#makes it a bit hard to dish out what I already have so very little of. No one in my family knows any of my interests anymore. Literally
wardenparker · 3 days
Woo hoo! Way to go on the 2.5k followers! You deserve it
I would like to request Joel Miller w/ “put me down”
Pre-outbreak Joel Miller 1,642 words. "Put me down." Co-written with @absurdthirst
Reader has been drinking. Established relationship. Jealousy.
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Joel rolls his eyes, wondering again what the hell is in the air tonight. He’s glad Sarah has already gone to bed, although she would probably be snickering at the scene. “Babe, maybe you should slow down.” He grunts swiping the beer bottle that he had been nursing and tossing it into the trash.
“Baby, it’s game day,” you protest with a giggle, even though you know he’s probably right. You made your sangria much stronger than usual and you’ve had more than a few cups while hanging out with his friends.
“Yeah it is.” You’re having fun, which is something that he would normally never deny you. Although it seems like you’ve gotten a little….boisterous in the last half hour. “How about we get a sandwich?” He suggests, thinking the bread would be good to help counteract the wine sloshing around in your stomach.
"But we have so many snacks!" The remnants of a chip and veggies and dip plate, the garnishes from a pile of wings, and the last two cookies from the batch Tommy baked are all out on the counter around you, but none of it constitutes actual eating.
He snorts, shaking his head at your wild flailing as you gesture around the counter and miss when you go to grab a chip. “Yep, sandwich.” He grunts to himself, turning around to grab the loaf of bread off the counter. “Or a wrap?”
"Can you be my wrap?" Alright, so you might be a bit tipsy. If the intense giggling from your silly joke is any indication. That doesn't mean you don't want to take advantage of the fact that you're the only two people in the kitchen right now to snuggle up with your boyfriend.
That makes him laugh, rolling his eyes at your antics and he turns to press his lips to your forehead. “You’re drunk.” He accuses fondly.
"Not totally," you protest, pouting at him as deeply as possible.
“Totally.” Joel laughs, leaning in and squashing your lips between his fingers playfully until you pull back. “Eat a wrap then you can have a glass of water.”
"And a kiss." Tacking that onto the end with a grin, you pull your arms around him so he can't pull away to do anything – let alone make a wrap or get a glass of water.
“And a kiss.” If you hadn’t almost started a fight, your possessiveness might be cute. Amusing even. But you had almost been ready to throw hands and he didn’t need the cops showing up here tonight.
"Oh-kay." The pleasant buzzing in your head and the fact that that bitch Larry Anderson had brought with him isn't in here to eye fuck Joel, combine to put you in a very amenable mood.
“Good.” He pecks your lips and reaches behind you to open the fridge. “Ham, or…ham?” He asks, the fridge slightly bare, but in his defense, he had been buying for the party and not wraps.
You hum, pretending to think really really hard, and realize you've forgotten the question while you were screwing up your face into comical expressions. "Ummm...wine?"
“Jesus.” Joel rolls his eyes and moves to the cabinet beside the fridge. “Water now.” He orders, tone a little sharper than before. He doesn’t want you with a bitch of a hangover tomorrow.
"Don't be mad." A pout overtakes your face immediately, but you lean against the kitchen counter and prepare to take whatever Joel dishes out. Even tipsy you know you probably overdid it earlier. It's not your fault that girl wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.
“I’m not.” He grabs a plastic cup, not even trusting you with a glass one at this point. “I just want you to be well hydrated.”
"Well..." The best you can do is shrug, but you're still pouting. "You sound mad."
“And I always look like an asshole.” Joel reminds you with a small chuckle. “So….?”
"I had to be mean to her." He pulls one of Sarah's plastic cups out of the cupboard and moves back to the fridge to fill it with cold, filtered water. "She was looking at you like you were a piece of meat, baby."
“Doesn’t matter.” He reminds with, turning around to hand the cup to you with a smirk. “I’m yours.”
Joel always takes care of you, and you know that even after two too many glasses of sangria, so you take the water cup dutifully. "I knowww. You're my piece of meat. But she wasn't respecting that and that's not okay."
“You don’t need to worry.” He promises softly, moving back to the fridge. “She doesn’t have anything on you.”
"I trust you," you clarify, dutifully sipping the water that he's gotten for you. Joel's loyalty has never been in question. Not when you were friends, not when you crossed the line into dating, and not now that you're living with him and Sarah. But the sangria had made you feisty and that was that.
“Good.” He chuckles as he slaps together some ham and a thick slice of that Muenster cheese you insist is better than Kraft. “Because you are the one sleeping in my bed, hogging the covers.”
"I keep telling youuuu." The singsong in your voice is interrupted by another drink of water. "We need a king-sized blanket. A big blanket. For us two hogs."
“I just will shiver every night.” He teases, folding the wrap up like a letter and handing it to you to eat. It wasn’t pretty, but he never claimed to be a good cook.
"But we could be warm snuggly burritos!" You insist, which is always the argument you give for why you should get an extra-large blanket for the queen sized bed you share, but this time you take a dramatic bite of the wrap he's made for you to punctuate your point.
“You would just steal all of those covers too.” He reminds you, leaning back against the counter as he eat watches you eat.
Giggling, you hold up one finger, crushing your wrap into an accordioned lump in the process. "One snuggly burrito."
“You might be a little cute when you’re this drunk.” Joel huffs, folding his arms over his chest.
"Baby..." Trying very hard to make your face serious fails spectacularly, and you end up giggling again. "I'm always cute. You said so."
“I did, didn’t I?” He huffs. “Finish eating and we’ll go back out to the party.” He bribes.
“Okayyyyyy.” It doesn’t stop you from leaning into his side though, and Joel lets you snuggle him without protest or question.
You eat the wrap quickly, making Joel think that one of your problems might be that you haven’t eaten today. When you reach for the veggies and dip, he encourages you to eat some of it too, not wanting you to have just the wrap on your stomach. Not having realized you were hungry in the first place, you’ve now eaten an entire meal standing in the kitchen and the pout you give Joel afterward intensifies. “Now I’m sleepy…” you huff, indignant at yourself for daring to be tired during a house party. Even a small one.
He chuckles quietly and pushes off the counter to walk over to where you had drifted away from him. Grazing off the table. Smirking, he bends down and scoops you up, about to carry you upstairs.
The squawk you let out could raise the dead, but he laughs so it ends up in half-hearted huffing and puffing as he carries you up the backstairs. “Put me doooowwwn! I can walk!” Not that you actually want him to, of course. Being manhandled by Joel is a privilege.
He smacks your ass, laughing again when you squeal. “No.” He tells you, continuing to climb the stairs. “You’ll go back out into the living room and fight that girl.”
“She put her tits in your face!” You groan, not bothering to fight as more stairs pass under Joel’s feet. He’s far stronger than you anyway. “Only my tits go in your face.”
You’re possessive when you’re drunk and it’s kind of hot. “I like your tits in my face.” He hums, grabbing your ass this time instead of slapping it. “That’s why I stood up. So she couldn’t do that.”
“And I like your little pancake ass,” you giggle, smacking his ass as he goes. Slinging you over his shoulder was a tactical error on Joel’s part.
“Hey.” Joel’s step falters and he snorts as you start to giggle. “Payback, huh?”
“Yep!” Another bright giggle breaks through as he hits the top step.
“You need to go to bed.” He huffs, shaking his head.
He carries you into the bedroom, only setting you down again when it can be directly on the bed. Before he can step away, though, you reach up to snag the edge of Joel's t-shirt and give him a soft smile. "I love you, baby."
“I love you too.” He promises, leaning back down to kiss you softly. “Lay down, I’ll get you some aspirin and water.”
"Then cuddles?" When you're tipsy – or drunk – it's not hard to turn almost any expression into wide, pleading eyes. In this case, it's the wide and pleading eyes that you know Joel just can't resist.
Joel sighs softly, knowing you are feeling a little vulnerable and he nods. “Fuck ‘em.” He decides. “Tommy can keep their asses in line.” He tells you as he brings the bottle of Advil and the cup of water from the bathroom.
“Cuddles!” Maybe it’s simple of you, but ending any night in Joel’s arms is all you want. All you’ve wanted for years now. The day you went from friends to lovers was a gift, and that gift is just as precious to you now as it was then.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
My Masterlist!
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maeumi-jng · 5 months
lipgloss and kisses
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pairing: enhypen x gn!reader
synopsis: he watches you put it on and he loves to take it off.
warnings: fluff, skinship, suggestive-ish for hyung line except sunghoon, swearing, humour levels: bad, proof read ig
library: enhypen bookshelf
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one word. impatient.
heeseung obviously thought you looked good with lip gloss. in fact he thought you looked good in anything. lip balm, lipstick, lip oil, whatever that was... the reason behind it wasn't the product, it was you.
you just had such kissable lips. he had always thought so. even before you got together. heeseung liked you so much to the point any time you'd bring out some lip balm, all his attention would be focused on your lips. it was a bit strange, he couldn't deny that. but heeseung also couldn't help that you were just so captivating. the care you took to put it on, ensuring nothing escaped the borders and if it had, the swipe of your finger that tugged those pretty lips down... god... it was a lot.
honestly, you spent a lot of money on lip products. the reason? heeseung.
that man was always kissing you. on the bus, during your night routine, before bed, when you wake up, when you cleaned the dishes together, after being a part for a mere half hour....
and it wasn't just a peck. no. it was like heeseung was consuming you're entire essence. he would be breathing heavily, hand supporting the back of your neck to bring your closer if possible, kissing you as if he had been waiting a lifetime to do so. small gasps would fall from your lips while he nibbled down slightly, tugging and pulling at what was purely swollen by this point.
you lost more product than you put on. take now for instance because this is how it played out every single time. especially in the case of your stupid lipgloss.
you were getting ready for the day, adding your final touches. heeseung, who was only half dressed, still sporting his sweatpants from the night, had his arms slung around your neck, chin nestling into your collarbone, being his usual clingy morning self as you began to apply your lipgloss.
heeseung, finally registering you were putting on the lip gloss, whispered in your ear. "come on, a little faster, baby."
"hee," you whined, cheeks beginning to burn already. this was it. you could barely get through putting anything on your lips without him urging you to hurry up so he could kiss you. "stop! i always have to reapply because of you. i'm not going to kiss you."
heeseung just smiled softly, leaving gentle kisses on your neck. you sucked in a sharp breath, trying to regain your focus. "why do you make this so difficult?" you mumbled, carefully applying the gloss to your bottom lip.
you could hear a huff of amusement slip out of heeseung's mouth. "you are one to talk... you know how i feel about your lips. yet you torture me every single day."
you suppressed your eye roll at your boyfriend's theatrics. "not my fault you're down so bad."
heeseung poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, now watching you finish up without a word to say.
you had barely put the wand down let alone in the tube when heeseung's hand gently travelled to your chin, turning your head slightly so he could duck down and bring his lips to yours.
your half-groan and half-squeal turned muffled. your grip around the applicator tightened as you fell victim to the very thing you had been trying to stop. not that you were trying hard or anything. the gasp you released when he nibbled down allowed him to make a mess of you, slipping his tongue in to mix with your own and dance with the rhythm of your heavy pants.
heeseung finally parted, chest rising up and down with heavy breaths. his finger tugged down your bottom lip, only little remnants of your lip gloss dotting it. he sighed with a small smile. "you were right. i am down bad."
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the first time jay saw you apply lipgloss in a mirror, he was hooked. he only had to see you do it once and the following day, he brought several lipglosses for you.
it was like a side quest for him. every time he gifted you anything, a lip gloss would be on the side. or when you were literally out for groceries, you'd find him in the cosmetics aisle and he'd turn to with a lipgloss on hand. grabbing your hand, he'd pull you closer to him and start to compare the lipgloss in the packaging to your lips. "hmm... i don't know... maybe the red one would be better."
as much as you loved it, you were beginning to complain once your draw began to fill up with several tubes of gloss, covering any other item you had in sight. what were you supposed to do with this much lipgloss? furthermore, they actually had a shelf life.... they expired.
when you brought this up to jay, he gave you the most careless shrug. "i'll just get new ones. besides, all you have to do is put them on. i'll just take it off."
jay would also be so fucking sulky if his favourite colour was changed or discontinued. it wouldn't be obvious at first but after finding out, he'd let out little sighs every time you applied a different colour and he'd keep on looking at the expiry date, wishing time would stop.
you did manage to find a dupe, however. and the moment jay saw it, he was over the moon. like thank god and the stars in heaven.
immediately he'd ask you to put it on. and who are you to deny your boyfriend's sweet request? so you opened it and applied the colour, conscious of jay's trailing eyes. the moment the wand went back into the tube, jay grabbed your face, examining your lips with the distance of a hairbreadth.
you felt warm in his grasp, feeling his thumb hover over your lips as if he were tracing them. a satisfied smile washed onto his face, the scrunch of his furrowed brows disappearing. he nodded. "beautiful."
your cheeks tinged with a heated flush. you couldn't help but just give him a long kiss on his lips, parting to find your colour imprinted on him. you grinned, imitating his own tone. "beautiful."
jay rolled his eyes, hand travelling to encircle your waist. your mouth dried at the sudden proximity and the intensity swirling in his brown eyes. "let me show you just how beautiful you are."
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babe. listen. jake will stop everything he's doing if it means getting to watch you put some lipgloss on. sure, there's lip balm. but lip balm is not as pretty as lipgloss is on you.
pretty sure he has a spidey sense for it as well. like at any given time, if he thinks you're about to put on some lipgloss, he'll run right towards you.
you'll be in your room and you got a package the other day. it was some new lipglosses that you wanted to try. jake is in the living room, headphones on full blast, but yet somehow he can hear you open the package he brought from your mailbox.
you've just picked a lipgloss to try on and jake is already dragging the ottoman in the corner of your room to your mirror. "jake? i– where did you come from?"
"i heard you open your package, so," jake shrugged.
you blinked blankly. your hand stretched out to lift the headphones hung around his neck with a finger. "you heard me? with these on? jake, they're noise cancelling."
"i should sue for false advertisement," jake nodded to himself before redirecting his attention to you. his wide eyes flickering back and forth between you and the lip gloss in your hands.
you sighed, shaking your head. you knew exactly what he wanted. he wasn't slick with it. you had caught him several times, purposely placing your lip glosses randomly everywhere. on your bed, on the kitchen counter, next to your phone, next to the sink... the list was endless.
jake intently watched you open the lipgloss, head leaning in naturally. the push of your hand towards him surprised him but he realised quickly that you were fulfilling the question lingering inside his head: the smell of the lipgloss. taking a quick whiff, he noted the feigned berry scent, reminiscent of the warm plum colour it had.
you pushed down your smile at the cute little nod jake did once he was satisfied. taking the wand back, you leaned into your mirror, eyes narrowing and lips pursing.
out of your peripheral, you could see jake do the same, except his teeth were sinking into his bottom lip, far too focused on what you were doing.
his eyes trailed the tip of the applicator. the warm plum colour smeared softly against your pillowy lips, mostly sheer. it had small speckles of glitter from what jake could tell. as you rubbed your lips together, finally bringing in the entire coat, jake could tell he loved this gloss.
it looked amazing on you. or well, you made it look good.
you turned to him, wiggling your eyebrows. "what do you think?" you queried, jutting out your lips for him to see.
jake was at a lost for words. all he could do is grab your face with his hands and place his lips onto yours. your eyes widened at the sudden kiss before closing once you began to melt away at the pure fervour jake had within him. he was consuming you, attempting to get closer to you if he could and seizing any air around you.
you pulled yourself away, taking a big inhale of air. shit...
your eyes fell to the plum colour smudged across jake's lips. you were sure yours looked the same. you could've sworn your heart skipped a beat when a loose grin played on his face. "i love it."
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to be honest, sunghoon had never thought about this. like ever. he had never seen it, never mind with someone he really liked, so it didn't really register for him. jake, the most clingy person he knows, talked about it all the time. he was already down bad but whatever this thing was with lipgloss, it had jake go feral. and sunghoon just didn't get it.
like bro, it's just lipgloss? like chill.
sunghoon understood the mundane things. like watching you tuck your hair behind your ears, the way you would chew down on your lip when you were concentrating on something, or the scrunch of your nose when you would squint. he would never admit it to you, or anyone for that matter, but he loved that shit.
this lipgloss thing? eh...
but then he saw it.
sunghoon never really pegged you for a lipgloss person. you were always complaining about your hair getting stuck in your lip balm, which resulted in your tucking your hair behind your ears (a win for him). so he just figured lipgloss wasn't in your kit.
but you two were getting ready for a lunch date and sunghoon saw you whip out the warm pink gloss while he put on his shoes. he forgot all about doing the laces... eyes honing on your lips through the mirror.
now that he had seen it, he couldn't stop looking. he understood it.
it was so intriguing.
the way you had to purse your lips and apply such a pretty colour. the way the light bounced off the shine, glittering occasionally. the care you took... the rubbing of your lips to smear the colour evenly... the little satisfactory nod and smile you sported when you saw yourself fully in the mirror...
fuck, he got it.
after finally finishing his shoes, sunghoon walked up to you, watching you turn around with a wide smile. you wiggled your eyebrows. "how do i look?" you asked, giving a small spin.
sunghoon smiled quietly, mind full of only your lips. he dipped his head down to your cheek, leaving a lingering kiss on the soft surface before pulling back. "pretty."
you smiled at his compliment, your own eyes looking him up and down, hand rubbing his chest gently. you stood on your toes, pressing a quick peck on his cheek as well. "you look pretty too."
your eyes widened at the shiny pink stain on his cheek. "aw shit," you cursed.
sunghoon raised a brow, looking at himself in the mirror. his body paused on the silhouette of your kiss on his skin. he could've sworn his heart was thundering in his chest while a wave of warm washed over him.
you grabbed a fresh wet wipe from your vanity, hand stretching out to wipe off the mark but sunghoon's hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you.
sunghoon gave a small smile at the confused expression swirling in your eyes. "leave it."
your eyes go big at his words. "b-b-but it's gonna be on your skin? it's so pink and so... obvious..." you told him, voice slowly turning into a whisper as his smile got bigger.
"it's okay," sunghoon murmured, grabbing this wipe out of your hand and resting it on the vanity before intertwining his fingers with yours. "i like it like that."
soft for this type of sunghoon 🥹🤭
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listen, seonwoo is the motherfucker that would apply it for you.
don't get him wrong. he loves watching you put lipgloss on. he admired the way you got so into it, blocking out the rest of the world for a good three minutes to make sure you had applied it well. besides, you looked so pretty.
but one day, you broke out of your trance and caught seonwoo looking invested in it. the surprise he had when you offered him the wand and a lipliner was like no other. you thought he wanted to put it on which was fine with you. especially considering you were secretly the one who loved seonwoo's lips the most. so soft... so pillowy and plump, perfect for any lip product.
but much to your surprise, seonwoo shook his head no and asked is he could put it on you. the offer was so sweet, you immediately wiped off any product on your lip, not caring that it was technically a waste, and sat ready for him to apply it.
and now... it was like a daily ritual.
every morning, as the both of you got ready, you would both decide on a combo you would wear for the day. and you would sit in front of the window, on the floor, sun beaming down on you.
it normally took three minutes at most to line your lips and then fill it with lipgloss. but with seonwoo, it took a lot longer. the both of you got distracted to easily.
he'd be lining your lips, unaware of all the sweet whispers falling from his mouth. "you're so pretty, baby," "i didn't know it was possible for lips to be this cute." and adding the final touches of your gloss, he'd say, "i just want to kiss you so bad... every day."
and this was your breaking point.
screw the lipgloss.
you would always end the entire moment by grabbing his face to kiss him. you could feel the sticky gloss move onto him, his soft pillowy lips absorbing all the colour and sparkles.
seonwoo would also get into it, pushing himself closer into your touch, making the kiss deeper as his craving for you expanded. his hands, free of the liner and gloss, would crawl up your neck, getting tangled in your hair. his eye would be completely shut, letting himself melt into you entirely.
the whole gloss thing always left seonwoo on fire. like he just couldn't wait to kiss you again and again.
you would leave the kiss by placing kisses across his jaw and kisses. practically adorning his skin in your marks while your hands fisted the end of his shirt.
you'd both spent the next ten minutes trying to wipe off the marks with wet wipes, talking and laughing about how maybe the lipgloss should be left to you, only for seonwoo to get sulky about it, refusing the proposition entirely. he was going to put your lipgloss on. even if it only resulted in it coming off.
you didn't mind though. seonwoo knew that deep down you'd wake up the next day and do it all over again just to kiss him again. because that's exactly what he wants.
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jungwon is another one who doesn't really get it. he's just so caring and romantic that he revels in the simplicity of romance.
he likes that you're the first text he sees everyday, even when you're right next to him. or when you walk around in his clothes... hoodies, matching bracelets, and keychains. when he checked on you to make sure you had eaten and to see how you're day had been going. his favourite, however, was your random urge to poke his dimples. it always made him break out into a shy smile which you teased him for.
these simple things... they kept him going.
but then came the lipgloss his sister had gifted you for your birthday. you were a big fan of tinted lip balms, he knew that. he always pretended to gape at your drawer full of them because he knew you'd end up hitting him in the arm, annoyed by his teasing.
this lipgloss, however, was truly one of a kind. it was packed with some of the prettiest glitter jungwon had ever seen. to be honest, jungwon should've thanked his sister when he saw you first apply it the next day.
you were out having a picnic. everything was just right. the sun, the comforting breeze, and the warmth of your head resting on jungwon's lap, while music softly played from your phone.
as you were resting on jungwon's lap, eyes closed and absorbing the peaceful atmosphere, you suddenly remembered you had brought along his sister's present. jungwon, who was spending most of this tranquility staring at you and combing his hand through your hair, had a mini heart attack when you suddenly opened your eyes and were lunging towards your bag.
his sharps brows furrowed at your rummaging. "what are you looking for, baby?"
your tongue hung out of the corner of your mouth. "uh," you failed to respond, trying to find the tube that you apparently had misplaced so easily in your bag. "ah! got it!" you cheered, feeling the smooth tube enter your hand.
jungwon watched as you grabbed your phone as well and went back to laying on his lap. you slid your phone to the camera, turning it so it faced you. placing the butt of the lipgloss tube in your mouth, you expertly twisted out the applicator and moved the tube between your fingers to apply the product.
the whole scene was some sort of alluring contraption to jungwon. the dexterity of your fingers surprised him but nothing surprised him more than his sudden fixation on your lips. the way you applied the warmish red in thin sheer coats across your soft lips, letting the sun capture every single speckle of glitter in it.
you were radiating.
you checked yourself in your phone before putting it down. you looked up at jungwon's staring eyes and pursed your lips. "thoughts?"
jungwon remained silent for a second, internally contemplating. but, nevertheless, a sigh slipped out of his mouth before he pressed his lips to yours. the peck was momentary before he pulled back. "i think it's pretty."
a flush of heat travelled down your cheeks. "jungwon," you whined, jutting out your lip, only increasing his urge to kiss you again. "you took like half of it off."
jungwon grinned, dimples popping out, making you instinctively poke them with your finger. his lipgloss coated lips pressed a brief kiss on the side of your finger. "i also think i'm going to have to buy you some more lipglosses."
