#making myself sad seems to be a hobby of mine lol
ii-zi · 11 months
a long time ago I ran the numbers and figured my entire family could live for 70 years with no want or need left uncovered + thousands of pesos to spend freely per month with only 1M dlls
today i saw a video of a random guy looking to buy a private jet to travel more comfortable with his models and business partners, saying he was willing to spend up to 70 million euros, so i decided to run the numbers again
even adjusted to the depreciation of the dollars (from 22 mxn to 17 mxn) and the soaring prices of living, plus a hefty 6k+ mxn per month (more than what anyone makes in this house), it'd still cover 6 entire decades of living expenses. 60 whole years.
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
15 Things About Me
Shout out to @faithinwalls369 for the tag. I'm actually writing the final chapter of my fic this week which I've been really quiet about, and literally none of my mutuals on a discord server know about because I'd never mention something like that, so this will be brand new information to those mutuals.
Anyway, I made the decision to make sure I take breaks from writing it and rambling here seems like a perfect break so buckle in friends.
Are you named after anyone? 
My cousin's middle name is Imogen.
When was the last time you cried? 
Lol. When I wrote the A/N on the last chapter I posted which was like a day and a half ago. And before that it was earlier that day when I was talking about a sad fic. But I'm PMS-ing so that would be why.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
Yes, but I wouldn't say it's my main mode of humour. I looked into once because my little research brain needed to know all the types of senses of humour there were. I'd say mine is 'self-enhancing humour'. Which is like self-deprecating humour except I think all my 'negative' qualities are hilarious. .
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Probably what they're wearing. Not in a judgemental way, but just, I think it tells you a lot about a person.
What’s your eye colour?
Hazel. But I met my husband through a mutual friend and we were at a music festival and for some reason Brown-Eyed Girl was playing and I was like 'I have brown eyes' because I'm amazing at flirting but now he insists I brown eyes even though they are definitely hazel.
Scary movies or happy endings? 
Happy endings unless I don't want to sleep for a week straight.
Any special talents? 
Convincing myself I have every life-threatening condition that exists. Surviving on an average of four hours of sleep a night. Publishing 215,000 words in ten weeks.
Where were you born? 
Australia. In the same city I live in now.
What are your hobbies? 
...I wrote 215k words in ten weeks, I don't have time for hobbies. Only hyperfixations.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I've played football (soccer), basketball, dance, swimming and I was terrible at all of them.
Do you have any pets?
Two black cats - Theo and Luna, and a black lab puppy, named Oreo.
How tall are you? 
165 cms.
Favourite subject at school? 
I only really did the whole schooling thing to socialise and I left when I was sixteen (but ended up going to uni after) I did best in English and Drama. I'm good at non-calculator maths but my brain couldn't cope when we were expected to remember complex formula's. In year 10 (so like 15-16years old) my maths teacher hated me (because I did fuck all) but I was in one of the top classes and he literally said he had no idea how I was in there. But our first exam for the year was non-calculator and I got top of the class and it was one of my proudest moments. I also enjoyed Biology aspect of science and I was good at the Health/Physical development aspect of PE/H/PD (although that was mainly because I was an autodidact when it came to sex-ed). But then, years later I got my Degree in a health care field.
Dream job?
So... when I was eighteen I created a bucketlist and the very top of it was to publish a book... and I didn't care how it was published, I just wanted to be able to write something and have people read it... and guess what? This week I am writing the final chapter for a 200k+ word fic that people have actually read. But I also love my other job that actually makes me money. Honestly right now I feel like I've reached the self-actualisation level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs... so I can only go down from here. And I've leave you on that pleasant note.
<3 <3 <3
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you’re still doing matchups? If you are, then I hope you don’t mind doing mine! I’m hoping for one for Harry Potter with male characters. My pronouns are she/her.
Appearance wise, I’m a short left-handed girl, standing at 4’11 3/4 or 152 cm. I have dyed Camilla rose (closest color name I could find on Google lol) hair and dark brown eyes. I’m a Sun Capricorn, Moon Virgo, and Rising Leo with a personality of an ISFP. I am straight (leaning towards greyaromatic), but according to every single one of my friends who thought (some are still convinced) that I’m a lesbian that I give off very gay vibes. No matter how loud I get, I’m 100% an introvert. I don’t mind silence, I love it at times, which sometimes creates first impressions of me as a nice, polite, and quiet girl, so when they see me being mean to my friends, they get so surprised.
My entire humor consists of the classical “Your Mom” jokes, exposing my friends, bullying, and lying/gaslighting. I also love exerting my right to say ‘no’ since a lot of people don’t like saying it and I love gaslighting the hell of my friends. Although, I do lie about some things because I don’t want to be seen as weak or ignorant or easily exploitable, which leads to me acting like a know-it-all at times.
Despite that, I have a blunt personality which also stems from saying no a lot. My friends describe it as the humbling kind. l tend to be more blunt for emotional things, like calling them out if they went too far on someone else, but if any of those things were directed at me, I tend to be silent. I don’t like talking about myself a lot to my friends and even my parents. I’m about blunt with talking about vulgar things, sometimes sexual stuff but only if my friends bring it up first, and it doesn’t help that I curse a lot. I also love being a bad influence, trying to convince my friends to do stupid things with me. Generally I don’t stress which is weird to both me and my friends. A very important test could be happening in the next hour and I’d be out here making jokes and playing around while my friends are stressing out of their mind.
Hobbies! I play the piano, violin, guitar, clarinet, and just recently the kalimba! Despite all of this, I’m planning on dropping my music lessons in a few months. I’ll be sad to drop especially the piano which I’ve been playing for over 10 years now, but I was never that passionate for music as it was something I forced to keep going by my parents. The other instruments, I’ve picked up within the last 3-5 years. Music’s always been and will be my friend, but it’ll just be on the back burner for now. I’ve gotten new hobbies instead, like drawing and writing!
I see
Your Harry Potter match is…
Ronald Weasley
Tumblr media
First of all: height jokes
When Ron’s feeling really playful, he’d rest his arm on your head teasingly
As soon as you got mean to your friends, Ron was really suprised thinking they maybe did something?
After a while he realized it
He doesn’t care that you give off gay vibes, he loves the whole of you
At first he wasn’t really into the all “your mom” joke thing
After a while he’d definetly warm up and start using it too
Maybe way too much
Ron mainly likes the fact that you can stand up for yourself and say “no”
At first he thought you were like Hermione in the first year: know-it-all
It didn’t take him long to realize thag the “know-it-all” thing is not the real whole you
Does his best to comfort you if you’re feeling stressed
Even though you don’t like to talk about yourself, he’d definetly brag about you and show how amazing you are off to Harry, Hermione and definetly his family
Ron is a trouble-maker, so if you ever wanna do something stupid, count him in
When you’re in public he likes to hold your hand
If Ron gets jealous he’d probably put his arm on your lower back
Even though it seems to him kinda weird that you don’t stress, he’s glad that you don’t
Ron prefers if you wouldn’t stress at all instead of stressing all the time
Asking each other for help with homework
He’d mostly ask you
Playing piano? He’d ask you to teach him how to play
He’d try his best, but still fail
Mad at your parents for forcing you to do something you don’t wanna
Ron is amazed by how many instruments you play
He’d like to see your drawing if you’d let him, sometimes
Molly loves you!
If you’re ever meeting up with his family they will probably tell you about all the stupid and embarrassing things Ron did when he was a kid
No matter what, Ron us really supportive and caring
Does some silly magic to cheer you up if you’re ever feeling down
Cheek kisses
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Hi, I'd like to ask for a match-up if you don't mind. This might be fairly lengthy or idk sorry about that. I use she/her and I think I'm pan although I would much rather not use labels for something as fluid as sexuality. My love languages are quality time and acts if service.
I've been told that I seem unapproachable to those who dont know me, which is understandable since I'm reserved around others most of the time. However, that's not the case at all with my close friends. I'm far more relaxed and expressive around them.
I'd say I have very low self esteem and find nothing to like about myself so I rely heavily on external validation, but only from people who mean somethingto me. I fear being perceived in a way i don't want by them so that sometimes leads to me being insincere with them at the start of relationships.
This will be a cliche but I've had my gifted kid burnout lol. It lead me to have a horrific work ethic like even right now I'm procrastinating on revising for an exam lmao. As for my grades they vary according to how much the subject interests me. Like I score really well on subjects like Math, English and psychology but in subjects like chemistry and physics, they're insanely unpredictable depending on if I liked that topic or not (anywhere from 40-100[which is sad tbh wish I was more consistent💀 also idk the us grade equivalent]) so I'd say interest plays a really important role in my actions.
That being said I gain and lose interest in stuff pretty quickly so it is really hard to talk about hobbies or likes and dislikes lmao. But a general trend that I've noticed is I unironically like pretentious shit lol. Psychology, law, philosophy and literature interest me very much. Other than that I've recently been getting into astrology bc of a friend and it's kinda fun?? Lol. Oh and for what it's worth I'm a Capricorn sun and moon and Virgo rising.
I also really like writing and have a collection of poems, some of which are embarrassingly edgy but in my defence I wrote them while having an emo phase back in middle school. But I still enjoy writing poetry and other short pieces. I also like singing and I think I'm slightly above mid at it idk. Other than that I like spending time with people who don't drain me on good days.
I tend to mess up a lot in relationships bc idk I somehow end up convincing myself I'm not worthy of them so I self sabotage a lot. Idk if this is relevant but I struggle a lot with mental health but I sought help this year so slay. I can also get pretty obsessive over them due to my pretty bad mental health. And uhhh like idk but if those feelings are not returned it just crashes and burns lmao like I end up hating them, which is honestly awful on my part, but I have to hate them too get over them. But eventually that hatred fizzles out into indifference but idk.
But uh sad stuff aside, I love passionately lmao. Like I spoil the fuck out of my friends and people I love. Handmade gifts, surprise trips, playlists or idk, just lying on the bed vibing in silence I just like hanging around with them. I make all of their problems mine and don't stop until I make them go away completely, or if I can't, I feel guilty about it. I'd say I like helping people. I want to be a therapist because I want to help people feel better or at least let them have some semblance of peace. Seeing that my efforts have made someone feel better makes me inexplicably happy.
And after all that would looks matter lol idk. But like it's safe to say that I'm conventionally ugly lmao. But I don't really mind it. I've made peace with it.
Ok that was genuinely long so sorry about that ahaha. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and have a great day!
I match you with...
You're the kind of person that is hyper-vigilant about everything that you do. No matter how you came to be this way, it's something that you're aware of and you have a hard time turning off. You are aware that actions have consequences and decisions can do things to other people. One of the things about being an empathetic person is you are constantly checking yourself. It means that you're a good person who always tries their best, but it also means that you wind up limiting yourself in other ways because while you try to emotionally regulate others, you forget to emotionally regulate yourself.
In that case, you need somebody in your life who knows how to remind you that you come first. It's important to help other people but don't take off all of your clothes in a blizzard to protect somebody else and leave yourself with nothing. So having somebody in your life that knows how to take care of other people is important. It makes you a powerful duo in your own right when you're having a good day, but it also keeps the two of you in check when you need a reminder that you need to be taken care of. Jumin is your man for that reason. He can be there for you and you can be there for him.
You’re passionate, too. You like to create with your hands and that leads to you sitting around with Jumin as you work, and he chuckles in approval, working on his projects at the same time. He loves to watch you make something out of the tools you have! It inspires him to focus harder on the hobbies he has. It’s meant to be methodical... but you remind him that it’s a creative endeavor, too. A labor of love molded by your hands. You inspire your lover every day just by being the person that you are. Love is strong and true, and you never have to be afraid of looking over at him and not seeing the same love-filled eyes. It’s always there in his heart.
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dumbass-mha-simp · 3 years
Elliott x GN!Reader
Your New Playlist
Kinda sad? Ig angst but not actually like, bad angst yk.
1k words
Stardew Valley
Warnings: crying, mentally beating yourself over a crush, self-sacrificing but not in a death kinda way, cussing (I think like one f word), Elliott is a theater kid you can't convince me otherwise,
I wanna do a part two, would anyone be interested? I know how much us Elliott simps want fanfiction. I'm probably gonna start on it anyway lol.
Yes I actually made this playlist smh ikik, you don't have to listen to it ofc but his aesthetic really fits my music taste, at least I feel so. I write my fanfiction as gender neutral as I can but if you ever spot any mistakes I'd love to fix it!!
Elliott's POV
My feet took me across the path leading to Leah's house. The gentle cotton clouds stretching their wisps across the blue sky, bright enough to blind me as though it were the sun that it surrounds. The gentle new Spring breeze froze my cheeks lightly as my eyes closed to avoid the same chill from the past winter.
Fresh Spring flowers and hidden vegetables encircled her yard as I made my way to knock against the dark wood door that always seemed thunderingly loud.
Leah peaked through the window by her door before I can see her face light up and reach for the door.
"Hey, c'mon in!" She opens the door wider to let me pass through. "How are you doing?"
"If I'm honest, a little troubled." I sigh looking forlornly to the floor.
"Come sit." Leah pulls me to her table and sits in the accompanying seat. "Tell me what you're thinking."
"Leah, what does it feel like to you before you admit you fancy someone?" I look up into her listening eyes before her face changes into slight shock.
"Hmmm." She brings her hand up to her chin as she ponders. "Well, you miss being around them when they're gone. You constantly find ways to connect anything back to them, like `oh they'd love this`, or `I should check up on them.` You care about their opinion more than others and you want to learn about them, even if it's the uninteresting things."
I slide my arms down onto the table, placing my head on top of them. That sounded exactly like what's happening. I had read about it a million times, falling gently in love with a close friend. Perhaps that interest to become friends was always attraction.
"I can't get enough of Y/N." I muffled through my folded arms sighing once again as I turned my head to finally look back up at Leah, the light stinging my eyes.
"Well maybe I could help you with getting more of them?" Leah smirked as she grabbed her phone from her pocket.
I lifted my head slightly panicked. "What are you doing?" I rushed out.
"Relax, I'm not telling Y/N. But they shared something with me. They have a wide music taste yes?"
I had heard some of their music. While they made us lunch, while they partake in their hobbies, when they hum near silently late at night on the beach. I nodded back thinking of how they never seemed to be signing along to a song similar to the others. Unpredictable, and absolutely captivating.
