#man does not wanna look a day past 20 years
gifti3 · 4 months
Levi and orias's backstory and relationship is quite interesting...
Also the excessive soul eating has to be orias's way of coping with the trauma
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razertail18 · 2 months
Miguel O'hara and daughter! Reader
I dunno why, but I'm an absolute sucker for Miguel O'hara and daughter!reader(its platonic, I can't stand incest)
My head just thinks of all the possible angst it has. One of these days, I'll finally be able to find the time to write other fics and this one in a proper way and just a rough idea!
You always love your papa, Miguel O'hara, but it's painfully obvious how he has been lacking recently. Well... As recently as the past few years.
Ever since the start of high school, Miguel has been absent in some events of your life.
It started when he would be late from picking you up from school, you would stay up late just to wait for him to come home, forgetting your traditional daddy-daughter sunday bonding time.
You didn't mind it at first until he stopped taking you out to celebrate your achievements, more specifically, every time you won a medal or got first place into any academic competition(specifically math and science).
Yup... You were a genius like your papa but he didn't send you to any gifted schools. He thought you deserved a normal childhood.
It was back in grade 9 where you won in an international math competition and won a gold medal... Like... Shock! Biggest achievement yet.
You already called Miguel about it and you just straight lied to him that all you got was a participation award. You were planning on surprising him, you take pride in the fact that you are just like your papa.
You went home with a medal in your hand and a bunch of empanadas on your other.
You wait.
And wait..
Oh, look at that it's 12:00 am. You could always skip school the next day...or technically today.
4 am and no calls... Is he... Okay?
And then Lyla pops up
"Oh, Lyla? Did papa have another all nighter at Alchemax?"
"Look, kid... I'll be honest with you... Miguel... He won't come back for a while."
"What?! Why? But... He said that he'll be here, besides, we always celebrate after I-"
"Y/N. I'm sorry, really, I am. And I'm sure your father does too."
You don't know why but you swore the way she gritted her teeth. Is that possible for holographic AI?
"Anyway, congrats, kid. I know it's just a participation award but, heck, you were against international kids. The best of the best. I mean, competing against hundreds of students in more than 20 countries. That's wild-"
"It's actually gold.
"Won first place... I... I just wanna surprise, papa... But, um, thanks anyway..."
After that, it just got worse month after month, year after year. You are used to being alone now. Sometimes Tio Gabriel is there to take care of you. Lyla helps you to keep yourself sane.
While Miguel might still live at your house, it doesn't feel like it.
"I'm busy right now, hija."
"I'm sorry, biscotcho... Maybe some other time."
"Y/N, please! I am tired, I just need some peace at the moment."
Excuse after excuse. That's all you get.
There are the occasional times he did spend time with you that you both enjoy
But it got butchered when you were 15.
He was just gone. For months.
Tio Gabriel had to move in with you.
"Mig- Your papa is just busy. He's, um-"
"I get it... He's busy. What's new?"
Gabriel could see just how you were struggling to keep it together. He knows how close you and Miguel used to be.
Gabriel was debating on whether he should tell you that it was because Miguel had an accident that made him half-spider, half-human.
That Miguel became Spider-Man, a figure you slowly idolized and internally wished he'd be your father instead(Ironic, I know), that's why he's late.
That Miguel is out there saving the multi verse.
That Miguel does love you.
Granted, Gabriel didn't know that Miguel ditched you and him to live happily in another universe where he doesn't bear the burden of being Spider-Man.
After months, Miguel came back. You didn't recognize him at first.
His hair is unkept, dark circles under his eyes, more agitated, he's depressed. It's Miguel alright but a shell of your father.
It was one night where you found out the truth when a strange portal appeared and a few...Spider-Man or Spider-Men? Women? Cat? Spider-People.
Along with them is the Spider-Man you were familiar with. There's that skull shaped spider in his costume.
You were trying to get a closer look and caught them on camera. You didn't expect them that your Spider-Man would reveal his face
After that you started digging deeper, snooping around Miguel's things and researching about Spider-Man in general.
You were fangirling at first until you realize that's the whole reason why he had always been so absent
You were furious. You don't know whether to shout, cry, punch, wail, or anything to let your bottled up emotions out
You hated him.
He left you to save other people. He abandoned you to be a superhero. And he didn't tell you! He lied to you.
Did Lyla knew? Of course she does. And tio Gabriel, he might as well have.
Would he really abandon his child to just play the hero...
You wanna tell him.
You were already walking down Miguel's office until you heard him talk about some anomalies and how these villains keep taking up his time.
"I shocking swear, Miguel, you get to see these villains more than you get to see your own daughter!"
"Several universes depends on it! You think I have enjoyed doing this for the past several years, Gab?!"
So the villains get more attention than you, huh?
Maybe it's time to have that so-called 'Bad girl era' that almost every teen goes through. But how...
You huffed as you landed on your bed filled with Spider-Man comics from the Golden Hero era as part of your research. And then you saw a particular villain in one of the pages.
"I'm a genius, right?... How hard could it be to pull off Doc Oct's metal arms... Besides... Nueva York still hasn't had a version of him. It's about time for one."
You immediately got to work. You had experience when it comes to robotics and tech, thanks to Miguel since he introduced you to it.
Miguel and Gabriel thought of nothing about it when you requested several metal parts and wires. It was not uncommon for you to mess around making robots.
The other materials that will gather suspicion, you have to buy it yourself or steal it.
You did feel bad for stealing but you love that adrenaline rush in your blood as you almost got caught and ran away scot free.
You made some changes to the original idea of Doc Oct's metal limbs. You read something about an inhibitor chip and there's no way you are implanting a chip in your body.
So you have to work your way around it. There's also something about an A.I., a huge no for you since you learned the hard way that you are still beyond mastering it.
So you just went with the voice command and controlling it manually.
At first you only have two limbs and the other pair was only used after you got the handle of it.
"Soooo... What crime should I do first... I don't exactly wanna hurt people. I just wanna fight pap- I mean, Spider-Man but how..."
You walk through the city carrying that heavy ass backpack containing the metal arms while looking where to cause crime.
Then you saw how a bunch of the policemen were abusing their power...again. And you look back at the police that was parked just near you.
"Hello there..."
It took Miguel by surprise when he saw a clip sent by Lyla about some weird Doc Oct wannabe making a ruckus in Nueva York about...destroying police cars and the police department? Odd.
Nonetheless, Miguel is pissed and was forced to fight the new villain any way whom he had found to be annoying.
"What in the shock are you achieving in destroying cars, Doc Oct?"
"Ummm, don't you think Doc Quad fits better... I only have, like, 4 metal limbs. But it makes me sound like a body builder.
It was strange how much you enjoyed causing mayhem or was it because Miguel's focus is on you. Regardless, your 'villainy' continued on for months.
You never hurt innocent people. More like an inconvenience to everyone in the city and just being a stupid teen who thinks there being bad but cool.
Of course, Miguel hated you. You were there being a distraction to his responsibility of keeping the multi verse in tact.
Strangely enough if there were any anomalies in Nueva York, you were the one to fight them off and the Spider-People sometimes just needed to pick them up to send them back home.
And as time goes on, you actually manage to strike a peaceful conversation with Miguel and some of the other Spider-People like Peter B. And Gwen(if they were around Nueva York) if you weren't feeling like being a menace.
"I'm just saying, Miguel. Your Doc Oct could be a great member in HQ. Just think about it." Gwen is trying to convince Miguel, she sort of made a weird friendship with you.
"She's practically harmless." Peter added.
"Uhuh. I think flooding the streets of Nueva York, releasing several animals free in pounds, painting government halls in rainbows, cleaning the river while tossing the thrash back in front of company's headquarters, and destroying police property is pretty harmless.
"Sounds more like an angst teen to me. At least, she never tried killing you." Peter joked.
He did give it some thought. Maybe you are a teen behind that black mask and shades you always wear but he couldn't really know.
Except for one particular event.
It was your sixteenth birthday. Miguel promised to make it special for you since you never got the quinceañera he promised you before.
You didn't really care you just wanted the whole day with him.
You didn't go to school that day only spending the day with Miguel.
This was it. Your prayers have finally been answered and then- oops...
Miguel left you in a diner while taking lunch to 'go buy something' and he didn't return.
Everything is turning out so well. A bed in breakfast, giving you tons of hugs and kisses from your papa, letting you pick out a new dress, and watching that new monster movie you've been waiting for about some overgrown lizard.
You knew he had been called to his 'job'. That is more important than you. Than his own daughter.
You left the dinner as you ran back to your home. You don't wanna cry. Not this time. Your heart is burning with all the rage and pain of his neglect over the years.
When Gabriel saw your tear-stained face, he already knew what happened.
He was ready to hear you breaking down in your room but he didn't expect to see your bedroom walls breaking down with tentacle claws visible through the smoke and rubble.
"Y-Y/N?" Gabriel didn't wanna believe it. But he saw you put on that mask and the shades that Doc Oct always wears.
You refused to listen to anybody as you thrashed everything that comes in your way. And you went directly to the electricity company and turned the lights illuminating the city night off.
You thrashed the broadcast and signal of the city (a/n: how do you even describe that)
No electricity, no signals, everything is off. You hoped that the HQ Miguel is in is affected as well.
You got bored as you ruined the streets, letting your anger out in the destruction you havoc.
Now...where was that HQ located? You swore you saw it in your father's plans.
Okay. Plan B.
Time to pay a visit to your papa's office.
A/N: might continue it as an actual proper fic but I really wanna write the reader as a villain. I know it's such a mess but way too sleep deprived but I might continue it later
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Hi👋. Can you write a oneshot of kappa meeting a very subby and shy reader, flirting with them, realizing that they get flustered very easily. The flirting gets more intense as they go on (he calls them petnames like puppy and kitten) reader gets sooo flustered every time cuz of the pet names and everything he says. Smut ensues.
Pretty please🤭🙏
Hello my dear nonnie! 🖤 I know, this took like forever, but I hope you still like and are okay with the changes I put to it 🫶🏻 It got a bit out of hand and a bit dark 👀
Summary: Is it love? Is it lust? Is it grooming? And does it even really matter?
Pairing: cultleader!Kappa x virgin!fem!Reader
Word Count: -1.8k
Content Warnings: Cult Flavoured Smut 18+!, Fingering, Loss Of Virginity, Unprotected P In V, Very Intentional Breeding, Age Gap (Reader is in her early 20s and Kappa somewhere in his late 40s), Strong Hints Towards Grooming, Praising, Kappa Being A Manipulative Piece Of Shit, From Consensual To Non-Con, A Forced Orgasm
A/N: The demonic ovulation hornyness is at it again, folks 🫡
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @lifelessvessel @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai @fan-goddess @shady-the-simp  
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And I know this doesn't make a lot of sense
But do you really wanna think about yourself now?
All I'm asking for's a little bit of faith
You know it's easy to believe
- Mantra By Bring Me The Horizon
Not even the first, just somewhat coherent thought had worked itself through your sleep-drunk synapses as you felt your body buzzing, a certain sense of warmth tingling through every muscle leading you to instinctively press your thighs together to ease the growing pulse between your legs. The sun wasn’t even up yet, a scarce handful of early morning birds were chirping outside in the twilight zone of it not being pitch black outside but also not really daytime already. 
