#matteo moreau
transmascanakin · 6 days
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(talking into the void) Hi djä fandom I made these and I need something to put in my queue i believe this qualifies as quality content
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Torna Milano Arch Week: la manifestazione dedicata all'architettura, alle trasformazioni urbane e al futuro delle città
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Torna Milano Arch Week: la manifestazione dedicata all'architettura, alle trasformazioni urbane e al futuro delle città. Dopo il successo delle passate edizioni, torna Milano Arch Week, la manifestazione dedicata all'architettura, alle trasformazioni urbane e al futuro delle città fondata e promossa dal 2017 da Comune di Milano, Politecnico di Milano e Triennale Milano. Questa quinta edizione – con la direzione artistica di Stefano Boeri, Presidente di Triennale Milano – è curata da Nina Bassoli, curatrice per Architettura, rigenerazione urbana, città di Triennale Milano, e da Matteo Ruta, docente del Politecnico di Milano ed è stata anticipata da una due giorni a settembre 2022 che ha aperto un confronto ampio e partecipato. Il tema di quest’anno, Around Peripheries, si propone come un momento di confronto sulle energie sociali e culturali della città, volto ad avviare una riflessione collettiva sulle periferie. Cosa possiamo imparare dalle aree marginali? Cosa ci aspettiamo dalla casa? Esiste un nuovo modo di concepire l’housing sociale? Quali sono i confini del centro? I quartieri sono isole o sono piuttosto strati tematici? E ancora: come possiamo costruire un’infrastruttura sociale solida in grado di penetrare in ogni quartiere? Possono le scuole esserne la nuova base? Queste sono alcune delle domande che guidano la quinta edizione di Milano Arch Week. Per riflettere su questi temi sono stati invitati architetti e designer internazionali, studi e professionisti emergenti, urbanisti e paesaggisti: Fosbury Architecture, collettivo che ha recentemente curato il Padiglione Italia alla 18. Mostra di Architettura della Biennale di Venezia (Politecnico, 7 giugno, 19.00); Kersten Geers dello studio belga OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen (Politecnico, 8 giugno, 19.00); Yves Moreau dello studio parigino Muoto, noto per i suoi progetti che spaziano tra architettura, urbanistica e ricerca (Politecnico, 9 giugno, 17.00); Iñaqui Carnicero, architetto di fama internazionale, nominato dal Primo Ministro spagnolo Pedro Sánchez Segretario generale per l’Agenda urbana e l’architettura e che ha promosso la stesura della prima legge statale sulla qualità dell’architettura (Politecnico, 9 giugno, 18.15); l’architetta giapponese Toshiko Mori, guest editor 2023 di “Domus” (Politecnico, 9 giugno, 19.30); l’architetta e urban designer Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (Triennale, 10 giugno, 17.00); l'architetta sudafricana Sumayya Vally, fondatrice di Counterspace, che è stata la più giovane architetta di sempre a vincere la prestigiosa commissione per il Serpentine Pavilion (Triennale, 10 giugno, 18.15); lo studio tedesco bplus.xyz (b+), che si è sempre distinto per il suo approccio sperimentale (Triennale, 10 giugno 19.30); lo studio catalano Harquitectes (Triennale, 11 giugno, 18.00). Quest’anno la manifestazione si rinnova e si propone in una veste inedita, ampliando i propri confini e attivando altre sedi diffuse nella città: scuole, teatri, associazioni, biblioteche, giardini di quartiere, 40 luoghi che tracciano una rete che dal centro arriva ai quartieri più esterni. Il programma di questa rete diffusa sul territorio parte da venerdì 2 giugno con oltre 50 appuntamenti che proseguiranno fino all’11 giugno. La manifestazione si apre così al dialogo con le diverse istituzioni e i quartieri della città, coinvolgendo attività e iniziative locali, e raccontando la natura policentrica, complessa e vitale di Milano. Ogni realtà coinvolta propone una riflessione sui temi della manifestazione ed è stata selezionata attraverso una call lanciata a settembre 2022 che ha rappresentato una piattaforma di ricognizione delle attività presenti sul territorio e di ascolto rispetto agli interessi degli abitanti: dall’housing sociale alla scuola, dall’idea di quartiere alla concezione del centro e delle periferie. Come sempre non mancano tour, itinerari ed esplorazioni della città. Tra questi, gli itinerari promossi da Urban Center Milano e dall'Assessorato Rigenerazione Urbana del Comune di Milano, che guidano i partecipanti alla scoperta delle potenzialità di tre aree della città, oggetto di interventi che ne stanno cambiando il volto: Lorenteggio/Giambellino (10 giugno, 10.00), Crescenzago (10 giugno, 17.00), Stazione Centrale/Loreto (11 giugno, 17.00). Questi tour permettono di valorizzare gli antichi centri storici cittadini in occasione del centenario dell'aggregazione alla città dei borghi limitrofi. Il Politecnico di Milano e Triennale Milano restano le sedi principali di Milano Arch Week, ospitando dal 7 all’11 giugno tavoli di lavoro, talk, lecture e workshop. L’inaugurazione della manifestazione si tiene al Politecnico mercoledì 7 giugno alle 18.15 con i saluti istituzionali di Tommaso Sacchi, Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Milano; Donatella Sciuto, Rettrice del Politecnico di Milano; Stefano Boeri, Presidente di Triennale Milano; Andrea Campioli, Preside della Scuola di Architettura, Urbanistica, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni del Politecnico di Milano. Seguono gli interventi dei curatori Nina Bassoli e Matteo Ruta e la lecture di Fosbury Architecture, in programma per le 19.00. Diverse iniziative sono organizzate negli spazi Off Campus del Politecnico di Milano, con l’obiettivo di alimentare la riflessione sulle periferie, esplorando temi e dinamiche che attraversano questi territori: il quartiere ERP di San Siro, il contesto di Nolo e Via Padova, quello tra il quartiere Corvetto e Chiaravalle e il Carcere San Vittore. Parte integrante della programmazione di Milano Arch Week 2023 sono i tavoli di lavoro dedicati ad alcuni temi centrali del nostro presente: Casa, Scuola e Lavoro. La nuova scuola (Triennale, 10 giugno, 10.00-13.00, in collaborazione con Fondazione Agnelli) è un’occasione di confronto sulla