#may add one or two more things. but they're not vital.
mimicic · 4 months
next to do on the mim revamp:
rewrite the first page of the research article that is revealed when you click "story"
long term stretch goal: write the entire article!!!
redo the post-it note that appears before this as well. to match the new color scheme and also to write mim's handwriting myself instead of using a font. plus, to tweak the wording
add more found/compiled documents/evidence for the story tab
ideal goal: make it more interact-able (e.g. able to click links or find secrets or etc (i.e. make it feel like you're actively going down an internet rabbit hole, so to speak)
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thefirstknife · 15 days
Hello! Another day, another ask from yours truly. I was wondering what the "first knife" is? I've seen a few people mention it in relation to the shot of the veiled figure holding the shard of glass from the launch trailer, and i've never heard of this in lore. But it sounds pretty important, so now I'm curious. Thank you :)
It's referring to one of Unveiling's pages, called The First Knife. So the easiest and shortest answer is: we don't know! :D
But people have been speculating and trying to decipher it for years, as with all things from Unveiling, which I believe is a little bit of a futile thing to try and do because Unveiling is a metaphorical religious text. Essentially. It's been recently strongly implied that this text was written by the Witness pretending to be something else and using its lies and metaphores to convert the Guardians to its side (Unveiling was first released during Shadowkeep, before we knew about the Witness).
In The First Knife page, the author of the text is continuing with the explanation of, basically, how the universe began, through allegorical language. The Gardener and the Winnower argue about how things should be, the Gardener decides to insert itself "into the game" (the universe?) and this makes the Winnower "discover the first knife." It appears to be an allegorical way of saying that concept/idea of violence was invented, essentially. More under for length:
The Winnower appears to represent a specific concept that the Witness is pushing for which we know better as the sword logic: you have prove your right to exist and if you can't, you will be killed and therefore you never mattered at all. The Hive used this philosophy to eradicate countless of species, and so did the Witness with its disciples. This philosophy of winnowing is something that the Witness' species felt like was necessary in the universe to give meaning to everything that exists; there cannot just be the "meaningless" creation of the Gardener, there has to be a Winnower who will enact the violence and cull those that aren't worthy of existing.
The First Knife in that case would be a sort of a symbolical representation of the winnowing and how it all started. This is also referenced again in the lore book Inspiral, from Lightfall, in the page called Winnowing (last two pages of Inspiral read like a continuation of Unveiling):
It is the winnower that discovers the first knife, but it is not done without the gardener. This, too, is a tradition: a knife does not come to exist without something that must be cut. A woody stem, a colored petal, a vital vessel. The first victims of the blade.
It goes on to end the whole lore book with:
There can be no gardens without knives.
Which to me sounds like an attempt to convince us that the universe cannot exist without those that would do what the Witness is doing. That someone has to winnow, someone has to use the knife to cut things away. And to add to that, it could also reflect this idea that all of life is suffering, that there is no meaning to anything anyone does, that most lifeforms aren't worthy of existing and that a winnower in the universe will makes things better. That the universe should be made better by bringing on the final shape.
Seeing that veiled figure (which may be representing the Witness' species) with a shard of glass/rock (?) that looks like a sharp threatening object (knife?) sparked people's imaginations! It could be a representation of this concept, perhaps, or something completely unrelated. But the appearance of the veiled figures is so interesting because until now we've not had any explanation for them, other than their connection to the Pyramids/Darkness.
Now, at least from the few trailer shots, it seems likely that they represent the Witness' species or that they're in some form connected to that or some other symbol from the Witness' time as a civilisation. We've seen them as statues with the Witness' species and in all Pyramids. Curiously, the one in the Witness' flagship Pyramid appears to be tucked away in a hidden room, as if the Witness did not want it in a place of prominence; possibly signifying its attempt to detach itself from its roots? This is my old post about it before we knew of the Witness' origins.
We might find out some concrete information about the veiled figures in TFS; that would be really cool! They've been a sort of a constant since Shadowkeep and have been the cause of many debates and much speculation! Nothing I said here is in any way conclusive or final, naturally.
In any case, that image of the veiled figure with the sharp object could be a representation of a member of the Witness' species with the first knife, symbolically showing us how they discovered the philosophy of winnowing and dedicated themselves to it so completely that it turned the entire civilisation into this malicious angry entity.
A lot of people are also once again speculating that this could be representing the Winnower, a separate entity from the Witness, similar to the Gardener (Traveler). This is something a lot of people expected and wanted ever since Unveiling was revealed which was always a little bit weird to me because Unveiling openly describes itself as an allegory. A lot of people were disappointed that the Witness was shown as our big bad and some still expect there to be something even bigger and badder than the Witness, which I just don't think would make sense or would be beneficial to anything.
The story of Destiny has always been about choice. Repeatedly throughout every piece of information we've been told over and over that Light and Darkness are tools; they do not inherently tell us anything about their wielders. Using the Light does not make you inherently good, as we've seen from the stories of early Lightbearers; bloodthirsty violent Warlords. And more recently, as we've started learning more about Darkness, it repeatedly became apparent that simply using the Darkness does not make you evil; from the creation of the Awoken, through Drifter's Gambit, and all the way to Stasis and Strand and all the extra information about the Darkness and its users throughout the universe, we've known that this isn't an evil force by default. This was fully and completely confirmed in Lightfall; Light and Darkness aren't opposing moral forces, but the Witness desperately thinks they should be so it shapes itself to oppose the Traveler.
So there being a Winnower that governs all of Darkness which is an even bigger enemy to us than the Witness would just be bizarre to me, because Darkness is not inherently anyone's enemy. It's much bigger than that, as a fundamental force of the universe, as much as the Light is; it is our choice to use it that turns it into what it is. Our choices give morality to our tools, not the other way around. I personally really enjoy this because it creates a much richer world where you can't simply point at a Darkness user and say "evil." Darkness as a force of memories and emotions and history and thought and consciousness is so much more interesting to me than there being some evil Winnower. The Witness misinterpreting this and twisting the Darkness into just being "winnowing" is so much more fitting because it's about choice: the Witness' species chose to do that and they were wrong.
The "knife" allegory fits here as well, because a knife is not inherently good or bad; it's about your choice how to use it. The Witness chose to use it as a weapon.
