#marie writes✨
you should probably leave || carmy b.
content warning: carmy’s an ass, angst, illusion to sex
pairing: carmy x reader
synopsis: things never go as planned when it
comes to carmy.
based on the song you should probably leave by chris stapleton
carmy sat in your apartment kitchen at the oak wood table. he stared intently at the glass of water in front of him while you stabbed at the noodles on your plate. the silence between you two wasn’t new but that didn’t make it any less bearable.
carmy’s crystal blue eyes occasionally darted across your face causing you to look down at your plate.
your phone lit up with a notification as the screen showed off the time.
“it’s getting pretty late.” you said
“is it?” he ran a hand over his blond locks
you nodded, “almost 10:30.”
carmy looks out the window placed above the sink as the darkness outside confirms the time.
“you can finish your plate, though.” you offer
his own plate of mostaccioli most likely just above cold at this point.
“don’t wanna waste food.” he mumbles
you hum.
eventually you get up from your chair to scrape off the remnants of food left on your plate before placing it in the sink. carmy’s chair scrapes the floor as he gets up.
“i should probably go.” he says as he looks at your hardwood floor
“i’ll walk you to the door.” you offer a tight lipped smile
he leads the way through the kitchen and living room to the small entrance way. carmy’s just a few inches taller than you causing you to look up just slightly.
his blue eyes seem more enticing than usual, the tired seemingly etched into his face is gone for the moment, drawing you in by the second. your lips land on his and you relax in his touch. his grip on your waist feels dangerously hot as his other hand holds your face in place.
you want to hate yourself, your relationship with carmy has been nothing but difficult, but you can’t stop yourself from making the same mistakes again and again.
carmy pulls away then goes back another kiss leading to a full make out session. he takes off his jean jacket, the jean jacket you had gifted him for christmas last year, and throws it on the couch.
“bedroom?” you suggest, chest rising and falling rapidly
he nods and leads the way.
he sits at the edge of your bed and has you straddle his waist as he kissed down your neck making sure to leave marks and bites in his wake.
you want to blame yourself for letting it get here, for kissing him in the first place but you just can’t. you can’t find it in you to blame carmy either. subconsciously you knew this was going to happen, it happens all the time.
you had originally called him over to make boundaries with your situation if this wasn’t official. you were done being a backup plan. you wanted to be respected and tonight you going to let carmy know that. the speech you had planned completely went out the window as soon as you heard the knock on your door.
the next morning you wake up to shuffling on the other side of you. you turn over not sure what to expect but the sight still makes your heart wrench.
carmy pulling his shirt over his head. his jeans already buttoned and adjusted. he turns back to the bed and sees you staring at the sight of him.
“i, uh, i gotta go.” he murmurs
he nods, “i’m the only person with the keys.”
you knew that was a lie, he’s given keys to both sydney and richie to open and close the bear.
you nod anyways and have to look away as you feel your eyes start to water.
carmy places a kiss on your forehead before he says good-bye and promising to see you later.
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whenthegoldrays · 6 months
Okay. Further thoughts about the Not-Henry-Crawford story.
Our protagonist is simultaneously in love with Fanny and wants to keep the novel on track, so he wants to get Fanny to her original happy ending while minimizing the damage. There are a few ways to do this, but I’m compelled by the idea of him just trying to Darcy his way through the story, being cold to Fanny on the surface but secretly doing nice things for her, like getting William’s promotion, and maybe later visiting her in Portsmouth. Although if he Darcies too hard, he might actually win Fanny over, and that’s not really what we’re going for.
For a more comedic tone, perhaps he’s only read up to the part where Henry has decided to propose to Fanny, and then he falls into the Austenverse thinking that Henry Crawford is the male lead of Mansfield Park. So he does the nicest things he can think of for Fanny, but none of it is working, and he’s mortified that he’s screwed up the whole story.
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aristobun · 5 months
Stepping in front of the other to shield them from something/someone. (Helene and Fugitive Predator?)
@tearsofrevali | helene and mak’to 🛸
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“ Ooman.. you are.. not smart, “ are the first words that leave his mouth as soon as the hit to her shoulder sends her hurtling right into him, blood oozing from the wound.
Mak’to wasn’t going to thank her right now, even though he probably should consider it to make her feel better, but all he can see is how stupid her behaviour is. Jumping in front of a bullet for an armored Predator was not something he could have predicted she would do, but it did make him grin.
A scowl pulls across the womans lips before a deep hiss full of pain leaves her and she stumbles, but his arms are too quick to allow her to hit the ground. His mandibles click furiously as he inspects the bullet wound with his golden eyes, anger with her foolish actions at the forefront of his mind.
“ You know.. you could say thank you, “ she rasps, her voice a little taken by the sharp pain in her shoulder as she presses a hand over it to stop at least some of the bleeding.
His eyes seem to glow a little brighter in the darkness of the evening as he looks down at her, towering over her frame but somehow managing to appear soft with the expression now on his face; it reminds her of whenever she would be in trouble for acting carelessly and her father would give her that same look, before berating her out of concern for her safety.
“ Ooman.. you stepped in front of a bullet meant for me, why? “ he asks her, suddenly, pulling her out of her thoughts as he wraps an arm around her waist to keep her standing while his body shields her from any further onslaught of shots.
“ Are you really asking me that? “ she says, voice filled with a sense of both wonder and frustration at how oblivious he now appears to be, even though she’s pretty sure he knows exactly why she would do something like that for him.
Mak’to chitters softly at her as his eyes soften even more, a look on his face now proving that he knows more than he lets on and simply wishes to be abrasive about it all. The sound of his chittering and clicking seems to hook her right in as she’s staring up at him now, her doe-like eyes fixed on his face.
“ You.. feel something, for me? “ he asks her, choosing words carefully from the limited vocabulary he has.
Her face flushes immediately when he asks her that question because as much as she does now adore him, she was not at all prepared for him to be so blunt about it or put her on the spot like that. Her eyes shift down to the ground, but one of his clawed fingers settles under her chin to lift her gaze.
Rather than answer him, fearing her voice would fail her now and embarrass her even more, she stands on her tiptoes with as much strength as her weakened body allows, her hands managing to only reach his stomach as she holds herself up against him, tipping her head so she hovers close to his own face, making it quite clear to him what she wants.
“ I.. “ she tries to speak, but when he makes a move to lower his own face down toward hers, making it easier for him to reach her after crouching down a little more, she loses all of her capabilities concerning speech.
Helene swallows a large gulp then, the blush upon her cheeks deepening in colour and spreading now over the bridge of her nose as well as she keeps her eyes upon his own, noticing the lightening of the golden colour they produce.