progettazione dei nuovi spazi scolastici; il tavolo La casa e la città si focalizza sulla città di Milano e sulla gestione della richiesta abitativa (Triennale, 10 giugno, 10.00-13.00, in collaborazione con Federica Verona); La condizione dei giovani collaboratori negli studi di architettura (Triennale, 8 giugno, 10.00-13.00, in collaborazione con ullarc – Unione lavoratrici e lavoratori in architettura) mette al centro della riflessione la precaria condizione lavorativa dei giovani professionisti nel mondo della progettazione. Un ulteriore tavolo di lavoro intitolato Reconstruction of the city: case studies and guidelines è dedicato al tema della ricostruzione, partendo del caso della città di Irpin' (Triennale, 10 giugno, 9.30-15.00, in collaborazione con Irpin Reconstruction Summit). Per ogni tavolo è prevista la stesura di un documento con una serie di proposte concrete. Tra gli altri appuntamenti in programma in Triennale, il 9 giugno alle 9.30 si tiene la serie di lecture Milan International Architectural Design Workshop 2023 – Five Speed Talks con cinque visiting professor invitati dal Politecnico di Milano nell’ambito del workshop internazionale MIAW. Il 10 giugno alle 16.00 Adam Nathaniel Furman e Joshua Mardell presentano il loro libro Queer Spaces: An Atlas of LGBTQIA+ Places and Stories, che mappa una serie luoghi ordinari e straordinari in grado di liberare le energie delle città di tutto il mondo. Il 10 e l’11 giugno alle 15.30 si svolge il laboratorio per bambini Quando soffia il tempo, ideato dal Collettivo Ctrl+S. L’11 giugno dalle 11.00 alle 18.00 Triennale ospita il ciclo di talk di HYPERLOCAL, la piattaforma di Zero che racconta l'orizzonte culturale e creativo delle città esplorandone i quartieri e le scene che li animano. Nella stessa giornata, alle 19.30, viene proiettato il documentario Una giornata nell’Archivio Piero Bottoni di Massimo D’Anolfi e Martina Parenti. Numerosi altri eventi, talk, workshop, lecture animeranno il Palazzo dell’Arte durante le giornate di Milano Arch Week. Per il programma completo: milanoarchweek.eu... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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werepugs · 4 years
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Er war ein Guter.
ID / Bildbeschreibung:
[Start Bildbeschreibung: Drei gifs aus Folge 241 der Fernsehserie In aller Freundschaft - Die jungen Ärzte. Prof. Patzelt, Dr. Sherbaz und Dr. Moreau stehen vor einem Fenster im Klinikum und sehen wehmütig den Assistenzärzten zu, wie sie draußen zur Beerdigung ihres Freundes gehen. Alle drei Ärzte denken an die Zeit mit dem verstorbenen Tom zurück.
Dr. Sherbaz: “Ein Freigeist.”
Dr. Moreau (nach kurzem Zögern): “Er war ein Guter.”
Dr. Moreau verlässt den Raum, Dr. Sherbaz und Prof. Patzelt bleiben stehen. Dr. Sherbaz nickt, den Tränen nahe.
Ende Bildbeschreibung]
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growingupgerman · 7 years
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 2 years
Masterlists, Fandoms, and Character Requests
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Rules for requests right here
COD (Call of duty)
John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, König, Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin, Keegan P. Russ, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski, Philip Graves
Masterlist Link: CoD
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Alice Fortescue, Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr
Masterlist Link: Coming soon...
Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Theodore Nott, Matteo Riddle
Masterlist Link: Coming soon...
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington,Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Billy Hagrove
Masterlist Link: Coming soon...
Masterlist Link: Coming soon...
The Last Of Us
Ellie Williams, Abby Anderson, Dina Woodward, Jesse Chang (His last name came from another writer because from what I've seen, there's no mentions of his last name. Please read her works, it's chef's kiss <3)
Master Link: TLOU
Resident Evil
Leon Kennedy, Ashley Graham, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, Carlos Oliveira, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, Luis Serra
Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Mother Miranda, Donna Beneviento, Salvatore Moreau
Masterlist Link: Coming soon...
Siren's son asmr/Sirenverse
Masterlist Link: Coming soon...
Percy Jackson
Hunger Games
Big Hero Six
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon
MyStreet (Aphmau)
My inner demons (Aphmau)
MCD (Aphmau)
Remarried Empress (Webtoon)
Fictif (Road kill and For the love of gods)
Arcane: League of Legends
OHSHC (Ouran high school host club)
Demon Slayer
ASMR Rp community
My Wattpad acc:
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Mike Adler on In aller Freundeschaft Season 1
as Dr. Matteo Moreau on In aller Freundeschaft - Die jungen Ärzte [S01 E01]
Information on beautifulfaces
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△ marius, who are you interested in getting to know better in valdez?
“I’m always inclined to believe that it is my daughter’s that send me these. Thank you for writing in Daciana.”
He rattles off a list like items on a grocery list.
“This question is simple enough though. Serghei Petran, Aurora Jean Moore, Melanie Kent, Leela Ambrose, Renier Westwood, Claire Thorwald, Harley Kincaid, Lorenzo de Luca, Sebastian Espinosa, Atlas Niorthein, Kelly Lawson, Jocelyn Sorrentino, Theodore Leighton, Anton Petran, Amelie Kim, Jenny Li, Madden Coyle, Nina Ross , Sefina Henry, Alejandra Vazquez, Tasmin Varma, Kenzie Johnson, Matteo Pillay, Abigail Prescott, Kimberly De Jong, Amiyah Pillay, Camilla Westwood, Juliet Mancini, Madeleine Huntingon, Kenneth Allen, Jordan Delacroix, Julian Alvarez, Cameron Moreau, Serafina Carbonell, Roman Rockford, Marcus Simmons, Zephyr Headley, Cassandra Labonair, Alara Yilmaz, Myla Velez, Iris Vitale, Richie Donnery, Gilles Loudain, Rigel O’Sullivan, Anastasia Petran, Grace Sheridan, Nika Wolf, Danica Evans, Leonardo Marino, Rio Vasquez and, of course, the incomparable Nikolas Petran. Know thy enemy, as they say.”
“Hm? Yes, I’m very well aware there’s a snake missing from the list.  I know all I need to know about that coward.”