Shuffling a little under your comfortably warm blanket, you arched your back, very offensively pressing your ass into the crotch of the softly snoozing man behind you. To you, he wasn’t just anyone, no, he was the man you’d been looking up to for nearly as long as you could think, from the very moment your mother had joined the commune you’d been infatuated with the sharp-witted man with the curly black hair and intensely blue eyes. At first, it had been a childish, innocent kind of fascination, of course, but over the years and over the inevitable course of you growing into a proper woman, you’d started to feel different, less pure sensations pulling you towards him, sentiments like the one that was holding you in a very tight grip for the past few days now and you couldn’t really piece together just how you’d managed to turn his attention towards you, but somehow it had ended up with him showing up at your little corner of the hideout night after night, presumably stricken with the same need to fulfill his bodily desires. 
Simply thinking about it caused you to bite down on your bottom lip, pushing back a needy whine wanting to emerge from the depths of your ribcage. Vibrant memories of how he’s been touching you night and night again flooded your drowsy train of thought, sending even hotter, more urgent jolts of need amidst your thighs. This man had made you feel things you could hardly put into proper words, all you knew for sure was you couldn’t have made yourself experience any of those sensual hights all on your own. No arousal-covered fingertips of yours, greedily rubbing over your clit, and no pillow, oh so desperately pressed between your legs, had been able to so far.
“G’morning, sugar.”, A hot exhale getting lost in your neck led your head to loll back against his shoulder, “Oh, babe…need me again already, huh? Such a perfectly needy, little thing.”
You nodded vigorously, the tell-tale heat of embarrassment creeping up into your cheeks in no time upon your nonverbal confession.
“ ‘M sorry, Kappa. didn’t mean to wake you.” You muttered, not having yourself in control enough to refrain from rubbing your behind in his lap.
“Issokay, sunshine, everything for you.”, Kappa cooed into your temple, his voice still a little raspy and raw, which sent a wash of goosebumps down your body, “Been such a good girl for me, no? Might just be time to give you all of me, hm? What do you think about that?” 
His words of praise murmured right into your ear like this had your face burning in a mix of hammering embarrassment and aching need for him to finally take you fully, devour you whole, and have his way with you.
“Please…” You mewled out, the heavy pulse between your legs fogging up your mind, intoxicating you with an unbridled desire to eventually feel him inside of you, filling you out as no man before him had.
“There, there…”, The older man behind you hummed, his tone laced with satisfaction as his left hand snaked along the curve of your waist, fingertips stroking across your hips before dipping down following the round your thighs, “Oh, so wet and warm already. Don’t you worry, I’ll help you with that and make you feel so, so good, you just trust me.”
You wanted to answer with just something, but every word got stuck in your throat as you felt his lean, nimble fingers pushing between your fold, gathering your arousal to not rub you sore as they started flicking over your swollen clit, instead, a wanton groan got lost in the dark of the room. Wanting, needing more of him, you tilted your hips a little to the side, sliding your left leg over his to give his hand more room and to simply show Kappa just how much you wanted him right now.
“What an eager girl you are, no?”, His lips brushed over the side of your forehead leaving soft, little pecks, “Always knew you’re the special one in the herd and with that, you get some special treatment, of course.” 
Kappa’s saccharine-sweet endorsements went straight to your head, rendering you plain dumb with his and between your legs, his fingers causing one wash of pleasure after the other to ripple through you. Simply by the sheer amount of unreleased hornyness and pent-up desire for finally being touched, you knew that you wouldn't last long at all if he kept on toying with your clit like that, seemingly knowing the ins and outs of your body already.
“C’mon, breathe for me, sugar. Calm down a little, don’t wanna get you all spent just now. Would much rather wanna feel you cumming all around my cock this time.” Under mewls and whines of your protest, he halted in his movements to adjust himself behind you, making you gasp out as you felt the tip of his pulsing, stiff hard-on prodding against your cunt from behind.
“Please, I want you so bad…don’t care if it hurts, I-” Kappa cut you off right there and then by allowing his hips to snap forward, his full girth spearheading into you, stretching you out unlike anything before.
“Shit…fuck, oh fuck…” It shot out of your mouth in a somewhat pained whimper that got chased by a breathy moan caused by Kappa’s fingertips stroking over your clit again.
With his cock buried deep inside of you, you didn’t really know what you felt. It was too much all at the same time but not necessarily in a bad way, no. Although your senses were reeling, physical sensations burning you from the inside out, you’d never felt more present and in the moment than right now. Pain turned into pleasure with every nudge of his fingers against your aching clit as your walls pulsed and throbbed around him, pulling him in deeper whilst a very distant part of you wanted to get him out to make the intense sensation of getting stretched out to accommodate him stop. It felt good and yet so, so wrong to a degree that had you lost in all kinds of conflicting sensations.
“Shit, good god, you’re such a perfect human, sugar, taking me so well, fuck. Can’t fucking wait to knock you up…” Kappa’s voice turned sinister, almost menacing all of a sudden, praise clashing with the carnal instinct to just rut into you, to fuck you into the mattress underneath until you were nothing but a whimpering, filled up little vessel for his deranged ideology.
“Knock me up?!” It sputtered out of your mouth, feeling how his free hand cupped your hip in a tight, nearly bruising grasp before you could only so much as try to get away from him.
“Oh, of course, sunshine. Why do you think I’ve waited about a week after your period stopped to finally fuck you, claim you, hm? That’s not all just for you, honey, and you better be thinking about the service you are doing for all of us right now.” His words started an avalanche of worry and panic to ignite in your chest, spreading into your breathless lungs whilst he started thrusting into you at a heavy, painful pace.
“No, stop, please…I don’t want to…” You tried scooting away from him but his hold on your waist was too tight.
“What did I just tell you?”, Kappa shushed you with a sharp sneer as he drilled himself inside of you again and again, pain, confusion and build-up arousal thrashing through your system, “Don’t just think about yourself now! It’s not just about you!” 
“It’s gon’ be, I promise.”, He went on, planting a deep kiss to your heated cheek, “Allow yourself to enjoy it, we both know it does, no?” 
With every rut of his hips against your rear, your body betrayed you more and more, your walls tightening around him and what you knew were the first, now unstoppable contractions of an oncoming orgasm he ripped from you.
“There you go, good girl, c’mon, cum for me.” Kappa’s tone rendered a little sore upon feeling your violated cunt clenching down around him, muscles erupting into heavy spasms as you tried to choke back each and every moan that wanted to gush right out of you.
With his fingers still pleasuring your clit, his cock balls deep inside of you, you helplessly fell apart. Your eyes fluttered shut and every nerve ending felt to be in overdrive as he tore the most intense orgasm you’d ever felt right out of you. You wanted to cry out, weasel and squeeze your naked body from his bruising grasp but at the same time, you saw stars flickering up on the black of your eyelids whilst your legs grew numb as the release washed through you. 
“Fuck…pulling me in like a desperate, little slut.” He laughed out, shoving himself into you as deep as he possibly could before spilling his load all the way inside.
You took note of this new sensation, a sticky warmth flooding your insides, filling you up that extra bit which drew a new, softer wave of contractions from your cunt, your body making sure to keep it all in, practically sucking it up.
“See?”, Kappa cooed against your temple, “You did so well, sugar, ‘n I’m gonna breed you again and again until I see your belly swelling up with my child.” 
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untaemedqueen · 2 months
At Your Service
Escort!Jeongguk x CEO!Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 20.
Series Warnings (Will Be Updated): Angst, Fluff, Cold Heartedness, Emotional Trauma, Healing, Smut, Dark Humor
Warnings For This Chapter: Revelations
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There's a long pause just seemingly waiting in the wind this afternoon as Jeongguk puts on his dress shirt.
The recent wedding events clarified just how in love he is with you. He's protective and emotionally charged with anything and everything that has to do with you. Standing up to the people that tore you down only solidified how far he would go to make you comfortable.
He would have beat Jasper into the lower rings of hell for even looking at you wrong.
He almost did.
So now as he gets ready for his trip to the office he's worked for for years, he isn't afraid to think that this will take a burdensome load off of his shoulders.
"Almost ready?" you inquire, peeking into the walk in closet.
"Yeah, I'm good to go," he breathes, grabbing his watch and turning toward you.
A smile creeps over his handsome face, watching how you lean against the door frame with both of your arms crossed curiously.
"What?" you ask, lifting your hand to brush off any crumbs that might be on your face.
Your boyfriend strides over, taking your hand as it inches upward and bends down to press his forehead against yours.
"You're beautiful and I love you," Guk whispers, closing his eyes.
"I love you too," you reply, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"That's all I need," he murmurs, pressing his chin to the top of your head and sighing happily.
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Stepping into At Your Service, Guk is hit with the overwhelmingly familiar scent of vanilla and jasmine. It brings back nostalgia in waves and he can almost remember the exact day he began working here.
He was wearing these grey slacks that were way too big for him and a cardigan that was pimply and knitted weirdly. He didn't know anyone and all he knew was that fucking was making him a lot of money already. Now years later, strolling past the front desk with a black striped dress shirt that has three buttons open and fitted black dress pants that accentuate his thick thighs, he's come a long way.
"Lydia," he greets pleasantly.
She gives him a polite nod, not really looking up from her magazine.
She was always the only receptionist that had dignity about her.
"Hey," she murmurs, grabbing her sparkling water.
He continues down the long hallways, sometimes casually peeking into one of the clear office rooms where a random woman or two is meeting their next date or hook up.
Now that Guk thinks about it… this is all so impersonal.
'Hey, how are you doing?'
'I'm doing fine, thanks. And you?'
'I'm great. Wanna bang?'
It's astounding.
He consciously chooses to take the path that would keep him away from Jimin and Taehyung. He doesn't feel like hearing Tae's mouth and he's not in the mood to listen to Chjm ramble on today.
He just wants to get in here, say his peace and go home with you to cuddle and fornicate until he's spent under silk sheets.
The father of your child nods to a few of his other coworkers that aren't in meetings, taking in their fresh faced looks.
He's been here such a long time that some of these faces he doesn't even remember.
Finally, he comes to the two cloudy glass double doors that he's been seeking and he knocks gently but firmly in hopes that he's heard.
"Yeah? Come in."
With the order, he gently pushes in the door.
He hasn't seen the inside of this office for years. It's changed a lot since Guk has been here.
Rounding the desk is the man Jeon Jeongguk has known since his college days. He's decked out in a three piece suit, his blonde hair slicked back just enough where it doesn't look greasy and he has this air about him that bleeds money and begs for people to fuck with him.
"Tony," Guk greets professionally, extending his hand.
"Oh stop that shit!" Tony laughs, he grabs Guk's forearm with a friendly smile and the father of your child does the same, giving a big smile back.
"Sit down, dude! Please!" Tony fawns, waltzing over to the drinks caddy he's had time to put in since his parent's were the owners.
Your fiance does as told, looking around the professional office shortly before turning back to the man he's known for years.
He watches him pour two big glasses of whisky before striding over to the glass desk and sliding it across.
"So what's up, my man? You look really good these days! I've seen your numbers, I knew you would be perfect for this even back in our good ol' college days!"
Guk doesn't want to take a trip down memory lane. He doesn't need the reminder.
"I wanted to come in and talk with you because-"
"Is it the old cronies we're sending you out to? Cause they request you, dude. I get it, the old bags aren't the kind of eye candy you want to be having to go out and meet but they do have cash," Tony interrupts, lifting his glass with a wink.
"Oh. No. I don't care about that, some of them were really nice. I'm just here to tell-"
"That's good! As long as the cash is flowing then daddy's happy!"
Guk forgot just how annoying Tony can be and right now it's coming back in waves. In college, he's not sure anyone the blonde man was talking to could ever get their point of view across -- ever.
