#mama Blue Lion
danceylancey · 1 year
Lance hates being alone for several reason, the two biggest ones being that he needs physical touch as much as he needs air and the second being that when he’s with people, he’s not with his thoughts. The issues comes with his team not being as tactile and valuing personal time. Lance gets it, he does like to be alone, but not lonely and certainly not all the time. It doesn’t help that the castle is huge and everyone has their own space within it that Lance, while he desperately wants to, refuses to invade without good reason. Dios forbid he be an nuisance. This longing for touch and pleasure of another’s weight, like his twin sister or baby cousin, plagues him for long enough that his beloved Blue notices. She conformed him through his mind and their bond, which helps to fill the ache but never cancels it out. It’s after a rough nightmare that he goes to his Blue to sit in the cockpit and imagine the armrest are his mothers warm embrace that Blue has enough. She knows it’s risky due to it taking so much energy, but she can’t handle seeing her cub so down. So, with Black warning her that she must be sure, she refuses to let Lance in and ignores his hurt in favour of shifting the form she holds to something new. The organic flesh of a Lion feels odd to her, but she can only hope she looks like the ones Lance showed her through their bond, though she defiantly got the size wrong by a few dozen feet. Lance is shocked but doesn’t argue when Blue crawls into her stomach and shoved her face into his body, him just being able to reach both her ears and pulling her closer. She wraps him up in his giant paws and reset her giant head on his torso while he rest. Lance sons for a long while before falling asleep. When the rest of them get upset with Lance for not showing up to training they go looking for him and find him in the lions hanger, curled into the body of a giant blue furred lion. Blues sisters are happy she trust her cub so much, but the others want the same thing and as far as they can all tell, they haven’t bonded nearly enough and lack trust.
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comradekarin · 7 months
And if I said this is the best song on the gift?
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nataliasquote · 7 months
Double the Trouble - thought dump
Natasha and Wanda were they type of moms to put their twins in matching outfits. The first day of kindergarten saw both girls in tiny denim dungarees, cute printed tees underneath, and pink converse. Natasha had braided their soft curls into two little braids, finished off with the tiniest of bows. They looked like the textbook definition of twins, and many photos were taken that day.
But when it was time for Wanda and Natasha to pick them up, the sight they saw was not for the faint hearted. Y/n came out first, her hair still in neat braids and both bows in their rightful place. She had a small stain on her shirt, but that was a given when a three year old was made to eat spaghetti in a white tshirt.
But the same couldn’t be said for Isla. She stumbled out ten minutes later, backpack dragging along the concrete. Her braids were no more- wild curls now in their place- a tangled mess for Wanda to painstakingly comb through when they got home. Her dungarees had been unfastened and now hung around her waist, and her tshirt was covered in what looked like blue paint, along with her lunch. One shoe was untied but she had the biggest smile on her face as she spotted her moms in the crowd of eager parents.
Natasha and Wanda shared a look as their girls approached, taking in the full scene in front of them. Their fears did not come true, luckily, and it looked as though the twins had fully immersed themselves in kindergarten life. They both clutched paintings that were quickly shoved at both women, their finest artwork ready to take a spot on the fridge.
“Did you have a good day?” Wanda asked, bending down to catch both girls in a hug. She was met with an overload of chatter as they began speaking at the same time, stories of the day spewing from their lips. Wanda just chuckled and stroked Isla’s hair, trying to calm her lions mane down a little. But it was fruitless, her curls were unruly.
“How about we go and get McDonald’s as a treat?” Natasha stood with her hands on her hips, smiling at the excited faces of her favourite girls staring back at her. Y/n squealed and reached for Natasha, now realising how much she missed her Mama.
“Happy meal!” She exclaimed, right into the redhead’s ear who winced.
“You can get a happy meal, yes!”
“Mama I want a toy,” Isla chimed in, her hand slotting perfectly into Wanda’s as the four of them headed back to the car. “And a milkshake.”
“Well, I’m sure we can arrange that.” As much as both women were happy that the twins did so well on their first day, they’d missed them like crazy and felt more relaxed seeing them safely buckled in their car seats. Especially Natasha, who had been on edge all day and had snapped at Wanda a couple of times.
As the familiar golden sign of the twins’ favourite place appeared, Natasha couldn’t help but smile to herself. This was her perfect little family and the life she’d always dreamed of.
11 year old Natasha would be proud.
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aquagirl1978 · 11 days
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Little Lion Man
Pairing: Leon Dompteur x Reader
Prompt: Day 1 (Love), Day 4 (Brothers) and Day 6 (Dance) for Leon Dompteur Sequel Route Release event (hosted by me)
Word count: 1330
Tags: Fluff (with a brief appearance from Chevalier, Jin and Leon's young son)
A/N: This fic was inspired by Leon's recent Halloween gacha card in JP as well as @ikeprinces-stuff artwork with an alternate Leon costume that can be seen HERE. Jin and Chevalier's gacha cards are also referenced throughout the fic.
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“You are going to be the cutest little lion cub at tonight’s party!” you squealed as you adjusted the lion ears on top of your son’s head.
“Do you think Papa will like my costume?”
“Like it? He will love it!” You picked your son up in your arms, thankful he was still light enough for you to carry, and held him against your chest as you both looked in the mirror. “I think Uncle Yves did a great job with both of our costumes this year, don’t you think?”
Your son looked up at you and smiled. “You will be the prettiest bunny rabbit tonight, Mama.” He looked back into the mirror and opened his mouth wide to let out a tiny little roar. “And I will be the fiercest lion at the ball!”
Beaming with joy, you put your son down and took his little furry paw in yours. “Are you ready to go to a party now?”
He jumped up and down excitedly; his smile, bright as the sun, was a near replica of his father’s. “But where’s Papa?”
You looked out the nearby window, the darkening skies telling you it was already getting late in the day. “He said he had something to do before the party, and that he would meet us there.”
“This is what you came to my office for, Black?” Chevalier let out an exasperated sigh as his ice blue eyes met Leon’s amber eyes in a cold stare.
“Yes! This is an important matter!”
“Your ridiculous costume does not concern me,” Chevalier remarked, his eyes returning to the documents on his desk. 
“I found out that Silvio is going to the Halloween Ball as a vampire.  I was supposed to go as a vampire. I’m the King, I can’t be wearing the same costume as someone else!”
“I don’t think you’ll have that problem now,” Chevalier commented with a smirk. “I can assure you, no one else will be dressed like that tonight. Although, the color is very fitting for you, Black.”
Leon grumbled loudly at being called this nickname, but refused to dwell on it. Unfortunate as it was, he needed Chevalier’s help.
“Please. You read more books than anyone I know.”
“Yes. And you read none.”
“That’s not the point,” Leon growled. “I’m asking for your help.” 
Chevalier straightened in his seat and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his icy gaze silently saying speak.
“Belle read a story to me the other night. It was about a masked, sword-wielding hero and his swashbuckling adventures.”
“And this is who you are supposed to be?” Chevalier asked wide-eyed.
“Yes! His name was…ah, Zoso or something?”
Chevalier was polite enough to cover his mouth when he snickered. “You mean Zorro.”
“Isn’t that what I said?” No, wait. Don’t answer that.” Leon pulled out the rapier that was sheathed at his waist and dramatically flipped his dark cape. “I am Zorro, the dashing masked vigilante!”
Leon put down the rapier and stared at Chevalier. “That was believable, right?”
“The masked part certainly was.”
Leon’s brows knitted in frustration. “You’re a bully. You know that, right?”
“You’re the one who came to me,” Chevalier replied with a snort of laughter before returning his attention to the papers on his desk.
“Oh hey, Chevalier. What costume are you wearing tonight?”
“Evil demon,” he replied without looking up from his desk.
“Ah, well, that makes perfect sense. You could go as yourself, no need to even dress up,” Leon muttered under his breath as he made his way towards the door.
“I know,” Chevalier called out. 
Leon didn’t have to turn around to know there was a wicked grin plastered on the face of the second prince.
“Have you seen Leon?” you asked Jin when you ran into him at the dessert table.
Jin looked around the room slowly, looking for his younger brother. “I haven’t seen him since I got to the ball. When I saw him earlier, he did mention he might be a little late this evening.”
“Did Papa forget about the ball?” a quiet little voice asked.
Jin crouched down and held out a lollipop to his nephew. “I’m sure your Papa didn’t forget. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still at his desk, finishing up some work that just couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”
Still crouched, Jin noticed a familiar figure dressed in black approaching. Leon held a finger to his mouth, to which Jin gave a quick wink.
Standing off to the side, you smiled as you watched Leon walk on tiptoe, trying to surprise his young son.
Jin leaned in closer to his nephew, whispering loudly in his ear. “I heard there will be many mysterious visitors at the ball tonight. Some might be friend, others foe. I need you to be on high alert and let me know if you see anyone suspicious. Can you do that for me, buddy?”
“Yes, Uncle Jin,” the small boy answered seriously.
“I think it's best if you turn around then. You won't be much of a lookout if all you're doing is looking at me,” he said. He put his hands on his nephew's shoulders, ready to turn him around at the right moment. “On my count. One, two…three!”
On three, Jin spun the young prince just as Leon was a few feet away.
“Papa!” the boy exclaimed, breaking from his uncle's hold and running to his father.
“Whose Papa? I don't recall raising a lion cub!” Leon scooped his son up in a big bear hug, gently tickling him until he began to squirm with laughter.
“It's me, it's me,” he squealed in between peals of laughter.
“What do you think?” Leon winked, gesturing to his costume. “Do you know who I am?”
“Yes. You're Zoso, the dashing, masked vigilante from the book Mama read to us!”
Leon threw back his head and let out a loud roar of laughter. 
Like father, like son, he thought to himself as he pulled his son into another hug.
“Hey!” Leon called to you, extending his hand. “Don't think you're hopping away so fast!”
Joining him in a tight hug, your heart filled with warmth. “I thought you were going to be a vampire,” you whispered in Leon's ear.
“It's a long story, I'll tell you later.” After Leon set the tiny lion cub on the ground, breaking the family hug, his hand searched for yours. “I heard…” he started in a very excited voice, “that there is a haunted maze out in the gardens. Who wants to go?”
“I do, I do!” cried a young voice.