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filologija · 5 years
Hieronymus noster: International Symposium on Jerome, Ljubljana 2019
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Hieronymus noster, the international symposium on the 1600th anniversary of death of Jerome, will take place in Ljubljana on October 24th–26th, 2019, at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is being organised by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; the Universities of Ljubljana, Zagreb, Graz, and Warsaw; Central European University (CEU); International Network of Excellence “Europa Renascens”; DANUBIUS Project (Université de Lille); and the Institut des Sources chrétiennes. The symposium is under the honorary patronage of Mr Borut Pahor, the President of the Republic of Slovenia. Wednesday, October 23 17.00 Registration and Opening Ceremony Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Thursday, October 24 Session 1 8.30 – 9.30 Plenary Lectures Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Laurence Mellerin: Hieronymian studies at the Institut des Sources Chretiennes Jože Krašovec: The Development of St Jerome’s Views on the Translation and Interpretation of the Holy Bible Session 2 Section A Thursday 9.45 – 11.15 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Theology 1 Chair: Danuta Schanzer Thomas Clemmons: Jerome’s Early Understanding of Society and the Church Michael A. Ennis: “Test All Things” – Jerome’s Theory and Practice with Suspicious Theologians Philip Polcar: Unciales Litterae and the pauperes Christi: The Economics of Jerome’s Ecclesiastical Influence Section B Thursday 9.45 – 11.15 Small Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome’s Exegesis 1 Chair: Samo Skralovnik Sergio Zincone: L’interpretazione delle parabole evangeliche nel Commento di Girolamo al Vangelo secondo Matteo Miklos Istvan Foldvary: The Horns of Moyses Laszlo Takacs: St. Jerome and the Allegorical Interpretation of Exodus Jacobus Koos Kritzinger: The interpretation of ‘The Parable of the Prodigal Son’ by two Latin patristic authors, St Jerome and Petrus Chrysologus Section C Thursday 9.45 – 11.15 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Translating Holy Scripture Chair: Irena Avsenik Nabergoj Jean-Marie Auwers: Jerome cite-t-il ses propres traductions du Cantique des cantiques? Tiziano F. Ottobrini: Hebraica ueritas e filologia ispirata: Girolamo e la traduzione biblica come traduzione dello Spirito Krisztian Fenyves: From the “Veritas Graeca” to the “Veritas Hebraica” (in St.Jerome’s Commentaries) Edoardo Bona: Alla ricerca della Verita: il testo originale come Veritas Coffee Break 11.15 – 11.30 Session 3 Section A Thursday 11.30 – 13.00 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Theology 2 Chair: David Movrin Peter Scheck: Benedict XV, Jerome and the Perennial Validity of Spiritus Paraclitus Judith Marie Gentle: Ecce Virgo Concipiet: The Enduring Theological Significance of De perpetua virginitate beatae Mariae adversus Helvidium Rebecca Keller: Jerome, Vigilantius, and the Cults of the Saints Section B Thursday 11.30 – 13.00 Small Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome’s Exegesis 2 Chair: Samo Skralovnik Milena Joksimović: Adulter Vs. Moechus: Jerome’s Use of Terms for Adultery in Vulgata Anna Persig: Jerome as the reviser of the Vulgate Epistles: status quaestionis and New Approaches Alisa Kunitz-Dick: Jerome’s Commentary on Malachi: A Comparative Approach Section C Thursday 11.30 – 13.00 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Slovenian Section Chair: Rajko Bratož Rafko Valenčič: Kje si, Stridon? Metod Benedik: Emonska Cerkev v Hieronimovem času, njena notranja moč Gregor Sraka: Hieronimovi stiki z Ilirikom v času njegovega prebivanja na Vzhodu (375-420) Lunch Break 13.00 – 15.00 Session 4 Section A Thursday 15.00 – 16.45 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Monastic Theology Chair: Jan Ciglenečki Danuta Shanzer: Jerome’s Demons: Demonizations vs. Demonology David Movrin: Holy Aemulatio: Jerome's Efforts to Outdo the Life of Antony Philip Marshall: Claustration in Jerome’s Advice to young women Jordina Sales-Carbonell: Jerome and the Western Monasticism: Asceticism, Evergetism and Orthodoxy within the Late Fourth Century Hispania Section B Thursday 15.00 – 16.45 Small Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4 Epistolography 1 Chair: Alenka Cedilnik Emmanuelle Mantel: La lettre de consolation chez saint Jerome Gina Derhard: Metaphors of Conversion to Asceticism in Jerome’s Letters Giovanna Martino: La regola educativa di S. Gerolamo: esempi di una institutio christiana nell’Epistolario geronimiano (Epp. 107 e 128) Emanuela Colombi: Fasting and Food: Dietary Prescriptions in Jerome’s Letters Section C Thursday 15.00 – 16.45 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and the Classics 1 Chair: Marko Marinčič Matej Hriberšek: Christian Ciceronian and His Zeal for Antiquity – Ancient Pagan Writers in the Saint Jerome’s Opus Isabella D’Auria: Note di approfondimento sulle teorie geronimiane relative a “traduzione” e “parafrasi” Miran Sajovic SDB: Aliquid de Latinitate Hieronymiana Felix Seibert: Interpretatio Christiana? Zur Funktion der Vergilzitate in den Briefen des Hieronymus Coffee Break 16.45 – 17.00 Session 5 Section A Thursday 17.00 – 18.30 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Monasticism Chair: Jan Dominik Bogataj Jan Ciglenečki, Nena Bobovnik: Blue Deserts: Jerome and the Origins of Insular Monasticism on the Adriatic Florence Bret: Fondation et transmission dans la Vita Pauli et la Vita Hilarionis Jiři Šubrt: Historia castitatis. Jerome´s Life of Malchus as a Novelistic parable Fernando Monzon: Punti di coincidenza della Vita Malchi (VM) di San Girolamo con la Tradizione umanistica in quanto trasmissione letteraria, sapienziale e pedagogica Section B Thursday 17.00 – 18.30 Small Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4 Epistolography 2 Chair: Miran Sajovic Angela Zielinski Kinney: In Sickness and in Health: Illness and Injury in Jerome’s Correspondence Willum Westenholz: Must an Epistle be Epistolary? Jerome as a Case-Study Amy Oh: City and Wilderness in the Letters of Jerome Giorgia Grandi: La vita postuma di San Girolamo: Aspetti della sua fortuna nel novecento Section C Thursday 17.00 – 18.30 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and the Classics 2 Chair: Matej