The father of your child chuckles awkwardly, taking a sip of his whisky to quell the frizzled nerves that are starting to sprout up.
"So what can I do for you, big dog? How can I help one of my star money makers? Cause that's what you are. A star," Tony chuckles, clapping his hands loudly and rubbing them together in some sort of bizarre, seemingly gross manner.
"I just need to tell you that I'm q-"
"Do you want a raise? Is that it? Because I can get you a raise! It might make poorer women look over you in the look book but I can do that for you!"
Guk sighs softly, shaking his head at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.
Holy shit, the escort feels like his head is going to explode.
How can one person be so infuriating? Jesus Christ.
"I am quitting!" Jeongguk enunciates, holding up his hand and pressing his index and thumb together.
The look on Tony's face is like he just got shot. His perfectly handsome features twist and change into pure shock and horror at the words. His mouth drops open and he blinks several times for it to sink in.
"What?" Tony hisses, standing up. He begins to pace behind his large desk chair, propping his hand beneath his chin, "Big dog, you're my star quarterback here! You're my team captain! You can't quit, dude! You've worked here for years! Look, man, if it's the money I can get you more money! I can get you hotter clients that want to bone. I can-"
Now it's Jeongguk's turn to interrupt and it's written all over his face how good that feels.
"I'm getting married and I have a baby on the way, I don't want to be an escort anymore," he simply states, finishing off his whisky with a cringe.
Tony stops pacing to turn around. "Oh, man. That's crazy. It's crazy cool, though! I mean… congratulations that's super sick but… I'm just surprised I'm losing you like this!"
Guk simply shrugs, fixing his watch. "It's gonna give me peace of mind and ultimately make me happier so I have to do it for myself."
The blonde man nods, holding up a finger before digging into the desk. "Here! Take this!"
He holds out a couple of thousand dollars and Guk tilts his head. "Tony, no. I'm not taking your m-"
"Oh, come on! It's a wedding and baby gift! I've known you for like a million years! Take the damn money, big dog! You deserve it!" Tony insists, shaking his hand.
Guk sucks an unsure breath between his teeth, grabbing the money. "Thank you, it's very kind of you."
"Yeah, I'm a giver," the blonde man agrees, sitting back down at his desk, "Y'know Applehyme is gonna be crushed."
Guk laughs then, rolling his eyes at the prospect of the older woman. "I think she'll be just fine."
Tony chuckles, folding his arms. "It was a pleasure to have you work for me, man. Really. You're dope."
The father of your child blinks. "Yeah… you too… man."
The boss smiles widely, winking at him. "Go on. Go have a real life then."
"Thanks," Guk mumbles, putting the money in his pocket.
As he goes to leave, his attention is called back to Tony as he grabs the door handle.
"Yo, Guk?!"
He turns his attention as he opens the door, tilting his head.
"Is your girl hot?"
The father of your child snorts softly, catching himself as he goes to roll his eyes. "Super hotm very gorgeous."
"Niiiiice, big dog. Very nice!"
As Guk leaves the office, he feels as if he's stepped out of a frat boy alternate universe and he can only shake his head at the past encounter.
That man has not changed for a single damn second. That's crazy.
He begins his brisk walk back to the car where you wait for him and he goes over the meeting once more and all that's transpired.
He never once remembered Tony like that and now that he has he can't stop thinking about it.
It's really astounding how people stay stuck in their ways for years on end. He wonders if the blonde man has ever gotten married, he wasn't paying attention to a wedding band but he doesn't seem like the type to settle. Although, Guk could be wrong and he's a super loyal guy to his woman.
Tony is kind of an enigma.
As Guk climbs back into the car, he greets you with a gentle kiss before sliding his hand over your stomach.
"How did it go?" you inquire, pushing some of his hair back.
"It was like a blast from the past. Wasn't terrible, though," he announces, kissing your temple.
"Well, that's good!" you cheer happily, giving him a smile.
"You would never interrupt me when I'm talking, right, baby girl?" he asks, putting on his seatbelt.
"No, that's rude," you breathe, starting the car up.
"Yeah… it is," he murmurs, lacing your fingers together.
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It isn't everyday you get to go out to a lovely fancy dinner with the father of your child. Nor is it normal for his two best friends to show up either.
This feels good though, it feels healthy and you like that.
From the moment you stepped out of your closet, Guk cannot keep his hands off of you. Your dress is incredibly short, incredibly revealing showing off all the swollen, wonderful body parts that are growing because of his baby and the dress is tight enough around your stomach to make you seem probably more pregnant than you are.
He's obviously very happy with the choice of clothing and you're very proud that he is.
The private room that shelters you while you eat in this luxurious restaurant gives him enough courage to constantly have his hand dipping between your thighs as he talks to his two friends.
You were surprised Taehyung showed up and so was Guk to be honest. Maybe Tae is getting over the pain of having him taken away. You can only hope.
"I'm happy to see you," Guk tells the handsome man, leaning back in his chair with his glass of scotch close to his face.
God, everything he does is just so attractive. How does anyone in the world stand a chance when Jeon Jeongguk exists?
"Yeah I didn't know if I should come. I was an asshole lately," Tae bleats, combing his fingers through his hair.
Jimin just folds his arms, shrugging at you with a toothpick snuggly between his plush lips.
Guk tilts his head and sips his scotch unsure of what to say other than agreeing. "What's so wrong with me being happy, Tae? Everyone makes mistakes. You're not above it all. You know that."
"No, I know!" Taehyung agrees quickly, watching how your fiance angles himself closer to you to drift his hand over your stomach, "I was just feeling bitter."
The question is so simple and you and Jimin almost choke on your own spit at the word. Jimin hastily guzzles water while you find it apt to shove a piece of buttered bread into your mouth.
Guk doesn't seem to notice, taking his friend's thoughts and feelings as the most important thing right now.
The handsome man across the table from him simply shakes his head. "I just… I can't tell you. I don't want to ruin our friendship even more then--"
"You didn't ruin our friendship! Don't say that! I invited you here tonight, didn't I? Please… Tae… C'mon," Guk practically begs, wanting so eagerly to understand what's been going on.
Sure, it's one thing to be protective and defensive of your friend but to be that vicious about it? It's concerning.
Taehyung sighs heavily, picking up his expensive brandy and guzzling it for liquid courage of some kind.
He shakes his head, seeming like he's having some deep inner conflict.
You decide to just look down at your lap, tracing the outline of your stomach that seems to peek out in this tight dress.
Jimin guzzles his own drink, closing his eyes at the thoughts swimming through his mind.
"Just hold on!" he snaps, running his now sweaty palms over his suit pants.
Jeongguk widens his eyes, taking a sip of his scotch wordlessly.
"I just… am very protective of you. I…" the handsome man stops himself before starting again, "Jimin and I have been a thing and we were wondering if you wanted to be a thing with us but then you started dating and I got upset."
You nod to yourself for a moment, happy that the truth has come out and that it can stay that way but then there's silence.
There's silence for a long time.
An incredibly long time.
You don't have the courage to look up at the rest of the people at the table so you just sit patiently and wait for someone to say something.
"What do you mean 'a thing'?" Jeongguk inquires finally.
His voice is very hollow and short, not judgemental but inquisitive.
"A relationship thing. We fuck… often," Jimin clarifies and when the youngest's eyes snap to his, he makes himself smaller in his chair.
"How long?" Jeongguk asks, folding his arms.
"Three, almost four years," Tae murmurs, staring down at his plate.
"FOUR YEARS," Guk booms.
You look up quickly to see the sparkling water within your glass quaking at the force of his voice.
Taehyung and Jimin both flinch in kind, staring down.
Guk runs his hands over his face, taking a deep breath to steady the betrayal and nerves within him.
When he stands, your eyes follow him. He stalks towards the private room double doors, the muscles in his back are tense.
He grips the door handle for a moment before collecting himself and turning around.
"Listen to me," he calls to his best friends, they both turn to him with weary eyes and he sighs at the sight, "I'm not mad you're in a relationship. I'm happy about that. If you guys are happy then that's great. You know I don't judge, I've done stuff with guys before understanding it wasn't for me. But I'm fucking pissed that you hid this from me for four years! And I understand if it's something you're not ready to tell the world yet. I understand that. But I still feel betrayed and hurt. Period."
He leaves the room in a single second and you shift awkwardly in your chair.
Taehyung goes to stand but Jimin simply plants a hand on his chest. "He's not ours to look after anymore. Y/N is his choice."
The handsome man diagonally from you looks over at you and the wicked gaze you expect to get doesn't happen. He nods understandingly, grabbing Guk's drink and chugging it all with a flinch.
You slowly stand up and make your way out of the room, looking for Guk through the now busy, loud restaurant. You check in certain little alcoves but ultimately step outside only to find him sitting on one of the benches near the front door. His head is down between his knees and his hands are in his hair.
The night air is brisk and chilly, sending goosebumps shooting up over your skin. When you approach, Guk looks up.
"You're gonna catch a cold, baby! What're you doing out here!" he hisses, pulling off his suit jacket and standing up in a flash.
He wraps the jacket around you, running his hands over your arms to transfer some semblance of warmth. You simply hug him tightly and he sighs loudly above you.
Jeongguk buries his face in your hair, eyes fluttering shut. You can feel his heart hammering inside his chest but you stay silent.
"Fuck," he curses, hugging you tighter.
"They're happy," you whisper in his ear and he solemnly nods, pressing his face into your sweet smelling neck.
"Good. They deserve to be, it's just going to take me a minute to wrap my brain around it," Guk replies, taking a large calming breath.
The truth is out now and there's nowhere to go from here but up.
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
read all our tags/ratings. they are important and give you all u need to decide if you wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
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Come On, Now
Brahms Heelshire x Masc!Reader
Last Edited: 27/03/2024
TW: none
Anon: Brahms with (male or masc) reader making him leave the house? Can be either fic or Drabble idc
Word Count: 589
Notes from @gvtted-ratz (writer/creator): We can do that, yes. We decided on a drabble (few hundred words) since we do believe, no matter what, Brahms probably would never leave his home (as is shown in the movie since he does not chase after Greta when she escapes before coming back). Hence, not it being a fic. Hope you enjoy. Another title is “Brahms touches grass for the first time in 20 years.”
Notes from @rppik (editor/co-writer): in which we make the lad touch grass.
Convincing the man to leave his own home is more trouble than you’d like to admit. It’s like a game of tug of war with a large mutt. Upon first suggesting he get some air, he'd reply with a pitiful, “Tomorrow?” in his practised child voice. Any attempt at insisting upon it gets shut down with him responding curtly, in his regular voice, “Not now.” And, well, arguing with him when he switches into his natural, gruff tone of voice is like trying to move a particularly fussy mountain. Until today, that is– not even Brahms is immune to persistent, well-meaning urges from his dear “nanny.”
“Are you sure I have to do this?” It’s a whining voice, one a child usually resorts to using when they can’t get their way. The man's uncanny ability to mimic a child's voice surely adds to that effect, also.
“Yes, Mr. Heelshire. It's for the best you step outside after so long. Not only have you never helped me with the rat traps, but you’ve never even been in the garden,” you finish with a sigh, already tired from this entire interaction. You’ve read that being cooped up in a place for too long can impact one’s health. That's why you’re trying to get Brahms to at least step outside his home for only a few minutes.
“Well, I don’t want to.” His bratty tone doesn’t match his large, tense frame.
“Come On, Now. Surely I’m not that bad of company,” you retort, not allowing him to try and back out.
“You are when you’re trying to be awful,” is his answer, tone cracking halfway through his sentence.