“ I think you do— “ he says, his mandibles clicking as though he is expressing a soft laugh at her embarrassment.
“ It’s not very nice to laugh at that.. “ she says, lips pouting as she lowers herself back down again, her thoughts racing back to her shoulder now as the pain strikes a second time.
“ I never said I did not also feel something, little ooman, “ he’s saying this very quickly, almost rushing the words as further gunshots ring through the area before he picks her up.
Mak’to slings her over his shoulder as though she does not weigh anything at all to him, listening as she whines all of her frustrations while smacking her hands upon his back as a feeble attempt at showing how annoyed she is. It only aids in making him more amused, however.
“ I guess it’s not your fault that the moment was ruined, but still— “ she says and he can almost hear the pout in her voice as she says it, while he rushes along rooftops to gain some distance between themselves and those shooting at him.
“ We have… time, to finish that later, ooman, “ he tells her as they reach a much safer location deep in the woods, his hold on her never once relenting as she now simply dangles from his shoulder, huffing and puffing her complaints.
The Predator stops once he feels they are now deep enough in the woods that no more harm will come to them but especially not to her——he would not say so outright, but he did not like the fact that she had been hurt because of him.
If only he had been less careless, perhaps a little more receptive to the way in which she had made it known all night she may or may not have jumped in front of a bullet with her own body to shield his, in spite of the protection he wore.
Mak’to sets her down upon the large tree branch then, his golden eyes scanning both their surroundings and the deep wound in her shoulder, before swiping up his medicomp to tend to the bullet and stop the bleeding as it ran down her arm and her chest. The pained expression on her face makes his own soften a little once more and he chitters again.
“ Thank you, Mak’to— “ she says, her words whispered under her breath as she grits her teeth against the feeling of all the equipment he pulls from the medikit to help heal her.
“ Little ooman, you should not have done this, “ he tells her, very stern in tone as his eyes land on her own again and he is staring at her with such a sincere, concerned look on his face as he speaks those words, his mandibles clicking. “ .. could have been killed, “ he adds, a soft roar leaving him.
Helene offers him a sad smile in understanding, one of her hands coming up to rest gently against the side of his face, careful not to scratch herself against the mandibles that are still clicking away as he works on cleaning and healing her bullet wound, while she continues to grit her teeth against the feeling, even more so when he retrieves the bullet with his claws before injecting the wound with a serum.
“ Ahh.. “ she almost yells her complaint louder than she had intended to then, before he silences her with a clawed hand over her mouth, as though that would not annoy her. “ Hey, I’m allowed to yell in pain if it hurts. I don’t think any of those people are coming this deep into the woods after you. “
“ Ooman must stay quiet, “ he simply says, clicking at her in frustration over her defiance. “ These woods are not safe from other.. Yautja, “ he tells her, seeing her fear increase.
Helene swallows another large gulp when she hears him say that and she has no idea just how deadly the other Predators would be. Seeing that he is worried about it himself makes her even more nervous, so she does as he asks and remains quiet while he finishes cleaning and dressing her wound.
“ Where will we be safe? “ she suddenly asks, eyes darting up to meet his own as she awaits an answer, hoping it will be a good one and he doesn’t just say they won’t be.
“ Ship, “ is all he says in response, his focus completely on the task at hand now as he uses the wound clamps without even preparing her for it, but his hand covers her mouth again long before she can make a sound as screams right into it.
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joanna-lannister · 1 year
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back when i made a JC dark academia au for bird app (and i ended up never posting it) with Nik and Lena's photoshoots
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deityofhearts · 7 months
the moment a character doesn’t act the way you think they should y’all are so quick to call them stupid and useless and claim that you would do better if you were them (I promise you that no, you would not do better than them if you were in the same exact potion as them under the same exact circumstances, it’s bold of y’all to assume you would and I do wish that I had to power to toss y’all in said situations and watch y’all fail tbh)
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inklingofadream · 1 year
great news besties! guess who gets a POV chapter soon!
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thedeadthree · 2 years
🖊🖊 + Hinata and Nadezdha 👀
HIIII MARI ANGEL <3 I hope ur doing well and had a lovely day/holiday!!!! THOSE ARE MY GIRLIESS <3 i missed them sm u know? i also FINALLY at last finished edgerunners (i started it a bit back and finished it at like 4am this morning asjknkd so good oh my god IT HURTT but it was the loveliest u know?) and i missed the babies <3
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🖊 - so funny story, but the man that hinata and oda were sent to zero on behalf of her great grandpops s*aburo..... was actually the man who ordained their wedding sansknksd. SO he was a priest right and one popular with the corpos that were employed by 'saka in NC. well, he started speaking ill of the company and selling company intel to their rivals when the employees would go to confession. so like..... he had to go u know? blah blah talk ill of the corp u get zeroed etc etc. they devised a genius plan to have him marry them, when she says "you may kiss the bride" they do of course buuuuut they also zero him in the process while he's distracted.. and they did just that! and it worked! hinata and oda yank out their mantis blades and the deed was done <3. every great wedding ends in someone getting flatlined right?
🖊 - so this second one will sort of be what i think in theory how she’ll be in phantom liberty? so if this is a post game thingy hideo (her charge and her and odas adopted son bc SOMEONE has to and it sure ain’t his brother yori sjzjhzhx) will be ceo as his brother is to step down and is put on house arrest in a time out bc of the coup ksjzjxhxh. if vika ends up having to take on ‘saka again it may mean that the besties turn into adversaries which would BREAK my heart but also be absolutely EHEM *nova* if the white widow and worlds coolest cyberninja faced off u know? ORR if it’s like during the main story i mean the besties in a spy thriller would so be siiiick u know? oda supporting the wife from the tower in the plaza like “thats my wife” ❣️😌 etc etc!
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🖊 - YAY MARI U SAINT U I ADORE U SM I’ve been wanting to scream about her for literal years slzkxjxj she’s been around for a WHILE living in the head along with vika rent free with luxury room service <3 she was like a blob of like ✨vibes✨ like with the red aesthetic and the red hair for YEARS until i found the perfect fc and name? a little lore into her design color and symbolism is a HUUGE part of her character development and design? the way as growing up she wore a lot of neutrals and it was deliberate as she wished to be as out of sight as possible? then it was as if a switch flipped following a near depth experience in a deep dive into what was the pre data crash net. red is passionate it’s power it’s so much more and all what she wished to be. she became the red queen and faked her charismatic nature until she forgot where the old nadya ended and the red queen began. for the version of her she conveyed to the world and her true nature became one and the same. <3 lilith killed eve the day she became the red queen.
