#make my own sickfic tbh
katsukidynam1ght · 2 years
i’m fucking sick again
spark plug should be on time this weekend because i (like a badass) worked ahead on my homework and so i have a bit less to do this weekend, but if this cold picks up and i’m struggling to think i may delay the next chapter because my homework comes first.
hope all of u are doing well! i am trying to write a paper about squirrels rn. my head hurts :(
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pixelatedraindrops · 3 months
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Happy 1st Anniversary RainCode!
Thank you for bringing me so much joy 💜💕
(and thank you for giving me the gift that is yuma kokohead)
I didn’t think I’d make art for it at first, but I figured this game has done so much for me, so I’ll give back by drawing the duo that started it all 💜🩷 These two are such an iconic pair and I will draw them together as much as possible c: (tho Shinigami will be mostly in her ghost form if I do)
First time drawing human form Shinigami non-chibi, and I admit she was a little tricky with that outfit. But I think I did it decently enough… xD
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little bonus for the kokogami enjoyers 💕
miss death god is too much woman for this little boy to handle~ 🤭
i know he's an adult but can you honestly look at him without context and say this is a man??? he's just an eemey meemey little guy.
Personal Rambling below (because I love this game so much)
Oh RainCode... Where do I even begin...
RainCode is a game that has changed my life along with likely many other people’s lives. Although the premise of it is fairly straightforward, the characters and atmosphere make this game so much more. The successor to Danganropa is honestly its own unique story and structure, and tbh I think I love and enjoy it far more than Danganronpa. But this game…is just so much more for me.
I truly never expected this game to be such an impact on my life, let alone become my next fixation.
So, for history, I was honestly in no real hurry to get the game on its release date last year, so I got it a day later. On July 1st, I played the game for the first time. And I didn’t think much of it at first. The only thing that was on my mind when I started this game, was that I was positive I was going to be treating the protagonist like Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri’s son the whole time.
This was the first post I made about RainCode back on twitter in 2023.
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Yeah... Kinda silly when I look at it now... XD But I do still beleive this headcanon.
When I started the game my 2016 fixation of Danganronpa came back a bit. As a previous DR lover, I did make comparisons here and there to all of the characters. Yuma was very much like Naegi with his shy and timid demeanor at first due to having amnesia, and it felt like déjà vu when playing through the start of the game. But then it happened. The moment that solidified Yuma as my next and now permanent target. When he got sick/dizzy on the train... God that moment still lives rent free in my head. (I know the cause of it was different/related to the first mystery/case, but as someone who enjoys any sort of sick whump moment, regardless of if its little crumbs or a whole-ass meal it still counted for me) I was still shy and hid in the shadows with my silly little niche back then, but I told myself. Yep, once I finish this game, I’m writing a sickfic for this game and he’s the victim. (though what surprised me was that I wasn’t alone on that, 3 other people made sickfics with yuma before I did so that was a pleasant surprise xD)
As the game went on it shocked and impressed me in many different forms. I realized that this game isn’t the Danganronpa clone I thought it would be. Sure, it had a lot of similar elements and mirrored mini games like Hangman’s Gambit, Spot Selection, and of course the Conclusion Comic of the whole case, but the story the world and the mysteries were honestly different from the way DR structured them. And it pleased me when not many people from the main team had died. Most of the deaths were of side characters that had appeared in their respective chapters. Which honestly was a breath of fresh air for me, and I think that’s the real reason it’s separate from DR. It’s not as cruel and not as stressful. It’s a lot more chill, but the mysteries were still enough to get me excited and look forward to the next maze I would enter. The mystery labyrinths were probably my favorites elements of the game. They were just so much fun. And every single character was so likeable, (yes even some of the peacekeepers were fun aside of one or two that I absolutely despise. mostly yomi and guillame lol but I guess I kinda like yomi a bit more bc of the fandom)
And I grew to love Yuma EVEN more. He is honestly one of the best written protagonists I’ve seen in a long time. It’s hard to do timid protagonists right, but RainCode definitely nailed it with Yuma. He had his moments, but it wasn’t enough to be obnoxious. He also shined in more ways than one. And my god, so many relatable moments… (I have anxiety too xD) He was so charming and cute the whole time and even had his badass moments. This little guy is the whole package and I LOVE him for that. Truly a unique and fun main character that blows every DR protagonist out of the water.
(Yes, I said what I said.)
And the ending, GOOD LORD THE ENDING?? It was so well executed, and the ending twist villain was immediately my second favorite character after the protagonist. I could go on about how much I loved the ending but if I did, we’d be here all day and I don’t want to spoil the entire game…so… I’ll leave it at that.
When I finished the game, I was so satisfied. (Yes I love it more than DR, what are you gonna do about it?) It left me super happy and made me want to make some fan content for it. Though I was still very quiet on twitter and had a feeling since twitter is a more complicated platform, I couldn’t gush about the game too much due to fear of spoiling other people…and when one of your favorite characters is just the whole secret of the game’s core mystery, I couldn’t talk about it too much… >.>
So, then I did the unthinkable. I went back to tumblr… It’s a little embarrassing but this account is actually my old one I had from years ago. I was on tumblr more 2013 to 2017 before I abandoned the site when it no longer seemed fun and there were times that I’d rather forget... (let’s just say that I used to RP with my OCs and…one of my RP ex friends catfished me and it made me feel VERY uncomfortable. I wanted to forget it, so I ran away and never returned.) I was super nervous to come back and try to post again, so my first RC related post was about him being a naegiri child.
After that I began making more edits once I gained access to the sprites and full body arts. I made some Pokémon AU edits because those were always fun, and then I started making feverish edits of Yuma’s sprites. My first post ended up becoming a hit and I caught the attention of some people. They liked what I was doing so it gave me a bit of confidence to continue. I got even more attention, and it made my confidence go up even more.
And then I started trying to draw art again, something I gave up long ago. My first few arts were a little rocky at best, but so many people enjoyed it! One of my older arts ended up becoming pretty popular. Through this my few pieces of art, my many sprite edits, and my first fan fiction (Home Is Where The Heart Is) got me pretty well recognized in the Rain code community on here. So much so that I felt confident enough to give myself a title. The CEO of RainCode Whump or “Whumpcode” and all of this confidence made me decide to turn my blog into a fandom and sick whump blog. It became a full blown obsession that possessed my mind that I've become TOO passionate about. Never thought making these little guys suffer would bring me this much joy... XD
Over time, I’ve drawn more art and written more fics than I ever had for a fandom. Before I never ever made fandom art, and I would usually only write one sickfic per fixation. (my last ones being demon slayer and spy x family) But here I am, making more art pieces than I ever have before (hell even doing a MONTH ART CHALLENGE) and improving even! And having 7 fanfictions of RainCode, 6 with Yuma and one with Makoto. And those two became my prime targets and muses for my art. Drawing them is easier for me and they’re my favorites so it brings me such joy to draw them. I love MakoYuma so much. Maybe not so much romantically, but friendship and familial. They have such potential to be so much, and I adore them. Plus putting them in sicknarios and situations is fun (I think we can all agree on that haha)
I think I’m talking too much, so I will say one more thing. I never thought my fixation on this game would last this long. I was positive it would go away after just a few months at best. The game is great but nothing amazing to keep thinking about for too long for me. But I think the main reason I was able to keep my fixation on this game for almost a year (and ongoing) is because of the fandom. (specifically, the Tumblr fandom, but some people on twitter are cool too) I’m honestly so happy I returned to tumblr and was able to make a name for myself in this community. I have met so many talented artists and creators and even made some new friends (and even got a few apprentices to take under my wing) If it weren’t for everyone’s support, I don’t think I would have ever done this much and made it this far.
I’ve essentially made a platform for myself, and I didn’t think tumblr would be a place I’d check daily ever again. To think this silly little game…would change my life so much and make me happier than I’ve ever been in such a long time. I feel recognized and like I belong, I’m finally able to be loud and proud about my passions for sick whump and not worry too much about it, I’ve finally found my prime target and I have fun with him every time, I’ve gotten back into the arts of drawing and writing again and I think I’ve made some of my best work yet, and I’ve met so many wonderful people and even collaborated with them on some fun projects too! (Here's the most popular one and also the first one I did!)  It’s just been…so wonderful… I am so happy to be part of such a chill talented and fantastic community TwT So thank you everyone… this is all thanks to your support… <3
Sorry I’m getting a little mushy here aren’t I… x’D I just couldn’t be more grateful for this game if I tried… So, thank you so much Rain Code, for existing and doing so much for me and making me so happy… I have never had this much fun in a fixation before, and I never felt like I was ever truly part of any fandom and was always just a lurker. It feels so good to finally feel like part of a fandom you love, and also be well liked, admired and accepted by others despite your niche being a little on the odd side… XD
I really hope there will be a sequel for this game, and we’ll see all these wonderful characters again. After all I’ve been through with this title and how much joy and purpose it brought me, consider me a fan for life. I will be dedicated to every future title in this series and play the hell out of it. And I hope it gains a wider audience come October when it is released for more consoles. (Just hoping no weirdos take over and ruin it with stupid drama and horrible things like the DR fandom…)
Though once new fans come in and are also tumblr users…I wonder what they’d even think of me and my place and takes when it comes to this series… XD (hopefully they’ll be nice to me… XD)
Anyway, I’ve said enough.
Happy Anniversary RainCode!!
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swooningdelirium · 2 months
reddie? in 2024? embarrassing tbh but here’s a fluffy little sickfic i wrote last year
He awoke to a shiver that ravaged him from the inside out and rendered every last hair on his body standing on end. With sweat matting his hair to his temples, Eddie rolled over to check the digital clock on his bedside. His eyes burned, but he willed them to focus. When he could finally make out the numbers, he saw that is was just past 4AM. Eddie shuddered. Even through the veil of delirium that blurred the room around him, he could feel a cumbersome panic rise in his chest. As he placed a sweaty palm to his forehead, the placebo pills and waiting rooms of his childhood burst forth at nauseating speed. His stomach lurched. He shook his mother’s nagging voice from the recesses of his mind and assured himself that whatever was wrong wasn’t fatal. He was fine. It was all okay.
Richie still lay beside him, snoring softly. His body radiated a heat too alluring for a chilled Eddie to ignore. Eddie snuggled up closer to him, assuming the big spoon position for once, and whimpered:
“Richie, I don’t feel good.” He winced at how childish he sounded, but couldn’t help it.
Richie rolled over with a grumble, instinctively pulling Eddie in closer and burying his face into the pit of his shoulder. “Hm?”
“Rich…” Eddie trailed off, a lump beginning to form in his throat. “Something’s wrong.”
Richie jolted upright and switched on the bedside lamp, taking in Eddie’s pale, sweaty form for the first time. “…Oh. Yeah. You don’t look so good, baby,” Richie’s brows furrowed, his voice still thick with sleep. When he saw the anxiety flash across his love’s weary face, he quickly added, “You’re alright, though. I promise. I’m right here.”
