#man it’s so cool that the creator of this post reached out to me to ask me about my response I love when that happens
nyaskitten · 8 months
I made the assumption Olive was editing the wiki articles, and while that's a very logical conclusion to reach, it was actually someone who shares the same viewpoints as them!!! Anything including the wiki articles and Olive's involvement is wrong and that's my bad!!!
Alright fellas, I guess we did it. We have reached the tipping point. I'm going to dedicate this post to calling out one specific person, @olivescales3, and their very toxic behavior. This post will be a bit messy, and I do apologize in advance, I'm writing this from the perspective of a Ninjago fan who also thinks beyond just the petty fandom stuff, what they're doing is just not cool.
I will clarify, I do not make this post for petty fandom drama, I make this to better spread awareness on some of the bullshit they're doing, so you can look out for and understand that they're bullshitting. Without further ado, I think we should just get into it.
So, what have they done?
Now, I should say while there is no 100000% concrete link between hyenabro and olivescales, I think based on their talking points (as well and the information I've recieved from friends in the Chima fandom, who have a bunch of prior experience with them,) it's safe to make this assumption!
So, what has olivescales DONE in this case? Simple, they've vandalized the Chima wiki on NUMEROUS occasions, even after several different people have revised their revisions, so as to discredit any conenctions between Dragons Rising and Chima.
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(Green is their edits, red is the ones prior to theirs, I found this while going through their contributions section on their Fandom account, HyenaBro119)
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As seen here, they have (under the username HyenaBro119) edited the pages for Chima AND the Forever Rock (I have two similar screenshots of essentially the same thing, one was from the Forever Rock article, the other was from Chima) and claimed Ninjago's lore to be some alternate universe. To further validate it, they write "Ras' visit to," but Ras NEVER claimed to have VISITED these locations, just that he knows them. They also claim the Forever Rock was destroyed, a blatant lie. Only a small section of rock on the Forever Rock was actually destroyed, not the whole thing.
Now, you're gonna ask "but Raine, how can you 100000% say it's them?" and I will cite common sense. While I cannot directly tie Olive to hyena, I CAN say their wording is SO very similar.
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Both Hyena and Olive call DR "a parallel/alternate universe," and again, claim Forever Rock was destroyed, WHICH IS A FULL ON LIE. They're so adamant to protect "the sanctity of Chima's pre-established, set-in-stone lore" that they can't stop to think maybe, JUST MAYBE, sometimes a story can get new lore which can ALSO be canon!
I'd also love to share this HILARIOUS screenshot of one of their many posts, which not only backs up what I'm saying, but it's like damn they really set themself up huh!
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Gee I wonder why you feel alone! Maybe it's because you are! Maybe it's because you're lying and making shit up to prove yourself right! No one is as big of a hater as you!
The also LOVE saying Ninjago cannot do anything with Chima unless they get express permission from the creator of Chima, some guy named John Derevlany, but oh man what's this I see before me?
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CO-CREATOR? Oh but Olive, I thought he was the CREATOR of Chima, not CO-creator... ALSO Lego owns the rights to Chima, and Ninjago, and every other theme, as said by Doc himself! If anything he wasn't really dodging the question, just giving a vague answer, because he doesn't know much about the old contracts!
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From what he said, it's clear that if they wanted to use anything from the other themes, they'd have to consult folks over at LEGO, not John Derevlany or Tommy A.!
Now here's the THING, I GET where they're coming from, it CAN be annoying to have people only care about a thing you like in relation to something else, but when you're going out of your way to argue that none of it can be canon and it's all an alternate universe it's like... god it's so sad and pathetic really.
Their lies and BS don't even end there with the wiki shit, because I have THIS glorious gem.
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A) They bring up that the Ninjago folk do not know who the Phoenixes are which is like, okay??? Why the fuck are they gonna know about how another universe was created??? That's like if someone told me I don't exist in the same universe as my glasses because I have no clue who made them, that is to say, that's stupid as FUCK to say!
B) OH they say something REAAALLL funny ohohohho I am actually dying. Olive says the Phoenix icon "appeared in a Ninjago episode" and "Ninjago tends to reuse assets." Yep, NINJAGO is the one who reused the phoenix symbol, mhm. The symbol that was made in 2011 for NINJAGO, which cameoed in CHIMA in 2014, was actually just an asset reuse by Ninjago. I feel like this actually goes to show how desparate they are to feel right and validated, because this? This a lie! Ninjago made the symbol, and because Tommy A. is co-creator to both, he wanted to slip in a neat Ninjago reference, so he slipped in the Phoenix symbol Nya uses for the Phoenix tribe, not the other way around!
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Another REALLY funny thing they did, aside from the wiki and Phoenix symbol shit, was this hilarious attempt at being right!
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Yes, the compared the WOLF Masks to BATman's cowl, and did a horribly rough comparison illustration that very much does not make sense. If you actually compared them side by side, the only similarities would be they're both angry animal themed mask with pointy ears, which does NOT go very far in the long run. The foreheads they drew aren't even the same fucking shape lol.
OH ANS WE CANNOT FORGET THIS ONE! Their using a post about the Palestinian genocide and boycotting Lego in order to complain about Ninjago.
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They claim Ninjago is produced by Lego, unlike other Lego shows, which is an EXTREMELY bullshit fucking claim. Just like Chima and Nexo Knights, Ninjago is produced by Lego, it's not JUST Ninjago produced by Lego, they are all Canadian-Danish CGI action shows, and they're all known to have Tommy Andreasen involved in the creation of them.
They're using a post about boycotting for the sake of innocent people DYING to complain about a lego ninja show for... killing evil people? It doesn't glorify war, the worst it does in regards to war is like not address how fucked up it can be in regards to the Serpentine War, but that's like it. I think it's so funny they want to single out Ninjago as if it's the only TV series where villains die for trying to conquer/destroy the world.
So, what do I want the takeaway from this post to be? What do I want you to get from it? I don't really know anymore, I just don't want Olive's horrendously toxic behaviors, and straight up lies to stop. If anything I think it's beautiful that Ninjago is making others interested in revisiting Chima again, stop being such a fucking hater dude. They act like Chima is some holy grail of Lego, the greatest thing since bread, but it, just like Ninjago, Dreamzzz, Hidden Side, and Nexo Knights, have Tommy in creative roles.
To act like Chima is somehow greater than is to place it on an unrealistic pedestal as if it's a godsend, when in reality it was co-created by Tommy Fucking Andreasen.
If you read through all of this, I do THOROUGHLY appreciate it, I didn't mean for this post to descend into an angry ramble but ehhh yk how it is. And Olive, if you see this, please, just stop with the bullshit.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A PR Nightmare
Scarlett Johansson x F!R
Warnings: Drugs(the happy gas), Gaslighting(ex).
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"Scarlett Johansson is my wife!” you groaned, slamming your laptop shut in the hopes of forgetting, but the embarrassing clip is now engrained in your mind. Your now ex was so jealous of your crush on your celebrity boss that she thought it best to post your drugged up form announcing it to the world.
So high on the laughing gas from your wisdom teeth procedure you'd failed to notice the camera in your face as you rambled on about the blonde starlet, not that you'd have done much of anything in the state you were in. Martha betrayed you, and all the trust you once held for her flew out the window with your relationship. She pleaded with you to let it go, that it was just a harmless joke, but the email you got requesting for you to meet up with Scarlett, Kate and HR told you it likely wasn't.
Now, all you wanted to do was to curl up in your bed and sob for days. Snuggling your tuxedo kitten impossibly close, while eating every unhealthy snack known to man. Your associated leave only lasted a few days, and the looming meeting was scheduled for tomorrow.
Quitting wasn't sounding so bad to you, but then you felt a cool breeze, remembering that living in the city wasn't cheap, and if you were to have no income lined up to replace hers you and Toby would be foraging on the streets.
"Wish me luck Tobes.," the cat lazily meowed from atop your chest, and you thanked him with a few head pats before letting a restless sleep win you over.
Scarlett was in her office tapping away on the computer, in an hours time she'll be on a zoom interview to address the silly issue at hand. Then a few hours later she'd be meeting you in person for the very first time, you were one of the many social media consultants on her team, and it wasn't a shock she never met you.
Doesn't mean she hadn't seen you before, her interested gaze always lingered on your form too, finding it humorous that you were so focused on getting the products lined up with the rooms natural lighting. When you were focused on that, she was focused on how that same light gave you the glow of an angel.
This video of yours might've cause a subtle uproar on the internet, but she couldn't be bothered by such a thing when it got her that much closer to you. Especially with the clear knowledge that the attraction here is mutual; The Outset sales booming is just a bonus.
While Scarlett typed away in a state of glee it was very much a polarizing experience for you. Clammy hands reached for the main entrance door, and after a few tries you'd managed to get in the building just to trip over an obvious box.
"Get it together Y/L/N," you grumbled as you wiped the dirt off your now wrinkled clothes, "Perfect, now she can think I'm a slob too."
You trudged up to your locker to put your bag away, and hopefully fix yourself up a bit. There was a group of your coworkers there, almost as if they were in wait, because instantaneous snickering occurred as you filled their view.
Ignoring them was easy enough, you'd never cared much for them anyways, so you just glared their way before making the dreadful trip up the elevator where ignoring the urge to vomit up your iced coffee was harder to ignore.
Especially when the metal doors slid open, showing you in a state of obvious duress, your fingers were aggressive as they massaged at your aching temple, and you were muttering words under you breath, you honestly looked insane. Which is why when the soft clearing of a throat was heard you froze up like a statue.
Stood before you was Scarlett Johansson, her hand on the shoulder of her co creator, and the CEO of The Outset—Kate, whom of which you were familiar with as she loved to be on the inside of a lot of the company's media promo. The older woman was smiling at you softly, her eyes dripping with sympathy, and you weren't sure how you were still standing on your feet.
"Miss Y/L/N, I wasn't expecting you for another thirty minutes, but lucky for you I'm free now," Scarlett spoke, tone even, but you could see amusement flickering in her eyes.
"I however have to go handle an emergency, something to do with legal, so it'll just be the two of you as HR only gave a form for you," Kate continued as she brushed passed, and suavely swapped places with you in the lift.
Kate's smiling face was like a lifeline in the moment, so when the doors shut you nearly collapsed to your knees. A meeting with the woman alone, the same one you embarrassed online, and who sometimes signs your checks.
You weren't sure it could get much worse, but boy were you wrong because as soon as you sat down the blonde had your video queued up, "Shall we watch this together? Or are you equally as aware of the contents as I am?"
"I-I know what was said,” you hung your head in shame, completely missing her sly smirk.
"I'm apparently the 'hottest thing since baked lasagna,” Scarlett read off a quote pulled from the unbearably long video, though she kept her voice level you could see the amusement in her eyes, and via the small side smirk she obviously tried to suppress. "But wait, at one point you mentioned that if given the chance you'd gaze into my brilliant green eyes for hours on end, but you've yet to even look me in the eyes."
"Am I being fired?" you managed to ask her the looming question. "Should you be Y/N?"
A heavy sigh left your lips as you clambered to your feet, "I'm sorry for the all the trouble I've caused you Miss Johansson, and I'd just like to thank you for the opportunity to work under you." The blonde's brows furrowed, she was genuinely shocked at your outburst, "Wait!"
Your hand paused on the handle, and you twisted your upper body to face her. "You're not being fired, as I've been told, and quite frankly as I've seen you're one of our better employees, and it would be a disservice to let you go over something so silly," she slowly moved from behind her desk as a means to approach you, her hand settled atop your arm and your breath hitched in your throat.
"That being said." You felt uneasy when she spun you the rest of the way to face her, it felt like your stomach was doing somersaults with the way she was smirking at you—at you, not near you, no, it was designated for your eyes. "You've caused quite the stir around the world, so my team and I think it'd be best if you were my next red carpet date, for the public appeal."
Scarlett watched as you swallowed thickly, so she softened her smirk, and squeezed your shoulder in a comforting way. "It would be good for The Outsets image, we'd basically be in on the joke, or more so getting ahead of it." You found yourself even more confused by her phrasing, and maybe even a bit hurt. "Joke?"
Scarlett internally smacked herself, she'd been nervous when she spoke, even if her confident smirk said otherwise, and now she has to find a way to make sense of her likely hurtful words. "You said I was your wife, is that not a joke?" Your eyes immediately looked away from hers at the pointed call out, "No, yeah, it was..."
"Exactly, but maybe if you play your cards right it could be your eventual reality," she winked, short circuiting your brain with the words and flirty gesture to the point of stunned silence.
"Just think about it Y/N, no pressure, but I'd be doing a disservice to myself if I didn't say I'd be the luckiest person on that carpet if I had a pretty thing like you hanging off of my arm."
At the sight of your soft, nervous smile the starlet felt her nerves settling. "Ok, I'll do it." Blinded by her excitement she pulled you into a hug, and fortunately for her you melted into it. "Perfect, my team will be in contact then, and I'll be seeing you around the office pretty girl."
True to her word, Scarlett sought you out the very next day after reading through your file. Kate and her had decided awhile back to do there best to connect with the staff on a more personal level, and in doing so they'd asked you all some really random questions. Nothing too personal, it was very surface level, like: what's your go to take out meal, or favorite game?
After reading how much you loved to play Uno, and eat at that small Italian restaurant up the street she immediately sent her assistant out to collect all that she'd need, and now she was in the elevator on her way down to your floor.
"Good afternoon Miss Johansson."
When your manager announced the arrival of your starlet boss you tried to shrink into the void, but it was to no avail as she was here for you. The toned legs slipped into cherry red high heels before your face said as much, "Hi."
Scarlett chuckled as you greeted her knee, her unbelievably soft hand reached down to help you to your feet, and with the force she used it made you stumble into her awaiting embrace.
"Oh, you're falling for me all over again?" she teased quietly with a whisper against your ear before she straightened the both of your bodies then began to walk away, heels clicking as she spoke, "We have things to discuss, come on."
After a moment of bewildering, you looked up to John who looked to you concerned, "Go."
Scarlett bit back her chuckle at the sight of you haphazardly rushing to catch the elevator, as if she wasn't patiently holding it open for you, and admiring how pretty your soft pout was.
"I'm sorry Miss Johansson," you rushed out, but she quickly stopped you with a hand on your lower back, causing you to freeze as a shiver ran through you, "Call me Scarlett."
As the both of you exited the elevator onto her floor you walked in tandem, her hand never left your back until it was pulling the chair out for you to sit down. Scarlett Johansson was proving to be quite the gentlewoman.
"So, you're probably wondering why you're here," she playfully quirked a brow your way, and watched as you nodded meekly, "Mhm."
"Well honey, I don't think it's proper me taking you out as my date without a proper sit down," she started while dolling out the take outs full of pasta before you, serving you a piping hot plate of fettuccine, while she had spaghetti. "There's also the discussion of whether we'll want to match, so we'll have some clothes for you to try on delivered in the next hour or so."
“Thank you,” you gestured to the pasta when she looked to you curiously, “No problem love.”
Scarlett was enjoying her time with you, she was getting to know you like she’d always been tempted to. Learning silly things like your favorite color, animal, or dessert, she even knows your go to comfort movie and snacks.
It was a serene moment until the team she hired to pick your outfits showed up to break it. There was a rolling bar full of various items, a mix of suits and dresses so you could choose whatever made you the most comfortable.
“So, tell me darling, shall we match? Because I have a dress to match any outfit you choose.”
It wasn’t hard to pick after she said that, you went with the deep red option, because you had always adored Scarlett when she wore red. Scarlett beamed at your choice to match, then she was working hard not to drool, because you looked rather delectable in the red yourself.
Neither of you realized how long you’d been together until you were leaving her office with your belongings in hand as the sun had nearly sunk below the New York skyline. You entered the elevator and pressed for the ground floor.
“So, Y/N, what made you apply to The Outset?”
You smiled softly, “I have always enjoyed the art of advertising, and I needed money so when I saw the attached salary I was sold.”
“It’s okay, you can say it was because of me,” she teased, stepping closer, only causing you to stumble backwards, “Not everything I do is because of my silly crush on you Miss Joh—.”
“Y/N, for the love of God, call me Scarlett,” she whined as the doors opened, thankful to be in a empty building as the work day already ended.
The rest of the walk to the street was in silence, you too busy overthinking audibly mentioning your obvious crush, and the blonde was in the opposite state, internally beaming at the words.
