#mare’s drafts!
carebearmareee · 9 months
kiss her you fool !
asher and babe’s first kiss, written by me, in full detail (jk it’s a draft) based off of the song “kiss her you fool” by Kids That Fly. they/them pronouns are used for babe :)
on the third date they went ice skating. not the best idea. sure, asher was the one to ask them to go skating with him, but he started rethinking that decision when he realized he had no idea how to skate whatsoever. it was nice when babe grabbed his hand to steady him, which only led to them going down with him the next time his skate caught on a small crack in the ice. shit, this was not supposed to be going so horribly.
babe steadies themself and extends a hand for him to take again. “are you ok??”
he almost laughs at how concerned they seem because hello?? he literally just knocked them over and they’re asking if he’s ok?
“yeah, i’m fine! uhahf- are you ok? i mean it’s basically my fault that we fell- god!”
“don’t worry ash, it’s all good,” they smile, and asher thinks he might have died right then and there, “oh, hey! you might want to re-tie your skates, we’ve been on the ice for a while so they might be kinda lose by now.”
he agrees, and tells them that he’s going to the bathroom before they can help him with his skates. he whips out his phone to text milo as soon as the gets in a stall.
Today 7:18 PM
ash: MILO
milo: WHAT
milo: what did you do
milo: wait aren’t you supposed to be on a date right now??
ash: yeah
milo: did you ditch them?? oh my god asher
ash: no!! i’m in the bathroom. and im at the skating rink and things are not going well. like at all
ash: i keep messing things up AHHH
milo: ohh that’s what you’re so worried aboutt
milo: just kiss em you foollllll
milo: when the moment happens it’ll happen, just be patient doofus
ash: ugh ok.
ash: OK 😭😭
he thought it was the right moment when babe was holding both of his hands and skating backwards while looking up at him ever so sweetly. he really wanted to kiss them there. but then they squealed (adorably, if he may add) and turned around, because one of their favorite songs was on. damn it. either he was failing miserably or babe was extremely oblivious to any hints he was dropping.
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Checking tack.
Horse girlies: Do yall think Epona is girthy? 🤔
I bet she’s nipped at Link at least a few times, she a is a mare after all.
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lazzarella · 2 months
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How lovely to just sit and be content to watch someone while they work though
And I love that it’s Tan, such a high energy character, happy to sit there quietly, you know?
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softpawssharpteeth · 4 months
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Foal playing with Shar Pei pup in meadow.
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timsplosion · 1 year
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A YouTube channel I've been working on with a bunch of other pony fandom artists is finally seeing the light of day! Draft Horses, an art challenge channel with a My Little Pony theme is having it's first episode launch in a premiere over on YouTube tomorrow (Aug 7 2023) afternoon/evening!
Go hit "Notify Me" so you'll be given a heads up when it goes live, and join us in the chat as me, @punkitt-is-here, @falloutfurret, @thebirdgang and @melodymelancholyart draw randomized pony fusions!
This has been such a long time coming, and I really want this to go well, so if you can be there then please do, and if not, please give this a reblog so more ponyfolk can hear the good word of Draft Horses!
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Tom Price's Fields - Newborn Filly With Gorgeous Bay Mom by Elizabeth Sescilla Via Flickr: We had been in this field the day before and this mare was still in foal...but this day, she had a new bundle of joy by her side. 
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ariadnew · 7 months
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Agatha Foskett & CT Calanta (2022 SWB m.) in the 1.30m class.
Agatha did not follow the CT team's advice to ride Lizzie in a gag at competitions, and Agatha's arms paid the price.
Someone else's arms also paid a price that day, but that's a separate story.
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kaijukebox · 1 year
Omg may I have a jean Vic hugging his old horse?
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Oh, absolutely!!
Like Jean, I too am a horse girl.
