#mal x zoya
agathario · 1 year
insane of me thinking about mal sweeping zoya off her feet if i can't get what they wrote
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rosegoldendaydream · 1 year
shadow and bone made me a multishipper.
let me explain.
i read books. i ship mal with alina, nikolai with zoya, david with genya. right? everything is great, my ships are together.
but then!
then i watch shadow and bone. and now i ship mal with alina, alina with genya, genya with david, mal with nikolai, nikolai with zoya and zoya with alina. like, these actors really gave those characters so much chemistry!
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anxiousandpessimistic · 9 months
Kaz: I'm texting Inej, i'm gonna ask her to dinner. How should i say it "Let's get dinner" or do you wanna get dinner" ? Nina: Go with "Let's get dinner" so you sound like assertive and confident Kaz : For sure Wylan: Actually no cause now you sound a little aggressive Jesper: Cause you don't wanna be the kinda guy who's like " LETS GET DINNER" like some sort of caveman Matthias: You're supposed to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner Mal: Just say " do you wanna get dinner?" Kaz: Perfect Alina: Actually wait, now you sound kinda like a pussy Kaz: This is tough Genya: The last thing you wanna be is like that overly masculine guy who's like " lets get dinner,on the breadwinner bitch" Darkling: Women also love assertiveness Tolya: Say "Dinner would be something i would enjoy taking you to, if you are also interested in attending the meal David: The more words the better Nikolai: Wait, say " I would like nothing more, than to take you to the finest restaurant in town, for a lovely meal that we call dinner Kaz: Should i send that in a voice memo? Zoya: FUCK THAT. Say " Dinner tonight, take it or leave it BITCH" Cause she's playing games Tamar: Sign it, seal it, deliver it Kuwei: I dont know why girls are so difficult all of the time Kaz: I'm not gonna say that Inej: Definitely don't say that
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
Warnings: book & show spoilers
a/n: I’m trying to write the characters as a mixture of the book and show. Some of the characters act quite differently in the books and it’s a bit difficult to pin point their personality, but I hope I do them justice. Thank you for reading xx
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲: Everyone is settling down into their own homes. I don’t care what is canon and what’s not.
・Likes things to be in their place. If they aren’t where they left them than he goes into a bit of a tizzy
   “Y/n! Y/n I specifically left them right here and they aren’t right. Here. Where have they gone??”
  “No, you moved them because you thought they were too vulnerable sitting there. Look in the third shelf down to your left.”
*Does what you tell him to do* *is embarrassed* *thanks you but not above a whisper*
・You have a lot of nice things in your home, but the most expensive things are usually the jewels and the jewelry that Kaz has gifted you
・He has a lot of the same clothing, so when you open his side of the closet there’s just ... black ... oh and grey
・His cane is never too far from where he is
・Despises the idea of getting a pet
・And you have to beg and beg
・But none of it worked
・So you had to come up with a plan. It was quite manipulative but hey, how else would you have caught Kaz’s attention?
・The dog you have now was once a puppy who had “accidentally” followed you home
   “How did it follow you home? We live in Ketterdam, there are a million homes here.”
“I guess it liked...me...”
・He ordered it out
・But you didn’t listen and somehow, the pup had wiggled its way into Kaz’s heart
・He swore he wasn’t going to pick up any poops, but that too was a lie
・Once settled in, she comes to realise that she really enjoys the finer things in life
・Big bed, silks, many many pillows
・A big bath with hot water straight from the tap
・She adores a long hot bath, lots of bubbles, with lavender and chamomile, candles, and a good book to read - or just to lay there and soak
・She hates waking up early, but is the first one to crawl into bed (she just really likes being in bed)
・Has her own drawing nook - a desk near a big window where she can get natural light. Many types of pencils, quills, inks, etc. She draws people, memories, landscapes, dreams
・Her drawings are framed and are all over the house
・There’s also a library; a room with a cosy corner that has all kinds of books; fiction and non fiction - historical, religious, fantasy etc
・Oh and she adores having the fire going. She wants it on even if it’s barely even cold
・But she hates chopping wood, so when you tell her that it isn’t cold enough for a fire, she’ll go outside and use The Cut to get the wood.
・Loves when you braid her hair; loves it even more when you give her head a lil massage too
・She fusses over you whenever you’re sick. Making you soup, remembering remedies from her upbringing in the orphanage.