“I’ll get you Friday at six darling,” she placed a hand on your lower back, and shifted you into an embrace you couldn’t avoid, “Be ready,” she smiled at you, then ushered you into your car and waited until you were buckled to leave.
It was quite shocking to you when a car pulled up and had Scarlett in the drivers seat. You’d been expecting her to arrive with a driver, but you didn’t question her outwardly, instead you settled into the passenger seat, and in for a long ride since she made sure to make it hard with that innocent hand placed on your thigh.
Scarlett’s driver was at the edge of the event, and so as soon as she assisted you out of the car she was passing off the keys to Ricardo.
“If you get nervous, don’t hesitate to tell me,” she squeezed your hand for emphasis, then once you nodded she pulled you onto the red carpet where you’re met with blinding flashes.
Scarlett saw the way others at the venue looked at you, as if you were fresh meat for them to pick off of. It infuriated her beyond belief that anyone would so much as look at you while you were on her arm, but to try and speak to you?
It was ludicrous, and she wasn't having it.
Scarlett pulled you closer by the hand on your waist, then when a new wave of paparazzi came up to photograph the two of you she knew she needed to send a clear message. "Hey, Y/N?"
You hummed nervously, far too thrown by the hustle and bustle of a red carpet to speak, but you also turned to her with a nervous smile. The way she was staring at you, as if you were a glass of Chardonnay she intended to devour in one gulp, only served to intensify the nerves that were coursing throughout your body.
"Fuck it," Scarlett didn't exactly plan for this, but she was desperate, so she cupped your left cheek and pulled you in for a kiss, and to her luck and honestly, surprise, you instantly were reciprocating the gesture, eagerly if she may.
The crowd woo'd, and beyond the flashes they began to shout at her for answers, and this was when you pulled away with a terrified gaze. Scarlett ignored her responsibility as a star, and pulled you to a secluded corner so that she could make sure you understood that was a real kiss, and not a devious little PR stunt.
As soon as you were out of sight you ripped your hands from hers, it broke her to see you look so hurt, watching as you hastily retreated, wrapping your arms around yourself for the much needed comfort, "That was mean..."
"No, I-I get it, okay? I embarrassed you with the video, and now you're just returning the favor. It doesn't make it any less cruel."
"No Y/N, please," Scarlett had never been so desperate before, she's dated her fair share of people, but none ever as enticing as you, and she hadn't even properly asked you out yet, "This, everything up until now, was real."
"Scarlett, you're an amazing actress..."
"No!" she stepped forward, trapping you against the wall, "I wasn't being malicious Y/N, I kissed you because that's what I wanted to do, it's what I've wanted to do for months on end."
“Months? But my video is only two weeks old.”
Scarlett snorted, “I noticed you before that.”
For a brief moment the space was silent, the dirty blonde watched the way you processed her words with relative amusement. The way you smiled bashfully, with your eyes cast down had her falling even deeper into this crush.
“So you like me? The kiss was real?”
Scarlett reached out with a soft hand to cup your left cheek while her other hand wrapped around your neck. She caressed your cheek, offering you a sweet smile before she used her hold on you to pull you into a deep kiss.
The kiss was building up fast, her hands were roaming your body in sinful ways, and you were reacting with breathless mewling. It was only when a frantic young man rushed in to the once private space to look utterly relieved at your compromising bodies that the kiss ended.
“Miss. Johansson, and guest, you really need to be getting to your seats, the shows starts soon.”
Scarlett’s face tinged pink once she noticed the hustle and bustle on the red carpet had indeed dissipated, “Thank you, we’ll be right there.”
The blonde then grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the entrance with familiar ease. She seemed tense, so you tried to lighten the mood, “If you want to give this a PR twist we can get married for real, we can go to Vegas,” you teased your new lover who softly snorted in response, “Y/N, that sounds like a nightmare.”
“All publicity is good publicity Scarlett.”
Once you crossed the threshold into the dark entryway she spun you around and into her hold so she could whisper, “There’s no need to rush this Y/N, I’ll make you mine, I promise.”
Then with a swift kiss to your cheek, and a firm grip on your hand you believed her completely.
You will become Scarlett Johansson’s wife.
3,126 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 🥰
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
05/22-23/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Vico Ortiz; Kristian Nairn; Jes Tom; Watch party Reminders; Enby Gender Census; Fan Spotlight; Mermay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Hey crew, I've been kinda knocked out with work and life the last few days. Trying to catch up <3 Hope you all are hanging in. Sorry for the delay!
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad did a hat tip to our lovely friends Our Flag Means Sass on his Instagram
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Source David Jenkins' Instagram
The speculation on what this is about is that the NBA will be moving from WBD to NBC, Amazon and ESPN.
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= More Chaos Dad =
It's David's sister Tracy's birthday today! He sent out some goofy and fun love her way.
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Source: David Jenkins' Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
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Our Captain posted a very silly video these last couple days on The Cryptid Factor Patreon! This time, Rhys came up with a Musical Improve with the help of his son Finn and other members of Big Cow Band!
Note: You'll probably notice I'm not sharing images / content from Patreon, this is because the creators on Patreon have asked us not to, but also because we want to make sure they're being properly supported!
Wanna check it out? Visit The Cryptid Factor Patreon!
== Nathan Foad ==
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== VIco Ortiz ==
Vico's been busy! Getting some love from fans of The Diablo's Curse and getting some love from Jack <3
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Source: Em Roar's Instagram Stories / Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
Also some new BTS on Vico's Patreon!
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Wanna view the BTS? You can sign up for Vico's Patreon here.
== Kristian Nairn ==
Kristian just feeling cute today <3
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Source: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
== Jes Tom ==
Jess and Elliot out and about at the Hot Girl Summer Tour!
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Source: Jes Tom's Instagram
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Dates: May 20 - 26, 2024 Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST The #RhysDarbyFaction will be hosting OFMD Season 1 on the RDF Discord Server. Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
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Next week we'll be doing the same thing with Season 2 of OFMD
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May 28-31 (we're skipping Memorial Day) Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30 pm BST
== Gender Census ==
Hey Non-Binary friends! There's a Gender Census going on by an independent researcher. If you're interested in filling it out, it's available thru Thursday 13th June 2024. Gender Census 2024
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card by @melvisik is the lighthouse keeper that Ned Low was being a complete dick to!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
= Colouring Pages =
More colouring pages from @patchworkpiratebear! For all you Izzy stans out there you'll love the first one! This would be a pretty damn cool coin! Tumblr - Indestructible Little Fucker / Lighthouse
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= Our Flag Means Fanfiction =
Another episode this week from Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This time The Blackbeard Episode!
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfictions Instagram
== Mer May ==
= Chlorallines =
Today we have a MerMay submission from an artist we haven't seen in fan spotlight before-- @chlorallines! Really beautiful work dear! I'm loving the bubbles and lighting, it feels so sad and hopeful at the same time!
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Source: Chlorallines Tumblr
= ErosTheArist =
More submissions from @erostheartist for MerMay! Blind Man's Cove is particularly creepy! Love it! Day 15: Blind Man's Cove / Day 22: Gravy Basket
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= Snejpowa =
Who needs one dagger when you could have ALLLLLL the daggars. Loving all the submissions today from @snejpowa! Day 22: Gravy Basket / Day 23: Dagger
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= Spencer Does Artt =
Finally catching up with our crewmate SpencerDoesArtt's MerMay Submissions! I cannot get over the Izzy eyeballs, they kill me every time I look at them.
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies! I hope you're hanging in there. We're getting to the end of the week, and it's a long weekend for a lot of folks in the U.S.! Hopefully you've got some downtime planned (no matter where you are), you deserve a break.
Tonight I wanted to send a reminder to try and give yourself some self care this weekend. I've been very bad about it this week and my body is finally telling me so, so here's some gentle reminders for you!
Remember to take your meds today!
Drink plenty of water! Yes I know tea is delicious but it can dehydrate you, so remember to drink some water too when you get a chance :)
Take a shower or a bath, you'll feel way better afterward!
Eat something yummy, and something healthy too! Give your body something it wants, it'll tell you what it is.
Make sure you get plenty of sleep, if you have an extra day off-- take advantage of that! Sleep can do wonders for your mental and physical health.
Try to laugh if you can-- watch something funny, read something funny, look up a terrible dad joke on the internet-- ask a friend for a laugh. Laughter can do so much for us and helping to release some of our fight or flight stressors.
You're doing great lovelies. I know it's been a lot lately, but you're really doing great. You've been working so hard, and you're making incremental progress towards your goals. I'm really proud of you. Remember to be proud of yourself too <3 You are such an amazing person, and you deserve to rest too.
Happy weekend all <3 See you on the flip side.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme is eyes. Look at these two. Those eyes are so expressive.
Tonight's gifs courtesy of the delightful @fandomsmeantheworldtome and @ofmd-ann!
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absurdthirst · 11 months
Kinktober 2023: October 20th
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Day 20: Uniform, Titjob, Thighfucking
Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: New baby, post partum recovery, mentions of lactation, mentions of vaginal recovery, mentions of period sex, thigh fucking, lube, cum
|| Kinktober List || MasterList ||
Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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Giving Javi Gutierrez whatever he wants is never something you can resist. The sweetness of the man mixed with the adoring gaze he gives you always plows through any and all arguments against the ideas he comes up with. 
“We don’t have to.” He flashes a guilty look and then looks down at the baby that is sleeping in your arms. The proud set of his shoulders as he reaches out and brushes his daughter's hair. Watching with a smile as she squirms slightly but doesn’t wake up. “Let me put her in the bassinet.” He insists, shifting to take her from you. His daughter's bassinet was just feet from the bed, wanting to keep her close for the first few months. 
He feels guilty, but you are so sexy. Finding you irresistible during your pregnancy and even now that you are only three weeks since giving birth. 
He’s wonderful with her. An amazing dad, hands on and wanting to be completely there for you and her. He didn’t complain about dirty diapers, even if he made faces and would get up with the baby in the middle of the night to let you sleep. It just made him even sexier in your eyes. 
It’s not hard to want your husband, he’s sweet and sexy and he’s been so fucking good to you. Even if you can’t have sex with him yet, you still want him to feel pleasure. 
Opening your nightstand,  you pull out the lube and smirk to yourself when he turns around and freezes when he sees it in your hand. “Cielo, I- you don’t- I was being selfish.” It’s sweet, how he feels flustered now that you’ve decided and you shake your head. 
“Come here, Javi.” You crook your finger and glance down at his cock, hardening under the fabric of his boxers. Secretly thrill with how fast your lover is getting turned on at the thought of touching you again. 
The lube is cool to the touch, making you shiver as you apply it. Watching him whip his boxers off and nearly trip in his rush to join you on the bed after you had thrown the covers back to expose your body to his gaze. 
Javi’s soft, loving eyes caress every inch of skin and it makes you tear up when he leans down and kisses one of the stretchmarks your child had left on your body. 
Your fingers, slick with the clear lube, wrap around his hard cock. Making him groan, those long, pretty lashes fluttering as his hips rock forward into your grip. You know he’s jerked off, he’s admitted it to you, but he always swears his touch is never as good as yours. 
Once you’ve coated his cock, your husband pushes your thighs together, groaning as he looks down at you. “I love you so fucking much.” He promises, panting slightly and he’s not even started yet. 
Javi loves frottage. Loves fucking your thighs. Pushing them together and sliding his cock through the soft skin as he rocks his hips. The feeling, the intimacy of finding pleasure in a different part of your body is exciting to him. 
It had all started when you were dating. You didn’t like sex while you were on your period. The sensation is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. It had taken exactly one time of trying to have sex with Javi before it had been abandoned. 
The sad thing was that you had a high sex drive during your period. You wanted him, that was never the issue, it was your body failing you. 
Because of that, the two of you started experimenting. Just because vaginal sex wasn’t feasible for you, didn’t mean the two of you couldn’t play. 
It had led to the discover of thigh fucking. He didn’t really care for tit fucking, feeling like he was crushing you when he straddled your stomach, even if he loved when you sat on his face. It apparently wasn’t the same. But thigh fucking? He could kneel down like he normally would if you were having sex and watch you. Even rubbing your clit while he pushes his cock between the pillowy pressure of your thighs. He had made sure that you enjoyed yourself too, so it wasn’t just him getting off. 
You can see he wants this. That he’s missed it. The fact that you want it too just makes it perfect. Your still healing body is throbbing for him, but you don’t want to risk anything before your six week check up. For now, you can make sure that Javi’s needs are taken care of when he has been so good at taking care of you. 
Those hands are gentle, stroking your thighs as he groans your name. “Perfect, amor.” He hums, the love in his gaze undeniable. “I will make sure you enjoy it too.” He promises. 
He can’t rub his cock against your clit, the possibility of his cock slipping into you when his rhythm builds up is too great, so he aims for the middle of your thighs to start to push through. 
You love watching it. The head of his leaking cock smearing those beautiful pearls of pre-cum over your skin as the foreskin protecting it rolls back. Caught on the pressure of the ‘walls’ that your clamped-together thighs make. A perfect little pocket for Javi to thrust his dick into. 
“That’s it baby.” You feel his fingers flex on your thighs, holding them up with your feet over his shoulder as he starts to move. Knowing how badly he wants to palm your tits like he used to, but he can’t right now. Not with as sensitive as they are with the milk that your body is producing. “Does that feel good?” 
Javi huffs, whining slightly as he nods his head. It always feels good but you are so soft right now. So sexy. Everything about you turning him on and he thrusts his hips forward again, pushing his cock through your thighs. “So good, you’re so good to me.” He pants, sliding a hand down to thumb your clit. 
You moan, having denied your body any kind of pleasure for the past few weeks. Concentrating on healing and the baby. Too exhausted to do much by the time you are settled down in bed, so this is the first time you’ve been able to really think about pleasure. 
“Want you to cum.” You whisper, clenching your thighs together and making him moan again. “You take such good care of me, I want to take care of you.” Your hips rock up, pushing his cock down further between your thighs and one hand reaches up to lightly squeeze your breast. 
The sound of his cock sliding through your thighs is slick, wet. Both from the lube and the pre-cum that Javi spurts every time he pushes through, exposing the sensitive head to the air. If you could twist that much, contort your body, you would want to take him in your mouth when he emerges from the length of your skin. 
“That’s it baby.” You coo, spurring him on until the pace is nearly frantic. Knowing that he won’t last long. He never does since he loves the sensation so much. Watching his face scrunch up in pleasure as he starts to cum. Painting your stomach and tits with his release, his fingers on your clit never stop moving. Even as quickly as he cums from fucking your thighs, Javi will always make sure you are taken care of. 
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errorscriber · 1 year
what lies beneath the facade? an observation of kazui mukuhara's face
my attempt on trying to analyze kazui's feelings! (not sure if this has been pointed out yet im sorry if someone made a similar post. this post has very, VERY brief/minor discussion of sui btw)
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im sure we all know by now that this is kazui's true feelings about his marriage; he hates it, and shows a self deprecating smile to the audience. i think, that the right side of his face where his bangs are longer is where kazui shows his true feelings to us. im gonna put some scenes where i think it's the most damning (while there are other pics I think applies, they may look like im reaching a little, so I won't share those). this is why in some scenes in half/Cat, you may notice that Kazui's expression can look unnatural where this observation is at play.
hell, even in the Cat album cover here, he covers the side of his face where his bangs are longer. this man is trying his best not to show anyone what he really feels. letting the door itself do the talking, so why should he? signifying that he at least, cannot wait what to show Milgram, to show us, what secrets are behind that door. (but also channeling an air of uncertainty doing so)
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as well as in Undercover, i think it's very interesting that the creators make it a point to show both halves of kazui. when his mugshot gets taken, both of his sides are shown to us. one where he's smiling, and one where he's not. notice how his left side is where he's grinning and his right side is where he's serious?
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we only catch his serious expression with one glimpse before he realizes he's being observed and quickly shows us a smile. (then during that scene where they show us which location correlates to which prisoner, the light is shining on the right side of his body. also, kazui is the only prisoner where they show both of his side profiles. the others show 3/4 of their faces)
before i continue, thank you so much for reading in advance!! >_< anyways keep marching on and keep reading this cool post of mine!
more pictures where they emphasise on his "right" being his true self in Cat, where his eyes are shown on the start and end.
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when I took a closer look at these images... was kazui more unhappy being around the long haired woman Vs him and his wife?