“And you, my bunny?” Leon asked with a smirk. 
“If you're going, I'm going.”
“Hey, what about me?” Jin asked, a small pout forming on his lips.
Leon looked over his older brother for a minute. “ I'm not sure they're letting in any lazy mummies this year…” Leon let Jin stew only a few moments before clapping him on the shoulder with a wide smile. “Lucky for you though, your brother happens to be king.”
Leon led the group to the haunted gardens, his hand still clasped in yours, while Jin and the young prince ran up ahead.
“I was really looking forward to seeing you as a vampire tonight,” you said, trying to mask your disappointment.
“Not that this costume doesn't look amazing, but….” you smiled at Leon, “…you know…”
“Know what?”
“Vampires…biting….” you replied, quickly looking away as you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
Leon pulled you closer, so close he could feel that heat as he whispered to you.  “I can always change later. I still have the vampire costume.”
“Let's hurry then,” you said softly, not wanting to be heard by anyone but your husband.
Leon quickened his pace, excited to continue the haunted festivities. His arm wound around your waist as thoughts of what this evening would later bring were already dancing in his head.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings
@wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381
@maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia
@ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja @sh0jun
@ikesenwritings @justpeachyteastea @kalims-pessimist-bestie @shadowylakes     @writingwhimsey  
@ikeprinces-stuff @candiedcoffeedrops     @kookie-my-little-sunshine
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euphoricfilter · 9 months
bts as my favorite jellyfish 🫧
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
+ cool jellyfish facts
(another list no one asked for. shark list can be found here)
☆ jin: moon jellyfish
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probably don’t need an explanation for this one, simply for the fact jin in the moon and pretty like jellyfish
moon jellyfish can survive in both warm and cool waters!! they’re very social and travels in groups, also known as ‘smacks’ (that’s so silly). some members of the moon jellyfish species live without brains, ears, hearts, blood, eyes and pretty much anything we’re used to having as humans: they have 3 main elements to their existence, they’re 95% water, a mouth and a digestive system. they have their own version of a nervous system though, and without any lungs they breathe through their membrane
☆ taehyung: upside-down jellyfish
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upside-down jellyfish are hella unique, taehyung is hella unique. basically a perfect match if you ask me
the different colors seem in upside-down jellyfish comes from their intake of algae. aquarists can tell captive jellyfish from wild upside-down jellyfish, the wild jellyfish have more of a muddy brown color where as the ones in the aquarium are usually a blue, black, white, green or purple!!! they’re rarely found alone, and flips upside-down alongside others of its kind. their little oral arms point up to the sun, looking like a little flower!!! :D
☆ yoongi: cannonball jellyfish
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cannonball jellyfish are cute and yoongi is just a cutie kinda guy. i don’t make the rules
they’re carnivorous, eating fish eggs, red drum fish larvae and planktonic larvae of mollusks and snails. they use their little oral arms to move!! when the jellyfish is disturbed, they dive deeper into the water and release toxin-containing mucus! they can sense light gravity and touch. though communication between them isn’t understood really well, sometimes the jellyfish will form larger groups :D they can reproduce both sexually and asexually: they sexually reproduce in the medusa state (what we all commonly know as jellyfish) where they lay eggs that develop into planulae (basically swimming jellyfish larvae)
☆ jungkook: mushroom jellyfish
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i kinda love the the little mushroom mullet jungkook used to have hence he is the mushroom jellyfish
their common name refers to their shape of them in the medusa stage: mushroom cap!!!!! they’re often confused with the canonball jellyfish as they both lack oral arms. the mushroom jellyfish is much flatter, softer and larger as it can grow up to 51cm. mushroom jellyfish survive off plankton parts which are pushed out of their umbrella by the water and caught between their sort of finger like appendages!! they don’t really pose as a stinging threat to humans because of their lack of tentacles. however their stinging cells reside within their little bell :D
☆ hobi: lion’s mane jellyfish
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lion’s mane jellyfish look cool as hell, and hobi is probably one of the coolest people i can think of 🤨
lion’s mama jellyfish use their stinging tentacles to capture and eat fish, zooplankton, sea creatures and other smaller jellyfish. kingfish will hide within the stinging strands and feed on the leftover jellies until they’re big enough to venture out into the ocean. lion’s mane jellyfish can grow up to 120 feet. they don’t actually have a very long lifespan, only living for around a year :( they can have up to 1200 tentacles. they also have neurons, a ring of nerves within their hoods. without an actual brain and eyes they rely on these nerve cells to perceive and respond to threats. they poop out of where they eat, and eat out of where they poop :D
☆ namjoon: portuguese man-of war
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okay so for this one, i watched a long ass video on jellyfish one time and the way they described the portuguese man of war was like kinda super cool and the big boy jellyfish. so to go hand in hand with my choice of shark for namjoon, this one felt fitting
kinda a cheat one because they’re not really jellyfish even if they look very alike. however are featured in jellyfish videos and lists alike so they count on this list too. they’re actually siphonophores, which is essentially a cluster of organisms called polyps that depend on each other for survival!! despite being a slightly scary creature they themselves have predators, (which are super smart). the violet sea slug uses a bubble raft to float close to the surface of the water. they have dark purple undersides which help them camouflage in the darker waters. sea slugs also eat the man-of-war, using a similar strategy, however!! they can also repurpose the stinging cells of their meal for their own self defense!!! the float on the portuguese man-of-war is partially filled with carbon monoxide. and was named after its resemblance to ships :D they also kinda just drift, riding the current with no means of propulsion
☆ jimin: flower hat jellyfish
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flower hat jellyfish are pretty, and so is jimin. need i say more
(again they’re technically not jellyfish despite the name, they’re classified as hydrozoa). flower hat jellyfish usually live close to the sea floor with kelp and sea grass. they’re native to small areas of the western pacific ocean with smaller groups individually scattered elsewhere. they prefers moderate moderate depths and warmer temperatures :D they mainly feed on varieties of small fish, where most will occasionally consume small marine invertebrates which they’ll scoop from the ocean floor!! they’re actually quite powerful predators who don’t have many predators of their own however, they have been known to consume one another :(
okay that’s all thank you for reading !!!!
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anxiousdreamcore · 11 months
Will you ever make these Street Kid Spider fic or art? I still have your AU somewhere in the back of my mind
(Street kid!Spider AU introduction post)
I’m honestly amazed ppl still want it 😭 🫶 I’m currently a bit busy but here’s a little drabble to quench your hunger;
Kiri couldn’t help but aww at the cats curling around her, meowing in curiosity. Their old neighborhood had little to none strays but those who survived there had been very agressive. It was a surprise to see such a big pack of animals practically welcome her in.
Then again, she always had a way with fauna.
Traversing the abandoned mall, so overgrown it long turned into a jungle, she eyes the rusted metal and fading plaques. The sight was almost apocalyptic, if not for the blooming greenery in every crevice.
And then a loud clang erupted through h the corridor. Strays jumped in surprise, hiding behind their new friend, but the noise was made by a falling metal pipe. Nothing to be afraid of.
However, the featherlight steps that followed were a more valid reason for alarm. They sounded human. Kiri wasn’t alone.
The girl was taught better than this, she told herself as she followed the noise. She was taught better than to wander the abandoned shopping district after school and follow mysterious sounds.
She knew better, she thought, carefully climbing a tree into a dark attic.
The room seemed completely empty at first, safe for the napping cats on the old mattress, but the more Kiri looked, the more evidence she gathered that the old storage space was clearly lived in. There were personal items scattered about, like stacks of old, worn comic journals and then a smaller stack of equally worn sketchbooks. There was a tattered skateboard placed against the wall, and graffiti on the other side of the room, with spray-paint bottles resting on the floor. Above the mattress hung taped Christmas lights, and under them, a number of sketch pages detailing environments, stray animals, plants, people, and even some mythical creatures from the Na’vi religion, like the strong angstik or the gentle atokirina.
A Na’vi artist? Kiri thought, smiling. The stranger she’d heard not long ago suddenly seemed much less threatening.
“Have your mama never taught you how to knock?” Then came a raspy voice from behind her, sending an immediate chill down the girl’s spine. It felt cold, but youthful. Its owner couldn’t be much older than her. Slowly she turned, her blue eyes meeting a pair of deep brown ones, staring directly into her soul.
It was a teenage boy, but quite the bulky one for his age, if his scratched and bruised biceps were anything to go by. He wore a pair of camo pants, decorated with beads and trinkets, tucked into miss-matched boots. There was some hand-crafted jewelry on his wrists, and a necklace tied around his neck two times over. Some small wooden trinket hung off of it, together with a small crystal, but the clothing was by far not what grabbed Kiri’s attention most.
This stranger had what she could only describe as a lion’s mane. His hair, pale at the ends and dark at the roots, curled and coiled around his face, then shoulders, like a pack of vipers and she could see braids, big and small, hang in no particular pattern, as if the kid braided them out of boredom and just left them there.
“Uh, sorry? I got curious. Your pets are cute…”
“They’re not pets. I don’t keep them here, and they don’t rely on me for food.” He responded, deadpan. “You can’t own a cat, or any animal really, only be part of their pack.”
Kiri’s eyes widened, surprised at the respect he payed these creatures, then proceeded to smile once more. His manner of speaking about living beings very much sounded like something her grandma Mo’at would say.
“Of course. Never thought otherwise.” She responded gently, and the stranger relaxed his stance, carefully approaching. Kiri could now see that the "print" on his old shirt was actually a painted image of a viperwolf, another mythical creature spoken of in Na’vi legends.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Kiri. Kiri te Suli Kìreysì'ite.” She reached her hand to her forehead and gestured forward, gauging if he’d know what it means. Na’vi culture often fell victim to people who liked it only for the visual appeal, but the greeting was a lesser known sign, only something the people did towards their own. “My family moved into town couple days ago.”
The blonde tilted his head akin to a feline, eyeing her face, before his brows relaxed and he repeated the gesture, proceeding to switch into fluent Na’vi, which was another pleasant surprise. “Spider. This is kind of my house.”
“I’m really sorry.”
“Eh, you haven’t stolen anything yet so I’ll let it slide.” He shrugged, smirking. “Welcome to Awa’atlu. How’s the city treating you?”