Hriberšek Marko Marinčič: An Exegete and a Poetess Facing Virgil: Some Backgrounds to Jerome‘s Criticism of the Christian Centos Ines Ivić: From Private to Popular Devotion: The Humanist Formation of the Cult of Saint Jerome as the National Saint in the 15th Century Dalmatia Anja Božič: Movere through St Jerome: Pier Paolo Vergerio’s Eighth Sermon in praise of St Jerome Friday, October 25 Session 6 Section A Friday 8.30 – 10.30 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Aquileia Chair: Rajko Bratož Lukas J. Dorfbauer: Jerome’s Use of the Gospel Commentary by Fortunatianus of Aquileia Alessio Peršič: Due (o tre) “rustici” a confronto: Sulpicio Severo (con Martino) e Gerolamo Maurizio Girolami: Hieronymus magister, amicus et frater: Girolamo visto da Rufino di Concordia Miran Špelič OFM: Victorinus noster: Jerome of Stridon and Victorinus of Poetovio – Compatriots Section B Friday 8.30 – 10.30 Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Reception of Jerome 1 Chair: Aleš Maver Christopher M. Blunda: Between Jerome and Gennadius: Marcellinus Comes’ Chronicon s. a. 392 in Codex Parisinus BN Lat. 12161 Klaus Kronert: Jerome et les elements de structure des chroniques universelles du Moyen Age Deri Balaz: Jerome as the Most Important Source of Saint Gerard’s Deliberatio for Patristic Exegesis Pierre Chambert-Protat: Jerome in Carolingian Lyon: Medieval Reception and Philological Contributions Andrea Radošević: The Reception of St. Jerome in Late Medieval Sermon Collection Section C Friday 8.30 – 10.30 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and Art Chair: Rafko Valenčič Irena Avsenik Nabergoj: Saint Jerome’s Critique of the Literary Qualities of the Holy Bible Milena Mileva Blažić: Hieronim in pravljični tip ATU 156: Trn izdrt iz šape Reiner Sorries: Der Heilige Hieronymus in der islamischen Kunst Leon Debevec: Arhitektura Hieronimovih cerkva na Slovenskem Coffee Break 10.30 – 10.45 Session 7 Section A Friday 10.45 – 12.15 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Jerome and Theology 3 Chair: Andrew Cain Anto Barišić: A Review of Jerome´s Relation to Origen in the Light of the Second Vatican Council and Post-Conciliar Theology Jan Dominik Bogataj OFM: Jerome’s Interpretation of the Transfiguration in the Light of Some Recent Patristic Discoveries Leszek Misiarczyk: Impassibilitas et impeccantia: Jerome’s misunderstanding of ἀπαθεία in Evagrius Ponticus Norbert Widok: Theological Concepts of Gregory of Nazianzus in the Teaching of Jerome of Stridon Section B Friday 10.45 – 12.15 Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Reception of Jerome 2 Chair: Giulio Malavasi Agnes Korondi: Saint Jerome, a Model and an Author for Late Medieval Hungarian-Speaking Nuns Levente Pap: Hieronymus’s Reception in an Early 18th Century Hungarian Historical Work Javier de Prado Garcia: Reading the Faith on a Mission. Hieronymus’Citations in Early Modern Missionary Works Filomena Giannotti: Saint Jerome’s Postumous Life: Aspects of his Reception in the 20th Century Ivica Čairović: Jerome of Stridon and his Work in Serbian Theological-Historical Literature in the Second Half of the 20th and Early 21st Century Section C Friday 10.45 – 12.15 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and Liturgy Chair: Matjaž Celarc Silvio Košćak: St. Jerome in expositio missae of Amalar of Metz (775-850) and William Durand (1230-1296) Ivan Botica, Kristijan Kuhar: St. Jerome in the Heritage and Tradition of the Roman liturgy on the Croatian Church Slavonic Language Nikolaj Aracki Rosenfeld OCist: Evhološka besedila na čast svetemu Hieronimu ter variabilnost njihovih prevodov Coffee Break 12.15 – 12.30 Friday 12.30 Excursion: »Ubicating Jerome’s Stridonae« Saturday, October 26 Session 8 Section A Saturday 8.30 – 10.30 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 History and Archaeology Chair: Alenka Cedilnik Dominic Moreau: Hieronymus Illyricianus: Les correspondants et autres relations de Jerome de Stridon dans la peninsule balkanique: une contribution a la Prosopographie chretienne du Bas-Empire Rajko Bratož: Hieronim kot zgodovinar svoje dobe: njegovi pogledi na krizne pojave in zaton rimskega cesarstva Bernarda Županek: Late Roman Emona: Understanding the Transformation of the City Andrej Gaspari: Cemetery of the Early Christian Community at Emona, Ljubljana: Preliminary Observations from the 2017–2018 Archaeological Research at the Gosposvetska cesta Site Craig H. Caldwell III: In mea patria rusticitatis vernacula: Jerome and Illyricum in Late Antiquity Section B Saturday 8.30 – 10.30 Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Jerome and Heresiology Chair: Rebecca Keller Carles Buenacasa Perez: Le role du donatisme dans l’heresiologie de Jerome Raul Villegas Marin: Jerome’s Contribution to the Making of the Pelagian Heresy: a Reassessment Mieczysław Celestyn Paczkowski: San Girolamo e il presunto millenarismo di Apollinare di Laodicea Katarina Palsson: The Rhetorical Function of Women in Jerome’s Heresiology Section C Saturday 8.30 – 10.30 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Jerome and Croatian Culture Chair: Rafko Valenčič Josip Bratulić: Sveti Jeronim u hrvatskoj kulturi Marko Medved: Sv. Jeronim u hrvatskoj crkvenoj povijesti i historiografiji – s posebnim osvrtom na njegov kult na širem području Rijeke Vesna Badurina Stipčević: La vita e la traslazione di San Girolamo nei testi croatoglagolitici Ana Mihaljević, Milan Mihaljević: St. Jerome’s Homilies on Luke’s Gospel in Croatian Glagolitic Breviaries Petra Stankovska: Homilije sv. Hieronima v srednjeveškem cerkvenoslovanskem prevodu Coffee Break 10.30 – 11.00 Session 9 Section A Saturday 11.00 – 12.30 Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Origen and Augustine Chair: Miran Špelič Thomas P. Scheck: Jerome’s Origenistic Exegesis of Romans 9 (Epistle 120.10 to Hedibia) Vito Limone, Guilio Malavasi: Esegesi anti-origeniane nel commento a Geremia di Gerolamo Lucian Dincă: La correspondence entre Jerome et Augustin: l’interpretation de Ga 2,11-14 Mohamed-Arbi Nsiri: Entre Jerome et Augustin: correspondance croisee Section B Saturday 11.00 – 12.30 Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2 Varia 1 Chair: Matjaž Celarc Andrea Svobodova: St. Jerome and Old Czech Bible Antonio Davila Perez: St. Jerome vs. Santes Pagnino in the Reception and Inquisitorial Process of the Polyglot Bible of Antwerp (1568-1577) Marie