Obviously, as I said before, none of this is final or complete. And who knows? It's possible that some information may be revealed in the future that turns everything upside down again and maybe there is another entity somewhere. But I'm mostly interested in the stuff we do know, rather than "what if" speculations simply because if we go by that, we could make any option sound true and plausible.
Also, in one of the early lore pieces, a grimoire from D1 which is from the POV of the Traveler, also mentions this imagery of a knife:
The knife had a million blades. And you were giant, powerful and swift. But the knife pinned you. Cut your godly flesh away. ... The knife stole much more than your body.
This is the Traveler most likely recounting the Collapse. The whole "knife" thing has been mentioned a lot throughout the lore, though only in these fairly metaphorical pieces. However, people have been looking into it for a long time and Unveiling turned this whole thing into a big debate and point of speculation. Inspiral reignited it 4 years later and now we also got this brief little snippet from the trailer so everyone is out here losing it and will continue losing it until we finally play. I am honestly hoping that some of this will never be fully explained and that some of it will always remain in this state of almost religious metaphor.
So long answer? We still don't know. But it's something people love thinking about and debating so this is why everyone is discussing it and how it might relate to that phrase, "the first knife." A lot more could be said as well, probably triple the size of this post.
Highly recommend (re)reading Unveiling, but also Inspiral and TFS CE. Unveiling remains my favourite lore book of all time, because to me, it only gains in its brilliance the more people question it. It's such a unique piece of writing that can be a complete lie, a complete truth, or something in between, depending on who you ask. It's a mythology without full context, a religious text and propaganda, possibly with some truth sprinkled in. And we may never know which pieces of the text are which. Perfect.
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Hey, I have a friend who's looking to use asl in a scene in their comic, and I reccommended your comic as one that does it very effectively! If possible, could you post a few of the pages where you do the asl text bubbles?
Hey, thanks! I'm glad you think my use of ASL in a comic medium is effective!
I will admit, however, that my use of ASL isn't super reliant on the text bubbles so much as it is on proper illustrations and full use of not only the hand gestures but also the facial expressions which are vital to ASL grammar and punctuation.
For example, I think most people may have forgotten, but I very frequently didn't actually tell the readers what Earl was saying and would instead simply put her signs into the speech bubbles. However, I always tried to make sure her signing was within frame and her face matched what she was talking about. It's the same as scripting for anything else, really. Sometimes, with dramatic pauses.
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However, I do use speech 'bubbles' for some parts of ASL transcription when the topic is complex enough to need it to keep with the scene.
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Keep in mind that half the signs in these sentences aren't actually shown in the panel! Not every single movement has to be depicted for it to make sense. I would pick out one or two that were most pertinent and keep them in view to carry the message across, and add the English to translate the rest.
(And honestly, I think I could still improve on these - make Earl more expressive, for example. Gesturing with your eyebrows or mouth is important in ASL, just as much as making hand-shapes is!)
Aside from that - and keep in mind I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for me to post, because your request was very open-ended - the best thing I can tell anyone who's planning to incorporate ANY language they can't speak (or sign) is - GET HELP FROM A NATIVE SPEAKER!
I am incredibly lucky to have the help I do, and I try to use it as often as I can (without pressuring them to work for free, given that they're giving me their time as a kindness) to double check how accurate my sketches of signs look, or how well the message is getting across. The best thing any artist can do is have that sort of review, even if they think they're capturing something super accurately.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Transformers Prime Yandere! Ratchet concept?????
Sure! I love Ratchet :) This is me spilling my thoughts on various things more than an actual plot. I just hope I nailed his character since I like him so much- Probably could've made this longer but was unsure how/what to add.
@trashysimpaa gave me inspiration for how to do this here!
Yandere! TFP! Ratchet Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Denial of feelings, Cybertronian/Human and Cybertronian/Cybertronian pairing mentioned, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Trackers, Manipulation, Isolation, Kidnapping, Violence, Forced companionship, Brief mentions of jealousy, Vague implications of murder, Drugging.
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Ratchet is definitely the type of yandere to act different depending on what you are.
When it comes to an Autobot darling he'd be more comfortable to feel fond towards them as they're Cybertronian and an Autobot.
When it comes to a human he'd take time to get used to you before considering anything.
Ratchet hasn't always been the biggest human person until he spent more time on Earth.
He'll come around eventually.
When it comes to a Decepticon! darling you'd get something similar to angst and enemies to (one-sided) lovers/friends.
It would depend on how loyal you are to Megatron and if you're even capable of change.
He can't shake the fact he cares for you despite your beliefs.
Ratchet is a slow yandere in terms of obsession.
He's slow to care for anyone new due to being older.
He's lost so much he doesn't like getting attached.
Although when it comes to you he can't help but worry.
Ratchet would definitely be a yandere who is in denial of how he feels.
No matter how he sees you it happens.
Yet the strongest cases of this would be romantic feelings towards a human or any sort of feelings towards a Decepticon.
Ratchet would be the type to try and ignore how he feels.
Like most Autobots Ratchet is protective of you and his mind often drifts to your safety.
Be it missions or every day life, the fact the world is so dangerous is a truth that sticks in his mind.
Can't really blame him since he's bee through war-
It happens when you lose everyone you love... including your entire home.
Ratchet would try to be subtle with his care towards you.
All Autobots tend to have trackers to see their vitals and location, Ratchet can check it at the base.
Soothing his concerns and checking where you are is easy when you're an Autobot.
Even though he'd prefer you staying at base with him.
Decepticons probably have something similar.
With a hack or two he could probably track you if he really looked into it.
When it comes to a human things are harder.
He can't track you as easily as a Cybertronian.
Which means Ratchet either sneaks to your house in vehicle mode... or sneaks a tracker onto/into you somehow.
It seems very invasive but he tells himself it's for your own good.
In fact that's his driving factor most of the time in his obsession.
Ratchet feels his main responsibility is to keep those he cares about alive.
He doesn't care if that means invading your privacy or locking you away from the world.
Speaking of which, kidnapping could happen with Ratchet but it's uncommon with him.
When it comes to an Autobot darling he could convince you to stay out of missions but even that has its limits.
He wouldn't really kidnap an Autobot.
