#mario party superstars gameplay
nikoanesti · 6 days
Ok actual 6/18/24 Nintendo Direct summary though:
Mario & Luigi: Brothership: Right out of the gate, the highlight of the whole thing for me. It could've just been this and I woulda been more than satisfied. Immediately got excited seeing the M&L styled character models, but honestly expected just a remake for a moment. But wow, a whole new M&L RPG! And in a year where we've gotten two remakes of other great Mario RPGs! It feels too good to be true, but I'm very excited! Interested to know who's developing it since AlphaDream is no more, but it looks like there must be some returning staff, cuz this does look like a M&L game, especially in the character design department!
Nintendo World Championships: Not interested. It feels less like it has anything to do with the actual NWC events and more just like a rebranded NES Remix game. And to be totally honest, I am completely burnt out on Nintendo repackaging these same NES titles over and over and over by now.
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD: So, I really like this game. But I've already double dipped on it. So I don't think I'm gonna triple dip, but we'll see. Depends on the price for sure. It can't be the full $60. Metroid Prime remake was $40, and even that would be pushing it in this case.
The New Denpa Men: I really enjoyed the Denpa Men games on the 3DS and I haven't thought about them in a long time! I forget how many I played, definitely the first two, maybe the third? They're very good like...simplified, straightforward, lite classic JRPGs, in the vein of Mother/Earthbound and early Pokemon. So I'm glad this is coming back! And it's free! ...Well, "free to play," so we'll see what that entails within the game itself...
Super Mario Party Jamboree: As big a Mario fan as I am, my interest in the Party series has never been very high. I do have Mario Party Superstars, mainly just because it was all classic boards and minigames I already knew. I did not care for Super Mario Party, which this seems to be the successor to. It was one of the blandest Mario games I've ever seen, and very light on content, so I don't know how much better this will be. Once again, only 5 new boards. It has 2 classic ones as well, but that still doesn't really feel like enough to me.
Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: I feel...weird about this one. I was very excited to see the Link's Awakening remake style used for a completely new game. But the gameplay looks nothing like that, or any classic top-down Zelda, so...I feel a little misled. But I'll wait to find out more till I say for sure if I want to play it or not.
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD: Good game, but weakest of the Luigi's Mansion series, and I have no desire to double dip.
NSO GBA and N64 games added: Well...I never fully played through the Four Swords campaign in the GBA Link to the Past to unlock the extra dungeon, so...maybe I can finally do that? (Ah who am I kidding, I probably still won't). Would definitely like to play through Metroid Zero Mission for the first time, I've always meant to. Turok, I'm not sure if I'm really interested in, I've never played the series, but I'll check it out. And Perfect Dark...I love that game, and like Goldeneye, it's very cool that it's available on this, but also like Goldeneye...we really need a remaster, not the N64 version ported over to Switch. Even if you remap the controls, they're not gonna feel great... So sadly I don't know how much time I'll spend with it.
Metroid Prime 4: I haven't played any of the Prime games and don't really intend to, but I'm just glad this isn't vaporware hahah. I thought development of this was going horribly wrong or something, so it's just good to see it is in fact coming along, and I'm happy for fans of the series!
Holy shit that Funko Pop game looks so bad lmaooo
Also BLUD is out today on Switch and other platforms and I feel like I should probably check that out cuz it's been a long time coming and I love the style
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nintooner · 6 days
That Nintendo Direct
Bro I almost started crying when Mario Party came on, no joke 😭
I was hoping they'd make a new Mario Party game with the old-school board style of Superstars, with new stuff as well of course
The three big things I popped off over were Mario Party, Mario & Luigi, and Metroid Prime 4
I actually kinda predicted all of those for this Direct which is kinda funny? I was thinking of what they'd announce for the end of the Switch's lifespan, and some of my predictions were a Mario & Luigi remake (since we've gotten remakes for the other two Mario RPG series, but it turned out to not be a remake this time), a new Mario Party (because MP's kind of a more small-scale series I guess? They could just pop one out at the end haha), and info on Metroid Prime 4 just bc it's been so long since we heard anything about it
Prime 4 looks so good though??? The graphics are amazing! It's definitely gonna be worth the wait
Mario & Luigi really went "I lived bitch"
I wonder who the developer is??? Maybe it's a Mario Party situation where a bunch of Hudson Soft developers went over to ND Cube when the former went bankrupt 🤔
I can't believe we're witnessing the return of Mario RPGs in real time 😭 Now we just wait and see what they do with Paper Mario in the future... I like modern Paper Mario but I would pop off like you wouldn't believe if they made a new game with TTYD-style gameplay and characters/story/settings, while also incorporating the good bits of the new games
Thank you Nintendo for my life 🙏
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kuriboo · 6 days
hey have you seen the Nintendo direct today & if so how ya feelin
I saw some tweets earlier so I knew a bit of what I was getting into but I just watched it and HOLY FUCK MAN.................
