#makkari has signed
kariternal · 2 years
ik   not   everyone   is   super   familiar   with   makkari   and   that’s   fine   !   i   love   u   for   being   here.   just   wanted   to   clarify   makkari   is   deaf ,   and   communicates   using   sign   language   but   does   not   simcom   (   the   simultaneous   use   of   sign   +   spoken   communication   )   ur   muse   can   !   she   just   does   not   ever.   she   can   also   lip   read   and   sense   vibrations   (:
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redheadspark · 9 months
The Denial prompts!! 2 is so Druig-coded! Can you write it for Druig please?
A/N - Awww this is perfect for the mind controller himself! Thanks for the request, anon!
Told Ya
Summary - Druig is always filled with doubt, but leave it to Makkari to bring him to the light
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Warnings - Mostly fluff
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Druig’s eyes were on you from his spot in the Meeting Room, the smile on your face making you almost look like you were glowing after listening to Sersi’s story that she was telling you. Of course, he was trying to make it seem like he wasn’t looking or watching at all, hoping a book tentatively in his hands with his thumb on the spot of the book where he stopped.  But hearing your laugh ring like bells in the small room, the small twinkle in your eyes that was illuminated from the Domo lights, and the soft color of your armor against your skin, Druig was nonetheless entranced.
If he had to be honest, he has been entranced with you for the longest time.  Maybe for as long as you all were on earth.
Druig was never one to show he had feelings or that he was weak, though he knew there was nothing wrong in showing one’s feelings or being vulnerable.  Druig never did it himself, he was busy and preoccupied with saving humans from Deviants to channel his inner feelings toward you.  But you none the less caught his attention from the moment you two met.  He thought of your wicked sense of humor, able to brighten any room with a chuckle or your light hearted attitude.  He adored your kindness and soft gestures towards others, especially those who were in need of comfort.  
Most of all, Druig was enraptured with your heart that was filled with beauty that then reflected in your smile and bright eyes.  
Over time, Druig held it against his chest and locked it away, not wishing to expose himself and let others know of this secret that he had.  Maybe he thought of it as a major secret when it was a simple crush, and he would try his best not to show it or say it in front of anyone.  You two were in fact friends, Druig loved having you as one of his closest friends who knew him far too well and brought out the best in him.  But then again, he inwardly and selfishly wanted more with you.  He wanted what Ikaris and Sersi had, which was saying something since he was still indifferent to Ikaris.  But still, he wanted to hold your hand and feel how soft your skin was against his calloused palm, he wanted to hold you in his arms to feel that warmth he knew you had around you like a shield.
Druig wanted to kiss you and bring you nothing but joy.
Watching you like a love-sick puppy, Druig was too distracted to see Makkari speed over to chat with him with her mesh bag in hand, wishing to share with Druig her recent treasure haul.  But she saw his eyes trained in your direction, her eyes looking over to see you and Sersi chatting away.  The speedster smirked, looking back at her best friend and she playfully shoved his arm with her own to get his attention.  He looked over a bit too quick, almost stumbling off the bench where he sat. 
"Druig, you’re drooling."
 Druig looked at his best friend, seeing Makkari gesture to his slightly open mouth, to which he slammed his mouth shut instantly.  Makkari chuckled, the sound filling the room as you were on the other side of the Meeting Room, looking away from talking to Sersi and at Makkari and Druig.  Druig was looking down rather sheepish, blush was evident on his cheeks.  You smiled, thinking of it affectionately as Ajak floated over to you, lacing your arms together.
“Come, I have something to discuss with you,” She said to you, taking you out of the room with ease.  Druig and Makkari were watching you being escorted away, Druig then glaring at Makkari as she smirked back at him.
“What?” She asked him was giving her a hard look, “You’re literally eyeing her with affection!” 
“I am not,” He signed and said to her in retaliation, though Makkari titled her head at him as he kept going, “I think of her only as a friend,”
“Doubtful.  You two would be cute together since you bring out the best in one another,” Makkari explained to Druig, her eyes light and filled with truth as Druig was already shaking his head and rubbing the back of his neck, “There’s no shame in liking her, she’s wonderful!  As are you, and you two getting together wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
“It would be an interference with our work on Earth,” Druig reasoned, though Makkari was now the one glaring at him.
“Sounds like an excuse,” She commented, “You made it sound time-consuming to be with her, or anyone for that matter.”
“I don’t have time for a relationship, anyways,” He added on, though Makkari slapped his arm and scoffed at him,
“That has nothing to do with anything I just said, like at all,” She said to him with her glare, seeing him look a bit sheepish as she sighed and sat down next to him.  As stubborn and hard-headed as he was when he came to what was on his mind, Makkari knew her best friend deep down.  He had a massive heart, and she knew he wanted, craved even, for you to hold it in your hands.
“Even if….if she thought of me like that…I don’t think she would want to be with someone like me,” he said in a mumble.  He thought of you as the sun and himself as the moon, opposites and never able to share the same space.  You are bright, cheerful, and filled with life and warmth.  He was mysterious, aloof, and wrapped in the calm and silence that the night would bring.  Druig always hated the notion of comparing two things, but he always compared himself to you.  
It wore him down sometimes, always thinking of the worst and how you would never dare look in his direction in that way.  
Makkari tucked a finger under his chin, and gently coaxed him to look at her as she gave him one of her infamous smiles that would always brighten his day, “You can be a silly fool sometimes” 
Druig raised an eyebrow at her, not understanding what she meant as he then heard someone gliding over in their direction.  Both Makkari and Druig looked, seeing it was you with a massive grin on your face.  Just the way you were smiled was enough to make Druig almost lose his breath.  You stood right in front of him, Makkari scooting away slightly as you finally spoke.
“Druig, Ajak wants us to go on patrol tonight, together,” You explained, Druig’s eye going a bit wide as Makkari was grinning wide like she a prize.  
“Did she?” Druig asked, keeping his voice composed as you nodded your head.
“Well..it was my suggestion anyways,” You admitted, fiddling with your fingers in front of you as Druig felt his heartbeat go a bit faster now and a flushness was now on his cheeks.  You wanted to go with him?  Was he hearing you right?  Not that you two haven’t been on patrol alone before.  In fact…you haven’t.  You were always going in groups of three or more.  This would be the first time….alone…
“Oh,” Druig could only say as Makkari was mentally wished she could kick him in the leg.
“The city itself is well secured, and we haven’t seen a Deviant in a week now, so only two of us seem to make more sense. Plus, we haven't got to be together for some time and I wanted to catch up with you,” You explained, thinking that you had to explain to him why you wanted him to come along with you.  Maybe you thought he was going to decline the offer, but seeing the small smile morph into a bigger one on his face was enough to make you realize you made the right choice.  
“I would love to join you,” he replied, the smile you had was enough to make him feel hot all over as you nodded your head at him.
“Great!  I’ll….I’ll meet you outside then.  I’ll grab some snacks for us too, see you out there!” You explained, turning on your heel and heading over to the makeshift kitchen area where Gilgamesh was starting to make dinner for the family.  Druig watched you walking away, already replaying you asking him to come with you over and over in his mind.  Hearing the tone in your voice, seeing the twinkle in your eyes, and he felt like he was dreaming the whole time.  But it all happened, and he could feel every insecurity he had towards himself melt away and evaporate in thin air.  
Once again, Makkari scooted his side to get his attention.  Druig looked, seeing Makkari give him a wink as he rolled his eyes.
“Shut up.” He replied, though Makkari snorted.
The End. 
January Prompt Session
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
Gil takes care of Thena very secretly while she still has her bullet wound. Thena learns that he is the strongest guard here and yet the most kindest and gentlest of them all. Plus she can’t resist touching his feathers 🤭
"Up here!" she called back to him. She could hear him climbing from the branches holding her nest up to the canopy where she was sitting (hiding). "Careful."
Gilgamesh had such large and magnificent wings. She had cleared a path for herself, of course, but she hated the idea of him snagging any of his beautifully dark feathers on his way up.
"Hey," he huffed, finally emerging in the canopy with her. His wings rustled behind him as he settled himself on the same branch. "How did you get up here?"
She smiled. He had been very vigilant about her injury since she had disclosed it to him. He even snuck her extra food in hopes the protein would help her heal faster. "Carefully, rest assured. I've started coming up here to watch the sunrise. And it assures that Druig and Ikaris will leave me be and seek their own food."
Gil chuckled, "did you find food for them when they were fledglings?"
Thena rolled her eyes at it. "I do not know of yourself, but my brothers knew I was the best hunter of us, so they would half-attempt to fish until I assuredly brought back the best yield for us to share."
Gil rolled his eyes as well, although they did share in their laughter. "I guess that shouldn't surprise me."
