#may 12: family
lisbeth-kk · 27 days
May Prompts (12) family
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 12)
Summary: Rosie and her Nana are celebrating their tenth anniversary, and Rosie solves a mystery.
Twelve Years Old
“It’s our tenth anniversary this year,” Nana stated when I came downstairs at the beginning of December. 
Every year since I was two, I had baked gingerbread and vanilla biscuits with her, and every November, like clockwork, she stated that this year I surely was too old to bother with it.
“Of course, I’m not!” I said, rolling my eyes like the pro I’d become.
“Very well,” was her retort, utterly pleased with the outcome of the ridiculous conversation.
From the stereo, Christmas carols were playing, and the scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and clementines filled the small kitchen.
“Ten years. Quite a number,” I said. “You’re not tired of it?”
“Don’t be silly,” she scoffed. “I may be a dinosaur in your eyes, young lady, but I’m not dead yet!”
Her sass always made me smile, and I washed my hands, put on my apron and we started the baking.
When we were finished and sat on her sofa with tea and biscuits, she asked if I’d been in love yet.
“Crushes on teachers do not count,” she said firmly, which made me blush.
“Do you also have eyes everywhere like uncle Myc?” I groaned utterly embarrassed.
She muttered something unintelligible at the mentioning of my uncle.
“Believe it or not, but I’ve been young once too. It’s perfectly normal to get infatuated with attentive teachers who sees and appreciates you, Rosie dear, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I mean a boy or a girl your own age.”
She looked expectantly at me, but just shrugged when I shook my head.
“It’ll come, sooner or later,” she assured me, as if I was devastated that I hadn’t got there yet.
By this point I was desperate to turn her attention away from me, and I knew she was more than willing to talk about her own escapades from her youth, and she delivered as always.
“I’ve solved a mystery,” I stated proudly when I came back upstairs hours later, carrying two tins of baked goods.
“Have you? Let’s hear it then,” Dad prompted.
Papa looked expectantly up from his microscope.
“Do you know who Robert Redford is?” I asked, wanting to drag this out for as long as my parent’s patience would allow.
“I do. Don’t know about Papa, though,” Dad said. “Sherlock?”
“Show me a photo,” Papa muttered, totally unfazed that he had no knowledge of who we were talking about.
Dad rolled his eyes, tapped his phone to find a photo of the film star, and walked over to show Papa, who stared blankly at the screen.
“Seriously, Sherlock? All the President’s Men, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Out of Africa?”
“Do you know me at all, John?” Papa sighed exasperated.
“I do, my darling,” Dad smiled and gave Papa a kiss.
Papa pulled Dad closer with an arm around his waist and both turned to face me, ready to learn about the mystery concerning Mr. Redford.
Papa chuckled while Dad’s eyes went wide when I re-told Nana’s story of how she, in the late sixties, worked as a makeup artist, and her main responsibility when Redford starred in Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here, was to keep his makeup fresh and his hair in place.
In bed that night I pondered this new information about Nana. I now had a new and obscure fact about one of my family members that could come in handy when we played truth or dare at birthday parties. But after a few minutes basking in this promising future of gameplaying, I came to disappointing conclusion. The likelihood that any of my peers knew anything about Robert Redford was probably nil.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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ghostofnuggetspast · 27 days
An Ill Wind
Greg's marriage is blowing away
He knows less of his wife every day
Even when she is home
Talk is fragile, like foam
For the kids, for this year, they will stay
Check it out on ao3!
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youngpettyqueen · 27 days
im like 90% convinced that the Doctor is of the same species that the Toymaker and Maestro are
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northgazaupdates2 · 27 days
12 May 2024
Multiple sources report that the occupation is using drones to fire on ambulances as they attempt to save people injured in the bombings. One family, the Al-Dahdouh family in Zaytoun, called emergency services to report that 16 of them are trapped under rubble after the IOF bombed their home. Emergency services cannot reach them due to the drone bombardment.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Short DPXDC Prompts #259
Barry spots an obituary of a boy in the newspaper that looks exactly like this kid in a nasa hoodie who’s happily talking to a barista in the coffee shop that he’s in.
