#mark x celci
floofle-universe · 2 years
How to talk to short people
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puppeteered-poetry · 2 years
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Maybe A fic about celci flexing how strong she is by carrying mark and he gets flustered 🥺👉👈
>:333 absolutely
    A hand shot up in vain, reaching desperately towards the shelf so tantalizing in its proximity, yet so far. Mark strained, trying to grab the manual the Captain requested of him, slipping his boots off just to stand on his tiptoes easier.
    Miraculously, the distance between his hand and the thick book closed, and he reached it successfully. But not on his own. He looked down at the arms around his wait, the white insulated sleeves could only belong to one.
    “CC?!” Mark cried as he was lowered, turning to see her smug expression.
    “The Captain asked me to help you.” Celci informed the awestruck Engineer.
    It was an odd feeling, Mark’s heart fluttering. His face was warm, and not just from the embarrassment of being too short to reach something.
    “No fair!” He whined “Since when did you get so strong?!” 
    Celcionna rolled her eyes, taking the manual from him. “Since we underwent that physical training regiment. Did you think you were the only one keeping up with that?”
    Mark folded his arms. “No. I just… Didn’t know it would be so effective. I had that, by the way. I was about to get it before you interrupted.”
    Mark reached for the manual to have it back, wanting to fulfill his orders himself, but was instead met with being slung over Celci’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She carried him easily, as he kicked his feet.
    “Hey!! Let me go, come on!! You’re such an asshat!” He protested in vain.
    Celci laughed, a rarity. She was normally incredibly serious, and Mark would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t find the sound so beautiful.
    She entered the bridge, dropping Mark off, who immediately hid his face in his hands, face red with a strange mix of emotions. The Captain thanked them both, fluffing Mark’s hair sympathetically. He’ll deal with the weird feeling in his stomach later, he decided.
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wine-red-ice · 2 years
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I also have more Melci!! :D
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anxious-cosplayer · 2 years
"Merry Christmas, Captain" (Head Engineer!Mark x reader)
Word count: 1.6k Warnings: guilt, anxious captain, mentions of death Reader is captain and gender neutral.
It was hard during the holidays on the Invincible II. Most people either had to leave their family back on earth or were still in cryostasis. So it only meant that the crew could celebrate together.
However, to most people - yourself included - the crew was family. There were bits of tinsel that covered doorway entrances, Christmas trees decorated by each department, and Celci had to tell Mark that he couldn’t use the cryo room as a place to have a snowball fight as “that’s not how it works!”
You can probably guess how Mark felt about that.
Though the crew were gathering in the mess hall to have a big Christmas dinner, you didn’t really know if you should turn up. As much as you enjoyed everyone being together, this time of the year made you reflect on what had happen in all of those other universes. The guilt was slowly becoming better to deal with, especially after talking it over with Mark many times until it was late, however it was occasions like this you did find it hard to cope.
So that’s is why you’re stuck in your room doing paperwork, preparing to go to the bridge to supervise the running of the ships systems while everyone could have a break. Donning your hat and signature gloves, you took your tablet and promptly made your way there. As you walked by all the decorations you thought you should’ve maybe added something somewhat Christmas-y to your uniform but it was too late now. The door whooshes open to the bridge.
There was about four or five people in there monitoring the various systems. They all stood to attention when you walk in. You recognise all of them as members of several different departments. You smile somewhat awkwardly and nod your head in acknowledgment.
“At ease everyone.” They all relax from their previously stiff stances. “You can call go down to the dining hall for your dinners, I’ll look after things up here. Dismissed.”
They crew have big smiles on their faces but then quickly leave, thanking you as they do. Only one, Tyler, pauses.
“Are you sure, Captain? I don’t mind helping out here. Don’t wanna leave you here all alone.” He gives you a warm smile. You pause. It would be nice to have the company, but it wouldn’t be fair to have only him stay behind. He was probably just being polite anyway.
“No thank you, Tyler. I’d hate for you to miss out on the festivities. Go enjoy yourself,” you smile at him, but it felt forced. You didn’t really want to be here by yourself, but you couldn’t stand seeing all the happy faces of those you’ve probably killed over and over again in other universes. Tyler hesitates but nods in respect before leaving. The doors whooshed close behind them.
And then you were alone, staring out into deep space.
Tyler had picked up on the face that his Captain wasn’t doing great, but he wasn’t sure why. He assumed it was probably because they didn’t have their family with them. Thankfully, he knew just the person that would help cheer the captain up.
Vitals: Normal
ADS: Normal
Cryo: Normal
Reactor: Normal
Warp Core: N/A
Well at least that’s always what it’s said since the start of the voyage, minus the hiccup in the middle. After doing the necessary checks and selecting the correct buttons on the data pad, you wondered back over to the window. It was times like this you were happy that Mark had installed all of these windows, despite the issues they caused in other universes.
Your eyes slowly refocus on your own reflection. The bags under your eyes were a little more puffy than usual. Sleep was hard to get sometimes. But you could also see the Christmas tree's lights next to the control panel. Your thoughts drift back to some of your favourite holiday moments. Times with close family or friends. People who you haven’t seen in a very, very long time. Maybe… just maybe… this could be the moment you let yourself give into the Christmas spirit?
“Computer! Play something Christmas-y.”
The computer pauses before you start to hear a quiet version of one of your favourite Christmas songs. You smile to yourself before you suddenly hear the whoosh of the door opening. You quickly compose yourself and turn to see the Head Engineer walk through the door holding two drinks.
“Captain! There you are! I was wondering wher- … oh god what’s wrong? Are you ok?” He quickly rushes over, balancing the drinks on the control panel. You’re confused before you realise a few stray tears had fallen down your cheeks.
“Oh… I’m okay, Mark. Don’t worry about me,” you say as you wipe the tears away. “What are you doing here? I gave everyone the time off.”
Mark sheepishly rubbed his neck. “Yeah, I know, but I was hoping that by everyone you’d mean yourself included.” He offers one of the drinks to you. “I even brought one to share with you, captain.”
You glance over and hesitate. “well, I’m technically still on duty.” But one reassuring smile from Mark had you reaching over to accept the drink. You clink glasses together and stare out into space together.
“Why are you alone up here Captain? I-…We all would love to have you down there,” he corrected. You sigh and take a sip of your drink. It was very fizzy but light with a fruity aftertaste. Quite pleasant.
“I don’t know if I could see them all happy. Not after seeing the other thems. I doesn’t…feel right, I suppose.”
“Well you still have the right to enjoy yourself too.” Silence then fills the room. He puts a hand on your shoulder. “Look, myself and the other heads of departments have a surprise for you. Just… indulge us, please?”
You mull it over in your head before giving a nod. You walk together out of the room. As you walk down the hallway together you accidentally brush hands. You tried not to make the blush on your face obvious but feeling your heart jolt like that didn’t help. Eventually, you both make your way to the mess hall and the door whooshes open.
You see all of the other heads wearing various Christmas themed outfits, holding wrapped parcels and with big smiles on all of their faces - even Burt has a soft smile.
“Captain! You’re finally here! You can open this now!” Celci runs up to you while wearing her elf outfit and hands you a beautifully wrapped box with a big blue bow on top of it. You’re quickly ushered to sit down and start opening your present. You tear away at the wrapping to find a beautiful pair of gloves. They were very similar to the ones you were wearing but they had the softest insides to them. And stitched into the inside were your initials. These must’ve been custom made, possibly by Celci herself. You thank her profusely.
Burt had a simple Santa hat on and passed you a little box with some ribbon. You untie it and inside it is a keychain. It was a replica of the ones to drive the ship, but this one had miniatures of a wrench, an ice cube, a pistol, a hammer, a captain’s hat and even a mini Invincible II.
“It’s important to always keep those important close at hand,” he states. You smile at the gift and thank him. For once, this bit of wisdom from him did not freak you out.
Gunther was next. He wasn’t wearing anything different to his normal clothes (“It’s Die Hard! It’s a Christmas film!) but it was clear that someone, probably Celci, had put a snowman beanie on his head. He passes you something that seemed to be wrapped in foil. It was a custom made silver blaster that had your name engraved into the handle.
“For when you need protection exploring the new planet!” Though it did seem very excessive, he did reassure you it had a stun mode on it. You thanked him too.
Then various members of the rest of the crew came over to wish you merry Christmas and in the end you even got dragged to the theatre room to watch some of the classic Christmas films. Mark and Celci got into another one of their fights (Mark wanted to watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas but Celci was determined to watch White Christmas). But in the end the crew took a vote and watched both of them and one or two others too.
It was getting very late and you were just about ready to go and sleep when someone tugged your hand. You looked to see it was none other than Mark.
“Come with me.”
You both promptly slip away from the party. He leads you to a quiet hallway and oddly stops you in one of the archways.
“I, uh, wanted to give you my present.”
“Mark you didn’t have to-" you try to say but then he put a finger over your lips, silencing you. He then points upwards, and you follow your finger to then see there was something hanging from the ceiling. Mistletoe.
You glance back at him. He waits to see if you were okay with what was about to happen. You nod and both of your lips gently brush against other while he embraces you. He gently pulls away and you can feel him smile as he whispered, “merry Christmas, Captain.”
Maybe Christmas wasn’t too bad after all.
Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you all liked this short story just in time for Christmas! I hope you are all safe and I will see you guys (hopefully) in the new year - Anx :)
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Your Captain
Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Requested by Anon:
"Sweet! Can i request a angst and fluff fic with engineer mark? Where captain overworks themselves, not taking care of themselves at all, marks sees it but doesn't want to bother them too much about it
And eventually they get really sick and collapse infront of mark
With angst prompts #12 and #17 thank youuuu"
12. "You could have died."
17. "No, no, no, you can't close your eyes right now!"
Tbh this fic started as a completely different concept but I think it fit really well with this request so yah
Warnings: loss of identity, mentions of the warp core events, mentions of death, overworking, exhaustion, hurt/comfort, angst
Word Count: 3906
Tag List Form
The realization is slow. Not in the way a predator creeps on an unsuspecting victim. Nor in the way an illness would, slowly taking over your body and mind until you can no longer ignore your decreasing abilities. No. It’s not even noticeable at first. Little hints here and there, indicative of something bigger.
And then it dawned on you. Suddenly. Like a spark igniting a rampant fire.
It happened when you looked up. The sky was different here. Strange. Nothing like Earth’s. There were no constellations - at least not yet. Two moons circled and twirled around the planet. Your new home.
You had neglected to look up since you landed. You couldn’t blame anyone. There was simply too much to do - buildings in need of building, resources to discover and study, maps to draw up of the surrounding area. Not only that, you joined your leads wherever you could.
You assisted Celci as she and her team revived colonists. You welcomed each new citizen with a smile and Welcome to our new planet! All 100,000 of them. Celci told you to take a break, get a nap, eat something. You would argue that everyone deserved to be welcomed, and it helped you get a grasp on just how many carpenters, engineers, scientists, medics, gun hands and others there actually were. She gave you a worried and disapproving side eye, but she couldn’t do anything to stop you.
Gunther worked to set up a perimeter where the first buildings could be set up. You helped to plan out which buildings went where, and exactly where your borders should be laid. And when he started setting up armed droids to keep an eye out for raging wildlife that could threaten your new beginnings? You were all too happy to put yourself to work, hauling the heavy automechanicals to each designated spot. If he made a comment about exerting yourself, you ignored it and kept on working.
Burt, with the lack of necessity for warp-core engineering (the thought made you flinch), helped out in home-building. He acted as foreman, making sure each sheet of metal had its place. As the framework finished, he and his team went in to affix lights and other electronic necessities. A few engineers even took plumbing jobs. (There was, unfortunately, a lack of those sent over from Earth.) Quiet as he was, the only time he pointed out your willingness to dive head first and help build foundations, framework and walls, was in a poetic waxing after a rather large building neared completion. You said it was a beautiful poem, but you didn’t quite understand its meaning. (You did.)
And Mark. Oh, god, Mark. With each new job you threw yourself into, he was always right there, running around like a headless chicken trying to help. If you were building a wall, he was right behind you (sometimes even right next to you, holding the metal in place as you bolted it in), keeping you up to date with the progress of the colony, messages from Earth, and other such things. He worried over you the most out of anyone else.
You couldn’t blame him, honestly. After the… adventure you both went on, you wouldn’t give yourself the time of day to even close your eyes. Once dark settled in, you threw yourself into paperwork and managerial nonsense. You couldn’t stop.
It had been one of these nights when you realized. You just finished talking to Celci, discussing the discoveries being made. The scientists just started working with the security crew to go out on excursions to study the flora and fauna. They just brought back a strange plant that they believed could be medicinal. It was exciting, truly.
