#man machine
rastronomicals · 4 months
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7:02 AM EDT June 12, 2024:
Robbie Williams - "Man Machine" From the Soundtrack album   Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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neobiohazardus · 17 days
Gaia Gear - Gezu-Mahak
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Made my interpretation of this design. It's not exact, but I went with what made me happy lol
Just went with GaiaGaiyus' name for this guy because he's nameless
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schnorianfleider · 2 months
Happy birthday to Wolfgang Flür, arguably the most good-looking Kraftwerk member.
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I need to get to my homework.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Technocracy Will Rebuild World,” Vancouver Sun. December 10, 1932. Page 1 & 2. --- 4-HOUR DAY; 4-Day Week; 660 HRS. A YEAR ---- SOCIAL CHANGES URGENT ---- NORTH AMERICA'S GREAT CHANCE --- MORE AMAZING REVELATIONS OF 'THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA' ==== Technocracy declares that North America is equipped today to lead the world into a new era.  
"Where man for the first time in his progression from the jungle is the conqueror in the battle for leisure." 
Here are its sweeping and tremendous conclusions, as told by Wayne W. Parrish, writing in Alfred E. Smith's magazine, New Outlook. 
"Man, in his age-long struggle for leisure and the elimination of toil, has finally arrived at that position where, for the first time, this goal is not only possible, but probable. 
"With what is known of technology today in this country, it is now necessary for the adult population, ages 25 to 45, to work but 660 hours per year per individual to produce a standard of living for the entire population ten timer above the average income of 1929."
The downward decline since the fall of 1929 has never once abated, and Technocracy has predicted in no uncertain terms the greatest social wreck of all time unless this decline is halted, or controlled. It is simply the example of an ox-cart driver attempting to pilot an airplane. There is little time to learn to use the controls to avert a crash.
This is no plea for 'social justice,' no scheme for a Utopian realization of the humble rights of all men. It is a necessity. For the first time, in history, as a result of the technological advance we have achieved an economy of plenty in the midst of a hodge-podge of debt and unemployment.  The plain fact is that the machine and men cannot both work on a rarity basis any longer. The machine has pushed man out of work. There isn't room for him any more. Instead of being a cause for remorse this should he the most joyful proclamation in history. Let the machine do man's work for him. Let him have leisure. Of course the entire social structure must be changed. Why not?  But again, it is not a matter of choice. Technology has brought our present system to its doom. There is no way out except by fundamental revision. 
Certain it is that the impact of technology on our price system has proved the futility in the future of stocks, bonds, savings, equities, mortgages and all concomitants of our past system. 
This is no mere "business cycle." Technocracy maintains that America is at the close of an era, and the actual ending is dependent only upon the length of time artificial stimulants can be injected. At the best, the time is short. The day of reckoning is growing nearer every week. 
While employment has been decreasing the U. S. has increased its debt load to above $218,000,000,000 by shoving present responsibilities off to the future. 
Technocracy (energy survey of North. America) is an integration of physics, chemistry, geology, geophysics, thermo-dynamics, zoology, biophysics, biology and physiology. 
At the present downward rate we will have 25,000,000 unemployed by 1934.
Technocracy's yardstick, applied to North America, reveals that communism, facism, socialism and other political systems are entirely inadequate to cope with the needs of a new state of civilization.
WHERE IT BEGAN Technocracy began in 1918 with the study by a group of engineers of the advance in machine production during the war. Technocracy foresaw the present unemployment of 14,-000,000 in North America, and foresaw the depression which would accentuate unemployment. 
Technocracy began as a study, but it has become "the logical expression for a technological energy state." 
It has, says Parrish, earned its place in the history of the human race along with democracy and autocracy. Here in broad terms is the definition: 
AUTOCRACY Rule by the individual. DEMOCRACY Rule by the people. TECHNOCRACY Rule by skill or science. It is a tremendous picture Parrish draws. And here are some of the arresting statements in his dynamic and stirring story of "the end of an era." 
Here, in the words of Parrish, is how the machine, "the really big technological mechanism that makes entire industries automatic, has changed the whole face of the social complex. 
It has now made possible, and necessary, the elimination of much of man's toil.
It has made invalid every old social, political and economic postulate now in use. 
It has rendered political systems useless. 
It has sounded the death knell of old methods of exchange. 
It has shelved permanently the necessity for private enterprise and savings. 
It has made sterile the moral concepts of the virtue of labor. 