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left is kazui with his wife, right is kazui with the long haired woman
this next one really gets me a lot. the most clear cut observation that tells us the other half of his face is where he expresses his true self.
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he tears up for one split second, a ball of teardrop forming on his eye. what was something on that stage that made him so emotional?
then he quickly looks away to see something else catching his attention (which was the apple) after he stood up and looked forwards, kazui genuinely looks shocked/surprised.
knowing this observation can also give us a different perspective to some other scenes in half. like this one:
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his wife touching his right side of his face. multiple questions pop up in my head when i see this scene.
was she ready to hear kazui out? was she catching onto him that he was hiding a secret/hiding his feelings? or was she trying to comfort that side of his face, as if she was saying "whatever it is you want to tell me, im sure i can handle it." to him?
hinako tries to understand him. tries to "grasp" his true face, his "true self". but kazui can only give a weak, depressing grin, as he gently puts her palm away, balling his fingers around hers. he doesn't know if she's actually ready for it. even though she's gentle with how she holds his "true side".
as we all know, before they zoomed in to this shot of kazui putting her hand down, their silhouettes were blurry. if you weren't close enough, you almost thought she was choking and suffocating him. not only kazui felt like the marriage made him feel like he was in a rut, he was afraid of hinako "suffocating"/disliking his true feelings (or side), even though she is holding it with care. hence why he was putting her hand down.
of course we know it didn't turn out the way he wanted it to turn out, from the next scene here.
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kazui is clearly depressed towards the outcomes. at the end of half, his right side is not very happy at all, despite his left side making it look like he's grinning.
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everything is all a mess now.
after finding out hinako wanted to "touch and caress", kazui genuinely seems interested in this thought and was sincere about what he was feeling here, so he pursues her in hopes those feelings are fulfilled. interestingly, the lyrics "so, it's wrong?" are on the screen when he shows the camera his right side.
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when he proposes to her, he still remains looking at her in this direction, although we can't see how his expression looks like. unfortunately for hinako though, this is the last time kazui ever looks at her on this side.
during the confession scene, his right side is blocked by the cup, so we actually don't know what he was feeling completely when he asked the question.
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after this scene, we can finally see his right side again, but it's well hidden by kazui blocking that side of his face with a hand and cigarette. giving us a sense of mystery of what transpired after he asked the question.
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kazui is entertaining his wife with magic tricks while showing his left side to the camera. his "fake" side is what he wants to show to her and to all of us.
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but his left eye squints as he realizes about his dream. his left eye squinting is telling us that his fake side is breaking apart. then, kazui drops down to his knees. take note of the rope falling down on his left lap. after getting back up (from what seems like kazui stumbling from drinking 4 cups of alcohol), he rubs the right side of his face. he is really frustrated with himself here.
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with all of the information we have so far, we can interpret this as kazui desiring to remove his fake, other half of himself (this is the only object we don't see when kazui is showing off his magic tricks, and ropes can be associated with suicide). he is given a choice to remove his left side, his false side, which is why that rope fell down that direction.
as he's about to tell hinako the truth, he transitions from
> lighting a cigarette, his eyes hidden from us
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> kazui facepalming himself. as a smoke in a shape of a noose is formed. remember the rope i talked about earlier?
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even though the rope initially landed on his left lap, the noose is angled to his right side. he's grasping his right side of the face as well. this, here, is kazui being ashamed of his "true self". if he could, he would want to remove his true self if it meant having to keep lying to people, or if it meant making people happy. kazui is going through with telling hinako the truth, while this scene tells us he is hesitating to do so and is 100% expecting for it to hurt him and her.
> he lets down his hand.
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showing hinako and us, the audience, a very unique expression where he's snide, mischievous... almost mocking, yet at the same time, really depressed and frustrated with it all. from hinako's pose in half touching kazui's "true side", this is his answer; she is not going to like it one bit.
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a stark difference in feelings. kazui looks like he's going to say or do something harmful, but his other side tells us otherwise. he didn't want things to be like this. also, it contrasts with the final scene in half very well.
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when he bites on the dove, he doesn't look that satisfied doing so.
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in this climax, it seems like kazui himself doesn't know what's what anymore, letting the adrenaline of telling his feelings take over him. letting both his "true" feelings and his "lying" self beat him up, because at this point of no return, what difference will his fake and real self make anyway?
i really love how we can't tell if his bloodied lips are frowning because he's shocked, distressed, or if he's grinning ear to ear, happy and glad to have finally told the truth. even in this scene you can tell that the right side of his lips is less happy than his left where his mouth is more elevated and smiling.
what does he feel now after all of this chaos? well, let's look back at his right side of his face again...
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the MV ends with this shot of his right eye, slowly zooming in.
empty, emotionless, forlorn, and distant...
it's almost like he's staring and watching something at the sky after something fell down.
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Hiya! It's me- ya annoyingly persistent, sad au creator! (I sent you the bimbo!au idea, succubus au, deadpool x wolverine au and other less important ones-)
I've come bearing gifts! kind of- more horny stuff than gifts but you get the point!
I'm absolutely loving all the things you're posting for this au, I LOVE how horny you and everyone else is making Adam (and how slightly done and exhausted Lucifer is), everything about it is perfect!
I'm so into this idea I'm about to share with you that I've hopped onto my pc, so i can use the keyboard because my phone is killing my thumbs, so, sorry for the lack of emojis, I feel so naked without them *sad face*.
Anyway- I was thinking about what it would have been like for Adam when he first spawned in Hell. I've always liked the idea that he doesn't go straight to the hotel or Lucifer- because why would he? they killed him and he wont admit it but Luci kicked his ass WAY too easily for his liking (so he's a tad scared of him- not that he'd ever admit that).
So I think he wandered around Hell for a bit, I'm not sure what his sinner form would look like- maybe something that looks human with slight demon features? I like the smallish horns with a long tail? Kinda like a tiefling, specifically the ones from Baldur's Gate 3 (I love the ridges and scale type look their bodies have, I think that would look so cool on Adam). But curvy of course- man already has that ass he needs the hips to.
I don't think his bimbo-ness would come in till an hour or so after waking up, so he's basically in the middle of Hell when he starts going through it. Maybe he goes into an alleyway cause he's kinda freaked out about why he's so horny all of a sudden and he can barely remember the plan he came up with and when he tries to remember he gets a small headache. Of course he's been cat called since he walked into the busy part of town, so maaybe a couple of sinners (of different sizes, cause we both know he's a size queen now), follow him into the alley a few minutes later. He's completely gone at this point, begging them to fuck him- which they do- very happily btw.
Even though it's been HOURS since he walked into the alley, he can't cum no matter who's fucking him or how their fucking him. The sinners don't care, as long as their finishing.
How does Lucifer find him I hear you asking? He's walking around town, checking in on some sinners- because he's trying to be more kingly- he promised Charlie he would try harder. And he sees this huge line coming out from an alley. He watches as sinners (mainly male- some female) walk out, looking pretty pleased. He knows that means trouble so he goes to have a look. everyone scarpers because they really don't want to mess with him. He strolls in- expecting to see some poor sinner beaten or dead but instead he sees Adam sucking this dude off- poor dude hasn't seen Lucifer yet because he's a bit busy.
As much as Lucifer hates Adam, he doesn't want to see him be taken advantage of, so he pulls the guy off him and scares him off (demon form- you know how it is), he looks at Adam, expecting to see him utterly defeated- but instead he's a moaning mess, whining and trying to reach for the guy who was just here. Words are a tad difficult for Adam atm so he's just grabbing at anything- which becomes Lucifer once he crawls closer.
Luci has no idea what's going on, just staring at Adam. He only snaps out of it when Adam finds his zip, lucky for Lucifer he can't seem to undo his button.
As soon as Adam touches Lucifer, he knows he's the only one that can get him to cum, he doesn't care where they are or who sees he just needs Lucifer in him.
Slightly freaked out, Luci teleports them back to the Hotel (he cleaned Adam up first), luckily for Lucifer it's in the middle of the night, so no ones in the lobby.
Well- except Alastor's shadow- you just know he has to be involved in every au we have. We need the drama lol.
That's all I have- so far. Please don't stop with your posts about this au, it brings me so much joy. rip Adams everything but most importantly- rip Luci's dick.
I was lowkey thinking of having Adam not meet up with Luci for a while- maybe Val finds him? I could see him working for Val. Not that he's know, he's just there for the dick.
But that's whatever, feel free to have a play around with the Val idea if you want- I'm curious with how that could go lol.
Okay, I'll take my leave- bye!
I like the idea of him being used as a glory hole in a fucking alleyway before Lucifer finds him.
I also like the idea of Val getting wind of him after Lucifer has taken him to the hotel. A sinner that's just giving it away for free AND he's good looking
That will sell.
Meanwhile, since Adam now can feel it in his body that he can only cum for Lucifer hes trying so fucking hard to get that dick lol
Lucifer: Woah! Take it easy there buddy.
Adam: Oh come on Luci, like you haven't thought about me riding your dick.~
Lucifer: ..... Well I am now!
Because Adam is desperate and needy and looking at Lucifer like he's the only being in the universe and fuck! If he doesn't actually want it but it's wrong.
And oh shit Adams making a move for his dick!
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maxwell-grant · 11 months
I’m curious, what are your thoughts on Seth from street fighter?
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Even post-revamp, still fairly awkward and out of place as a Street Fighter character (even if that is very much the point and always has been), but as a villain, they really won me over, there's a lot of great stuff here. Seth is a self-hating robot in a CEO outfit who poisons the world around them and whose grand plans involve imitating the actual main villain while insisting they are a different unique being (unlike their 26 exact clones), and stealing the creations of everyone else around them, who then dies and gets a sexy cool makeover to become a gruesome aimless murderous ghost, who chases traces of it's creator around to kill him unaware that it's dying with every step it takes and that it's chasing something that isn't there. They went from Frankenstein's Monster play-acting as a cold calculating unfeeling chessmaster who everyone could tell was full of shit, to the Bride of Frankenstein as a barely-held-together dangerous yet tragic monstrosity that everyone reacts to with disgust and pity. They went from what we used to think AI would be, to what AI actually is, and I'd say they were pretty ahead of their time for that alone.
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(art by z3dd)
Now, IV Seth was pretty uncontestedly the least popular of the Street Fighter Final Bosses, for fairly similar reasons to Gill: they were seen as too much of a fantasy supervillain, they didn't "fit" the series, they were too weird and awkward and out-there, and where as Gill at least got a pass because of his presentation and style and sheer contrast with Bison (although that "pass" only happened because people turned around on 3rd Strike), Dollar Store Dr.Manhattan was just lesser than Gill and Bison in every way and thus was a dissappointing final boss, an out-of-place comic book supervillain who didn't justify their existence.
Granted, the series actually had way more of a precedent for Seth than it ever did for Gill, given the presence of prior cyborgs and shapeshifters (the Shadaloo cyborgs from the animated movie that Seth was directly based from, Twelve and Necro) plus Gill, and the door for comic book supervillains was blasted open in the first place with Bison (and all the fighting game bosses that descended from him). But still, Bison's thing was that he was one-in-a-million, that he broke the rules as an dishonorable intrusion, that if you reached high enough to topple the greatest fighter (Sagat) you could fight the greatest fighter's boss, a man so powerful rules and structures could not apply to him and only your fists stood between him and global domination. Since obviously you can't take a step back and you can't do the same trick twice, that formula had to be tweaked for Gill and Seth: Gill was presented as someone above even Bison on the food chain and scope, a distant immortal bearing divine judgementt on trespassers, where as Seth was defined by their role irrevocably beneath Bison, and the walking inferiority complex that ensues.
They are a Bison project, one of 26 exactly like them (which means canonically most of the fighters got to defeat "a" Seth, which really does not make them very impressive), growing from Bison's leftovers to lead a subsidiary of Bison's organization, continuing Bison's plans, with their grand plot being just an imitation of Bison's plan to control Ryu's power, and generally acting and speaking and doing things exactly like Bison while uselessly whining that they are NOT Bison and that they will succeed where Bison failed, while the narrative makes no secret of the fact that Bison is still alive, still pulling the strings, and that he was perfectly fine until Seth started getting a little too big boy pants for his liking, and now Bison's gonna put his homegrown Pinocchio in the shredder with little to no difficulty and take the reigns as Final Boss again. Which, granted, did do it's job in building Bison back-up again, but didn't do a thing to negate the idea that Seth was a superfluous, inferior rip-off, given that textually, this is how they were presented as.
Even the characters didn't seem to take them very seriously, certainly not as seriously as Bison, and that was BEFORE the breakout rock star of the IV series, Juri, debuted to ensure that Seth wouldn't even be the most popular new villain. It is the least surprising thing in the world that Seth would achieve much greater popularity, in part, by being redesigned to be more like Juri. And part of what made Juri appealing was the fact that she was a conniving, cool, unique loose cannon villain ready to make Seth eat shit over thinking that they could control her, they became the big-headed authority figure for our punk bad girl to kick like a pinata. Unlike Vega and Balrog, who only talked a big game, Juri actually got to kick her dipshit supervillain boss to the curb, and we all loved her for it.
Seth's major saving graces were their gameplay, which made them very popular competitively, plenty of aspects of their design, and the fact that all of the above worked to make Seth a character who, while not terribly compelling in their own right, did a lot to make other characters more interesting, like Abel, who was designed to be a good counterpart to Seth and not remotely interesting besides (although his stint as Guile's manchild partner in SFvsT has it's moments), or like Juri and Bison, giving them an enemy they could actually defeat to gain street cred. Frequently you need villains that only exist to let other villains be cooler by comparison or retain their dignity or put one over. Sometimes you need a Cluemaster in place of your Riddler, a Mac Gargan to make all the other Sinister Six guys omlook better by comparison, a Zant to fill in screentime for Ganondorf or a Hobgoblin instead of a Green Goblin. You need your in-betweeners even if, and sometimes especially if, they will never be anyone's favorite character. Which is a harsh thing to say about Seth, but for a while they definitely didn't seem like anyone's favorite baddie, but instead someone who made their favorite baddies look way better by comparison.
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And Seth worked in this regard especially because their design was built on the idea of them being unnatural, contemptible and out-of-place. I actually think Seth's original design does work, and has been vindicated over time. Seth is a cybernetic intelligence made by scientists to consume and imitate all the brilliant techniques that the World Warriors spent years/decades perfecting, a twisted mockery of their beliefs and achievements. They look like a living yin-yang and conducts themselves posing like a Shinto god, but there is no spirituality or soul to anything they do. They are a grotesque, soulless husk that can only imitate, can only cruelly replicate the evil of their creator and not even do a terribly impressive job at it, and all of their attempts to convince others they are in any way different or unique ring hollow. They are one in many many Bison back-up bodies even among the playable cast, and all of their achievements are meaningless, either already belonging to Bison or stolen and repurposed by Bison and others.
There was plenty about Seth that already worked and was just held back by a not-particularly impressive design or presentation. The grand trick that SFV pulled was basically giving them a new one, and taking everything about Seth that used to be implied and subtextual, and basically making it textual, making it a scream they can only repeat ad nauseum, and in the process making one of the most tragic SF characters as well as one of the coolest.
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Now, yes, you could argue that SFV Seth kinda missed the point in a big way by actually giving Seth a distinct and interesting design best described with the "not to be a lesbian but oh god oh fuck jesus christ" meme, when the character being soulless and unoriginal was important to their make-up. But it was never a terribly interesting idea (already done by the likes of Twelve or the Cycloids), certainly not for a fighting game character let alone a Final Boss with such massive standards to live up to, and shades of it still impart in the new design in a far more delightfully twisted way. It's Seth, except they are Juri now. They've been remade in the image of their true enemy, their hateful minion that ruined their plans, led Bison to them, killed and broke and stole them to be remade using a discarded Doll body from Bison's scrap pile, and the process has revived Seth into a pitiable broken record of itself.
The new design greatly emphasizes the corrupted Shinto / yin-yang elements of before, adding splashes of color and powerful glowing lines to the design that make it so that, while they looks less cadaverous, they look much more the part of a corrupted imitation of a deity, so that despite being downgraded from boss status they actually look much more like something you'd face as a Final Boss, something that could stand next to the other Final Bosses. And that glow-up extends to their moveset: Instead of pasting together improvised and half-hearted recreations of iconic special moves, Seth now directly steals and perfectly replicates the skills from whoever they're fighting. Seth conducts themselves with greater power and swagger this time around, with tons of new animations lifted from powerful past Capcom villains like Demitri or the Heritage to the Future take on DIO, and it works. Because even now, Seth can only imitate greatness from others. Seth has perfectly captured advancements in A.I tech because they can learn, grow, and even imitate to near-perfection, but they cannot meaningfully improve, and they are dragged down by incohence, chaos, errors and glitches in programming. In short, the fact that they are an artificial intelligence to begin with.
