#maleval fanfiction
cerseimikaelson · 6 months
Maleval fans get ready! New chapter on my story Collision of Parallel Lines you can read here. The end is almost upon us guyyys.
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vmprsm · 1 year
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gavranica · 2 years
A very short idea for a fic won't leave my head. I'll just drop it here. It doesn't fit into any of my other fics; it's mostly a brain fart.
Warning: death of a major character.
A Tomb bloom for a raven
"Grandmother, what are these flowers?"
Maleficent kissed the golden hair of her little granddaughter before answering: "Those are Tomb blooms. They grow on fairy graves."
"Oh, Mom told me about them!" The girl's eyes went wide as she took in the vast field before her. "So many."
Maleficent just nodded.
"So beautiful!"
Maleficent was still silent.
"Mom says you come here all the time."
It was not a question, technically, so Maleficent opted to remain silent still.
"Why is that one different?"
Maleficent's hand around her staff tightened. She looked at the single black Tomb bloom in the field of scarlet ones, and its petals glistened in purple and green hues.
She responded quietly to the child: "That one is for a raven."
"Oh", the girl looked up, puzzled. "Ravens have Tomb blooms when they die too?"
Maleficent was silent for a few moments, and when she spoke, her voice was warm like the softest feathers from her wings:
"This raven does."
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shadow0haven · 9 months
I'm gonna do some rambling below about the Malev Christmas thing a little bit because people have been saying people have taken it too seriously and I want to explore/explain why I think people are upset and why I agree/my thoughts.
So HG released a christmas episode for malev and its a silly and campy episode of jokes and a "they get snowed in on christmas" episode like from a sitcom.
Honestly, that would have been nice from the get go. It's an interesting and trope I enjoy so I was ready to listen, until I heard negativity.
People are claiming that people hate the special specifically because HG makes fun of shippers. It's not *just* those two specific lines about shippers that I see people being upset about. It's quite a lot more.
For the longest time, Harlan has been poking fun at shippers in a lot of lines, in livestreams, in jokes and specials he puts out on patreon. A lot of the patreon people aren't mad or upset specifically because he does it, but because it's done so often. We KNOW Jarthur is never going to be Canon. We don't need a reminder constantly in the specials that they aren't canon and never will be, because it's a horror podcast and it's been explicitly stated all over John and Arthur are platonic in canon and always will be as far as we know. Having it constantly joked about when we know it won't happen is tiring.
A joke is made about the mail delivery person hating Arthur and loving John. On server and in conversation, etc, it's come up that HG finds it weird people like John, or Yellow, or other characters, more than Arthur. He also does "playful teasing" about people who enjoy certain characters or make certain theories, while also being annoyed people don't like Arthur more. A lot of us DO like Arthur, but not certain aspects of the character or how the character handled certain situations. That doesn't mean we hate the character. Part of this I think stems from HG having said that Arthur is "basically him", saying that Arthur is a self insert. That's fine and dandy, but it does make a lot of us uncomfortable for a lot of situations when we try to separate the character from a real person when the person playing the character insists "the character is me". This isn't a slight against HG, but I find it frustrating and that it ruined a bit of the "this is a narrative based around fictional characters etc" when the creator insists the main character is his self insert and essentially just him. Self inserts are cool! I also have my own! But there has to be a degree of separation that people aren't getting and it makes a lot of us uncomfortable.
A joke by the mail carrier also about "people going online and arguing for a living" or something along those lines. A lot of people that enjoy the show also critique it, make theories, and always talk about ways things could be handled better or how things could have turned out. Yes, there are people who are strictly only negative because they dislike HG for a myriad of reasons, and this joke felt like it was aimed specifically at these people that have issue with him, his interactions with fans, and the way he's handled things in the past that was just... unneeded.
On a less serious note, there were things that were just not my style in which I myself specifically don't vibe with the special. It was very campy and cracky, which is what it was obviously going for. For ME, I just wasn't into the "staged sitcom script because of Kayne" deal. And that's okay! Just because it wasn't my mileage, doesn't mean it was bad for other people. Like how I don't read certain kinds of fanfiction because they just aren't for me, this special just wasn't for me because of the tone of it.
I know there are probably more things, or things I'm forgetting, I know there was more teasing about "Arthur having PTSD but he can get over it in seconds" joke that made me a little meh, some of the jokes were funny and gave me a good chuckle, but I think this is the main reason people are having issue with the special.
To clarify, I'm talking about JUST the Christmas special and not the show itself. Just this specific episode. If I wanted to talk about why I and other people have issues with the show, or if people were interested in what I think, I'd make another post.
This is NOT a hate post, but simply talking about why I myself take issue with several aspects of the special, as well as why others (and the reasons I've heard from others) have mentioned about it.