"Well one of their tastes in music is very folk-y and they mentioned how those songs reminded them of you. So they made a playlist of songs that remind themselves of you." Leah said looking down and scrolling through her phone.
They made a playlist about me. They actively want to remember and listen to things that remind themselves of me. I feel I might faint. Was this something that was common among friends? Was this nothing more than an act of kindness? Or something they decided to do on a whim?
"Here give me your phone I'll send it to you." She holds her hand out expectantly.
I quickly go to pull out the hardly used device. I had never had much use for it but if it could bring me any step closer to Y/N I wouldn't hesitate to learn.
Leah downloaded a music app, laughing at how I had no applications. Before leaving it opened on the playlist. "The Lonely, Ocean-Accompanied, Writer." It read. I reread it a couple times to convince myself it was real. A lovely name, but is that how they see me?
"Chill out, Romeo." Leah giggled. "I can practically see you overthinking everything. Just relax and listen to the songs, maybe they'll tell you something."
I wrapped my arms around her neck, hugging her closely before leaving to listen to the playlist.
As I shut the door behind me I pressed my back against it. I've never felt so scattered before. I looked for the volume button, turning it up before hitting play.
The songs, quiet but emotional. As though you had just lie down on the grass to cry or relieve tension or reminisce. They felt like a memory I had trouble recalling.
The songs seemed to renew me, before I heard one I distinctly remembered hearing before. From high-school theater club, a time in my life that was fond to me. I do remember Y/N telling me they loved musicals, hearing them hum along to Heathers while I wrote.
A song unlike most others on this list.
"When He Sees Me" from Waitress.
"Oh, Yoba. What if when he sees me, I like him and he knows it? What if he opens up a door, And I can't close it?" I belted out the lyrics as loud as I wanted, the tears streaming down my face unwavering.
The good side to owning your own farm is you could scream along to your songs without people to complain. You had been replaying this part of the song for awhile now. He was all you could seem to think about.
Your head was swarmed with thoughts of Elliott. Some where he reciprocated your feelings and others where he shut you out. Every time you built a daydream where he loved you unconditionally you trampled it with the thoughts of his rejection.
You brought your knees up to your chest, resting your head between them as you cried.
Elliott's POV
We had had conversations about musicals, perhaps that's why they chose this song? Maybe they thought since my school had a play of Waitress that it'd fit. But I know they liked other Waitress songs, why weren't those added? Only this one.
After that song came another, "I Hear A Symphony" one I've never heard. As the song started all I could see was Y/N. I could hear them singing along, their smile, their eyes averting to mine for the thousandth time.
Y/N was my symphony.
The powerful, breathtaking ocean couldn't compare to the awkward farmer that ran across town just to give me their best sweet pea flowers and be the first thing I saw as I left my quaint cabin.
They brought the motivation and inspiration for 8 hour writing sessions, they brought me food when they knew I'd forgotten to eat between writing the book and planning on what to write next.
They were something I could never dream of losing. I wished to live the rest of my life with their support.
If telling them my feelings means I'd lose them, then I couldn't dream of making such a selfish decision.
I trudged my way into town. After last night's crying session my eyes still felt a bit dry, if I'm honest I cried when I woke up as well. The loneliness felt suffocating in such a lonely little house. But I needed some new seeds. The stone path drawing all my attention as I walked.
As I walked into Pierre's it wasn't hard to tell that people could see something was off. After buying my seeds I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around to find Elliott.
"Y/N are you feeling alright? You look as though you've been distressed lately." You motion to him to follow you and walks out of the store behind you.
You take a deep breath as you start to tear up a bit more. He reaches for your face as he lifts it up, looking at the pooling tears.
So many things, the things you could have said. But they didn't come up. Instead a vision of his face of discomfort at your confession. You couldn't bear it. You couldn't tell him.
"I've just been stressed. I'm sorry for worrying you, Elliott." You sigh, attempting to put up a fake smile as you wipe your eyes. He retracts his hand as he looks guilty. Fuck does he feel like it's his fault?
"Well I'm willing to listen to your troubles if you ever need." He also puts on a strained smile as you both part ways.
"This is for the best." They both whisper as they leave.
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0606-hyuck · 3 years
the final curtain call
gonna be honest with you guys, i didn't ever think this is a post i would make any time soon. i have made the extremely hard decision to stop posting on this blog due to reasons that i will explain under the cut.
but before that i would just like to quickly say that the decision to close this blog was one that i have been antagonising over since april of this year. i created 0606-hyuck/hellabts way back in june of 2016 when i first got into kpop and i was just a bts stan. that's now five years of running this account and sharing my love for a bunch of dancing boys! without 0606-hyuck/hellabts i would have never meet anahi, @omelys-space @roses-of-the-moon and @coolhootswtlove, people i would not hesitate for a second to call real friends ♡ so of course, this decision is a very emotional one for me, but i feel like deep down this is the right thing to do.
there are two main reasons why i've decided to close 0606-hyuck. the first being that over the years, the blog's interactivity has severely declined. this year i've had the opportunity to meet some really awesome up and coming writers in the nct community, and i am so proud of them and the writing that they're producing. but at the same time it's been very hard to watch how active and fun their blogs seem while mine is as dead as prince phillip LOL (also my followers are dorpping like flies, yikes). this past year i've gotten into the really bad habit of obsessively checking my notifications every hour or so only to be disappointed with what i find. i could feel myself slowly slipping back into this obsessive comparing behaviour that i desperately tried to escape while i was in high school — behaviour which ended up ruining a lot of my relationships. i'm 21 now and i don't need to be putting that kind of pressure on myself anymore.
the second reason i decided to close 0606-hyuck is because i essentially had (and continue to have) a meltdown over my future career LMAO. i am in the unfortunate position where i'm in my last year of university and am only just realising that what i've studied for three years is not what i want to pursue. for me, writing has been a passion of mine for around ten years now, and it's something that i genuinely think will be one of those hobbies that sticks with me for life. it was only recently that i realised writing creatively was something that i want to do seriously, not just as an after school hobby. as much as i absolutely love writing for our neos, i know that if i want to take writing seriously then i need to push myself to do more than fanfics and expand my horizons. hence why i am saying goodbye to this chapter of my writing journey.
it's funny, looking back, because i remember at the start of the year how i was all like "omg 2021 is going to be my year, i am going to start taking 0606-hyuck seriously". i guess i was half right? while 2021 isn't the year for my blog anymore, i still feel like it is the year to start making moves and taking things seriously. i will not stop writing (you can't stop me, mwahahaha) in fact, i have made the decision to try my hand at writing interactive fiction. it's definitely going to be a big step up, learning how to code and juggling all the different variables, but i am excited to put 100% of my focus into this new project. i would be so happy if you wanted to keep up with me over on my new account @lost-kiwi-dev because i can't wait to introduce you to the world of pendosa and the five lovely romance options i've had in my head for so so long!
phew this is getting long. so yeah. that's the announcement and my reasoning behind it. this is definitely not the end for me, just the opening of another chapter. i plan to keep 0606-hyuck as an archive of my works, although i won't be active on here anymore (who knows though, nct dream have such a special place in my heart that i may not be able to stay away from them for long, so i could be back to write some more stuff in the future?).
to my followers (nearly 1200 of you!!) i thank you all so much for everything you've given me — the motivation and drive to continue to pursue my passion. i love you all so much and will miss you heaps!
to my mutuals, (@honeymark @amorajae @stellumi @flowerboykun @soliverse and @chicksung) i am so sorry that i didn't take the time to get to know you all very well, but from what i do know about you you're all wonderful people and supremely talented. i am so proud of you and so grateful that i had the opportunity to connect with you. if you would like to continue being mutuals then please please feel free to follow me on @lost-kiwi-dev (i'll give ya a sweet followback of course) or don't hesitate to ask for my insta if you're comfortable with that ♡
once again, thank you all so much. this is a very sad decision, but i am hopeful and excited for the future ☆
— gem (0606-hyuck and hellabts)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by egooverdose
Japan: What is one stereotype you associate with Asian countries/people? :/ :/ Uhm...
Jelly Bracelets: Do you have any? In which colors? Have you ever broken one? I seem to have forgotten what these refer to, but I’m sure I had a couple that didn’t last long. I wasn’t much into bracelets as a kid. Joakim Berg: Who is your favorite foreign singer|musician? Do you translate his or her lyrics? Beyoncé, I guess. All Americans are foreigners to me. I don’t translate her lyrics, nor do I do that with any other songs in English.
Josh Todd: Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what made you decide to get them? No, but I’d love a couple that symbolize important things or people, like a bowl of nachos for Nacho and each of my dogs’ pawprints.
kent: Say something in a foreign language? The word ‘kampana’ is Filipino for bell.
Kundera: What is one philosophy you have regarding life|living|purpose? Idk, I’m starting from scratch after the shitstorm that was this year. I have to find one again. I’m not rushing, though, and I want to give myself as long as I need to regather. Fuck knows I need to be kind to myself right now.
Learning: What is something you enjoy learning about? Off the top of my head, anything that doesn’t involve machines tbh. I can read about anything Wikipedia and encyclopedias have to offer, but I draw the line at factories and automobiles and engineering and robots and stuff lmao, it’s just not my thing.
Minimalist Interior Design: How would you design the inside of your own home? You already mentioned it; minimalist. I don’t want a lot of furniture and a lot of color in my space. I’d be happy with a minimal number of items organized in a meaningful way with some pastel shades here and there.
Miserable Weather: What is a weather-type that you like that not many others do? Thunderstorms, I guess? It’s been a hit or miss for me these days though; I’ve found myself crying more when it rains...but for the longest time I’ve enjoyed bleak and rainy weather. I’m not planning to drop it as my favorite just yet.
Morning: Are you friendly in the morning, or are you barely awake? I’m friendly at work from the start to the end of my shift because it’s the nice thing to do, and because I have to be. But I’m almost always anxious and on the brink of breaking down every morning. Since it’s WFH, no one from work has to know that.
Music: How important is music in your life? It’s slowly becoming significant again. I got a Spotify subscription for myself after years of sharing with Gab’s account lol, so I’ve been revisiting the music that I had to set aside for months while I had to grieve on my own. It was brutal the first few days and I cried a lot when I heard my go-to sad songs again, but I soon realized I need releases like that and so I’ve been a little more unafraid to listen to music each day.
Oasis: What is a band you remember liking from your childhood? Paramore? HAHAHAHA they were the first band I ever loved, man. And I’m happy I get to say I still very much love them.
Opinions: Do you ever get mad at people for not having the same opinion as you (i.e. Abortion being wrong|right, Meat-eating being wrong|right)? If it’s the kind of opinion that will step on fundamental human rights, like being vehemently against same-sex marriage, then we will have a problem. Otherwise, I don’t care if someone prefers Android or having pineapples on their pizza unless they’re being an asshole about it.
Orchids: What is your favorite type of flower? Does it grow where you live? Peonies. Idk, I guess so? I don’t speak flowers.
Outerspace: Do you think there's a possibility of life out there? There sure is; the universe is so vast. I wish we’re able to learn more in this lifetime, though; I wouldn’t want to miss out on future discoveries.
Photo-Editing: Do you edit any of your pictures? In what ways? Sometimes I’ll add a cute or flattering filter; that’s the furthest my editing skills go. I don’t use advanced applications like Photoshop and I don’t know how to remove moles or stray hairs or whatever.
Photography: If you like to take pictures, what is your motivation? I’m not into photography per se, like it’s not a hobby of mine or anything; but I do like taking photos of special or funny events. It’s nice to have a memento for a little bit of everything going on in my life.
Poland: Would you ever consider living anywhere cold? Yes. Maybe not Norway or Finland levels of cold, but somewhere considerably cooler than the humid hot mess I currently live in. When I went to Jeju four Aprils ago, they had the p e r f e c t temperature I could ever ask for and it was sooooo perfectly and comfortably cold in that I got to walk around in shorts but I never shivered or got goosebumps.
Potatoes: What is your absolute favorite food? It used to be burgers, but my mom has been making so many cheeseburgers the last few weeks that I need to take a break from them lol. Right now, my favorite would be sushi.
Questions: Do you like to ask questions, or answer them? Answer them, hence this blog.
Quirks: What are some weird things about you? Depends on what you count as weird. By far, people have been weirded out the most by the fact that I don’t eat fruits and will avoid them like the plague. I don’t mind the reactions and it’s actually turned out to be a great icebreaker, so I whip out that factoid pretty often haha.
Quizzes: When was the last time you were tested on something? I had a blood test last May because we needed to know if my fever was dengue or something else. Turned out to be a UTI.
Radiohead: Do you like any depressing bands? After Laughter is sad as shit but I wouldn’t say Paramore is generally known by this image. None of the other bands I listen to would count as ‘depressing.’
Rings: How would you describe the size of your fingers? They’re long and slender, which I love.
Satire: Do you enjoy political satire? It’s a hit or miss. I generally don’t seek it out.
Singing: Who do you know personally that has a nice singing voice? Leigh.
Skinny Jeans: Would you wear them? Or do you hate them? I wear them, but I hate them. 
Smashing Pumpkins: Listen to the band, or take it literally and actually GO smash pumpkins? xD Neither.
Snakes: Would you ever wear snake-skin pants, or other animal clothing? I used to wear leather shoes because it was required for school. I avoid the practice now.
Snow: What, to you, is the best part about snow|snowy weather? You tell me, lol. I’ve never experieinced snow before.
Space: Do you like to have your own space? Are you independent? It’s definitely important to have it every now and then; I’m actually taking this survey from a Starbucks because I needed so baddddd to get out of the house. It’s the first time I’m out on my own without having to do errands since March, and it feels kinda nice.
As for being independent, I’ve been mostly a dependent person and I like having people to lean on, but my breakup has also been pushing me out of my comfort zone and to try out new things just by myself. We’ll see where this takes me in a few months.
Starry Nights: When was the last time you gazed at the night sky? Last Saturday.
Stockholm: What foreign country would you like to go to for a shopping spree? Do I really have to go to another country for this? Hahahahaha idk maybe Shanghai? The people there were dressed so well when I visited.
Studded Belts: Do you own any? What do you think of them? Nope.
Suave Shampoo: What is your favorite shampoo scent? Brand? I don’t have a preference for either. As long as it’s able to clean my hair, it’s fine.
Sunglasses: What kind do you own|wear, if any? Do you like them? I don’t really. I don’t like my vision getting tinted.
