#marinette? check
multimousenette · 2 years
Qualities of a ladybug weilder:
1. bisexual
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buggachat · 2 months
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Part 183 of my bakery “enemies” au!
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diadraws · 9 months
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*knocking on mlb fandoms door* what if theyre dating as civilians but are rival supervillains who wanna steal each others miraculous to make the wish. and they fucking ahte eachother. where are you going come ba
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literaphobe · 10 months
miraculous movie very funny to me bc of how many adrichat things are just unexplained. why is he at school now? no clue. how’d he meet nino? you tell me. why did plagg choose him? yeah he just uh. he just saw a window ran in and knew. no adrien didn’t save the lives of any old men. yeah he’s just a hero now. also plagg will not stop farting
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danidoesntart · 6 months
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This scene from the beginning of @mostmagical's fic Professeure (of your love) has been embedded in my mind since I first read it. I couldn't stop imagining Marinette's stupid lil face
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*raises glass of wine* to @buggachat, for creating an au objectively better than the actual show
it’s right here if you want to see what i’m talking about
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l1linya · 1 year
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I decided to redraw a 7 year old art of BriChat with MariChat that I did a long time ago. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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lunejump · 7 months
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Loveybug au design. I love her your honor. Listen to Absence by Rio Romeo.
Sorry about her skin looking orange I have shit pencils.
The "white" parts of her suit are actually very light pink.
I just really wanted her to look like a princess.
Her hair is mostly down so I count it as following the original post lol.
I didn't really enact it in the drawings but I think her bow like. flops down when she's sad.
They're not real ballet shoes because that would be terrible, they're soled ballet shoes looking flats.
In her efforts to look graceful and romantic, she becomes clumsier and more anxious. As in, worse than as Marinette.
Her hair is pastel blue, it's not me having shit pencils this time. She's generally very pastel, except for her eyes which are a whole other kind of hell; talking about her eyes, thanks @literaphobe for the absolutely delightful idea of her having that hypnosis spiral looking thing in her eyes.
I'm bad at showing it, but the heart shaped fabric "tail" at her back is very light and somewhat transparent + shiny.
She has heart shaped "wings" in her back, because she's an angel.
I think lesbians probably like her in-universe. She also probably becomes a fundamental part of every lovecore pinterest board.
If she breaks out of her character, her eyes go back to blue. That generally happens when she's too stressed to maintain her facade, or when she's just straight up having a break down.
I think maybe, her mask is stiffer to stop her from making facial expressions that are too harsh. Because she doesn't want to get angry at Cat Walker, does she?
I really wanna write a very angsty fic about this whole thing but I haven't watched the show in too long. I'll probably read wikipedia pages or something.
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tikki-fuck-off · 2 years
@taffybuns made me do this
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ghostdoodlen · 2 years
Y'all go check out @ggomos-maribat 's Fox DCW Series
It's amazing. Super funny and will make you cry a little. I know I did.
Here's a spoiler from Chapter 38
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This is probably one of my favorite chapters
I'm a sucker for twins especially since I am one
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broadwaycutie16 · 1 month
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Oh big whoop de do. Marinette deliberately let Adruen’s life fall to complete and total permanent ruin just to spite him for some teenage drama, and let what she KNEW to be a dangerous havoc-reeking psycho roam free with millions of dollars that she could use to continue hurting the innocent in infinite ways, but she didn’t actually physically harm anyone, so we should go easy on her for not being as much of a b!t€h as she could have been!
Maybe Marinette couldn’t have completely protected Adrien, but she COULD have stopped the karma piling on him from becoming too much. She could have denied the accusations when he was first rumored to be a terrorist accomplice, or gotten his money back from Lila who stole it illegally, but she chose not to for no actual gain than to see Adrien suffer. Even without her help, Adrien would have been punished enough for his actions. But she deliberately let him choke on everything out of spite. And THAT’S why she’s being punished.
Here’s the thing — I know that Marinette’s punishment in Karmic Backlash was unfair. That was the whole point. The karma system in the original story made it perfectly clear that those who enable others to do bad are more deserving of its wrath than those who actually do do bad. If Adrien deserved everything he got in the original story, then by that logic Marinette deserves the same if not worse, since she did all the same things he did in the original story and for no real gain but some kind of warped triumph.