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an interesting sort of impatience.
from the moment you started wearing lipglosses or he watched you put on your lip balm, riki was fixated on the act. he always pretended like he didn't care because for him it was slightly embarrassing. to be affected by something so simple, that is.
he never tries to enforce you like some people might by putting lipglosses everywhere or buying you them specifically. riki liked when it happened naturally and every so often.
on the occasion, maybe you were getting ready or you were testing out a new colour, he'd watch you out of the corner of his eye. patiently waiting for you to apply. why? it was simple because he wanted to come off.
he couldn't really grasp it. there was just this sort of annoyance that you had when riki smudged the gloss so it escaped the confines of your lips... and riki adored your reaction to it.
you'd always get slightly heated. whining and purposely trying to move away from him so you could apply it in peace. only for him to follow you out, resulting in you being chased around the house.
that was what he was impatient for. that very specific intimacy between you two. as mentioned, he enjoyed the natural occurrence of it. he could never make it happen. it just happened. and when it did, it would set the mood for the rest of the day.
like today.
you were already cautious the moment you saw riki walk into the bathroom in your peripheral. riki would raise his arms in defence. "i'm just looking for my cologne," he'd say, "i put it somewhere here because jake was hounding me for some.
you narrowed your eyes, silently turning back to the mirror and returning to your application. riki was next to you, pretending to rummage through the bathroom drawers. you can't miss the way he slowly rises up from drawers, his eyes fixated on your lips through the mirror.
by the last swipe of your lipgloss, you can already feel and see riki leaning in to mess it up. "nope!" you said, immediately retracting yourself from the bathroom counter, rushing to walk out of the room.
riki was hot on your tail. "oh come on... i'm not doing anything. i just want to spend time with you. is that so bad?" he asked, amusement underlying his voice.
you turned to him, now walking backwards out into the living room. "yes. it is bad when you have that look in your eyes."
riki stepped towards you, eyebrows pulled together in a feigned confusion. "what look?"
"that one. like you're going to eat me or something," you pointed accusingly.
riki rested his hands on his hips, standing in front of you with a slight tilt to his head. he clicked his tongue. he spoke with a nonchalant tone. "because i am."
the moment you see him take a step forward, you're off. you fell into a maze, running around your furniture which riki just inches behind you. you made it to your bedroom, in fits of laughter by this point and about to shut the door on his face.
but you're just a bit too slow.
riki's hand stretched out, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you back into him. you squirmed in his grip while he shifted the both of you to the bed with a soft thud.
"riki," you complained despite the wide smile etching on your face. your head fell to his chest, hair falling around your ears to cover your flushed skin.
a hum fell from his lips as riki's eyes flickered over your face, hand reaching out to push your hair behind your ears after he tilted your face back up. the action seized all the air around you. at least that's what you thought by the feel of your mouth drying.
"i got you," riki quietly teased, grinning at you.
you snapped out of your trance and rolled your eyes. you hit his chest playfully, a soft laugh following after. "let me go."
riki blinked at you, head leaning in towards you. you could feel his hot breath glide past your face. one would think your heart is in your ears by the sound of how loud it is. lips a mere millimetre away from yours, he whispered, "never."
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© maeumi-jng | do not copy, post (repost is fine!) or translate anywhere else! thank you ♡︎ requests here!
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crystalflygeo · 5 months
How to Warm Up your Dragon ft Zhongli + fem!reader
cw/tags: ngl this is MOSTLY VERY FLUFFY but it has a veeeery spicy part ehehehehe, praise kink, biting, bit of rough sex, creampie, dirty talk. Reader is technically Fontainian but you can ignore that tbh
notes: Y'ALL THIS HAS BEEN ON MY WIPS SINCE BEFORE FONTAINE IT'S BEEN SOSOSOSOSO LONG I started writing at the start of winter here, now it's summer lmao but hey at least it's winter in the northern hemisphere so... enjoy the snow and dragon man!! Also also... no one guessed what the gift was but Rin was the closest!
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Your mother always used to say the way to a man's heart was with food.
you wonder if that applied to archons... er, dragons? adepti?
In any case...
Zhongli has always been a... particular eater. A very refined palate. It's not that he was hard to please, to tell the truth. But he always seemed to have an extra comment, something to add or change to a dish to make it ‘a little more special’.
But you'd quickly find out he had a soft spot for broths and soups, bamboo shoot soup being his particular favorite. Even when it took a lot of hard work and time to prepare, the way he did so was worth it, simply spectacular.
That's why you could almost cry with joy when he happily praised one of your favorite dishes. A fantastic soup d'oignon passed down on your family. Nothing to add, no extras or corrections, he'd enjoy it to its fullest talking about the creamy texture and unique flavor of the cheese so different from those found in Liyue.
So, today you decided to prepare it. Nothing better to warm up on this chilly season, and besides you'd just received a shipment of ingredients from your family.
The rhythm of a knife on a cutting board fills the air, along with a delicious smell. You finish slicing the onions into thin strips and add them to the pot at the stove, humming lightly while stirring. You really hope nothing would keep your dear Zhongli too busy today, so he could be just in time to enjoy this while still fresh and warm.
You turn off the other burner as the beef stock had already warmed up, and start washing some dishes while keeping an eye on the food. It is… rather amusing just how domestic this all feels. Not too long ago you were adventuring over Teyvat, facing off all sorts of crazy dangers, exploring, and never stopping in one place and now… now this feels like home.
And that is without taking into account who your fiancé even is. The former Geo Archon. You shake your head with a light chuckle. It’s still so weird to think of such an imposing figure from legends to be so… him.
You dry your hands and start to pour the broth on the now-golden onions, stirring.
Zhongli is sweet, caring, attentive, wise, with just the right words at the right time. Admittedly a bit airheaded at times, funny when he wants to be. A refined gentleman through and through unlike anyone you’d ever met.
And he loves you.
And you’re engaged.
Warmth rises up to your cheeks along with a small smile as you lower the heat and start grating the cheese.
You heard sounds at the front door and then steps. Oh, early today. Zhongli walks up to you with a smile, greeting you with a kiss on the cheek, his hands resting at your waist as he leans in from over your shoulder. “Welcome home, Li.”
“Thank you” He replies in that deep suave voice. “That smells good my love, would you like some help finishing?”
You shake your head a little. “Please, there’s no need, you just got home. Go take a bath and unwind a little, I’ll finish here and we’ll eat.”
Zhongli looks as if he’s about to say something but simply nods. “Hmm, alright then.” He pulls you a little closer in his embrace, as if he’d missed your contact, your scent. Zhongli inhales deeply, tension seeping off of his body and he gives a soft kiss at your shoulder before almost regretfully pulling away. You chuckle a little and stir the pan.
How domestic and loving indeed.
Later when the food is ready and served, he returns to the small kitchen dressed in much more casual and comfier robes. Your eyes linger a little on the small expanse of exposed skin at his neck and chest and then stop at the way his long hair is tied up in a bun.
“Not washing your hair today?” You ask casually, taking your seat.
 “I… Perhaps I have gotten rather used you doing it. I simply didn’t feel like it.”
You can’t help the short laugh that escapes you, even as you try to cover it a little. “Is this your way of saying you wanted me to bathe with you?”
His golden eyes twinkle. “I would certainly enjoy indulging in that more often.”
Your cheeks flush and you avert your eyes.
He takes a spoonful of soup and hums, closing his eyes to appreciate the flavors. “The finest ingredients cooked with true expertise. Simply divine, my love, thank you.”
“Flatterer.” You say, a little embarrassed but he can see right thought it, your little grin, the little shift in your posture.
“I am simply stating the truth.” He replies and continues eating. You can see his shoulders relax and the small satisfied smile at the warm food, it makes you a little giddy as you start eating as well.
bundling up during winter was obvious, right?
Putting on layers and layers of clothes. And true, perhaps Liyue didn't get as cold as other nations such as Fontaine, Mondstadt or of course Snezhnaya, but maybe it was exactly for that reason the temperature drop seemed to affect everyone all the more. Besides, the people would take any excuse to show off their fancy coats, scarves and other cold-climate outfits.
Zhongli naturally wore many layers, and he did mention once or twice he wasn't as affected by the cold. Yet, his business partner had gifted him a thick snezhnayan cloak.
The thing was entirely ridiculous, too bulky with a fluffy overtop, the colors dark and cool not matching Zhongli at all.
And yet he'd used it! (Only twice... but still)
You were not jealous, not at all.
You just wanted to... give him something he'd also enjoy and wear around, yes. Something personal, something he’d like and look at and remember you.
But what?
Ugh, it’s not like you were really well versed in sewing. Back at home you’d even had some machinery for that, but here in Liyue… you wracked your brain thinking what could you give him. He had quite a few elegant outfits, fitting him perfectly and enhancing all his attributes, all personally tailored by one of his late Yaksha so they held immense sentimental value as well… how could you compete with that?!
Right, right, it was not a competition. You sigh. Zhongli will probably be happy with anything you give him, but still…
An idea pops into your head and you can’t help but chuckle. Oh, it’s so silly… but maybe…
Simple enough, personal, something he’d use during the cold season only around you. Could work, you decided as you pick up your things to go visit the textile shop.
If nothing else, it could at least get a good chuckle out of Zhongli, right?
And so, for a few days you work on your little project. Turns out sewing was indeed a little harder than expected but you were trying your best. The kind lady who’d sold you some excellent wool had also given you some tips and they proved to be most useful indeed!
Regrettably you didn’t exactly have the right measurements so you more or less eyeballed them. Eh. It’ll be fine…
Zhongli almost came close to finding out too, though you were inconspicuous enough. You’re sure he suspects something.
“It will all be worth it, it will all be worth it…” You mumble to yourself with a frown as you finish trimming one of the stitches. Your fingers hurt.
“Li! I have something for you!” You exclaim happily, hands behind your back holding the wrapped-up item you had worked so hard on. An excited glow on your smile and bright eyes.
“Oh? Am I going to finally see what you’ve been guarding to secrecy this past week?” He replies coolly with a knowing smile, amusement dancing on his tone as he places his teacup down.
Nothing escapes him.
“Yes” You present him the gift, your hands then fidget nervously, having nothing else to do now. “I hope you like it! It’s… my first time doing something like this… i-it may not be that good, it’s kind of silly but-”
“Darling please do not fret, I would love anything you give me.”
Your shoulders relax.
Zhongli unwraps the paper and finds a rich dark brown fabric staring back at him, he picks the item and opens it, trying to gauge its shape, thick wool, a little rough around the edges but you did mention it was your first try and he is honored enough you’d make such effort for him.
What is it exactly?
He turns the item around trying not to show too much confusion on his face as to insult you or make you feel bad, it looks like… a severely oversized legwarmer?
“It’s…” You start, feeling a little shy and silly once more. “…for your tail.”
Recognition shines in his eyes and he blinks at the item. 
“You- I know you like to let loose a little around the house and let your illuminated beast features show, I love you tail too but I know… the scales get cold easily a-and usually we just bundle up with a blanket but I thought-”
“I love it.”
You stop running your mouth as soon as he utters those words, Zhongli looks at you with a gentle calm and your heart could melt at the sincerity in his expression. “No one had ever made something like this for me.”
He stands and unfurls the item, then, in a flash of gold his dragon tail manifests, majestic as ever and swaying lazily, the tuft of fur at the end flickering with each move. He maneuvers a little to slip the ‘tailwarmer’ on and though it sags a little, much to your relief it at least fits nicely. There is a yellow diamond pattern near the base that you’d started working on but deemed too difficult for a first try. It was a cute little detail though, maybe next time.
“Warm and cozy.” He chuckles and you beam at him, before letting out a squeak as said dragon tail curls around you, pressing your forward against his chest.
“Thank you, my love.” He cups your face and kisses your forehead.
The air is hot and heavy as soft moans and grunts fill the room.
Well, this was certainly a way to warm up… and get some good cardio.
You pant and squirm on the plush surface of a heavenly mattress as the familiar weight of the ex-archon descends upon you. His arms going from a golden orange hue to a deep charcoal, lines of gold thrumming across his skin, glowing softly in periodic pulses up strong muscular arms. Golden horns rise from soft brown hair curled at the tips, two on each side like a crown, while a powerful scaly tail wraps around your calf holding your leg up, spread.
This is Rex Lapis. Morax. Any other number of names he had. This is the Geo Archon.
“Zhongliii!” You whine, his hands caressing your body, claws teasing along your skin, pinching a nipple, fangs grazing your collarbone and a long serpentine tongue licking a hot stripe across your neck.
The head of his cock teases at your entrance, already rock hard and burning like a brand, your hips canting for more. For him to finally fill you, to feel his thick overwhelming girth stretch you, breed you… you want to be filled so full it overflows, so that it dribbles down your thighs and ass in thick, slick rivulets of his love.
“Patience my love.”
You whimper and jerk at that, about to cry out for him again when he rolls his hips and sinks in your warm hole. Your breath catches in your throat as your head throws back on the soft feather pillows.
He pushes into you inch by inch, carving a space for himself with a soft rumbling groan. His lips seek yours as his hands slide to your hips and press hard enough to bruise. His kiss devouring, all-consuming with need as he bottoms inside you, hips pressed flush.
Gods you feel so full, stretched and filled every inch and then some, and he doesn’t allow you a moment to pause and adjust either. A beast of a man in the best of ways, he withdraws halfway, only to slam forward in a fluid firm thrust.
“Mng-! Ah!”
“Mine. All mine. S-so warm and thigh- nghh…”
His pace starts slow, his voice alone enough to drive you crazy with how deep, carnal, animalistic it is against your neck. Sharp canines teasing the elegant column of your throat as he moves.
“Oh! so good… Li… f-faster… faster ple-ahhn!” Your voice pitches high as you babble, pleasure coiling on your gut.    
“As- you desire…” Strained words still sounding like the very embodiment of sex, his voice so sinfully deep, so erotic it washes over you like liquid silk, like molten gold, only heightening the sensations of his quickening pace. In and out, in and out, skin slapping on skin. “You’re… you’re so perfect for me-”
You take him so well, your legs spread wide, your back arched, your insides molded to his length, enveloping him in the most mind-blowing of heats. The bed creaking as Zhongli delivers another powerful thrust, hitting a sweet spot deep within you and making you elicit a sharp keening sob of a moan. Your hands scrambling from the sheets to seek purchase at his back, curled up under his arms to scratch viciously trying to hold onto something, anything as he drives into you thrust after thrust after thrust-    
“I’m- I’m gon-ahnn! Z-Zhongli… ooohh!”
Fuck you are close. So, so close…
He nips at the soft spot between your neck and shoulder. “Almost there… little one.” He huffs between strained grunts and you whimper at the pet name. Golden claws sink on the bedsheets, gripping thigh for leverage as he moves faster, frantic, hips like pistons he fucks into you like a wild animal, the bed rocking, shaking with each thrust. “C-close…”
You mewl and moan, unable to form coherent thoughts anymore but just feel the hot burning pleasure, his warm puffs of breath on your skin, your sweating bodies dampening the sheets and you desperately want to feel his warm seed inside you, filled to the brim with his creamy cum.
“Pleasepleaseplease i-in! In-s-ahh!” You come with a sharp cry, vision blurring, muscles clenching, your insides squeezing around him, milking him for all he’s worth.
It was enough, the tipping point for the dragon, his thrusts shallowing out until he ruts as deep as he can and shoots his load inside you with a guttural groan. Thick spurts pumping inside you before it pools out around his own cock, leaking from your body until there’s nothing left to give.  
Everything is hot… so hot… the air heavy and musky with the scent of sex…
Zhongli slumps softly atop your body after what feels like ana eternity, his cock still comfortably nestled within your slick walls, cushioned by fluttering muscles. You lay beneath him, sweaty and shivering, breathless, chest raising and falling rapidly in small gasps as you struggle to catch your breath but oh, how you took his away…
 Beautiful, truly… your half-lidded eyes glazed over, barely able to open admits your exhaustion, but still able to whimper soft little moans as he trails fluttering reverent kisses along your neck and collarbone. Soft, chaste, loving and tender touches.
“Ahhn… mmm…” He chuckles softly at the endearing sounds you make as he eases out of you, the subtle friction enough to sent fire to your nerves, followed by a strange emptiness that mellows down to buzzing contentment.
He lies to the side and pulls you close towards his chest, his tail finally letting your now sore leg rest, uncoiling from it to curl around you both, you settle there with a sigh, eyes sliding shut. “So good for me.” Zhongli gently brushes some hair away from your face and places a kiss at the crown of your head, resting his chin there. “Rest now, dear.”
You smile as Zhongli places the two steaming teacups on the table before scooting over and welcoming him with the blanket surrounding you. He settles on the couch with you cuddling close and passing the book on your hands to him. Your fingers brush and he sets the book on his lap before taking your hands on his, cradling them close to his face before blowing a warm breath on them. You blush and let out a little airy laugh.
“What is this? Dragon breath to keep me warm?”
He hums against your skin, piercing golden eyes staring up at you. “No, just my love for you.” He kisses your knuckles and fingers.
“You…” You mumble, averting your gaze.
He chuckles and kisses your wrist then before leaning in close and kissing your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, anywhere he can reach.
“Ngah, wait you affectionate big lizard!” You squirm and he laughs fully now.
“Just seeking my adorable fiancée’s warmth” He nuzzles onto your neck, kissing there too and making you yelp. “Gorgeous.”
“A-Am not!”
“So precious when you get all shy and flustered.” He gets your jaw this time when you move, so close to your lips.
“Stop! You menace…” You pout and this time you cup his face, staring for a moment at his handsome features, your thumb brushing close to one of the red markings under his eyes.
This man. This dragon. This god.
Oh, how you love him. He warms up your heart.
“Here, I’ll warm you up proper…” You whisper softly, pulling him close and tilting your head to slot your lips together.
Just as you warm up his.
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gojomamashouse · 7 months
Taking Care of You
Pairing: Mike Schmidt x babysitter!reader
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral sex (M receiving), breeding kink, praise kink, Fem!reader. Very minor mentions of injury & blood.
Description: He had never considered himself too fond of domestic life until you came into his house and made it feel like home.
A/N: crossposted on my Ao3 and Tumblr.
3.7k words
18+ content! Minors and ageless blogs dni!
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You remember the first time you came over to babysit for Mike all too clearly. You remember the way your eyes went wide when the door opened, and how your jaw nearly dropped to the floor. More importantly, you remember thinking that Mike Schmidt was far too hot for his own good, a clear image in your mind of how he had greeted you with tired eyes, messy hair, and a hand gripping the doorframe.
"Mr. Schmidt," you had blurted, ignorant to how his nose scrunched at the words leaving your mouth, "It's nice to—"
"Don't tell me I look that old?" His tired expression tried a smile, and you found yourself standing there, unable to formulate a proper response as you were already convinced you messed up the job before you even started. "Just Mike is fine.”
Back then, the only thing you knew about him was that he was hot, overworked, and clearly exhausted. So you did your best to make his life easier, even if those things were small, like cleaning all the dishes before he came home, tidying up all the clutter left behind on the table and kitchen counter. It wasn’t much, but you figured he could use whatever help he could get. He came home the first night, too tired to even notice before collapsing on the couch. Suppressing a giggle, you threw a blanket over his sleeping form, lingering a moment longer than you should have just to observe his face. Even in his sleep, you weren’t sure you could find even an ounce of peace in his expression.
Mike remembers the first week of your babysitting, when he returned home at some ungodly hour that Friday. While most babysitters in the past opted to lay on the couch, sleeping or watching TV, he had discovered that you preferred to be a bit more proactive. That night, in particular, he recalled your humming in the kitchen, rinsing the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher.
A strange feeling filled his chest at the sight, the smell of dinner still lingering and the radio playing some old song from his childhood. It was a feeling he shouldn't have been feeling towards the babysitter looking after his little sister. You had jumped when the floorboard creaked beneath himself shifting weight, still shy and jittery around him at the time.
“I didn’t see you come in,” your voice is still shaken from the scare. You turned to the oven, “Oh! I kept the food warm, in case you wanted some. Are you hungry?”
“No, no, I’m fine,” he said, blinking a bit to shake the thoughts from his head, “Ah, you don’t have to do all this, you know. The cooking and cleaning stuff.”
“I don’t mind. It’s not like I have anything else to do,” you returned your gaze to the dishes in the sink, “Besides, you work hard. It’s the least I can do. Just let me take care of it.”
Just let me take care of it.
A phrase he hadn’t yet forgotten, either. When was the last time anyone had taken care of anything for him? He’d taken on the role of being Abby’s caretaker the moment his parents were out of the picture. He had made countless sacrifices, dropping out of school to work full-time, losing his social life. His old friends preferring to go out partying rather than hang out with the guy who has a kid sister and a full-time job. Every day was work, only to mess up at work. Then go home, stress over a dirty home. Drive Abby to school, stress over her education and development.
He didn’t have it within himself to deny you, not when you were so kind and helpful. Even if the guilt ate away at him, reminding him how he couldn’t even afford to pay you close to what you deserved.
His eyes wandered to an image on the counter. There was himself, a familiar stickman with brown hair. There was Abby, of course, given the height difference. And then there was another figure, the hair undeniably similar to yours. All three figures were holding hands together inside a square home.