Thank you for the request! I’ll have to draw some more horse-hugs in the future 🫶
Today’s Reference
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hippography · 9 months
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Stockbreeder’s Magazine, Vol. 1, 1899
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lilyharvord · 4 months
Hi! Long time fan here. Since COVID era actually. 😅 I was looking back at your posts and I noticed that Project Nightshade was never published or snippeted.
I wondering if you’re going to publish it or if you’re willing to post what would have happened. No pressure, just wondering. Hope everything is going well. Also wondering how your novel went? Is it available to purchase?
Here's some snippets from Project Nightshade (: There not much but it's honest work. (:
The blood drained for Mare’s face, and for a moment, her legs almost gave out. If she was being called by Evangeline this early in the morning with a summons from the Premier, then it was serious. Serious enough that it could be Lakelands pushing the line like they feared they would do for the past week, or it could be Piedmont had decided they actually did want to question the State’s sovereignty and the States’ alliance with Montfort. Her heart pounded a little faster at the fact that this could be a military summons, and that was far more likely if she and Cal were both being summoned. She would take the Lakelands any day over Piedmont. With the slow teetering of their country into chaos thanks to Farley’s constant pressure with the Guard, they were running deep into their Treasury. They wouldn’t be able to afford a full scale assault like Piedmont that could drag on for another year or two, or three. 
Mare shuddered at the thought. Deep in her mind’s eye, she saw her daughter’s face aging in those years. She could almost feel the sickening sink of her stomach that would cut through her when she returned from that fight and saw her daughter waiting for her patiently on the tarmac, those years haunting her eyes.
If it were that, Evangeline would have lead with it though. Forcing a blanket of calm so she didn’t scare Coriane, Mare pursed her lips at her own quick swing toward fear. 
“Radis is on his way out the door. He is leaving office today, and Carmen is being sworn in this afternoon.” Mare grumbled, finally crouching down to help Coriane balance the glass while she drank. “He doesn’t give me orders anymore.” She strokes her daughters hair for extra measure, watching her throat bob as she drank deeply. It soothed any of few ruffled feathers she still had. She wasn’t going anywhere, Coriane was still young. She wasn’t missing her daughter’s life. It felt like a battle to admit that, almost a half lie. 
You and I are good liars. 
She shuddered at the memory of that voice. It had been a long time since Maven had whispered in her ear, but sometimes, she still heard him, felt his fingers brushing her hair off her cheek or clenching her fingers like she was a life line and could pull him back from the edge. It had been so long since she’d heard his voice though, so long since she had been stressed enough to let his ghost in through the gaps in her armor—
“We are not alone anymore.” He finally said, and the council chamber exploded in surprised and confused murmurs. Mare leaned forward to glance at Evangeline at the tail of Radis words. Her words from earlier floated through the haze: it’s impossible for such a thing. 
Julian stood, his skin pale as he flushed with either anger at being excluded from this development or some other emotion. “We have no evidence that there is anyone beyond our continent that survived the devastation. As far as we are concerned the sea swallowed whatever might be left.” 
Radis dipped his head in understanding, his eyes flashing in the light as he replied. “We were wrong. A radio transmission was intercepted this morning proving everything we once knew false.” 
In the resulting silence, Mare heard the faint rumble of far off thunder. A storm was about to hit Ascendant. She could feel the lightning taking shape in those clouds, felt the change in the air the same way she did when she climbed up Storm Peak for training. It was still miles away, but she clenched her hands into fists to avoid the sparks that wanted to take shape between her fingers. Cal’s hands tightened on her shoulders in response, and she knew the hairs on his arms were standing on end as she channeled that energy through her like a glorified lightning rod. 
Radis turned and nodded to a young man no one had noticed lurking in the shadows of the doorway. All eyes turned to him, and he straightened to his full, dimunitive height before stepping forward with a box. A recording device, Mare realized, her lips drawing into a tight frown. 
