#martial arts trousers
octuscle · 1 month
Full investment
Martin had been very lucky in his life. He founded his first start-up at the right time, sold it at the right time and invested the proceeds wisely. Of course, it wasn't just luck; Martin was clever, hard-working and charismatic. And with this combination, he was bound to succeed. The fact that he was extremely good-looking didn't necessarily hinder him. Martin was at every party, Martin knew everyone and Martin was at least one of the first followers of a new trend. If he didn't set the trend himself. That's why he was very annoyed when he got talking to a cool, masculine and sporty-looking guy at a party at the Turkish Embassy. The young stallion turned out to be a rising star in the mixed martial arts world and ran a gym in one of Stockholm's hipster neighborhoods. And in the course of the conversation, Mete asked Martin why he wasn't investing in the fitness sector. Martin was fascinated by Mete's engaging manner. And they shook hands on Martin's entry into Mete's gym.
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The press conference was a date to Martin's liking. He was in his element. Not that Mete was not photogenic, but Martin loved the camera. And the camera loved him. One of the reporters present asked if Martin would now train here too. Martin was taken aback for a moment. He hadn't expected that. Normally, he trained with his personal trainer at his gym at home. But this was the moment Mete had been waiting for. He threw a bag with a pair of sports trousers and a pair of gloves to Martin and said it was time for them to train together. Martin hesitated only briefly. He looked good in a suit. But he also knew that he looked at least as good with his shirt off. The pictures of the sparring session were amazing. The success for the gym was overwhelming. And Martin had to admit: this kind of training was something completely different from training at home.
Martin's daily routine changed soon after he joined Mete. Mete regularly picked him up in the morning to go jogging. Martin and Mete often had breakfast in a Turkish café near the gym, and Mete created Martin's new nutrition plan. Mete provided Martin with food supplements, the contents of which Martin did not question, especially since the green packaging only had Arabic writing on it. Mete created a training plan for Martin that required a lot of time in the gym… But Martin was happy to have a real physical balance to his otherwise very stressful job. And at the moment he was only active as an investor, he didn't have to run his own company. So why not give it everything you've got in sport? And he gave it everything. Running with a lead vest, weight training, sparring, technique training… At some point, Martin was practically living in the gym. And Mete and Martin also spent more and more time together. So much so that Martin moved into the apartment above the gym, which he had originally only intended to use as a second home. So much so that at some point he went with Mete to his Turkish barber. And so much so that, out of curiosity, he went to the mosque with Mete on a Friday for the midday prayer. Mete and the Imam spoke a lot and quickly with each other. The two of them smiled a lot. They said goodbye warmly. Martin hadn't understood a word. But for some reason it felt right to be here.
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At the beginning, Martin's short hair was the most obvious sign of his change. His increasingly athletic body was also impossible to miss. Martin grew a beard. Martin started wearing a prayer cap. And more and more Turkish and Arabic words crept into his speech. And while he was only sporadically in the mosque at first, a Friday without the midday prayer and without an exchange with the imam soon became unimaginable for him.
Of course, his change did not go unnoticed. There was unrest in his network of companies. Mete advised him to withdraw from the public eye. His social media accounts were dormant. Martin withdrew from most of the supervisory boards of his holdings. This task was taken over by a few guys he had met at the gym, in cafes or in the mosque and whom he had come to trust. Martin enjoyed the freedom he gained as a result. He had more time to prepare for his next fight, more time to learn Turkish and Arabic, and more time to devote to his prayers. Even though Mete had to spend more and more time managing the prospering gym and the other businesses Martin had entrusted to him, he made sure that Martin, who he increasingly called Mehmet, continued to receive optimal training and nutrition plans. And, above all, with the right nutritional supplements. The side effects of the pills and injections were becoming increasingly obvious: a dark fur was growing on Martin's chest and his beard was getting darker and darker.
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MMA shorts and thobes… At some point, there was nothing else left in his wardrobe. At most, when Mehmet helped out at the gym reception or when he was supervising at the gym or training customers, he wore a tracksuit. But basically, he no longer felt comfortable in it. Fortunately, Mete gave him quite a generous allowance after Martin had given him and Iman extensive powers of attorney. This allowed him to get through the month without having to work. However, Mehmet still had to work from time to time as a temp at the gym to pay for the expensive nutritional supplements. He didn't have to overcome any great obstacles to do this: he was at home at the gym and he was proud to be part of this gym. And as a trainer, he had close contact with the hottest guys in the gym. Even though Mete was the only one who was allowed to fuck Mehmet, there were enough holes that Mehmet's cock could fill after the wounds of the circumcision had healed.
Hardly anyone recognized Martin at Mehmet's new appearances on social media. If you looked closely, you could have seen Martin's blue eyes in the otherwise more masculine features of Mehmet's face. But hardly anyone looked at Mehmet's eyes. There were other body parts that attracted the public's attention.
Ole had been following Martin's latest investment closely. Martin's new CEO, Mete, was very active in the Swedish startup scene and Mete and Ole met regularly at various events. Mete needed more capital to finance the planned aggressive growth of the gym chain. And Ole was ready to get on board. The business figures were simply too tempting.
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The press event to mark Ole's entry into the gym empire was a great success. It was accompanied by the opening of a new gym in Martin's former house. And by the victory of the Swedish MMA heavyweight title by the star of the gym, Mehmet. At the photo shoot, Ole was surprised at Mehmet's good Swedish. Actually, he would have expected less from such a monkey. But never mind, Mehmet wasn't there to speak. The photo shoot with Ole and Mehmet was followed by a training session in which the two men demonstrated their skills. Mehmet did everything he could to make Ole look good. But at the end of the session, he said that Ole could do a little more to improve his fitness. After all, he was now a figurehead for the gym. Mehmet had already prepared something: a training and nutrition plan. And Mete had also already procured a few dietary supplements.
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ziseviolet · 9 months
Thank you so much for gathering this information, you are providing a valuable resource for hanfu enthusiasts! I love the sumptuous cuts and fabrics, but as someone often involved in physical labor, it isn't realistic for me. Are there any examples of clothing that might be worn by country folk who have to work in the fields and tend animals?