“What’s this?” He picked it up.
“Abby told me it’s us,” you had laughed, placing a dish in the dishwasher. “Cute, right?”
There was a thumping in his chest as he looked at you, before looking back down at the paper. All he could manage was a smile as he pinned it to the fridge.
You soon felt his presence at your side, his hand picking up another dish while you rinsed yours.
“Let me help with that,” he said.
You’ve fallen into a routine. Every day, when he returns home, he is met with the same thing. You, in the kitchen, humming. You, greeting him with a smile. You, sitting down to eat with him. You, always asking him about his day even though you know by now that he has nothing interesting to say. He prefers to hear you talk instead, to listen to you ramble about your shitty college professors and annoying roommates. He likes it like this. To be able to pretend that he’s not some deadbeat who can’t hold down a job to save his life or some traumatized freak haunted by the memories of his dead brother and parents. With you, he gets to pretend like he’s normal.
But, of course, just because he can pretend things are normal, doesn’t mean they are. Reality soon hits him when he’s sitting in his boss’s office, asking Mike for his badge and ID. It hits him when he’s driving home, remembering how he beat an innocent man, his knuckles still bloody as he grips the steering wheel tight. He walks through the front door, hearing you greet him from the kitchen, a sound that would have been music to his ears any other day.
He doesn’t have the energy to reply. No, all he can do is walk over to the chair in the living room, sinking into it with a sigh. He loosens his tie and closes his eyes, trying to ignore the sound of dishes clattering in the sink followed by your footsteps against the hardwood floor.
“Hey, you okay?” Your voice is soft and gentle. His eyes shoot open when he feels your even softer touch against his forehead, laying the back of your palm flat. “You’re not sick, are you?”
In all the time you’ve been babysitting, neither of you had done so much as touch each other at all. The few times he could remember was how your fingers brushed when you reached for the same dish in the sink or the innocent hand you placed on his shoulder that one time you laughed so hard you couldn’t hold yourself up. He had always made sure to keep his hands firmly placed in his pockets or at his side. Now, you were touching his face, and he thinks that’s the first time anyone has touched him like that in years.
“Don’t worry about me.” He pleads, his body betraying his words when he leans into your touch, your hand drifting to caress his cheek, “You don’t have to.”
You ignore him, and your eyes scan over his form, before landing on his bloodied knuckles. A gasp escapes you, followed by the scolding of his name. He hears you stumble towards the bathroom, rummaging through whatever you can find and returning with a washcloth and disinfectant. You kneel beside him, cleaning the dried blood from his wounds and he winced from the sting of the alcohol.
“I know I don’t have to,” you finally break the silence. “I worry because I care.”
You avert your gaze.
“I just do.”
“That’s not a good enough answer.” He presses. There’s another pause.
“Because this feels like home.”
The answer is enough to render both of you silent, you out of humiliation, and him out of shock because he hadn’t realized you thought the same way.
You finish wiping the last bit of dried blood from his knuckles and there’s a lingering feeling left on his skin, where your fingers held his hands. Soft. Familiar. You’re still kneeling in front of him, but you’re wearing an expression he hadn’t seen since the first week he met you. It’s that look of shyness, the way you used to squirm under his gaze or shrink your presence out of fear of overstepping a boundary.
“Let me take care of you. Please?”
He knows it’s wrong. He knows that “messing around with the babysitter” has never been a good idea in the history of ever, but when he sees you gazing up at him like that, sitting on your knees between his legs, your eyes wide like that. Well, what the fuck else is he supposed to do?
The chair isn’t too high from the floor, so he easily finds himself at somewhat your level when he leans forward, his hand lifting your chin to look him in the eye. He pauses, analyzing your face just for a moment. Your lips are parted, so prettily, and your eyes are filled with a look of lust and desperation.
“Please,” you repeat, this time in a whisper.
Any semblance of self-restraint he had before was all lost the moment his lips met yours. He hadn’t realized just how hungry he was until he got a taste, a groan escaping his throat when he feels your tongue in his mouth. And you, you are so pliant. So eager to please. Still timid, hands hesitant as they rested on his knees, but so willing to let him handle you however he pleases, moaning when he tugs on your hair, whimpering when his hands grope your chest through your shirt.
“Quiet,” he mutters between kisses. You feel him pull away, the ghost of his lips at your ear, “we gotta be quiet, yeah?”
You nod, and he kisses your forehead, a tender change from his rough kisses shared only moments prior. He looks down at you, a flustered mess, but knows he must look the same. He couldn’t even remember the last time he let himself indulge like this. He feels your hand slither up his thigh, fumbling with his belt, groaning when you feel him through his jeans.
“You’ve had a long day, haven’t you?” You ask, looking up at him through your lashes as your hand dips into his boxers.
“You have no idea,” he says, his hand caressing the side of your face, making circles with his thumb against your cheek. He can feel your skin heat up under his touch. Your hand wraps around his hardening cock, and he has to stop himself from bucking into you. You’re just so gentle and sweet and he knows you’d let him take his frustration out but he just cannot allow himself to do that just yet— not without a little guilt.
“Then talk to me.”
“Got, ah, fired,” he chokes out, feeling your thumb swipe over his tip, gathering his pre-cum and helping you stroke up and down with more ease. “Was my fault, too.”
“You started a fight, didn’t you?”
“Something like that.”
He looks down at you, his cock now fully hard in your hand. He can’t hold but admire the sight, how you hungrily stare at him, or how you press your thighs together to relieve yourself of your own desires. He feels his breathing become heavier with each passing stroke of your hand on his dick, and he forces himself to look away, his hand that had previously been caressing the side of your head now digging his fingers into the back of your scalp.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do now,” he leans his head back, in an attempt to stop himself from busting in your hand before you’ve even done anything. He swears he’s not usually this sensitive, but the fact that it’s been so long, and the fact that it’s you, had him feeling like he was a teenager getting his first handjob all over again. He tries not to think about it. “I’m already behind on bills. I don’t think I can even pay you. Probably won’t even get another fucking job after what I did.”
“You don’t need to pay me.”
“You’ve got to stop saying shit like that,” he shakes his head, almost in disbelief. He looks down at you again, and you’re pressing your lips to kiss the underside of his dick, then kissing his tip. He shudders. “You’re too good for this. For me.”
He’s about to continue, but your lips wrap around him and he can’t think of anything. Curse words slip from his lips, feeling your tongue work around him, your hot mouth taking him. He still has his hand on the back of your head, tempting him to force your head down, but he’s more curious about whether you’d try to take him all yourself— which you do. He feels your throat contract around him as you try to push yourself down his cock, determined to take it all. Sometimes, you really were that predictable. Sure, you were a timid little thing, but you were equally if not more stubborn. He grips the back of your head to pull you off, a cough rising to your throat as you catch your breath and he smiles lazily.
Your quick to take him back in your mouth, and he cherishes the feeling of his cock hitting the back of your throat, and your hands that reached for the base of him to stroke whatever you couldn’t take. He gives an experimental thrust and he’s in bliss when he hears you moan around him. And as much as he wishes he could do this forever, watching you take him in your mouth, he knows his own limits and he knows he won’t last any longer. Besides, he’s neglected your needs for far too long.
He pulls you off of his cock finally, tears stinging the corners of your eyes, your lips puffy from their earlier actions. Then, he’s lifting you to the couch, hovering over your form as your back hits the cushions. Mike is thankful that you chose to wear a skirt tonight because with your legs spread like this, he gets a full view of your white cotton underwear, as well as the wet patch your arousal has created. He brings his hand down between your legs, feeling you through the fabric. He can hear your breath hitch and he watches you bite down on your lower lip to suppress your noises. And as much as he wants to tell you not to, he is reminded by the fact that you are both doing this in the living room, and the last thing he wants to do is traumatize his little sister, who is sleeping a few doors down the hallway.
“Didn’t know you wanted me this bad,” he whispers, finally slipping his hand past the fabric barrier to gather your slick at his fingers and rub your clit with his thumb, his other fingers prodding at your hole but not yet entering.
“Wanted you for so long,” you admit, sucking in a breath when you feel his thumb circle around your clit again. “You’re really fucking hot.”
Two of his fingers finally sink into you and you’re gripping the fabric of his uniform at his shoulders. Rough, long and so much bigger than your own— you have to grit your teeth even harder to stop any sinful noises from escaping you.
“Always thought you were real pretty, too.” He continues, “You’re prettier right now, though.”
He continues to pump his fingers in and out of you, the wet sounds making you burn up in embarrassment. He’s obsessed with the way your eyes roll back, how your pretty lashes flutter open and closed, and how your hips buck to meet his rhythm.
“More, please,” you finally let out, your eyes going down to his cock, which was still very much hard. “Need you inside.”
You whimper at the emptiness you feel when his fingers leave, but quickly forget about it the moment your panties are removed and you feel his cock rub against your cunt, the tip resting at your entrance. You expect to feel him push in, only to see that he has paused.
“I don’t have any condoms,” he says, a pained look on his face. He had no reason to keep any around any more, not since providing for Abby had become his number one priority. He mentally kicked himself for it now.
“Mike,” you whine, trying to roll your hips up, but his hands remained firm against you, keeping you down. “I don’t care. Just pull out or something.”
You feel like a pathetic idiot for saying it, and he feels even more of one for considering it at all. All he can manage is a sigh. He’d already crossed so many lines tonight that he shouldn’t have. What difference would crossing one more be?
He hesitates before pushing in, but once he feels your tight walls around the head of his dick he can’t find it within himself to have any regrets. You’re so tight and warm and wet and he loves the way you stretch around him, gasping with every inch he gives you. He pauses when he’s buried at the hilt, mentally trying to cool himself down because the fact that he’s fucking you raw and you’re taking him so well is driving him mad.
“So good,” he coos, his hand on your face, thumb on your lower lip, “so fucking good.”
He pulls away until he’s nearly out again before thrusting into you fully, and he has to slam his hand over your mouth to stop the moan that would have escaped you. He continues to fuck you like this, slowly, and deeply, before it’s not enough, and he finds himself taking you faster, harder, wanting to see how much you were willing to take.
You feel every inch of him inside you, and you can’t help but clench around him every time the tip of his cock hits the spot inside you that you can’t reach with your own fingers. You feel so full and it’s everything and more that you’ve needed for so long.
He pushes up your shirt, revealing your cleavage. Your breasts are still covered by your bra, but he pinches your nipples through the lacy fabric anyway, content when he hears you make a sound, muffled by his other hand which remains on your mouth.
He can tell you’re close from the telltale sign of your pussy clenching harder, and how you start to freeze up, too fucked out to do anything else. He, too, starts to feel himself approaching his limit but knows he has to hold out long enough to let you reach your high first. He finally removes his hand from your mouth and uses it to rub your clit.
“Such a good girl,” he breathes.
“I’ll always be good for you,” you keep your voice a whisper, “Always waiting for you when you come home.”
Your words ignite a desire within him he never realizes he had. He had never considered himself too fond of domestic life until you came into his house and made it feel like home. Now, as he’s fucking you, the only thing he can think about is how deeply he wants to cum inside you, over and over again until he gives you another kid to take care of. He doesn’t care if he can’t afford it. He’ll pick up as many jobs as he can get just to take care of you.
He feels your back arch and your walls clench around him, immediately going to kiss you to swallow your cries. He ruts into you, over and over again and though there’s a sinful voice in the back of his head telling him to fill you up until he’s dripping out of you, he knows he should stay true to his promise to pull out. That is, until you tell him otherwise.
“You can do it inside,” you choke out, still fucked out from your orgasm, “I don’t mind—“
Before you can finish your sentence his hips come to a stop and he’s finishing inside you, as deep as he possibly can, as if to not waste a single drop. When he finally pulls out, he can’t help but watch in awe as his seed drips from your cunt down to your ass, ruining the couch cushions beneath you both. He tries not the think about the consequences that will bring. Instead, he’s pulling you close, catching his breath while laying his head against your stomach. Moments later, he feels your hand running your fingers through his hair and he sighs, leaning into your warmth.
“I don’t want you to be Abby’s babysitter anymore,” he starts, his voice hoarse and worn out. He can feel you tense up when he says it, before immediately continuing, “I want you to be my girlfriend.”
He hears you laugh.
“Does that mean I won’t get paid anymore?”
“I’ll repay you in other ways,” he flashes you a suggestive smile, earning him a snort and a flick on his forehead. Still, the guilt gnaws at him from within. “Seriously, though. I will. I’ll take care of you, too.”
He doesn’t care what job he picks up next. He’ll take any job in the world, so long as it means he can provide for you and Abby.
You wake up the next morning, the scent of pinewood and campfire surrounding you. You don’t remember exactly how, but you remember, after being fucked mercilessly, being carried to his room, cleaned up, and falling asleep in Mike’s bed. Now, you find the place next to you empty but can observe Mike standing at the door, speaking in a hushed voice while holding back the door.
You stand on shaky legs, still wobbly from your earlier affairs, approaching the argument.
“Abby, go away!”
“No! Let me—“
“What’s all this?” You interject.
Mike loses his grip on the door and Abby opens it wide. Her arms are crossed, adorning a frown while Mike is bringing his hands to his face.
“Abby, I can explain—“
“Why didn’t you tell me you guys were having a sleepover?” She fumes, “We could have built a pillow fort!”
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toji-girl · 3 months
selfish ways | pro-hero! k. bakugo
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synopsis: Katsuki is a very good husband, and has grown out of his anger the way you’ve seen him as a teenager, now being in his late twenties he’s a bit more relaxed until it comes to you, his wife.
wc: 6.2k
tags: 18+ ONLY content + minors and empty blogs DNI + fem reader + canonverse + repost + you're a waitress + y'all are married + daddy being used + you're tipsy but no dubcon or anything + jealousy sex rough sex + spitting + slight dom/sub dynamics + possessive! Katsuki + mentions of pregnancy + spanking + dirty talk + finger sucking + creampie + panty sniffing +  cum play + mentions of a lactation kink + gagging + multiple positions + mirror sex + car sex + breeding + begging + angry sex + hair pulling + oral + fingering + a dirty talk + public sex on a car + spanking + hard degradation + any missing tag lmk!
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There’s something about seeing other men talk to you, their fingers barely ghosting the bare flesh of your arm as they talk to you, a smile so sweet that could rot teeth pulled your lips back when you laughed reminding him of honey that escaped from your lips that drove Katsuki up the wall, he hates the people you have to deal with at your job. 
Your laugh was meant for him and not the jackasses who kept asking you questions that didn’t pertain to the glossy menu in your hand and deep down he knows that you only entertain them for more tips, not because you’re unfaithful or anything of the sort. 
“Did we come for lunch or to stalk your wife?” Sero asked raising his cup to his lips and looked at his friend wondering why they would spend their day off at the place you work.
Katsuki’s eyebrow raised a second ready for a quick remark before looking back at you bend over to grab a napkin showing the swell of your breasts thanks to the low-cut shirt you had to wear. 
“Do you need anything else?” You asked the four men in the booth with your signature smile.
“How about your number?” One asked smiling not knowing who you were married to, not that he didn’t want to show you off but it was more to keep you safe from the villains and crazy fans that go buck wild, plus the media loves to twist little things and make a mountain of a mole hill. 
“Oh, well, see I don’t think my husband would like that very much.” You replied letting your smile drop as you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. 
“Too bad.” You ignored that comment and gathered the rest of their plates taking them to the back for the dishwasher bumping into Mio. 
“Booth seven is full of catcallers so be careful they’ve asked me for my number.”
“And your husband didn’t tear his head off?” Your friend and coworker Hinata asked fluffing her ponytail and looking at you with a small smirk knowing how protective Katsuki is of you. 
“Lucky for them Katsuki didn’t hear him.” You replied leaving the dishes in the sink leaving with a small wave, with a little sway in your hips you approached Katsuki’s table with a smile, he caught your stare and smiled.
“Hi, baby.” Katsuki groaned when you ran your fingers through his hair before pulling back knowing you’d end up in his lap, after the first initial year of dating it took him a while to get used to PDA, even now at twenty-six he didn’t pull you into full-on makeout sessions, just subtle touches and cuddling. 
“How are you doing?” Denki asked handing you his menu already knowing what he was getting, since you and Katsuki met in elementary school you’d known him and his friends for a long time and you’d worked here long enough that he and the rest of the guys could recite the menu while sleeping. 
“Same old same, work is busy as usual but the three of you always make it better.” You replied taking the glossy papers from them and winking at your husband. 
With the menus tucked under your arm, you pinched Katsuki’s and Sero’s cheeks. “I know what you guys want so I will be back with that here soon.”
Katsuki watched you like a hawk especially when you went to talk to the men a few booths away from him, they kept making you laugh about something and talked to you about something that piqued your attention enough for you to stay at their table longer than usual, when you walked past him he grabbed your wrist stopping you dead in your tracks. 
“Are you okay?” He asked running his calloused thumb over your knuckles, your heart softened seeing the look in his eyes noting how tired you were. 
“I’m better now.” You replied using your free hand to run your fingers through his hair which was now cut and shaved into a fade almost with his blonde hair sticking up wildly still. 
“Is there anything else you men need?” You asked looking at them. 
“If you’re not on the menu I don’t want it,” Denki replied with a shit-eating grin looking up at you earning a kick to the shin from your husband. 
“Don’t talk to her like that,” Katsuki growled making Denki and Sero snicker, you shook your head and bent down showing him your cleavage. 
 “Let them say what they want baby, they don’t get to sleep next to me every night and I don’t have their last name.” You told him. 
Katsuki grunted. “And they don’t-” You slapped your hand over his mouth making all of them laugh. “Okay, I’m out of here.”
Katsuki grabbed his plate out of your hand snagging your hand and kissing the back of it. “Can you take a break?”
“No, we’re short today and I can’t get one.”
He let go of your hand with another kiss and watched as you walked away to tend to the other tables, his eyes never left your moving figure as you weaved in and out of people, sweat shone on your forehead, and at certain times he’d see you bite your bottom lip that sent all his blood to his dick because it reminded him of when you’re under him or on top.
You could feel the weight of his stare so you afforded yourself a moment to glance at your husband who smiled at you, a smile you’ve seen before he had you on the bed and naked, you winked at him before placing the plate down wishing you were off work already when you passed Katsuki he ghosted his fingers over your arm but you ignored him to rile him up which he picked up on. 
You passed him and walked to booth seven with the catcallers. “Hey cutie, are you doing anything after work?” The brunette man who sat on the end asked, his hand inching slowly out towards your wrist which you slowly pulled away with a smile.
“I do have plans, thank you for asking. How are we doing the check? Split evenly or?” Your eyes scanned the men picking up the tension because you knew the next question that was next to come. 
“Or we could pay you another way.”
You gritted your teeth and forced a smile glancing at Sero who picked up your tension so he alerted Katsuki who stood from the booth and walked over to you with a stoic look on his handsome face, his lips twisted in a scowl when he came closer grabbing your elbow. “I think that you should pay her money and not offer anything else or you can get blown to hell you assholes,” Katsuki warned looking at each of them individually.
“And who are you? Her boss?” The black-haired man piped up leaning across the table to get a better look at your husband, you could see clear on his face he knew who Katsuki was, everyone knew who he was. 
“No, I’m her husband you fuck.” He replied stepping closer to the table. 
At this point, all you wanted was the floor to open up and swallow you whole. “Let it go, Kats, okay? I’m just going to go grab Eijiro and let him deal with him.” You tried to pull him away but he stood there still until you yanked his arm back again. 
“Kats.” You begged knowing he would start a scene even dressed in his Hero uniform and since it’s Eijiro’s restaurant you wouldn’t get fired or anything but the last thing you wanted to do was clean Katsuki’s bloody lip again, he finally softened and let you pull him away and towards Eijiro’s office where he sat talking to his daughter Haruka who squealed for you.
After a serious accident that made him retire earlier than he wanted, Ei opened up a restaurant for his late wife who enjoyed cooking and their daughter looked just like her and since he was your best friend as well you got a job to help out and never left, how could you? 
You and Katsuki ended up being Haruka’s Godparents so the two-year-old was obsessed with you, it was clear with how she waddled over to you and ended up in your arms as usual. 
“Everything okay?” He asked raising an eyebrow when he saw you and Katsuki standing there in his doorway. 
“These assholes-”
“Katsuki!” You scolded glancing down at Haruka who snuggled in your arms and babbled your name while playing with your tag. 
“Sorry, but these not-so-nice people were trying to pay her with something other than money.”
With a nod of his head, Eijiro stood up and kissed Haruka on her head before leaving. “Uncle Kats!” She cried reaching out for him, once she was settled in his arms she rested her redhead on his chest with a content sigh, seeing him holding her like that made your womb clench with the sudden want of a baby, something you or Katsuki have talked about before but now you were definitely wanting to have a baby with him, he caught your smile.
“What?” He asked raising a blonde eyebrow. 
“You look good holding a baby.” You replied with a shrug of your shoulders while stuffing your hands in the pockets of your apron.
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow absentmindedly patting her back gently rocking her back and forth but Eijiro walked back in with a scowl watching Haruka claw her way out of Katsuki’s arms to get back to her dad.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that but you’ll be getting a good tip, and with that, you can clock out.” He said holding his daughter in his arms.
“For real? Thank you!”
It didn’t take long for you to untie your apron and throw it in your locker before joining the two men and Haruka. 
“Bye!” You waved at Eijiro and blew a kiss to Haruka who giggled and waved. 
“Are you ready? I’m sorry that asshole ruined your shift sweetie.” Katsuki asked wrapping his arm around your waist and walking with you to his car. 
“Don’t be sorry baby, thank you for protecting me. I don’t know where I would be without my husband.” You wrapped both of your arms around his waist and leaned against his chest.
“Your husband, hearing that makes me crazy.”
He opened the door for you and got in the driver’s side, his hand instantly landing on your thigh with a gentle squeeze, you hummed along to the song on the radio pulling your phone out, “Since we ditched Denki and Sero and I’m pretty sure Eijiro could use a night out what do you think about us hitting up a bar or something?”
Katsuki glanced at you quickly before turning down the street to your shared home. “If you want babe, when we get home I’ll give them a call.”