"Even when Ikaris started hunting in earnest, he's too impatient to skim the water at a reasonable pace, so everything slips from his grasp," she shrugged, picking at a few berries she had in a leaf cup. "But he can crack open shellfish better than I, I must admit."
"You like shellfish?"
"Scallops and shrimp are sweeter than oysters and muscles," she commented freely, barely even noticing as Gil angled himself, running his hands over her wings. She shifted in her position, turning her back to him so he could examine her side.
"Has it opened back up again?" he asked seriously, examining her white dress for signs of blood.
"No, the healing springs are working," she answered honestly. She was still soaking her wound morning and night. "The skin is a little tender, but I do believe it had closed, at least."
"Hm," he grunted, moving on to straightening some of her feathers while he was examining her. "Still soak it for a little longer, though. Until it no longer hurts to poke."
Thena sighed. She poked it regularly to test if she was healed yet. "Indeed."
"Makkari is rushing home after last perimeter checks a lot," Gil commented lightly as he idly combed through her feathers with his fingers. "Are they official now?"
"I do believe I could say they are courting," Thena smiled to herself, watching sun stream through the gaps and crags in the top of the mothernest, and even through some of the crystalline ice structures up there. "I look forward to the day he brings her home to me."
It was quite serious to have one's mate introduced to the family formally. Thena and Makkari had spoken of course, could even be considered to be friends. But if Druig brought Makkari to her nest to meet her, that would be more like bringing Makkari to meet his mother.
"You think he will?" Gil asked, plucking out an errant feather.
"It will take time," she sighed, her wings fluttering faintly at the thought, just for Gil to move them more for his angle. "But I do hope so. I would welcome her to the family."
"You wouldn't feel like you have a," Gil paused, and she heard his clothes rustle as he fidgeted, "I dunno--empty nest, or something?"
Thena looked down at her berries, almost eaten completely. "Perhaps I will mourn the days when Druig was a sweet little hatchling, even when Ikaris was not so...Ikaris."
Gil snorted.
"But they are long grown, and I want for them to stretch their wings," she concluded. She moved her leaf cup, offering up her last windberry. "I brought them all the way here for it, all told."
"Thanks," Gil whispered (awfully close to her ear). He reached for the berry, his thumb brushing against hers as he fished it out.
"I have never seen them so much as show an interest in courting, or preening, or," she shrugged, flapping her wings faintly as she felt Gil pull away.
"Well, preening is pretty, y'know," Gil postulated as she turned around to face him again.
"Oh?" she grinned, automatically moving forward to return the favour of his preening of her wings. She nearly gasped as he allowed her to do the same, brandishing his shimmering black wings in all their glory. They made her want to bury her face in the valley between them.
"W-Well," Gil squirmed, and she could just imagine the sweet, somewhat shy expression on his face. "Preening is pretty, uh, personal."
Intimate might be another word for it. Certainly no acquaintances or even casual friends were going around picking at each other's feathers. It simply required a level of trust and understanding of a fae's most vulnerable feature.
Thena was not ignorant to that. She simply acted like she was.
She moved her fingers over Gil's feathers delicately. They were so stunning, each and every one of them. She nudged a few back into place, examining the most misplaced ones. He had navigated his way up here with care.
"Should I not be...?" she asked quietly, even pausing in her actions. She pursed her lips while he was turned away from her, "if you have a potential mate who is going to come and tear my nest apart, I-"
Gil snorted again. He half turned to peek at her around his wing, "please."
She only felt more dissatisfied with that answer. She plucked a downy feather straight out roughly. "I do not see what is humorous about the question."
"Well, guard life doesn't exactly let you go out and court," he shrugged, not seeming all that bothered by it. "I've been the captain of our patrol for a long time, Thena. I've never so much as been approached."
Thena tilted her head beside/behind him. Her hair swayed around her shoulders faintly and the shadows of her horn and a half were cast over Gil's shoulder. She couldn't imagine Gilgamesh not being a prime candidate for a mate for anyone viable.
She looked up and suddenly he had a completely clear view of her. His eyes were sharp and warm, brown like the undertones of his rich black feathers. Her stomach leapt. "Hm?"
"You worried I have someone I'm preening with in another nest?"
Thena felt herself flush, although she did her best to look annoyed with the question. He wasn't in a teasing mood often. "I wouldn't take you for that kind of fae, Gilgamesh."
He laughed fully, having had his fun. He turned again, crossing his arms around himself. His wings shook with his laughter as well. "Well, that's good. And listen, even if I had ever liked someone, I've never been able to approach anyone. I'm used to doing my own preening, really."
She could tell, by the general state of his back-most feathers. Clearly he took good care of them, but every fae had those spots they simply couldn't reach on their own. "Well, good you have me."
"Yeah, it is."
Thena lowered her hands from his wings. She had let herself enjoy their secrecy too much, perhaps. "You need not, of course. If you didn't wish it."
Gil, sensing that she had pulled away from him, turning back to her. He lifted his wings to they could sit close despite the appendages of theirs which naturally demanded distance. "Do you?--wish it?"
Thena sighed, looking at the wonderful border guard she had met a full turn around the sun past, now. She leaned forward carefully, giving him time to refuse if he wanted to. In which case she would take off and leave these seas, perhaps forever.
Gil leaned in as well, their lips meeting gently. It was not necessarily as intimate as preening - especially in secret - but a kiss was still a kiss. He raised his hand to her cheek, tilting her head to kiss her deeper.
Thena sighed, their fangs meeting somewhat as their mouths opened more. He tasted of the morning stew the guards ate before first takeoff. It mixed with the taste of her berries.
Gil pulled away, tucking her hair behind the point of her ear in the morning air currents.
Thena just stared at him, her breath coming in soft sighs. She had never thought of finding a mate for her own.
Gil looked up, seeing a few fae beginning to fly around the dome of the mothernest as a warmup. He sighed, "I have to go."
"Go," she sent him off with a smile, her whole body tingling with warmth. "You are needed."
Gilgamesh let his hand drift off her cheek and to her shoulder as he stood on the branch. He lifted his wings, shielding them from witnesses. "I'll come and check on you tonight."
"Very well," she smiled. She waited the entirety of the day for him to do so eagerly. Her heart sang for him. "I shall wait for you."
"Okay," he whispered, their hands leaving each other the most slowly. He slipped something into her hand, "see you later, then."
Thena waved as he took off, launching straight from the treetops into the air to join the day's first shift of patrol. She could hear his voice, already directing his team and guiding them with the largest and strongest wings of them all.
Her hand tightened around the feather of his he had left her. It was a step past preening, and she would have to make sure Ikaris and Druig didn't find it--this gesture of exclusivity between fae. It wasn't necessarily a courting trinket, bus she felt a certain lightheaded giddiness as she tucked it into the layers of her white dress, over her heart.
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silver-pieces · 2 years
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Pairing: Makkari x gn!reader (where reader wears a dress)
Word Count: 588
Synopsis: You don’t feel like you belong in her world.
Warnings: 18+, minors do not read or interact, slight angst, imposter syndrome
A/N: Day 17 of Marvel Girlfriend May (please don’t check the date) is for Makkari!! ❤️ I love her!! As always, please reblog if you enjoy my writing.
Divider ❊ Masterlist ❊ More Makkari ❊ Taglist
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"Turn around,” she signs, looking you up and down as her mouth curves into a smirk.
You follow her order with reluctance. The blue dress swishes lightly, the hem just grazing the floor as you move. You feel naked in it, and your face is flushed with heat. “I feel like a slight breeze would tear it off me,” you half-joke, signing the words as you turn to face her again.
She steps forward, wrapping her arm around your waist and pulling you into her side. She turns her gaze to the mirror, the two of you standing together, you in blue, her in red. With one hand, she signs the word, “Beautiful.”
You think about what to say. That you’re nervous, that you want to make a good impression on her family, that this dress really feels too flimsy, but none of it seems important when she’s looking at you like this.
You peer at yourself in the mirror. The dress is stunning, but can you really pull it off?
She seems to think so.
“Okay,” you sigh, viscerally aware of how heated your face feels under her attention. “You win.”
Her smile becomes a victorious grin.
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It’s blissfully quiet outside, away from the chaos that is Makkari’s family. You’d expected as much, but it was still a little overwhelming to actually be there, sitting among gods.
You run your hands up your bare arms and plant your elbows on the balustrade. Kingo’s place is ridiculously impressive. The view over the rest of the city alone must have cost him a fortune. And now you’re here, watching the stars above reflect the twinkling lights of the city below, wondering how they haven’t kicked you out yet.
You can’t shake the feeling you don’t belong here.
A whoosh of air hits you from behind.
“Kari,” you murmur to yourself, glancing behind and seeing her there, behind you.
“Is everything okay?” she signs. There’s a tension in her gaze, a protectiveness you’ve seen only a few times before.