Your mileage may vary, etc etc. I still enjoy the show and the characters very much, but sometimes this kind of stuff makes it difficult.
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croik · 7 months
Fandom Trumps Hate is open to browsing! I'm participating again this year, exclusively offering Malevolent fanfic. You can see my details by following the link.
FTH is an auction with all proceeds going to charity - you can bid on various fans offering their works: fanfiction, fanart, beta reading, fic typesetting, even some bigger options like fanvids and original music.
I'm offering a Malevolent fic between 5k-10k words. You can read my previous fics on AO3 to get an idea of my style. Bidding starts at $5 and will go to a good cause!
There are several other super talented Malev fans participating and you can browse them using the auction tag (there are lots of other fandoms participating too) so get your monies ready for when bidding opens next week :3
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oldloveforever · 1 year
Thanks for tagging @taran-chan ✨🖤
Currently reading: Vol. 1 from the Assassin's Creed Dynasty manga. A friend of mine bought it whilst her trip to Dublin and gave it to me because i was playing a lot of Assassin's Creed in the last weeks.
(and fanfiction of course)
Last song: If you want - Elena Rud
Currently watching: Criminal Minds, Yellowjackets, the new season of Disenchantment, Paradise PD and the Maleficent movies (i may be a bit addicted right now) and some random interesting looking movies
Current fic: @softquietsteadylove 's Made With Love (of course???) and a lot of Maleficent fanfictions
Next on Watchlist: It's random, depends on my mood. But i need to watch Don Lee's movies i haven't seen yet and probably some True Crime stuff.
Current obsession: My OTP is switching between Maleval and Thenamesh right now, love both of them unconditionally 🖤✨🫣 plus gaming and my cats (stupid fluff balls)
And everybody i follow is already tagged so... I'M SORRY 😭😭✨🖤
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cappurrccino · 1 year
3, 4 and 6 for the fanfic writer ask game!
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
There are SO many, but one I think would be really fun and would love to get to one day is a malevolent au where Arthur opening the book transported him into John's head instead, and now this god fragment is stuck in the dark world with the world's tetchiest detective rattling around in his brain
4. Do you prefer writing multi-chapter or oneshot fanfictions?
Oneshots, generally, I think. I've been having a BLAST crafting something multi-chap for the malev bb, but I usually never get quite enough inspiration for a plot that could sustain something long 😅
Hopefully getting my feet wet with the bb fic will mean I can do more multi-chapter stuff, but only time will tell!
6. Have you written any fanfictions featuring OCs? If so, elaborate!
I have! I cut my teeth on fanfic with transformers OCs way back in the day, and the bulk of what I've got on AO3 (and the snippets floating around in my writing tag) are destiny fics which are pretty much aaaaaall OCs! (Plus, it's just always fun to make your own little characters to plop into a world!
[ send me a fic writer ask! ]
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orangetail-works · 5 years
A Phoenix and a Raven: Oblivious
Chapter: Oblivious
 A/N: This prompt was a request off of Tumblr as well from @onceuponaminute16. Don't want to put much of the prompt in here as it would spell out the entire oneshot. I hope you will enjoy, and as always happy reading.
Peace had finally settled between the kingdom of men and the magical Moors. Queen Aurora and her husband, the now crowned King Phillip, ruled their blended people with compassion and righteousness. The Dark Fey who chose to rejoin the land of their ancestors made strides to understand the humans and their ways. There were always to be disputes and small scuffles between two meeting cultures, but for the most part, respect and a willingness to understand won out in the end.
In the Moors, Maleficent kept the peace with the tree sentries and those of the Dark Fey who wanted to protect their new home. Her days were spent flying over the large expanse of the Moors, talking over matters of discontent with all types of clan leaders at the Moor Palace or discussing the upcoming celebrations of Dark Fey tradition that she was yet again unaware of. She had grown up under the watchful eyes of fairies that were nothing like her. Her parents were the only other Dark Fey left in the Moors and when they perished in the war when she was a babe, she had no one to learn from. Her people were strangers to her.
At the moment, the Dark Fey Phoenix was perched along a sturdy tree branch as she looked over the group of children from Ulstead and Perceforest interwoven with the children of the Moors. They walked and talked with one another and shared stories of their own between them. Their parents and guardians stood a little way off, still in sight, but mingling much like their children.
The children ran after one another, taught each other their games they would usually play and some of the Dark Fey even try to lift the humans with them as they flew overhead. Maleficent was transported to the times of her own childhood where her and Stefan would tell each other stories and run around the Moor's woods and rivers, unaware of the large divide of their species. Such good memories that were tainted of the greed of the past.
