#mari 🧵
vivantesopales · 1 year
for mari 🌼
a soft-sad rainy night remix of 10 gorgeously written fics (including tomarry, harry & tom°), recced in parallel with lines from the poem ‘Into the Breach’ by ocean vuong
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To the Hilt | M, 36k | @duplicitywrites
It’s simple: I just don’t know / how to love a man / gently.
Featuring an epic, human-AI romance between gamer Tom and garden bot Harry, To the Hilt is mind-blowing, deliciously sci-fi, and has a distinct, grim palette that feels almost dystopian. The story offers a fresh take on the android trope that diverts its plot-line from the traditional cautionary narrative, and the bittersweet ending gives me the worst, the best, you know what I mean, hangover. So please, do proceed with caution.
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Lost in London° | T, 7k | @take-the-unknow-road-now
Tenderness / a thing to be beaten / into. Fireflies strung / through sapphired air.
It's impossible not to adore a tiny feral Tom who runs around in the streets of London and sets litter bins on fire. His friendship with Harry in this fic is so pure, so so pure. I still get ridiculously emotional thinking about them, and their chaotic little day trip feels a bit like a childhood memory I hold very close to my heart, now, after my third reread.
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Dead Leaves on a Wet October Day | T, 29k | @trelloreads
You’re so quiet you’re almost / tomorrow.
In the beginning, Trello's writing vividly portrays Tom as an evil ghost that kills and wreaks havoc for funsies. He’s grumpy, he's dramatic, he’s hilarious. But you know the kind of fics that'd have you giggling out loud, just generally embarrassing yourself in public until they rip your heart out without a warning so that you'd have to go lie down for a while to recover?
Friendly advice: tissues at the ready....
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Kings of Flowers and Skulls | T, 20k | @merrinpippy
The body was made soft / to keep us / from loneliness.
A soft, soft fic in which our two boys – two kings, in this instance, Harry of the eternally sleeping and Tom of the dead – find themselves gravitating towards one another after their first, curious encounter. Intimately written in a melancholic, fairytale-esque tone, there's just the right amount of fluff and comfort to counterbalance the pervasive loneliness in their daily lives.
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In Dreams We Speak | T, 6.9k | @a-sentimental-man
You said that / as if the car were filling / with river water. / Don’t worry. / There’s no water. / Only your eyes / closing.
Philosophical at times and wonderfully trippy, this fic is an entire experience. It's a Sandman crossover – the first and only one I've read, actually. There's just something so eye-opening about the prose, and the casting certainly promises tension: Tom as Lord Dream and Harry the Master of Death. Whilst the cherry-of-top – Death herself as a supporting character – is what gives the story an unique, elegant aftertaste.
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Alive Really Isn’t Your Color | T, 5.5k | merrivale
I never wanted / the flesh. / How it never fails / to fail / so accurately.
A deep dive into Harry’s post-war state of mind. Merrivale's writing captures depression in its raw, simplest manifestations, where living as the Master of Death (not really alive but unable to just die either) seems more and more like a curse Harry can't shake off. An understated, heartbreaking character study, this fic also closes with a scene that never fails to fuck me up (in a powerfully emo way).
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The Care and Keeping of Tom Riddle’s Diary | T, 7.9k | @wynnefic
But what if I broke through / the skin’s thin page / anyway / & found the heart
With several unexpected turns along the way, this fic hits me right in my soft spot. It's so heartbreaking to see Diary Tom bonding with Harry over a sense of loneliness. Both shaped by chronic isolation, their protectiveness towards one another feels integral to their dynamic.
Jump right in – if you don't mind being turned into a puddle of goo by Harry, an adorable little bean who should be protected at all costs, and his adorable interactions with Tom.
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Made of Clay° | E, 100k | @phantomato
To love another / man—is to leave / no one behind / to forgive me. / I want to leave / no one behind.
When Thoros Nott inserts himself and his son Theo into the lovely domestic equation of the Riddle household, the past is bound to catch up with Tom – retired Dark Lord, father of one – and impact his life with his 'adopted' son, Harry Riddle (oh yes the subtlety, I love that silly silly man) (Thoros: *coughs* abducted *cough*).