“I’m okay,” you promise with a smile. “Your family is wonderful.”
She snorts. “That’s one way to put it.”
You don’t want to disappoint her. The only person who has truly cared for you, the only person who has ever wanted to take you to meet their family, and you feel like an imposter because of it.
She tilts her head, eyes searching yours.
But how can you tell her any of that? You can’t let her think the worst of you.
“Are you cold?” she signs.
You look down at your arms, the skin slightly raised as the cool breeze washes over you, and nod.
The wind whooshes as Makkari blurs away, returning before you can even blink. She holds out a blue cardigan, the shade a perfect match to your dress.
You frown. “And where did you get that?”
She just shrugs, a mysterious glint in her eyes, and holds it out to you.
“Kari,” you laugh, heat rising to your face as you put it on. You breathe a sigh of relief. It’s a flimsy piece of clothing, but it brings a sense of security you didn’t have before. “Thank-you.”
She nods, and the look in her eyes says it all. She'll do anything for you, you realise with a slight intake of breath, because she thinks you belong together. It’s hard to deny it, not when you feel the same for her.
Melting at her wordless declaration, you let her take you back inside to her family.
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Never Lost Pt1
Drukkari x female reader
College Au
Summary: You meet your new roommate Makkari and her friends at college. Something begins developing between you, Druig, and Makkari, but will insecurities and sorority girls get in the way of your blooming romance?
(disclaimer! This series is unedited and will have errors- I apologize)
You smiled as you felt the fresh warm air hit your face, stepping out of the car you admired to view in front of you.The dorm buildings were huge and lavish, you could only imagine what the inside looked like. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts by your mom nudging your shoulder
“Come on Y/n, we don’t have all day and I have a flight to catch” She grabbed some of your bags from the backseat and began walking towards the dorm doors, you playfully rolled your eyes- it was 8 AM you both had plenty of time to get your stuff unpacked.
Your mother had gratefully made the drive up to California with you in your car, but she was catching a flight back home this evening in order to get back in time for work.
You grabbed one of the duffel bags and slung it around your shoulder before grabbing a box and following after your mom, you found her talking with the receptionist at the front desk of the building, they both looked at you as you approached
“Hi! You must be Y/n?” the woman questioned and you groaned
“Mom, what have you told her?” your mom just shook her head with a small smile
“I’m just trying to find out where your room is y/n” She stated, you squinted your eyes at her in suspicion
“Right, I just need you to sign a few papers and then i can give you your keycard- it’s used to get in your dorm, foodhall, and lounge rooms” 
“Ok cool” You set down your stuff and grabbed the pen handed to you, briefly reading over everything before signing
“So she has a roommate right?” Your mom inquired
“Yes, she arrived yesterday so all of her stuff will be in the room already, i’m not sure if she’s there currently but i guess you’ll find out” The receptionist said
“She?” Your mother turned to you with an inquisitive smirk on her face and you had to physically restrain yourself from rolling your eyes again. 
It was no secret that you were bisexual, and you were lucky to have a mother that was accepting but it also meant that she was buying you anything and everything that had a rainbow and assumed you were going to fall in love with every girl you met. You were lucky you did most of the shopping for your dorm by yourself or you’re almost entirely sure your bedspread and school supplies would all be rainbow.
You waved a polite goodbye to the front desk lady as you picked up your bags and new keycard and began walking to your dorm, you had to take the elevator because your room was on the second floor but you didn’t mind as you didn’t have anything too heavy to unpack anyway.
You scanned the keycard until the lock flashed green and entered the room, you looked over to the other side that was practically already fully decorated and noticed a few track trophies and posters of older bands of music, they had good taste you decided. 
You set your stuff down on your side, throwing the duffle bag onto the bed before following it and laying down. 
Huh, the bed wasn’t as bad as you thought it’d be. 
Your mother huffed “no no no Y/n there is no time for resting, we’ve got to unpack the rest of the car come on” She left no room for arguments as she exited the room, she was always one to worry about time crunches.
You ran after your mom as she nearly speed walked out of the building, stopping in the lobby to catch your breath when you noticed by far the prettiest girl you’d ever seen walk into the building, she was dressed in a crop top and leggings showing off her beautiful caramel skin and good physique as she wiped sweat off her neck with a towel, obviously coming back from some sort of run.
She looked over at you, catching you staring and giving you the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen before waving and walking away. Oh yeah, you liked this college already. 
You and your mom grabbed the rest of your stuff and you locked your car before making your way back, this time when you opened your door there was someone inside and you thanked the heavens for whoever assigned the roommates. The same girl you’d run into downstairs was sitting on her bed and scrolling on her phone, looking up when you and your mother entered
“Oh look Y/n! Hi, I’m y/n’s mother it’s nice to meet you” You mother set down the boxes she was holding and walked over to the pretty girl who sat up to shake your moms hand 
“What’s your name darling?” your mother questioned, you could see the girl paying avid attention to your mom’s mouth, you were about to question it before your eyes were drawn down to her hands as she signed her name M-a-k-k-a-r-i. Ah, now you understood, she was reading her lips.
You smiled to yourself as you put down your boxes and walked over, introducing yourself in return, the girl looked mildly surprised but more pleased than anything.
“You speak sign language?” She signed
You nodded “My nephew is deaf so i learned it so I could communicate with him-, you explained
“That’s very sweet of you” 
“Thank you”
“Well i’m glad to see you two getting along already” you mother interjected “but we need to get you set up Hon” she turned to you and you sighed
Makkari offered to help and despite you telling her you didn’t want to inconvenience her, she still helped you set up a few things, the three of you working together got the unpacking done a lot faster than you’d excepted and by the time noon came around you were practically finished 
“Shit that was fast” you expressed, Makkari smiling and your mother swatting you on the shoulder
You sat down on your bed as your mother announced she was going to the bathroom, Makkari sat across from you on her bed
“So,” you began signing “You do track?” you nodded your head in the direction of her trophies
She beamed “Yes! I love running, it’s always been very therapeutic for me”
You snorted “couldn’t be me, exercise is not my thing, the most I can do is like 2 push-ups and a hike to the nearest ice cream shop”
She shook her head, pretending to scold you “exercise is very important, helps to keep you healthy”
“Amongst other things” you muttered to yourself, trying hard not to look at the abs showing slightly under the crop top she was wearing, when you looked back up she was smirking. Shit, had she read your lips?
Your mother burst back in right at that moment, complaining that you hadn’t moved since she left and forcing you to get off your bed to continue setting everything up, there were still some things you needed, like food for the next week at least and a few textbooks so after finishing your room you waved goodbye to Makkari and went off with your mom.
You had a feeling this school year was going to be interesting, to say the least
Yay Chapter 1! As always, Please leave a comment to tell me what you thought!- Starry
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creamecafe · 2 years
𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚
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𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝 | 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 | 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐚𝐝
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟗𝟕𝟑
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐚. 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲!
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𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤
𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝!
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Third Person POV:
You and your friends had arrived at the Domo where Makkari had been staying all these years you guys separated. You had the mission to try to stop the celestial growing in the Earth and killing everyone on Earth.
Of course with not seeing Makkari so long, you ran to go hug her.
Thena didn't have a problem with this, until she noticed you were talking with her and walking around with her the Domo as you hadn't been here what seemed like forever.
She tried to make it seem like it's ok when she really wasn't.
Especially when you both were laughing at something you talking abojt in your conservation that made her feel jealously.
Y/N"s POV:
"You know I can't believe it's been so long." I signed to Makkari.
"I know right, like where did the years go?"
"And you look young as ever," I jokingly signed to her
Makkari laughed at this.
"So do you."
"Thanks my skincare routine is being a Eternal." You smiled while signing
Both of you laughed holding each other.
Thena POV:
I heard laughter coming from Y/N and Makkari as they were talking about something.
I walk over and watch them talking with each other and it looks like Y/N is engaged and interested what Makkari is saying to her.
I took a deep breath to stay calm but couldn't really.
I only like it when Y/N laughs with me, and me only.
I know I shouldn't take Y/N's kindness for flirting with Makkari but it's just the way Y/N smiles at what Makkari does that makes me upset.
"Everything alright Thena?" I hear Kingo's voice behind me.
I turn to him.
"Hmm what was that Kingo?"
"I'm asking if everything's alright?"
"Yes everything's alright thank you."
"Your watching Makkari and Y/N?"
"Not that's any of your business"
"Oh I get it. Your jealous?"
"Jealous?" I was confused.
"You know you love Y/N you feel jealous when she's with someone else."
"I'm not jealous."
"Come on Thena, everyone gets jealous. Even Eternals."
I look down and bite the inside of my cheek. I didn't want to admit I was jealous as that might seem childish.
"Ok I'm a bit jealous so what?"
"I knew it" He pointed to me and smiled at me. But I didn't smile back.
