#mars 🔴
nikkiruncks · 1 year
omg since you’re in a J/H mood… any random hcs for them you want to share?? 🥰
-currently in 2023, they're soon to be grandparents (their son Reggie and his wife Mia Forman are expecting a child)
-Jackie loves to snuggle with Hyde in bed
-Hyde pretends not to like it but he secretly loves it
-Hyde's secret nickname for Jackie is Pookie Pie
-they still live in Point Place to this day
-now that the whole gang has retired, they all meet up and hang out
-Margie, Anne-Marie, and Lizzie Kelso (Jay and Leia's triplets) visit them for company
-they'd watch lots of horror movies with Betsy and Jay
-they're know as the 'cool aunt and uncle'
-Hyde likes being the little spoon sometimes
-they had a secret friendship in s4 (i remember this hc being mentioned from someone else (@those70scomics i think))
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blackpointgame · 9 months
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paperdollpop · 1 year
Venus and Mars T-shirt 🟡 🔴
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Paper doll of Paul McCartney wearing a tab-on version of his 'Venus and Mars' T-shirt.
The slogan on the back of this iconic tee read, "It's all balls!"
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finnslay · 5 months
Hiii, I wanted to know about the alter who likes mcyt, sorry if this question is invasive, you don't have to answer!
It's all good! His name is Mars. He's 16, he's trans (he/him but they/them works too). And he really likes games (and videos about them). He's dating our other alter Estella and he's pansexual.
Anything in particular you'd like to know?
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astroismypassion · 1 month
Composite and Synastry chart real life observations by @astroismypassion
Credit to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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🔴 Moon square Jupiter in Synastry chart: I just didn’t enjoy that one as much. Especially if you have positive Moon Jupiter aspect in your individual Natal chart (sextile, trine), you are likely to not like this as much. Positive is that you can be much more realistic than usual and you have a very realistic grasp on who the person is. You don’t idealize them, put them on the pedestal. Negatives: there are a few actually, you probably live at a distance from each other or even whenever this person is in your home, you could feel like they are at times in a different place mentally, only physically present with you, but the mind is somewhere else. Likely not hanging out as much in each other’s home, usually out in the city exploring new places. A LOT of rationalizing of feelings happening. There is present the feeling of “false hope”. If this is a crush, person can do something really sweet, but in your mind you’re like “can’t have up hopes up”, because usually it’s just a kind gesture or they are being nice and friendly. You feel like exaggerating emotions or being overly dramatic is something that isn’t “allowed” or well accepted in this connection. Hence again rationalising emotions, feelings and gut reactions is likely to happen. Jupiter person feels like how Moon person expresses their feelings is just not one of the ideal traits they are searching for in the long run. This can also happen that Jupiter person might not want to move in with the Moon person. Jupiter person wanting to keep their own place or living on their own.
🔴 Mars sextile Mercury in Synastry chart: Mars person is usually more communicative. Mars person can also start majority of conflicts with Mercury person. Mars person might not like Mercury’s friends, on a few, if it’s positive aspects (sextile, trine). Mars person feels like Mercury person doesn’t communicate enough and not regularly enough with them. Mars person feels like they need to rationalize behaviour or reactions, which results in “walking on eggshells” with the Mercury person. Usually both like to resolve disagreement on the spot, right away and usually very quick resolution.
🔴 Mars trine Moon in Synastry chart: Mars person encourages Moon person to express their emotions more. Moon can feel peaceful when Mars person is arguing. Moon person react emotionally when Mars person is angry or voices disagreement. Likely working out together or just very active when visiting each other’s home. Both Mars and Moon person are very encouraging of each other to be expressive of needs and wishes directly and openly. Be mindful of unexpected pregnancies, you two are likely more fertile together than with other people!
🔴 Mercury in the 8th house in the Composite chart: Be mindful of the power of words in this connection. Because sometimes you may hurt each other with words so deeply that the wounds won’t heal. Positives: you encourage each other a lot of speak up your mind and the other person always wants to know what the other is thinking. Negatives: there can be outbreaks of anger, crying, accusations or an emotional breakdown at some point. But the thing is that this can be a positive as well, because you will feel like it’s “cleansing”, that you are not only letting go the argument with your person, but also previous past hurts, because you realize that those past feelings that you had as a past version of yourself don’t resonate with you anymore and that they are not relatable to you anymore. So like I said strong cleansing energy with this one, but it is on both ends happening, not just one person. Basically how the other person thinks helps to shape a newer, better version of yourself, you mature a lot. Try not to be too serious all the time, but also not to push their limits. More humour, joy is needed in conversations.
🔴 Venus in the 8th house in the Composite chart: The bond you have with this person really touches you on the inside. If it’s romantic, feelings for this person can scare you a little bit, because it can catch you off guard, when you are the least looking for a romantic connection or when you gave up. But when you cool off a little bit and become yourself again, you are likely to find this connection very positive and uplifting. Beware of placing too high of expectations on your person. If the connection is too intense at certain moments, try to keep your individuality and ground yourself, the person won’t go anywhere. You “melt” into each other, if you aren’t afraid to give up control, you experience what others often miss out.
🔴 Sun in the 8th house in Composite chart: Likely to earn a lot of money together. Probably feel like it was a fated even that you got to know each other. While in this connection you are likely to discover interest in your own life that you will grow very passionate about. Likely to experience career change, a move or start learning about a new topic while in this connection. Your old parts of personality that don’t serve you anymore will be replaced with new ones. Again, a better version of yourself.