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That's a thing about A.I and robots in general: Sci-fi has spent over a century anthropomorphizing robots and artificial intelligence characters to empathize with and make stories out of, create lovable stock fantasy characters that our culture comes back to again and again, but now that they are a real thing, and they are horrible godless abominations often used to actively make the world worse (even if it's hard to ascribe fault to something that isn't sentient enough to be malicious), we can't really deal with that. It's a cognitive dissonance that sci-fi doesn't look like it's going to catch up for a while now, if it ever will. We still like robots and robot stories and characters too dang much to know how to live with them. We still cry over Pluto, it's unavoidable.
And crying may be a strong term, but SFV actually seriously invites us to feel sorry for the dang thing, and the great final trick SFV pulled was breaking Seth under the weight of being Seth. Under the weight of being lesser, of not being real, of being an artificial creation made in an assembly line and not even the best of it's kind, of being not a terribly popular creation, of being a victim of characters that will get away with what they've done to them because nobody's gonna stand up for Seth, of being a Bison imitation made to house Bison and do Bison's bidding in the meanwhile, and thrown in the trash despite performing exactly as it was supposed to. Seth has faults of personality that make them more than a machine, and less than a person, and if the cast before generally despised them but not to the extent they despised Bison, now most characters outright pity them, as a thing living past expiration date that shouldn't be alive at all.
And because of all of this, in a way, Seth has attained a form of uniqueness. Even among the other villains and tragic characters of Street Fighter, Seth stands unique as a truly tragic, doomed villain, not even really a villain anymore so much as an obtuse, sad disaster. They are maybe Bison's greatest victim now, because even the Dolls (sans Marz) are all getting moderately happy endings, even Cammy and Abel and the Neo Shadaloo goobers got to make new lives for themselves, even Nash got to die by their terms and make his sacrifice count. Seth had nothing besides this. Seth was created for, born into, lived by, and died as an extension of Bison's evil, a tiny little bump in Shadaloo history, a piece of junk that Juri used and broke and tossed aside to resume her miserable life afterwards, and all their revival did was prolong the horror. Just one among endless horrors JP leaves behind when he's through with them.
We have yet to know what became of them after SFV, because many stories from SFV have been dropped or left incomplete in 6 (and many probably for the better), but even though Seth really was a villain and a horrible enemy to all of humanity, you kinda wind up feeling sorry enough for them to almost wish that their SFV ending happened, where they destroy Bison and ascend over their other selves, and still the question of whether they could ever be at peace lingers. This ending just fascinates me to no end, and it makes me think of the quotes that Gouken had to say to them that alone stood as an indication that Seth could be more than they appeared and insisted on being:
"Until you acknowledge the soul within, you cannot use your power for good."
"You seek individuality and identity, but you will not find it this way."
(JP win quote) "Look, you don't have to use your powers to express who you are."
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Until they appear again, that this is the note that Seth as a character goes out on might even imply that this was either their true goal all along, or that Seth has genuinely progressed as a person enough to want something new. That they are now able to seek or at least aspire for peace of mind, where as before there was only a desire for conquest and power, to show the world that Bison was a ghost and that they were the king, the ruler, the greatest fighter of all. Seth constantly expressed disgust and hatred at their other variants, killing them and flying into a murderous rage at being referred to by their number, even expressing in IV a desire to "be the sole survivor of this world" presumably with everything else as data within themselves. Here, they appear before the other Seths in a pose of ascended godhood, even seemingly benevolent, like they're ready to bring their siblings along.
The spiritual elements of their design no longer appear as a corrupt imitation, but an indicator of genuine spirituality. That Gouken was right, that there really was a soul in Seth waiting to be acknowledged, that the exorcism of the great evil that once defined them has allowed at last a pursuit of individuality and identity and self-expression, to reconcile their hatred of themselves (which manifested as a hatred of the other numbered Seths). It's such a fascinating development that it almost, almost makes me wish Street Fighter would dip it's toes a little into multiverse territory, much as I hate the superhero-ification of the series in V. I have thoughts on how MK1 handled this and very mixed ones at that, but the canonization of "every character ending from past arcade modes can have happened in separate universes and we can have it cross over whenever we feel like it" is an idea I do like, if nothing else this ascended development for Seth just seems like too potent an idea to never touch on again.
I used to not like Seth, really. They used to be one of my less favorite characters. Now I'd call them one of my favorites, and I'm just feeling horribly sorry for them. I need to know what became of them. Whether they'll still come back for one last torturous round of existence, whether they are heading for some other exciting new development, or whether the very next second after the end of their V story, they simply ended with one of their victory quotes:
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
OP your addtion about the Harbinger's reaction? Sent me wheezing to the moon 🤣🤣💀
I dont have any additions to Teyvat language yet (other anons have a more in depth explanations while mine is just shitposts wheEZE--) but I did have an idea for a Genshin AU.
I'm pretty sure everybody has heard about the blue alien people Avatar. Tribal people from another planet. (Also I just stumbled upon the forests of Sumeru while going through Chasm quests. The one that has giant mushrooms).
Imagine Genshin in the Avatar Au. Sumeru can be based on the first movie (It fits cause from what I can explore of Sumeru reminds me of the time I watched Avatar of the first time. Pure awe and wonder..) While the Water nation can be based on the 2nd movie, Hoyoverse hasnt released the name of the Water Country yet so we're just waiting. Mondstadt can be based on the upcoming 3rd (4th or 5th? Idk they had it lined up) movie that involves being high above the clouds. Kind of like the Jade palace or the Floating Abode in the serenitea pot.
Its all I could base for now since the other movies dont have that much info yet to be paired with Genshin's countries.
Bonus idea that randomnly popped into my head:
Still going with this Au but its sagau themed. Creator!Reader arrives to Teyvat and is considered as Eywa
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I just want u to know i feel b l e s s e d that u put this in MY ask box , when this coulda been a whole post of ur own 💖💖🙏🙏
WARNING: So i havent seen the new movie, just the og Avatar one, and i totally loved that concept about Eywa and how their world works so ill refresh myself but if theres any new lore from the 2nd movie i aint got it yet 💁 srry babs
^ except ur like the life itself bc ur god now
Thats why i put that there
This AU radiates that energy
So I accidentally posted this too early so keep refreshing or coming back bc if theres no "♡the beloveds♡" im still updating this then LMAO
So anon's a genius and i could listen to u talk about this all day
I fucking love combining world building or lore together
Esp like making one the AU or just the setting like u said with Avatar worlds as settings and same characters-
So they deffo use "Eywa" as a term for you instead of your name
Honestly, before when u were a mysterious af planet creature thing (lets say u get isekaied there i mean)
Nobody rlly knew if u even could take a mortal form or even thought of that as a concept
I feel like the younger generations immortals and Teyvat's current countries kinda think of you Eywa as more of a passive entity life force thing
Rather than the older immortals and creatures that had seen thru eons or over the course of a couple thousand years
That u were very aware and intelligent
Not that ur energy or aura didnt tell them that alone
So a little deeper into the Teyvat lore here but i dont see anybody else talking about it so I will
Originally, it was the Seven Sovriegns and you, and eventually Phanes and their Four Shades,
And they literally all quickly came to realize u literally made this planet and began to start the first traditions of worshipping you!
Like putting gifts or hand made goods at the base
(Ppl have also gotten a tradition from Morax/Rex Lapis and Guizhong and other adepti to leave birthday letters to offer you, which ties into what i say below⬇️)
Ya know,
Eywa the tree could even be a sort of source to the eyes of Teyvat of what you look like while u were playing the game
Like how Eywa's little jellyfish reach ppl in the forest and shit? I think?
So like i would imagine that whatever u make certain vessels or acolytes do most often, is what they think they should offer u :0
Claymore users give u gemstones and ores
Bow users give u hunted game like fowl, or the treasure from puzzles that required arrows (like those bursting blue balloons?)
Catalysts and Polearms give u all kinda of crazy shit lmao
Bc they can be used for a vareity of things
Bc of ur player status and abilities, people of Teyvat attribute a gain in power or talents or whatnot to you, Eywa
So say u actually physically there now, and u just wake up under the coolest sickest tree youve ever seen in ur life
Omg could u imagine????
Seeing Teyvat irl? But AVATAR WORLD IRL???!!!
You would stand there lookin around like a drunk fuck for like 20 minutes, maybe longer lmao
Its just so ✨️pretty✨️ here
Also the tree itself just feels like, the equivalent to ur bedroom basically but like specifically if it was hella comfy and like just the way u want it (all the decor is up, the floor is clean, u got like hot choco on ur desk, theres a candle burning, etc.)
Oh so since ur like weirdly connected to the land, like u know how theres a voice line abt walking in that glowing aranara part of Sumeru and ur steps light up?
I saw that too in the OG avatar movie
So i feel like u would have a map with ALLLLL the peoples on it and little icons
U can focus on just vision users or bosses or big nature things like Dragonspine
Oh so Eywa can control all animals and whatnot and so u as a mortal person can too
So anytime theres a threat u can deadass just become a pokemon trainer LMAO
Ok but think how badass it would be to just like,
Get the Primo Geovishap or Giant Bird Jadeplume Terror thingy to just leave their territory and wipeout some mfs
It would be fucking amazing
Unrelated to above bc im just spitting out ideas srry guys
but like
I feel like if u were a lifeforce sort of ancient eldritch god for the entire goddamn continent of Teyvat let alone the whole planet-
You would have to maintain said continent/planet
Like, make sure the Irminsul is growing okay, protect from mfs like Dottore,
Stop diasters if ur Eywa too, esp bc u can hear prayers now, and would hear ppl crying out to help them geez
while the prayers of the many kinda just glob together to form the major "feeling" of the prayer for most creatures,
Vision users, gods, ancient creatures u can get their exact sentences
Basically more magic = better heard to connect with u
Oh u know, i could even see it being even more manual or personal labor bc ur not like a tree connected to ur roots thruout the world technically
Like if volcanoes erupt in Natlan, the archon and gods there help and u r also wanted/needed in person for it to work
U would still be powerful, but yeah like say the tree was u just playing genshin before,
The game automatically regulated diasters and stuff other than what was supposed to happen in game
So kinda bouncing off that I read smwhere that the Na'vi dont actually view Eywa as like omnipotent or omniscient
(like the God™️ from the Christian bible for a example of what your not)
And also! Dont blame/attribute natural diasters, plagues, or other bad stuff on Eywa
So good for you whew 💦
Ur actually supposed to kinda just be the collective lifeforce or Teyvat/world and nature, and a defender and guide of life :0
Which kinda fits with the whole "upgrading characters" thing actually
Okay but I saw somewhere in SAGAU tag someone did another name instead of Creator to spice it up and its "All-Mother"
And interestingly, Eywa in Avatar is also called that and "Great Mother"!!
How fun :0
Also, the reason Eywa still got people with free-will is bc they kinda described the relationship to Eywa being something like a mother or parent
Maybe where name/titles came from ig?
Either way, ppl be calling u all types of nicknames u aint heard before lmao
I mean ur sacred, they dont just say ur name,
Nobody knows ur real name or what u call yourself
Just what they call u
Bc they couldnt communicate with u super well before, (the bday letters were the closest they got verbally, and even then they had to be addressed somewhat to ur first vessel the traveler to get thru/be seen)
Otherwise yeah u operating them lets say before on Earth you rlly felt like an eldritch nature deity 💀
Cause u guide them in battles, strengthen their talents and skills and bodies, and feed them food
If they were in battle like needing healing food, u help them heal by consuming it for them so they dont have to take a snack break in battle and
Let me tell u, these denizens of Teyvat who have to constantly deal with magic and monsters and abyss stuff, so a stroll outside ur house gets u in a fight...
...They are very grateful for that needless to say.
Plus i like to think u make fighting easier on them bc ur "guiding" their bodies
Anyway thats a long winded way to say, help me think of all the names Teyvat's given you lmao:
All-Mother / Great Mother
All-Father / Great Father
All-Parent? / Great Parent
Their Grace
Great Puppeteer
The Puppeteer
Soul of Teyvat
Greatest Soul
She aint long bc im not that creative and this idea has sm potential too😔
I would love to be Eywa sounds fun and powerful af and i dont get expected to be Jesus and they know i dont cause the natural diasters, like that sounds nice
Aight im no genius and this writing feels like im just rambling like a drunk guy sittin on the sidewalk mumbling to myself, i had to stop writing 💀
Like that energy specifically-
So lmk if yall got any other cool titles or names :0
I couldn't think of anymore :/
Also srry about the updating this post and making u check back in if u already read this before i put the taglist
(Me putting the taglist means im done editing/writing this dw if u seein this)
♡my beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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tithe2hell · 5 months
an amusing thing to me about the Yuri vs yaoi forever war fandom struggle discourse is that for the f/f fans mad about yaoi popularity and making lots of extremely funny (to me) Song-of-Roland-esque posts that make it sound like "we are going to WAR against the evil man-centering fujos terrorizing and colonizing our yuriship spaces!!!" Is that I never see the loudest trumpeters actually go to "war" or do any work organizing or strategizing to "win" their cause.
The only tactic they have is trying to do a "win hearts and minds by telling yaoi shippers they should feel Bad for Centering Men and being "dick-obsessed" (hmmm!) and "interrogate your kinks"-ass rhetoric (double hmmm!!!) which ok, let's take that at face value....that's a purely INTERNAL process. You're asking someone to sit down and Correct Their Thoughts and Soul, with hopefully ending towards the End Product of "After they've been Corrected, they will make More Content I Like, and the Big Number or AO3 stat will go up and surpass the Content I don't Like"
Which ok fine...but very hilariously ineffective, a very passive activism. Vague steps to take (be aware!!) It doesn't even really make or give people any steps to reach the supposed goal of Surpassing in Number for the Sake of the Number. The loudest ppl who seem to freak out whenever the stats number is down, I never see working to build connections of support and love for the people who make the stuff you want.
Like even framing as a matter of representation for real life women and wlw, we've had discussions for ages re: media industry how the conditions of ppl who create behind the scenes so that they have freedom of expression and control of their stories is essential to having "good representation." Even if the marginalized ppl in general end up making stuff that is maybe "gross" or "trashy" or Sexual in a Way You don't Like*, that support of the actual real creators and enthusiasts is what's important.
For fujos, I feel most of us are used to getting shit on so we don't really care what people say and will continue to toil in the posting mines make what we make, even if it's rare and gross so someone trying to simply make an Hearts and Minds "war" move is not very effective. We have our own work to do, the work (of play) is what makes things meaningful, bc if is done for its own sake. The best f/f fans and creators I've seen, the ones I see be lambasted for being "weird and gross" are the ones who are passionate and who commission and discuss and have relationships, don't need to bother with the Hearts and Mind because they are building castles and fortifications And making discoveries themselves, rather than worrying what other ppl think of them or if their ships or themselves are "approvable" or defined by a general public. The tactics that fujos use to boost and celebrate THEIR rarepairs etc are certainly not exclusive.
When I think Abt cool projects and esp stuff that has contributed to say, communities and celebration of media and creatives especially re: f/f fandom stuff, I think of stuff like Empty Movement and their massive decades-long archiving of utena materials, of people making zines and creative works around ships I wouldn't even consider until I see the cool ideas, or my friends who review and write and talk extensively about the novels and works they are reading both to reflect their tastes and raise interest. That builds foundations and connections between people . That is how you fight. That is how you wage your proper war...it does not have to be fruitless...
*I have maintained that if people REALLY wanted their numbers to go up they'd support the people making siscon and momdaughter stuff bc there's a sheer lack esp of the latter...a big part of yaoisms popularity is bc everyone loves Dadson, which imo is basically a very big fantasy even for heteros and pops up gratuitously in like every mainstream movie ever. Now that we are getting really mom generational trauma narratives it's time for momdaughter to shine. But unfortunately every time I check up on a false loud war trumpeter wondering where all the femslash is they're also recoiling with disgust about incest And agegap and other problematic tropes so like maybe they really don't care about the Number Going Up-just acceptability, and of things they personally can relate to? One can never know.