"Your point?"
"Well I understand why your a bit jealous, because..."
"I love Y/N,"
"And when you love something,"
You protect it. Yes but she seems so happy with Makkari."
"I'm pretty sure she's happy with you too Thena. Y/N wouldn't leave you I know that."
I had thought about it. Y/N has always been by my side for many years. I shouldn't have anything to worry about.
"Your right. She wouldn't." I smiled at Kingo.
"Thank you Kingo."
"Of course Thena," I watched Kingo walk away and just sigh watching Makkari and Y/N still talk to each other.
Y/N wouldn't leave me. Would she?
Third Person POV:
After you were done talking with Makkari for a while, you decided to check up on Thena to see how she's doing.
You saw her sat down and you approached her.
"Hey Thena, how are you?"
"I'm doing good thank you" She said a bit turned away from you, almost like she's upset.
You wonder what was wrong. What had made her upset.
"Is everything ok? Why are you a bit upset?"
"I'm not upset."
You go to sit down next to her.
"Please tell me what's wrong."
You held Thena's hands and she had no choice but to look in your eyes. Your calm E/C eyes.
She felt a sense of comfort and solace while looking at you.
"I just think you spent too much time talking with Makkari." She said to you
"Taking with Makkari? Well I haven't seen her in a long...wait a minute. Are you jealous?"
"I am not jealous."
"Thena don't lie to me."
"Ok what if I was?"
"What if I told you, you didn't have to be?"
You cupped her face and caressed it. She took one of her hands away from yours and held to the one on her face.
"I'll always be yours, Thena. You don't have to worry about me finding someone new."
Thena can't help but smile at this and you do too. So it looks like Kingo was right all along. You wouldn't leave Thena.
You lean in and kiss her soft pink lips. Thena cupped your face and put her hand on your thigh to caress it.
After you two pulled away smiling at each other, you notice Makkari staring at you both just smiling at you both.
"Eww, get a room you two." She signed jokingly.
You turned to each other and just laugh.
'Well maybe you should go to a room if you don't want to see us kissing." Thena signed back at her.
All three of you laugh.
"I'm just kidding. You two are cute though. I'm happy for you both." Makkari smiled while signing.
Makkari then signed she was gonna go to Druig and waved goodbye. You both waved goodbye. You turn to each other and smile of how much you love each other so much.
Then the both of you got up and held hands as you continued on with the mission to stop the celestial.
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© 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚
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Title: Home Again (Chapter 30) Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: N3: Free Square Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: Mature Warnings/Tags: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Supernatural Elements, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, References to Depression, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Friendship, Pre-Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Romance, Blood Loss, Adult Content, Explicit Language, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Blood and Injury, Dreams and Nightmares, Slow Burn, Sexual Content Summary: Bucky experiences a painful reunion and pours his heart out to an old friend as his grief over what he lost consumes him. Just when it seems all hope is lost, Sam offers Bucky a surprise that could change everything. Meanwhile Tony and Ramsay share a heart to heart that could potentially put Tony on the right track after his time with Bucky was stolen from his memory. Word Count: 10319 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38259688/chapters/120843835
Title: Never Have I Ever Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: B4: Leaving Bite/Suck Marks Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Sexual Content, Jealousy, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Past Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Minor Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, Light Bondage, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Blindfolds, Restraints, Declarations Of Love, Established Relationship, Angst, Alcoholic Tony Stark, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism Summary: When the team gets together to spend a night under the stars playing a game of Never Have I Ever, it opens the door to a tense situation where Bucky and Tony are left facing an uncomfortable truth about the history they have with Steve. Will it prove to be the think that pulls their blossoming relationship apart or will it bring them closer together when everything is said and done? Word Count: 14368 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48269416
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
CATFA: Part Two
Pairing: Ikaris x Female!Reader, Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: canon violence, language, and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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After five hundred years spent with the Eternals, the war with the deviants is put to an end. The team has split up in trying to take care of the last remaining deviants. You're in Mexico City watching the fall of the Aztec Empire. The past five hundred years have been amazing with Ikaris despite the constant threat of war over your heads.
"Where are the others?" Ajak asks.
"We had to split up," Makkari signs.
She's been teaching you Sign Language over the past five hundred years, and you've been fluent for the past four. You've mastered a lot of languages over those four years that you've been grateful to know.
There were more Deviants than you said," Thena says.
"Once the others kill these last Deviants, we will have eliminated them all from the planet."
You look back at the war happening. Everyone is fighting each other to the death because one side wants to be proven right while the other side is fighting to show them that they aren't. Druig has the power to mind control and he is about to mind control everyone to calm down, but Ajak prevents him from doing so.
"Don't. We don't interfere in their wars."
"This isn't war. It's genocide. Their weapons have become too deadly. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea helping them advance, Phastos," Druig accuses.
"Technology is a part of their evolutionary process, Druig. It's not exactly something that I can stop."
"No, you can't, but I can."
"Stay strong," Makkari signs.
You look back at the others when you notice something wrong with Thena. Gold lines shine over her face and her eyes gloss over in a milky white.
"It's too late," she mutters. "Everyone is going to die."
Thena creates a gold sword from her powers but before she can hurt Sersi, Makkari rushes her away with her super speed.
"Thena? Thena, no!" you yell.
She stabs Phastos in the stomach, but Makkari moves him out of the way so that she only grazes her. You use your air powers to blast Thena away, but it doesn't work as much as you hoped it would. She tosses her sword at you, and it lodges itself in your shoulder. You cry out in pain and fall to the ground as Makkari rushes her away. Thena creates another sword and stabs Makkari in the gut, causing the both of them to crash to the ground. Thena stands up and swings her sword, but Ajak stands in the way so that the tip of her sword goes through her hand. It doesn't seem to affect Ajak, so Thena retracts her sword just as Ajak uses her powers. She holds her hand out with gold circles and lines connecting all of her fingers, and it seems to calm Thena down to where her eyes go back to their normal color.
"Don't listen to your head, Thena. Listen to my voice. You are safe. You are loved. You're our Thena."
Thena's eyes turn stark white again, and she creates more magical swords and shields to fight Ajak. She pushes Ajak away, spins a full circle, and stabs Ajak in the stomach with her sword from behind. Gilgamesh is quick to respond, and he wraps his arms around Thena from behind to stop her.
"Hey, Thena! Hey! Stop, stop, stop!"
Thena breaks away from Gilgamesh and fights him with the intent to kill. You know this is a situation better handled internally than with you getting involved, so you tend to your own wounds. Ajak starts to heal Makkari who is grateful for her help. Ikaris comes back from killing deviants on his side of the world, but he doesn't rush to you immediately.
He looks to his right and sees Sersi who is also injured from Thena and Gilgamesh fighting. It takes him two seconds to decide who to run to and it's you. It's only two seconds but it doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine," you wince and let your powers heal you slowly.
"Thena, please. Come back to us."
Thena isn't relenting, so Gilgamesh uses his powers and strikes Thena in the head, causing her to go unconscious. Ajak doesn't want to do this in the middle of the forest where anyone can walk up and see them, so she takes everyone into the sacred temple way above where everyone else is fighting. Thena is laid on the stone table in the middle of the room, but she doesn't wake up right away.
"I thought Mahd Wy'ry was a myth," Sersi sighs.
"What's Mahd Wy'ry?" you ask.
"It's what humans call PTSD or even dementia," Ajak explains. "It only seems to affect Eternals."
"There is no cure so no one talks about it," Phastos shrugs.
Thena gasps awake and looks at everyone in fear and confusion.
"What happened?"
"You attacked everyone. You wounded Sersi, Phastos, Y/N, and you nearly killed Makkari."
"I don't remember."
"You have Mahd Wy'ry. Your mind is fracturing under the weight of your memories. All I can do is erase them so you can start over. I will have to inform Arishem and take you back to the ship where we have the technology to help you."
Apparently, Arishem is their boss. They go to this otherworldly being for instruction and order. He's the one who put them on Earth, and only he can say when they get to leave.
"But she won't be Thena anymore," Makkari signs.
"What if it happens again? She could've killed you. She could have killed all of us."
"Please. Please, I... I want to remember. I want to remember my life." Thena whimpers.
"Thena, I love you, but listen to me. It's not important if you remember or not. Your spirit will remain. You will always be Thena deep inside. Trust me."
"Why should she trust you? You're asking her to let you erase who she is," Druig speaks up.
You stand off to the side and let them hash this out since this seems like an Eternal problem. You'd only make things worse if you were to add your input.
"Druig, I know you're upset, but--"
"Upset?!" he yells at her. "We've trusted you for seven thousand years, and look where you've gotten us. I've watched humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. Do you know what that does to someone after centuries? Could our mission have been a mistake? Are we really helping these people build a better world? We're just like the soldiers down there. Pawns to their leaders. Blinded by loyalty. It ends now."