under the cut i'll scream about everything i'm excited about! but this is one of the best directs of all time! this is SUPER long sorry but please know i am SO HAPPY this is one of hte best directs of all time i think
I WAS SO WORRIED MARIO AND LUIGI AS A SERIES WAS DEAD ;; I'M SO HAPPY IT'S COMING BACK!!! IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ART STYLE, THE GAMEPLAY! IT'S MARIO AND LUIGI!!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! I'm behind on this series I still need to play dream team (I should probably start it over at this point, I have this digitally it came on my original 3ds and I've transferred it between systems twice now) and paper jam (I OWN THIS SOMEWHERE but my stuff is in disarray from room renovations...I'll find it some day) but I'M SO EXCITED! FOR BROTHERHOOD!
I'm more excited for the Dragon Quest remakes than I thought I'd be! I saw they were being remade and I was like okay yeah sure...this already was released on switch my brother already owns these...but this remake actually looks way better than the previous release on switch! I'm into this! I'm down for this!! It looks a lot better! I beat dq1 a while back, I need to restart dq2 because I haven't played it in so long... and I was just told I should've started with dq3, which I haven't played, LMAO so
Super Mario Party Jamboree...a third Mario Party on Switch! I'm excited for the return of Western Land, I'm excited for another Mario Party, I love Mario Party it's a longtime family favorite (though we barely played any between 3 and super, we have super and superstar on switch though) so anytime there's new Mario Party content I'm happy! I think I would've preferred an update/dlc of superstars, but...I can see why it's not! I'd like to play this online with family! I'm just a little scared at the possibility of not being able to play with pro controllers again...joy con exclusive gameplay is scary
ECHOES OF WISDOM! FEMINISM WINS! I saw screenshots of this on twitter but oh the trailer has me so hyped.... ZELDA SAVING LINK LETS GO........ I LOVE ZELDA'S OUTFIT AND HER FAIRY COMPANION AND MAGIC LOOK SO COOL! This is gonna be so fun to play. And I'll probably be a lot less anxious playing this than botw/totk since there shouldn't be weapon durability? so this might end up being my favorite switch zelda pretty easily lol. I'VE WANTED PLAYABLE ZELDA FOR SO LONG I LOVE THIS
Hello Kitty game I might pick up depending on the price.... it looks cute!
The Looney Tunes game looks so funny I kinda wanna play it SPACE JAM!!!!!!!!!
I'm probably not gonna get Luigi's Mansion 2 HD anytime soon but I LOVE LUIGI HE'S MY GUY HE'S THE DREAMBOAT THE GOAT THE DREAMGOAT.... I've never played any Luigi's Mansions though! I think I have 2 on 3ds but again, I'm not sure where it is.... Idr if we have 3 or not? We might? I'd like to play a Luigi's Mansion game someday but it's not my biiiiiggest priority. As much as I love Luigi, I love him so so so so much, but without ever having played it, I have this nervousness that I might not like the Mansion series...
I have been screaming about the ace attorney investigations collection ALL DAY dude. This games have SUCH a good story (I've only watched playthroughs) so I'm excited to play them myself!!! The fantranslation has definitely impacted a bit of my excitement though. The name changes in particular... Verity Galile is honestly a good name, Eustace Winner is growing on me (I'm worried what they're changing Blaise to...), but Eddie Fender............I'm sorry but that is RAYMOND SHIELDS i DO NOT like the name eddie fender i CANNOT get behind it sorry.... BUT THE STORY OF THESE GAMES MAN I'M SO EXCITED!!! I JUST GOT THE APOLLO JUSTICE TRILOGY FOR MY BIRTHDAY (a couple of months late, but, uh, extenuating circumstances led to my dad keeping forgetting to order it, i am not mad) so i wanna play that before AAI and I STILL NEED TO PLAY THE GREAT ACE ATTORNEY COLLECTION TOO..... BUT MAN I LOVE ACE ATTORNEY I'M SO EXCITED I WANTED TO CRY
metroid prime 4! i still need to get into the metroid series (i need to give it another try, i haven't been able to get myself to really enjoy it yet) but i'm excited for metroid fans! this is such a long time coming...and now it's so close! the graphics look really good! i don't have much else to say about this one.