Hi! Thanks for the question, and sorry for taking ages to reply! (image via)
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Yes, there is hanfu suitable for country folk who have to work in the fields and tend animals. Historically, such people would have worn a type of unisex hanfu called 裋褐/shuhe. Shuhe goes by a few other names, including 短打/duanda, 短褐/duanhe, and 竖褐/shuhe. They all refer to a two-piece set of attire composed of a cross-collar top that extends to the knees, coupled with tied trousers. Both pieces were typically made out of coarse cloth. It is the basis of almost all underclothing, usually the clothing worn under armor, and the casual outfit of commoners and laborers (x). This outfit was generally worn by people doing manual labor, such as farm work, and by martial artists (x).
I wrote about shuhe in my post on casual/adventurer-type hanfu here. For more information on shuhe, I recommend checking out the following links:
Wikipedia article on 衫裤/shanku
Patterns for shuhe-making
Shuhe-making tutorial
A few images of shuhe in historical art & modern day (1, 2, 3, 4):
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Shuhe understandably isn't as popular as other "fancier" hanfu styles, but there are still some available on Taobao, including the following:
Farmer-style shuhe for spring & autumn from 華夏节奏 (x):
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2. Ming-style ramie shuhe from 淮边筱竹 (x):
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3. Tailor-made Ming-style shuhe from 淮边筱竹 (x):
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4. Ming-style quilted cotton winter shuhe from 淮边筱竹 (x):
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For more references, please see my shuhe and commoners hanfu tags.
If anyone has more info/recs, please share! ^^
Hope this helps!
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city-of-ladies · 6 months
Strong seawomen
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You can read more about Iceland's seawomen here!
"Born in 1829, Ísafold Runólfsdóttir grew up on a remote farm in East Iceland near present-day Vopnafjördur. From a family celebrated for their singular strength, Ísafold was known as the best and strongest of the bunch. She was so renowned for her strength that she became part of the folk history of the area, with accounts of her taking on the form and style of the traditional Icelandic narrative tales. She is described as very intelligent, tall, broad-shouldered, handsome with a firm expression, bold, eager in her work, unsparing in her words, unafraid to speak her mind (her language sometimes a bit crass) and overall considered a hero both at sea and on land.
Ísafold went to sea when she was “very young,” first rowing with her father Runólfur. Fishing became her main source of income. She often went out alone, and only the “hardest workers could hope to match her.” As with so many of the seawomen in the historical record, it was not so much for her fishing that Ísafold is remembered but for her personality and phenomenal strength. This included her ability to pull her heavy wooden boat ashore alone—an unheard-of feat. One young seaman recalled that once, when the boat was getting in danger upon encountering rough waves as they neared shore, Ísafold jumped from the boat into the waves, grabbed him, and then tossed him with such a throw that he landed safely on shore. Then she dragged the boat ashore after her. Another account describes how, when unloading hundred-pound bags from the boats with the men, who carried one bag each, Ísafold would often remark, “Well, you are not so strong,” and grab two bags, one in each hand.6 Some speculated that it was the fish oil she took religiously that aided her famous strength—but that she was stronger than almost anyone else, man or woman, was undisputed. 
Ísafold also had exceptional skill and strength at a wrestling and martial art form called glíma. Brought from Norway by the early Icelandic settlers, glíma was played in medieval times by men, women, and gods alike—and considered fundamental for a warrior. In the 1800s, it was still popular, and as Ísafold’s reputation at glíma grew, many men came to test themselves against her, including some of the area’s best-known fighters. But always these men found themselves facedown in the “cow muck” in the barn, defeated by Ísafold. Eventually, Ívar Jónsson, a “mountain of a man in both size and strength” came to challenge Ísafold. Their fight was both “long and even,” but “being an experienced fighter,” he was eventually able to take Ísafold to the ground, where she admitted defeat. Even so, Ívar affirmed that “he had never before or since fought a worthier opponent”. 
Ísafold was clearly both attractive and independent, and the descriptions of her thwarting sexually aggressive men (usually reported as foreigners), repeated to the delight of the town, take on the tone of parable. These accounts always start by outlining a situation in which some very foolish man or men decide to harass Ísafold. (...).
At this juncture in each account, someone goes running to Ísafold’s father, warning him that his daughter is in danger. Each time he declines to budge, saying that his “little girl” can take care of herself. And each time she competently does. On the ship, some men flee but the rest she sends “one by one rolling down the gangway.” In the other cases, she comes down the stairs holding the man under her arm with his head hanging down. As for the man who wished to “enjoy” her, Ísafold stomps down the stairs with him under her arm, his trousers around his ankles as he ineffectually screams and curses at her. She strides out of the house with him, down to the sea, and, with a grin, tosses him into the water. The laughter of their audience reportedly “rang around them.” The man manages to wade to land, pulling his trousers up as he goes, loudly cursing the woman who did this to him. After this incident, he was reportedly not seen in public for a long time. At each story’s conclusion, various townspeople thank Ísafold, saying that the men are known for their uncontrolled temper or have “been a bother to other women before her.”
Beyond using her physical strength to protect herself, it was clear that Ísafold, like other seawomen such as Foreman Thurídur, stood up for her rights and voiced her opinions—sometimes in fairly outrageous ways. One week in church, Ísafold found the pastor’s sermon objectionable (the account, sadly, neglects to tell us what he said). After the communion service had concluded, she darted outside ahead of the pastor and squatted by the church door, as if to relieve herself. As the pastor walked by, she said, “I guess this was rather pointless. The sacrament has already passed through.”
Ísafold eventually took over the family farm, and adopted her sister’s child after that sister’s death. Although, sadly, Ísafold’s first love died of illness—after she had braved trekking through deep snow and a blizzard trying to save him—she later married and had one son, whom she named after the Saga hero Úlfar the Strong. In addition to her amazing strength and fishing abilities, Ísafold had great skill for natural medicine, healing wounds, and even surgery; when her adopted son tore off two fingers in an accident, she successfully reattached them. According to a local pastor, Ísafold remained strong, living to be “an old lady,” and was still living on a farm as late as 1901. Another source, while agreeing that she had a long life, recorded that after her father died in 1870, Ísafold left farming and moved to a home by the sea. 
