#kinder reservoir
feckcops · 1 year
Swimmers poised for biggest mass trespass so far at Kinder reservoir
“Up to 1,000 swimmers are expected to head to Kinder reservoir in Derbyshire on Sunday in the biggest trespass of the water to date. The turnout will mark the anniversary of a mass trespass that helped establish the principle of the right to roam in the UK.
“The swim trespass of Kinder reservoir, situated below Kinder Scout where the 1932 protest took place, has become an annual event and is growing rapidly with the boom in wild swimming. The event is now in its third year, and swimmers of all backgrounds are invited to the reservoir, owned by the water company United Utilities, to exercise ‘the uncontested right to swim in open water’.
“The mass trespass of Kinder Scout on 24 April 1932 involved an estimated 400 people and led to six arrests. It is widely considered to have laid the foundations for the UK’s first national park, the Peak District, and helped pave the way for the establishment of the Pennine Way and other long-distance footpaths.
“Last year about 400 people took to Kinder reservoir to mark the anniversary, and greater awareness, along with the continued growth in wild swimming, means numbers are expected to be substantially higher this year.”
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maypoleman1 · 6 months
31st March
Easter Sunday/ Easter Day
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Source: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints website
In 2024, today is Easter Sunday, or Easter Day. Easter is the apex of Christian worship, commemorating the moment that Jesus allegedly proved his Godhead by emerging alive from his tomb after his apparent death by crucifixion two days before. Although in the Gospel accounts, the risen Jesus does appear as a somewhat metaphysical figure when visiting his Apostles, the Evangelists are keen to emphasise Christ’s corporeal humanity, and dismiss claims that he may have been a ghost. The Resurrection, and the redemption of all Mankind’s sins that it represents, is what defines Christianity as a universal religion.
A number of traditions and folkloric myths are associated with Easter Sunday. Apparently mermaids are frequently spotted. As midnight chimes on Easter Eve, a mermaid swims in the Downfall, a waterfall near Kinder Reservoir in Derbyshire. Depending on her mood, this mermaid, who is an incarnation of a Celtic water goddess, will grant a visitor eternal life of bestow instant death. The rising sun is also said to bow or to dance on Easter morning, in recognition of the Resurrection. Easter was often a day of feasting after the long abstinences of Lent, with Dock Pudding being a favoured delicacy. At Lostwithiel in Cornwall, the day’s feasting would be presided over by an elected Mock Prince, in an echo of the Lord of Misrule figure from Christmastide. In a direct reference to the original spring festivals which the Christian Easter supplanted, on the Welsh Borders, the Easter feast would take place outdoors, in a corn field. The picnic was known as corn-showing.
Easter Day was also the traditional time for the dousing of household fires in recognition of the slowly rising temperatures of spring. Flowers would traditionally be brought indoors from Easter onward and placed the now unlit hearths to indicate the end of winter. New clothes are also recommended at Easter for good luck and, curiously, if the wearer’s gladrags were ‘shat on from a great height’ by irreverent birds on Easter Day, then this was considered a great blessing.
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fazedlight · 7 months
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Awakening (Kara character study, small part supercorp softness)
“But why can’t I be matched to Tali, mom? She’s my best friend!”
Alura turned to Kara, her jaw tensed with frustration with the stubborn child. “Kara, you know better than this. Stable matching can only be achieved if there is a true bijection between disjoint sets-”
“We don’t even have a true bijection because the population is constantly changing, we don’t sort according to all possible preferences, we don’t even have-” “It is not in our nature, Kara,” Alura said, with a dangerous tone in her voice. “We are not Daxamites.”
“The answer is no.”
Kara is thirteen Earth years the first time she’s called “dyke.” She doesn’t know what it means. She had only been to school for a couple of weeks. Before that, the only substantial English she had spoken was the couple months with Eliza, Jeremiah, Alex, and Kal. 
Clark, not Kal. Saying “Kal” would put her baby cousin- her older cousin- her cousin in danger.
Alex’s face flushes, and her eyes almost burn with anger, as she shoves Jake Howell against a locker. Kara could do it easily herself, but showing her newfound strength to humans would put her in danger too, somehow. Kara doesn’t think asshole is a nice word, given how Alex growled it. But she suspects dyke isn’t a nice word either.
That night after dinner, Eliza sighs, and hugs Kara gently - and Kara resolves to never get called dyke again.
“She’s gorgeous, she’s smart, she smells nice. Hell, I want to date her.” Kara flushed with discomfort, as the words came unbidden from her lips. But Alex didn’t remark on the odd statement, and Kara shoved the thought away.
Just weeks later, awkwardness would turn to tension as Lucy growled. “You and Hank, why do you all lie?”
“When you are an alien,” Kara choked, “You’re willing to sacrifice anything, everything, betray your fundamental instincts - just to fit in.” Something tugged in Kara’s soul at that moment. That she had always tried to fit in, long before she became an alien. But there simply hadn’t been time to linger.
It was only weeks later, when Lucy was saying her goodbyes before leaving National City to rejoin the military, that Kara felt the uncomfortable spike again. “I do know what it’s like to hide,” Lucy confessed.
Kara tilted her head, questions like why? and what do you mean? floating through her mind. But she thought it would be kinder not to ask. “I hope someday, you can be all that you are.”
Lucy gave a small smile. “Me too.”
She hadn’t expected meeting Lena to feel like lightning in her veins. The younger Luthor was quick-witted, and beautiful, and playful. Kara felt herself flush with the gentle teasing during their first coffee, and found herself marveling at never quite having a friendship like this before. 
“So… so she’s gay?” Kara asked, the word heavy in her throat. “And are you saying, you’re gay too?”
Alex sighed and paced in front of Kara, her frustration just as apparent as her confusion. How can you not know if you’re gay?, Kara wondered, at the same time feeling strangely allergic to the conversation. Wouldn’t it be obvious? “What’s changed?” Kara asked.