He placed Eddie’s arm over his own shoulders and gently helped him sit up against the headboard. He leaned forward and planted a prolonged kiss onto Eddie’s forehead. He was, in fact, burning up. Shit. This would send him spiraling. He pulled Eddie’s head to his chest as hatred for his estranged mother-in-law flooded every fiber of his being. It broke him enough having to see Eds like this without thinking of all he had endured when they were kids. As if they weren’t already going through enough.
“It’s okay. Everybody gets sick,” Richie whispered into the top of Eddie’s head. “You definitely do have a fever, though. We’ll have to check on that. What else are you feeling right now, my love? What hurts?”
Before Eddie could answer, he erupted into a coughing fit that sent him barrelling toward the bathroom with Richie in tow. Just as he entered, Richie found him hunched over the toilet, retching. Tears streamed down his face. He knelt beside his partner and rubbed his back in soft, circular motions.
“I know, Eds,” he murmured. “I know. You’re okay.” Eddie gasped for air with each fleeting moment his stomach settled before inevitably starting again. Whether he was short of breath from pain or panic, Richie couldn’t tell.
When the vomiting subsided and Eddie nodded upon being asked if he was done, Richie led him back to bed and placed the lightest throw blanket on top of him. “Okay. I’m gonna go get you some medicine and some water. Anything else?” Eddie shook his head weakly. “Alright, my love. We’ll take your temperature when I come back too, okay?” He reached out to hold Eddie’s face and stroked his cheekbone with his thumb. God, he was warm. “I’ll be right back.”
Eddie opted to close his eyes for just a minute. A prolonged blink, really. It must have been longer, though. He only opened them again when the creak of floorboards indicated that Richie was back with supplies from their comically well-stocked medicine cabinet. He placed the thermometer and miscellaneous medications on the nightstand, immediately heading back toward the kitchen. Eddie heard faintly running water for a moment before the tap turned off and Richie returned with a washcloth and small bowl of water. He placed these items next to the others and reached for the thermometer.
“Okay. Let’s check that temperature now,” he said in that tone that always put Eddie at ease. The only voice that could bring him down from the panic. He leaned over his Eddie and placed the thermometer under his tongue, holding his hand while they waited for a reading.
At the tone, Richie removed the thermometer, which read 102.8. Eddie wouldn’t take that well. Inhaling sharply, he showed Eddie the number and squeezed his hand. “That’s alright. It just means your body is fighting extra hard, okay?” He felt Eddie’s already rapid breathing quicken, but he paused for a deep breath.
“Can you maybe take it again?” Eddie rasped, barely audible. His throat was still so raw from upheaving the contents of his stomach. “I just want to make sure.”
“Okay,” he murmured, kissing away a stray tear on Eddie’s cheek. “We’ll do it one more time.”
Once again, he placed the thermometer under Eddie’s tongue and waited for the tone. When he heard it, he removed it to see that it now read 103 on the dot. He gently pressed the power button and placed it back in the sleeve without showing Eddie.
“Yeah, honey. It was right the first time.”
“That’s a really high fever,” Eddie whimpered miserably.
“Oh, Eds. I know it’s scary.” Richie placed one hand on Eddie’s shoulder while he used the other to open the bottle of liquid cold and flu medicine. “You’re okay. It’s just a bug. Try not to let the number scare you too much. We’re gonna take that fever down, okay?” Richie extended the bottle cap full of medicine to Eddie’s mouth. “Drink this, baby.” Eddie obliged as Richie submerged the cloth into the bowl, wrung it out, and placed it on his forehead. He shivered against the sudden cold, but didn’t resist. “I know you’re already cold, but we have to bring this temperature down. It’ll make you better. I promise.”
Eddie nodded. He looked small. Smaller than Richie had seen him in as long as he could remember. He forced out the memory of a tiny, terrified Eddie in that dingy Neilbolt basement with his arm contorted at a sickening angle. He needed to be here, now. Eds needed him in the present.
Richie checked the clock. It was nearing 5 A.M. “I’ll call us both out of work a little later.”
“Do you think I’ll need antibiotics? Or maybe some infusions? What if this is serious? I think we should go-” Eddie winced. The thought of the hospital threw his stomach into another bout of nausea.
“How about this,” Richie began, “I’ll check your temperature again in an hour or so. If it isn’t any better, I’ll take you to the doctor. For now, though, I think it’s alright if we stay here. Just you and me. How does that sound?”
Eddie nodded weakly and reached his arms toward Richie.
“Yeah?” Richie whispered, climbing back into bed. “Do you just want to be held?” Eddie nodded again, a whimper escaping his throat. “Okay, why don’t you drink a bit more water for me and then you can try going back to sleep.”
Eddie obediently took some small, cautious sips before returning the glass to its place by the bed.
“Good job, baby. Now try and get some rest.” Eddie drifted off before he was even finished closing his eyes, but his husband remained awake, holding him close as he shivered through the sunrise.
It was only when he felt Richie’s lips on his forehead again that his eyes fluttered open.
“Hi,” Eddie smiled though his head was pounding and his body ached.
“Hi,” Richie pulled his love back into his arms. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Good. Do you think you could eat anything right now? Crackers maybe?”
Eddie stifled a gag. “Definitely not,” he confessed.
“I didn’t think so. That’s alright. We’ll try and get something on your stomach in a little bit. How about we just take your temperature for right now?” Richie swallowed as he asked the question, praying the fever had gone down. What if it had gotten higher? Eddie would freak. His poor Eddie.
Eddie seemed to be reading his mind as he took in a shuddering breath. “I guess we should check it again.”
Richie planted a quick kiss on Eddie’s cheek before taking the thermometer back out of the sleeve. “Okay, baby. You ready?”
Eddie parted his lips and raised his tongue. Richie winced as he watched the number on the screen climb past 101, then 102. He sighed in relief, however, once it stopped at 102.4 and the tone sounded.
“See?” Rich felt an immense weight lift from his shoulders. “You’re getting better already.”
Eddie heaved a sigh. “That’s still high,” he mumbled.
“It is,” Richie admitted, “but I’m going to take care of you. We’re going to get you better.”
Eddie rested his head on his husband’s chest, allowing Richie’s steady heartbeat to ease his own. “Okay,” he conceded. “Do you want to just go back to sleep for a little while?”
Rich chuckled as he wet the cloth again and gently dabbed his love’s forehead and cheeks. “I thought you’d never ask.”
He placed the washcloth back onto Eddie’s brow and held him tightly, wishing the roles were reversed. As terrified of germs as his Eddie was- as much as he had been through- it all fell by the wayside if Richie was sick. And though Eddie would make him see a doctor for so much as a head cold, he remained collected. All that mattered in the moment was that his love got better.
That’s what Richie would do for him now.
As Eddie turned to his side and his breathing evened, Richie covered the both of them with an extra blanket and held the cloth in place on his forehead so the boy he loved would sleep soundly.
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Downfall (pt 1/2)
Hi guys, I’m back after a month hiatus. I meant to make this one part, but tbh I need to break this thing up a little - it’s going to be like 2 very distinct parts, if that makes sense. 
Anyway! This is per the usual a male-centric sickfic that features Elijah and Greyson, and it’s a big ol’ contagion dumpster fire. Seriously, if you’re not into contagion this won’t be your thing lol. Elijah is real bad at keeping his germs to himself. It’s based loosely on one of the prompts in my inbox, but nothing from the prompt features in this part (lol, sorry) so I’ll post the prompt at the end of the next part. Thank you to whoever is sending prompts!! I love and am inspired by all of them. 
Next part will hopefully be up tomorrow or Sunday! 
Onward :)
cw: male, colds, fevers, coughing, contagion, some mess
“No fuckin’ way you’re sick again.”
Elijah rolled his eyes from behind a tissue and flipped Greyson off. “I don’t wandt to talk about it,” he said, collapsing into his rolling chair next to the chef and blowing his nose. “hhGTSHH-uhh! Snfr. And also,” Elijah tossed the tissue in the trashcan and looked pointedly at Greyson. “You stay the fugck away from mbe.”
Greyson recoiled and barked out a shocked chuckle. “Stay the fuck away from you? What, did you have a dream I tried to stab you or something?” He shuffled through their shared cabinet of medicines and plopped the dayquil and ibuprofen in front of his boss. “Or do you think I gave you this, your fourth cold in less than three months? Because I,” Greyson placed a hand on his own chest languidly, “have an amazing immune system.”
“Oh Jesus fuckigg Christ,” Elijah groaned, snapping open the bottle of dayquil and chugging.
“Well, congrats, Grey. You just fucked yourse – hhINGSTZUE! Snf. Yourself.” Elijah pulled more tissues from the box on their shared desk and blew his nose again while Greyson laughed.
“You’re so goddamn dramatic,” Greyson said, sitting back in his chair and watching his boss try to collect himself. “I would’ve loved to have met you in middle school.”
“Fuck off,” Elijah said, pressing his fingers deep into his aching eye sockets. Greyson, taking pity on him, pushed the ibuprofen towards the GM. “Thangks,” Elijah said, taking a few with a sip of an old water cup sitting next to the computer. He turned back to Greyson, his look no longer one of bemusement. “I’mb serious, though. Dond’t combe any closer than where you’re at right now.”
“I wish you were less cryptic sometimes. It’s like working with a troll that guards a bridge and won’t speak to you clearly unless you solve his riddles three.”
Elijah sighed and unzipped his jacket. “Grey, we have that wedding this weekend.”
“And?” Greyson asked holding his hands palms-up, expectant.
“And,” Elijah said, turning to cough into his sleeve, away from Greyson. “Mbatt cannot handle a fifty-persond, special mendu wedding on his own, Grey. He’s great, but he isn’t ready for that.” Elijah gave Greyson a look as if to say ‘are you getting it now?’, but Greyson was still bald-faced. Elijah sighed again.
“If you get sigck, we’re fucked,” he stated simply. “So you have to stay away fromb – hhNGSTH-ue! GTSH! Hhuuh...huhIGSTZHUE!” Elijah crumpled towards the wall to sneeze into his sleeve. He felt Greyson push the tissue box over to his side of the desk, and held out the hand not currently tending to his nose to stop the chef.
“Alright, alright, relax,” Greyson said, sitting back in his chair while Elijah pulled some tissues out and cleaned himself up. When he sat back up, he gave Greyson a watery glare.
“I’ll relax whend this week is over,” Elijah growled. “For ndow, just stay away. Okay? You cand help mbe out by leaving mbe alone and ndot getting sick. It’s our first wedding ever, Greyson, and I really wandt us to be able to do mbore. So it has to be perfect.”
“I’m sure the people getting married would describe ‘perfect wedding’ as ‘general manager of restaurant we’re getting married at sneezes through the ceremony’,” Greyson teased, standing and putting on his chef’s coat over his t-shirt. Elijah flipped the chef off, noncommittal.
“It’s only Mbonday,” Elijah said. “I’ll be good by Saturday.” He gave Greyson another very pointed look before the chef walked into the kitchen to begin the day’s prep. “You better be, too.”