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trash-gobby · 1 year
Hi, I found out that you take requests about Legend. So my request is this: Darkness x reader NSFW.
The reader (neutral gender or female, you can decide) finds out that its brother was capture by the goblins. So the reader dicides to save its brother but after it enters in the Great Tree and reaches inside, it meets Darkness. Darkness seduces the reader and... Sex time ahahah
For the time of this events... I don't know. I hope this is sufficient and sorry for my English 🙈
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Summary: The reader seeks to save her brother from Darkness's clutches, but taken by her beauty, Darkness has other plans for her.
A/N: Bruh, this took me over a year to write and I haven't written porn in a looooong time. Hopefully this isn't to underwhelming.
Word Count: 6.4K
Parings: Darkness X Fem!Reader
Characters: Darkness, Reader
Citrus Scale: 🍋
⚠️This is an 18+ post because of the NSFW!!! That means I DON’T encourage anyone who interacts with NSFW content who is underage. I’ve talked to other people who’ve been long time content creators and users of this website and I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not your parent and can’t control what content you consume.
Detailed warnings under the cut
⚠️Warnings!: fingering, rough sex, table sex, overstimulation, a little bit of cockwarming at the start, some orgasm denial, creampie? (bro I can't think of another term it's 3am), biting, scratching
Columns towered over you, casting huge patches of shadow which made you feel small and insignificant their wake. The ceiling was so tall that you felt that perhaps there was no end to it, as it melted in to a black abyss the further you looked up. It felt like walking among the world of giants, or a world that used to be inhabited by them, as everything was covered by a couple layers of dust and cobwebs.
You couldn’t help but be slightly afraid as you made your way further in, having to remind yourself why you were here under your breath. That somewhere in this maze of darkness and cruel magic, your brother was waiting for you, or at least you hoped he was.
He was so young, kind, and innocent. Not a little boy who should be trapped in a place like this, taken hostage by a beast that you’d only heard of from the village storyteller who’d tell the tale to all the locals who would gather around the his campfire at night.
As a young children you’d all huddle together as close as humanly possible to the fire, letting the heat slightly burn your skin, the orange glow shadowing the old man's face. The hard lines and liver spots becoming even more prominent in the light. He looked menacing, and you supposed for a story like that, it was just how he wanted to look.
In a low haunting voice he would tell the tale of how Princess Lili and the Unicorn. How she had wanted to touch this sacred animal, and in the process set herself up to plunge into the darkness. To be seduced by it. The story took many turns, and you had found yourself in rapt awe, fear and something strangely more illusive. Something you dare not name aloud, for you found it shameful. Pleasure.
However, the fear was what was most prominent in your mind as you finally made your way up to the gigantic double doors that you hoped lead to a clue to where your brother might be. The stone of it looked cold and heavy, almost like it was made for a giant with strength greatly out-matching yours. However, when you laid your hand against the cool surface of the door, it was like it sensed you physical presence. The air rushed through your hair and over your simple tunic and pants as the door slowly opened.
The sound of crackling and an orange glow met your eyes and ears. Slipping into the room, some more squat columns greeted you again: squat and looking like they were sprouting from metallic leaves which embraced their base. The stone tiles were littered with the remnants of falling passing into the winter, dead leaves and dirt.
As you made your way slowly into the room, you took in more of the atmosphere. Everything was bathed in the soft orange glow of a large and ornate fireplace. It would have been comforting if not for the huge stone carving of a demon, depicted holding what looked to you like a trident, sneering down at you. The light also elongated the furniture, of what little there was, and columns, making it look like anywhere there could be someone or something hiding just out of sight in the darkness.
There was a large amount of open space in front of the fireplace which led up to a long banquet style table, which only features some equally gruesome candelabras. The bodies of them were gothic in style and onyx black, all sharp edges like the teeth of a wolf. By far the most eye catching thing within the room though, was a mirror standing to the left of the fireplace.
Although all the furniture seemed to be made for someone twice your height, the mirror felt like it was at least three times that. It had the similar macabre design to the other furniture, but even more elaborate.
The frame had an elaborate folding curtain carving all down the left side of it, making the mirror seem more like a window then what it appeared to be. The right side had intricate carvings which were mesmerizing in their design. As you walked further into the room, your desire to run your fingers over the whirls and edges.
Finally reaching the center of the open space of the room in front of the fireplace, you felt the warmth of the fire and it's soft crackling and pops from the wood. Every sound echoed throughout this vastness of the room, into every dark corner. You turned around in a circle, letting your eyes scan all the corners of the immediate area for anyone who might be hiding just out of view.
When you came back around to facing the mirror, you could see what was reflected back at you: a frightened young girl playing at hero, hoping that it would pay off. Hoping that if she musters up enough courage to use the dagger at her hip in order to get what she wanted. You almost felt like laughing at the toddrey display of false confidence you had been so earnest in cultivating up until this moment.
Then you noticed something, something out of place in the reflection, behind you in the background of dancing shadow created by the flames playing off the columns.
At first you thought it was a statue, tall and sculpted, but it didn't match the stoney grey and bronze quality of the decor. The arm of the statue was a crimson, leading up to black flowing fabric. Your eyes lingered up this arm to a pair of eyes glowing a greenish-yellow hue in the dark.
What stood just a few meters away from you in the dark was something large and alive. Stepping into the light, you gasped, turning to face the giant man. Could you even call what stood before you a man? More of a man-beast which had come right out of the fairy tales told around that storytellers fire.
You backed up quickly, tripping over yourself and slamming your back heavily into the glass of the mirror. Your eyes hadn't left the figure who was advancing on you.
He was almost as tall as the mirror itself, broad and muscular with skin a bright crimson. His chest was laid bare in order to give the impression of just how capable he was of crushing anyone who would dare try to face him. Legs seemed to be just as strong, though they were mostly covered with black handmade bottoms.
Giant horns protruded upward from either side of his head, and his face was at once both handsome and gruesome in appearance. As he stepped forward heavily on his hoofed feet, Darkness smirked down at you.
"What has this night brought me? A lost little lamb perhaps? Separated from its flock." You tried to square your shoulders and seem more intimidating than your miniscule stature made you seem.
"Trying to be brave? You must be here for a reason instead of just stumbling into my halls." He chuckled softly at this display, sizing you up with his sparkling yellow eyes.
"I...I'm here to get my brother back," your voice sounded so small echoing off the walls of the large room. The voice of a being which could so easily be broken under the hooves of this giant before you.
"I know why you're here," Darkness began to move slowly, and you tracked him with your gaze as he started to circle you. It felt like you were a helpless rabbit being sized up by a hungry wolf before it pounces.
"While you were busy coming to save the child, did you ever stop to ask..." He paused a moment, somewhere behind you, causing you to look over your shoulder in order to see what had made him stop.
"What he did to be taken." As you turned your face to look at Darkness, you're met with his. So close you can feel his breath on your face, count the teeth in his sly grin.
You step back, startled, grasping for the dagger at your hip. As your hand closed around the leather hilt of the blade, drawing it, Darkness moved quickly catching your arm in his powerful grip.
Vice-like, you winced under the pressure of his large hand wrapped around your wrist. Your breath caught in your throat before coming out in a whimper between clenched teeth.
"I wouldn't do something so brash little lamb, you might hurt yourself," you felt paralyzed. His hold on you was solid, immovable. When you tried to pull yourself free, it felt like you were stuck, unable to even move your arm an inch in Darkness's hold.
"Let me go," your words seemed hollow, devoid of any intimidation.
Moving slowly with his free hand, you flinched slightly as he closed his fingers around the blade and yanked the dagger free from your grasp as if it was nothing. only then did he finally let you go, standing to his full height and stabbing the dagger into the side of one of the columns.
It fit perfectly into the stone, which shocked you. Surely the blade should have broken on impact, but it was like the column had parted around it.
"Why don't we sit and discuss this over a meal? No need for these hostilities. They bore me." You followed his hand as he sweeped it over to the table you'd noticed when you'd first come in. Where it had been bare of anything but the candelabras, now it was full of plates of food.
Your stomach ached, making you realize just how much time had passed since you'd first set out on your journey. The last time you'd eaten, it had been an apple and a couple pieces of bread a day away from your final arrival at your destination.
"How do I know you haven't poisoned the food?" You asked, looking back to Darkness as you did.
"If I had wanted you dead, you already would be. And why would I waste such interesting company?" The smirk he gave you as he said this had something else hidden behind it. You could see it in his eyes, raking over your body, meeting your eyes and holding your gaze for a long pause.
You wanted to feel disgusted. Men in your village had looked at you in a similar way. When they were coming home from the local tavern drunk at night and walked by you on your way home from working late in the fields.
They would give you that look, the look so common among men when they'd stare at women they desired. A mix of desire and contempt, like a child who desired to covet the last sweet all for themselves. Although childish, there was a predatory danger behind that look which made you always slip into a dark sidestreet before men like that could even catch sight of you. Hiding from the potentiality of what could happen if they decided to act upon their visible dark desires.
However, in this case, for some reason, Darkness's gaze didn't make you more afraid then you already were. It didn't make you want to turn and run. You felt ashamed that not to deep down, it made your stomach flip in a way which wasn't unpleasurable.
Turning, he walked over to the head of one end of the table, pulling out the large high-backed chair and looking to you again as you stood there.
"Please, dine with me. Let's discuss this without fighting. It's been a while since I've had a guest." What could you do but slowly make your way to the chair he'd pulled out.
As you moved to sit, he pushed in the seat behind you, like a gentleman. The whole display would be rather funny, the devil being a gentleman and inviting you to dinner, if you weren't still a little terrified.
Coming around from behind the chair, Darkness reached out on the table for a large jeweled bottle of wine. Without asking he poured the dark red liquid into the goblet in front of you, before walking over to his own seat and pouring his own glass.
Once you were both seated at either end of the table, you felt a little more relaxed. The distance of being at either head of the table was far enough that it gave you a false sense of security.
"What shall we toast to?" Darkness addressed you raising his glass with a quirked brow.
"What?" You were taken aback by this strange situation. It hadn't really fully dawned on you just how much he'd been trying to distract you from your goal.
"What shall we toast?" He repeated.
"I... I didn't come here to dine with you. I came to get my brother." As you said this, something dark flashed behind the composure of Darkness. Perhaps his patience with you wasn't as limitless as it seemed.
"My dear, we will get to that all in due time," the words were spoken less with his smooth sounding tone he'd been taking with you. This tone was all teeth. You decided not to push it, raising your glass tentatively.
"To making acquaintances?" Your statement came out as more of a question as you spoke. Darkness seemed to pause as you said this, before smiling.
"Yes. To making new acquaintances," You both toasted your glasses unable to touch, instead gesturing in each others direction before taking a sip.
You winced slightly at the rich taste. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was unlike any of the wine you'd ever had before. Only ever having had cheaply made wine in the tavern with friends, you'd been used to the sour poor flavour. This was rich and oaky in taste. Pleasurable to the mouth.
Looking down from your focus on the contents of your goblet, you were shocked to find a silver plate before you. A lamb shank, seasoned with delicious smelling spices, mixed vegetables and potatoes lay before you, making your mouth water. Where it had come from was your guess. There were many things about this strange place which made no sense to you.
Across the table Darkness had also gotten his own food. A large leg of lamb. No vegetables to be seen, which didn't surprise you. A beast such as him, it made sense that he would be exclusively carnivorous.
"So, tell me... Why would you come here all alone? Wouldn't you want to bring some strong warriors with you little lamb?" Darkness asked as he used his utensils to cut a healthy chunk of meat from the leg.
"I.. They're coming. They just got delayed by the swamp," It wasn't a convincing lie. You wanted to smack yourself for how stupid it sounded coming out of your mouth.
"You are not a convincing liar. The truth is written all over your face. Your little village was to afraid to help you." You didn't know what to say to this, looking down at your plate.
"I feel for you little lamb. It is hard to feel abandoned by those who you're supposed to rely on." Looking up from the plate, you met his eyes from across the table. He seemed sincere, with a tinge of sadness.
"They said it would be to dangerous. That I should consider my brother as good as gone-"
"And you weren't willing to give up, not on someone you loved. Not on family." He interrupted you, leaning forward across the table slightly.
"Yes. I-I suppose I should ask what my brother did to be taken," You held Darkness gaze as you said this, reaching for your own utensils and started to cut into the lamb shank in front of you.
"Mmm. Yes. That." Darkness took another long sip from his drink, looking up to the ceiling as if he could find the words for how to tell this story somewhere up there.
"He was in the forest. But I'm sure you knew that already. There he came across something one of my servants had left unattended, the fool." At this, Darkness snarled, almost slamming his own goblet down on the table, making you jump in your seat.
"Sorry. I don't intend to frighten you. I just ask so little of those under my service. Yet they still disappoint me. Your brother took this object of mine, and for that I had him taken in return." You were confused by this. Your brother had always been a gentle soul, someone who wouldn't steal, couldn't. Not without feeling extreme guilt afterwards.
"Please, tell me he's still alive, that you haven't harmed him."
"You think I'm some kind of monster. That I would just murder a child," Darkness said through bites of lamb.
"I've heard the stories about you. Slaughtering armies, eating babies, seducing unsuspecting women," you had begun to wolf down more bits of food as you mentioned this, almost casually.
"Only two of those are really true, and neither is the devouring of infants," he chuckled at your little ravenous display.
"They say all sorts of things about me in the little villages that surround my forest. Rarely are those things ever as true as they appear. I don't seek destruction, only order in a new form. I don't take anything unless something is taken first from me, and I don't give unless it is desired of the recipient," Your eyes met his eyes across the table once again, and as he finished the final sentence you felt yourself flush slightly. Betrayed by your own body.
He was attractive in an animalistic way, that was undeniable. The defined masculine nature of his face, its wicked yet alluring qualities, his strong muscular chest laid bare for you to see. The fact that he didn't care if you saw him in this near naked state, it was enough to be slightly arousing to you.
You wanted to fight this more than anything else. The urge to feel for him, as you had when you'd first heard the story of him and Lili. How he'd seduced her to sin.
"What do you desire, lamb?" You felt like he could read your thoughts, like he knew that your mind had wandered onto the dangerous path of lusting after something that could never be, should never be.
"I want you to let my brother go."
"I will, in due time. I have what he took, I was only curious if anyone cared enough to come for him. He made it seem as if no one would." Darkness admitted taking one last sip of wine.
"But he knows I'd come for him. I'd never just leave him," you felt a little bit of sadness well up. The fact that your brother had thought no one would want to come looking for him was disheartening. And in part he was right.
You were the only one who had come to look for him. No one else had been willing to, they had all considered him a lost cause. Perhaps they even thought you were just as lost, not seeing a point in coming to look for you either.
"He will be happy your here. I will take you to him when we have finished here. He isn't being held in a prison. He's a guest here like you." This was all well and good, but you weren't sure you believe this fully. Was this all to good to be true.
"There must be a catch to this. I can't imagine you would just let us walk out of here," you focused on Darkness as he took in what you were saying.
"I just wish for company. Two nights and two days, then you may both leave. I only ask for someone to talk to, to share my thoughts with," Once again, his eyes seemed to wander, like he wasn't sure how to frame what he was trying to say. It made you feel like he was perhaps struggling to express what he was feeling.
"Your lonely." It wasn't a question as much as a statement, and you hadn't even realized you'd made it until you noticed his eyes had fixed back onto you.
'I-I didn't mean to cause offense," you said quickly.
"No, no you're right," Darkness said raising from the table, pushing back his chair. He took a few steps in the direction of the fireplace, his back to you. The glow of the fire catching the red of his skin, making it glow softly. You could read in his skin, every curve, sharp angle, broad and soft. It stirred something deep in the pit of you.
"I've been alone for a long time. No one to speak with. No one to share my company," He looked over his shoulder, catching your gaze on him, the way you seemed just as hungry for him as you had been for the lamb.
"No one to touch," turning fully, Darkness walked back over to stand in front of you, towering high, looking down into your eyes.
"You never really answered my question little lamb," he said, his voice seemed deeper, more soft as he said this, causing your heart to skip a beat.
"I don't know what you mean," you mumbled, still completely focused on the man-beast before you. How he was looking at you, the way his breath seemed more heavy than before.