Phantomato’s handling of complex dynamics between complex characters is nuanced, graceful, as always. If you ever find yourself craving a good comfort fic or stories with the found family trope ... or if you think you might enjoy Tom being a suburban dilf for 100k – and no, this is absolutely not a logic trap😉 – here it is!
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The Eyes in the Bramblebush | T, 12k | @relic--crown
To keep / & be kept. / The way a field turns / its secrets / into peonies.
Brought before readers by rich imagery and well-crafted moods, the high school setting in Bramblebush imparts a nostalgic note to the story. The dark vulnerability in Tom's character makes him an intriguing study in contrast, especially when Harry gets to be the one to dislocate him from his perfect, preppy, First Violin persona (which, don't get me wrong, is a 10/10 in its own right).
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But You Promised?° | Not Rated, 1.2k | @whotooklortan
The way light / keeps its shadow / by swallowing it.
Cast against the backdrop of WW2 and the Blitz, the bond between Tom and his guardian seems especially precious as he grows from a bitter, disenchanted child to someone secure enough to trust, to rely on Harry. The slow disintegration of his mental barriers, however, only foregrounds the angst when it all to leads to one crushingly realistic twist at the end.
dear @onbeinganangel, happy birthday. i hope this little weave could, maybe, at some point in the future, give you the hug and/or the good cry you need – the same way these fics have comforted me in the past few difficult months; and of course, the same way your company and your writing have always sustained me emotionally. 😌💛
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artnew8 · 2 months
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✂️🧶🎉🎊🧵Wave Lace Fabric For Wedding Dress Design Diy Supply 12cm🪡🧵🧶🎉🎊
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transpanda-1 · 3 months
Nom or chomp
Team nom:
Team chomp:
Looks like team nom takes it folks 😔
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wirescorner · 7 months
Creating tags for my ocs, ie, diff ocs mentioned diff tags
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kristen-rollens · 2 months
Good Omens if it included Muppets: A Thread (Part 2)🧵
-Janice and Floyd as Anathema and Newt: Again it just feels so right
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-Miss Piggy as Shax/Madame Tracy: I can just picture it😭
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-Kermit as Shadwell: just hear me out ok😮‍💨
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-Fozzie as the Metatron: IT WOULD BE PERFECT
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Last Part coming up next🐍🪽
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necroromantics · 8 months
🧵 — Creeps Costumes
what would the creeps dress up as for halloween?
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- jeff dresses up as the joker every single year. specifically heath ledgers joker because he quotes “wanna know how i got these scars?” constantly. its insufferable
- nina always goes as harley quinn to match with him. they didnt plan this, she just wanted to be included
- ben dresses up as link, and sally as zelda
- toby and natalie go as prisoner/cop respectively. whenever toby pisses her off, she beats him up with her baton
- jack goes as hannibal. nobody finds it funny but him
- tim and brian cycle through different slashers. they stay in to hand out candy so they don’t bother going all out
- jane and her wife, mary, do those cliché wholesome pinterest costumes. these two also stay in to hand out candy. this year they’re going as devil (jane) and angel (mary)
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bronzedbunni · 7 months
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Types of Gyaru 🧵🎀‎♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
♡Amekaji : casual loose American clothes. Pop of colour
♡B-kei: b-boy type clothes hip hop reggae. Belts braids
♡Himegyaru: Princess gal Cocktail dress cute classy
♡Oneegyaru: Older mature over 20 under 30 Sexy stylish clothes Designer brands/ heels are a must!
♡Kogal : first to have mobile phones Big socks knee high. Fashion is a must!
♡Rokku : gyaru/gal fashion and lifestyle, which incorporates elements of goth, rock, and visual kei. This is one of the gyaru styles that does not require a tan and is noticeably different from the standard styles of gyaru
♡Romanba: Typical brands are Pinky Girls and Liz Lisa. The skin tone is always very dark, and the make-up is the same as Yamanba. Romamba could almost be called the bastard love child of the ganguro and gothic lolita genres. It features cute, frilly clothes, lots of pink, and of course love for Marie-chan of Disney's Aristocats fame.