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bridgeportbritt · 3 months
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Creeksbrey Ballroom | Umbrage, SimDonia
The guests have arrived! With lots of planning, strict NDAs, and a compressed thoroughly combed over guest list (at Grayson's request but Bria's sorrow) the guests were able to enter Creeksbrey Palace without causing media commotion. The guests include members of Grayson's family, Bria's close friends/special guests, senior Royals from Emmitt's family, the Selvadorada Royal family and the Lady of Umbrage's family.
@trentonsimblr @whitmoreroyals @storiesbyjes2g @ladybugsimblr @atreanroyals
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"[Elizabeth Woodville's] piety as queen seems to have been broadly conventional for a fifteenth-century royal, encompassing pilgrimages, membership of various fraternities, a particular devotion to her name saint, notable generosity to the Carthusians, and the foundation of a chantry at Westminster after her son was born there. ['On other occasions she supported planned religious foundations in London, […] made generous gifts to Eton College, and petitioned the pope to extend the circumstances in which indulgences could be acquired by observing the feast of the Visitation']. One possible indicator of a more personal, and more sophisticated, thread in her piety is a book of Hours of the Guardian Angel which Sutton and Visser-Fuchs have argued was commissioned for her, very possibly at her request."
-J.L. Laynesmith, "Elizabeth Woodville: The Knight's Widow", "Later Plantagenet and Wars of the Roses Consorts: Power, Influence, Dynasty"
#historicwomendaily#elizabeth woodville#my post#friendly reminder that there's nothing indicating that Elizabeth was exceptionally pious or that her piety was 'beyond purely conventional'#(something first claimed by Anne Crawford who simultaneously claimed that Elizabeth was 'grasping and totally lacking in scruple' so...)#EW's piety as queen may have stood out compared to former 15th century predecessors and definitely stood out compared to her husband#but her actions in themselves were not especially novel or 'beyond normal' and by themselves don't indicate unusual piety on her part#As Laynesmith's more recent research observes they seem to have been 'broadly conventional'#A conclusion arrived at Derek Neal as well who also points out that in general queens and elite noblewomen simply had wider means#of 'visible material expression of [their] personal devotion' - and also emphasizes how we should look at their wider circumstances#to understand their actions (eg: the death of Elizabeth's son George in 1479 as a motivating factor)#It's nice that we know a bit about Elizabeth's more personal piety - for eg she seems to have developed an attachment to Westminster Abbey#It's possible her (outward) piety increased across her queenship - she undertook most of her religious projects in later years#But again - none of them indicate the *level* of her piety (ie: they don't indicate that she was beyond conventionally pious)#By 1475 it seems that contemporaries identified Cecily Neville as the most personally devout from the Yorkist family#(though Elizabeth and even Cecily's sons were far greater patrons)#I think people also assume this because of her retirement to Westminster post 1485#which doesn't work because 1) we don't actually know when she retired? as Laynesmith says there is no actual evidence for the traditional#date of 12 February 1487#2) she had very secular reasons for retiring (grief over the death of her children? her lack of dower lands or estates which most other#widows had? her options were very limited; choosing to reside in the abbey is not particularly surprising. it's a massive and unneeded jump#to claim that it was motivated solely by piety (especially because it wasn't a complete 'retirement' in the way people assume it was)#I think historians have a habit of using her piety as a GOTCHA!' point against her vilification - which is a flawed and stupid argument#Elizabeth could be the most pious individual in the world and still be the pantomime villain Ricardians/Yorkists claim she was#They're not mutually exclusive; this line of thinking is useless#I think this also stems from the fact that we simply know very little about Elizabeth as an individual (ie: her hobbies/interests)#certainly far less than we do for other prominent women Margaret of Anjou; Elizabeth of York;; Cecily Neville or Margaret Beaufort#and I think rather than emphasizing that gap of knowledge her historians merely try to fill it up with 'she was pious!'#which is ... an incredibly lackluster take. I think it's better to just acknowledge that we don't know much about this historical figure#ie: I do wish that her piety and patronage was emphasized more yes. but it shouldn't flip too far to the other side either.