Yeah, he was… immature. Irresponsible. But they connected - orphans of a lost planet, who spoke the same tongue, who had the same bewilderment in their first moments on an alien planet with newfound powers. And if being in his bed brought her pleasure, it was only proof of their connection, that a good relationship could come of it.
Sometimes there were those flashes - Mon-El had been confused by Alex’s coming out, not understanding the concept. The more the merrier would ring in Kara’s head, and she’d chase away the image of Lena’s face.
“I couldn’t have done it, Kara.”
Kara’s chest heaved as she gazed down at Lena, hearing Kal’s words flash through her mind. Lena clung to Kara’s arm as Kara hovered above the reservoir, and some corner of Kara’s mind knew that she should go land, that the danger was over. That Lena was safe. That the city was safe.
But she could only stare down at Lena, whose heart hammered in her chest, whose panting breaths from her climb had not yet slowed. I almost lost her, Kara thought, forlorn. I couldn’t lose her…
It was that moment that her world came crashing down, that realization made her feel like she was drowning. That romantic love wasn’t merely a combination of friendship and lust. That shared experience didn’t mean a shared connection. There was something that ran deeper.
She was in love with Lena, and she could no longer deny it.
It was a drunken movie night, after Lena’s breakup with James, when Kara heard I love you fall from Lena's lips.
“It was always you,” Lena confessed, her words slightly slurred from the alcohol as Kara finished pulling the covers over her. “I just wanted to be close to you.”
Kara stood back, feeling her heart pound as she watched Lena slip into slumber. I wish I had told you, Kara thought, her mind flashing to a moment long ago in a forest. I wish I had told you, before…
Kara spent a fitful night trying to sleep on her couch, and Lena’s eyes flashed with shame the next morning as she woke. But they left for Noonan’s, leaving the conversation behind.
It felt impossibly brief, that window of time after Kara had revealed her secret, where everything felt almost right with the world. Maybe someday, she and Lena could finish that conversation.
But she found herself in a kryptonite shell.
The universe ended soon after, and even magic couldn’t fix how they had broken. Until the day Kara finally found her hands in Lena’s, vowing together to take down her brother, and Kara felt again that hopeful wonder of what a future with Lena could hold.
And then she found herself in the Phantom Zone again, the words ringing in her head, I wish I had told you.
Sleep had eluded Kara in the weeks back from the Phantom Zone. So she was already wide awake at 2am, when she heard Lena’s heart begin to hammer. 
Kara tensed, rushing to her window and ears tuning in as she prepared to fight off an assassination attempt or catch Lena as she fell.
But as she shot into the sky, she nearly tumbled when she realized that Lena wasn’t in distress. The shaky breaths and small laughs caused Kara’s chest to tighten in anguish. She’s fine, Kara thought, feeling tears prick the edges of her vision. She’s fine. 
“Are you okay?” Lena said, when she finally found Kara in the Tower, sitting on a step. “Alex said she couldn’t find you - you were in the Fortress?”
Kara glanced up from the steps. “I just, um. I was reading in the Fortress, I fell asleep there.” It had the benefit of being true. The Fortress was far enough to drown the sound of Lena’s heart out.
Lena shuffled next to Kara, taking a seat. “I don’t remember seeing any beds there.”
“I float in my sleep,” Kara shrugged, staring at her hands as she let silence fall.
Lena shifted, uncomfortable with the quiet. “Are you okay?”
Yeah, Kara almost said, but something stopped her this time. Perhaps it was the poor sleep. Perhaps it was the litany of I wish I had told you that would replay in her mind.
How many more times am I going to do this?, Kara thought. How many more times am I going to carry that regret? “I love you,” Kara said finally, sensing Lena tense up next to her. “I know… I know that door is closed. But I love you. I should’ve told you so long ago.”
“You… you heard me last night,” Lena wondered softly. “So you went to the Fortress?”
Kara grimaced. “I stopped listening as soon as I realized,” Kara said, fighting a panic. Will she be angry? “I never meant to- to invade your privacy. I’ll be more careful.”
“The door isn’t closed,” Lena said. “If you don’t want it to be.”
Those words made Kara brave enough - or maybe just confused enough - to finally tilt her head up to meet Lena’s gaze. “But- last night-”
“I’ve been trying to get over you. Not very successfully,” Lena added, with a wry grin.
“Really?” Kara smiled.
The matching laws had been long dismantled by the time a smiling Alura officiated their marital rites. Kryptonians didn’t have concepts like best man or matron of honor, but that didn’t stop the two women from inviting Alex and Kelly to stand at each of their sides as they said their vows.
Kara never imagined that it’d be a woman’s wrist she’d place her wedding bracelet on. Though she supposed she never imagined marrying on an asteroid of her father’s creation, or marrying for romantic love, or marrying someone her people would call Hero of Argo for the creation of a black rock.
She never imagined finally telling Lena her secret. She never imagined Lena’s forgiveness. She never imagined the feel of Lena’s lips pressed against her own, hands tugging at her robes, as she whispered zhao against Lena’s lips.
And she never imagined being the one to make Lena’s heart race.
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nothingwithdignity · 2 years
It warms my heart so much that the twins take to Velora so readily. They love her so immediately when it would have been so much easier for them to hate her.
She’s everything they were told they could never be for their entire miserable childhood. She has the life they could have had if their father were a little kinder or their mother a different race.
It would be so easy for them to fall into a ready reservoir of resentment for the child who has everything they should have and didn’t.
It would be so easy for Vax who hates everything to do with his father to hate the child born of his blood and welcomed in his life.
It would be so easy for Vex who craves his approval even now to resent the child who never had to prove her worth.