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW PHANTOM BRAVE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
idk about the mech part that's gonna have to grow on me but YOU CAN FUSE CHARACTERS WITH MARONA AND GIVE HER CUTE NEW OUTFITS???????????????????????????
when this came up in the direct i literally could not stop stimming and shaking i SCREAMED i am SO SO HAPPY
i think i'm more excited for htis game than anyone else because literally no one that i've seen is talking about it but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHANTOM BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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4d-hypermoth · 6 days
I understand that people are disappointed that the new Mario Party isn't DLC for Superstars, but as someone who hasn't bought any of the Switch Mario Party games, this is the first game in the series since 8 that actually has my interest.
Classic gameplay and seven boards, five of which are brand-new. I am very much down.
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supertrainstationh · 6 days
My Nintendo Direct 6/24 Results
Mario & Luigi: Brothership - I've dreamed of Mario and Luigi being presented like this with polygonal 3d and a dynamic camera since the GameCube era, so its great to see it finally come true. First game in the series since the first one in 2003 not to have some obvious gimmick in terms of how the Mario Brothers are controlled in and out of battle, VERY happy to see that.
Super Mario Party Jamboree - Mario Party Superstars in 2021 was the first Mario Party game I purchased since Mario Party 4, (not counting Mario Party Advance) and this looks like an excellent and fun game. I find the inclusion of two retro maps odd since there isn't a focus on old material like in SuperStars.
Dragon Quest 1 + 2 2D HD Remaster - I never played and DQ games before, and I've been interested in featuring DQ1's NES version on stream so as to explore the earliest era of home console RPGs, so I'm torn as to if I'll play the NES version, or this modern remake.
Stray - It may end up being the least impressive version of the game, but Stray's hyper dense gritty high tech city setting got my attention and I was praying for a Switch version. In any game I play town and city exploration is one of my favorite aspects when towns are featured, so I'll be excited to play this one.
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - The idea of Zelda exploring Hyrule from a top down perspective hasn't been explored since the CDI game "Zelda's Adventure", so It's great to see Nintendo take a swing at the concept, and do so in a way that is true to the nature of Zelda's depiction as a wise protector of Hyrule, but not a soldier or fighter in the way Link is. It feels like the "echo" system is a developer tool from the development of Link's Awakening's Switch remake that the expanded into something that defines the actual gameplay experience when fleshed out into a game mechanic. As an aside, there was a small amount of backlash against Aonuma accusing him of being sexist for not having the option for a female hero in Breath of the Wild, which was absurd, and I'm glad this proves those people wrong.
Metroid Prime 4 - SEVEN YEARS after it was first announced, we finally have screenshots and gameplay of this title. The announcement of Prime 4 should go down in history as one of the most severely mishandled strategic moves Nintendo ever executed, but the game looks great. I have a copy of Prime Remaster for Switch I've yet to play on stream, we'll see if I get to it before Prime 4 comes out.
Marvel Vs. Capcom Fighting Collection - I think this is the first re-release of these titles since Disney purchased Marvel, and it's amazing to see this happen, as I genuinely doubted if it would be possible. I don't care about these games but I'm glad they're being made available.
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition - I will totally buy this. I love high score attack runs of Vs. Pinball and I've had the NES Remix games on my list for years. Actual speedrunning and skill challenged condensed into curated mini-game like format is fun, and I'm certainly going to get my hands on this one
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD - Doesn't look graphically impressive even for Switch, but this was one I hoped would come over, and it still looks great. I hope the forced motion controls that made me fall off the Wii version have been revamped. But from my perspective, I haven't even played and covered the first DKC on my show yet, so I'm not likely picking this one up soon.
Only game I specifically hoped for that wasn't featured was the remake/remaster of Beyond Good and Evil, which got an ESRB rating late last year, but has yet to be officially announced for whatever reason.
10/10 show for me. If for the rest of my life I could only play games on Switch, I would never ever be bored, ever.
But I'd still rather play RCA Studio II than most modern stuff anyway.
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obligatebureaucrat · 6 days
Super Mario Party Jamboree is so funny to me because they clearly saw that Superstars reviewed better but Super sold way better and decided to slap the Super title on Superstars’ gameplay
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tomboyjessie13 · 11 months
After watching this vid, I think I know which Mario Party game I'm going to get for my Switch.
Spoiler alert: It's "Superstars".