“Oh, please, boss,” Greyson said, strolling out of the office and towards the prep table. “Like I said; my immune system is incredible.”
mornin, boss. just checking to make sure ur among the living.
hellooooo, lij, u good?
where r u??????
Greyson looked down at his phone for the tenth time in as many minutes; Elijah had read his texts, but hadn’t answered any of them. He tapped his foot impatiently and stared at the computer screen until he heard the ding of a new text.
Not coming in today. Sleeping off this plague so I’m 100% for the weekend. Did you need something from me?
The chef raised an eyebrow at his phone before typing out a response.
oh! k, nope im all good. feel better, if u need i can drop some soup or smthn off to u??
I’m alright. Thx. Text me if the numbers jump up, I’ll come in for service for anything over 100 covers.
Greyson clicked his phone off without responding; he wouldn’t text Elijah even if the covers jumped to eight million. If that man was taking a sick day, he obviously needed it.
Although he was surprised, Greyson couldn’t say he didn’t think his boss needed this sick day; Elijah had basically huddled in the office all day yesterday, only to be roused for the rush around 7PM. After an hour or so of table touching, he’d retreated back to his chair to cough and sneeze in peace.
“Christ, boss, where the hell did you pick this shit up?” Greyson had asked around 8 when he’d come into the office to do some paperwork post-rush. He’d leaned towards the GM to place a hand on his pale face, only to be rudely waved off.
“Dond’t touch mbe,” Elijah had croaked. “I’mb ndot risking you getting sick.”
Greyson had rolled his eyes. “Lij, please,” he said, “I haven’t caught any of your other thirty colds you’ve had this year, why would this be THE ONE?”
Elijah just shook his head, clearly too exhausted to answer. “Just trust mbe,” he said. “We ndeed you to be here for this wedding. I cand barely stand, Grey,” Elijah said; a rare moment of vulnerability. “Just give mbe the peace of mbind of you staying healthy.”
The chef sighed through his nose and took a step back. “Alright, boss,” he said, putting his hands up in defeat. “I won’t touch you. Just…I mean, just like, stay there. I’ll drive you home as soon as the guys are done cleaning.”
And that was exactly what he did. At ten, Greyson was waving to Elijah as the ill man trudged up the steps to his building, wondering how the hell he was going to make it all the way to the twentieth floor. By midnight, Elijah had stopped responding to his texts making sure he was alive, and now here he was, wondering who the hell this creature that slept in and took sick days was, and what it had done with his boss.
Greyson shoved his phone into his pocket and headed back into the kitchen. To his shock, Mark was standing at the prep table, obviously looking for him.
“The hell are you doing in my kitchen?” Greyson joked, clapping a hand on Mark’s back. The other man didn’t move, so Greyson walked around to face him. “Helloooo, earth to Mar -”
“HNGSTZHUE!” Mark, obviously unprepared for Greyson’s appearance, didn’t have time to raise his elbow all the way to his face. Greyson winced and attempted to step back, but the deed was done; he lifted a hand to his face and wiped the floor manager’s sneeze from his eyebrow.
“Oh shidt, Greysond, Chef, I’mb so sor – hh’TSHHzue! HhNGSTTZUE!” Mark managed to cover those with his sleeve, along with a crackling cough that went on entirely too long for anyone’s comfort.
“Yikes,” Greyson said, leading the floor manager into his office and easing him into Elijah’s chair. “Elijah got you good, man,” he joked, handing Mark the nearly-depleted box of tissues Elijah had left on the desk yesterday. Mark took one and held it in his hand, looking at Greyson miserably.
“I’mb so sorry Greyson, I didn’t mbean to sndeeze on you, Christ Elijah’s going to kill mbe,” Mark said, swiping the tissue under his nose and sniffling. Greyson chuckled at the younger man.
“I hope you mean you’re going to kill him for getting you sick,” he said, opening the medicine drawer for Mark’s perusal. Mark shook his head, not even bothering to look at the medicine.
“Ndo,” he said. “He’s beend like completely nuts about you ndot getting this… whatever, before the wedding. That’s why he isn’t here, he texted mbe this morning and asked if I could handle the floor on my own. He said he’s afraid he’s going to cough on you or something and the whole wedding will be ruined.” Mark looked up then, devastated. “But ndow it’s for ndothing, because I’m the one who’s going to get you sick.”  
Greyson slowly raised an eyebrow at Mark, then placed a kind hand on his knee. “Mark,” he said, “I say this with all the love in my heart: Elijah is a weirdo. He gets an idea in his head that something bad is going to happen and then it becomes inevitable in his mind. Trust me when I say that I have a great immune system, and I’m going to be fine. Okay?”
Mark nodded miserably and Greyson patted his knee again. “Good man,” he said. “Now, the real question is did you tell Elijah that you’re also sick as a dog?” Mark gave the chef an apologetic look, which Greyson knew meant no. Greyson pulled a hand down his face and sighed.
“Okay,” he said, digging through the medicine drawer. “Well. Take some of whatever strikes your fancy in here. I’m going to go have the hostess close the books for the night.”
Mark nodded, obviously exhausted. Greyson stopped himself halfway out the door to turn to the floor manager again. “And, uh...let’s not mention this to Elijah.”
Mark attempted a laugh. “Sure thing, Chef,” he said, swigging some dayquil. “We’re definitely ond the sambe page there.”
By ten PM, Greyson was more ready for a drink than anyone in the history of the world.
“Mark, go home!” he yelled through the kitchen doors when he heard the manager succumb to yet another coughing fit. “I’ll finish the damn paperwork, just gooooo.”
Mark slunk through the kitchen doors, shivering and sniffling, and barely acknowledged Greyson when he grabbed his coat and headed for the back doors.
“And don’t you fuckin’ dare come in tomorrow!” Greyson called as Mark gave a weak little wave goodbye behind his head. “I’ll tell Elijah you’re one foot in the grave.” Mark gave a thumbs up without looking back and pushed through the back doors, so only Greyson and his sous chef remained.
“Christ, he sounds like shit,” Greyson murmured, pulling a hand down his face. He turned to Matt, who was seated in Elijah’s chair looking through the schedule on the computer. “How’re you holding up?”
“Mmm, fine, Chef,” Matt said, scrolling through the document. Greyson could’ve been hearing things, but he swore Matt gave a liquid little sniffle afterward. He whipped his head towards his sous, eyes crazed.
“No,” he said, vehement. “Absolutely the fuck not.”
“It’s ndothing, Chef,” Matt said, still not looking away from the computer. Greyson audibly groaned and put both hands over his eyes, a weak attempt to escape the hell that was the pestilence Elijah had bestowed upon them all.
“Fuck, Matt,” Greyson muttered, sitting back up. “Okay, you go home. Now. I’ll finish your shit, too.”
“I’mb okay, Chef, really,” Matt said, pawing at his nose in an attempt to clear it. “I promi – ITSZH-ue!”
“Matt, oh my God, go,” Greyson said, exasperated. Matt flinched and nodded, logging off the computer and grabbing his jacket.
“I’ll be good by tomorrow, boss, I prombise,” Matt said, stifling a painful-sounding cough into his fist. Greyson gave him a look with eyes so wide that one started to twitch. Matt held up his hands and backed off. “Sorry,” he said.
“Matt, full offense, if you don’t get the hell out of this restaurant in the next three seconds, I’m going to drop kick you,” Greyson said, pointing towards the back door. “Go.”
Finally, Matt did as he was told and slipped out the back door, leaving Greyson to put his heavy head in his hands. Only one thing left to do.
Greyson picked up his cell phone from the desk and dialed his most-dialed contact.
“Hey, boss,” he said when Elijah picked up. “We, uh… we have a bit of an issue.”
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feelingpoorly · 6 months
I disappear for a while then I come back to cry about being kink shamed, thinking I was over it and now feeling like I’m right back where I started again and haven’t written or worked on anything in months 😭
I’ve been posting this multi chapter fic in a fairly smallish niche fandom, especially for sickfic content. The thing is, I was getting pretty good engagement with kudos and some amazing comments etc. It’s been extremely obvious right from the start that it’s a blatant sickfic, the tags make it extremely clear, tagged as emeto etc etc
This is the second chapter that’s had actual emeto in, and I feel like it’s slightly more descriptive and graphic in this chapter than the last. As in, there is three lots of puking, it’s kinda centric to the chapter.
I posted this chapter, and suddenly… nothing. Barely any kudos and like two comments that were kinda weird and I didn’t know whether were good or not.
It sounds ungrateful but it’s not that at all. I’m not doing this for attention or “likes” but it’s kinda got in my head and made me really insecure, like the reason that it’s suddenly all gone really quiet is because my readers and people in this fandom are suddenly weirded out and grossed out by my writing. I know there have been a couple people who explicitly said they loved my fic as they are sick *this character* enjoyers and there’s absolutely no sickfic content in the fandom at all apart from me. But like, have I gone too far? Do people think it’s too much, too gross, have I weirded out the fandom?
I know it shouldn’t matter. If I was writing really graphic and pornographic smut, that wouldn’t matter. It doesn’t appeal to everyone, I personally don’t read it but like, writing that kinda thing really graphically is very accepted and normal. My emeto wasn’t even that graphic, just like, a standard sickfic amount. I’d like to think that the descriptions of vomiting weren’t like too explicit to be intolerable to someone who wasn’t explicitly into that. I do try and make my fics enjoyable as a whole and not just like pure emeto porn.
The insecurity of thinking that people now don’t like my fic anymore because it got too emeto and too graphic sickfic for them is just triggering a whole load of trauma and shame from the kink shaming I went through and I just can’t write anything and tbh I don’t want to update the fic anymore either even though I finished writing it months ago
Anyway this is just kinda a ramble but in case anyone is interested in reading it whether you’re in the fandom or not, I’ll link it anyway. I’m really not fishing for compliments, it just makes me sad that I’ve scared people away with too much emeto lol and they think I’m a psycho or something, but emeto is all I wanna write 😭
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moon-lv3r · 6 months
to be cared for ~🦊
🦋 category: fluff, one-shot, gn!reader, sickfic
🦋 characters: aki, power and denji (minor appearance)
🦋 summary: in which you fell sick right after a mission
🦋 warnings: nil (does slight ooc count?)
🦋 notes: i proofread this a little (shocker !!)
here’s a short one-shot after disappearing for months… a lot has happened… life has been wild and shit. its crazy what happened tbh LMAO but i’m back !!! hopefully my writer’s block also left bc i actually struggled with finishing this because my brain was just DEAD. this was a draft from september 2023… IMAGINE THAT
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“Hayakawa, I said I’m fine!” You began after Aki placed a hand on your forehead, sensing a fever emitting through your skin. He had noticed that you seemed to be having a hard time walking properly, prompting him to check to see if there was anything wrong with you.
He sighed and shook his head before answering, “Y/n you’re having a fever for goodness sake!” And he was right, there was something wrong with you.
Your body temperature.