But they don’t. They love her in an instant. They are kind to their step mother and generous towards their sister. Their hatred toward their father still burns hot and bright but they direct it entirely toward him, never letting it touch even those closest to him.
Syldor is the only one who sees the reflection of the misery he poured into their lives. Everyone else gets to see the best of Elaina shine through. Her strength, her love, her heart, that’s what the rest of the world gets to see. Even Velora.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
every horrible thing that's happened to me has only made me kinder but one manifestation of trauma that isn't mentioned often is that there is such a thing as being too forgiving and empathetic of the people who have hurt you. just because you have a reservoir of compassion does not mean you owe it to everyone 🙏🏼
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flamurai · 2 months
❛ you have to get up. please get up. ❜
     𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐓𝐇, now dwindle the flame which kept this world's bitter chill at bay. its heat spills from open wounds, weeping from his abdomen. crimson amassing beneath him, a reservoir of 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 for either man to drown in. torse nearly severed, the laceration was just shy of splitting his spine, cutting deep enough to pour organs like a basin. had not an ounce of strength coursed his veins, fingers wouldn't have pressed down to apply pressure. holding flesh which rifted apart back together again. it hurts , every limb screaming for release ; to loosen the fragility of his mortal coil beyond endurable bounds. until it shattered.
     an eloquent hand reaching for him, sunlight basking its glow around his descending silhouette. ❛ giyu .   ❞ that name is sweet upon his tongue, swallowed down like honey despite a 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐑 aftertaste. it seemed to beckon, a futile attempt to veer his attention away. to not look at him with fear and despondent expression, nonetheless would ocean eyes give way to the carnage left behind. the wake of war, torn asunder, cries echoing for those quelled long before him. whether it arose from delirium remained uncertain, but there is no doubt that he 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 for the victory they now shared.
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     no matter the desperation found in his voice, movement couldn't abide its commands to gather himself. nor could he speak through filling lungs , sputtering and rattling below each languid breath. with every attempt that followed to lift him, the struggle to stop him became weaker vision obscured, shadows dancing before a dimming gaze. there is no 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐇 harsher than unspoken passion left dead and buried. i'll love you as i did in this life, fingers begin to slacken, lids becoming heavy, we will find ourselves again and with time may the world be kinder to us. the rise of his chest falls still.
answered prompt for @mizukokyu ( accepting. )
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logi1974 · 9 months
Namibia 2023/24 - Tag 5
Herrschaften und Oukies!
So ein Leben als Gastgeber in Namibia ist kein Spaß! Soviel steht schon einmal fest.
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Und da glaubt man, man hat schon fast alles erlebt, plötzlich wird man wieder einmal eines besseren belehrt.
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Wie üblich sah der Tagesplan das Frühstück für 8 Uhr für alle gemeinsam vor. Da fehlte bereits die campende 4-köpfige Familie aus Österreich, die sonst eigentlich immer an allen Mahlzeiten mit teilnahmen.
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Reiner und Marcel mussten sich um die defekte Pumpe bei den Kühen kümmern und sehen, dass sie die wieder ans Laufen kriegen.
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Deswegen fuhr Marianne mit den Gästen und dem alten, blauen Chevy raus zur Zaunkontrolle.
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Ebenfalls wieder nicht dabei: die Österreicher, die sonst überall mit dabei waren und sich gestern extra noch einen Hut aus dem kleinen Souvenir-Shop ausgesucht hatten.
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Natürlich dachten wir uns erst einmal weiter nichts dabei und alle zogen los, jeder in eine andere Richtung.
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Zum Abschluss der Farmtour fuhren wir noch an den Unterkünften der Angestellten vorbei.
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Insgesamt wohnen auf der Farm 5 Damara und 1 Owambo gemeinsam mit ihren Familien.
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Zurück an der Farm angekommen trauten wir alle unseren Augen nicht: die Österreicher hatten sich doch tatsächlich klammheimlich vom Acker gemacht!
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Der aus dem Farmshop stammende Hut, der nunmehr natürlich "leichte" Gebrauchsspuren hatte, lag vor dem Laden - bezahlt war er selbstredend auch nicht.
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Da fehlen einem doch die Worte! Und was haben die Eltern für ein christliches Getue an den Tag gelegt: keine Mahlzeit durfte ohne Gebet eingenommen werden, die Kinder hatten altbiblische Namen usw.
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Nach der Tour hatten wir noch eine gute Stunde "Freizeit", die wir zum Nickerchen nutzten. Dann mussten wir schon wieder um 12.30 Uhr zum Mittagessen antreten.
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Den Nachmittag hatten wir heute "frei", da Reinhard und Marianne zu einem Geburtstag auf eine Nachbarfarm mussten.
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Und wie das hier bei den Nachbarfarmen so ist, liegen die mehrere Kilometer weit weg.
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Die Zeit nutzten wir nicht nur zum Ausruhen, sondern vielmehr zum Packen, denn für morgen steht der erste Unterkunftswechsel an.
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Am späten Nachmittag trafen sich dann alle oben auf dem Reservoire des Naturpools zum obligatorischen Sundowner.
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Mit dem üblichen Gin-Tonic in der Hand sahen wir zu, wie sich die Sonne allmählich verabschiedete.
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Der Himmel leuchtete in fantastischen Farben.
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Danach ging es wieder für alle zusammen runter, auf die Veranda.
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Tochter Mareike hatte heute einen Potjie gezaubert. Stunden lang köchelten die Beinscheiben des Kudus im Feuer. Was war das lecker!
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Nach dem Abendessen baute Mareike noch den Beamer auf und zeigte eine kleine Präsentation über das Kinderheim von Dordabis, für das die ganzen Sachspenden gedacht sind, die wir mitgeschleppt hatten.
Nochmals vielen Dank an die unermüdlichen Spender, die es uns immer wieder ermöglichen diese Dinge hier her mitzubringen.