A human or Decepticon? Most likely.
Kidnapping a human darling would be him convincing you to stay at the base.
It's all for your safety, just for a few hours...
Hours turn to days...
Days to weeks...
Perhaps even months.
He just doesn't let you go.
A Decepticon! darling would be taken in under the guise of prisoner.
In reality it's a way Ratchet can be close to you without much issue.
Ratchet can be seen as either a platonic or romantic yandere for any partner.
He works really well for both roles and would still do just about anything for his darling.
Ratchet may be a medic, one meant to heal... but he is definitely capable of violence.
He can fight and hold his own, he'd be even more willing to do it if it was for his darling.
It doesn't matter how much Energon must be spilled...
As long as he has you he's the happiest he could be.
Ratchet is definitely one to act like he knows more than you.
If you're having arguments he claims he knows so much more than you, that he knows how to take care of you better than yourself.
It's frustrating for the both of you.
Ratchet is stubborn and will not change his mind on things.
If he decides isolation will keep you safe, that's final.
End of story.
That's his form of manipulation.
He won't really make you feel bad, he'll essentially parent you until you comply.
Fighting him is a losing battle.
I can see Ratchet getting jealous at times.
He isn't very vocal about it so he silently thinks on it.
You can tell there's an edge in his voice and he makes small comments on it but he won't kill anyone.
Ratchet isn't the most affectionate Autobot but he'll try.
It's actually a bit funny (and creepy) to hear him grumble about it.
[Edit] I forgot to mention this awhile ago but Ratchet, along with characters like Knock Out and maybe Pharma, would drug his darling.
If you're Cybertronian he bumps up some anesthesia.
If you're human he does research on what drugs affect the human body and how.
He'll give you just enough to make you compliant, he knows exactly how to make you docile.
If he's romantic then he'd try to kiss his darling, often trying to be as gentle as possible.
Especially if you're human.
If he's platonic he's much more like a guardian or parent.
He gives words of encouragement and tries to take care of you.
Overall I believe Ratchet is one of the more stubborn and slower yanderes.
It takes him time to accept the fondness he holds towards you...
Once he does then he doesn't plan on letting you or those feelings go, no matter how hard you try to change his mind.
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evolutionsvoid · 29 days
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The image of the sea can take on many forms, and its moods are ever changing. From many harrowing tales, you know that it can be a thing of rage and chaos, tempests blowing and waves crashing upon rocks and ship. Yet, some days it can be peaceful and calm, the undulations of the water like gentle rocking that can lull one to sleep. Just the sound of the ocean breeze and the distant calls of seabirds. Add warm rays of sunlight, and you got a very relaxing time! However, such tranquility does not last long, as inevitably the weather will go sour and the winds and waves will grow nasty. Or in other cases, some local marine life may decide that they have had enough of this boring ol "peace" and "quiet," and mix up the scene by blowing things up.
If there is ever chaos, carnage and lots of loud booms coming from the ocean, it could be a violent storm, or perhaps a pod of explosive troublemakers passing through. The species I am talking about is known as the Bombardier Whale, which should give you a clue about their whole deal. Well, a bit of the lie there, actually. Forgive me for being me, but I have to point out the wrongness in their name, because Bombardier Whales are not whales! They're dolphins! And I already know people are like "what's the difference?" as if I am being unreasonable here, but there is a difference! I mean, just look at them! Isn't it obvious?! Oh I would gladly go into it, but I already know Eucella is readying her quill at this hint of a rambling tangent, so I shall abstain for now. Lets just say, the Bombardier Whale is actually a dolphin, pretend its a fun fact and move on.
So a Bombardier Whale has your basic dolphin anatomy, where if you picture the typical dolphin in your mind, you are almost there in imagining a Bombardier. The major changes to them is, first, their humped backs. A big mound of blubber and muscle that sits upon their back, from which a comically small dorsal fin sticks out from. Then there is the "armor plating," which is actually hardened hide and fat. These dense chunks may not be armor that can deflect a blade, but it can eat a whole lot of damage while keeping all the vital stuff underneath free of harm. These plates are found on their head, running down their backs and on their bellies as well. Once you got those two features added to your mental dolphin, all you got to do is paint it blue, add a ludicrous amount of scars to it and TA-DA! A Bombardier Whale!
With a body so packed with muscle and blubber, combined with toughened hide, you imagine this species is quite the brawler! All this mass is surely for vicious battles and taking foes head on! Of course, you would only be saying that if you didn't know their name, because in truth, all this is to help them survive their own signature weaponry! While other cetaceans may use more basic forms of hunting prey, like filter feeding or simply chasing them down, the Bombardier Whale instead relies on something a lot more flashy and explosive! In their head, the Bombardier Whale creates a potent chemical that is stored in sacs connected to their blow hole. This secretion is currently stable in this form, with no worries of any accidents! That is because it requires a couple more components to reach its deadly potential! You see, the lining of the tubes that connect these sacs to their blowholes have a special sticky mucus that acts as a catalyst, which begins the process of making its chemical weapon more volatile. When needed, muscles squeeze these glands and force the chemical through the tubing to start the catalyzation, causing this load of fluid to become more unstable and gaseous with each passing moment. While this is happening, the mixture is pushed into their specially designed blow hole, which releases air in sync with this changing fluid to trap pockets of its volatile gas in bubbles. With a final effort, the armed bubble is released from its blow hole and floats out into the ocean. In this brief state, you can see an orangish gas swirling within the bubble, the only warning you get before it pops. And when it does, a lot of other things go POP!
With this system, the Bombardier Whale is able to essentially make bomb bubbles, which it uses for hunting and self defense. Their control over how much gas is released and how many bubbles are formed is insanely good, allowing them to fit their weapon to the current situation. When it comes to getting food, the Bombardier Whale works in pods to drive schools of fish into a single condensed ball. They do so using their bodies and brief sprays of lightly armed bubbles that more so pop and sizzle than do any real damage. Once the fish are trapped in a small area, a few members of the pod will swim below and release big bomb bubbles to float up into the school and detonate. The resulting explosion turns the prey into chunks and chum, and the whole pod rushes in to feed. While this may seem like overkill for catching a few small fry, using these explosives does have its advantages. For one, having prey getting blasted into pieces means they can go after bigger fish than other dolphins could normally handle. No worry about it fitting down the ol gullet, as it will be blown into perfect morsels for swallowing! The other advantage is that this hunting method keeps a lot of freeloaders and thieves away from their reward. Normally, lots of sea birds and fish try to swoop in to steal what food they can from the hunter's hard work, but when you add in the possibility of getting blown to bits from an ill-timed dive, then many species keep their distance!