Druig turns to the battle happening down below and uses his powers on the soldiers. Immediately, they stop fighting and look at Druig with the same colored eyes as his powers. Ikaris yanks Druig back and slams him against the wall in anger.
"Let them go."
"You're gonna have to make me," he smirks. Ajak pulls Ikaris away to deal with Druig on her own, and Ikaris rejoins your side. "If you wanna stop me, you're gonna have to kill me."
He gives her two seconds to respond, and when she doesn't, he turns and leaves the group. He's going to go off on his own and prosper with the soldiers he's taken hostage.
"I'll watch over Thena," Gilgamesh offers. "Let her keep her memories."
"One day, when she attacks you, you might have to kill her."
"We'll take that chance."
Thena looks down emotionally at the compassion and kindness her friend gives her.
"You may all go. The Deviants are gone. There is no reason for you to stay with me."
"Shouldn't you ask Arishem first? We're a team, we should stay together," Ikaris says.
"I didn't ask you for your advice, Ikaris. Do not forget your place. This is where we say goodbye. You are free to go. I want you to go out there and live a life for yourselves. Find your own purpose, and one day, when we see each other again, I want you to tell me what you found."
With no one tethering you to the other Eternals, you and Ikaris are free to live your life as a couple rather than fighting comrades. It's been fun fighting alongside them, but you're ready to live your life with Ikaris. It took some time to get used to this new life, but you two adapted quickly.
It would be perfect if there wasn't one thing constantly on your mind, always poking at you to make sure you know it's there.
Ikaris and Sersi were in a relationship for five thousand years before he met you, and that kind of time with someone will always stick around no matter how much you declare you're moving on. You didn't see it at first, but Ikaris always chose places to live that were near Sersi. He didn't live right next door to her, but he made sure to always be close enough in case she needed him.
It got to a point where it started affecting your relationship with him. You tried to ignore it for the first few centuries, but it came to a point where you needed to either get out or become a slave to his charm. Ikaris is charming and gorgeous but he's manipulating you without even knowing it. He doesn't mean to do it, but his soulmate is Sersi, and it's time you find yours.
"Ikaris, can we talk?"
Ikaris knows this conversation is coming, he just refuses to believe it's here. He loves you, but he's in love with Sersi.
"I know what you're going to say."
"Then you know it's the right decision. I know you love me and I love you, but you're still in love with Sersi. She's great and another Eternal. I won't live forever, but you two will. It's best if we go our separate ways."
"I'm sorry. I never meant for things to end up like this."
"It's okay. I promise."
With that, you left to go find your soulmate. It's been nine hundred years since you first came to Earth, and you've been to virtually every corner of this planet. New York City will always have a place in your heart, so that's where you go. Technology had evolved immensely since the 1500s, but New York in the 1930s is something you wish everyone can experience. The 20s were truly a gem, and experiencing that by yourself was enlightening.
This is the first time in centuries that you don't have a plan. You can be whoever you want to be, live wherever you want to live, and do whatever you want to do. Maybe you'll open a clothing business and restart that passion of yours. New York may not rely on you to survive, but you could help a lot of people.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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delphiniumblooms · 2 years
eternals ramblings from my rewatch today:
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. ikaris makes an entrance he is accompanied by a huge swell of music, often the eternals theme, to the point where it almost feels like his theme. something to be said here about how he believes himself to be more Eternal than the rest
our first sight of sprite in modern era being her clearly trying to hook up with a guy but the moment he touches her the illusion breaks and she has to go - i cannot believe the pain of living for MILLENNIA in a child’s body she never got to do human things like romance or puberty or whatever
when they first go to earth sersi looks to ajak AND THEN IKARIS for reassurance/permission before going to make contact with the human kid 
watching sprite’s London convo with sersi knowing that she’s in love w ikaris and jealous of sersi hits different. she told sersi to move in with dane. it could be sweet, it could be a ploy to push sersi and ikaris further apart, it could be both bc family relationships are difficult like that and sprite clearly loves sersi even though she’s ‘always envied’ her
sersi TURNED THE GROUND INTO QUICKSAND to fight a deviant this is a big deal to me because i wrote a ton of speculation fic based on the trailers before the movie came out and i had her do exactly the same thing in a fight scene - not to toot my own horn but im impressed at how much i managed to extrapolate correctly just from the teasers
makkari’s last line is ‘the truth will set them free’. this is a bible verse. i don’t know if it’s intentional but they’re quoting jesus
sersi is such a jesus character to me. treats sprite and ikaris with love even though they hurt her massively
sprite is one of the most storytellers actually (gilgamesh did all these epic things. one day you and your people will sail around the world and make your own legends!)
how does ikaris know how to woo. did he watch the humans and learn from them? 
related: i think it’s super cute how he just. makes his regard for sersi clear by following her around everywhere like a puppy
thenamesh are just clintasha 2.0 (though to be fair it is fanon clintasha. but the him trying to stop her from attacking everyone and loving and protecting her even though she’s clearly unstable? screams clintasha)
i was so touched by sprite helping thena break out of the flashback by showing her illusions of her past like it works SO well
they should all have just stayed together. kingo was right. they should all have stayed together. they hurt each other but they also know how to help each other
touched by kingo’s loyalty to ikaris. man respected and loved his leader so much
also ‘i like watching him too’??? kingo darling sprite’s not the only one in love w ikaris
why is everyone in love with ikaris really if he betrayed them in the end
‘are you going to charm me or threaten me’? that’s probably why. he’s a leader. he’s the strongest one. he knows how to be charismatic and how to be firm, keep the peace, et cetera. half of them love him and the other half are wary of, even maybe jealous of him
it’s really interesting to me how druig listens to and respects sersi even though he hates ikaris’ guts. he obviously doesn’t see them as a unit. 
in fact everyone’s feelings towards each other are really intriguing i should chart a family tree but instead of ‘birthed’ and ‘married’ lines its ‘loves’ ‘hates’ ‘envies’ etc
the way sersi whisper shouts at ikaris and tries to pull him away they were both staring at jack and phastos but she knows it’s rude he doesn’t he’s just staring openly until she reminds him 
phastos’ husband speaking arabic to him. karun speaking in hindi to the eternals. whenever anyone speaks in babylonian. i love the usage of foreign languages in english media and eternals does it so much and so well
the way makkari smiles at everyone and signs ‘ready to go home?’ when they come back to the domo hit me like a TON of BRICKS. she was the last one to find out. goddamn. i can’t imagine the existential crises they were all collectively going through no WONDER tempers were high no WONDER they fought
related: i’m sure they said a lot of things they didn’t mean especially phastos. ‘i’ve always wanted to clip your wings, ikaris’ doesn’t mean he actively hated ikaris the entire time. it’s just like you know when you find out someone did something shitty and your reflex response is to go ‘i ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE THAT KIND OF PERSON! YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THIS KIND OF PERSON!’ because memory bias you remember the shitty things more than the good things. same with ‘you did always underestimate [sersi]’. did ikaris really?? or did he live and fight with and watch and love her for five thousand years and conclude, like the rest of the others, like sersi herself, that sersi’s powers only go so far? her powers didn’t begin changing until she was selected as prime eternal. if ikaris underestimated sersi so did everyone including sersi herself.
my take on why ikaris did what he did - he wanted to believe that his previous actions were justified/had a purpose. he lied to everyone, he left his wife, he told no one the truth for years because ajak had him convinced that his life’s purpose was to serve the mission. and then ajak calls off the mission at the last moment. he didn’t want to believe that he had hurt other people, had hurt himself, for no reason. he couldn’t accept that his suffering was for nothing. he had to go through with the emergence because otherwise none of it mattered. and he couldn’t deal with that. ikaris i can tell isn’t good at dealing with the fact that he makes mistakes. he told sersi he was sorry and then flew headfirst into the sun. he smacks of eldest child syndrome AND gifted kid depression. 
ok for real this is the last bullet point. the writing was questionable. the editing was bad. the characters weren’t given enough establishing time - it was a bad idea to do such a huge story in movie format (it should have been a tv show). that said the actors put their whole actussy into this and you can tell chloe zhao tried her utmost best. it’s not a great movie but i still love it because i love this huge unconventional, complex family 
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prxdk · 1 year
Beyond Salvation
Rating: G
Humans twirled and swayed under the low light of the candles. Perspiration threatened to break out on their foreheads but they moved as if each step fueled their fragile figures with joy and energy. A pair of women guided Sersi to the center of their dancing circle, the elemental eternal faltered a mere beat before breaking out into a smile and touching her hips, mimicking the rhythm of her newfound human friends as if she were part of their tribe.