Jetzt verpacken wir wieder die letzten Dinge und dann geht es ins Bett! Morgen fahren wir weiter.
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha, Mama und der Hasenbär
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cuppajj · 2 years
How would dating the LL even work?
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So you wanna date the Lost Light?
It's true that LL would be a very caring and understanding romantic partner but it's harder than you may think!
First of all:
LL hasn't really thought much about romantic relationships. They've seen plenty in their lifetime, and while they've wondered what it would be like to have a partner(s) themself, they know that 1) they're not a normal cybertronian, and 2) it's not a major priority for them. So expect LL not to have full interest just yet, you'd have to really touch their spark!
LL would not date any of their own crew, as they see themself as more of a guardian figure to them. This goes for anyone who has just become part of it, so you could only date if you're unrelated!
While you can flirt with them all you want, LL would want to know you as a close friend before pursuing anything romantic. If you want to commit to wooing the ship, don't expect it to take just a little bit. You're looking at a couple years of friendship at least!
You'd know them as Lightlost first, and they wouldn't reveal they're actually a titan unless you find out first, or long after you're close and they trust you enough. You'd have to understand why the cartographer is seemingly grappled to a wide radius that encompasses the entire ship.
Like everyone else, LL has standards! They'll warm up to kinder, adventurous, patient, caring, and/or aspirational people faster.
You have a less likely chance of romancing them if you're a human. They're more likely to see you in the same way they do their crew, even if you're not part of it, because of how small and fragile you are! While it's not impossible, it's certainly going to be an even slower burn than it already is.
You have more of a chance if you're almost if not as big as them... so other sentient ships/titans have an advantage lol
But what about once you're already dating? Having LL as partner would come with a lot of perks!
For starters, as long as you're in them, they'd be watching over you at all times (lest you told them not to of course), ensuring you're well protected. While they would still sorta uphold their neutral bias and not step in unless dire, crew/ship-threatening situations occurred, they could be a little more lenient for you.
Warm glasses of your preferred drink are on your nightstand every day when you wake up, after a long night of comfortable sleep with warm air flowing throughout your room.
LL wouldn't be a big kisser, at least not one who holds down for long. They're more of a cheek/head pecker, and this applies to the lips too.
Their love languages are acts of service, quality time, and words of affirmation. They're technically physical touch too, but to a lesser extent. They'll perform tasks in holoform that you might have been worrying about or that you couldn't find time for (such as cleaning your room), and making sure the halls are nice and pearly when you step out of your hab. They'd also want to have time to talk with you about things that interest either of you, as you sit somewhere like in their oil reservoir. You're not opposed to simply speaking to them through a screen/speaker so they don't have to use energy to project Lightlost, but they'd insist they do! That way, you could see all the emotion they'd want you to see.
They wouldn't give you a lot of baby names, mainly just ''sweetspark.'' But they'll use any name you'd want them to use too
The only thing you'd have to put up when dating LL is that they'll sometimes treat you like they treat Rodimus... expect them to ask you if you've finally cleaned your desk, or beg for you to go to sleep because it's 4 am and lights-on is in two hours! And they'll tell you that you need to hit the washracks, too. It's not like they're trying to embarrass you, they just have your best interest and they want you to know that.
Of course, they want you to tell them if they do anything wrong, and they'll understand and apologize.
Overall they're pretty doting!
Unfortunately, you probably couldn't sparkbond with LL, as their spark is too huge and potentially dangerous. You'd have to be content with Lightlost's holographic one.
So with that knowledge... good luck XD i found this ask very cute!
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thefadingyouth · 1 year
Stumbling on long forgotten areas, the remnants of humans feels like a memory.
Spray painted trees and shattered glass on the ground. 
The old brick buildings crumble as moss and quick murals take over.
As the fire crackle and pops, I find peace
The piles of firewood reminds me that others were here and decided to be kind to a stranger
Old superstitions still remain as I comb through the woods. 
Yet as tradition remains the dark foreboding trees are carved with hearts and dates.
The morning dew allows me to look at everything around me with kinder eyes.
That sometimes humans mean well.
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alunaloverworld · 5 months
Fictional character crushes I had while growing up Part 1
These are the lists of character crushes I had while growing up and explanation:
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Shou from Pretty rhythm aurora dream and dear my future
Shou, I had a crush on him in the first pretty rhythm series before the sequel and I like him because he likes a girl who does things unexpectantly even though he has a short temper, that is his flaw. He's also a great fashion designer of Prism Stone because his design outfits for girls are unique and trendy to wear.
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Syaoran Li from Cardcaptor Sakura
Syaoran Li was more of a tsunder character type but he was shy and mellowed down to be kinder which I love about him even though he was jerk to Sakura at the beginning, I did grow to love when he becomes kind to Sakura which change him every time she does something to him and cause him to blush.
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Tsubasa Li and Syaoran Li from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Syaoran Li reminds me from Cardcaptor Sakura only this time he's kinder, brave, and cares about other people minus the tsundere. While Tsusbasa Li is the same as Li Syaoran but the only difference is he can't protect those he cares about like his parents or his clones, but he still had Syaroan Li's personality minus the tsundere.
Tom MCcavity from Olivia series
I had a crush on Tom Mccavity because he was a jockster and is an optimist and always care for his friends which is why I like him.
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Luke Triton from Professor Layton
The moment I saw Luke Triton in the Katrielle Layton anime series that he grows up into an adult, I fell in love with him because of his looks and has grown from his childhood days with Professor Layton being mature and more gentlemen like. 
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Jimmy/Kenta from Pokémon Legend of Thunder
Jimmy or Kenta I had a crush on him because he was a Pokemon trainer who wanted to help his hometown but he also helped a legendary Pokemon called Raikou which I like about him. He had a personality that is good because he wanted to help people and Pokemon, a bit like Ash but not a chosen one way.