・If you burn yourself, cut or have any other injuries, she is constantly checking on it to make sure it doesn’t get infected
・She doesn’t mind doing the laundry - if it means you’ll fold afterwards
・There are a lot of different oils, perfumes, bath products, hair products all over the bathroom
・Yes, he is used to being treated like royalty
・But he’s also experienced life on a ship - and that isn’t pretty (at all...it’s quite awful)
・Yet he has seen his destiny as being a ruler, so the biggest change in both of your lifestyles is ... you
・You would have to learn how to live during court
・You couldn’t just leave your chambers in your pajamas (I mean ... you could but drama would start at court most definitely)
・Both you and Nikolai obviously share the same chambers, and actually you both have your own wing in the castle (So I guess you could just stay in your pajamas if you wanted)
・It’s basically having your own home - or huge apartment
・The majority of the decor is white with gold trimmings and accents. Nikolai said you could change whatever you want
・The castle is never quiet, and there are always people coming and going, but your chambers are very very quiet.
・Nikolai doesn’t snore but does talk in his sleep
・It’s nonsensical, but it’s usually about the dreams he’s having
・You have servants that come and clean up after both you and Nikolai
・When Nikolai is finished for the day, he trots up to your shared wing and slumps against the door once it’s closed
・He sighs undoing his buttons, but you like to be the one to do that
・Still very quiet around the home, so you get used to seeing her in different parts of the house in a small amount of time
    “I swear, sometimes there’s two of you!” You once grumbled, while cleaning up a broken tea cup because she popped up out of nowhere
・Doesn’t like loud sudden noises, so you live a bit from civilisation. Not too far though.
・She gets on really well with cats
・You’d end up adopting two kittens that were the only survivors of a litter
・They were tiny, covered in fleas and skinny as can be. But you both fed them, bathed them and made sure they survived
・One is called Umbra, and the other Sol
・You both take on the styling of the home. Inej quite likes the cottage-esque look. However she does want to honor her heritage and there are a lot of colourful cloth that drapes across the ceiling
・Inej had Jesper insert a rod that holds a long silk cloth so that she can practice her acrobatic skills
・Jesper visits as often as he can, and is usually found hung over in the spare bedroom
・As does Nina, who likes to ask what’s for dinner hours before dinnertime (usually an hour after eating lunch)
・You own the land, with Inej’s name not involved - you didn’t want her to feel tied down. And that she could leave whenever she desired
・Although it’s Suli culture to be travellers, Inej said she did want to be apart of the deed and you were more than happy to change it
・Inej doesn’t sleep very often; she knows when her body needs it but other than that, she really cannot get to sleep
・Loves the feeling of a cosy home
・Has actually gone off to cry because living with you in such a lovely, warm, safe environment made him overwhelmed with happiness
・I have this feeling that you would be the type of person to rescue animals and Matthias has to put on this ‘No we barely have enough to feed ourselves, we can’t look after these animals,’ but his stance changes so quickly
・So you have about five dogs so far
・But you still go into town and feed as many as you can
・Matthias thinks he’s in charge, but after a few months together he comes to realise that you will always be in charge
・He actually really enjoys gardening
・Has those well-planned and established herb gardens. The ones that are held in perfect square timber raised beds
・Matthias absolutely threw himself into gardening. Bought books about it, spoke to the elders in town about how to perfectly grow herbs. He was both fascinated and in need on something to focus on after the tragedy he had endured
・You encouraged him, but said he had to promise not to make a mess inside.
・Is a very loud snorer, and hogs the bed, as well as the sheets. It’s just easier to sleep underneath him - not that he would notice. Once his head hits the pillow almost nothing can wake him until morning
・Safety; that’s what she wants, that’s what she desires most
・A place that she can let her guard down and not have to worry about being used
・She doesn’t like uninvited visitors, and has special locks on all the doors so no one can break in
・When you introduced the idea of a guard dog, she was apprehensive.
  “What if it can sense ... the darkness in me?”
“There is no darkness within you, Genya.”
・So you got a Cane Corso, a beast of a dog. That scared even Genya the first time she saw her.