But Celci had been short with the discussion. She had her arms crossed the whole time, shutting down branching topics with quick retorts. You need rest, she’d scolded. She shoved a protein bar in your hand and sent you to your tent, with orders not to do any work tomorrow. When you tried to protest, she enacted a rule that stated she - as lead officer for medical - could confine you to your quarters if you were not at your peak health, physical or otherwise. You couldn’t argue with her, and so trudged like a pouting child toward the temporary camp of tents everyone was staying in.
That’s when you looked up. You stopped, staring at the unfamiliar stars, the strange moons that lacked craters. The Invincible could just be seen, hovering in the atmosphere. You were waiting for orders from Earth to know what to do with her. You refused to dismantle the grand spaceship. Most likely, it would continue to remain high above the planet, run by a skeleton crew. Forever up there. Alone.
That is when the realization overcame you.
It was slow. And then it all came crashing down over top of you like a tsunami. A growing sense of guilt filled your chest. Was that it? Guilt. No, maybe it was… loss. Yes. A powerful sense of grief within you, bubbling to the surface.
Maybe it had always been there. You couldn’t rightly tell. But it was powerful. It grew, bubbling like a thick paste within you until it reached your tear ducts and buckled your knees. The ground was warm beneath you, and the sky full of strange new stars blurred into a swirl of watercolors. Maybe this was how Van Gogh saw the world. Through tears.
Your lip trembled. You couldn’t look at him.
A warm body knelt next to you on the ground. His dark eyes burned into your skin, searching desperately for answers. Why were you crying? Why were you sitting out in the middle of the camp, staring at the sky? When he glanced up, following your gaze, he caught sight of the Invincible. He mentally damned the ship.
Was it because of the ship that you were crying? Far too often to be healthy, he, too, stared up at the ship. He remembered the warp core. The mistakes he made, and the ones he caused.
He had no idea what you saw up there. You never spoke about it. Now he wished he had. He wished he asked. He wished he knew what worlds, what alternate realities, what different timelines you’d witnessed. Maybe then he could understand what was wrong.
Your eyes were red now. Your face crinkled with grief and sorrow, fighting back the onslaught of tears. You gasped in a shaky breath. Out came a whisper. He thought, perhaps, you would tell him about the things you’d seen. You witnessed thousands of deaths; he had, too. But that was not what came out of your mouth.
“I don’t remember my name.���
Mark was stunned. Shock and confusion overtook his body. Your name? Well, of course, your name was… It’s…
Confused and frustrated, he remembered the IDs on file for every single crew member. He sifted through so many every day, trying to keep track of who was who. It took a few taps on his wrist pad to pull up your ID. He skimmed it for himself before holding out his arm to show you.
The image was fairly recent, only from a few months ago. But you looked… brighter. Hopeful. Determined. Your hair was a little shorter then, too. The bags under your eyes from rigorous study weren’t as prominent as they were now. You looked like a hollow shell of who you once were.
And, yes, that was your name. Or… was it? Was it really your name after everything that had happened?
No. That was their name.
You shook your head and furiously wiped at the tears on your cheeks. Every crass name, criminal title, and disparaging nickname flooded your mind. No. They didn’t have those titles. They didn’t deserve the hatred and vitriol that followed you through that wormhole. They were not the Captain. And you were not them.
“That’s not my name anymore,” you croaked. You shook your head again. You looked like a child having a breakdown in kindergarten over a broken toy. “That’s- That’s not me anymore.”
Mark couldn’t say he really understood why. The image of you, all crooked grins and academy-fresh confidence, was you. He remembered you gushing to him over flying your first airplane, and going through the rigorous training of outer-space flying. He remembered because it was you who gave him the idea for all those stupid windows. When you gushed over being so close to the night sky you felt you could reach out and pluck Polaris right out of the inky black.
But when he looked from the picture to you? He was reminded of the hardships. How you jumped from universe to universe, wracking up casualties, just to save him. And he started to get it. You went through too much to be even near the same plane of existence as your young, naive self.
“Who am I, Mark?”
When you fell to press your face unceremoniously into his shoulder, he wasted no time wrapping you up in his arms. The ID flickered away as the screen turned off. He tried to hold on tight enough to physically stop you from shaking with your sobs, but it was impossible.
“You’re our Captain.”
Maybe it wasn’t the right thing to say. But they were the only words he could find.
Anybody who passed by pretended they didn’t see anything. He hoped, anyway. He couldn’t meet their eyes. All he could do was hold on, as you had done for him once. Your sobs turned into stifled cries, and then only whimpers. He wasn’t concerned at first. In fact, he was a little relieved you were beginning to calm down. Until you became completely limp in his hold.
Even then, he still paused a second, before pulling you back until he could see your face. Had your skin always been so dull?
He shook you slightly. Maybe you were just sleeping, right? Your eyelids didn’t even flutter. Panic shot through his heart.
He shook you again, harder this time. No response.
“Captain?” Another shake, perhaps a little more vigorously than he intended. Your body was a rag doll, flopped in his lap. “No, no, no, you can’t close your eyes right now!”
His mind, scared and jumping to all the worst conclusions, raced to figure out what to do. He laid you on the ground and pressed an ear against your chest.
Okay. There’s a heartbeat. A little weaker than he thought was normal, but it was there. And your chest was moving, albeit slowly, with each breath. He pulled away. His hands, calloused with years of fiddling with wires and heavy machinery, floundered in the air. He didn’t know what to do.
Desperate cries for help, for Cici, for anyone were ripped from his lungs. He was gasping for air by the time half the camp rushed out to see what the commotion was. He couldn’t catch his breath until you were safe again.
He just needed you to be safe.
Word spread about the Captain’s health quickly. Mark couldn’t say he was surprised. Actually, he was sort of embarrassed.
That night - almost a week ago now - Celci had rushed to his side. She was the rational and cool-headed one. She commanded medics to grab a stretcher, to ready an IV, prepare a bed and equipment. All the while he screeched like a banshee, whaling for his old friend.
Uncharacteristically, though, she didn’t say a word about it. Nobody did. (Or, at least, not when he was within earshot.) She grabbed him a chair, some water and snacks, even a blanket. And as he sat by the Captain’s side, a permanent frown etched within his features, she kept him up to date on your condition and on the colony.
He knew his fears were wholly rational. After jumping through wormholes and witnessing first hand what consequences it brought, it was only natural for him to fret over the permanence of life now.
How stupid he’d been. Really. How many times did he grab your hand and jump back into the wormhole? More than he could count on one hand. The way he would be torn apart by a black hole or exploded by a supernova, and still step out of that pod with a giddy little grin, asking, almost begging, the Captain to jump in again. And again. And again.
Vaguely he remembered an airlock.
Neither of you were immortal now. Honestly, he hated immortality. It seems to amazing in theory…
He drags a hand down his face with a sigh. His shoulders are hunched. He leans his elbows against the edge of your bed.
He’s tired. Not like before. This wasn’t an exhaustion fueled by some silly false heroics or nonstop building of a catalyst to all your issues. No. He was exhausted with worry, and fear, and- God, emotions he didn’t even have words for. It all sat heavy in his soul.
Guilt, he decided to call it. But different. Guilt if it was slightly to the left.
Celci told him you just passed out from exhaustion and overworking yourself. Maybe he felt guilty for not picking up on it sooner, or for stopping you before it got so bad. It’s not as if the bags under your eyes were invisible, or that the way you carelessly rushed in to help every single person in need was subtle. He should have noticed.
Maybe then you would remember your name. Or, he thought back to your ID, believe you’re still you.
He wished his mind could shut up, for once.
A distraction. That’s what he needed, yeah.
He dragged his eyes from your face to your monitor. He was never very good with medical stuff. The numbers were odd. Was that blood pressure normal? Too high? Too low? Hell if he knew. Was your heart beating fast enough?
He contemplated for a brief moment the components that went into a monitor like that. The wires, connectors, screws, bolts, etc. And then he remembered this machine was making sure you were still alive. The idea of dismantling it was no longer appealing.
He turned to the IV next. A slow, continuous drip of fluids, hooked up to your arm. Needles always gave him a bad feeling. He felt nauseous looking at it.
Strange flowers caught his attention next. There were no roses or tulips or irises out here. Just… Well, they didn’t have names yet. The exobiologists were working on formulating latin names, genuses, and everything else that came with cataloging different flora. They were still beautiful, he couldn’t deny it. Bright orange petals with neon blue stamens that glowed at night. Razor-leaved stems that started as purple by the bloom and morphed into an odd black hue. They looked poisonous, actually. He was sure they wouldn’t be allowed in here if that was the case.
Paper was becoming a luxury at this point. Not that it mattered much, with everything accessible at the press of a button on their wrists. Still, they thought it would be best to ration out the remaining scraps throughout the colony. And everyone, seemingly unanimously, decided to use the rare material to write get well soon cards.
The little folds of parchment filled every possible surface. With 100,003 people writing get well and thank you, at some point the excess of good will notes had to be tucked away in a bin to be read later. He caught a nurse, once, rotating out the cards.
His frown softened when he thought of the very human way in which they cared about you. How human to utilize a precious resource just to say Thank you, wake up soon. How human to see something beautiful in nature, and to display it tenderly next to you. We found something beautiful, it made us think of you. How very human for those who stopped by, who saw him ever at your side like a steadfast protector, rested a hand on his shoulder or patted him on the back. You are not alone in your pain.
He wished, desperately, that you could be awake to witness the love humanity so freely handed out. Maybe then you could rediscover who you were.
“You look like shit.”
Mark startled awake. When did he fall asleep? Ah, dammit, it was dark outside. He must have been out for hours. He scrubbed at the exhaustion crusting his eyelids shut.
His body froze. He was too scared to breathe. His heart was racing.
He couldn’t have heard that. He couldn’t have.
Heart in his throat, he slowly removed his hand from his eye and dragged his eye along your frame, still tucked safely under the blanket. Sure enough, when he finally reached your face, there was a smug grin waiting for him.
And with a jolt, his body came back to life.
You watched, half-amused as Mark threw himself from his chair to press a Call Nurse button on the opposite side of your bed. His eyes were wide and frantic. His hair was a mess. Bags under his eyes carried the weight of the world, tears of relief slipping down his cheeks before he could even think to stop them.
“You’re- You’re awake!” he croaked. His hands instinctively grabbed onto your shoulders. They were trembling.
You tried to reach up to hold onto his shoulder, maybe even his face to feel his concerning amount of stubble, but it felt so heavy. You held onto his forearm instead. “How long-?”
Celci came storming in, looking about as frantic as Mark, but better put together. Once she saw you were conscious, her expression morphed to be somewhere between joy and fury. Uh oh.
“Captain!” The only freedom from her intense stare came when she checked your vitals. Mark backed away so she had plenty of room to do so, but he kept a hand on one of your shoulders. He couldn’t pull himself away just yet. “I’m not going to say ‘I told you so’, but I told you this was going to happen if you kept pushing yourself so hard!”
“What exactly happened?”
The cryonics lead faltered. Mark gave her a pleading look. She realized, for the first time since stepping in here, that he had been- no, was crying. She had never seen him cry before.
Celci sighed and tapped a few things into her wrist pad. “I’m assigning you to bedrest and low-effort work until you decide to put your needs before those of the colony.” She leveled you with a concerned stare. “The colony needs you, Captain. You can’t be everywhere at once, helping with every last fiber of your being, no matter how much you want to. Let the rest of us carry the responsibilities we were sent here to carry.”
Mark turned away to wipe away his tears before she could glare at him next and give him a lecture, too. She huffed, nodded to you with a Captain, and left.
The air was thick. Things unsaid hung around in the air like dust caught in a sunbeam - everywhere you look and hard to ignore.
Mark didn’t look at you as he tried to gather himself together. The motes would continue lingering until he was ready to answer your questions.
Deciding to give him some space (as much as you could while bedridden), you looked to the side. The hordes of cards was utterly overwhelming. Each one was different from the next. Some had Captain written on the front in neat cursive, heavy-handed scrawls, or chicken scratch. Some people did their ‘C’s differently, or slurred their writing together in their plain-text handwriting. Other cards simple said Get well soon! or Feel better! You could see small paragraphs of writing inside the folds.
A rush of warmth flooded your chest. All of the command leads, all of the colonists - everyone thought about you. Maybe the idea of being thought of was just so foreign, but you didn’t think in any earnest capacity that this many people would care. The Leads, sure, you spent so much time with them up on the ship (more than they realized), but the most contact the vast majority of the colonists had with you was the simple welcome you gave them as they were thawed. And yet. Despite it all. Everyone had left a card.
Everyone cared about you.