Her attention was caught as a dark figure flew in between and around the children. The raven cawed after the small group that had chased after him as if he was laughing. He may just be. He stayed low enough that the human children could play along and the fey did not have enough height to use their wings as an advantage. He always made sure that everyone was on equal footing.
Her faithful servant still stayed with her, still an ever present constant at her side. He would tour the Moors with her as she made her rounds, he would insert well thought arguments in debates and was always there to be an ear when she needed to talk of any worries. She had told him that he was more than free to be who he needed and wanted to be with the peaceful reign of her daughter and his fledgling. He refused, as he stood by his vow to be there for whatever she may need, even if the debt had been more than repaid years prior. His heart had remained pure despite his constant company with someone who's heart was definitely not. Her hand went to her chest to feel her heart beat faster than normal as she kept her mind on him. Her dark heart would leap with the thought of the hope and light in his own. But her mind and mouth stayed silent and showed no affection while he was in the form of a man, when he had a hand to hold... or arms to wrap in... or even lips to-
She hissed at her thoughts and banished them back into her mind. There was no room in her life for that kind of hope and dreams. She tried to love like that once and the heartbreak nearly cost her another. She cannot let that happen again.
Diaval banked in the air as he turned with a flip in the air and let out a victorious caw. He was keeping a good pace with the children.
“That will not do,” Maleficent smiled to herself. Her hand flicked out in golden magic and suddenly the raven shifted in midair to the man.
Diaval squawked and hit the ground, flat on his front. Maleficent tried to hide her laughter, but couldn't stop an ungraceful snort that slipped passed. Not even a second after he hit the ground, the children were upon him. They laid their small bodies over his legs, his arms and a couple of them sat on his back. The poor creature was covered shoulder to toe in children of all races and creeds. He struggled to look up and directly at her tree. Her narrowed his eyes as he caught sight of her in the branches.
“You have caught me!” he said dramatically toward the children, “I will have to submit!”
“Then you are our servant!” one of the Dark Fey children of the jungle clans crowed from his back.
“I will give you favors, young lord, but I am servant to no one but the great phoenix herself,” he explained and the children climbed off of him so he could stand. Once he dusted himself off he knelt and looked at the children more or less eye to eye, “Though I am sure you would all do well to a handsome servant as myself, my life is linked to only one other. And that's the way it will stay for I would be found no where else.”
Maleficent heard his words and her heart beat faster in her chest.
He looked over the heads of the children to look at Maleficent who didn't move, but her eyes wide. He knew then that she could hear him as well as see him.
“You should never leave her?” a young boy asked with his arms crossed, “What would you do if one of us saved your life? What would you do then?”
“I would owe you a great debt, but my vow would still be to my mistress,” Diaval explained, “I am loyal to a fault as most ravens are. Honest. I would not and will not stray.”
“What if you were to find love?” a female Dark Fey child of the Desert Clan asked as her brown wings shuffled behind her in a bit of shyness, “I've heard that ravens mate for life, what if you should find a she-raven to nest with? What of your mistress then?”
“You mean to talk of love?” Diaval asked and the children all gathered around him as if he was telling a tale. His eyes flicked up to where she was still in the tree. She seemed to have leaned toward them to hear better.
'Maybe it was time to let her know without doubt...' Diaval thought to himself.
“Lord Diaval?” the jungle fey asked him and pulled at his sleeve.
Diaval cleared his throat and smiled back at the group of children, “I know well of love and it would not change anything between my mistress and myself. I love deeply, but I will never have want to leave my mistress.”
“So, you are in love with someone?” a human girl asked this time, her hands clasped together in front of her in a show of excitement. He could tell that the young one was a romantic.
He chuckled at her and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, “Have been for a while now, yes.”
Maleficent's thundering heartbeat suddenly stopped at his words. A cold washed over her being. He loved someone, has for some time.
How could she have not known? They spent many days and nights together, when had he even met such a radiant creature that they could steal his heart? Was it during the many and continuing Dark Fey celebrations? It must have been. It was true that many of Fey women were drawn to him as they described him as prime mate material, but she didn't think that any of them made more strives to grab the raven-man's attention and affections.
“OH! Who is it?!” the same romantic girl asked as she grabbed at his arm and shook him to garner his complete attention.
He chuckled quite amused at her excitement, “Isn't it apparently obvious?”
Maleficent felt like she would fall off the branch. It should be obvious? To children it should be obvious?
She shook her head and ignored the cold feeling in her chest. She stood on the large branch under her and took off into the sky toward her nest.
Diaval suddenly looked up at her departure and scrambled to his feet. He took a couple steps toward her retreating form with a furrow at his brow. He stood still for a moment or two trying for the life of him to figure out where he had gone wrong.
“Lord Diaval?” the jungle fey pulled at his hand, “What happened?”
“I don't know, little one,” Diaval frowned slightly.