This weapon is helpful in both pods and when on your own, as single Bombardier Whales can still get a meal without all that "teamwork" stuff. They simply swim below their prey and release bubbles to either catch it in an explosion, or use distracting popping sprays to force them into a specific direction where the dolphin can lunge forth and grab them. This species can even time their explosions by popping the bubbles prematurely using their calls. One member can make one real big stable bubble that slowly floats upward, while another waits on the side for it to reach the right level. Once the bubble is in the perfect spot, they release a sonar click that disrupts it and pops it, causing gas to meet water and BOOM!
No doubt this same tool is great for keeping away predators, as it is very powerful and dangerous! So dangerous, that Bombardier Whales have developed this hide padding and dense layers of blubber to help absorb the blow of any explosion that goes off too close. Their huge hump is believed to be a shock absorber, taking the punishment of failed bubbles and attacks to keep the organs and vital bits safe. In fact, you can often see the results of "bad days" painted all over their bodies, as they tend to be coated in scars. Some are from bomb bubbles, others are from predators and fights with other Bombardiers. It turns out, this species can be a bit testy and vicious, confident in their weaponry. They pick a lot of fights, and their tough hide and blubber allows them to swim away with only shallow wounds. Many predators and attackers break off combat pretty quick once the explosive bubbles show up, as not many creatures are willing to have a hole blown in them!
While this species is absolutely fascinating with their unique weaponry and method of hunting, there is certainly some issues that can arise with them hanging around coastal villages. Fishermen, sailors and general residents are not fans of these dolphins, due to the destructive nature of their bubbles and the sheer noise they make. Plenty of fishing boats have had their hulls obliterated by a hunting pod who have released their bubbles right below them. Nets and entire catches can be ruined when these dolphins see an opportunity to feed, turning a valuable haul into a bloody spray of sea water and fish chunks. Some are accidental, others intentional. Cetaceans are smart creatures, and the Bombardier Whale is no exception! They know how to coordinate attacks, adapt to various prey and counter predator tactics. They also know the sign of a free meal and the image of a competitor. Fishing vessels can steal their food, and they don't like it, so they will totally target them for destruction. And then people with harpoons come out to get rid of these detonating dolphins, which they don't like even more! What can result is an entire pod of Bombardier Whales who are very anti-boat, and they will make it a nightmare for any vessel that crosses their path. They will swim circles around the ship, diving below to deposit explosive bubbles underneath until the hull is breached. Needless to say, plenty of boats are lost to these antics, and thus a hatred for these dolphins develop. Hunting and killing of this species has dropped their populations in coastal waters where villages and ports are a plenty. Thankfully, pods further out in the sea or in uninhabited waters still exist in peace, and ensure this species still has healthy numbers. Just be wary when you discover an untouched coastline and pristine waters filled with fish, because there is a high chance someone else has already laid claim to these waters.
In some regions, Bombardier Whales can be hunted for food, as their meat and blubber is considered a delicacy. The reason why it is a rare treat is the same reason other regions don't bother hunting them in the first place: one wrong harpoon shot or cut with the knife can cause the entire deck to blow sky high. Yes, their explosive fluid is stable when in storage, but all it needs is to touch mucus and saltwater to become volatile. When they are dead, muscles loosen and sacs can leak. A wet carcass hauled onto a ship can be a ticking time bomb depending on how their fluid stores act and how fate rolls their dice. These dangerous pieces can be carved out and thrown away to render the rest of the meat safe, but it takes a skilled and precise butcher to do so. One wrong cut, and you could be reduced to jelly. In some places, when a Bombardier Whale is killed, they saw off the head as fast as possible and just chuck the whole thing into the sea. All this is also the reason why you never approach a beached one or a dead one washed up on shore. One second you are investigating a seemingly harmless heap of blubber, the next you are in the afterlife wondering what that noise was.
Oh, and final note: Folks find dolphins and small porpoises fun to play with and swim around with (I wouldn't be part of that, what with me being a plant that hates salt water). There are plenty of tourist packages and promises of "swimming with dolphins" that people eat up. Folks find certain cetaceans playful, cute and fun! This species is not one of those. Do not get in the water with them. In fact, don't even be ON the water with them. You have been warned.
Chlora Myron
Dryad Natural Historian
"Bombardier Whale"
How about a bubble bomb blowing dolphin? Surely that can't go wrong!
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inchidentally · 7 months
Hi! I just saw your brilliant post about the Landoscar turning point and as you asked other people's opinions here I am, I didn't want to crash the original post so here are my thoughts about it (It may be long, sorry!)
Disclaimer: neither of us know how they actually are and this is all based on their public personnas.
I think Lando and Oscar are figuring their relationship out slow but steady, and it's super interesting because as you mentioned it's so different to Lando's previous teammate relationships.
Carlos: Instant click. Carlos quickly assumed the role of the older brother and experienced driver. Carlos is an introvert and Lando was VERY shy at the beginning of his F1 adventure, so it wasn't an overwhelming dynamic for Lando.
Daniel: The polar opposite. A very overwhelming extrovert. I think that's one of the reasons it took them longer to get along. Daniel tried hard to be friendly but Lando just needed time. It didn't help that Lando was probably missing Carlos. At the end of their first year together they were already what people was expecting of them: jokes, laughs and two funny guys having a great time.
It's unfair to analyze all of this without mentioning the sports-side of things which is vital. Carlos taught Lando how to be in an F1 team, shared his telemetries, gave him advice. I guess that for a 19-yr old Lando that made him feel closer to Carlos. In Daniel's case it was trickier. Everybody expected Daniel to destroy Lando but Daniel struggled. A lot. And we know Lando tried to help but it was a complex problem, and that must make things a bit more awkward and distant. After the 1-2 in Monza and Daniel finally getting a great result, that awkwardness seemed to dissipate.
And now Oscar.