The warm feeling in your chest turned sour as you remembered your conversation with Mark last night. (Was it last night?) The way the stars glimmered back without a care for you. The way you squeezed that protein bar so tight it became mush in its package. The way Mark held you.
I don’t remember my name.
Who am I, Mark?
You squeezed his arm, as much as you could in your weakened state.
You’re our Captain.
Reddened eyes met yours. His eyes were so dark, but they held a thousand thoughts, emotions, and ideas behind them. You remembered looking into those eyes, as you held onto him, refused to let him go even as he called you hateful names and ripped the crystal from your palm.
“You’ve been asleep for a week.” He sniffed. His hand trembled as he gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Cici said… You were overworking yourself, pushing yourself past your limit just to be there for everybody, and you weren’t taking care of yourself like you should have been and she said-” He swallowed thickly, fighting to speak through the lump in his throat. “You could have died.”
Oh. It had been that bad? You couldn’t recall feeling weak. Though, maybe it was from the endless running you did during the warp core fiasco. How long had you been awake during that endless nightmare? Your body had recovered once the cycle was broken, but your mind…
“I’m sorry.” It was all you could say. His shoulders fell. “I didn’t…” Your voice was quiet, almost too soft to be a whisper. As if you were afraid to say what was on your mind. “When we were in the wormhole, I was so tired. We both were. But it’s like, I don’t even know what it’s like to feel tired anymore, because nothing compares to what happened.”
You looked up at him, like a child seeking approval. In your eyes, he saw universes colliding, supernovas, and someone who never gave up hope. For the briefest hint of a second, he saw that same determined graduate from the ID.
“Does that make sense?”
He nodded without thinking. His hand left your shoulder, following the length of your arm to hold your hand. You didn’t have gloves on. It was… odd. He ignored the calloused scar that brushed against his palm. “I feel the same. I remember building the… it. I didn’t sleep at all, then. And now that I can, it feels… wrong. I’m not tired, but I am. I can’t explain it better than that.”
“I think we both need a nap.”
He huffed. It was nice to see him smile again. “On your orders, Captain.” His grin flickered, eyes darkened. “If you’d like, you can choose a different name. It wouldn’t be too hard to change your ID.”
“No,” you said. You smiled. “You were right, all along.”
“About what?”
“I’m your Captain.”
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A Kelvinium comic for the end of Pride Month (with bonus Captaineer)
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insane4fandoms · 2 years
Captain: The Caretaker of The Crew | ISWM x reader
Summary: The crew falls sick due to alien plants from the bio dome, and it’s Captain’s job to take care of their team, but is it more than they can handle?
Length: 3,282 words (DAMN)
Warnings: Throwing up, alien plants (NO POLLEN NO SECCY TIMES), Mack being Mack, Tired Captain, Chica being a good girl
A/N: Ha! Everyone point and laugh at the clown who promised part four and a requested fanfic but ended up forgetting those existed!! 🤡 👉🏽 🪞🧍🏾
But Fr, I’m so sorry, but I got them stomach flu, and I was struggling to draw because of how shaky my hands were, but I managed! Am a strong boy!
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“Wakey Wakey protocol activated,” Was all you heard before you felt the cool air from your cryopod get released. You yawned as you hopped out of the pod, stretching your muscles.
“Computer, any updates on the ship?” You asked the AI, looking around for Mark, who would always greet you, but he wasn’t in the main room.
“Ship intact as usual, Captain. I would advise you to check on your crew mates,” It said, making you tilt your head in confusion. How long were you asleep? Surely, if anything bad happened, you would be notified immediately.
“Mark?” You wondered if he went into his cryopod to sleep too, but when you opened his pod, he wasn’t there either. You thanked the computer and walked out of the main controls to walk down the halls. Basically seeing no one at all.
“Gunther? Celci? Anyone out of their cryopods?” You questioned, peeking in the rooms, until you turned the corner to see a figure down the hall. You squint your eyes a little, seeing a shiny object on the ground, and realized it was a giant wrench.
“Burt?” You asked, seeing the now visible man stumble through the hall, dragging his wrench tiredly. He turned his head to you, and continued to walk, passing you while slightly waving at you.
“Yep…” He drawled out, sniffing and wiping his runny nose. You reached your hand out to check on Burt, but you suddenly felt a hand catch your wrists. You flinched, turning to see Mark, but he looked like the combination of being drunk and high, as he gave you a dopey smile.
“Hi Captain~!” He giggled, and practically threw himself at you, which you instinctively caught him in your arms. You looked at him in awe and in shock, seeing your head engineer acting a little more unhinged than usual.
“Mark, are you okay?” You asked him, and Mark just looked at you for a second and bopped your nose, giggling like a kid.
“Always!” He beamed, but his face was pale, so you raised an eyebrow at him. You decided to check on the others, making sure this was just a Mark thing. Dragging him with you, you and Mark soon made your way to Cryo.
“Celci?” You called out, seeing the figure of your Cryo leader snoozing away, covered in ice packs. She was snoozing away while hugging an ice pack,
‘Oh shit,’ You gently pushed Mark off and tried to get to Celci, to make sure she doesn’t get hyperthermia from the ice, but apparently life didn’t like that.
”CaptAIN!!” You jumped at the sudden appearance of Mack, who was leaning against the doorframe to Cryo, where he had a red nose and hair was a little disheveled.
He sniffed and took a big step towards you, which made you instinctively take a step back. Okay, it wasn’t just Mark being Mark, something was wrong with your crew. Before you could think of any possible problems, you felt body weight again on both sides of you, and you realized Mark and Mack were leaning against you.
“What the hell happened, Mack?!” You blurted out, holding onto the stumbling head engineers, leaning your head away because of how much they were sniffling.
“If I knew, I wouldn’t BE-!!” Mack snapped, but soon felt his face turn pale and nausea filled his body. You didn’t have time to react to his expression as he hunched over and vomited all over your boots. You looked down in total shock, before dropping Mack, causing him to land in the vomit.
You gagged a little, apologizing before you heard loud gunshots, which made you jump. You ran to the cafeteria to where the noises came from, to see Gunther lying on the table, lazily pointing his gun towards the sky.
“Gunther!” You yelped, pulling the gun away from his hands, but not before seeing something else in his arms.
“Gunther, what’s happening to the crew?!” You exclaimed, trying to push away Mark, who was still sniffling and trying to cling onto you.
“It’s the plants, Captain,” Gunther managed to say with a slight giggle, still laying on the table while hugging a bucket with a strange colored plant. You were confused until you realized that it wasn't an ordinary plant.
You groaned, pushing Mark off once again and stomped down the hall, before stopping at a red emergency box. Using your fists, you punched through the glass and grabbed what was inside, which was a breathing mask, and placed it over your face.
You walked over to the cryopods, seeing that not only your main crew were sick, every crew member was sick, and they were all lying on the ground all tired.
“That alien plant caused you all to have some sort of sickness. But why am I not sick?” You questioned, trying to remember when did this all happen, and where you were during the arrival of the plant.
Then it hit you. Just as Mark transferred the plant into the bio dome, you decided to take a quick nap in your cryopod, leaving Celci in charge of the ship, because literally everyone else would have blown up the ship. (Mack wouldn’t, but you still wouldn’t take that chance of leaving that man in charge)
“Great,” You sighed, feeling hands on your legs, seeing Mark looking at you with a pale face but with a tired smile. You took a step back, but Mark had you in a death grip, which made you a little concerned about not only his well being, but yours too.
“Did you have a nice nappy wappy, Captain?” He giggled, and sneezed loudly, before rubbing his face on your leg. You picked up him by his arms and checked his temperature, which you rolled back your hand as it was somehow hot AND cold to the touch.
“Mark, I need you to answer this seriously. What happened while I was in my cryopod?” You sternly but gently said to the Head engineer, who rolled his head all over, but beamed at you.
“CC was being meanie and was yelling at me!” Mark whined, making his way to hug you and planted his face against your chest. You tightened your mask as he got closer to your face, until he was pulled away by an even paler Celci, who had red cheeks and sniffed.
“Total lies he is accusing, Captain!” Celci stomped her foot like a child, and swayed from side to side, which you helped her on her feet.
“He was being irresponsible and left the bio dome open, and the plant sprayed pollen, which got into the vents and got everyone infected!” She pointed a finger at the engineer, who gasped loudly.
“Not true! You’re a liar!” Mark dramatically said, pointing a finger at Celci, who pouted and walked his finger away in a huff.
“You’re the liar!” Celci argued back, which caused the two to wack each other with their arms, and you knew no one was winning that fight. You let them have their childish fight and walked to the main room, where you saw Chica licking a passed out Burt, who was hugging his giant wrench like a teddy bear.
“Alright Chica, let’s see if Mark and the others will die because of this plant,” You mumbled while petting the dog, who had her own face mask to protect her from the plant. You swiped through the database, trying to find any matching finds, until one caught your eye.
“Papaver, a common snooze plant. Used as sleeping medicine for other extra terrestrial beings, but not humans,” You read out, rolling your eyes at the information.
“No kidding. Best way to wear off the effects…” You listed out any remedies, and sighed in relief at the ingredients. All of it was on this ship! You could have your crew up and running in no time!
“Hard part, getting all of them into Med Bay and having them take the medicine,” You groaned, where Chica hopped over and licked your hand in reassurance. You smiled and petted the fluffy dog.
“Alright Chica, old girl,” You cracked your knuckles, as Chica barked happily and wagged her tail.
“Operation: Get Well Soon is in action,”
“I bet you can’t fix the reactor with a gun, Gunther!” Mark giggled and swayed against Celci, who was sucking on ice. Gunther gave a mischievous grin and aimed his gun towards the reactor controls.
But before he could shoot at it, he was immediately tackled by you, where you wrestled the gun out of his hands. Mark and Celci instantly stood up straight as you gave them a disappointed look.
“I honestly expected this from Mark, but you Celci?” You placed your hands on your hips, making Celci lower her head in shame.
“Both of you, go to Med bay, Chica will look after you guys,” You gently led the two out of the reactor, where Chica barked and Mark did a dramatic swoon.
“My baby!!!” He cheered and hugged the dog, who basically dragged the engineer down the hall, Celci following behind. You shook your head with a smile, and looked down at Gunther, who was still laying on the floor, looking tired.
“Where is the plant, Gunther?” You asked the ADS leader, who sniffed and pointed at the knocked over bucket with the alien plant still in it. You carefully picked up Gunther by the arms and dragged him.
Of course he protested, but you ignored that and got him into Med bay, where you there a blanket over him and gave others heating pads and pillows.
You and Chica then went into a montage, finding other crew members and taking them to Med bay, wrapping them in blankets and Chica giving them company.
“The last, but unfortunately the trickiest, Mack,” You sighed in preparation, ready to handle the difficult and stubborn engineer. You already found him, as he was at the main controls, trying to press every button he could.
“Mack, I need you to go to Med bay, you’re sick,” You campy said, and pulled him away from the controls, but he shook his head and made a slightly whining noise.
“I am not siCK!!” He instantly covered his mouth at his voice crack, which made you cover your mouth to avoid a laugh. He glared at you and smashed the screens more until you managed to drag him to the hall.
“Let me gO! Someone hAS to do your JOb!” He complained, but you just snickered and avoided the coughing and sneezing he was producing.
“Make sure he doesn’t leave, Chica, I’m getting the medicine,” You ordered the fluffy dog, putting Mack in a blanket swab so he couldn’t escape.
“Ha! You’re like a baby!” Mark teased Mack, which made his face burn in embarrassment. Gunther and Celci proceeded to tease Mack too as Burt was trying to pet Chica, but was petting his wrench instead.
You shook your head with a small smile. Even if they are sick, they don’t seem to mind it at all. You went into the cafeteria and grabbed all the ingredients to create the medicine. Tying an apron around your waist, you began to prepare to make your crew better.
After 30 minutes, you created enough for your crew, and went over to Med bay to cure them.
“This may taste bad, but it will make everyone well in the morning,” You explained to the crew members, and began to pour some medicine in a spoon, and had them take it.
Gunther made a disgusted noise and stuck his tongue out because of the taste. Celci tried to look like the medicine didn’t bother her, but you could see her wincing slightly. Burt had no facial expressions to show how bad it tasted, and Mark gave a dramatic gag.
“It tastes gross, Captain!” Mark whined, and leaned against you
“I reFUse to TAke aNy mediCINE from YoU!” As much as you like the amount of voice cracks Mack was getting because of the sickness, you needed him alive to balance Mark.
“Come on Mack, I need you to take the medication!” You pleaded, lifting up the spoon to the engineer’s face, who scrunched up his nose and looked away in disgust.
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“I aM perFECtly fINe!” The voice cracks were getting worse for Mack, and you were just trying to save whatever dignity he had left before you used this against him.