“You love the Phoenix.”
Diaval turned quickly to see a couple of the mothers of the children approach. They must have been listening in on the conversation as well. He knew that some of the ladies of the courts and of the Dark Fey have expressed interest in him, but he was always careful to respectfully reject such advances. His heart, just like the rest of him, was spoken for.
“How?” Diaval asked.
“As you said, it was obvious,” another woman added on and saw the drop in Diaval's head in rejection, “But something tells me that she isn't as good seeing the obvious as others.”
He huffed a sad laugh, “That she is not.”
“So?” another woman from the hamlet stepped forward.
“So...” Diaval questioned in confusion.
“You're going after her, aren't you?”
“I have no wings,” he said as he flexed his hands to show the digits.
“But you have legs,” the original woman said, “And if I were to let the person that held my heart know that they do, I would use whatever I had to get to them.”
Diaval looked at the ladies and then the children in thought. He took a deep breath and nodded, “You're right. This form never stopped me before.”
  Maleficent sat in her low nest in the Rowen tree, close to the Heart of the Moors. She saw the preparations of the celebration not too far away. She had unwrapped her horns and head to let her hair hang loose for the festivities. In the moment she was just finishing the wire wrap around her horns. She did not feel at all like celebrating, but she felt like she owed her people to at least try. Besides, she needed a distraction. If Diaval was in love and wished to pursue his lady, she would be seeing less and less of him as he did so. She would have to find other avenues to entertain herself- no, that wasn't right. He was more than entertainment.
He was her confidant, her closest adviser and friend. He helped her raise Aurora, he was as much a parent to the queen as she was. He was the voice that echoed in her mind when she thought of decisions that affected the Moors. He was the company that she sought out the most outside of Aurora. She took a deep breath and laid a hesitant hand on her chest as her heart began to ache just slightly. Then she turned a little angry at him. He didn't even think to tell her of his feelings? Didn't their friendship give him the leeway to talk of such things with her? Did he not think her worthy enough to meet this woman?
That was ridiculous. He trusted her with everything, even if he didn't agree with some of her choices. He always stood by them with her. Maybe it was as obvious as he said and she just chose not to see it. Maybe she needed to try harder with her own kind. Strike more friendships so his inevitable loss wouldn't sting so harshly.
Maleficent leaned out to look down from the tree to find a huffing Diaval, “There you are.”
“You left me with the children in this,” he gestured to his human form, “Had to trek half way across the Moors, I did.”
“Stop your belly aching,” she rolled her eyes and turned on her cold exterior, her heart locked away, “You seem just fine.”
“Easy for you to say with your glorious wings,” he pointed up at her.
Maleficent glided down from the tree, her horns decorated and her gown clean and in a bright yet deep green. She held her head high and looked him over. His clothing was a bit scuffed up from his trek.
Her hand swirled with gold magic as she cleaned him up and changed his clothing to something similar to her own. She thought that it may be the wrong thing to dress him to match herself, but she had done so before and if this woman was to have a problem with it, she could tell her herself. If she couldn't stand up to Maleficent, then she didn't deserve Diaval.
“Something is wrong,” he said suddenly at the lost look in her face.
“Don't be ridiculous,” she huffed and walked toward the Fairy Hill.
His hand quickly snapped out and gently took one of her own, his fingers entwining with hers, “There is. Please, talk with me.”
His eyes searched hers as she looked back at him. She waved her other hand not connected to his to turn him back into his raven form, “I don't want to talk.”
He beat his wings to keep airborne and caws fell silent at his beak. He knew something was troubling her. His own troubles would have to wait. He landed on her shoulder and she let him stay there as they made their way to the beginning of festivities.
As the celebration turned into full swing, Maleficent felt more and more out of place. Dark Fey of all kinds danced and cheered with the other Moorland fairies, but none of them really went out of their way to include the Phoenix. She was in a corner as she watched on. Her original thought of talking with the others only led to her confusion or boredom. She tried to make conversation about the Moors and their merge into with the other fairy kind around them. Even talked of humans and how they were with the new fairy kind from their observations. They participated in the 'small talk' as Diaval had once explained to her, but they didn't know how to really talk with her. They didn't know her passions and her skills. They know what they knew, and that was enough. She eventually turned to the outer ring to watch on as she always had.
Diaval stayed attached to her shoulder the whole time, never asking once to be changed to man to go partake of the Moorland buffet or wander around with the others. He stayed with her. Maybe his lady love hadn't arrived at these festivities.
A hour into her self appointed banishment to the outer ring of the festivities, Boora approached her.
“Good evening, Phoenix,” he greeted and bowed his head toward her.
“Boora,” she tilted her head back.
“Are you to sit away this blessed event with only a bird for company?”