Oscar is a reflection of rookie Lando, but older and probably less anxious. They seem at ease since the very beggining (a softer 'instant click' I'd say) due to Oscar's calmer nature, and we know Lando does better at first with those introvert types. Worth noting that I don't think Lando had this 'heartbreak' after seeing Daniel leave as he had with Carlos, because he knew Daniel was suffering in McLaren to the point it was affecting his health, so it was good for him to leave. So Oscar's arrival was already smoother than Daniel's, and it's important to mention that they weren't complete strangers, Max Fewtrell knew Oscar personally and probably talked about him to Lando before the Aussie arrived at Mclaren.
So a good starting point but as Lando said, Oscar is in his "serious phase". He wants to show that he deserves the seat and that he's not here to be McLaren's #2. Add that to his introverted personality and you'll have a difficult code to break for Lando. I imagine Oscar thinking at the beginning that Lando would want to play mind games with him, but that boy seems pretty honest and if he tries to get close to someone is because he genuinely likes them.
They're probably in that point where they know can trust each other, but they still feel a bit like strangers. They don't seem to have a lot in common aside of racing but give them time. Lando started playing golf because of Carlos. Daniel started to mess around with his photo camera because of Lando, I'm sure they'll find a common ground.
So I agree, they've not had their turning point yet, but I think they're cimenting a solid relationship without rushing things. Maybe not seeing each other during the off-season will bring them closer as I'm very sure they're going to miss each other. And if the car performance continues being good next year, that will help them too. More battles in track doesn't necessarily mean a brocedes situation, as most people think. It's way worse to have a shit car and being grumpy because you're battling for P12.
So to sum things up I think their current state is: Good relationship with a solid base to build a friendship. Mutual admiration and respect. And a dash of mutual fascination too ;) If you got here, thanks for reading!
I love this and I agree!!
what's so interesting is that i my other analyses (it's very weird I have so many askgfksagf) including my carlando astrology one is that I've never really considered before that Carlos is more an introvert than an extrovert like you said. I very much see him as a natural leader and his genetic makeup absolutely puts him in the more 'dominant' position with his teammates. and obviously he's very easygoing with humor and naturally funny but in fact he clearly isn't much of a show pony like Daniel. even him zoning out as he said is more that he just has kind of moved on from the conversation and is thinking about something else. and his romantic relationships are as private as an F1 driver's can be with the huge majority of content coming from paps and journalists and fans. his love of spending quality time with family during the winter break is also very introverted.
and I actually have a thought about the needing to find common ground the way he has golf with Carlos and friends and photography with Daniel. since Oscar truly is someone who has his job as a racing driver and then otherwise switches off to video games/TV/naps I feel like what's bound to happen with him and Lando is that they find their friendship in those liminal spaces. I feel like Oscar is way too shy to appear in Quadrant videos or Lando's streams but then Steve is a very lowkey part of that team so I still think he would work?? and I love like you say that Oscar already has that connection with Max F so it would be so cool to have him integrated into Lando's life that way... IF you could get him to agree to it which is a big if.
same about the brocedes worries (I did an insane post abt that too). Lando wears his emotions right on his face and doesn't have much verbal filter so if he were going to develop bad feelings toward Oscar then it either would have happened at the start of the season when the car was awful or when Oscar's success started paralleling Lando's mid season. but they both seemed to gain a lot of solidarity from that rough start and we know how hard Oscar has worked to show Lando that when the race is done, all rivalry between them is over.
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skaruresonic · 6 months
Do you have any opinion about this post? It proposes that a key element of Shadow's characterization is loyalty, and the reason portrayals like SA2, '06, TMOSTH and Prime are beloved is because Shadow is loyal to something (I would add Forces as well), while others like Boom and IDW fall flat because he's only in for himself.
(some of the tags, of course, are all "sega take notes, everyone gets it but you", which is funny for multiple reasons)
I want to agree with it more than I do. The way it's worded makes it difficult for me to be fully persuaded, because it seems to be missing something.
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I feel like the post is a bit over reductive. It's already an exercise in futility to try to boil Shadow down to one or two traits because he contains multitudes, nuances, and subtleties; it'd be like distilling Eggman down to "evil scientist" and then ignoring all the ways in which his manchild behavior molds his character archetype.
The others have limits on their loyalty. Sonic will help you out, but he’s not gonna kill a man for you. Shadow will. He doesn’t have that limit. If you are Shadow’s friend and you need him to kill for you, he will do it. Period.
Idk maybe it's just me but something about this style of analysis rubs me the wrong way. When people make declarative, emotionally-loaded statements about the characters that Sound Good on paper but don't hold up to close scrutiny. If you're going to assert something this lofty, you need to provide concrete examples. When did Shadow kill for a friend in the games? When did he express the willingness? Can you give me an example?
also lmao "Sonic's not gonna kill a man for you," Sonic will absolutely kill a man if he fucks around and finds out While I agree with the overarching idea that loyalty can be an important part of his character, if we're talking post-ARK raid Shadow... You kind of have to be honest about the brand of loyalty he possesses, because his loyalty looks very different from Amy's or Tails'. It's a specific, hardwon type of loyalty. It's begrudging. It's that "Pssh, what? I don't care. Feelings are for wussies" kind of loyalty, if anything. Like, it took Rouge dragging his unconscious ass home, a three-day-long fever dream, and her twisting his arm just to get her to begrudgingly call her "ally." You know what I mean?
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On the other hand, I disagree with the notion that an overt lack of loyalty inherently makes him unrecognizable, since self-determination is an arguably equally prominent part of his character. In ShTH, you're just as free to ignore the wishes of your partner characters and go your own way. Cue the Fleetwood Mac.
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Framing it as though loyalty is the linchpin on which his character rests risks defining Shadow solely through his relationships with others. Note that I'm not necessarily saying his relationships aren't important, just that they're not the most important. Agency and the right to determine his own destiny are vital parts of his character as well. He didn't just tell Rouge "And I will fulfill my promise to Maria; that's the only thing that matters to me now" in SA2. He first told her "Even if my memories aren't real, it's still me, Shadow."