These stories of Ísafold are rollicking and fun, but they remind us that in the rowboats, the ability and strength to row against wind and current could make the difference between a safe homecoming and death. Even in the early Icelandic Sagas, women with such skills were recognized, though not glorified in the way the men were. In the Saga of Gísli Súrsson, Gísli, who is being hunted down by numerous enemies, travels to Breidafjördur to take refuge with his friend Ingjaldur. When his enemies get wind of his whereabouts, fifteen of them board a ship and head across the bay in pursuit. Meanwhile, Gísli has gone out fishing with Ingjaldur and two of his slaves, a man Svartur and a woman Bóthildur. Sighting the enemy ship, Gísli hurriedly changes places and clothes with Svartur, who rows away with Ingjaldur. Gísli, however, joins Bóthildur, pretending to be Ingjaldur’s well-known “half-wit” son. Ingjaldur and Svartur head for a nearby island, while Bóthildur rows toward the enemies. Through cleverly implying doubt as to the identity of Ingjaldur’s companion, she misleads them into pursuing the other men, thereby saving Gísli’s life. By the time the enemies realize they have been fooled, Bóthildur is already far down the channel. With many men rowing, the enemies rapidly gain on them, but Bóthildur rows so fast that the “steam comes off her,” getting Gísli ashore just before the enemies catch up to them. In thanks, Gísli gives Bóthildur gold to take to Ingjaldur and his wife, along with his request that they free not only her but Svartur as well.
Strength in working at sea was always important, and people who were exceptional got noticed. Examples of women dragging the heavy medieval ships ashore do exist in the Sagas, although later it seems not to have been common until the 1707–8 Plague killed a quarter of the population. During that terrible time, the women dragged up the ships and buried the dead. From then until the early 1900s, when boat construction changed, women dragged the boats to shore alongside their crewmates. Even well into the mid-1900s, on seaside farms, people, including women, were still dragging their boats to the sea. Unnur, the seawoman featured on the cover of this book, recalled this from her youth in the 1950s:
One of my first memories of our boat was helping to push it down to the sea in spring using ribs of whales instead of wooden planks for the boat to slide on. There was a drum at the shore from which we would unwind the wire holding the boat. At the same time a flock of people were supporting the boat so it would stay upright. Then as one rib was loose above the boat it was loose above the boat it was carried down below the boat and so on every time the boat moved further down the slope. When the boat reached the water all ribs were taken and put in the shed.
Historical accounts of strong female rowers also continue throughout the centuries: women rowed record distances—with no helping wind—in record time; seawomen in their seventies exhausted their strong twentysomething-year-old sons; rescues were accomplished due to a woman’s superior rowing; and numerous women rowed in a competitive dare, changing the rhythm to see if the other rowers could keep up. The historical record is full of these women’s adventures, such as those of another seawoman from East Iceland, Helga Sigurdardóttir. Born in 1823, Helga lived to be almost ninety, and, in addition to fishing, she managed her own farm, including the haying and tending the sheep. Like Gudný Sigrídur Magnúsdóttir, Helga ran over mountains, but unless the ground was frozen or it was raining, she ran barefoot. She fished in the spring and autumn, and always wanted someone of equal strength to row with her—something apparently not so easy to find. She was particularly remembered for outrowing everyone in both boats when her boat and a companion boat got caught in a fierce storm together; her strength and encouragement were credited with getting the entire group through the danger safely."
 Seawomen of Iceland: Survival on the edge, Margaret Wilson
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madman479r · 1 year
Pyrus Xiao-Arc
Father: Jaune Xiao-Arc
Mother: Yang Xiao-Arc
Height: 5'9"
Hair colour: Blonde (Yang's shade)
Hair style: Short and spiky
Eye colour: Blue (Normal)
                     Purple (Semblance)
Aura colour: Orange
Gender: Male
Black skin tight short sleeve shirt.
Bandages around his hands and forearms.
Brown baggy martial arts trousers.
White wrapping around his shins
No weapon. Uses bare hands
Fighting style:
Kick boxing
Semblance: Pain & Gain
Pyrus' semblance is similar to his mother's but the difference is Yang absorbs the kinetic energy of an opponent's attack, whereas Pyrus gains strength through pain. The more damage he receives, the stronger he becomes. But to do so, he must allow himself to be hit with no Aura protecting him. Meaning he must be careful what type of attacks he allows himself to be hit with less he be knocked out by a strong enough attack or be killed by a fatal blow.
A side affect of his semblance shows in his attitude and fighting. Sometimes he will become, reckless, wild and bloodthirsty, enjoying the pain he feels.
Pyrus is often described as "A younger Jaune with Yang's personality." He is open and confident about himself. Being carefree and wanting to live life without regret, but tends to be blunt. Prefering to take life's challenges head on.
But that also shows in how he fights. He is confident in his strength to the point some can say "overconfident".
He is the first into a fight, preferring to overwhelm his opponent with a strong, relentless offense.
He is the definition of "I have a plan. Attack."
Pyrus is very independent and prefers to fight alone, not wanting the help of others.
(Once in a 2v2 match, the random student paired with Pyrus tried to assist him in his fight, only for Pyrus to kick them away, telling them to stay out of it.)
Hearing about how Raven abandoned his mother (and accidentally finding out Aunt Blake left after the fall of Beacon) Pyrus somewhat views teamwork as weakness. If he grows to reliant on others then he'll be too weak to fight alone.
Pyrus is no leader. He acknowledges and accepts that, he'd rather be a follower than a leader but he will question his leader's (or any person in charge) choices and actions if he finds them flawed.
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
This is the first time I leave an ask, so first of all, I love your blog! Not only the art, but how informative it is too, thanks for being in this corner of the internet :D
I had a question I hope you could answer, because I'm reading The Mauritius Command, and I'm having trouble picturing this. In the novel, both Aubrey and Clonfert wear full uniform, the first during a set of court martials and the second during a battle where Maturin remarks that while that wouldn't be strange during a bigger conflict, it was out of place during a skirmish.
So how does the full uniform differ from what officers would be expected to wear day to day? And when was it supposed to be used?
Thank you again, have a great day!
Hi, then I will give you pictures so you can see it. And best of all to Jack, lol- So what you see here now is the work uniform, kept very simple. Should be worn only at work.
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For all other things that have official character (court martical, dinner with other officers or punishments and so on) had to hold the dressed uniform. And as you can see here, much more elaborate in design, with lots of gold.
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This is just the dress and show uniform. You can also see that with Pullings and Mowett.
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Here is the blue work uniform with white seams but long trousers and the dressed uniform with white lapels worn with breeches and stockings as you can see in the third pic.