Diaval's feathers puffed at Boora as a slight caw was huffed out.
“Diaval is splendid company,” she offered as explanation even though she had yet to say one word to the raven all night. She absentmindedly scratched under Diaval's chin, “I have not found another that has kept my interest as he has.”
“Maybe you were not asking the right fey,” Boora smirked, followed by a low rumble in his chest.
Maleficent looked at him a bit shocked, but then laughed at his attempt to tempt her, “No, Boora. I don't think so.”
“I am the strongest of my clan and the best fighter of the council,” he explained and flexed one arm and wing to show it was so.
Diaval cawed lowly as if he would be rolling his eyes if he were human.
“That may be, Boora, but that is not what I search for in a companion to take my time.”
“And what is?”
“I have that.”
“If you had the right kind, you would take care of my rebuttal,” she warned him.
“Phoenix, you need not search, any of us would willingly come to you,” Boora took her hand and pulled her toward him.
Maleficent stiffened in discomfort. This is not where she wanted this conversation to go, “Come to me? I-I don't-”
“Yes, whatever you would want or need. We would do that for you. We would not shun you for company or even to mate.”
In a split second, Diaval was at Boora's face. He flapped his wings vigorously at the fey to blind him. He didn't use his talons, but he was close to it. Boora dropped Maleficent's hand and she pulled back fully and stood. Diaval cawed and pecked lightly at Boora's face and hands. Before blood would be spilled, Maleficent waved her hand and Diaval landed on the ground as a man.
“And another thing,” Diaval yelled at Boora as he poked his finger in the air at him, “She does not need anyone to do anything she needs, she has me for that. Always will. Come to her for friendship and understanding, not to- to mate her!”
Boora huffed at the raven-man and then looked to Maleficent to see if she would correct him. She did not in any way or form. He huffed again, straightened himself and then took off toward the main fairy hill.
As he left, Diaval brushed off his clothes and then his hands before he turned back to Maleficent, “A bit of wild card, that one.”
“Is it true?”
“Is what true?” he asked, his hands now on his hips.
“That you will always be with me?”
“We've talked about this,” he relaxed his shoulders and sat down on a root that she was lounging on before Boora came over, “Sit down, your wings are drooping. Usually means there is too much on your mind.”
She shook her head though she did as he asked. He knew her so well.
“Are you going to talk to me now?” he asked as she settled next to him.
“You knew that I heard you earlier with the children,” she said and kept her eyes on the lights around them and not on him.
“I did,” Diaval nodded and busied himself with his strange human hands.
Maleficent hesitated and then took a deep breath, “I just want you... you to be happy.”
“What makes you think that I'm not?” his brows instantly furrowed as he looked at her, “Do I make you think that I don't enjoy every moment with you?”
“I know there are times that you would rather be elsewhere,” she looked at the ground, “Or with someone else.”
“Someone else...?”
“Again, I want you to be happy,” she finally looked straight into his eyes, “Even if it is not with me. I feel ashamed that I don't even know the one that holds your heart so steadfastly.”
His eyes searched hers for a moment before he gave her the smallest of smiles, “You know her well enough. I just know her better.”
“I have no clue how you have hidden her from me. You spend much of your time with me,” she floundered in her thoughts as she totally missed the look in his eyes. An epiphany popped into her head, “Or with Aurora... is she a resident in Ulstead? A handmaiden, perhaps?”
Diaval shook his head, now a little amused at the guess, “No.”
“No, I wouldn't know a handmaiden. Is she part of the council?”
“She is,” he smirked at the new game that unfolded.
“Not many there, and it definitely is not Nanny Stout,” she shook her head and looked back out to the hills to try and understand, “Is it Shrike?”
“You know well that she is bonding with Percival,” he reminded her.
“That's true,” she took another breath in thought. He began to laugh lightly at her serious thought process. She suddenly frowned, but didn't look back at him, “This is frustrating, you miserable bird and yet you laugh at me. Do you hate me or something?”
“Not at all,” Diaval leaned toward her, his hand caught her chin. He pulled her chin toward him to make sure that he eyes were level with his. His smile caught her off guard, “I'm actually quite in love with you, really.”
He leaned forward further and captured her lips with his own as he had seen Aurora and Phillip do many times before. His lips pressed against hers steady for only a moment before her lips acted in kind. Her hand flew up to his hair and ran through the feathers and strands behind his ear. He felt her smile against his lips and he chuckled into their kiss.
Diaval pulled back, “You didn't stay around long enough for me to finish my talk with the little ones earlier. I love you, mistress. Having known that for as long as I have, nothing has changed. I will still never leave your side.”
“Silly raven,” she brushed her fingers through his hair, “I don't do guessing games. You must tell me such things, for I seem to be oblivious to the obvious.”