...I'm not sure why OP decided to include Archie and X in their analysis, considering Archie and X are dead and have no bearing on Game!Shadow's character. Not sure what's meant by Shadow being "loyal" to Amy in MoSTH, either; I don't really have context for that since I didn't play it. If I had to guess, however, methinks OP may be mistaking Shadow doing something kind for Amy for friendship or loyalty towards Amy. You can do kind things for others without necessarily being "ride or die" for them.
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This is where the post really loses me. Shadow's backstory doesn't need to be expanded upon at this point in the series; they've already dedicated at least three games and a handful of adaptations to his tragic backstory. We don't need to keep returning to the same well again and again. Surely we can do better than to navel-gaze. And the reasons why "he's like this" ought to be clear to anyone who's played the games, since they're fairly self-evident.
"But what about pre-raid Shadow?" I hear someone inevitably ask. Well, yes, Shadow displays obvious loyalty toward Maria, Gerald, and the ARK as a whole, but certain ShTH endings notwithstanding, it's not a blind sacrificial devotion. Regardless of his loyalty, he exercises the agency not to act like a mindless weapon in the hands of his creator. He possesses reason and more importantly, uses it. He still has enough presence of mind to seek to undo "all the evil the Professor has created" in SA2.
Even before the trauma of the raid and Gerald's programming went and deeply mucked up his sense of self, he was preoccupied with notions of self and identity, for understandable reasons. He wasn't purely a lapdog for Maria or the researchers. I feel like swinging the pendulum in the polar opposite direction and saying "Shadow is defined chiefly via his dedication to others" because it swung too far into "Shadow is a hyper-macho jerk" territory isn't a balanced stance to take.
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Like this post is arguing from a Watsonian perspective, as though IDW!Shadow's jerkassness indicates some sort of internal selfishness, when the Doylist "Shadow was just written like shit in the book" will suffice. Shadow has a character outside of his relationships to others, just as Sonic and Eggman do. He's quiet, introspective, and in all honesty, he comes out with some hard-hitting lines sometimes. "This is the final voice of the last war machine," anyone?
Sorry if this reply is all over the place, I'm just writing down thoughts as they occur to me lol. Feel free to add your two cents.
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mooifyourecows · 5 months
What typically gives you inspiration to write your stories? How do they become fully developed concepts after you gat hit with inspiration?
I'll get inspiration from anything tbh. Dreams, videogames, movies, tv shows, books, other fics, songs, something i saw at the grocery store, etc. Sometimes I just have a character or relationship dynamic that i want to write and build around that.
I'll think up a new story idea almost every other week. Not all of them become something though lol some of them are just a flash in a pan idea that i quickly forget about/abandon because i just can't really sink my teeth into it, you know?
When i do have an idea that i want to pursue, it slowly grows into fully developed concepts over the course of weeks or months. I keep notes in my phone and add to them when ideas come to me. Eventually, when the story is starting to hold water, I'll make a playlist for it because having that musical connection really helps me develop even more of the story/character/mood. I've changed whole story ideas because the playlist i put together had a different vibe from my original plan haha it's VERY vital to my creation process. which is why everyone should listen to my story playlists because THEY'RE IMPORTANT AND REALLY DRIVE HOME THE VIBE! (ehhh some of them are more important than others. some are mostly for my own benefit, having certain music playing while i'm writing to keep the mood/voice)(but still)(pls like my playlists, i put a lot of effort into them)
I'm not the type of writer who can get an idea and then just write it. (if those types of writers even exist. do they exist?) I really take my time planning stuff out. I have several stories/story ideas that I've been consistently thinking up and jotting down notes on for literal years. I think of a lot of really great stuff when i give myself the time to do it. And I'd miss out on absolute gold if I just sat down and wrote them the instant I had enough to make a story.
Some stories do grab me immediately though. Like recently I got an idea for a new DaiSuga fic and I've very excitedly spat out 12k words in the past two-ish weeks. In cases like this, the story just fleshes itself out so perfectly that I can't help but get it out of my head. I might hit a block on it soon and have to put it on the backburner until I figure out a way around it, but for now, I'm just putting whatever I can onto the page, regardless of how good it is.
And a lot of the time, it's garbage, you know? I just write total trash. Boring dialogue, zero description, scenes that cut off in the middle because I don't know how to progress to the next one, etc. Most of my stories are in this horrible Pre-Frankenstein state where it's just pieces and parts I have to figure out how to sew together and shoot some life into them so they move the way I want them to. And sometimes that takes a long time to accomplish, so they just kinda sit in my wip folder, waiting for me to get the sudden motivation to dust them off and fix them up. (or on occasion, restart from page one)
I'm really not super organized or professional or anything. I just think things and I write them down so I don't forget. Somehow they manage to fit together into something people want to read. It helps that I'm constantly watching movies/TV or reading. Once you get a really good feel of how stories of all different genres work, you can make your own. And I can't really say for sure how good of a writer I am, I definitely don't think I'm on the same level as a lot of writers that I've read, both in fandom and in original fiction. I can see how my vocabulary, grammar, description, etc doesn't hold up to those people. But if there's one thing I know I can do, and feel confident in my ability to do, it's telling a story.
I may not be able to describe a setting but boy howdy can I tell a story 🫵
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Eddie x Steve headcanons in honor of Stranger Things season 4
-Steve loves pop music. Eddie most decidedly does not but after they started dating he's grown to appreciate Eurythmics.
-Steve's got a revolving door of jobs at the moment and Eddie always stops by to make fun of his uniform before sneaking into the backroom together.
-Robin may be their friend but damn if she doesn't get tired of their combined bullshit. They went on a shopping trip to K-Mart and they rode one of the karts down the parking lot into oncoming traffic. It was a long day.
-DND is vital to both the kids and Eddie so Steve has tried learning how to play. There's a lot more math than he expected. In the end he ended up playing a half elf bard.
-The local game shop owner has banned Steve for completely bogus reasons. He says. If you ask Eddie, he'll be more than happy to tell you about what Steve said about the owner's mom in his attempt to speak Elvish.
-Corroded Coffin manages to book the occasional gig at a nearby bowling alley or bar and Steve always comes to watch.
-Eddie's uncle knows they're dating and doesn't mind. Steve's a nice kid and he wants his nephew to be happy.
-Steve's parents don't. They're not around enough to notice and if they did find out, Steve already knows it wouldn't end well.