Rebeille-Borgella: La diffusion de la revision hieronymienne des traductions bibliques dans les livres liturgiques latins (Ve-XIIe siecle): l’exemple des petits prophetes Section C Saturday 11.00 – 12.30 Prešeren Hall SAZU, Novi trg 4 Varia 2 Chair: David Movrin Aleš Maver: Podoba prvih dveh stoletij krščanstva v Znamenitih možeh in njen vpliv na srednji in novi vek Javier A. Domingo, Luigi Finocchietti: San Girolamo a Roma: Ipotesi storiche e archeologiche Hrvoje Gračanin: Jerome‘s Illyricum Mirja Jarak: Early Christian Painting and Sculpture in Illyricum During the Second Half of the 4th and Early 5th Century Lunch Break 12.30 – 15.00 Session 10 All Sections Academy Hall SAZU, Novi trg 3 Saturday 15.00 – 16.15 Concluding Plenary Lectures Heinrich Schlange-Schoningen: Hieronymus und Rufinus: Freundschaft und Theologie in der Spatantike Andrew Cain: Why did Jerome Comment on Paul? An Etiological Investigation of His Commentaries on the Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Titus, and Philemon 16.30 Conclusion Miran Špelič 17.00 Roman Emona (Walking Tour) Organizing Committee Pablo Argárate, Institute of Ecumenical Theology, Eastern Orthodox Church and Patrology, Faculty of Catholic Theology at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz Ivan Bodrožić, Department of the History of Christian Literature and Christian Teaching, Catholic Faculty of Theology Zagreb Jan Dominik Bogataj OFM, Victorinianum Patristic Institute, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, secretary Rajko Bratož, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Alenka Cedilnik, History Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Antonio Dávila Pérez, Department of Classical Philology, University of Cádiz – International Network Europa Renascens Laurence Mellerin, Institut des Sources chrétiennes (HISOMA-UMR 5189 research centre) Dominic Moreau, DANUBIUS Project (Université de Lille/HALMA-UMR 8164 research centre) David Movrin, Department of Classical Philology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Elżbieta M. Olechowska, Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw Katalin Szende, Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest/Vienna Marjeta Šašel Kos, Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana Miran Špelič OFM, Victorinianum Patristic Institute, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana Rafko Valenčič, Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana Read the full article
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zhoufeis · 7 years
I was tagged by @artsambar♡
1. Name: Michaela 2. Nickname: Mischa 3. Zodiac Sign: sagittarius 4. Height: 159cm 5. Orientation: biromantic asexual / bisexual 6: Nationality: german 7.Favorite Fruit: blueberry :D 8. Favorite Season: autumn 9. Favorite Book: Looking for Alaska 10. Favorite Scents: thalassic smell 11. Favorite Color(s): blue, green, dark red, black. 12. Favorite Animal: cats 13. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: tea 14. Average Hours of Sleep: depends… during uni or holidays? during holidays it’s like 10 hours per day… when i’m at uni, it’s like 3 hours… 15: Cats or Dogs: cats 16. Current Favorite Fictional Character: Simón Álvarez, Ámbar Smith, Simón Arrechavaleta, Marianella Rinaldi, Wes Gibbins, Matteo Moreau, Niklas Ahrend, Leyla Sherbaz, Vivienne Kling, Julia Berger, Eliot Waugh, and so on… Got too many. 17. Current OTP: Simbar (Soy Luna), Simonella (Casi Ángeles), Jazmella (Casi Ángeles), Matteo/Niklas (Die jungen Ärzte), Beyla (Die jungen Ärzte), Queliot (The Magicians),… 18. Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 1 19. Dream Trip: buenos aires, athens, rio de janeiro, las vegas, niagara falls, new york, egypt, norway, … i wanna see the whole world. 20: Blog Created: not even a year ago, i think. 21. Number of Followers: - 22. Random Fact: i only do such things when i feel bored :D
Tagging: @elektramurdck, @kendrasaunders, @ahoraquetocanlosojos &@carolineeforbes
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foxpapa · 5 years
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“L’isola del dottor Moreau”
A fumetti secondo Dobbs e Fabrizio Fiorentino 
H.G. Wells è stato un visionario capace di prevedere problematiche che avrebbero investito l’umanità a distanza di un secolo rispetto all’epoca in cui è vissuto. E “L’isola del dottor Moreau”, romanzo datato 1896, stupisce ancora per come lo scrittore britannico sia riuscito ad anticipare – proiettandosi al di là della riflessione di base del suo testo, ovvero l’eterna dicotomia tra umanità e bestialità – diversi temi della genetica contemporanea e le conseguenze del loro impatto sul mondo e sulla società. “L’isola del dottor Moreau” ha goduto di recente di una bella trasposizione in forma di narrativa disegnata edita originariamente in Francia dal colosso Glénat e proposta in Italia da Mondadori Comics all’interno della collana “La Grande Letteratura a Fumetti” (numero 31, 56 pagine a colori, cartonato, 7 euro e 90). Ad adattarne la trama e i testi, il francese Olivier Dobremel – che però è solito firmarsi col nome d’arte di Dobbs – mentre la parte grafica è stata affidata a Fabrizio Fiorentino, disegnatore di Torre del Greco i cui lavori sono molto apprezzati sia Oltralpe che negli Stati Uniti. Ne è derivato un volume intenso e spettacolare – le tavole di Fiorentino sono state affidate al colorista Matteo Vattani – che sembra mescolare con sapienza la potenza visiva dello Steven Spielberg di “Jurassic Park” con quella del Francis Ford Coppola di “Apocalypse Now”, visto anche che il dottor Moreau è raffigurato come un conradiano Kurtz. Fiorentino è uno degli insegnanti di Tecniche del Fumetto della sede napoletana della Scuola Internazionale di Comics e sarà proprio in quella sede, in Via Tarsia 44, che Dobbs si recherà tra l’11 e il 12 luglio per visionare i portfolio degli aspiranti artisti che hanno provveduto a farne richiesta e per partecipare, in qualità di ospite, alle sessioni di esame di fine corso. Fiorentino non è stato l’unico disegnatore campano a illustrare sceneggiature di Dobbs. Nel 2009 era già toccato ad Alessandro Nespolino (oggi nello staff di “Tex”) con l’agghiacciante biografia a fumetti del serial killer “Ed Gein”, mentre l’anno successivo era stata la volta di Antonio Marinetti (una delle firme di “Julia”), chiamato a visualizzare l’epico e orrorifico pastiche “Mister Hyde contro Frankenstein”.
