How to Manage Your Food Cravings?
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While food cravings are normal and not necessarily bad, they can become problematic if they interfere with our health and wellness goals or lead to overeating and guilt. Here are some tips on how to manage your food cravings and stay healthy:
Identify the trigger: 
The first step is to understand what is causing your food craving. Is it physical hunger, emotional stress, hormonal imbalance, or something else? Once you identify the trigger, you can address it accordingly. For example, if you are hungry , eat a balanced meal or snack . If you are stressed , find a healthy way to relax or cope .
Choose healthier alternatives: 
Sometimes you can satisfy your food craving with a healthier option that has similar taste , texture , or appearance . For example , if you crave chocolate , try dark chocolate or cacao nibs instead of milk chocolate . If you crave pizza , try making your own with whole wheat crust and low-fat cheese instead of ordering delivery .
Practice moderation: 
You don't have to completely avoid your favorite foods or feel guilty for indulging in them once in a while . The key is to practice moderation and portion control . For example , if you crave ice cream , have a small scoop instead of a large bowl . If you crave chips , have a handful instead of a whole bag .
Drink water: 
Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger or food cravings . Drinking water can help you stay hydrated and reduce your appetite . Water can also help you flush out toxins and improve your digestion . If you find water boring , try adding some lemon , cucumber , mint , or berries for some flavor and antioxidants .
Distract yourself: 
Sometimes food cravings can be reduced by simply distracting yourself with something else that occupies your mind or hands . For example , you can call a friend , read a book , play a game , do some exercise , or meditate . By doing something else that you enjoy or find rewarding , you can reduce the urge to eat and boost your mood .
How to Stop Food Cravings?
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Sometimes managing food cravings is not enough , and you want to stop them altogether . This may be especially true if you have frequent , intense , or uncontrollable cravings that affect your health , well-being , or weight goals . Here are some strategies that may help you stop food cravings :
Eat enough calories : 
It’s important to fuel your body properly to keep it healthy and functioning at its best . Without enough calories and nutrients , it’s natural that your body signals you to eat , which can cause strong cravings for certain foods . Some research suggests that calorie restriction — at least in the short term — can increase cravings ( 2 ). Therefore , consistently fueling your body with healthy , filling foods and making sure you’re not overly restricting calories may help prevent food cravings .
Avoid restrictive diets :
Many diets are overly restrictive , and this can lead to increased food cravings . For example , a 2012 study including 129 women found that those who were dieting to lose weight experienced significantly more food cravings than women who weren’t dieting . Plus , their food cravings were more intense ( 4 ). It’s believed that restrained eating and perceived deprivation play a large role in food cravings . A 2020 review of 8 studies on food deprivation found that in 7 of the studies , food deprivation increased cravings for foods that were perceived as off-limits ( 2 ). Therefore , while losing excess body fat may improve your overall health , it’s important to avoid overly restrictive diets to stop food cravings . Instead , focus on developing an eating pattern that properly nourishes your body and lets you enjoy your favorite foods on occasion .
Don’t let yourself get ravenously hungry : 
Hunger is one of the biggest reasons why we experience cravings . To avoid getting extremely hungry , it may be a good idea to eat regularly and have healthy snacks close at hand . By being prepared , and avoiding long periods of hunger , you may be able to prevent the craving from showing up at all . Some studies suggest that eating more protein may reduce your appetite and keep you from overeating . It also reduces cravings , and helps you feel full and satisfied for longer ( 4 ). For example , a study of overweight teenage girls showed that eating a high-protein breakfast reduced cravings significantly ( 5 ). Another study in overweight men showed that increasing protein intake to 25% of calories reduced cravings by 60%. Additionally, the desire to snack at night was reduced by 50% ( 6 ).
Distance yourself from the craving : 
When you feel a craving , try to distance yourself from it . For example , you can take a brisk walk or a shower to shift your mind onto something else . A change in thought and environment may help stop the craving . Some studies have also shown that chewing gum can help reduce appetite and cravings ( 7, 8 ).
Plan your meals : 
If possible, try to plan your meals for the day or upcoming week. By already knowing what you’re going to eat, you eliminate the factor of spontaneity and uncertainty. If you don’t have to think about what to eat at the following meal, you will be less tempted and less likely to experience cravings.
How to Maintain Weight and Health with Fast Food                  
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Sometimes eating fast food is unavoidable due to convenience, budget, or preference. However, fast food does not have to ruin your health and wellness goals if you follow some simple tips:
Keep portion sizes small : 
Fast food portions tend to be larger than what you need for a balanced meal. You can reduce your calorie intake by choosing the smallest size available or sharing your meal with someone else. You can also skip the extras like fries or soda that add unnecessary calories and fat.