I have tried to keep it very simple so that you can see the differences clearly. I hope it helps you and thank you for the compliment. Have a good sunday
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tanushakyrano · 3 months
Hello HAPPY PRIDE!!! How about number 7 and number 9 for the thunder pride ask game :)
7: name a character who helped you love yourself
oh man this is a hard one !!!!! probably kayo let's be honest because i loved having a more masculine (because let's be honest, you can't get more visually feminine than lady p with all her pink dresses and her wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, which i have never been like, as much as I love her character). kayo wears green cargo trousers and boots and does martial arts and is the security chief and it was amazing to see that when i was younger even though of course we're moving more into an age where kids have much more of a range of role models who look like them and don't conform to the stereotypical gender roles, which i think is amazing. but yeah the fact that ive turned out to be a trans lesbian gives you an idea of the sort of characters i looked up to most as a kid and kayo has always been one of them!!
9: already answered here !!
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whumpy-daydreams · 1 year
Previous Next
CW: captive, beat up
Leon hated the men who kidnapped him, he hated the man who had bought him, and he hated himself. He wondered what had happened to the girl at the auction, wondered if she was somewhere in a cell like his - cold and damp and with a cursedly locked door.
He’d given up on shouting, no one would open the door, and contented himself with trying to get comfortable on the bare floor.
He shouldn’t even be there. He was leaving a shift outside a bar he’d never worked for when two men jumped him, putting a dark bag over his head and bundling him into a dark van. All those hours at the gym, at martial arts classes, they’d been useless.
Leon turned over for what must have been the fiftieth time, unable to find a comfortable position to sleep in. If he only had his jacket to use as a pillow that would be something, but they’d taken that along with his dignity.
The chains didn’t help. He figured they were meant to keep him from attacking whoever next came through the door, but right now he didn’t care. He just wanted some damn sleep.
When the door opened Leon was tired. He’d managed a couple hours of broken sleep and he was sore from the concrete floor.
It was the man who had bought him.
“Good morning, Leon.”
“Fuck you, prick.” Leon was standing as soon as his legs would allow, chains clinking. Sebastian just smiled. He was dressed in smart black trousers and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up: the picture of arrogant wealth.
“Clearly you were never taught any manners. No matter, that’s why I’m here.”
“You can go to hell.”
“Like I said, manners. If you’re going to disparage me then you should at least address me as ‘sir’.”
Leon spat at him. Sebastian’s expression soured. He whistled and a few moments later two men entered, dressed in all black. It wasn’t hard to work out why they were there.
They grabbed him, shoving him against the wall and his skull cracked against the stone. In his daze they moved the chain to a loop above his head, pulling it taught until his heels lifted off the floor, forcing him on tiptoe.
“Leon, I don’t want to do this.” Sebastian put down a stool and sat on it. “It would be much easier for the both of us if you just complied.”
“You’re a fucking liar.” A nod and a fist collided with his face.
“I believe that should be ‘you’re a fucking liar, sir’.”
“You sick bastard.” Another punch, this time to his stomach. Leon groaned, shoulders straining as he bent over. “You won’t get away with this.”
“Won’t I?” Sebastian chuckled. “Because from where I’m sitting, I already have.”
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 4 months
Character design ask for Celia: motion, wardrobe, favorite please!
Thank you Dujour!!! these were so fun to think about, there's loads under the read more! ask game here!
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Celia now moves with purpose, very coordinated and surprisingly unhindered by her choice of clothing, which can be attributed to practice- there are some benefits to wearing one type of outfit for roughly five years at a time.
Celia is not quite as flexible as she used to be, and not quite as fast [which is still pretty damn fast], but shes worked hard to keep her fast movement and agility as her body changed. when tired she can be clumsy, but usually shes so careful about accidentally damaging something with her strength or stand that her movements are all very thought through and calculated.
fighting style wise, she uses a mix of martial arts, mainly taught Kickboxing [taught by Tesoro] and Taekwondo [because i used to do it] with emphasis on speed and maximizing the force behind her attacks and targeting weak points. she used and still does plenty of kicks, which is a show of just how fast and skilled she is, to be able to use it in an actually fight, making her younger self able to use the stronger leg muscles, and her older self able to send someone flying easily.
Despite her body changing drastically, she still fights mostly the same, only having gotten stronger and more skilled as well as experienced. shes that stupidly tall stupidly jacked guy that can move silently and sprint like a demon and is annoyingly agile while built like a brick shithouse with a punch that would shatter a rock. theres a reason she fairly rarely uses Human Algebra and looks down on stand users who heavily rely on their stand, shes a powerhouse all by herself.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Celias wardrobe is fairly big for someone who only really wears variations on one outfit at a time. Partially its so any damaged piece of clothing can be replaced until Celia has time to mend it.
Celia very much has a 'make do and mend' mentality towards clothes, the variations in her outfits come from thrifting through charity shops to find clothes she likes and no two being the same as oppose to choice. She spends quite a lot of time dying and altering clothes, and most of Cecios clothes are whatever managed to survive her wear & tear- and later her mothers when he grew taller than Celia [but not for long!] She likes to use metal, especially adding chains over slits, to make the clothes her own, but if it wouldn't be seen as 'girly' she would use more embroidery!
the material for her usual red & gold outfit is denim, dyed red. im sure its somehow possible to dye the 'white' threads gold and the 'blue' threads red [and if not allow me this one thing], which is how her jacket and trousers have the gold highlights on folds, its the gold colored threads showing more! she will crop the bottom or widen the back of denim jackets and alter the front using gold ribbon and red fabric, and that red fabric- also used for the straps/bandages/giant ribbons of her top- is hand embroidered with those golden crosses!
due to her working in a garage as an assistant mechanic, she got assess to metalworking tools, and that's how she shapes her triangles & belt pieces!
her miniskirt & yes jorts are cut downs and alterations of pairs of trousers that are to damaged to just patch, and the other material will be used for altering other trousers & jackets! the red fabric is dyed ruined bed-sheets [read: bloodstains finally built up] or other scrap fabric that can be dyed red and turned into strips of fabric!
anything torn or damaged can be patched in her eyes, or reused. Even when she has plenty of money she just tends to splurge for higher quality materials and still makes her own clothes. [less dyed red bloodstained sheets turned into tops] and while she has one or two very nice tailored suits in the wardrobe, as well as a nice light linen shirt and trousers combo bc she isn't always willing to suffer the Italian summer heat in denim, she sticks to her main outfit, so its just so many pairs of altered jeans and jackets and tops
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
Her wrap top is not just reminiscent of babys first attempt at a binder, but also boxing/martial arts hand wraps! Tesoro often wears them and its a fun link between the twos design. Celia used to wear them occasionally but now her knuckles have plenty of scar tissue and are pretty conditioned so she rarely bothers now [she probably should!!! but she doesn't]
She has her mothers rosary<3 it is very precious and is kept safe in the shrine Celia & Cecio have for her, but Celia does have a necklace [design not finalized] of her mothers that she always wears, often under her wrap top.