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howi99 · 4 months
So for the son of the blue lion au, How did Dimitri even meet Mama arc?
Well, it's really simple, Mama Arc is one of the other Blue lion. Like i said, Fire emblem X RWBY so the dimitri i talk about is the real one, from fodlan and all. i can be even more precise and say he is the one from after Rodrigue death so more sad then edgy. though for reason i will explain in the chapter i am writing, during the final fight against El, those who slitter in the dark use one final weapon so they wouldn't loose. that mean that indeed, we will see familiar faces, both good and bad. (if you know fire emblem lore, people shifthing world is not a new thing. in fact, 3 house exist because a fucking dragon decided to say fuck the old world and hello new land.) Some of the character you might see in the first Volume of RWBY might be: Felix, Silvain and some others.
but back to the question, who might be Mama Arc? i'll be honest, i don't know yet. though i really like Mercedese. and the question of why the name change? again, simple, they needed a new name since new world.
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mshroom1e · 2 years
Big Lion, Little Lion | Leona Vignette
I suddenly got the idea and it was too cute to delay writing. I think it's because I wanna see Leona interact with his nephew more or it was because I never got to go to build a bear as a kid and wanted to live my dream through writing. This is less x reader and more Leona and Cheka spending time together, hence the title of Leona vignette- this isn't from the game's canon though, just some fanfic nonsense.
I think I'll write more vignettes and stuff of characters being themselves and doing silly stuff in the future. Anyway lemme shush now bye
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type: fanfic
Summary: Leona begrudgingly takes his nephew to Build-a-Bear Workshop. Shenanigans ensue.
1.8k words
tags: cute fluff, bears
Warning(s): none
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"Unca!" A tiny voice shrieked happily as Leona was walking through one of the many hallways of the Palace.
He tensed up, a little irritated. The last thing he wanted to do was spend a day of his precious vacation babysitting his bouncy ball of a nephew.
Little footsteps patted the floor behind him as a pint-sized body slammed itself into his legs at full speed. He was almost knocked over at the sudden ambush.
"What do you want?" He looked down at the miniature shaken bottle of coke that had a vice grip on his leg with a deep frown. He was sure his poor limb had lost circulation from the sheer force it was being squeezed with.
"Please, please can you take me to go build a bear??" Cheka pleaded with a huge smile.
The mere mention of the nightmarish establishment caused a chill to run down Leona's spine. He'd seen images of that place on the kid's sticky iPad during dinner time when Checka would always beg to go. The bright colours were sickening and the little critters running all over the place made his blood run cold.
"No." He said firmly.
"Please, please, please??" Cheka pleaded, "Mama and Baba never have time to go with me."
The little inducer of Leona's migraines had a sad frown on his face, the type that seemed to be punching the grown man's brain, forcing him to give in and accept defeat.
A long staring contest ensued. The aide that followed the little Prince around could feel the tension in the air between Leona and the 5-year-old kid. Though, the tension was mostly on Leons's part.
Cheka's sad frown soon got the better of his uncle as he furrowed his brows and rubbed the back of his neck, deciding to accept defeat just this once.
"...Fine," He retorted, averting his eyes with an annoyed frown.
"Really?! Thank you thank you thank you!!!" Cheka almost jumped on Leona's back with a huge smile on his face, "You're the best, unca!"
Leona huffed with a small smile itching at his face. How could he win against his adorable nephew?
"We're here, we're here, we're here!!" A shrill string of squealing and shrieking woke Leona up from his short nap during the car ride to the place he recognised as the bane of his existence.
"Q-Quit it, kid!" Leona yelped as his whole body was shaken violently by Cheka who had a vice grip on his shoulders.
"WE'RE HERE!!!!" He screamed once again, this time in his uncle's ear.
This was going to be a long day.
The behemoth grew larger as the duo approached. The forbidden land grew in sheer size and power as they grew closer to its tyrannical wake. It was colossal. It was giant. It was a titan.
'Why am I even here? What am I doing here?'
Questions like these replayed themselves like a mantra in Leona's head.
A harrowing aura surrounded the building which was covered in every shade of yellow and blue under the sun. The large logo situated above the entrance adding to its horrifying presence. "Build-a-Bear Workshop" it read. The workshop of the man's nightmares. He could feel the week-long migraine that this trip would bring upon him.
Cheka was practically vibrating with excitement as he approached the gates of the Build-a-Bear Empire with a very less willing Leona. He felt like he was approaching enemy waters as the giggles of other tiny Chekas grew louder and louder.
The laughter and other playful sounds of small children ceased as they eyed the tall stranger entering their territory with a nasty scowl on his face. All he wanted to do was get this done and over with.
Upon entering the store, they were approached by a friendly worker with a jovial air surrounding them, matching the atmosphere of the establishment.
Now that Leona looked at it, everything was smiling and in disgustingly bright colours. The bears were smiling. The pens were smiling. The posters were smiling. The workers were smiling. Heck, even the clouds and flowers pasted on the walls were smiling. Everything was so cute and fluffy and sparkly that it was sickening. Giggles and other squeaky noises that were made by the pint-sized customers rang in his ears, making it feel like clones of his nephew were all running around the store at the same time.
Like a scene from his nightmares.
Leona unconsciously pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. This was definitely going to be a long day.
The chipper employee, with a name tag that read "[Name]" lead Leona and Cheka to the first part of the bear-building experience. A space with countless little animals that a kid could choose to make their friend. Leona stood to the side and allowed the employee to be the one guiding Cheka on what he would do. That was his plan, just stand back and watch while the employees handled the little bundle of joy. His plan was going smoothly, that is until Cheka turned to his green-eyed uncle with a wide grin on his squishy face.
"Why don't you choose one too, Unca?" He asked, staring at him with his pair of sparkly brown eyes.
Leona grimaced, mostly unintentionally.
It seemed as if the [Name] also noticed Leona's expression as they added, "I think that would be a wonderful idea!" with a sweet smile that masked a snide smirk that only Leona could see.
He frowned, a little irked at [Name]'s sudden snarky persona.
One look at Cheka was enough to know that the kid wasn't taking no for an answer.
Leona ended up choosing a hyena with an uncanny resemblance to a certain someone as his new friend while Cheka chose a grumpy-looking lion with green eyes.
The two, along with their Build-a-Bear guide were now situated at the 'hear me' station. They were given the choice to add a sound to their bear and a heart to place inside their fluffy friend.
Leona chose not to add a sound as he would rather not have the fluff ball speak to him while Cheka chose the theme song from one of his favourite shows to go with the lion.
After the sounds were sorted, they moved to what little Cheka looked forward to the most. The Heart Ceremony.
"I've always wanted to do a Heart Ceremony!" Cheka cheered, eager as their guide handed them a heart each.
"Heart ceremony?"
[Name] smiled fondly at Cheka as they began to speak.
"First, we warm the heart up by rubbing our hands together."
Cheka complied enthusiastically, rubbing his hands together as fast as he could so his stuffed friend could have the warmest heart ever.
Leona stood still, unsure of what to do. He was an adult, so he knew the heart ceremony didn't actually bring the stuffed animal to life, but he wasn't one to rain on the little furball's fun so, he held his tongue. He wasn't going to ruin the joy that his nephew felt from participating in the cutesy ritual, but he sure as hell wasn't about to take part. That was, until Cheka turned to him and pushed the heart in Leona's hands towards him.
"It's your turn Unca!" He smiled.
"No way I'm doing that."
"But, if you don't, your bear will be sad," His ears drooped.
Leona begrudgingly complied and started rubbing his hands together while the heart was inside.
"You have to do it faster or he'll be cold at night!" Cheka instructed, putting a hand on his hip.
[Name] stifled a laugh as they watched a grown adult being bossed around by a kid who was barely half of his size. [Name] continued with the ceremony with an amused smile that was directed at Leona.
After they had rubbed the heart on their backs, and noses, much to the grumpy grump's dismay, they reached the final part of the ritual.
"Next, you rub the heart over your heart so your friend will always love you," [Name] spoke softly to Cheka and he did as he was told. Leona followed suit, however his rubbing of the heart against his looked more like he was using it to wipe his shirt.
"Finally, we kiss the heart and make a wish!"
Cheka planted a kiss at the centre of the heart and closed his eyes, wishing with all his might.
Leona's face warmed with embarrassment as he kissed the heart shortly after his nephew did and muttered a quick wish.
"Now, we place the heart inside our new friend!"
Once the hearts were in, [Name] took them to the fluffing machine where Cheka was instructed to push a pump to stuff his lion. Once he was satisfied, he hugged the bear and giggled.
"He's so fluffy!"
When it was Leona's turn, he unenthusiastically pushed the pump until his hyena was filled with as much fluff as he wanted it to be.
[Name] stitched up their newly stuffed animals and lead them to where they could dress their bears in outfits of their choice.
Surprisingly, the uniforms for NRC were available on one of the special edition lines of outfits. Leona chose a Savanaclaw version of the school uniform to dress his hyena up in and even chose a pair of beige sneakers to complete the outfit.
On the other hand, Cheka chose an orange t-shirt and a pair of overalls to go on his new friend.
The last station was where they would name and register their stuffed animals. Soon enough, a computer printed out two birth certificates for the uncle-nephew duo to take home with them after they had paid (out of Leona's wallet).
Leona chose the name "Ruggie" for his stuffed hyena but would keep that to himself or he would never hear the end of it from the actual Ruggie. Cheka decided to name his little lion "Unca" after his favourite uncle.
The animals were placed in little house-shaped boxes and they could finally be taken home.
They waved goodbye to [Name] and the younger lion thanked them for helping them with their animals.
Cheka was over the moon as he skipped out of the store with the lion's cardboard box house in one hand and holding his uncle's hand with the other.
"Thank you, unca! You're the best!" Cheka grinned, squeezing Leona's hand happily.
"Hmph," He huffed and looked away to mask the small smile on his face.
"Leonaaaa, you need to quit tossing your stuff around like this when we come back to the dorm," Ruggie groaned as he picked up the stay bits of clothing that spilt out of Leona's suitcase after he tossed it on the floor and dove into his bed upon entering his room, "No wonder its always a mess."
"I've got you to clean it up anyways so who cares?" Leona replied, half asleep, his ear twitching as he yawned.
"And you wonder why I'm always complaining..." Ruggie muttered under his breath.