🖊 - OO okay this’ll be the fun one.. for this one we will be discussing! nadyas………. “lovers.” shes got three in her character arc that hold the most meaning to her both good and bad. those would be: y*orinobu (HUUGE) johnny (VERY) and r*ache (VERY and also painful!). if i for sure need to do a deep lore dive essay into the meaning of people in her life especially these three. but in essential the tropes to best depict them are for sure “mutual obsession inevitable downfall” for yori and nadya. “right person wrong time and rivals to lovers” for her and johnny. and! pain pain and suffering “tragic doomed lovers” for nadya and rachie <3
#teehehe i also get to test the new banners <3 BUT ANYWAYS TY FOR THE ASK AND FOR ASKING OF MY BABY#🌹: mari#d-vx#oc: hinata sanderson#oc: nadezdha sovin#leg.asks#leg.ocs#leg.txt#Ty ty dear and i hope ur doing well <3#i need to do a lore post I need to do it soon or if y’all are interested in asking of her in this i sure can kajsjxhx#Bc we will be here a WHILEE delving into the significance and symbolism and lore behind her skzjjxx#i need to write it down bc it’s EXTENSIVE and yes like the totally normal person I am i have kept it safe in the old noggin kajsjzh#BUT ANYWAY I HOPE U ENJOY ME YELLING ABOUT THE BABIES i missed them ✨😖#no but like when he flatlines rachie a part of her died with him u know? so! painnnn!#but also right person wrong time for johnny blah blah it’s about red string of fate inevitable down fall for her and y*ori etc etc <3#either way hinata will have fun in the new dlc and i am so excited to see what the game will throw at me for the besties <3#SPY THRILLLERRRR THEY SAY?? im sold im so sold#it should also be noted that nadya is one of the most prolific in her time and her Lilith sign in the net is regarded with divinity in the#net <3 rachie programmed all the daemons to have her signature in their code so they’ll never hurt her hehe <3 even the rogue ais see her as#one of their own <3#hinata and o*das wedding was both iconic and deadly and nothing could have been more perfect for them <4#*<3#they’re the icons they’re the moment etc etc i love them both <3#GODD THE NEW BANNERS CAME OUT SO CUTE ✨😖💌💌🥀
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shadebloopnik · 2 years
Meet Philiana, Daughter of Emperor Belos and Princess of the Boiling Isles.
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She's a human child, washed up on the Boiling Isles as a newborn. By some series of events, a young 6 year old Hunter found her, and took her back to Belos. The Emperor took her in as his own daughter, hiding her away from most eyes like his own little piece of treasure from the human world. He named her Philiana.
Hunter is assigned to protect her, Belos making him promise to "protect her with his life" should the need arise. They grow close, and she sees him as her older brother, though he insists that he's just her guard, or cousin at most.
Philiana was sheltered even from most residents of the castle. Belos preferred that she had as little interaction with witchkind as possible. She is seen as quiet, timid, and behaved. With soft golden hair, and gentle blue eyes, Philiana has a neverending pure and innocent aura. Always an understanding little girl whose sweet, gentle words and bright eyes could reach any heart even within the cold palace walls. At her young age, she truly is the Empire's hidden treasure....or at least, she appeared to be.
But what if "innocent princess" isn't all there is to her?
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got a new carmy berzatto fic coming at 12:30 😁
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sagesolsticewrites · 8 months
religion's in your lips, the altar is my hips
in which Steve takes care of you after a bad day
- including but not limited to: praise kink, hair pulling, oral (f receiving), Steve lowkey being a service dom 👀
(this is. very self-indulgent. very veryyyyyy self-indulgent. you have been warned <3)
a/n: huuuge shoutout to @upsidedownwithsteve's (aka Emmy, Queen of Smutty Sunday <3) most recent smutty Sunday event for giving me inspiration to write my very first smutty fic! Obligatory disclaimer that yes, this is my very first smut fic ever, I am an ✨asexual virgin✨ please manage expectations accordingly, yada yada yada. Also so many hugs to my bestie Kenz @fangirl-imagines for looking this over before I posted it ☺️ Kenzie has some incredible fics, go support her y'all!
Word count: 2870
Please like/rb if you enjoyed! 🤍
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You let yourself into your apartment with a sigh, shoulders relaxing the tiniest bit as you step over the threshold into your home and finally toe off your heels.
Bypassing the darkened kitchen and empty living room, you open the door to your bedroom, where you knew you’d find a shirtless Steve in the middle of his post-work ritual of playing some game on his computer.
He looks up as you enter, face brightening with a smile as he greets you.
“Hey baby, how was—”
In lieu of an answer, you flop face first onto the bed with a groan.
You can hear the smile fade from his voice as he hisses sympathetically, “That bad, huh?”
You lift your chin so it’s propped up on the pillow as you explain your terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.
“You know that project that Marie was working on? She asked me for help on it, and I gave her some pointers, but she said she still wasn’t really understanding it so I ended up having to do all of it for her. And she’ll probably take all the credit for it, too.” You grumble, rolling your eyes, “And we had that meeting with our new clients, and my boss basically volun-told me to take notes for it, even though that’s really the liason’s job, and then she criticized me for not taking as detailed notes as Lauren even though that’s literally Lauren’s job! And she was there, she could’ve taken the notes, I don’t even—”
You shake your head in exasperation, shifting topics, “And then I didn’t even have time for lunch because Sara wanted me to help train the interns, and…” You end your rant with a groan, letting your face drop back into the pillow. “‘M just. So tired.”
“Sweetheart…” Steve’s voice turns soft as the pillow underneath your head, and he gets up from his spot at the desk to climb onto the bed, pulling you into his arms.
You curl into him instinctively, your head finding that space in the crook of his neck that feels like it was made for you personally, one hand coming up to toy with the curls at the nape of his neck, tracing patterns along the freckles and moles dotted along his skin.
“What can I do to help, honey?” Your boyfriend asks, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
“Jus’ wanna… I dunno, just. Stop.” You mumble against his shoulder, shrugging and curling further into him.
He hums in understanding, grabbing the hand that’s currently drawing invisible hearts around the moles near his collarbone and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
“You’ve been doing so much for everyone today,” he murmurs, voice layered with understanding and adoration as he leans in and peppers tiny kisses over your forehead, your nose, your eyelids, and you relax even more as his voice washes over you, “Worked so hard.”
He pulls you closer, scattering kisses all over as you finally release all the tension you’ve been holding, letting out a sigh and shifting in his arms to face him. You don’t realize you’re straddling him until you’re pressed nearly flush against him, his arms wrapped securely around your waist.
His lips brush over every part of your face, down to your neck and then back up as you become putty in his hands, murmuring soft words of praise to you the whole time.