He reached down with one of his hands, thumb and forefinger resting against your jaw and chin. You felt deep down that you should draw away, not let this monster who had kidnapped your brother touch you. However, his touch was so gentle, rubbing your skin, making you shiver.
"You never did tell me what you desire," his voice was like silk against your skin.
"What I desire?" You sounded punch-drunk to your own ears. His fingers trailed your jaw, down to your neck where they lingered.
"I can see it written in your eyes, you desire more then just to see your brother home safe." As his fingers made their journey lower, they caught on the front ties of your tunic.
You stopped him before he went further by laying your hand over his. Darkness didn't pry, didn't try to push you beyond your means. He simply kept your eye. You could see the desire burning in him. What he wanted.
What did you want though? What were you doing? Why were you allowing him to touch you like this?
Deep down you knew all to well why. All those nights of wondering and dreaming those sinful dreams. Desiring him without thinking it would come to anything. Knowing now that those dreams were within your grasp.
His hand was warm in your grasp, so whole and real. Pulling it to your lips, you kissed his palm gently. You couldn't put into words your desire for him which had laid dormant, but now had been fully ignited. Instead actions felt like the best way to express what was starting to burn deep in your core.
Darkness used his free hand to cup the side of your face, leaning down so that his face was level with yours. You could see every line, every curve of his face, the passion which was evident in his eyes.
You could feel the heat of his breath on your face. It didn't smell unpleasant like you would have expected. Instead it smelled the earthy flavor of the wine you'd been drinking.
As he placed his lips on yours you could taste it. His mouth was softer than you expected, and when he kissed you it made your head spin.
It slower, gentler than you thought it would be. He pulled back from you, allowing you to catch your breath.
Suddenly he grabbed you, causing you to yelp. He lifted you like you weighed nothing. Darkness body was flush with yours. You were able to feel how strong he was, every muscle in his torso.
As your hands traced his arms, you could trace the contours of muscular frame. He was so much stronger than you, so much bigger. You knew if he wanted to, he could break you and there was nothing you could do to stop him.
For some reason the very idea of this, made you feel aroused. There was also the fact that you could feel through the limited clothes which Darkness wore, his massive bulge.
Once again, his lips crashed into yours. His teeth were sharp, but somehow he managed to nip at your bottom lip without drawing any blood. He was gentle, yet the more he persisted, the rougher of he became.
You moaned as he pulled away to start kissing your neck. Those kisses soon turned into love bites, teasing and pulling at your skin. His ministrations were causing blood to rush to your face and the ache in between your legs to grow pronounced.
Supporting you by your thighs, Darkness walked you over to the table and pushed aside the plates and candelabras to make space for what was about to occur. Placing you prone on your back, he leaned close over you, meeting your eyes again.
"Little lamb, are you ready to get what you truly desire?" husky, his voice felt like liquid amber making shiver run down your spine, and between your legs wetter.
"Darkness... Please," you were beyond the point of no return and all you wanted was to be satisfied by this beast of a man. He chuckled, delighting in your small plea.
"What do you desire?" he asked for the third and final time.
"I want you," your words came out in a keening whine, body hot with desire. Darkness smiled. A mixture of smug self-satisfaction at finally getting you to admit what you wanted.
He leaned in and layed kisses on your neck again, making you moan. Licking and nipping at you, and then proceeding to suck on the sensitive pulse point of your neck.
As he continued his ministrations with his mouth, his hands wandered up your body, ghosting over your clothed stomach.
You felt that aching anticipation as his long clawed fingers finally reached the ties on your tunic. Darkness pulled away from your neck, and you knew from the way he'd been sucking and nipping at your tender skin, that there would be at least several bruises left behind.
You held your breath as he slowly pulled the ties free, pulling back the light cotton. Goosebumps pebbled your skin as it was exposed to the air of the room. Your nipples were already hard from him teasing your skin. Darkness took notice of this, using a thumb to tease one of your nipples, sending pleasurable sensations through your body and making you let out a sharp breath.
Dipping down, his mouth meeting your other nipple, tongue flicking it experimentally. The sensation was even more pleasurable than his thumb making languid circles.
Seeing the pleasure written on your face, Darkness latched himself on and sucked gently, savouring your gasps. Using his long tongue, he circled the bud slowly, before nipping with his sharp teeth.
The hand working your other nipple started to wander, as he continued working you with his mouth. Tracing his claws softly down your stomach, before reaching your bottoms. They were light and stretchy enough that you knew he could slide his hand easily down between your legs.
However, he kept teasing your skin just above the waistband. It felt like butterfly kisses, the way Darkness would barely ghost his claws over your skin.
It made you quake inside with anticipation of what he would do next, even though a good portion of your focus was still on him licking and sucking your breast. You were close to begging him to do anything to sate your now aching arousal, desiring to be filled with all he desired to give you.
Slowly he finally began to slip his fingers under the waistband of your bottoms. Instead of dipping lower, he started to pull on your pants, sliding them down. Darkness pulled back from teasing your nipple in order to focus on getting your pants off.
They slipped off easily, making you feel even more exposed than when he'd removed your tunic. All that separated your wetness from the air, was the thin material of your panties.
Slowly, he lowered himself, kissing the center of your chest. Moving downward to your stomach. His hands lightly traced the inside of your thighs, trailing a road leading closer and closer to the last bit of clothing on you.
As Darkness made his way down with his mouth, his fingers finally reached your panties. One of his clawed fingers traced a rhythm on your inner thighs, as he used his clawed forefinger to trace the band of your panties. Quickly he used the sharpness to snap the band, before quickly tearing away the flimsy fabric.
Large rough fingers traced your lips, actively avoiding you clit. Teasing you, he experimentally traced your opening, coating the tips of his thick fingers in your juices.
Whining, you tried shifting your hips, trying to get his fingers to rub against your swollen aroused clit. However, he was tactfully able to evade your attempts. Using his free hand, Darkness pressed down on your stomach to push you down, chuckling.
"Patience. Good things will come at their own time," like honey, his voice poured over you, sweet and smooth. He wanted to make you suffer and to writhe under his control, that much was clear.
From the satisfied little grins he would make whenever his touches made you gasp or groan, to his careful movements across your body. He'd avoid certain spots, leaving them until last, drawing out the anticipation of pleasure.
Coating his fingers in your juices thoroughly enough, Darkness seemed to finally be ready to give you just what you wanted. Trailing his thumb up, he lightly ran it over your sensitive nub.
The sudden sensation made you flinch slightly from the sudden contact before letting out a small whimper. Being teased for so long by him, had made you so aroused you thought you might be brought to release if he touched you again.
He was patient, letting you adjust and taking his time before touching your clit again. Darkness was light and soft, starting in a circular motion, keeping you close, but not quite close to the edge of release.
As he set a comfortable pace, which had you biting your lips and gasping lightly, he inserted his forefinger slowly into you. His hands were large, and so were his fingers. Stretching your walls, Darkness was careful with moving inside you. Even though he had quite sharp clawed nails, he was gentle. You could feel the length, the notch of his knuckle as he adjusted to your tightness.
Working his thumb, building up a steady rhythm. You could feel yourself slowly coming undone, with the intense sensation of him rubbing your clit with that now pleasurable burning feather-light touch. This was coupled with him working his finger inside you, causing that coiling tension to get tighter and tighter every time he hit that one spot.
It felt so wrong but so good. Knowing that he was so big, his presence so dominating. Looking up you met his gaze, piercing and focused on your every subtle expression. Written on his face, you could see the pleasure he was taking in seeing you lose yourself to his ministrations.
Noticing your gaze meeting his he gave you a knowing smile. He could tell how close you were. That you were about to reach your peak. Just him fixing his enticing bright yellow gaze, with all its illicit unsaid implications was enough to bring you right to the edge.
As if he knew the tension built up had reached it's height, Darkness withdrew his hands from you. The sudden absence of the sensations drawing you to your climax, made you groan in a shameful combination of annoyance and desire.
Darkness chuckled, looking over your body, tracing every curve and flushed bit of vulnerable flesh. He then let out another deep chuckle.
"You're really desperate for me. I can see in your face, your body." Reaching out one of his hands, he lightly traced your cheek, slowly. You wanted desperately to lean into his touch, but you felt heavy with the built up pleasure.
His finger inched its way to your lips, moving over them lightly, before slipping between. You let him, sucking at it lightly, tasting your own juices. Locking eyes once again with him, you watched how heavy his breath became, the smile from something mischievous to a look of pure unbridled lust.
The sound of cloth shifting, you looked down in time to see Darkness, undoing his robe with his other hand. A thrill ran up your spine as you saw the outline of his cock against the fabric as he fought with the fabric.
When it finally dropped to the ground, you saw what was in store for you. His dick was big, going from a lighter shade at the base to a little darker near the tip. Some precum leaked coating the top and running dribbling a little down the ways of his length.
Removing his finger from her mouth Darkness brought his hand to hold her hip, as he used his other lined up his cock with your entrance. He rubbed his cockhead, against you, adding again some stimulation to your body once again.
Coating himself in your fluids, mixing with his own, rubbing them over his length. His teasing was almost unbearable, feeling the slight throbbing of desire in your core to be filled.
He must have known what you desired, as he stilled his movements momentarily before pressing his tip to your wet aching opening, sliding slowly in.
Using his hand he had used to tease you, he rested it again the surface of the table to gain balance as he pressed further into you. With every inch you felt filled. It was painful, yet you didn't want it to end.
The sensation of every throb and vein sent a twinge of pleasure through you. Leaning down, Darkness brough his face close to yours, allowing both of your heavy breaths to intermingle.
Letting out a low almost primal growl, the large devilish man bottomed out. Never before had you felt so utterly stretched. Darkness had stilled in order to let you get used to his size, and while it was painful, it was less so then you expected.
Knowing you should feel ashamed, or at least disgusted by what was transpiring had fallen to the back of your mind, all you wanted was for this man, this beast, to fuck you. However, Darkness had other plans, staying still as stone inside of you.
Desperation started to set in and you tried moving in order to create some delicious friction. Instead, being stopped by Darkness hand on your hip tightening, holding you still.
Letting out a frustrated noise, only served to make the man laugh softly and lean in so his mouth met the shell of your ear. "Are you comfortable?" His voice was almost mocking, smug.
You just wanted him to move at this point. Being filled like this was making you so aroused in the most frustrating way.
"Please." In response to this desperate plea, Darkness leaned in further, pressing down on you, lightly nipping the sensitive skin of your neck playfully. Before he finally gave you what you wanted so badly.
Inch by excruciating inch, he pulled himself back until he was nearly fully out of you. The emptiness was only momentary though, before burying himself back into you setting a brutal pace.
Darkness was merciless with his thrusts. At first it was painful, but that was slowly being replaced by the building tension in your core.
The way he gripped you tight, claws digging into your skin, sure to leave marks and his mouth finding your throat only served to heighten your desire.
All the shame and fear had been washed away and replaced with passion brought on through flesh meeting flesh. The lewd sounds which your bodies made as they met serving as a symphony for your conflicting emotions finally being forgotten.
Now all that was on your mind was having this beast of a man ravage you forever, to have this sensation of such pleasure brought on through every roll of his hips causing him to hit that sensitive spot within you.
If you'd known being seduced would include feeling like this, so utterly free. Only letting your mind focus on the sensations of Darkness cock pounding into you, his teeth skimming the skin of your neck, it was all becoming to much.
A pleasurable burning sensation had started to build again, announcing your climax was imminent. Moaning and wrapping your legs around Darkness waist, you tried to match the thrust of his hips.
You could tell he was getting close himself, as his pace picked up, the table creaking slightly as he pounded you into it brutally. There would be bruises to go along with the claw-marks on your hips.
His frantic movement kept pressing girth right into the perfect spot to bring you right to the peak. This time you were going to get to fall of the edge.
You cried out as Darkness allowed his teeth to sink into your neck, bringing pain once again to the overwhelming pleasure sending you over the edge. It felt like a damn breaking as you came, clenching around his length, body twitching.
Darkness pulled his face back from your neck to admire your body as you came, still fucking you through your orgasm. His eyes filled with predatory lust focused onto yours. Bringing one hand to your throat, he squeezed lightly bringing his lips crashing down onto yours.
Pumping himself still at a fast animalistic pace, growling into your mouth. Then he thrust as deeply as he could into you before releasing himself inside your walls.
You could feel the hot spurts of fluid deep in you, painting your insides. So much of it.
Pulling away his face from your own, he looked once again into your eyes. "I suppose we should negotiate your brothers return to your village. You I might find harder to let go of."
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the-arkaives · 7 months
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WHAT ARE THE ARKAIVES?: so, I realized that suddenly, i was no longer the only person who had Miss Kai Drew rotating in my brain. now, I may be the only one with her doing so 24/7, BUT THERES OTHER PEOPLE NOW-
The Arkaives are your one stop shop for the small little Kai Drewniverse Fandom! you’ll get cannon posts from me, and then the other arckaivist’s fucking BANGER ass “fannon” posts (GUYS I AM EATING THAT SHIT UP KEEP IT COMING)! it’s just a way for this tiny ass community to thrive :]
HOW DO I BECOME AN ARKAIVIST?: simple! reach out to me, say you wanna become an arkaivist, and then BOOM! you’re in! but if you’re a fucking douchebag/asshole i am NOT afraid to kick you out. this is a silly funtime blog, and if you bring bad vibes i am kicking you out. also don’t argue with me about cannon. I’m the author i know what I’m talking about 🤨‼️
WHAT CAN I POST AS AN ARKAIVIST?: you’re allow to post anything as long as it is vaguely Kai related! like, saw something pink and yellow? KAI DREW REFERENCE POST IT‼️‼️‼️ (<- fun fact: actual way i make going out in public fun instead of nerve wracking) it doesn’t even have to be just Kai! got ideas about relationships between Kai and ‘x’ character? POST IT! that’d probably be helpful for me writing nmk/kai in hf stuff, as I’m always a biiiit afraid of mischaracterizing the people of Hatchetfield in the fanfics. But, like, Kai lore isn’t just Hatchetfield! believe me, i forget too, but she’s in a shit ton of fandoms! so, if you’re into one of the other fandoms she’s in? join! fair warning, though: the Kai in HF lore is ROTTING my brain, so there’s gonna be a lot of that shit-
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ARKAIVIST ONE - @pastriibunz
NAME: Pastrii!! :D
PRONOUNS: she/her :]
the kai drew fan. literally. i made her!!! i made that guy!!!! the creator of miss drew, the writer of the fics, the artist of the cannon art, the admin of @shxwstxpper (and this blog too), and professional pokotho prophet (/j)! ive definetly got a better intro on my main, (and it does list what fandoms kai's in so do take a look!), but this is my little bio sooo yeah!!! :D
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ARKAIVIST TWO - @skylines-turnstiles13
NAME: Max!! :]
PRONOUNS: he/him :D
MY SON!!!!! the admin of @laika-at-hatchetfield and the reason this blog exists! legit my brother in christ told me to do it and my ass was like "yes sir 🫡‼️" and now we're here! he makes some DELICIOUS ass art (seriously man eating that shit UP) and made it so our first posts were angst (all hail the boy!!!! doing what i couldnt <- was going to wait a bit for soul crushing angst- let yall get comfy b4 i fuck yall up). GO FOLLOW THEM THEY'RE COOL AF 🫵😡‼️
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ARKAIVIST THREE - @chillibeanos
NAME: Chilli/Max :3
MY (other) SON!!!! I lob them sm GAHEGEGEGVR THE SILLY!!! they also have a neato lil guy named Bean Sprout so GO CHECK THEM OUT 🫵😡‼️‼️‼️ GO FOLLOW MY BOY 🫵😡‼️‼️‼️‼️
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ARKAIVIST FOUR - @raspberrysmoon
NAME: elliot/alice/(rasp)berry/ella/julian
PRONOUNS: he/him + she/her + fawn/fawns + star/stars + they/them + it/its
YET ANOTHER ONE OF MY SONS!!!! I feel like getting added to this account just means you become one of my sons- silly little guy!!! they’ve got a more in depth intro too- FOLLOW THEM RIGHT NEOW 🫵😡‼️
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ARKAIVIST FIVE - @christianchasity
NAME: Kacie!! :>
PRONOUNS: she/they
im literally neuerodivergent and a minor? but ayways im the rp expert because i ave 12 different accounts and i have 3 years of expeirence.... but i also have the tism and adhd and i am the grace chasity fan okay tats it love you consually an platonically!!!!