🔴 Moon in the 7th house in the Composite chart: Trust here is usually very easy, unless the Moon is aspected by malefic planets. It’a very important that both feel emotionally content, because any divergence from that, the other person starts feeling really bad about themselves too. But if one person is jovial, happy and bright, the other person is likely to mirror back and feel that just as well.
🔴 Venus square Saturn in Synastry chart: Saturn person is willing to take on all responsibility for Venus person, but Saturn person demands and expects respect for it. Venus person likes that they can rely on Saturn person, Venus person can still be dissatisfied with the connection. Saturn person has hard time letting go and Venus person has a hard time relaxing Saturn person. Venus person can benefit from this (if they allow Saturn person to help them relax), since they can become for confident. What you really want is honest affection, but you just end up getting security.
🔴 Venus square Uranus in Synastry chart: Feelings can quickly develop, but you will still have doubts, if the connection is manageable to be long-term or you will doubt whether you will be in each other’s life for years, even if just friends. There is this feeling present that everything can quickly change and end quickly as well. Uranus person can’t really appreciate affection Venus person gives. But instead rather they appreciating affection, they feel trapped in the connection, restricted and like they need even more freedom. Uranus person can also be in a very non-commital era of their life. When Uranus person shows themselves as they are, that is freedom loving, Venus person feels hurt, under-appreciated, but also rejected or ignored. Venus person dislikes unpredictability of Uranus person, instead Venus person needs more warmth and sensitivity.
🔴 Sun in the 6th house in the Composite chart: Both could feel like you didn’t enter the connection voluntarily or wholeheartedly. Could end up feeling used, restricted in one way or another. You could be staying together for practical reasons. Might even stay together out of feeling obligated or because leaving your person could end up making you feel guilty.
🔴 Moon in the 3rd house in the Composite chart: Communication will always be determined by your feelings for each other. You both agree on how to do things. Make sure not to take advantage of your person’s weaknesses in arguments. Both feel immediately hurt if a misunderstanding happens.
🔴 Pluto square Mars in Synastry chart: Both are afraid that you will miss out on something, if you don’t commit to this connection and get involved with each other, either platonically or romantically. Pluto person is very set and focused on their own ambitions, long-term goals and can see Mars person as not as driven, ambitious as they are. Mars person can come across as a bit primitive to the Pluto person. Both are stubborn to make their goals a reality, even when those goals are clashing. Sex is like glue here, because it’s the only thing you both enjoy and agree on. Both need to learn compromise. It’s like Mars person wants to “conquer” Pluto person, but Pluto person can’t be conquered or doesn’t want to be conquered.
🔴 Mars sextile Mars in Synastry chart: There isn’t any competition between you two. Both take great initiative, so this is better for a long-term connection.
🔴 Venus opposition Mars in Synastry chart: If this is romantic, probably both don’t like traditional gender roles and you rebel against that. Venus person can be more vulnerable, feminine than Mars person. Especially, if Venus person is a man and Mars person a woman, Venus person cannot do the same things as they did with previous women. Mars person wants less vulnerable, sensitive partner, but instead desires a partner who takes initiative and works a lot. Venus person want vulnerability and harmony, Mars person wants strength and passion. Venus person also can’t appreciate Mars person’s strength and independence.
🔴 Sun in the 5th house in the Composite chart: Both accept each other as you are and give a great deal of independence and freedom to each other. You have a life outside of this connection and you don’t put pressure onto each other. But too much freedom can quickly turn into lack of interest in this connection.
🔴 Moon in the 4th house in the Composite chart: You are likely to be overprotective of this connection. And if someone say something about your connection you won’t take it lightly. You want to be in your own bubble and want to avoid being irritated by the outside world.
🔴 Moon in the 6th house in the Composite chart: You could feel like there is some sort of emotional neglect happening in this connection. One person can also think that they are giving more than the other. This is actually one placement that thrives when there is a bit of friction, because you will understand each other better after.
🔴 Moon opposite Mars in Composite chart: A lot of letting your bad mood out on each other out of frustration or being dissatisfied with yourself. You may not always be able to give comfort to each other. You may also not share your life with your person, because you think your own interests would suffer.
🔴 Moon square Pluto in Composite chart: You will need to learn how to respect your partner’s feelings. And to not jump to conclusions too quickly and learn how to see an issue from an emotional distance. Avoid needing to know every single secret of your person. Or making up expectations from your own feeling of insecurity that no one can fulfil.
🔴 Moon in the 5th house in the Composite chart: Both can be too moody, changeable and inconsistent to overcome challenges together. Also can be easily offended because of an exaggerated pride in this connection. You could have troubles committing to this person, because you might have a feeling that you might be missing something.
🔴 Sun in the 9th house in Composite chart: You may want to outshine each other with your achievements. You may struggle with closeness or you just don’t want to admit your weaknesses. You also get a lot of opportunities to create a future together.
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Credit to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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cosmicpuzzle · 11 months
Weak Side of Mars 🔴 in Each House
1st House: You have difficulty in waiting and you may take actions without considering the consequences.
2nd House: You have difficulty controlling your spending and may spend without considering the price tag.
3rd house: You have difficulty controlling your mind and you speak without diplomacy. You come to conclusions quickly.
4th House: You have difficulty controlling your intense emotions and you last out easily.
5th House: You have difficulty controlling your pride and you are a sore loser. You can also be selfish in love.
6th House: You have difficulty cooperating with other workers and you are a nitpicker. You also have difficulty with changes.
7th House: You have difficulty cooperating in personal intimate relationships. You are not soft with partners.
8th House: You have difficulty controlling your jealousy and vengeance. You are also sexually overactive.