The air shifted at her side, dangling a citric scent before her nose, making the warrior eternal’s gaze dart toward her companion, who sat beside her on the bench at the corner of the hall. He extended her half an orange. “It occurred to me that you might not have eaten anything since you returned from patrol,” he said, a smile at the edge of his mouth.
Thena beamed as she studied Gilgamesh’s features, accepting his offer, easing her shoulders and body against the wall and him. “Thank you,” she said, turning to Sersi’s dancing. “She’s making a mistake.” She bit a slice of her fruit. “Marrying Ikaris.”
“It’s her mistake to make,” said Gilgamesh. “You can’t protect her from her heart. Love isn’t reasonable, humans have shown us that.”
She faced him, gaze lowering to his lips. “She’s an Eternal, not human. Ikaris is a soldier, she’s something else. Something better,” she shook her head. “She should be with someone who doesn’t see her as inferior.”
“Perhaps,” he said. “There isn’t much that can be done, though. The heart has a mind of its own.”
She sighed, rolled her eyes.
“There,” he prompted, tipped his chin upward. “Watch Druig.”
Druig’s eyes shone golden as did the human’s in front of him, the latter handed the eternal a blue mineral before turning around and marching off.
Thena narrowed her eyes. “What is it?”
Gilgamesh shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. Keep on watching.”
The mind controller stalked through the hall, undetected between humans. He slid into a chair on a table where Makkari sat with two human men having some sort of contest involving coins and beverages. Druig bumped her shoulder with his own and signed to her: “I have something for you.”
She nodded, gestured to the humans before following the other eternal away from the table.
The blonde eternal tipped her head as Makkari smiled at Druig. He handed her the mineral he had conquered from the stranger, the other’s motions indicated suspicion and amusement, along with something else Druig’s features echoed.
Thena hummed, nodding. “It is happening then.”
“Has been for a while now,” said Gilgamesh.
“They’re better suited than Ikaris and Sersi,” she said.
“Still, Druig broke rules for her.”
She scoffed. “He’s fond of her, but Makkari isn’t why Druig breaks rules.”
“No,” he agreed, “but he likes it especially when it’s for her.”
Thena faced him, hummed. “Sersi’s still making a mistake.”
“And you still can’t save her,” he said. “No more than you could keep Makkari from Druig.”
She blinked, gaze lingering on his features. “Would you be kept from me?”
His smile was as sweet as the delicacies he’d bring her. “Not for a day, not for the world.”
Thena beamed. “I guess we’re all beyond salvation then.”
Gilgamesh nodded. “And none of us would have it any other way.”
She eased against his chest. “No, I don’t think we would.”
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hey Hii I love your writings!
Could you write something about Druig and the fem avenger (maybe black widow) reader? If you don't write Druig, it could be Shang-Chi. I love both of these guys so much! Thanks in advance~
A/N - THIS IS GREAT! Sorry for not writing this soon, but I do hope you like it, Anon!
Summary - After the Emergence, Druig get a call from an old flame
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Warnings - Just some fluff with a HINT of angst
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The phone rang at least three times before Druig could answer it, fishing out the phone from the bottom of his duffle bag he packed from his village in the Amazon.
“ ‘Ello?” He asked, Instantly he was going to be bombarded by questions on the other end of the line.
“Druig?!  What in the hell?!  Why is there a Celestial coming out of the Indian Ocean?”
“Sweetheart, can you take a breath for me?”
“How can I take a breath when there’s a massive Celestial statute sticking out of the Indian Ocean!  That has you name written all over it!”’
“Stop!  Stop and take a breath for me please,”  Druig finally Said into the phone, looking up from his spot in the kitchen to see the rest of the Eternals outside the farmhouse and at the horse corral, talking together and laughing at something Phastos said.  Druig could see the inventor look over at Druig through the kitchen window, raising an eyebrow at him as if he was silently asking who he was talking to on the phone. 
Druig shook his head and walked back to the living room, plopping down on the couch to rub his face as he heard you on the other line.  You were taking a few long breaths, trying to calm yourself down as Druig was patiently waiting on the couch.  Finally, after what seemed like a good minute or two of you breathing and calming yourself down for Druig to hear, Druig finally spoke.
“Druig, that Celestial is on every news channel all over the globe, and my boss is looking for answers,” You explained to him on your end of the phone, “You need to explain some things to me, as much as you can,”
“Your Boss, as in the Winter Soldier?” 
“More as in the new Captain America,” You replied, “Sam is not keen in not knowing what is going on around the globe, especially if it’s extraterrastial related.
“I’m sure you can whip something up from your Black Widows days, bein’ an ex-spy at all,” Druig said in almost a tease, you inhale sharply.
“Druig, this is not funny. I’m worried that something else is stirring up and you have something to do with it,” You explained wholeheartedly.
“I know, luv,” Druig replied, “I don’t mean to make it light.  But it was a near Emergence that we had to stop before the end of the world,”
A pause was heard on your end.
“Emergence?” You asked him.  Druig sighed heavily.
“It’s a lot to explain,” He started to explain to you, but the house suddenly started to vibrate.  Druig had to paise, feeling the walls and floor shake beneath his feet as he slowly stood up.  It might have felt like an earthquake, not as big as the one he felt a week prior when Tiamut became active under the earth’s surface.  After hearing some of the horses from the corral neighing in agitation, the soft sounds of what sounded like a jet high in the sky were coming towards the farmhouse.  
But this didn’t sound like a typical jet.
Phastos and the others came running into the farmhouse, Druig shot up from the couch and looked over at him as Phastos was pointing towards the front of the house, “You hear that?”
What is it? Makkari signed as the rounds of the jet were coming closer and closer within seconds.  Druig was just as confused at first.  Yet it only took him a few longs to recognize the sounds of the jet, he’d heard it all too well many times before.  His own heart both dropped and seated faster at the same.
“Honey….please don’t tell me I’m hearing your jets out here in South Dakota,” Druig said slowly in the phone to you as the Jet was now sounding beyond loud, almost right above the farmhouse as Phastos shot him a look.
“Honey?!  Who in the hell is Honey?” He asked as Druig walked out through the front doors hastily, the others hot on his heels.  Right in front of the farmhouse, a Jet was lowering down onto the grass.  It looked sick, black in color, and almost decked out with plenty of firepower to boot.  To anyone else, it would seem threatening and intimidating since there was no way of knowing where the jet came from and who was flying it.  
But to Druig, he knew exactly who it was.
“Is that an Avenger’s Jet?!” Phastos son Jack yelled out in excitement as the jet finally touched down on the ground, the wind dying down and the jet turning off slowly.  
“Jack, get in the house!” Phastos huffed at his son as the ramp was lowering slowly.  Druig was watching the ramp with steady eyes, turning off the call on the phone as he saw boots descending down the ramp at a rapid pace.  
Light brown hair in a high ponytail, braids embedded in the locks as bright green eyes were drilling into Druig's blue orbs.
You, in your ex-widow outfit, walking straight to Druig with no signs of slowing down.
"Who in the hell?" Phastos asked as Thena stood in a protective and threatened stance, Makkari looking in confusion. But you were not focusing on them, only on Druig who was giving you a sincere look and a small smile.
Once you were nose to nose, Druig's smile briefly widened.
"Hello Sweetheart," he hummed to you, though you were simply giving him a hard stare
Within a second, you punched him hard.
The others gasped as Druign grunted and took the blow, ducking a bit as you glared at him with clenched fists. Makkari was about to run over at you when Thena grabbed her arm to stop her. Druig reluctantly held out a hand to the others at the porch as he grasped his nose.
"It's fine...I'm fine," He called out, inhaling sharply as he looked back at you with a sigh, "I deserved that one, didn't I?"
"That is for keeping me in the dark with this Celestial, and for not calling me back in a whole month! I was this close to flying out to see if you were still alive in the Amazon!" You huffed at him as he grasped part of his nose. He squinted in pain.
You rolled your eyes, reaching over to move his fingers to the right spot on his nose.
"Don't worry, I didn't break it. It'll bruise and that's it," You mumbled, Druig grinning as you through the same pain he was feeling along his nose, "Druig, you scared me, and I know deep down this Celestial has something to do with you,"
"It does, luv," He replied as he then gestured to the group that was watching from the porch, "These are the other Eternals,"
You looked over, seeing the three of them watching with a hint of amusement on their faces from your punching the mind controller in the nose. Your eyes went wide, Phastos awkwardly waving while both Thena and Makkair just grinned and nodded in your direction.
"Your family?" You asked Druig as you looked back at him.
"Some of them. We lost some along the way, but we're all that left with two others," Druig explained as he took your hand in his, "We stopped the Emergence and saved the world,"
"Oh...okay," You sighed and rang your fingers over your face, "This is a lot to take in,"
"I'll say," Phastos muttered under his breath as Thena walked over a little bit with her intense eyes on you.