“No worry. I will remind you frequently,” he pecked her lips.
“... I will never want you to leave.”
“Good, because I will never want to leave you.”
“I will be harsh.”
“I will be understanding.”
“I will... I love you.”
He grinned widely, “I still love you. Always have.”
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cerseimikaelson · 6 months
Update on Collision of Parallel Lines on Monday!
Calling in all the Maleval fans with a hefty tissue supply.
Waiting on your thoughts.
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louielle · 2 years
fluff in fics: *literally exists*
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d-dormant · 3 years
✨ my stuff in links ✨
ficbook: fanfics (russian)
ao3: same fanfics, but sometimes in english
spotify: playlist
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prxdk · 1 year
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gavranica · 2 years
I was about to say that I'll soon be updating with a fill-up chapter, but on second thought, nearly all of the chapters in this fic are fill- ups to the plot which takes a lifetime to start resolving, so I guess that silly interpersonal moments are my plot now.
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Ok fanfiction time! So this one is an alternate ending for the first movie in Diaval’s POV. It starts right after Maleficent kisses Aurora and breaks the curse. All events before the start of the fanfiction are the same as they are in the movie. Essentially, what happens if Stephan survives? With Maleval of course because why not. This is my first fanfiction, so I hope you enjoy! Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
Chapter 1
The Battle
We were losing.
Mistress, Aurora, and I were running through the castle, trying to get out before we were discovered. Now that Aurora was free of the curse (heh, no true love) we needed to leave. But I was so glad Aurora was awake I didn’t bother to check the throne room before we entered, and now Stephan’s soldiers circled around us, and Mistress was trapped under an iron net. Fucking iron. I thought it wasn’t possible to hate that self serving royal bastard any more than I already did, but in that moment my fury doubled. Worst of all, I couldn’t do anything to stop it, as I was stuck as a useless raven just when I was needed most. I pecked and scratched at the soldiers with everything I had, but as I couldn’t get through their iron armor (iron, always iron!). I was nothing more than a nuisance. At least Aurora was considered to be Stephan’s daughter, so she would be safe. That thought was my only comfort, for I was facing certain death as soon as the soldiers finished with Mistress. But then, I saw a small gleam of hope in Mistress’ eyes, and just before she passed out (at least I hope that’s all it was) she said
“Into a dragon”
Gold magic shot towards me, and I was enveloped inside. The usual excruciating pain followed, but at this moment I didn’t care. Now I was a dragon, powerful enough to protect those I cared for. Immediately I threw the net off of Mistress, praying she was still alive, and then I attacked. Breathing fire left and right, I protected my Mistress from harm. Soon enough, Mistress thankfully awoke and flung herself into battle as well. But it was not meant to be. The soldiers quickly covered me in iron chains, causing great pain as even without fae blood, literal tons of iron was painful for anyone. Mistress however, was inside a circle of soldiers, each holding a massive iron shield (seriously where do they get all of it??). Suddenly, he walked in. Stephan. Filled with new rage, I released a huge fireball his way before I was muzzled by yet another iron chain. Stephan meanwhile, dodged my blast and stepped into the ring of soldiers almost entirely covered in iron himself. He jeered at Mistress, believing he had won. And honestly, I was worried he was right.
Stephan lunged at Mistress with his sword (can you guess what it was made out of?). Thankfully, Mistress dodged his attack, but seeing as she couldn’t counter magically with all of this iron, we all knew she wouldn’t last long. Desperately, I fought to free myself from the soldier’s chains, but they held fast. In that moment I was grateful dragons couldn’t cry, because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see. I couldn’t just sit there and let her die. She has to live! If only for Aurora’s sake. Just as Stephan raised his sword to strike the final blow, something shot into the room and went straight for Mistress. She was lifted into the air and surrounded by her magic, although I didn’t think she had a hand in this. After a moment, she was set down, and she had her wings. I couldn’t believe it. She had them back! And ravens was she stunning. I looked to where the wings had come from, and there was Aurora, standing in the doorway, looking as shocked as I felt. Did she bring Mistress’ wings? There was no time to determine an answer, as Mistress flew down with those gorgeous wings of hers, grabbed Stephan, and threw them both out of the throne room’s window.
I hoped she would be alright, but right now I had to protect myself and Aurora from the hoard of soldiers, who had turned their attentions to me now that Mistress was gone. Luckily my tail was still free, so I shot it out from my body and wrapped it around Aurora like a cobra. I pulled her back and literally took her under my wing. With cries of “it’s got the princess!” (Really, IT!?) the soldiers attacked with even more force. I fought valiantly, but there were too many and I was far too weak. Soon enough they took out one of my forelegs, which caused me to fall to my side, exposing both Aurora and my delicate underside. I launched my tail into the air to keep my fledgling out of reach, but my belly suffered the consequences. Iron weapons speared themselves into me in an attempt to end my life, but I had to keep fighting. I had to protect Aurora! Just as I was about to black out, Mistress swept into the room, gold magic crackling around her form. She spoke with all the confidence in the world.
