awesomegirl2001 · 2 years
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Cyberverse Lockdown
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denlojahund · 1 month
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Mom had to show off her box garden before we hit the road, v pleased with this fat cucumber!
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shirecorn · 4 months
so i know you said fish are made into mermaids seals into selkies whales into mammers(?) but would eels be mermaids or would they be noncanon if one kofi'd it
Eels are fish! They belong to Actinopterygii, and are related to mermaids. These are called ray-finned fish, and mermaids evolved from a species of ray finned fish.
Other things we call "fish" are so far away evolutionary,that we are in some ways closer relatives to clownfish than they are. Sharks and hagfish are incredibly far away from fish, but we still call them that for our convenience. Humans are in fact, a type of lobe-finned fish. So If i wanted to say that coelacanth mermaids are possible, I would have to include theoretical goat-mermaids as well.
I'm still feeling it out, figuring what is and isn't possible for fish to evolve into. Right now I'm thinking that Mermaids have a kin/counterpart relationship with fish species in the water, which could arbitrarily include lobe-finned fish, cartilaginous fish, and jawless fish through convergent evolution/atavism, but somehow excludes tetrapods. If it feels like a fish, is a vertebrate but not a tetrapod, it's possible for a mermaid to exist, even if evolutionary they wouldn't come anywhere near it.
All mermaid species counterparts are chordates. "Mermaids" in other phyla (like mollusks and crustaceans and jellyfish) are something else with their own evolutionary path toward the humanoid body plan.
So eels are 100% ok!
Gulper eel mermaid drops tomorrow :O
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wtf-tfw · 1 year
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nubesetanimus · 1 year
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Mammer falatozik
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Shakespearean insults part 2
This is the continuation from this post of mine, and it will also under a read more. Short version- there's a list of mix and match Shakespearean insults, I wanted to know the definitions.
Froward- this used to mean ‘perverse,’ and it also meant ‘willful,’ and ‘contrary.’ So this could be a couple of things. It could be a stubborn person, or someone who disagrees for the sake of it. And maybe just a perfect, who knows.
Frothy- so I immediately thought the foam on top of beer, so I thought this maybe meant ‘drunkard.’ But when I researched, I found it also meant ‘insubstantial’ or ‘empty.’ So maybe the insult meant someone whose head is empty, or someone who isn’t genuine? Not sure about this one.
Gleeking- this used to mean ‘taunt’ or ‘joke’, so maybe it was someone who was easily offended. I mean, it isn’t gleeker, so I assume it’s not someone who does the taunting.
Goatish- I thought this was literally ‘looking like a goat’, but it apparently used to mean ‘lustful’ so there’s that.
Gorbellied- fat
Impertinent- today, this could mean ‘brazen’ or ‘rude,’ and it could also mean ‘not necessary.’ The second definition is I think the one that existed back then, so I assume the insult would mean the person was irrelevant or not needed.
Infectious- literally ‘infected with disease.’ So the diseases back then were like, super gross, and most of them left a physical mark like sores or other symptoms. So it could mean someone ugly, or it could mean someone better avoided.
Jarring- I couldn’t find a pure Shakespearean definition, but today it can mean someone who grates on your nerves, so I assume it meant the same and so it’s someone annoying.
Loggerheaded- I couldn’t find a Shakespearean definition, but I assume it refers to lumberjacks. Now, I’m not sure what people thought of lumberjacks back then, but the ‘headed’ part makes me think it’s calling someone stupid.
Lumpish- I thought this would mean ‘covered in lumps’ so ‘ugly,’ but it apparently meant ‘low-spirited’ or ‘dejected.’ So maybe it was someone who was a downer.
Mammering- ‘mammer’ was used in the same way we use ‘stammer’ today, so I assume it means someone who has a tendency to either stutter or not get to the point.
Mangled- so I couldn’t find a Shakespearean definition, so I have to rely on the modern meaning. So it could mean ‘disfigured’, but it could also refer to someone who ruins things.
Mewling- again, couldn’t find a Shakespearian definition, but ‘mewl’ means ‘whine’ today, so maybe it was close to calling someone a baby today, or just someone who complains a lot.
Paunchy- no Shakespearian definition, so I’m forced to rely on modern language. So I assume it means ‘fat.’
Pribbling- Ok, I have no idea what this means. I couldn’t find an archaic definition, and the word doesn’t exist anymore bc ‘prib’ isn’t a word. So I’m just gonna go with vibes. It may mean someone who either talks a lot or doesn’t get to the point. Don’t ask why I think that, I just get that vibe.