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Ash Ketchum/Satoshi from Pokémon
I had a crush on Ash Ketchum during the advanced generation because he is brave, kind, selfless, determined, optimistic, and naïve but when it came to the black and white series he was a laughing stock and more like he forgot things he went through all his journey. Satoshi from XYZ what made me like him more and he was great. But as I grew up I loathe him and admire him now. I loathe him because he could not win a single Pokémon league and I admire him because he was kind to his friends and Pokémon as well as determined to win.  But after finding out he won a Pokemon league, I admired him, and my crush for him hadn't grown much except it was gone when I grew older.
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Peeta Mellark from Hunger Games
I had a crush on Peeta Mellark because of Katniss telling the readers she was in love with him making me fall in love with him as well but in a crushy way. Peeta is kind, likeable, charming, generous, selfless because of love, peaceful, gentle, good sense of humour, emotional as he can cry and has a temper. Peeta is sadly taken and married and wish I had a date with him and marry him off as well but he is meant to be with Katniss.
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Sekai Kamiki from Gundam Build Fighter Try
I had a crush on Sekai Kamiki because of his fiery temper to compete in the gundam competition and the fact that he is in a love triangle between two characters from the show that has feelings towards him. Yeah he is new to gundam, but he learns how to build one and make one of his own making him interesting.
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Dillon from Power Ranger RPM
I had a crush on Dillon because he was a mysterious guy who has a past that he couldn't remember and the fact that he is a cool brooding ranger making him an interesting power ranger. Also, the fact that he helps his fellow rangers even if he doesn't know his past, he will still help which is why I like him. Dillon is sadly taken by Summer the yellow ranger.
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Phill Diffy from Phill of the future
I had a crush on Phill because of his interest in past technology as well as how past of the modern world works but he's such a dork that I love him, though I admit he is taken as well.
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Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom
Danny he is a typical teenager who is a hero who saves the world by stopping ghosts coming from other world and transferring them back to the ghost world, yes he's a stoner who wants to become an astronaut but I like the fact that he takes cares of his friends and family. I had a crush on him on how he treats family and friends and he's good with them.
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Kashino Makoto from Yumeiro Patissiere
I don't know why I end up having crushes on Tsunderes but damn Kashino was a fine guy even when he was a tsundere towards Ichigo which is why I had a crush on him because he is willing to help people who want to learn how to make cakes and have the same dream as him which is to become a patisseiere. Plus I like the fact that he was a blushing mess towards Ichigo which is why I had a crush on him. Kashino is taken and is married towards Ichigo so my dream of having him is zero.
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Eugeo from Sword Art Online Alicization
Eugeo, oh I had a crush on him because of his kind personality and the fact that he was the best boy who is calm and collective and not ahead of himself which is why I love him.
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Kirito/Kazuto Kirigaya from Sword Art Online
Kirito from SAO I had a crush on him because of how he is kind, yet a crybaby but still thinks of loved ones even when they're in danger, he would help them and try to get them to safely as possible. Kirito is taken as well because he's with Asuna who can cook.
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Watase Aoba from Buddy Complex
Aoba, he was stupid sometimes but heroic nonetheless and always seem to be positive even when something happened to him that seems dangerous he would always head on be courageous which I is why I had a crush on him. Okay besides his good looks his personality wise was the best though he is with Hinata at the end of the show which I wish I could have him but he's taken.
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Brandon Robert from Dork Diaries
I had a crush on Brandon because he was kind, didn't care about the popularity and always like photography taking pictures for the journalism and even musically talent.
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Kakeru Kogure from Onegai my melody
Okay Kakeru I can explain, he is cocky and teases but he learns his mistake and tries to be friendly towards girls and nice to them and treat them gifts even though he was a bully. I had a crush on him because he was kinder and learn from his mistakes.
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Luke Smith from The Sarah Jane Adventures
Luke, i had a crush on him not only based on his looks but his personality where he is intelligent, smart, helpful, supportive towards his friends and family and never fears his fears which is why I like him. But then I found out on an article he is gay, so that's over and done with.
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Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond
I got a crush on Terry because he was a loner and he's always stopping the bad guys in gothan city and I was attracted him because he was mysterious and a bad boy I guess. I even like when he wore the bat suit, but damn he was good looking.
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Cayenne from Lady Jewelpet
Cayenne I had a crush on him because of how kind and caring he is towards Momona and the fact that he gets teased and blushed about by his friends of his feelings towards Momona which is why I had a crush on him.
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Tim Goodman from Detective Pikachu
When Tim Goodman showed up in Detective Pikachu Returns he looked like he had a glow up which made him handsome from the first game of Detective Pikachu and I liked his hair style and his iconic hoodie but he's still sarcastic which I like and he is willing to help Pokemon in need while on the case even when trying to find his father.
Kokouda Koji from Yes Precure 5
I had a crush on Kokouda Koji because he is handsome, and kind, always helping people to learn and become better of themselves which is why I like him. It's not only his good looks but damn he can always be savior towards a precure like Nozomi.
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Aladdin from Aladdin
I got a crush on Aladdin when I was a child because I thought of him as someone who can fall in love with a relationship even despite himself being a thieve. He has charm which I like about him and is confident in himself.
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Robert Philip from Enchanted
Okay don't get me started Robert Philip, yes I know he is a grumpy old man that talks about reality instead of fairytales but I admit he does help Giselle out from eating the apple and remembering details from fairytales despite being a damsel in distress kind of guy which is why I had a crush on him besides his good looks. He does show he cares which I like about.
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Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty
Prince Philip has a good singing voice which is why I had a crush on him also his good looks. Personality-wise wise he is heroic and courageous which by the way is the trait I always like when it comes to characters.
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Albedo from Genshin Impact
Albedo because of his ability to use a harp as a musical talent and talk things that I cant seem to understand about the world in genshin impact and doing research and able to use magic that is light I think and him being good looking.