Surveys: How many surveys do you think you have taken since you've started? My old survey blog has nearly 1500 while this one has a little over 1000, then add what’s probably a few hundreds that I did in 5th grade but never saved anywhere...so maybe somewhere between 2500 to 2700 in total? Hahaha I honestly thought it would be more.
Sweden: Do you ever feel like you should have been born in another country? I think nearly everyone from the Philippines thinks this.
Swedish Fish: What is a candy you often enjoy? Gummy anything.
Tea: Do you like tea more than coffee, or the other way around? I love coffee; I’m drinking one right now :D I never enjoyed tea.
The Beatles: My brother gets mad if people say they aren't the best band ever; what about you? Then I guess I shouldn’t be talking to him.
Theories: What do you think will happen to you after you die? Sleep.
Thom Yorke: If you met your favorite musician, what would you ask him|her? If we were in a Covid-free society, all I’d ask for is a hug, really. I wouldn’t have anything to ask them.
Thought: What do you spend most of your day thinking about? I’m still grieving about the stuff I’ve already covered.
Thought-Provoking Conversation: What do you consider deep? This would be a little hard to verbalize and I don’t really feel like describing rn. I guess you can say this question in itself is deep, ha.
Tokyo: Where is a busy place you would like to go to? Aw man what an innocent question. I wish I could show this survey-maker what a trainwreck 2020 has been and how ‘busy places’ virtually don’t exist anymore, at least for now.
Unpretentious Gestures: If someone pays you a compliment, do you take it to heart, or do you pass it off as just flattery? I take it to heart, but I’m not always able to receive it well.
Video Games: Do you think they cause people to become violent? No. I spent my childhood going on killing rampages on GTA and I’m still unlikely to resort to violence.
Vocabulary: What was the last word you learned? The term ‘low latency.’ 
Warsaw: What is a funny fact about your heritage? Good question, but I can’t think of any at the moment. I don’t really think ‘funny’ when I look for facts to absorb but now I want to look this up haha.
Web Design: Have you or could you build your own site? My principal requirement for my Online Journalism class was to make my own website/blog, actually. But Covid blew up and we ended up having to cancel the entire semester altogether, so my classmates and I never got to pursue more of that class other than our first few meetings, which were used for lectures.
Winter: How long|cold are winters in your area? It does not even exist.
Words: How many pages of words do you think you type a day? Maybe like 5 or 6. It’s a WFH set-up, so I’m exclusively on the laptop typing away the entire week.
Writing: Do you try to avoid it, or do you embrace it? I embrace it as long as I don’t have to write fiction or prose. I like writing, but only through journals and surveys.
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najatheangel · 3 years
hi! could I get a written ship for nct 127, nct dream, and seventeen? i am 5’5” with brown hair and brown eyes. i’m an isfj and gemini. i am generally calm and soft spoken, and my friends describe me as a happy, gentle, and studious person. i’m also told that I can be too nice for my own good, and i’m definitely a mom friend ahah. my hobbies include drawing, listening to music, reading manga, watching tv, traveling, and baking. i also love spending time with my friends and family and studying in cafes :) my favorite foods are sushi, poke, and korean bbq. i’m family-oriented and love animals, especially cats! i daydream a lot and would describe myself as an idealist. i tend to be drawn to people who have a cool or almost cold appearance but are actually sweet on the inside. arrogance, dishonesty, selfishness, and rudeness are huge pet-peeves of mine. my ideal date would be a comfy home date (cooking dinner together and watching a movie). thank you so much! hope you have a good day💗💗
Heyy gorgeous, thanks so much for requesting. So sorry for the hold up, but your ships are finally here...
From Nct Dream, I ship you with...Renjun
Positive Side: When I read your description from start to finish, I just knew I was going to ship you with him. Your personalities definitely make a good balance in a sense, because just like you, he’s very soft spoken, gentle, very friendly and can be in tone with his emotions in a positive light. He also can be fiesty, dramatic and very funny which adds more excitement to both of your relationship. When people try to take advantage of your kindnesses or even tease you too much, Renjun would stand up for you in a heart beat grasping your shoulder clinging you close to him. Dates would be sooo entertaining because you both have similar interests and hobbies. You guys will do weekly art projects together as dates and exchange them as gifts for other to hang up in your rooms. Since he's learning more about cooking as he go, he would get guidance from hyung Doyoung to prepare your favorite dish along with any movie of your choice. Lastly, he’s a sucker for baby kittens and the both of you would adopt 3 from the shelter to name them Clover, Sparkle and Coco. Being with him can help you both learn to love and blossom into a more stronger, loveable and powerful couple.
Negative Side: Renjun can be a tab bit sensitive when it comes to being with you. Every once in awhile, we see Renjun reveal his emotional side to czennies which can make me ooo so soft most of the time, but that’s only because he knows how to pour his heart out into his dream job and your relationship. I have a feeling sometimes he can’t control his jealousy by making assumptions when a guy is flirting with you or even touching you. The guy wouldn’t even be able to make eye contact more than 10 seconds, that enough would start to irritate him. Not saying he would act crazy, but he can only go so far with his patience, because this man can get real hot headed easily. I meann he has to deal with pranksters Haechan and Chenle so I understand his pain lol.
But...: After him pouting and ranting about the guy that was giving all over you, you gave him reassurance by taking him out for sushi and letting him stay the night at your place cuddling in your bed sharing hoodie as a blanket while watching anime. Renjun just loves giving his all to you and wanted to make sure that all the guys that would ever dare try to hit you up or hook up with you had to deal with facing your boyfriend and his fist. He can acting intense sometimes, but at the end of the day Renjun has the vocals and the personality of an angel and would never let anything bad happen to your relationship.
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From Nct 127, I ship you with...Doyoung
Positive Side: Personally, I feel like matching you with Doyoung made the most sense to me. He would love how hard you study and how you have those traits of a mom very gentle, kind, calm and very wise. I have this feeling that in order to be with Doyoung, you have to keep up with his level of intelligence in order to understand him and his humor. I feel like in that aspect, that’s where you both click so well as friends and lovers. When around the members, you love to help Doyoung cook dinner almost every night with him learning new recipes and having intimate time together. Doyoung has been really bold lately especially with czennies so I can imagine him trying to flirt with you by wrapping his arms around you helping you mix or drop the amount of ingredients needed in the bowl. Cafe dates with him every weekend too to help you study for your exams, he would know exactly what study tools worked best for you and reward you with a kiss if you got all the answers right. Only straight A’s or no kisses was his number 1 rule. Lastly, he would be so professional yet protective of you when dealing with rude people. For example, if a saesang tried to spam you with texts asking for Doyoung’s Instagram account info, this man would grab your phone and troll them by giving them fake info. He would professionally go off on haters if it meant he could protect you.
Negative Side: Sometimes Doyoung can say harsh petty things, but a lot of times he means it as a joke. This side of him was hard to understand at first because most of the time you couldn’t tell if he was joking or being serious. Those times would lead to you feeling hurt inside and made it hard for you to face him. Even the other members that saw this happening, would thump Doyoung in the forehead very hard to make him realize what he’s done.
But...: Doyoung cares about you too much to let you feel sad, because of him. He apologizes with tears almost in his eyes and he even insists on allowing you to hit him. Instead, you both just hold each other’s hands and agreed to learn how to understand each other even more. After awhile his jokes doesn’t phase you and you even snap back at him. The love starts to become stronger at that point.
Awhhh our beautiful bunny boy 🥺🐰✨
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From Seventeen, I ship you with... Jun
Positive Side: As much as I know seventeen, Jun is still kind of hard to describe personality wise. He does fit your ideal type as far as someone who would look cool and cold, but is actually sweet and laidback. He has very unique charms, hes a hard worker and he’s very talented. I can tell you this though, your both very idealistic and daydreamers which works out perfectly, because you both can work together help achieving your goals. You can help him stay motivated to continue to perform with seventeen and he can encourage you to focus on school and finish strong. Being the food lovers you both are, he’ll travel with you to the best tasting restaurants from Korean bbq to rolled ice cream. Expect lots of drunken moments with Jun especially when he’s out with the members. He’s only a giggler when he’s drunk, but he’s also a cuddler. When schedules become too busy and he’s super tired, he’s a very homey person so he would love to watch movies, reading manga together and playing games with you eating chocolate chip cookies you both just baked the other night. Lastly expect FaceTime shenanigans when he’s away on tour, he’ll be blowing up your phone trying to update you on everything that’s going on when he’s traveling with his members. “What is it this time Jun? You just called me 5 min ago.” “Check this out baby, they have these cute charm bracelets at this store. You want one?” “Awhh of course” Also. Never hang up without saying I love you or he’ll keep calling you back until you do.
Negative Side: Although both Gemini’s would seem like a disaster combination, it’s not as bad as you think. I think the only issue between you two would be the level of trust. In the beginning when you first moved in together, it was kind of hard to adjust living together, because he didn’t want you snooping into his things and you didn’t want him popping in your room whenever you were studying or changing. Those would lead to awkward conversations if you both ever broke those boundaries. The both of you at that point wouldn’t know how to recover from them awkward moments.
But...: After awhile, you both don’t seemed to be too bothered by it because you start to understand each other’s patterns and mood changes which is why you both can work easily together. It’ll tend to frustrate sometimes, but the both of you get over it and move on to the next thing. One minute your jokingly making fun of each other, the next minute you release that frustration out on each other through your make out sessions.
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Out of everyone, I ship you with...Renjun the most.
@beahutiful thanks so much for requesting and I hope you enjoyed your ship. I also hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend.❤️❤️❤️
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Survey #289
“life by life / waste to waste / i’m the harbinger, the master of decay”
How often do you watch the news? Never. Would you rather read the news online? Yeah. Speaking of being online, what website do you visit the most? YouTube. Have you ever held a snake? Plenty. Ever caught a turtle? What about a crawfish? Turtles, yes, as a kid. Please do not take animals out of the wild for no good reason, people. I never touched crawfish because they looked scary lmao. Have you ever eaten gumbo? Idk what that is. Or do you not like spicy food? I enjoy spicy food, but not nearly as much as when I was a teen. Back then, I loved the adrenaline rush, now I just wanna enjoy my food like a normal person, lol. Do you own a bottle of hand sanitizer? Do you like how it smells? Does anyone NOT at this time? Or even before, really? But anyway, no, I don't like the smell. Do you own a pool table? What about an air hockey table? Or a foosball table? Okay so one of the coolest things we had when I was younger was this table that had different "tops" to change out to turn it into various games like these. Like, it was all in one. I don't THINK we still have it? Do you live with your parents? Are you cool with that? I live with my mom, and right now, it's the better idea for many reasons. I feel like shit about it, though. I'm nearly 25. Even if I was financially independent though, I would not be able to handle living all alone with my depression and all. When did/when do you want to move out? Hopefully when I have a stable job and long-term relationship. Have you ever been on a cruise? No. Are you better at catching or throwing? Probably throwing. I can't catch for shit. Do you ever play computer games? Just WoW nowadays. Did you used to have a lunchbox? Yeah, I went through a few. How often do you/did you bring your lunch to school? Whenever I didn't like what was on the menu. And mind you, I was and still am very picky. What was/is your favorite school lunch? I think the chicken sandwiches. When was the last time you wore a hat? What kind of hat was it? Oh yikes, who on Earth knows. It has to have been years. Maybe a Carolina Hurricanes one to a hockey game I went to with Dad. I don't really wear hats. Have you ever tried to ghost hunt? If so, did you catch anything? No. Do you prefer gold or silver? What about diamonds or pearls? Earrings or bracelets? Necklace or rings? Or are you not a jewelry person? Gold; diamonds; earrings; rings (I think). I don't care all that much about jewelry, though. Have you ever made jewelry? Not really, just kiddy crafts stuff. Do you have any unique hobbies? Meerkat RP. Have you ever broken a window? If so, what with? I don't believe so, no. Have you ever had surgery? If so, what on? Yeah. I had tubes put in my ears as a kid, and I had a cyst removed from... directly above my ass lmaoooo. Pilonidal cysts are awesome. Do you know any boys named Ashley or Lesley or Lynn? I don't believe so. Do you prefer coffee or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate, for sure. Do you like green tea? Tea is gross. Do you like to play Freecell? What about Hearts? Or Mahjong? I only know Mahjong, and I've never played that. I used to watch Mom play it on the computer as a kid, though. Idr the rules. Does your family own guns? No. Have you ever been given flowers? Were they from a relative or someone special? Both. Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle? No, and I doubt I will. I'm not like... really scared of them, as a matter of fact they seem really fun, they're just too risky for my liking. Have you ever seen a dead body? At an open-casket wake, yes. What does your umbrella look like? It's just an ordinary black one. Is anyone you know pregnant? HOLY FUCK, I think 90% of my Facebook friends are preggo. It seems like EVERYONE is expecting. Ha, one of my closest friends is legit pregnant with triplets after JUST having a son... She's in for a ride. Does your family do reunion gatherings? No, we're too spread out. What would you order to drink if you were in a bar right now? A strawberry sangria sounds pretty great. When was the last time you had a first kiss? I'm guessing you mean like, my first kiss with the last person I was with? A few summers ago when we were out on the porch making s'mores and dancing like some cheesy fucks lmao. How many homes have you ever lived in? If you don't count the apartment I wasn't an official resident of or staying with a friend for a month due to homelessness, we just moved into our fifth. Or sixth. It's too early when I'm taking this for math. Have you ever donated money to charity? Yeah. What’s your favourite type of exercise? Swimming. How many jobs have you had? Three or four... I'm not even sure because they were so incredibly short because fuck me and my anxiety, right? Who do you stalk the most through Facebook? Nobody. Have you ever deleted your Facebook, then brought it back? No. Write the first song that pops into your head: Well, I'm listening to "Freak On a Leash" right now. Has anything interesting come for you in the mail lately, besides bills? Nah. What is your main responsibility each day? Making sure my cat has food, water, and a clean litterbox. Do you feel like you fulfill those responsibilities? Yeah. I've slacked on the box before on bad mental health days where I can barely force myself to do anything, but I'm usually on top of it. Were you in the wrong during your last argument with someone? I don't recall what my last argument was. I think something w/ Mom. What bands did you used to love, that you don’t listen to much anymore? Hm. It's pretty rare I leave behind bands I've LOVED, so. Are you counting down to anything? tomorrow crihmus When was the last time you used spray paint? Oh, I have no idea. Maybe for an art project in HS? What color are the chairs at your kitchen table? Brown. Have you ever or do you plan on donating to any charities? Which ones? I've donated to some you would like pass by in the store if I had some spare coins or dollars on me, and when I cut my hair to as short as it is now, I donated it all to Children With Hair Loss. One of my most cherished memories is getting the certificate that it was used. I'm sure there's more, especially for school, but idr them. I 110% want to donate to charity streams when I have my own income source. Do you believe that life only gets harder or easier? I mean, this depends on your unique life. Do you know the middle name of the last person you kissed? Hm. I don't think Girt has a middle name, and I don't think Tyler ever told me because he was embarrassed by it. I know Sara's. Have you ever had sex with 2 different people in the same week? No. Who is the friendliest person you know? Probably my friend Girt. Last song you listened to? "Milk and Cookies" by Melanie Martinez is on rn. Something that annoys you about summer: Just ONE thing???? Just about everything does. The only thing I enjoy is all the flowers. Well hell, that's even mostly a spring thing. It's mostly just... plain green in the summer. At least here. Too hot for damn flowers to survive. Something that annoys you about winter: The fact that if it snows here, we get barely anything at all. e_e Are the doors of your fridge side by side or on top of one another? Side by side. When was the last time you burned a body part other than your hands/fingers? I actually just burned the roof of my mouth yesterday. If you’ve moved out of the house you were born in, do you know the people who live in that house now? Nope. What’s one food that you eat more than twice a week? Definitely some form of bread. Do you like zombie movies? No opinion, really. What's the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? UGH. This one time I was in the bathroom with Colleen (it's a girl thing lmao) at a gas station, she did what she normally does and checks under the seat, aND IT WAS COVERED IN BLOOD. It was fucking disgusting. What’s the most wasteful thing you regularly do? Ugh... use plastic bags when disposing of Roman's "business" in the litterbox. I feel absolutely awful using one every other day. If I wait any longer than that, Mom gets mad. What’s the most difficult apology you’ve ever had to give? Probably to Jason via that letter. That honestly wasn't that difficult after having fully accepted I fucked up too, though. I don't generally find it hard to apologize when I know I was wrong. Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? Fuck no. They depress the hell out of me. What was your worst Halloween costume? Idk, I don't remember almost any of mine. When was the first time you can remember feeling mature? When I checked into the doctor by myself. Yes, I know how sad that is at nearly 25. Have you ever had a disappointing Christmas, or any disappointing holiday if you don’t celebrate Christmas? As a kid, there was just one where I was disappointed in what I got. SO fucking ungrateful looking back on that shit. I can't even imagine feeling anything like that now. I cherish Christmas deeply, especially now with nieces and a nephew who experience such joy at Christmastime, and I get to see my dad and his wife and stepson, too. At this age, it truly is about family to me. Do you have any character bandaids in your house right now, or just plain ones? I think we may have some princess ones and some "boy" kind for if the kids are ever over. AKA never because their dad is far more concerned about only including his family in their lives. I don't think Ryder's ever even visited our house, and he's like, four years old. My sister's husband's parents live directly down their road, but still. It hurts Mom and I a lot that we don't seem to matter when it comes to visiting *us*. Have you ever had to give a pet away? Yeah, plenty of times with our old cat nest. What's the junkiest junk food you’ve ever eaten? I dunno, probably something at Disney as a kid. Did you play pretend a lot as a child? Were there any recurring plots or themes? Yeah. I had my "good guys" - a family of alligators, deer (um they were married and had kids don't ask me, man), and some Pokemon figurines - and three big dinos that were the "bad guys." How do you feel about runny egg yolks? Egg yolk is fucking repulsive. The one and only way it's going down my throat is in scrambled eggs. Has a teacher ever tried to teach you something that was undeniably wrong? Not that I remember. If for some reason you had to give up one of your hobbies, which would you choose? I dunno, I have so few already... Maybe World of Warcraft? I almost quit it recently anyway because I was bored and yet it took up so much of my time, but it'd be hard now with a new expansion having just come out with soooo much to do. Man... I dunno. Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? No. How much do you know about first aid? No more than the average joe, really. Which of your relatives do you know the least about? Sadly, probably my dad's oldest daughter. I know only two things about her with certainty. Have you ever meditated? If so, did it do anything for you? Yes, and all it does is make me fidgety and lets me think too much. When was the last time you got ice cream from a truck? Hm... maybe when I was at a beach when I was on vacation with a friend? I was like, a pre-teen then though, so it's been forever. Do you know any sex workers? If so, how do they feel about their job? Not that I'm aware of. And honestly, I have mixed feelings, but I think I lean more towards it being just fine so long as boundaries are set and there are very clear understandings with each other. And you ABSOLUTELY need to be safe about it. I'd far rather people get off with a consenting individual than in... y'know, other ways. It's not my business, anyway. What’s the biggest art project you’ve ever attempted? How did it go? In high school, I did a huge acrylic painting on burlap of meerkats grooming. I am to this day still so proud of it; I worked so hard on it. I love how the fur came out, especially. I do wish I could do over the background, though. What kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live? Excluding the obvious birds, there are tons of squirrels, and you see opossum and racoon roadkill a lot, tragically... Every now and then, you'll see deer in fields in the morning or dusk. Have you ever cooked anything other than s’mores over a fire? Yeah, hot dog.s Are there any items in your house that you use for something other than its intended purpose? I'm positive there's something. Probably everyone has an example. OH! Looking in just my room, Venus' terrarium has saran wrap covering the top to help keep humidity in. What do you hope the afterlife is like? Really, I go back and forth between hoping it's like... this state of nirvana and where you reunite with loved ones and experience infinite peace if deserved, or just the entire lack of existence anymore. I wonder sometimes if I'd want to be sentient forever. But, with me believing in a spirit realm, I don't think the latter is the case. What’s the worst behavior you’ve ever seen from a child? I think I once saw a kid smack their parent's arm or something? I don't really know. Have you ever planned an act of revenge? "No, but i daydream about it." <<<< Ha, yeah, I have. Do you and your parents share any of the same hobbies? Yeah. Mom surprised me when she told me she likes writing (even though I never see her do it), and Dad likes video games. Do you have any physical photo albums? Yes. Would you feel comfortable working at a sex shop? NOPE. Who was the worst friend you ever had? It's funny, Colleen did incredible things for me, but she also fits this description, too... Have you ever campaigned for a political candidate, or otherwise played an active role in an election? I mean, I voted, does that count? What’s the coolest hand-me-down you’ve ever gotten? What about the best one you’ve ever given? I have no idea. Do your parents and grandparents get along with each other? Dad got along perfectly fine with his parents, but my mom and her mother had a rocky history. Grammy treated her awfully sometimes. They'd been fine for many, many years, but Mom could never forget some things and always felt like she wasn't "good enough" in her eyes. I'm pretty sure Mom got along just fine with her dad. Do you have any framed photos of your pet(s)? Yes. Do you share photos of your pet(s) on social media? Um, duh. In 3 words, describe the last male you talked to. Who WAS the last guy I talked to... Do you own any of your favorite films on DVD? Which one(s)? No. Have you watched anything on Netflix lately? No. The last thing I did on Netflix was watch the first episode of The Witcher, and even though I liked it, I didn't continue. I just... don't enjoy watching TV, especially if it really requires you to pay attention. Have you ever heard someone snoring and thought it sounded cute? Besides animals, no. Are you particular about what you eat? In what way(s)? Yeah, I'm VERY picky, especially with textures. Is anyone close to you particular about what they eat? In what way(s)? Yes, my niece. She's autistic and has the symptom of being incredibly picky with things like textures, too. She is the one child I have ever known that doesn't really like eating. Is there someone in your life who can always make you smile? Always, no. Have you worn lipstick at any time recently? What color? No. I last wore black forever ago just to take pictures. Do you like wearing eyeshadow to match the color of your clothes? No; in the very rare instance I put on makeup, the eyeshadow is always black. What song reminds you of your childhood? Jesse McCartney songs, for sure. And Backstreet Boys. What’s your least favorite month? Maybe August. I'm sick and beyond tired of summer by that point. Nothing exciting going on. What do you do when you’re bored in class and not paying attention to the teacher? When I was in school, I honestly always paid attention because I wanted to pass. Have you ever baked a pie? No. Last person you shared food with? Mom. Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars? Definitely not. Were you smiling in the last picture taken of you? I don't think so, if that witchy photoshoot was the last time I had a pic taken of me. Do you answer the phones at your job? I did at two old jobs. Were you a hyper or mellow kid? I was kinda hyper. What are you drinking? Would you believe me if I answered "water"????? Did you get any compliments today? No. What last made you laugh? I think a moment in a WoW stream I was watching last night. Which of your friends is the easiest to talk to? Sara. What was your best summer ever? /shrug Do you have a favourite sibling? No. What color is the blanket/quilt on your bed? Navy and black. Favorite milkshake flavour? Just chocolate. Sometimes I'm in the mood for vanilla, though. Best year of your life? 2017. It's funny how that year started with a suicide attempt but wound up being the best year of my life. NEVER hestitate to reach out for help when you need it. How loud do you like your music in the car? Too loud lmao. Prefer to write or read? Write. Favourite apps? Pokemon GO, haha. What is a fruit you refuse to eat? Absolutely refuse? Maybe like, cantaloupe. Would you rather gain weight or lose weight? It'd to fuckin fantastic if I could lose 100 pounds. :^) I gained like thirty since moving... Would you rather gain height or lose height? Gain a tiny bit, I guess? But I'm fine with where I'm at. Are both your eyes the same color? Yes. Do you like glittery things? Yes, but not touching them and getting glitter everywhere. Ever watched a play in the theatre? Yes, at Disney World and also for school field trips. How many followers do you have on instagram? A depressing amount for someone desperately trying to be a photographer lmaooo. I mean I don't post on it a lot, so that doesn't help, but yeah. My secondary photography account (for roadkill/vulture culture stuff) has more than my main one. How about twitter? Don't use it. How much would I have to pay you to get you to do karaoke? I don't know, I'd be terrified of embarrassing myself. Last time you went ice skating? Never. Painting or drawing? Drawing, by far. Art or science? Now that's tough, but art. Dancing or singing? Dancing. History or geography? Geography is interesting. Favourite season? Autumn. Do you watch Supernatural? I did up to the end of Season 6. I loved it, I just was losing interest in TV, and also Jason and I broke up (we always watched it together) so I didn't want to watch something triggering memories. If you could change your eye color would you? Yes, to either a pure sapphire blue or emerald green. Are both your ears pierced? Yes. Are you lying down? Yes. Is there a tv in your room? No. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? Yeah. Do you like fortune cookies? Yeah, they're oddly tasty. Do you have anxiety? You fuckin bet I do. Favorite clothing shop? RebelsMarket. How do you feel about peeing in a cup at the hospital? Is it embarrassing? No? It's too normal to be embarrassing. I mean I wrap toilet paper around it so you don't actually see, y'know, but I'm not embarrassed carrying that. Do you prefer fruit or vegetables? Fruit, by a long shot. What do you hate being called? "Bee." An old best friend who did nothing but lie about her entire life called me that. What color is the last car you were in? White. Ever studied abroad? No. Ever pulled out a tooth? Yeah, when I was a kid. Three celebrity crushes? Mark Fischbach, Link Neal, Hannah Hart. Ever been married? No. Are you proud of yourself? In most ways, no. Do you like grapes? Yep. How often do you cook for your family? Never. Is anyone in your family a lawyer? My cousin is, actually. Is anyone in your family an architect? Don't think so. Own any crystals? No. Favourite thing to write with? (pen, pencil, highlighter) Pencil. Top 5 favourite alcoholic drinks? I don't know, I haven't tried enough that I actually enjoy. Would you date someone bald? Yeah. Would you date someone who doesn’t want kids? I don't want kids either, so that's the only kind of person I'd date. That's something you can't really disagree on if you plan on lasting. Do you like candles? Sure. Favorite memory with a sibling? I dunno, probably something from when we were little kids playing together.
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tuckeefox · 4 years
Now What to Do?