As soon as Katsuki called his friends they were quick to agree but Eijiro needed more convincing because he wasn’t sure about leaving Haruka with a babysitter so Sero convinced him that he needed this more than everyone. “Are we carpooling?” You asked poking your head in the bedroom to see Katsuki sitting on the edge watching TV.
“I think Eijiro is picking us up, he’s not going to drink tonight and I know how you get when you drink. I’m going to need all of them to help you up from the floor.” He teased leaning back a little to look at you. 
You faked hurt and placed your hand over your heart with an open mouth. “And should we talk about how you get you’re drunk?” You asked walking in to lower yourself on his lap letting Katsuki cup your ass nuzzling his face between your breasts. 
“I can’t wait to see them full of milk.” He murmured so quietly kissing the bare flesh, the image of you round with his child was now planted in his brain after seeing you hold Haruka, he wondered would your baby look like him or you more and who the little one would take after the most. 
It felt natural and it was something you both truly wanted, you’ve both been married for the last six years and spent most of your lives together. You were his first for everything and vice versa, and now he wants you pregnant. 
Katsuki looked up at you, vermillion eyes darkened with desire and lust thinking about it. “Milk? Do you want a baby, my baby?” You asked in a soft tone running your fingers through his hair. 
“What? Yeah, of course. What are you wearing tonight?” He asked changing the subject and letting you caress his hair, with his face buried between your tits still. 
“I was thinking of that dress I bought last year for my birthday, what do you think about that?”
“I think you look beautiful in any just as well as you look beautiful in nothing.”
You giggled and let him pull your shorts down along with your panties which he grabbed feeling the damp crotch, you watched him lift the material to his nose and inhale loudly.
“Come here.” Holding your back he flopped back so you were on top straddling his lap.
 “I thought you said we had to get ready?” You whispered dancing your fingers up his broad bare chest raking your manicured nails lightly over the flesh hearing him draw a deep breath between his teeth.
“I know but how can I think of anything else when my naked wife is sitting on me like this.” His hands went up to cup your breasts squeezing them. 
 “What did you say about my tits filling with milk?”
Katsuki’s cheeks flushed a deep pink suddenly as he looked away. “Don’t be shy Kats, tell me, baby. You’re not the type to shy away honey.” You cooed gently grabbing his chin and moving his head so he could stare at you.
“Seeing you with Haruka made me think about us, what if we started a family?”
You bent down and kissed Katsuki deeply and passionately tangling your tongue with his creating a mirror shine of spit on your chins, when you pulled away you cupped both of his cheeks in your hands slightly squishing them together.
“Oh, Kats I would love to start a family with you, you’d make the best daddy.”
“I thought I already am the best daddy?” He teased with a cackle as he slapped your ass with a grin. 
You giggled and opened your mouth to say something but Katsuki flipped so you were on your back now with him settling between your open legs.
 “Before we do go,” he pulled his phone out sending a quick text before returning to your breasts, “I want to eat you up my sugar.”
A soft whine left your parted lips when Katsuki wrapped his lips around your nipple sucking the erect bud in his warm wet mouth, using his knees he parted your legs wider so he could settle in more, he popped your nipple from his mouth with a loud wet pop. “If I were to feel between your legs would I find you soaked?”
He didn’t give you a chance to answer before his hand was cupping your cunt, thumb brushing against your swollen bud. “Ah, just like I thought.”
Slowly he pressed two fingers against your slick opening before slowly sliding into his last knuckle with a filthy wet squelch, Katsuki loved to tease and make you whine so sweetly when he massaged your g-spot while rubbing your clit still with his thumb. 
“I can’t wait until you’re all round and swollen sweetheart, I mean you’re so fuckable already but thinking about that makes me feral almost. Fuck.” His eyes rolled to the back of his head with the image of you heavily pregnant. 
The last word of his sentence came out between gritted teeth thinking of you waddling around the house with his baby in your stomach, the idea alone was enough to make him cum. 
“Fill me up then baby, I want all of your cum.” You whispered in his ear nibbling on the lobe and earning another deep growl thankful he told Eijiro to give him twenty more minutes and he’s already used half just to finger you, foreplay was a big thing to him, making sure you cum on his tongue to get a taste of you and to prep you for his cock that stretched and split you open. 
“You want to be my little cum slut don’t you?” He asked watching your eyes glaze over already. 
“Yes, sir, please.” You whined fisting his shirt trying to buck your hips. 
“Sir? Maybe that’s what I should just call you from now on, my little cum slut. I want to fill you up so much that it just oozes out but we have to get ready.” He got off the bed and looked down at you, your hand drifting your stomach.
 “Ah, come on sweetie. This was your idea, we can’t cancel them. Be a good girl and when we get home I’ll reward you.” He murmured. 
Katsuki helped you off the bed letting you walk past him but not before he slapped your ass. “What if I don’t want to be a good girl?” You asked in a pouty voice as you walked to the closet.
“Then you’ll get punished.” He called out watching you sitting on the bed wondering for a moment if a quickie could help his stiff dick, and the thought of your ass jiggling under his palm made him even harder somehow, you loved it when he used a bit of heat to weave together the small trace of pain that blended in with the pleasure. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” You shot back before coming out of the closet ready to go with a smile. 
After you both were ready Katsuki called Eijiro who pulled into your driveway honking loudly with Sero and Denki who sat in the backseat already tipsy and music blasting from the speakers. 
“I picked these two idiots up who pre-gamed at their house,” Eijiro said when Katsuki opened the door for you to slide into the passenger’s side but not before Denki pouted. “Sit with us!” He cried grabbing your wrist and pulling you into the car gently. 
 “Kaminari! I could’ve hit my head.” You cried landing in his lap with a giggle, your husband’s friends were also yours, and he knew that they would never cross the line but sometimes they sure do love to step on it sometimes. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll kiss it and make it feel better.” He shot back. 
Katsuki turned in his seat glaring at Denki. “I suggest you shut the fuck up Kamanari before I blow you to hell and keep your hands off my woman.” 
“I feel like I have four children instead of one,” Eijiro murmured looking at the three of you in the backseat once you were settled between Sero and Denki Katsuki wanted to turn around and them to stop messing with you but he knew they meant no harm still knowing that you were with them and not him made him regret not putting you in the front seat, to begin with, but hearing you laugh was enough to make him stop. 
As soon as Eijiro put the car in park Katsuki was already out and pulling you from the backseat once Denki got out first making sure to smack him upside the head and kick Sero in the ass sending them off toward the club. 
“Go ahead, we’ll catch up.” Katsuki ignored your cry and waved his friends off, once they were out of earshot he pulled you to the back of Eijiro’s car. 
“What are you doing?”
“Showing you just who you belong to.” He replied like it wasn’t obvious. 
With his hand on your back and shoulder, he turned you around so you were bent over the trunk of the car.
“Katsuki! What-” He stopped you mid-sentence lifting your dress up and revealing your bare ass, large hands cupped the supple flesh squeezing and kneading, he stayed quiet behind you while his fingers trailed between your legs grazing your pussy making your knees buckle.
“Remember that you’re my wife, seeing you like that made me want to kill them” He broke off to sink two fingers inside your cunt, “this messy pussy is mine to fuck and suck and fill with my cum. Right?” He asked knowing the answer. 
He brought down his hand slapping your ass leaving a stinging sensation behind before giving you a chance to answer. “Mhm! Kats!” You yelped trying to swat his hands away but he gripped your wrists and pinned your arms behind your back. 
“I asked you a question.”
“Yes!” You cried lifting your face from the cool metal of the trunk to look at Katsuki who was unzipping his pants and making sure no one was around, the last thing he needs is the media to catch wind of him fucking his wife in public, thankfully the car was in the darkest part of the parking lot. 
“Yes, what?”
“Only you can suck and fuck and fill me up with cum, only you baby!” You whined wanting him as bad as he wanted you, the passion and chemistry was off the charts between you two, like iron striking iron there were sparks. 
“Good girl.” He praised stroking himself seeing how wet you were under the harsh artificial light from the street lamp, a mewl parted your lips when you felt him spit on your cunt only to rub it in before he ran the tip of his cock between your lips before shallowly thrusting in a few times before bottoming out. 
You felt so full when he stilled letting his ti[ kiss your cervix almost as if he was trying to reach your womb, the thickness and length of him never failed to make your head dizzy, especially in a position like this, it was amazing every time, the pain you welcomed because it always swirled in with pleasure that always topped everything else you felt. 
His hand snaked up your shirt rubbing small circles in the small of your back. “So tight ‘f me, you’re such a good little cock sleeve aren’t you?” Katsuki grunted gripping your hips and digging his fingers into your skin. 
“Yes! Please don’t stop! You feel so good, baby!” You whimpered backing your ass up on him knowing he was watching your ass jiggle. 
He glanced down watching him slide in and out of you, the wet sucking of your pussy made his balls tighten up. Picking up the pace Katsuki bent his knees changing the angle. His fingers released your wrists to take purchase on your hips instead of bruising the tender flesh feeling how soft and plump you were under his touch.
“Going to cum so deep inside you-oh fuck- keep squeezing like that sweet girl, going to make sure to bred you as you deserve, always ‘s good for me.” 
With a few more thrusts your climax burst open, and your walls spasmed and creamed on Katsuki’s dick leaving a white ring around his shaft moaning his name into the metal of the trunk whimpering his name. 
His hips stilled for a moment burying himself further, neither of you could care of the consequences if someone were to see what you two were doing, flesh slapping against flesh, the creaking sounds of the car, or the loud pants from both of you. 
“Kats!” You mewled feeling him cum deep in you, his head pressed against your cervix while slowly rocking his hips against you trying to keep it all inside. 
“You okay?” He asked when he helped you up and straightened your dress pulling it down before kissing your head and letting you rest against him coming down from your high. 
Once you were inside you went to the bathroom to clean up before joining the guys who were already seated with drinks as your husband watched your every single move. 
“Thanks, baby.” You sighed sitting next to Katsuki, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pressed a chaste kiss to your temple, the smell of your perfume and sweat and sex wafted from you along with the fucked outlook in your eyes had him hard again but that would have to wait until later. 
“Did you want to dance?” He whispered in your ear watching you look at the crowded dance floor, people gyrating against each other grinding to the music, with colorful lights shot from the ceiling thankfully he was able to spot a place on the floor where no one would recognize him.
“Yes, let’s go.”
“See you later fellas,” Katsuki said before leaving, he winked at his friends and let you drag him to the dance floor where he spun you around to press your back against his chest, both of his hands rested on your waist feeling your ass grind against him. 
Snaking your arms around his neck your head fell back on his shoulders losing yourself in the moment, the soft touches of his fingers that trailed up your thigh sent waves of ecstasy through you buzzing all around, the beat of the music only amped the feeling coursing through the both of you.
Everyone melted away leaving just the two of you in a small bubble, turning in his arms you wrapped your arms around Katsuki’s neck pulling him in closer against you, his hands on your lower back while his eyes burned into yours intently. 
Your heartbeat roared in your ears pushing away the music that slowly faded away until the only sound you could hear was the slow beat of your heart. All the love you feel for Katsuki poured from your lips that slotted against his in a soft kiss. “I love you, baby.” You whispered. 
“I love you too sweetie.”
“Whew!” You giggled sitting back down at the booth next to Denki who handed you yet another shot. 
“It’s so hot in here.” You whined fanning yourself leaning against your husband before peeling yourself off his shoulder, his warm body too much for you right now. 
“Are you ready to go?” Eijiro asked everyone at the table, and all of them agreed but you weren’t ready to go just yet.
“Actually can I go order a water and dance one more time?” You turned to Katsuki and Eijiro blinking owlishly with a sweet smile making both of them groan, but you knew they couldn’t say no to you, especially your husband. 
“One more then I’ll take you home, babysitter just called me to tell me Haruka keeps crying for me.”
“You’re such a good dad, Eijiro! Haruka loves you so much!” You gushed before standing up and kissing Katsuki on his cheek who watched you head to the bar noting the way your dress clung to the curve of your ass.
“You really got lucky,” Denki said looking at the same thing Katsuki was before tearing his gaze away knowing his friend would actually blow him to hell. 
“Excuse me! Can I get a glass of water?” You asked the bartender who smiled and nodded his head, you sighed and sat on the barstool exhausted from all the dancing.
“You sure you don’t want to try the house special?” A voice rang out from beside you, turning your head you looked at the man who sat next to you. Swallowing you smiled and looked over at him, tall and kinda lanky but still cute with hair that was mused from him running his fingers through it. 
“I think I’ve had enough. Thank you though, but is it good?”
He smiled and turned to face you, his eyes bright and wide, the most beautiful color of purple you’ve ever seen took in your tight dress before settling on the swell of your breast.
“It’s alright, this place was recommended to me. Do you come here often?” He asked in a voice that felt like you were eating smooth chocolate. 
“I sure hope that isn’t your pickup line.” You snorted throwing your head back.
“No, I usually recite a poem.”
“Let’s hear it.” You gave him the time only because you felt a little tipsy, but nothing to the point where you couldn’t handle yourself. 
“Roses are red, violets are fine, you be the six and I’ll be the nine.”
Your loud laugh caught everyone’s attention. “Sorry!” You told them and turned back to the man next to you who was laughing. 
“That’s a good one.”
He quirked an eyebrow before tipping his beer back. “Did it work?”
“Not on me.” You replied grabbing your water from the bartender showing him the rock on your finger and hearing the man mumble a ‘Too bad’
“Is everything okay sweetie?” Katsuki asked placing a hand on the back of your neck leaning into you staring at the man sitting next to you. 
“Oh, yes, I got my water.”
Katsuki saw the way the man was staring at you which only made his blood boil, he knows his friends are just playing and teasing, but a stranger? He didn’t like this one bit, his brash nature bubbling to the surface, the part of him Katsuki tried to mellow out but when it came to you he would kill anyone and burn the world down if you asked. “Are you ready to go?”
“Give me a second.” You drank your water before putting it down and waved at the man before walking away with Katsuki who kept asking you who that was hearing you tell him to all but to stop with the questions. 
“Then why do you look like you just developed a crush? 
“What?” You cried pressing your cold fingers to your face finding relief for your hot flesh that burned under the steady gaze of your husband who opened the back door of Eijiro’s car for you, he slid in next to you and placed his hand on your knee but stayed silent for the entire car ride up until he shut and locked the front door and kicked his boots off. 
“Why are you so pissed?” You asked slipping your own shoes off with one hand on the wall for balance but he still ignored you as he walked towards the bedroom. 
“Really?” You followed him and watched while he sat on the bed removing his jacket.
“So, you’re going to ignore me?” You asked crossing your arms over your chest but Katsuki grabbed your wrist pulling you down on his lap. 
“Get naked.” 
“Did I stutter? Get naked.” He growled hooking a finger in each strap of your dress and pulling it down your shoulders slowly only to drag his fingertips back making random patterns, you shimmied out of the dress bunching it around your waist. 
You looked at him feeling your pussy all but clench and gush, seeing this side of him made you fall more in love with him, he knew you weren’t flirting with the stranger but he didn’t appreciate the fucking look he gave you. 
Katsuki cupped your breasts in his hands pressing them together. “Just wait until your tits fill with milk, I can’t wait to suck them dry.” He murmured nuzzling his face between them before pulling away to look at you.
 “Get on your hands and knees on the bed but make sure you look in the mirror.” He demanded giving the fat of your thighs a slight squeeze. 
Scrambling out of his lap you crawled onto the mattress and got into position facing the mirror hanging from the back of the bathroom mirror, your hair was all mused and the mascara you applied earlier smudged under your eyes, cringing at your reflection you watched Katsuki get behind you shirtless, he held your gaze in the mirror and watched as he pulled your dress down to your knees. He moved back to stare at your cunt with a lazy grin. 
“So pretty, I can’t wait to see my cum seeping from your pussy.”
His words made you clench around nothing making Katsuki laugh a little before spitting on your pussy that still seeped his cum from earlier, harsh fingers rubbed the saliva in tracing your slit barely prodding the tense muscles, a whine parted your lips feeling two fingers thrust inside stroking and curling, he watched your face in the mirror seeing how you bit your lip with closed eyes gripping the blanket below.
His fingers brushed your g-spot gently massaging making you cry out which he loves. Watching you come undone for him and become so submissive for him made him hard, or when you want to take control and boss him around, something about it gave him the world’s biggest hard-on. 
Removing his fingers from you he watched and made sure you were looking in the mirror to see him suck on his fingers that were drenched in your slick, his eyes rolled in the back of his head tasting you, Katsuki got off the bed quickly, and pulled his pants off then joined you again this time settling his hips against your ass. “Keep watching, I want you to see how much you love taking my cock.”
In a slow single thrust, Katsuki bottomed out feeling your cunt open wider for him molding around his cock, walls gripping him so perfectly. Both of you let out low groans. “Mhm! Katsuki!” Hearing you moan he gripped your hips and rocked slowly against you, 
“Watch.” He demanded grabbing a handful of your hair and pulled your head up, you frantically looked in the mirror and let him pull you against him, pressing your back to his chest, the fingers that held your hair found themselves in your mouth.
“You look so cute being fucked, you know that? And you especially look cute covered in cum, like a little cum rag.”
All you could was nod your head and suck on his fingers, saliva dripping down his hand but neither of you could care. Katsuki slowed the pace easing in and out of your dripping pussy creating lewd noises, his lips by your ear whispering dirty things that made you whine against the digits in your mouth. “I’m going to make sure you never think about anything else again, only my cock as you bounce on it. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
Your reply made him chuckle hearing you pant and moan for him. His slick fingers trailed down your body between your breasts then over your stomach all the way down to your clit which he pinched and then rubbed in slow circles. “Look at how compliant you are sweetie, melting under my touch. Would you do that for anyone else?”
“No! Only you!” You cried feeling the pressure in your stomach begin to crack, your orgasm riding dangerously high.
“Fuck! Kats! I-” With one last stroke of your clit you came walls pulsating ripping Katsuki into his first climax.  He groaned pushing you back down on the bed to stroke himself inside of you filling you with his cum again. Once he collected himself he flipped you to your back. His eyes were full of lust and want, Katsuki grabbed both legs tightly holding them open.
“Open your pretty mouth, sweetie.”
Parting your lips you felt him release your leg to scoop the mixture of cum leaking from your cunt, “Mhm.” He murmured pulling his fingers apart watching the cum string between them before sticking them in your mouth, the taste of him and you heavy on your tongue. You were so entranced with the staring contest you barely felt anything else but when he thrust into you again harder this time your eyes rolled to the back of your head, fingers wrapped around his wrist as you sucked harder.
Katsuki fucked you rough, every drive of his hips made your tits bounce, you moaned and writhed under him bucking your hips to meet his both of you moaning each other’s names lost in pleasure, the feeling of being connected in such a way left you breathless as you stared up at your husband, his blonde hair falling over his forehead, eyes barely open and lips parted. He looks so beautiful and primal. 
You moaned cumming again. “Already?” Katsuki teased. All your muscles tightened painfully before you creamed around his dick, leaving the creamy ring he loved so much especially to see you lick his cock clean after fucking you but this time he wanted to keep it inside you. 
Katsuki collapsed onto you sweaty and panting trying to catch his breath while making sure he didn’t crush you under him. “I’m pretty sure my legs are rubber at this point.” You giggled turning your head to look at him, he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles.
“A reminder that you’re my wife.”
“You don’t have to remind me, Kats, I know I’m your wife and I love you.”
“I know, I love you too I’m just selfish when it comes to you.” He said in a soft tone pulling you into his side letting his rough fingertips rub your bare back until you both were ready to take a bath and fall back into bed. 
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flippedorbit · 2 years
if i get talked down to one more god damn time I’m leaving again. I don’t care that its fucking storming outside
#I’d rather be struck by literal lightning than be treated like a two year old because someone doesn’t know how to raise their own kids.#hell i wasn’t even really raised. I had to do most of that shit for myself because everyone was more focused on my little sister.#I remember younger me wishing so desperately for my parents to pay attention to me and love me as much as they did her. And now#they don’t fucking mean shit to me. I’ve been treated like the cause of all evil for so long and I’m just genuinely so fucking sick of it.#I can’t get one moment of peace anymore in this house. I literally don’t even have a therapist right now. There is no help from an outside#force that could actually do something anymore. Literally on our last telehealth call my old therapist said that a large portion of#the stress I experience day to day is completely environmental; as in the people around me in my day to day life. I don’t know if its my#emotions or the sleep deprivation talking anymore but damn it I wanted to be treated nicely for once by my blood family.#I want to be told that I am loved and not immediately doubt it because everyone’s actions say the exact opposite.#I want to be told that they care and be able to fucking believe it. I want to care about so many things but the lack of care I receive#makes it a bit hard to dish out what I already have so very little of. No one in my family knows any of my interests anymore. Literally#every time in the past I’ve tried to open up about something I care about or am passionate about I get mocked or ignored. And yet#I have to listen to every little thing that my family members say and not disagree about anything they feel strongly on. It’s#absolute fucking bullshit and I want things to fucking change around here. I want to get better so badly but I literally fucking can’t.#I can barely get out of bed before 11am on most days now. I stay up later than I should so that I can enjoy the things that I love without#getting belittled or told to do something else.#anyway i think thats enough emotions for now. I really need to ask about getting stardew before I lose my nerve to do so#vent
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roosterforme · 5 months
Adult Education Part 17 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jessica realizes she is going to have to work hard to help the students in the class she is teaching in Brian's place. Add that to her tenure review, and she's already exhausted. At least she can trust her boyfriend. Jake couldn't be more proud of Jessica, but a night out without his girlfriend is a bit eye-opening for him.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, oral, angst, language, mention drinking and driving, 18+
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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"You'll never believe what happened!" Jessica gushed, releasing Jake and bouncing around a bit. He was all smiles, just like she'd come to expect with him. There were even two beers and a dish of peanuts waiting on the table which made her feel a little weak. She pushed him down onto one of the high stools and let her hands rest on his thighs. 
"Damn," he grunted when she kissed him again, slotting herself between his legs with a laugh. "Either your day was excellent, or you're very happy to see me."
"It's both," she assured him, basking in the soft pressure of his lips on hers. "I am officially under tenure review."
"Reedy," he grunted, cupping her face in both of his hands and pulling back slightly. "Are you serious?" Wide, green eyes searched her face for a hint that she may be joking, but she just shook her head slightly. "How?"