Copyright delle immagini 2019: Mondadori Comics/Glénat
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mk1comics · 5 years
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Our School Holiday tradition is on again - we have a table full of Promotional Posters up for grabs - visit the shop and choose a free poster!  
We have added a heap of IMAGE COMICS graphic novels and comic volumes to our SALE section - the selection is viewable here https://mark1.vendecommerce.com/collections/graphic-novel-sale .  Our Cheap Comic  bins have also made a July School Holiday return (lots of 2000ad progs in the $2 pile!)  Be sure to check out our COMIC PACK rack in store too  (they have a new home in the SALE alcove down the back of the shop - if you can't find them ask a friendly MK1 staff member).   Lots of new packs have been listed in the webstore - find them all here..  https://mark1.vendecommerce.com/collections/comic-packs-1  
I'm hoping everybody knows by now to keep a close eye on the MARK TEN Page  https://mark1.vendecommerce.com/collections/mark-ten-ten-cool-things-ten-cheap-prices -  home to Ten cool things with Ten hot prices .. the page has been going a year now and it is really doing well -  took a bit of time to build an audience but is now clocking up lots of orders with happy MK1 people grabbing a bargain (or ten!) 
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Looking ahead to the rest of the month with lots of big releases rolling in soon - have you got your preorders sorted?  The NZ Dollar vs US Dollar has been a bit wobbly of late.. The uncertainty this creates around cost of comics make us a little more cautious than usual and we dial back our sell through target (meaning we order less trying to sell out sooner).  With this in mind we strongly recommend getting your preorders in early.  FULL JULY HIGHLIGHTS can be viewed here https://blog.mk1.co.nz/post/185221461782/mk1-july-2019-preorder-form-is-up-lots-of  or  jump straight to the full JULY preorder form here and place an order   https://blog.mk1.co.nz/july2019    
August highligts can be viewed here  and the full AUGUST preorder form is here  https://blog.mk1.co.nz/AUGUST2019 .  I won't have the MK1 preorder form for September up till early next month  but you can get a headstart over at the Previews World site https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog?batch=JUL19  Reminder Previews World  has the release date in US format -month-day-year (add a day for NZ release)  and price is in US$ (add FX, GST and a sizeable contribution to the Freight cartels!).
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UNEARTH #1 CVR A RIVAS (MR) $9.00 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190025 REAVER #1 (MR) $9.00 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190027 BATMAN CURSE OF THE WHITE KNIGHT #1 (OF 8) $10.00 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190356 HOUSE OF X #1 (OF 6) $11.90 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190690 POWERS OF X #1 (OF 6) $11.90 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190703 HISTORY OF MARVEL UNIVERSE #1 (OF 6) $10.00 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190714 WAR OF REALMS OMEGA #1 $10.00 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190724 SECOND COMING #1  (MR) $9.00 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY191323 BLADE RUNNER 2019 #1 $9.00 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY191932
HIGHLIGHTS: Volumes, Books, Graphic Novels, Collected Editions BAD WEEKEND HC https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190040 - new  BRUBAKER and PHILLIPS volume! DIE DIE DIE  VOL 01 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190041 - latest Robert Kirkman series. PRODIGY TP VOL 01  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190043 - latest Mark Millar series. ADVENTURE ZONE GN VOL 02 MURDER ON ROCKPORT LIMITED  $39.90 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY191698
These hit picks have hit the shelf already - available from the MK1 website now.
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SEA OF STARS #1  $9.00 http://www.mk1.co.nz/products/sea-of-stars-1-cvr-a-green
(W) Jason Aaron, Dennis Hallum (A/CA) Stephen Green "LOST IN THE WILDS OF HEAVEN," Part One: Being a space trucker sounds like a cool job, but in reality, it can be boring as hell. So when recently widowed Gil gets a long-haul gig across the universe, he figures it's safe enough to bring his young son Kadyn along for the ride-that is, until their "big rig" gets bitten in half by a gigantic Space Leviathan! Now separated from his son-with a breached suit that's venting oxygen at an alarming rate-Gil must defy the odds and stay alive long enough to rescue Kadyn. But meanwhile, Kadyn seems to be getting all the help he needs from a talking Space Monkey riding a Space Dolphin... or maybe it's the strange powers he's suddenly manifesting?! From the writing duo of JASON AARON (SOUTHERN BASTARDS, Thor) and DENNIS HALLUM (Cloak & Dagger, Vader: Dark Visions), with dazzling art by STEPHEN GREEN (Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.) and cosmic colors by RICO RENZI (Spider-Gwen), comes a brand-new science fiction series with all the scope and heart of the The Neverending Story crossed with the imaginative weirdness of Miyazaki-an intense, galaxy-spanning adventure that's suitable for fans of all ages!
SPACE BANDITS #1 (OF 5) $9.00 http://www.mk1.co.nz/search?q=SPACE%20BANDITS%20#1*&type=product 
(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Matteo Scalera MINISERIES PREMIERE! Thena Khole and Cody Blue are among the universe's most wanted felons. Each the leader of their own criminal ops, they run heists across the galaxies-hopping from ship to ship to fleece everyone inside. But when both women are betrayed by their crews, the bandits only have one thing on their minds: REVENGE.
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 MK1 Stocks Rising Report: 
Preorders have exceeded expectations - a list of incoming and recent buzz worthy titles where we have gone back to publisher to increase our orders - don't miss out preorder now..
BLADE RUNNER 2019 #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY191932 - look for a special MK1 WONDER HORSE team up for the launch of the new BLADE RUNNER series.
2000 AD SCI-FI SPECIAL 2019  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/APR191909
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #25 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190815
ARCHIE VS PREDATOR 2 #1 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY191404
BATMAN LAST KNIGHT ON EARTH #2 (OF 3)   https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190360 - 2nd printing of #1 is on shelf now
BLACK CAT #2 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190834
BLACK WIDOW TP NO RESTRAINTS PLAY https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/APR190966
CHAMPIONS BY JIM ZUB TP VOL 01 BEAT THE DEVIL  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/APR190963
GREEN LANTERN ANNUAL #1  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190415
HG WELLS THE ISLAND OF DR MOREAU #1 (OF 2) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190548
IMMORTAL HULK DIRECTORS CUT #1 (OF 6)  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUN190908
INVADERS TP VOL 01 WAR GHOSTS https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190966
MARVELS EPILOGUE #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190681
MILES MORALES TP VOL 01 STRAIGHT OUT OF BROOKLYN   https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/APR190958
NO ONE LEFT TO FIGHT #1 (OF 5)  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190237
SILVER SURFER BLACK #1 (OF 5) SOLD out 2nd printing due soon - but we did manage to get some of the Blank cover first printings back https://mark1.vendecommerce.com/products/silver-surfer-black-1-of-5-blank-variant  (underneath the white cardstock cover is the original cover - nice and protected!) 