There are a few necklaces her mother would often wear with her suits, fake gems and cheap metal, but a few were well made enough that they get passed down to Rametto [whos main style is an 'womens' suit with undone shirt and big statement necklace/choker] and both Cecio and Celia have at various stages worn their mothers clothing [she was also a suits women] in place of buying formal wear, but Cecio for example enjoys their mothers taste in shirts, both formal and not.
While anything of their mothers is extremely precious, if it can be used it will, so most of her clothing has been reworn or altered by Celia for her, Cecio and some stuff for Rametto [Celia quickly outgrew her mothers suit jackets and Rametto will wear them with padding do win win]
that got of track and now im emotional about reusing old clothes but Celia places important weight on many of her possessions, but wont hesitate to both use & risk them
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octuscle · 10 months
I am a poor and stressed office worker in a gray building, my boss demands a lot of me, and on top of that sometimes because of this stress I have problems of total sexual impotence. I would like to be a fearless and sexually powerful muscular racing driver, an undisputed super champion on the tracks. with arrogant attitude, a masculine symbol of power and virility
Dude, you're closer to retirement than your college degree. And like any good New Yorker, you don't even have a driver's license. That makes your wish a little original, doesn't it? And I also don't understand why you always turn to support for problems like this. Why don't you take your life into your own hands?
Friday night. Almost 8pm already. Finally off work. All your colleagues have long since left for the weekend. But your sadistic boss has dumped one task after another on you. You hate him, you hate your job … You hate your life. But your life can change. "Driver's license in just one week! Live your dream now!" Damn, has the driving school always been here between the office and the subway station? Maybe that's a sign. You just go in. It doesn't cost anything to ask.
The guy at reception is hot. Tight body. Leather pants. Dazzling smile. Greets you like an old friend, tells you that you're the first customer today and that you'll get a special price if you start your theory lesson today. You feel a little taken by surprise. But it brings you closer to your dream. So you sign up. And just fifteen minutes later, you're learning all about the rules of the road. But your eyes are more focused on your driving instructor's bulge.
As you take your leather jacket and backpack from the checkroom after the lesson, your driving instructor tells you that you've handed in your sheets with 0 faults. So you're almost ready for the theory test. But first you have your first driving lesson tomorrow at 08:00. You can hardly wait. And yet you have to go to bed now. It's been a tough week and now it's almost midnight…
Shit, you misjudged the time on your morning jog. Only an hour to go until your driving lesson starts. No time left to shower or change at the driving school. You get into your new motorcycle suit, grab your helmet and head for the subway. You look a bit funny in full gear… But thank God it's still early on a Saturday morning and there's not much going on yet…
Your teacher thinks you're a natural. Your bike and you form a unit from the very first second. Sure, you've always been interested in engines, you have a feel for the 130 hp that lies dormant in the beast. And you love speed. And you love the bulge in your instructor's pants. Shit, that guy is so hot. But you can't say goodbye to your driving instructor with a French kiss. You try to stay cool and say goodbye with a fist bump. He slaps your ass and tells you to come to theory class a little earlier tonight.
Until then, you still have a bit of time to go to the gym. The leather suit doesn't forgive an ounce of fat. To look anywhere near as hot as your driving instructor in your leather trousers, you need one or two hours of gym a day. In addition to running, in addition to your second passion, taekwondo. When you arrive at the driving school an hour before the start of training, your driving instructor is already waiting for you with a naked upper body and a painful-looking bump. He asks you if you would like to be ridden instead of riding your motorcycle for a change. You grin and reply that you thought he'd never ask.
It's convenient that you wake up on a Sunday morning right next to your driving instructor. Damn, why driving instructor? He's your mate and your coach. No one needs to teach you how to ride a motorcycle. Today you're going to the racetrack again before the big race. Find the ideal line. Exploring the limits of technology. You are a perfectionist. Motorcycle racing and martial arts form the perfect unit for you. In both cases, an opponent is unforgiving of mistakes. And in both cases, you have to be in full control of your body every second.
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But you will never make a mistake. You are young, talented and in the shape of your life. Your friend thinks it's time for you to relax. Race to the lake, the loser has to blow the winner. Hehehe, you're already ready for your victory bonus when your friend rolls into the parking lot. He's a very good loser!
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scotianostra · 9 months
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Iain Crichton Smith was born on the 1st January 1928 in Glasgow.
It’s sometimes stated that Crichton Smith was born on Lewis but his first two years were spent in Glasgow, a fact he refers to in his writing. He went to school in Stornoway, attending the Nicholson Institute, then gained a place at Aberdeen University, where he took a degree in English. Having trained as a teacher, he worked at Clydebank High School and – from 1955 to 1977 – at Oban High School. In both Clydebank and Oban he lived with his mother, until her death in 1969.
His years in Lewis proved to have a lasting influence on his creative work, in particular the “Wee Free” Kirk strand that permeates much of island life, which he saw as dogmatic and authoritarian, even anti-art. In an early piece of work, ‘Poem of Lewis’, Smith tells us that ‘They have no place for the fine graces of poetry.’
Crichton Smith wrote a huge number of poems almost a thousand , short stories, novels and plays in English and Gaelic, twenty-seven collections of poems appeared during his life or posthumously, alongside fourteen novels and numerous critical articles.
He is generally more respected in Gaelic for his prose, in English for his poetry. However, his achievement in both genres, in both languages, is remarkable and distinctive, with various features and concerns carried across genre and language borders.
A number of his poems explore the subject of the Highland Clearances, and his best-known novel Consider the Lilies is an account of the eviction of an elderly woman during such times. Elderly women and alienated individuals are common themes in his work. Among his later story collections and novels there are The Last Summer, Survival Without Error, My Last Duchess, which records the breakdown of a marriage, Goodbye Mr Dixon . With his knowledge of both city life and island life his works can be easily switched between either, There are vivid depictions of school life on Lewis in Mr Trill in Hades, and Other Stories and interrelated stories set in different apartments in The Tenement
Smith’s last book is a tragedy. An Honourable Death in 1992 it tells the story of Major-General Sir Hector Macdonald, known as Fighting Mac, he was a boy from the Black Isle who rose through the ranks of the army and was renowned for his courage, admired and loved, yet whose reputation was ruined by accounts of his homosexuality and encounters with young men in Ceylon. The Major-General sadly shot himself in a Paris hotel, avoiding a court-martial.