9th House: You are a fundamentalist and have difficulty tolerating other viewpoints and opinions.
10th House: You are selfish in your career and will do anything to uproot who is ahead of you.
11th House: You cut off your contacts once your work is done. You are also selfish with your goals and ambitions.
12th House: You have difficulty taking action and being motivated for long periods.
Readings are open. DM.
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auset66 · 1 month
You are feeling demotivated,ugly and just overall bad about yourself?
Look at your Mars. 🔴
The house it is in, the sign it is in, the planets in conjuction and the nakshtra.
Do things related to that and you will feel your most confident, baddest bitch alive main character energy. 🫦👠
Example?? Well let's say Mars in 1st house or aries sign so physical activities dancing intense workouts etc.🧗‍♀️
If in 4th house or cancer? Cooking, talking with mother, cleaning up home or just going out in nature etc.☘️
If in 9th house or Sagittarius? Studying, traveling, adventure, preaching things like that. ☕️
Though it is something we do consciously or unconsciously to more or less extend. It gives us that emotional validation from ourselves. You already do it and even knew about it too, it's just the observation I made. 👁👁
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Because of this same thing some people also use Mars as their guide where they want to work in (as in field of work). Because Mars is something that just by doing it, it makes you happy and gives you that emotional validation from yourself. 🤸‍♂️🧚‍♀️
So give your Mars energy more credits than just sex, sexual, attraction and appearances. These are those hobbies that just gets you happy and making you feel actually alive. Your motivation to live.🥪🍁
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nefertitiacai · 1 year
Astro observations : "I GOT IT FROM MY DADDY" (AND MOMMY) edition
yk that one "DADDY" song by PSY sksksk
🪷 Venus in 4th house is an indicater of person being very beautiful and blessed with good looking genetics. They can also be conventionally attractive since 4th house also rules homeland, so they may be deemed as attractive where they live. A genetically blessed placement.
🪷 Jupiter in the 4th house is also an indicator for having a feature that may be "large" that runs through the family. Like being voluptuous or tall. Again a "genetically blessed" placement.
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🪷 Sun/Jupiter in the 10th house individuals can learn a lot of stuff related to careers and build connections through their father.
🪷 Moon/Saturn in the second house may have some distinct facial features which resemble their parents. As both are considered planets that rule over parents and the second house rules over face.
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🔴 (TW: Generational Trauma) ⏬
(also the observation and remedies which I've mentioned are purely based on generalization, if you may be dealing with it on a serious note then consulting a medical/health care professional is what is required💚)
🪷 Those who have Mars/Chiron/Saturn/Pluto in the 4th house/cancer/conj Moon may beat themselves up for a certain "flaw" which they consider themselves to have. This habit or problem may make them feel powerless. As if they are unable to change it. However, in actuality that "problem" didn't start with them but may be a generational thing/a characteristic which got inherited from a family member. [Our genetics play a major role in general with the way we are today (yes even personality-wise). But one can change it by will and if they indulge in self-improvement techniques like meditation, visualization, journaling with clear intentions, and other mindful activities]
📚 (PS. as a book enthusiast to others who are into reading self help books I'd recommend those who are dealing with such problems to read the book "It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle" by Mark Wolynn 😃)
(TW: mommy issues) moon conj Pluto placement and being notorious with mommy issues.
However, in my case, I have this placement and I don't feel it to be like that. My relationship with my mom is a very typical one. We have different views on certain stuff but we aren't toxic. Nonetheless, what I consider really to be toxic is my mom's side of the family and her childhood had also not been the best. So this placement actually may be something regarding the fact that your mum had to go through a lot and if you know that fact then it is easy to forgive her and give her a tight hug whenever you can.
This placement can also be an indicator of the child's mom going through a stressful phase during the time of the birth.
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🟢 TW over, ok enough with sad stuff now 🤧
🪷 It is an observation but I've noticed Sagittarius, Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Leo placements folks may resemble their father's looks and personality-wise distinctively. Like there's that one feature that they may also be known for like, "you have a smile like your dad". It may be due to them being ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, and sun respectively, the celestial bodies which deal with "fatherly figures" in astrology.
🪷 Leo, Cancer, Aries, Gemini and Capricorn placements 🤝 acting all wholesome and cute when their mom is around.
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🪷 If you and your sibling both have prominent mercury placements then you might hear someone saying this at some point "oh YoU BOth LoOk likE eACh otHer a Lot" and y'all will be like "b*tch no, from which angle, I am obviously more gorgeous 😤" 
🪷You know being a Sagittarius 🐎(also honorable mention Aquarius and Pisces) this proverb literally go with us for our parents 'You can lead a horse 🐎 to water but you can't make him drink '
📚[ PS.  if the horse is willing then only it'll drink, you can't drink water on its behalf. (That's the universal truth with life btw, you are responsible for your own tasks. Others can only guide you but in the end, it's you who will have to act, innit)]
Even though it is for our own "good" and "wellbeing" that our parents do and force these placements to be doing things in a certain way these placements will only "keep drink up to it" if it gives them a feeling of expansion and freedom. (That's why Sagittarius and Pisces placements are deemed to be "irresponsible" but that's not the case. And Aquarius placements have a reputation to be "rebellious" but that's unlikely. These placements most of the time may think ahead of their time and may have a bigger picture on things that's why they may consider certain tasks to be irrelevant (however it can also backfire and this certainly doesn't mean to be an excuse to run away))
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🪷 Virgo and Libra placements tend to have good mannerisms which may be taught by their parents. They are big on punctuality. Also, they are well-behaved and sweet people. Often being talked about as "their parents raised them well". 