SILVER SURFER BLACK #2 (OF 5)    https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190858
SONATA #2  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190103 (2nd printings of #1 due back soon)
SPAWN #299  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190105
SWORD MASTER #1    https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190757
WAR OF REALMS TP   https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190956
Ordering Options: 
Email Method: 1.Let us know the title(s) you want.. 2. Choose Hold In Store or Delivery. 3. If Delivery choose when you want them sent. That’s it! We’ll handle the rest and fine tune the order once we are under way. Contact us by reply or here to set a standing order up http://blog.mk1.co.nz/contact . 
MK1 Comic Club Method. Place orders via our PREORDER FORMS - Latest  forms are JULY 2019https://blog.mk1.co.nz/july2019    and AUGUST 2019  https://blog.mk1.co.nz/AUGUST2019 
Handy Links & Email Newsletters
Latest Comic Shipment - this web collection showcases just the current week's arrivals  https://mark1.vendecommerce.com/collections/latest-comics 
Check our COUNTER STATUS tag for the right here right now MK1 announcements https://blog.mk1.co.nz/tagged/counter-status
So that’s a lot to keep up with - yeah?  Easiest way to do that is to follow the right MK1 newsletters - here is a summary of the regular MK1 emails we send out:
THIS WEEK/NEXT WEEK Preview :Start the week with a preview of incoming expected comic titles COMICS ARE GO! A weekly email sent out when the new comics are unpacked and  online - great for customers wanting early notification when the new Variant covers are online. MONTHLY ORDER FORM : a heads up notification when the latest Monthly preorder form is available MK1 GAME NEWS - a once a month (sometimes more) email out containing all the latest arrivals and expectations. The MARK TEN newsletter - a summary of out latest discounts, deals and offers! MK1 NEWS: The main monthly newsletter featuring all the latest MK1 news. Send us an email listing the newsletters you would like to subscribe to . 
Happy July from Chris, Rach and Team Mk1!
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persinsala · 7 years
Festival d'Avignon | C'est une légende, Santa Estasi
Festival d’Avignon | C’est une légende, Santa Estasi
Dernière journée du Festival d’Avignon sous le signe de la danse et de la famille des Atrides. Si l’élégance de Raphäel Cottin dans son onirique C’est une légende s’est transformée dans une histoire sentimentale de la danse,  Santa Estasi d’Antonio Latella nous a plongé dans les complexes dynamiques de la plus importante famille de l’Ancienne Grèce : les Atrides (more…)
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rabbittstewcomics · 5 years
Episode 188
Detective 1000, Heroes in Crisis 7, Dial H For Hero 1, Mera: Tide Breaker, Super Sons: Polar Shield Project, Amazing Spider-Man, Marvel Rising, Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure, Bad Luck Chuck, Dumbo: Friends in High Places OGN, GLOW, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Star Bastard, Viking Queen
  Reviews: The Outsider, ABC Murders, Sparks: The Way I Was, Luke Cage s2, Maniac, Us, The Staircase, Luther, Dumbo
  News: New Marvels by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross, Midsommar trailer, Island of Doctor Moreau, Tom Taylor vs. The Cabin, NOS4A2 trailer, The Voice of Chucky
  Comics Details:
Detective Comics 1000 by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, Fco Plascencia, Kevin Smith, Jim Lee, Scott Williams, Alex Sinclair, Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen, Derek Fridolfs, John Kalisz, Warren Ellis, Becky Cloonan, Jordie Bellaire, Denny O’Neil, Steve Epting, Bettie Breitweiser, Christopher Priest, Neal Adams, Dave Stewart, Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Geoff Johns, Kelley Jones, Michelle Madsen, James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, Brad Anderson, Tom King, Tony Daniel, Joelle Jones, Tomeu Morey, Peter Tomasi, Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, David Baron
Heroes in Crisis 7 by Tom King, Jorge Fornes, Clay Mann, Travis Moore, Tomeu Morey
Dial H For Hero 1 by Sam Humphries, Joe Quinones
Mera: Tide Breaker by Danielle Page, Stephen Byrne, David Calderon
Super Sons: Polar Shield Project by Ridley Pearson, Ile Gonzalez
Marvel Rising 1 by Nilah Magruder, Robert Di Salvo, Rachelle Rosenberg
Cloak and Dagger: Negative Exposure by Dennis Hallum, Ruairi Coleman, Francesco Manna, Giada Marchisio
Bad Luck Chuck 1 by Lela Gwenn, Matthew Dow Smith, Kelly Fitzpatrick
Dumbo: Friends in High Places by John Jackson Miller, Giovanni Rigano, Alberto Zanon, Paola Antista, Michela Bovo
GLOW 1 by Tini Howard, Hannah Templer, Rebecca Nalty
Sabrina the Teenage Witch 1 by Kelly Thompson, Veronica Fish, Andy Fish
Star Bastard 1 by Andrew Clemson, Jethro Morales
Viking Queen 1 by Paul Storrie, Kevin Caron
  Comics Countdown, Mar 27:
Black Science 39 by Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno DiNisio
Black Hammer: Age of Doom 9 by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, Dave Stewart
Dial H For Hero 1 by Sam Humphries, Joe Quinones
Daredevil 3 by Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checcheto, Sunny Gho
Terrifics 14 by Jeff Lemire, Joe Bennett, Scott Hanna, Dexter Vines, Mike Spicer
Batgirl 33 by Mairghread Scott, Elena Casagrande, Scott Godlewski, John Kalisz
Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt 3 by Kieron Gillen, Caspar Wijngaard, Mary Safro
Martian Manhunter 4 by Steve Orlando, Riley Rossmo, Ivan Plascencia
Superior Spider-Man 4 by Christos Gage, Mike Hawthorne, Wade Von Grawbadger, Jordie Bellaire
Wonder Woman 67 by G. Willow Wilson, Cary Nord, Mick Gray, Romulo Fajardo Jr
Check out this episode!