He paused in picking up one of Leona's shirts when his eyes landed on a stuffed animal peeking out of the box.
"Shishishi, what's this?" Ruggie snickered and it up, "It looks like... me?"
Leona's ears shot up as he almost lunged out of his bed.
"Ruggie, you better drop that now!"
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sunshinemunchkin · 4 months
Hey Mary 👋❤️🫂🥺
I missed you the most 🫶🫂
I have this idea since yesterday, living in my head and now I can’t get over it.
Benedict Bridgerton and Cinderella au (yes, cinderella is my favourite disney movie) 😳 actually I can just imagine him like he is so sweet, poetic and a gentle man. He would do everything for the reader.
I'm getting carried away now, sorry for rambling 🙈
ramble all you want jacky!! i’ve missed you too 🙈🥰 i put my own twist on it, and took it literally! hope you like it. just something to dust off the old writing skills. :))
benedict bridgerton is anything if not poetic. he’s complimented his way into a dance. your entire personality, appearance, and attitude captivated him the second you walked through the doors.
problem is… he has no clue who you are.
lady danbury throws the best balls of the season, if he says so himself, but god forbid the mamas hear him. however, she has imagination, he will credit her that. this ball in particular, is a masquerade ball. one complete with shiny masks, all of which gave him an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach.
that is until you walked in.
your mask matched your dress in perfection. a dark pink to accentuate your lighter dress of the same shade. a blush, is that correct? perhaps madame delacroix would be proud of his remembrance of the various shades of pink and blue and how they were not all just pink and blue.
your eyes stared through him and he felt his heart drop as soon as you looked away. you didn’t titter or smile seductively at him. no, you, instead, lifted your chin higher, walking into the ballroom and looking around the room. like a predator, waiting for her prey. to which, he was more than happy to grant you with the satisfaction. lifting his own green mask to his face once more, he followed you inwards. into the lions den.
swarmed immediately by anxious mothers and their overeager daughters, he politely excused himself from them all, eyes locked in on you. you were in his sights, and when he was close enough, he let his hand graze your gloves wrist. you, of course, flinch backwards. “my apologies, miss. however, you caught my attention since you entered. would you be so kind as to share a dance with me?”
you in all your glory, grinned, taking the hand outstretched to you. “it would be my pleasure, my lord.” he grins, the song (some waltz benedict notes in his head for later so he can ask francessca the title as he should like to remember this moment forever) begins, the dance floor fills up quickly, you and benedict at the center of it all.
throughout the night, you dance with the man until your feet hurt. spinning until you’re seeing stars, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. that is, upon sharing a lemonade outside with the man, you hear the twelve chimes.
benedict is mid laughter at something you’ve said, he’s taken his mask off, you not being able to bring yourself to do so. however, you do leave your shoes on the sill. unethical and you can practically feel the mothers commenting on such a blatant disregard for societal standards. but the man beside you doesn’t seem to mind. you get the sense that he has been in your shoes, not literally of course. but in the way that he doesn’t care what society thinks of him or what he does.
“you really are too much, where did you say you resided?” you smile around your glass, sipping gently and leaning on the railing. “i didn’t.” he hums, hip jutting out as he examines you. you feel warm under his gaze. about to answer, the clock’s bell rings loud in your head from inside the house, your blood rushing cold.
benedict catches onto the unsettling contortion of your face. “is something wrong?” you look back at him in horror, and a tint of sadness. “i’m- i’m so sorry. i must be going. i did not- i did not notice the time, it is late for me. a thousand apologies.” youre stammering over your words, rushing out of the house, calling back once more. “i did enjoy my time tonight, ben!” he smiles confusedly, but smiling nonetheless.
a heavy sighs casts over his chest, leaning his arm on the railing, his fingers knocking into your shoes that you’ve left behind. he takes them gingerly in his hands, turning them over to examine where the soles of your feet pressed into them and wore them black inside. how the heel was chipped on the outside, and how a couple gems were missing.
they were we loved. something he didn’t think was possible by members of the ton. he couldn’t think of any time where the girls he knew and grew up with wore a pair of shoes to the brink of their decay. not even his own sisters. but you? you either loved these shoes the most, or they were one of your very few pairs.
“i do relish a good puzzle.” he mumbles to himself, the pink gems grazing over his fingers as he awaits the end of the night, so he can begin his search for you tomorrow.
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Calico Girlfriend • Nine Times Blue • Little Red Rider • The Crippled Lion • Joanne • First National Rag • Mama Nantucket • The Keys To The Car • Hollywood • One Rose • Beyond The Blue Horizon
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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thebunnednun · 8 months
LA!Buggy the Clown x Fem!Reader Enchanted meeting Part 2
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Clown fuckers of the world unite!
Part 1
Chapter 2 my loves! I forgot to mention this in my last post but please comment your thoughts! I want to see what you all found humorous and what you’d like to see more of. If there are any tags I missed feel free to comment on them! :3 <3 Btw, the reader almost kisses the clown. ON WITH THE SHOW! 
“I can’t fucking believe you convinced us to do this.”
Zoro was being a drama mama in the corner of the massive tent you built. Who knew that a 120-berry tent would come in handy? After a little bit of sweet talking you managed to convince some of the entertainers to sell you a tent the Russian circus could be proud of.
Everyone was able to fit inside and even used the piles of salvageable goods for makeshift walls. Zoro had gotten ready in a black fitted vest and some casual grey slacks. You were applying some smoky black eyeliner and purple eye shadow with a light hand. “Sanji finally got Usopp to stop crying. I don’t think it’s healthy for him to be here right now. I mean he finally put down that piece of wood.” This ship was more than a vessel, it was your home. Where Sanji cooked meals, and everyone took their place beside each other. 
“Yeah, well, it would boost morale. Let’s try to put on a brave face for the others tonight." Your offer of reason just made him sigh, "Fine. But then back to reality." You roll your eyes and shoot him a smile. You knew Zoro was just being a butthead. Exiting your “room” together allowed you to bump into Robin and Chopper. “Looking cuter than usual, papa.” Chopper basked in the compliments and gave you a twirl. He found a big red bowtie and some matching blue shorts.
Robin was wearing a royal blue jacket that resembled a ringmaster's coat. She offered a warm but tired smile. “Where’s Usopp?” “Right here my sweets!~” Sanji emerged with a red-eyed Pinocchio. Sanji was dressed in simple black and blue attire while Usopp managed to find something of a forest green. You yourself decided on a vampy look. A black dress with red mesh for sleeves and a pair of deep red chunky heels. Who gives a shit about practically when you look sexy? 
Luffy emerged scratching his rear with Nami swatting his hand away. He was in his usual chances but was convinced to put on a normal T-shirt with a star design. Nami looked like a magician's assistant with a similar smoky black vest and plum skirt combo that complimented her figure nicely. Brooks looked as though he was auditioning for the part of a lion with how voluminous his fro was looking. 
You nodded at each other and he spoke, “I’d say we clean up rather nicely for having just been shipwrecked.” It was good to see him returning to his elegant self. “Of course, we can’t just parade around as is. So.. I brought masks!” You gleamed while holding up a shopping bag. A mix of groans and snickering.
Everyone took a mask that hid their face completely or partly. To be fair, it would be easy to spot the Straw Hat crew even without the literal skeleton following around. Seeing the sun begin to dip you all decided to get going before night. On the way everyone soon fell into pleasant conversation while following you and Zoro. 
“Okay, first we eat! Then, we can play games.” Luffy cheered while running to the outdoor food court. Zoro (finally smiling) rolled his eyes and chuckled,” I’ll go with him and make sure he doesn’t eat the stall itself.” Robin took Chopper to the bounce house while Sanji’s interest was captured by a woman in a red leotard. Usopp was looking around some of the merchant stalls and you were happy to trail behind Brooks as he began to try his bones at ring toss. 
The night was a serene affair with warm, salty air, and a gentle breeze that stirred the surrounding foliage. Sitting on a bench overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, you felt a sense of happiness and contentment. As you looked around, you noticed that the darkness of the area was a bit creepy, but the beauty of the surroundings made up for it. Your friends had survived a shipwreck and were now enjoying the town's festival, but you had no idea what it was about.
Looking over the crowd, you saw many people, including children, wearing masks of all shapes and sizes. As the newest member of the group, you didn't even have a wanted poster yet. Since you always hid your face, there was no point in wearing a mask, right? 
Just as you were about to remove your sweaty mask, you heard deep chuckling, sounds of thunder, and children screaming. The mixture of sounds was strange and unnerving, and you felt a sense of curiosity rising within you. Turning away from the ocean, you followed the sounds and found yourself making your way towards the fun house.
Children began to pour through the back doors of the fun house as you did your best not to bump into anyone. Coincidentally, Brooks and Usopp had the same idea. “AHH Y/N DON’T DO THAT!” Usopp shrieked, jumping into Brooks' bony arms and immediately falling. The surrounding children found this amusing. “It’s not MY fault if you’re so jumpy.” You dusted off your heels and looked around. Things seem to be calmer now but something about the house seemed…. Off.
Brooks seemed to sense your discomfort. “Maybe the lady would prefer if we left this area? We could still catch up to the captain and grab some tea before the show.” You shook your head, ”Nah, I’ll be okay. Let’s go in together though. There’s something strange about this house.” 
Taking one last look at the outside the three of you stumble into the “fun” house. ‘Fun house my ass,’ you thought while trying to regain your footing. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness you realized it was indeed an old house. However, it was decorated more to the liking of some 1860s vampires. There was the faint smell of mothballs.
“This looks more like a horror house,” Usopp quipped and began touching the walls. Brooks was silent looking at a skeletal dummy in the corner. You placed a hand on his scapula,” Yeah buddy, try not to think about it too much.” Slowly you all made your way into a corridor that split into different hallways. “Do we split or stay together?” You wondered out loud. 
“Ya don’t get a choice, sweetheart.” A gruff voice answered. 
Suddenly the floor gave out from under your doormat, “Y/N!!” the unusual duo screamed with hands outstretched. You slide under the floor, barely missing their fingertips. A metal slide was delivering you somewhere but there could only be a basement under the house, right? Seeing a neon light at the end of the circular tunnel you stopped yourself before falling out completely. You placed a hand out to feel some surface before slipping and dropping onto a concrete floor.