“Awful or not, your parents entrusted me in your care. This is part of the job. Now you’ll listen, or you won’t get a goodnight kiss. I’ll take it off the list for the day.” This seems to work, as Brahms has no more fighting words to give you. You grab ahold of his hand and start to tug him along to the back door. He follows with no protest, the warmth of his hand making yours sweat slightly.
Opening the door, you lead Brahms onwards, the sound of his heaving breathing and your footfalls echoing about as you both descend the steps. You don’t take him to the garden, instead leading him to one of the rat traps, sticking close to the house. You know he would freak out if you took him too far from his safe space and prison.
“See, Mr. Heelshire? This isn’t terrible now, is it?” He doesn’t respond, instead looking up at one of the many windows of the home. The one that has caught his eye has black smudges around it, evidence of a past fire from many years ago; it was before your time here at the house.
“No. It’s not bad. Thank you, Mr. [Redacted],” is his answer. At the prefix, you huff in amusement.
“Being polite won’t get you flattery, Mr. Heelshire. After all, you never use ‘Mr.’ when referring to me. Ever since the beginning of our time together.” After inhaling and holding it for a moment, you release the breath before turning towards the man. “We can go now. I only wanted you to experience outside without being trapped in that dusty house all the time. I’ve heard it helps with your health.”
With those words, you and Brahms head back inside. You can only hope he’ll allow you to make this a daily thing. You just want what’s best for him.
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this is going to be a very uncomfortable and potentially triggering conversation so i suggest you scroll past if you have a lot of empathy because this isn't fun at all
also wanna preface this by saying i'm not interested in spreading conspiracy theories or "truther" claims because i feel that's incredibly disrespectful and potentially harmful to the people that need the most help. any allusions to unverified rumors will be presented as uncorroborated, not as fact (only bringing them up because i know that's the kind of rumor floating around and i don't want to seem like i'm participating somehow in dismissing concerns). because we simply don't know. and it's not our business.
i've had this bad feeling about amanda bynes for the past decade. it's the same pattern we've seen with child stars over and over again. the drugs, the mental breakdown, the conservatorship. but i pushed those nagging thoughts away. i didn't have the bandwidth at the time because i was living in an abusive household when her most public battles were happening. i didn't have the time or the emotional understanding to put towards what was happening to her even as i felt it mirrored what i was going through or what my mom was going through. then i found out about dan schneider a few years ago. i didn't really engage with the rumor and speculation about him - i was in my early 20s when this all broke and i didn't know most of the shows he'd been involved with except by the fact that my younger siblings watched them. i'd been an amanda bynes fan - hugely into the amanda show and what i like about you. my siblings watched drake and josh, icarly, and victorious. i didn't have the emotional bandwidth at the time to look into what people were saying. i knew it would upset me if i learned too much. but i couldn't stop thinking about amanda.
i heard about quiet on set from news websites. i saw the headlines about drake bell. it shook me to my core. the things i was reading were horrific and immediately put me in mind of what my sister went through as a teenage survivor of repeated sexual abuse by a man who was trusted with our care. she'd had a huge crush on drake when we were growing up. i wonder if she's heard about this.
this immediately made me think about amanda again. this time i couldn't push the thought away. i guess i'm finally ready to process the way this whole situation has felt to me.
the way people talk about amanda reminds me of how people in the 50s talked about judy garland. child star with incredible talent, far beyond her years, with incredible charm and personality and the whole world at her fingertips. everyone loved working with her. until she became erratic and had a mental breakdown fueled by drugs. (you could even argue there were parallels because both women were frequently typecast as the wholesome girl next door and not really allowed to break out of that infantilizing box.) and no one could ever think why. why does this happen.
i've come to believe that mental illness always has a cause. brain chemistry fucked up by trauma, whether that's long-term stress or a singular event or repeated traumas stacking on top of each other. the mind can't cope. i really, truly believe something horrific happened to amanda bynes. and i know people will say, well, maybe it wasn't dan schneider. she was doing fine for years after she stopped working with him. i want to make one thing very clear. trauma doesn't always manifest symptoms immediately. not everyone comes out of a trauma looking shell shocked. i know from my experience because i didn't have my breakdown until a year after my abuser was exposed and i'm still feeling the consequences to my psyche to this day. and i think it must be difficult for child stars to process this trauma. the pattern i've seen is the child star endures something terrible, gets incredible fame and begins taking on more and more pressure, then when this isn't enough to make them happy they turn to drugs. you think because they got out that it would all just go away? no. they were raised to play characters so they played those characters. there was incredible pressure to just play those characters because that's what the fans want. having struggles isn't part of the brand. it had to be especially rough on nick stars because there wasn't much separation between them and the characters they played. it was the amanda show. drake and josh used their real first names. the separation between who they were and who the character was was probably a very blurred line.
i wonder how long this documentary has been in production. tracking down these people and petitioning courts had to have taken ages. amanda was supposed to be at 90s con last year but cancelled due to illness and had another psychotic episode. 90s con itself may have been a trigger for her, but if someone had reached out to her or if she'd heard about this production...i could see that triggering her and making her relive the horror she went through. there are so many unsubstantiated rumors floating around. i can't speak to whether she was high on adderall during that interview when she was 12 (she could've just been a hyper child but they could've been pulling a judy garland on her and i don't trust these people plus she's said she got hooked on adderall when she was a teenager for weight loss but she may not feel comfortable disclosing if the studio has her under NDA). i can't verify if that side twitter actually belonged to amanda. it could be some sicko thought it was funny to accuse her boss of knocking her up and forcing her to get an abortion at 13 or accusing her father of various things.
but i get why she wouldn't speak up because people won't believe her no matter what she says. i went through something and people in my hometown still debate whether i'm crazy or lying for attention. my family did everything they could to put me under control and get me diagnosed as paranoid or delusional so they wouldn't face justice. (really don't get me started on how the mental healthcare system is used by abusers to cover up their sins.) i wouldn't put it past her parents to do that, especially considering amanda had a bad relationship with them as a teenager which sent her further into that groomer's clutches. she doesn't owe us anything because it'll start a firestorm that could retrigger her as people debate if she's delusional or scrutinize her past mistakes to determine if she's a perfect enough victim to deserve sympathy.
which brings me to drake bell. i knew he was the victim before i watched the doc but it still gave me chills when he sat down in that chair. like it felt like the air drained from the room. it was so obvious that what he went through has affected him so deeply and that he had no one to turn to. my abuser had so much community support, so many people making us out to be lying opportunistic bitches. i can't imagine having to carry that secret. i wonder if the people around him can pinpoint it in retrospect when he started being different. i want the other kids on set to know that it's not their fault they didn't know and that they had a bad opinion of him at some point. my sister and i were pitted against each other by the man who assaulted her and it's only with context later that i can see what was going on. i have no doubt that schneider employed these tactics so no one would feel comfortable disclosing what happened to them.
i admit that i cried watching the drake bell episode. that had to be incredibly difficult for him to open up about it after all these years and i hope he can get some closure and that someone starts a support group for these former nick stars.
and to drake bell himself. you were a child. you had no idea what grooming looks like. most grown people don't seem to know what grooming looks like based on how they talk about these issues. you are not at fault for what that man did to you or not knowing how to handle it. you didn't do anything to encourage this and you're not at fault.
and to his father. i appreciate that you did what you could to try to protect him. my mother had a similar experience trying to protect us from my abuser but everyone assumed she was psychotic and had her put away. try not to blame yourself when you were the lone voice of reason and everyone else insisted you were in the wrong. i do have fault to throw on amanda bynes' parents to some degree depending on what part of all this is true, but i can't find fault with drake bell's father who did try when he saw something wrong.
and i'm sorry but dan being super nice to drake afterwards seems like an attempt to make himself look better and get another hit show. i don't believe for a second that dan didn't know anything or that he had any motives beyond making his own star rise. he wanted to churn out product, and couldn't have that product if drake bell was visibly distraught.
i want to know how many people have known it was drake for 20 years and said nothing. how many people were in peck's side of the courtroom and yet still had the audacity to think this child was at fault in some way. that's vile and utterly unforgivable.
i just want to end this by saying to leave these people alone. don't harass anyone who hasn't spoken up because they may not be in a headspace where it's healthy of them to say anything. they don't owe us any explanation of why.
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babyraptor · 2 years
it took me nearly 20 years of fandom before i dove headfirst into Trigun fan fiction, and now that i’m in, there’s no resurfacing. so now, just in case anyone is interested, i would like to share some of my favorites. listed in alphabetical order.
i’ll be updating my list every so often. (and if you really want to know, i’m secondofjune on AO3.)
A Bit of a Tight Spot
A Brief Respite
A Fool From Any Direction
a haven for restless angels of mercy
a kind heart to haunt
About fears and reassurances
all that i wish i could say
all variety of vows
A Man Called Agony
And Every Breath We Drew Was ‘Hallelujah’
and how i idolize the empty highs
and we’re gonna sing it again
and your prayers (they’re not fables)
An Exchange of Words
a phantom’s reverence
a tide of tender mercies
Ascension Day
At the mercy of the universe
At the Top of the World
At Vacant Hours
A Whisper in Darkness
babe, i’m gonna leave you
Bare Hands, Holding Onto the Wire
Bedside Manner
Belly of the Whale
between your scars and mine
Black is the Color
Bloodstained Devotion
broken boy, how does it feel?
But Like A Refugee
but tonight belongs to me
By His Hands
Can’t take my eyes off you Carrot & Stick
Changing Luck
chemical haze
Child of Blessing
Closed and Healing
Cold Comfort
Come Back Home
could we please pretend
Couldn’t Be the Booze
Daily Special
dance in our catastrophe
darlin’, it finds a way to live in you
Daughter of Eve
dead man talking
Desecration is But a Form of Worship
did you get enough love (my little dove)
Dinner for Two
Dirty Thoughts
disarm you with a smile
Don’t need a gun to blow your mind
don’t stop if I fall and don’t look back
dream a little dream
Dreaming Saint’s Sonata
dress me in red and throw your roses
Episode 25: Live Through
every me, every you
Exodus 23:24
Eyes of the Storm
Fairytale of December
Falling forward, back into orbit
Feel Good
Figure Me Out
Fine, Great
Fire on the Mountain
fool in the moon
for a sinner like me
For Good
for reasons wretched and divine
for where else could i go? who else could i love but you?
From the Past or the Future? Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
gentle thievery
get me outta my head
Ghosts of the Byway
god like sunshine, girl like rain
gravedigger, gravedigger
Gung-Ho Guns Ver. 1.0
Gunpowder Nights
heavens away
Hell, I’m Dead Anyway
hold my body down
Holding My Breath
I Believe in the Kingdom Come
i can see a lot of life in you
i can see it in his eyes
Idle Hands (The Devil’s Playground)
I just can’t wait for love to destroy us
In heaven, lost my taste for hell
inter paradisum et infernum
In the Bloom of a Creosote
in the dark and out of harm
i promised i’d give this a go
i shot cupid (needle and thread)
It’s Open Season on Blue Moons
I’d wanna burn whole (to be someone’s spark)
I’ve seen all the demons that you’ve got
Joan of Arc
Just a Hobby
Just for Tonight
Just Listen to the Rhythm of the Heart
Keep your bliss, there’s nothing wrong with this
kiss me, son of god
la petite mort
Lay It On Me and I’ll Be There to Catch You
lay us down
lead-fill the hole in me
Left Hand
Life on Gunsmoke
Little Pieces of the Nothing That Fall
love and its decisive pain (sunlight)
mashed potatoes
More Than You’ll Ever Know
Mysterious Ways
Night Vision
nobody said it was easy
No Idle Threat
Not For My Behalf
Not in the Job Description
not to me, not if it’s you
oh lazarus, how did your debts get paid
One Day Closer to Death
Only Human
Only Over You
Open Me Up
our bodies fit together
Past the Mission
Personal Jesus
playing cards with the elephant in the room
Playing House
Pollinate him, please!