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timetravelassasin · 2 years
A/N: This was based off of this post check it out. I hope I did it justice and y'all enjoy it. I will do a Part with Damian after this one.
@taewinterbear95 I hope you like it. Sorry it took me a while to write this out.
@maanae Here you go. I hope I did it justice.
@swaggermcjagger hope you like it!
Summary: Everyone finds out that Damian and Marinette are married and freak out.
It had been close to a year since the marriage ceremony between the heir of the League of Assasins and the Grand Guardian of the Order. Marinette and Damian have so far met twice in the time given that they are both straight out of high school and entering University. After the marriage ceremony Marinette had gone back to her usual days. Damian as well went back to going by his usual schedule. It was only at certain times that the two would call each other up and update the other on their everyday life. Marinette would tell him of the new design she has drawn up as well as the clients she is currently working with. Damian would tell her about his pets as well as the new rescues he has hiding from his father.
"Marinette are you ready to go," Adrien asked from her living room.
"Yes, I just need my bag," she said, grabbing her purse.
After making sure that the kwamis were safe and had their snacks the two of the headed out to buy some new fabric Marinette needed. Adrien had volunteered to help her carry the rolls of fabric and other stuff she needed in exchange for some pastries. The two of them chatted basically updating the other on their daily stuff. Once at the fabric shop Marinette made quick work on searching for the fabric.
"Who is the commission for this time," Adrien asked, looking at the colorful material.
"Uncle Jagged, he needs a suite for a wedding his is going to be attending," she said, finding a green material.
"Oh, my husband likes this shade of green. Maybe I should make him something," she said, picking up an emerald green fabric.
"Your husband? Wait you're married since when," Adrien said, shocked.
He tried to remember when Marinette had even started dating and nothing came up. No one had even mentioned her dating someone.
"Yes, I got kidnapped a while back by some assassins and was forced into a magical blood-bound marriage contract with their heir. We meet every chance we get and spare with swords and needles. It's pretty fun," she said, a sigh escaping her lips.
"Wait are you serious how come you never told anyone," Adrien asked, confused.
"It never came up," she said, grabbing some other fabrics.
After getting everything she needed they headed back to her apartment and dropped off her stuff. Chloe had called earlier complaining that they don't see each other enough and wanted to meet for lunch. Chloe had managed to take over her father's hotel and became a well-known businesswoman.
"Adrikins, Mari, you made it," Chloe greeted as the two of them walked into the hotel restaurant.
"Chloe, it's nice to see you too," Marinette said.
"Is everyone else here," Adrien asked, searching for the others.
"Yes, you two are the last ones," Chloe said.
Kagami, Luka, Nino and Alya sat at a table chatting before the other three walked to the table.
"I see you two finally made it," Alya smirked.
"Hello you two," Luka and Kagami greeted.
"Yo, Dude, Dudette finally," Nino grinned.
Adrien and Marinette took their seats and ordered food before catching up. Halfway thru the meal Marinette's phone went off.
"Ah, It's my husband I should answer this," Marinette said, answering her phone.
"Wait, did she say husband," Alya said, shocked.
"HUSBAND," Chloe gasped.
"Hello, Oh I see well I should have time off next week if you wish to come visit. I do not mind. I do have a commission I need to finish for Uncle Jagged. Oh then I shall see you in two days. Yes, I as well," Marinette said before hanging up the phone.
She looked up at her friends all of them with shocked and confused looks on their faces.
"Is something wrong," Marinette asked, confused.
"Since when have you been married," Nino asked, confused.
"I believe today would mark ten months," Marinette answered, taking a sip of her tea.
"How," Alya asked.
"Oh, I got kidnapped a while back by some assassins and was forced into a magical blood-bound marriage contract with their heir. Would you like to see a picture of him," she answered, taking out her phone and pulling up a photo of him.