Holding it out to Radis, he dipped his head as the Premier pressed one thin, pale finger on the playback button. Static punched through the silence of the chamber, only to be followed by a faint buzzing and then a two tone beep. 
Cal leaned forward to hear better and the wave of heat he released washed over Mare like a hot breeze, and stirred Coriane awake. She blinked open sleepy eyes, and glanced around in confusion at her surroundings as the recording played and changed everything. 
Her heart pounded in her ears but she forced her voice to remain even as she said, “And what does that mean for you?” 
“The message asked for a Calore king. I’m not a king.” Cal shrugs, but his eyes were burning and Mare knew now what that meant. 
“He wants you to go.” 
“To keep things cordial.” The words were carefully chosen, and probably not what he actually wanted to say, or what Quinn had said. “He doesn’t want to piss off a country that we know nothing about by sending a delegate that they didn’t ask for.” 
“That’s not right.” Mare insisted as she pulled away from his grip, her annoyance manifesting in the bulb above their heads whining. Cal didn’t even react to it, years with her teaching him the nuances of her ability now and that if she wanted to shatter the bulb, she would. 
He sank back to sit on the cycle, his hands falling between his knees while he turned his attention to the rain outside. “What do you want me to do? Ignore a direct order?”
“Was it a direct order?” Mare grumbled as she craned her neck and tried to find Coriane. Her daughter had been strangely quiet for too long. She couldn’t see her, and that worried her until she saw a faint flash of amber eyes in the darkness. Expelling a sigh through her nose, Mare called to the shadows, “Don’t eavesdrop Coriane.” 
Her daughter’s mass of curls proceeded her as she sheepishly poked her head out from behind the shelves. “Are you going to fight?” 
“No love, we’re not.” Cal said with a faint smile as he held his hand out in a quiet invitation of her to stop lurking in the shadows. She scurried to him with a clean rag, and he took in gratefully before saying, “We were having a conversation.” 
Coriane’s eyes sought Mare for confirmation, and she got it in the form of a terse nod. “We were talking. If mommy and daddy were fighting you would know.” She smiled faintly at the implication of her comment and crouched down to move Coriane’s wet hair out of her eyes. Cal’s hand found Mare’s shoulder and squeezed gently to get her attention.
She glanced up at him, and then followed his eyes to a figure that moved beyond the window. Mare yanked Coriane into her arms and stood so quickly, she staggered for a second. There was another door out of the garage, a failsafe Cal had built just in case. Neither of them liked to be in a place with only one entrance and exit anymore. 
The door into the garage opened slowly though, and a young solider stepped through. His eyes found them in the corner and he clicked his heels together before saluting smartly. “General Calore, Captain Barrow.” 
Cal rose slowly, wiping his hands with a frown while Mare set Coriane back on her feet. The girl clung to Mare’s leg in response and eyed the man warily like her parents. The soldiers nodded and moved aside as Radis stepped through the doorway, brushing water off his dark coat. He glanced around the space before raising a brow at the organized chaos on the shelves and the little table at the side.
“Apologizes, but I called ahead and no one answered.” 
Mare’s lips drew into a deep frown. If he’d done that, it had been while he was probably sitting outside their house, because the phone had not rung that morning. 
“What do you want Radis?” Cal’s voice was dangerous, a warning in and of itself as he edges around Mare and Coraine to set the rag down on the table. He slid something off the table then, and Mare realized belatedly that he had taken his bracelets off and left them there. 
The older man smirked at the atmosphere in the room, comfortable even in the presence of two people who very easily could remove him if they felt threatened. Tilting his head to the side, he said, “Premier Radis, General. I hold the title for another hour.” 
“That’s a second politically and you know it.” Mare replied coolly, setting a hand on Coriane’s head as she eyed the two soldiers standing outside the door with their rifles strapped across their shoulders and in their hands. They were the new models, the ones that Kilorn told her had a faster clip. As if we have any reason to make the bullets move out of that monstrosity faster, her friend had spit to remove the taste of those words before draining the last of his beer. She had agreed with him. “Did you need a small army to come talk to us?” 