Praying to the Wrong God
raise a glass to the turnings of the season
Reign of Lovin’
rough edges
Sandstorm Blues
say it’s such a fault
say your name, forever
Scratch Your Surface
Season of the Witch
Secondhand Secrets
Skin Deep
Sleepless Without You
Smoke & Soulmates
so i’ll sing to the grave
So It Goes
Someday Out of the Blue
someone to last your whole life
something eluding you, sunshine?
something I can’t know ’til now
Something of a Departure
Something to Live For
sorry about the blood in your mouth, i wish it were mine
Stargazers, New and Old
stop me if you’ve heard this all before
Strange Powers
Strawberries & Cigarettes
stretched out for miles and miles
sucker love
sweet dreams of otherness
take a knife and cut through the darkness
take my breaking heart (and tear it all apart)
taste my misfit love
terrors don’t prey on innocent victims
that constant sting that we call love
The barrel of the gun
The Edge of Knowing
The Evening and the Morning and the Night
The Lighthouse
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Traveller
The Only Nice Thing That Follows
The Quick and the Bed
there are certain things you ask of me (and there are certain things i lack)
there’s something about you
The sand in your eyes was made of dreams
the ship’s inhabitants
the truth hurts worse
The wolf and the lamb
thirty pieces of silver
this could be home
this could be the end of everything
This is how we multiply
this road we are on
Thorns of Memory
Those were the days
time and tide, through the wall
Time Out
to have a body is to be a horror show
touch me like nobody else does (lovely)
Trillium and Ivy
trust me to take you home
Tuesday’s Gone
two from the bottom of the bin
Up Front
Vashwood O’Ween
Visible Scars
water supply
Waiting at that shallow grave
Where Wild Roses Grow
Why Your Current Relationship is Not Sustainable
wild horses couldn’t drag me away
will we ever grow a proper set of panic
will you welcome your extinction
Within Us An Orchard
Wolfwood’s Guide to Confession
Worth Something
yet broken still you breathe
You Are Red, Violent Red
you can run away with me anytime you want
you know you had it coming, my friend
you put me on and said I was your favorite
you stop the noise
you think history is repeated, you keep on pushing me away
you’ll leave me lonely at best
you’re a canary (i’m a coal mine)
you’re gonna be the one left standing
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chidoroki · 9 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 169
Chapter 169: "Perfect Scores"
Peter rambling on about how if it wasn't for him and his clan, all the children wouldn't have even existed as if that's something they should be happy about, like yeah, being alive is a good thing, but certainly not when you're struggling to survive in a world that wants you dead and served on a silver platter. If this was the kind of world I knew I was being born into, I'd simply wouldn't wanna be part of it either.
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Ahh these Lucas flashbacks hurt my heart in all the right ways. Seriously one of the best dads in the series. Kinda unfortunate that Yuugo is disregarded here but I understand that Oliver & the other GP kids knew Lucas for far longer and acted more as their father figure over those many years compared to the short time they knew Yuugo. Also that small panel of Zack single-handedly taking down one of the Ratri men brings me great joy.
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Oliver truly was the best person for this kind of scene too. While all the kids currently partaking in this raid had some sort of connection to Yuugo or Lucas, the bond between Oliver & Lucas was definitely showed more frequently with how well their backstories, dreams and leadership skills connected to each other. The only one who might have had a stronger father-child relationship would be Ayshe but with how late she was introduced into the story, it might not have been as impactful to us as readers as we've known both Oliver & Lucas for longer while we've only seen Ayshe's father during one chapter. I doubt Ayshe would openly speak towards Peter anyways. Not to mention that Oliver has more a personal grudge against him since the bastard did permit the hunting at Goldy Pond. Regardless, I'm glad Ayshe is still included here and how pissed off Oliver is.
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That kick of Hayato's is absolutely fantastic. Such a good boy for lending Oliver's group some assistance.
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Ah, right, the gupna. I always forget that's necessary. The ceremony does take away some worry about the Ratri killing the children instantly, but the fear of being shot at still remains.
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Zack taking down a grown man is one thing, considering the lad is about 20 now, but seeing Ray being capable of the same thing at 13 is freaking hilarious. These Ratri men are pathetic.
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Pfftt, I have no memory of Gillian's comment here but I love it. Emma is also correct in a funny kind of way too. Of course we all know Peter is pretty much on his own right now and how that changes when the moms & sisters show up, only that relief is brief as they reveal their betrayal, so Emma's words remain true despite everything. Would've been great if she had repeated herself to him once everyone was aware the ladies switched sides. It would humor me very much.
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Eeehehe, the fact this one moment filled me with fear but now just makes me all giddy is amazing. Naturally I love how Ray has a different reaction from Norman & Emma being surprised as my boy looks like he's five seconds away from running up to Isabella and punching her in the face.
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I know she's taunting them and holding onto her facade for a couple seconds longer, but she honestly looks so proud of Emma. The kids really did accomplish so much over the past couple years. They're incredible.
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The mention about despair and not giving up reminds me of Isabella's words to Emma way back during ch31 which is a nice callback I think. & only thought of this now, but the panel showing a reflection of Isabella in Emma's eye and Emma shown through the scope of Isabella's gun shown above is a clever way to show how they're both in each other's sights, figuratively and literally.
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Favorite panel/moment:
If y'all ever wondered the exact moment I fell in love with this woman, THIS IS IT! Ooohh baby, I was so pleasantly surprised to have this badass woman and the rest of the wonderful ladies on our side! No doubt one of my favorite moment outta the whole series!
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To be able to catch the current villain, our protagonists and all the readers off guard at once is certainly an amazing achievement.
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achillean-knight · 8 months
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Kicking my feet and twirling my hair, I'm gonna ramble about my spider sona's because they are rattling in my brain and I love them to bits >:)
Also just saying, I compiled a fuck ton of images of them into shitty collages because I have no motivation to make perfect reference sheets of them. Shitty collages too BC I did it on my phone and can't do graphic design for the life of me :')
ANYWAYS ONTO THE RAMBLE (under the cut for those who literally don't care and wanna scroll past LOL)
Funnelweb also known as Shadow Spider or Aaron Watson
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A 20 year old trans demi-boy lad who had the Miles Morales treatment and was bitten by accident by an other-worldly spider.
When he was younger, Aaron was close with his sister. She was all that he had after their parents had died, and even though they had Aunt May and Uncle Ben, Aaron wasn't close with the two. He stuck by his sister through thick and thin until the day that'd change his life forever.
One fateful evening, he had lost his sister when they were caught between the Spiderman of Aaron's world fighting one of his usual enemies. Grief stricken, Aaron held malice and resentment toward Spiderman and felt utterly cursed when he got the Miles Morales treatment and was bitten by accident by another spider from another world.
With this new found power, Aaron took it upon himself to be a counterpart to Spiderman, titling himself Funnelweb to differentiate himself from the man he despised.
He became basically Batman to Spiderman's Superman.
Facts and little extra info
- Funnelwebs main power is electricity. It causes him to be much quicker then Spiderman and sometimes it trails behind him.
If channeled properly, he can use it as a weapon, but it takes alot of focus and patience.
- He uses a skateboard to help him get around and fight!
I had the idea of a skateboard because of a character named Beat from The Wold Ends With You using a skateboard both for battle in the first game, and to get around quickly in the second >:3
- He doesn't have natural webs, so he has custom web slingers built into his spiked wristbands.
- Everything in Funnelwebs world is Punk/Emo. Even the enemies lol and even Spiderman. I should really design him.
-Even though I put his face in the collage, in Funnelwebs world, only blues and reds are highlighted, and he's always obscured in shadow.
He does look like the portrait when in other worlds.
- It's not clear what year Funnelweb is supposed to be in, but it is a hybrid of 2000's with futuristic elements but still feels incredibly grunge and punk/emo.
- Technically Funnelweb, if we count Miguel's canon event thing, is his world's "MJ", however he changed his name after coming out and doesn't believe in the fate that usual MJ's succumb to.
However, he can't help but wonder if loosing his sister and becoming a second Spiderman was the canon event he dreaded, being intertwined with Spiderman's fate even though not romantically involved.
Retro-Spider also known as Peter Parker or Lachlan Parker.
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A 20 year old arts major who was bitten by a spider of unknown origins. He is his world's one and only Spiderman.
Peter- preferring Lachlan- hadn't been Spiderman for very long before things took a turn for the worst.
His worlds Uncle Ben, rather Uncle Lachlan, died mysteriously and suddenly, leaving Peter in immense grief.
When Peter joined the spider society, he adopted the name Lachlan, both to pay respects to his uncle and to differentiate himself from all the other Peters as he felt intense imposter syndrome when he talked to every Peter.
Eventually, Lachlan gained a watch to traverse world's and had the time of his life just pushing random buttons and jumping through portals to see what was on the other side, but he knew the next world he'd jump into was important because that's when he met Aaron.
Facts and little extra info
- Lachy was originally gonna have a blue, red and white suit but he looked too much like Pepsi man 💀 The portrait with the turtleneck was the only thing to survive from that original concept.
- His world is coloured like retro anime. I'm not good at all at drawing old anime but imagine everything is anime-esc and the world around him looks like what you'd see on Pinterest if you searched up like, retro anime city.
- His world is basically the 80's.
- His powers are pretty basic, however, he has organic webs!!! His webs are like layers of extremely thin webs joined together and give his webbing a shimmer and holographic effect.
- His suit is holographic >:3
- Later down the line, Lachy becomes intertwined with a Symbiote. The lore is still a Wip.
- Lachy's own world MJ is like a best friend to him. He has no romantic feelings whatsoever.
- He is Pan! However, he keeps it a secret because the 80's were relentless if you weren't in a heteronormative ideal, and he already got bullied for his love of art :')
- His walkman is his baby. It was a gift from his uncle and he never goes anywhere without it (Star lord style babyyy)
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actualbird · 2 years
hypothetical fights i want to see between the tot cast cuz it’d be fun to see how they’d fair in a fight to the death (just kidding. i mean a friendly fight as an appreciation of combat skills)
inspired by a convo i had with @samsspambox . i’d like to make it clear that when i say 'fight' here i mean a physical fight, a scuffle, some good ol fashioned "nothing personal just wanna see who would win" FISTICUFFS!!!!
with no weapons allowed, heres who i'd pay good money to see go at each other with only their unarmed martial expertise
The Battling Butler VS Agent Raven (aka ogier vs luke)
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ogier is so badass. i love a fighty dude and hes dressed to the nines and he hilariously drags vyn every once in a while, whats not to love?
but yeah, clear in my memory is his combat prowess in vyn’s personal story 4. i dont know anything about ogier past that, but given that he was sent as a guard from svart by vyn’s father, i can only assume his training is of the royal guard quality type of level. thats intense!
though we also know luke is ALSO INSANELY INTENSE....
i think a spar between them would be really fucking close, irt who bests who. luke is NSB’s top agent, but i assume ogier is incredibly well trained also, youve gotta be Damn Good to be a guard of anyone remotely of royal importance
so like, what luke has got going in his favor is his NSB training obviously but also
luke has youth on his side
HSKJHFDKVJHGVSD HEAR ME OUT! aside from his illness, hes at the top of his game in terms of prime age range for physical peak, did u kno that the average age for olympic competitors is early 20s? well now u know. body can be in good shape at this point, thats a plus for him and a not-plus for ogier. idk how old ogier is (and i cant find out cuz he doesnt even have a Big Data Lab entry omfg the man the mystery the LEGEND) but he looks Older, a little past his prime. even skill cant negate the woes of aging.
buuuuuut ogier has a trump card: his training was probably completely different to anything luke is used to.
now we dont know very much about luke’s days in the NSB, but i get the impression that his work was Generally Within The Country Of Stellis OR Generally Handling People Who Are Stellans.
ogier is not a stellan. hes svartan. or svartish. or however the hell we decide to conjugate the nationality of svart. additionally, i can see it being a huge advantage for svartan guards to be keeping their training/fighting style under wraps. if opponents dont know how you’ll fight, u can catch em unaware
ogier’s fight style and tactics could be completely novel to luke, which would knock luke down a peg (both figuratively and metaphorically).
still, luke is adaptable and hes got a quick and intuitive mind. while he cant fight exactly like ogier, he’d be able to recover and figure out his own way of countering ogier’s attacks
with all that said, my personal verdict of who would win is.....//drumroll!!
it’s a tie!
and luke enthusiastically brings ogier out for drinks later, he hasnt been tied in a match for years and hes kinda giddy about it!
