#march goals
memoriesndew · 3 months
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Happy new month pookies 🎀
The theme for this month is - BE SELF CENTERED
happy new month to everyone, so grateful to be alive. As we're going into a new month I decided to choose a theme for the month and what I'm going for is "be self-centered" in the sense that everything I do this month should be for me - being self-centered here means looking out for future me and since i have an event on 29th of march i want to be able to see the results of this theme by then
goals for march:
1. reach march step goal
2. consistent skincare
3. consistent workouts
4. daily worship for the whole month
5. study in preparation for recitation in Easter camp out
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thetragicallynerdy · 3 months
march '24 writing goals
So, last year there was a while where I did a post each month about monthly writing goals - I would post goals at the start of the month, and do a wrap-up at the end of the month. I kind of fell off it, but I'd like to get started again - mainly as a way to track and remember what I'm working on!
I'll only be posting once a month, ideally at the start, with a word count check in and goals for the month. I won't be posting about everything in my WIP folder, just what I have been actively working on recently (or hope to work on).
Fic Round-Up
the jim/ed/stede sick fic - 6.5K atm.
This is a recent WIP (like, started last week) and I'm hoping to have it finished and posted by the end of this week. I don't want this one to sit, since it'll be one-shot that's easy to wrap-up.
blood part 3 (long sad jim/ed fic) - In total about 150K, part 3 is 52K.
The March goal would be to finish part 3, tbh. If I can get a solid 10K written in it I would be very happy.
modern au (long sad jim/ed the second) - 65K
I've been writing this one again for the first time in months, so it would be nice to keep at it! Secondary priority to blood, but it's up there. I'd like to finish another scene or two this month.
jim/lucius kinktober holdover - 2.8K
This is one I was writing for kinktober that never got finished - I would love to finish it. Haven't worked on it since, but I'm putting on my 'pls do this someday soon' list lmao.
shifter au meetcute (jim/ed, shifter au) - 11K
Another that's pretty far down the priority chain, but I was picking away it last week so wanted to add it to the list JIC it gets worked on this month!
remington steele au - hypothermia (jim/ed) - 1.2K
hnnnnn I really really want to work on this one but I have other things to do first :C so just marking it here in case I get to it as well
In sum: I have 3 fics that are priority this month - a little oneshot I'm hoping to have done in the next few days, and then it's mainly the long sad Jim/Ed and the other long sad Jim/Ed. (Also yes I am aware that literally everything on this except for the Jim/Lucius and the meet cute are like sad Jim/Ed its fine its the mood lately XD)
Anyway! Lets see how March goes! I've been feeling a bit more disconnected from fandom lately, so hoping that leaning back into stuff like talking about my writing more (on tumblr, specifically, I find it a better place to connect) <3
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unstoppablegurl · 1 year
Never like before 🦋✨
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nayarainchapters · 1 year
Select a few Art History program and choose the best one to start in April.
Find a scientific journal to publish my article on Film History.
Prepare for IELTS exam
Healthy lifestyle:
Workout at home (5 days/week)
Fruits and veggies every day
Smoothies/tea/healthy shots every day
Journaling (4 days/week)
Art History
Choose an Instituition for my specialization in Art History
Clean and organize my room, including wardrobe, books, ironing and make up tools (1/week), and my altar (every day)
Stick to the plan: keep my planner open and up to date; check my habit tracker every day; meal planner once a week.
Reducing time on my phone and no screen right after waking up and after 20h30.
Elegance and femininity: glowing up
Self care
look my best every day;
wash my hair (3/week),
nails (2/week),
masks and such (once a week)
The beginning of a new wardrobe: focus on elegant, sensual and romantic items.
Items I need now (in order of priority)
- 1 bag
- 1 workwear uniform
- 2 shirts
- 2 trousers: tailored and mom jeans.
- 1/2 pair of shoes
- 2 gym sets
- 2 dresses
Continuing my habit of paying attention to my words: no cursing, criticizing and complaints.