“Fuck,” this was harder than the sandy landing you were blessed with earlier. After regaining your breathing and sitting up your eye finally adjusted and noticed that the neon light was actually multiple lights. Surrounding you was a maze of silly mirrors that distorted your image completely. “No wonder those kids got out. But NOOO I just had to bring Scooby and the gang in here!” You rubbed your sore ass before dusting off. Thankfully, your heels weren’t broken and you didn’t feel any bumps on your head. 
But, getting outta this one was going to take some skill. You notice that the wood surface you felt was another trapdoor that spits you out. However, it was already closed, and no telling when it would open again. Your only option would be to try the maze and do your best. Sighing you pulled out a little tube of red lipstick from your cleavage. Better to Hansel and Gretel your way out than be lost the whole night. That was if you made it out at all. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. The staff has to do a sweep and my friends wouldn’t leave without me anyway.’
The thoughts you offered yourself held comfort. But you’d be lying if you didn’t feel scared. Particularly, it felt as if someone was watching you. Looking around the room and doing a little head shake you strolled up to one of the mirrors and fixed yourself before uncapping the deep red lipstick and touching up your lips.
However, your gaze wandered and you could see something watching you from behind another mirror. “Ah!” you turned around suddenly with your back against the cold glass. Nothing, of course, was there. Simply a figure of your imagination. 
But, you knew something was there. And you began to mark each mirror with an angry red slash. Looking over your shoulder gave you little security. 
Great, now you were hearing things. Because you could’ve sworn you heard a faint,” Yo ho,” and the sound of men's boots following you. “I need to get the fuck outta here.” Step, step, step, step, silence. What was the voice you heard before you fell? It was too deep to be Usopp but also not mature enough to be Brooks. Maybe someone over a monitor was watching you guys? Finally, with mercy, you reached a door that led to a staircase. Taking small quiet steps you held your breath and felt relief when you heard no sounds behind you. 
Just as you were about to reach the door it was flung open and strong cold hands grabbed you. “Y/N!!!” You felt a familiar long nose and afro in your face crushing you into a tight hug. Your sweet goofballs have found you! Returning the hug with much vigor you breathed a sigh of relief. “Now don’t you ever disappear through the floor again!” Brooks scolded, waving his arms widely. You let out a soft giggle and he couldn’t help but let the anger melt away. “I can’t promise anything. But what happened to you guys?” Usopp began to spin a wild tale about fighting off monsters and being the one to locate you. “There is Pinocchio ass goes again,” mumbled Brooks rolling his sockets. You could see why those kids were scared. But something deep down inside told you that it wasn’t because of the mirrors. “Let’s get outta here already. I’m sure the others are looking for us.” 
The trio made their way to the food court where Luffy was arguing the advertised size of a Jumbo Philly cheesesteak hotdog with an embarrassed Nami and Zoro patting his stomach. Robin was enjoying some warm tea in a travel mug and Chopper had gotten you a big soft pretzel. “Nice job papas,” you mused and rubbed his head affectionately. Sanji strolled up (having just been banned from the kissing booth) and handed Nami a cake plushie. “Something sweet for someone sweet~” She rolled her eyes but accepted the plush peace offering. You tried to shake off the past events but could see Brooks whispering to Luffy and Zoro. 
They looked at each other and continued to talk in hushed whispers. 
Looking around you realized the booths seemed to be… Deserted. There was no life in them anymore. “I think it’s time for the show. Let’s get going.” Zoro took the lead and everyone gathered their goods. He bumped his hip with yours slightly and you looked up from your pretzel. The green bean haired male raised a single eyebrow at you and you shrugged looking ahead. It’s not like you actually got trapped down there. It was just.. nothing. “It was nothing,” your explanation is accepted, for now, as the Green giant hummed in response. You decided to hang back a little and joined hands with Robin and Nami. Chopper got to ride on Usopp's shoulders for the sake of time. 
Arriving at the big top you all paid 4 bounty a ticket. It was a little dark when you first stepped in. Looking around you decided to take hold of Zoro's arm for a little help walking. Luffy whipped out a wad of cotton candy and you traded half your pretzel for it. A hum of excited children and families surrounded you all as everyone took their seats in the middle of the stands. 
Suddenly, the spotlight came on and a huge puff of smoke developed inside the ring. Whipping your eyes, you found yourself staring at all the performers. You even saw the lion from earlier! Searching for the man that gave you the flier your eyes tried capturing everyone from the sea of entertainers. Acrobats, jugglers, contortionists, and… a single clown?
His eyes were closed but he stood in the center of all the chaos. Around you, children and parents lost their minds cheering, clapping, and waving to all the performers. 
Finally, the clown opened his eyes. He wore a ringmaster's coat, nothing like Robins, and sported a blood-orange pirate hat. Two blue ‘ribbons’ (you guessed) hung from either side of his hat. The boots he wore didn’t look like performance shoes either. And the makeup he wore didn’t look like a typical clown. He had painted his mouth into a permanent blood-red smile. And then you noticed his nose. It looked as though he tapped a rather large orange to his face.
Wait. Did you just see the nostrils twitch as he breathed?
“Huh, that’s pretty strange-” “BINKY?!” Luffy shouted prompting Nami to immediately slap her hand over his loud mouth. “SHHHH!” she hissed into his ear. But she herself looked slightly worried.
The clown man immediately seemed to shift his focus on the group ahead of him. Zoro was now sitting tensely and at attention. “Psst, whose Binky?” you whispered. “Tell you later. Right now, we all need to leave this circus.” Your brow furrowed. Leave? Over a pirate clown?
“There’s no way we could get up without him seeing us,” said Usopp, putting a hand on your shoulder. You could tell his energy was off. “I knew I remembered that voice from somewhere.” Luffy’s smile deepened into a frown. Everyone was acting so fucking weird. You were about to voice your concerns when a familiar voice cut you off-
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, children of all ages, thank you, truly. It will be my personal pleasure to entertain you all this evening.~”
The clown had now stepped closer to your group. Zoro tugged your sleave but you couldn't help take your eyes off the flashy clown before you.
You caught yourself about to speak but quickly bit your lips together. Not to be dramatic, but his eyes were a really fucking pretty shade of green. The blue tones around his eyes complimented them so well. You didn’t hear much of what he said, only noticing when he waved his hands at the other performers who either disappeared or got into place. 
Zoro couldn’t help but spare you a glance. “Y/n, are you seriously checking out the clown?!” He grunted through closed teeth. Quickly, you shook your head no and looked around that stadium. Luffy was still frowning. Nami was holding onto his arm and you could see Robin pull Chopper into her lap with Sanji putting a protective face on. “Damn, clown,” was all you heard from the seats next to you.
Placing your hand over Usopps, you try to offer him some comfort by running your thumb over his hand. The first act was a simple trapeze act with the performers mixing it up at the end by juggling and riding a unicycle out. Then there was the lion and sheep man but the routine wasn’t comedic. However, you couldn’t stop sweeping over the crowd looking for that green-eyed clown. 
And from the looks of things he had no problem finding you.
“Mmm,” you let go of your ruby lips to see him transfixed on your face, head tilted. Almost like he was studying you. You quickly looked away from the act and touched your cheek. Wait, Fuck. You must have dropped your mask in the funhouse when you fell. Looking out the corner of your side, you could still see him staring at you curiously. You decided to close your eyes and try to land back on earth.
‘Everything is going to be okay. I’m safe right here and Zoro will tell me what happened when we get back to the ship.’ The reasoning was stopped when you heard loud screams.
A mother (presumably) had cried out along with many other children.
Opening your eyes, you saw the clown's body standing perfectly still as the lion’s face made a puffy expression.
Regrettably, you couldn’t stop the, “Oh Shit!” that came out of your mouth causing you to gain a few harsh glares from the parents around. Unconsciously rising to your feet, you leaned in closer to see the damage done. “Where’s his blood?” A few children began to cry a disembodied voice could be heard from the lion.
The sheepman ran over, opened the lion's jaws, and the clown's body walked over and plopped his head back on like nothing happened. The stands fell silent once more before more cheering and screams EXPLODED from the people around you.
“Y/n sit down.”
Oops, forgot you were still standing.
The clown seemed to be drinking in all the attention and flashed an admittedly sexy smile. He raised his arms over his head and a hush fell over the people. “Thank you all for your attention. Now for this next act, I need a volunteer please.” If you weren’t interested before you sure were now, even if you didn’t raise your hand. Zoro, clearly annoyed began to tug at your hand, “Y/n sit-”
“Would the young lady with the cherry red lips please step forward?”
You were blinded once more by the other spotlight as you held your hands up to protect your vision. The light dimmed a bit and you could see everyone, staring at you expectantly, excluding your crew mates.
They were busy staring at the clown in front of you with an outstretched hand. Taking his cue, he shot you a wink and urged you forward. If only your feet would cooperate.
“Don’t be shy now. I don’t bite~” he teased while flashing his teeth. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t do something for you. Not to mention there was this little heartbeat down there that started-
“Aww, maybe she’s shy. Everyone! Let’s give this young lady a round of applause!”
He raised his arms once again and began to clap along with everyone. A single gloved hand shot out towards you urging you to take its hold. Softly pressing your smaller hand into it you were then gently tugged forward towards the ring. 
However, you couldn’t feel your legs and as you stepped forward your heels betrayed you again, leading you to tumble down the stands into the arms of the clown before you with your lips-”
And that wraps up chapter two, my loves!!
Part 3 Here!
Please remember to follow and like! Also don't be shy in the comment section! Requests are also open. See you all soon! <3
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anotheroceanid · 5 months
ok but like put Percy in Rhea's clothes for your New!Rhea-Percy thing just once because i need a scenario im dying to imagine and the six is there,
You know Bob? The former Iapetus the Piercer, etc etc. okay, no memories, right? Right. But not exactly. He’s definitely drawn to Percy. He can’t exactly tell why, but he’s very determined to take care of him at all costs. And he keeps coming over, giving him gifts, even stole two lion cubs from the zoo for him! Weird, right?
One day, he gifts Percy with a rich cloth that’s very specific coloured in a note of greenish blue and these beautifully crafted lion pins to hold it together. It’s so beautiful that Percy simply doesn’t have where to wear it, so it just hangs forgotten on the wardrobe for a few months.