(luke: you have to teach me some of your moves sometime, yeah?
ogier: of course. and perhaps you could encourage vyn to join this class as well? haha.
luke: haha.
ogier: haha.
luke: hahaha.....no. im pretty sure vyn is capable of destroying me psychologically, im not making him do anything he doesnt wanna do, thanks.
ogier: fair enough)
The Battling Butler VS The Perplexingly Over-Capable Assistant (aka ogier vs vincent)
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remember when luke in main story 7.2 said this in the case files?
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vincent’s investigative prowess aside, i just think it makes sense for vincent to have some kind of combat knowledge for the following reasons:
1) currently, marius has nearly gotten stabbed a total of three (3) times. while marius has his own self defense knowledge, i wouldnt put it past vincent to get some training in as well juuuuusssstt in case knife-magnet von hagen gets into hot water again.
2) it’s unexpected. vincent does not look the type to punch anybody in the face, and thus i want him to be capable of a mean right hook
3) if nobody expects u to throw a punch, that punch can land way easier.
that being said, i dont think he’ll beat ogier at all. my view is that vincent took some classes and that his self defense training is a little bit above marius’ skill level, but it’s nothing that can go against a trained royal bodyguard
still, ogier can be caught unaware. vincent maybe gets like a few hits in before ogier takes him down
so my verdict is: ogier would win but would be very impressed by vincent for managing to fool him
(vincent: oh, i wasnt...aiming to fool you?
ogier: hm. i think that adds points for you, actually)
Baldr Civil War (aka howard syter vs william lewis)
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ive got no rationale for this
i just think theyre hilariously pathetic and i wanna see them fight in a hilariously pathetic way, like the one scene in Bridget Jones’ Diary
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absolute cringefail combat, this is what i WANT
maybe whoever loses has to be the one to face mc in court next, and neither of them wanna be the poor shmuck to have to get annihilated by her again
my verdict: ingrid has to break the fight up (which is happening in the baldr legal office lobby) and everybody involved loses. everybody loses their dignity
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Hello and welcome to Day 1 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
This little bunny has been born today (while I was thinking of my other OLDER plot bunnies) and I don't that that much detail about it - like how would the story continue past the premise of it - so I thought this would be a good first plot bunny to begin with.
Edit: As of February 6th, this fic has a title:
"Shen Jiu's forceful adoption" (You don't choose family, family chooses you)"
Here goes nothing:
So, this would be a crossover between SVSSS (PIDW?) and MDZS, where Shen Jiu (the original goods) either runs away from Wu Yanzi or kills him before the Immortal Allience Comference where he meets Yue Qingyuan again. And so Shen Jiu just becomes a Rouge Cultivator (I wanna put forward that Wu Yanzi may have messed with Shen Jiu's head and made him believe that Qi-ge truly just left him behind and didn't care an ounce to come back for him, so Shen Jiu is not exactly in a rush to find his Qi-ge again)
During the first few months on the road, Shen Jiu ends up meeting (a three months pregnant), Cangse Sanren, and her husband Wei Changze. Shen Jiu is not really in the best shame when they meet (he is kinda feral and malnourished + has a distrust towards people a mile long), so of course WWX's parents are like "I am adopting this kid right now".
Since they are worried about Shen Jiu and they want to take care of him, both try to gain his trust, and after maybe half a year, they are somewhat close.
Needless to say, once Wei Ying is born, Shen Jiu is hooked since who can resist baby!WY. Like seriously - Shen Jiu may be a bit too mean sometimes (which is mostly due to trauma and the fact that ancient China had no way - to my knowledge - to treat PTSD) but he ain't someone who would ever be capable of killing a child (I shudder when I think that Shen Jiu and Yue Qingyuan may have seen more children die/suffer than be born in their life).
So this basically ends with Shen Jiu gaining a family, Wei Ying having a big brother that is very protective of him (watch out LWJ) and, in Cang Qiong Sect, we have Shang Qinghua (aka Airplane) who is very much freaking out because "the Scum Villain is nowhere to be found, how is the plot supposed to progress now System".
Small things to note:
• Shen Jiu is about 14 when he meets WWX's parents and 15 when Wei Ying is born - which means when Cloud Recess happens Shen Jiu is in his 30s (tho he still looks like a 20 years old man due to cultivation)
•As a child, Wei Ying couldn't pronounce Shen Jiu's name, so he called him Sè-ge (瑟) which means "zither"; Shen Jiu does in fact learn and (tries to) teach Wei Ying how to play this instrument while he is growing.
•I have no idea how to handle Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze tbh. I kinda want them to remain alive (albeit very injured) after that Night Hunt just so that Shen Jiu isn't alone in taking care of Wei Ying and himself.
•I want Lou Binghe to be a Bai Zhan Desciple in this AU and both him (+ a few other deciples) and Liu Qingge to be present at Cloud Recess just to have them meet Shen Jiu (sorry Binghe, you are literally Wei Ying's age (if not a bit younger); Shen Jiu won't look at you. Liu Qingge on the other hand.... (¬‿¬) )
•Shen Jiu, upon meeting the Jins the first time: "I don't trust you. Get the hell away from me and my brother Satan."
•Shen Jiu immediately after Wei Ying is born: "I only had Wei Ying for less than 5 minutes but if anything happens to him, I will kill everyone here and then myself."
•Shen Jiu, after realizing LWJ likes his little brother: "I will be watching you very closely, mister. Don't you dare try anything with my little brother"
And this is all I have for this Crossover AU.
So what do you guys think?
Good? Bad? Very much looks like my brain is on Crack? (I personally agree with the 3rd one)
Either way, I will be stopping here for today, but if I get any more ideas for this specific au, I will try to expand on it. (I am 89% sure I will be expanding on it at one point or another)
Till next time,
TooManyPlotBunnies - Send Help
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sidewayspeace444 · 5 months
Team Real will genuinely never make sense to me.
In the broader scheme of things, they technically “won” bragging rights because according to publications and the words coming from Chris’s own mouth (he didn’t mention the skank directly but 🖐🏾😒🤚🏾) CE & AB are “married”. So why do these grown adults worry so much about if other grown adults have different opinions than them? Are they scared that any day now something’s going to pop up and expose this whole situation for being fake? Are they scared they won’t have traction if they don’t continue being the opposing “side” and cause strife and chaos here between blogs? Are they scared that they’ll have to come to terms with being used as pawns in a game that should’ve never been invented in the first place and they’ll have to face the reality of how terrible they looked and acted?
If you’re so secure in your position that a celebrity relationship is so real despite you not even being 1/2 of it, then stick to your shit and move on with your life. You got what you wanted. Why are you still wallowing and crying about other blogs? I understand that some blog’s have anons who go to other blogs and cause drama in hearsay, but practice what you preach and block the opinions and asks that you don’t like. It’s as simple as that. No one deserves death threats and harassment over their own perspective, but if you don’t like something being said remove the problem. Especially if it’s your blog. Curate your experience for yourself and surround yourself with people who share the same ideas you. I mean their favorite Nazi Pornstar surrounds herself with racists and antisemites so obviously she curates her experiences to what she wants around her since she hasn’t kicked their asses to the curb. Take a lesson from your new fav. You know the same one whose ass you were just dragging this time a year ago.
Their first excuse anytime someone disagrees to their opinions is, he won’t fuck you. Sure, he won’t. Since he doesn’t know us. And I wouldn’t wanna fuck him either after how he’s been acting the past two years. But he won’t fuck you either just cause you’re now kissing his aging Casper ass and she probably wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire just cause you’re choosing to now support her dirty ass too.
I will just never understand how women in their late 20s to apparently Chris’s age (and this is not me just bringing up age to bring it up, this is me pointing out the antics of overgrown ass women and adults) forgot that everyone is different, and not everyone is going to think like you do. I think they’re just bothered because a lot of anons or peeps they used to interact with are in a state of whiplash by how quick they flip flopped like fish (😏) with going from dragging to now just absolutely adoring Dumbass and Megamind over here so they’re getting called out for being fake. Which in a sense is what they deserve. You can’t sit here and be in outrage over her racism associations and co, but then within the same year start loving her and forgetting all of the shit she did and then forget your own actions in the process like it never happened and then have the audacity to get pissy when people are calling you out for it. It don’t work both ways. You chose your lane and stay in it. Don’t be mad because your lane looks to be going into oncoming traffic.
No let’s bring up age. These women are apparently in their late 20s to early/late 40s and act this way? Sweetie pies…. Did you have a mental stunt growth? Truly unbelievable how they dedicate their lives to “Team PR”
I didn’t agree with the team deal before, but why does it matter what people think? If a man treats you the way CE has treated Alba then get out of that relationship. There’s no love.
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ey-there-little-guy · 2 years
So I have questions for your Lulled by Waves Au!!!! It’s so very good and Mers my beloveds!!!!
1. So Ranboo must be quite old (I can’t remember how decades work) does this mean that mers and Leviathans age differently to humans?
2. Language barriers are soooooo annoying and soooo good! Do Ranboo and Tubbo eventually work out a way to communicate?
3. Is there any kind of mer/leviathan magic that exists in this universe? Like you mentioned that humans think that Mers created Leviathans as a means of protection. If yes what kind of magic and could it be linked to breaking language barriers :3
4. Telllllll meeeeee abouttttt Tommmmyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! How does he come into play in the au????
5. Do you plan to add more characters in the future (even if this is just rambles, I still wanna know 👉👈)
6. Does anyone ever find out about Ranboo and Tubbo’s meetings???
As you can see, I like this Au very much :3 Thanks for your time and have a lollipop 🍭
I'm glad you like it :DD ty for the questions!
1- Leviathans do age a bit differently from humans and other mer! they age faster as babies but drastically slow as they almost reach adolescence to prepare for all the growing they're gonna do, I'm gonna say that takes 10 years, then from there they keep steadily growing and aging at a slower pace.
I haven't figured out anything exact yet, but Ranboo is probably in his 90s yeah, and about 18-20 maturity wise. so maybe 4-5 years for 1 leviathan year?