Mark was still clinging onto your back, complaining about how the medication tasted horrible, which didn’t slip your case with Mack.
You were getting a little stressed. Sure, other crew members didn’t want to take the medicine, but they still reluctantly took it. Yet Mack was making things a little harder for you, all because he thought he was superior than you.
“Mack, if you don’t eat this, then you won’t feel any-” He cut you off.
“Im FIne, CaptAIn! Leave mE alone and dO your jOB!” Mack looked away and gave you a glare, coughing harshly. You finally snapped. There was no more patience with your crew after that, being so stubborn and ignoring your pleas. Being polite wasn’t going to cut it, you had to be in Iron Fist mode.
Without even letting Mack say anything else, you lurched your arm forward and grabbed his jaw, gripping it not too harshly, but strong enough for him to realize you were done with his shit.
“Take. The. Medicine. Now. Mack,” You gritted out, staring straight into his soul with fury and impatience. Mack stared at you with wide eyes, and because of his very pale face, it was obvious he was blushing.
He slowly took the medicine, wincing at the taste, which made you smile and let go of his face, giving him a head pat. You got up and sighed, ignoring his completely red face. You helped Mark get back into his bed, who also had a red face because of watching you being assertive, and covered his face to avoid your amused look.
“Everyone sleep well, you all will feel better in the morning,” You got up and tucked everyone in bed, and closed the door to Med Bay.
“Finally,” You slumped your shoulders and sighed, sliding against the door as Chica rubbed her head against your arms, which made you smile and pet her and take off her mask.
“Time to get rid of that plant, Chica. It’s not really worth studying after the hassle,” You told her, and you got up to grab the plant to throw it out of the airlock, and just marked it as a failed observation.
As you set the plant down in the airlock, you made the foolish mistake of taking off your mask, and as if the plant had eyes, it sprayed its pollen at your face. You coughed and gagged, swatting the dust of pollen away and immediately backed out of the airlock.
You activated it, and watched as the plant floated into space, and sighed in relief that your crew won’t get sick anymore from alien life. However, you did let out a harsh sneeze, and paused.
“Oh no,”
“Ugh, my head hurts,” Celci muttered, rubbing her face as she sat up from the bed. Burt was the next person to wake up, who was on the floor while cuddling Chica. Mark, Mack, and Gunther soon woke up as well, along with the other crew members.
“Anyone remember what happened?” Gunther questioned the crew, who shrugged and muttered amongst themselves. Mack realized that he couldn’t move and was struggling to get out of the blanket swaddle.
“Did the Captain do this to me?! I’m going to have a word with them!” Mack shouted angrily, which made Mark point and laugh at him. Celci rolled her eyes at the childish act, and wanted everyone else.
“Where’s Captain?” She asked them, looking around for you. They heard someone throwing up, which made the crew look at each other and instantly got up to check. Mack finally got out of his swaddle and followed behind, where they all stopped by the cafeteria, seeing you hunched over a bucket, wiping your face.
“Hey,” You simply said, before you gagged and threw up again. Mark and Celci immediately came to your aid, as you started to cough badly.
“Woah, Captain. Are you good?” Gunther took off his shades as Burt lifted you up. Mack’s anger for you putting him in that embarrassing blanket hold immediately left as he saw how awful you looked.
“Just a little… a little-” You began, then covered your face to prevent any sneezing from hitting your crew mates.
“A little sick,” You sighed, giving them a tired smile and thumbs up.
“Alien plant we took in, infected everyone but me. I had to take care of you all, and I got rid of the plant, but it got me too,” You explained as Burt carried you down the hall.
“That plant did that to you?!” Mark exclaimed, a worried look on his face. Burt set you down on a bed, as Celci placed a blanket over you.
“You should’ve seen yourselves. Celci was sucking on ice and Gunther was trying to make everything a shooting range,” You told them, chuckling. Celci’s face heated up a little, as Gunther just shrugged.
“Well, don’t worry Captain. Everything is going to be okay, we’ll take care of you until you get better, just you wait,” Mark reassured you, smiling positively and that made you smile back.
“Burt! Find that medicine recipe that Captain used to cure us!” Mark pointed at the man, who sniffed and nodded.
“Yep,” He said and turned to walk off, but not before giving you a reassuring nod.
“You don’t have to do this, guys. Really,” You tell them, but Celci gave you a pat on the shoulder and smiled softly at you.
“You’ve done so much for us, Captain. Let us return the favor,” She said, and motioned the others to follow.
“Get well, love you Captain!” Mark beamed and raced out the Med bay. That only left you and Mack, where he moved back and forth on his heels.
“Captain…” He began, which made you look up at him.
“Did I… do anything… embarrassing?” He sheepishly asked you, face a little pink. You were about to say his voice cracks, but decided against it. It would embarrass him more and you knew he wouldn’t get over it. Plus, it’s great teasing material.
“Nope, just as stubborn and smug as usual,” You joked, which made him roll his eyes, but looked at you.
“I just want to say… thank you, Captain,” Mack muttered the last part, not wanting to look at you. You gave an amused grin, tilting her head.
“What was that?” You hummed, which made Mack’s face redder.
“I said thank you, Captain! For trying to take care of us, even though I was a bit… stubborn,” He shrugged, and placed his hands behind his back and cleared his throat. You snickered and handed him back your now empty cup.
“Yeah, you were. However, it’s the captain’s job to take care of their crew,” You explained, which made Mack nod, a small smile on his lips.
“Get well, Captain,” He mumbled, turning to leave Med bay so you could rest.
Watching him leave, you immediately fell onto the pillow. You sighed in content, wrapped within the comfy blanket, with peace and quiet at last.
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Chica jumped onto the bed and cuddled with you, which made you hug the fluffy ball of fur, who licked your cheek and the two of you slept peacefully.
Both of you deserved it.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
━one ship, two stupid stupid men
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SUMMARY | Mack had always had a mouth to him. Especially around his rival, the head engineer (who always had a scathing remark at the ready to fire back). But this time he went too far.
PAIRING | engineer mark x reader
WARNINGS | some slight angst. mack being a dick
WORD COUNT | 1.7k+
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Their rival was well known.
Mack has always hated Mark, and vise versa. It was common knowledge that the two of them engaged in heated conversations more often than not, the bickering only getting worse once the Captain had arrived on ship in all their authoritative glory.
You would have expected their first day aboard the Invincible ll to have been a welcoming once; crew and colonists alike doing their best to keep a professional introduction as swell as possible. And it had been working—at first.
That had all been ruined the second they met Mark and Mack side by side (along with Celci and Burt of course but they were civil enough to leave a good if not slightly forgettable first impression.)
The Captain didn’t think they would be forgetting Mark throwing a wrench across the room at Mack’s smug face anytime soon.
Since then they had learned the root of their hatred for each other.
Apparently Mack had appointed to be head engineer, practically working all his adult life to get there. And some of his childhood too, according to a the few personnel that the Captain had asked. So one could imagine the impact it would have on the cocky space man when Mark waltzed in and immediately got the position, receiving tumultuous praise for his natural skill and abilities. Skills and abilities that Mack just ‘lacked’ according to the board.
The monthly meetings that just so happened to be mandatory per request of headquarters always tended to be the worst.
”All Im saying, Mark, is that more than once our dear Captain has shown to be, how should I put it, less than wise in their decision making.”
The same condescending voice that had been speaking nonstop for the last half hour piped up again, the owner of it smoothing down his light brown jumpsuit while staring coldly across the table at another man in the same garb.
Mark jumped out of his seat with vigor as Mack had finished sharing his critique. His nostrils were flaring, and the Captain imagined that if he had fangs he would be baring them like a dog.
”Our Captain has done nothing but lead us through the toughest of challenges, nothing short of brave and confident in the face of death itself!” He snapped viciously at Mack. Everyone watched as he rolled his eyes in response, scoffing before addressing Mark again.
”Your opinion on this matter is irrelevant. You practically worship the ground they walk on, so of course you’d be the one to back them up. We need to hear from more people with less biased opinions on our Captain.”
The person at hand that everyone kept mentioning sighed deeply, intertwining their hands together and propping their elbows on the table, clasped fists concealing the bottom half of their face as they watched the two go back and fourth. Almost as if witnessing a tennis match.
A very angry tennis match.
”Gentlemen as much as as I love watching you scrutinize and pick apart my decisions as the sole leader of this ship-“ The Captain cleared their throat “-we have more important things to attend to.” They finished speaking with a hint of annoyance in their voice, only Celci picking up on it from their far left and snickering.
”See! Thank you Captain! We have much more pressing issues to focus o- wait did you say I was scrutinizing you?”
They ignored Marks desperate denials of his actions, focusing on Mack from across the table as he crossed his arms defiantly.
”You know the protocol Mack. If you have an issue with me or the way I run things, you can either take it up with me privately, or file a complaint to HQ and wait for a response.”
They emphasized the word privately. It wasn’t the first time they had to repeat that to Mack, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
“But that’s the thing Captain.” He paused to lean forward in his seat, the sides of his lips down turned and eyes holding a look that they didn’t like. “I don’t understand what HQ sees in you. I don’t even think you were built to be captain of this ship.”
A hush fell over the table where everyone was sitting at. Burt and Celci exchanged a quick look, gazes slightly nervous. Even Mark had stopped in his desperate pleas to look at Mack with eyes as big as those cookies in the break room.
”In fact I don’t think you were built for space at all. Just the other day I saw you leaning over the sink in the bathrooms with your helmet off, cryi-“
”That is enough.”
The Captain was now standing, arms having been slammed down loudly on the cold, cold marble surface of the table to emphasize their words. Their tone had been harsh and abrupt, sending chills down everyone’s spine.
Even with the inky black tint of their helmet concealing their face, Mack knew he had gone too far just by the way they were looking at him.
For once in all his time on the ship, he listened to them. Shutting his mouth quietly and slinking backwards into his seat.
”This concludes this months meeting. If you have any questions, contact me through coms. I will be in my quarters.”
Even though they had just offered for any one of them to ask questions, no one got the feeling that they should. Or would.
The door slammed behind them on the way out. It left a gust of wind to blow through the now silent room, all eyes on the spot where they had just been standing.
No one dared to speak
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A knock from the blue and silver doors from across their bed. The Captains gaze flickered from the reflection of their face from the helmet in their hands, swiftly putting it back on in one fluid motion before allowing the computer to let whomever was on the other side in.
A head of messy brown locks poked itself in, a small smile accompanying soft brown eyes as Mark made his way into their room.
”I brought food.” He said softly, sitting down at the foot of their bed to offer a plate full of cookies to the Captain.
“I nabbed them from the fridge. Burt will be upset later but I figured you needed them more than him.”
The Captain wordlessly smiled. And although Mark couldn’t see it, his own face light up as their gloved hand reached out to take one.
It was quiet for a moment, the only sound coming from a helmet being lifted up slightly so the chocolate cookie could be eaten.
Mark watched, his eyes asking questions that his mouth refused to.
”Its alright.” The Captain finally spoke after swallowing a mouthful of dough and chocolate. “You can ask.”
“Why do you let Mack do that to you.” Mark sighed, cocking his head to the side and throwing slightly. They resisted the urge to crack a smile, thinking about how he looked like a puppy right now.
”To be honest it’s not me he’s trying to upset. It’s you Mark.” They stated, pausing to take another bite while the engineer across them processed their words.
”Yes Mark.” The Captain finished their treat with one more bite, now turning fully and sitting up straight to properly look at him.
”He knows that you have a certain amount of—respect, shall we say—for me. And Mack finds it enjoyable to push your buttons through constantly commentating and voicing his opinion about things I do.”
”But why-“
”Don’t ask me. I would know just about as much as you do on that matter.” They sighed.
“And before you remind me that I have the authority to throw him off this ship, much less demote him to a lower status, let me remind you that I know that.”
The Captain let a beat of silence wash over them, allowing their hand to creep up to Marks shoulder and place a reassuring squeeze on it. If they weren’t having the conversation they were now with him, they would have made a teasing remark about the way his face flushed at their touch.
”But I believe everyone deserves second chances. Sometimes even a third fourth or fifth. You of all people should know that, Mark.”
He swallowed as the hidden message made its home in his brain, adams apple bobbing as the memory of a certain warp core.
“Understood, Captain.”
They gave one more squeeze to his shoulder before wrapping their arms around Mark, bringing him in for a soft hug.
They both melted into it, Marks giddy love-struck expression a stark and beautiful contrast to the Captains hidden yet greatful one.
The embrace was only broken at the sound of the computer speaking from overhead.
Captain, Burt and Celci are at the door. They have informed me that they wish to check on you. It seems as if Burt is hiding something poorly behind his back, appearing to be a mug titled Number One Captain. Should I let them in?