"This is him; he is planning to visit in two days but would rather spend his time with me than with other people," she said, showing them the picture.
"Wait, Mari that is Damian Wayne. He is Bruce Wayne's son one of the riches man in Gotham," Chloe said, shocked.
"Leave it to Mari-hime to attract the rich," Kagami chuckled.
"Oh, I didn't know that," Marinette said.
"Do we get to meet him when he visits," Adrien asked.
"Of course, you are all family and he has to meet you sooner or later. Mama and Papa already love him," she answered.
"Wait, your parents already met him and know you are married," Alya said, shocked.
"Of course, who do you think supplies the kwamis with their snacks," Marinette said.
"Well, Dudette you sure know how to keep us on our toes," Nino chuckled.
They spent the rest of their day talking about how Marinette and Damian got to where they were and every other little detail leading to it.
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idv-news-boi · 1 year
-> Questions to get to know an IDV OC!
{written by Laurence :D}
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{If you ever read this part, I’m intended to put all this questions in one list just to write down notes about OCs who respond some of them,,, This is maybe one way how Laurence learns about his peers-/ih}
🔤// What’s the meaning of their name? Did they ever questioned why did they got the name? Would they like to change it?
💼// They have occupations, but what was their original occupation they wanted to be at first?
💵// What social class are they in?
🇺🇸// What’s their nationality? (if is a fictional place, it counts too!) How much do they know their homecountry’s history? What city/state were they born in?
🖊️// How does their handwriting look like when they write their journals/letters/notes?
⚠️// From 1-10, how hostile are they? (1 is Pure Friendly, 2-3 is Passive, 4-6 is Neutral, and 7-10 is Hostile. You can also describe the extent if necessary)
🗄️// What are their greatest fears? (Be honest, or I’ll emphasize the no fear to one fear meme-/hj/ih)
📺// What time period are they stuck in mentally? (*looks at Mary who most likely was from the French Revolution and never aged after death somehow-/ih*)
📔// How old are they physically and mentally?
Childhood Story
🎉// Do you celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate it? If no, would you like your birthday to be celebrated by friends still?
💫// What are/were their dreams?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦// How many people do they have in their family? If none, how did they to live as an orphan/foster kid?
👨‍👩‍👧// Tell me anything about their parents (occupation, personality, talents, the way they raise you, etc.)
⏱️// Is their family system strict or not? How do their relatives interact with each other?
🧸// What was their first toy?
📚// Did they went to school? Got mentored at home? How is it?
🚲// Have they ever learned how to ride a bike? When? How?
🥪// What’s their favorite food?
🍎// What’s their favorite fruit? Can they see themselves becoming their favorite fruit?
🥦// Do they eat their veggies?
🌮// Do they love their national food dishes? Which one is their favorite?
🍱// How would their lunch box/bento look like?
🍕// Do they prefer putting pepperoni on the pizza, or pineapple? (If is other, you can name it!)
🍜// Did they eat ramen before? Do they like it? What unique habits do they have when eating ramen?
🍽️// How would they usually eat? And when would be the times when they get hungry?
🥄// Do they eat 3 times a day? Or they usually follow a different kind of eating routine other than breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner?
🍴// What weird habits do they have when they eat?
🎂// What kind of cake do they love so much? (ex=Chocolate-flavored, creamy, fondant, with fruit, chocolate sign, etc. any kind of details.)
✨// What kind of style represents them? (Aesthetic)
🎶// What kinds of songs represent them? Can you give us some example?
👘// What’s their favorite costume? Favorite artifact?
🧵// What fashion brands would they most likely use?
Love {Ship Category}
🔮// Do they believe in love horoscopes? Prophecies? Soulmates?
💝// Would they remember important dates and anniversaries for their romantic partner?
💋// How do they kiss their partner?
🫂// What are their ways of showing affection?
💝// How do they describe their love for their partner?
💘// Are they willing to take a bullet for them?
💔// Are they most likely to break up with their partner eventually?