“You just need to stop working now, huh? Need to stop thinking,” His lips draw a path to your ear, where he whispers, “need to let someone else do all the work, huh, baby?”
A shiver runs down your spine, constantly in awe of the power just his voice has over you. His hand settles on your hip, a comforting, grounding weight while his other hand brushes a strand of hair back from your forehead. His lips work their way back down over your cheek, stopping to hover just over yours, mouths brushing together as he murmurs in a voice like silk, “Is that what you want, honey? Want me to take care of you?”
Warm chocolate eyes meet yours, soft, caring, always ensuring he has your consent before he does anything.
At your near-imperceptible nod, he drags his hand up to cup your chin, thumb dragging along your bottom lip.
“Need your words, pretty girl.”
“Yes,” you breathe, and that’s all the confirmation he needs to surge up and capture your lips with his.
As you brace yourself on his shoulders, his hands move to the thin strip of exposed skin where your shirt has ridden up. Your kisses become hungrier, ignoring your need for oxygen in favor of Steve’s plush, kiss-swollen lips, and he slowly drags up the hem of your shirt, breaking the kiss briefly to get your permission.
At your eager nod, your shirt is off and tossed to some corner of the room, his mouth eagerly on yours once more.
You can feel exactly how much he’s enjoying this through his sweats, and you instinctively begin to rock in his lap, dragging your increasingly damp core over his.
His hands grip your hips, the familiar feeling sending a thrill through you… but rather than guiding your movements like he normally would, he holds them still.
You pull away, brow furrowed, but before you can voice your confusion, he flips you onto your back, moving to hover over you in one smooth movement.
“I told you,” he murmurs against your lips in a tone that sends a pulse of scorching heat to your core, “I’m doing all the work, sweetheart.”
The whimper you let out is muffled by his lips on yours once more, his wandering hands and hungry kisses making short work of turning you into a moaning, gasping mess.
“Steve,” you whine out his name as his lips travel down to your neck, and you can feel his smile against the hollow of your throat before he returns to licking and sucking dark patches into your skin, the occasional use of his teeth making delicious shivers shoot up your spine.
“What is it, sweetheart?” He mumbles against your skin, trailing his lips along your collarbone. His eyes meet yours, a mischievous twinkle mixed with the searing heat in them turning you molten as he asks, “What do you need?”
Unable to find the words, your hand finds his hair instead — God, that hair — and begins pushing him down towards where you really want him.
“‘M gettin’ there, honey, I promise,” he grins, pausing your efforts to press a kiss to the valley between your breasts, “Lemme take my time and I promise it’ll be worth it, ok?”
He reaches up to toy with the strap of your bra— a simple nude thing you could get away with wearing under a white shirt at work— a questioning look in his eyes answered by a furious nod from you.
He makes short work of the clasp, and that really should not be as hot as it is, but— oh who are you kidding, even his breathing is insanely hot right now.
You throw your head back as he presses kisses all over your chest, mumbling against your skin the whole time about how pretty you are, just gorgeous sweetheart, God, I can’t believe I get to do this for you…
Your head goes deliciously fuzzy with the praise, and you can’t quite form words so all you can do when he takes your nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it for good measure, is let out a keening “Ohhh” and instinctively tighten your grip on his hair.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Steve groans, the noise sending heat racing through your body, and you grin knowing you were the one to elicit it, “You sound fucking incredible.” He murmurs more praise as he turns his attention to your other nipple, giving it just as much attention and eliciting more gasps and moans and whines from you before he continues his journey south.
You lift your head and watch as Steve Harrington fucking beams when he reaches your stomach, your pouch poking out slightly more than you’d like over the waistband of your jeans.
He meets your eyes, his own swimming with sincerity as he begins to scatter kisses over your midsection.
When it seems like he’s covered every single inch of your exposed skin in kisses, remaining stubbornly focused on your torso when what you really want is for him to be significantly lower, he meets your eyes as he plays with the waistband of your jeans, once again wordlessly asking your permission.
And once again, your furious nodding is all the consent he needs to peel your jeans off and toss them away.
“Sweetheart.” He breathes, wide eyes on where your jeans once were, “Honey. Baby. Are you trying to kill me?” He says in a strangled voice at the sight of your simple lacy panties in a deep, wine-purple color— a color Steve once drunkenly confessed was his favorite, though he told anyone who asked he preferred red.
You bite your lip in an attempt to contain your grin, “I thought you might like those.”
“Like them?” He murmurs, leaning down to press a kiss to your inner thigh, looking up through lidded eyes to meet your gaze as his own darkens, “I never wanna see you in anything else again.”
Your toes curl, and your breaths become shallow in anticipation as he scatters slow kisses all along your inner thighs, carefully spreading them apart, stopping when he gets to the edge of the purple lace.
He holds your gaze, gauging your reaction as instead of pulling them down over your hips to toss to yet another corner of the room, he simply…
The lace.
To the side.
You barely have time to let out a quiet, shaky, “Oh my God,” at the ravenous look on Steve’s face before his mouth is on you and you forget how to think, you forget how to breathe, you forget everything except Steve.
Let it be known: Steve Harrington knew how to eat a girl out.
He licks a thick, fat stripe up your center, gathering the moisture collected there before darting up to flick at your clit, an action that has you gripping the sheets like a lifeline, a stuttering moan that sounds vaguely like your boyfriend’s name escaping from your lips. His arms hook around your thighs, pulling you close in an attempt to keep your hips grounded, and he continues a few more passes of the same lick, flick pattern until you’re a writhing mess underneath him, his current strategy both too much and not enough.
He pauses just long enough to meet your eyes, pressing a single kiss to your clit that sends a jolt of pleasure up your spine, before diving in.
His tongue finds your entrance with ease, the way his nose pushes through the thatch of wiry hair to nudge at your clit providing extra stimulation as he makes short work of making you fall apart. His tongue swirls through your folds as he lets out a languid moan at your taste.
“So fuckin’ good for me, sweetheart.” He mumbles against your core, “So perfect, lettin’ me take care of you. This is all you needed, huh?” His eyes flick up to meet yours as you shudder and moan underneath him, struggling to keep your eyes on him.
He licks another languid path through your folds, savoring your taste, before continuing, his voice muffled as he licks and sucks at your entrance “Jus’ needed me to give you a break, needed me to tell you it’s okay to turn off your brain and jus’—” Steve punctuates his last words by wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking gently “—be a good girl for me.”
The combination of stimulation to your clit and Steve’s words has your hips arching off the bed, despite your boyfriend’s best efforts to keep you still. You can feel him grin against you and let out a dark chuckle at the moan you let out at his last words in particular, the way your hand tightens and pulls at his hair all the evidence he needs.