・Is a very light sleeper, but once getting your pup, Genya let it sleep on the end of the bed
・Even now, after your dog, Neith, has grown to full size, she still sleeps at the end of your bed (you know exactly when she jumps up and when she leaves because the bed moves...significantly)
・When days seem especially difficult for Genya, you like to leave little notes around the house, reminder her of all the things you love about her
・She likes to wake up before you and move the hair from your face and just watch you sleep
・Isn’t the best at cooking, so you usually take up that job. But she does bake pretty well. Very good at making tea cake 
・Knows a lot about healing so you have a lot of herbs, spices, flowers, vegetables that aren’t for eating per say, but for when someone is sick or wounded 
・Genya hated mirrors for a while, until you helped her get over the change in her appearance. You helped her on the road to confidence and self love. 
・You’re both still involved in helping the Grisha so you see Zoya, Nikolai, Tolya, Tamar etc 
・Genya doesn’t really like having people at the house though. It’s her sanctuary where there are no reminders of The Darkling or the nichevoya
・Wants a simple life
・Doesn’t care for anything fancy, so you’d be the one to arrange everything
・I can see him as a farmer
・Out in the country, living off the land, but never taking too much and giving back
・We know from the books that he ends up running the orphanage with Alina, living a simple life. Looking after kids who need a home - and I think he would do that whether he was with Alina or not (and in this case...obviously not)
・He would be content with a slow life with you
・But he also wants to be of use to the community; to give back
・So you spend your days finding jobs for people who need them - with the help of Nikolai. You do the paper work while Mal meets the people and waits with them until a horse and carriage arrive
・You also have a huge vegetable garden that you allow the community to use as they please
・In thanks they give you something; knitted blanket, baked bread etc
・You have cows, goats, sheep and horses
・There are stable hands that tend to the horses. Usually the young people from the village (both boys and girls alike)
・The milk isn’t just for you and Mal but you go into town and give it to the people who need it most
・You don’t live far from the village. In fact you can see your neighbours just by looking out the window. They may look far, but really it’s only a ten minute walk
・You also teach people how to read and write
・Mal is absolutely head over heels in love with you
・Always makes sure you feel protected and safe
・Is actually very sensitive and feels things deeply. That’s why sometimes he has to take time to process his emotions alone
・We know that Zoya is destined for greatness, hence she would end up living in a castle
・But if not a castle than a quaint chateu will do
・Is a stickler for mess
      “There is no reason for there to be so much untidyness!”
・Has a lot of pictures/drawings/paintings of her family up around your home
・She always needs the bed to be made every day; if you’re the last to get out of bed than you have to make it
・You see a different side to Zoya; yes a softer side but also the undone, sloppy version of her. She actually didn’t let you see her like that until a month into living together
・If you snore she makes you sleep on the couch
・No. pets. She’s the one who wears the pants in this relationship and her decision is final
・Until you start feeding an old cranky cat who doesn’t stray far from your home. You name him, but keep him a secret and sneak him inside when Zoya is away
・She pretends not to notice and lets you have your hidden pet
・Although you’d think there would be servant or maids, that’s not the case. You and Zoya split the chores equally; she doesn’t want another person touching her things
・She actually colour co-ordinates her clothes; they’re in colour order and when she’s especially stressed she’ll do the same for yours
・When clothes are folded, they have to be folded neatly- 
・Is a very, very good cook. She makes these pastries with goats cheese inside that are to die for 
・Has a vanity with ridiculous amounts of make up. When she has a bit to drink she always wants to give you a makeover 
・Takes her coffee and tea very strong 
     “What’s the point of polluting it with milk and sugar?”
・Is the last to fall asleep and the first to wake, but she stays in bed for 20 minutes because she likes being so close to you 
・Whenever guests come over she is the perfect hostess. But if they overstay their welcome she won’t hesitate to tell them it’s time to leave
   “This outfit worked better in my head”
・Wanted to have multiple mirrors in the bedroom so he could “see himself at all angles” but you told him “the fuck we are”
・He relented ... not without whining
・But Jesper’s clothes do end up EVERYWHERE
・He’s awful at picking up after himself in the clothing department
・But he does keep the bathroom really clean ???