The reason I said this is because I was disappointed by how small and easy the board games in "Super" are, I mean the minigames look fun and all, but come on, give the boards some love to.
"Superstars" however balances out both the board and mini games and the boards are a lot bigger and challenging which is good, also it brought back the classic N64 gameplay and that makes me happy.
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undercityrezident · 1 year
A Zelda RPG
I think I mentioned this briefly in my reflection on TotK, but after being able to have the sages travel and fight with you in the game (and then their avatars later) to the point of having five characters fighting alongside you at once, I’ve suddenly gained the intense craving for a party-oriented turn-based or tactical RPG of Zelda.
And I don’t think it’s such a weird or far-out idea either because mainstream Nintendo franchises have branched out into other genres, including RPGs. Just look at Mario RPG, Paper Mario, and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.
I would absolutely dive into a turn-based RPG with Link and any number of staple characters from the franchise in any number of Zelda game settings (i.e. Ocarina of Time’s, Twilight Princess’s, Hyrule, or BotW/TotK’s). Hell, maybe we can have a sort of untold side story based on something we didn’t see in these games, such as TotK’s Imprisoning War where we only saw how it started and ended.
Imagine gearing up and altering characters’ classes against their typically expected roles. Maybe Link starts out as some sort of swordsman class, but you can eventually outfit him with Din’s Fire or any of the magical rods to give him spells to qualify him for a spellsword class. Give Zelda a special melee weapon so she can tear up the battlefield as a warrior/sage hybrid. I can think of tons of possibilities.
Then you can add in great battle interactions, like damage types for varying effectiveness and secondary effects, weapons with special properties, tools like the hookshot to stun or move enemies around, combination attacks, and, if we’re going the tactical RPG route, terrains with hazards such as malice/gloom. Not to mention that the plethora of enemies that Zelda has to draw from, big and small, could radically change how battles work from encounter to encounter.
And game overworlds can easily reflect the game’s setting, with towns and landmarks recognizable from whatever world its based on, dungeons that act as their own zones when you enter them with potential for classic Zelda puzzles that you have a different view on compared to the usual behind Link’s back perspective. I can already picture Golden Sun-esque gameplay between battle encounters. Zelda could fit that mould very smoothly.
And, naturally, most RPGs lend themselves toward great stories and deep characters, so we can dive even deeper on the personal struggles of characters in this universe. Just off the top of my head, we could have a Gerudo scholar who’s struggling to prove her theory on some aspect of the Seven Heroines legend, a Zora who’s intensely afraid of ice due to Zora’s domain being frozen over once, a Goron who doesn’t want to follow through on his family tradition of enter the mining business, or a Rito whose wings didn’t grow in correctly and wants to prove themselves an equal to their brethren. Oh, and I want Link and Zelda fighting alongside one another in the same party. No, I will not accept her falling into another pit, being flung back in time, or being kidnapped by Ganon on the onset. I want her as a party member from start to finish!
Speaking of Ganondorf, he already has the qualifications for a major RPG villain. He’s immensely powerful, manipulative, charismatic, and can easily cause problems all over the map for any number of party members, giving all people involved in your party motivations for wanting to join and stop him.
And RPGs still leave room for all the side-quest-y goodness Zelda is known for, especially if your party members have their own aspirations and motivations aside from defeating Ganon. There’s no shortage of content in the Zelda mythos that could fill in countless hours in a Zelda RPG.
As well, this would be a chance for whoever develops this Zelda property to take some liberties in style. Since it wouldn’t be rooted as a mainstream Zelda title, developers could experiment with its look in the same way they tried cel-shading with Wind Waker or the Link’s Awakening remake diorama style. Hell, maybe we could go retro in the same way as Octopath Traveler and have a modern take on the Link to the Past style?
Nintendo, you have a lot of potential in your hands with the Zelda franchise. Maybe consider this as a potential side project? Nintendo has been getting better about lending their IP to other companies. I don’t see why they couldn’t give this a shot while their main group at headquarters works on the next title in the main series. Not that they’ll ever see this post, but I had to get this idea out of my head, regardless.
Also, let’s leave the collectible Koroks out of this one. I’m down for having a cool potion-making Korok party member in the vein of that one from Wind Waker, though.