2- It's a one-sided language barrier too so it's extra annoying for Ranboo lol, and even though Tubbo's looking past the history he was taught he hasn't thought of Ranboo as more intelligent than a crow or smart dog yet. He starts to suspect when Ranboo responds so accurately to what he says, but that gets sped up when Tommy slaps Tubbo with 'yeah the leviathan is a person' and helps Ranboo figure out how to actually speak english.
3- there is some magic! I haven't thought it out fully but suggestions are open. And that story of leviathan origins is actually exclusive to mers, humans have no idea, they just think leviathans are a case of deep-sea gigantism of a less evolved species of mer. No magic with language barriers for Ranboo bc I have more fun that way but it gives me an idea!
-I'm gonna give some merfolk/leviathans the ability to bond with another person that forms a mental link of sorts, a way to easily communicate over distance and sense if there's trouble. Ranboo and Tubbo don't have this but maybe some day.
-The little sprite guys can be magical too. say, if enough of them are gathered around a mer that mer can be transformed into a leviathan. I like that. it'd be more complicated but it's a start :)
-something with breathing underwater
4- Tommyyyy, Tommy my boy, he has it rough! He's a mer that got fished up and put in a tank a few years ago. He's seen the sights, been on display, made some friends, lost 'em, he's got stories man. Eventually was bought by some guys who figured they can gain infinite scales to get rich off of as long as they keep him alive.
They stop in Tubbo's town for business, everyone knows seaside towns are a hotspot for scale buyers. Tubbo catches on that there's a live mer being held captive and well, people know mers are sapient, scale buying is dying out with newer generations, so since he has a chance to do something about it this time he breaks Tommy out and carts him off to Ranboo for help, bc where else could he go?
Tommy really fixes the communication problem here, MVP. Turns out Ranboo couldn't speak english because they usually practiced underwater and not enough above water to actually figure out how to use their vocal cords the right way, and of course Tommy knows, so he helps Ranboo and Ranboo re-familiarizes him with merfolk language in return. :D It's a silly mistake but tbf to Ranboo they try not to breach the surface if they can help it bc of old fear of hunters.
5- I do!! Wilbur, Techno, Kristin, Philza, Michael, and Puffy so far!
Wilbur is a human, he busts mer poachers. he mistakes Tubbo for one at first bc he was following Tommy's trail and learned he was taken from the guys. Nearly passes out when meeting Ranboo.
Techno is a mer! Very standoffish to humans, but tolerates Tubbo bc Tommy vouched for him. He's just traveling and looking for humans to mess up.
Kristin is a leviathan and Philza is her mer husband :], they're friends of Techno! Phil and Techno have that magic mental link so they can keep in touch despite long distances. Techno kinda calls them over after meeting benchtrio.
Michael is a leviathan, just a little baby guy Ranboo finds after meeting Techno but before meeting Kristin and Phil. No one knows where his parents are, presumably they're gone by more natural causes. Ranboo adopts immediately.
Puffy is a human! I haven't figured out a lot of her role yet besides being a sailor that Tubbo talks to. Maybe a neighbor or guardian? Someone to notice how much Tubbo stays out at the beach.
6- which leads to this I guess :D So besides Wilbur, I haven't planned who find out very well. Someone else def will find out though. Tubbo has kinda been documenting what he learns about leviathans, so one day he can try and change people's minds about them.
And I have this little spinoff idea where Tubbo makes internet posts and videos with Ranboo or the other mers, so either they do the reveal themselves and cause shenanigans, or get found out and have some drama before the shenanigans. ^_^ The first one would give Tubbo more anonymity, but the latter would make people believe him quicker.
TY for the lollipop :D it was very fun to answer these! <3
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TOP GUN HEADCANONS: Bob Floyd edition (he's my blorbo)
Gotta honor my icon for my first post here. I love bobby, hes my bby, my son, my silly rabbit.
Let's start:
HE'S TRANS. hes a transman, but he still likes to explore his gender identity trough clothes n shit. basically, I wanna see him in a dress
hes done top surgery, 2 horizontal scars below his pecs and his nipples are heart shaped. cuz i think thats cute
hes not particularly interested in bottom surgery, but he DOES have a glorious t-dick. my son is packin ;)
i also hc him as gay, or just HEAVILY men leaning. I get the pan and bi hcs, but for some reason i see him as a man lover only
he has an insomnia disorder and autism, possibly adhd. at this point, bob will just deal with his shit raw
he has a hyper fixation on the ocean. throughout his years in the navy, he was also doing a marine investigator course, very surface (hah) level of course, but he wanted it official
bob has a scuba diving certification (he ALMOST went full ocean instead of the navy. almost)
bob's family is not his biological one. they are his childhood next door neighbors, who stepped in when his family was um. having issues. I'll make another post for that I think
im just gonna say that bob's mom sucked ASS and his dad wasnt there as much because of divorce when he was 4. he also worked for the USA government, secret service, so their time was limited
he's an only child, but Sirah, the child of his neighbor family, was always a big sister to him. She figured out bob's gender identity since very young, and always helped him make small but meaningful steps to learn n accept it himself
bob is a great cook, but he does prefer when someone else cooks for him. he thinks its very sweet
bob is a supernatural skeptic. he believes more in cryptics and aliens than ghosts n demons
bob's fav animals are cats, sharks and jellyfish
bob is also very interested in space, but more because his dad was, and they would trade facts of each others hyper fixations whenever they could
his aim is IMMACULATE, scarily so. never anger bob if theres throwable or shootable objects nearby. you will be hit
the reason bob doesnt drink with the other daggers is because he has this irrational fear that somehow theyre gonna be called for a mission, theyre all gonna be drunk including him, and for some reason he'll be needed to pilot, even tho thats not his position, n then he'll crash n die somewhere. so he never drinks to ensure hes at least sober if something happens. he knows its irrational, the fear is still there tho
bob is like a disney princess, and will charm any animals that come in contact with him. even that bear that one time. and that shark while he was drunk. he will fight spiders however, verbally
he knows how to play the guitar, but he also wants to learn the drums
bob was on puberty blockers when he was around 14 and started testosterone when he turned 17. His top surgery was his 21st birthday present
everybody growing up always said he looked like his mother, which he hates considering she sucks. it wasnt until he met his grandmother from his father side when he turned 20, when she saw him for the first time since his dads funeral at 14, that she says what shes always thought: that he was the copy paste of his dad. he cried a lot that day
bobs father is actually missing. he went on a mission he knew could be dangerous, a long awaited one, so there were a few years to prepare for that. something about radiation and handling dangerous substances. bob knows this, and they spent as much time together as they can
bob actually named himself after his dad. they are both Robert Floyd. ppl normally think its either spongebob, or the minion, or bob the builder for some reason. one person said robert pattinson from twilight specifically. bob didnt know how to feel (hes team jacob)
That will do for now. cuz its getting long. I'll add of bobs backstory cuz BOY. ITS DARK. IM SORRY IN ADVANCE
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gegewrites · 2 years
mr.whites daughter  8-binding link
Jesses pov- End of rehab-
(y/n) didn't visit me during the last month of my rehab. I didn't know why, she didn't call or anything. Mr.white came and picked me up, we didn't go to his house, but instead to a condo. "Having a temporary switch in residency." He said and pointed to the couch,"that's yours." "Great." I dropped my bag next to the couch and sat down,"you hear from (y/n)?" "No not really." He shook his head,"a lot has been going on." I nodded and he raised his brow. "I thought she visited you quite frequently." "She didn't come at all this month, didn't hear from her." I shrugged my shoulders. "She's been pretty busy trying to keep a lot of things in our family intact right now." He admitted and I nodded. "Why? Why does it fall onto her?" "Well..."he shook his head,"I honestly Don't even know. It just somehow has." "Cause she's the oldest and is the binding link to it all?" I raised my brow. "I guess so." He nodded,"last time k spoke to her she said Saul has had her working a lot of overtime at the office." "Overtime, that's one way to put it." I muttered and rubbed my face. "What do you mean?" "Just forget it man." I shook my head,"I'm gonna go get my car and swing by my aunt house." "Where's your car?" "(y/n)s apartment." I stood up,"her place is like...a 20 minute walk from here you know right?" "I actually Had no clue." I nodded. "Aight man, do you have my money?" I stood up. "Saul has it, but ur not getting it unless you're clean." "Yo I just did three months and rehab and listened to how the director or whatever killed his 6 year old daughter cause of his addiction. I'm staying clean, I'm not usin again." He nodded and gave me a smile. "Good, good."
(y/n)s car wasn't at her apartment, but I was able to get my keys since she put them in my trunk. I went to my aunts house and found out they were fixin it up and were gonna sell it. My dad wouldn't even let me inside or really even look at me. So I went to sauls office right away. I pushed the glass door open and walked to the front desk. "Saul free?" I asked the lady and she called into his office. "Okay." She hung up the phone,"he's currently on a phone call but said you could go in. I walked away and to the door. I opened it and he was walking around his office on a call, he had one of these earpieces In. I closed the door, (y/n) wasn't in here. "How come I'm the one paying you? You should be paying me at this point." His back was turned towards me,"okay well thats true," he chuckled,"I'll see you soon." "Yo." I said as he pressed the earpiece and hung up the call. "If it isn't the Prodigal himself! Out of rehab and a whole new person with a buttload of cash!" He chuckled walking to his desk and picking up my duffel bag,"how you been?" I didn't answer him as I unvelcrode the peice that held the leather handles together,"how was rehab?" "Fine." I said as I moved a stack of files off of the table by his couch and sat down. I unzipped the back and started counting. "You're looking better, I'll give you that." I glanced up at him and went back to Counting, stacking the bars of cash. "I got a job." "For me?" "Yeah for you, my parents are selling my house, and i want it back." He nodded. "Sounds only fair." He shrugged his shoulders and the door opened. It was (y/n). "If you send me out to get you another fuckin latte during mid day traffic again, I will fuckin shoot you." She handed him a Starbucks cup, she didn't realize I was there till he cleared voice and motioned towards me with his head. "Holy shit." She was in a red pencil skirt and a black button up long sleeve. "Yo." I smiled, I couldn't help it. "When the fuck did you get out?" "Like an hour ago, your dad picked me up." She nodded,"so you gonna help me buy my aunts house or what?" "Definitely." He smiled as i put the cash back in the bag. "Wanna leave the room for a second (y/n)?" I asked and she looked at Saul and he nodded. "Alright, sure." With that she walked out and I walked past the table and to Saul. "I wanna make one thing clear with you right here, right now." I stoped a foot away from him,"leave (y/n) the fuck alone, alright?" He raised his brow at me,"you put a Fuckin finger on her, or make one move towards her from this day on. That Ditch Mr.white and I brought you to when we first met...you'll be staring at the stars from 6 feet down while bury you alive. Understood?" He gave me a smug look and took a step towards me. "I'll make sure to ask her what her opinion on that is."he smiled,"your not the first guy to come in here and threaten me and you sire as hell won't be the last." "Yo Anything under that shirt and skirt you bought her, that's mine, alright?" "Again, I'll her about what she thinks. Then again, its her choice." He walked past me and to the door and opened it,"I need you to get me in touch with the realestate for his aunts house." "I'll get on it." She smiled and looked at me,"you need somewhere to stay till then?" "Fuck ya, I'd prefer to crash on ur couch and not ur dads." "I'll meet you there after work then." She smiled and k nodded. I walked over and grabbed the duffle and gave one last look at Saul as he smiled at me. "Drive safe and walk the right path kid." "Whatever you say man." I smiled and left the room.