“Lay down your weapons at once! Stephan is dead, with no one to blame for it, which means his kingdom should be passed on to his-“ she gagged a little. “daughter Aurora. Let her speak, and I will adhere to whatever her judgement may be”
The soldiers conversed amongst themselves, seemingly debating whether to agree to Mistress’ terms. Finally, their captain spoke up.
“How do we know we can trust you”
Maleficent gave the captain what looked to me like an expression of respect, but I must have been delirious because that couldn’t possibly have actually happened.
“Because I broke Aurora’s curse.”
“That’s impossible, a witch like you would never-“
“How dare you insult my godmother?!” Came a shout from above.
Everyone turned to see Aurora, still wrapped in my tail high above the ground, calling out to the captain with anger written all across her face.
“Your- what?” The captain said, not willing to believe his ears.
“My godmother.” Came the reply. “You will not insult her. Nor will you attack her or Diaval” she gestured to my near limp form “any longer. Lay down your weapons, and let’s settle this peacefully!”
Everyone in the room was shocked at Aurora’s speech, even Mistress. My little fledgling really has grown up. It’s enough to make an old bird cry. But I didn’t really have the energy for that now. In fact, I don’t think I have the energy to even stay conscious much longer. With a pitiful moan, I gratefully placed Aurora on the ground and let my tail go limp. Mistress would keep her safe, and besides, I’m starting to think my fledgling can handle herself. Mistress however, quickly turned her attention to me after hearing my quite pathetic groans.
“Diaval are you alright?” She asked worriedly. Normally I would voice a quip, such as “really Mistress do you honestly need to ask me that?”, but since I was a dragon I merely stared in what I hoped was a mischievous way at her. She got a better look at my wounds, and Mistress’ eyes widened before she could stop them.
“Beastie come here quickly!” She shouted, and Aurora came running.
“Godmother what i- oh DIAVAL!” She said, and began frantically gathering soldiers to remove the iron weapons they had just finished jamming inside of me (karma’s a bitch). They hurriedly did so, mostly because of the scathing glares Mistress gave each and every one of them. Mistress herself was having a difficult time letting humans help me, especially the ones who caused this problem in the first place, but seeing as she herself couldn’t touch the iron she didn’t have much choice. After the swords, the soldiers moved on to the many, many chains I had wrapped around me. I couldn’t stop myself from pathetically roaring in pain as the soldiers preformed many of the tasks. Aurora winced at every shout, so I bit back most of my screams for her (and my pride’s) sake. When it was finished, Mistress shooed (that being a rather tame term for it) the soldiers out of the throne room, an order to which they hastily complied. Mistress gently placed her hands on my snout and let her magic flow slowly across my body and heal the worst of my injuries. Normally she could fix me up until it looked like no battle had touched me, but her power was drained due to her own wounds and all of the iron still in this room! I sighed internally. This will definitely leave a few marks on my beautiful self
“I’m sorry I can’t do more for you my friend.” Mistress said quietly, her words meant only for my ears.
“Will he be alright Godmother?” Aurora asked.
“Yes Aurora, but he will need to remain a dragon until my magic is strengthened and I can do more to heal him, otherwise his injuries could grow even worse”
I gave a snort at that. There was no way in the Moors Mistress couldn’t turn me back, she just didn’t want to hear the I told you so lecture I had planned about true love when I could talk again.
“Good to see your sense of humor’s still intact” Mistress said with a chuckle, and that was the last thing I heard before slipping into unconsciousness (alright I admit, maybe she really couldn’t turn me back yet).
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of-the-moors · 4 years
And that is it.  The Epilogue is up, and at 208,199 words, The Warlock of Nyrsta Vígi is officially finished.
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refiwrites · 5 years
Diaval x Reader
Requested? Yes!
Word count: 1167
A/N: i just realized im bad at summaries so hshsh but nonetheless hope yall enjoy this story! also im posting this in mobile sorry for any mistakes!
Summary: (Y/N) met a raven which she quickly becomes friends with, but suddenly the raven disappeared leaving (Y/N) sad, but then when everyone is finally happy, someone familiar comes up to her.
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You were in your parent’s farm, feeding the chickens and whatnot, you dug your hand in the small bag that contained the grains to feed for the chickens. Once you made sure that they were full, you began to walk away when you heard that loud sound:
Kraa! Kraa! Kraa!