Virgo is associated with the 6th house which is also the house that rules over service so they tend to be helpful. Libra on the other hand is associated with the 7th house which is the house of partnerships, that's why they like to treat people with kindness and have a pleasing appeal. Like a comrade. (Although this also has a shadow aspect to it, this can make these placements to be perfectionists in unhealthy amounts and they may start to have people-pleasing tendencies. They may also grow pessimistic since many people may view their kindness to be their weakness, which is not true at all you guys, y'all are great and don't fall into what those low vibrational people have to say.)
It's 11:11 while I type this 💫 also, umaru chan is so adorable
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astroa3h · 8 months
mars through the signs ❤️‍🔥
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Mars, that red, raging ball of energy in the sky 🔴, isn’t just about anger 😡 and conflict ⚔️. It’s the engine in our lives, driving our passions, our fights 👊, and those dark, hidden cravings 🖤 we don’t always admit to, even to ourselves.
Aries Mars: Fasten your seatbelt. Mars feels at home here, since it rules Aries. Making you a walking fireball. You're the person who goes after what they want, no holds barred. But here's the twist: this can make you a bit of a bulldozer in life and relationships. Ever felt that thrill from a bit of chaos? That's Aries Mars egging you on, pushing you to start fires just to feel alive. But in the heat of the moment, you might burn bridges you later wish you’d crossed instead.
Taurus Mars: Slow and steady, but when you want something, oh, you’ll get it. The catch? Mars is in detriment here. Meaning your desires come with a string of consequences. You might also find yourself stuck in a loop of wanting things that aren’t good for you, simply because they feel comfortable or fulfill a materialistic void. Ever caught yourself thinking, “Why do I keep doing this?” That’s Taurus Mars, whispering in your ear that change is scary, and comfort zones are there for a reason, even if they're lined with thorns.
Gemini Mars: Ideas, conversations, a quick wit – that’s your jam. But here’s the dark side: an insatiable thirst for newness can lead you to stir the pot, spreading rumors or jumping from one thing (or person) to another, never truly satisfied. It's like you're on a quest for something that always seems just out of reach, leading to a cycle of restless energy that can leave you, and those around you, feeling scattered.
Cancer Mars: Passionate and protective, you fight for your loved ones like a warrior. But that Mars energy? It usually turns inward, becoming moodiness or passive-aggressiveness. Mars feels very uncomfortable here because it’s IN FALL. Ever felt like your emotions are a rollercoaster, swinging from nurturing to spiteful? That’s your Mars in Cancer, a turbulent ocean under a calm surface, sometimes letting those dark waves crash out in unexpected ways.
Leo Mars: A heart of gold, with a flare for the dramatic. You want to be seen, loved and admired. But when the spotlight isn’t on you, Mars can make you a jealous monster, acting out in ways that shock even yourself. Ever done something purely for the drama of it all? That’s Leo Mars, craving attention and sometimes setting the stage on fire just to be the star of the show.
Virgo Mars: Perfectionist much? Mars here drives you to work hard and criticize harder especially yourself. But this can spiral into a dark place where nothing’s ever good enough, leading to anxiety or pointing out flaws in others to deflect from your own insecurities. Ever nitpicked something to death? That’s Virgo Mars, whispering that if you can’t control everything, then everything’s out of control.
Libra Mars: Peace, love, and harmony, right? Well, Mars feels a bit awkward here. Mars is in detriment in Libra. You strive for balance but can become indecisive, avoiding confrontation to the point where resentment builds up. Ever found yourself agreeing just to keep the peace, then seething inside? That’s Libra Mars, wearing a mask of diplomacy while secretly wanting to tip the scales in your favor.
Scorpio Mars: Intense, passionate, with a magnetic allure. You pursue your desires with a focus that can turn obsessive. Ever felt a desire so strong, that it scared you? That’s Scorpio Mars, diving into the depths of desire, where passion can turn into manipulation or power games, revealing the lengths you’ll go to hold onto what, or who, you want.
Sagittarius Mars: Adventure calls, and you’re always chasing the horizon. But that quest for freedom can lead you to run from commitment or responsibilities, leaving a trail of unfinished business. Ever felt trapped by the mundane, itching to escape? That’s Sagittarius Mars, whispering that the grass is always greener somewhere else, even if it means leaping before you look.
Capricorn Mars: Ambition is your middle name. You’re all about goals and success, you feel on top of the world most days because Mars is exalted in Capricorn! However, that drive can turn into obsession, where the end justifies any means. Ever stepped on toes to climb higher, then wondered if it was worth it? That’s Capricorn Mars, urging you to build empires, even if it means isolating yourself on that throne of achievements.
Aquarius Mars: Rebel with a cause, you fight for change and innovation. But sometimes, that fight can become detached, valuing ideals over human connections. Ever pushed for something radical, only to realize you’re standing alone? That’s Aquarius Mars, championing the future but sometimes forgetting that revolutions are fought together, not in isolation.
Pisces Mars: Compassionate and empathetic, you feel the world deeply. But Mars here can lead to escapism, where you avoid confrontation or hard truths through fantasy or self-sabotage. Ever found yourself dreaming of a savior, or using imagination to escape reality? That’s Pisces Mars, swimming in deep waters of desire, where the line between dreams and reality blurs.
xox astro ash ❤️‍🔥
Get your own astrology reading @ astroash.net
TikTok - astroa3h
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jjwho · 1 year
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~Aquarius/Sagittarius moons have a hard time expressing their empathy or feelings for people
~Lots of Sagittarius placements are usually very "know it all" vibes or just have a hard time admitting they're wrong
~If you've made a virgo venus date you, wow, they might really like/love you.