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hellman55 · 2 months
Mario Party 3 Switch Online N64 - 100% Walkthrough Gameplay Part 7 - Superstar on Creepy Cavern
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dangan-kagura · 6 months
Being a Danganronpa fan these past two years *CONTAINS SPOILERS*
Welp, it’s been two years since I first learned about Danganronpa. I gotta say, I miss the experience I had when I first learned about it. One day, I was browsing the Nintendo eShop when I noticed the switch ports of the Danganronpa trilogy along with Danganronpa S. I’ll admit it, the fan service theme for DRS is what caught my eye, but then I realized, I know someone on Youtube with a playthrough of Danganronpa V3.
As soon as I watched the first chapter in a single day, I didn’t think that despite the fan service theme from Danganronpa S, that Danganronpa was a horror anime. The big twist that Kaede was labeled as the first blackened was just so horrific to watch. It was like midnight when I saw the start of the first class trial, and it was like past 2 AM when I got to watch Kaede get executed (Yes, I’m an insomniac). I was excited the next day because curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to know who was gonna die next. The sad part about it was that Kirumi, who was starting to become my favorite character in the game, would be the next culprit.
But what I really loved about Danganronpa was its gameplay for the class trials. I thought that with puzzle gameplay like that, Danganronpa just stood out from other anime games, because the majority of those kinds of games are Japanese RPGs and unfortunately, I don’t like the RPG genre. Not only that, but the fact that Danganronpa is rated M for its violence and fan service was another thing that got me thinking that I want to play this game. Most anime games are usually rated T, but Danganronpa being rated M seemed more interesting to me.
Anyway, I didn’t try out Danganronpa S until January 2022. At first, I was only into the board game gameplay and was worried I would be bad at the battles because I don’t enjoy playing turn-based RPGs. I eventually got the hang of it, and boy was I lucky enough to beat Monokuma at the end. God, that was a pain in the ass, and if I ever decide to start a new game, I’d probably get my ass kicked. Even so, playing the board game was more fun, and it gave me the nostalgic feeling of wanting to play the Mario Party games I have on my GameCube. Sadly, my GameCube doesn’t work as well as it used to, but thankfully I got Mario Party Superstars which has classic Mario Party gameplay.
But despite enjoying Danganronpa S, at the time, I was scared to play the killing games. I was in complete denial with things like Kirumi’s motive video, and the way NDRV3 ended. I didn’t want to believe that everyone who died really died. I want them to come back to life. It’s too bad there’s no sequel, because I’m one of those fans who’s desperate to know what really happened to everyone who died. At the time, I was only interested in the non-despair AU where the killing games don’t happen. Even if it’s not canon, it’s better than seeing my favorite characters get killed off. I didn’t get the nerve to try the trilogy until around August 2022. I laughed, I cried, there were times where certain characters annoyed me, but I’m glad that I got the opportunity to play the trilogy, and every time I replay them, I only play the bonus modes where the killing games don’t happen. Why? Because it’s better than seeing everyone die, and also because I like dating my favorite waifus in the games.
When I decided to start this blog last year, I was concerned about Danganronpa Headcanons for not posting anything new. I had hoped that they could share the things about this series I wanted to express, but they couldn’t. Looking back at it, I feel like I shouldn’t have shared this blog using the same method they did and now I just don’t know if what I did was alright. For these past two years of being a Danganronpa fan, I tried out this blog, I wrote fanfics on AO3, and most recently, I’ve been going to Tiktok for Danganronpa content and have been chatting with Danganronpa AIs from character.ai.
I won’t get into too much detail about my AO3 since it’s mostly NSFW, but one reason why I wanted to do a rewrite of NDRV3 was because I didn’t like how the game officially ended. At this point, I don’t have the motivation to finish it even though it’s halfway done. Right now, it’s just hard to motivate myself, but I really want to finish it.
Let me just say it does bother me when people say Danganronpa is dead. I love this series for its characters, story, gameplay and fan service. I felt something for the deaths of my favorite characters. If I let go of them, people will think they all died for nothing. I can’t let go of this series. I mean, yes, the fandom has its issues, but I look past that and just focus on what I love about this series. Even if Danganronpa doesn’t get a new installment, it wouldn’t hurt if they made another non-despair spinoff. I don’t even care what the genre will be, I just want to see everyone who died live again.
But I will admit that even though the creators made a new game called Rain Code, I only saw the first half of a playthrough. I stopped because there was a part that involved cross-dressing males and I was thinking, “What, this again?” Even though I like Chihiro, I’m kinda fed up from seeing anime games with cross-dressing males, because there’s a chance that people are gonna make a huge deal out of it in their fandoms. Moreover, I was concerned that Rain Code would also involve things like making fun of someone just because they act like the emo stereotype which felt kinda racist to me, not to mention that I thought the protagonist was kind of a pussy. I don’t think I’m ever gonna get the chance to play Rain Code, even if the Danganronpa creators focus on it more.