Eventually, there is this party in Olympus to celebrate another year since the end of the two wars, and Percy thinks, Why not, huh?
Turns out the thing belonged to Iapetus sister, Rhea. Why he had it? I don’t know. Titans are creepy, sometimes. But the thing is, it was very obviously made on Rhea’s style, and all her kids notice it.
They won’t say anything, of course. They don’t want to cause a scene and look like Mama’s babies. Still, when Jason and Percy decide to have a dance together, suddenly Olympus suddenly has a blackout.
Weird, isn’t it?
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fallenclan · 9 months
An Otter's Song
a fucking FANTASTIC poem by dice anon!!! he submitted it and asked for it to be posted, so he could stay on anon, so I will put it under the cut :) it's SO fucking good holy shit
An Otter's Song
He wasn’t known for his knowledge, ever.
A kitten, adopted by
Scorching skies and stinging nettles, 
was known.
He was perceived 
And seen. 
He existed.
  Ivy leaves curled around his chest once
Suspicion making his eyes water.
Flashes of lanky reeds drifting in the breeze
And ivy leaves snaking through his bones.
  The scorching skies and nettles protected.
The kitten, happy
Began his journey.
A crow’s feather in his paw
A grin on his face
And those eyes.
Yellow, gleaming white and blue in the sun.
The scorching skies once remarked it was akin to the light
Of the brightest fire in the sky
Glimmering across a frozen landscape
  The sky cracks momentarily
And tears fall.
Nettlestem’s eyes, wide with fear.
Dog bites, huge and deep, cover her body.
The kitten, aged enough to grieve right, weeps.
  His mama has passed
And it’s the first time he’s seen his mother cry.
  Otterpaw wasn’t known for knowledge, ever.
He was seen as a playful cat 
but one laced with a deep-cutting sadness.
He was perceived and seen.
He didn’t think he could exist like he had before
But he’d survive.
Not live, but survive.
  Maple leaves covered his pelt
And the sun freckled the ground where he trained.
Training upon the cliff sides of the peak
He almost slips.
He gazes behind him and sees it for the first time
Practically stalagmites, the stones rise upward as if
To touch the stars
  The distraction gives Maplethorn 
A chance to dodge the next strike
Otterpaw almost falls, unbalanced.
Maple leaves push him back up from the cliff sides
And save him from those unforgiving spires.
  A golden lion stands atop a stone
And gazes down upon him.
He is perceived in this moment
But not understood.
He runs quickly, and was named for that.
But all he can think of are those rocks
That spiral up and down.
That pierces his dreams
And makes them bleed.
  He runs and runs and runs and runs and–
An eagle’s call stabs into his heart.
The sun almost blinds him
And he practically falters.
  He rips and rends into its flesh and feathers
And it falls.
The sky rushes around him as 
He panics to get to his paws.
It feels horrible and the wind
Seems to be punishing him.
  The sun blinds him.
The scorching sky does nothing.
Waltzes past without real care.
  Blood stains Scorchstar’s mind.
Her scream is still echoing in her ears.
Reverberating and curling around her mind.
She cannot and will not
Forget it.
  Otterslip was a fast cat, able to scale the cliff sides, 
And efficiently.
He had to. 
It could be a life or death moment.
Something snaps as hail beats down on him
And he lets it.
The scorching skies have 
Stopped giving him warmth.
  In her final gasping moments
She confesses to her son.
She killed the sun and snuffed it’s flames
And she made sure nobody knew.
He watches her, expression blank.
There was time to get help,
But Scorchstar refused it to make things right 
With the stars.
She will remain among them in death
And he will not.
  He snakes among the grasslands, claws out.
He needs to be angry
And to let it all out.
He hunts for a cat to hurt, and finds none.
  Although, he does find three kittens
And they are hidden with plants.
Grass sways in the breeze, thick with dewdrops.
Yew berries dip low, heavy with their own weight.
Ivy, like before, winds upward. 
It is not within his bones. It never will be.
  He was perceived and seen. 
He existed.
And he will make sure he is known.
  A storm rumbles high above.
Whispers curling around his ears.
The wind rushes around him
Like before,
But now it is tainted with hostility.
Eyes blink open around him.
  He is witnessed
And he is monstrous.
  A dog’s snapping jaws, foam dripping red around it’s
Slobbering jaws.
Grasses torn up
Roots dislodged and ravaged.
Ivy leaves curling around
Weeping and crying.
Yew berries 
Dripping with dewdrops and tears.
  A dog has ruined his life.
The wounds of Nettlestem are seared into his eyes.
The gasping breaths of Scorchstar are whistling in his ears.
The scent of that crimson blood of Grassroot  in his nose.
  He lashes out, and the cliffsides rise up to greet him.
The storm rumbles, but ceases.
It’s screech echoes around the stones
It’s eyes stare as the sickening
Echoes around the land.
He tastes iron on his tongue.
The storm has ceased.
Like his mother before him had snuffed out
The sun.
  He runs.
He was named for his speed.
He stumbles.
Slipping on his past.
His eyes, once honored for their beauty
Are bloodshot as he yowls out.
The golden lion watches, horrified.
  Like before
Otterslip is witnessed.
He is seen.
He will never be understood.
His flesh, destined to be meat and bone
And nothing else.
Otters are predators after all.
They must be dealt with.
  The lion roars
And he runs.
He feels the thick light of the sun on his back
And he cannot tell if it is the damnation of Sunwish
Or the regret of his mother.
It doesn’t last long though.
Rain begins to beat down, thick and heavy.
Bulging with regret and woven with the scent of smog.
  And those eyes.
Yellow, gleaming white and blue in the sun.
The scorching skies once remarked it was akin to the light
Of the brightest fire in the sky
Glimmering across a frozen landscape.
  The fire is gone
There are dancing colors in his vision.
Bismuth in nature and reflecting off each other.
He cannot remember where he is.
Blood stains his paw.
He shifts it, and pain fires up through his leg.
  His leg aches.
The stones around him are gleaming with
That shimmering crimson.
That crimson that stains every moment of his life.
He looks back on his memories, operose.
  Viscera and gristle stain his mind
And he feels guilt.
He does not know if he should.
The sanguineous nature of the clans
Stain his judgment, clouding it.
He is blind
And he is exactly what StarClan wants in a victim.
  He stands before the stars.
Their judging gaze pierces him.
  He is witnessed.
He is truly seen.
Every aspect of his life, examined.
Every action, weighed and debated upon.
The scorching skies say nothing.
The stinging nettles accuse her son of those crimes.
  He will not get a chance to defend himself.
The stars will never understand him
And he will not try to get them to.
  He doesn't understand himself.
All he knew is that there was a storm.
And that it beat down and oppressed him
And its winds spread lies.
But it was gone.
It’s eyes and lies
Dead by his own paw.
  He is witnessed.
The trees branches wind around him
Bark snapping and curving around his pelt.
He screams.
  He thrashes.
He cannot escape.
He speaks to another cat, one last time.
  “I’m sorry! I’ll do anything, please!”
Stormsight watches, guilt clear in his eyes.
Otterslip screams.
Sinewy strength beats back at the branches.
  “Let me see my daughter! I want to say goodbye!”
Grassroot does not appear.
Otterslip, lachrymose to a pathetic extreme
Wails for his life.
“Let me try to be better!”
  The branches tug at his pelt.
“I’ll do good!”
Thorns stab into his brown pelt.
  “This is not mercy!”
He screeches and sobs.
He roars.
  The trees claim him.
His fatal wounds bleed
With a thick dark fluid.
It is practically oozing from his pelt
And from his open flesh.
There will be no storms here.
There will never be any sun
And no plants will sprout.
  The ivy leaves that once woven around his bones have died.
The stinging nettles in his fur have shriveled.
The scorching sky has ceased its warmth.
The grasses, unrooted before, are gone.
The yew berries have rotten.
The ivy around his paws has crumbled.
  He walks onward.
The red forest follows.
Its silence is oppressive.
  A crow’s call makes his ears perk.
He looks up
And a new sight is before him.
A hazy image of the sky 
And unfamiliar cats.
He turns away, lashing his tail at it.
He feels some of his feathers slip from his tail
And he turns to pick them up.
  The image is gone, and so have the feathers.
Realization slams into him.
He is dead
But he still has power among the living.
And he will have to use it
To live again.
  He was once witnessed
And he will inflict that pain upon another.
  i wrote a snippet of this as propaganda for the favorite cat poll but then realized that it was actually turning out okay, so i finished it :3
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leaderpinhead · 8 months
Cheka - Costume Catastrophe
Prompt: Partner Costumes
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Cheka hated his costume. 
Mama had said he looked handsome, and daddy had agreed when Cheka showed him. Baba gave him a bundle of extra leaves to attach to the hood of the costume. Kifaji had just started arguing with mama again about him going to daycare, so Cheka had taken mama’s phone and called Unca Leona to show him too. 
Unca Leona laughed. 
He laughed so hard, he dropped his phone so Cheka could see the flowery tree he was underneath. Ms. Yuu picked up the phone and cooed when Cheka sniffled. “Don’t listen to him, Cheka! I love the colorful mane you made. You’ll be the most handsome tree in the play!” 
Cheka heard Unca Leona laughing even harder. 
Cheka glared at his teacher now when she hovered over him. He actually liked her despite the fact she wouldn’t let him, Timmy, and Pupa climb the large rock on the playground. How were they supposed to know who was king of the rock if they weren’t allowed to climb it? 
“Cheka, please.” Cheka’s eyes narrowed, and his ears twitched at the whine in her voice. Unca Leona had told him only the weak whined. A Kingscholar didn’t bow to the weak. “The play will start in ten minutes. Can you please put your costume on?” 
Cheka huffed and stomped his foot. “No! I don’t wanna be a tree!” 
“But you were excited when I gave you the part earlier this week.” 
That was before Unca Leona laughed at him! If Unca Leona laughed, then it wasn’t cool! “I don’t wanna!” 
His teacher sighed, but another teacher called her name. Cheka puffed his cheeks when she left him standing in the corner alone. Timmy and Pupa were already in their costumes and running around with the other kids. Cheka didn’t think it was fair. How come they got to be bugs, and he was a tree? How was a tree supposed to be so important for the savanna? 