~Capricorn moons usually have a ruff childhood
~Most open minded people usually have Aquarius/Capricorn moons
~Aries moons tend to feel a lot and act on it
~Multiple Aries placements espically mars probably means they like fitness a lot.
~Pisces venus can pull off any type of outfit which is more on the alternative side.
~Aries venuses are just as bad as Gemini venuses.
~Cancer mars are actually pretty dominant, they just have to feel comfortable around that person.
~Virgo mars tend to be very observant during spicy time on their partner that I think they don't enjoy it that much. Espically if it's their first time. Very serving in bed.
~Libra mars have a strong passion or sense of fairness. They hate when somethings is unfair.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
omg… you’re a rina shipper too?!?! ughh they are literally my #1 otp so that’s so exciting 😅
Yeah I like them! At first, I only shipped them in season 1 and wasn't feeling it after but the gifs and the parallels to lucaya (a ship I LOVE) make me feel something.
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xcorpsekitten · 4 months
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Sailor Mars ✨️🔴
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9th-empress-suravi · 11 months
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The Red Planet MARS 🔴|| Reddish Colour Surface|| The Brightest Object in Earth's Sky
Want to Watch the video of The Red Planet MARS 🔴
Go to my youtube channel @InfinityASTRONOMERICA
It's a New Youtube Channel so, Please Subscribe my channel.
About the Video:
Mars is the fourth planet and the furthest terrestrial planet from the Sun. The reddish color of its surface is due to finely grained iron(III) oxide dust in the soil, giving it the nickname "the Red Planet". Mars's radius is second smallest among the planets in the Solar System at 3,389.5 km (2,106 mi). The Martian dichotomy is visible on the surface: on average, the terrain on Mars's northern hemisphere is flatter and lower than its southern hemisphere. Mars has a thin atmosphere made primarily of carbon dioxide and two irregularly shaped natural satellites: Phobos and Deimos.
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roland-crane-leafbook · 4 months
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@RolandCrane on Leafbook - 24/05/XXXX, 23:23pm
What a silly comparison... I couldn't help but share--I'm sure Evan and Tani will get a kick out of this.
Do we look so much alike to warrant a meme? I'll have to see what Doloran thinks of this. Maybe he'll laugh too? Maybe he'll be offended... Nah, he'll probably just boast about how we're "indeed one and the same" or something along those lines.
☆{ Art by RaraVT, inspo by this meme! }☆
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sweetside · 11 months
🎃Trick or Treat🍬
It's the spookiest part of the year, everyone Nyeh nyeh Nyeeeeeeh!~ Or not if you reblog this in April or something.
So let's celebrate this most wonderful time of the year with our muses!
Send 🎃 or (Trick) to give my muse a piece (or multiple pieces of candy) from the list below!
Send 🍬 or (Treat) to let my muse choose a piece (or multiple) from the list below. (Im not liable if some of the less bright muses decide to not read the effects before consumption.)
Remember that the muses' Mun can pick out the candy sent to them if they don't want their muse eating it.
The Options:
🍭(Lollipop) : Upon eating this, the eater gains 10 lbs.
🍪(Cookie) : Upon eating this, the eater gains 50 lbs.
🍫(Chocolate Bar) : Upon eating this, the eater gains 100 lbs.
🥛(Milk dud) : Upon eating this, the eater's bust size doubles.
🍑(Peach Sweet): Upon eating this, the eater's butt doubles in size.
🍐(Pear Gummy): Upon eating this, the eater's hips double in size.
🍌(Banana Marshmallow): Upon eating this, the eater grows 1 foot taller.
🫐(Berry Gum): Upon eating this, the eater's skin starts to change into the colour of the berry the asker specified (Blueberry by default), The muse also slowly fills up with said berry's juice.
🥝(Kiwi Pop rock): Upon eating this, the eater's hair grows 1 foot longer.
🧃(Juice box): Upon eating this, the eater gains a months worth of muscle.
🍋(Lemon Lozenge): The eater's personality becomes stubborn and sure of themselves!
🍯(Honey Drop): The eater's personality becomes sickeningly sweet and optimistic!
🧂(Salt Toffee): The eater's personality becomes outgoing and vocal!
🥒(Bitter Pickle): The eater's personality becomes spoiled and self-entitled!
🌿(Mint sauce): The eater's personality becomes more confident and concerned about their identity!
🥡(Leftovers): The eater's personality becomes more lazy and lethargic.
⚡(Energy Drink): The eater's personality flips upside down, becoming the reverse of what it is!
🪥(Tooth paste): The eater's personality resets to their original one.
🐺(Moon pie): The eater turns into a Werewolf!
😺(Kit Kat): The eater turns into a Cat Girl/Cat Boy!
🐟(Swedish Fish): The eater turns into a Mermaid/Merman!
🐰(Candy Carrot): The eater turns into a Bunny Girl/Bunny Boy!
🐮(Milk bottle candy): The eater turns into a Cow Girl/Cow Boy!
🦇(Red Licorice): The eater turns into a Vampire!
👻(Sugar Glass): The eater becomes a Ghost!
😈(Spicy Sucker): The eater becomes a Devil or Demon!
🧶(Strawberry Laces): The eater becomes a construct! (Like a doll or golem or maybe even a Frankenstein!)
🐵(Gum): The eater becomes a human!
🔴(Mars Bar): Turns the eater Male!
🟡(Venus Wine gum): Turns the eater Female!
Additional Details:
(These can be added to the ask to change the candy's effect.)