・Even if it’s shaving or after a bathe, he’ll make sure it’s exactly how he found it
・Hates weird smells so he sprays perfume everywhere
・Liked the thought of living in the city to be close to the rest of the crows, so you accepted
・But you made him promise not to do anymore gambling -
・Your home is like an escape for Jesper
・Likes to go shopping with you. He likes picking out things so that you can match (you’re against it at first but ... also submit to it)\
・He always knows how to make you laugh, so whenever he forgets to do a chore he can wiggle his way out of it
・Will do all the grocery shopping and any errands you don’t want to do
・Also loves candles, especially scented ones but has been banned from having them burning unless you’re home too ...
・Moves around a lot in his sleep and has whacked you a few times
・Misses you whenever either of you are away. Keeps a piece of your clothing to smell
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
・Although he spends a lot of time at the Little Palace, he wanted a place where it was just you and him. Where he wouldn’t be disturbed by questions or problems.
・A lot of his focus is on his plans, but he keeps maps and the like all in one room
・He wants to keep the bedroom for ... bedroom activities. As well as all the other rooms for their proper uses
・Aleksander doesn’t want his ambitions to hinder your domestic life
・He hates overhead lighting
・Prefers candles or lamps
・Always buys you new clothes, new shoes, new accessories etc. Wants you to have the best of the best 
・And he gets headaches very easily so you have tinctures and remedies on hand as well as around the house
・He prefers the quiet, and too much noise overwhelms him
・Pets aren’t really his thing ... maybe a bird though, but it wouldn’t have to make much noise
・He does love horses though. And would spend hours on them if he could. Just galloping away, far from his troubles.
・Has a maid that comes and cleans the house
・The only time you’ve seen him truly peaceful is in sleep, but that’s only when the nightmares haven’t started 
・He wakes up a lot during the night and doesn’t want to wake you. But you’ve told him whenever that happens he’s more than allowed to wake you up. Being in your arms help him go back to sleep
・100% lets you steal the blankets, without ever complaining 
・He’s more likely to remember things than you are, so he makes/buys you a calender and writes down everything you’d need to remember 
・Isn’t very tidy. There are a LOT of food crumbs (especially in the bed)
・Her hair is actually very long, she just keeps it up and out of the way, so you get to see Nina with her long hair down
・But you also find a lot of Nina’s hair ... everywhere
・She does like when you give her head scratches - a lot of golden retriever energy
・You’ve actually been collecting it to prove to her how much she sheds
・Is always hungry and asks if you want to get food nearly every hour and a half
・She’s not that bad of a cook, but you aren’t much better. So a lot of your food is bought rather than made
・Always makes sure you’ve had something to eat though, especially after a long day or after a big gig with the crows 
・You, Nina, and Inej have a close friendship; so Inej likes to ... appear ... in your house
・Most of the time it’s because of an injury. So you keep your storages stocked up just in case.
・But other times it’s for a sleep over! Eating, all sleeping in the loungeroom, telling each other stories and secrets
・You invite Jesper and Wylan aswell... and have asked Kaz but he always declines. Well actually he doesn’t even decline he just doesn’t say anything or show up 
・Is a heavy sleeper when you’re in the house. But when she’s alone she can barely sleep
・Always kisses you when you walk through the door and before you leave. It’s become a ritual and if it isn’t done then it’s bad luck
・Learns your little quirks. Like if you like your sandwiches cut diagonally or straight 
・Nina is very romantic
・She loves going on little dates with you. And always makes sure you have time for a date. At least once a month. Even if it’s just going out to eat and then taking a walk underneath the night sky
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infin1ty-garden · 1 year
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ summary: hearing rumors of the fountain of youth and finally finding a heading, nikolai decides to follow the rumors ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ pairing: nikolai lanstov x gn! siren! reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ warnings: drowing, darkling, a bit of spice ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ word count: 2k ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ✦ author note: inspired by this and sorry for not posting in a while I was on vacation
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"Are we sure that compass even works?" Asked Tamar swaying from side to side due to the heavy rain and storm they were passing through. "It points to what the holder wants most. I think the instructions are pretty clear," Nikolai's attention only being on the compass. It's arrow spinning from one direction to another.
"You are going to crash the ship," yelled Mal as he fell down sliding to the other end of the ship. "Don't worry we're almost there," and then he let go of the wheel entirely. Tolya grabbed it but as if they'd entered another dimension. The storm was nowhere in site and not that far away, an island.
"See, I was right," as he said that the ship hit something causing him to fall overboard. He tried to swim up but the waves kept crashing in on him. He could hear people yelling for him and orders being thrown around. They turned incoherent as he sunk deeper.
