#levelup success hypergamy lawofattraction loa moneymindset growthmindset manifest manifestyourlife manifestations growth
adviceformefromme · 1 year
You have to become your number one cheerleader in order to win in this life, there can’t be any room for that toxic voice in your mind. You might not even realise that you’re your very own number one hater. Think of all those times you try to step it up, wake up early, start a new business, take on a new exercise? And guess who’s whispering loudly in your ear holding you back? Persuading you that waking up early is BS, that going to the gym and doing exercise is stupid and you’ll do it another day, that why even start a new business? It’s going to fail anyway? That voice there in your mind is keeping you stuck and the only way to overcome your inner sabotage is to firstly start noticing this voice. Notice is as often as possible. As you’re in the shower and it’s creating an argument with that person, as you’re looking in the mirror and it’s pointing out how bad your skin is. Once you have this awareness and you can start to see how toxic your inner voice has become, you can now decide… do I listen to this self-hate that puts me down day in day out? Or do I replace that voice with something that empowers me? Because you truly have that power. Slowly but surely you’ll start overcoming all that negativity in your mind and watch how quickly this changes your life.
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
Switch off your fucking phone. Come on, be strict with yourself for once. How the fuck are you going to smash through your goals without any structure to your day, to your life? No more floating around like a lost cloud in the sky, no more moping in bed starring at the screen. This is your fucking life. Stop leaving everything to chance because what you’ll realise is your dream life isn’t going to just happen to you, you have to create it. Literally plan your life tonight. Month by month decide what you want to do, where you want to go travel and quit with those limiting fucking beliefs. WHY the fuck not make it happen? Why would you not want to give yourself the best fucking shot at winning this year? Seriously. No more fucking excuses. 2023. Make if fucking count. 
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
Do you ever wonder if the bare minimum effort these men are making with you is actually a reflection of the bare minimum effort you're making with yourself? Sure you started trying harder with your routines, going to the gym, eating a little better but surely this is a baseline? What about your actual potential, your full effort? The effort you expect and demand from the men you date. Do you hold this standard for yourself? Do you try your very best each day? Pour into your dreams? How much energy are you giving your dreams? 5%? 10%? Even 30%? This is still not anywhere near your full potential. The world is always responding to your energy, sending subtle messages each and everyday with the purpose self growth and development. You can use a mans lack of effort as an opportunity to judge him, belittle him, feel hurt or entitled…Or you can start to use this as a sign to show up better for yourself. This doesn’t mean you continue to accept bottom of the barrel dating, men who literally offer you nothing. No, this means you use it as a sign to grow in areas where you are offering yourself nothing. Start giving yourself top tier effort, and watch and see how your energy will attract men that match this. 
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
When love is a loosing game… So your quest for love has resulted in meeting the most toxic, good-for-nothing, hurtful, damaging, requiring therapy (post encounter with said persons), leaving you emotionally, physically and financially in the gutter. These are all signs of loosing in love, and you the best thing you can do when you’re in this situation is focusing on a winning strategy. 
Rule number one. Stop the chasing. Stop the obsessing. You don't want be attracting love from an empty cup. Redirect your energy to your own love story, your own passions, your own hearts desires. This is going to elevate your energy so you’re not attracting from the gutter. You start attracting from a place of higher love. Self love.
Rule number two. Reinvent yourself. If you’ve had a lifetime of failed relationships it’s time for a new look. Start seeing a new reflection in the mirror. Let go of the old you, start seeing yourself as someone who wins, who loves their reflection when they look in the mirror, someone who is confident, someone who is totally in love with that they see. If you’re not there yet do the fucking work, change your wardrobe, your hair, whiten your teeth, get the Invisalign. Whatever it is for you. Switching up your image and becoming as confident as possible is going to elevate your energy. 
Rule number three. Start focusing on what you can give and let go of what you can get. A lot of failure when it comes to love is because we're focusing on so hard what we can take from the other person, seeing them as an ATM, or how we can use their body for our needs. This is low vibration energy and is going to keep us in the gutter when it comes to love. What do you have to offer in a relationship? Are you loving? Do you have an expanded mind, interesting conversation, are you an asset yourself? Do you radiate loving energy or are you toxic yourself? Start thinking of the person you want to show up as, and let go of the take and focus on the giving. 
