enbycrip · 8 months
I need people to stop telling trans binary and nonbinary people who vent about their family forgetting or not using their pronouns or chosen names to “just cut them out of their lives if they can’t respect who you are”.
*Lots* of us are disabled. I really depend on help from my folks to manage my life when things are bad.
But, frankly, even if I didn’t - I’m not going to cut my folks, or the rest of my family, out of my life, because things they do hurt me. Because they do, sometimes right to the heart for things I don’t think they realise mean a lot to me, but that *doesn’t* stop me loving them. Nor them loving me. My folks are also right at the limit of their capacity caring for three people to different extents, and that doesn’t give them a lot of capacity to spare for learning or processing stuff they don’t necessarily see as all that important.
Trans folk, and disabled folk, which have a big crossover in the middle of the Venn Diagram there, are socially marginalised and isolated. Lots of trans and disabled people are literally cut out by their families for being who they are, and that is a big, big cause of marginalisation and isolation.
The idea that the rest of us should just do that to ourselves when people we love hurt us by not understanding who we are - and this stuff *isn’t* actually that easy to learn for people outside the queer, disabled or queer disabled communities if they’re not incredibly motivated to do so - is incredibly fucking damaging and, to be absolutely honest, a complete cop-out by people who are not willing to put up with the emotional labour of understanding that most lives are not simple, and marginalised people have to constantly deal with trade-offs in most areas.
I don’t remotely mean that people should put up with abuse if they have the capacity to leave that situation. But people need to expand their understanding to a) behaviour that hurts us is not necessarily the same as abuse, and b) marginalised people *are* frequently stuck in abusive situations, and this sort of absolute “leave or shut up” attitude people are so keen to put out online further traps and isolates marginalised people who are stuck, instead of giving them emotional support and, hopefully, physical and informational support too.
The idea that we can simply and easily withdraw from parts of our social network without it costing us something vital is incredibly privileged, and incredibly dangerous.
We talk so much in environmental and social movements about building community. We always talk about it in this purely positive light. I need people to start engaging with the fact that real, as opposed to idealised, community, is a multifaceted thing, and all the more so for people who are intersectionally marginalised - anywhere at the crossover point of queer, disabled, BIPOC, trans, neurodivergent, migrant, and other things. We are communal creatures by nature, but, frankly, capitalism has done a *lot* to break that up, and to prevent us from learning the skills of negotiation and existing in community as equitably as possible. And that includes in small communities like families.
Part of that, frankly, *is* letting people have vent spaces. Without necessarily jumping in to problem solve unless people *ask* for that. Venting is literally one of the ways that people move towards problem solving themselves - it not only lets them express emotion they may not have the space to express properly in the situation that’s causing it, but it starts letting them lay a situation out and put it in perspective. And online venting is great, tbh. It stops individual people from becoming sole venting spaces, the emotional labour of which falls disproportionately on women and femme-read people. And it means that, if you don’t have the spoons to hold that space for people, you can scroll by.
I absolutely do *not* find this stuff easy. At all. I am *way* too autistic for that. That’s why I work *hard* at this stuff.
We *need* communities. We are communal primates. It’s what we are and what we do. And, frankly, we need to get better at being in community with each other to build the future we need to survive. Capitalism and oligarchy has been far too fucking effective at pushing a narrative of individualism which ignores our responsibilities as humans - to each other and to the planet we live on. We need to learn to see the costs of isolation and being isolated, and learn the skills of supporting each other and negotiating with each other.
And, absolutely honestly, if someone *is* in a situation where they do need to walk away from a relationship (of any kind), they will be *so* much better able to do so if they have a community of genuine support from others around them.
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Victim shaming
Above are not singles they are a group, it’s a gang , they feed each other, and below is what they say or imply:-
We are entitled , privileged .
we are the rule, we are the power
We define what’s right and what’s wrong
We define who’s right and who’s wrong
We have disproportionately more rights
What are components of this group: -
Somewhere they are white, somewhere else they are brahman and at another place they are jatt , sometimes they wear mask of beauty , education or money or gender
It’s not about your colour, your caste:: it’s about power, shame, control, privilege based on frivolous characters, it’s control over resources
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the-delta-quadrant · 8 months
many things re: marginalised groups are called fearmongering but are actually more hatemongering
even worse that the concept of fearmongering is constantly used to justify the use of words like "transphobia" is totally accurate and definitely not saneist
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moving accounts, am now @soong-type-delta
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tahoori · 1 year
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"If the penalty for a crime is a fine,
then that law only exists for the lower class."