By the pervasive force in changing man's whole outlook upon life, it has opened the way for the greatest release of the no-called human values in history,
It has provided the way for the elimination of individual greed and the enjoyment of leisure by everyone.
Today, says Parrish, the members if Technocracy number 350 and are located in all parts of the world. Only during the last month, the number of otherwise unemployed draughtsmen -and engineers who are doing the research and plotting hundreds of charts has been raised from thirty-six to one hundred. 
They are being paid by the Architects' Emergency Relief Committee of New York, and are housed at Columbia by Professor Walter Rautenstrach, who is a member of Technocracy. 
INTO THE NEW ERA Man will, as usual, have to adjust himself to the new era, he cannot refute it for long, argues Parrish. 
At no previous time, on no other continent, has there existed such a peculiar complex of energy and natural resources as exist on the North American continent. In the words of Howard Scott: 
"It is the only continental area of the world's surface manned, equipped and ready to move civilization into the new era where man for the first time in his progression from weakness to conqueror in the battle for leisure.' 
"This is no plea for "social justice," no scheme for Utopian realization of the humble rights of all men. It is a necessity.
"For the first time in history as a result of the technological advance we have achieved an economy of plenty in the midst of a hodgepodge of debt and unemployment. 
"The plain fact is that the machine and men cannot both work on a parity basis any longer. The machine has pushed men out of work. There isn’t room for him any more. Instead of being a cause for remorse this should be the most joyful proclamation in history. Let the machine do man's work for him. Let him have leisure. Of course the entire social structure must be changed. Why not? 
"But again, it is not a matter of choice. Technocracy has brought our present system to its doom. There is no way out except by fundamental revision. 
WHY NORTH AMERICA LEADS Then, in a swift survey of the world, Parrish tells why he regards North America as the continent to lead the world out of the old and into the new. And he emphasizes that he speaks of. North America in an economic sense, with no Canada and U. S. boundary involved. He says: 
"Russia, with its much-vaunted Communism, is but a slight variation of the American price system when placed under an exacting light. With 92% of its population tillers of the soil, with meagre technical facilities and "more musicians than technologists," as Mr. Scott expresses it, Russia found itself in the position of being compelled to inaugurate an industrial era under a Communistic price system of production with insufficiently developed energy resources and inadequate personnel." 
'VALIANT BATTLE' "From the viewpoint of Technocracy, England is fighting a valiant but losing battle. Among the futile gestures which probably will be made will be complete, abandonment of monetary currency and current banking credit, and stringent preferential tariffs and purchasing agreements to lessen the disparity which exists in its international balance of world trade."
"Fascist Italy is in much the same situation. It possesses insufficient water power and almost no Iron, copper, coal, oil and gas, but is offering bonuses to further increase its already dangerous population overload.
"Fascism –“ a last ditch defense of a price system against the oncoming army ef social change," is only able to maintain itself temporarily in Italy by the importations of foreign materials and energy resources for which it is still able to pay. 
"Of other nations or continents little needs to be said. Asia is hopeless as far as a high energy civilization is concerned. There aren't the resources available. You can't take more coal out of the ground than is actually there. 
"Australia has very few resources. It has almost no opportunity for further development. 
"South America is greatly lacking in many essential resources. 
"If all Europe were combined into one unified energy state, a high standard of living could be obtained for all the peoples there, but language and nationalism, present almost insurmountable barriers at present.” 
"Japan has attempted to operate a highly mechanized society under great handicaps. With limited resources and a high population density, she is reaching out to Manchuria for aid, but there is little there to help her. LONG LIFE PRODUCTS Here are some things Parrish cites as the potential products of technology, which show the necessity of control: 
Razor blades which would last a lifetime... 
Ramie plant which would outwear and outserve wool or cotton. 
An automobile that would go 300,000 miles without an overhaul. 
Shoes that would wear two and a half years without repair. 
"If the comparatively new fibrous nettle plant, ramie, is introduced to industry (and eventually it will be) the entire wood pulp, silk, wool and cotton industries would be very seriously affected. “Ramie has a 22-inch fibre, can be raised 1,500 pounds to the acre (compared to 450 pounds of cotton) and two or three crops can be obtained in a year in the southern states. There is no problem of pick ng, since it can be cut and bound with a thresher. 