Choose healthier options : 
Fast food menus often have some healthier choices that are lower in fat and calories but still satisfying. For example¹, you can opt for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken; salad instead of burger; baked potato instead of fries; water instead of soda; fruit instead of dessert.
Customize your order : 
Many fast food restaurants allow you to customize your order to suit your preferences and needs. You can ask for less or no cheese, sauce, or dressing; whole wheat or lettuce wrap instead of white bread or bun; extra vegetables or lean protein instead of bacon or cheese.
Balance your diet : 
Eating fast food occasionally is not a problem as long as you balance it with nutritious foods the rest of the day. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats from other sources. Also, avoid skipping meals or starving yourself before or after eating fast food, as this can lead to overeating and cravings.
Which Diet Plan Is Best for Low Income Families?
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Eating healthy on a low income can be challenging, but not impossible. There are some diet plans that are more affordable and accessible than others, while still providing adequate nutrition and variety. Here are some examples of diet plans that can suit low income families:
Mediterranean diet : 
This diet is based on the traditional eating patterns of people living in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece, Italy, and Spain. It emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, and herbs and spices. It limits red meat, processed foods, added sugars, and salt. This diet is rich in fiber, antioxidants, healthy fats, and protein. It can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease , diabetes , and cancer . It can also be affordable if you buy seasonal produce , canned or frozen fish , bulk grains and legumes , and generic brands .
DASH diet : 
This diet stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It was designed to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is similar to the Mediterranean diet, but it also emphasizes low-fat dairy products and limits red meat and sweets. It is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein. It can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels¹². It can also be affordable if you buy low-fat or fat-free dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Vegetarian or vegan diet : 
This diet excludes some or all animal products, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and honey. It focuses on plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, soy products, and meat alternatives. It can provide many health benefits , such as lower risk of heart disease , diabetes , obesity , and some cancers . It can also be environmentally friendly and ethical . It can be affordable if you buy fresh or frozen produce , bulk grains and legumes , and generic brands . However , it may require careful planning and supplementation to avoid nutritional deficiencies , such as vitamin B12 , iron , zinc , calcium , and omega-3 fatty acids .
Food cravings are normal and not necessarily bad , but they can become problematic if they interfere with your health and wellness goals or lead to overeating and guilt . There are many factors that can cause food cravings , such as hormones , emotions , habits , and nutritional deficiencies . You can manage your food cravings by identifying the trigger , choosing healthier alternatives , practicing moderation , drinking water , and distracting yourself . You can also stop food cravings by eating enough calories , avoiding restrictive diets , not letting yourself get ravenously hungry , distancing yourself from the craving , and planning your meals .
Eating healthy does not have to be expensive or complicated . There are many diet plans that can suit your budget and preferences , while still providing adequate nutrition and variety . Some examples of diet plans that can suit low income families are the Mediterranean diet , the DASH diet , and the vegetarian or vegan diet . These diets emphasize fruits , vegetables , whole grains , legumes , nuts , seeds , olive oil , fish , poultry , eggs , dairy , and herbs and spices . They limit red meat , processed foods , added sugars , and salt . They are rich in fiber , antioxidants , healthy fats , and protein . They can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease , diabetes , and cancer .
Remember that eating healthy is not only good for your body but also for your mind . It can improve your mood , energy levels , sleep quality , mental health , and self-esteem . It can also make you more productive , creative , and resilient . So don't let food cravings or fast food stop you from achieving your health and wellness goals . You can eat well and feel well with some simple tips and strategies .
Can I still eat fast food and lose weight? 
A: Yes, it is possible to lose weight while consuming fast food. As long as you make healthier choices and practice portion control, you can still enjoy fast food while losing weight.
How often can I eat fast food? 
A: It is recommended to limit fast food consumption to once a week or less. The focus should be on creating a balanced and nutritious diet overall.
Can I customize my fast food order? 
A: Yes, most fast food chains allow customers to customize their meals to their preferences. You can request no cheese or sauce and substitute it with vegetables.
How can I prep my meals on a tight budget?
A: Planning your meals ahead of time, buying in bulk, and utilizing sales and coupons can help you save money while also preparing nutritious meals.
Can I still use coupons and eat healthy? 
A: Yes, fast food chains often offer coupons for healthier options such as salads or grilled chicken sandwiches. It is important to use coupons wisely and avoid overindulging on unhealthy options.
I hope this blog post helps you manage your food cravings and stay healthy. Thank you for reading Thë Denìzer by Sultan Muhammad Yamin!