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nomadbuzz · 3 months
"What the diasporic witness must remember: our claim to the land is non-negotiable. It requires no permission. It requires no mediation. I don’t need that claim sanctioned by anyone. That is where my grandparents lived. Their grandparents. Their grandparents. You can destroy all the libraries and archives and villages in the world, you can make return impossible, you can rename a city, you can blow up a university, refashion a history book, and it still won’t change that fact."
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dashmore-springs · 5 months
Bloodline Removals
you're not selling cars Michael. you're bloodline removal.
it is quite an industrialised set up you have had built to have uneducated, unemployed, and marginalised people put through.
I, unfortunately, wish you no luck in the future via such economy. may the safety of others remain distant from such plans.
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The Urgency of Storytelling
Welcome to The Urgency of Storytelling. Here we delve into the realities of society’s makeup, regularly complementing said discussions with human-centred storytelling. We’re here to poke and prod at half-truths, offer our flashlight to full ones, sit at the table of collective imagining and overstay our welcome. 
Lets get your coat hung up.
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Photography: Christopher Anderson
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metal-cn · 11 months
日本でも日常としてあるべき話である。常に自覚が必要かと。英は、れっきとした貴族社会である。シビアな。支配、非支配が、完全に2項対立「せざるを得ない」社会。当然ながら、人種、ジェンダー、移民なども、支配・非支配の対立にくくられる。英保守党と決して一致する点が皆無の階層(stratification)なのだ。非支配され尽くす。西側メディア。だが英労働党には、英ブレア元首相のような、モダン的?タイプも。英は王政であり、そうした声をどう支配側に近い立場が吸収するか、四苦八苦する社会でもある。英議会含めて。stratification…この単語が、相応しいのだ。多様化をダイバーシティと言っているアナは甘いだろう。本ブログは、繰り返してきたが、それはdivesification(ダイバーシティフィケイション)であると。そして、stratificationでもある。まあ、詳しい筋にでも聞いて欲しいが、diversityでは、その場性、その場だけ、その場しのぎ性が感じられる。他方、diversitificationは、現在もそうであって、過去、今後もそうである、べきであるとの意味、価値観も含む。英語では、特に学問的には、もちろん後者が通例使用される。も��前者ならば、just for now?と切り返されることだろう!要はそのアナには、marginalised、もしくはmarginalisation(周縁化)への意識はない。
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robotpussy · 12 days
I'm so serious once you start advocating for children to be banned from places like cafes and restaurants soon enough other marginalised groups are gonna get banned too (more outwardly that is). to me, your hatred for children is a litmus test for how much humanity you see in other marginalised people
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enbycrip · 11 months
Anyone who demands a fucking fully-sourced answer to everything wrong before they’ll listen to you say it’s wrong and needs to change is simply trying to shut you up.
They’re not going to listen to your thesis on how to change it. They’ll claim it’s “unrealistic” or “against their free speech” or “I’m not reading all that”.
They’re trying to stop you talking to other people who know shit needs to change and working together to change it in a way that fulfils all your needs.
Complain. Scream. Cry.
It’s not only for the most marginalised and oppressed people to find all the answers to everything wrong with our fucked-up society while dealing with the full brunt of oppression and marginalisation.
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Some ND folks are absolutely obsessed with researching every single little detail about a product before choosing which one to buy, and I really wish those folks would set up a matchmaking service to NDs like me who get stressed at the very thought but need to buy a car
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bharatlivenewsmedia · 2 years
34,000 RTE seats for marginalised children vacant in Odisha
34,000 RTE seats for marginalised children vacant in Odisha
34,000 RTE seats for marginalised children vacant in Odisha Prior to the online enrollment system, less than 2,000 EWS students were getting into private schools under RTE. Prior to the online enrollment system, less than 2,000 EWS students were getting into private schools under RTE. Go to Source
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arthropooda · 2 years
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isorottatime · 2 years
god, marginalised groups deserve to be selfish with their representation. it’s deserved. to finally see someone like you onscreen; that’s unmatched. don’t ever apologise for it.
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