Let's see if this works right? It's actually pretty amazing that I can actually type on my phone from a keyboard. This means that I can actually Blog and not have to worry about fat fingering the keys or misspelling something, for the most part. Maybe this can be a whole new world for me. So what does a person actually Blog about? I am not comfortable enough to give your the juicy gossip in my life, but I know people feed on drama and struggle. Maybe Tao would be a good direction to talk about. I seem to be getting into the Tao more and more. It's not a religion, but a way. Tao means the way. I've been big into self-help and inspirational reading as of late, but the Tao Te Ching and The Art of war always seem to bring me back. Not really. Maybe later., How about my inability to actually come up with something funny, useful, entertaining... Seems I haver no muse and no direction. I feel that I have ample ability, but limited time. You know what?!? Fuck it. I say that the two are tied together. I also say that achieving my goals have left me with a sense of accomplished-self-righteousness. I have been able to purchase all my childhood goals and have not had to earn them through the discipline. That doesn't mean that I am bitter in anyway, but it can take the fun out of it. However, this is because my first love and hobby decided to blossom into a beautifully. However, I do have to tend to her as she has withered on me prior. Enough there. I always wanted to be a photographer / special effects videographer. Always was interested in woodworking from Norm Abrham. But rather than paying my dues in those verticals, as I had with my original business, I bought in with the best gear and no idea. Little bit sad, but everything has basically became a collection of cool lights and buttons that do things that no one understands. Today it's a vlog, tomorrow a documentary, at the moment - its evidently a blog or journal. point is that I feel as though I purchased my station in many realms versus earning it. In the mean time, I learn how to use the equipment to the best, but I still sit and am stuck with what to put on that track. Why is it so hard for me to be inspired? I used to play music, was in a band, live a pretty interesting life, outside of a normal home life... I travel, I see things, meet people, but where do you begin? If this was a business adventure, I'd have a 100 page plan in your hand in about an hour. Am I not interested in the music or art as much as I thought, or intended? Am I actually attracted to the glow of a mixing board as a moth to a flame, but simply find rest in the trees; never fully satisfied? I am not sure if am being greedy as I mentioned prior. I have enough, for now, but will need more to enact my plans. There is always something on the horizon with me. Something just out of my reach that you cannot see. Why not notes? I can make other things just "materialize" or have intuition enough to make you ask if I am actually psychic. Cool party tricks, but they take years of practice and study. It has made me skilled, though, in my field. I am not in it for advertising or being some influencer. I just want to be a cool person you want to know or see what I'm doing next. I'm not looking to make stuff for the ability to build a personality around the lifestyle of "selling out". Doesn't mean I would turn something juicy down, but it is purely for the art. So again, with endless direction, ability, and tools, where am I to focus my attention and look for that thing that I want to always write about, or think about? Especially when It's about balance sheets and driving long distances. I have a trip that will take 8 hours total and 30 minutes of it are actually work. I've had many false starts and ideas that I quickly lost interest in, but I know media of ALL types is what I want to be in (aside from my first love and business). I want to use it to grow my core business and my personal brand (I know that I said brand, but the only thing I am trying to sell is myself). I've tried to make videos about my business, but it winds up being me in a hurry because I need to get the job done  and not hold up the line. Went hiking! Once... Do have kids, but I don't know if I wanna put them on here, or really show you how my wife's and mine's personal life is. How many times can you hook up a stereo? And to be honest, didn't big subwoofers go out in like, 1998? Still get the occasional request for a system, but they're almost always my age,. LoL To each their own! At the end of the day, am I really producing art 24/7 and just not taking the time to capture it? There's always my children smiling in the sunbeams of the midfall season. Cool yet warm wind blowing the curtains, just right. But... again, that's personal. I've tried the posting to groups, but everyone there is going for the same thing and it becomes a pit of trolls. I became a woodworker, but the drama to get to the actual woodworking part was the real story. Again, that is personal, though. I would love to show you how to run a business, but I don't want competition. Travel is out as I have many children and my wife prefers they stay near. Could you imagine the cost to send 5 people on a plane? These 'side stories' are, I feel, the real story that people would want to see and is relatable, but I'm not ready to open up that much out the gate. Where's the mystery? This leaves music and making a business out of the actual A/V equipment. Maybe that's it. I can make a business out of it and actually document it? That would be awesome! I have no skin in that game and the realness of paying my dues would be awesome to see. I think that might just be it, Jim?!? Could you have just helped me? My real interests are making money, but as if you were collecting all the coins in Mario, not so much as a status symbol. So the money that is made could be a point system. The first goal would be that the equipment needs to pay for itself. I would be able to show many of the processes while protecting my core business and home world. That's the only way that I will, but not actually sell out. This is freaking awesome!!! Thanks for reading!!! I have finally figured out what it is that I would like to do that depends on no one, but myself. Whether I win or Fail miserably, It will make for a great story. All of my interests of writing music can be applied and all of my knowledge of equipment hookup and operation can be displayed. I can fulfill my wants of making art and present my actual self. It's time to get started I have a lot to do to put this together. I hope to write more as I go through this journey. There is much preparation and planning. I will show how to plan for a business, build a business and report on how its going. I already have a core business, so I will start out as my first client for experience in the field.
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brinesystem · 4 years
list, tw
I saw this on someone else’s blog (im not saying names cause idk if its okay to share that info? it was public but still) and it uh
It looked like a good way to kinda, like, have a bit less doubt? or a way to remind myself of whats happening and why i think i have this? idk
Might be triggering so like probs scroll past or something
‘the moods’ existed before i knew about did/osdd
I used to describe them as “it feels like half me, but also half somebody else”
I argue and talk with my own thoughts
Sometimes I talk/argue /aloud/ with my own thoughts
I have to actively fight to /convince/ Fae to talk to people, else he wont. and even when he does, its not how i want it to sound
I cant remember most of my childhood
The /bad/ middle school was when i was either 9 or 10
I knew too much about sex when i was much too young (7, 8)
I get ages wrong (i was 6 in cali, not 8. why do i think it was 8?)
I had a dream about getting raped when I was in elementary school. I didnt fight back. I didnt feel anything at all
I used to hide under desks
I hated my therapist. Its now fear. I dont remember what it was back then
I forget memories I recall, and if I force them back, everything hurts, even if theyre not traumatic
I often forget that I used to forget bad things that happened to me.
Other sex dreams from elementary school
The csa I /do/ remember (freshman). Why did i seek that out. Why did it seem like a good plan
I used to forget conversations daily
I drew myself (sebastian, older brother, nicer) before I knew i was trans. I dont have many memories from before I came out/knew i was trans. (am i an alter?)
Used to daydream for hours due to nerves. Disocciating?
The bathroom incident (middle school. 9 - 10)
How old are you? “16″ i reply this randomly when i am 23. when i was 21. Even when I know I am not
The HS trauma that happened right
I don’t have triggers for my trauma, except sometimes i /do/
Hypersexual, but only /sometimes/
I’m an adult! Except sometimes when my body is much too big and I am much too tall and I only want to curl up and be left /alone/. Except when i am small and fragile and want to have stuffed animals around me and play animal crossing. Except then.
Opinions keep changing, but to set differing ones. (Fashion sense, humor, hobbies, aesthetics)
Scared of dad! Not scared of dad. Pity dad. Could kill dad. Scared of dad! Not s-
Handwriting/Art/Writing style changes a lot (fluctuates between set stops)
Randomly gains accents and loses them. Only happens with two accents even though I know many
Stims change depending on Mood
Cant recognize myself in the mirror, but ideal keeps changing in set patterns (soft lumberjack, fae prince, cutesy, fashionable andro, suited devil)
Fave colors, songs, movies change in set patterns
Numb sensations to VERY INTENSE sensations. Cannot predict
Edible food changes depending on mood, even including safe foods (mac n cheese vs mussels vs ramen, etc)
What is this emotion? idk
Who am i? idk
I know I was bullied. Don’t remember why I know
Trying to think about my childhood makes me panic or get a headache
Super depressed after mental break ; Suddenly snapped out of it emotionally
That one time I slept for 3 days straight
Posture and walk cycle keeps changing
Gets songs stuck in my head that I’m not thinking about
Gets songs stuck in my head that i can’t even hear
Remembers things with no context given (the movie. “which movie” i dont know. “what was it about? who was in it? what was the title? what did it look like?” i dont know)
Bad sense of time, but like, days/hours can = months/years
“so mature for my age”
The Moods can be triggered into appearing, but not always by things I relate to them (ie; Kos and Fae)
Personality test results keep changing. All of them
False memories (the cliff, talking to the old woman about marriage, who knows what else)
Caught off guard by my own thoughts and even words I say (”sehb is gonna be mad at me for this, lol” “ACRRRRRYLICS”)
Most of my childhood memories are actually photos or stories ive heard
That dissociative test where I scored in the middle, but closer to DID than OSDD
Opinion on myself and my own looks varies
Opinion on my past varies
I dont recognize my own voice sometimes (is it changing? or is it my perception?)
Numb regarding pain, but then hypersensitive to it later
Numb regarding loss, skips straight to acceptance
Cant shiver normally, but sometimes can even when its not cold
Cant feel hunger normally, but sometimes can?
Favorite season and holidays change (summer, beach! autumn, cool air! halloween! no, valentines day!)
I dont feel connected to my family except my mum and maybe my youngest sister. These were /choices/ I made
Empathy? Dont know her. Except when I randomly start crying when others are sad, which always comes at different times but similar Moods
Cares about appearance one day, couldnt care less the next
Fave jacket: Green denim! Nope, today fave jacket: Grey hoodie! Nope, today f-
Headaches. So many headaches
More headaches when dealing with trauma
I doubt myself and worry I’m lying. Liars wouldnt do that, right?
Known to dissociate
Forget things mid sentence
Used ‘we’ when talking about myself at random before considering OSDD
Cant dream, except when I can and they dont feel like /mine/
Used to speak aloud with myself practicing words. Was I alone? idk
Loves animals. One of the Moods doesnt care at all about animals, even Wander
Loves video games. One of the moods detests video games
Loves horror games. Randomly feels intense fear from horror games
I know i was bullied, i know dad didnt come home on xmas, i know i moved a lot, i know i was in dc during 9/11, the ocean incident, the doctor incidents, I vaguely recall M(on base friend with older brother) and how she treated me (broke my glasses), i know i had a horrible time during that one year of middle school even though I only remember Two Moments (bathrooms, trailer) but I don’t necessarily have the memories of all of the things I know I dealt with
Memories are like snapshots or still moments, and dont continue
Memories I know effected me emotionally, I feel detached from now, except when i’m randomly Not (the koi, the caterpillar, not punching dad, etc)
Didn’t have friends until second year of middle school, those friends were bad, so were the hs friends
Ignored most things that happened but would randomly become enraged at smaller things that happened to me
The time on base I thought all adults driving by were pedophiles (i was 7. 8. why did i think that. why did i want to goad them? what was wrong with me??)
Keep forgetting memories like 81, but when I remember them theyre hard to get out of my head
“you acted so differently as a kid, what happened”
The Tics in response to stress
Was good at the doctors and then suddenly wasnt at all. Now am afraid
Was fine with bugs and then suddenly wasnt. Now am afraid
The fact that I dont remember typing ‘at all’ on 85
Lost old friend. Didnt mourn, still get a queasy feeling when I think about her/am reminded of her, but not upset or sad usually
Can connect most of the Moods to triggers, traumas, or coping methods, including myself
Reaction to trauma changed literally overnight
Used to love being tickled, now makes me panic (fight/flight)
Can feel when the Moods take something they see into themselves (was told this is normal. i am not faking this, at the very least)
I dont like lying. Fae doesnt/cant lie. Luci /enjoys/ lying.
Used to think solely in images. Now think solely in words.
Can sometimes hear thoughts before i think them, but only my own
Randomly gets worse coordination in turns with moods, and then gains it back after
Too trusting, but then gets in a mood and doubts even my closest friends
People keep telling me what im describing sounds like osdd, even friends who have met some of the Moods
I have an easier time remembering some things when I’m in different Moods
Used to have more amnesia before I started recognizing the Moods (was that me switching out?)
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gotboredwrote · 5 years
Etymology of Us // TM!JFM
Pairing: Tim Murphy x Fem!Reader Word Count: 4K Style: One-Shot Warnings: (16+) Fluff, explicit-ish talk about sexual themes – no smut (implied), swearing Summary: Everyone who knows Tim knows he’s a smart guy, but they think it’s all about the dinosaurs. For the most part, that’s true. He does have a few other passions, though, and he always unconsciously demonstrates that for you, even in the most personal of situations. Permanent Author’s Note: To clarify, I write because I get bored. Nothing is meant to be professional in any way, nor is meant to offend, cause anxiety, cause anger, cause sadness, or promote disagreement among readers in any sort of (semi)permanent way. A/N: I have a lot of confidence in the fact that Tim would be educated on more than dinosaurs, and this just happened to be something I felt really strong Tim vibe from. So, yeah. I’m not proud of the introductory part of this story, but whatever lol.
You know Tim is smart. So does everyone who knows him. Except you know him a lot more intimately than most. Considering you have been together for almost six months, after having met him at the museum during a tour, there is not a lot you have not done together. You have gone on every kind of date imaginable, and gone almost all the way romantically when you would stay the night at each other’s apartments. It was the best relationship either of you had been in for a number of reasons, and it felt like you were soulmates. Tim never ceased to amaze you every single day, part of the reason your relationship was so strong. You felt like you learned more about love, life, random knowledge, and dinosaurs than you ever did in all your years of formal education. He was a bookworm and always had new information to willingly share with you, something he would never do with past girlfriends. They did not care like you do, something else that made your relationship so strong. There was mutual pining and mutual adoration and acceptance of the other’s personality – key for a healthy relationship. Tim started teaching you things even back on your first date, and even then, you knew that this boy would make a large impact on you.
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The first date you went on was extremely traditional, which was classic Tim, as you would come to find out. It was not a super fancy restaurant, but one of those places where you did not feel you could just wear a raggedy tee shirt and jeans or leggings. You elected for something a little nicer, and once the two of you were at the restaurant, you fell into conversation easily. Like two friends who have not seen each other in years and have tons of catching up to do. No awkwardness, no nerves – just two people having a pleasant dinner who also happen to be on a date. The conversation spread across all topics from family to friends to hobbies, and eventually it settled on work. Ever since the two of you met, you had so many one-on-one questions you wanted to ask Tim about his work. You prefaced with one specific memory that flooded your mind.
[flashback start]
You met because you had attended a tour he was hosting on the Mesozoic era, generally aimed at children aged six to fifteen. He had been given a roster of how many people to expect, which was quite a few, and he noticed that you had walked in not bringing a child like most of the adults on the tour. At first, he thought maybe you were looking for a sister that brought your niece or nephew and you just happened to be tagging along, but then you made no effort to find anyone. When he realized you had come alone, he worked up the courage to come over to you and ask if you were in the right spot.
“Oh! You’re Dr. Murphy, aren’t you?”
“Yes, um, are you in the right place? This is a tour for a younger audience.”
“Well, unless I read my ticket wrong,” you held your ticket out in front of his eyes so he could read it, “I believe this says ‘Dr. Timothy Murphy’s Presentation on the Mesozoic Era, Thursday, August 14 at 1:00pm.’ Did I read it wrong?”
Tim simply looked at the ticket, and then back to you in a stunned silence. You had really bought a ticket to see his presentation, despite knowing that almost all the tours he does in the museum are for younger kids.
“No, uh, you… you didn’t read it wrong.”
“You seem a little shocked that I have a ticket, Doctor.”
“Well, it’s just that I don’t really get people my age on these tours, and everyone who comes to the lectures are old coots.”
You laughed at his vernacular, loving how professor-like and old man-like such a young, cute guy could be. When he heard you laugh, his eyes went wide and he felt his heart skip a beat, because a young, cute girl loved his jokes, which never happened.
“Sorry for how bold I just was – that’s not how I usually am. Basically, I have tried attending your lectures in the past, but whenever I get the money to buy a ticket, they’re usually gone or the only seats left are one’s I can’t afford. I’ve read all of your books, some of them more than once, and you just never cease to amaze me. You’re really smart and I admire that.”
Tim felt dizzy. He was hearing the words coming out of your mouth, barely being able to process how kind they were. Never had anyone spoken to him in such a way, not even his colleagues or past girlfriends, of which there were not many because he was always so busy or they hated how involved in his work he could get. But to hear you say them just changed his whole perspective on life. He did not even know your name but he was enamored with you. One could call him desperate, and he would just scoff and look down at his feet. Not denying it, however.