🤟// What languages do they speak? What language would they like to learn next?
🩰// Do they like to dance? How would their dance emote look like?
📖// How often do they read books? Favorite genre? Do they read news, too?
🏈// What sport do they play? {IDV Sport Event based}
🧳// What items would they bring for a 1 week journey?
✈️// Would they like to travel somewhere? To what countries?
👝// When shopping, are they a money spender or money saver? Do they like buying cheap, or get luxurious? What items do they actually seek for as a customer?
🎥// What are their thoughts on Akihiko? Would they accept his mochi gift as a good acquaintance?/ih
📰// What are their thoughts on Laurence? Would they tolerate his talkative, silly nature?
📆// Are you alright if people drops holidays that remind them of your muse?
❓// What are your thoughts on {insert anyone’s OC}? Do you get along? Would you stay calm for at least 30 minutes in a room with them?/ih
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slowpiracy · 7 months
Ricky is such a good foil for Stede. He actually IS all of the things Stede was called in Season 1. He's this bored aristocrat who is "slumming it" in the Republic of Pirates because he wants excitement and to be cool and famous, but he doesn't care for the pirates. 🧵 #OFMDS2
Ricky is such a good foil for Stede. He actually IS all of the things Stede was called in Season 1. He's this bored aristocrat who is "slumming it" in the Republic of Pirates because he wants excitement and to be cool and famous, but he doesn't care for the pirates. 
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Stede does also want excitement and to be cool and famous, but that's just surface level. He desires something about the Pirate's Life from a deeper place, which I would argue he's still figuring out. But he does know from the very beginning that the community aspect is important. When he becomes a pirate captain he focuses on taking good care of the crew, he pays them well, he gives them leisure time and activities, etc. It's not necessarily what they want, but, importantly, Stede takes their feedback and understands he has a lot to learn from the crew. And by listening to them and accepting them, as well as bringing his own self into piracy (being a gentleman pirate who 'kills with kindness', but doesn't stop them from pirating as they like), the crew and Stede all grow together to make a life that works better for all of them. 
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But Ricky isn't in it for the community. He's just trying on the lifestyle for a laugh. The key issue with Ricky - and difference from Stede -is he ultimately thinks he's better than everyone else. Ricky doesn't respect pirates like Zheng; the most deference we see is to Stede. It's kind of sad, though, because I think there are signs that he - like Stede - not very popular among his own people. 
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He *could* have found community among the pirates if he wasn't a dick. But he'll always be lonely, and he'll always be a dick, because he was so easily willing to destroy the pirate community - that actually welcomed him in - in favour of a bit of notoriety among his fellow colonial buddies. 
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In contrast, we see Stede give up his wealth so he can be a true member of the community. I always think back to Stede first arriving at the Republic of Pirates and saying "I've never felt so at home!" It could have been taken as him posturing, but I've always felt it was true. I think Stede has truly always loved the pirate community, not just on a whim, not just because it's more exciting that his provincial life, but because he understands it's *a community* in a way that his colonial aristocratic life never could be*. 
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Using Ricky as a foil this season has helped to highlight and clarify all these aspects of Stede's character.
Footnote: *Mary does find community in that colonial landscape, but only by living her own version of a radical life - one that is primarily built around homosocial, female relationships, and her own interests (very radical for European and colonial societies at the time).
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vivantesopales · 2 years
hello my love!! for the fanfic writer asks:
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
please and thank you x
hiii lovely lovely mari 💛 thank you for the ask. i hope you’re having one of your fine, asmr-genic mornings :)
🦅 pantser or planner: oh you know how i’ve been trial-and-erroring for my m.o. for the past year😂 and i still don’t think i’ve found my fail-safe mode yet. i just know if i plan i either won’t be able to pull it off, or the end product would be totally unrecognisable lmao. regardless, i’ll be fine as long as i have my quality daydream time – going on long walks, jogging, napping, or just to be left alone for days or even weeks, so i can properly get into my characters’ heads and to actually see exactly how and where everything happens. (the visual writer thing we’ve talked about before!)