-The two initially met because of Dustin. Eddie was unaware that by dating Steve he would have to add five more kids to the deal but he doesn't mind too much.
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identityarchitect · 1 year
hello! could you tell us more abt your OCs, esp Ceros?
HI HI HI HI HI ok so i would find the other posts i made but they're definitely way outdated now so im just gonna go over all the stuff.
ok so. there are two ways that magic works.
an individual is born with 'starsoul'. celestial objects are the only things with souls. them innately having souls makes them capable of doing magic no matter what (unless they lose their souls which is another story.) when an individual is born with starsoul, they can do small amounts of magic. most humans have either no starsoul, or enough to do significant amounts of magic. these magicians are called warlocks.
an individual receives a boon from a celestial, and is capable of drawing from their starsoul in order to perform magic. these magicians are called wizards.
there are six species total. all of them can do magic, but the three 'magic' species have their own magic and cannot perform star magic except in certain select cases (such as receiving a boon from a fallen celestial - we'll get onto those in a moment).
as a general rule of thumb, magic species live much longer than the 'non-magic' species.
the three magic species are;
harpies, whose magic is knowledge (or memory) theft. it acts mostly like a physical attack, where a harpy takes some knowledge from someone's mind and injures their body in the process. younger harpies are usually worse at this, leaving traces of the knowledge behind, and sometimes the victim can recreate the knowledge they lost. older harpies are better, and especially practised harpies can remove knowledge without the victim even noticing. harpies are humanoid creatures with dinosaur-esque arms. they have lots of feathers, especially on their extremities, and can glide from high places.
basilisks, whose magic is magic theft. they can steal someone's starsoul, or siphon energy from the link between them and their star. basilisks are snake-like creatures that are a little smaller than a horse.
dragons, whose magic is life theft. dragons can siphon away ones vitality, taking years off of your life. there are two subsets of dragons; large dragons and small dragons. dragons are primarily sea-dwelling species that often look more like sharks or whales than traditional dragons. large dragons are like basking sharks, taking in huge amounts of prey to add up to a large amount of life drain. small dragons typically go for prey larger than themselves, intending to siphon away enough life that the prey becomes weak and cannot fight back.
magic species often aren't percieved as their actual form due to the average person not expecting to speak to a harpy/basilisk/dragon. their humanoid form may have some discrepancies (strange eyes, sharp teeth, pointy ears, etc).
the three non-magic species are;
celestials, who are part of a celestial that ended up falling to earth. they are innately starsouled and the most capable at magic (although this doesn't make them the best at magic.) most celestials nowadays are small pieces of objects. in the past, during an era known as the pre-dawn, the planet was nearly constantly pummelled by celestial objects, which gave rise to the star-fathomed, huge megafauna. in order for a celestial to remain celestial on earth and not simply deteriorate into a nature spirit, they need to be part of a celestial object which is culturally important. this is why the star-fathomed are detiorating; nobody remembers what objects they're part of, and basically nobody worships them anymore. most are failing to retain their sapience, acting more and more like wild animals by the day.
humans. 's just average humans tbh. not much to say about them. humans are outliers among the non-magic species in that they're not innately starsouled.
. furries. i don't have a better name for them atm. some furries are anthropomorphic animals, some are mostly humanoid with lots of animal features. furries are the descendants of the first civilisations, who worshipped the star-fathomed. the star-fathomed gave the priests of these civilisations blessings; one in the form of starsouling, and one in the form of changing their forms to be more like the star-fathomed. the difference in furry appearance is from the deterioration of the starwalkers that gave them their appearance.
i mentioned nature spirits up there; they're just what happens when a celestial that isn't culturally important comes to earth. the area that the celestial landed in soaks up all the starsoul magic like a sponge, leaving a nature spirit; magically adept, but not a celestial.
oh another thing i didn't mention is warlock familiars. familiars are an extension of one's starsoul, manifesting outside of the warlock's body. the more 'monstrous' a familiar looks, the more powerful the warlock is. the sapience of a familiar depends on how powerful the warlock is and how they've nurtured their magic.
because of how wizards work, wizards usually take on apprentices which keep the wizard line alive. most wizards don't share their actual name, and instead pass a 'family name' down to their apprentice when they're knowledgeable enough.
there are two different magic groups; the Congregation of Colleges, headed by The Delegate, and the Lunar Council, headed by The Grandmaster of the Stars, Lusara, fifth of her name.
the Congregation is for warlocks, and works across many places with local governments to help them regulate magic. this means that the Congregation has basically total control over what magic can be taught in colleges.
the Lunar Council is for wizards, and is primarily localised. there are smaller councils in other locations which operate mainly without the oversight of Lusara. however, there are regular meetings where everyone comes to the Wingrove (a magical tree) to speak on the state of magic in their local area.
the previous Grandmaster of the Stars was murdered. Lusara is the only one who knows this.
OK ok characters time :D
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here's lusara!! the first one is accurate for her accessories and hat and clothes, the second is accurate for her face and hair and stuff. she's fucking dope. she has mega anxiety cus she's way too young to be grandmaster and also thinks she's going to get murdered.
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here's lane!! he's a harpy and he's the representative of magic species on the lunar council. he is such a bastard. he is so knowledgeable and old because he kills.
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ceros. the motherfucker ever. he's a fallen celestial who made a bad deal with a basilisk called the hag and lost his soul. he's dying! but it's ok cus he intends to get his soul back somehow.
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(the line there is to denote before and after he lost his soul.) he's such a bastard and i love him to death
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sunflower....... ehehehehehhehe. so she's the messiah of a cult called The Sons of The Sun. she's the daughter of the sun. the sun isn't a celestial btw. don't ask me what it actually is because i have no fucking idea. all i know is that it's very powerhungry.
sunny (she prefers to be called sunnybut Will blow you up if you call ehr that) is considerably powerful but she can only do fire related magic. she's a horrendous person and so beloved to me
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this is renée! our main character. she was just an ordinary alchemist, and then the catalyst hit.
the catalyst is the first part of the sun's plan to become the most powerful thing in existence. it killed and ate the other stars. so now the stars are gone, and suddenly nobody can do magic. i mean warlocks can but *barely* it's super difficult. renée's gonna travel to the capital and talk to the queen to see what she can do to help out.