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asterlizard · 21 days
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Forever a good boy 💕
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phillips-sisters · 24 days
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Savannah and Isla Phillips, along with Peter Phillips and Queen Camilla, attend the Badminton Horse Trials, May 12th 2024 🤍🐎
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aislingyngaio-books · 3 months
PJO: Team Runaways
It's kinda a mindfuck when we put into perspective that the three kids who saw Hermes with May Castellan were Hermes's son, Hermes's niece, and Hermes's SISTER. LMAO.
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seawherethesunsets · 2 years
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arlo-venn · 9 months
didn’t see myself creating a last will & testament at 30 years old but here we are
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seniouesbabes · 27 days
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Lily Maymac 🌸🍒💋🌸 Looking forward to the day I become a mother
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digitalcockroach · 4 months
i need to stop seeing pictures and videos of rats i had rats in my late teens/early 20s and i loved them but there were so many complications and they dont live very long (especially with the bad genetics bc i was just getting pet store rats that doubled as feeders) and i had to stop having rats and throw out the cage when the last one died because i was straight up having stress dreams and nightmares about rats dying and trying to move them to safety during natural disasters (we had bad wildfire and deepfreeze years in there) and just uhg stop they're so cute and i want them ;-; they're so easy to care for when nothing goes wrong lmao
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
This is incredibly niche, but… Avatar: The Last Airbender AU fusion with The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.
Sokka is Chip Tolentino. The winner of last year’s bee, he’s experienced, highly intelligent and a little too cocky. But this time he gets… distracted by Ty Lee’s friend Suki in the crowd.
Ty Lee is Leaf Coneybear. She’s not that smart. Her sisters have been telling her that for years. She came third in her district bee, but the winner and runner-up weren’t available on the county one’s date.
Mai is Marcy Park. She succeeds at everything she does, only sleeps three hours a night, isn’t allowed to cry… and is not all business.
Aang is Logainne Schwartzandgrubiniere. His adoptive dads - a younger Tashi and Gyatso, the former strict and ruthless, the latter kind and more lenient - have high expectations for him and he lives in fear of disappointing them. He is precociously aware of and involved in social activism.
Azula is Olive Ostrovsky. She’s taken to the bee by her big brother because their father is working late again and their mother has recently left the country, and spends much of it struggling with her insecurities as her dad continues to not show up. Then to her amazed delight, she finds that she’s making a friend for the first time.
Toph Beifong is William Barfée. She has a magic foot technique, tapping words out in braille. She probably could have won last year if her overprotective parents hadn’t pulled her out against her will the instant her competitors got a little mean. Her growing bond with Azula is purely platonic (unless you ship them, which I don’t).
Piandao is Rona Peretti. He won this bee as a child. Treasuring that memory and valuing the discipline and excellence that accomplishment entails, he has become the moderator, taking pride in helping the new generation thrive under pressure, discover their potential and learn life lessons.
Zhao is Douglas Panch. He’s bitter about being a vice principal instead of a principal. Five years ago he stopped working at the bee due to an “incident”, likely because of his anger issues. But he’s totally fine now, he swears.
Jet is Mitch Mahoney. He’s an ex-convict being the bee’s comfort counsellor for his community service, just eighteen himself. Though jaded, he comes to care a lot about the kids.
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jerseymuppet · 5 months
i think u made a post a while back about not caring about frank iero, do you feel your opinion has changed since then? (not asking this in a “do you like him now?” way, but rather in a “have your feelings changed from neutral/disinterest, to outright dislike?”) (feel free not to answer, i was just curious bc i haven’t seen a lot of mcr fans who are ALSO uninterested in mr. iero, & since you’ve made that post he’s done a bunch of dumb shit lol)
hii!!! i answered an ask about it a while ago! I definitely disliked his fans (hardcore frank girls) more than i disliked the man himself due to my own personal experiences with them. However. Yeah between the AI thing and the casual antisemitism my opinion of him has dropped from ambivalence to outright dislike.
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