#matilda book
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Matilda from Matilda (book)
Request @pinkhairandpronouns
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pinkalluna · 2 years
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"The happiest part of the story is that Matilda and Miss Honey each got what they always wanted—a loving family."
— Matilda (1996)
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adaptations-polls · 4 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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letterstoyourlove · 4 months
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somebean81 · 2 years
I’ve read the Matilda book, I’ve watched the Matilda movie, I’ve watched the Matilda musical and I’ve watched the Matilda musical movie. I am so obsessed with Matilda it’s not even funny anymore. I love how different each interpretation is for each one as well it’s fucking fantastic
Did you know that the Matilda musical movie is the only iteration where Matilda is an only child? Did you know that in the Matilda musical the people who try to catch Mr. Wormwood for selling bad cars is the Russian mafia? Did you know that that god awful parrot is only in the book??
This is my one niche thing and I am fuck ass insane about it.
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justdoodlins · 28 days
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cjbolan · 2 years
Just saw the Netflix Matilda musical. It’s nice, but makes me love the 90s Mara Wilson version so much more. The songs were mostly inner monologue that lasted minutes at a time. And most of those songs didn’t even move the plot. What these songs in the musical each did in ~5 minutes, the narration in the Mara Wilson movie did in 1 minute at a time.
Also the telekinesis looked way more convincing in the older version, with more clever editing and less sound effects and less CGI gimmicks.
Basically the older Matilda movie had more “show don’t tell”. And I love that.
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theturncoattournament · 5 months
Who would make the best new main character? (Round 1)
Note: I recommend reading this blog's pinned post that explains what this tournament is about before voting
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No propaganda submitted
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the-mallorca-files · 2 years
This au is brought to you by my current obsession with the new Matilda movie:
Miranda never really knew why or how she was able to move things with her mind
it had started when she was a kid, happening mostly when she became particularly overwhelmed by emotions and noise and light and everything else
(when she finally realises she’s autistic, she also realises that these overwhelming times were actually sensory overloads and autistic meltdowns)
(…this still does not explain the telekinesis)
her parents were completely freaked out by it, convinced that Miranda was possessed or something
the near-constant exorcisms soon began to annoy her, so she taught herself to control her physics-defying power
eventually it got to the point where she’d spent so long with it that it had just become normal to her
when she first became a cop, she was using her power all the time to disarm criminals, stop suspects escaping, pick up and inspect pieces of evidence without having to wear gloves, and other useful things like that
but this eventually meant that none of her superiors in the force actually wanted her to work in their various police stations
because although she got results (and plenty of them), her unorthodox methods meant that doing the paperwork afterwards was an absolute nightmare
(“Detective Blake diffused the situation by magically levitating the knife out of the suspect’s hand from twenty feet away” never went down well with the higher-ups)
so Miranda slowly stopped using her telekinesis at work, relying on it only when she felt it was absolutely 100% necessary
she hates that this means she’s not quite as good at her job now, but she knows it was either that or risk getting kicked off the force altogether
sometimes the power still shows itself when she’s consumed by particularly strong emotions and just can’t control it
(Wandsworth was an example of this: Miranda hadn’t so much tipped her food into her detective inspector’s lap as levitated it off the table and then made it fling itself directly at his crotch with alarming speed)
but other than these rare instances, she keeps her telekinesis hidden from everyone — even after the move to Mallorca, and becoming closer to Max
in fact, the closer she gets to Max, the more effort she puts into hiding her powers
because letting them show in the past has always led to her being moved to a different force, and she can’t bear the thought of losing her compañero
but then, a year and eight months after she moved out there, she slips up
she gets a call from what’s undoubtedly the estate agent who keeps badgering her about the apartment she wants to look at
but Max answers it before she can get to it
and he’s acting all smug about it
and Inés is watching
and Max is organising a meeting with the estate agent
and no
no no no
this was something she wanted control over
she didn’t want Max to get involved
and now Inés knows too
and then suddenly the phone is snatched away from Max’s ear as if by an invisible hand
Max and Inés both stare in disbelief as the phone floats over to Miranda, who plucks it out of the air as if this is totally normal
she glares at Max
Max stares back at her
it’s only then that Miranda realises what she’s just done
her subsequent explanations are a jumbled mess as she rushes to get them out before her seemingly inevitable move to another force is announced
Inés quickly brings both detectives into her office, keen to get the clearly anxious Miranda away from the stares of the other officers
and Miranda’s promising it won’t happen again, trying desperately to get Inés to let her stay
Max and Inés are both confused beyond belief about this, because neither of them can really see why she’d want to stop herself using this power
they both start asking her a seemingly endless stream of questions about it — when it had first happened, how she does it, what it feels like, and any number of other things like that
Miranda gives a few short answers to these questions, getting more and more uncomfortable with each one because they’re just reminders of how weird she is
eventually she puts her foot down and tells them that she has to go to this meeting with the estate agent that Max has just set up
Max insists on going with her
when he brings up the levitating phone on the way there, Miranda just shuts him down immediately
she doesn’t want to talk about this anymore
she just wants to be normal, for god’s sake
but after a couple weeks of Max badgering her about it (and a few wines while sitting with him out on her new balcony), Miranda finally relents
she cautiously levitates the wine bottle, getting it to pour him a top-up
Max makes it very clear that he thinks it’s absolutely the coolest thing ever
and after that, slowly but surely, Miranda starts to use her telekinesis around other people again
she begins by alternately impressing and annoying Max with it when they’re on their own
long stakeouts are now livened up by flying sunglasses, and Miranda frequently amuses herself by floating Carmela’s pastries just beyond Max’s reach
then, as she becomes more confident, she starts using it when there’s other people there too
the other cops soon get used to walking into the office and finding things floating in midair
(one of them had made a comment in the beginning about how weird it was. The subsequent talking-to Inés had given them had ensured this did not happen again)
many months later, when Miranda finally feels able to use her power for actual work things again, Inés discovers the joys of trying not to sound completely insane when she writes up things for Max and Miranda’s cases
but unlike all of Miranda’s previous bosses she perseveres with it anyway, taking the time to come up with normal explanations for all of her detective’s telekinetic interventions
it’s a headache, but Inés wouldn’t have it any other way
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creek-nymph · 3 months
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Matilda By Roald Dahl Illustrated by Quentin Blake
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fullcravings · 3 months
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Best Matilda Chocolate Cake
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90s-2000s-barbie · 2 months
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Matilda (1996)
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Literally insane how Danny Phantom DCU crossover has more fics on AO3 than many smaller fandoms. This makes my best friend very mad when I point it out. It is also hilarious the number of people writing fics for the crossover fandom who have consumed neither source material and just know what they’ve read in fanfic. The people who built this fandom from the ground up really went ‘let’s make an entirely new media that people will consume and build upon and enjoy that has more plot and analysis of Danny Phantom than the actual tv show’. Truly the goncherov of fanfiction. West doesn’t exist. Red Huntress never had a name. There was a single episode about an ‘ice core’ that was never mentioned again and now ghost cores have almost consistent usage. Anyway I just appreciate the beautiful fandom that is to Danny phantom and DC comics what heathers the Musical is to Heathers the movie.
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le-skye · 4 months
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@enraptureenchanted suggested the idea of an untitled goose game style Matilduck and, well,
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quotespile · 1 year
Sometimes Matilda longed for a friend, someone like the kind, courageous people in her books.
Roald Dahl, Matilda
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ambersweets134 · 1 month
It's too dangerous to go alone, take a lesbian
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