I apologize for how long this is, but the point is, even though it’s been two years since I got into Danganronpa, I just don’t know anything anymore. Should I really be making blogs like how Danganronpa Headcanons did it? Should I finish my fanfics? Should I make Danganronpa Tiktoks of my own? I love this series and I don’t want to let go of it, even if I have to deal with things like its toxic fanbase, seeing my favorite characters die, or hearing someone say Danganronpa is dead because Shuichi killed the series (lol). I’ll say it again that I love this series for its characters, story, gameplay and fan service, and I don’t think any other anime game could compare to this one.
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aaronoflive12 · 8 months
102523 - Very serious personal opinion on the latest Mario Bros. game.
[clean language post]
After a great deal of thinking, I imposed a personal boycott on playing Super Mario Bros. Wonder for myself. I will watch it, but I do not care too much for it. Uh, the 'Cyberpunk 2077' effect. And I do not like that game either, regardless of the draw.
The truth is, well, I actually purchased the Suika Game on the same platform, and not via recommendations by Hololive members, other VTubers or the like, but through twitch.tv. Added, I barely watch any english-language streams/streamers, either. And as in most other sites from what I researched… yes, it did become an immense sleeper hit, and still is. Actual game is epic and simple, but with an arcade-style hardness to it, and is in my view, one of the most addictive of puzzle-genre videogames I have played under any platform, from another obscure development group. Yep, I even set a dedicated YT playlist just with that game.
Circumstantially, as a result of this, and this music project I'm building up since back in July, I simply could not bother to take the time to play Super Mario Bros. Wonder, given the game's ratings, and of my past experiences as well, on both NSMB Wii U and Odyssey.
The soundtrack to the game, though, I will give that a listen, even if I never have intentions to play the game with a differently voiced cast. Another cascading effect from 'that' SMB movie. Yes, I might like it better of course if I was younger and more oblivious with the series, and the social systems around myself. Well, moving along then…
I'm 31 now, and had been a moderate fan of the Super Mario Bros. series since both Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars, both on the SNES, and of games from the N64 era. Since the Gamecube era, I've liked some iterations (SM64, both Galaxy games, NSMB series, Super Smash Bros. Melee, SSB4, and SSB Ultimate), but disliked others (Sunshine, Odyssey post-completion, NSMB2, Smash Bros. 3 (Brawl)), most Mario Kart games, and many of it's spin-off/sports games, as well as the Mario Party series. A huge list, I assure you, and I do not want to write an essay on it. Uh, Super Mario Kart 99, 'if' it comes eventually… Maybe, to watch streams of it, but I am not purchasing an online account to play that, for reasons similar to the F-Zero 99 game. Not paying it, to simply play races of F-Zero 99 or other free content locked within a paywall.
And the worst part as a fan of the series… I am not personally supporting the further evolution of the SMB franchise from here, proper. But no matter this, I will not forget the legacy, particularly when the franchise used to be an epic, and at times, revolutionary product of the iconic red brand, with equally iconic red and green-colored mascots, and attitudes. And this first step of the next era of the franchise is in my opinion, the dawn of a new 'dark' phase, and had subsequently stopped following and supporting any future iterations of the franchise, like I already did from the release of the 2022 version of CoD:MW2, and with Formula 1 games since last year (also from 2022). And I did not like Odyssey that much, because the disturbing language from certain characters in the actual game, honestly, completely stopped me from continuing on after ending the first playthrough, and I barely touched that said game since that time.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder - personal opinion.
Yes, it is indeed an epic, and arguably, better and more creative/original videogame than the Sonic Superstars game, released days before this came out. But personally, Wonder is not as addictive, nor better, nor as iconic in the long-term as the Suika Game is, released internationally on the same date. Yes, I am still obsessed with their looks (the fruits) compared with the other games mentioned, as well as of course, it's very difficult, rewarding gameplay, simplicity and the overall aesthetic. Although personally, SMBW is one step, or 'stomp', forward, but too many steps backwards in the overall experience. Nor is it faster, as I do hate watching the loading screens, and the waiting times between the end of one stage and the start of another. And still I yet to see any stream where cutscenes or the like, can be skipped, especially on the first playthrough. And as a result, it's heart now is straight-up tarnished. Hated much of the commentary (better if it was forced off, or in a different, less disturbing language), talking flowers included, and a really absurd storyline.