She told him everything, sparing no details about her time in Rosenthal's office with her friend and how much that meant to her. "She promised me that Dr. Rosenthal would hear me out, and when I let him know I never got a tenure review from Brian, he agreed immediately." Tears stung at her eyes again as Jake listened intently, his hands stroking her face. "He started the process today, Jake! He's so busy right now, since he's stepping into Brian's shoes while still covering his own classes, but he still took the time to look at my grade book and my schedule! And he complimented me on how organized I am!" She felt ridiculous for crying at Chippy's, and she could see a concerned looking Chippy himself through her blurred vision, so she gave him a little wave.
"You're incredible," Jake whispered, kissing her forehead. "And how was your meeting with the dean?"
Somehow her smile grew brighter as she said, "He told me the fratraiser was the best event of alumni weekend and already asked me to do it again next year."
Jake's lips were all over her face, bumping her glasses and whispering that he was proud of her while she laughed. If Rosenthal and Dean Walters were both in her corner along with her friend, she felt like she could do anything. She felt like she could succeed. Finally. 
Eventually she made it to her own seat where she started to crack open some peanuts. "I'm absolutely starving," she muttered. "I think all the adrenaline from the day is messing with me." Her fingers were shaking as she pressed the peanuts to her lips, and Jake pushed the bowl closer to her.
"I brought some food with me," he said, kind of nodding toward the door. "It's in the cooler in my truck." He paused before asking, "You still want me to sleep over, Jess?"
"Of course!" She pressed her lips together and softly said, "I've never really done midweek sleepovers before?" Frankly, she'd never been in a relationship she took as seriously as this one. With Jake. 
He lounged back in his seat so casually as he said, "Neither have I. So I was just going to follow your lead on this one, soon-to-be-tenured Dr. Reed."
Jessica blushed as she chewed up another peanut. She imagined mind blowing sex, going to bed early, and Jake making her breakfast in the morning before they both left for work. But she was really worn out from the day, so she said, "We can figure it out together."
Jake watched his girlfriend as she stood at her kitchen counter in her work clothes and ate the casserole he made for her. She moaned softly while she licked her fork with clearly no idea that she was making him hard. He loved cooking, and she loved eating whatever he made. And then she said, "This is so good, Jake." And she'd make the word good sound like it had too many syllables. And she did all of this while wearing her high heels and cute glasses and looking at him.
This was just the first midweek sleepover, but Jake was already looking around to see how much stuff she really had. It could all fit in his condo. She could ditch her rental and move in with him. He could cook for her all the time and tell her he loved her. Why hadn't he done that yet? He was as excited for her tenure review as he had been for his last rank promotion. He recently printed out a picture of her and flew with it in his helmet bag. He was a mess right now, hesitating because he was afraid of not saying it at the right time and worrying that it was too soon.
"It was really good," she whispered as she set her fork in the sink, and Jake realized he'd never responded to what she said. 
"I love cooking for you, Baby," he told her with a wide grin while she yawned. "You had a big day today. Almost ready for bed?"
"Yeah, I'm tired," she replied quickly, voice soft. "But I kind of wanted to... mess around a little bit?"
There was no way he could deny her something she wanted, especially when he wanted it so badly, too. Without warning, Jake got his hands on her thighs and hiked her skirt up to her waist. Jessica gasped and grabbed at his shoulders just like he knew she would. "Jake!" Her voice was muffled by his lips as he lifted her up, guided her legs around his waist, and carried her to her bedroom. His fingers tangled in her lace underwear as she rubbed herself against his abs. 
She shrieked in delight as he dropped her onto her back on the bed. "Scoot up to the pillows, Baby," he instructed. "And keep your shoes on."
He watched her shimmy up to rest her head on the pillows while she kept her feet up in the air, and he undid his boots, tossing them aside. Jake crawled up the bed, kissing her through her panties before hiking her legs up over his shoulders and pushing them back until he was kissing her lips and the tip of her nose. 
When he ran his rough hands along the backs of her thighs, she whimpered into his mouth. Jake could feel her fingers on his name tag and insignia pins as he pushed his cock against her core through layers of fabric. "Let me eat your pussy?" he asked between soft kisses.
She met his questioning eyes and rubbed her core up against him. "I want you to," she gasped, and Jake pressed one more rough kiss to her lips before moving down her body to his intended target with a little grin.
"These are pretty," he murmured, kissing along the top of her underwear as he pushed her skirt up higher around her waist. Jessica's fingers found his hair, and her high heels dug slightly into his back. So far, he loved midweek sleepovers. As he pulled the blue lace to one side, he kissed her wet slit and thought about how there was actually plenty of room in his closet for her entire lingerie collection. All he wanted to do was keep adding to it, since he definitely loved it as much as she did. 
"Jake," she gasped, pressing herself a little harder against his mouth as he parted her with his lips and teased her opening with his flat tongue. "Jake!" 
He chuckled and kissed her inner thigh as he asked, "How do you make it so many syllables like that?" But Jessica tugged on his hair and put his mouth back where she wanted it. 
"Stop messing around," she whined. Holy shit, he loved it when she told him what to do. When Jessica bossed him around, it made him want to give his best performance.
"Anything you want, Baby," he promised, and she whined louder until he was sucking gently on her clit. That seemed to be what she was after, so he set a leisurely pace, occasionally going harder until she got loud. Then he ran his knuckle along her opening before slipping his middle finger inside her. 
Those heels pressed harder into his back as she demanded, "Harder." Fingers tightened in his hair, sending a ripple of need down along his neck. He plucked her clit with his lips as he added his index finger and hooked them just so. 
"Jake!" she called out, absolutely riding his face and fingers now. She tasted so good, and he couldn't stop picturing her stuff in her condo. He was grinding his hips against the bed in time with the tugging of his hair. Her sharp heels were starting to hurt, and he was a little afraid she would rip his uniform shirt, but there was no way he was stopping now. 
She was clenching and practically screaming as he swirled his tongue around her sweet spot and fucked his fingers harder into her. He was rock hard against her bedding, and her fingernails scraped along his scalp as she came for him. She was squeezing his fingers and felt so tight around him that he needed to fuck her. He needed that around his cock.
Jake was up on his knees and out of her grasp as her legs splayed wide and her hips shook. Quickly he unzipped his khaki pants and pulled himself free, thrusting his cock into her clenching pussy and patting her clit with his wet fingers. Jessica was rolling her head from side to side as he ground himself into her with her name a low growl on his lips. 
"Jessica." He came hard after barely a few thrusts, shocking himself. He wasn't even sure how it happened so fast. But then he looked down at Jessica as his cum seeped out of her and onto the blue lace. Her fingers were in the air coaxing him closer, and he went so willingly to her lips, an absolute mess for this woman.
On Monday, Jessica and Jake cuddled all night in her bed, but Tuesday evening after her office hours, they moved things to his place. "Tomorrow is Wednesday, and you've got to teach that asshole's class, Smart Girl," Jake whispered. "I'll pack you some extra snacks in your lunch." 
Then he fucked her in her new lingerie until she could barely walk, leaving her in his bed aftwards to relax for a few minutes until she could get up and join him in the shower. And Jessica was relaxed and happy and fresh on Wednesday when she walked into the classroom where she would be in charge of Brian's Senior Studies seminar class. 
"Hi, I'm Dr. Reed," she announced when she rushed in as soon as her Physics lecture in the previous time slot ended. "I'll be filling in for Dr. Conley," she said to the group of ten in attendance, unable to keep a smile from her face. "And you're all graduating chemistry majors?" 
She had been given just a tiny bit of information on this class from Dean Walters, and she was a little nervous that she wouldn't be able to help as much as she hoped. Then she convinced herself she'd be okay. She passed a bunch of chemistry classes as an undergrad, and she could work her way through any textbook with ease. 
"Yeah," replied one of the students as he sat up a little straighter in his seat. "But Dr. Conley usually just takes attendance and then leaves."
She blinked at him for a few seconds and adjusted her glasses. "I'm sorry. What? He leaves?"
"Yeah," another student agreed.
"But aren't you all trying to graduate in May? With top grades to get a job or go to grad school?" she asked as she looked around. She was met with nodding heads and a few blank stares as she set her notebooks down at the front of the small room. "Well..." she started, unsure what she should do. "Let me look at your grades a little closer. Maybe we can work on some things from your classes?" She pulled out her information packet on these students. Indeed two of them did have perfect 4.0 GPAs, but there were a few who could use some help with their grades.
"So are you going to stay?" a third student asked. "Even after you take attendance? And help us?"
Jessica was appalled as she stood there with her hands on her hips. "Yeah. I'm going to stay. And we're going to talk about which classes you might be struggling with? You still have some time left in the semester to bring your grades up."
Just then, the door at the back of the room opened, and Dr. Rosenthal walked in, quietly taking a seat off to the side. "Sorry I'm late," he muttered. "Just pretend I'm not even here."
Great. Jessica's first foray into her tenure being reviewed would be when she wasn't even teaching her own subject with her own students. A flash of panic hit her in the face. Her palms started to sweat. Her trusty high heels suddenly felt very uncomfortable. The snack Jake packed for her was sitting like a brick in her stomach. 
"Uh, are there any specific classes or questions in general that I can help you with?" she asked lamely as she wiped her hands on her suit jacket.
"Organic chemistry," a handful groaned in unison, and she supposed that was at least somewhere to start. 
"Okay," she said, watching Rosenthal scribble something in his notebook. "Does anyone have that textbook with them? So I can take a look?"
A minute later, she had the chapter in front of her, and everyone had moved their seats a little closer to the board. With some help from the students themselves, she wrote a few problems out. She had to consult the text frequently, and she had to Google something on her phone, but they did manage to solve the first one correctly. She also noticed a text from Jake when she had her phone out.
Hey, Smart Girl. I just know you're killing it right now. Call me after work.
His words made her push through the second problem on the board. And then a third and a fourth. With only a few minutes left in the class, she passed around her red notebook and said, "Please write down your email address. I could pull them from the campus catalog, but that will take too long. I'll email out more Organic Chem problems to work on for next week, and I'll talk to Dr. Snyder and see if he can give me any idea of what he might be focusing on for his final exam, okay? And please email me if you need help with anything specific," she added, writing her own email address on the board. 
When she turned around, they were all scribbling it down. And Dr. Rosenthal was smiling up at her; she'd forgotten he was even in the room. A few of the students thanked her as they stood to leave, and she handed the borrowed textbook back. This was going to be a lot more work than she anticipated.
"Well, Dr. Reed," Rosenthal murmured as he stood. "Chemistry is not your subject, is it?" he asked with a chuckle. 
She groaned softly. "Was it that obvious? I don't even know any good chemistry jokes."
"Oh, I do," he promised. "I subscribe to the science joke of the day website. I could start forwarding the jokes to you if you'd like?"
She nodded and laughed. "That would be nice, Dr. Rosenthal."
Then she watched him write something in his notebook about forwarding the emails to her, and she realized he really was a very sweet person. But she was afraid that this class would reflect poorly upon her, and she was just about to tell him that when he tucked his pencil behind his ear. 
"I thought you did a good job with these students today, especially since you aren't proficient in the subject. I'll be seeing you in your Quantum Mechanics lecture in about an hour or so."
Jessica watched him hustle out of the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. And sure enough, later that afternoon, Dr. Rosenthal got to see her shine as she taught her favorite class. And Advanced Calculus was there, too, taking her own set of notes. And then Jessica felt a lot better.
Jake sat at the Hard Deck on Friday night with a beer in one hand and Bradley sitting next to him. He'd invited Jessica to come, but she told him she had to write down some chemistry problems. Coming from literally any other woman, Jake would have assumed she was lying as a way to dismiss him, but he believed every word she told him. 
"Where's Dr. Tits?" he asked Bradley with a smirk as he sipped his beer.
Bradley grunted in response. "Working late. She has a lecture until eight. That's why I'm not staying long tonight. I told her I'd pick her up before nine."
Jake checked the time. It was barely seven. He hadn't been to the Hard Deck in weeks. Maybe months. He'd been spending all of his time with Jessica at Chippy's. He kind of missed that cranky, old man. He also missed being in an environment where he hadn't hooked up with every woman present. As he looked around the bar, he started to get a little uncomfortable. 
"Wanna shoot some pool?" Bradley asked him, and Jake got up out of his seat immediately and headed toward the pool table. 
"You can break," Jake told him as he watched Bradley rack the balls. He was going to lose anyway, and he didn't even mind. Occasionally he glanced around the room, and it registered to him that if he wasn't dating Jessica, he'd be taking one of these women home with him. "I need something stronger," he murmured. "You want a whiskey or two?"
"Sure," Bradley replied, eyeing him closely. "But just one for me."
"Yeah, alright," Jake told him before turning toward the bar where Penny was working at a blistering pace filling orders. He had to wait a minute to get her attention, but she smiled at him when he said, "Penny, my dear, I'll take three Maker's Marks. Neat."
"Of course," she replied. "You sharing them with Rooster or with... someone else? Or two someone elses?"
Jake's eyes settled on the two younger women who were eyeing him up across the bar. They didn't turn away when he made eye contact, rather they looked even more excited. But two of the whiskeys were meant for him. Maybe to take the edge off of the nerves he was feeling being out for the night without his girlfriend. 
"Nah," Jake told her as she poured. "Just ol' Rooster."
She winked at him as she added them to his tab. "Enjoy."
He wanted to enjoy his drinks. He planned to. He carried the three glasses back to the pool table with every intention of downing two of them and giving the third to Bradley. But he could tell he was being followed now, so he stepped through the crowd a little faster to reach his destination.
Jake was handing a glass to Bradley when he knew it was too late. "Hey, fellas," said the first girl who had the fucking nerve to even look a bit like Jessica. "Can we join you?" 
"We always wanted to learn how to play pool," chimed in the second one who was barely wearing any clothing. 
"I'm married," Bradley told them blandly, holding up his left and barely looking at them before he lined up a really nice shot. "And my wife is hot. And I'm not interested. You're up, Hangman."
"Are you married?" the first one asked Jake as he downed both drinks, one after the other.
He looked at her and backed away a few inches. "Well, no."
"Teach us how to play pool?" she whined, her hand coming to rest on his chest. 
And it suddenly occurred to Jake that he had never turned a woman down before in his life. He'd never had to. He'd always been game. Sure, he'd been shot down himself on occasion, but this wasn't something he was used to doing at all. He turned to Bradley for help, but just got a disappointed look in return the longer he waffled. And Jake already felt like he had failed his girlfriend.
Jessica was sitting on her bed examining Jake's birthday gift that arrived in the mail earlier. It was perfect. She giggled and kicked her feet, knowing exactly where he should hang it at his place. She was carefully putting it in the frame and attaching the back when her phone rang.
"Jake!" she gushed answering his call. It was after ten o'clock now, and she was exhausted from all the extra work involved with taking Brian's class and actually doing something to help his students. "How was the bar?"
"I miss you, Jess," he drawled, a harsh edge coming through in his voice. "Can I... can I come over?"
"Yes," she told him right away. "Come over."
"Okay." Then the call went silent. He didn't sound like himself, and Jessica became a little concerned as she packed up all of the chemistry notes that were littering her bed. She put Jake's birthday gift in a box in her closet, and then slipped her robe over her silk nightgown. 
When Jake knocked just a few minutes later, she was surprised he was already there. She was going to have to copy a key so he could just let himself in going forward, but her mind went blank when she opened the door. He looked a little drunk. He smelled a bit drunk. She wondered if he drove himself over, and that thought made her stomach lurch as he walked inside and locked the door behind him.
"Are you okay?" she asked softly as he collected her in his arms and started toward the bedroom.
"Yeah," he grunted. "Just needed you."
He needed her. She let him kick off his shoes and remove about half of his clothing, and then he was reaching for her again. Jake snuggled next to her in bed and fell asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around her.
Jake. Don't be a fuckboy. We trusted you. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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xxmrs-waynexx · 6 months
Young Again
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x wife!reader (batmom)
Warnings: Fluff, comfort, Bruce is slightly OOC but it's for the plot.
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Ever since Bruce came back from his latest mission, you tried your best to help him relax. He was always on edge and very clearly tense. This man was not doing okay this time around and it was stressing you out too. No matter how hard you tried, all the noises, movement, and whatever else happening in the manor was just too much for him. You assumed that whatever had happened with Scarecrow must’ve had something to do with fear toxin. 
So, you confided in Alfred. Who else would know your husband better than yourself? The two of you sat outside drinking tea and chatting.
“I just don’t know what else to do. He can’t stay in the cave all day planning and checking every news source for trouble, but he also isn’t able to help with the chaos of all the kids,” you explained.
Alfred thought for a moment before sighing, “Why don’t you two stay home tomorrow? I will go out with the young ones and be back by dinner time.” The older man gave you a kind and reassuring smile. “He will be back to himself before we know it. I have learned that sometimes the best way to make any progress is to take a break. Especially for master Bruce.”
And so you did. The next morning, you were sure to let Bruce sleep in. You didn’t mind being held for a bit longer than usual. By lunchtime, you two had finally pulled yourselves out of bed. It had been months since you’d last cooked. Usually, you helped Alfred but being on the PTA for your kids’ school was getting very busy as it neared winter break.
Cooking was something you used to do with Bruce in college. It used to be a fun bonding activity for you two in the communal kitchen in your dorm building. You’d avoided asking him if he wanted to since you knew he had a lifetime ban, courtesy of Alfred.
As you looked in the pantry, Bruce came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I just had the greatest idea on earth,” he mumbled in his deep, sleepy voice.
“Listen, if this is about your plan for Penguin, I already told you that it was good and that-”
“No,” he chuckled softly. “I think we should cook dinner for the family. They’ve probably had a long day and it’s the least we can do.”
His smile is what made you agree. You knew the reasoning was far beyond what he said. He wanted to relive the ‘good old days.’ And if Alfred wasn’t home to tell him no?
The kitchen was an absolute disaster. Dishes and ingredients were scattered all over the countertops. You did your best to help keep things in order, but you did have a little enjoyment for the chaos. Your combined laughter filled the kitchen and it was like you two were young and new to each other again.
“Okay, Bruce, now the flour. Not too much. Just use what’s left of the bag in there,” you said, back turned to his figure looking into the pantry.
“There’s just the unopened sack,” he said gruffly, pulling it out of the pantry and slamming it on the counter.
“...Alfred would buy the biggest bag known to man,” you let out a soft chuckle. However, upon turning around, you saw that perhaps slamming a bag of flour onto the counter was not quite the best idea. “Bruce!” Your eyes were wide with both amusement and shock.
Bruce stood in front of you, eyes squeezed shut, covered in flour. “I didn’t think-”
“No, you didn’t,” you laughed. You grabbed a wet cloth and began wiping off his face.
He wrapped his arms around you and you screamed, “NO! Bruce!” 
He chased you around the kitchen with flour in his hands, ready to throw when close enough. “Why do you get to stay clean and I don’t?” He asked, grinning like a madman. This was done with the same amount of energy as your yearly snowball fights- though usually you were on his side.
Once you realized the kitchen was too small to stay away from him, you bolted to the family room. “Bruce! Stop!” your laughs clouded your shouts. “You’re crazy!”
“Yeah?” he stalked you through the living room, the flour in his hands getting everywhere.
“Alfred is going to kill us- No, you,” you laughed.
“Who cares? It was fun. I feel young again,” he told you finally reaching you. He had you cornered between a bust of who-knows-who-that-guy-was and the wall.
Dinner was going to be fun.
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totaly-obsessed · 6 months
can you write for Katie where her and reader have been dating for awhile and meeting eachothers parents and them getting on well :)
Meeting the Parents
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Katie McCabe x reader request
-> Meeting your girlfriends parents goes better than you would have thought
-> @ anon I hope you like it! -> Another short one
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Anxiety wrecked through your body as you stood in front of Katie’s childhood home – Today was the day you would meet her parents. With ten siblings it's hard to get them alone, but tonight everything worked out. Your girlfriend of five months wanted to introduce you to her family gradually, and not throw you into cold water, meeting all of them at once.
“What are the chances that you’d let me not meet them, then tell them I died or something and we can run away together and—”
“Breathe, baby. Please!” The Irishwoman couldn’t help but laugh, finding your nervousness cute, but she obviously already knew her parents, and you didn’t. “They’re gonna love you, don’t even worry your pretty little head about it.”
Instead of knocking like you wanted to, your girlfriend just pushed the door open. “Mum! Dad! We’re here!” her loud voice drowned the soft background music out, as two figures made their way towards you from the kitchen.
“Oh it is so lovely to meet you – look how pretty Gary!” Katie’s mum immediately started to fuss about you, pulling you in a bone-crushing hug, before keeping you at arm's length, looking you up and down. “We need to get some meat onto ya!”
Wow. This was a lot.
But Katie couldn’t help but smile, watching her mum be so excited towards you and openly inviting you into her family home. Her dad gave her a firm pat on the back, obviously a lot calmer than her mum was – but he also pulled you in a quick hug, making you feel very welcome.
No ten minutes later after getting a tour of the entire home, the four of you were sat at the dining table – or rather Katie and Gary were sitting, while you insisted on helping Sharon carry the many side dishes and help cut the bread. It was delicious – a pasta mushroom ragout with incredible homemade bread, very hearty and filling.
Everything was going well and Katie admired the way you just fit in perfectly with both her parents. Sharon and you shared a passion for cooking and gardening while Gary admired your subtle and funny digs at his daughter.
“So what do you do for a living?” Gary had swatted at Katie to help her Mum clear the table, making you sit back down again, insisting that you had already helped enough and that your girlfriend was indeed able to do some work, even if she would try to convince you from other things.
“Oh, I’m a Bank Teller. I help our customers cash checks, withdraw money, move transactions to different accounts, create checking and savings accounts, and provide checks to customers – stuff like that.”
Both Gary and Sharon had wide eyes, that just screamed impressed – while Katie had that annoying, cocky smirk on her face as her hand rested on your thighs. “Told you she’s smarter than all of us!”
You could see where Katie had gotten her wit, humor, and compassion from. Her parents truly were incredible. Eleven children was no easy feat and all of them had grown to be lovely human beings. It made your eyes water a bit, hearing the parents brag about their youngest getting good grades and finding passion in drawing.