“No I am not!” You protested, despite feeling the feverish temperature all over your body. You just wanted to let Aki know that you could handle yourself on your own.
It was just a fever, what was the worst that could happen? At most, you’d just suck it up and return home, seeing a doctor the next day if it still lingered. The sole problem was that your home was quite the distance away… A whole town away.
It was impossible to die from a fever, it's not like you were terminally ill or whatever… You could manage the distance…
It was just your body temperature rising, you could take care of yourself. What was the big deal?
Your legs suddenly felt weak and you could barely stand, almost falling into the arms of the man standing in front of you. He had a look of shock and worry spilling over every corner of his face. He just grabbed you awkwardly, hands fumbling about, not expecting the sudden situation. What was a man supposed to do in such a situation… All he could do was to help you stand, you could feel the embarrassment heating up your cheeks… Suddenly the pavements looked blurry… like there were lights shining from every direction, distorting every corner, making it look like there were angles overlapping.
“Just…” Aki began. “Just stay over at my place for tonight. I don’t think you can go home on your own like this.”
It was after a mission, one where you and Aki barely managed to complete as you suddenly felt unwell. The mission went on for hours, with the devil being evasive and you feeling sick throughout the entire ordeal. Which was why Hayakawa Aki decided to bring you back to his home as it just so happened to be nearby. Denji and Power were both already asleep by the time Aki returned with you. Your body had been drained, ever so drained. Drained of every energy and essence you had left. It was supposed to be a simple mission, one deemed as safe and only needed two people… Well look at how that went…
“I didn’t want to be an inconvenience,” You began as Aki placed your arm over him and began to carry you home slowly.
It was a good thing that his home was nearby. There was not much ground left to cover, so he wouldn’t have to carry you for long, especially after such a hectic day. Sounds of his free hand fumbling about his pockets for his keys… the jingles as he searched for the right one to open the door to his home… Slowly placing you over on the couch as it seemed to be the only available space that he could immediately find.
Aki paused as several thoughts ran through his mind, piquing your interest. “Perhaps I could sleep on the couch tonight…” He muttered. “This isn’t inconvenient or anything. It’s just for a day.”
You weakly got up to face him, frowning at the sudden words that your ears had just picked up, your eyes analysing the foreign environment to the best of their abilities. You were just co-workers, surely there was no need to do all of this… right? It was just a fever…
“I’ll be alright, Hayakawa,” You responded. He might not feel that way but you sure did. You just didn’t want to owe anyone anything. It felt like you owe someone a huge debt and you do not like that feeling. The sudden urge to return the favour was not a feeling that you enjoyed.
Aki didn’t seem to care about your response, instead, he continued with his actions. He was already beginning to make his bed more hospitable for someone like you. He was already moving some of his items out so that his room would accommodate your needs more. He did not have to do all of that, yet here he was.
“Seriously Hayakawa!” You began. “You don’t need to do all of these!”
“Denji and Power are sleeping,” Aki responded in a soft and gentle tone, while signalling for your volume to resemble that of a feather dropping. The sounds that both Denji and Power were producing during their sleep were the only things that could be heard.
You stopped responding after that and just let Aki do whatever he wanted. You did not have the energy to stop him anyway. The energy in you felt as though it was slowly being syphoned out of you, like there was some leech sucking away on the very essence you needed to even do basic functions. Your body began to slowly feel weaker as your vision destabilised. Perhaps Aki was right…
It had been hours since the both of you last ate as well. The mission had stolen dinner time away from the both of you. It was unfortunate. The growl of your stomach could be easily heard amidst Denji’s snoring. Aki could definitely differentiate between those two sounds as well, having his head turned to look into your eyes the moment his ears picked up on the message your stomach tried to scream.
“Sorry…” You uttered awkwardly as you laid down. Aki was already done arranging some of the items in his home to accommodate a guest.
“I think there should be some items that I can cook with,” Aki pondered, his words growing softer as his mind was riddled with memories of his own fridge, wondering away about how filled it was. Perhaps he could make the both of you a meal before resting for the day.
“Just…” You mumbled as the energy slowly left your body. You had never felt weaker. “Something… small and… make it quick.”
Aki nodded as his figure disappeared into his kitchen, leaving you laying on the couch, soaking in your weakness. Perhaps he was right, you wouldn’t be able to go home after all. Maybe you shouldn’t have tried to stop and protest when he insisted on taking care of you. Well its not like you could just go now, you were stuck in his home.
He didn’t strike you as the kind that would… care this much. He always seemed so nonchalant. It just didn’t seem like something he would do. Had he always been this nice? Perhaps you just never noticed… Watching as he focused his energy into making the midnight snack that your sick body long has yearned for ever since the mission. Something in you just felt… different. Foreign even.
All you could do was to stare in silence as the man before you began to busy himself. Sounds of slicing, dicing and boiling filled the air as you looked at his focused face. He always had that serious look, didn't he? You wondered if he had ever at least given himself time to relax and give the stoic face a rest. Did he even have other expressions? Suddenly you were interested in knowing more about your fellow colleague.
The once familiar high ponytail was now replaced by his hair down, reaching for his shoulders, slightly swaying as Aki focused on the task at hand. It was slightly odd, to see your fellow colleague out of the office. It was a sight that you could get used to though.
Denji and Power seemed to be sleeping soundly despite all of the noises filling the house. Even Meowy was obediently staying silently asleep. Suddenly everything was going so well, aside from your unwell body of course.
“Y/n,” Aki called out, carrying bowls and plates of his latest dishes one by one and placing it on the table in front of you. “Just eat slowly, it’s alright.”
“T… Thanks,” you uttered, suddenly feeling as unwell as ever. It felt like a needle was suddenly trying to pierce its way into your mind. The pain felt so sharp, and it felt like it was at one spot, but it also felt like it was all over your head. You just couldn’t focus at all, the pain seemed to be unbearable for you to even hold your head up properly.
“Are… you alright?” The man before you asked, the gaze of concern filling up his eyes.
You could only respond with a small nod, having little energy to respond. Though you managed to squeeze out the fact that your head currently felt like it could burst into bits of flesh any moment.
“Just have a bit of these first, slowly,” said Aki with a spoon in hand, ready to feed you if he had to.
You gently took the spoon from his hand and picked up the bowl of rice. You weren’t so weak that basic human tasks seemed treacherous to complete. You could still eat, maybe just not everything. Your appetite seemed far too sickly to consume the normal amount. You simply could not bring yourself to fill up your growling stomach. It didn’t go unnoticed by Aki of course, being the ever so attentive co-worker that he was.
“You don’t have to finish everything,” He said. “Just have a little bit.”
You did your best, slowly taking bites and swallowing whatever amount your stomach allowed you to. You couldn’t even force yourself to eat if you wanted to, you didn’t have the right amount of energy to do all everything that you have ever wanted.
Perhaps this was a result from all of those times you had overworked yourself beyond your limit. Maybe this was just your body’s way of begging for a break. You should really start taking proper care of yourself. When was the last time you had gotten a proper sleep? You could not remember. Maybe that was why your body chose to collapse, because you just needed the break.
Maybe your body torturing you was its own way of telling you that you needed a break. You have no choice but to abide. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to be unwell… It was nice being cared for… was it not?
Your eyes glanced over at Aki, the way he was slowly feeding you… You’ve never seen him this… caring… Were you hallucinating?
“Have the rest of the bowl,” said Aki as he placed the bowl and spoon before you, then he got up. “I am going to do something…” His voice trailed off, fading into the air as sounds of hinges vibrated in the air around you. He had just entered a room.
You slowly helped yourself to the meal that Aki had made for you. He was usually the silent and nonchalant type. No wonder he was suddenly gone just as you were eating… Maybe he wasn’t used to spoon feeding someone, like you were some child.
“When you’re ready, just sleep in this room,” Aki’s voice gently pierced your ears, letting you know of his offer.
“Thank… you,” you managed to utter. He didn’t respond.
The bowl remained at half full, you could not bring yourself to finish the remaining half. You tried, you really tried. Not wanting to waste a single bit of Aki’s efforts, you tried to finish it all, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to take another bite. It seemed as though your body was suddenly sick of something else. This wasn’t good, you felt bad. He was trying to care for you here, yet your body was barely cooperating with anything. How’d you let yourself get so weak after a tough mission? How could your body give up on you just like that?
You slowly got up, to dump the wasted effort of Aki’s cooking and to wash the utensils. You were still a guest, there was no way you would just leave dirty dishes hanging, no matter how sick you were. It was basic manners.
“Y/n?” The closeness of Aki’s voice almost shocked you. He was right behind you, looking as you washed the dishes, before pushing you away and finishing the work. “Could’ve asked me to do it for you,” he said.
“I know how to do dishes,” you responded. “Just because I am sick doesn’t mean I am suddenly handicapped.”
Aki nodded, finally letting you be, and headed back into his own room.
It felt as though you had suddenly been reduced to that of a porcelain doll. Ever so fragile, so breakable that one mustn’t treat it with any malicious intent. Suddenly you became something that had to be treated with the most care anyone can give. All you had was just a fever…
Was it a good feeling? You could not tell. Did you enjoy being treated like a fragile doll that could break any moment? Was it nice, suddenly receiving such care? Perhaps you should enjoy it while it lasts…
Once you were done with everything, you headed into the room in which Aki prepared for you. It was neatly arranged. It had taken you a while to realise that it was his room, considering the fact that you just walked in on him still arranging it.
“Just uh, rest here for now,” Aki muttered as he heard your footsteps, turning to face you. “Take the medications by the bed, its for your headache.”
You nodded, slowly allowing yourself to adjust to the foreign surroundings that felt… so familiar and calming. You wonder why…
Nevertheless, you closed your eyes, trying to get as much sleep as you could milk out of this stupid sickness. Your body was tired… ever so tired… Your head hurts…
Why was it hard to fall asleep? Why was it hard for your mind to finally rest? Why does your body hate you so much? It was stupid…
As your eyes slowly closed, your muscles relaxed, you could make out a faint figure standing in front of you. Strands of shoulder length hair tickle your face as you finally found the energy to rest. The feeling of a blanket slowly moving to cover your body…
Throughout the silent night, you remained blissfully unaware of the hardworking man by your bed, working to get your temperature back down to normal. Who knew taking care of someone with a fever could be so tiring?
Aki changed the towel resting on your forehead every once in a while, the moment it lost the ability to cool your body due to gaining too much heat. It seems as though he was sacrificing his rest to ensure that your body got all of the rest you deserved.
The silent night was deafening for him, why was he doing so much? He had begun to question himself. What was he up to now?
The stars sparked at each and every one of his thoughts, leaving him wondering about his actions and the sick person before him. What would Denji and Power say of this? What was going to happen?
What would the others say of this? Makima… Himeno… What would they think?
As the night went on, Aki soon found that time was slowly draining his energy as well. He was too, a human, and he too, needed rest. No human can go on without any rest at all. He could not collapse onto his bed for a rest when you had already stolen it from him.
The sun rays found its way into his home, spilling its way onto the floor as noises filled the corners. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the causes.