Frankly and internally speaking, I am very glad that I 'did not' purchase this product, 'SMBW' (Super Mario Bros. Wonder). Far, more, annoying, than Odyssey, the Galaxy series, the 'New' series, or, most other mainline series iterations. Yeah, they did not rush on this but, the actual developers hid far too many secrets about the story in-game, that I really dislike a great deal, no offense. A sandbox approach would have been a far superior alternative than the one that was ultimately given to the public. I am serious on that, and I am not talking about Super Mario Maker or it's sequel. And the Devs kept the 'lives' system, which they should have never had implemented in this game, even I would claim it is 'obsolete' these days.
Just one particular homage though in relation to the Touhou series that I picked up, and I am serious here, don't flip, 10-year gap, and all that. Seija Kijin's pose, the one from her first appearance in Touhou 14… they nearly completely replicated that exact pose. This is shown in this game after the player(s) gets/picks up the 'drill' powerup, or the stamps showing this from in-game. Indeed, Shinmyoumaru's battles from DDC too were also replicated to an extent... in a Bowser Jr. battle (player shrinks, enemy grows, and also the other way around).
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gloriabomfim · 11 months
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo - 30 Facts:
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo is a character from the Mario Party series, specifically from Mario Party 8, where he serves as the "Master of Catastrophe" and the host of the annual Star Carnival.
He made his first appearance in Mario Party 8, which was released in 2007, and his latest appearance was a cameo in Mario Party Superstars in 2021.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo is depicted as a teal-skinned humanoid with large orange lips, small yellow eyes, and a large hot pink tongue.
He is always seen wearing a magenta suit with pink cufflinks, gold-colored trim and buttons, and a red bowtie, along with white gloves on his five-fingered hands.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo is accompanied by his hovering hat named Big Top, and together, they create the Star Carnival and plan each year's event.
MC Ballyhoo's personality is highly energetic and enthusiastic, often expressing his excitement for the carnival events as madness.
He speaks with a satirical, ringmaster phrasing during the carnival events, showing happiness for the winners and sympathy for the losers.
In Mario Party: The Top 100, Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo and Big Top act as guides at the Star Carnival.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo and Big Top are depicted as a single spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, granting the player a Star Rod at the start of each fight.
MC Ballyhoo slightly resembles Chuck Quizmo from the Paper Mario series.
His full name is "Master of Catastrophe Ballyhoo," and the abbreviation "MC" stands for "Master of Catastrophe."
The name "MC Ballyhoo" is based on the term "ballyhoo," which means "great noise or commotion."
In other languages, he is known by various names, like "コンドゥ (Kondu) and トーレ (Tōre)" in Japanese, "Martin Tamarre" in French, and "Billy Balla-Balla" in German, among others.
The winners of the main attraction, Star Battles, at the Star Carnival can become Superstars and receive a year's supply of Candy.
MC Ballyhoo's hat, Big Top, plays a significant role in the carnival's proceedings and interactions with the guests.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo and Big Top made a minor cameo appearance in the box art for Mario Party 8 in Mario Party Superstars.
Steven Weyte provided the voice for MC Ballyhoo in his first portrayal in Mario Party 8.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo's appearance and role in the games add a vibrant and lively atmosphere to the Mario Party series.
The character's energetic and extravagant speeches make him a memorable and iconic host in the Mario Party universe.
The Star Carnival, created by Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo, serves as a central theme for the events and gameplay in Mario Party 8.
Despite Bowser's interference, Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo manages to keep the Star Carnival running smoothly with the help of his guests.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo's role as the host and planner of the Star Carnival showcases his organizational skills and love for entertainment.
He is known for his flashy and theatrical presentations, adding flair to the various game modes in the Mario Party series.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo's appearance and flamboyant personality make him an instantly recognizable and beloved character among Mario Party fans.
In Mario Party 8, Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo's events and attractions provide players with a variety of entertaining mini-games and challenges.
His cameo appearance in Mario Party Superstars is a testament to his enduring popularity as a Mario Party character.
The concept of animatronics in the Five Nights at Freddy's series is vastly different from the character of MC Ballyhoo in Mario Party 8.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo does not possess any malevolent traits like the haunted animatronics in the Five Nights at Freddy's series.
His joyful and engaging demeanor creates a fun and inviting atmosphere for players participating in the Star Carnival.
Animatronic!MC Ballyhoo's legacy as the Master of Catastrophe continues to be celebrated by Mario Party enthusiasts, and his energetic spirit adds a delightful charm to the Mario Party games he appears in.