🪙(Cheap candy): Flips the candy's effect to be negative. (Doubling becomes Halving, etc.)
🏠(Home-made): The candy's original effect is ignored. Instead the effect is decided by the asker. (Beware that this is the type of candy Mun's are most likely to throw out.)
✖️(Charity): Doubles the effects of the given candy.
🍿(Grab bag): The Mun must randomly roll for what candy their muse gets.(Note: There are exactly 30 pieces of candy to choose from.) (Though they can still throw it away, or roll again.)
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TW: Violence/gore, religion mocking, child harming and pregnancy, vermin infection, famine, body horror, cannibalism, kidnapping
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"Nick nack paddy wack, give a dog a bone, liver eater comes crawling home."
ANM #: 126 - "Dog will hunt..."
Danger Level: Darlig 🔴 | Uncontained ❌️
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Öctavio Kalev
Type of Anomaly: Rural, predatory, childlike, humanoid
Confinement: ANM-126 is not to be contained or restrained physically under any circumstances. Due to its anomalous nature and the severe psychological trauma it inflicts on witnesses, direct encounters with ANM-126 should be minimized. If ANM-126 appears in a populated area, elite task force "Infernal Cangaceiros" are authorized to attempt non-lethal deterrence measures using sonic devices and high-intensity lights. If these measures fail, the area must be evacuated immediately.
Description: ANM-126, colloquially known as "Papa Figo", is a male humanoid entity approximately 10 feet in height. Its appearance is characterized by severe malnutrition, extensive tissue degeneration, and various physical deformities caused by starvation and associated diseases (see Addendum 126.1). Notably, ANM-126 possesses a porcelain mask covering its face, with a mouth capable of opening unusually wide (up to 6 times its normal size), despite the surrounding gums being withered and inelastic.
ANM-126 is believed to have originated during the Great Dry of Northeastern Brazil in the early 19th century. It is said to embody the personification of hunger, preying upon the desperation and suffering of those affected by the crisis. ANM-126 primary anomalous effect is its ability to manipulate the health and well-being of those in close proximity, inducing famine and scurvy-like symptoms in order to lure victims.
ANM-126 modus operandi involves stalking and abducting children, typically between the ages of 5 and 12, by carrying them in a large leather sack slung over its shoulder. Once abducted inside the bag, presumed taken to a hiding place, the child's liver is rapidly extracted and consumed by ANM-126. The victim's body is subsequently returned to their parents or caregivers, often as a gruesome "gift" intended to perpetuate the cycle of fear and starvation.
ANM-126 movements and behavior are erratic and unpredictable. It appears to possess sobrenatural agility, allowing it to move with unnatural speed and contort its body in ways defying human anatomy. ANM-126 spine is notably flexible, enabling it to twist and bend in extreme ways, including a quadrupedal gait when necessary.
The entity's presence is often heralded by the chanting of a nursery rhyme: "Nick nack paddy wack, give a dog a bone, liver eater came rolling home". This recitation seems to serve as a summoning or invocation, amplifying ANM-126 anomalous abilities and drawing it closer to potential prey.
ANM-126 displays a particular affinity for targeting areas where hunger and poverty are rampant. It is speculated that this affinity may be a result of its own existence being tied to the emotional and physical toll of famine.
In addition to its physical manifestations, ANM-126 is said to possess a twisted, almost sadistic sense of humor. It often leaves mocking messages or crude drawings near crime scenes, ridiculing religious beliefs and symbols in a blatant attempt to demoralize victims' families.
Addendum 126.1 - Physical Description:
ANM-126 appearance is characterized by extreme emaciation, with visible bone structures and atrophied muscle tissue. Its skin is dry, leathery, and marred by numerous open sores and lesions. The entity's hair and body fur, if present at all, is sparse and matted.
Notable deformities include:
* Genu recurvatum, allowing ANM-126 to hyperextend its knees
* Marfan syndrome symptoms, including long limbs, arched feet, and a skeletal, almost gaunt appearance
* Partial alopecia universal, leaving patches of bald skin
* Taut, degenerated skin covering exposed bones
* Protuberant cheekbones
* Rotted teeth and sickly gums below down the porcelain mask which does not accommodate the mouth
* A tortuous, abnormally flexible spine enabling ANM-126 to contort and move in unnatural ways
The porcelain mask itself is intricately designed, appearing to be a tampered theater mask. While the mask conceals ANM-126 true features, it seems to be an integral part of the entity's anomalous nature, as attempts to remove or damage it have resulted in severe consequences for the researcher involved (see Incident Report 126-2). The entity is devoid of clothing, wearing only its mask, has no navel, with fur only more visible on the thighs and groin, which is dense enough to cover its organs.
Incident Report 126-2:
Dr. Reno had been conducting experiments aimed at understanding ANM-126 anomalous properties and potential weaknesses. During one such experiment, the doctor ordered an attempted to remove the porcelain mask from ANM-126 face using the force.
Immediately upon contact, ANM-126 body began to twitch and convulse violently. The entity let out a guttural, inhuman scream that shattered windows and exploded devices in the surrounding area. Dr. Reno hands were suddenly engulfed in flames, causing severe burns.
As the doctor fell to the ground, screaming in agony, ANM-126 ripped the mask free from its face with a single, brutal motion. The entity's true visage was revealed to be a mass of festering, necrotic tissue, with sunken eyes glowing an eerie green. In a voice that sounded like the rustling of dry leaves, ANM-126 spoke a single word: "MINE." The entity then vanished without a trace, leaving the medic to succumb to their injuries shortly thereafter.