You furrowed your eyebrows and turned around, to spot a beautiful raven perched upon a box of hay, you tilted your head at it, and to your surprise, it also tilted its head at you which you were taken aback with. Then it started calling again, you somehow felt inside that it was calling for you, this is..weird you thought when you approached the raven with silky black feathers.
“Hello there, little one.” You smiled, slowly lifting your index finger to see if the raven was willing to be friends with you.
It eagerly rubbed its head on your finger and you stood there shocked, you squinted and looked at it for a few seconds then scraping your hand in the bag of grains, you knew ravens preferred meat but all you had with you was grains right now so you hoped for the best.
“Are you hungry?” You asked, crouching to meet its eye, it somehow made a noise and nodded vigorously. You laughed and offered your other hand which held the grains. You were quite scared that it was going to bite off your finger or bite you but it carefully picked out and ate the grains in your hand.
You were still dumbfounded because this wasn’t like any other ravens but then you just smiled as you casually watched it devour the grains until there were a few left. You hadn’t noticed that your hand was numb for holding it out for too long but you didn’t mind, as long as it helped someone.
And this is where your friendship with this raven began.
Ever since that day, that raven would come every morning and then every afternoon, you would already be waiting outside after a few days of it visiting you non-stop. You had a small bowl ready with food for it, and when every time it lands it already had food to chomp on.
And now you were here, after a month from meeting the raven, it now sat on your shoulder comfortably, you tied your hair up so it wont get tangled in your hair. You tended to the animals in the farm, the raven making some kind of sound, mimicking the sounds of some animals which you found amusing.
“You’re quite talented, hmm?” You cooed to the raven on your shoulder, opposite hand reaching out and scratching its head, and you heard somewhat of a purring sound and you felt it nudge its head on your cheek. You chuckle, trying to nudge your cheek a bit.
You finished with your job and you felt the raven fly and land on the box of hay, next to its bowl. You hadn’t noticed that the sun was now setting and you looked at the raven. It made a sad noise, close to whining and you know it had to say goodbye. You approached it and pet its head.
“See you tomorrow, I guess?” And it nodded before it flew off into the forest.
You continued to meet for the next few weeks until the raven suddenly stopped coming.
You were gripping at your dress, worrying about what might’ve happened to your furry friend, you stayed there in the morning through the afternoon, only going inside your house because your parents needed you for something.
But you were back outside again, looking at the small bowl filled with food that you prepared earlier, but alas, it was still full and untouched.
You were beginning to lose hope but you still stayed out for a few hours until it was already sunset. You had a frown etched onto your face… he couldn’t have just disappeared like that? Unless…. You shook your head, no, that’s impossible.
It was already nighttime, still, you heard no sound of your raven. You let out a deep sigh, standing up from the small chair in the back of the house.
“(Y/N), dear? You better head inside, it’s cold out there!” You heard your mother say from the inside of the house. “Coming, mother.”
Ever since that day you still hadn’t lost hope and still came out from time to time to see if the raven would come back but there was still no trace of it being there.
Until hours grew to days, grew to weeks, and months.
And then a huge war broke out between the fey’s and with the Queen Ingrith, and you saw the phoenix which was Maleficent and then news about the wedding between Prince Philip and Aurora, and that they were now going to be rulers of Ulstead, also of the Moors.
You were now at their wedding, clapping loudly. You cheered for the new rulers, smiling widely. You saw all the creatures gathered around the kingdom, you were in awe at all of them, your gaze shifting from creature to creature.
A sudden bump on your shoulder made you turn around to see who might’ve bumped you, and it was a man, a good-looking one at that, taller than you, with a slicked back hair, and very brown eyes. He was wearing a coat designed with animal skin and he seemed to be holding a staff. You were stuck staring at him for a second and he was also just staring at you, the corner of his lips looked like it was twitching into a smile.
You were the one to break the silence among you two. “Uhm.. can I help you with anything?” You said smiling at the very handsome man in front of you.
He seemed to be zoning out for a second until he shook his head and smiled widely now.
“Oh uh I’m sorry you just caught my eye and I was just-“
You blushed at the fact that you caught somebody’s eye and you seemed to feel comfortable around this man, he seemed familiar to you and you couldn’t pinpoint what was it that made you so calm around him. You weren’t usually like this with strangers but with him was an exception.
“Oh, really now?” You teased him and he was the one who blushed now. He was looking at you and you were looking at him.
“Y-yes may I say that you are just breath-taking- I’m sorry if I’m being too close for comfort, I just-“
You cut him off by chuckling and comforting the man in front of you. “No, no, it’s alright, I- you’re quite handsome too.”
“Wait, I am?” He asked, puzzled, which you laughed at and shyly nodded. Yes, you VERY are.
You shyly looked down at your shoes before he spoke up again,
“W-Would you like to go out sometime?”
You exhaled in relief with a smile,
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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