“Katie here was always a little special though.” You couldn’t help but laugh at your girlfriend’s wide eyes – she was fucked. The conversation had turned from her sibling's embarrassing stories to her own and she knew it. “We once went to church, and the priest raised his voice at the end of his sermon, to emphasize his point. And because Katie here, wasn’t allowed to shout in the house, she stood up on the pews and yelled at the top of her lungs ‘Inside voice only!’ – the whole church laughed!”
Gary could barely tell the story, or get through the impression of his daughter without nearly dying of laughter – and you joined him. Katie could only watch you, mesmerized that you fit in so well, that she didn’t even care that her parents were just completely embarrassing her with story after story until your belly hurt from laughing so much.
The way out took at least thirty minutes, someone always found something else to say. You were sure that you had hugged Sharon at least five times now. “Okay! We’ll be off now!”
Once again you hugged both of her parents, whispering a small ‘Thank you for having us’ in their ears while Katie watched. “Oh get some leftovers, would’ ya?” And with that you were gone again, leaving your girlfriend with her father by the door.
“Do you like her?”
“I think I like her more than you.”
Katie scoffed. She could definitely understand her father, and she was happy that the evening had gone over so well.
Meanwhile, Sharon and you were in the kitchen, making a huge box of leftovers to take home with you. “Thank you for loving my daughter. You were one of us from the moment you started taking care of her.”
“Thank you for giving birth to Katie – and for welcoming me!” Both of you laughed through the tears at your clumsy statement.
You left Katie with her parents, already getting in the car to give them a moment alone. The night was cold and Katie’s coat only did so much to keep you warm, but the box of food still emitted a warmth. Not only because it was still hot, but also because it felt like home.
“I’m gonna be honest my love. Watching you guys together made me glad because I know you have someone when your mum and I leave this earth.” Sharon still had tears in her eyes, and now Katie did too.
“Don’t say stuff like that Dad, make you look old!”
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18+ content. Minors dni.
Jiyan headcanons.
Jiyan has a average cock, about 5.5 inches long. When he gets hard, it grows to about 7.76 inches. He has been curcumcised, and his base is well trimed. Probably has uneven balls, it gets really hard to keep himself packed in there.
He’s relatively quiet in bed, but when he does moan/whine/growl, it’s breathy n deep and you can feel him grow a little bit before returning to its usual erect size.
He likes clit and nipple play a lot. Enjoys feeling something soft and delicate and knowing that someone has trusted HIM with their body.
Idk why, but I just KNOW he wants kids. He won’t have them though, since he’s not exactly suited to be a father n he already stresses himself out about leaving his lover behind. He doesn’t want to leave his kids behind too. And besides, he knows that he’s not guaranteed to live in the battlefield, even if he is a resonater.
He would love to knock his lover up, but realistically, he’s not going to be able to. He doesn’t have the time for it. And while he fantasizes about having yet another reason to fight and protect, he’s not gonna be going through with the fantasy. Pull out game is incredible.
That said, there’s nothing compared to the release he feels seeing his lover gasping and panting while struggling to keep his seed inside their greedy hole. He likes watching them and listening to them after sex. Because he likes to cum inside, unless his dear is desperate for a period/cycle reset, the plan ‘B’ pill IS the plan A pill. Condoms? Never heard of ‘em. He’s only loyal to his little sweetheart anyway.
He’s always aware of what his lover’s cycle is like. You’re always gonna find a Pecok flower or a couple of gemberries from the front line in a letter from him whenever you’re close or on your period.
He’d absolutely love to send you exquisite chocolates and a bouquet of extravagant flowers, but this man is busy. And besides, his hand-picked flower is more than enough.
He’ll usually include a little bit of advice for you, whether it be on how to make up with a friend, reminding you of how to make his favorite childhood dish, or what supplements and herbs you should take to help ease your cramping symptoms and improve energy levels during your period. He used to be a military doctor, so he has knowledge of how to keep his love healthy ❤️
If he’s lucky enough to be able to take a couple of days off (which is very rare, the Tacet Discords are relentless and he doesn’t really trust anyone else to lead his army well, unfortunately,) he will be pampering and doing everything for you.
You are his best friend and the #1 reason why he keeps himself from getting too hurt. So he’s gonna spoil you, whether it’s getting a goddamn plate from the cupboard or letting you top him. Either way, you’re 100% going to have him following you around like a puppy.
His favorite sex position is missionary. He likes the feeling of your hands scratching at his back and feeling your legs wrapping around him. He also enjoys seeing your face, flushed and trembling with sweat and hickeys painting your perfect skin.
He tries very hard not to be greedy. He really does. Silently watching you through half-lidden golden touched eyes, he’ll always look away from you whenever you’re doing something particularly important and yet arousing. More often than not, though, he keeps himself restrained when you’re visiting.
And whenever you do visit the front lines, he’ll have you escorted to and from the site- resonator or not. You usually like to bring a little something for him, and even if you’re the worst cook in the world, he’ll always eat it. Especially since military rations are bland and dry or bitter and hard. Resources are scarce and jinzhou’s supply chains are limited.
But sometimes, Jiyan can’t help himself. He’ll pull you into his office, sit you on his desk, and let himself be greedy. He gives so much for the people of Jinzhou, he deserves to piston in and out of your gummy walls while you’re a whimpering, whining mess.
Yes, everyone can hear you specifically. They’re completely aware that their general’s currently working on his little sweetheart, and they’re going to ignore it to the best of their abilities. People will leave the office’s vicinity to keep themselves from earning a scolding from their general later.
Your noises are meant for him. Your sweet moans are his favorite song, and if anyone else is listening to what belongs to him, he tends to be in a bad mood when you’re on your way home. But he won’t do anything worse than scold his peers on listening in to his “private life” and take it out on Tacet Discords.
All in all, he wants a romantic relationship and someone to hold and love. But the both of you have to sacrifice a lot to keep Huanglong safe.
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worldofkuro · 25 days
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XIV
Pairing: Alastor x Female! Reader
<- Previous Chapter I Next Chapter ->
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: Hello my dears. This chapter is a bit shorter. I'm not very satisfied with it but next chapter would be better. Please enjoy this chapter and share your thoughts. TW: Slight racism.
You were cooking with your mother,Alice and Alyzée trying a new dish you were having trouble to make but ended up succeeding it. Of course, you were talking about your future wedding. Alastor has come to your father and mother, days ago, explaining how he wanted to marry you as you were the only one he esteemed to be by his side, that he would make you happy and you wouldn’t need to worry about money. 
Your mother has been supportive since the beginning of your friendship with Alastor and your father, even though he wasn’t happy about letting his little girl go, was relieved that the man you would wed was Alastor. They both shook each other’s hand with confidence. You were so happy.
“ Dearly listeners, for your entertainment it’s my pleasure to introduce you to our latest arrival, our new radio host, Alastor!”
“ Hello, it’s nice to meet you!”
It was Alastor's voice. Alastor was on the radio. You turned up the volume screaming at your mother and Alice to stop yelling even though you were the one making the most noises. 
Alastor's voice was coming through the radio.
Alastor was on the radio !
You listened, not even caring about greeting your father who was coming back from work, entranced by Alastoir’s voice. He was broadcasting with the other host, clearly taking full control of the emission. You bit your lips, trying to contain your smile. Finally, Alastor was living his dream freely. 
You flinched when you felt your father’s hand on your shoulder making you turn around. You smiled at him, bouncing on your feet.
“ Are you hearing this? It’s Alastor!” you smiled with a beaming expression. You saw your father's expression relaxed a little before nodding. You took off your apron before running into your bathroom, shouting at Alice that you needed to go out. You changed your dress and did your makeup before rushing out of your house, leaving Alice and Alyzée with your parents.
They were used to you just running out of the house because an idea stuck you. 
You wanted to wait for Alastor in front of his new workplace. Maybe you should buy him something new? You grinned before hitting a chest in front of you making you fall on the hard ground.
“ Oh, I’m so sorry Miss, are you alright?” said a man, helping you stand up. You thanked before feeling another pair of hands on your shoulders.
“ You should be more careful, you could have hurt her.” you turned your face and saw John. 
He was staring at the man who excused himself before leaving. You step away from John, staring at him.
“ You shouldn’t have been so harsh with him. He was already apologizing before you stepped up.” you crossed your arms on your chest. John’s cheeks flushed before looking away, he always was the timid type so hearing him acted up like this was unusual. “ But I guess I should thank you… How are you John?” you smiled at him, maybe he was having a rough day.
“ I’m…not doing my best right now. Could we have a chat around a cup of hot chocolate?” he asked you with a weak smile. You frowned, worried. John wasn’t the type of asking for help and you knew that Alastor should finish working late in the evening. You nodded and you both walked toward a coffee not too far.
Once you were both settled inside and had your drinks you stared at him. He was looking at anything but you. You were wondering what was going on. Did something happen with his friends? You began to talk about what was going on in the city, you wanted him to feel a little more relaxed before jumping straight into deeper subject. You talked with him for about an hour or two, when you looked at the shop’s clock it was already 5pm.
“ I… I heard rumors about you and I wanted you to tell me if they were wrong, they also included Alastor.”
Your grip on your spoons hardened. 
Did he know about your crime? How? Alastor and you, mostly Alastor, made sure to cover your tracks. You needed to convince John to shut his trap or…
Kill him?
You gulped as you were shocked about your own thoughts. You were considering killing a friend? Were you going crazy? What was worse was that a voice in your head was telling you killing him would be too risky, you needed to find another way to get rid of him.
“ Are you both really getting married to each other?”
You laughed happily, hiding your smile behind your hand. You needed to relax. Nobody would find out what you did.
“ Oh yes, look at my ring!” you giggled as you showed off the ring that Alastor had given you. John stared at it, his jaw clenched. You tilted your head, was he upset because you didn’t tell him? John was one of your oldest friends with Alice, he wasn’t as “important” as her, but he was still a friend. Maybe he was angry that you didn’t tell him and he found out by someone else. You wondered who?
“ It looks cheap.”
“ Pardon me, I think I heard you wrong. Care to repeat?” you smiled at him, flinching when he took your hand in his, bringing your hand closer to his face.
“ It looks neat.”
You frowned, taking back your hand. He was looking away, seeming hurt.
“ Look, I’m sorry I didn’t celebrate the news with you, it was very sudden but you could be happy for me. Aren’t we friends?”
“ Are we? I… Dang it, I wanted to be more with you, since childhood actually, and now I find out that you are getting married to some… black man?” he spat, gripping his tea cup. “ You deserve someone better, with a higher social position, someone who will give you children that are being raised.”
What did he say?
You stared at him, your mouth slightly opened. You didn’t hear those words coming out of John’s mouth. He didn’t say those words. You didn’t hear it from a friend. You felt sadness before fury took its place.
Who did he think he was? What you shared with Alastor was beyond what his simple mind could comprehend. He didn’t know what Alastor had traversed. What you both have to do to be free together. He thought you wanted a man like him? You almost scoffed at the idea, the only man in your mind since childhood was Alastor and no one else.
“ Mhn… It seems like we have nothing more to say to each other, sir.” you stood up, taking money from your purse. You were going to pay for your drink, walk out of the coffee shop and wait for Alastor. You won’t make a scene, there were too many people. You didn’t need everyone’s attention on you. 
“ Wha- wait! Please, at least consider my offer!” he stood up, trying to grip your elbow. You took a step back, giving him the coldest stare you could conjure, whispering menacingly, what offer could he even think of?
“ Sir, I will ask you to never meet me again and furthermore, if I hear you badmouthing my future husband once again…You won’t have to worry about giving a poor unfortunate lady your children.” you smiled at him,  putting on your best innocent face. “ Have a fine day!” you paid for your drink and left the coffee shop.
You were fuming. How come you've never seen the truth behind John's smile. He was as disgusting as the rest of those men who thought they were better because of their social position or skin color. You didn’t know why, you felt tears in your eyes.
Why would you cry for a man who didn’t deserve any of your tears? Come on, you weren’t a weak lady! You’ve killed someone ! You were stronger than this!
And yet, why did it feel more painful to lose a friend in such a way? John wasn’t dead, you would meet him in the street, maybe in an event but yet… You knew that the part you cherished about John was dead. You would never want to meet him again, his encouraging advice, his support, even his annoying story about his father. You would miss it but never want it ever again.
You stopped walking when you realized you were in front of Alastor’s workplace. He should come out soon enough. You sat on a bench and stared at the dark sky.
Was Alice thinking the same about Alastor? You scoffed, Alice was the only one who would mock Alastor in front of his very own self. Most people would find Alastor intimidating which could be understood. He was always smiling, never showing any others emotions on his face
And yet, you have seen a side much darker from him. And you didn't run away from him. Heck, you embraced him! You accepted him in the deepest part of yourself, body and soul. You looked at your ring, now that you thought about it, Alastor never told you if he had made the voodoo’s spell on you.  You would have to ask him.
“ What is a breathtaking lady like yourself doing outside ? Shouldn’t you be home?”
You smiled before looking up at Alastor.He was smiling bending his slim body to be face to face with your eyes. You kissed him softly on the cheeks and you knew he was already observing you to see why you looked upset. You were always such an open book for him.
“ If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine my dear, I just need a name.” he winked at you making you laugh. You stood up, placing your hands around his already waiting arm. You both began to walk toward your place.
“ Well, the name which is going to be on everyone's lips is yours, Alastor. I heard you on the radio!” you beamed at him, trying to forget about John. Alastor stared at you for a few seconds before smiling at you, talking about how exciting this was to finally be a radio host. Listening to him talk about his passion made you forget this afternoon’s incident.
You both arrived at your parent’s place, you quickly opened the door and almost shouted from fear when you heard yelling.
“ Congratulations to the both of you for finally being together !”
You blinked as you looked at Alice and Alyzée who were throwing confetti at the both of you, Marie who was holding a camera in her hands and your parents who were clapping. You were so confused. What? 
Alice laughed at your face as Alastor took off confetti from his hair. 
“ You really took your time, you lovebirds.” 
You laughed before hugging the person present. Minus Alyzée, they have been the one watching you and Alastor getting closer and closer but you didn't expect them to be this happy because you were getting married to each other.
“ And we also want to congratulate Alastor for his first radio broadcast!” Your mother said with a beaming smile, complimenting Alastor on his voice and his presence through the radio.
You looked at Alastor who thanked your mother with a little bow and couldn’t help but laugh. The food you made was already on the table, you just needed to sit down. Of course, you sat next to Alastor who held your chair for you under Alice’s teasing glances. Since she came out to you about her feelings about Alyzée you were trying to make the lady comfortable around you. That is one of the reasons why you have invited Alyzée today to your usual cooking session, you didn't know she accepted because they were all preparing this surprise.
“ So, now, are you going to buy a house?” your mother asked, making you blushed. Really? You didn’t even have your dinner’s first bite !
“I’ve looked a bit, but I would like my future wife to be with me if we were to buy something.” Alastor said with his usual smile. You looked at him, he had looked out for a house for you to move in? Was he more excited than he was letting on? You couldn’t help but grin at this news.
“ Yes but Alastor just began to work, maybe it would be wiser to… to try to wait a bit?” Ask your father. You almost laughed out loud when you saw all the females turn their heads to your father. The poor man was trying to explain himself as all the women were telling to stop his nonsense.
“ Now that I think of it ! You know, the little cottage my family owns?” you nodded, that was a very precious place for you, this is where Alastor has bared his scars to you for the first time. “ I’m going to sell it, why don’t you buy it back?” Alice smiled, excitedly.
“ Alice, your family is rich. I don’t think we could buy it from them.” you smiled sadly at her. You wouldn’t doom your future because you wanted to be sentimental. 
“ I’ll give you a price !” she whined, making you smile. “ I don’t want anyone but you to have it!”
“ How much would it cost?”
You turned your head toward Alastor’s confident expression. He seemed so sure of him, like he could just throw the cash at Alice’s face. 
“ Wait, wait ! You can not take my little girl yet!” your father stood up. You looked at him amused. So, that’s what it was about, your father didn’t want you to leave the house just yet. As the women teased your father you heard a knock at the front door. Being the one the closest to it, you stood up, leaving the animated room before opening the door.
“ Good night ma’am. We are sorry to disturb you, I’m officer Jeff, I would like to talk with your father, is he here?” you stared at the policeman, before letting him enter. He was one of your father’s colleagues, you didn’t like it when he came, your father would stop smiling and would often leave for work. 
You took Jeff to the living room, where everybody was waiting for you to return and as expected, your father’s eyes darkened when he saw Jeff. Your father stood up and left with Jeff as you sat back down.
“ Who was it ?” Asked Alice. You answered her briefly, there wasn't really much to say. After half an hour of talking and eating, Alyzée and Alice were on the sofa with your Mother while Marie was taking the dessert she had made from the fridge. You were washing the dishes with Alastor by your side. Your father came back with a grim expression, closing the kitchen door.
“ Marie, Alastor, I… I have bad news.”
You turned off the water as Alastor and Marie looked at your father. 
“ We.. We might think something happened to your husband. He hasn’t been to his usual bar for a week.”
You froze. You could feel yourself getting paler. You looked at Alastor and Marie whose expressions didn't even flinch. Alastor was still smiling and his mother was looking calmly at your father, listening to him.
“ A friend of his asked my colleague, Jeff, to find him because he was getting worried and because we are close, I asked him to give me this case.” your father looked at Marie and Alastor. “ Is it usual for him? To just.. disappear for a week?”
“ Oh trust me, he would disappear for months sometimes, you shouldn’t worry. He will come back.” said Alastor. You couldn’t perceive a hint of deceiving on his face. He was talking about how his father would get drunk and go to town to drink even more. His mother and himself were used to him not being home. “ But please, if you think there is something strange, do take the case. Knowing that my soon to be father-in-law is taking care of this is reassuring.”
“ If you need anything, please ask us,” said Marie with a calm smile.
Your father nodded with a smile, promising he would find Alastor’s father before leaving the kitchen. You turned your head slowly toward Alastor and Marie, almost as if moving too quickly would make too much noise.
Marie was smiling at you before leaving the kitchen with the desert in hands.
How could she be so confident? Your father was in on a case of murder you committed !
“ Darling, dear, you look pale. You should sit down.” you heard Alastor say before forcing you to sit down on a chair. You stared at him, your hands shaking. “ There is no worry. Trust me.” 
You looked into his eyes, calming yourself. You wouldn’t be a burden for Alastor. If your father was on the case, it would be easy for you to know if they found anything that would be dangerous for you.  You would calm down, your father would never suspect you. Never.
“ I saw John this afternoon.” 
Alastor tilted his head, observing you carefully. He took your hands in his bigger one, caressing your skin. How easy it would be to just go in your room and lay on his chest to fall asleep and forget.
“ He.. He was upset about something so we went into a coffee shop and he asked about us getting married. I confirmed it, and he .. He said..'' you frowned. “ He said that..I deserve someone better–”
“ Someone like him? With a higher social position, someone with money?” Alastor laughed as you nodded, scaredly amazed he was so spot on on what John had told you. “ Dear… I knew from the very first time that John had those thoughts about me. I’m not surprised.”
“ Why… Why did you not tell me then?” 
“ Did you want me to? Wasn’t he your friend?”
You frowned. Yes, he was but…
“ Alastor, if there is someone who would disrespect you or your mother, even if they are friends of mine, you have to tell me. I don’t want such  persons in my life.” he hummed with a smirk.
“ Even Alice?”
“ Alice doesn’t like you because you are you.” you smirked as he rolled his eyes. You knew that they liked each other at least a little ! They just didn’t want to show it. 
You both came back to the living room. As everyone was talking with each other, you were thinking. Alastor didn’t seem angry about what John told you, was he not affected at all? Was his trust in you this strong? You hoped it was.
As the night went on, you decided to bring up some wine, after all, you were all celebrating yours and Alastor’s union. You were all gossiping, Alyzée and Alice talking about what was going on with the big personas of New Orleans. Alastor seemed really interested…
Around midnight Alice and Alyzée left after one last bottle of wine. You were a little tipsy or maybe more. You didn’t even remember when your father left the house to begin his work on his new case. Which is how you ended there, sitting on the bathtub’s edge, in your nightgown with Alastor kneeling between your legs, removing your makeup. You were looking at him, always so composed…
“ Have you done your voodoo’s spell?” 
He coughed against his fist, staring at you eyes wide open, his smile twitching. Come on, you wanted to see him lose his composure…
“Have you?”
“ It’s a spell that needs time… I need to carve runes and other things that your drunk brain would not be able to understand.”
You caged his head between your thighs with a big grin when you saw his pupils dilated. Good. You squeezed his head while he was staring at you, not moving. You shivered, that feeling once again… Feeling like a prey.
“ Other things?” you asked, your eyes half-closed, staring at Alastor with, you hoped, an sultry expression. “ Like what we have done after our hunting session?” you bit your lips, feeling Alastor’s hands pulling your nightgown up, revealing your soft legs, his eyes never leaving yours. “ Where are you going to carve runes?” your breath hitched as you felt his lips against your skin. He was putting one of your legs on his shoulder, kissing your legs, moving toward your thighs. “ Are you to carve them into the woods… Or skin?” 
You arched your back when you felt his nails dig into your skin. 
“ Darling… You’re playing a dangerous game.” he said, his voice dangerously low. You bit your lips, you wanted to keep playing.
“ If I were to carve a rune into you.. It would be in your head. You are always so composed, so calm, like… your heart doesn’t need to exist.” you gasped as he bit your thigh making you look at him.
“ I would carve a rune right above your heart, darling.” He moved toward your chest and bit your breast softly through the nighgrown. “ So every beat from your heart, would be a reminder that I’m the one who owns it.”
“ I would let you.”
“ Darling..” he moaned as his head dropped against your breathing chest. Were you crazy? You wanted Alastor to carve himself into you, for him to be attached to you in a way you wouldn’t be able to run free from him.  “ We’ll talk about it later, when you’re sober. For now, you need to rest.”
You almost pouted but accepted your fate as he carried you to bed. You looked at him as he went into the bathroom to change. You opened your arms when he came back, making him chuckle. 
You smiled when you felt him against your body.