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Aiden from Barbie magic pegasus
Aiden is a sassy guy who would savagely burn your comment if you say something that burns which I like about him even though he has a rough past not able to give money back to his dad, he still cares barbie who was in magic pegasus the blond one. He's even courageous and I would say he is the best barbie crush I had of him.
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vulturelama · 6 months
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View onto mermaids pool and kinder reservoir.
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imaginaryhuman · 1 year
Forgiveness. We can't seem to quite be done.
And I always wonder why.
I know it's been beyond me all this time. I notoriously fail at making amends or anything of the sort. Like a spoiled kid, I've just put everything I don't like in some box and away from sight. Only to be unearthed when it knocks against all corners to tell me "Don't go there. Don't go there. Don't go there."
You can't tell me, can ya?
Just don't go there-- where the bridges burn or where you stand across yourself and your loneliness?
... but I can't.
Maybe it's because I can't forgive anyone for myself. Huh. Maybe that's the problem-- I've never forgiven anyone for myself. On that same note, I may be incapable of forgiving myself of anything. I'm not sad about it. It's probably a more painful point that I can withstand allowing something to fester this way. What a horrible person. Sure am, aren't I? Not in the way that potentially gets me the "beloved asshole" type of title but the kind of sinister that subconsciously makes babies cry or animals hiss. The type that would make anyone with decent instincts stay a few steps back or something not too close.
Reasonably so. Because if a situation needs selfishness, I'd take it. If a situation needs selflessness, I'd use it. Goodwill is a tool and it doesn't always have anything to do with a person being good or bad. Or I could be wrong. A kinder person may assimilate life lessons differently. But I had not been a kind child. My siblings can attest to that. I'm not sure I've learned to be a kind adult either. In the whole kindness and rightness argument, even if it doesn't make sense since they're not even opposites, I'd gag on the dick of righteousness as long as I stay safe, unhurt. The painless route. "Who wants to grow if it'll just feel like shit anyway?" says the proverbial bitterness of being just an inch above 5 ft. I can drown in a fucking kiddie pool. Says the wistfulness of my existence. Says the shallowness of my own goddamned heart.
"Forgive me for I have sinned"
Even if your emotional response to sin is really none of my business, sure, I will forgive you. Is that how it goes?
"Let it go for your peace of mind"
Ya darned well wish, don't ya? Can I get a hell to the no? Truly, if I want peace of mind I'd rage and hate you until the day (or night) I die. Isn't that just fantastic? Quite romantic too, no? In my world, the most pathetic cliche to exist is that in hatred exists a great love. Maybe that's what it is. Or maybe not. And here where for most people, I'd feel nothing but muted feelings (I can't... only for very few)-- I will be in awe of the flowers blooming on your future grave. I will slumber through the nightmares that wear your face. Not an ounce in my lifetime's reservoir of regret will be spent on any singular thought of you.
"What's there to forgive?" Everything. Nothing. Wait. Stay still, monumental and magnanimous in your patience. Just be still and wait... and wait... and wait. Exist nowhere near me but close to my heart. A horrible home for someone like you with its questionable chambers and a rhythm that you can never dance to. Wait. Stay still, monumental and magnanimous in your patience for me who will probably never forgive you. So wait and I'll be an old dog with no more tricks to learn.
It's neither right nor kind but who's to say it's wrong wrong wrong?
Sound the sirens and flash the lights. Lock it up-- arms to back and spiral down then up the steps to the gallows. Listen to the chants. Sway softly to the applause.
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ayameyumesaki · 2 years
So, I bought myself Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle manga volume 16 translated in my mother language for pure amusement and I'm having my friend reacted to it with me in several parts.
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The first thing she noticed is the slurp sfx 😭 but on not-so-serious-side, if Kamui gonna lick me like that I'm going to evaporate Anyway the language here is so so so so cringy (but hilariously funny) I vowed to never translate like this.
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This part is like softie cuter in here. Kamui was like "Subaru, wake up :((((( Since we arrived in this world, Subaru was brought to sleep in this reservoir and I'm always protected your sleep :((((" and it was so extra cute 😭😭😭
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Now finally I can see how he attached his hand clearly and both me and my friend noticed that whoever translated this translated vampire as "blood-sucker". Both of us goes: mosquito?????? 😭😭😭 But still how that works?? Like he just took back his hand, put it close to his shoulder and it reattached itself??? Yuuko, there is more explanation to that other than super regeneration.
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I truly want to know how Kamui called Seishiro in original version, because this version is kinder than the English one. I mean I would translate Seishiro as bastard but here he called him "that person". Anyway, Kamui being surrounded by his own blood??? How vampire works in this series (999+)
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I love the font used for Subaru's telepathy in this part (it was different from the one they used for Subaru's words to Sakura). Kamui goes "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TO---" and Subaru was like "Wait."
What a powerful move.
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I know I already commented on this before but this Subaru??? So fine???? I don't even regret throwing my money for him (again) when TRC is going to have its CPC version. God bless CLAMP for getting in their head during Tokyo arc and drew the vampire twins looking so fine in every panels.
Do you mean I'm gonna stop here? Of course no, because I have volume 17 as well. See me continuing this later.