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bekitos · 1 year
Mario Party Superstars Mario's Rainbow Castle Gameplay (Mod)
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feedingfrenzy91 · 1 year
Samsung EVO Plus 512GB MicroSD Card $39.99
Get it before the sales gone.
Gameplay: Mario Party Superstars
May God bless you all
IGN article: https://www.ign.com/articles/samsung-...
Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09...
Thumbnail: https://www.ign.com/articles/samsung-...
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aromanticmina · 2 years
I've been having a mario party superstars brainrot (I've seen a lot of gameplays by now) and then something something here's my headcanons of some bnha characters playing the game.
Shinsou would be a Birdo main I don't know why but I just feel it
You can't play with both Katsuki and Izuku because they both main Rosalina and they're going to fight irl about who gets to play her.
Todoroki would probably play as Mario because he doesn't know any of the other characters
Aizawa would probably not care but always end up playing as Waluigi either way
Present Mic would be a Daisy main I do not take criticism for this
Shinsou's and Jirou's favorite map is Horror Land (Obviously)
Jirou is the "Later Skater" minigame queen and pretty good at "Dizzy Dancing"
Izuku's favorite map is Woody Woods
Todoroki's is Peach's Birthday Cake "it's just so pretty"
Yoshi Island is Tsu's favorite,and she's a Yoshi main as well.
Denki is an agent of chaos and his favorite map is Space Land
Denki is a Wario main
Kirishima is unfairly good at mashing games
Izuku tries so hard to mash but he ends up losing all his money to the boo anyways
Sero knows how to time Chance Time and is the best at Bowser's Mini games
Katsuki is the type to strategically go to the top only to lose it all on chance time (he rage quits)
Todoroki is the type to not know what's going on most of the time and get third in most mini games only to win by finding a hidden block with a star,someone giving him a star on chance time and/or winning both bonus stars.
He also barely buys items and for that he ends up with a lot of money
Shinsou is the king of "Manor of Escape" minigame
Izuku is very good at counting mini games, including "Honeycomb Havoc"
Mina is also an agent of chaos and the only items she buys are the warp block,the chump call and the plunder chest
Tsu is the type to go unnoticed most of the game and then when you realize she has 200 coins and is going to king boo to steal three stars.
Ochako is the most likely to use a costume dice to roll into someone in the last five turns and fight them for all their money
Ochako is an avid Peach main, and she'll take revenge on anyone who dares to take her from her.
Sero would main Luigi
Kirishima would main Donkey Kong
Denki always pays the cops to chase them in Space Land,even if it doesn't benefits him
Mina would chant "Bowser Revolution! Bowser Revolution!" every time anyone lands on Bowser
Ochako and Katsuki are the most competitive ones,when they're paired up in a 2vs2 mini game they just scream at each other "look out!" "left! right!" "JUST CATCH THE GODDAMNED CHERRY"
They win every time
Momo for some reason is the one who lands on the bank (and event spaces) the most
She's also the type to plant three large "strawberries" at birthday cake map and people land on them everytime and they can't even get mad at her for stealing their stars
Jirou is the most likely to get a boo bell in the last five turns
Sero is the type to farm for bonus stars the entire game, he uses costume dices to run into red spaces and everyone is like "wtf are you doing?" while he's like "my goals are beyond your understanding"
Kirishima has the most luck out of all, he's the type to get a super warp block and a golden pipe out of an item bag in turn 3
Mina is the one who uses stickers the most (she insists that there should be a bonus star for that)
Sero can't help but bursting out laughing every single time he sees Yoshi's "whaaat?" sticker
Kirishima invited the big three to play with them once, here's what happened:
Tamaki rolled three ones on a triple dice and actually cried
Mirio beat everyone at almost every minigame (except "Shy Guy Says" because "that game is rigged")
It turns out that Nejire also knows how to time Chance Time and did a full swap with Mirio (while laughing like a maniac) ending up winning the game
Almost nobody knows this,but Hagakure is the most skilled player of Class 1-A
Todoroki's favorite minigames are "Catch Me Letter" and "Coney Island"
Shinsou hates "River Raiders" and "Castaways" with all his heart
Katsuki for some reason gets really mad at Koopa Troopa sometimes, audibly cursing him when he passes by the bank
Katsuki is also very good at "Squared Away"
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troyfullbuster · 3 years
If you want some good vibes, 69 hot rope jump, and laughs or just how Mario Party Superstars is locally...well this is it <3 
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