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l3irdl3rain · 2 months
Lavender has decided she’s done being a mom. No more grooming or nursing the hobbits. 3 of the 4 hobbits are doing fine with this arrangement, but little Merry is struggling. And because I always have to root for the underdog he has become my most special little boy
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bunnions · 5 months
you've been friends with bakugo since you could crawl. you know every single thing about each other.
he knows your favorite colors. you know his ears turn red when he's lying. he can always make you laugh with that intoned snark, no matter how annoying he is.
you can easily follow the way his lip curls with a sneer, pink and plush in all the ways a childhood friend shouldn't look. he can make out the distinct smell of your perfume... vanilla.. cherries... and something else. something entirely you. he can't keep his eyes from crossing, just a little.
when he can't bear your gaze any longer, he pulls you into a firm but uncharacteristically gentle headlock. there's a spot underneath his ribs that's particularly ticklish; you only use it as a nuclear last resort when escaping his all-too-beefy chokehold - jesus when did he get so big
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stradeimpregnator · 6 months
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lemongogo · 29 days
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
Ivan canonically working out in the mornings is cool like okay functional health and fitness king but also. what exactly would it be like to work out in an alien society. Is there like, a holographic gym. does he have a futuristic treadmill at home or what
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cherrydi3tcoke · 3 months
you can always be thinner. look better.
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grumpyghostdoodles · 7 months
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Beach day, Part Two!! (Part one Here<3)
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mrgaretcarter · 2 years
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ciderjacks · 4 months
wait oh my god the chilchuck professional disordered eating is canon, I thought people were just committing like. micro aggressions against half foots.
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blubushie · 5 months
does t actually make U gain weight or is that false
Yes and no.
Testosterone actually makes it much easier to LOSE weight. With high testosterone you burn fat and calories faster, and you have a faster metabolism.
The issue is that people low in testosterone go on T and aren't prepared for how hungry T makes you. T increases your appetite but it specifically is increasing your appetite for PROTEIN because you're building muscle. People don't know this, so instead they eat junk food or food high in carbs, which puts more fat on them (and often leaves them still feeling hungry because their nutritional requirements aren't being met).
Really it's about self-discipline (not just eating whenever you're hungry—this goes especially if you have bad eating habits/eat when bored already, since T will make you more hungry more often) and proper diet (if you get hungry, try eating some protein instead of junk food or something high in carbs).
If you're going on T and eat the exact same amount of food on the same diet as you ate before T, and when you get hunger cravings you just eat lean protein, you are practically guaranteed to lose weight.
Really, a well-balanced diet with supplemental protein is the way to go. It's best to keep in mind that if you're eating at a steady caloric intake for longer than 4 weeks but you're still having hunger cravings, it's not because you're hungry for food in general, but instead because there's something specific that's missing out of your diet. Try eating more vegetables, or more fruits, or more lean protein, or more nuts for a few days, and see if that helps resolve anything. Also try not to eat processed foods, they're the death of you.
Also, if you're intending to bulk (see: put on more muscle) you will get very intense hunger cravings during and after workouts. Those are actually protein cravings. Eat more lean protein. YOU CANNOT BUILD MUSCLE WITHOUT PROTEIN.
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svenghouly · 9 months
Not to like simp for Jod like a devotee or anything but what if the permeability thing was Humanity leeching it’s cruelty and indifference into Jod that made him The Worst and now Alecto is the one that holds Jod’s purity and morality like Nona did before she remembers. Nona was Pure Jod.
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http-byler · 10 months
in light of the past couple weeks, I will be going on an indefinite hiatus. I no longer feel comfortable supporting stranger things when so many people behind the show loudly and callously display their support for genocide. it’s quite frankly, disgusting, and so this blog will be taking a break. for how long? I’m not sure. possibly forever.
honestly, I had so much fun running this blog. I met so many amazing people, made so much art, and participated in so many fandom lead projects. those are the memories I’d like to keep with me and I’d like to hold them in a positive light. the best way I can see myself doing that is to step away from this blog and ST as a whole.
after this post, I will post my obligated art work for the byler big bang (all posted by Dec. 1st) and that will be all. I will keep everything up as a sort of time capsule of this time in my life (and on the slim chance I come back). I can’t thank you all enough for being so amazing and kind to me in the past year and a half that I’ve had this blog. I still do, and always will, have love for the characters in the show as well as the story, but I think it’s time to leave this all behind.
this side blog is by far my most popular one, so if for some reason, you want to see more of me online, here are my other blogs that you might want to follow!
my main blog: @http-tigerteef
my NBC Hannibal blog: @http-hnigrm
my It (2017-2019) blog: @http-reddie
my Good Omens blog: @http-aziracrow
my Saw franchise blog: @http-sawposting
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