Denji and Power.
They had found you, and Aki resting his head on his own bed, sitting down beside it.
“What’s Topknot doing not sleeping on his own bed?” Power wondered, confused at the foreign sight. She frowned even more as she recognised the person sleeping on Aki’s bed. Someone she had worked with, unwillingly, on multiple occasions.
“Ah! He has got himself a partner! Maybe he is planning on kicking us out soon!” Denji replied. Perhaps it was the morning, or maybe that he was just plain dumb, for not being able to recognise you.
And with a little bit of back and forth between two mindless individuals. Somehow the agreement of removing both you and Aki from the room was agreed upon. Never allow those two to plan something. At least, at some point, Denji finally came to the realisation of your identity as a fellow co-worker, and not some random stranger Aki decided to bring back to his home.
Perhaps it was the morning, so maybe that was why their brains were not fully functioning. But they did try out their idea of kicking the both of you out, though the only outcome was that Aki had woken up and saw the scene that was slowly unfolding. He wasn’t even surprised, just sighed and brushed the incident off while explaining the truth.
The smell of Aki’s morning smoke filled the air as he began to prepare himself for the day, he can never begin a day without his cigarettes. It was rare for him to get peace now that he has tenants in his home. Denji and Power were being quieter, discussing what you and Aki could be doing together like they were a bunch of gossipers. At least they decided to be quieter now.
It had taken you a few more minutes before being able to open your eyes and adjust your body to the new day shining upon you and your sick body. There Denji and Power stood, acting like your maids and waiting for your command. You could not have known of their earlier antics, nor would you have even realised that this was their punishment. What on earth happened while you were knocked out and recovering?
“Since when are the both of you so… obedient?” You asked, trying to adjust your eyes to the light as your body felt better compared to the previous night. You could finally function as a human again. The throbbing pain that lived in your head finally got evicted by the medications Aki gave you, though you still felt slightly light-headed.
“Topknot made us,” Power replied, appearing annoyed by what she was made to do. You laughed while getting up and exiting the room, only to be greeted by the sight of the man with his hair down and making breakfast for everyone.
“I take it that I will be able to leave by the afternoon?” You said, leaning against the door frame, watching as the raw food became edible. “I feel much better compared to last night.”
“Don’t blame me if you feel sick again while on the way home,” Aki responded. “Buyt you do look better.”
Denji and Power exchanged glances as the scene unfolded before them, a sudden possible realisation dawned in their synced minds. “Don’t tell me that you’re planning on asking us to walk Y/n home!” Denji shouted.
“That’s a great idea actually,” You replied, before heading to the toilet to wash up for the day. Soon, you walked over to the couch and took a seat, where you had been the night before, as sick as a dying old man.
“Hayakawa, you done yet?” You asked, trying to sneak a glance at him, only to see him walking over with plates on hand.
Aki was a great cook, and the breakfast proved it. A pity you were too sick the night before to try out everything that he made. But hey at least you got someone to cook and take care of you…
Well well… wasn’t it fun, being sick by Aki’s side.
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 1 year
Inky Soup for the Soul
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Characters: Kamek, Kammy Relationships: Kamek & Kammy Tags: Sickfic, Bickering, Arguing, Frenemies, neither of these two end the fic having a good time tbh, Sicktember 2023
Summary: A few days after Kammy visits a sick Kamek, it’s Kamek’s turn to visit a sick Kammy. This visit goes even more poorly than the last one. Prompts: 3. "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?", 7. “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick”, 23. Coughing Fit Word Count: 1,444 words
Note: The events immediately preceding this fic are detailed here, and the events that immediately follow are detailed here.
[AO3 Link]
"What happened to your phenomenal immune system, hm?"
Propped up against the headboard of her bed, Kammy looked up from the book her eyes were too tired to read. “Don't put words in my mouth, you asshole,” she spat, voice hoarse.
Kamek swept into her quarters, a smug air about him. While he still was a bit pale from his own bout of sickness, he looked leagues better than Kammy did at the current moment, which to her, the objectively prettiest person in this castle, was both infuriating and humiliating in equal measures.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Am I not allowed to return the favor of your visit the other day?” Kamek’s voice oozed with false concern as he approached her bedside.
Ugh. Consequences.
“Oh, but where are my manners?” Kamek continued, waving his wand. “I didn't come here empty-handed, after all!”
A bowl floated in the air and settled in Kammy’s lap. It was warm. It was soup. Her nose was too stuffed to smell it, yet she could tell Kamek had at least bothered to get a flavor she didn't hate. As she examined the soup, Kamek watched her expectantly. Kammy sneered at him. “How do I know you didn't poison this?”
“Why I never!” Kamek put a hand to his chest in mock offense. “I’ve never poisoned anything in my life!”
“I seem to remember a rather important poisoning you did a few decades ago.”
“That was your poison,” Kamek sniffed, “that you made. I just delivered it.”
“Bah.” Kammy looked down at the soup. She should eat it. But the effort of lifting her leadened arms didn't seem worth expending right now.
Kamek smirked. “If you need assistance —”
On spite alone, Kammy mustered the energy to shove a spoonful of soup into her mouth. Kamek’s smirk didn't budge at the scowl she made around her spoon.
It only took a few more spoonfuls before Kamek opened his stupid mouth again. “I also bring news from Lord Bowser!” he said.
“Let me guess. The project is canceled.”
“The project is postponed!” Kamek corrected, smarmy grin on his face. “Until further notice!”
Great. Kammy took a cranky bite of her soup. And Kamek will probably be back at the helm of it, because he was the healthier one. Kammy huffed. It had been worth a shot, she supposed.
Kamek was still standing there watching her. “Why are you still here?” Kammy scowled. “Aren't you finished making my day the worst I've had in months?”
“But how can you say that” — Kamek reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper — “when the Young Master drew this especially for you!”
Kammy took it from him, squinting at the haphazard scribbles of color. ”What the fuck is this supposed to be?”
“I was told it was you, with your crystal ball.”
“Hmph.” Kammy glared at her likeness. She definitely wasn't that fat.
“It’s surely fridge-worthy, isn't it?”
“It’s certainly garbage worthy.”
“Oh? You're not going to add it to that locked box you have hidden under your bed?”
Kammy stilled. “...why do you know about that.”
“Same way you know about the hidden panels in my desk.” Kamek crossed his arms. “You really need to change those wards of yours; those outdated protections could be cracked by an infant!”
“Bold of you to say, hypocrite. Have you even noticed where those magazines of yours had gone off to?”
“...which magazines.”
“Oh you know.” Kammy regarded him lazily. “Those ones.”
Kamek regained his composure faster than Kammy would’ve liked. “W-well,” he said, fiddling with his glasses. “I found a chest in a panel in your dresser a while ago,” he blurted out, and as Kammy’s face flipped from smug to stormy Kamek barreled on, leaning in closer to her with a smirk. “Wooden, right? Pink with glitter and lace? Not really something that matches your usual style, I'll have to admit.”
“You...!” Kammy growled, low and dangerous.
“Me!” Kamek sang. “It's a shame you're in no shape to get up and check on it. I might have taken a few souvenirs; who knows!”
The drawing in Kammy’s hands crumpled in her grip. “You're bluffing.” He had to be. But in her sickened haze, she wasn't as sharp at reading his tells.
Kamek seemed to realize this too, and the glint in his glasses was almost gleeful. “There was a lot of paper in there. Quite the flammable little display,” he remarked, idly inspecting his claws, and no. No, he couldn't have actually —
“You fucking bastard!” Kammy swiped at him with her spoon; her swing went wide, and Kamek danced out of range, cackling. “You’re bluffing,” she hissed, hating the way it came out less like she was calling his bluff and more like she was trying to convince herself he was bluffing in the first place. “You didn't see shit! And if you put your filthy hands all over my clothes I’m going to rip them off and shove them up your —!”
Kammy’s voice caught in her throat. She tried to breathe past it, but the rest of her threats were lost to coughs and coughs and coughs. Coughs that very quickly had her head spinning, bent double over the bowl of soup that hadn't spilled a drop despite all her movement. The foresight required for casting the correct charms for such a thing compounded by the helplessness from the coughing fit and Kamek’s supposed invasion of her privacy had her clawing at her bedding in frustration.
When she could finally take in ragged gasps she could actually control, she unscrewed her eyes and saw Kamek watching her with something close enough to pity lurking behind his hideous-looking glasses that Kammy saw red. She bared her teeth at him and threw her spoon as hard as she could.
“Hey!” Kamek ducked, the spoon spinning through the space where his head just was and clattering against the far wall. “You know,” he groused, “you’re a real bitch when you’re sick.”
“Evidently not enough of one,” Kammy snapped, voice crackling and thinning, “considering you’re still here. Get out!”
Kamek hesitated.
“And give me back my damn spoon,” Kammy added, so he had something to do that wasn’t looking at her like that...!
As was his specialty, Kamek did as he was told. He absently wiped the spoon clean on his robes once it was in his hand, a without-a-second-thought motion that soured Kammy’s mood further. Did this fool know how to do anything but coddle?
“Well!” Kamek rolled his eyes. “I can tell when I'm not wanted —”
“Can you?”
“— so I suppose I’ll take my leave.” He ignored Kammy’s interruption, setting her spoon on the bed. “I’ve got much more important things to do than waste time with you, after all, like actually doing my job and enjoying the ability to breathe through both nostrils simultaneously.”
Kammy waited until he was almost at the door before she spoke again. “While you’re doing that,” she drawled, knowing this would be the last thing her throat would let her say for a good while, “tell me if the air under the King’s desk still smells the same, will you?”
Kamek’s head whipped around so fast it was a shame he didn't snap his own neck. Kammy stared back at him, chin high and bored expression settled on her face. His enraged sputtering was a balm to her soul; his wand arm even twitched as if he was briefly considering outright violence. But faced with Kammy’s unflinching gaze, all he could do was grind his teeth and storm out of her room, slamming the door behind him with a loud bang. The noise nudged at her budding headache, but it was worth it. Peace and quiet at last.
Basking in her success, Kammy turned her attention back to her soup. It was still warm; another charm on the bowl keeping it that way. Her earlier resentment rose up again, but it was swiftly quashed by the growling of her stomach. Absently, she reached for where Kamek had put her spoon. Less absently, she strained to grab it, claws failing by a mere hair’s breadth to brush the cool metal no matter how far she stretched. That rotten, good for nothing —!
Kammy screamed, a near soundless noise that ended in a few more coughs as she fell back onto her pillows. She stared up at the ceiling, blowing the bangs off her face with a huff. They fell right back where they were. She sank further into her bed, hands over her face. If only the Stars would put her out of her misery right now...!