Puking- again, no Shakespearean definition so modern it is. It could mean someone who throws up a lot, or- more likely- someone who should be treated like they throw up a lot and so avoided.
Puny- no archaic definition, so I have to rely on the modern one of weak or small, but another modern one is insignificant or unimportant
Qualling- no old or modern definition, so I have to rely on vibes. It reminds me of a word that might refer to the sound a bird makes, so maybe it’s someone who talks a lot without saying much
Rank- the modern definition is smelly, but the Shakespearean one is ‘excessively.’ So maybe the insult is about someone who talks a lot or is frivolous in other ways.
Reeky- this meant ‘full of rank moisture’ so it probably meant smelly
Roguish- no Shakespearean definition, but the modern definition is ‘playfully mischievous.’ It can also mean ‘unscrupulous’ because ‘rogue’ means renegade, dangerous, or unpredictable.
Ruttish- the Shakespearean definition is ‘lewd,’ so I was right when I thought of an animal mating cycle before I looked it up
Saucy- more of an epithet (which is a way to refer to someone with a specific quality rather than their name) in Shakespeare’s time, but also meant ‘stinging’ like hurt feelings. So the insult might have meant ’the person who often gets their feelings hurt/hurts other’s feelings’?
Spleeny- the spleen was thought to be the seat of emotions like anger and or joy, especially sudden bursts of them. So maybe the insult would be someone who’s prone to mood swings.
Spongy- drunken, I guess to refer to alcohol being soaked into person’s body like water into a sponge.
Surly- I couldn’t find a Shakespearean definition, so I have to rely on the modern one of irritable/rude. It also has a now-obsolete meaning of ‘arrogant,’ so it could be either since I don’t know when that meaning went out of style.
Tottering- No Shakespearean definition I could find, but the modern one is to walk unsteadily so that could also refer to a drunkard.
Unmuzzled- no Shakespearean definition, but due to the modern definition it might mean that the insulter wishes the insulted be muzzled like an animal so they don’t talk.
Vain- this used to mean foolish, silly, and empty-headed OR false, but did NOT mean ‘full of one’s self.’ So it could be calling someone either ditsy or a hypocrite.
Villainous- ‘villain’ used to mean serf/servant or a good-natured jest. So it could be used to say someone is subservient or just be a friendly jab.
Warped- perverse/crooked in character
Wayward- no Shakespearean definition, but based on the modern one of of straying from one’s path, someone/something disobedient, or someone/something that changes often. So it could be any of those.
Weedy- the Shakespearean definition I found is just ‘of plants,’ so it could relate to the modern one of tall and skinny or scrawny. But I think it could also mean someone you don’t want around, like you don’t want a weed in your garden. But that’s just a total guess.
Yeasty- no Shakespearean definition, and I seriously doubt they’re referring to the fungus. So I guess it could also be ‘drunkard’ because yeast is used in the production of beer.
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simqiy · 8 months
Word of the day
Hello again, welcome back to word of the day everyone. Today’s word is mammer, meaning to stammer/to waver/ to be undecided.
Due to the variety of meaning, today’s word can cover quite a few writing niches. It can act as a dialogue tag to indicate someone’s tone, or an action tag to help further describe a pre-existing action.
And, though probably rare, it can be used to describe a character’s personality or traits.
It could also - if used cleverly enough - describe the natural elements, such as the trajectory of a falling leaf.
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awesomegirl2001 · 2 years
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peteroo · 1 year
Missed metro means mammering may miff mind’s mellowness, making mood mostly melancholic. ; )
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denlojahund · 1 year
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stvknt2 · 1 year
“People write T too nice in their fics” goes on to write him being horrific. Like i’m sorry mammers, but I think you just don’t like that they don’t play into your specific sick k*nks sksksksksk like i promise you, every new T fic is wrote by an author who claims that they want to “write him right” which just means several pages of their oc being s*xually assaulted like?!?!?!?!? I think this says a lot about T overall but I’m not here to discuss that sksksksksk. I just think people should be honest, you want what sick shit you like and not the sick shit the *other* writers are putting in their fics sksksksksksk
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A Thanksgiving in Literature
Narrator: It was a crisp evening and interesting... fellows gathered at the dinner table to share in the festivities of Thanksgiving. God sat at the head of the table while his brother sat opposite him. Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet sat calmly next to each other and faced Ghost Hamlet and Claudius. Mrs. Bennet glanced over at the kid's table in the back corner. The flickering light of a fake candle at the kid's table was driving Hamlet crazy, while the Creature looked anxious about this new bright light.
