#making games
jaratedrinker1 · 9 months
I am making a game!! A indie horror pixel game.
Like germfood and stuff 1!1!1!1!1!
I am so excited about it :)
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deepunknownyouth · 1 year
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Terraria Character Design Research
Terraria was made in 2011 and was made by re logic. The game was an instant hit and the fans loved it almost eminently!
Terraria has a very simple art design but I think this is very effective and even more effective for the Characters. The character design in Terraria is very simple as you can see each pixel within the character the style is simple but very compiling.
I really like this style as you can see all the detail you need but it is also very simple and dumbed down so the game can look pleasing while playing this also means the characters fit in with the inurement and over all style of the game.
The bosses have slightly more detail but are still simple and contested down.
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historywillforgetme · 9 months
A concept character card for my game
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Realizing making a game is harder then it looks 🤯
im learning how to code and other bullshit. AND OH MY GOD ITS HELL. HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS!?!??!?!
I am planning to go to coding school etc etc but sadly over next year since right now im too busy with other stuff with schoolr jgghhgfhggfvhgyftgh
Now I kind of just want to practice small stuff before I actually start making the actual game. since I can't make the game immedianly without practice and experience-
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asterisnotebook · 11 months
Asteri's Notebook (13/10/2023)
Hoy es un día mágico, hoy es viernes 13, y es el mes de Octubre, más perfecto no puede ser.
Aún sigo trabajando en lo que di pista ayer, aún no voy a decir nada por que quiero explicar lo que hice cuando ya lo termine.
Y hoy supongo que fue otro día aburrido para el díario, no hay nada que decir :/
Me acabo de acordar!, vi otra vez Ready Player One y apenas me di cuenta que la dirigió Steven Spielberg. Personalmente me gusta mucho esa pelicula y quisiera luego comprarme el libro, tambien quisiera hacer un juego con la filosofía de Adventure "No lo consigues por ganar, lo consigues por jugar", tal vez en un futuro haga algo pequeño así.
Y coso que no puedo hablar tampoco pero, hablando de juegos, tengo una idea de hacer uno, primero voy a hacer un poco y luego presentar esa idea a alguien, si ese alguien y más personas lo haceptan entonces esta idea si se realizará, en resumen, primero hago como un boceto y luego ya verémos.
Parece que al final si tenía cosas que decir xd.
Pero eso fue todo.
Espero esten bien, y si no lo estan, espero en algun momento puedan encontrar paz.
Chau <3
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maplewoodstreet · 11 months
Question for game developers and people who rely on trigger warnings!
Is there a way to make the shock factor of a piece of media a surprise while also adding accurate trigger warnings at the beginning?
I remember showing my friend (who has no problem with suicidal themes) Doki Doki Literature Club and the surprise was ruined by the trigger warnings. "Is this a horror game??" The point of DDLC is that you don't know the happy, cute visual novel is actually a horror game in disguise because the trigger warnings practically give it away at the very start.
That being said, I understand the importance of trigger warnings. I wish there were more of them in more media because sometimes I'll be watching a movie, for example, and suddenly it hits me with something that makes me feel absolutely terrible and full of dread. The rating isn't specific enough for me to make an informed decision based on what triggers me rather than someone else.
Giving it some thought, I came up with the idea to put the trigger warnings in a submenu accessible from the main menu. That way, players who know they have issues with certain things in media can opt to view the trigger warning and players who don't mind either way can just not check.
To bring more attention to it, I also thought about replacing the trigger warning on the splash screen with something along the lines of "If you have a history of triggers, please look at the trigger warning on the main menu." That way, the triggers could be anything, so it doesn't necessarily spoil the game and it still lets people with triggers to take care of themselves.
I invite talk about it! If anyone has more ideas about how to accomplish this goal, feel free to tell me!