“ Alastor, my father is going to work on the disappearance of your father.”
“ Mhn.”
“ Aren’t you scared?”
“ Is it going to make you leave me?” he tilted his head with a mocking smile, already knowing the answer.
“ No.”
“ Then I’m not. Let the show begin.”
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora
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sinsofbeauty · 9 months
Red Stained Sunflower
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Fandom: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Pet Names, suggestive nsfw content, Johnny being “nice”, minor kidnapping mention
Requested?: Nah
Overview: The only car breaks down and your father can’t afford to fix it. He doesn’t have many options, but when you suggest a certain someone to take a look at, he can't help but feel uneasy. Little did you know that decision will lead to a whirlwind of trouble.
A/n: Thinking about making it into a series, so let me know what you guys think! Enjoy!
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Your father was very upset this morning, and you couldn’t quite figure out why. He was stomping around the house huffing and puffing, mumbling to himself as you fixed up some breakfast. Up the stairs, down the stairs, back into the work shed. It made you furrow your brows, bewildered by his behavior. You set the table and sat down hoping to find out the cause as he made his way into the room. You haven’t really seen him this irritated in a long time, and he moved around restlessly despite him taking a seat for the first time this morning… still quite agitated.
"The car is acting up again," he complained, shoving a forkful of egg and toast into his mouth.
“Again?” You ask, spreading butter on a piece of warm toast. “Daddy I told you it was bound to break. Why don’t you take it to the shop?”
Your father looked up, annoyed, and shook his head. "It's too expensive," he explained after swallowing a bite. "The fence is falling apart and the shed needs repairs. I can't afford to manage all that work on my own, and it would cost an arm just to get in there."
“You could always have Johnny take a look at it.”
Your suggestion made him pause, his gaze incredulous as you shrugged. "Johnny Slaughter?"
“Yes Daddy, Johnny Slaughter.” You replied.
His eyes dropped into something more serious than before, and you could notice the changes in his facial expressions. If he didn't appear to be worried about it, that is. "What's going on between you and that boy Y/n? People in the community are always talking about that family, you know.” This was his technique of lecturing you, making you look at him with utter boredom. "He and his family are equally dangerous! What happens if the rumors are true?” Indeed. Rumors. The ones where members of the Slaughter family kept individuals in a cellar to later consume them? Or the ones that they were ferocious and would try to eat anyone who approached their house? Yeah, those.
“What if they aren't though?” You retorted while arching your brow. “Given how much time I've spent with Johnny, I figure something would have happened by now.”
"You're still spending time with him?!"
Oops. Yeah, that wasn’t supposed to come out like that. As your father flailed his arms around, you were slumped in your chair, picking at your food. So, as he lectured you about your decisions, you carried on eating your meal silently. He mentioned the potential damage to your reputation and the possible consequences for your family. Although he had legitimate worries, you also knew that he had a history with them, which probably contributed to his strong opinions.
“Relax,” You said, waving a hand. “It’s been a little bit since I’ve seen him anyway. If he really wanted to eat me he probably would’ve come by the house.” Your father gave you a disgusted look, making you smile nervously before setting your fork down on your empty plate. "On a… serious note, just this once," you attempted to negotiate. "Let Johnny take a look at the car; maybe he won't charge much."
“Johnny Slaughter is nothing but trouble.” Your father mumbled.
"You already mentioned that," you retorted, raising your brows. "Daddy it could save us money if we give it a shot." You stood up from your chair taking your dirty dishes and shrugging your shoulders. By the look on his face, you could tell your father was debating long and hard about it.
Letting out a sigh, your father rubbed his temples. He shook his head once more in thought before lightly thumping the table. "Just this one time," he asserted. “I’ll check with them after breakfast.”
“I can always go now while you fix the fence.“
“I don’t want you standing mere feet in front of the Slaughter boy,” Your father said standing with his empty plate in hand.
“You really think he’s gonna do something?” You say, raising a brow at him before transitioning into the kitchen. The long pause caught you off guard, considering that you expected your father to say something snarky or a short insult about Johnny. Though nothing came.
Your father had made his way into the kitchen, dumping his plate into the sink with his utensils. He gave you a firm look, his jaw clenched together tightly. "Check with him after the dishes while I try to fix the fence. If you're not back by lunch, I'm calling the sheriff."
You smiled and nodded while placing your own dishes in the sink. You hadn't seen Johnny in some time, primarily because your father didn't approve. Though he undoubtedly had little choice given the circumstances, you knew he would keep his word.
You arrived at the Slaughter House after what seemed like a never-ending trip. Having taken the back way since it was a little faster, it led you to the backyard which seemed for the most part unoccupied. You peered across to check if anyone was working yet as you leaned on the wooden fence. If it wasn’t Johnny it was most certainly Sissy prancing around here, roaming the sunflower fields in her bare feet. You briefly blinked, but you couldn't make out a single individual anywhere. It could have been simpler to go the long way to the front. However, just as you were ready to walk away, Sissy appeared from one of the back sheds. She doesn’t notice you right away, but when she does she approaches the fence, face once stoic turning into something… unusual. Almost like a fake smile, nothing enthusiastic whatsoever.
“Oh that’s who it is,” She said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Lookin’ for Johnny?”
Your eyes swept the surroundings as you furrowed your brows and nodded. “Uhm yeah… I wanted to talk to him. Is he here?”
“Of course ya’ do,” She said, looking at you up and down. The woman had turned her back to you before calling out his name, walking away completely as she made her way towards the shed she was just in.
Your eyes avert back to the shed, seconds later seeing Johnny peek his head out. Sissy gestures behind her and says something that you couldn’t quite hear, but it prompts Johnny to tuck something away and head over. Never have you seen a man jog so fast in his life.
“Hey sunshine!” As a silly grin developed on his face, his voice resonated in your ears. He walked up to you with his head tilted to the side and his thumbs in his belt loops. “Finally came ta’ see me hm? I thought I’d have to kidnap you from yer old man.”
You smile softly, watching as you take a step away from the fence. “The old man is the reason why I didn’t come.” You spoke to him. “I thought you’d be mad about it.”
“Mad?” Johnny chuckled as he leaned his arms on the fence. “Bein’ honest? I knew ya’d come crawlin’ back, ya’ can’t resist me~.”
You rolled your eyes at him with a smirk, making him cackle in response. Johnny had a tendency to be quite… charming. Flirtatious if you might say. He was a very attractive man and he knew that, with a simple snap of a finger he could probably get a dozen women on their knees. Maybe it was one of the reasons why he would get so many lingering stares when he’s in town. It’s not like you haven’t seen him there getting stuff like tools or groceries. The man could be persuasive as well. If it wasn’t for his good looks and deadly charm, your intentions would probably be… elsewhere.
“I suppose the reason you’re here isn’t jus’ ta’ see me, is it?”
You suddenly look up at Johnny, who is grinning slyly with his thin lips. Before shrugging your shoulders, your nose lets out an amused huff. “You can say that’s part of it,” You reply, making his grin widen. “Though I needed to ask a favor.”
“Anythin’ for you doll,” Johnny said to you. “What is it ya’ need?”
“Well the car is out of commission, not sure why. Was wondering if you could take a look at it?”
Johnny nodded his head and looked over his shoulder, gazing at Sissy who had just walked into the house. “Oh sure, it shouldn't be too hard now should it?” He said looking back at you with a raised brow. “Did ya’ tell yer old man?”
“I made the suggestion.”
“How’d ‘e take it?”
“You know daddy doesn’t like you all that much.”
Your sentence caused Johnny's eyes to flinch suddenly, and his jaw to clench slightly before briefly relaxing. “I could really care less ‘bout what ‘e thinks.” He replied with the small shrug of his shoulders. “But ‘e agreed did ‘e?”
“With a little convincing yes,” You replied with the nod of your head. “I was hoping you could possibly stop by today?”
“I can go righ’ now if ya’ want to.”
“That would be great.”
Johnny nodded his head and pushed himself off the fence. “Alright, I’ll go get the truck. Comin’ inside?”
You shook your head no. You expected yourself to be swarmed with his family. They did ask a lot of questions and you didn’t want to be bombarded to answer. Which honestly made you curious, considering what they ask is quite… strange. “No but thanks, I'll start heading home. I’ll meet you there.”
The lemonade you had prepared hadn’t been long. It was sweet, and tasted amazing. You hummed taking a sip from your own cup, setting it down on the counter before pouring another glass. Transitioning to the back door you take a glimpse through the window, which made you stop completely in your tracks.
There he was, the Slaughter boy working on the car out back. His slicked back hair came undone while little strands stuck to his forehead, the one he wiped sweat off from due to the heat from the Texas sun. Gloved hand reaching down to the hem of his shirt, lifting it up to wipe his drenched face. Those muscles, his toned frame as he turned slightly, all so shaped with scars of an unknown origin. It made your face heat up, cheeks dusted with a bright blush that only darkened when you stepped away from the window. Johnny was a fine looking man, and there was no doubt in his mind that you had some hidden feelings for him.
You opened the door to the back porch, a glass of cold lemonade in hand. Your thin flats make way to Johnny, strolling in your shirt and shorts. Jeez it's hot out. The closer you got to Johnny just showed how drenched he was in sweat.
“How’s it going?” You ask, finally approaching Johnny with the glass. “I got you this, you look like you need it.”
Johnny’s brown orbs flicked over to you, his brows raising in an instant. “You’re a sweetheart ya’ know that,” A smile spreads across his cheeks. Taking the glass from you he sighs, putting it up to his lips and taking large gulps from the beverage. You couldn’t help but stare, and when he was done he licked his lips before looking at you. Look at him all smug, the man chuckling as he took the hood of the car and slammed it shut. “Like whatcha see darlin’?”
You pucker your lips and blinked in shame, realizing you had been staring at him intently. Then you grunted and crossed your arms as the person in front of you laughed. Such a confident smile on a man. It surprised you that you didn't seem to care about it as much as you implied. “I’d like to see if the car is fixed,” You replied with the simple roll of your eyes, making Johnny take the keys from his pocket and wave them in your face. With that, you went to grab them but he pulled his hand back.
“I have a question for ya’.” He blurts, the keys still in his possession. “I remember the las’ time ya’ said somethin’— when ya’ came over. ‘Bout the sunflower fields, yeah?”
You blinked at his question, nodding your head in response. “Oh… yeah, I think I remember.” Raising your brows you thought about it for a moment. “I think it was how pretty they looked in the evening. Though I didn’t get to stay for long.”
You recall it clearly leaving at that time. In your short sundress, you stood next to Johnny as he leaned his back against his truck while you spoke. The man had just finished his cigarette, leaving a difficult day at the back of his boot. Before you arrived, the brunette and a member of his family got into an argument. In any case, that is all he told you. You had just mentioned the sunflower fields and how much you cherished the scene each time you visited. How lovely they appeared in the garden in the waning evening light.
During that time you had caught Johnny staring, his brown orbs gazing from where he leaned at on the side of the car. You had made a comment, making him smirk and push himself off the vehicle. “You’ve got some nerve sunshine,” His voice all teasing as he took your wrist. The man had pulled you close to him, the heat from his body signaling your proximity. “We’re all alone out here. If I wanted ta’ ‘stare at you all night’, I know jus’ the way to do it~.”
The reality that was only intensifying your blush had slowly crept back into your thoughts. Johnny had drawn nearer to you, which you suddenly realized. His face was incredibly close to yours—just inches apart. You raised your head to see him as his eyes played with a sly sparkle.
“Thinkin’ ‘bout it too?” His tone of voice was playful. Given that you didn't react, he laughed. “I know ya’ are darlin’, considerin’ I have it on my mind.”
Your breathing quickened, and it seemed as though a simple step or downward lean would practically close the distance between you. You couldn't speak because your stomach was churning with butterflies.
“I almost had ya’, if it wasn’t for Sissy butting into what didn’t concern her.”
Johnny didn’t have to say much to make you feel flustered, let alone so excited by him. His words had made your thighs press together slightly, in an attempt to hide that feeling which pooled in the pit of your abdomen. Oh and did he notice. He was observant to say the least, so of course he noticed the subtle movement of your thighs just clamping together. Pressing together at his words that you knew in some ways were true.
“How cute,” He teased, making your eyes widen slightly. “And ta’ think— you didn’t want me, but look at cha’. Holding those cute little thighs taa’ hide what I do to ya’.”
“No! That’s not true!” You fought with him, taking the keys from his hands while he was so distracted. Johnny chuckled as you moved quickly to the driver’s side door, opening it and hopping in. Putting the key into the ignition, you look over at the man who was gesturing you to roll the window down. With a loud huff you did. Set his arms on the opening of the window, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason,” He responded. The young man watched as you turned the car on, the engine running to life and your face lighting up in the process. “Good as new. Jus’ a couple loose wires and bolts.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” You thank him, turning the car off. “Now I don’t have to walk miles just for a carton of milk.”
“You’ve been walkin’?”
“It’s been an on and off issue.”
Johnny raised his brows at that, but shrugged his shoulders moments later. “Well if it breaks down again, come by and see me.”
“Why thank you,” You roll your eyes and open the door to the car, making Johnny step away as you pull yourself out. “It’s getting close to lunch time, would you like something to eat while you go home?”
When it was time to close the door, you noticed that Johnny had been creeping up again. When you turned, he was as close as he had been before. It was like a predator stalking his lonesome prey, all alone with nowhere to go. He wrapped his thumbs in his belt loops, eyes glancing at the house before his full attention on you. “Shooin’ me ta’ leave already?” He grinned, making you roll your eyes again.
You cross your arms, this boy had some nerve. Standing so dangerously close and making those remarks. “I was trying to be nice.”
“So sweet,” Sarcasm poured from his lips as a large smile curled. “But sure, as long as it's as sweet as you~.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You could feel your face start to heat up again, oh did it amuse Johnny. His charm worked without even having to break a sweat.
“Playin’ dumb hm?” He had a cheeky smile on his face. “If ya’ want, I can get inta’ more detail.”
You were hesitant, feeling the raw stare of questioning eyes from afar. The tilt of Johnny’s head fuels your hesitation but only momentarily. “Johnny you shouldn’t be so close,” You say, your eyes wandering to the window who you expected your father to be watching. They widened and went back to Johnny immediately. “Daddy’s watching us.”
Johnny’s eyebrows come close together, making the bridge of his nose scrunch light folds. “And?” His voice lowers an octave, eyelids lowering to a half lidded stare. “Could stare all ‘e wants.” His eyes lower into a half lidded stare, his smile fading away. He looked… dangerous. “Ya’ liked those sunflower fields huh? Why don’t cha’ come by this evenin’ after eatin’?”
“You know I can’t do that…”
A hint of disappointment sparkled in Johnny’s eyes. “Why not?” His voice sounded almost monotone.
You hear the back porch door open, turning your head to see your father walking out of the house. Johnny took the opportunity to step back from you, moving his way to the front hood of the car. Despite your father’s efforts, he still had a suspicious look on his face. He approached the two of you, his hands once shoved in his pockets now out as he moved around to the side of the car where you were.
“Is she fixed?” He asked, Johnny nodding his head.
“Yessir, jus’ a couple wires and bolts.” The Slaughter boy replied. “Shouldn’t be any issue fer now, but yer more than welcome ta’ stop on by if it happens again.”
Your father nodded, inspecting the vehicle and getting the keys from you. “I’mma take her for a drive, see if she’s running properly. I… appreciate your help… Johnny.”
The grin on his face told you plenty. “Anytime.” Johnny said to your father.
The man who raised you had given you a side eye, taking a sigh before going to the car. He had hopped in and both you and Johnny moved away. “Did you want to come?” He had asked you.
“Oh no, I’ll get dinner ready.” You said waving your hand. “You’re just going to town right? It should be almost done by the time you get here.”
Your father had indicated that it wouldn't be long by nodding. He was aware that leaving you with Johnny could lead to problems, but since you were an adult, he couldn't stop you from doing it. After saying that, he drove off the property while you closed the fence in his absence. You watched as he proceeded down the road until, at last, the car was no longer in view.
“So… about the fields.” You turn to Johnny, who you had heard from behind you with his heavy boots. He’d been smoking a cigarette, the bud stuck in his mouth while his hand shoved something in his back pocket. “You said after supper?”
“Ohhh, are ya’ considerin’?”
“Shut up,” You scoff, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes. “Maybe if you say please… I might consider it.”
“You’re kiddin’?” You smile and shrug your shoulders, making Johnny roll his eyes with the click of his tongue. “Please?”
“You could do better.”
It made him laugh, shaking his head with a malicious smile. He had cleared his throat, leaning in close to you before he purred a low, “Please~?”
It made you blush deeply, before coughing softly to look away. “Okay… you’ve convinced me.” Side eyeing him, you smirk. “Could’ve been better.”
“Cheeky lil’ thing aren’t ya’?” He scoffs. “I’ll see ya’ later then, sweet pea.”
Tags: @optimsluv
Part 2 is up! >> RSSF PT.2
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strangererotica · 2 months
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husband!Steve Harrington x housewife!reader
| When you fumble the home-cooked meal you attempted to bake for Steve, he doesn’t mind at all. In fact, the meal he really wanted was already waiting at home for him, all along… |
| And yes, I know the pic is from Marmalade and not Stranger Things, but it’s how Steve looked in my brain when I wrote this, so bite me 😊 |
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The rain coming down over Hawkins was relentless. Heavy gray clouds obscured any chance of sunlight breaking through and warming the chilly April evening. A blanket of fog crept along the streets of downtown, slipping between houses and through windows left partially open.
One of those windows belonged to the house you shared with Steve. The chicken casserole you’d attempted to bake had ended in disaster, having literally ‘gone up in smoke.’ You wanted to surprise Steve with a home-cooked meal when he got home from work, because you felt a little guilty always ordering take out. You wanted to take care of Steve, to be the wife you knew he ‘deserved.’ Naturally, Steve already thought you were perfect just as you were, and told you as much, frequently. Still, doubt nagged at the back of your brain, and you wanted to make sure that Steve understood how proud you were to be his, that you wanted to be his perfect little housewife…
In spite of the chilly air that evening, you were forced to open the kitchen window. The rain smelled so sweet in contrast with the acrid scent of smoke filling the kitchen. The sound of Steve’s car pulling into the driveway caught your attention. You made your way to the front door, waving a dish towel as you walked, fanning away the last of the smoke. Steve’s keys made a jingling sound in the door; your heart skipped knowing he was right on the other side of it…
As soon as you saw Steve’s face, you felt a sense of calm wash over you. His eyebrows lifted in surprise when he noticed the smell of smoke in the house. “Did you uh-.” Steve chose his next words carefully. “-Light a candle, baby?”
You bit your bottom lip, an apologetic look on your face. “I wish that was the reason it smells so bad in here,” you replied. “But actually, I-.” You sighed. “I tried to make dinner, for a change. And it kind of exploded in the oven…”
Steve nodded, glancing behind you at the kitchen. He silently observed the aftermath of your work. Every utensil and baking dish you owned had seemingly been taken from the cabinets, considered, and then rejected to the counter. “It’s okay, baby,” Steve assured you, putting his arms around you. “We can order take out; it’s not a problem.”
You tried to let your anxieties fade, melting into the familiar comfort of Steve’s embrace. Holding your ear to his chest, you listened to his heartbeat, soothed by its steady rhythm, the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
“What sounds good?” Steve asked, placing a kiss in your hair. “Anything you want, and-.”
“I’m actually not really hungry anymore,” you said, your eyes cast downward. “I kind of lost my appetite, with all the smoke.” You chuckled a little, in spite of your disappointment. The bitter smell of smoke and burnt casserole still lingered in the air, but only a little. Not enough that it distracted Steve from how pretty you looked, your forehead lightly dotted with sweat, your hair disheveled and some stains on your pajama shirt from the mess you’d made while baking.
Steve’s eyes swept over you, a combined feeling of love and lust washing over him. That combination of feelings was exactly the reason Steve had fallen so hard for you, why he’d loved you more every day since, and why he’d eventually asked you to marry him.
He knew you were frustrated about the dinner mishap. Steve was a very intuitive husband, and always seemed to know what you needed even before you did yourself.
“Just order something for you this time, okay?” You gave Steve a quick kiss on the end of his nose.
“Well actually,” he replied. “There is something that I’ve really been craving.” He smiled. “Been thinking about it all day, actually…”
Your eyebrows lifted. “Okay,” you giggled. “Well then you absolutely need to eat it.”
Steve nodded, his tongue sweeping lightly over his lips. “Oh, I’m going to eat it,” he replied, his tone a shade darker. “But I don’t have to order out for it. What I want is already here.” A corner of Steve’s mouth curved upward in a suggestive grin. “At home...”
Oblivious to Steve’s meaning, you peered behind him at the burnt abomination casserole sitting on the kitchen counter. “Well I hope it’s not chicken casserole you’re craving,” you replied. “Because that thing I made is definitely not fit for human cons-.”
Steve cut your sentence short by tugging you closer, so your faces were less than an inch from one another. He softly pressed his lips to yours in a closed kiss. It was chaste, romantic, sweet; but laced with darker implications that had your pulse racing.
“I want you, baby,” Steve murmured, easing his body against yours. “You’re the sweetest meal a man could ever ask to come home to…”
You felt a little dizzy, and it certainly wasn’t because you’d missed dinner. Everything about Steve made you weak…but the way he could have your pussy dripping using words alone made you fall the hardest…
“Let me eat you,” Steve said tenderly, respectfully, as if he didn’t already have your absolute permission. “Please?”
You swallowed, steadying yourself, suddenly feeling very light on your feet, as if you could be swept away by the slightest breeze. “Mm-hmm,” you replied through closed lips, then spoke out loud “yes. Yes, please, Steve…”
His smile was exchanged for a look of something carnal, and it would probably have seemed predatory in any other context. But once Steve had your permission, he was completely absorbed in his pursuit of having you.
Your ass was on the couch within seconds, Steve kneeling at the floor between your legs. He kissed your knees, your thighs, working upward till he was nibbling at the waistband of your pajamas. Steve let his right hand drape lazily against his crotch, occasionally palming his erection through his pants.
His lips pressed soft and warm against your belly. Steve spread a trail of gentle kisses down your stomach, lingering above the waistband of your pajama pants. His pretty hazel eyes flicked up to meet yours briefly before he hooked a fingertip beneath the pajamas, and lightly tugged them down.