Still, he asks you, though he doesn’t quite expect a coherent response.
“Aw, sweetheart. You like it when I call you a good girl? You like bein’ a good girl for me?” He purrs in a voice like syrup, lips still brushing your folds.
“Fuck, I— yes, Stevie,” you whine brokenly, gently gripping his hair in an attempt to bring him closer to where you want him, whimpering softly, “Stevie please.”
“I know, baby, I know,” he murmurs, scattering kisses frustratingly just outside your core, “Jus’ trust me, I gotcha.”
You resist the urge to move, to just grab him and put him where you want him, even as you let out a frustrated whine.
Just as your patience is about to run out, you feel him smirk against you before diving back in, holding your legs apart as he sloppily licks and sucks at your entrance, his tongue diving deep inside you.
You let out a gasping moan as he attacks your core, practically clawing at his hair in an attempt to pull him impossibly closer, your brain going fuzzy and then melting entirely when you hear the endless praise falling from his lips as he eats you out.
“So good for me sweetheart, just perfect— shit, do you have any idea how good you taste?” He groans against you, his thumb coming up to gently circle your clit as his other hand moves to splay flat over your hips, holding you as still as he can, “Could do this all fuckin’ day, god you’re amazing sweetheart—”
Then he clamps his lips around your clit and moans, and you’re fairly certain you’re going to die of pleasure, both your hands flying to grip his hair and yank as your back arches off the bed, your head falling back against the pillows, mouth open to let out a high, keening moan.
When you come back to your body, Steve is back to gently licking through your folds, and your hands claw at him, needing him to be closer.
“Steve,” you whine, “Stevie please, ‘m so close, I jus’— I need— please, baby.”
As your words turn into incoherent moans and pleas, Steve is quick to assure you, thumb returning to playing with your clit as he mumbles against you, “I know, honey, I know what you need and ‘m gonna give it to you, I promise. Been so good for me today, taken such good care of everyone, now it’s your turn, ‘m gonna make you feel so, so fuckin’ good, baby—”
He dives into you once more, thumb rhythmically circling your clit as his tongue hits every spot inside you in a pattern that has you turning to liquid underneath him, your legs hooking together behind his back to keep him right there, and your vision goes white as Steve brings you towards your release.
You let out a cry as you hit your climax, and Steve dutifully guides you through your orgasm, murmuring soft praises the whole time.
“Such a good girl for me,” he murmurs as he pulls away, mouth glistening and pupils dilated wide. Your hand cards through his soft brown waves, chest heaving as you catch your breath. Steve brushes gentle kisses to your inner thigh, your hipbone, your stomach, following a path up to capture your lips with his own, swallowing the contented sigh you let out.
He pulls away, meeting your gaze with a smile as he pecks your nose.
“Feelin’ better?”
You hum contentedly, “Much.” Your thumb comes up to stroke his cheek as you pointedly glance down, “What about you?”
Steve lets out a mock-annoyed groan, forehead coming down to rest on your shoulder.
“Baby, we just went over the whole thing about you not needing to take care of everyone.”
He lifts his head, meeting your gaze, “Seriously, though,” he presses a kiss to your cheek, rolling to lay next to you and pulling you into his chest, “I’m fine. This was about you, and I’m so glad I could help take care of you for once.”
You cup his cheek, turning his face to yours. You hope he can see every sincere, tender thought in your expression as you simply say, “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, sweetheart. You know that.” He murmurs in response, lips quirking up into a small smile as he turns to press a quick kiss to your palm.
“So,” he says, fingers stroking through your hair, nudging your eyes closed, “nap time and then appetizer dinner? We’ve got mozzarella sticks and some chicken tenders I can throw in the oven.”
You grin, despite already being half-asleep, “That sounds perfect.”
You can feel his smile as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“I love you most.”
“I love you infinity.”
“I love you infinity plus one”
“I love you—”
“Alright, let’s call it a tie, babe.”
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Tagging a couple friends! Hi besties @austin-butlers-gf @sassy-ahsoka-tano @dontbesussis
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duckomartinah · 1 year
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"𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓃, 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓁𝑒𝓎, 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝑒𝓍𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝒸𝒶𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝒽𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒾𝓃 𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝑜 𝑒𝓍𝓅𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓈𝓀𝑒𝓁𝑒𝓉𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒.
ℱ𝓁𝑒𝓈𝒽 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑜𝒹, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓌𝓈, 𝑜𝓇𝑔𝒶𝓃𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒽, 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝓅𝒽𝓎𝓈𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓅𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝒷𝑜𝒹𝓎, 𝒷𝑜𝓉𝒽 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓎𝑒𝒹 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒜𝓏𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓅𝒽𝒶𝓁𝑒'𝓈 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓎-𝒷𝓁𝓊𝑒 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈, 𝓌𝒽𝒾𝒸𝒽 𝓅𝒾𝑒𝓇𝒸𝑒𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓏𝑒𝒹 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝒽𝒾𝓂 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝒶 𝓈𝓊𝓇𝑔𝑒𝑜𝓃.
𝒲𝒶𝓈 𝒾𝓉 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈?
𝒲𝒶𝓈 𝒾𝓉 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈?
𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒜𝓏𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓅𝒽𝒶𝓁𝑒'𝓈 𝒽𝒶𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓀𝒾𝓃𝒹. 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓁𝑒𝓎'𝓈 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝓇𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓍 𝒶𝓈 𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓈 𝓁𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓁𝓎 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓁𝒶𝓅."
Ok, for a while i thought i'd make something pure comfort because God knows how much we all need it after the season 2 finale BUT! Plot twist, here I am serving some angst 8)
Because yes, because I love them and I'm devastated, because I think I've listened to "Mary on a Cross" 320 times in the last two weeks and I couldn't get this image out of my mind, so I had to put it on paper thanks to the help/collaboration/madness of @gladia-delmarre , who thought of making everything ten thousand times more painful by writing a splendid poem
So, here it is Crowley, who for centuries and centuries has carried the cross of his love for Aziraphale and now can finally abandon himself in his arms (because if the third season will not end with them loving each other forever, I will scream.)
Here you can read the entire poem, do it because it's worth it :'3
Inspired by Michelangelo's "Pietà"
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harrywavycurly · 3 months
I NEED to know what it was like with Harry following her around the book store holding her stuff for her and maybe he’s asking for baking advice?🩷
Hiii lovey!! I’ll give you a little something with them in the bookstore because I just know Harry was so excited she even invited him in the first place, so enjoy💖
-find all things Southern Comfort here✨
A/N: Harry is in charge of carrying things while you wonder around looking for books that you think you’ll actually read✨
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Harry can’t stop smiling. He knows he probably looks a little odd standing in the middle of a used bookstore with a tote bag with the state of Texas on it over his right shoulder and your pink and gold coffee mug that has “cup of ambition” painted on the front of it safely in his left hand, and no matter how odd he knows he might look he can’t find it in him to care. He is taking his job of holding your things very seriously as he watches you pick up a book and turn it over to read the back of it, he raises an eyebrow as you squint your eyes and bring the book closer to your face making him wonder if you wear glasses and just forgot them or if you need to get some.