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an introductory ramble
oh man I've been up all night and I'm definitely hyperfocusing so I hope this makes any kind of sense
so right around christmas I stumbled on @justbreakonme 's blog, don't even remember how. but from there I found @whumpzone and linden and col became comfort characters alarmingly fast. and in my quest to cram as many stories about them as possible into my head I found lost property, which naturally meant falling in love with cory and lydia along the way. so now I'm about halfway into @maracujatangerine 's original series with them and I had to stop because I was having so many ideas for a series of my own that I had to start writing them down
what I'm trying to say here is, 1) y'all are INSPIRATIONAL and 2) holy shit what the fuck is happening how did I get here
anyway I have no idea how any of this works, and tbh I'm still a total lightweight when it comes to whump, but the urge to un-lurk was too strong to resist
so uh, hi, y'all can call me diz (it's short for disaster)
things I like: caretaking, comfort, rescue, recovery, touch starved characters, mild sickfic (fevers, colds), warming, fluff (I SAID I was a lightweight ok), hospital drama, fainting, environmental whump, seizure whump (weirdly specific), pet whump (APPARENTLY)
not into: noncon, graphic gore, emeto/GI illness, whumpee death
I'll probably update both lists as I think of things
anyway uhh, if you're reading this feel free to ask me stuff? and/or if you've got tips on how to get started as a whumpblr / pet whump / BBU blog and want to send them my way, I'd much appreciate it!
also please do let me know if there's anything I need to tag that I've missed
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sheepie-self-ships · 6 months
Alright own AQB sickfic headcanons time bc I didn’t go to class today and I don’t want to read my hw yet
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Alright so Ace is sick 😤 sniffling, a light cough, the works. It’s not bad bad but it’s definitely inconvenient
Jimmy runs some diagnostics to check their vitals, they’re seemingly fine
But he’s still got a sniffly sick bat in his lab
So he determines they’ve just got a cold or something and it’ll be gone in a few days
Ricky makes some healthy food for them, to help them recover faster, probably smth with protein, veggies, and rice I’m guessing. They’re not quite soup-sick yet, so they can munch on it without struggle
Bones does not take it. Well 💀
He’s under the impression they r dying tbh. Final days on earth
Makes 😦 face whenever he hears the littlest cough
Lays them down for a nap in his or their own bed (depending on if they have one yet or if they’re still sleeping on the couch) and tucks them in
He just kinda sits there and watches over them in Jimmy’s chair, probably holding their hand if he can, just chillin
Overall he spends so much time doting on them and being in their space though that a few days later he starts sniffling and go figure that bitch is sick now 💀
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I know it’s only been two days, but I feel like we haven’t spoken in forever! I don’t know why, but whenever I see you respond to one of my messages to you or my request, it makes me so happy. You seem very sweet! I wanted to ask you how you were doing, but never got around to it T_T I hope you’re well! Have you any updates in terms of your own writing ideas that you’re willing to share? ‘Cause I’ll always be willing to hear them :D
Hello! I love talking with you too! tbh i haven’t had much time to work on this do to irl circumstances, but i do have some ideas that i’ve been thinking about for quite sometime. here’s a few in no particular order:
-felix sick from roller coaster
-hyunjin sight of blood sick (this idea came to me because my twin sister has a habit of picking bumps and things on her skin, causing scabs, and we went to dinner for my mom’s birthday and she picked open one of said scabs and used the obvious disgust i had to tease me with it. you know when the blood is all wiped off but it still looks like gooey cause it’s so deep? it was like that. so gross. i was literally getting queasy from it and that’s where the idea spawned. not that anyone asked lmao)
-lee know wakes up to a crying Felix with a horrible stomachache and nausea, but Felix is really anxious about it (i was thinking maybe an appendicitis fic, what do you think?)
-(set in the old dorms) Felix throwing up in the night over the side of bunk bed with Changbin on bottom bunk and Chan also in another bed in the room, shocked (i actually already wrote most of this fic, but im struggling to end it 😭)
-migraine bang chan but with busy schedule pushing through until he physically cannot anymore
-i really want to do one with multiple sickie getting the flu but their bodies handling it differently, one with nausea, one with more sneezy/cough/headache, and one who is emotional from a high fever and faints or something just very exhausted. idk any thoughts?
-Suengmin sick and trying to get privacy to throw up which is misunderstood for “leave me alone i’m mad at you” until a gag or some kind of cue that hey i’m about to puke happens, but when whoever is taking care trys to like rub his back and things they are shrugged off and finally realize that suengmin was very overwhelmed from the fever and throwing up and their presence wasn’t helping (i think i worded this weird, oh well)
I would love to stay and interact more, but in my time zone it’s 2:00 AM and I need to wake up at 8 so i should probably go to sleep.what time zone are you in right now? i might interact for a little longer if you catch me before i fall asleep. But, I wanted to ask you anon (and anyone else who may stumble apon this page) can you share some of your favorite sickfic tropes/dialogues? i love interacting with you but i probably won’t be able to work on the fics for a few days.
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astrobei · 2 years
Tips on coming up with fanfic titles? Pretty pretty pretty please 🥺🥺
i struggle soooo bad w fanfic titles omg i’ll try my best to help but i’ve totally been there before and i still struggle w it sometimes !
usually a lot of my fics are based off of/take inspo from songs— i listened to wuthering heights by kate bush a lot while writing my first chaptered fic so i used a lyric from it that kind of fit the central theme of my story, and this fic was directly inspired by you belong with me by taylor swift so i used a lyric from the title for that too! same w my sickfic, which gets its title from a hozier song i listened to while writing it bc it’s very tender and loving and fit the vibes well! song lyrics are always a good and safe choice and u can get rly creative w how u use them!
i do have a couple fics that aren’t titled after songs, and to be entirely honest, sometimes a phrase just pops into my head while i write that makes me go ooh, that’s kind of catchy and i write it down for later. i titled my first fic, no end to this want, while thinking abt the main idea of my story, which was mike coming to terms w both wanting will and being wanted by will, ergo the title ! and my current wip, a body in motion, had the title taken directly from one of the lines in the first chapter where the tension was really heightening, so it was kind of a nod to the dramatic turning point of the story since it’s more action-based than my others. so u can take fic titles right from lines u like in ur work too! personally i love reading and coming across title in the fic, it’s like a little puzzle and i think it’s so cool when that happens !!
anyways ik this was kind of all over the place im sorry if it was confusing at all 😭😭 i also change my fic titles a lot as i work if it doesn’t rly fit the mood anymore or there’s something more dramatic or emotional that i think would work better, so don’t be afraid to change them and see what fits best! my default is to choose a line from a song i’m listening to while writing it a lot, and tbh when in doubt i would go w that! it’s classic and there are a million songs u could choose from if it’s really hard to come up with something on your own :^) good luck !! <3
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pixelatedraindrops · 9 months
Happy New Year Everyone💜
(Rambling below)
Tbh: This year has been one word for me. Awful. Too much happened and I’d rather not talk too much about it... x-x
My first half of the year was just dreadful. But the second half of it (around July/August) was a lot better. And I have RainCode to thank for that. After losing a close friend, I was in a pretty depressive funk for quite some time. And what I usually do in these times is escape into my current passions and interests and go wild on it.
And boy did I ever. I had just finished RainCode and was officially obsessed. And I wanted to contribute to it. So at first I made some sprite edits, and a Pokémon crossover. Then as I do for every fandom I have a fixation on, I decided to write my very first sickfic of it. And it received so well that felt a bit more secure in indulging in my hidden guilty pleasure some more.
I made more sprite edits involving Yuma and the more I indulged the more obsessive I became. Soon I was making analysis' on his character and making all sorts of whump headcanons for him. Then I realized I became like most sick whump users on tumblr, and I finally had a fandom and whumpee I could call my own... and the feeling I felt was indescribable. I was so happy. Blissful. (Though it did kinda rot my brain from the inside out. But in a good way? If it makes you happy it's healthy....right? XD)
After some time I interacted a little bit with more of the RC community and honestly?? Its such a fresh new and fun community. And there's a lot more adults in it. My last fixation (demon slayer) had too many minors in it so I felt like I didn't belong or have any right to be in the community at all. But with this one?? I feel right at home. I eventually became known here for making sick related content of the series, even dubbing myself the CEO of a tag I made up myself. Whumpcode.
RainCode even inspired me to start drawing again. Something I sadly gave up on for years. And Its helped me find a style for myself and draw things that make me happy c: (aka sick/fever whump lol)
I found a few very nice people to talk to. (mostly because I'm shy and don't talk too much w others online) And I'm surprised my work even inspired some of the community to make some sick art/fics of their own for raincode. It made me feel such indescribable pride. In a sense I am like the other whump users on tumbr, but at the same time I'm not. (mainly because its not a kink to me) I'm more a member of the raincode community than the whump community. And I'm perfectly fine with that.
I first joined tumblr back in 2014 and after some time, took a 5 year hiatus from it. But upon coming back, I'm so happy to have finally found a fandom I truly feel like I'm a part of. And thank you to everyone that supports and enjoys my work. It makes me so happy that there are those that agree with me and don't see me as a freak despite my odd fixation. But focusing on this has made the second half of my year better. So much better...
So thank you, both RainCode and RainCode tumblr. For making me feel like a part of something. And for making my year end on a positive note c:
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have a tiny yuma <3
(part of my big collab wip :3 Coming soon! )
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silvfyre-writings · 8 months
I understand you (BSD Fanfic)
Tbh, I'm not entirely sure what I was going for with this one, and it's STILL not the sickfic I'm after, but ohhh well, I still enjoyed writing this.
My writing mojo has been at an all time low recently (I finished this like, a week ago), but I'm trying to keep at it, so I'm sharing this to give myself motivation.
So do enjoy.
Genran army, I hope y'all enjoy the food.
The door to Genichiro’s apartment opens and closes with a slam, which has him pausing in his work to look over his shoulder. Aside from the office he’s working in, the rest of his apartment is shrouded in darkness from the late hour, but that doesn’t stop him from being able to see the silhouette of the biggest pain in his ass, slinking past his doorway without stopping to greet or annoy him like he usually does. Genichiro listens as the footsteps make their way past his office and directly towards his bedroom.
Which begs the question of why Ranpo has decided to show up in his apartment in the dead of night, when normally, he’s at his own at this hour—unless he’s tangled in Genichiro’s bedsheets, but that’s another story.
And while Genichiro should probably get up and go see what Ranpo’s doing and what he wants, there’s a part of his mind that tells him not to, that he should finish his work, so that’s what Genichiro does. He pushes Ranpo’s sudden appearance in his home to the back of his mind and returns to the paperwork that demands his attention, and has continued to do so despite it being his day off.
The joys of being a war hero.
But even war heroes need their sleep, and Genichiro is no different. Exhaustion clings to his bones, and his desire to sleep threatens to drag his eyes shut before he even makes it to his bed. Before he does, though, he goes to the kitchen, grabbing too glasses of water and a small back of snacks that’d been left in his cupboard the last time that Ranpo had visited. Usually, Ranpo leaving his snacks behind annoys him, because Genichiro isn’t much for sweet things and they take up space for the food he actually likes, but just this once, it comes in handy to have them here.