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Matteo Damakko (René Moreau)
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demoura · 6 years
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"DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA " DE ROMEO CASTELLUCCI ESTREIA NACIONAL ONTEM NO S.LUIS . Grande apreciador do trabalho do complexo encenador italiano lá estivemos ! .Muito público e muita gente do teatro...Necessária alguma meditação para o meu comentário. Por agora eis o texto fornecido pela Folha de Sala : Democracy in America apresenta no título ressonâncias do seminal tratado teórico do diplomata francês Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859), o qual faz uma rigorosa anatomia das instituições civis norte-americanas de uma perspectiva europeia. Livremente inspirado na obra e tempo de Tocqueville, Romeo Castellucci transporta-nos para a vida comunitária dos puritanos e índios norte-americanos. Recorrendo a uma estratégia de palavras e imagens, procura esclarecer questões como a linguagem da comunicação, a religião e a noção de comunidade. Os colonizadores do Novo Mundo formaram comunidades sujeitas a um rígido e austero sistema de regras ao jeito do Antigo Testamento, o qual, segundo de Tocqueville, é a base da democracia norte-americana. O igualitarismo e o dogmatismo religioso da Bíblia substituíram então a função democrática da cidade e a experiência da Tragédia, que, para Castellucci, constitui a forma mais elevada de autoconsciência pessoal e identidade política. No sistema de valores puritano, a reflexão e a dúvida são delitos passíveis de punição. Quem apresentar um comportamento aberrante é estigmatizado, tornando-se um marginal. Romeo Castellucci coloca a mulher no centro do espetáculo, enquanto semente de dúvida que vem manchar a imaculada pureza puritana. A heroína, uma mulher branca, um elemento da comunidade, será a primeira a pôr em causa a providência divina e essas palavras de Deus «pede e ser-te-á dado»: a nova terra-mãe é estéril. Porém, os indígenas conhecem os segredos da natureza e da sua terra, como «aquela velha índia» que pôs o rio a correr ao contrário. Democracy in America convida-nos a descobrir a alienação da própria natureza da linguagem e comunicação humanas, da fala humana, e logo das comunidades humanas. Seguindo uma trajetória retrógrada, Romeo Castellucci investiga as sementes do regime democrático moderno, muito antes de este ter crescido e alastrado por todo o mundo ocidental. Eleni Papalexiou Direção, cenografia, luz, figurinos: Romeo Castellucci; Textos: Claudia Castellucci e Romeo Castellucci; Música: Scott Gibbons; Com: Olivia Corsini, Giulia Perelli, Gloria Dorliguzzo, Evelin Facchini, Stefania Tansini, Sophia Danae Vorvila e com dançarinos locais, a saber: Michèle Even, Elise Moreau, Libby Ward, Roberta Ruggiero, Emmanouela Dolianiti, Anna Heuer Hansen, Sarah Bertholon, Ângela Diaz Quintela, Ana Jezebel, Jeanne Colin, Marie Tassin, Ambre Duband; Coreografia livremente inspirada em tradições folclóricas de Albânia, Grécia, Botswana, Inglaterra, Hungria, Sardenha; Intervenções coreográficas: Evelin Facchini, Gloria Dorliguzzo, Stefania Tansini, Sophia Danae Vorvila; Assistente de direção: Maria Vittoria Bellingeri; Maître répétiteur: Evelin Facchini; Esculturas cenográficas e máquinas: Istvan Zimmermann e Giovanna Amoroso; Confeção de figurinos: Grazia Bagnaresi; Calçado: Collectif d’Anvers; Contrarregra: Giuliana Rienzi; Assistentes de palco: Andrei Benchea, Pierantonio Bragagnolo; Técnicos de luz: Giacomo Gorini / Andrea Sanson; Técnico de som: Paolo Cillerai; Técnico de legendagem: Matteo Braglia; Guarda-roupa: Elisabetta Rizzo; Fotografia: Guido Mencari; Direcção técnica: Eugenio Resta; Equipa de produção técnica : Carmen Castellucci, Francesca Di Serio, Gionni Gardini, Daniele Magnani; Decorador: Silvano Santinelli, Director de produção: Benedetta Briglia; Divulgação e distribuição: Gilda Biasini; Assistente de produção: Giulia Colla; Gestão: Michela Medri, Elisa Bruno, Simona Barducci; Consultor económico: Massimiliano Coli; Produção executiva: Societas Uma coprodução com: deSingel International Artcampus; Wiener Festwochen; Festival Printemps des Comédiens à Montpellier; National Taichung Theatre in Taichung, Taiwan; Holland Festival Amsterdam; Schaubühne-Berlin; MC93 - Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis à Bobigny with Festival d’Automne à Paris; Le Manège - Scène nationale de Maubeuge; Teatro Arriaga Antzokia de Bilbao; Peak Performances Montclair State University (NJ-USA); Com a participação de: Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne e Athens and Epidaurus Festival; A actividade de Societas é apoiada por: Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali, Regione Emilia Romagna, Comune di Cesena e São Luiz Teatro Municipal, Lisboa
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interrailhq · 7 years
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dear candidate,
how fast is this time going ?? we can barely believe it ourselves. this weekend we’ve decided to treat you to something we all know you’ve being dying to do. on friday 14th july, at 5pm you will be picked up by one of our magical coaches and taken to disney land paris for the weekend. you will be given a two day pass and will be staying in rooms at the magical resort. there will be two/three to each room and we will post the list of roommates shortly. you will have until sunday to live up your most magical dreams before the coach picks you up and will take you to the train where you will begin your journey to germany. so please enjoy yourselves and make sure to have a ‘magical’ time
ooc information: this will be a two ( almost three ) day event, starting friday 14th of july at 4pm gmt/11am est and will go on until sunday 16th of july where they will arrive in germany at 1pm gmt/8am est. below you will find a randomized list of roommates and each will be staying in a designated hotel. we will post more information about what they can do closer to the time, but they will have all access passes to all the attractions and events before they make their way to berlin, germany. ( germany is in the gmt+1 timezone )
disneyland hotel information here:
room one: autumn pierce & orion clarke room two: sylvie jassen & michigan rose
disney's hotel new york information here:
room one: fry moreau & mackenzie wolff room two: valeria bravo & syd cromwell
disney's newport bay club information here:
room one: skye ferris & rosa castillo room two: ricky black & julia edvarsen
disney's sequoia lodge information here:
room one: morgan davis & cj jenkins room two: raina delacruz & jordan leibovitz
disney's hotel cheyenne information here:
room one: max de luca & nico d'angelo room two: matteo giordano & mika jager
disney's hotel santa fe information here:
room one: penelope choi & abel franco room two: nixie lewis & sienna amari
disney's davy crockett ranch information here:
room one: kody akura & isabelle ramirez room two: salem garcia & ava liang
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