The Captain laughed softly as Mark grumbled under his breath about ‘stupid Celci’ ruining his time with the Captain. But nonetheless the doors to their quarters opened, allowing two more people to enter the room.
Almost how a warm feeling entered their heart.
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breadyeetking · 1 year
Dude new headcanon that is so heartwarming to me. I love the idea captain has friend ship bracelets with there head crew (Mark,Mack,Gunther,Celci, and Burt) all have there name.
I can see mark being like a happy puppy when captain gave him his. Like thanks you 100xs and gives you a hug (if you like hugs of course)
Mack probably acted like he didn’t care and said he was going to throw it away. It currently lives in his pant pocket or one on his shirt.
Gunther would act all chill like “thanks captain” he definitely wears it but it breaks a lot and he tries to fix it on his own. But if he can’t fix it he will go to you (the captain) and ask you to fix it.
Celci would be shocked but would happily accept it. She definitely wears it but make sure it won’t get damaged at all. She definitely looks at it if she feels upset. Brings her comfort.
Burt was the calm one. He definitely loves it like everyone else and it makes him feel appreciated. He definitely thanks you in a weird poetry way like he always dose.
All in all I think they would love them no matter what and treasure it.
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gaymingwriter · 9 months
Masterlist and Requests
Requests temporarily closed!
Some of this will change, so please check before requesting!
Will write x reader for:
Markiplier Egos/Lore:
Wilford Warfstache
Eric Derekson
Dr. Iplier
Actor Mark (this includes ADWM and AHWM Mark unless specifically requested for them to be different people)
Engineer Mark
Celci F. Kelvina
Mack (Engineer, Crewmate, Dictator)
Possibly more in the future
Septic Egos:
Jameson Jackson
Chase Brody
Antisepticeye (both original and current)
Marvin the Magnificent
North Star/Starlo (Undertale Yellow)
Will write ships for:
Markiplier (several, ask for specifics)
I write SFW only
Some can’t fit here and are linked in a separate list
* = On my main account before I moved writing here
X Reader:
Eric x Kind!Captain*
Mack x Captain With Plushies (Headcanons)*
Mack x Captain (Sign Language)*
Damien and Celine/Dark x DA (Angst)*
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hardworking hands covered in grease
Summary: Mark never wore gloves while he worked. It was always his bare hands, free of any covering, that did the job. This led to you frequently being able to hear loud swears or choruses of “ow” that echoed through the halls of the Invincible II as he was shocked by wires or other electrical devices. Sometimes there would be a loud crash as he would pick up a too-hot piece of metal without thinking about it. Because of this, his hands were tough, the skin thick from the many burns that he acquired each day. They also were covered in scars. Long ones, short ones, thick ones, thin ones.
Scars weren’t the only things on Mark’s hands though. He was almost constantly covered in grease or oil. Streaks of the dark substances were permanently stuck on his hands, transferring to things he touched but never quite coming off unless he really scrubbed at them.
In which your Head Engineer is constantly dirty, and you can't help but notice.
This was inspired by @sardonic-the-writer and their post about Engineer Mark, which you can find here! Hope you all enjoy!
Read it on ao3!!
The first thing you noticed about Mark was that he was a very hands-on kind of guy. If there was an issue with the ship he would be there to fix it himself, elbow deep in machinery and oil. His pockets were always holding some small wrench or screwdriver to tighten up any bolts and screws that looked loose, and you were pretty sure there was a toolbox in just about every room on the ship. One time you had been in a meeting and he stopped in the middle of his sentence to fix a bolt that wasn’t quite screwed in right.
Mark also never wore gloves while he worked. It was always his bare hands, free of any covering, that did the job. This led to you frequently being able to hear loud swears or choruses of “ow” that echoed through the halls of the Invincible II as he was shocked by wires or other electrical devices. Sometimes there would be a loud crash as he would pick up a too-hot piece of metal without thinking about it. Because of this, his hands were tough, the skin thick from the many burns that he acquired each day. They also were covered in scars. Long ones, short ones, thick ones, thin ones.
Scars weren’t the only things on Mark’s hands though. He was almost constantly covered in grease or oil. Streaks of the dark substances were permanently stuck on his hands, transferring to things he touched but never quite coming off unless he really scrubbed at them.
You didn’t notice this until the first night of your journey onto the Invincible II. It’d been busy as you met your department heads, toured the ship, and were introduced to some of the colonists. You had no time to pay attention to anyone’s hands unless they were passing you something. So when you finally started heading to your bunk, you passed Mark, who was also heading to his room. You wouldn’t head into cryo sleep until you needed to use the warp core, and that wouldn’t be for at least a few weeks.
“Captain,” he said, pausing in his walk. “Just wanted to say once more that we’re really excited you’re here.” He paused, a little sheepish. “I’m really excited that you’re here.” He extended his free hand, the other holding a toolbox that seemed fairly heavy. You shook his hand with a nod and a smile before you both parted ways.
When you got back to your bed, you sat down to take off your work clothes and get into some sleep ones. You carefully pulled off your thick gloves and went to set them down on the bed before you realized that your hand was covered in grease.
You frowned, then examined your glove and realized that the one you’d used to shake Mark’s hand had grease on it. That explained the transfer. You must have caught the head engineer right after he fixed something up, and he hadn’t realized the mess on his hands. You shook your head fondly before going to clean off your gloves, realizing that it explained the smudges on his nose as well.
As time went on, you noticed more and more that Mark was constantly smudged with all kinds of grime. It was entertaining to see it on him compared to the spotless Celci. Even Gunther was usually cleaner than he was. It was a stark contrast to the first day that Mark had greeted you, where he had looked so put together, even wearing little fingerless gloves that you thought were to let him use his wrist tablet. You realized now it must have been to hide the worst of the grease without hindering him.
Later, you realized that he must have made a purposeful effort to clean up for you. He wanted your first impression of him to be a put-together individual, and the thought of the care he must have taken to keep from smudging something onto his face made your own face warm. You really didn’t understand why that was something that made you blush, but it did.
Life on the Invincible II went on, you worrying about the everyday tasks that needed to be done before the warp core could be used. Mark’s smudges became a fact of life. Gunther loved guns, Burt was a lot wordier than one would expect, and Mark always had a grease stain somewhere. Oxygen is to life as grease is to Mark. It ceased to surprise you, and instead became an endearing trait about the man.
It wasn’t until one day when the two of you were in a meeting that it really came to the forefront of your mind again. You’d taken your gloves off while demonstrating a few things with the computer, and had tucked them into your belt. Your hands were free, and after your presentation was done, you went to stand by Mark. Gunther was talking, gesturing furiously and miming explosions. You knew you should pay attention, but Mark leaned over to you, whispering quietly.
“Great presentation, Captain. You’re a natural-born speaker, I swear!”
You (who most assuredly was not much of a speaker at all) just paused, unsure of how to respond. So instead of words, you just reached up and ruffled his hair for a few seconds. When you stopped, he looked at you like his brain had to reboot. You could practically see the error signs in his eyes as he attempted to figure out what had just happened.
Instead of getting embarrassed about your impulsive reaction, you looked at your hands. They had smudges of grease on them, left, no doubt, from Mark’s hair.
He ran his hands through it a lot, you had noticed. It was barely long enough to get into his eyes, so he was constantly pushing it back or combing it away. It was sort of a tic, and he’d do it when he was thinking hard about something. Most of the time, he did it unconsciously, hands moving of their own volition. You’d seen him do it more times than you could count, but it hadn’t ever occurred to you that it would transfer the grease on his hands to his hair.
Mark seemed to have rebooted, and his face was bright red. He was starting to stammer out some words, but you just gave him a small smile before turning back to Gunther’s presentation. Your fingers wouldn’t stop idly rubbing together, however, so at the end, your hands were darker than they had been at the beginning of the presentation.
Mark noticed as you were walking out, catching your hand in his and stopping you, examining the marks spread across your fingers and palm. His hands were rough, but oh so gentle as he turned your hand to inspect it.
“Is this..from me?” He said, brows furrowing as he looked at your hand carefully. “Or—”
“Of course it’s from you, idiot,” Celci said as she walked by, interrupting Mark. “You’re always so messy.” She walked on, leaving you and Mark standing there, him still carefully holding your hand. His face was going red again, clearly embarrassed.
“It’s alright, Mark,” you said quietly. “I don’t mind.”
Someone called for you, and you carefully extracted your hand from his, then hesitated. Instead of just leaving, you ruffled his hair again and spread your fingers in his direction.
“I don’t mind at all,” you said, then walked away to tend to the other matters of the ship.
Despite your reassurances, for the next couple of days, Mark made an extra effort to wipe his hands off before touching his hair. He didn’t always succeed, and you enjoyed watching him abort his hair-pushing gestures to wipe his hands off first.
An unfortunate side effect of this was that since the grease helped his hair to stay somewhat slicked back it was a lot more likely to flop into his face. He’d unintentionally made his goal a lot harder to achieve. Eventually he lapsed back into his normal habits, the inconvenience of waiting to push his hair from his eyes too great to overcome.
You were secretly happy about it. Although you had enjoyed the extra floof that Mark’s hair had gotten, the classic look was far better.
On another occasion, you were carrying his toolbox as you both headed to the reactor room. He asked you for help, as he had to heft a large part and couldn’t quite hold both things at once. You knew, of course, that you weren’t necessary for this job, but you didn’t really mind. There was nothing else that immediately needed your attention and this was an opportunity to spend some time with your Head Engineer. As you walked, Mark was chattering your ear off, telling you about everything that had happened in the Engineering and Mechanics Department recently. Apparently one of the mechanics, a kid named Ethan, had an allergic reaction to a dessert that another crewmate had cooked. Now half the department was making it into some sort of murder attempt.
“They’ve all been so strict, trying to hunt down the person who made the food. It’s kind of intense, everyone who enters the department dorms needs to give an alibi. I’ve had like three different people ask me recently, for some reason?”
You came to the door of the reactor room and followed Mark in, carefully passing Mark his tools once his hands were empty. He took them easily. “I’ll have to tell you the rest sometime later, Captain! Thanks for carrying these for me.”
You shrugged a little. It wasn’t particularly a difficult thing for you to do, and you enjoyed listening to Mark. He gave you a big smile, and you were about to turn away from him when you spotted something on his face.
“Wait a second,” you said, “You’ve got something right there.” You pointed towards your face, then watched as Mark utterly failed at getting anywhere near the right place. You huffed out a breath, then reached your hand forward and started rubbing it off for him. You concentrated on trying to get most of it off, and once you had you leaned back triumphantly.
“There you go,” you said, then you actually looked at Mark. A blush was creeping up his cheeks, and he just looked at you for a second. The two of you were frozen in a sense of limbo, your hand still on his cheek, him leaning into your touch.
“Captain—” he started, but before he could continue there was a shout from behind him. An engineer had rushed in and tripped over the part that Mark had set down earlier. Unfortunately, the shout shattered any semblance of a moment that the two of you were having. It also started a chain of events that led to Mark startling, him dropping the toolbox he was holding, It colliding hard onto his feet, and him howling in pain and jumping around, holding one of his feet as he hollered. All his racket sent other people rushing into the room to see what had happened, which led to more panic.
After a solid half-hour of calamity management, the reactor room was mostly calmed down. There were a few people that you would be escorting to the medbay for some minor scrapes and a few twisted ankles, however. As you took inventory of the people that you would be guiding through the halls, you caught Mark’s eye. His feet had ended up being fine (he had reinforced boots, after all), so he wouldn’t be joining you.
As you made eye contact there was a silent understanding between the two of you that something had happened in that quiet moment, and you were determined to talk to him about it.
Life seemed determined to not let you, however. From that day on, everything kicked into high gear in anticipation of going through the wormhole and making the big step toward the new planet and setting up a colony. There was no time for you to stop and have a conversation with your Head Engineer unless it was about the ship or the upcoming journey. That meant you couldn’t learn more about the “Great Peanut Butter Caper”, as you’d been informed that the murder mystery was being called. You also couldn’t sit down and figure out what Mark had wanted to say to you in that room. You couldn’t make time to watch him work and accumulate the same grease smears as the one you’d wiped off for him. Instead, you had to make do with looks and nonverbal promises.
And then the day came. You were going to cut open a hole through space and time and make it to the planet that you would then colonize.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous. But your crew was in front of you, Mark was by your side, and you were sure that together, you could handle whatever came next.
You were so incredibly, heart-wrenchingly wrong. The second the wormhole opened and the security update popped up, everything went wrong. And then it went wrong again, and again, and again. You died more times than you could count, no matter what you did. You met new people, you met old friends, you saw people you felt like you should recognize but instead you didn’t. You watched them all live and die millions of times.