Hamlet: This light is infuriating. It's giving but the most unpleasant of headaches.
Creature: *Grumbles*
Hamlet: What need have I to celebrate? I'd rather not. This food should barely be considered digestible.
Creature: *Grumbles in confusion as he grabs food by the handful*
Hamlet: I suppose you're not picky. Maybe that's for the best.
Creature: *Grumbles in agreement*
Hamlet: You know what's repulsive? Sitting at the kid's table with you.
Creature: *Grumbles sadly*
Hamlet: Not that I don't enjoy your company.
Creature: *Grumbles happily*
Hamlet: I'd rather sit by your side than theirs. I just simply cannot understand how we can't be trusted with a real candle! Those mammering idiots.
Creature: *Grumbles understandably*
Hamlet: To be fair, I'd rather sit with Satan than mine own Uncle.
Creature: *Grumbles in confusion*
Hamlet: He murdered my father in cold blood! And God had the audacity to seat my Dad and my Uncle side by side.
Creature: *Grumbles angrily*
God: *Whispers* Shhh, I think they're talking about us.
Satan: *Whispers* I think it's just you.
Hamlet: And you know what? Claudius' words won't dain to trespass my wit. His actions shant dig into my vessel called my body and I shall rise like God above it. Just because the mere sight of his face makes me want to end my life with my sheef. His words were once a sword waiting to pierce my tender heart, are now like a harlot to an honest man. Maybe I should give him a glare, what say we?
Creature: *Grumbles in agreeance*
Narrator: Meanwhile, the adults are listening in on their conversation, as sound travels far in the empty void between Heaven and Hell.
Ghost Hamlet: I just don't understand why you would even dare think about killing me.
Claudius: Power.
Ghost Hamlet: But don't you feel guilty? I'm your brother for God's sake.
God: He's right, it is for my sake.
Claudius: Power makes me feel better.
Ghost Hamlet: Hey, God. Has he repented his sins?
God: Kinda? I didn't accept it.
Claudius: To be fair, I realized that he can't accept it.
Ghost Hamlet: What do you mean?
Claudius: Well, I'm not sorry and I like having the power. So I can't repent.
Hamlet: Good to know the ass is self-aware.
Creature: *Laughs loudly and slams his hand on the table, spilling some food*
Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Bennet can you believe this tomfoolery? This commoner can't even keep his food on the table. I think I have a little bit on my cheek.
Mr. Bennet: I think you look better with it than without.
Mrs. Bennet: MR. BENNET!
Satan: For the love of all things that are holy, make her screeching cease! It's enough to torture a thousand humans.
Mrs. Bennet: Good heavens, well thank God I'm going to Heaven.
Satan: About that...
Mrs. Bennet: MR.SATAN HOW COULD YOU! I am a woman of the utmost upstanding character! God should agree that HEAVEN is where my soul should rest!
Satan: *Aside to God* Should we tell her that she's being used as a torture device and is not in fact the sould being tortured.
God: No, I think she'll find it torturous for herself regardless.
*Mrs. Bennet continues improv rambling*
Mr. Bennet: My dear you are truly incredible, only you could manage to put that look of disgust on the face of God.
*Mrs. Bennet does that thing where you can't tell if she's gasping, yelling or crying*
Hamlet: What a pitiful woman.
Creature: *Grumbles slightly confused*
Hamlet: To be such a poor soul, so unaware of one's own flaws. The obscene arrogance that she has lived with should surely be the source of her eternal damnation. I pluck my own eyes from their sockets before I akin myself to the likes of her.
Creature: *concerned grumbling while looking away from the food*
Hamlet: The plucking of my eyes was hyperbolic in nature, I assure you.
Creature: *relieved grumbling as he returns to his food*
Narrator: God snapped his fingers, interrupting the conversations and bickering about the table, and dinner was served at the adult table.
Hamlet: This food is horrid. I hate Thanksgiving.
God: This food is one of my creations.
Creature: *Grunts at God*
Hamlet: You're right, why do they get better food than us? Are we not human, too?
Mrs. Bennet: *Slyly chuckles at that comment*
Mr. Bennet: What's so funny?
Mrs. Bennet: It's arguable that some of us are human.
Creature: *Looks up. Concerned look with food in mouth*
Claudius: Just because I murdered one man doesn't mean -
Mr. Bennet: Oh come on dearie, everyone's murdered someone at some point.
Satan: Preach!
God: Oh, now it's okay to preach.