The only reason people are saying it’s unjust in KBl and not in KoL is because the narrative doesn’t favor Marinette. Sorry, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that what happened to Adrien was more or less okay and that what happened to Marinette wasn’t.
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i-like-anything-water · 8 months
Step by step guide to redeeming your girlfriends
Plot, basically: Canon! Chloenette meets Reverse! Chloenette. Dedicated to @generalluxun ! Thank you for the motivation, I will now make them go through Scooby Doo levels of chasing and mystery solving (coughs identity reveal coughs)
Chapter One: Is it kidnapping if I thought we were dating?
The sky has visibly darkened during lunchtime. It wasn't the normal rainy sky though. People were scrambling to get inside or find cover as it was most likely an akuma attack. It was strange, however, that the signal never went off nor were there any explosions nearby. There wasn't even a ridiculously dressed villain with their monologue about getting revenge and obtaining the miraculous.
It was quiet. Suspiciously too quiet.
A bolt of lightning flashed on the darkened sky, the dark purple color leaving a web like structure in its path. Okay, that definitely was not normal.
Chloe was sure it was another Akuma and judging from the last one Ladybug and Chat Noir had to face, they were getting ridiculously more strong as time passes. Which doesn't worry her. After all, Ladybug never trusted her completely to wield another miraculous again so why give a damn about her anymore.
The world shook and she unconsciously switched on her TV to the news.
Nadja was reporting on the strange phenomenon currently happening while the purple lightning continued to flash and leave even more intricate patterns.
Chloe pursed her lips in thought. Ladybug had already enlisted a lot of new (temporary) heros since they faced off against Shadow Moth. She won't be outnumbered or lacking in minions if ever.
She sighed, frustration starting to bubble inside her, "Everything would be easier if she would just let me be Queen Bee!"
"You've got a point," a voice said from behind, "but Queen Bee is rather distracting during battles, 'no?"
Before she could scream at the sudden intrusion of a very familiar looking person, she was swept off her bed and was falling down from her balcony, a set of familiar and ridiculously strong arms wrapped around her securely.
She was tapping her foot impatiently, the sound echoing against the room they were in. Claw was leaning by the wall, his knowing glance darting from her to the other occupant of the room who was very much unconscious.
"You scared the shit out of her. You have such a lame type in women," he casually tilted his head, narrowly avoiding a metal ball to his face. Rolling his eyes, he stretched out his muscles earning a disgusted sound from his partner and a laugh from him.
"Careful, your softness for her is showing," she scoffed, her arms crossed as she looked at the blonde. "I am not soft, you fucking piece of vomit."
"I told you, my hair is not that damn vomiting emoji! The shade is different!"
"Whatever," she walked to the unconscious blonde and with a soft tug, managed to lift her head up to a more comfortable position. She looked peaceful, her mouth slightly parted as she let out soft snores.
Even in a different universe, the sight of her still made her go speechless.
Which got her confused. This universe's Chloé looks very similar to her Chloé, just with more yellow than soft pink and white, so why,
"Why is she taking so damn long?" She hissed as Claw shrugged, who was looking down at his manicure and let out a 'tsk'. He needed to get an appointment, soon.
"Maybe because you're not together in this universe," he supplied after a moment, "maybe you're in love with me instead."
"That's one of the worst things you've ever said to me and I want to strangle you right now."
Claw shivered, "Agreed. Agree to never speak about that again."
A figure sighed as she shut her bug phone. Gazing at a familiar tower, she idly wonders if she should wait for them to arrive or continue searching for the person she needs. Deciding to do the latter, she jumps off the roof into the night sky.
Ladybug almost crashed into the hotel room, Chat Noir not far behind. After getting a call from a very distraught mayor and with the sky turning an unusual purple, she had a sinking feeling it was another powered up Akuma. This Akuma hasn't showed their face yet, but Chloé's disappearance was alarming.