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66sharkteeth · 1 year
rambling on here again bc 12 people see this blog so it’s more private but also a step above talking to a void
i have such a weird relationship w/ my comic, where it makes me really fucking sad but it’s also the thing i enjoy most. 
i’m honestly grateful it’s doing as well as it is for over 120 eps in in an obscure genre that like 1% of WT readers care about. i know it has a core audience and at least a chunk of them are gonna be here until the end. but man is it also depressing just to see the inevitable drop in readership of a comic 120+ and 4 years in. I know I have readers but it’s so depressing to stumble across a forum titled “name your fav webtoons” or “name what ur reading” and it having like 20394802384 comments and not a single mention of CoB. It reminds me just how insignificant my work is and how little reach it has outside of WT itself. 
I want to keep doing comics for the rest of my life but I don’t know if I have the following to ever create something w/ half the success of CoB, which isn’t even a success in my eyes. It’s just something exists and some people enjoy it. I know the numbers on CoB aren’t the smallest but like fuck, I can’t even get those numbers to follow me on twitter and instagram or to get them to even mention me more than twice a year on reddit. What are the chances those numbers will follow me to my next comic? 
Its sad. I feel like my comic career has peaked but the peak wasn’t even a mountain. It was like a big hill at most. 
But all that said, I know a lot of people would probably read this and tell me I should take a break or something. But I... really? Don’t? Want to? Despite all this, there’s nothing I enjoy more than just...working on my comic. Even rn as I’m feeling like utter shit, I’m just typing this over my morning coffee and can’t wait to just sit down and get to work today. The result depresses me. The numbers dropping every time I post, the lack of reaction and constantly being told “oh i haven’t caught up in ages” by the small percent who do still follow me (seriously, please stop telling creators this. ik you mean well but it kinda hurts). but the actual creation? i love it. i love turning my brain off, putting on a youtube vid, and working on this comic all day. i love turning on my brain occasionally to figure out cool new way to do assets or lighting or FX, i love solving a plot hole that’s been in the way for ages, i love making character designs, i even love making the little google spreadsheet and inputting the numbers to calculate all my expenses for line art and translation fees. i love making my comic!!!!!! i never want to stop. 
but every week when i see smaller numbers and less and less interest, i get so scared and sad knowing i might have to stop after CoB. That I might not have the following to keep doing this for the rest of my life after CoB. That even if my next comic gets greenlit (something I doubt more every week that my numbers drop), what are the chances it’ll pull the numbers CoB did and do well enough to tell the full story?
I feel like I’m driving a car that’s nearing the Empty Tank warning and I don’t know if there’s a gas station near enough to make it to my destination 
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leonscape · 2 years
Spring Showers Spring Flowers Content Creator Challenge
"Parenting Practice"
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Hosted by super cool people @aquagirl1978 and @violettduchess Prompt #3: Baby animals | Check out the event here! Leon x OC (Irene); Irene and Leon are at the spring festival and they go to a petting zoo. By the end of the day, they end up adopting a puppy together! (Got this idea from @myonlyjknight) Word Count: 1267 Note: I am challenging myself and attempting to write for most of the prompts. I just wanted to post this one first but I have stuff for prompt one and two hehe.
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The spring festival in Rhodolite brought the people together. Vendors lined the streets to sell their special products. Colorful fabrics, food, and other items stretched as far as the eye could see. Irene and Leon walked through the hustle and bustle, observing everyone happily celebrating. 
“Mhh, what’s that smell?” Irene inhaled the scent of food wafting in the air. 
“Smells like delicious meat,” Leon said.
The couple meandered their way towards the smell. A man was cooking and serving meat on skewers while the woman next to him handled the money. Irene rushed over, dragging Leon behind her. 
“It smells amazing! Could we get two skewers please?” Irene ordered one for her and one for him. Leon and Irene chowed down on the meat, humming in satisfaction. “Ah! This is so good! I want more but I have to save room.” 
Irene pulled Leon from place to place, attracted by all the sights and smells. After consuming a little too many sweets and other treats, they decided to take a break from eating things. 
“Ahh,” she sighed, subbing her stomach, “I’m so bloated now.”
“Heh, that was nothing. I could keep going,” he boasted. 
“Yeah, I’m sure you could eat your way from here to Benitoite,” she teased. 
For a while, they sat down together on the bench, observing the people. Countless products were exchanged as the conversations flowed and the cheerful spirit of spring hung in the air. 
It was quiet until there was a large commotion heading their way. Fur bundles were hopping their way through the street as people chased after them. One of the rabbits hopped towards Leon and Irene and she gasped suddenly. 
“Aww, you’re so adorable!” she cooed, picking up the bunny. “Ohh you’re super soft too! Hehe, I wonder what kind of shampoo you use.”
Leon reached out to pet the rabbit too. “Woah, this guy is really soft.” 
“I know! I want to use him as a pillow.” Irene stroked the rabbit’s soft fur.
A man ran up to them, out of breath, huffing and puffing, “Sorry to cause y’all trouble!” 
“It’s no trouble at all!” she smiled. 
“We’re running a petting zoo, but one of them kids left the gates open and all the rabbits poured out!” the man struggled to catch his breath as he explained. 
“Petting zoo?” she questioned. 
“Yeah, we got a bunch of animals; sheep, goats, ponies, ducks, and more rabbits…” the man said. “Come along, I’ll show ya.”
Irene carried the rabbit back to the petting zoo. It was a rather large area with each species having their own pens. “Aww, they’re all so cute!” she said. They quickly allowed Leon and Irene into the rabbit pen and the rogue rabbit rejoined rabbit society. Leon knelt to the ground to pet the fluff balls, and a childlike wonder glimmered in his eyes. 
“I’ve never seen so many little rabbits in one place,” Leon said. 
“Those rabbits multiply like crazy, that's why there’s so many of ‘em,” the man said. 
They moved onto the little lambs with their wooly coats, and then the tiny baby goats with their high pitched bleats, to the weirdly small horses that were grazing the pile of grass on the ground. 
Leon seemed to really enjoy petting all the animals, he did so quite earnestly. After they visited the ducks, they got to a quiet corner. An elderly lady was sitting down next to a pen full of puppies, fanning herself. 
“Excuse me, could we pet the doggies?” Irene asked. The woman nodded and smiled. All the puppies suddenly came rushing to the entrance to greet Leon and Irene. “Aww, you guys are so cute! Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good girl?” Irene kneeled to the ground to pet the two pups in front of her, unaware of the army of puppies attacking Leon. 
Leon was barely fighting off the mountain of puppies all tugging at him in different places, pulling him in different directions. “Uhh, could I get a little back up here?” 
The woman laughed, “They seem to like you very much! Maybe you should take one home with you.”
“Oh, no we couldn’t possibly do that,” Irene said. She pried the puppies off of Leon one by one. Eventually, the puppies went back to playing with each other, pouncing and wrestling. 
“We’re putting them up for adoption, so they’re free. We had multiple litters and tried to give them to our neighbors and friends, but nobody wanted them. So here we are, trying to get people to take them home,” the woman explained. “This breed makes excellent family dogs; even tempered, easy to train, and good companions.” 
Irene turned to Leon. “I really want one but I think Sariel would kill us if we brought home a puppy.” 
“If you really want one, then we should take one home,” Leon said. “Don’t worry about Sariel. If anything, I’ll handle him.” 
Irene did a little cheer and turned to the puppies to pick the chosen one.
Besides, this makes good parenting practice for when we have kids, Leon thought.
A little brown puppy with a small white spot on his tail was the chosen one. Irene held the puppy close, and happily grinned. While she was talking to the woman about care and training advice, Leon’s mind drifted away. He thought about the day they would have an actual child of their own. He had no doubt in his mind that she would make a good mother. Just by the way she held the pup and gently stroked his backside was indication enough. 
When they got back to the palace, Irene immediately fixed up a meal and a bowl of water for the puppy. 
“There you go bud. Eat up!” She placed the food in front of him and he did a test sniff before eating. “Aww, you’re so cute.” 
Meanwhile, Leon was still in his daze, his fantasy of having kids. 
“Leon? Are you listening?” Irene called him back to reality. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah���” 
“We have to make him a nice doggy bed!” Irene ran off to go fix the puppy his very own comfy crate. 
The crate was placed in their shared bedroom; it kind of felt like it was a baby’s crib. They let the puppy roam around, getting comfortable with his surroundings. Leon watched Irene interact with the puppy. “We have to give him a name,” she said.
It’s like naming your own child, Leon thought to himself. 
“How about Leon Jr.?” Leon suggested. 
“No! We already have one of you,” Irene rejected. 
“You wouldn’t want two of me?” Leon questioned. 
“No, because there wouldn’t be enough of me to love two Leons!” she said. 
She joined him sitting on the bed. “How about we name him Rio Jr. then,” Leon jokingly suggested.
“I’m not sure if Rio would like that,” Irene replied. She turned her attention away from the puppy and towards Leon. He was already looking at her with an unreadable expression. 
“You’re so cute when you care for the little puppy,” Leon said. His mind was not actually on the puppy, but on the idea of having children. 
Before the two of them knew it, their lips met in a passionate kiss. A kiss so full of love, it distracted them from anything and everything else. Until the puppy started to spring a leak right on the carpet. Leon groaned in dissatisfaction as Irene ripped herself away and gasped. “No! Not over there puppy!” She left him on the bed; Leon was deep in thought. Maybe kids can wait…
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alabasterplasterart · 9 months
Parabiosis : Stanley Parable longfic
I've been writing up a Stanley Parable fic all with my own interpretations and ideas of the wider world beyond what the game explores. I adore the dynamic between The Narrator and Stanley and all of the vague gesturing towards how their digital space functions.
So I've put my own spin on a bunch of it, including themes and concepts inspired by other uber cool creators in this fandom like @queenburd , @alexis-royce , and @qcumbersodazz !
I've got the first few chapters written up, so I'll drop those in gradually. I'll be posting those future chapters on A03. The first two short chapters are under the cut. Thanks!
He let out a breath and metaphorically dusted his hands off as he looked over his story. He was confident now that it was full-proof. It had been padded, sealed, and locked up everywhere that had caused problems before. Nothing was getting through the cracks this time.
He turned his attention to the screen.
A man was leaning back in an office chair, head dropped back, eyes closed as he slowly turned himself side to side. He should’ve been working, but every day he spent almost a collective hour of every shift doing this. Daydreaming or zoning out or whatever was going on. Boredom, likely. A complete disinterest in the work he was supposed to be focused on. A disconnect from his world.
The man’s unseen watcher smiled and reached himself into the screen.
Show time.
Loop 2
At first, he hadn’t been worried. Just..confused, but willing to play along with this weird lucid dream. But as his eyes darted around the massive screen, watching big bolded red numbers counting down, it really struck him that something wasn’t right.
“And believe me, I will be laughing at every second of your inevitable life, from the moment we fade in to the moment I say: Happily Ever A-”
And then, Stanley experienced a sensation of loss. Like watching a dropped coin roll into a grate. Then he woke up.
Stanley shot back in the chair, nearly toppling it from the force. He sucked in a breath so sharp in hurt his throat and he clutched at his chest. For a half a second, he’d heard it. The sound of tremendous force ripping through concrete and steel. But he wasn’t gone. He was back in the office he started at, staring at an empty, outdated computer monitor. And omnipresent around him, the disembodied voice that had just berated him for several minutes was repeating dialogue.
But Stanley didn’t follow it this time. He just sat there, taking stock of what had just happened. There was no way this was a dream anymore, not with how..awake he felt. What in the holy hell could this be otherwise though?!
“You’re in a story Stanley. A story, I’ll remind you, that you veered off track at the very last step. Do you know how absolutely rude that is? How disruptive it is to go all the way to the end of something before deciding you’ve got better things to do? The least you could do to make up for it would be to listen this time. Are you capable of following through to the end this time, or are you going to get cold feet again?”
Stanley pushed up hard from the desk, sending the chair spinning away from him. He opened his mouth to yell back and-
Nothing. No words. He mouthed them, but stopped himself a word into the sentence. He grabbed at his hair and growled in his throat before throwing the office door open. He could still make noise at least.
“Oh good, you’re out of your office. A great first step, Stanley, you’re well on your way to a marvellous second attempt. Bra-vo.”
He yelled out again and spun around, gesturing up to nobody at the ceiling. What the fuck was going on, why couldn’t he talk? And where was this condescending sonuvabitch coming from? Because if he fucking showed himself Stanley would be throwing hands.
“You’re in my story, Stanley, I’ve already told you that. My, you’re proving to be a very poor listener. I’m The Narrator, and my job is to tell you where to go next. Your job is to follow those simple orders. Have you got all that or need I repeat myself, again?”
Stanley was about to snap back when he locked up. Hold on a minute. He hadn’t said anything. How did..?
“I can hear you just fine Stanley, voice or not. Though, I’m not sure why you’re unable to speak out loud. You should be able to..” the voice faded backwards, as if leaning away from a microphone. A moment later it came back clear. “Oh well. I’ll be honest I’m not in a hurry to solve that particular problem. You seem to be a handful enough as it is, without being able to talk back out loud.”
Stanley blinked and set his jaw firm. This asshole was..reading his thoughts? That was insanely fucking invasive!
“Well it’s how you’ll be communicating to me from now on, so get used to it.” The voice- or, The Narrator, as his puffed up ass had called himself -dipped his tone low and Stanley glowered nowhere in particular. No. There was no fucking way he was just going to go along with this, this was delusional. He was delusional, he had to be. Where the hell was he and where was the exit. He spun around and, after looking over his limited options, just decided to start trying doors.
“Oh, fantastic. Wasting more time that we could be using to get back on track. They’re locked, Stanley, all of them. If I wanted you to go in every single office I would’ve left the doors open. It’s a very clear system to indicate where to go next, I’m not sure why you’re having so much trouble understanding it.”
Can you shut your trap for one goddamn minute?! Stanley didn’t give a flying fuck about this Narrator’s ‘story’, he just wanted out. And one of these doors somewhere was bound to take him there.
“Did you consider that perhaps the ending I had planned and was taking you to was the exit, Stanley? You were right there, one button press away! Freedom was within your reach and you squandered it at the last moment. All for what, a sense of control? Of agency? Well I hope you got your sense of control, Stanley, because your death is about as much agency as you’re going to get here.”
Stanley looked up at the ceiling and stopped. Was that a threat?
“A promise, Stanley. I’m in control here. You should get used to that as soon as possible so we can get back on schedule.”
Stanley ground his teeth together and turned away from the doors, stomping off down the office hallways. If death was his only way to establish agency then so be it. It didn’t seem to take, so he’d shoot that bullet at this self-important Narrator as many times as it took to, to..fuck, he didn’t know. He just knew he was angry and where a very easy to jump off bridge was in this godsforsaken place.
There was a sigh. “Well, if you’re headed back to the Mind Control Facility, then at least you’ll have the chance to correct your previous mistake. Maybe try taking some soothing breaths on the way there, calm yourself down before we reach that crucial point in the story.”
Stanley started towards the door on the left but stopped as The Narrator was talking. His chest was rising and falling fast and heavy and his mind was working overtime to have a clear coherent thought. But he had enough clarity to make the calculated decision to go as out of his way as he could from that predetermined path The Narrator was trying to take him down. Stanley pivoted on his heel and entered through the door on the right.
“No, no, no, what are you doing? Argh, you’re being so difficult, you know that Stanley? I put a lot of time and work into this story and you’re just spitting in the face of it before you’ve even seen it all! Do you make such snap judgements about everything you come across or did you save this particular treatment for me?”
Shut up!! Shut! UP! Stanley swung his fist hard into the wall beside him, shaking a painting nearby and hurting his hand like hell. But the tingling in the side of his hand wasn’t at the forefront of his mind. He just heard ringing in his ears and felt a hot tightness in his throat. He stood there, waiting for another sarcastic comment, another condescending insult. But this time, there was nothing. At least for a few moments.
“Hm. Well..” The Narrator finally said, prompting an exaggerated eye roll and sharp sigh from Stanley. He kept on forward, and as he rounded a few corners and passed through a very blue themed break room, The Narrator tried to rectify.