I met up with (y/n) at her apartment at 5. I was sitting in the stairs, smoking a cigarette when she pulled in. "When did you get here?" She asked closing the door and locking it. "A few minutes ago." I stood up and she walked up the stairs, gotta admit, her ass looked great in that skirt, probably why Saul bought it. "Gonna have the meeting tomorrow with the agent and your parents." She unlocked the door,"he's gonna make sure you get that house." I tossed the cigarette into the grass and picked up my bags as we walked in. She closed the door behind us and locked it. "I gotta question." I put my bags down, and she hummed,"you gonna keep Fuckin him?" "He asked me almost the same thing before I left." She walked down the hall and to her bedroom and I followed.
"I told him I'd have to thing about it." She sat down of the edge of the bed and took her heels off as I leaned on the door frame,"and I though about it in the ride here." She stood up and started unbuttoning her shirt,"and I came to the conclusion that..." she shrugged her shoulders,"I wasn't sure." "What do you mean?" She turned around ss she untucked the shirt from her skirt and took it off, her bra was red, and she pointed to the zipper on the back of her skirt so I unzipped it for her even though she could've done it herself. "We'll, your fresh out of rehab." She looked over her shoulder at me and stepped out of the skirt and tossed them in the hamper,"maybe it's to early for us to get involved with each other." "If you didn't wanna get involved with me, then like why I am here?" I crossed my arms as she turned around. I swallowed as she walked over to me, in a full, dark red lace set. "Because I need you to change my mind." Her face was a few inches away from my, my arms uncrossed my hands hands found their way onto her waist and I pulled her onto me. "You want me to change ur mind?" I smirked and she nodded,"so smudging that lipstick snd making ur mascara run is gonna do that?" "Maybe." She whispered,"it might not." "Did you like it when he fucked you? Treating you like some whore that he could have at the snap of his fingers?" I raised my brow. "Again that's why I need you to change my mind." "Because you enjoyed it?" She took a deep breath and nodded,"and now it feels...what wrong?" She moved away from me and sat down on her bed. "I mean, I liked it, I-I consented fo everything it wasn't like I was being forced-" "He's not what you want." I walked over and sat down,"he was like a temporary fix." "Yeah." She nodded. "First thing we're gonna do," I used my index and middle finger to make her look at me,"fuck his outta you, Then go through your closet, snd put all that fake business clothing deep in your closet, and get you back." "But the money is so good." She whined. "But this Dick I'm bouta give is gonna be so much better." Mu tongue swiped over my lip and she moved to straddle my hips and pushed me down, my hands found their way back to her hips as she lowered down, holding onto my shoulders. "But the money." She winced. "Forget the money and think about what's right." I smirked,"my Dick is forever, his cash? Temporary." "With how much I have right now, I won't even be able to spend it all by the time I'm 40." She laughed. "Exactly why you don't need his money." My hands moved back to her ass and I pulled her closer to me,"I'm all yours, so have me...Please." She lowered down and placed a kiss on my neck. "All mine?" "Bitch if you don't make me yours right now, I will make you mine." She kissed along my neck, I couldn't wait to see the stain her red lipstick made once we were done. I could feel Myself getting harder and harder each time her hips moved the slightest and she caught on and started grinding lightly. I felt her create that mark over my pulse point and I groaned. She sat up after she placed a kiss on it. My hand slid up her back and pinched the clip of her bra and she pulled it down her arms. The piercings she had in where plain with red gemstones in the shape of hearts. I ran my hands up her waist and to her boobs as she placed a soft kiss on my lips so I caught them before she could pull away. The kiss was slow, passionate, everything I've missed in these 3 months. I sat up as my hands moved to hold her so she didn't fall, her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled away. "You're wearing too much." I cupped her cheek and used my thumb to wipe away the smudged lipstick with I knew had to be on my lips to and she laughed and confirmed it. I grabbed onto the bottom of my shirt as she let of me and I took it off, I used it to wipe away her lipstick and I used it to wipe away whatever was on my lips away. "That's better." I smirked as she bit her lip and I threw my shirt away from us and kissed her again, harder time and she didn't fail to respond. At some point when the kiss for pretty heated, I felt her hand creep into my hair, using it to pull my head back as she went back to my neck. She was making me hers.
She slowly slid down my lap, kissing my chest, my ribs and my stomach till she made it to jeans. She looked up st me through her lashes as she undid my belt, unbuttoned Smd unzipped my jeans. Then her phone rang, she looked towards the door like she was debating grabbing it, and well she stood up smd walked oit. I kicked my sneakers and socks off and slipped oit of my jeans as I Walked out of the room.
When I heard her talking, I was no longer horny, the feeling being taken over by concern. "I- mom. Mom. Mom! I can't pick a fuckin side between you both!" She sat down on the couch,"I know nothing about him making meth I swear to god." My brows furrowed in confusion and worry,"I've already told you, I had no clue that dad was- I was not withdrawing on meth it was Cocaine I've told you this a lot of time already." I leaned against the wall by her counter as she rubbed her face and bit her lip,"I'm done with this bullshit, alright? I'm really Fuckin over it. You, dad, and junior are constantly calling me about this shit, I'm not Fuckin doing it anymore okay? Im done. D-o-n-e. Done." She hung up the call and flipped her phone close. "Your mom knows?" I asked and she looked up at me and I watched a tear fall down her cheek as her eyes flooded. "He Fuckin told her." Her jaw tightened,"and now I'm supposed to fix it all apparently." "Your dad mentioned that earlier." I said as i walked over. she grabbed her cigarettes out of her purse and slid one out and grabbed her lighter off the coffee table and lit it. "It never Fuckin ends." I sat down next to her and she moved to lean into me and I wrapped my arm over her shoulder as she took a drag. "That's why you didn't come this month, huh? Staying at the office so you had an excuse to not answer their calls, working overtime." "Bingo." She exhaled with a nod. "Your dads smart, he'll work something out with her." "I can only hope."I stole the cigarette from her fingers and took a drag,"I'm sorry, that completely my mood." "It's fine, don't worry about it." I shook my head and saw her look at me so I looked down at her,"wanna go get some food?" "That's be great."
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thebigfudanshi · 10 months
I feel like every time something good happens in my life, something bad just always has to happen. I just have to learn ONE more bad thing about life I didn't want to know. Somebody's not who I think they are, my parents act all normal and then stuff just devolves, a say something completely stupid to my friend, there's something wrong with my dog,
I have classes to catch up on, I need to get a goddamn permit, I'm assualted with disgusting images from my brain I DONT WANT TO SEE, I only have one friend, my life is so monotonous I wanna cry. I'm so lonely the only being I've touched in the last year's have been hugging and petting my dog and one brief placement of a hand over mine from my friend that made my heart soar. But shit always goes wrong. I've learned some really horrible shit about a side of my family I never wanted to hear. My family is founded on trauma, both of my parents were abused, in turn I was abused emotionally and neglected, and I'm only just now figuring out who I am and it's fucking scaring me because it shouldn't be like this and everything I know feels fake and my mind is a void that's only running off of thoughts of Dook larue and I don't know how much longer I'm gonna last on this and everything I know is falling apart around me and building up at the same time and I haven't even started my life I'm a fucking 20 year old living in my parents house and nobody seems to realize just how fucking TERRIBLE I'm doing and everything gets brushed away and I STILL can't talk in my house, or I can, but. God my mom told me some terrible shit. None of my relatives are good, hell, not even my dad is who I thought he was, and somebody else I've found out isn't whoi thought they were, and I'm sitting here trying to process .y life because the only way I'll ever remember anything is if I post it online but what's gonna happen if someone finds this and I cant even tell them how I feel, and
My mom offered to let me start counseling through her girlfriends work like her girlfriend is and I'm really really really wanting to take that offer I already told her yes. I need to see a therapist now now now now now
My world is falling apart around me and my default is to curl up and pump my brain full of dook larue I can't do this but I can make any friends because I'm too fucked up my brain is only sexual I'm so scared all the time I can't figure out who I am and I really need someone to hold me and cup my face and tell me it's gonna be alright and they're gonna make my bad thoughts go away cause they're gonna sit with me all day and help me piece myself together because I really can't do this on my own anymore I just can't I can't deal with anything like a normal person and I know too much bad shit about the world that keeps haunting my brain and it hurts so much because I would NEVER ever do it and I know it with all my heart but my brain keeps putting horrible images in my head and I can't do it anymore 8m not gonna kill myself because that's pussy shit but I rreally really really need help I can't do this by myself 8m hurting and I need help I'm admiting it I can't do this. Everyday is the fucking same but I never want to leave the house but Phoebe need to go on walks and socialize and I even did that today but then everything went to shit because I found out something I could've gone without again qnd I dont know how to keep being a person. I've never been a person. Just a shell. Cram me up full of traits I'm stealing off of people. Do I only know how to write because my brain has nothing to do but imagine? I really need therapy and I really need to tell my mom because she's still my guardian because the past year has been a dissociative HELL SPIRAL and I can't even look forward to the thing I was looking forward to because everything went bad all of a sudden like it always does.
Ducky out. I just need... Something. I don't know. I don't have anyone and honestly I'm kinda seeing why. I can't do this anymore man. It's so hard all the time. I don't k ow what to do because I refuse to kill myself and I really do want to live, but everything is so upsetting all the time, I can't see any good in the world coming into my future. I can't see my future. I'm completely stuck where I am. If I never have any... Well I have my best friend and my mutual on here but... I can't fill my life long loneliness like this. I really really need help and I can't get it. I can't even talk to my mom because I'm so scared she's not gonna listen to me again because I told her I was dissociating all year and she doesn't seem to HEAR me. I can't do this guy's I'm so lost. My house is building itself back up back I'm falling into the same old house it used to be and worse. I can't. I just can't. I don't k ow what to do because nobody's ever listened to me in my life but my brother and he can't help me with this. I'm so scared to ask my mom. I can't do anything right. I don't know how long I'm gonna have to type before I forget everything that happened today but it's working so that's good. Maybe I'll just tell my best friend I'm in love with him and stop being so scared I'll fall out of love. I already know he used to like me. Were great friends! I would fucking ruing him so bad and I can't do that to him I can't he's too important to me. I can't keep running in circles like this in a stupid nymphomaniac loop but this is the only thing I can control, right? Because I can't even eat right. I'm under weight. I'm not even 100 pounds, I'm fucking 90 something pounds because nothing in my house looks good unless I'm high and that's a whole different story of addiction. Truth is, I'm so scared of everything, the world, myself, everything. The only saving grace I have is my brother. The only person who's ever known ME.
It's not enough, it'll never be. My brother is my brother. I need someone I can LOVE. To hold, to kiss, to give them all of me to distract me from every terrible fucking thing in the world. Someone who won't misgender me, someone clean, someone just, who is clean. Someone who gets me. Someone who can understand everything. I can't keep running in circles but how am I supposed to break free when im spiraling so fast? There's only three people keeping me sane and it's my brother l, my best friend, and my mutual. You guys keep me going. I don't know what to do anymore.
But truely, as I'm calming down from my feral panic. I don't know what to do. I need help. But I don't know what to do. I need help with that. What do I do? What am I supposed to tell my mom? "My mental health has spiraled so rapidly I'm falling apart at the seams."?
Well she's gonna blame it on herself so I'm gonna be upset and she's gonna be upset and I won't know what to do. She's gonna get home from work and be upset already and every time I try to think of talking to her I start crying. I am now. I feel so fucking helpless I don't know what to do please help me anyone I don't understand anything anymore my life was supposed to be all okay when my parents got divorced and it just got so muchfuckingworse.
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