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baronmagikcarp · 1 year
I'm been trying to create my own TTRPG for awhile now. Basically, I wanted a D&D-style game without all the pain-in-the-ass mechanics that come with D&D. I liked the engine that ran the old R. Talsorian Cyberpunk 2020 game (it's D10 based for most of it) and I was really familiar with it so that was the basis.
Now, I wanted magic in the game but I really, really don't like the whole, "Half of this book is going to be nothing but set magic spells of various varieties." It kind of seemed to turn magic into something that isn't, well, magic. I wanted something different, something the player could customize. Basically, they'd craft their own spells.
This is when I figured out really damn fast there's probably a really good reason that D&D does magic the way it does. Trying to come up with some kind of system that was freeform but still adhered to the R. Tal CP2020 system I was trying to use was not easy to say the least. I kind of figured two broad categories, Ritual & Individual. Ritual was stuff you'd do with a group, the basic giant circle with chanting people, and Individual was a one person sort of thing.
Anyway, without getting into what I'd done, I've been taking another run at it and I was thinking of the whole categories like earth, wind, fire, and water for ways to help craft a spell. Then I was thinking of my dwarfs I'd created.
I wanted something different and I'd done a story years ago with a dwarf society that really didn't have much to do with mining. They were a people who roamed prairies and steppes as nomads. They were excellent archers and horsepeople and did lots of trading. They left large cairns out on the plains carved with runes that pretty much on one knows except a few select dwarfs. They were wayfindering tools in both a physical sense, in that you could navigate from them, but also the metaphysical sense in that some of them had started as burial mounds and were markers to the next world.
Now, I'm sitting here thinking, dwarfs would probably have something different other than the normal element based stuff. Then I thought, they're excellent navigators. They have to be, moving across vast open grasslands is a great way to get turned around. Thus, they have a magic system that is based on their cardinal directions of east, west, north, and south with east and west on the top and bottom of the compass rose and north and south on the sides. I freely admit I stole the east on the top from the Hobbit.
That's when it occurred to me that, what with me setting up these ancient cairns and having them covered in metaphysical language, that dwarfs, not elves, where probably the first magic users and other people were either taught or figured it out from them. The elemental stuff is a more recent creation.
All that being said, this is great background but I still haven't figured out just how I want that magic system to work.
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imperatoralicia · 6 months
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I get a lot of entertainment thinking about how containers are used in video games sometimes.
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candycatfalls · 10 days
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bill cmon man this is getting embarrassing
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rhinco · 2 months
tragedy that i haven't seen anyone post this clip from the latest make some noise
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jaratedrinker1 · 8 months
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Do you remember the game i told yall about i am working on? Theres the main cjaracter!! Its inspired by me.This outfit i was wearing then i just drew him with it!
And the game name is “Almond Of Truth”
Itll be released in this year probly.I hope you guys like it!
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deepunknownyouth · 1 year
Dead Cells Hud
Dead cells came out in 2018 and was loved for its style of combat and levels design. However the Ui is also very very interesting as well as it is quit different.
The games UI is very crammed but I think this was done on purples because that's the games art style and direction the health is at the bottom of the screen witch I for one really like because its easy to see and fits the art style.
On the bottom right side of the screen there is all the erumpent and the things that the player is caring the art style really fits the game and fits the UI and hud as well I really like it and think that this does work it does seem very crafted those.
And finely on the bottom left of the screen is the currency and everything you can pick up and carry. I do quit like that it is all at the bottom of the screen because it does fit the games art design and the tone of the game! Over all I may use something like the long health bar in a game of my own as I really like this so I may use it my self.
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redstonedust · 5 months
i appreciate the attempts a lot of game devs are making with gender neutral character creation, and i appreciate that it's actually a very difficult task to implement that depending on the game's base code. but it's so funny to me when you hear an uproar because some game has "entirely removed the gender option from character creation!!!!!" so you go to check it out and its just like
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fallinel · 3 months
episode 1:
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episode 30:
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chthonic-kids · 3 months
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this person gets it
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minigenos · 2 months
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