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schoenes-thailand · 4 months
Einwohner von Chumphon und Ranong demonstrieren gegen Landbrückenprojekt
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Volksnetzwerke in den Provinzen Ranong und Chumphon versammelten sich am Freitag vor dem Bezirksbüro Lang Suan, um ihren entschiedenen Widerstand gegen das milliardenschwere Landbrücken-Megaprojekt in den beiden südlichen Provinzen zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Die Demonstranten gaben eine Erklärung ab, in der sie die Annullierung des Projekts forderten, das ihrer Meinung nach viele Ressourcen in den beiden Provinzen verbrauchen würde, die besser für ihre Kinder und Enkelkinder erhalten würden. Das Landbrückenprojekt ist riesig und umfasst mehrere Teilprojekte im Wert von mehreren Milliarden Baht, wie den Bau von Tiefseehäfen sowohl an der Küste der Andamanen als auch am Golf von Thailand, den Bau einer Autobahn und eines zweigleisigen Zugsystems zur Verbindung die beiden Häfen, ein riesiges Industriegebiet, Containerhöfe in beiden Häfen, ein Kraftwerk zur Stromversorgung aller Industrie- und Hafenbetriebe sowie ein Reservoir zur Deckung des Wasserbedarfs der Industrie. Unter Berufung auf Studien zum Projekt sagen die Demonstranten, dass für den Tiefseehafen in Ranong etwa 1.120 Hektar Küstenland und Meer in der Provinz Ranong und etwa 928 Hektar in Chumphon benötigt werden. Darüber hinaus müssen viele Flächen für den Bau der Autobahn, der zweigleisigen Eisenbahn und des Stausees enteignet werden. Es wird geschätzt, dass die Gesamtkosten des Landbrückenprojekts bei heutigen Preisen eine Billion Baht betragen werden. Den Investoren werden Konzessionen für den Betrieb der beiden Häfen und anderer Anlagen mit einer Laufzeit von 99 Jahren gewährt. Die Landbrücke ist ein Flaggschiff der Pheu-Thai-Partei und zielt darauf ab, einen seit langem gehegten Traum Thailands zu verwirklichen, nämlich die Zeit zu verkürzen, die für den Transport von Gütern zwischen der Andamanensee und dem Golf benötigt wird, die derzeit durch die Straße von Malakka transportiert werden. Während seiner zahlreichen Auslandsreisen hat Premierminister Srettha Thavisin versucht, transnationale Konzerne für Investitionen in das Projekt zu gewinnen. - Quelle: Thai PBS World (dir) Read the full article
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warningsine · 5 months
Leeches may be creepy, but many people find hypodermic needles even creepier. That's one of the reasons why scientists have developed a new leech-inspired blood collection device, which draws blood samples without the need for a big jab.
Along with not liking the pain involved, a lot of folks (especially children) are just generally uncomfortable with the idea of a needle being pushed through their skin. What's more, used hypodermic needles pose a health risk to clinicians who may accidentally poke themselves when handling the things.
With such considerations in mind, researchers at Switzerland's ETH Zurich university recently looked to sanguivorous (blood-feeding) leeches.
These creatures adhere themselves to a host animal's skin via their suction-cup-like mouths, penetrate that skin with sharp teeth within those mouths, then swallow to create negative pressure which draws out the blood. They also have a natural anticoagulant in their saliva, to keep the blood flowing.
The scientists' leech-inspired device takes the form of a small silicone suction cup that gets adhered to the skin of the upper arm, compressed, then left to do its work.
Instead of having teeth inside, the gadget contains a circular array of 2-mm-long stainless steel microneedles which painlessly penetrate the top layers of the skin. As the compressed cup reverts back to its default shape, it creates negative internal pressure which sucks blood up out of the skin's capillary veins. That blood is collected in an integrated reservoir which also contains an anticoagulant to ensure that the sample stays in a liquid state.
Once the single-use device is removed from the skin, an included lid is placed over its open end, sealing its contents. An eyedropper-like adapter subsequently allows it to be used with existing blood analysis kits or other lab equipment. It should be noted that the cup can't draw as much blood as a needle, but still enough for a wide variety of tests.
Importantly, because the microneedles are hidden up inside the device, there is very little risk of accidental finger-pokes. The technology is also claimed to be less expensive than traditional hypodermic needles, and to require less training – it could therefore be particularly well-suited to use in resource-limited clinics, such as those in developing nations. A completely biodegradable version is in the works.
The researchers are now looking for partners to help further develop the device, which has already been successfully tested on piglets. In fact, the gadget builds upon another suction-cup gizmo developed by some of the same scientists, which allows certain medications to be applied through the inner lining of the cheek instead of via hypodermic injection.
A paper on the study, which was led by postdoctoral student Nicole Zoratto, was recently published in the journal Advanced Science.