"She's not here," she whispered after quickly darting inside the suite. Chat Noir voiced his affirmative and gave her a worried look, "The Akuma must have already taken her but..." Chat frowned, "Unless it had a personal vendetta against Chloé, it's unusual of them to stay hidden."
Ladybug sighed. This was going to be a long day.
Notes: It's divided because the author hasn't decided if this should be a short, fluffy funny fic or dive into possible 'getting therapy from yourself of a different multiverse because it's like talking to one of the voices in your head'. Enjoy!
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xhanisai · 2 months
I think one of the main reasons why I don't go out of my way to follow a lot of people on socials even if I think their art is amazing is because at least half the time, they're shitting on the canon source material and act very big-headed. It happens too often.
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yolowritter · 29 days
A Case of Ladybug Luck: Masterpost
Hello there everyone, and welcome to the waiting room of Hell! I cannot believe it's been an entire year since I started this AU and I never made this. But anyway, below you'll find a list of every chapter of A Case of Ladybug Luck, along with the fic's summary! Feel free to ask me about it, this AU is genuinely one of my favorites! It's really angsty, lots of good stuff here!
I will be updating this frequently with content from across this AU! Currently I have the main fic and the what-if fic, but more ideas are on the drawing board! You can find everything below the cut! I will be leaving the summary for ACOLL here, anyone interested is more than welcome to shoot me an ask! Please mind the tags and warnings for each chapter, and enjoy reading! Summary: Marinette doesn't think she can keep living like this. She never told Alya her secret, and her life is in shambles. Adrien is the only one who has noticed and tried to help, but he isn't enough. Lila has them both trapped in a web of lies they can't escape from, and their friends are all taking her side, unwilling to listen to either of them. She's losing hope. At least...at least Chat Noir noticed. She still had her partner. But when an oppurtunity presents itself to Marinette, the perfect chance to get away from this hellish existence and start brand new, she takes it, leaving Paris to deal with the consequences of her actions...
A Case of Ladybug Luck:
Arc 1: End of the Line
Chapter 1: End of the Line
Chapter 2: Last Night in Paris
Chapter 3: The Butterfly Effect
Chapter 4: Perfection's Shattering
Chapter 5: The Illusion of Living
Chapter 6: Cat's Cradle
Chapter 7: Spotted Trouble
Chapter 8: Let the Masks Fall
Chapter 9: Mastermind's Confession
Chapter 10: Aftermath
Arc 2: Liar Liar...Fauxfire
Chapter 11: Investigative Journalism
Chapter 12: Kind Stranger
Chapter 13: Fault and Forgiveness
Chapter 14: Thawed out Hearts
Chapter 15: Shopping Therapy
Chapter 16: Felix
Chapter 17: Remembrance of Gold Part 1
Chapter 18: Remembrance of Gold Part 2
Chapter 19: Marching Far Away
Chapter 20: Dearest Family
Chapter 21: Burn Our Bridges Down
Chapter 22: Ashen Ghosts
Chapter 23: Liar liar...
Chapter 24: Fauxfire
Arc 3: Tying the Noose
Chapter 25: It's Always Sunny
Chapter 26: Reunion
Chapter 27: Family Secrets
Chapter 28: Argos
Chapter 29: N/A
Chapter 30: N/A
Chapter 31: N/A
Chapter 32: N/A
Chapter 33: N/A
Chapter 34: N/A
Chapter 35: N/A
Chapter 36: N/A
Chapter 37: N/A
Chapter 38: N/A
Arc 4: Shadowmoth's Final Attack
Chapter 39: Shadowmoth's Final Attack Part 1
Chapter 40: Shadowmoth's Final Attack Part 2
A Case of Ladybug Luck: What If?
Chapter 1: What if...Chloe chased after Marinette?
Chapter 2: What if...Adrien ran away from home?
More projects TBA
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spacedoutcowgirl · 6 months
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totally normal songs for totally normal girls. by marinette dupain-cheng.
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
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Another Miracu-post lol, this time a screenshot redraw (Kinda its more just a pose redraw) This scene was so cute :((( the way she says "I love you both" and how theyre both like "And this is why we love you ♡" poly rights..
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