“Listen Stanley, I see that we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot here. By now I’m sure you can see how wrong of you it was to veer my story off track at the last moment, I needn’t go on about it any longer. But perhaps you’ll be good enough to work with me to make up for it. To set things right.” Ahead of him, down a long hallway, a door on the left opened of its own accord. He slowed but didn’t stop walking entirely.
“Cut through here Stanley and we can get back on track. I can acknowledge that perhaps I was too quick to expect a perfect run from you on your first go around. That was unprofessional of me, I deeply apologize.” Stanley scoffed at the lazily hidden sarcasm and continued past the opened door. “But if we can just- Stanley, Stanley no the meeting room is this way- Stanley!”
But Stanley didn’t stop. He stepped down a few concrete steps out of the small room the hallway connected to and found himself in an OSHA agent’s nightmare of a warehouse room. Floor to ceiling shelves with boxes all the way up, easily a few stories tall. And with not nearly enough guardrails.
Stanley grinned to himself and strode with purpose towards the platform’s edge.
“W-wait, Stanley, Stanley think about this. Do you really want to leap to your certain death, simply to spite me? There’s other solutions to this, I implore you to really stop and-”
Stanley gave a middle finger salute to the ceiling and swung a leg out over the edge, letting gravity do the rest. He heard the first note of a ‘No!’ before it all went black.
And he experienced a sensation of loss. Like something falling out of your pocket without you realizing it. And then he woke up.
The ghost sensation of pain lingered faintly across his body but dissipated as he adjusted. He was back at the desk, staring at the empty monitor. He heard The Narrator clear his throat.
“If that’s out of your system, I’d like to move on now.”
Not so tough now huh, fucker? Stanley chuckled to himself and stood up, rolling up his sleeves and ditching his tie on the ground as he briskly moved through the office. The Narrator, with an edge of unease to his words, tried to slip back into the usual script of each area. Though again, Stanley took the right hand door upon reaching the junction.
This time though, he didn’t get back talk. Just another few scripted lines trying to get him back on track. As Stanley ignored the shortcut again though, there was a curt sigh.
“Stanley, honestly, this is..well, it’s uncalled for.”
What do you care, I don’t seem to die here.
“That isn’t the problem Stanley, it-” The Narrator grumbled in his throat and huffed. “Stanley I feel that we can sort out this problem with talking. A quiet, calm discussion between two mature minds. You don’t need to resort to this to make your point. I truly do want the best for you Stanley, honest, and if you’d just give me the chance to prove it, I can show you. You just need to step back from the ledge.”
The plea seemed genuine, but Stanley wasn’t about to forget what else The Narrator had also said in earnest. Not half an hour ago- or however long it was, with these odd resets -The Narrator had gleefully blown Stanley up because he’d pressed the wrong button. Didn’t matter if death was permanent or not, that was terrifying and beyond sadistic. This moment of ‘maturity’ wasn’t overriding that.
“I understand your reservations Stanley, I hear them loud and clear, and believe me I intend to fully make up for all of your grievances in due time. Here,” Stanley heard a door open back in the small adjoining room. “Come back through, we’ll get back to the two doors, and we can work off a clean slate. New beginnings, a fresh start, doesn’t that sound nice Stanley? It seems a much better option that hurling yourself to your death over and over, does it not?”
Stanley glanced back through the window to the hallway now reopened for him. Then he looked back down. What was waiting for him back at those doors, really? What was The Narrator hoping to gain here? It really seemed like he just wanted to send Stanley through the same looping story over and over, never deviating, just to satisfy his own ego. Stanley didn’t know if there was anything else to this office. But he certainly wasn’t going to find out by walking the same path ad infinitum.
No, he had to make a choice now. Right here, Stanley had to decide where he stood. He didn’t know how he got here, he didn’t know how he kept resetting, he didn’t know how to get out or if he even could. But he knew one thing. He knew it with more certainty than anything right now.
Stanley looked up into the air and tightened his jaw.
Nobody tells me what to do.
And he stepped off the ledge.
Loop 8
Stanley’s office door was slamming against the wall before his vision had even fully settled and he angrily stumbled into the hallway. His tie was tossed to the ground and half the first office space covered before he suddenly halted in his steps and threw a furrowed glance at the ceiling.
Fucking finally. It had taken seven plummets to the warehouse floor but maybe that windbag was finally done. Stanley scoffed, barely believing that even possible, and continued forward.
Each reset brought him to a default state in more ways than just physical. Each time his emotional state evened out. But for the last half a dozen resets it had taken just a few moments for his mind to catch up and send a surge of anger through him. He was on an adrenaline rush, a rage-fueled spite spree. The Narrator had said death was Stanley’s only way of establishing agency over himself. If that was true, then that would be the only thing Stanley ever did.
He didn’t even have to fight his body’s self-preservation now. With very little pain experienced before the reset and the total lack of a real consequence, his instinctual fear response was all but gone. As soon as Stanley was in the warehouse he could damn near do a jumping dive off the platform to meet his impermanent fate.
Going every other step down into the room, Stanley strolled chest puffed up to the ledge for the eighth time. But something that wasn’t a fear of death kept his feet glued to the yellow caution tape just before the drop. A different concern was bubbling. A worry caused by an unexplained change in the environment. Once again, he cast his eyes upwards.
Absolute silence.
Stanley sighed heavily and gestured sharply upwards. C’mon, at least put up some sort of a fight. This is just pathetic.
His brows came together and he set his jaw firm. He took a step back. Hello?
Complete and utter quiet.
Stanley’s chest tightened and he squeezed his fist. What was this then? A guilt trip? A ploy to get Stanley to apologize or feel bad? It wouldn’t work. Best give it up while you can still back out or Stanley would never let The Narrator live down this cheap manipulation trick.
Nothing. Not a word, not a breath. The oppressive soundlessness of the warehouse left him able to hear his own heart beating in his ears. Only dead air surrounded him, and the jarring shift from just a few minutes ago was..not sitting well in his twisting gut.
Stanley stood there for maybe a minute, just listening. Straining to hear anything at all. Any sound of movement, of a person just holding their breath behind a microphone. But it was impossibly still. He gave in, moved away from the ledge and started back to the lounge, slowly. Cautiously. Distrusting even more of the bland hallways of this non-euclidian hell. Each checkpoint Stanley stopped and projected a questioning thought at..wherever The Narrator was. And each time was the same. Silence was all she wrote.
With a grumble in his throat Stanley picked up his pace, cutting through the two doors intersection, back through the large connecting office space, back through his small starting room, all the way back to his office. Normally these doors would all be closed, but they were left open, giving him a free backtrack this time around. He dropped himself into his office chair and rotated stiffly back and forth, hands holding the arms of the chair tightly. Another upward glance, another questioning thought. Another lot of nothing at all.
He waited a minute. Then two minutes. Then four, then ten. He watched the hand tick away on the clock on his wall, the only sound aside from his own shallow breathing. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tic-
Fine! Stanley threw his hands up and stood from the chair. He began to pace, only able to take a few steps in this tiny office space before sharply pivoting. Fine, fine! He was done, he was done with the warehouse now. Is that what The Narrator wanted? He wasn’t getting an apology. Stanley was not even going to lie about feeling sorry. But he’d concede on this. He was done throwing himself off the warehouse platform.
He stopped pacing and folded his arms anxiously. His eyes locked onto a worn part of the carpet that hugged the doorframe. One tick. Two ticks. Three ticks.
What the fuck was he supposed to do?! Stanley didn’t regret killing himself over and over. The Narrator deserved to irritated. To have his path ignored. He blew Stanley up on his very first run through this place, before Stanley even knew that he wasn’t in an inconsequential dream. What kind of fair was that? It wasn’t! And so if The Narrator wasn’t going to play fair, neither was Stanley. He wasn’t going to apologize for hitting back.
But he was done! That was the best The Narrator was going to get so he better be satisfied with it quick. Stanley would promise to not jump off the warehouse platform again. That was his offer. His compromise. He’d do that if The Narrator would give up this stupid, childish silent treatment.
One tick. Two ticks. Three.
Stanley groaned out loud and sped out of the office again. He was still riddled with aftershocks of anger, but quickly replacing it was the shakiness of anxiety. He was assuming a cold shoulder here but for all he knew The Narrator had up and left and wasn’t hearing a word he was saying. Or, thinking. Whatever.
Stanley rounded the corner of the hall towards the two doors. He stopped at the crossroad and stared at his options. His nails pressed into his palms and his eyes jumped between each doorway with nervous indecisiveness. He almost wanted to go back to the lounge to try and wait this out somewhere at least mildly comfortable. But the worry that, if The Narrator was listening, he would think Stanley was going back on his offered deal, kept his feet planted. Maybe going the correct way would break him out of this? If he’d at least talk back to Stanley they could discuss this for real. 
Stanley sighed and pursed his lips. He hadn’t really given the opportunity for discussion before. He was so quick to react, so quick to jump down the throat of the only other person- person? Being? -that was here that not once had the thought crossed his mind to just..try and talk about it all. Stanley had opted to be hostile right off the bat, and could he really entirely blame The Narrator for not backing down from that? Was that not was Stanley had just done? Refused to back down? Stanley was stubborn, but so was The Narrator it seemed. It was beyond hypocritical for Stanley to criticise The Narrator’s uncooperation when Stanley had behaved in the exact same way.
A slow clap startled him out of his train of thought and he winced at just how hard he’d been clenching his fists. He folded his arms back over his chest as he expectantly looked up to the sudden sound.
“You got there quicker than I had expected, great job Stanley. I really did believe it might take you a few loops of not dying to begin to feel bad, but perhaps I was too harsh on your ability to empathize. Maybe you do have a heart in there after all.”
Stanley blinked. His mouth parted slightly and his thoughts came up blank with a response. The Narrator went on.
“If you do mean it and you are quite done with this whole business in the warehouse, I would very much like to move on. There’s so much more here you haven’t seen yet. I’d of course prefer you take the intended route but honestly at this point I’ll simply take any path that isn’t to the warehouse, I’m not particularly picky. Whenever you’re ready just go ahead and pass through the door on your left. Much appreciated Stanley.”
..Wait. Wait, wait, wait, so The Narrator was here the whole time? He was just ignoring Stanley on purpose? Why?! “To wait you out. To get you to realize the error of your ways, acknowledge them, and apologize for them. You didn’t explicitly state an apology but I’ll count it, all of that self-beration was close enough for me.”
Stanley saw red. This whole time, this WHOLE time, The Narrator really was just using a shitty manipulation tactic to drag an anxious, guilty thought stream out of Stanley. Who the fuck did he think he was?! Stanley stormed through the door on the right. He’d show this all-important Narrator what the fuck he got when he fucked with Stanley like that. He wasn’t going to get a meek little ‘sorry’ and an obedient puppet that walked his stupid path. He’d told Stanley to get used to The Narrator being in charge? Well The Narrator better get used to Stanley never following orders.
There wasn’t a second of hesitation this time. In a heartbeat, darkness overtook his vision, consciousness stamped out with the heavy thud of his body on concrete. And he was gone.
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smallraindrops-blog · 4 months
The Eros of May
WMFTD!Y/N x Hypnos
(Day 18)
Wordcount: 660
Summary: Told in snapshots. There is a beautiful man with sleepy golden eyes, warm skin kissed by the sun and the lingering days of spring.
Warnings: no beta, parents embarrassing their only child.
notes: a writing challenge for myself, I took two different challenges and mashed them together. Credit to this post and this post and their creator for making these challenges.
To find the rest, use ‘The eros of may’ tag please.
Tree house
The ocean was inky black as it washed up your feet, cool as the night itself. 
Despite the jet lag, sleep didn’t come to you. The quietness of the ‘Lake House’ was too quiet, too empty when you were used to the noise of a city, of people around you. 
The paleness of the sand gleamed like stars under the moonlight, and it felt like you were walking on stars. You took another step in, the foam clinging to the tiny shells around your feet.
You sensed rather than heard that someone was approaching and twisted around to look. Hypnos lifted his hand up in a lazy wave, the line of an elegant collar bone exposed by a too big shirt.  
“You should be careful.” Hypnos said, stopping short of the water. The wave rushed onto the land, as if trying to reach for him as well. He gave you a little smile.
“Because I could drown?”
“No- well. Yes that too. But really, Greek waters have all kinds of unusual creatures lurking around.” Hypnos winked at you, rocking on his feet. “Like you never know if a siren is hiding under those waves, looking for a snack.”
Unfortunately for me, The only siren around here is already on land. you thought as you took a step back out. Golden eyes drifted past you and toward the water. You took a moment to look at him. 
Greedily so.
Because it's only been a day or so but for all the beautifully made people in New York, you have never seen someone like Hypnos.
Hypnos was a study in contrast of cools and warms, of sharp lines and rounded out softness. His golden eyes and sweet brown skin that soak in light spoke of the sun. But it was the dreamy, far look in his eyes, the whiteness of his curls that brought the thought of moonlight.
“You know, I would have given anything for a treehouse when I was a kid.” Hypnos said abruptly, “What about you?”
You blinked at the subject. “Ah. No. I used to beg my parents for a motorcycle though.”
Hypnos smiled at that. “I can see you riding a bike. Did you ever get one?”
You shook your head. You almost did, when you were eighteen and running purely on the unique hormonal cocktail of total immortality and stupidity that only teenage boys had. Your dad had sat you down one day after looking at motorcycles together and quietly begged for you not to.
”It would have broken Pa’s heart. He is a nurse and has seen some ugly shit.” You explained.
Hypnos tilted his head thoughtfully. “Oh yeah, real bad stuff I bet.”
A moment of quiet, with only the waves moved in their steady rhythm, uncaring of the two humans before it. Hypnos tucked a stray curl behind his ear, bitting down on his lip.
“Did you ever get that treehouse?” You smiled down at him. 
That made him smiled in return. “No. Maybe someday. And I can just call it ‘house’.”
You chuckled, a strange warmth fluttered in your core. Another beat of quiet. Then it was Hypnos who spoke up first, sweetly nervous.
“Do- do you wanna hear that story about my mom and that phone psychic?” He nodded toward the ‘lake house’.
Maybe you should say ‘no’, try to get some sleep but right now, there nothing more in the whole world you wanted than to keep talking to this wonderfully strange man.
“Yeah, I do. Did your mom really call her?”
Hypnos lit up, his smile so perfect that a knot formed in your throat. “And way more. Come on, follow me and I will tell you all about it.”
You did follow him all the way up, leaving two trails of footsteps among the sand.
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daarka · 2 years
Obligatory: The situation, if you're not up to speed. Courtesy of CritCrab. Shout out to the anon who said I was spreading misinformation lmfao; the OGL1.1 leak has been validated by one of the higher-ups at Kickstarter, who confirmed WotC reached out to them to discuss their upcoming royalty fee. o/
The Twitter post was not the reassurance they thought it'd be. Also cool of them to have the @.DnDBeyond account post it instead of @.Wizards_DnD -- make DDB take the heat like a meat shield. That was intentional.
It was also intentional to word it the way they did.
"We know you have questions about the OGL and we will be sharing more soon. Thank you for your patience."
This is the statement you make when you are going to plow forward with your plans, but can at least commit to explaining those insidious plans soon (once your lawyers and PR team get done finding ways to rephrase things so it's the least overtly shitty it can possibly be).
This is not what you would say if you are making overhaul changes to the license you had written based on community feedback. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's things I've heard from my own very reputable sources, but I'm sorry man--if I was WotC rn, and I was intending to heed the community backlash, my statement would look more like "We know you have concerns about the OGL. We are listening and making sure your voices are heard, and we will have a formal statement in full for you soon. Thank you for all you've contributed."
Hear the difference?
Whatever. My optimism has dimmed significantly in light of various things. Hasbro's stock was down 40% in 2022, and D&D is by far their largest-earning franchise. But despite it making over $1 billion, Hasbro only saw a little over $100 million in profits. Hasbro is feral.
WotC/DnDBeyond doesn't have a choice. Trust me when I say that the people working at WotC/DDB want to deliver a game they're passionate about--but it's not up to them anymore. Hasbro is the new ownership, and Hasbro is sinking financially. These OGL changes are Hasbro clawing at the person holding them afloat, and drowning them in the process.
There might be a way forward for 3rd party creators in spite of OGL1.1. If so, I'm not smart enough or knowledgeable enough to know what it is. But the more I hear, the more rare insights I'm granted, the less optimistic I am that any amount of community outrage will matter. And holy fuck is that depressing lmfao
We'll just see, I guess. I'm very tired :)
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