Rule number four. Stop withholding your heart, your voice, your truth. Every time you fear speaking on how you feel you’re sending out a signal to the universe that your words are not important, that staying small is more important than being seen. How is your true love ever going to see you if you don’t allow yourself to be seen? So what if you fail, or embarrass yourself. Is it not more important to be true to your heart and live with no regrets than keeping your heart closed and playing small, keeping you away from the very thing you desire? A loving connection? If you can’t speak your truth and say how you feel are you even ready for a lasting love? 
Rule number five. Stop ignoring the RED flags. Focus on compatibility, understanding values, lifestyle match. These points are all to be established in the dating phase. Instead of smiling like a Cheshire Cat on these dates, getting swept away by the ACT that these men (and women) put on during the dating phase. Start dating with your A game. Suss out if it’s worth entertaining the guy that calls his ex ‘crazy’, or that hates eating out when this is what you absolutely love. Start being smarter, move better, and learn to win when it comes to love. 
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
You have to be his Beyonce. Period.
You're playing yourself short if you're with a man who sees you as anything less. Don't allow yourself to be his placeholder. Go choose a man that looks at you like you are his Beyonce, treats you like the queen that you are.
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
Without YOU in control of your mind, you are literally allowing fearful autopilot thoughts to rule your life. Thoughts of not being enough, not worthy, thoughts of fear, thoughts of weakness, thoughts of depression, thoughts of feeling like a worthless piece of shit. 
THIS IS JUST A SIGN OF MIND RUNNING ON AUTO PILOT. Your mind is running on autopilot. Programmed for fear automatically. Once you get fucking control of those consuming, toxic, overbearing, hurtful, deceitful thoughts in your mind your life is gonna change. It’s gonna transform. Learning to manage and regulate your thoughts will be the most transformational, healing gift you could ever give yourself. Your mind is the control station, and if you’re living in a constant state of fear, depression, anxiety, worry, stress it’s running on autopilot.
Take fucking control. 
Get back in that driving seat. 
Re-progromme your mind. 
Stop reading all this self help shit, stop looking for answers. The only answer you need is that you need to control your thoughts. You need to get back in the driving seat. You need to stop reading about how good mediation is and FUCKING meditate. Do you know why everyone bangs on about meditation?This is because it creates space in your mind. You are taking control. You are becoming the observer of the autopilot mind. You get to see what the fuck your mind is doing to you. It’s like lying on the grass, starring up in the sky watching the clouds pass by. Seeing the dark clouds, seeing the overcrowded sky, seeing the pretty clouds. And just like the clouds, your negative thoughts will PASS BY if you learn to observe them, instead of latching onto them and feeding them, and letting them consume YOU. Once you learn to sit back and observe you can start to make change your life. How the fuck are you going to change your life if your mind is like a computer with a thousand tabs open? Overwhelmed. Consumed. Drowning. 
Meditating is slowly closing down those window screens on your computer so eventually you create peace, feeling lighter and in control. 
I remember being so consumed by my thoughts, I became a slave to them, ruling my life. Ruining every relationship because my thoughts, without hesitation would try and hold be back, keep me small, in this tiny container that was suffocating me. I couldn’t breathe. A friend took me to a mediation centre where I discovered the present moment. Sounds stupid right? Discovering the present moment. Up until that point I was consumed by thoughts of the past (drowning me) and thoughts of the future (worrying me). There was no in between. I was deep in the future, or living in flashbacks of the darkest memories haunting me. But there was an in-between. The in between, is that sweet spot. That moment that is the most important. The present moment. That day at the buddhist meditation centre, with guys in suits, and hippies, and sales assistants all crammed in a room because we desperately needed saving was the day my life changed. Realising there is another option. There is a way out of this hell of a prison mind that was making me so sad, anxious, depressed for all those years.
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adviceformefromme · 4 years
No more waking up and scrolling through the gram. No, you’ve levelled up from that basic behaviour and know that serious success, requires serious self disipline. You wake up, you prime your mind for success, you write your goals, you write your dreams, you visualise, you drink your lemon tea, and you set your positive intentions for the day. This isn’t a one off, this isn’t just for the first of the month. This is for every, fucking, day.
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