Genichiro moves down the hall, carrying the goods precariously, juggling them into one hand long enough for him to flick his office light off, and then continues towards his room, nudging the door open enough for him to squeeze through the gap. It’s not completely dark in the room, due to the light emanating from what appears to be a makeshift nightlight of sorts—it’s just the torch of Ranpo’s phone shining through the bottom of a water bottle, that’s been shoved into the corner of the room. Crude, but effective, and it also gives some idea of why Ranpo is here to begin with.
For once, it seems like he’s not interested in goading Genichiro into fucking him.
Which is strange, but welcomed.
Genichiro doesn’t make a sound as he first, places the water and snacks on his bedside table, and then strips out of his clothes, throwing them onto the floor where Ranpo’s dumped his own, before crawling into bed beside the smaller man. Ranpo doesn’t make a noise as the bed shifts beneath him, and most would think him asleep, but Genichiro knows better. There’s tension in the younger’s body, and even though his eyes are closed, his breathing is far too controlled for him to be sleeping.
Something’s up with him.
And Genichiro could pry the answer out of him—probably should since Ranpo’s decided to come to him instead of his precious Fukuzawa for a change—but he doesn’t. Instead, Genichiro reaches out to wrap an arm around Ranpo’s waist and tug him to his chest, holding him close and sharing his warmth. Sleep continues to come for him, so Genichiro presses his lips to the back of Ranpo’s neck and murmurs into the skin there. “There’s snacks and water behind me. Just don’t wake me.”
The tension in Ranpo’s body eases just the tiniest amount.
In the morning, when Genichiro wakes, the first thing he becomes aware of is the weight that’s curled up against him, and the next is the hair that’s tickling his nose. He scrunches his nose and shifts his head just enough so that it’s not, and only then does he take a gamble with allowing his eyes to open. The room is darker than it was before Genichiro fell asleep, the makeshift light in the corner now gone, although the light in the hall was turned on at some point, meaning that the other occupant of his bed had gotten up during the night at some point.
Genichiro glances behind him to check if the snacks and water he’d left on the table are gone, and sure enough, they are. It gives him a satisfied feeling, but it still leaves him curious as to why Ranpo is even here.
He has some idea, because he’s not a complete idiot, and he does actually know what goes through Ranpo’s mind to some extent.
Because as Ranpo so often tells him, they are both the same and so very different from each other, and that’s the main reason that they get along as well as they do. Well, if you could call the constant goading and pestering of each other getting along in the first place. That wasn’t the point though; the point is that Genichiro has an inkling of why Ranpo is currently curled up in Genichiro’s bed like a kicked puppy, it’s just a matter of convincing the younger to actually tell him so he can help.
Ranpo is the kind of person to hide and deal with his problems himself, but there are times where he can’t, so he throws himself into the arms of whoever it is that can help him.
Which is apparently Genichiro this time.
He lets out a yawn, and pulls away to stretch before he crawls out of bed. His eyes fall on Ranpo, now asleep, and studies him. The tension from before is gone—he’s almost certain that once Ranpo wakes, it’ll return—but there are circles under his eyes, and even in sleep, the detective looks exhausted. It’s clear that Ranpo hasn’t been sleeping, and the fact that he is now, despite being as light a sleeper as Genichiro, just shows how much he needs it.
Genichiro leaves the room, leaving the door cracked open, and heads towards his kitchen with the intention of cooking something simple for breakfast. Tamagoyaki, perhaps, and maybe some rice. Quick and easy.
He gets the rice started and leaves it to cook in order to take a shower, peeking into his room as he passes it by, and sure enough, Ranpo is still dead asleep, although he’s now hugging Genichiro’s pillow to his chest, and the blankets are pulled up high so that only his hair is visible. It’s awfully domestic, and very much unlike their usual dynamic where they trade insults and jibes in amongst pleasure, that Genichiro is still trying to fathom how it came to this… gentleness.
It's probably his inner desire to do good, to be human, if he’s being honest with himself.
It’s a part of him that’s so unfamiliar nowadays that he has no idea how to actually handle it.
After the shower comes cooking the rest of breakfast, and soon enough, he’s on his way back to his bedroom, food in one hand, and another glass of water in the other, and all he can think about as he walks is that Ranpo better be awake to appreciate Genichiro’s efforts.
Why? He doesn’t know—he absolutely does, he just won’t admit it.
Ranpo’s still where he was when Genichiro saw him earlier, but his eyes flick open as he crawls back into the bed. The younger doesn’t say anything, just watching as Genichiro settles himself, and blinks when the water is held out to him.
“Drink.” Genichiro says. “And eat some of this as well.”
Ranpo relinquishes his hold on the pillow and drags himself upright, the movements lacking energy—it truly looks as if someone else is controlling his body, invisible strings tied to his limbs to make him move; strings that are cut as he slumps against Genichiro. But he does reach out to take the water, so Genichiro remains still, and scoops some of the tamagoyaki into his mouth, using it as an excuse to observe Ranpo now that it’s light and he’s awake.
The circles under his eyes make that viciously bright, emerald green, look even brighter, but they also take away the life that is usually contained within them. And in the light of morning, Ranpo’s complexion has taken on a pallor that’s usually only seen on him when he’s rundown by some kind of illness. He also trembles, as if he suffers from a chill he cannot shake, and Genichiro can feel him shiver from beside him.
The worst part of it is the way that he refuses to look in Genichiro’s direction.
Not that he cares or minds, of course. In fact, he even understands it a little. Sometimes you just desire the company of someone you trust, without words or questions needing to be said, and other times, you simply wish to exist in the presence of someone who will offer you care without it needing to be asked for. Or on the odd occasion—like now—it is both.
And while Genichiro still doesn’t quite understand why it’s him that’s been chosen, just this once, he’ll indulge the brat that he loves, and take care of him while he battles the demons in his head.
God knows he’s done it enough times to Genichiro at this point. It’s only fair he returns the favour.
With that thought in mind, he drapes an arm around Ranpo’s shoulder, and tugs him closer, so that he’s resting against Genichiro’s chest.
“I’ve got you.” He says, holding a piece of egg in front of Ranpo’s mouth.
Ranpo stares at the egg for a moment before he leans forward to take it, chewing slowly as he curls into Genichiro, eyes slipping closed once again.
I’ve got you, he says, but the I understand you goes unsaid.
Because it doesn’t have to be.
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lord-shitbox · 10 months
whole ask game
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~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
haven't gotten bored of the default one the phone came with yet
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
yea (doesnt elaborate)
🎵 Last song you listened to?
umm. dragula by rob zombie apparently. turns on music now its kimagure mercy by 八王子P
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
yea (doesn't elaborate)
actually theres some if you search juhaku. the sickfic one is my favorite
😏 Are you on discord?
yea im not posting my username here but i have no qualms with giving it to anyone specific
 💛 Do you have any piercings?
7 of them! 3 sets of earlobe piercings and one conch. i should get more now that i have a job.. im so cheap maybe ill just get them done at claires. i dont have 2k to drop freely on holes in my ears and i dont trust anyone i know to safetypin me
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
i dont really think about single particular signs so idk. their opinions on boobs?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
uhh. choccate chip....wait maybe those frosted ones with the sprinkles
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
headphones tbh
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
idk i was making myself a drink (half a java monster + espresso pod + hot cocoa mix btw) and my mom was there so
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
Umm. Cyclamen poison is stored in the tuber
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
night owl
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
my bed
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
looks at the shit i post. looks at icon. uhhh no
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
Chilling chilling & chilling
👖 Jeans or sweatpants
sweatpants are so much more comfortable but black jeans look cooler
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
mocha cookie crumble frappe i think?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
i dont hate colors intensely tbh
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
whole nuramago manga set
☕ Coffee or tea?
i like mocha flavor a lot & i also like drinking shitloads of extremly watery tea. basically i like them both
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
off the top of my head, ankylosaur
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
like 4 n a half years
🌴 Desert island item?
gaming pc
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
like jellyfish glimmering in the abyss. also blood crystals..
🔮 What’s your dream job?
anything that pays...honestly my current job is really good i be getting paid more than a dollar over min wage to be on my phone in the back
💙 Relationship status?
not dating anyone nor do i think i really want to rn
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
man i forget what i own. i need harnesses
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
i can never think of them off the top of my head but i remember everything when it comes on
🤎 What color is your hair?
like. black-brown. it lightens as it gets longer because of sun exposre ive been thinking about dyeing it again tho..
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
nope. not aloud anyway
💄 Do you wear makeup?
dollar store crayon eyeliner
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
i forgettttttttttttt actually a buddy like WAY back told me my vibes are like a street market in winter actually. i cant promise this is a favorite but i hope hes doing alright
💞 @ your favorite blog.
if you are in my notes regularly i love you soo much. even/especially if I don't follow you baclk I promise
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mixelation · 2 years
Oh thank you for the "forcing people to go to therapy (or otherwise infringing on their own decisions) is bad" post. Tbh I avoid therapy in fics because I feel like it's often widely misrepresented and it squicks me, plus it's often shown as a miracle cure when it doesn't even work for everyone - especially since therapists are people with their biases as well. I personally made a lot more progress on my own, which maybe I could have achieved with therapy but ultimately I'm not convinced, and I certainly would never have said anything to a therapist had I been forced to go. Also when writing in a real world setting people can get very anachronic about the subject and how it was seen at some points to go to therapy (I'm sorry but it was not seen well in the 90s and I will close the fic if I see it presented as such, it's not even seen as okay everywhere today). It's just... an accumulation of things that make me very nervous. But yeah people making decisions for others, especially when it comes to therapy, really upsets me. Idk if you saw it but a while ago there was a post about the found family trope and someone said they hated it because it was most of the time just a "no boundaries hell" and I feel pretty much the same about this (and the two tropes unfortunately tend to intersect).
mm, i avoid therapy in fic for these reasons too. "x goes to therapy" usually have the ~therapy~ happen off screen and feature the character magically "Getting Better" without them actively using anything they learn from therapy or any sort of struggle. they just stop doing whatever behaviors the writer thinks were disordered, or just stop being ~sad all the time~, and it think it can come off (probably unintentionally on the writer's behalf) as like..... "oh, being that way was wrong and bad, why did you stay in that state when there was an easy fix here all along??? now you can re-enter society and be a valuable, good person like the rest of us! :)"
to be clear to though: i don't have a problem with people writing these fics, or with people enjoying them. people can read and create what they want to. a huge portion of sickfic involves a character with a chronic illness or disability being confronted by their loved ones and forced into "taking care of themselves," and many of these very fics are written and enjoyed by disabled people. i think there must be some comforting fantasy about someone who loves you unconditionally managing your problems for you? and like, given the high proportion of neurodivergent and mentally ill people in fandom, I think the therapy fics must appeal to some of them too to be so popular? maybe in like a fantasy way where the appeal is a world where therapy is easy to get, everyone supports you doing it, and it works quickly and without complications? but i personally find the attitudes in these fics incredibly squicky and infantilizing, so i wish there was a TAG or CONTENT WARNING people would use.
like, i don't mind characters trying to force inappropriate interactions for "their own good" when it's treated as inappropriate/annoying but an unfortunately common experience. i just want a warning when it's going to be idealized into correct, benevolent behavior, because that's what squicks me. kind of like how i don't mind reading a male character telling a female character she'd be "prettier if she smiled more" as long as it's treated as a creepy comment by the narrative, but i'll click off the fic if i'm meant to interpret that as cute flirting.