“Are you gonna pout the whole time or put your costume on?” 
Cheka huffed at the little girl when she stepped into his corner. Cheka didn’t know who she was, so she must have been in one of the other daycare classes. She wore a brown sheet with a corded belt around her waist, and two sticks with tiny green leaves poked out from beneath the sheet. Her dark blond hair was tightly braided around her twitching ears, and her darker skin drew Cheka’s attention to her light blue eyes. 
Cheka stared at her eyes. He had never seen eyes so blue. They looked like the two shiny shells he found on the beach when he’d gone to visit Unca Leona at school. 
Her eyes narrowed but didn’t look any less bright. “Are you listening? Put your costume on.” 
Cheka shook his head. His cheeks expanded. “I don’t wanna, and you can’t make me!” 
The little girl looked as angry as mama did when she caught two lionesses fighting over a hunted wildebeest. She flung her sticks to the ground and snatched Cheka’s costume from the chair next to him. She bunched it up in her hands. “My nana came all this way to see me, and I'm not gonna let a spoiled brat ruin it!” 
Cheka’s eyes widened when a few of the leaves Baba gave him crinkled to dust beneath her fingers. He lunged forward to save his costume. “Stop it! You’re breaking Baba’s leaves!” 
The little girl’s eyes widened. Cheka yanked his costume out of her hands. A lot of the orange leaves he had glued to the hood of the brown sweater were broken. More pieces fell off when he shook the hood. It made his hood look less like a big lion’s mane and more like a wild dog with patches of mange. 
His eyes stung, and he sniffled. The little girl took a step back. Cheka ignored her and laid the sweater flat on the chair. He gathered as many of the leaves from the floor and tried to stick them back to his hood. Cheka tucked his tail around his ankles when the leaves just crumbled more. 
“I’m sorry...” 
Cheka angrily rubbed his forearm across his eyes. He tried to give the girl the same kind of growl Unca Leona gave people when they said bad things about him and daddy, but it didn’t sound as mean. “Go ‘way! You’re a big meanie!” 
The girl’s ears flattened against her braids, and her pretty blue eyes shimmered. Cheka didn’t care. He turned back to his costume and tried to stick the leaves to the hood again. How was he supposed to look like the handsome tree mama and Ms. Yuu said he was now? 
Cheka yelped when he was shoved to the side. He angrily growled at the little girl. She ignored him and gripped a small tube between her hands. The top came off the tube with an audible pop! She wielded the purple glue stick like it was one of the spears the Lioness's Guard used. She stabbed it onto his hood with the same fierceness of one of those lionesses. 
Cheka yelped and tried to grab her elbow. “What’re you doing? You’re gonna mess it up more!” 
“I’m gonna save it!” Cheka blinked. The little girl swung her arm in a tight circle to get the glue everywhere. Her fierce blue eyes snapped to him. “Don’t just stand there. Give me all the leaves!” 
Cheka gasped but did as she said. Daddy never hesitated to do what mama told him when she had the same tone. Even Unca Leona listened to Ms. Yuu when she ordered him around. He gathered the leaves that were the most whole and stuck them to the hood when she commanded him to. 
The hood still looked really patchy when they finished. Cheka sniffled again. The little girl popped the top back onto the glue stick and ran to the other side of the classroom where the arts and crafts bins were. She returned quickly with scissors and thick orange construction paper. She shoved one pair of scissors into his hands along with half the paper. “Here! Cut them to look like leaves. Like this.” 
Cheka followed the girl’s lead and slapped the crooked ovals onto the hood. She found a marker and added little lines on the paper to make them look more like leaves. It didn’t look as good as it had before with all the real leaves, but it didn’t look like a mangy wild dog either. 
When they finished, Cheka took the sweater and pulled it over his head. The hood fit snug around his head. He turned to the girl and waited. She hummed. “Hold on.” 
She ran across the room to dig through the arts and crafts bins again. She came back with a long length of twine, which she tied around his waist into a crooked bow. She smiled when she stepped back again. “There! Now we match.” 
Cheka looked down at the twine. One of the paper leaves flopped onto his forehead. “Do trees wear rope?” 
“Some do,” the girl said with confidence. She picked up the sticks she had abandoned on the floor and shook them at him. He realized the tiny green leaves were paper too. “The tree by my house has a rope. We made a swing with it and a tire!” 
Cheka’s ears wiggled beneath his hood. “Really? That’s cool! I’m gonna ask daddy to make me a tire swing too!” 
Cheka’s teacher appeared again before the girl could say anything. She put a hand on her chest. “Oh, thank the Seven! You’ve got your costume on now. Did Zahara help you? I’ve heard from your teacher you’re quite the helper. Now, come along children! All of your parents are eagerly waiting for your performance in the auditorium.” 
Cheka perked. Daddy and mama said they would both be here to see him in the play. Unca Leona was even gonna watch through a video call! Knowing everyone was watching him made him sing extra loud and shake his leafy mane harder from his spot on the stage next to Zahara. 
Later, he excitedly told his mama and Ms. Yuu, who had put Unca Leona in “timeout” for laughing too much, all about Zahara fixing his costume and her pretty blue eyes. 
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
July 10: Teddy Bear Picnic Day
Growing up, Bowser had a Teddy Bear he referred to as Sergeant Claw.
In lieu of confronting nighttime fears with a candle or flashlight, he posted Sgt. Claw at the headboard of his bed to watch for intruders.
Under his watch, Bowser slept soundly and refused to sleep otherwise if he had misplaced his loyal Sgt.
As he grew out of toys, his Claw was delegated to guarding a shelf in his closet, and was mostly confiscating dust bunnies more than intruders.
And then Junior was born.
It was a decision that felt right, to give him his old Teddy Bear (after getting him cleaned, of course).
And with the rest of his kids in the picture, he ended up acquiring them their own Teddy Bears.
Yeah, it took him a few years to find the right ones, since his attempts at knitting them were… not to his standard.
So, some time after he had already finished his mission by finding Larry a blue star-covered bear, he realized that he might have influenced his kids more than he thought.
For one, the Teddy Bears have become The Claw Squad (official name still pending) with the Koopalings appointing their bears in various positions.
He knew Wendy and Morton have taken to having the their toys (Shellsea and Sugar) be their advisors- i.e. someone to listen about their day to day activities.
Bowser also knew that Junior took after him in having Sgt. Claw as a personal Night Watcher, and that Ludwig will sometimes have P. Spector as a musical consult (even though he would deny it).
Compared to Private Lion, who Lemmy has placed as his guard for his growing stash of bouncy balls, or Walter, who Roy has taken to teaching him to cook, Major Ursa seemed to have it easiest by simply watching Larry’s favorite TV shows with him.
Overall, a sign of his awesome decision-making skills.
When Luigi came into their lives, his introduction to their Teddy Bears was usually by passing mentions of their names, or extensive background explanations by his chattier kids.
His husband took it in stride, of course, usually introducing himself to them all formal-like unless told otherwise.
Luigi would sometimes even take the time to ask after the kids' Teddys, such as if Sugar finally found the missing cookie stash, or if Private Lion recovered from his mishap with a particularly sharp table corner.
He even took to singing a lullaby about a Teddy Bear’s picnic every night- a rising favorite for the kids as they are tucked in with their respective Teddys.
It was all those little things that made Bowser fall for him all the more.
But, one day, Junior asked a question that opened the floodgates.
“Where’s your Teddy Bear, mama?”
“Oh.” And he will remember the way he was so nonchalant about it. “I never had one-“
Though Bowser hadn’t expected the explosive cries of shock and horror interrupting him.
“Never HAD ONE?!”
“But what about intruders, surely-“
“There’s no way you slept well- oh Grambi-”
“Wait- does that mean you didn’t have your own advisor?”
And Junior’s response was the loudest. “THIS WILL NOT STAND!”
And of course the rest of them followed suit in repeating this, lunging as one to tug Luigi along to- to-
“Where are you kids going!?”
And Bowser remembers standing there in the playroom, gobsmacked.
(He couldn’t say if it was because they actually agreed on something with minimal fuss, or that it was Ludwig who shouted at him.)
When Luigi came back with the kids, he was carrying a simple brown Teddy Bear with green overalls- obviously love-worn and with a button missing.
“I thought you guys took him to a store?” Not that his selection was bad per se, but it seemed weird that his Teddy Bear wasn’t something new.
“We did!”
“But we couldn’t find the right one!”
“And we tried finding other stores-“
“But mama wandered away-“
“And we found him on a bookshelf!”
“Oh?” And he remembers crouching down, eye level with his husband as he gently poked at the buttonless side of the Teddy’s overalls. “And does he have a name yet?
“Mhm!” And Luigi seemed content, squeezing the Bear against him as he looks back at him with mirth. “I think it’s fitting to call him Corduroy.”
“Cause of his overalls?”
“And other things.”
“Well." He looks behind his husband, and isn't a bit surprised to see a mix of pride and relief from the kids. "What happens now?”
"Hmm." And Luigi seems to already know, sliding him a teasing glance before aiming a smile at their audience. “...maybe a picnic?”
“Picnic, picnic, picnic-“
“ALRIGHT!" And Bowser just knew he needed to establish order- at least to an extent when it comes to their kids. "We can do it first thing tomorrow!"
And they did.
And -long after the picnic- when Bowser saw Luigi be particularly cuddly with his new Teddy, he would end up scooping his cute husband up and giving him a cuddle as well.
After all, Junior still had his first Teddy Bear.