“That answer depends on how you react to what I propose.” Radis stepped into the space before glancing down at Coriane as if he just noticed her. She edged further behind Mare, and glanced up at her with a creased brow that Mare smoother out with her thumb gently.
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baronessofmischief · 1 year
Because I think the Razor Crest was built more for bulk efficiency as a gun ship than it was built for speed (though it’s nothing to sneer at there), I think Mando’s ability to maneuver it is a large part of why and how he’s capable of doing so well in dog fights and running from the cops. It can take a hit and keep on moving, and Mando knows his ship well enough that he can make those split second calls and pilot how he needs to.
The N-1 is fast and responsive on the controls, but it’s got nothing in bulk or armor as far as defense is concerned, and it also has nothing by way of storage or cargo capabilities. Its defense is simply being fast enough to evade getting shot. Mando the character was designed to take a hit and keep moving forward, purposefully armored in a way that allows him to endure a fight— The Crest was designed to reflect its owner, the N-1 not so much
With that analysis in mind, I think it’s much more likely that cowboy!Mando’s Crest in an old west au is actually a mule, not a horse. The N-1 might be the fastest stallion alive, but it’s nothing compared to a mule that’s say, half mammoth Jack and half Belgian mare. I think the biggest horse on record, Brooklyn Supreme, was a Belgian if that gives you an idea of size and silhouette
Big, strong, smart, all-terrain half-draft horse that can endure a rough trail and hard work hauling outlaws is much more in line with what purpose it would serve his character. A mule has the best qualities of both animals, and it’s still going to be intimidating to come up against. Mando’s an endurance hunter, and he needs a steed that reflects and enables that
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(Visual aid for said donkey and horse, respectively. ID in alt text)
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king-maven-calore · 2 years
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From Baby Taristan to Daddy Taristan
Taristan of Old Cor from Realm Breaker
(Disclaimer: These are for entertainment purposes only and I do not profit from these in any way. Support real artists from around the world and don't pay for/commission AI art.)
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draftmare · 1 year
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Mare crush Monday. I really want to get a Pride browband to match this saddle pad.
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snakerdoodlle · 2 years
After many, many months of work and thought, this is finally done! I wanted to make a list of all the voice claims I imagined for the RQ characters so here we go!! Feel free to share your own ideas as well!
These are all subject to change (of course). I just put voices to whoever I could match, so sorry if this list is a little all over (more characters could be added in the future!). I know these aren’t all the best but for the most part it’s just how I see them so forgive me lmao :’] I tried my best <3
Maven Calore: Better in the morning - Birdtalker / El Tango De Roxanne - José Feliciano (specifically 1:40-2:35)
Mare Barrow: Requiem - Laura Dreyfuss
Cal Calore: Theseus - The Oh Hellos / Thus Always To Tyrants - The Oh Hellos
Evangeline Samos: Catra - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018 ver)
Elane Haven: Elizabeth Comstock - BioShock Infinite
Ptolemus Samos: Capitano - Genshin Impact
Wren Skonos: Sam - Tomb Raider
Diana Farley: Tess - The Last of Us (game)
Kilorn Warren: Caralee - Jay Armstrong Johnson
Cameron Cole: Lonnie - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018 ver)
Sonya Iral: Arlecchino - Genshin Impact
Elara Merandus: Calia Menethil - World of Warcraft
King Tiberias: Pierro - Genshin Impact
Iris Cygnet: Mel Medarda - Arcane
Tiora Cygnet: Artemis - Hades
Cenra Cygnet: Ambessa Medarda - Arcane
Samson Merandus (this one is so random bye): Belos - The Owl House
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softpawssharpteeth · 4 months
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Meet Harry the Suffolk Punch Foal.
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katjadarkrider · 1 year
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