Learn more about being a woman and practicing it.
Cooking more often
I am the most powerful of all witches
Learning (every week): Finish Dreams and start something else. 
Practice (at least 2/week)
Offerings (once a week)
Celebrate Ostara.
Events (family, friends, work)
Make new friends
Hobbies: time for books, tv series, football every week
Read more
2 books every month
IELTS preparation
Morning routine: wake up at 5 am - morning pages - affirmations - stretch - workout
Night routine: self care (include one or more items: skin care, books, netflix, football)
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deerspherestudios · 3 months
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Day 3! For this March event by lazerinth ❤️
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yours-stevie · 1 year
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This is really her best photoshoot... Mama Riri 😍
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Early morning study sessions, corepower gym classes at 5 am, unhurried walks under the sun w laidback rnb, extensive skincare bc I need time to myself even on booked & busy days, cute fits & nails, keeping track of my multivitamins, putting more effort into phone calls w relatives, engrossing myself in days at my orgo lab or the neuro clinic, volunteering more and more at the refugee center, holding myself accountable, being more in touch w my feelings, getting better at staying in touch w friends, soft & moisturized curls, reading for fun even when my brain tells me I could be doing something productive…. I will make this life beautiful even if it’s by the skin of my teeth etc etc
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pnnzzlr · 29 days
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The Mandalorian characters « Din Djarin
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tsunael · 2 months
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When the skies spit out some new mystery, you can bet that I'm comin' to find you. After all, there ain't nobody else who handles the unexpected quite like you do.
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icantalk710 · 25 days
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Concert vibes 🎶
(Ft my new Cloud Nothings shirt)
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laracrofted · 3 months
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❝ like runaway horses, it's a long way back home again when every step is a silver prayer in the face of a hard wind // upcoming rhett abbott x oc fic
across the montana state line; past the cattle ranches and the fenced-in pastures filled with horses; down a rough dirt road that becomes damn near untenable in a good rain storm, winding through fields of wildflowers and sun-bleached brush until the land drops away into wide open skies; is a little house. a half-wild thing.
or a broken-hearted rhett abbott helps luke tillerson's fiancée skip town and over the course of a year, begins again.
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time-is-restored · 8 months
btw not to make everything about My Fucking Guy but i honestly think one of the things that seperates q!phil out from the other islanders is the approach he takes to dealing with the lack of agency + control all the islanders have over whatever the fuck the federation's doing.
it shows up most prominently whenever tubbo is excitedly telling him about the 'progress' he's made with cucurucho or various investigations (ie: trapping him into a corner with the 'do you have free will' questions), and phil always shoots it down w an immediate 'that doesn't mean anything. curucuho will say anything to mess with you. you can't take anything he says as true.'
and it's not that phil is... a paticularly pessimistic character? he's just EXTREMELY practical. like, he's yet to give up on anyone EVER finding ANY answers (he was the one who initially gave the federation that one week ultimatum w the cage for a cage stream), he just doesn't trust the idea that curucuho is ever going to voluntarily give them. they're uncontrollable + senseless - you might as well argue with the weather.
and like, if that's how he sees the one (1) and only point of contact the islanders HAD with the federation for months, it explains a lot abt his characters lifestyle! ofc he sits on the wall all day, talking to his kids, and keeping his head down. he believes that the federation wants nothing more than to drag the islanders into sick games + tasks just so they can fuck with their head (ie: curucuho revealing he was the one cellbit gathered all that information for). and while he can't totally PREVENT any of that from ever impacting him, he can make sure his kids are well fed, well protected, and as happy + comfortable as he can manage. this is objectively not a perfect situation, there is a guaranteed amount of suffering + fear that he can't mitigate, but he can at least account for it.
like, he REFUSES to engage. whenever curucho shows up, he treats them with total ambivalence. he's not going to get riled up by anything they do, he's not going to get super attached to the guy, he's just gonna laugh it off and irish goodbye it when things drag on. the ONLY time he's strayed from that general guiding principle has been since he's lost his eggs, and can no longer afford to let the federation's fuckery go: those are his fucking kids.
hence the completely unprecedented levels of outward rage and sadness and terror he shows throughout the birdcage streams - almost all directed directly to cucurucho. it's all a completely fair + proportional response to the horror the islanders are being subjected to, but it feels so different bc until now, q!phil has been so dedicated to not reacting, and not giving the federation any sign that they're actually getting to him.