"You know Druig?" She questioned you, you were about to say something when Druig reached over to lace your fingers together, palm to palm. Your fingerless gloves against his own calloused hand were a natural feel for you two to have, and you've had this sensation for some time as the others finally realized what was going on.
"You're dating.....and Avenger?" Phastos asked Druig, Makkari grinning from ear to ear and almost bouncing on her toes.
I have questions! She signed rapidly as you felt a tint of blush on your cheeks.
"Technically she's an ex-Black Widow who was recruited to the Avengers," Druig explained, Makkari was now running over in a blistering pace as she was beaming so bright at you from the news of your title. You were taken back slightly, but the smile on her face was warm.
Black widows are the stuff of legend! Please tell me all you know! She signed to you so quickly her fingers were literally dancing in front of your face. You were smiled and signed "Yes," Makkari giggled and looking at Druig.
I like her! She said to Druig as he finally fully smiled.
"Yeah, I like her too, Kari,"
The End
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simplymakkari · 2 years
the more I crave your touch (the more it’s just too much)
SUMMARY: It takes Makkari a while to realize things vanish. At first, she blames it on her mind after a stressful day or she's misplaced it somewhere in her collection. But that's an impossibility; she has a meticulous organization system, some sorted by era or places she they frequently visit. It's only when she sees the tell-tale citrine from a necklace she's brought from Rome, dangling around Druig's neck, does she realize what's happened.
Druig's stolen from her.
[Read on Ao3]
It takes Makkari a while to realize things vanish.
At first, she blames it on her mind after a stressful day or she's misplaced it somewhere in her collection. But that's an impossibility; she has a meticulous organization system, some sorted by era or places she they frequently visit.
It's only when she sees the tell-tale citrine from a necklace she's brought from Rome, dangling around Druig's neck, does she realize what's happened.
Druig's stolen from her. (Makkari finds that she doesn't mind. It's only fair to get a taste of her own medicine.)
Later, when she asks him about it, he only shrugs and says — "protection from plagues, mi'lady. Canna be too careful" — and he winks; the butterflies in her stomach grow. She only tilts her head up and admonishes him.
She's taught him too well.
Later, she finds a bracelet, woven on red string, bound by large garnet and obsidian beads from Kemet. She leaves it purposely on her nightstand and the next morning, when she returns from patrol, it's gone.
She finds Druig wearing it on his left wrist when she approaches him in Phastos' lab. "Looks pretty on me, don'tcha think, ḫibtu?"
It does. It suits him well and the two gravitate, inching closer.
"Keep it," she signs finally. A drop down to his lips. Druig smiles, raises her hand in his, presses his lips to the back of her knuckles.
Of course, his eyes say, with sincere fondness, dipped in the sapphire she loves, lips upticked in mirth and adoration, a reminder of you to tuck in my heart.
He takes a crown from Greece and places it uptop her head at breakfast the next morning. An amused smile and Makkari rolls her eyes. A heady look pierces his eyes as the two stare at each other and she blinks; vibrations enter the room — it's Sersi, Druig explains and he interprets, as Sersi calls out incredulously, "Makkari, did you take that from my room?"
Druig sniggers and presses a quick finger to his lips. She only swats her wrist against his shoulder and Druig saunders away, laughing much to Sersi's confusion, a bite of an apple sinking between his lovely white teeth, a wink over his right eye.
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 10.3
Hello fellow Drukkari stans! Somehow, we've made it to the finale! If you've missed any chapters and need to catch up, you can find the rest of the story on my Table of Contents here or find me on AO3 if you have an account! Everyone has gathered for the final picnic, and all that's left is for a winner to be crowned! Well, and one more thing... So without further ado, here's the final installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Before too long, they noticed the camera crews moving closer. After a bit of set up, the three finalists came walking out of the tent, each carrying a basket full of treats. Gilgamesh was first, greeting Thena with a warm smile as he set his basket down. Then came Phastos, whose son ran up to him and went straight for the basket. Phastos gently chided him, telling Jack that they had to wait a little while before they could eat, much to Ben's amusement. And finally, Makkari, whose parents were waiting at the table to hug her hello. Druig stood back with the other bakers, applauding silently. After greeting her parents, Makkari's eyes fell on him, and a soft smile bloomed on her face. He beamed back at her.
They didn't have time to talk, as the judges were soon out of the tent, along with the hosts and Kingo. They emerged one by one, lining up in front of the waiting finalists. After a brief pause, Arishem gave a speech congratulating them for making it to the final challenge. Once he finished, the hosts took over, pausing dramatically a few times before announcing the winner: Gilgamesh.
The crowd whooped and clapped as Gil stepped forward to claim his prize. Darcy and Kingo were also there with bouquets for Makkari and Phastos, who were all smiles. As the rest of them applauded, Thena came over to give Gil a kiss on the cheek and a hug. This set off another round of whoops from the other bakers, not that they noticed. Makkari and Phastos soon joined in, and the rest of the bakers followed suit, squeezing into a tight group hug. As they broke apart, Druig was pleased to find himself standing next to Makkari.
Hi, he greeted.
Hi, she returned.
Did you miss me? he asked.
In response, Makkari smiled and jutted out her chin. Druig didn't even try to suppress his own grin as he mirrored her.
Soon, Gil was pulled away for one final interview, and the food was distributed. With everyone busy talking and eating, it seemed like the perfect time for Druig and Makkari to sneak away. Before they did, however, Hunter suddenly appeared at his elbow.
"Hi, I'm Hunter, Druig's friend from work," he said, signing along clumsily, much to Druig's surprise.
I'm Makkari, she replied, a grin spreading across her face. So, you're the one responsible for Druig becoming a baker?
Hunter looked at Druig expectantly. It seemed his vocabulary was still rather rudimentary. With a sigh, Druig interpreted for him, and Hunter lit up at Makkari's words.
"Yes, that was all my doing," he said with a mischievous grin of his own. He then turned to Druig, saying, "Well, she's definitely a keeper."
"Shove off," Druig retorted as they turned back to Makkari, who was laughing quietly at their interaction.
"Hunter was just going to talk to his new friends, right, Hunter?"
"Ah, yes, that's right," Hunter said. "It's nice to meet you."
Nice to meet you, too!
With that, Hunter turned to go, but not before whisper-shouting to Druig, "Get on with it!"
Druig's only response was to push him firmly toward another group of people. He turned back to Makkari, who was watching him with clear amusement in her eyes. He took a deep breath.
Walk with me? Druig asked, offering a hand.
Of course, Makkari answered, taking his hand and interlacing their fingers.
Druig led her away from the crowd and the cameras to a small clearing under some trees he'd spotted earlier. It was close enough that he could still see the picnic area but obscured enough to give them a little privacy. Taking a deep breath, he turned to face Makkari. She was looking at him, eager but patient, a small smile on her lips, her hand still holding his. A part of him wanted to just stay in this moment, held forever in her warm hand and affectionate gaze, but he had things to say. Giving her hand a final reassuring squeeze, Druig let go so he could sign.
I've been thinking a lot this past week about you and me. I meant it when I said you're my best friend, but I've also been keeping something from you. I didn't want to tell you before because I was just scared that it would change things between us. You already know that the last thing I want is to lose you. But I also realized that I can't keep ignoring how I feel, especially after the bed incident… which I know I'm supposed to forget about and I will–
Druig, Makkari interrupted. She'd been listening to him carefully, but her eyebrows had shot up at the mention. I said we should forget about the bed incident because you seemed so freaked out afterward. If you're okay to talk about it, we can.
I thought you were the one freaking out about it, he responded.
I was, but only because I thought… she looked pensive for a moment. No, say what you were going to say.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure–
Because you can go first if–
Druig, please–
Makkari grabbed his hands, cutting him off before he could interject again. She was looking at him intently, but the gentle smile hadn't left her face. Druig's heart was beating so hard, he was certain she would feel it reverberating through his hands, as it was throughout the rest of his body. She let go to tell him, Continue.
The look she gave him was so earnest and warm that the words just tumbled out of him.
I'm in love with you, Makkari. Would you go out with me?
For a moment, she looked stunned. Then, her smile returned as she answered, Absolutely.
Relief washed over Druig so quickly, he thought he might keel over. He was about to take her hand again when Makkari raised it to speak more.
I did think you were going to ask me something else, though.
Just like that, the floor dropped out from under him again.
What? he asked.
She considered him for a moment before continuing, her cheeks growing ever so slightly pink. I thought you were going to ask to kiss me.
Druig's eyebrows shot up.
Beautiful Makkari, I didn't think you'd want to move that fast.
I'm the fastest one in the tent, aren't I? Besides, we've kind of been on two dates already–
Does it really count as a date if at least one person doesn't know it's a date?