"If made into two suits, it wears seven times as well as wool, and several hundred times better than cotton. It has the advantageous property of being stronger when wet than dry. It can be made into paper cheaper than wood pulp and the paper can't be torn by the human hand. It has a lustre similar to silk and linen, can be woven with silk and rayon or wool and cotton, and takes dyes beautifully." 
"The technologist is able to produce an automobile that would really be of service. Designs are all complete for a machine that would have a Hickman or a boat-type bottom. Individual wheel suspension, exposed steel parts that would not rust, frictionless bearings throughout, and would have an average life of 300,000 to 350,000 miles without a general overhauling." 
SHOES  2/12 YEARS "Shoes? It's the same story over again. The technologists can produce leather today that is waterproof and has a wearing quality that would make an average pair of shoes wear two and a half years. But our shoe industry, running way under capacity as it is, could supply the nation with a ten years' supply of these shoes within a period of eight or ten months. Believe it or not, the shoe industry has a capacity of 900,000,000 shoes per year. Where is the market?" 
MANLESS MACHINES And his answer to public works, such as highways, to provide work: 
"A machine Is already developed and waiting for a public works market that, with two men operating It per shift, or six men for each twenty-four hours, can tear up an old road or street, lay foundations for pavement, and put on the pavement sixty-feet wide, at the rate of eight miles a day!" 
"Keep such developments out? It is impossible under the price system, for a primary requisite of a price system is that production costs be cut, and more efficient machinery. Is the best way to cut costs. 
"A factory for the production of rayon yarn is nearing completion in New Jersey. Its operation is entirely mechanical and production can be carried on without a single worker in the plant. By means of photo-electric cells it will be possible for an official In New York to change dyes without leaving his desk and without human assistance at the plant. 
"The technological advance of thirty years has now made. It possible for a man to eliminate much of his toil. In doing so it has doomed the entrepreneur and the entire system of selling for price.
"Egypt Assyria, Greece, and Rome led the world in their days. "The past is thick with Empires dust." A new continent is able to take its position in the leadership of the civilization of tomorrow. "Technocracy poses that question."
What Technocracy Means Technocracy has literally burst upon the world. It is the rule of skill or science, the fixing of a higher plane of living, made possible by technology and the machine. 
Boys and girls, with their life ahead of them, will read it with an absorbing Interest. It is their hope. 
Men and women will see it as the outcome of the condition which they helped to create, and to which the world can now fit itself. 
Thousands of copies have been distributed, in compact form, of previous interpretative articles and editorials from The Vancouver Sun on Technocracy. Thousands more have been minted and are available at The Sun Office for all who wish them. Editor. 
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I love Kraftwerk image in every their all styles
those guys know how to be cool not only in music xD
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mrbopst · 3 months
The Man Machine
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muchenewmusic · 5 months
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entheo-music · 5 months
Man Machine - Animal (Primordial Jungle)
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pigswithwings · 10 months
honestly i am such a sucker for machines being cared for. like? please be gentle. i am not like you. this is my body, please be careful. i do not think like you. i do not work like you, or breathe like you. please be kind. please act kindly. you have me in your hands so please, please show mercy. i was made for a purpose, but that purpose was never intimacy. please show me what this is
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lyss-butterscotch · 9 months
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V1 finds a weird looking dog in hell
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rastronomicals · 7 months
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3:09 PM EST February 17, 2024:
Robbie Williams - "Man Machine" From the Soundtrack album   Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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deep-space-lines · 6 months
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put some pants on. slut
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scatterbrainedbot · 11 months
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cass, a professional: order of badass donbot, extra dramatic entrance!
me, nodding, banned from most kitchens: leo drama and angst, heard chef!
(shoutout to @somerandomdudelmao for yet again making feel emotions i cannot fully explain)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Tailor Would Solve Depression by Doing Less Machine Work,” Kingston Whig-Standard. January 19, 1933. Page 1.  --- KITCHENER, Jan. 19.— “Hard times? I don’t know whet they are. I come to work at right o'clock in the morning, press coats and pants and let down cuffs all day. Then at six o'clock, I go home. Busy all day that's me. No machinery for me. Everything done for hand." 
It was F. A. Tylinskl speaking In his little tailor shop as he sewed busily.
There is only one sure cure for this depression people talk about, he believed. "Do less by machinery and more by hand and you have solved it. That's the secret," he says.
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72crowe89 · 2 years
Thank you, Into the Spider-Verse
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aterfish · 8 months
Oh no! LBM got wet...
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