✅ unintentional motifs: i loved thinking about this one! for my old fics it’s got to be miscommunication and misunderstanding, in different shapes and forms. but i suspect this was just my take on the drarry dynamic and won’t necessarily apply to my ongoing stuff. on the other hand, escapism is probably an element i’ll never truly be able to get rid of, and yearning, so far, has also been a pretty consistent emotion throughout my tomarry drabbles. so i guess i’ll go with these two: yearning and escapism. (damn my spotify was so right about me)
fanfic writer emoji ask because i am experiencing boredom no sentient being should ever be subjected to
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artnew8 · 2 months
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🪡🧵Wide Sewing Fabric For Dress Diy Crafts Supplies Bouquet Decorative Needlework Accessories Handmade🧵🪡
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constermonster · 8 months
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"Mary died a long time ago. My name, is Lady."
🧵 Costume made by me.
📸 Photographer @/nosbod_photography
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yazthebansheek · 11 days
🧸🎀Sally William’s relationships with Pastas!
this is my au!
🌲📜Slenderman 📜🌲 - She doesn’t really like him.
🔥🔪Jeff the Killer🔪🔥 - Her older brother<3
🌊🎮BEN Drowned🎮🌊 - her other older brother!
🖤🔪Jane The Killer🔪🖤 - One of her mother figures, Mary is her other mom!
🩷🔪Nina The Killer🔪🩷 - the best older sister in the world!!!
👁️🫀Eyeless Jack🫀👁️ - Father figure.
🔥🪓Ticci-Toby🪓🔥 - They don’t really talk to each other that much. But Sally sees him as a friend.
🕘✏️Clockwork✏️🕘 - another one of her mother and sister figures!
⛓️🏥Nurse Ann🏥⛓️ - Only the best nurse in the world!
👁️📖Lulu📖👁️ - One of her friends that she really likes, Sally likes playing with Lulu’s hair because it’s pretty long. And sometimes, Lulu, Sally, and Lazari (and sometimes Nula) will all have sleepovers together
🩸🎨Bloody Painter🎨🩸 - a friend of hers! She likes looking at his artwork and drawing with him.
🧵💔The Puppeteer💔🧵 - One of her best friends and father/brother figure. Puppeteer may seem really cruel, manipulative, narcissistic, greedy, and stubborn, but he still has a heart for the people he truly cares about. Plus Sally reminds him of his younger siblings when he was alive.
🗝️🚪Jason the Toymaker🚪🗝️ - One of her best friends! Jason will make dresses for Sally, and sometimes even toys! He once got hit over the head with a metal pipe by Sally because he didn’t want to play dress up with her! ^w^
🎁🍭Laughing Jack🍭🎁 - Her #1 best freaking friend forever!!! After Sally killed her uncle, she heard a music box, that’s where she met Laughing Jack. He had ended up bringing Sally to the mansion, because he obviously knew that Sally wasn’t a normal kid. After all, she just murdered her r*pist in cold blood whilst using telekinesis. They’ve been best friends ever since. Also LJ likes giving Sally non-poisonous candy when she’s not allowed to have any. (Slenderman sucks!)
🪞🔮Candy Pop🔮🪞 - Another one of her clown best friends! He usually sticks around with the kid pastas (Sally, Lifeless Lucy, Sam, Oliver, Lily, etc) because they lure in free prey (Adults he can steal the souls of). But he is friends with Sally in particular, just because she’s pretty cool. Candy Pop will also give her non-deadly balloons for her OvO
👑👿Zalgo👿👑 - She’s never met Zalgo, and doesn’t understand why Slenderman and Zalgo hate each other so much. She finds it stupid that all of her friends and family members that work under Slenderman have to risk their own lives just because Mr. Sh*tty No face slendy dislikes someone! However, she does like Lazari and her other family members (including Puppeteer, he works for Zalgo in my au)
🎀❤️‍🩹Lazari❤️‍🩹🎀 - One of her friends/Sister figure. they like playing dress up together (and causing mischief together)! Sally doesn’t hate or care about the fact Lazari is a Zalgoid, she still sees her as her friend. They are basically sisters to each other.