“Sugar what does this say?” Your voice pulls him from his thoughts as you take a step towards him and raise the book up so he can take it with his free hand. You smile at him as you reach over and take your coffee mug from him so you can take a few sips while Harry looks over the back of the book, you reach up on your tiptoes so you can point to the top corner of the book. “Is that the price?” Harry looks where your finger is pointing and he also finds himself squinting in an attempt to try to read the absurdly small writing.
“It says five dollars I think?” You roll your eyes as you snatch the book out of his hands making him chuckle at your obvious dislike of the price. “Is it not on sale like the others?” He asks as you give him a smile when he reaches for your coffee mug so he can hold it once more while you put the overpriced book back.
“No it’s regular price and while I love a good romance novel I just don’t think one about a cowboy named Richard is worth that much because honestly what cowboy is named Richard? And it says he’s a calf roper and they ain’t nothing but bad news and I just know he’s gonna wreck that poor Mary Anne and not in the good way so back to the bin with him.” Harry feels his eyes go a bit wide as you explain what the book was about and he doesn’t know why the idea of you reading romance novels just makes his cheeks get pink. He knows everyone enjoys a good romance novel but here you are in your shorts and sweatshirt that has “let’s go girls” on it in bright yellow letters and your sunglasses holding your hair out of you face talking to him about cowboy smut.
“Richard is a horrible cowboy name.” He agrees making you laugh and Harry smiles at himself at the fact he made you laugh as he follows behind you when you go down the row and stop at a bin that’s labeled “friends to lovers” and Harry begins to wonder if the two of you have been in the romance section this whole time and he’s just been too distracted to notice.
“What’s your favorite trope honeybuns?” You ask him as you pick up a book and give it a once over. “I’m thinking you’re a slow burn kinda man.” He doesn’t miss the teasing tone of your voice that always seems to make your accent thicken and he grips your coffee mug a little tighter as you turn around so you’re facing him and it’s not until then that he realizes just how closely behind you he’s been standing because the top of the book in your hands touches the middle of his chest.
“I uh don’t uhm-”
“This one seems good it’s about Francine who is good friends with David who honestly sounds like a dream boat and they get trapped in a cabin during a snow storm and it’s the wildest forty eight hours she’s ever had but will their friendship survive?” Harry is enamored with the way you can somehow make the synopsis of a fairly uninteresting book sound so intriguing and while most of it has to do with your accent it’s the way it mixes with the softness of your voice that sucks him in and he knows he would be perfectly content standing here all day listening to you read to him.
You look up at him as if you’re silently asking him if he agrees that the books sounds good and all he can do is nod even though if he’s being honest it doesn’t sound that interesting to him but he can tell you seemed into it. You smile as Harry removes a handle of the tote off his shoulder so you can toss the book into the bag so it can join the few others you had found during the half hour the two of you had been wondering around the store. It takes all of Harry’s willpower not to grab your hand when you turn and begin to walk further down the row of bins, but he knows this is exactly why you handed him your things because it’s your way of setting a boundary with him and he is a gentleman after all so he’s going to respect it and just slide his hand into the pocket of his shorts to grab his phone as he follows behind you. He doesn’t think before he snaps the photo, it’s nothing scandalous it’s just you leaning over the bin of “slow burn” books with a small smile on your face and he can’t help but chuckle to himself when he notices you’re on your tiptoes trying to get to the back of the bin clearly reaching for a specific book.
“Honey can I borrow your-”
“Here you go love.” You smile when Harry just reaches over you and grabs the book you were struggling to reach since it was at the very back of the bin, handing it to you with a smile. His hand lands on the edge of the bin while he looks over your shoulder so he can glance over what the book is about. “Does that say Trisha and Harry?” He asks making you giggle as you nod your head and move the book so he can get a better look at it.
“He’s in love with her but he’s scared to tell her so he drags it out for damn near a decade but when he does finally tell her it’s on her wedding day.” Harry feels his mouth slightly drop at the dramatics of this plot and he already knows you’re going to want to add it to the tote bag.
“Her wedding day? What a twat.” You laugh and shake your head as you turn around and look up at him making him momentary forget how to breathe at how close you are.
“You kiss your momma with that mouth Harry?” Harry feels his cheeks get hot as you slide the book into the tote. “Always forgetting you’re supposed to be a gentleman.” You tease as you take your mug from him and take a few sips as you reach up and playfully tap his chest with your free hand. “Come on sugar let’s go see if they have any books on baking.” With that you shoot him a wink and Harry drops his hand from the edge of the bin so you can walk away from him and towards the cook book section.
“God she’s good.” He mumbles to himself as he finally find himself able to speak, he runs a hand through his hair and lets out a sigh of content before he turns and heads off in the direction of the aisle he just saw you disappear down.
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worldofkuro · 4 months
Carnally in need of some extra snippets of their childhood✨😔
After chapters of murders and steamy sex, going back to their younger age seems a good thing, indeed.
Painted Smile Bonus
You were laying on Alastor’s bed, pouting, since you got here, with Eamon in your arms. Your mother didn’t want you to go to Marie’s place because you would neglect your homeworks. So, you said you were going to ask Alastor for help, which he intended to do!
But when your mother told Alastor that if you hadn’t done any of your homework, you wouldn’t be able to come back, he made it his personal mission to help you. You thought it was going to be fun, that Alastor would just ignore your mother’s threats, like you were doing. 
“ Come on, it’s not that complicated.” 
But how wrong were you?
Alastor was sitting on his desk, looking at you with a straining smile. He was teaching you mathematics, which was the worst thing he could have done. Betraying you like that.
“ I don’t want to do my homeworks. I want to play, Alastor!” you whined while sitting up. You  just wanted to play, not do some boring homeworks. You heard Alastor sigh before walking toward you. 
“ Listen, if you don’t do it, we won't be able to play together anymore.”
“ My mother is always lying! She wouldn’t do that to us!” you kicked your feet in the air, pouting. Homeworks was boring, you were already bored all week, you didn’t want to waste your weekend doing boring stuff with Alastor.
“ Mhn.. Are you so stupid you can’t do basic mathematics?” 