Source: ETH Zurich
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globalgolf · 6 months
Apes Hill in Barbados kündigt neues Animationsprogramm an
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Luxusurlaube für mehrere Generationen werden immer beliebter, denn nach der Pandemie wird die Zeit mit der Großfamilie immer wichtiger. Apes Hill Barbados ist das Resort, das alles bietet, kündigt neues Animationsprogramm an. Während Barbados sich darauf freut, Cricket-Fans zur diesjährigen ICC T20-Weltmeisterschaft zu empfangen, hat Apes Hill ein neues Aktivitätsprogramm für Gäste angekündigt, die im Frühjahr/Sommer 2024 kommen. Es gibt keinen Mangel an Optionen für diejenigen, die einen aktiven Rückzugsort in der Karibik suchen, auf einer Insel, die mehr als 3.000 Sonnenstunden im Jahr hat. Yoga bei Sonnenuntergang, Golfturniere für Paare, Bootcamps, Padel-Tennis-Events, Wanderungen durch die Schluchten, Filmabende für Kinder, Kochvorführungen, Sportcamps und Ausflüge zum Süßwasserfischen sind nur einige der Aktivitäten, die den Gästen von Apes Hill im Jahr 2024 angeboten werden. Sunil Chatrani, Executive Chairman von Apes Hill Barbados, sagt: "Wir kultivieren hier auf Apes Hill ein neues Gefühl von luxuriösem Inselleben, und unser neues Aktivitätsprogramm trägt nur zu dem außergewöhnlichen Lebensstil bei, den wir anbieten.Das Programm bietet der ganzen Familie viele Möglichkeiten, sich während ihres Aufenthalts zu beschäftigen, sei es um sich zu entspannen, aktiv zu sein, die Natur zu genießen, Freundschaften zu schließen oder eine neue Fähigkeit zu erlernen. Unsere Lage und Umgebung ist der richtige Ort dafür." Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados Die familienfreundlichen Unterkünfte von Apes Hill beginnen mit Villen mit drei Schlafzimmern im Innenhof, die von den natürlichen Korallen und Blättern von Barbados eingerahmt sind. Alle verfügen über einen privaten Swimmingpool mit Blick auf das Meer. Jede Villa ist so ausgerichtet, dass sie das natürliche Licht, die Brise und die spektakuläre Aussicht einfängt und so absolute Privatsphäre und Unterhaltung gleichermaßen ermöglicht. Nachhaltigkeit ist das Herzstück von Apes Hill. Auf der eigenen Farm werden frische Kräuter, essbare Blumen, Bananen, Brotfruchtbäume und Honig angebaut, mit denen die Restaurants 20th Hole und Noisy Cricket beliefert werden, die sich auf ein Farm-to-Fork-Menü rühmen. Der von Kritikern hochgelobte Golfplatz von Apes Hill - auf dem im Mai einige der berühmtesten Namen des Golfsports zu Gast sein werden, wenn er das erste Legends Tour Event der Saison ausrichtet - wird durch ein Bewässerungssystem gepflegt, das Regenwasser in einem 58 Millionen Gallonen fassenden Reservoir sammelt. Zusammen mit der Verwendung von lokalem Seegras, Mist und Kompost als Dünger und der Umleitung des Regenwassers durch Bioswales zur Auffüllung der Grundwasserreserven ist Apes Hill's Engagement für die Umwelt ungebrochen. Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados In Zukunft werden die Gäste eine Reihe von zusätzlichen Wellnessangeboten genießen können, darunter ein hochmodernes Fitnesscenter, ein Gesundheitsclub und Spa-Behandlungen. Die Personal Trainer, Yogalehrer und Padel-/Tennistrainer des Resorts stehen für Einzeltrainings und Gruppenaktivitäten zur Verfügung. Und wenn Mama und Papa mal eine kinderfreie Zeit haben möchten, können sie sich als zertifizierte Babysitter in ihrer eigenen Villa um die kleinen Gäste kümmern. Und während die Kinder mit dem auf die jüngeren Gäste zugeschnittenen Programm beschäftigt sind, können die Erwachsenen den 18-Loch-Par-72-Golfplatz von Apes Hill nutzen, der von dem verstorbenen US-Golfplatzarchitekten Ron Kirby entworfen wurde. Der Platz, der als "Must Play" bezeichnet wird, bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf das Karibische Meer im Westen und den Atlantischen Ozean im Osten. Er liegt auf einem der höchsten Punkte von Barbados, 1.000 Fuß über dem Meeresspiegel, und ist das am höchsten gelegene Golferlebnis auf der Insel. Das Resort liegt inmitten eines 475 Hektar großen, unberührten Geländes, in dem große Trupps von Barbados-Grünmeerkatzen umherstreifen. Außerdem bietet es ein hochmodernes Leistungszentrum und eine Driving Range mit Flutlicht, während ein familienfreundlicher Neun-Loch-Par-3-Golfplatz kurz vor der Fertigstellung steht, so dass die ganze Familie zum Abschlag kommen kann. Chatrani fügt hinzu: "In diesem Sommer findet nicht nur die T20-Weltmeisterschaft auf der Insel statt, sondern wir haben vor kurzem auch bekannt gegeben, dass wir Gastgeber eines neuen Turniers der Legends Tour, früher bekannt als European Senior Tour, sein werden, bei dem eine Reihe von Golfgrößen im Rahmen von 'Barbados Legends hosted by Ian Woosnam' im Mai auf unserem Weltklasseplatz abschlagen werden. Es gab noch nie eine bessere Zeit, um Barbados zu besuchen, und Apes Hill liegt genau im Zentrum dieser Zeit." Apes Hill Barbados ist stolz darauf, Ihnen die Runde Ihres Lebens präsentieren zu können. Über Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados ist das höchstgelegene Golfresort und die höchstgelegene Gemeinde auf Barbados. Es erstreckt sich über 475 Hektar mit üppiger tropischer Vegetation, einheimischen Schluchten und seltenen Panoramablicken auf den Atlantischen Ozean und das Karibische Meer. Eingebettet in die hügelige Topografie der Central Highlands und inmitten des geologisch einzigartigen Scotland Distrikts liegt ein 18-Loch-Par-72-Meisterschaftsgolfplatz, der durch modernste Golfanlagen mit neuester Technologie ergänzt wird. Mit seinem entspannten, luxuriösen Lebensstil ist Nachhaltigkeit das Herzstück des gesamten Resorts und der Gemeinde. Die atemberaubenden Residenzen, die sich nahtlos in die Umgebung einfügen, sind ein Highlight, das zeigt, dass Natur, Innovation und Technologie in der üppigen Landschaft die Oberhand haben. In Apes Hill Barbados gibt es elegante und moderne Residenzen, die von Villen mit drei Schlafzimmern im Innenhof bis hin zu Villen mit vier Schlafzimmern auf dem Hügel und Golfplatzhäusern reichen, die mit einem maßgeschneiderten Design-Service ausgestattet sind. Apes Hill Barbados Apes Hill Barbados Es ist ein Ort des Prestiges, ohne sich zu verstellen, und liegt an einem der einzigartigsten Aussichtspunkte, die es gibt. Apes Hill Barbados bietet ein unvergleichliches Abenteuer für die ganze Familie und ist ein natürlicher Rahmen für ein ultraluxuriöses Golfresort und eine Gemeinde. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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