Iain Crichton Smith died aged 70 at his home at Taynuilt, Argyll after a fight with cancer.
I have chosen this poignant poem by Iain Crichton Smith it will tie in with a later post.
The Iolaire
The Iolaire 
The green washed over them. I saw them when  the New Year brought them home. It was a day that orbed the horizon with an enigma. It seemed that there were masts. It seemed that men buzzed in the water round them. It seemed that fire shone in the water which was thin and white unravelling towards the shore. It seemed that I touched my fixed hat which seemed to float and then the sun illuminated fish and naval caps, names of the vanished ships. In sloppy waves, in the fat of water, they came floating home bruising against their island. It is true a minor error can inflict this death that star is not responsible. It shone over the puffy blouse, the flapping blue trousers, the black boots. The seagulls swam bonded to the water. Why not man? The lights were lit last night, the tables creaked with hoarded food. They willed the ship to port in the New Year which would erase the old, its errant voices, its unpractised tones. Have we done ill, I ask? My sober hat floated in the water, my fixed body a simulacrum of the transient waste, for everything was mobile, planks that swayed, the keeling ship exploding and the splayed cold insect bodies. I have seen your church solid. This is not. The water pours into the parting timbers where ache above the globular eyes. The lsack heads turn ringing the horizon without a sound with mortal bells, a strange exuberant flower unknown to our dry churchyards. I look up. The sky begins to brighten as before, remorseless amber, and the bruised blue grows at the erupting edges. I have known you, God, not as the playful one but as the black thunderer from the hills. I kneel and touch this dumb blonde head. My hand is scorched. Its human quality confuses me. I have not felt such hair so dear before not seen such real eyes. I kneel from you. This water soaks me. I am running with its tart sharp joy. I am floating here In my black uniform, I am embraced by these green ignorant waters. I am calm
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marblecarved · 30 days
your muse’s aesthetics.
bold what applies to your muse and italicize what sometimes applies to them. please repost, don’t reblog !
colour: red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. magenta. pastels. bubblegum pink. blood red. ivory.
elements: fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. clouds. light. dark. shadow.
body: claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. ears. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. shape shifting. svelte. long hair. short hair. dark circles. big. small. prosthetic. experimented. cyborg. halos. horns. wolfish.
weaponry: fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. power loader. flamethrower. metal rod. shotguns. needles.
material: bronze. gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. copper. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. yarn. slime. ivory.
nature: grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. holly. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. sunflowers. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. snow. ice. roots. flowers. ocean. river. lake. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. swamp. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. stars. clouds. mountains. fungi. cliffs. sunlight.
animals: lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. roaches. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantis. crows. ravens. misc. lizards. frogs. bears. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dinosaurs. dragons. felines. foxes. centaurs.
foods and drinks: sugar. salt. water. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. vanilla. cookies.
hobbies: music. art. piercing. watercolours. gardening. knitting. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self - defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. poetry. philosophy. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. synthesizers. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. tree climbing. running. vivisection.
style: lingerie. armor. cape. dress. robes. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. legging. trousers. jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendants. hat. goggles. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. pauldrons. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. pantyhose. stockings. thigh highs. eye patch. collar.
misc. balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. anger. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. lovers. loyalty. smoking. alcohol. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
tagging: you ! if you see this on your dash and you would like to do it for your muse, feel free to steal this !
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godkilller · 9 months
COLOR.       ——     red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white, teal, silver, gold, grey, lilac, metallic, matte, royal blue, strawberry red, charcoal grey, forest green, apple red, navy blue, crimson, cream, mint green, magenta, pastels, bubblegum pink, blood red, ivory.
ELEMENTAL.      ——        fire. ice. water. air. earth.  rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. clouds. light. dark. shadow.
BODY.       ——       claws. long fingers. fangs. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. ears. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. shape-shifting. svelte. long hair. short hair. dark circles. big. small. prosthetic. experimented. cyborg. halos. horns. wolfish.
WEAPONRY.        ——       fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. venom. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. power loader. flamethrower. metal rod. shotguns. needles.
MATERIAL.        ——        gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. copper. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. yarn. slime. ivory.
NATURE.       ——       grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. holly. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. sunflowers. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. snow. ice. roots. flowers. ocean. river. lake. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. swamp. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. stars. clouds. mountains. fungi. cliffs. sunlight.
ANIMALS.       ——       lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. roaches. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantis. crows. ravens. misc. lizards. frogs. bears. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dinosaurs. dragons. felines. foxes. pigeons. centaurs.
FOOD & DRINK.      ——      sugar. salt. water. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. pomegranate. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. vanilla. cookies.
HOBBIES.       ——        music. art. piercing. watercolours. gardening. knitting. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self - defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. poetry. philosophy. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. fiddle . cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. synthesizers. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. tree climbing. running. vivisection.
STYLE.       ——       lingerie. armor. cape. dress. robes. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. legging. trousers. jeans. skirt. shorts. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendants. hat. goggles. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. pauldrons. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. pantyhose. stockings. thigh highs. eye patch. collar. no makeup.
MISC.       ——        balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. ripe. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirror. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. anger. laughter. screams. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. lovers. loyalty. smoking. alcohol. stories. drugs. kindness. love.
tagged by: i stole it tagging: @dokuhai, @keikakudori, @owabisuru, @madestars, and you!
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s-shionn · 4 months
Information about my oc:
Full name: Sakamaki Rei
Age: 15 (physically)
Race: vampire
Gender: male
Date of birth: November 11th
Occupation: 1st year of high school student
Status: alive
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Blood type: O
Appearance: Rei looks angelic with a messy short brown hair, big blue eyes, a white rose skin and a dainty frame which is hidden underneath a green sweater and black trousers
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With glasses
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No glasses
Skills: martial arts, and swordsmanship
Personality: soft, caring, protective, timid, submissive, innocent, brave and purehearted
Weakness: his loved ones and his stubborness when it comes to love
Family: the Sakamakis
Crush: Yui Komori
Hate: anyone who harms his loved ones.