In all the chaos, there was only one peaceful moment. Mark, your Head Engineer, the man you’d gone through almost everything with— he asked if you would jump in with him. So you did, again and again and again. Countless times you jumped in, holding your breath like you were cannonballing into a pool while clutching Mark’s hand as if it were a lifeline. But one time, you landed in a quiet world. The planet looked like the one you could have been headed towards to inhabit. Or maybe it was the one you left behind, in a state long before you or anyone else had ever existed.
It was quiet, and you sat on a hill, the long grass tickling your ankles as the wind made it lightly sway. Your shoes and gloves were sitting off to the side, you discarding them as soon as you knew the area was safe. Mark was beside you, his eyes tracing the blue sky. You grabbed a long blade of grass and started idly tying it into knots as you enjoyed the last bits of sunshine. The sun was starting to go down, but it was still warm enough that you didn’t feel cold at all.
“Do you think…” Mark started, breaking the silence that had developed between the two of you, “That we could just…stay here? Live out the rest of our natural lives here, alone? I know we’d eventually die and be sent back to the beginning, but I think I wouldn’t mind staying here.”
You took a deep breath, enjoying the calm. “I would enjoy that. Just a break, a chance to forget for a little.”
“Yeah, exactly that. We could build a house, start a farm! I don’t really know much about farming, but I think that I’ve done enough farming simulations in preparation for the colony that I could figure it out. And you’re probably great at animals, so you can do that part. It’ll be perfect!”
“Alright,” you said, and then you carefully put your hand on top of where his sat, propping him up. “I think that would be lovely.”
He turned to really look at you for the first time in a while, and he gave you a soft but tired grin. You returned it as his thumb reached up to trace circles on the back of your bare hand. Carefully, you slid a little closer to him, your opposite hand reaching up to cradle his face. The sun had started going down, the sky a burst of rainbow colors.
“Even here, you’ve still got grease all over you,” you said with a laugh as your thumb traced the smears, spreading it a little more than before.
“You’re just making me more of a mess, aren’t you?” He accused you, but there was no malice in his gaze.
You opened your mouth to respond, but before you could, a swirling mass of blue appeared. The two of you jumped up, hands still clasped together.
“No,” Mark said as it approached, and he scrambled backward, pulling you with him. “No, no, no, please, not this time. We—we were going to be happy!”
The wormhole didn’t care, and no matter how much the two of you ran it still caught up; tossing you back into the never-ending hell of loops. Once again, you couldn’t just talk to Mark. There was no time for that, despite the fact that you should have the most time in your life. Everything felt so hopeless, but at least you knew you could depend on Mark—no matter what the older version of him had done.
It wasn’t until he knocked you over the head with a fire extinguisher that you realized that maybe Mark didn’t feel the same way about you. He was ranting about how you had broken everything, how you and the stupid warp crystal had done this and how he was going to fix it. How he was going to fix your mistakes.
And then, before you could stop him, Mark started up the warp core again. Its echoey, robotic voice spoke about paradoxes, how they needed to be resolved. It was the same voice that had sounded when the warp crystal had embedded itself in your palm in the first place. You knew what would happen if it just lept again, traveled through the wormhole. Another set of infinite worlds, another never-ending loop. You were sick of loops.
So you jumped for the crystal, determined to get your hands on it and stop this. But Mark saw you.
“Captain. Captain, no! You’ll destroy everything! Again!” He cried, grabbing you by the waist. Struggling, you squirmed out of his way enough to throw some sand that his older self had left into his eyes. He cursed as he tried to see, and you reached once more to rip out the warp crystal. Instead, everything shuddered forwards, a tear in the universe opened, and Mark shouted, his voice full of panic.
“Captain!” He called, and you saw him start floating towards the open wormhole. You grabbed onto his hand with all your strength, and he clung to it, both hands holding onto you as you braced against the pull of the wormhole. He was pleading with you to not let him go, and you wondered what universes he’d been through. Which version of you had made him think that you would let him go into that wormhole by himself, that you would abandon him.
“Wait,” Mark said, as the wind was rushing and your arms were shaking with the force of holding him away from the wormhole. “Let me go.���
“Are you crazy?” you cried out, feeling one of his hands release you. Your grip tightened around his. “I’m not going to do that!”
“Captain, please. I can fix this,” he pleaded with you. “Look, I don’t know what you did, and maybe you didn’t mean to, but I have to stop you. I have to!”
“I haven’t done anything, you moron!” you yelled, still holding onto him. Still holding on to the man who had been through everything with you, the man who you would have spent a lifetime with. The man who you had spent infinite lifetimes with. “Going in there is an exercise of futility! It never works!”
“Please!” He begged, eyes pleading with you. “This is it! This is the end of everything. Everyone that ever existed is gonna get wiped out unless you let. Me. Go!” You shook your head stubbornly, looking away from him and his stupid grease-streaked face.
“Captain! Please. I have to keep trying. I have to!”
You didn’t deign him with a response, reaching for the warp crystal with all your might. You ignored Mark’s shouts telling you to stop, instead grabbing the cursed thing and flinging it into the wormhole with all the strength you could muster. For a brief second, nothing happened. You feared the worst, but then— the wormhole snapped shut, and Mark fell to his feet, your hand slipping out of his grasp.
And there was silence.
You sat there for a moment, breathing, trying to reconcile what had happened. Your hand that once held the warp crystal ached. All seemed calm until Mark spoke again, his voice seething with rage, so much rage.
“What have you done?” He whispered, voice like steel. “You destroyed us. You destroyed everything. This was our last chance to fix things, and it’s gone!” He was shouting by the end, fists clenched.
“You told me,” you spat back at him. “You told me not to let you go back.”
He ignored you, turning away to gesture angrily at the warp core. “I spent an eternity in hell rebuilding this stupid machine, and you threw it all away! I don’t know if you’re evil or just stupid, but if I’m not back there to fix it…”
His voice trailed off, giving you pause. Your mind raced, putting together the pieces. If Mark wasn’t there to fix it, then…
“If I’m not back then… the warp core is not back?” He leaned against one of the safety rails around the warp core. “I thought I rebuilt it because you destroyed it. Unless…I built the warp core?”
The pieces clicked, all at once, and you stepped towards him. “Mark,” you whispered, but he wasn’t listening.
“I sent it back? I built it. I built it. It was my fault.” He slowly slid down the pole, like his legs had given out and they could no longer support him. You swore under your breath as he went down, and quickly pulled off your gloves. With your hands exposed to the cold ship air, you cradled his cheek. He leaned into it, just a little.
Your thumb gently traced the streaks of oil and grease that lined his face, the signs of eons of work. The evidence of a desperate man, who had given his all to try and save the people he cared about. The proof of a man now broken.
“It’s okay, Mark,” you said. “You didn’t know, how could you have known?” He didn’t respond, just closed his eyes. You gave him a sad sort of smile. “Even during the apocalypse, you’ve still got grease on your face,” you whispered softly, thumb tracing over the lines once more before bringing your forehead to his. You stayed like that for a moment before he spoke again, pulling away from you, just a little.
“I’m—Captain, I’m tired. I don’t know when the last time I slept was. I don’t know if I’ve slept at all.” He paused, then looked at you. “Have you?”
You shook your head, and he leaned back, his head gently colliding with the bar behind him before looking back at you.
“I’m really sorry, Captain. I thought the only way to stop this was to… stop you, stop all of this from happening in the first place. But it was me. It was me. All those mistakes, all those lifetimes, all the people. I guess I lost hope.” He paused, took a breath, and then looked back into your eyes. His hand searched for yours, and he carefully laced his fingers into yours.
“But you didn’t.” He said. “You never did.”
“I could never lose hope in you,” you whispered, and he squeezed your hand a little tighter before the bright lights and the rush of heat hit you.
Then you were back in your cryopod. There were no alarms blaring, no forceful ejections. You were almost afraid to walk out, unsure of what you would find. Who knew what universe the warp crystal had decided that you belonged in?
The door slid open, and there he was. Mark, holding out a mug for you to take. “Good morning, Captain!” He said cheerfully, and you were hit by a sense of Deja Vu so strong that you felt a little dizzy.
“Mark?” You said, your voice hoarse. His cheerful countenance softened a little, and he gave you a softer smile.
“The one and only, Cap. Take your time getting all settled, it can be rough recovering from cryosleep. But while you enjoy your drink, let me just tell you that everything is going wonderfully. Zero complications in the cryosleep, except for maybe the fact that the Warp Core disappeared. No biggie though, we made it safe and sound, after all.” He herded you to the window, where you were interrupted by a few of your crew leads updating you on the status of various things onboard. Everything was running smoothly, thank goodness.
Finally, things seemed…right?
Once everyone had spoken to you and the room was empty, Mark gestured out of the window towards the planet below. Towards your new home. “She’s a beaut, isn’t she? We’re gonna explore the planet first to check things out, but then the first colonist group should be good to head down and start building.”
“Will you help them start a farm?” You asked quietly, turning to look at him. He paused, a small smile creeping across his face.
“Well, I have done a lot of farming simulations,” he laughed, before sobering. “Captain, can I just say thank you?”
“For what?” You asked, feeling like Mark, of all people, had no need to thank you.
“For getting us here. And for, uh, not giving up on me. Thanks.”
He took a deep sip of his coffee, but once he was done, you reached your hand out to him and tangled your fingers together. He looked surprised, then delighted. Gently, he pulled you closer to him, releasing your hand and putting his arm over your shoulders. You cuddled in close, then let out a relieved sigh of happiness and contentment. Mark looked at you, then leaned in and kissed your cheek. His whiskers scratched your face a little, but mostly you enjoyed it.
In the future, there would be real kisses. The two of you would finally start that farm, build that house. In the future, you would raise exclusively chickens—or, well, what passed for chickens on this planet. In the future,  you would scold Mark for never protecting his hands. In the future, you’d carefully wipe off his grease marks and ask if he purposefully collected them just so you’d clean him up. (He totally did.) And in the future, you’d find that you always had smudges on your own face, no matter how much you fought it.
But that was in the future. After all, that forehead kiss was a promise for later. A promise for future talks and apologies, a promise to figure things out. And most of all, a promise to never give up hope.
And really, wasn’t that all you could ask for?
(When you saw Celci next, she asked if you’d been helping Mark with one of his projects because your forehead had grease on it. When you flushed with embarrassment as you realized what it was from, she got overly concerned and was willing to fight Mark over it. You ended up calming her down. Mark got a good laugh over the whole thing—after Celci stopped being mad on your behalf, that is.)