“Well, um… listen. Normally with the kids, I have to dumb down my word choices because the younger ones won’t know everything, so I apologize in advance for how childlike I may present myself.” You smiled sweetly at him, acknowledging him and showing him that you did not mind. “I also would love to have you attend my lectures every time we have them, so let me see what I can do about arranging a sort of ‘seasonal pass’ for you, that way you never have to worry about a seat.”
“Dr. Murphy, you do not—”
“I’m serious. Like I said, it’s always older men who are always judgmental about the way I hold myself up on stage. I’m… not a bold person. I’m shy, and they don’t like that. It would be really nice to have a face like yours in the crowd each night. One that I know is appreciating everything I say, wholeheartedly.”
“‘A face like mine?”’
“…” You could see Tim visibly swallow and his Adam’s apple bob out of sheer panic. “A cute one?”
You felt your lips part slightly at the compliment, somewhat shocked that someone as clearly shy as him paid you one. You knew that coming from someone like him, it had to be genuine. Dr. Tim Murphy thought you were cute, and wanted to see you again. Even if it was only for a lecture.
“Then… this cute face would love to attend all your lectures, Dr. Murphy.”
You saw the toothy grin spread across his face, pushing his cheeks up to high heaven. It made you airily laugh a little, seeing him like that.
“If you keep smiling like that, I’m going to have to start calling you cute, too, Dr. Murphy.”
“I wouldn’t mind that. But there is one thing you have to do for me.”
“What’s that?”
“Call me Tim. Not Dr. Anything. Just Tim.” You nodded your head at him, and he asked you one last thing. “And what should I call you?”
[flashback end]
“You remember how we met?”
“Of course, I do – you came to that tour for children and I wanted to make sure you were in the right place.”
“Always the gentleman, Tim.” You and Tim had been finishing up dinner on your first official date, reminiscing about that day. It seemed like you already crammed a lifetime’s worth of memories into that first meeting you had, because you had managed to talk about it for the last fifteen minutes. “I remember being amazed at how you talked to those kids. I mean, you clearly know tons of bigger words that younger children wouldn’t know, yet you know how to explain it to them really well. It made me very impressed with you, seeing that you really were as smart as your books made you out to be.”
“Yeah, I had to explain everything like that because they weren’t going to understand what Mesozoic meant or anything like that. They’re children, and they just like the idea of dinosaurs, not the actual history of them. Back when I was in college, there were certain root words or stems that we needed to know in order to understand the classification of dinosaurs. For some reason, learning about the way the classification worked sparked something in my brain. I love learning about whatever I can, and I guess that was my body’s way of telling me etymology was something for me. I started researching where words came from, going through the dictionary word by word. Seems boring, I know, but… it made me happy.”
You could see Tim start to feel as if he was talking too much, like all his past dates went, except that when he looked up at you, he could tell that was not the case. You had leaned your body in and over the table, propping your head up on your fist, intently staring at him. Taking in every word that slipped past his lips as if your life depended on it. This encouraged him, while also making him really giddy inside. He reached over to the small candle that was burning faintly between you two, and lifted it up, carefully so as not to burn himself. He watched you as your eyes moved to the candle, and back to his own, waiting to hear what he was going to say.
“Like… candle, for instance. Originally, it was candere in Latin, which means ‘be white or glisten.’ Eventually, that became candela, still Latin, and then old English turned it into candel. Then, when modern English came around, we switched the ‘l’ and the ‘e,’ probably because it just looks less ugly.” He let out a chuckle at his own humor. “But, that’s kind of what I did with the dictionary. Learning about where words come from, and what they originally meant intrigues me.”
His eyes had not really left the candle once he started to speak. Once he finished talking, however, his eyes nervously looked back into yours. Your facial expression had changed, ever so slightly. Your eyes had gone a little wider than usual, and they were sparkling, more than usual. Then he noticed that your cheeks were a dusty pink and that you had pulled a small part of your bottom lip into your mouth with your teeth. Tim was not the most experienced, considering how girls would treat him in the past, but he could practically feel the tension radiating from you. Something about him knowing those things made you feel… good?
“You’re amazing, Tim. Really.”
“Thanks. I know plenty more where that came from.”
“I’d love to hear more.”
Every day since your first date, Tim would always make it a point to showcase his smarts to you in the way that seemed to make you feel a certain way, because he liked seeing that he could have an effect on a woman that way. Especially considering that woman was you. One night, you and Tim were hanging out at his apartment after a date night. The two of you had created a small tradition where if your date ends quicker than expected and you end up back at one of the apartments, you will watch Jeopardy. Tim quickly found out, since you suggested watching the show in the first place, that you loved to learn too, and even though he could typically get about half of the show’s questions right, he loved seeing how proud you got with yourself when you would get three total. Tonight was no exception. You made it back just in time for the show to start, and the two of you were patiently waiting to see what the categories would be for the first round. The first five were announced, each earning a groan from one or both of you at the fact that they were not really subjects you know. Then the sixth one came up.
“And finally, you will be dealing with etymology. [First contestant’s name], you begin the round. Let’s begin.”
You turn to Tim and see a huge smile across his face, and you could not help but reciprocate. You two had seen so many episodes and not once had the category that practically formed your relationship come up. Now, on a night where you two are snuggled into each other, your head on his chest, enjoying the warmth radiating from the other person, that was just the icing on the cake. The contestants seemed to be avoiding the etymology category, moving all around the board in no semblance of order except for skipping that one, and you could hear Tim groan above you.
“Why are they skipping it? It’s the best one up there!”
“I know, babe, but the anticipation makes it worth the wait, right?”
“I guess.”
You could just imagine the small pout Tim had plastered onto his face, knowing that he would have to sit and wait for a commercial break now, as well. It made you smile to yourself, because you had seen that face before when he would work on something and he got intensely focused. It was an adorable face that he only made around you – he never let anyone else see him like that. It made you feel really loved. Eventually, the show came back on and the contestants really did do everything else and left the entire etymology category last. When the final question popped up before the etymology category would start, you turned up to Tim and smiled, as if to say ‘ready to show off your smarts, brainiac?’and he knew exactly what you meant. His eyes were beaming widely, ready to shout out the answers before anyone on the screen could.
“Manure. Ew.”
So far, Tim had gotten every single one correct, and the contestants only managed to get the neighborhood one correct. Then it was time for the final question, and you were waiting to see if Tim was going to make it a clean sweep. Then the question popped up and you waited patiently.
“From Ancient Greek, a diminutive of uncertain origin and probably in reference to its location on the female body, it means ‘I sheathe or shut.’”
Tim was one hundred percent correct, and for some reason, despite the energetic and completely innocent nature in which he said it, it lit a fire in you that only Tim could put out. But you did not want to make it obvious, because he was clearly so happy with himself that he got the entire category right. So, you simply decide to ‘award him’ with a small kiss, but you moved your body upward a little bit so your head could reach the crevasse of his neck and shoulders. The kiss was small, swift, and chaste, but the location is what mattered. Tim had been smiling and celebrating himself, but the feeling of your lips on the small but small amount of exposed skin from his tee shirt stopped him in his tracks, and it made him blink rapidly and swallow a little roughly. You felt as though this was his way of encouraging you to keep going, since he never told you to stop. You lifted your head a little bit, so your mouth was lined up right with the side of his neck, where you placed a breathy, open-mouthed kiss. Still teasingly short, too short for Tim’s liking. You could hear your boy moan quietly, clearly having some kind of effect on him. You wanted him to feel the way you did as he innocently shouted out a part of your body you wished was getting attention from him now.
“Do you know where the word ‘kiss’ comes from?
You hum lightly against his neck where you were still peppering wet kisses to. You squeaked out a ‘no,’ waiting for him to continue with his thought, if he could.
“It has Germanic o-origin, and comes from the old English cyssan… shit. I… I think you know what it means.”
“Mhm.” He could feel the vibrations of your response against his neck, and he groaned louder this time, not wanting to hold back anymore. He could feel you start to pull away and stand up, practically whining at the lack of contact. He did not want you to leave, and you could tell. But you had absolutely no idea what gave him the idea that you were going to be leaving his side anytime soon.
As you stood, you lightly took his hand in your own, and pulled on it to signal him to stand with you. You made sure your back was facing him, though, because you did not want him to see how desperate for him you had become. Now that both of you were standing, you begin to walk as slow as a tortoise toward his bedroom, hoping that he would get the picture and start pampering you and worshiping you on the way there. You felt like you were in a movie, considering how cliché this whole thing is. But neither of you cared, you just needed to get the cliché’s out of the way. Eventually, it clicks in his brain that he should be following you, and he makes up the distance by walking directly behind you, lightly running his fingers up and down your spine. One particular stroke down your spine went further than the others, and you could feel Tim lightly tug on the hem of your shirt. Indicating that he wants it gone. He spoke in a whisper so quiet you could barely hear him.
“How about the word shirt? It’s from the Old English scyrte, which is Germanic. It kind of means short.”
With every new word Tim chose to tell you, he gained confidence in what he was doing, indicated by the non-shakiness of his voice. You were proud underneath it all. While Tim is speaking, you could slowly feel the fabric inch up your torso with every word. You could begin to feel the cold air of his apartment on your skin, and your body tells you that you need some kind of warmth. You fight off every reflex in your body telling you to latch onto Tim or at least steal your shirt back, not wanting to ruin the moment both of you had been waiting for six months to happen. You never saw it, but you could hear the light noise his shirt made when it hit the floor, Tim always wanting to make sure the two of you were even in all aspects. Even something as intimate as this. You both continue your ascension to his bedroom, and eventually you reach it. What should have taken about ten seconds for any normal person took the two of you practically three minutes, Tim adoring the look and feel of your back and spine, you relishing in the feeling of being appreciated in such an intimate way, something no one has ever done for you before Tim. You reach for the doorknob and simultaneously turn around to see what kind of effect you were having on your boyfriend, and it was clearly the one you wanted. He already looked fucked out, and neither of you had really touched each other. Not the way you both needed to be. Once completely facing him, you turn your hand on the doorknob to let yourselves in, and his hand comes up to your face to lightly stroke and pull on your hair. The strokes to show you he loves you, the tugging to let you know he wants and needs you.
“Hair’s a funny word originally. Hær. Old English, again.”
As he was speaking, you had lost all ability to move your legs anymore, feeling like they would collapse under you simply from the fact that Tim was being the way he was. Most people would have found him annoying for bringing up things like he was during a time like this. For you, though, it made him hotter because he was not afraid to be himself, even in the most intimate of situations. He was smart, and he liked showing you. You also loved the fact that letting him continue to talk was making him more and more confident in the things he was doing to your body, which was a win-win for both of you. Eventually, you were snapped out of your thoughts by the feeling of Tim’s body pushing against yours to get you into his bedroom, fast, based on the force of the push. He does not even need to look behind him as he locks the door, and wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his body. It was killing both of you that there still had not been any mouth to mouth contact in this whole situation, but you were both holding out in order to let Tim continue to speak, and to build up the anticipation for later. He did, however, pull you close enough to his body where you could feel each other’s breathing on your lips, desperate and needy, if breaths could feel such a way. You had not even realized Tim had gotten you to move again, so entranced by his breathing and his facial features, until you hit the side of his bed and your knees buckled underneath you. Your bum hit the bed and you bounced lightly, which normally would have made you laugh. This time, feelings were different. More serious. More lust-driven. Once you realized Tim was done taking initiative and wanted to trade off with you, you reached forward to hook your hands into the pockets of his jeans, and you not-so-gently yanked his body to yours. Your face was flush against his chest, chin practically resting on it, and you could feel the front of his jeans where you wanted him against your stomach. You were gazing up at him, face flush pink and eyes blown out black and half-shut. Waiting to hear him speak again. You saw him reach his arms toward your body, lightly resting his hands on your waist and then proceeding to find the waistline of your pants. Just as you began to reach for the buckle on his belt, you heard his angelic voice again.
“How about hips, wanna know where that word came from?”
You never said a word, and neither did he. All that was exchanged was a small pause and silent stares. You were both waiting for the other to make the next move, because both of you knew deep in your cores that if the other took another step forward, the night would end up being far from over. Tim could not take waiting anymore, so he crashed his mouth down onto yours like his life depended on it, and that he would never get to kiss you again at the same time. It was deep, passionate, full of love, and driven by lust. It was never a small kiss to begin with, so much so that it was practically impossible for either of you to deepen the kiss in any way. Tim thought of one more word that he wanted to teach you, so he slowly pulled away from your mouth, the tiniest string of saliva still connecting the two of you. Normally, that would be something you found disgusting, but in that moment, the part of you from the final Jeopardy question started throbbing at the site, indicating your desperation and just how passionate the kiss really was.
“What about the word sex?”
Tim had still been pressed flush against you, and at this point, you could clearly feel what effect you were having on him through his jeans. He caught you off guard with the question he asked, and your motions stopped just as you reached the button of his jeans.
“Instead of telling me, why don’t you just show me… Doctor?
Tim taught you a lot that night. And you taught him a thing or two, as well.