You jerked your head toward him. You? Stupid? You stood up, frowning.
“ I’m not stupid !”
“ Then why can’t you do your homeworks?”
“ Because I don’t want to!” you crossed your arms on your chest. You weren’t stupid you were–
“ So, you are lazy.”
“No!” you blushed, ashamed.
“ Let’s play a game then, the one who finishes their homeworks first, get to make the other do whatever they like.” he taunted you. You jumped out of his bed, running toward his desk and took your school books before starting to do your homeworks. 
You were going to be the first to finish those boring homeworks.
… But why was it so complicated! Alastor was next to you, writing without stopping while you were almost tearing out your hair from anger. You felt tears in your eyes, you didn’t understand anything and you would stay here all weekend without playing with Alastor.
“ You shouldn’t do it like that.” you heard Alastor next to your ear. You turned your teary eyed toward him. He was writing down something on a piece of paper, showing what you were supposed to do. You tilted your head as he explained to you how you should resolve your problems. You didn’t know why but you understood better when Alastor was explaining than your teacher.
After one hour or so, you screamed in joy as you finished all of your homeworks. Alastor was sitting next to you with a happy smile as you bounced around his room, claiming your victory.
“ I won! I finished before you !” you beamed before turning toward Alastor. “ That means you have to do what I want!”
Alastor just nodded with his usual smile. He stood up as you tugged him outside already explaining all the games you wanted to try. You were so excited that you didn’t even see that Alastor had finished his homeworks way before you.
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Baking With BF!Dean Winchester Headcanons
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✨ Dean Winchester x GN!Reader ✨
*sighs in 2014 was 10 years ago* Minors do NOT interact, this is not “rizz-ing!” Off you go!
A/N: I love writing these because they’re like half baked yet surprisingly endearing thoughts and it’s fun haha.
Icons by me!
All notes are appreciated! Hope you enjoy!
Content Warning: I have a bad sense of humor and make some sex jokes but nothing too explicit, at least I think so. Definitely still 18+
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
-3 favorite things to bake with him
1. Pie (obvs)
2. Brownies (sometimes with pot…)
3. Cookies (all kinds)
-okay, now that that's been established...
-one day you had jokingly suggested the bunker should do a cookie jar
-this was taken seriously; not only by Dean, Sam and Cas; but also by literally every regular passerby. Even Rowena's made a batch of red velvet cookies. (We threw those ones away, we couldn't trust that they weren't poisoned, made of blood, or both)
-but if it's just the usual crew (you, the brothers, and Cas) then you have a weekly rotation
-and Dean regularly suckers you into "helping" him, even though you both knows he’s capable of being a big boy (and I mean he is a big boy if you catch my drift) and doing it himself
-those candy apple green eyes work wonders
-one of his favorite, stupidly cheesy things to do is as follows:
-you’ll have a taste of the batter/dough/filling, as one does (it’s always good cause the two of you together are an unstoppable force in the kitchen) (alone is a different story- it’s usually Kraft Mac n Cheese cups)
-and while you’re trying it, making faces, he’ll look over and innocently ask if he can try it
-like “Can I get some, sweetheart?” (And yes he most certainly can get some.) (batter, I mean) (definitely batter) or “can I try some, doll?”
-and no matter how many times he’s tried it you’ll say yes
-so he’ll lean down, cupping your cheeks in his rough hands and kiss you as passionately as humanly possible
-like, these kisses could literally bake the cookies or whatever because of how hot they are
-and he’ll make sure he really gets to try it
-and then he’ll pull back with a smirk, cause he’s done it at least 30 times before and you still let him and still like melt into a puddle every single time. Without fail.
-you guys like to put on Disney soundtracks in the background when you bake. High school musical and Moana primarily, but he’s also taken with the soundtrack of Julie and the Phantoms. (He complained about the show being unrealistic supernaturally speaking and then was adamant that there should be a season two and cancelling it was a crime worthy of hell)
-also, rock, obviously. As a fan of Bon Jovi, you best believe you sell him on them and slow dance to Bed of Roses while things are in the oven. It’s only right.
-if you’re listening to heat of the moment and Sam the baby giraffe walks in he will get those sad eyes, making both of you scramble to make him something else, like some keto hidden veggie brownies or some shit, to make him feel better
-now, in specifics
-pie is for fun. You two usually make one to split for after dinner. Roughly once a month, but should be more often. Well, that’s not fair if you count creampies
-apple is his favorite, ofc. You use Mary’s recipe, and you’re the only person in the whole wide world that he trusts with modifying it in any way
-you also make them for him if he’s sick or if you guys have for some reason had a fight. The latter is rarer, but does still happen on occasion
-it’s okay though, because pie will always make things better
-cookies are almost exclusively for the jar. These are made on random frequencies, usually a lot at a time.
-he likes butterscotch a lot, and you find a way to mix your favorite flavors into either one monstrosity or one beauty of a cookie
-you guys have in fact made your own recipe. It’s awesome. Like, prized possession material.
-and then brownies
-they’re literally just pimped up store bought mix. Preferably Ghirardelli, for maximum bougie-ness
-and then sometimes you guys add some fun time grass
-you’ll do that when you just want to have a soft night. You’ll always way up to him laying on you and holding you like a koala though- may your back be prepared
-overall he just really enjoys spending time with you in any way that he can and baking is a great way to do that
-Dean Winchester is precious
-I rest my case
If you have any ideas for more headcanons, send a request! My box is always open!
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metallicaislife · 11 months
metallicaislife masterlist
I mainly write for Metallica, but there will be dustings of Guns 'N Roses(mainly Slash and Duff as that is who I know best in the band) scenarios too.