He felt two hands taking hold of his arms as he was lifted out of the water in seconds. Once he managed to open his eyes, he was miles from the ship. He wanted to turn and see his saviour. "Don't strain your body too much, just relax your safe," he heard the most angelic voice say.
In a blink of an eye his feet met the sand. He coughed up what felt like half the ocean. When he turned to thank his saviour they were nowhere to be seen. Had he imagined it? Then he saw it, his ship being attacked by sire
But he could not help his crew. If he even attempted to swim to them, he would be instantly attacked. His gun was wet, so it was useless, and what could he do with a sword. All he could do was watch and hope they make it.
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Most of the crew was alright. No deaths but they had to dry dock the ship, as going in the row boats would have been a death wish. Now, they had to find the chalices. "Captain," Tamar handed him a spyglass. Looking through it he saw Second Army flags. The Darkling was here or his grisha were.
"How did they get here before us?" Alina asked bewildered. "It doesn't matter we just need to get the chalices before them," he really should have better timing. "Hand over the map," the Darkling appeared, along with his forces. "There's no map," Nikolai replied, confidence radiating off of him in waves.
Then one by one his grisha disappeared until he was the only one left standing. "You and what army," Kirigan looks behind himself. Worry coating his face but then he smirked. "I don't need an army," as he raised his hands the sand beneath his feet disappeared. He dropped down into the newly formed puddle like it was a slide.
"Well, that happened," all anyone could do was nod along to Mal's statement. As they continued on following the compass, it seemed to lead them in circles. "I think your magic compass stopped working," Alina gave him a sympathetic look. "We have more company. Tamar reported seeing Fjerdan and Shu ships," great just what they needed.
"We still need the two chalices. Let me give that map a try," Mal took the map from Nikolai. The map was written in a language no one could understand. It wasn't in Fjerdan, Kerch, Ravkan, Shu, Zemeni, Suli, or even Old Ravkan. But now that they were actually on the island, they could at least recognise the landmarks drawn. Mal's tracking skill would finally come in handy.
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After spending hours walking, they've decided to make camp and rest for a bit. They couldn't let the Fjerdans or the Shu be the first to discover the secret to the fountain. As Nikolai was starting to close his eyes, he heard a splash of water near him. He looked to where he assumed the sound came from and was met with the most beautiful pair of eyes.
Was this the person that saved him? He couldn't be sure. He slowly moved towards the person, worried that any sudden movement might scare them away. "I am not some kind of rabid animal," that voice, his guardian angel. "Your friends are on the west side," you could mean the Fjerdans or the Shu.
"They're not our friends," you sent him a sceptical look. He suddenly remembered why they were on this island in the first place. "You wouldn't know where someone could leave two chalices around here, would you?" At this point Nikolai was fully laying down in the mud that surrounded the pot of water.
His face inches away from it. "Hypothetically, I would know where something like that could be hidden." He smiled and then asked. "Hypothetically, could you show me?" You disappeared, only to emerge a few seconds later. Slowly moving closer to him as he had done only minutes ago.
What you did next was a surprise but not an unwelcome one. You kissed him. It was slow at first, as if giving him the chance to pull away if he so wishes. Instead he placed his palm on the back of your head. Pulling you as close as he can and uped the ferocity of the kiss. You placed your fingers at the bottom of his chin.
Putting slight pressure on it, due to this he opened his mouth. You quickly slipped your tongue in. He felt something foreign enter his system. You quickly pulled away and submerged yourself, only the top part of your face could be seen. Watched him swallow whatever you had just given him. I really hope I don't die from this.
You made a motion with your hand for him to enter the water. Waited for him, as he took off his jacket and shoes. His feet were searching for the bottom of the pond or whatever it was. He felt a hand grab his foot and pull him into the water. "You're taking too long," he realised he could breathe underwater. You gently grabbed his waist and he placed his arm around your neck.
He finally saw your tail. You were a siren. He was so gonna die but why had you saved him and why were you helping him now. He had too many questions. None of which he could ask. As soon as he had entered the water he was out of it. In Front of him was a ship, but none of the text in any language he knew. It did match the art on the map.
"Thank you," you nodded with a smile on your face. He walked closer to the ship. It was suspended in mid air. Wedged in between two huge pieces of stone. How could he get up there?