Satan: I always preach evil. Come on, you should know this by now.
God: True, but there were holy implications there. You know, the connotation of "preach" and church.
Satan: Yeah I get it, bro. *Rolls eyes*
God: Why did I listen to mom, I shouldn't have invited you, you're such a disappointment to the family.
Satan: If not me who would torture the sinners then? You're too good for that! Mommy's favorite.
God: *Sighs*
Ghost Hamlet: Ugh, every time I eat, food just passes through my body! This is so embarrassing.
Claudius: *Laughs*
Ghost Hamlet: I hope this knife stabs! *Throws fork*
Claudius: Oh is that the best you've got? *Throws knife*
God: Don't make me send you to the children's table, or back to Hell!
Mr. Bennet: My dear, I think you have mashed potatoes and beets in your hair.
Mrs. Bennet: NOOO! I'll look like a bright pink harlot if the pink stains my hair!
Creature: *Grumbles sorry*
Mrs. Bennet: Ahhhh! Mr. Bennet! How will you love me with this hair?
Mr. Bennet: I don't know truly. I think you should do something about it.
Mrs. Bennet: You're right! *Throws peas*
God: Did you just throw some peas at that poor Creature?
Satan: Do it again.
Creature: *Grumbles offendedly*
Mr. Bennet: My dear you shouldn't throw food, but I'll shove mashed potatoes in your face.
Narrator: Meanwhile, back at the kid's table.
Hamlet: I will sling arms against thy perpetrators for mine new friend.
Hamlet: Hey, what's your name again?
Creature: *Blinks in silence*
Hamlet: Okay, keep your secrets. I know you have a dark past.
Hamlet: I do too you know. I get it.
Hamlet: Anyways, let this turkey that's drier than the Sahara desert hit thy enemies and destroy thy lives! HURRAH!
Creature: *Grumbles and happily claps*
Satan: What is this peasant food? *Wipes face, then looks at hands* WHO THE HELL HIT ME WITH TURKEY?
Hamlet: You know aim has never been my forte...
Satan: YOU! It was you? For someone who wants death all the time, you really want to go to the depths of hell. Well, let me bring it to you faster. *Burns the food and sets the table on fire* Is that enough for you?
God: Aw, he's throwing another tantrum.
Satan: Silence! I will destroy everything you love.
Ghost Hamlet: Start with Claudius!
Claudius: Okay, you need to get over it. You're dead.
Ghost Hamlet: You literally killed me.
Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Bennet, hold me! I'm going to perish!
Mr. Bennet: You're already dead.
Hamlet: To be, or not to be: that is the question: →And by opposing end them?
All: *Screams as room explodes*
Narrator: And thus, thanksgiving was permanently on hold. For eternity.
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natethenomadallen · 2 years
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Tour bus turned RV 👨‍🔧🧰⚒️📐⚙️🗜️🪚🔧 This monstrosity used to be The Osmond Brothers tour bus back in the 70s... However today she is in the process of becoming a world-class recreational vehicle 🤘🤠🌌❤️‍🔥🕺🧿 My boy Jamesy found this bad girl hiding in East Tennessee and brought her halfway across the country to OKC. Then gutted the whole interior, rebuilt the entire front steering apparatus, cut off the roof, and raised the bastard 14 inches 🤯 No doubt this is a Herculean task and of course nothing great was ever done alone. This project has been a labor of love for the last few years between the boys... When we are not out riding motorcycles around the country we are known to spend our weekends & afternoons cutting and chopping on this bad girl 💪👨‍🏭🔥 She has come a long way and is on the downhill slide now that we have cut massive holes in the sides of her for windows as well as got her running and driving properly 🫠 Honestly there's still much to be done however I feel like by the time I'm back home from moto traveling RTW again this bad mammer jammer will already have tens of thousands of enjoyable miles put on the odometer going coast to coast rolling coal with this massive two-stroke V8 supercharged diesel tank engine powered mile munching machine 🥳🔥🎉🚚🛣️☯️ It's been a wicked fun project over the last year. I'm super proud of Jameson for all the time, energy, effort, as well as ingenuity put into this ole girl 🤜💥🤛 Now to fiiiiigure out how to put some dirt bikes underneath or behind this luxury living coach 🤔🌠🛵💨🚀🤣😛 (at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7Y7tmvQxA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
You know its getting bad when i start obssesively listening to achilles come down
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deliciously-yeeted · 3 years
These ads are vicious 👁️👄👁️
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R.i.p mammers 😔☠️
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