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thatrandomartistjavi · 2 months
Actors that were in Alice in Wonderland media and where you might know them better from. Part 2: 1970s-1990s
Part 1 | Part 2(you're here!!) | Part 3
Michael Crawford as the White Rabbit: The Phantom/Erik from The Phantom of the Opera Cornelius Hackel from Hello Dolly!(movie) Robert Helpmann as the Mad Hatter: Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Michael Hordern as the Mock Turtle: Jacob Marley from A Christmas Carol(1971) Davy Kaye as the Mouse: Admiral from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Roy Kinnear as the Cheshire Cat: Henry Salt from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Pipkin from Watership Down
Through the Looking Glass(1973)-
Sarah Sutton as Alice: Nyssa from Doctor Who Geoffrey Bayldon as the White Knight: Dr. Duval from Pink Panther(1976)
Festival of Family Classics(1973)-
Carl Banas as the King of Hearts: Head Elf from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Scorpion from Spider-Man(1967) Sweetums from Tales from Muppetland- The Frog Prince Grandpa Kitty from Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater Bernard Gouran as the Dormouse: Bumble/Spotted Elephant from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Paul Soles as the Cheshire Cat: Hermey from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Spider-Man/Peter Parker from Spider-Man(1967) Stanley Lieber from The Incredible Hulk(2008) Peg Dixon as the Queen of Hearts: May Parker/Mary Jane Watson from Spider-Man(1967)
Alice at the Palace(1982)
Meryl Streep as Alice: Donna Sheridan from Mamma Mia!(movie) Mrs. Fox from Fantastic Mr. Fox The Witch from Into the Woods(movie) Cousin Topsy from Mary Poppins Returns Dee Dee Allen from The Prom(movie) Betty Aberlin as Alice's sister: Herself in Mister Roger's Neighborhood Debbie Allen as the Queen of Hearts: Dr. Catherine Avery Fox from Grey's Anatomy Michael Jeter as the Pig Baby/Dormouse/Bill: Mr. Noodle from Sesame Street Steamer/Smokey from The Polar Express
Great Performances(1983)-
Kate Burton as Alice:
Ellis Grey from Grey’s Anatomy
Austin Pendleton as the White Rabbit:
Max from The Muppet Movie
Gurgle from Finding Nemo
Nathan Lane as the Mouse:
Timon from The Lion King
Hammegg from AstroBoy(2009)
Max Dialystock from The Producers
Gomez Addams from The Addams Family(musical)
Geoffrey Holder as the Cheshire Cat:
Narrator from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Ray the Sun from Bear in the Big Blue House
(He was also the original director and costume designer for The Wiz(musical)
Eve Arden as the Queen of Hearts:
Principal McGee from Grease
James Coco as the King of Hearts:
Mr. Skeffington from The Muppets Take Manhattan
Donald O’Connor as the Mock Turtle:
Cosmo Brown from Singin’ in the Rain
André De Shields as Tweedle Dum:
Hermes from Hadestown
The Wiz from The Wiz(musical)
Maureen Stapleton as the White Queen:
Mama Mae Peterson from Bye Bye Birdie
Natalie Gregor as Alice: Jenny Foxworth from Oliver & Company Sherman Hemsley as the Mouse: B.P. Richfield from Dinosaurs Shelley Winters as the Dodo: Lena Gogan from Pete's Dragon Sammy Davis Jr. as the Caterpillar: Josh Howard from Ocean's 11 Robert Axelrod as the Frog Footman: Lord Zedd from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers-The Movie Telly Savales as the Cheshire Cat: El Sleezo Tough from The Muppet Movie Roddy McDowall as the March Hare: Mr. Soil from A Bug's Life Jervis Tetch from Batman the Animated Series Ringo Starr as the Mock Turtle: The Beatles Carol Channing as the White Queen: Dolly Gallagher Levi from Hello Dolly! Harvey Korman as the White King: The Great Gazoo from The Flintstones Sally Struthers as Tiger Lily: Rebecca Cunningham from TaleSpin Pat Morita as the Horse: Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid The Emperor of China from Mulan Jonathan Winters as Humpty Dumpty: Grandpa Smurf from The Smurfs John Stamos as the Messenger: Jesse Katsopolis from Full House Iron Man/Tony Stark from Spidey and His Amazing Friends(put this here cause i thought it was funny)
Anglia TV(1985)-
Joan Sanderson as the Queen of Hearts: Dorcas from The Great Muppet Caper Bernard Cribbins as the Mock Turtle: Wilfred Mott from Doctor Who
Elisabeth Sladen as the Dormouse: Sarah Jane Smith from Doctor Who Michael Wisher as the Cheshire Cat: Davros and the Daleks in episodes that the character was involved in from Doctor Who Roy Skelton as the Mock Turtle: Daleks for The Evil of the Daleks(and 5 other episodes) from Doctor Who
Carebears in Wonderland(1987)-
Tracey Moore as Alice: Cheer Bear from The Carebears Family Share Bear from Too Many Carebears stuff to list Emma Frost from X-Men(1992) Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon(1995)(Ep. 1-11,15, and 21) Princess Toadstool from The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 Don McManus as the Caterpillar: David Madsen from Life is Strange Elizabeth Hanna as the Queen of Wonderland: Grandma/Mama Kitty from Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater
Through the Looking Glass(1987)-
Janet Waldo as Alice: Judy Jetson from The Jetsons Josie from Josie and the Pussycats Townsend Coleman as Tom Fool: The Tick from The Tick Michaelangelo/Splinter/Krang/Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(1987) Phyllis Diller as the White Queen: Queen from A Bug's Life Hal Smith as the Bandersnatch: Owl from Winnie the Pooh(until 1991)(was also the first replacement for Pooh bear himself) Josiah from Halloween is Grinch Night Gyro Gearloose/Flintheart Glomgold from Ducktales Phillipe from Beauty and the Beast Jonathan Winters as the Tweedles: Papa Smurf from The Smurfs Alan Young as the White Knight: Scrooge McDuck from Ducktales Farmer Smurf from The Smurfs Mr. T as the Jabberwock: Mr. T B.A. Baracus from The A-Team Clive Revill as the Snark/Goat: King Nod from The Thief and the Cobbler(1993,1995) Kickback from The Transformers-The Movie Will Ryan as the Paper Man: Petrie from The Land Before Time Willie the Giant from Mickey's Christmas Carol(and until his death in 2021) Harold the Seahorse from The Little Mermaid Digit/Moe from An American Tail
Keith Scott as the White Rabbit/March Hare/Dodo: Gordon/Diesel 10 from Thomas and the Magic Railroad Dudley Do-Right/Inspector Fenwick from Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls Popeye/Bluto from Popeye & Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges
Funky Fables(1988)-
Norma MacMillan as the Narrator: Casper from The New Casper Cartoon Show Gumby on The Gumby Show Doug Parker as the Rabbit/Frog/Mouse: Shredder from Ninja Turtles- The Next Mutation Richard Newman as the Caterpillar: General Cryptor/Emperor of Ninjago from Ninjago Professor Slopsink from Johnny Test Cranky Doodle Donkey from My Little Pony- Friendship is Magic Mr. Turtle from Franklin Rhinox from Beast Wars Alvin Sanders as the Cheshire Cat: King Sombra(season 9) from My Little Pony- Friendship is Magic Manten from Inuyasha Philip Hayes as the Hatter/Hare/Rat: Scratch from The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Mike Donovan as the King of Hearts: Yang from Ninjago Spike from Tom and Jerry Tales(2006) Lynda Boyd as Alice's sister: Nora Carpenter from Final Destination 2 Cheryl from She's the Man
Adventures in Wonderland(1992)-
Patrick Richwood as the White Rabbit: Neighbor Mr. Robutsen from The Princess Diaries Harry Waters Jr. as Tweedle Dee: Marvin Berry from Back to the Future John Lovelady as the Dormouse: Crazy Harry from The Muppets(Season 1) Terri Garr as the Duchess: Mary McGinnis from Batman Beyond Ken Page as the Walrus: Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas Old Deuteronomy from Cats the Musical Gilbert Gottfried as Mike McNasty: Iago from Aladdin Kraang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(2012) Mister Mxyzptlk from Lego Batman 3 Marlee Matlin as April Hare: Melody Bledsoe from Switched at Birth
Mike Donovan as the Narrator: Yang from Ninjago Spike from Tom and Jerry Tales(2006) Doug Parker as the March Hare: Shredder from Ninja Turtles- The Next Mutation Ian James Corlett as the White Rabbit: Mr. Mint from Candy Land- The Great Lollipop Adventure Cheetor from Beast Wars Hugh Test from Johnny Test The Conductor from Dinosaur Train Skales from Ninjago Blinky from Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
Through the Looking Glass(1998)-
Penelope Wilton as the White Queen: Isobel Crawley from Downtown Abbey Ian Holm as the White Knight: Ash from Alien Bilbo Baggins from Lord of the Rings Chef Skinner from Ratatouille Steve Coogan as the Gnat: Octavius from Night at the Musuem Silas Ramsbottom from Despicable Me 2
Tina Majorino as Alice: Deb from Napoleon Dinamite Dr. Heather Brooks from Grey's Anatomy Miranda Richardson as the Queen of Hearts: Ms. Tweedy from Chicken Run Madame Giry from The Phantom of the Opera(2004) Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter movie franchise Martin Short as the Hatter: Huy from The Prince of Egypt B.E.N. from Treasure Planet Jack Frost from Santa Clause 3- The Escape Clause Stefano from Madagascar 3- Europe's Most Wanted Jester from Legends of Oz- Dorothy's Return Grandpa Frump from The Addams Family(2019) Preminger from Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper The Cat in the Hat from The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! Whoopi Goldberg as the Cheshire Cat: Shenzi from The Lion King Gaia from Captain Planet and the Planeteers Queen Constantina from Rodgers and Hammertsein's Cinderella Ursula from Descendants 2 Gene Wilder as the Mock Turtle: Willy Wonka from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Dr. Frederick Frankenstein from Young Frankenstein Robbie Coltrane as Tweedle Dum: Rubues Hagrid from Harry Potter movie franchise Christopher Lloyd as the White Knight: Doc Brown from Back to the Future Profesor Plum from Clue Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit Merlock from Ducktales the Movie- Treasure of the Lost Lamp Uncle Fester from The Addams Family(1981) Rasputin from Anastasia Ben Kingsley as Major Caterpillar: Mandarin from Iron Man 3 Bagheera from The Jungle Book(2016) Peter Ustinov as the Walrus: Prince John from Robin Hood Pete Postlethwaite as the Carpenter: Narrator from James and the Giant Peach Friar Lawrence from Romeo+Juliet Liz Smith as Miss Lory: Grandma Georgina from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Joanna Lumley as Tiger Lily: Aunt Spiker from James and the Giant Peach Lady Maudeline Everglot from Corpse Bride Murray Melvin as the Executioner: Ernest Reyer from The Phantom of the Opera(2004)
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