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He finally entered the ship with your help and a lot of trial and error. Each step on the deck was taken with extreme consideration as one wrong move could send the ship falling. Even if the ship seemed to have been here for years with the plants that have taken over the deck. Nikolai didn't want to take any chances.
As he descended down to the lower levels of the ship, he was greeted with copious amount of dust and rot....and gold? But he had little care for it. Maybe after they find the fountain of youth, he could bring some of that gold back to Ravka. One room in the ship was clearly meant for dining. The table comfortably fit nine people.
The seats were filled with skeletons. The stench of the rotten food and empty glasses of wine could signify that these people were poisoned. The ship without a crew was probably left to roam the sea and had met its journey's end. Crashing into the rocks. Or maybe all of them have been stabbed, who knows.
The chalices were nowhere to be found. He went searching different rooms until he reached the captain's quarters. In the middle of the room the captain was sitting a skeleton like the rest of the crew but on the bed next to him a chest. Nikolai made his way to the bed as he did the ship swinged and then the voices came.
He wasn't alone anymore but he recognised one of them as Zoya. He needed to work faster. He got to the chest but it was locked. Nikolai could hear the voices getting closer. The key was laying on the chain around the captain's neck. Unlocking the chest and...nothing, just some documents. Where could the chalises be? He looked in the drawers, desk and finally under the bed.
There was another chest, this one without a lock in it, the chalices inside. Then the door burst open. "Hand them over," before he could think or even form a plan the ship was falling. When he awoke he was tied up, next to him, Zoya. The flags were the first thing he'd recognised, Shu. The second one, that they were tied to a tree. "Finally, the sleeping beauty's awake," one of the guards said.
Whatever they'd done to Zoya, she'd seen better days. Cuts were littering her face and bruises were starting to form. "The others," he'd simply asked. "Probably dead." The guards had left their posts to fetch their superior. In the corner of his eye, Nikolai could see something being thrown next to his feet. A knife, he quickly picked it up and placed it near his hands. Cutting himself and Zoya lose.
"We need to plan our next steps carefully since we don't have our weapons," just as he said that his and what he assumes is Zoya's sword were thrown out of the water. If she had found the ordeal weird, she didn't mention it, just grabbed her sword. "This way, I saw them place the rest of the weapons there."
They managed to escape the camp unseen. "I will let you go but the next time we meet, you won't be given the same courtesy," with that she disappeared in the forest.
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The chalices weren't with the weapons. The Shu must have taken them. Then out of nowhere Tamar, Alina, Mal and Tolya come charging past Nikolai. Tamar carrying one chalice while Mal carries the other. "Sturmhond," Alina says just realising he was even there. "Run," yells Tamar as she grabs him.
Then he sees it, the Darkling and his volcra. His feet do the rest as he joins the group running. Hoping to lose him in the woods. "What happened?"
"What happened? Where were you? You left and didn't even tell anyone," Alina retorts.
"I got a lead to where the chalices might be."
"But WE found the chalices."
"And WE are going to lose them if you two don't shut it," Toyla interrupted, silencing them both as they hid. Once they saw the Darkling walk pass. They slowly walk in the other direction. "Where did you find them?"
"Near the entrance to some caves but that was nowhere close to where it had been marked on the map," Mal said in disbelief.
"Let me guess there was a river or some pond close by," Nikolai asked. Mal nodded. "But how could you know, it wasn't marked on the map." Nikolai shrugged. You must have taken them and brought them to his crew. "Now, we just need to find the entrance to the fountain," water splashed nearby. "Give me one moment," he said to the rest of them as he took the map and walked towards the water.
Tamar and Alina followed him. He kneeled down. "Yes," he asked, looking at the water. You slowly lifted your head and swam to where he was kneeling. He held up the map. Mal and Toyla joined the rest. Alina lifted her palms up as Toyla readied his weapon. "You are here and the entrance is here," now they could see the scales coating your arms, along with the tail.
All of them were thinking the same. You're a siren and you're helping them.
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Thanks for reading! If you want a part 2 leave a like or comment
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milosupremacy · 2 years
Darkling: I was protecting Alina. I will always protect Alina
Darkling (after Alina escaped): I’m on my way to murder Alina.