History: Rei is the youngest child of Karlheinz and his fourth wife, who had died when he was a kid. Despite the death of his mother, he still managed to go through that since he always remembered her words to live well for the rest of his life and not to lose himself. When he saw his big brothers suffered from trauma, he had tried his best to be their savior and healer, and he still has been like that since then.
He has a sweet champagne scent.
Despite being a vampire, he drinks less blood from sacrifices. Instead, he mostly drinks red berry juice since he doesn't want to hurt anyone. Because of that, his blood tastes good
His foot size is 23 cm.
Actually his eyes are normal, he wears glasses since he thinks that he can get less attention with that in school.
He likes pretending to be bad at some subjects so that he can ask yui to tutor him.
He's a virgin
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alonelystargazer · 11 months
it's still a distant goal for me since I'm just in the beginner stage of my sewing journey but I really want to cosplay Choso from JJK and make a costume from scratch, and after some research I think I've figured out how to do it. I'm hoping these notes will motivate and inspire me to actually go through with this haha.
(heads up: I'm gonna get super detailed with my notes, it's like a legit blog post)
At first I didn't know what type of clothing Choso was wearing or how to deconstruct his outfit until episode 37 of the anime Red Scale came out recently and we got to see him in action, and it made it way easier for me to analyze his outfit (and draw up some sketches, none of which are shown here haha)
BTW my goal with this isn't to create a costume as accurate to canon as possible, but I do want to have it as a foundation that I can later modify to suit my beginner sewing skills and to add any personal touches.
I had the most trouble figuring out the purple vest (there's probably a more accurate name for it but that's what I'm calling it), but the breakthrough came when I realized that the sides from the shoulders down are completely open and tied together with a separate belt/obi at the waist (although it looks like it could also be sewn from the waist down to the hips; the ribcage area is definitely open though)
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I'm still unsure about how that crisscross shape of the neckline works, probably folding over fabric, but to simplify it, I could just make a rectangular shape for the torso panels and cut a slit down the middle for the neck part and it would drape down the shoulders, or just cut it into a V-shape neckline
Choso's fandom wiki page says it's a gi (like the uniform used in martial arts) but this one doesn't have sleeves so idk I'll probably disregard that, I don't trust fandom wiki haha. That's probably where the crisscross neckline comes from though; I just wouldn't know how to make that.
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The scarf also looks really simple too, probably just a circle scarf made of the same material as the vest and obi.
for the material, maybe a medium weight cotton? it looks like it has a texture to it but I won't be too picky if I can't find anything like that
as for the white top I could borrow from a haori design and modify it so it's just not open in the front (more so just to make the long flowy sleeves)
material: maybe a light or medium weight breathable cotton or linen (but not too thin or see through), or a polyester/synthetic or poly blend (I probably won't use synthetic fabrics though)
I'm not sure what style of pants/trousers these are, but I've seen a style called bontan that are pretty similar which are baggy like this and I'll probably refer to that; and it's not shown in these examples, but there's also a black (elastic?) waistband; there could be an elastic cuff but also the hem could just be cut shorter and have bandages wrapped around the shin/calves, or I could also use kyahan leggings. I think I'll just go with the elastic cuffs on the hems though since the boots will cover the ankles anyway.
I'll probably just use the same material as the top but add a lining or double layers as a reinforcement
I briefly considered that the pants could be a tattsuke-hakama style and combine it with the kyahan (kinda like designs for the characters in demon slayer), but those are pleated, and Choso's pants aren't like that, they're just wide and baggy.
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I have a few pairs of combat boots I can wear to complete the outfit (if I wanted to be dead on accurate I would need a pair of Doc Martens boots but I'm not too picky about that, I'll just use what I have)
Hair & makeup
I'll probably end up buying a wig and style it into the bangs and buns bc my natural hair is very fine and doesn't hold any style!
I've already tried a few different makeup looks just for funsies, but generally I go with either a reddish or purple-ish eyeshadow all around the eyes and heavily line my eyes with black gel liner. Plus contour the nose and inner eye socket before creating the black mark across the nose with liner (and shadow to set it). Also, bushy brows.
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I'm not one of those girlies who wears makeup all the time, and when I do it's not really heavy, and I don't wear foundation or any other complexion products, but since Choso kinda has pale skin, I could maybe use it and powder and contour my face to enhance the tired/ghostly look. I don't really want to do that though bc I don't think I want to keep touching up my makeup through the day if I ever go to a con. It might look weird and unbalanced to not have a perfect smooth base with such heavy eye makeup but that's just my thing.
I also think he would look good with dark nail polish and piercings, so I'll add those as my own little details.
Final thoughts
Generally speaking, since I'm a beginner and my goal is to create this costume by May/June 2024, I still have a lot of time to practice and to do further research. I just wanted to put my notes together now to inspire and motivate me.
I've seen so many people cosplay Choso already and I love their interpretations! They're also giving me inspiration on what I can do with my own cosplay.
I realize that cosplay doesn't need to be accurate to canon, and being 'accurate' doesn't make it better, but I'm just using the canon accurate clothing more as a template so that I can then modify it to suit my preferences, like following a recipe precisely and then making changes to it once you've learned the basics.
And I'm gonna try to avoid using synthetic fabrics bc I don't wanna create more plastic waste, even if they may be cheaper (and more durable?) than natural fabrics
Anyway, idk if anyone is actually interested in this except myself, but I'll be providing updates whenever I can. Once I've reached a point where I'm ready to start making clothes, I'll start off by making a mock up using muslin or some other cheap fabric I can find in a thrift shop like I've seen others do, before I fully commit to making the final costume.
If anyone actually read this whole thing, thanks! And if you've made cosplays before and would like to offer some advice, I would appreciate it! 😊👍
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
SALTY 🫶🫶 where have you been as soon as you go sapnap streams daily! But did you do anything fun while you were gone?
natural sacrifice i guess anyway here’s the highlights for my week
- went to the park w my bf at 2am and there was two people at the other end of the park doing some kind of martial arts with sticks but liek individually like they came and left together but didn’t say a word to each other as they whacked sticks around for like an hour
- cleaned out my wardrobe (i have 16 pairs of trousers??)