✨ = fluff
🌹= smut
😿 = sad/angst
Christmas Decorating - Metallica ✨
Cliff Burton
Thin Lizzy and Mary Jane ✨
First Time 🌹
Afternoon Delight 🌹
My Girl ✨
Save a Horse, Ride a Bassist 🌹
Early Morning Surprise 🌹
Tag Team 🌹
Day Trip ✨
Tight Fit 🌹
Birthday Boy ✨🌹
What Flusters Cliff ✨
Making You Feel Good 🌹
What's Your Fantasy? 🌹
Dreams 🌹
Childhood Friends ✨
Cliff Burton Headcanons ✨
Talk is Just Talk, Right? 🌹
James Hetfield
Daydream 😿🌹
Daydream Pt 2 😿✨
Daydream Pt 3 ✨
Been Hiding in Plain Sight ✨
Impatient 🌹
Let Me Take Care of You 🌹✨
What's Your Fantasy? 🌹
Brothers Best Friend ✨
Brothers Best Friend pt 2 ✨
My Nemesis, James Hetfield ✨
My Nemesis, James Hetfield pt 2 ✨
My Nemesis, James Hetfield pt 2 Bloopers ✨
Hey Jealousy 😿✨
Kirk Hammett
The Exorcist ✨
Long Day ✨
Phone Call Confession ✨
Tag Team 🌹
A Steamy Halloween 🌹
Bad Mood 😿✨
Pushed to Confess 🌹
After the Show 🌹
The Photographer and the Guitarist ✨🌹
The Photographer and the Guitarist pt 2 ✨🌹
Introverted 😿✨
Slow Mornings ✨
The Interview 🌹
Arguments 🌹
Birthday Wishes ✨🌹
I Want to Learn 🌹
I Want to Learn pt 2 🌹
Overworked 😿✨
Meet and Greet 🌹
Kirk w/ a Clingy gf Headcanon ✨
Embarrassment Leads to… 🌹
Kirk Hammett Headcanons ✨
Lars Ulrich
The Spank Bank Incident ✨
Being Lars Girl Best Friend Headcanon ✨
Dating Lars Headcanons ✨
Jason Newsted
nothing yet
Rob Trujillo
Dating Current!Rob Trujillo Headcanons ✨
News ✨
Lazy Day In ✨
New Sensations 🌹
Dave Mustaine
Talk is Just Talk, Right? 🌹
Christmas Decorating - Guns N Roses ✨
Duff McKagan
Coconut Tequila ✨
Award Show ✨
The Unintentional Heartbreaker ✨(mentions spicy but not explicit)
Unwell ✨
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maryleclerc · 1 year
𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥, 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐲/𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 — charles leclerc
prince!charles leclerc , princess!reader ; already divorce
summary: in which princess y/n decided to interview with royalty: in their own words after her divorce with prince charles leclerc. and her life after the divorce
au: this just an extra part of 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐲, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭
warning: english is not my native language, use google translate. this is just a fanfiction, please do not take it seriously!
read all my royal series here
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Liked by lewishamilton, charlottesiine, arthur_leclerc and others
yourusername Spending the best time of my life with my bestiee, love you charlottesiin
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charlottesiine Love you too my bestie, wish you always be happy
⤷ yourusername 🥹❤️
vivianawllms Happy look great on you Y/n
finnhenry_ She looks so great after her divorce with Prince Charles Leclerc
hachii__ How are you feeling right now Y/n?
⤷ yourusername I’m feeling WONDERFUL ✨ thank you for asking 🤗
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Liked by arthur_leclerc and others
charles_leclerc Although the issues between me and Y/n have been resolved amicably, I myself have been a husband, close friend and an important person to you and you’re also an important person to me. I want to write this letter to expressing gratitude and apology to you, Y/n for the hurt and loss during the past time. First of all, I would like to sincerely thank you to you for everything that you’ve done for me, our family, and secondly I want to sincerely apologize not being able to be there to support you while you was suffering from postpartum depression, and I also feel very sorry for having a relationship behind your back. Now to think back, I really didn't know what I was thinking back then at that time and did these illegitimate things, maybe I really didn't deserve the love and affection from you. In the end, the person who was hurt the most was Y/n, once again I would like to apologize to you from the bottom of my heart. And I also want to wish you a very happy life, Christian and I will always be there to support you in every decision you makes. You’re the best things that ever happened in my life, It’s my fault to not knowing how to kept my own happiness save. I still really love you 🤍 yourusername
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yourusername Thank you to you too Charles, I had alot of happy time with you…
penelope_jamess Well atleast he knows he has done a wrong things
charles_myprince Y/n, she does not deserved all of this shit to be happen to her. Even though I’m a Princes Charles Leclerc fan but I’m cannot believe what he had done to her.
hrhcharlesleclerc I just hope he truly realise what he had done
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yourusername It’s Christian time ✨
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billyjonas Are you with Prince Charles Leclerc?
⤷ yourusername Yea we decided to take Christian and his cousin to visit a strawberry farm today
arthur_leclerc Christian and Constantine, when did they get so close?
jeniferr They looks so cute together
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montecarlo.royal Princess of Monte Carlo today celebrate The Monte Carlo Day. She wearing this elegant long brown dress, more attention to her earring belong to the late Queen Mother, Queen Mary to to commemorate the passing of the late Queen Mary of Monte Carlo.
They both seem very happy together at today ceremony after 2 years of their divorced.
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annafashion I really like the way she dresses, elegantly, luxuriously and aristocratic, always showing a pure beauty while exuding feminism.
y/nleclercc I wish that Y/n and Prince Charles Leclerc can be back together :(((
herikson_ She’s glowinggg 😩🥹
lillyhana This felt like a Princess Diana and Prince Charles, but it’s a Monte Carlo version of it
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Liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername Hello! I wanted to write this post to just to update some new things in my life after everything had happen. May some of you curious about the situation between me and Charles, and everything between us are fine now. Also there’s some rumour about my new relationship with Pierre.. How excited it is to confirm that I am now in a relationship with F1 driver Pierre Gasly, so it’s not a rumour anymore.
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gomezriiaz She’s dating Pierre Gasly, this is so insane 😩
jaqueengg Y’all stop talk shit about this relationship
kookook Look how happy she is, so freaking prettyyyy
philpp I don’t know how does Christian feel about this
wgebbn Cannot believe she’s move on this fast, just after 2 years?
⤷ mckayly wtf? What do expect? Wanted her to be crying her eyes out and begging Charles to take her back? 🙄 Y/n’s a strong women :))))
4 years later
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royalbreakingnews [BREAKING NEWS 🚨] Today, the media discovered that after 6 years of divorced, Princess Y/n and F1 driver, Pierre Gasly also as known as the closest friend to Prince of Monte Carlo are now officially engaged and expecting their first child together. The couple appearence today at Prince Charles Leclerc of Monte Carlo niece infront of the palace where the Royal Ceremony held. Being ask about Christian felt about Pierre, Y/n said “He like Pierre alot and he also felt comfortable around Pierre, which make me so relief” Prince Charles also said if Y/n’s happy with him then he’s 100% support her relationship with Pierre.
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katherine Pierre Gasly, what?!!!.
f1pierregaslyy Hope he’ll not treat her the way Charles did, but still I don’t think it’s possible
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Liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername Welcome Agatha Perrie Gasly 🤍
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charles_leclerc Congratulation Y/n, Christian are so excited to meet his baby sister
⤷ yourusername Yea, he’s all excited like a fluffy ball running around with happiness haha
arthur_leclerc What a pretty name
⤷ yourusername Thank you to you for help us chose a name
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pierregasly My life would not be complete without you
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