Permanent Taglist: n/a
Specific Story/Character Taglist: @gardnerlangway @dr-tim-murphy
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fairycosmos · 4 years
do you ever get this nauseous feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach thinking about the future and how alone you are and probably always will be? it’s so bad lately and i can’t make the feeling go away. i tried tinder lol but even there all the conversations feel so empty. i just can’t connect with anyone. i don’t know how other people seem to make friends and lovers so easily. it never happens for me. life could be beautiful if only i had someone to be myself with. it hurts so bad
yes, always, all the time.....i haven't really found a solution unfortunately. 😔 though it is my understanding that our perception of the future is often wildly inaccurate, as it is rooted in what we fear (i.e constant loneliness). since we're afraid of it we're more inclined to believe that it's waiting for us. especially if its been prominent in our lives so far.....really we have no way of knowing. maybe the self hating part of you will insist that you understand what's coming, that not finding connection is likely or even inevitable. but you're biased against yourself so it's not a trustworthy judgement. you know? ive also noticed that my solid sense of self has really disappeared since ive been alone, and so all issues pertaining to me and who i am, kind of slip away.... it's hard when you don't have anyone to remind you you're real. it jolts violently between painful and numbing. it's ok to be sad about it, to cry when you need to, to let it be what it is. you don't have to make the feeling go away, you just have to try not to hold onto it. try not to let it dictate your actions and what you bring into actual reality. you're more than this moment and your current self perception. isolation really does a number on the mind and the emotional landscape, so cut yourself some slack in that regard. honestly...... i think periods of solitude are way more common than people want to admit. i know it seems like everyone's got their group and that you're some sort of outlier, but circumstance dictates so much. we lose touch with others, or we grow beyond the relationship, or we just never get the chance to meet the right people at the right time....it's not a personal failing on your part. it's not because you're undeserving of love and friendship. you have to remember that part and live like you believe it. it's just that substantial bonds are difficult to find as an adult or as you're growing up. your brain will always try to twist this and bully you with it like a petulant child, like a 'haha loser' sort of thing (at least mine does) but that's a very narrow understanding of a much broader issue. i guess it's true that not everyone you meet is supposed to be a life changing figure in your existence as a human. i guess it's true that shallow relationships are unavoidable. but you're allowed to be frustrated and you're allowed to want more for yourself, especially if that eventually spurs you into actively seeking what you crave.....even just keeping the channel open and working on your own self confidence enables you to connect with others in an easier way. anyway here are some small coping mechanisms that have somewhat helped me even if they feel dumb:
1. trying to treating myself like a friend and prioritizing self care. it's too exhausting if you don't.
2. being around animals.
3. writing about how you're feeling, making it tangible. and reading. people in the past felt like this, too.
4. time spent alone is still time spent with the world, you still belong.
5. taking the time to see your situation from multiple points of view.
6. talking to a professional or a family member. even if you don't necessarily want to. maybe they won't get it fully, but just saying it out loud is something.
it's a good sign that you want to put yourself out there to any extent and you should try to keep at it. getting discouraged is natural but it doesn't last. ideas like volunteering, looking into support groups in your area, joining internet communities, even just getting to a public place like a library and being amongst the crowd.....it all adds up and keeps you in the present. finding people w common ground like a hobby is important, too. maybe it seems like a stupid or vague idea but there's always communal activities or events to check out. nerves are just a part of it. seriously, where you're at right now is definitely just a stepping stone in your life, nowhere near the final picture. as you get a job and expand your horizons/find your niche, you're going to engage with loads of experiences n people you can't even conceive of rn. and i totally get why you find it hard to believe. but it's not impossible to think that change is in store at some point, especially when you consider how much it's already occurred in your lifetime, right? i believe in you and im rooting for you to find a sustainable support network, even if it's a process or it takes time. you're not as alone in this as it seems. and it's not your fault no matter what narrative your sadness is telling you. take it one day at a time. and try to focus on what you can actually tend to in this moment. that's what ive been doing. anyway im sending a lot of love to you and please feel free to hmu if you need someone 💌
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ryncorrect · 5 years
university!au: day6 wonpil
first of all i will definitely do poorly on this because,,, you know,,,,, he’s so precious and i don’t think my words can do it justice ksbdjshs i wanna make the sweetest scenario for him
Tumblr media
but i suck at sweet stuffs smh bye
name: kim wonpil
major: modeling (i still cant believe this is an actual major im living under a rock smh)
other activities: member of music club, keyboardist and main singer of the university band
jae calls him “the backbone” of the music club because wonpil participates in all club events, he always takes part in weekly activities, and he actively finds new recruits
jae on the other side pops up once in a blue moon to play guitar, do shit, then disappears
don’t worry ever since jae starts dating the newest member who happens to be wonpil’s bestie he’s more active now
honestly more than half of their club members joined because wonpil made them to
he’s persuasive and convincing okay you would end up eating rocks if he told you it’s good for health
but he’ll never do that ever bc he speaks no lies okay he’s like the sweetest person in the earth
he’ll cry by the sight of cute puppies, do i have to explain further
wonpil was nominated as the club president but the other candidate park sungjin who’s also his roommate beat him by one vote
well he prefers to be just regular member anyway, that way he can still do a lot of things for the club but with less responsibilities
you see he’s really nice, he’s caring, he’s hardworking, he’s confident, he knows how to present himself and he’s hella attractive
he’s taking modeling as his major do i make myself clear
everyone LOVES wonpil
and i mean sometimes it’s just not only a platonic love but like an “i will give you my heart and soul please marry me” love
too bad he’s oblivious af
someone: i,, i like you wonpil,,,, d-do you like me too?
wonpil: of course!!! you’re my friend!!!!!!!!!
someone: ….oh ok
accidental friendzone
but you know he doesnt actually mean to do that, he just doesn’t think anyone likes him like that
moreover he already has someone in mind
aka the coffee shop girl
aka Y O U
yeah hello guys i am: still lame
the first time he met you was on exams week
everyone was busy and stressed af and running on almost no sleep
except maybe wonpil
not because he was fully prepared but more like he forgot exams week was coming until the day before so he just decided to wing it lol whatevs
anyway his roommate aka sungjin asked him if he could go buy him a double shot espresso so wonpil did
he rarely visits coffee shops tbh and when he does he always orders vanilla latte with extra syrup for himself
wonpil seems to be that kinda person who tries to enjoy coffee but can’t handle the bitter taste its so frickin cute and trust me you think so too
so anywayyyy yeah he never saw you, aka the new barista, before
it was ur first work day as well btw and he was ur first customer
he didn’t know why but watching you being nervous made him nervous too
just imagine a stuttering costumer and a stuttering barista
everyone watched you two with anxiety
but even when wonpil was a nervous wreck he didn’t forget to smile and before leaving he said to you, “thanks, have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!”
honest to god it made your whole day better
anyway let’s move on to the second meeting
he comes back and this time he orders a vanilla latte, but being the clumsy ass that you are, you slightly confused his order
he receives his coffee and takes a sip and he freezes
you ask whats wrong and he’s like,, uh nothing,, the coffee is just,,,, kinda bitter today??? ha,,,hahahhaha,,,,
you stand still
he asked for EXTRA SYRUP not EXTRA SHOT you dumbfucc
you offer to make him a new one and he refuses saying it’s fine!!! but you still feel bad so you insist but he’s like no!!! i gotta stay awake anyway i have an important quiz today i have to study! by the way uhhhh i’ve never seen you around until recently???
you introduce yourself and he introduce himself blablabla it’s awkward and your palms keep sweating for some reason
before wonpil left, he didn’t forget to say “have a great day!! i’ll see you around then!!!”
he’s so sweet uwu
seeing him and making him his vanilla latte (extra syrup) is one of the best parts of your job tbh
and he visits every single time you’re working which makes it better
why is his smile so adorable what the fuck
and there’s something about the way he walks that keeps you looking i mean boiiiii does he know how to present himself holy shit
that feeling when you see someone so beautiful you want to cry
the more you see him the more you want to know about him
what major is he in? what is he usually do outside the class? what kind of person is he? does he have a lot of friends? what’s his hobby? stuffs like that
too bad he always comes when it’s busy at the cafe so you can’t talk too much
neither he ever tries to initiate a conversation with you except his usual “hello! how are you today?” and “thank you, you make the best coffee! have a nice day!! see you!!!”
let’s admit it you highkey have a crush on him and EVERYONE knows
wELL it’s because you always wear that expression like "goddammit why must kim wonpil be so cute if he ain’t gonna ask me on a date” whenever you watch his back as he leaves the cafe
and EVERYONE but YOU knows wonpil’s so into you
whenever someone says something like “just ask him for his number he’ll definitely give it to you” you’re like “wtf nO that’s creepy and he won’t!! he doesn’t even know me!!!”
“he literally only comes when it’s your shift and he always makes sure you’re the one taking his order you oblivious dumbass”
“it’s just a coincidence”
“…..yeah whatever”
but they’re right wonpil’s crushing on you hard
at this point sungjin can even draw a portrait of you although he hasn’t actually met you before
that’s how much wonpil talks about you
from your whole adorable appearance to how cute your little cough is, or how he adores your little smile and the sparks in your eyes when he compliments your coffee, or he’ll describe your apron what the fuck and how he thinks your look so good in white and blue
sungjin’s so done with him
“just ask her out you stalker”
“well i bet she remembers your face by now since you always drop by when she’s there”
“but she meets a lot of people everyday there’s NO WAY she can remember me”
you see the problem now?
then one day jae decides to play matchmaker
by “playing matchmaker” i mean he follows wonpil to the cafe and straight up tells you, in front of wonpil’s face and everyone there, “yo this friend of mine wants to take you on a date and he wonders if you’re interested”
you are: blushing
wonpil is: dead pale
you: o-oh… i’m–
he drags his tall friend aka jae out of the cafe and since then he never visits again :(
im sad now ugh i told you i suck at sweet stuffs like this
fast forward it’s summer and the university wonpil’s attending is holding a summer festival that’s open for public
well,,,,, you decide to go and you ask some of your friends to tag along
you’re not sure what you’re hoping; maybe you just want to see how the place wonpil’s studying at looks like, or maybe you do wish to meet him by accident or something yanno like a drama
you promised yourself that if you don’t see him today, you’ll get over him
but if you do see him, you will ask. him. out.
well jokes on you babe he’s there performing on the stage with the band
he’s,,, he’s singing,,, and playing keyboard,,,, omg his voice
as you already know im uncreative soooo by impossible coincidence somehow his eyes spot you in the crowd
btw i imagine them singing Pouring but i think you can pick any songs you like
he’s so taken aback that one second he’s singing and the next second he sees you and his eyes widen and he’s like “I’m falling for–hUH? why are you here??” to the microphone
don’t worry the others cover for his mistake while trying not to laugh
everyone laughs too while looking around to find the person whom wonpil sees
you’re embarrassed as fuck you want to curl up and hide forever
but your so-called-friends don’t let you get away that easy okay it’s your only chance
dw dude wonpil feels the same he wants to immediately get off the stage and die
but sungjin will literally kill wonpil in his sleep if he doesn’t do anything it’s now or never
poor boi has had enough of this pining shit
so after the band performance wonpil has no choice but to approach you
“h-hey! so you watched our stage!”
“y-yeah! it was great!! didn’t know you can sing so well”
“h-haha thanks”
“y-you’re welcome”
more silence
wonpil clears his throat and, “so…”
you blink fast, “yeah…?”
“um uhhh do you wanna see around? i can take you”
“oH of course”
What Am I Even Writing Anymore
well remember your promise earlier? about asking him out?? no???
is it too late to chicken out and forget the whole thing now
you barely know each other it’s so awkward and he looks so fine today and you really don’t wanna push him even further now but if you hesitate longer who knows someone else will ask him first and just the thought alone breaks your heart a little bit
so it’s time to grow a pair and take risks cmon dude you can do this
it was!! not!!! your voice!!!!
wonpil clears his throat and repeats slower, “i just wonder if you’re uhhhh free next saturday?”
o shit
o fUck YeAH
you cough a bit before answering, “y-y-yeah i guess??”
“ok um i like, have two tickets for movie if you want to come with me”
that’s like the lamest invitation and you yourself gotta admit that lmao
but oh kim wonpil,, dear,,,, there’s no way i would say no
so you two go on a date
or “casual outing” as you two call it
but everyone knows it’s a date okay even though you two didn’t have any skinskip oops
it’s okay it takes a bit of time but you’ll get there
i mean, since then you two go out together almost every weekend so ye it won’t be that long until the awkwardness wears off
wonpil just cherish you so much he’s afraid he’ll scare you or hurt your feeling by accident so he never boldly initiates anything
the first time you two finally holding hands is when you two go skating, and that’s just because you two are so bad at that
gotta hold each other so you won’t keep falling aye romance
you don’t know this but trust me wonpil talks about it for days sungjin almost decides to move out
he’s still insisting it’s not a date tho
“you know what, i can already imagine you two in like 10 years, standing at the altar and be like, do you marry me as a friend or what? unclear”
“do you think we’ll get married?????”
“oh dear god”
but yeah
you two will get there
just take your sweet time and give wonpil all the love in the world i beg you
that’s it YAY i think imma work on sungjin’s next wish me luck im running out of lame cliche ideas now lol bye
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Since a bitch got sent one (1) ask only about. my ask meme that I created lol I’m going to go through and answer B) all of them bc i can... its selfcare.....
First 3 answers above the cut, other 47 below lmfao
Favourite of the main 6? I think the title of my blog speaks for itself lol
Least favourite of the main 6? Garbage stink piss man (Lucio)
Which of the main 6 do you want to slap the most? The aforementioned piss man but.... also kjaenfjkfea at times. Julian very badly because he’s just Like that but he’d probably enjoy that unfortunately
Which of the main 6 have the most similar interests to you? (favourite colour, flower, food, drink, season, hobbies etc.) Portia tbh!!! She’s a very sweet spring girl and I also have a fairly similar personality to her. 
Who has the most tragic backstory? Mmmm.....muriel.......... I mean everyone has a pretty sad past but Muriel’s really is something else. The man is Heavily traumatised and I desperately want to give him a hug :(
Favourite side character? Mazelinka.... adopt me challenge kjaefkjnaf. i cant stop thinking about “goat bitch” what a fucking icon
Favourite animal friend?  Faust!!!! shes a good girl!!!
Best/worst of the courtiers? fuck i dont remember any of their names but valerius is. hot basard. worst is vlastomil hands down im kinkshaming anyone who wants to fuck the worm
Fuck, marry, kill (asker’s choice) Well skajfnkajf I’ve shot myself in the foot but. TBH its like. Marry Muriel, fuck everyone else, kill Lucio (full disclosure I only just finished julians upright ending and haven’t played Nadia’s yet so this may change except for wanting to marry Muriel and kill Lucio lol)
Romance or fluff? (Muriel) Fluff!!!!! Muriel deserves all the affection in the whole wide world. He gets sick? Bundle him up in furs by the fire and cuddle up into him with a good book. You look at him once? he blushes. it really doesnt get fluffier than that ++ a lot of his character arc in general is going to be.... letting himself trust you............. which is. so fucking wholesome
Wild night out or quiet night in? ( Muriel ) Quiet night in lmfao. We’d just hang out inside drinking hot chocolate and talking until we fell asleep propped up against the wall in his tiny house having completely lost track of time. 
Adventure or domesticity? ( Muriel ) I wanna say adventure because. I love travelling! I love going out and trying new things! And Muriel very does Not but I feel like getting him out of his comfort zone would do him some good! Starting small would probably be best, like maybe a tramp or going camping once in a while, then building up to bigger trips to other cities once you’ve convinced him you’ll both be ok as long as you’re prepared.