🪽🗡️Judge Angels🗡️🪽 - She doesn’t really talk to Dina much, But she finds her pretty. Especially her eyes! Dina on the other hand knows some things about Sally, and will protect her when she can.
🍷🎭Kagekao🎭🍷 - Sally doesn’t know him. Kagekao finds her interesting though, but Sally is quite cautious around him, most likely because she knows he’s friends with Offenderman
🧸🚪Slendrina🚪🧸 - Sally really likes her, and they talk a lot whenever they see each other. It’s like her twin fr! (Sam is outta the pic.) They both have teddy bears, and that’s what brung them together. Now even if Sally doesn’t like Slender, she still likes Slendrina no matter what she is, cause she has always needed that love! (in my au, Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter)
Laughing Jill - She knows her, but they don’t really talk.
Ally the Slenderdoll - She likes her! But they don’t really talk.
Splendorman - Sally likes Splendor because he’s nice and fun!
Offenderman - She hates him. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate!
Masky - He’s a dick >:(
Hoodie - he’s nicer than Masky, but they’re both still assholes!
Cartoon Cat - One of her best friends, C.C knows Sally isn’t a normal kid, so he just doesn’t attack her.
who should I do next?
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kristen-rollens · 2 months
Good Omens if it included Muppets: A Thread (Part 3)🧵
-Dr. Bunsen Honeydew as Nina/Sister Mary Loquacious: I just love this ok
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-Beaker as Maggie/Sister Theresa: I can picture Beaker yelling at Hastur after the AntiChrist is born😭
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-Scooter as Muriel: If this isn’t perfect casting idk what is🥴
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Now for some bonus ones just for funsies:
-Lesley the Delivery Man as Beauregard: You can’t lie this WORKS
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Eric the Demon as Crazy Harry: Always discorporating themselves💥
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Ok that’s all I got lol
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mewpangxin · 11 months
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ . ┊Mewpangxin's friends and moots┊'If you are not okay with me tagging you, please DM it to me and I'll remove you out of this list.'
♢˚‧ Introducing cool people ♢˚‧
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@macaronnya - 🍮
@yevene - YEV 🍡
@riddle-simp - 🍓
@bakedgrape - 🍇
@achy-boo - Rosie 🌻
@kunehori - Ari 🌹
@vxnrouge - Snow ⛄️
@dxmoness - Marq 🍭
@colourstreakgryffin - Himari 👺
@nimko - Nimko 👒
@suiseisyojo - SHYE💄
@ceruleancattail - Ceru 🎩
@kurukuryu - Mel 🍰
@whatevermywpis - Norie ☀️
@hxjikonn - Haji 🌊
@blues824 - Blue 🐚
@cat-gi - ☂️
@justyoureverydaytwstsimp - Mayuu🏹
@the-v-lociraptor -Raps 💐
@cupids-chamber - Pren/Cupid🌷
@cxsinesis - Citrus <33 🦊
@iseethatimicy - Icy ❄️/ friends on discord
@purplecandything - 🍒
@treytheslay - Trey 🍫
@siphoklansan - Sippy 🦁
@violetesensou - Violet/V 🧶
@miinprn - Min-san 🐥
@oepionie - Pio 👑
@primordixl - Jami ;D
@HungryPotato0 - my best friend :3
@ayoharuko 🦋 - Haru
@flmer - VANI 🍎
@usanagi-xo - Mari 🗝
@insxmniaxx - Mizuki 🧵
@starlightism - Yada 🐍
@kalims - Rosa 🐿 huehue✨
@carmensdia - Eden/Edie 🧺
@ceecci - Salmon 🍣
@red-viewe - Red 🎈
@cheezy-moon -🌙 Moony><!
@spadecentral - Eli 🎧
@midnxght-sweet-time - Mioso📚
•━━━━༻❝ ♥️ ❞༺ ━━━━•
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