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wesper-png · 1 year
Do you have any personal ideas for bi-privateer himself, Nikolai and his interaction with Alina, Zoya, and Mal? As well as personal ideas of Alina, Zoya, and Mal
so, like, the thing is nikolai gave mal his compass, the ship, his crew, his name and his clothes.
what he didn't give him was a list of people who have actually met sturmhond.
so one day when the ship rocks up in some backwater port to do a trade and mal nearly gets jumped by a captain and his crew who know for a fact that this tall, scrawny brunette is not their old business partner the only thing that saves him is the captains sudden bountiful laughter and his declaration that "it's so nice to finally meet the other mr sturmhond!"
word gets back to nikolai, of course, and he just HAS to drop in and make an appearance because lmao wtf. calls mal a colourful array of pet names and lays it on thick because he's having the time of his life out here while mal is fighting for his life.
The rest of the crew are absolutely beside themselves.
gets back to the palace and the first thing alina asks is "so how is our husband faring on the treacherous seas these days?" because of course she finds this absolutely hilarious as well.
when alina and zoya start to grow closer first as friends and then the flintiness comes out, the subtle touches and the words full of double meanings nikolai kind of sits back and watches it unfold. and takes pleasure in teasing alina about it profusely. its fun to watch the tiny sun summoner's cheeks flush and hear her stutter her words, trying to come up with some kind of excuse.
and of course he enjoys the way zoya's eyes track him across the room.
in the end it all turns into a kind of "this is my husband mal, and this is mal's wife alina who is also my wife, and here is our gf zoya, the newest member of the polycule".
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sixofcrowley · 2 years
shadow and bone is so serious but the fandom is so unserious i love it here
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graycious-tea · 2 years
I finally finished shadow and bone and here are my thoughts so um.. spoilers for season 2 1) THAT ENDING OMG I LOVE IT!!!!! 2) WHY THE FUCK IS DAVID DEAD?!?!? THATS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN FOR ANOTHER 2 BOOKS! 3) WESPER FOR THE FUCKING WIN I LOVE THEM 4) the six of crows book plot opening!!! I’m so excited omg! 5) that sword side plot was fucking amazing like brilliant idea! 6) JESPERS MOM FUCK YA!! 7) “I will have you without armor kaz brekker or I will not have you at all”!!!!! 8) pekka Rollins take down was everything! 9) JORDIE!! I cried like a lot 10) the fact other saints are alive and existing 11) Jesper said five of crows I died 12) Mal and Inej are fucking privateering together!!! Fuck ya! 13) Tolya and Tamar I fucking adore the both of you so much! 14) the casting popping off again like Wylan my baby 15) Wylan and Jesper having met before and being a one night stand was something I didn’t know I needed 16) Jesper excepting his Grisha-ness (idk I’m going with it)!! 17) I had my doubts about Nikolai casting but it was perfect! 18) am I the only one that saw the gay tension between Nikolai and the soldier guy from his childhood?? Sorry I legit can’t remember his name but that death hit HARD 19) MAL IS NOW STRUMHOLD I CANNOT 20) Genya and Zoya my queens 21) Matthias… where do I even start with you, my wolf baby. I had a heart attack when I thought he was joining pekka but my poor boy had to fucking fight wolves like wtf 22) the episode intro scenes were my fav 23) the cross over was meh but this season made it one of my favorite aspects of the show 24) OH! THEY BROUGHT UP WYLANS DYSLEXIA! UGH THESE CHARACTERS ARE SO DIVERSE I LOVE EM! 25) Kaz’s trauma with physical touch hurt meeeeee 26) the mask scene/scheme/plan happened! It happened differently but it did happen! 27) Jesper “that’s my man! Wait we haven’t like actually talked labels” Fahey everyone 28) I know the darklings dead but can Ben be in the next season still??? Pls…? 29) if Wylan being a van eck is used as wesper relationship drama I might cry… pls don’t do the “you lied to me so we break up” trope I beg! I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS THIS SHOW IS JUST AMAZING 😭
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notelcol · 6 months
Second vote is here! ❤️
Saving the character vote for the last one to try and make a chaotic story😆
So far we have shadow and bone as our winner fandom🫶(can’t lie I was a little surprised but I should have known the grishaverse is thirsty)
Thank you for voting! Keep an eye out for the next vote. Let’s see how interesting we can make this😝🌹
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caveatscriptor · 2 years
My unhinged review of the S2 trailler of Shadow and Bone
You are welcome.