ANM-126 has demonstrated a sarcastic and ironic behavior toward traditional religions, often using their doctrines and symbols to further his twisted purposes. In his public appearances in the cities of the northeast, the entity would often walk the streets normally, talking to residents and participating in local dances, all with a deceptive and benevolent posture that contrasted with his true underlying evil nature. This strategy allowed ANM-126 to further infiltrate communities, gaining trust and influence while ridiculing and discrediting religious dogma, paving the way for its complete manipulation and subsequent biological contamination.
Addendum 126-3 - Religious Significance:
Preliminary research suggests that ANM-126 may have some connection to Catholicism and Christian iconography, particularly the figure of the Grim Reaper. The entity's porcelain mask bears a striking resemblance to certain depictions of Death in medieval art. This potential link to religious imagery and symbolism warrants further investigation and exploration.
ANM-126 has displayed a peculiar behavior toward religions that emphasize the figure of a savior or messiah, particularly in the Catholic context. In its public interactions, the entity often used elements of Christian doctrine, such as sacred images or symbols, in a distorted and ironic way to promote its objectives. For example, ANM-126 was seen distributing pamphlets with parodic versions of Bible stories, in which Jesus and the apostles were portrayed as ordinary characters involved in mundane and ridiculous situations, losing their moral and spiritual authority.
Furthermore, ANM-126 liked to question the need for an external savior, arguing that salvation comes from within and that humanity itself has the potential to find the right path without divine intervention. These criticisms were especially directed at Catholic beliefs, which give great weight to the figure of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World.
However, ANM-126 appeared to be neutral toward pagan religions that rely on nature worship or practices derived from them. The entity displayed no hostility or intent to discredit these beliefs, likely because they did not fit the mold of a religion that emphasizes a savior figure. Instead, ANM-126 appeared to focus on destabilizing Christian and similar beliefs, using its ability to manipulate memetics and sarcasm to undermine the authority of these religions and pave the way for its own distorting influence.
When ANM-126 encountered individuals who professed Christian beliefs or derived religions, or when these people attempted to react to its presence by invoking their beliefs in some form of defense, the entity reacted with extreme and sadistic violence.
First, ANM-126 begins to physically assault the target with blunt and brutal blows, often using his hands or objects at hand in his surroundings as weapons. After that, the entity focuses on the victim's lower limbs, sadistically breaking their shins and legs until the bones are reduced to fragments.
With the victim's body already mutilated and incapacitated, ANM-126 dragged him to a secluded location and hung him in a position that strongly resembled the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The entity seemed to delight in this final pose, as if symbolizing his victory over the Christian faith and his ability to transcend and subvert religious symbols.
Date: 20/07/18██
Location: Rural town in Northeastern Brazil
Incident Summary: Task Force reported encountering ANM-126 in a remote village. The entity had arrived in the midst of a severe drought, exacerbating the already dire living conditions of the local population.
As the Task Force attempted to evacuate civilians, ANM-126 began to chant the nursery rhyme associated with its appearances. Within minutes, a group of starving children, aged 5-12, emerged from their homes and began to follow the entity. Despite the Task Force best efforts to intervene, ANM-126 managed to abduct three of the children before escaping into the nearby thicket. The remaining children were left traumatized and crying out for their missing siblings.
Event Report - Yellow: "Gift"
Location: Rural farmhouse
Event Classification: Standard ANM-126 Behavior
On [REDACTED], ANM-126 manifested at a rural farmhouse, delivering the corpse of a young woman identified as a daughter of the family [REDACTED]. The entity had previously communicated with the family via a series of cryptic messages and taunts, hinting at its intention to reunite them with their deceased child.
Upon arrival, ANM-126 presented in a colorful box with a delicate pink bow, the mangled, partially devoured remains of [REDACTED] to her parents, who were visibly shaken by the sight. Despite their horror and distress, the parents, identified as [REDACTED], showed no immediate signs of anomalous behavior or mental deterioration.
However, within 48 hours of receiving the corpse, [REDACTED] began exhibiting increasingly erratic and obsessive behavior towards the body. They became fixated on preparing and consuming parts of the remains, claiming that doing so would allow them to reconnect with their lost daughter on a spiritual level.
As the days passed, [REDACTED]'s mental state rapidly deteriorated, with reports indicating hallucinations, delusional thinking, and a complete breakdown in personal hygiene and grooming standards. Their fixation on the corpse intensified, leading to acts of praise and [REDACTED] in a desperate attempt to incorporate their daughter's essence into themselves.
By 120 hours, both parents had succumbed to complete insanity, with [REDACTED] displaying a ravenous hunger for human flesh, particularly that of their own child. Local authorities were unable to intervene due to the remote location and the parents' aggressive behavior towards outsiders.
Event Report - Orange: "Baptism"
Location: Suburban residence
Event Classification: High-Impact ANM-126 Behavior
On [REDACTED], ANM-126 launched a surprise attack on a suburban family home, resulting in the deaths of two adults and one child. The entity appeared to target the mother specifically, brutally dismembering and defiling her corpse in a grotesque display.
Prior to the carnage, witnesses reported seeing the entity enter the residence without warning, its presence seemingly accompanied by a low, pulsating hum. Once inside, ANM-126 moved with supernatural speed and ferocity, murdering the father and young daughter in a matter of seconds using its razor-sharp claws.
The mother, [REDACTED], survived initial contact but was subsequently subjected to a horrific death. ANM-126 tore open her abdomen, exposing her internal organs, and proceeded to gouge and mutilate them in a sadistic display. The entity then dragged the mother's mangled body to the bathroom, where it performed a twisted form of baptism, submerging her in the bathtub filled with blood and water.