You shivered at the feeling of air on your newly-exposed skin, but Steve’s tongue warmed you up immediately. He licked soft, wispy stripes beside your clit, intentionally neglecting it, letting the pressure at your center build…sucking one of your lips between his, then releasing it with a wet pop. Your fingers went to Steve’s hair, threading his caramel strands. He dipped his nose between your labia, bumping his bridge against your clit, penetrating you gently with his tongue. Your back arched, pressing your cunt forward, burying Steve’s face even deeper between your thighs.
He groaned into your pussy, the vibrations of his mouth stimulating the inside and outside of your cunt, plumping your lips even fuller. The sound of Steve’s tongue pumping inside you squelched beautifully, combined with the delicate, breathy sounds you were making. He nuzzled even deeper between your thighs, the tip of his nose gliding between your pouty lips.
Steve seamlessly replaced his tongue inside you with two of his fingers, making you gasp at the new, firmer penetration. His tongue washed over your clit, bathing your cunt in a mix of his saliva and your cum. You could feel yourself getting close, but what you really wanted was to finish together with Steve inside you. Your hand left his hair for his shoulder, patting to get his attention as you breathlessly told him “Steve, Steve, need you, in-.” And before you could finish your request, Steve had already lifted your ass off the couch, pulling you down to meet the bulge straining at the front of his pants.
He fumbled slightly at getting his belt and pants undone, because he was in such a hurry. You reached for his cock and rubbed the outline of it, feeling it pulse under your touch. As soon as Steve’s dick was in reach of your mouth, you tugged him between your lips. With a hard suck, you took him all the way to the back of your throat in one gulp. Steve’s knees went shaky, his breath punched out of his lungs at the shock of hitting the back of your throat so unexpectedly, so quickly. Your gag reflex activated and you popped off Steve’s cock, a raw trail burning all the way up your throat. You laid back on the couch and spread your legs, eyes trained on Steve’s, a seductive grin turning your lips.
He shook his head, your slick dripping from his chin. “No,” Steve said, reaching for your hair and gently guiding your mouth back onto his cock. “Need more of that tight little throat-can’t suck me like that n’just take it back-.” Steve eased himself down the length of your throat, nudging the back with his tip. A low growl of pleasure rumbled from Steve’s chest, his fingers threading your hair. “God, just like that…keep sucking…FUCK-!”
Steve hurriedly pulled your lips off his cock and pushed your back against the sofa, mounting and entering you as quickly as he could. Your hands clutched Steve’s shoulders, holding on tight as he humped you like a desperate animal, punching his cock so deep inside you that his shaft was rubbing your cervix. When Steve came, he choked back a dry sob, his breath heating the skin at the base of your neck as he panted through his release. Sweat dripped from the ends of Steve’s hair and onto your chest as he carefully lifted himself off of you. He fell back onto the couch beside you, pulling a hand over his disheveled hair, his pants around his muscular thighs. You laid your head on Steve’s shoulder, tilting your face to gaze at him.
He noticed you staring, and smiled. “Now that was a home-cooked meal,” Steve said, attempting to catch his breath. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer. You fell asleep on the couch, drifting away while listening to the sound of rain thrumming against the roof, and the muffled rhythm of Steve’s heartbeat…
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adonis-koo · 1 year
sweet nothing • 4
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(in which he has never been grocery shopping before)
↳ Description: being a guest at the Jeon Estate after a mishap of being kidnapped and dragged into your brothers affairs isn’t all that bad. Truth be told it brings you a lot closer to the mobster and owner of the estate Jeon Jungkook himself.
His two rules are simple, don’t cause trouble and don’t give him a hard time. Somehow you manage to constantly do both in the most endearing way despite being pregnant and waddling around most of the time.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader, ???/reader
↳ Genre: slice of life AU, mafia!AU, pregnancy, there’s like…a little bit of a plot but not a lot, future smut? maybe? it's very domestic!
Word Count: 2.5k
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Note: for all my slice of life girlies!!! Here’s a lil treat 🫶 I’ve been having brain rot for sweet nothing the last couple of days so enjoy!!
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When Jungkook had said he would take you anywhere, he meant it. Whether it was a two hour roadtrip or a two week trip to Morocco, he’d do anything and take you anywhere to make up for his absence the last week.
You had thought long and hard on it and when the time came to decide on your first weekly outing, Jungkook was truly prepared to take extra time off, just for you.
What he hadn’t expected was this.
“Y/n, remember when I said we could go anywhere?” Jungkook asked, trying to keep his sniffle quiet as he fixed his face mask and then adjusted the black ball cap he wore.
“Hm? Yeah?” You replied, beaming as you held your swollen tummy in excitement.
“I meant anywhere in the world. Not the grocery store.”
You glanced up at him, a shy smile on your face, “I know, but I’ve been wanting to cook for myself the last few days but you don’t have anything in the second kitchen. And staff won’t let me in the first.”
Jungkook frowned though you couldn’t see it, “Is the cooking not to your standard?”
“Oh no! The cooking is fine,” You smiled somewhat nervously, already noticing the look in his eyes which said he was close to whipping his phone out and firing people on the spot, “I just miss cooking for myself. Gourmet food is amazing, but nothing beats home cooking! I thought we could browse around and get some ingredients for a few dishes.”
Jungkook shrugged, “It’s your outing choice not mine. Let’s go.”
He opened the door to the small local grocery store, the bells jingling as he let you walk in first, the ladies at the registers greeting you both as you grabbed a grocery basket.
You browsed through the isles, admittedly curious to see what goods they sold, you had never come in before but had found it online after doing some looking because if Jungkook was coming with you, it would be best to try and be discreet, he was a CEO after all.
Granted he didn’t look discreet himself, even in casual clothes he was still in all black, black jeans, black leather jacket, black cap, black mask.
Oh and the gold Rolex on his wrist.
You briefly glanced at the shiny metal before looking back at the produce. Jungkook was practically glued to your back, leering over you with each product you picked up, looking as if he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“That’s ridiculously cheap.” He commented as you set the salad dressing back on the shelf.
You twisted around in surprise, “That’s eight dollars! That’s not cheap at all.”
Jungkook cocked his head to the side as if trying to figure out whether you were serious or not. This made you sigh as you felt a small kick in your stomach hand automatically grabbing the spot as you corrected yourself, “It’s not cheap for anyone who isn’t a millionaire.”
“Multi-millionaire.” Jungkook corrected as he reached back over, tossing it into the basket.
“Not a word.” He replied, looking down at you chastising, “In fact.”
“Give me that,” Jungkook grabbed the grocery basket from you, it was empty aside from the salad dressing that rolled about in it, “You’re pregnant you shouldn’t be carrying it anyways.”
“I can still carry things!” You replied indignantly, crossing your arms above your stomach.
“Yeah but should you?” Jungkook replied but cut you off before you could even try to reply, “Yeah I didn’t think so, moving on.” He pressed his hand into your back, giving you a gentle push to move forward.
Briefly in the peripheral of your eyes you could see an elderly couple giggle at your squabbling. You could feel the tips of your ears begin to burn as you without putting up a further fight, continued on, you didn’t want to make people think you and Jungkook were…
Your thought wasn’t continued at the sight ahead, instead a delight noise escaped you as you clasped your hands together, “Ah! Look at these, aren’t they just darling!” You sped over to the small clothing section but what had caught your eye was of course the baby clothes.
There was various sizing but newborn was what your eyes honed in on, little bright colored onesies, the smallest coats with little bear ears! And the socks! They were so tiny.
Just all of the clothing had you grabbing your bump in excitement as you dug through them.
Jungkook only sighed as he leaned against the metal rack, basket still in hand as he asked, “Is it a boy or a girl?”
“I don’t know,” You confessed with a shy smile, “I want it to be a surprise. I’d be happy with either. I don’t have much for the baby to be honest with you…” Your smile faltered a little, “I have a few sets of onesies that I’ve gathered throughout my pregnancy but I’ve been trying to keep them in gender neutral colors.”
You tried to not linger on the words that accidentally slipped out of you about not having much for the baby, but it was the truth. You absolutely hated going to baby showers before, always feeling awkward and a bit bored most of the time, and not really understanding the purpose of it.
Now being pregnant yourself you realized it was about chipping in and helping the new mom out on expenses, just about everything was insanely expensive.
Especially when the baby would be grown out of many of these garments in just a few months.
So the simple fix was, just have a baby shower.
The problem was, embarrassingly enough, you didn’t have any close family left aside from your brother, could you even count him anymore? The few people you knew were your coworkers, they were kind people, going out of their way to give you an informal baby shower which included a small set of gifts when you came in to open one day and a small set of cupcakes for everyone.
It was such a kind gesture it had brought you to tears, but it still didn’t fill that void inside you that in the end, you truly didn’t have anyone to come back to at home.
“What do you have for the baby?” Jungkook asked casually, looking as if his cuticles were more interesting than the conversation at hand.
You knew better than to believe his nonchalant attitude though, “Enough.”
“But how much,” Jungkook repeated, shifting his eyes from his hand to you revealing that he was very much invested in this conversation, no matter how cool he was trying to play it, “You’re staying with me until this whole ordeal with your brother is solved, remember? Which could be months.”
You sighed in irritation, grabbing hold of your stomach as you shifted your weight, “I’d hope not months, if it can be helped.”
This made Jungkook sigh in exasperation as well, “Of course, but again, it’s better to be prepared then not. I could buy this entire store in a second if I wanted, you think infant clothes are gonna break my bank?”
“That’s not the point Jungkook!” You frowned, not happy at all with how this conversation was going, “I’m sure you’ll find Wonho soon enough, can we please go check out my back is starting to hurt.”
You weren’t lying by any means, anytime you stood for more than a few hours at a time your back would start to dully ache these days.
Jungkook tucked his tongue against his cheek, looking as if he definitely had more to say but relented as he gestured you to forward first, huffing you kept your hands on your bump as you walked past him.
After checking out Jungkook was determined to carry your grocery bags for you all the way to his car, a custom made Viper with LED’s on the inside, it felt a bit ridiculous to ride in honestly, but seeing his satisfied tap of his fingers against the wheel told you that as long as he was happy, so were you.
The last stop of your short trip was the one you were looking forward to.
“This is a horrible idea.” Jungkook commented, his voice sounding a bit raspier as you turned to him in suspicion, “What…?”
“Are you okay?” You asked, turning your head to the side in question.
“I’m fine.” Jungkook waved a hand, his voice still a bit scratchy though, nothing a good cup of tea couldn’t fix though, and luckily Serendipity Bakery could help with that. Otherwise known as your old work place!
Walking in you made eye contact with the cashier you blinked as if trying to figure out whether you were a ghost or not, “Y/n!?”
“Eunwoo!” You cheered with a bright grin, he was the owner’s son of the shop but he had been training in every position while learning the trade of the business in hopes of one day taking over the shop for his father.
He rounded the counter sweeping you into a hug, careful of your stomach though before he held your shoulders tenderly, “I was so concerned when you sent in that text about going on maternity leave early! I’ve been trying to contact you since, you’ve had me worried to death! Is the baby okay?”
You were so surprised by the amount of questions that it took you a moment to process before you glanced down at his hands, sliding from your shoulders to your stomach.
“I’m okay…” You admitted, a bit shy at his attention, Eunwoo was…you weren’t sure what you two were to one another, other than perhaps a missed opportunity had you not been pregnant, in your first trimester when you had started working here, “Just been busy.”
“But the baby…”
“Is fine.”
The deep voice of Jungkook cut into the conversation making you remember he was indeed still here, he looked like a black rain cloud, suddenly looming right behind you and his eyes had twisted into a death glare, except it wasn’t aimed on you, moreso on Eunwoo’s hands, which were still on your stomach.
“Oh…?” Eunwoo’s hands reluctantly dropped as he frowned, “And you are…?”
“Jungkook,” He replied with a clipped tone, “her caretaker.”
“He mean’s roommate.” You curved a brow at him, caretaker? Seriously? “I moved into a new home! Jungkook is my roommate, he’s been helping me settle in and get ready for the baby. Right…?”
Jungkook said nothing, despite wearing a black face mask it wasn’t difficult to tell his expression beneath was unfriendly, you had seen many sides of Jungkook but this one wasn’t one you were most familiar with, he had flashed expressions like this at men who would attempt to talk to you at the Red Light before you had gotten pregnant.
But this was Eunwoo, not just some guy.
“I see…” Eunwoo frowned, glancing at Jungkook, “Well, it’s nice to meet you Jungkook, I’m Eunwoo, Y/n’s co-worker and friend, I hope you’ve been taking good care of her, she deserves only the best.”
“Eunwoo...” You felt a bit flustered at the sudden tension between both men, uncertain of how to translate this, you never had any intimate relationship with either of them aside from a certain unspoken attraction that you had at some point just assumed was you being stupid and it was only one sided.
At least in terms of Jungkook…You tried not to think about those days anymore, after all you never truly knew Jungkook back then, other then you were girlishly flattered at the attention he would sometimes give you.
You were too embarrassed to even think about it these days, the amount of times you’d stay up late into the night imagining a glimpse of a life that would never happen with him.
Eunwoo however...was a very different story, he had a boyish charm about him, the boy next door type of feeling, he had always been sweet to you, even after knowing you were pregnant he looked at you no different, and he was the reason you even had a small baby shower to begin with.
You could’ve had something with him, but the only person stopping you was yourself.
Partly because you didn’t want him involved in all of this, but there was also something else you hadn’t quite figured out yet.
“Luckily for her I only provide the best,” Jungkook replied, a little haughty, as if he was ruffled at the insinuation at not being able to take care of you, his glare didn’t let up, “You gonna take our order or what?”
You could tell Eunwoo didn’t appreciate his tone, but he forced a smile as he replied, “Anything for you Y/n, what’s on the craving menu today?” He rounded the counter as he rested his elbows on the surface.
You gave a soft smile, trying to ignore Jungkook practically towering over your shoulder, now acting as if he was a force field making sure you stayed a good distance from Eunwoo, “Honestly a London Fog and a blueberry scone sounds amazing! What about you Jungkook?”
“Coffee, black.” Jungkook replied deadpan.
“Alright,” Eunwoo nodded, “It’s on the house.”
“What? No, no we can pay!” You frowned as Eunwoo chuckled, a pretty smile on his lips as he shook his head, making his freshly dyed blonde hair brush over his eyebrows.
“Nope, too late, order’s been voided, i’ll be back with your stuff in a moment.” Eunwoo winked at you as he disappeared into the back.
“He’s your coworker?”
You twisted around, your frown turning into a pout, “Not for long with the way you were glaring.”
“I wasn’t glaring.” Jungkook replied, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Before you could pursue the conversation Eunwoo returned with your drinks and food, both in to go cups and a small pastry bag, “Here you are.”
“Thank you Eunwoo!” You grinned as you reached for your drink.
But before you could grab it Eunwoo softly grabbed your hand, “Anything for you Y/n, seriously, text me, I know you’re on maternity leave but if you want to hang out let me know! We can go out sometime.”
“Let’s go.” Jungkook’s voice was a tad deeper than normal, his eyes back into a glare as he reached over your hand grabbing both drinks, somehow managing to hold both in one hand before pressing another against your back firmly to turn you around.
It happened so fast you could hardly process it as you waved goodbye to Eunwoo.
“What was that about?” You asked bewildered by his action as you exited the shop.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jungkook replied, his eyes staying forward as you huffed, curving a brow as took your drink from his hand, taking a sip of it as you decided to not pursue this conversation though it was very tempting.
Being so focused on how childish he was acting you didn’t even notice how his hand still stayed against your back all the way until you returned to the car, Jungkook making the point to even open the door for you as you sat back down with a groan, your back aching once more with the need to rest.
“Anywhere else you wanna go?” Jungkook asked as he slid into the drivers side.
You shook your head, “Nah, I just wanna go home.”
You couldn’t see it beneath his mask, but the tiniest smile tugged on Jungkook’s lips at your words, “Then home it is.”
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chanswifey · 10 months
Seventeen as your boyfriend | Wonwoo
The gamer boyfriend
His silliness usually only comes out around the members so with you he's the chillest dude ever
He's really calm and quiet and sometimes he gets a bit lost in his own world and you think it's adorable
If you're into gaming he would be so excited!!! He would love to show you his favorites
And if you are not he will introduce you to it, and give you lessons on how to play
He's a very patient teacher, even when you make the most pathetic mistakes
He's very competitive though, don't expect him to go easy on you just because you're his girlfriend
He's such a homebody, he is always so busy that when he has free time he just likes to stay at home
Just sitting on the couch with you cuddled into his lap while reading or watching tv
Forehead kisser™ and back hug enthusiast
He loves when you hug him from behind but if you kiss his neck he may as well turn into mush right then and there
His brain breaks when you praise him, he turns into a blushing mess and doesn't know how to react
Once he overheard you gushing about him to a friend and he could not speak properly for the next few hours
He's not opposed to pda but he prefers to show his love with acts of service, like he will wake up a bit earlier every day to make you something to eat before work and pack you some snacks
Makes sure you always have your favorite snacks at home and even keeps some at his place for when you visit him
Makes you a warm bath for when you get home, does the groceries and puts them away and he always does the dishes when you cook
I feel like he is not one to talk much, but will randomly pull you into a hug or kiss, and oh if you don't kiss this man...
He will get all puppy-eyed and worry if he did something wrong
"Wait, wait, what did I doooo????" He asks in a worried voice
"I'm in a hurry honey"
"Are you too busy for me? Do you not love me anymore??" He asks pretending to be offended but his face is all 🥺🥺🥺
Just kiss him already wtf
You are like his wireless charger, whenever he feels drained he runs to you and clings until he feels better
He doesn't really like to talk about his feelings if he's having a hard time, he may feel like he is bothering you but if you give him a little push he eventually does
This leads to lots of late-night conversations, tangled together in bed with your head buried into his neck feeling his chest vibrate every time he talks
His go-to place to take you on dates is those cute cafes
Loves to take pictures of you when you are distracted and use them as his lock screen
Pretends to forget his clothes at your place so you can wear them, then gets all flustered when he sees you wearing one
Remembers ALL the important dates and makes sure to plan something special for you even when he's away
He can get very touchy sometimes, he will insist on holding your hand at all times, even when chilling at home
Bedtime is his favorite time of the day, its quiet and comfy and you are snuggled to him while he reads a book and it's perfect
2023 © chanswifey — do not repost or translate
mlist | request here | what I write
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sgtcosmo · 5 months
under the weather - 141 headcanons
cw: none, just pure (established relationship) fluff <3 only pronoun used for reader is 'you'
a/n: i'm sick as shit rn and i've been laying in bed all day thinking about how the 141 would care for gn!reader while they're sick, so this is a lil bit self-indulgent hehe!! also, thank you for the love on my first drabble that i posted a couple days ago, it makes me so happy :') enjoy these!
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-he's an absolute sweetheart all the time already, but when you're sick? oh my god
-checking in on you every 10 minutes, even if it annoys you. he has to know that you're doing okay!!
-i hc him as being a great cook, so he definitely makes you some good ass homemade soups
-THIS ONE MADE MY HEART MELT WHEN I THOUGHT ABOUT IT but he would absolutely read to you. it'd either be wherever he left off in the most recent book he's reading on his own, or he'd grab one of your favourites from the shelf and start from the beginning
-lets you use his lap as a pillow while he reads to you, holding the book with one hand and playing with your hair with the other
-rubs your back soothingly when you're having one of those god awful coughing fits
-when he goes to the store to get you medicine and such, he'll facetime you the whole time. he'll show you the medicine and snacks/drinks at the store and let you pick which ones you want (he also wants to make sure that you're alright while he's gone <3)
-gives you his warmest and nicest sweaters to wear, doesn't care if they get dirty
-runs you a bath and lets you soak in the warm water while he washes your hair
-will absolutely make you a hot cup of tea with honey to soothe your sore throat
-canned soup kinda guy. he'd still try his best to make it as appetizing as possible though, adding in extra bits that he knows you like
-you're not lifting a finger once he finds out you're sick. your household chores? they're his now. those errands you were supposed to run today? oops, he's already got his shoes on and keys in hand
-will not let you out of his sight. always keeps a watchful eye on you, no matter what. he took over your duty of washing the dishes? he's bundling you up in 10 blankets on the couch in the living room so he can turn around every 30 seconds and silently check on you
-would probably set reminders on his phone so you take your medicine exactly when you're supposed to, even if it's 3 am. he's up and fetching everything you need before you can even complain about the reminder going off and waking you up
-picks you up and carries you around the house so you don't have to walk
-still cuddles and kisses you, despite your attempts to push him away to prevent him from also getting sick. he doesn't give a shit
-plays video games with you, or watches you play. i feel like he'd be a try-hard at games and wouldn't take losing lightly, but he'd let you win just because you're sick. if you call him out for it, then he'd probably just make some half-assed excuse and say he must be having an 'off day'
-i feel like he's a canned soup-er, like ghost. will make a bowl for himself as well though so he can eat it with you
-pillow fort? pillow fort. makes a huge one in the living room with a big nest of blankets in it for you both to cuddle in. he even makes a little window through the pillows so you can see the tv and watch your favourite movies
-will order your favourite take-out for you once you feel well enough to eat something other than soup
-would make you laugh so much that it sends you into coughing fits (laughter is the best medicine, after all ;))
-much like ghost, he'd keep a very watchful eye on you and check in on you often
-definitely a homemade soup guy. if there's a specific canned soup that you want, he'll make it exactly how it is, but better
-cuddles with you under a pile of blankets as you watch shitty rom-coms together
-lets you lay on him while you sleep, even if it's for hours at a time. he'd keep his arms wrapped securely around you and kiss the top of your head occasionally
-is willing to do anything and everything you need in order to get you back to good health as quickly as possible. just say the word and he's got it
-would buy medicine in every flavour it comes in just so you can try them all and see what one tastes best so taking it isn't such a miserable experience (i feel like soap would probably do this too? but he'd treat it more as a fun taste test ranking kind of thing)
-will go on short walks outside with you in hopes that the fresh air will make you feel better. he's bundling you up like nobody's business if it's cold outside, though
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