#qsmp#q!phil#LIKE. does anyone else think this! i genuinely believe its like one of the major#traits of his character i feel like u can trace it through Everything.#the man lives with the constant knowledge that sometimes all it takes is a tempting ravine and a badly timed creeper to end a life#whether that life belongs to a stranger or someone you love more than anything else in the world#you COULD rage against that. you could scream and shout and tear your hair out and grieve for the futility of it all#but what does that change? the days march on. death waits either way#and that's not to say he's a laizesfair kind of guy. anyone who's seen him stress out abt chayanne's risk taking + freak out#whenever his kids don't have enough autofeed grist can see that he cares DEEPLY. which resolves into his very distinctive#defensive + protective playstyle. the goal is not to win the fight the goal is to *survive* the fight etc#but the only way that mindset doesn't spill out into unchecked paranoia + complete agoraphobia is with acceptance#'shit happens: the philza minecraft story'#i also think it even manifests in the nightmare sequence w his last words to chayanne? 'they didn't want us to live. we were never supposed#to survive' or whatever the exact wording was#he is FURIOUS and deeply hurt and sad abt the deaths he says so explicitly later#but at the time the first thing he reaches for is. exhausted acceptance. it wasn't their fault. it wasn't his fault. they did their best.#they could only do so much in the face of the federation's Overwhelming Hostility. y'know?#mine
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unstoppablegurl · 1 year
GOD IS REAL , Trust his timing ⏰
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nayarainchapters · 1 year
This month was not easy. I’ve been so busy at work and I am tired and a bit angry cause they can’t even fixate a schedule yet (mine have changed 3 times in 3 weeks!!!).
I am waking up early to get things done and go to work when I have to, but my body is still getting used to this morning routine. Usually I am leaving my house at 6h50 AM, but when I can leave later I take 30 minutes to workout; if I must be at school at 7 AM I have to workout later that day - and I hate it. 
I was in surviving mode this month. Let’s see how bad/good I was in March.
March goals: here
Major goals
I am still not sure about which instituition I should apply for specialization
I didn’t find a scientific journal to publish my article
Failed on my IELTS preparation most of time
All year goals
I failed on my healthy lifestyle. I am not eating right and this is definately putting me down. I ate many things I shouldn’t and now I feel terrible. I need to do better than this.
The productive area was partially done. 85% to 90%
Self care was okay this month. I got some of the items of my list, which are: bag, workwear and 4 pair of shoes. I am having some problems at work and I want to fix this as soon as possible - and I will.
The witch in me needs help. I didn’t finish the Dreams series, didn’t practice as much as I planned, and I didn’t even say my affirmations regurlaly. 
Been to many events this month, most of them family gatherings celebrating birthdays. Win, baby!
The explore section with hobbies was okay. I took some time for myself and it feels great.
I didn’t finish any book this month.
My morning routine - usually - starts around 5 AM. I clean the house and get ready to work or workout (on my free days).
My night routine ends around 9h30 PM and before that I am on my phone or reading a book or journaling.
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fictionadventurer · 3 months
Potential March Reading:
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
Celia's House by D.E. Stevenson
Something by C.S. Lewis
Something by G.K. Chesterton
Something by Tolkien and/or Wendell Berry
Something by Rumer Godden and/or Elizabeth Goudge
Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict XVI
Gospels of Mark, Luke and John
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