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So basically they all look way too good, and I'm itching to know how they can possibly make the lovesick darkling look bad (and if we are going to get the connection/tether scenes in the tv show 🥵)
Oh, and if we get Zoya and Nikolai interaction... I might scream into oblivion
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usmsgutterson · 10 months
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All right! It is that time of year again and, as some who typically thrives in the fall and winter months, it is absolutely, a thousand percent, time for me to become even more insufferable than I was in September when the fall event released!! yay!!
As with last year and because I love myself a good seasonal/holiday queue, I am also doing the five days of christmas queue again! I'm not doing it how I did it last year in that it was both requests and my own work--that is partly because I dont want to make a separate event post for it--this year and probably going forward, it'll just be fics themed around Christmas that come from me and aren't requests.
Fandoms to whom this event are open are as follows: six of crows, shadow and bone, peaky blinders (tommy and alfie only) shatter me (aaron and kenji only) and free rein (pin only because I miss writing for him anyway)
Requests will be open until the 30th of december. Any request I get after NYE or New Years Day will be deleted.
the event is below the cut as this has clogged up peoples dashes enough already lol
NOW PLAYING: peace by taylor swift
the devils in the details but you've got a friend in me - age old friendships between people who can go months without talking to one another and pick up right where they left off--think platonic strong bonds and relationships that have lasted too many years to count. Give me a character, a gender pref for the reader, and a holiday activity that you want me to write strong-bonded characters (be it friends who've been friends for a decade or a couple who has been in a relationship just as long) doing and I'll write 1-5k words for it. Think good vibes, snowy weather, and hot chocolate + christmas decorating--I will write just about any holiday activity for this prompt and I promise I'll have a blast
you and me forevermore - anniversaries! One year, five years, ten years, you name it! I personally think that winter is the superior season to start a relationship in so I will write anniversary celebrations set in the winter months and all you need to do is give me a character, a gender pref for the reader, and any other specifics you'd like to add!
NOW PLAYING: have yourself a merry little christmas as covered by phoebe bridgers
have yourself a merry little christmas - PROMPTS!! I wrote out holiday prompts for the season and this is my excuse to use them. Send in any combination of prompts you want--you can send me a prompt from this list with a prompt from any of the other ones, just tell me what list you're using and I'll write it!
if we make it through december we'll be fine - long fics! Give me as many details as you want--in this instance I would very much prefer specificity over vagueness so do not spare a single one--a gender pref for the reader, and I'll write what you give me! Anything goes for this. Prompts, scenarios, anything! Any genre, though when I think of this I think angst because it is very easy to write longer angst fics for me. These fics will be anywhere from 4-8k words in length and all of their necessary details are completely up to you.
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yibeimolihuacha · 10 months
My problem is when I fall in love with a fictional character I can ship them with everyone, because if I fell in love with them then certainly so can everyone else, right?
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darklinaforever · 1 year
I'm always perplexed when someone (or the author herself) tries to explain to me that the Darkling spends its time manipulating innocent young girls...
When ? And how did he do that exactly ?
Already, just Alina, how is it possible that he had cleared the time for manipulation, seeing her seduce, even downright grooming her (bullshit) for some... While the guy was almost never there ? Busy doing his job as a general.
And then zoya... explain to me what he would have had to gain with Zoya and his delirium of "you and I are going to change the world" as if it were a catchphrase that he repeated to everyone ! It does not make sense ! The only reason it's there is for the author to shove his dumb take on a man manipulating women in general down our throats.
Obviously, he never said that the Darkling would have done the same on men / boys. No, of course. Because only women are manipulable, it is well known. Blinded by the dark square-jawed hunks...
And don't even get me started on Genya with the stupid King of Scars duology change, or now the Darkling is solely responsible for his violating. Of course he knew that by placing little Genya near the queen, she would undeniably be raped by the king. Of course...
Do I really need to elaborate on this for you to understand how stupid this is ?! The author must have forgotten what she wrote in the original trilogy, as well as the inner logic of royalty.
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laughingeyes · 5 months
i love you, it’s ruining my life
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milosupremacy · 2 years
Zoya: Nikolai is probably thinking about his fiancée
Nikolai’s thoughts: the blue ribbon in Zoya’s hair
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