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cleake · 2 years
The Crew Headcanons
Mark: -He's always around to help, he wants his Captian to be happy -He tries to keep an eye on you, checking if you're okay, asking if he can do anything for you, and making sure you don't have too much work to do -He wants to be as helpful to you as he can, if you call out for him, he'll show up next to you in a moment, with a coffee for you in his hand -He's a bit jealous of Celci, you trust her with more serious topics, and he doesn't get why, sure, he did overlook an error in the system before the ship took off, but that was only once! -He's always there for you when you need to vent, he understands that being a Captian is hard, and makes sure you know how helpful you are to everyone -Mark makes notes on what you like, what relaxes you, and what you need to feel better -If you need space he'll make sure that you get one, pushing everyone away, and telling them that the Captian wishes not to see anyone -"Excuse me, don't you see that the Captian needs a break? Their excellent and beautiful brain needs peaceful silence, and you are rudely interrupting it!" -He's delighted to help you, he likes it when you two work together, it makes him feel proud of both of you -He gives you a high five after you solve a big problem, with a proud smile -He brags about you to others behind your back, and sometimes it gets too obvious -"Did you see the Captian repair that system error today? How did they do that?! It was so cool and impressive! I didn't see anyone do something like that! Oh, do you remember when they saved us from crushing? God, how are they so good?" -He follows you when patrolling the ship, sometimes he repeats your orders to others, with a serious look just to look at you again with stars in his eyes -He has so much respect for you, he can't stop being amazed by you
Celci: -She's here to make the job done, and it has to be done correctly -You are the Captian and she's determent to make you satisfied -She has so much respect for you so in the beginning she won't be as close to you as Mark, but still is very loyal to you -After some time she'll be more comfortable with seeing you more as a friend and will try her best to make you happy -She's the one to go if you have a problem and no solution, she'll be happy that you came to her, and asked her for help, it makes her feel appreciated -Celci, like Mark, cares a lot for your well-being and tries her best to make you happy as a Captian and a friend -She and Mark fight a little bit for your attention and validation, they dare each other to give you coffee first or do more tasks than the other to make you proud -"Good morning Captian, the ship is in perfect condition, everything is going along the plan, all because of you." -She likes to help you with tasks, she doesn't want you to get too tired and likes when she can help you -You both talk a lot about the ship, and the things you need to do to make it even better -"Captian, don't you think that the ship has too many doors to open? When in a dangerous situation it takes a while to open the door, isn't it a bit unnecessary?" *insert Mark looking at Celci with an angry look, ready to start debate* -She thanks you a lot, and like Mark is amazed by you, but is more formal about it, and won't say it directly -But will in small conversations, and will push herself more to be open with her feelings towards you -"Captian, I wanted to thank you for all you do for us, it's a big thing to be a leader, and you are one of the best the crew can get, I am so thankful for you"
Gunther: -He's chill with you, says the things he thinks about you with no filter -He doesn't follow your every move like Mark, or Celci, and doesn't get formal, when he has a chance to tell you you're doing great he'll do it, no need to be shy -He does get impressed by you and tells you that, he wants you to go further, and don't stop believing in yourself -He's your professional "hype man" and is happy to make you feel better with his direct and honest words -He is willing to help you at any moment, maybe when he's tired or thinks this is not a big deal will hesitate and try to get out of this situation, but if you insist for him to make it, he'll make it perfectly -He likes to tease you and joke with you, bringing your well-being up, and feels good when you get happier because of him -He won't say it, but he is a bit jealous of Mark and his position, but he knows that with his coolness he doesn't have to worry about you forgetting about him -He appreciates how you bring everyone together and don't leave anyone out, making everyone feel like a team, not a lot of Captians can do it -He casually will bring you coffee, or use the moment when Mark and Celci are arguing, and he can spend some time with you *insert Celci and Mark looking at Gunther, not knowing how he got here* -He makes sure you are safe, if there's any kind of danger he'll give you one of his guns, or just stand in front of you ready to protect you with his life -While a heated moment, when people are nervous, angry, or arguing with each other, Gunther will make sure no one hurts you or will distract you by making a joke and talking with you -He doesn't look vulnerable, but with you, he feels comfortable opening up and talking about his feelings, something he doesn't do a lot, and you can do the same, he listens to you talk about things that anger you, and tries to fix them -He's happy to make you proud, and feels good when you compliment him, he thought he doesn't care about praise, but now he knows he does, a lot, deep inside
Burt: -He often feels left out and ignored, but you make him feel noticed and cared about -He likes to talk with others, but doesn't get the chance to, everyone seems to be bored by his words, but not you, you listen to him and remember the things he says, and he appreciates it so much, you don't even know -He doesn't get many chances to talk to you, his job is very time taking, but when you talk together, he feels like he can tell you anything and you'll understand, and not judge him -He is a bit shy while doing things for you, everyone around seems crazy about you, and a lot of the things they do for you to him seem more important or worth the praise, while his doesn't, but you make him feel otherwise, by noticing him, and telling him how helpful he is to everyone -Burt sees you as a very good person, and looks up to you very much, you are his model of good, and the best Captian he could ask for -He feels like he's the weakest in the crew, everyone seems to be so strong, smart, or energetic, while he was slow, more laid back, he thought it was a bad thing for a long time, but you made him believe it was important, and a good thing -He, because of you, feels more together with the crew, you acknowledge his ideas, his suggestions, and his presence -He does give you coffee when he can, shows you the errors in the ship, and gives his propositions for solutions -He leaves you notes in the cockpit because he doesn't have much time to spend with you, on them are mostly good mornings, or some things he noticed on the ship, he wanted to warn you about -He can vent to you about how everyone leaves him, or not even notice him, and you by listening make him feel seen -He helps you as much as he can, his job is very important, and it has to be done right, and Burt always succeeds to make you feel proud -He's happy that he has such a caring Captian that finally makes him feel important
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puppeteered-poetry · 1 year
Introduction to the Snow.
(Hypothermia, Frostbite, death, hurt no comfort)
Ao3 link
   Sirens. Loud screeching sirens and red lights are what Celci woke up to. She looked to the others, Burt blinking sleep from his eyes and Gunther grabbing his gun with shaking, adrenaline fueled hands, Celcionna heard the awful words from the voice of the ship.
    “Emergency evacuation effective immediately, make your way to the airlock and await your shuttle. Now boarding group A.”
   Group A were civilians. People heading for the colony that weren’t crew. Next would be general crew, Reactor, Cryo, ADS, and finally Head Engineer and Captain. Celci followed Burt and Gunther out of the Crew Lead room, meeting the Captain on the bridge.
   The Captain was pacing, quick to ask them where Mark was. They didn’t know. The Captain really didn’t like that answer.
   “What do we do, Captain?” Gunther’s teeth were clamped down on his cigar, jaw clenched so tight he threatened to bite through.
   “... You all stay here, I’ll go find him.” Celci spoke, determined. “Make sure everyone escapes.”
   The Captain moved to speak up, but Celci was already gone, counting on the boys to make sure the Captain oversaw the evacuation. She checked the failing systems list, figuring he must have been too involved in a repair.
    Bridge was down and repaired. ADS was down and repaired. 
    Cryo was down.
   She ran down the hall, pressing her hand to the scanner. It tried to open, but it must have frozen shut. She grabbed a crowbar from ADS, prying it open with struggle.
   There Mark was, covered in frost. Icicles hung off of his hands and uniform, which he had pulled off. The Hypothermia must have set in.
   “CC…” Mark drawled. “Hey… Cryo’s… Cryo’s down. I was… I was, um. I was fixing it, but the scanner stopped working…” He giggled, shivering.
   Celcionna quickly shoved him back in his uniform’s sleeves, zipping it up. His fingers had already turned black, as had the tips of his ears. If he survived, they’d have to amputate, and make serious tissue grafts.
   She picked him up, his clothes damp from condensation, trying to bring him to the Reactor room. He could warm up there. He could live.
   “CC… Celci… Don’t go in there. Reactor’s overheating. It’s going to blow any minute.”
   Celci paused, swallowing hard. “No. No, no, you need to warm up, Mark, you’re freezing, you’ll die of hypothermia any minute!” She wasn’t sure when she had started yelling, but she was.
   “Hey, don’t worry… I’ll… I’ll come back. I can live forever.” Mark shrugged weakly.
   “Stop it, Mark! There’s no coming back from this!”
   “... Computer… Seal access to Reactor.” Mark commanded, ignoring Celci’s wide, brown eyes focused on him.
   “Access to Reactor sealed. Head Engineer in critical condition.” The computer responded.
   “Mark! Mark, you idiot!” Celci sobbed, sitting him on the Cryo console and trying desperately to rip her own uniform off to wrap around him. 
   Mark slapped clumsily at her hands, his fingers like rocks. “Stop that… You… You go evacuate. I’m not… Leaving m… My… Baby…” 
   Mark’s eyes glassed over, and he closed them slowly, leaving Celci to sob harder, ripping off her glove to check his pulse. It weakened faster and faster, until it was gone entirely.
   Tears froze to Celci’s cheek, yet to her surprise she laughed. She stumbled forward, tears piling into messy icicles on her face as she wrenched a pipe from the wall. Her breath was fogging. Snow piled up.
   She jammed the pipe into the scanner, forcing the door open. Snow flooded the halls. Her giggles echoed, delirious from grief. 
   He won’t live forever, but they can. They all can, frozen eternally in Cryo Sleep.
   They’ll live forever tonight.
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
Apple Picking With Your Crew
Characters: Head Engineer, GN! Reader, Burt, Celci, Gunther
Word Count: 885
Spicy Rating: None. Just my hot takes about apples.
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While some cultivars were brought from Earth, it was still several years too early for them to bear enough fruit to make what you, in your personal opinion, considered a proper apple orchard. However, the upside was that the planet had its own native fruit that had its own range of cultivars. As Captain, you didn't have any real authority about fruit uses, but as a civilian, you had opinions. And those opinions stretched to apples, and your childhood and years before the academy going to one of many apple orchards every fall. As it was, you only sampled some of these raw, and would need to seek out the perfect ones for baking to see if you could substitute some.
"Can't we just get...whatever? Does it have to be a specific taste?"
You turned, quirking an eyebrow at the gaggle of crew leads behind you. Burt wanted to come along to try and write poetry about the nature around you all. Gunther, for some reason, declared that you needed a security escort "in case things got spicy", whatever that meant. Celci wanted your honest opinions about the world around you, trusting the Captain's word above all.
At least, that's what they had said.
You know the real reason is to spy on you and Mark's date. Of course, you hadn't told them that's what it was, but after discussing it with him, you both agreed that it was better to have them obviously there than obviously spying.
"Yes," you said slowly, treating this as an opportunity for everyone. "You can't just take any apple and bake with it. Sweeter apples tend to be too soft, and go mushy. Tart ones hold up their form better, but too tart and you get sourness. The loose rule of thumb is that sweet apples are better for cider, tart are better for eating raw, and the ones that are somewhere in the middle are perfect baking. Little less sugar or honey, but still a firm shape that bakes evenly..."
"You...have some serious opinions on that, Cap'n." Gunther pushed his shades up, rolling the end of his cigar between his teeth.
"Of course they do! The Captain is pretty serious about a lot of things." Celci crossed her arms. It was still odd, getting used seeing her without the over-padded coveralls to keep her warm.
Burt nodded, offering some soft line of poetry from the back that you couldn't quite hear, but based on the sheer confusion on Gunther and Celci's faces, it might have been for the better. Mark just sighed, trying to carry the conversation on at your side.
"We don't have the same ones as back on Earth but...based on those, what's your opinion on the best for pie?"
"Well," you drag out the word, letting the other three either pay attention or keep whispering frantically to each other. "Personally? A Jonagold. Kind of close to that perfect balance of just right, brings out all the right things in a solid pie. Of course, your crust and proper spice ratios makes a huge difference too. A lot of people swear by Macintosh because they're pretty easy to get during the fall, but...eh, I don't really find a lot of flavor in them. A Macoun isn't bad either, that's my secondary if I can't get the other."
"What about eating?"
"Honeycrisp, hands down."
"Ain't that a cereal?" Gunther interrupted, flipping his sunglasses back down as he squinted at the local plants around you.
"I...didn't know there were that many kinds of apple," your head engineer admitted softly. He didn't like admitting he didn't know something, especially next to Celci. She, of course, scoffed, apologizing softly at your glance.
"There's close to 7,500 known variations," she continued, trying to not sound too smug, just as Mark was trying to keep the scowl off his face. "I not only took care of all the colonists, but the seed banks in cold storage, to make sure we could test for viable solutions, so I did my research."
"I've only had maybe a two dozen I've tried myself, but..." You trailed off, letting them all focus on you as you picked your way towards the copse of trees you had scouted out alone weeks ago. The fruits looked heavy, the red deeping so much it looked purple in all the places it wasn't a bright yellow-green. Perfect. "I grew up with access to a lot of apples. My adoptive grandparents...friends of my mom's, but they were just as loving even if I wasn't blood related. One of their kids grew cider apples, and they were the best. Big ones, too. 48 to a case, which is huge for apples. I remember my parents struggling to old one in one hand. Before I hit my first real big growth spurt, I remember needing both hands to eat one...super sweet too, like biting into it was just drinking cider."
You carry on, reminiscing about parts of your childhood, of your favorite orchards, and baked goods between teaching them all the right way to pick an apple and how to tell when they're ready. Thankfully you had already made sure that was the same.
By the time the four of you had picked enough apples for several pies, you found yourself promising to do this again next year. Your favorite tradition with a crew like this? Nothing could ever go wrong.
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callmegkiddo · 2 years
in my personal horror and need for teeth
a halloweeny request
Ghost reader [ISWM] x Engineer
mostly Crack HC’s? Because imagine if Captain’s (reader) has been dead for awhile and Engineer JUST found out.
heh I’m so clever
You'll keep your teeth and knees if you request more~
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Type of fic: angsssstttt
It was a normal day? Night? whatever time zone it is in space here in the Invisible II. The colonists were asleep in their cryo-pods, crewmates were going around doing their duties or eating in the cafeteria. All was normal, well, aside from main brig.
Inside the main control room was the Captain and their trusty head engineer Mark. Both were discussing some upgrades for the Invisible II, with the Captain reviewing Mark’s ideas (shooing away any ideas for any more windows).
As they talked, a beep from the control panel was heard. “Body found in Captain’s cyro-pod” was the computer’s report. This confused Mark immensely while the Captain sweatdropped.
“Initiating wakey-wakey protocol” and just like that, the cryo-pod opened and out came the Captain’s body. It flew out of the cryo-pod and landed straight onto the floor next to the control panel.
Mark screamed as he backed away, a look of shock and pure dread written across his face. “C-Captain...?” he asked shakily, he hesitantly looks at the Captain next to him, who’s staring at the body with disgust. The way it was all still intact, none of the flesh rotting due to how well preserved it was from the cryo-pod.