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podcastenthusiast · 3 years
Encanto Fic Rec List
Largely Bruno-centric tbh. Note that I can't speak for the cultural accuracy or anything like that here. These are just some stories I've enjoyed.
right here where you want me by borzhone
He puts his foot down just the once.
Cuñado by MDJensen
How a brother-in-law becomes a friend.
Series of vignettes, set shortly after Agustín's marriage to Julieta.
Sick With What We Owe Each Other by Capiciously_Terminal
When their mother is injured in an awfully normal way, the triplets Madrigal are left with a sudden reckoning about what they would do without her.
They respond to this, as rational adults do, with an eventual night of drinking under the moon.
But, when a lack of thought leaves them exposed to the elements, all three are left suddenly encumbered by unexpected illness.
And nothing strains a Madrigal's gift like a head cold.
(Aka I combined like three fics in my head. Welcome to the philosophical sickfic with angst).
Another Night (It'll Be Better in the Morning) by vosian_nightmare
It's hard being a triplet. You share your birthday with two entirely other people and sometimes it feels a little crowded. But there are some birthdays where there's nothing you want more than to spend the day with the two people who know you best.
or, two times the triplets celebrated their birthday together and one time they didn't, maybe not necessarily in that order.
Bajo la arena sin poder salir by Princex_N
Bruno can’t let them find out all the ways that he’s been hurt and hurting over the years. He can’t let them see how badly he’s still struggling. Bruno has been the guardian of terrible things ever since he was five years old, and these secrets are nothing new nor different. 
It’s not as easy as it used to be. It’s not as if they aren’t looking, after all, Bruno’s just good at not being found.
He’s been hiding so long he’s not sure how to be honest anymore, and really, that’s no one’s fault but his own.
the first and freshest cut by Serendipity1
Bruno doesn't start out jaded, doesn't start out hated, and despite prophesizing pain, he can't see the backlash ahead until it's too late. A young Bruno accepts an offered day out with friends, and gets a hard lesson in human fury.
Run Boy Run by cedarbranch
It starts with a low rumble that rattles the roofing tiles and shakes through the floorboards. In a corridor between the walls, Bruno freezes. He turns slowly, barely able to turn his eyes to the sight he knows will await him.
It’s been a long time since he’s felt this particular kind of dread, an icy chill that seeps through him and makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He’d hoped he’d never have to feel it again.
Picking Up the Pieces by DoAndroidsDreamOfElectricPolarBears (SupposedToBeWriting)
As Casita is rebuilt, Julieta takes up the role of nurse for her concussed brother. He wakes up and Julieta gets a chance, after ten years, to tell Bruno how much she missed him.
Holding to the Ground as the Ground Keeps Shifting by ThisIsWhyILoveReading
"I understand why you don't want to go to Mama with this. But were you really planning to leave us, just like that?"
(Or: the night Bruno disappears, he has a talk with his sisters.)
Escucharemos y Sanaremos by HereToWrite
Alma’s eyes slide to the figure standing on the outskirts. Watching as he stumbles along with a bucket on his head and chittering rats along his back and shoulders. She watches and realizes, with a pain like ice, that Bruno is someone she doesn’t know anymore.
Oh, she knows the shape of him, the pattern of him, as any mother would. She recognizes the nose of his father, the slouching of his doubts, the muttering of his stories, but it’s like the afterimage of the sun. A once bright light that’s slowly faded to something else entirely. Leaving a stranger stumbling about in her son's body.
Or, Alma and Bruno, like their house, heal in pieces
A Day He Won't Talk About by Capriciously_Terminal
The day that Bruno Madrigal ruined his sister's wedding will be something he's ashamed of for the rest of his life.
But, like most siblings, his other sister is here to help scrape him off the floor.
After all, such a day can't be too significant in the long run. All families have their troubles, don't they?
Reflection by SETI_fan
As the family settles back in and gets ready for their first normal dinner together in the rebuilt Casita, Bruno has to figure out his place in the family now. Especially when it comes to the nephew who only remembered him as a bogeyman.
A Gift So Humbling by PhilipJFright
"Yo I know he never left, I heard him every day."
Dolores has already seen what happens when someone has uncomfortable news to tell the family, so when she hears a familiar voice in the walls, she decides to keep quiet. She's much, much better at keeping secrets than her family thinks.
And Poppy or Charms Can Make Us Sleep as Well by archive_rat
A visitor to the Madrigal home decides to show his gratitude by leaving out food mixed with rat poison.
You know. To poison the rats.
Bruno is still living in the walls.
A Place to Hide by EvieNyx
“...Oh. Your gift is back too, isn’t it?”
She watched his throat bob and he nodded.
She hummed. “All right. Why don’t we go… talk somewhere else. Somewhere quieter.”
Mirabel Madrigal realized, very abruptly, what the return of the magic means for her Tío Bruno, and then she realized even more.
My Home Is Your Home by a_forgotten_note
Follow Bruno as he re-learns how to be a Madrigal while a family full of love, laughter, and music welcomes him home. Being isolated for 10 years can do strange things to a person, and Bruno is no exception. With someone as unique as Bruno, though, there are bound to be some hiccups along the way to reintegrating with the family he loves. He should be fine; everyone seems to have missed him!
... Haven't they?
Don't Worry, I've Gotcha by JustAnotherFan94
Bruno Madrigal is back in society after ten years of isolation. And everything is magically fine again!
In which Bruno Madrigal and his nephew, Camilo, come to understand each other a little better.
A Lie More Comforting than Truth by Queen_Mab
On the night of Mirabel Madrigal's failed gift ceremony, Bruno had the worst vision of his life. His mother swore him to secrecy, and the two of them kept the secret for ten years.
Except now Casita is cracking, and Mirabel, now the caretaker of her troubled uncle, is too nosy for her own good.
nunca nada es tan malo como podría llegar a serlo (nothing is ever as bad as it could come out to be) by chaotic_dumbass
An errand into town is simple. Unless your name is Bruno Madrigal. Then it is actually very hard.
La Noche Nos Sigue (The Night Follows Us) by Thornvale
Just over a year has passed since the restoration of the Casita and La Familia Madrigal.
Everything should be just fine, right?
Mirabel can’t help but feel as though something is going to go wrong; mysterious Tío Bruno is behaving more strangely than usual and something about the magic seems to be changing. Not only that, but an old danger is lurking in the shadows of the mountains surrounding the Encanto.
Does Mirabel have any choice about what comes next?
(Mirabel and Bruno focused.)
gravedad by prospective1
If the Madrigals are a constellation, then Mirabel has wormed her way inward to be Polaris, leaving the rest circling around her. It's funny, Bruno thinks. That was always Abuela's place.
In the aftermath, Bruno seeks out a place for himself in the Madrigal family.
a house built on sand (rebuilt on solid stone) by Ford_Ye_Fiji
Casita falls and Bruno…
Bruno knows Mirabel is still inside.
So he does what he always has. He protects his family (even if it hurts himself).
hindsight and her perfect agonies by fais_do_do
Agustín would never be able to express how grateful, how desperately grateful he was for Bruno and what he had chosen to do for his daughter.
Or, Bruno sleeps, Mirabel confides in her father, and Agustín realizes a conversation between himself and his cuñado is long overdue.
The Madrigal Museum of Love and Loss by TheRatsAreListening
In which Bruno's real gifts are not acting and sand-based clairvoyance, but training rats and failing to communicate with his mother.
it's a heavy lift by cheetour
Bruno moves back behind the walls, Mirabel is determined to get him out, and Antonio is the last bastion between Encanto and rat-induced ecological ruin.
When the Cat's Away by cheetour
Bruno is in charge, and he's banned Camilo and Mirabel from saving Encanto.
Tail of the Frog by cheetour
Mirabel has a secret, Bruno has an incurable cold, and Camilo and Antonio have a mystery to solve. Julieta... has too much to do.
to something you lose by borzhone
Bruno moves into the tower.
Can be read standalone or as part of a series.
Could Be the Beginning of Your Meaning, Friend by The_Secret_Life_Of_Tea
He feels like they don't listen to her.
Adjusting by EchoBleu
Mirabel sees her mother struggle. Camilo gets worried when it rains. Dolores looks for Bruno. Three vignettes in the life of the Madrigals after they've lost their gifts.
Patching the Cracks by CakeBeDamned
Sure, the Madrigal house can fracture under pressure, but it wouldn't hold together at all if not for the family's love for each other. It's so, so, far from perfect, but that doesn't make it unimportant.
In the Fullness of Time by CakeBeDamned
After ten years, Bruno isn't quite sure who he's supposed to be to his family. Agustín's been his best friend since they were old enough to get in trouble together, and isn't at all sure Bruno needs to choose.
Glowing by Sokkas_First_Fangirl
Pepa pulled Bruno down, ignoring his yelp and pushed him onto his back. Julieta laughed at the indignant look on his face, lying down on his right. She pulled the blankets up and flung an arm around him, pulling him in close. 
Pepa, on his left, was practically lying on top of him, clutching him in a death grip.
Bruno raised his head, eyes flickering to Félix and Agustín.
“What about-?”
“If you think we’re letting you out of our sight,” Pepa said. “You’re sorely mistaken.”
Bruno went very still and utterly silent. For a moment, Julieta wondered if he was going to argue, or burst back into those frantic apologies. She braced herself to quieten him, to insist they had their own apologies too and it could wait until they weren’t all so bone-deep exhausted and in shock.
Instead, Bruno just gave a quiet sigh and lay back down properly. He grabbed Julieta’s hand, and Pepa’s, and held on tight.
Otherwise known as a study in the Madrigal triplets, their relationship, and their cuddle piles throughout the years.
How Far do These Roots Go Down? by afterandalasia
She swears to protect her family to her last breath, to hold them together as she once held them in her arms, to carry them even when her back aches, to walk on for them even if her feet burn beneath her. That is what she did before, and from tragedy she bore them to peace. If she can only find the strength to press on again, surely it can be the same.
Or, how fifty years of trauma leads to a moment of unimaginable cruelty.
Bruno from Before by UsedTobeGuest123
Mirabel discovers that Tío Bruno is having "surprise" visions again, and has been since the gifts returned. In her opinion, he is not handling it well. When her mother tells her that Bruno is different now than he was before the walls, she can't quite let the idea go. She decides to try her hardest to fix what has been broken--for Bruno, and maybe a little for herself, too.
Takes place 7 months or so after the events of the movie. Inspired by the credits art of Mirabel and Bruno sitting together, surrounded by sand and rats. POV of Mirabel and Bruno, alternating, and a couple other characters sprinkled in.
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