I thought I was being obvious! No wonder it took you this long to figure out that I'm in love with you, too.
Druig could've sworn his heart skipped a beat. Even Makkari seemed a bit surprised at her words, but as she looked at him smiling at her, her own smile returned brighter than ever. The sight gave him the courage to say his next words.
So, my beautiful, beautiful Makkari, can I kiss you?
Yes, she said quickly, taking a step toward him. He met her there, one hand coming up to cup her cheek as he leaned in. When their lips met, Druig felt heat spreading throughout him from head to toe. They began to move, lips sliding insistently against each other. His other arm wrapped around her waist, drawing her flush against him. One of her hands found its way up to his hair, pulling him down to her as she deepened the kiss. He took a few more steps forward as he reciprocated eagerly, walking her backwards, and she squeaked as her back made contact with a tree. They broke apart and erupted into quiet giggles as they both caught their breath, leaning their foreheads against each other. They stayed there for a minute, wrapped in each other's arms and gazing into each other's eyes with sheer adoration. As they both leaned in again, Druig knew he'd been wrong earlier. He'd much rather live in this moment forever.
Thank you to everyone who's been keeping up with this fic! I'm working on an epilogue that I'll hopefully post within the next week or two!
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annamarielabeau · 2 years
MCU Phase 4 ships I hope to see have some outcome.
Druig/Makkari-My favorite Marvel ship EVER!!! Like, seriously I want someone to love me the way Druig loves Makkari. Barry Keoghan and Lauren Ridloff just have amazing chemistry, need I say more. Whether it’s in a movie sequel or prequel series I just hope to see more of them being a power couple, working together more, I just want them to have more screen time than they did in the first movie, they’re so sweet! 
Sersi/Ikaris and Thena/Gilgamesh-If there’s ever more Eternals content, I would like to have a prequel series about the Eternals time on Earth to better understand the characters and the relationships. Ikaris and Sersi included. I was moved by their little moment at the end of the movie but I just want more of them to understand the severity of the scene a bit more. Thena and Gilgamesh, I tbh only see as a purely platonic friendship, but if it wasn’t that works just as well. Again with a prequel series of some kind we could see more of them together and understand the reason why Gil chose to take care of Thena. (Plus Don Lee did say he signed up for more than one Marvel project so.....)
Sersi/Dane-They were very cute together, whatever is in store for them I’m on board 100%!! 
Xu Xialing/Katy Chen-I don’t really ship these two but I can see it work. One’s the love-able dork and the other is just a bad-ass. Friends to lovers, yes! 100%
Maya Lopez/Kazi Kazimierczak-Like Gil and Thena this could very well be a platonic friendship or a romantic relationship. (The scene when Kazi is patching up her wounds tho and how Maya dressed up when she went to fight him like?!) Either way they definitely have a history together. As shown in the deleted scene for Hawkeye, I’m not sure if he’s actually dead. (95% sure he is) Whether or not he is blah blah I want to see maybe one flashback scene of them in the Echo series or how his death affects or affected Maya. 
Thor/Mighty Thor (Jane Foster)-Love and Thunder wasn’t one of my absolute favorite phase 4 movies ever but I liked this “remedy” of their relationship. The “Our Last Summer” monologue was so funny and served as a great way for the audience to understand the importance of their love etc. Jane is obviously dead, died a warrior’s death, she’s now in Vahalla. I don’t know how but at some point I just want Jane and Thor to reunite, even if it’s just for a moment. 
Wong/Sara-Not too many people know about this one I’m sure and Sara for those who don’t know Sara is the one who destroyed the Darkhold, then sacrificing herself. Again with the platonic or romantic relationship question. I think it can be seen as either of them. They might have had some history together. But the moment they had together before Sara sacrificed herself and how she touched Wong’s cheek, so sweet!
Doctor Strange/Clea-I don’t know anything about them in the comics other than at some point they get married and Clea is Dormammu’s niece. But if they get together, I’m down, I kind of just want Stephen to be happy. 
Peter Parker/MJ Waston-These two are so cute!! They deserve the world. I don’t think they’ll ever be together again which is probably for best since for the moment, they seemed to have set up a Tobey Maguire Spiderman self discovery arc for Peter. But somehow I’d love to see MJ and Peter reunite. 
Kamala Khan/Bruno Carrelli-Now Kamala Khan has a few potential love interests as she does in the comics. I’m not getting ahead of myself, there’s only been one season so far, (season 2! season 2!!!) I’m team Bruno. But if they ever get together, I’d rather see more of their backstory and more of them together. 
King Valkyrie/Captain Marvel-This ship has been around for a while and I know there has been a rumor of Valkyrie being in The Marvels because of the deleted Insta post, posted by Zenobia Shroff. I’d wouldn’t mind this at all. Kevin Feige said “Every King needs a Queen” I want to see more of Valkyrie’s bisexuality expressed.
Loki/Sylvie-I mean I don’t care either way if they end up together, I’m not uncomfortable that they’re their both Loki’s, they’re from different universes so, not that bad? When it comes to their future, I don’t see them actually end up together, for Loki season 2, they’re probably just going to ignore their history and work together, maybe flirt a bit a little on the way. 
Jack Russell/Elsa Bloodstone-I sensed a bit of romantic vibes between them, I have no idea when or if we’ll ever see them again but I kind of just want Jack to show up and see Elsa again while she’s basically creating a new legacy of her family’s name and stopping monster hunting etc. 
Jennifer Walters/(She-Hulk)Matthew Murdock(Daredevil)-Whatever happens for these two crime fighting lawyers, I’m down. They had amazing chemistry in the show and I liked it because Jen met someone who made her happy. 
Ayo/Aneka-I didn’t know this but they are a couple in the comics, this is briefly represented in the movie. Like Ayo saying “I told you not to bring the daggers” and then Aneka kissing her head towards the end of the movie. I just want to see more of these beautiful warrior women enjoying their lives in their lakefront house. Make it happen Disney Plus!!!
Shuri/M’Baku-There’s not a lot of hype around this ship, some fanfics. After seeing Wakanda Forever I just felt some romantic vibes between them. I don’t see them becoming anything. But I just liked throughout this movie Shuri and M’Baku are just these two leaders doing what’s best by their people, Shuri is struggling and receives some council from M’Baku. Even if there’s nothing romantic between them I still appreciate the respect they have for each other. 
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lilacliquors · 2 years
Hey, can I please request dating Makkari headcanons
she's very big on physical affection. hand holding, forehead kisses, cuddling, you name it. she just likes having you close to her
we all know she has a knack for stealing trinkets, and we love her for that. so you can bet she's snatch all sorts of things for you over the years
you prefer to talking in sign language with her even though you know she can both read lips and feel the vibrations of your voice. but sign language feels best
she's a blanket hog when you're in bed, but it just gives you a reason to cuddle up to her even closer
you love buying her new books even though she practically blazes through them. but the way her eyes light up when you gift them to her a sight you never get tired of ( she actually takes time to read them slowly )
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ofeden · 1 year
@mythous said i will suffer anything they dish out as long as it's my blood spilled instead of yours - makkari to druig
HE  STANDS  IN  AN  ONLY  BRIEF  MOMENT  OF  CONTEMPLATIVE  SILENCE  ,  lips  parted  as  if  to  speak  the  words  sitting  at  the  tip  of  his  tongue  –  but  nothing  comes  out  .  legacy  states  he  should  react  poorly  ,  scold  her  ,  demand  a  change  of  mind  ,  something  ,  anything  .  yet  ?  the  anger  doesn’t  come  ,  it  doesn’t  fester  nor  boil  it  only  simmers  the  moment  his  gaze  finds  hers  again  .  ❛    and  i  thought  you  were  the  smart  one  between  us      ❜  he  signs  to  avoid  the  threat  of  being  overheard  .  as  many  languages  as  he  speaks  –  this  one  ,  it’s  the  one  that  matters  .
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it’s  not  possible  ,  the  idea  of  allowing  her  to  do  something  at  such  an  extreme  .  his  head  shakes  again  as  if  revisiting  makkari’s  declaration  .  contemplating  again  how  best  to  argue  such  an  almost  insulting  scenario  .  ❛      i  wouldn’t  let  you    ❜  and  he  means  this  ,  with  everything  that  druig  has  to  offer  ,  the  jokes  and  sarcasm  that  may  come  out  on  a  whim  —  he  means  this  .  ❛      —  look  at  who  we  are  ,  we  won’t  have  any  blood  spilled      ❜  a  lie  ,  and  he’s  certain  that  she  knows  this  ,  but  if  there  was  ever  an  opportunity  to  speak  (  sign  )  something  into  existence  ,  this  would  be  it  .  ❛    i  can’t  have  you  doing  anything  stupid  for  my  sake  ,  otherwise  we’ll  end  up  in  a  competition  .      ❜
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