“C-Captain..??” Mark backed away from the now transparent Captain. He leans into the hubs wall, sliding down as he stared at his Captain’s apparition.
The Captain sighed sadly and walked (glided?) over to their precious engineer. reaching out for their cold and ghostly hand to hover over his cheek. “I’m so sorry, puppy...” tears flowed out of their eyes as the computer called for the rest of the Invisible II’s leaders. Their heavy and quick footsteps hastily approaching the sliding doors of the hub.
The Captain leaned forward to kiss Mark’s forehead gently. Mark started to sob, “No.... Please don’t tell me it’s from the...?” he choked out, trying to keep it together. But the Captain only smiled sadly, holding up their damaged glove to show a bleeding spot in the middle of their palm. The warp crystal.... It had dissipated and fused with them, poisoning them from it’s alienish chemicals.
Mark covered his mouth and squeezed his eyes. It was painful to see, it was painful to even think about it....
He sobs into his hands and curled into himself. All he could feel was the weight of guilt and his Captain’s arms wrapping around him, rubbing his back. But it disappeared as soon as the doors opened. And Celci came running in, with Gunther and Burt following suit. Their faces dropping in horror as they see their Captain’s sickening corpse, frost on their skin and frozen blood around their palm. With Mark off to the side sobbing his heart out, clutching onto the medal the Captain had given him long before those loops happened...
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yourthoughtsjim · 2 years
Find Her
Mack x reader
Warnings: angst, knife, stabbing, kidnapping, blood, guns, use of "bitch" on reader
This isn’t how it was supposed to go. The colonization was supposed to go smoothly. No wormholes. No drama. Just happy times.
You were at home, relaxing after a long week of meetings after meetings. Getting up from the couch you had been sat on for the past however many hours, you walked to the kitchen. Putting some leftovers in the microwave, you stood there and stared at the plate spin. Shortly, the timer went off and you grabbed the food. Sitting back down on the couch, you blew on your first bite.
You were starting to miss your better half. He was gone for a few days helping his siblings work on a building. Every so often you’d text him to ask how everything was going. He’d mostly reply with a “going good” or a long ass paragraph of how it was going to look when they finished. Your face would light up at every word he sent.
Being alone was a bittersweet feeling. You two had spent almost every minute together since you’d landed. Sometimes he would follow you to meetings, other times you’d follow him to build sites. It was weird sitting by yourself. Your hand ran over the spot on the couch where he’d normally be sitting. A small smile fell on your face.
After taking care of your mess, you’d gone upstairs. You took a quick shower before getting into bed. Shortly after you heard a noise outside. You think it’s just a tree blowing in the wind but the next thing you hear is the sound of breaking glass. You look over and see some figures standing there. “Who are you?” You call out to the darkness. Suddenly, the room started filling with a gas. You struggle out to grab your phone but failed before you lost consciousness.
You awake to a bright light shining in your eyes. “Wh-Where am I?” You groggily ask. “Well, look who’s awake.” A voice says. Another one states “Doesn’t matter. You have something we want. Something that is the most valuable thing there is.” You look at the two men in front of you in confusion. “Let me put it into simple terms for you. Your power and influence, we want it.” The one said. “Yeah, as if that’s going to happen. I ain’t giving you shit.” You state in a firm tone. One of the guys got a smirk on his face as he draws a knife from his pocket. He put it against your throat before stabbing it in your leg. You scream out in anguish.
You look down at the object now stuck in your leg. Searing pain rippled through your body. “All you have to do is agree to our terms and maybe we’ll consider letting you go.” The first voice states. “I-I told you. You ain’t getting shit from me.” You spit out. “We’ll see about that.” He says, twisting the knife, making you scream out once again.
Mack had returned home a couple of days later, expecting to be greeted with you, but you didn’t. “Kitten, I’m home!” He exclaims. Still nothing. He assumed that maybe you were in your office, so he checked there. Not a single trace of you was there. “Kitten?” He yells out. Panic starts to settled in his being. “Y/N!!” This time he screams as he searches the rest of the house.
He pulls his phone out and with shaky hands he speed-dials you. Hearing your phone ringing, some calm fell around him all too early. He thought you’d just been messing with him. Gaining a small smile, he runs to the bedroom where you were taken from. “I knew you were just-“ He’s cutoff by your absence. The smile now completely replaced by sorrow as he breaks down in sobs.
His sobbing calmed down just enough to call Celci. “C-Celci. Has y/n contacted you at all in the past few days?” He asks as he stands there, trembling. “No, I haven’t. That’s weird. Maybe she decided to take some time off? Clear her head?” She responds. “She doesn’t go anywhere without informing someone, you know this.” He states. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll call Mark and we’ll be over shortly.” She says before hanging up. Mack now had anger placed next to his panic. He didn’t know where you were, all he knew was he had to find you.
You sat on the cold floor, covered in dirt, grime and your own dried blood. At this point you hadn’t known how long you had been taken captive. All you could think about is the pain you were in. You barely ate, barely slept. One of the guards came around “Ready to give up yet?” They taunt. “Fuck you.” You retort. They take the baton out and gave you a shock. A scream was ripped from your throat and the guard stands there and smiles.
Your mind was running circles around itself. All the training you’d previously had for getting out of situations like this seemed to be caught in a net within your subconscious. For what seemed like the hundredth time, you start to cry. Thinking of everyone… Mark, Celci, Burt, and especially Mack.
You then began to think of all the fun memories you had as a group. Going to the café a la Friends style. Going to the fair grounds and without fail stopping to see Rosanna at her diner. The memories were flooding you. If you were going to die, you wanted to die remembering those you loved with your whole soul.
Celci and Mark had arrived at the house you and Mack lived. They were greeted with Mack pacing back and forth in the living room. “Thank god you’re here. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out where y/n could be. I’ve called around to everyone I could think of. Not a single person said they’ve heard from her.” He states. Celci went up and gave him a hug as she says, “It’s okay, we’ll get her back.” calmly. Mark immediately set up shop in your office. Going through the security footage from outside.
“It seems she was taken at around 2:43 AM. The kidnappers were smart, they covered their faces, but they appear to be of a rather large build.” Mark comments. He takes a closer look at the video. “But not smart enough, this guy’s sleeve raised up ever so slightly. He has a tattoo. I’ll send it over to Gunther and see if he’s seen this kind of tattoo before.” He states.
Mack was in absolute despair. Celci took notice of her brother that was now on the floor, head in hands. “Hey, it’ll be okay. If there’s anything I know about her, she’s tough.” Celci consoled him. “I know she is but I just. I don’t know. She means the world to me, and I don’t know what I’d do without her. Goddamn it, Celci. We need to find her.” He speaks with a shaky voice. “We will. Soon, you’ll be making your famous pancakes for her again.” She responds, trying to get a laugh out of him, which she was successful at.
Mark almost spit out his drink at the message Gunther sent back. “He found something!” Mark exclaims. Getting up Mack and Celci make their way back to the computer. “He says he had a group of men come in a few months ago and get the same tattoo.” Mark states. “How many?” Celci inquires. Looking up at her, he responds “About fifteen…” as he trails off. The three of them looked back and forth at each other before turning their attention back to the computer.
That’s when Celci remembered something. Raising her palm to her forehead she states “Her tracking chip. Remember? All four of us had them implanted when we arrived so we wouldn’t lose each other.” Both Mack and Mark’s jaws dropped “You’re right! I can’t believe that’s not the first thing I did when I realized she wasn’t here.” Mack states. “It’s okay. You weren’t thinking right, it’s understandable.” Mark comments.
You hear a low hum coming from your shoulder. You look at the guards with a smirk. “Why are you smiling?” The one questions. “Oh, nothing. Just know you’re fucked.” You respond. They look at each other and back to you “Whatever you say. You’re not getting out. Ever.” The other one comments before you get shocked once again. ‘Come on, guys. Hurry.’ You think to yourself.
“Alright, we found where the Captain’s being held. Gunther, you know what to do. Celci, Mark, you follow me inside. Burt, you take out the security cams. Everyone clear?” Mack states. As Mack goes to prepare, Mark, Celci, Burt, and Gunther have a talk “Are we sure it’s a good idea for Mack to be going? With his state and everything? This is his person after all.” Gunther questions. “Are you going to be the one to tell him ‘no’? Have you seen him? He’s fuck off tall and built like a shit brick house.” Mark replies. “You know what, you’re right.” Gunther himself responds. “Alright, everyone ready? Let’s go get the Captain back.” Mack comments while cocking the gun in his hand.
They had made it to the abandoned warehouse you had been held hostage for the past however many days. They snuck around to the back of the building, entering through the unguarded door. Burt had stayed back in Mack’s truck in order to disable the security cams. This had alerted the lackeys watching the signals that something was off. Getting up, they round the corner of the room they were in to be met with Mark and Gunther’s arms around their necks.
Celci and Mack had moved forward as Mark and Gunther finished knocking the lackeys out. All of them saw shadows appear in the large room they were about to enter. “Here we go!” Gunther shouts. Mack flanked left while Mark took right. Celci took the middle as Gunther made his way upstairs. Gunshots were being rained left and right. The propulsor of Celci’s cold gun could be heard echoing through the halls.
You hear the ruckus happening and you look at the main guy who had taken you. “I told your little friends you were fucked.” You retort. “Shut up bitch, I’ll handle whoever it is.” He snarls. You snort “Good luck with that.” He struck your face “I said shut the fuck up.” He states as he makes his way to the main room. Mack took notice of what he could only assume is the leader and starts to go for him. Mark standing next to him stops him and says, “I got him, go get your girl back.”
Mark started some hand-to-hand combat with the leader of the kidnappers as Mack made his way to where you were at. His demeaner changed from one of anger to one of relief as he saw you. “Oh, thank god!” He exclaims as he kneels down to you. Cutting you out of your restraints, he questions “Are you okay? You look pretty beat up.” Letting out a small laugh you reply, “I’ve been through worse.”
He threw one of your arms over his shoulder and started making his way out of the building. Almost all the men who were previously in the room had be subdued. Except one, the main guy. You and Mack take notice of Mark on the ground clutching his side. He’d been sliced, blood pooling at his side slowly. The leader then turns his attention to you and Mack. He points a gun in your direction. Mack’s mind went to one thing and that was to protect you.
He slides in front of you as you hear a gunshot. You cover your face. Slowly uncovering, you notice he’d been shot in the side. You then see Mack thud to the ground. You letting out a blood curdling shriek alerted Mark to who exactly had gotten shot. Adrenaline shot through Mark as he got up and ran to Mack “No, no, no!” He exclaims holding his baby brother’s body in his arms. He could feel Mack’s blood seeping through the sleeves of his shirt.
With a shaky hand, Mack took out his own gun and shot in the direction of the leader. Hitting him straight in the heart. Celci and Gunther ran to your side. Celci embraced you as you let out loud sobs. Luckily Burt had already called a few ambulances.
You and Mack were rushed into the ER, being patched up. Bags of fluids had been attached to the both of you. Mack had long passed out from the blood lose but you were still awake. At first, they told you two were going to be separated “No! I want to be next to him.” You state with a hoarse voice. “But Captain…” You cut them off. “I don’t fucking care. Put me next to him. Captain’s orders!” You speak in a rough and firm voice.
Hours had gone by, and Mack finally opened his eyes. Celci was in the room, sleeping, as Mark had been taken to a separate room. Mack takes a look around the room and notices a warm feeling in his hand. He looks down and notices your hand was placed in his. A single tear fell from his eye as he hoarsely questions “Kitten? Is that you?” It was hard for him to tell through his blurred vision. “Yeah. Don’t move too much. You were shot.” You state. “I was?” He asks as he looks down. A groan fell from his mouth as he feels a sting of pain.
The doctor’s gave him some pain medication, but it could only help so much. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” You state. “I’m just glad you’re safe. I was a wreck. I didn’t know what I was going to do if…” he trails off. “If what?” You questioned. He takes a pause before finishing “If you had been killed.” You rub your thumb over his hand. “Well, I’m fine. I’m right here.” You comment. Nodding his head, he takes another look around the room “Where’s Mark?” he asks “He was taken to another room, he was pretty sliced up. He was actually the one to carry you out.” You say. Letting a small laugh out he responds “Of course, he was.” Before groaning from the pain. You two talked for a while before the doctor came back in “We looked over everything and it seems like you two are going to be just fine with enough rest and recovery.” He states. “Thank you doctor.” You say. He takes a once over of the both of you before leaving. Looking at each other you two smile. “We should probably get some more rest.” You state. “Yeah, that would be a good idea.” Mack responds. You two then fall asleep, hand in hand.
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