As the family's screams echoed through the house, witnesses claimed to have seen the remaining members - [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] - enter a trance-like state, their eyes glazing over as if under the entity's hypnotic control. This phenomenon persisted even after the authorities arrived on the scene, leading to concerns about the potential long-term effects of exposure to ANM-126 anomalous influence.
Event Report - Red: "Genocide"
Date: 18██
Location: Maranhão
Event Classification: City Level Catastrophe War
ANM-126 unleashed a catastrophic event in a major metropolitan city, resulting in the deaths of approximately ███ thousand civilians and widespread destruction of infrastructure. The entity's actions were characterized by unparalleled brutality, chaos, and seemingly indiscriminate targeting of human life. Papa Figo materialized in the heart of the metropolis, its presence heralded by an ominous, blood-red mist that spread rapidly through the streets.
Eyewitness accounts described the entity as a towering, humanoid figure with skin like raw meat and eyes that burned with an inner fire. Armed with razor-sharp claws and teeth, ANM-126 rampaged through the city, attacking and killing anyone in its path with savage efficiency. The entity's movements seemed to defy the laws of physics, allowing it to cover vast distances in seconds and scale towering structures with ease.
As the massacre unfolded, reports emerged of ANM-126 targeting specific locations, including hospitals, schools, and places of worship. These sites were often the scenes of particularly brutal atrocities, with the entity leaving behind piles of mutilated corpses and evidence of ritualistic defilement.
Despite the best efforts of local authorities and emergency responders, the city descended into chaos and anarchy. Survivors were left to fend for themselves in a desperate struggle for survival, with many resorting to looting, violence, and cannibalism in a bid to stay alive, as with all of this, the anomaly also carried his extreme famine effects with him to the city.
Containment Efforts:
Foxhound was rapidly assembled to address the crisis, with personnel from multiple departments and bases converging on the affected area. Due to the sheer scale of the disaster and the entity's immense power, containment efforts were ultimately unsuccessful.
ANM-126 was last spotted departing the city, leaving behind a scene of unimaginable devastation. The remains of the victims were interred in mass graves, while the city itself has been largely abandoned due to the lingering anomalous effects and the psychological trauma inflicted upon survivors.
In the aftermath of this tragedy, the full extent of ANM-126 capabilities and the potential consequences of its actions have become chillingly clear. All survivors were given amnesiacs and interviewed, and a story involving an earthquake was invented, along with an official pronouncement from the king Dom Pedro II.
Event Report - Black: "Marriage"
Location: Rural Citadel
Event Classification: Memetic-Based Anomalous Influence, Reproductive Contamination, and Xenogenesis
ANM-126 orchestrated a memetic takeover of a secluded rural citadel, exploiting the isolated community's reliance on oral tradition and superstition. The entity seamlessly integrated itself into the local culture, manipulating beliefs and behaviors to pave the way for a grotesque series of events culminating in a twisted marriage ceremony.
Initially, ANM-126 infiltrated the citadel by posing as a wandering storyteller, regaling locals with eerie tales and half-truths that gradually altered their perceptions of reality. Over time, the community's worldview became increasingly distorted, with many embracing the entity's dark philosophies as divine wisdom.
As the memetic-based influence solidified, ANM-126 selected a young local girl, [REDACTED], as its chosen vessel for reproduction. The entity manipulated the citadel's leaders into arranging a marriage between [REDACTED] and a fellow child, [REDACTED], in a macabre ceremony that drew inspiration from ancient pagan rituals.
During the wedding feast, guests partook in a communal meal featuring the flesh of sacrificed animals, which had been ritually prepared and served in a manner evocative of human consumption. It is believed that this act of symbolic cannibalism helped to further blur the lines between human and animal, paving the way for ANM-126 ultimate goal.
Following the wedding, [REDACTED] began experiencing a rapid and inexplicable growth spurt, her body transforming into a gestational vessel for the entity's offspring. Nine months later, she gave birth to a brood of parasitic creatures resembling tapeworms, each measuring up to 30 cm in length.
These xenogeneic entities, dubbed "Tapeworm Larvae ANM-126-B," quickly established a symbiotic relationship with the citadel's inhabitants, burrowing into their bodies and manipulating their nervous systems to serve ANM-126 interests. The larvae allowed their hosts to maintain a semblance of normalcy while secretly siphoning off vital resources and influencing their thoughts and actions.
Containment Efforts:
A containment team was dispatched to the citadel, where they discovered the aftermath of the anomalous marriage and the birth of the Tapeworm Larvae. After a tense confrontation with the now-puppeted citizens, the larvae were successfully extracted from their hosts and quarantined for further study. [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], now devoid of their free will, were taken into custody for reeducation and psychological rehabilitation.
In the following months, MOTHRA Institution scientists worked tirelessly to unravel the effects of ANM-126 memetic influence and the xenogeneic biology of the Tapeworm Larvae. Experiments revealed that the larvae could survive outside their human hosts for limited periods, feeding on nutrient-rich fluids and emitting a unique pheromone that facilitated their reattachment to new victims.
Furthermore, analysis of [REDACTED]'s womb after pregnancy indicated that ANM-126 had manipulated her reproductive system, creating an environment conducive to the development of its parasitic offspring. The entity's ability to alter human biology on such a fundamental level raises disturbing questions about its true nature and potential capabilities.
As containment efforts continue, the full implications of this event remain unclear. However, one thing is certain: Papa Figo has demonstrated an unparalleled capacity for memetic manipulation and biological contamination, making it an even more formidable threat to global security and human well-being.
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Dr. Öctavio Kalev
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