- got excited bc dad got me iced ginger squares and almost cried bc there was fucking RAISINS in my iced ginger square
- had an american rant at me about how she feels super connected to scottish earth like she was here in a past life and she needs to get to know her motherland . idc
- went out for ramen with my bf- he got food poisoning
- broke down sobbing watching say yes to the dress ( i want to get married and wear a pretty dress )
- got stranded at a university building an hour away from my flat at a university i don’t even go to no trains no tran bus was changing to night bus so would be like another hour and uber refused to connect us with a driver bc i wanted to catch pokemon at midnight . i did get a hot chocolate in the uni building tho .
- got an italian bestie at work i spent like an hour helping him he wanted tea to gift to someone who runs a bubble tea company (??) and made friends with the staff and the customers and smelled tasted everything begire asking me what was my favourite and then taking that without asking what it was or smelling to tasting it . ‘i trust you my new friend’ fucking hope he’s having a brilliant day wherever he is
- almost got my boyfriend to buy the same palm angels hat sapnap has also in the same store i tried on a vivienne westwood skirt but i didn’t buy it (it was £635 but I Want It)
- saw my bestie we went out walks and got ramen from the same place my bf got food poisoning (we’ve been there like 20 times i still love it)
- also went to see barbie with my bestie . i left the theatre sobbing .
- walked like 100km over the last 10 days
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hello!! Stumbled across your blog while binging Cod content. I absolutely love you writing. My favorite is the medical history of 141. I did an internship at a pharmacy for a few months and seeing drug names once again was pretty cool (ciprofloxacin is my fav but that's a conversation for another time lol). I really like how you inculcate pharmacology in your writing. This is my first time making a request since I'm fairy new to tumblr. I would like to request a pairing if that's fine. I'm 20, islander thus I have tan skin ,dark brown eyes and extremely long hair but it appears short since it's very curly lol. I am 5'3, wear glasses and on the curvier side but fairly muscular since I do my best to go to the gym daily. I'm have a blue belt in karate and love martial arts. I'm also very good at yoga and try practicing it everyday since it's relaxing and energizing for me. I have a dark academia, fairly unique and elegant style. I dress modestly and LOVE coats, trousers but I love dresses as well. I love designing my own clothes. I recently got a black ,mermaid cut floor-length dress with a leg slit and pearl sleeves (basically it looks like the dress it held up by a chain of pearls)stitched. MBTI- INTP Zodiac - Scorpio
I love reading, drawing and playing cards. I play cards nearly everyday-my favorite games include gin rummy, go fish and Uno. I like drawing surreal and horrific designs such as monsters and nightmarish things lol. Despite drawing terrifying things, I am IN LOVE with goofy and cute things. I have a collection of cute erasers and stationary shaped like tiny dinosaurs, fruits, vegetable and cacti. I am an avid reader. I will read anything that piques my interest. My house is filled with books. There's at least a book in each room. I generally enjoy fictional books. I also love cooking and baking. I LOVE spicy food. I am always trying new recipes and cooking techniques. I love trying new food that I see on menus despite not liking lots of stuff sometimes (I don't mind though. It's part of the experience :D). Whenever I'm at the hall, you call always find me in the bookstore or a lingerie story.(a bit nsfw but I adore lingerie ) I am adventurous and love extreme sports but I haven't had the opportunity to. I'd love to sky dive and bungee jump. So far, I've ziplines, ski, undersea walk and parasailed. I am introverted but once I warm up with someone, I never stop talking. I LOVE memes. I bombard my friends with them daily lol. I am told that I have a "don't mess with me aura" but once you know me I'm just a goofball. I LOVE mathematics, specially statistics and biology. I do math for fun. Currently taking a gap year but I aspire to be a STEM student . :) I LOVE nature . Although I'm solitary I'd love to share peaceful life in a nice cabin with a partner to have fun with and joke all the time. I'd love for my partner to be my bestfriend and support my antics. Thank you for reading the long description and I'd be soo grateful if I could get a pairing. Thank you soo much!! And I love your work!!Keep it up!! <3 (i'll try to attach pics of my art and goofy things)
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish (a/n we need to have a convo because my fave antibiotic has to be bactrim/sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim! but thank you so much for reading my work :) also your art is amazing! I love all of the mediums you use)
How you met: You had vaguely known of the scotsman when you found out he was joining your group on vacation. You and your friends had planned a trip to New Zealand to accomplish a few bucket list items such as bungee jumping, zip lining, skydiving, and parasailing. It just happened that you and Johnny hit it off as you overlooked the Nevis River Valley and prepared for a once-in-a-lifetime jump. "Shite," he swore as you looked at him, "higher up than I thought." You laughed as your guide checked your rope and restraints. "That makes it even better," you said with a devilish smile as you looked at the frightened man. "I've jumped out of planes before but this is crazy," he exclaimed as you began to see your friends start to jump off with screams of adrenaline. "You can hold my hand," you offered as you stuck a hand out, "I've done this before and it's a great rush." He took your offer as the person to your left jumped. "Here we go," you yelled as you both walked off the platform and dove head first into the ravine. Your ears were immediately filled with his screams as you laughed and took in the gorgeous view. You smiled as you looked up at him and saw the hairs of his mohawk hand upside down. "Yer aff yer heid," he swore at you as the adrenaline began to wear off. "You think that now but you should see me when we go skydiving later," you joked and gave him a wink as he mentally prepared for the next extreme activity.
A peek into your relationship: Despite the distance, your boyfriend loved coming to your house. Whether it was a new book, a clothing project in the works, or the smell of spicy food from a new recipe, there was always something to entertain him. This time, he was having you do one of those drawing challenges were you practiced different illustrators styles. "Johnny hold still!" you giggled as he posed for your portrait. You lightly kicked him with your foot as you sat on opposite sides of the loveseat. "You done yet?" he kept asking as you shook your head and sketched out his face with pen. Eventually after what he said was "forever" you unveiled the finished paper. You could see his eyes travel from each one of the sketches until he set the paper down with an unreadable look. "What?" you questioned as you inched closer to him. "I love it but," he trailed off, obviously for the dramatic, "I don't know if I should be concerned that the Tim Burton and Junji Ito styles are horrifying good." You took a moment to laugh before pecking him on the cheek. "Just because I'm good a horror, doesn't mean anything," you replied and he took the opportunity to hold you in a hug on his lap. He kissed your forehead before replying. "You're a crazy one," he joked and you rolled your eyes. "Yeah but at least I'm yours, Mactavish. And don't talk about crazy when you're the one with a mohawk and no rock band in sight!"
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