Cute date to the aquarium/zoo/park or elegant dinner date? ( Muriel ) I already answered this one B) I said: “ Definitely somewhere casual!!! I feel like he’d be most at ease somewhere like the park on a sunny day! Pick a nice grassy spot by a creek and bring a basket and have a really nice, chill picnic, and have a nap together in the early afternoon sun. Go for a walk after and talk about Plants (because i. am a biology student lol)  and generally just have a really relaxing time. Give the man a flower? Tuck it behind his ear? and he’d die kjnaefjnaej. Alternatively….. aquarium………. “
Coffeshop AU, high-school/college AU or modern AU? Give a headcanon about the one you chose jnakfjkjaf coffe shop AUs are so cliched but I actually love them for the settings of meetcutes. You meet Muriel when he’s on his rounds as a part time dog walker around the block and you barrel straight into him coming out of the shop when you’re checking an email, spilling the (now cold) remnants of your beverage all over him. You apologise profusely and he shrugs it off, blushing over your fussing and awkwardly tries to excuse himself. You insist on helping him finish his walk with All these dogs, anyway, you like dogs so it’s no trouble, and he begrudgingly agrees to finish the interaction sooner. You end up having a nice chat with him and notice in the weeks after that he starts coming by the shop without the dogs during the times you’re usually around, even though he doesn’t drink coffee. Your conversations with him during these short interludes quickly become the highlight of your day, and you start to suspect, eventually, that he feels the same :)
If (Muriel) turned up on your doorstep at midnight covered in blood, how would you react? Well I’d clean it off.... of .......course............. 👀👀👀
You’re stranded on a desert island; which 2 of the main 6 do you want with you? Muriel of course not only because I adore him but he’s. also a mountain man. Handy. And Asra because hes a good good magic boy and can make sand into water so.... handy. also asra is just an incredibly blessed person so kajefnkjaef
If your apprentice could go back in time and change one thing before the events of the game, what would it be? lucios birth :^)
You’re sick; who do you want to take care of you and why? I think I’m becoming predictable but. Muriel kjaefnkjafnjf you took such good care of him so it’s only fair that he should return the favour. He’s got a surprisingly good bedside manner and is generally just very gentle. Cooks eggs and grumbles that you should be taking better care of yourself but when you say thanks for all his help he blushes and kinda. stands up slightly straighter bc hes secretly happy he can Help
If you were trapped in an elevator with one character for 8 hours, who would you want it to be and why? Jojaefafjoafe ok so. Porbably Portia because she seems 1. one of the least likely to panic and 2. Would have fucking great conversation the whole time. 
Give a headcanon about Nadia She loves romcoms!!!! She would never ever admit it to anyone though, but she’s a huge sucker for romance stories in general. Cries at the end of mamma mia. Uses it as an excuse to snuggle all the way into your shoulder.
Give a headcanon about Asra He’s extremely lactose intolerant but he eats it anyway bc hes Chaotic and gives 0 fucks about how bad his guts feel afterwards, the cheese was Worth it dammit (and I say this bc thats also me kjaenfnef)
Give a headcanon about Julian Had a brief stint in his teen years where he unironically identified as sapiosexual
Give a headcanon about Portia She loves playing with hair/having her hair played with! Catch her falling asleep with her head in your lap as you weave your fingers through her hair.
Give a headcanon about Muriel I also already answered this one!:  “ He’d be really into gardening if he knew how! Catch me digging up all the dirt around his house and planting herbs, flowers (*cough* forgetmenots *cough) and other medicinal plants, and some strawberries for when spring comes! “
Give a headcanon about Lucio Unironically identifies as sapiosexual now even though he’s a huge dumbass himself 
Give a headcanon about a side character/the apprentice (asker’s choice) Nadia’s dad gets pegged
Give a popular opinion that you disagree with People calling Muriel a dom. have you. looked at this man. I have to laugh
Give an unpopular opinion Lucio sucks lol
Tarot or zodiac? Zodiac!!! Mostly bc I know exactly 0 things about tarot, I appreciate the aesthetic tho!
What is your patron major arcana? Oh worm I just looked at all the explanations in the wiki and tbh. The empress uh. dragged me with how much I ID with that (both reversed and upright) so akejfkjfae thats mine
Upright or reversed ending? Upright
Ot3? Me x muriel x asra (muriel has 2 hands and 2 tiny partners)
Brotp? jakjefnkanfe i love. portia and julians sibling banter. the good shit
Favourite non-apprentice-based ship? asriel............................. till i die............. (pordia is also fucking god tier)
Is the apprentice you, or your OC? thats just me bich kajefnkjnafe we living our best self indulgent lives 
Tell me about your Apprentice(s) im a big bi mess and i would die for muriel and thats it really
Favourite piece of worldbuilding lore? already answered: “ I really love how much of a shithole Vesuvia is kjbanefknaefk like. No formal process of trial/law? Public executions just being how people Do things? someone fucking help this city lmfao”
Favourite background/location? ok i really love nopal bc of all the cacti but tbh like. really anywhere theres a lot of cool nature? the forest is fucking good
The Forest or Nopal? bring the cacti from nopal to muriel’s hut in the forest and it’s perfect
The Palace or the shop? thheeee shop. i like the palace but i think id get Overwhelmed not being able to just. be in my own space a lot lol
The Rowdy raven or the library? the library with a healthy amount of alcohol lol. 
Favourite sprite?
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43. Favourite character design?  I !!!!!!!!! really. love Asra’s design bc of its howl callback but all the designs r fucking cool 44. Best masquerade outfit?    Nadia’s..... glamorous..... 45. Best scene? Muriel. hugging. faust you and asra. hes so fucking wholesome ill cry...... or just straight up both of his books akjenfkjafn 46. Worst Scene? Honestly any containing lucio 47. Favourite song on the soundtrack? I love Crowd hammer! (predictable) but also memory 48. Best tale/bonus content? I dont remember names im terrible but i/ love the muriel one ofc kjneafkjn 49. Best CG?/ 50. Favourite memory?
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faveanimeships · 5 years
hi!! i saw your thing about sending you ship requests, so here's mine! i'm 5' 4", korean, and i have shoulder-length dark hair. i wear circle glasses, and i have a terrible prescription. i love to read, listen to classical music, and i'm a foodie! i eat when i'm sad. i'm blunt and direct, along with rather reserved, and i have a hard time letting people get close to me. but, once i do, i love and care for them to no end!!!! i like to dress comfortably (ex. leggings and sweatshirt).
i’m so sorry i just read your rules for your ships and i sent in the description about the korean girl w circle glasses please forgive me … this is for free and BNHA , i am infp-t, ravenclaw, and i am bisexual (i use she/her pronouns). i’m so sorry for not reading the rules before!!
LOOK!! A finally a fricken update lmao I’m finally writing again after procrastinating heh i hate myself thank you for waiting bubba yunseo I hope you like it!!! 
I analysed your character before but now I have more to add lmao!!!
You are reserved, shy, blunt, comfortable, open-minded and prefer to trust your gut feeling; you’re also thirsty for knowledge and love to learn. Your ability to have an open mind will only lead you to pursue new interests and new genres. When you’re looking for a partner you would probably look for someone accepting or equally open-minded, and probably someone empathetic. I’m not sure bur your reserved personality may bring you lots of outgoing friends, and maybe when you’re looking for a partner, you’d be the listener in the relationship. You’d be great at giving empathetic advice, especially emotional ones since you know, you’d get a feeling of what and what not to say, which IMO is amazing. Looking at your description, you’d be the calm person in the relationship due to your reserved and caring nature, and so you’d probably prefer a louder partner?
ADD+ You’re not confident in yourself, you’re a bit clingy in a relationship you’ll probably want to date someone who can tolerate and understand that. You need your other half to be dependable, understanding and patient.
I ship you with !!
Kisumi is warm, friendly, fun to be with, reliable (in the anime he’s a very strong and supporting friend for Haru and the other boys when they had the whole Ikuya drama), he’s outgoing, patient, caring (him and his little brother TUT sibling goals). However, he is very popular, and has a very active social life- he’ll obviously try to introduce you to his friends, make you go to his gatherings, pout a little if you say no but overall very understanding if you just want to relax after a long day. Due to your very different personalities, you might fight with him a little due to his overly active social life, and while he’s not ready to give up on his social life, both of you will work to find a balance to this relationship. 
Obviously, when he’s with his other friends he won’t reply much but he’ll try to cut down meetings with his friends and try to reply to you when he’s out with other people. If you overcome that first hurdle, you will have a very strong relationship! Of course, Kisumi will spend a night in with you, binge-watching movies and cuddling, ordering uber eats and just listening to you talk. Of course, due to his talkative nature, he’ll be talking a lot too, but yes, you’ll learn how to balance it out in the end. 
Not only that, I feel Kisumi can tolerate your blunt nature (he’s friends with Haru lol) and he’ll definitely be that boy who will talk back, maybe that'll improve your comebacks. Dating Kisumi may be difficult but I feel if you date someone like Kisumi, you’ll learn how to open up and talk about your feelings, learn how to communicate in like a better way instead of being blunt all the time (because you know when you actually go work for other people in the future, being blunt, might not be the best choice haha) I feel like although your relationship might be a little messy and all over the place, you’ll work together to hold it together, and being in that situation allows you to be much more mature, and understanding. 
Additionally, as his girlfriend, you’ll attend at least some of his meetings with his friends and you’ll probably collect a lot of connections thanks to that, or even discover a new hobby or passion you’ll take on later in life. ALSO we know Kisumi likes to meddle in people’s lives so maybe he’ll make you overcome any fear you might have and be super supportive about it. I feel this relationship would be a super supportive and fresh- he’s always thinking about new things to try and do with you, which will only benefit both of you greatly!
Kisumi likes: holding hands, some PDA, eating desserts together, you hanging out with his friends (happily), you being happy, you playing your instrument, you doing taekwondo and kicking some ass like the queen you are, you smiling, hugs!!!, drinking coffee with you
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I also ship you with: (more under the cut)
Sousuke is calm, quiet, reliable, a great listener, a little bit overprotective, patient, caring and a great mentor. Thanks to him attending a boy’s school, we literally can see how popular he is- my guess is if he was at Iwatobi instead, he would be the king of the school lmao !!! Sousuke is more of an introvert than anything, which I think, you would appreciate since you like staying indoors, he loves relaxing near the pool or with you indoors! 
It is canon that Sousuke is working in a restaurant so he’d probably make you some dishes when you’re doing a stay at home date, or he’ll make you bentos when you have a concert or exam coming up- it’s his way of showing love, kindness and support! Sousuke is also blunt- like you and he doesn’t mind your bluntness at all, if you were to be blunt about his cooking, he’d greatly appreciate it. Sousuke won’t talk a lot, but he’s always there to listen to you rant, he loves it when you’re a little clingy with him, and it gets him into the mood to spoil you. He also loves waking up to you spamming his messenger, and he reads through every message, careful not to miss anything.
 As mentioned, Sousuke is a great mentor and he gives great advice. He listens to you and he’ll try to remain neutral, maybe you won’t be too happy about that but you’ll eventually understand that he’s just trying to remain neutral so he can provide unbiased advice. Not only that, Sousuke also writes you letters sometimes!!! He’d write you a letter during your monthsary and your anniversary, and when you’re feeling under the weather. If you need personal space, he’d be happy to leave you with a letter, some of your favourite snacks, a handmade bento packed to the brim with your favourite dishes. 
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I ship you with !!
Mirio is friendly, funny, outgoing, optimistic, energetic, laid back and hardworking. He’s one of the big threes, and he definitely worked hard to be one there and he deserves everything amazing in this world!!! Personally, I think Mirio is an ambivert, he can switch between being an introvert and extrovert, and that is really cool,, which in this case would benefit you greatly since he’d push you to socialise within your quota, but will also reward you with all sorts of cute stay at home dates, where he just solely focuses on you and you only. Mirio may seem confident and all but sometimes, he suffers from self-doubt and low self-confidence, and I feel like you could really encourage him and help him back up again. 
Alternatively, when you’re feeling the same, Mirio would know how to get you back up and make sure you’re okay. Overall, Mirio would be a very laid back boyfriend, and he’d trust you with all his heart. He’d also pull cute pranks on you, or scare you, but he’s doing it with pure intentions only, as he wants you to be happy!!! Because you happy = him happy !! 
Being with Mirio means seeing him working himself too hard, and i feel like your bluntness might just put him in place, and he’d listen. You might spoil him a little after (which he loves), and tell him off (cute). After all of that Mirio would just want to hold you so tightly in his arms, as he takes a short nap with you. 
ALSO !! He’d also introduce you to little Eri, and make sure both of you get along (no problem at all since Eri is a sweet girl), and the three of you would go on amusement park outings? And sometimes you’d get mistaken for being such “sweet parents” or having such a “cute family”, Mirio would tease you afterwards, and wouldn’t deny it if someone asks him if you are his wife- he’d proudly say “yes, isn’t she cute!” Eri would giggle and point out the fact that you are blushing- it’s just such a wholesome relationship tbh!!!
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I also ship you with !! 
Tsuyu is adorable, straightforward, caring, laid back, strong, calm, and is a great source of emotional support (recovery girl)!! Tsuyu is also an ambivert and loves being alone or surrounded by her friends,, She loves being comfortable, which means she appreciates your sense of style. 
Obviously, she’s not the best at showing weakness, which means she’d be the one providing emotional support in this relationship. She’d listen to you rant, and provide you with unbiased advice. (Tsuyu is known for her amazing judgement skills). Of course, you’d start to notice the gap and you’d want her to share her weaknesses with you- it takes time, but it’s not impossible! However, she’d prefer if she was the one doing the listening and advicing instead. 
Not only that, Tsuyu is very attentive so she’d know what to do when you’re feeling meh, she’ll also cook for you sometimes, and bring you to cute and nice restaurants so both of you can just date and chill out. Like you, Tsuyu is blunt and straightforward but she means well. She won’t mince words but she’d make sure she won’t mention any trigger words or events. She’d also make sure you’re okay after that, probably make you some juice and cuddle with you (if you want). I also feel like she’s open to try anything- she’d do anything that would make you happy. Like Mirio’s relationship- this relationship is equally wholesome, supportive and happy!!
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