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this is the queen!! her name's idea and she's a basilisk. she's the reason renée and sunny meet.
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this is valentine, a celestial warlock with amnesia. he's very weird.
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this is hsi familair.
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this is junius!! he's the head court warlock. that star eye of his is really not normal. he's pretty fucking cool though, if a little overworked.
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this is his familiar!!
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this is safiri!! she's a furry.
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and here's her friend the scornet prophet!!!
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this is solomon!! he's the apprentice of a wizard called The Wizard Graceira. graceira is currently in a coma because he performed magic after the catalyst. solomon has some fucking weird stuff going on with him.
uh idk if i can add more guys bcs image limit but there are so many ocs
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The Future of Fast Food: Pizza Vending Machines
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Imagine this: you're walking home after a long day, and suddenly, you have a craving for a hot, cheesy pizza. Normally, you'd have to order it, wait for it to be prepared, and then wait even longer for it to be delivered. But what if I told you that you could get a fresh, delicious pizza in just a few minutes, any time of the day or night? Enter the world of pizza vending machines!
Pizza vending machines are not only a modern idea; they are here, and they're changing the manner in which we partake in our #1 solace food. These cunning gadgets can make and apportion a newly prepared pizza in around three minutes. Indeed, you heard that right — three minutes! How about we plunge into the universe of pizza vending machines and investigate why they are turning into the following large thing in cheap food.
The Rise of Pizza Vending Machines
Vending machines that serve hot dinners aren't new, however pizza vending machines take it to a higher level. These machines are furnished with trend setting innovation that permits them to manipulate mixture, spread sauce, add fixings, and heat the pizza just before your eyes. It resembles having a scaled down pizza joint everywhere.
All in all, for what reason are these machines turning out to be so famous? First off, they offer unrivaled accommodation. Envision having the option to snatch a hot pizza following a late-night concentrate on meeting, during a work break, or even following an evening out on the town. Not any more holding up in lengthy lines or managing the issue of conveyance. Simply approach a pizza candy machine, pick your fixings, and partake in a new pizza in minutes.
One more justification behind their prevalence is consistency. Each pizza made by a candy machine follows a similar cycle, guaranteeing that everyone is cooked flawlessly. Not any more agonizing over whether your pizza will be overcooked or half-cooked — these machines take care of business without fail.
Pizza Vending Machines for Sale: A Business Opportunity
By and by, you might contemplate, "How should I get in on this exhilarating example?" In light of everything, fate has looked favorably upon you. There are different pizza vending machines accessible to be bought, making it more clear than any time in late memory to start your own automated pizzeria. Whether you're a painstakingly pre-arranged money manager or wanting to start your most vital business, placing assets into a pizza candy machine can be an advantageous entryway.
While considering purchasing a pizza candy machine accessible to be bought, there are two or three things to recall. In any case, you'll have to look at the machine's abilities. A couple of machines offer various enhancements and pizza sizes, while others might have a more confined assurance. Examine what will guarantee most to your potential clients.
Then, at that point, contemplate the machine's upkeep requirements. Like any piece of equipment, pizza vending machines need normal upkeep to ensure they continue to work effortlessly. Look for a machine that is easy to tidy and stay aware of, as this will save your time and money over an extended time.
Finally, the region is basic. Putting your pizza candy machine in a high-traffic district, for instance, near school grounds, involved midtown locales, or renowned nightlife spots, can basically grow your chances of ending up as the winner. People will undoubtedly use the machine if it's decisively positioned where they at this point contribute energy.
The Technology Behind Pizza Vending Machines
You may be interested about how these machines really work. The cycle starts with a new chunk of mixture, which is put away inside the machine. At the point when you submit your request, the machine massages and smooths the mixture to make the pizza base. Then, it spreads the sauce uniformly across the batter, adds your pickled garnishes, and afterward prepares the pizza flawlessly utilizing a high-temperature broiler.
The whole cycle is robotized and requires only a couple of moments. A few machines even have straightforward windows, permitting you to watch your pizza being made. It's not only a feast; it's an encounter!
Additionally, numerous pizza vending machines accompany easy to understand touchscreens and different installment choices, including charge cards and versatile installments. This guarantees a consistent and bothersome free exchange for the client.
Health and Safety Considerations
Perhaps the greatest concern individuals have about food candy machines is cleanliness. Have confidence, pizza candy machines are planned considering wellbeing and security. They are furnished with refrigeration units to keep fixings new, and the whole cooking process is encased, diminishing the gamble of pollution.
Also, ordinary support and cleaning plans are pivotal to guarantee the machine stays sterile. Most producers give itemized rules on the best way to appropriately keep up with the machine, and some must support administrations as a component of the buy bundle.
The Future of Pizza Vending Machines
As innovation keeps on propelling, we can expect pizza candy machines to turn out to be significantly more refined. Future models could offer much more customization choices, for example, without gluten coverings or vegetarian garnishes, taking special care of a more extensive scope of dietary inclinations. We could likewise see a combination with portable applications, permitting clients to put orders from a distance and get their pizza from the machine at a booked time.
There's additionally potential for these machines to grow past conventional pizzas. Envision having the option to look over different worldwide flavors or occasional specials. The conceivable outcomes are huge!
Real-World Success Stories
Pizza vending machines are already making waves in various parts of the world. For instance, Let’s Pizza, a popular brand from Italy, has machines in multiple countries, including the United States. These machines have received rave reviews for their delicious and consistent pizzas.
In the US, companies like PizzaForno are also gaining traction. PizzaForno's vending machines are popping up in several cities, offering a quick and tasty solution for pizza lovers everywhere. Their success stories highlight the growing demand for this innovative dining option.
Getting Your Own Pizza Vending Machine
In the event that you're amped up for the thought and searching for a pizza vending machine for sale, there are a few respectable producers to consider. Organizations like We should Pizza, PizzaForno, and Basil Road have different models accessible, each with its own arrangement of elements and abilities.
Prior to making a buy, doing your research is fundamental. Analyze various machines, read client surveys, and consider connecting with other entrepreneurs who have previously put resources into pizza candy machines. This will provide you with a superior comprehension of what's in store and assist you with pursuing an educated choice.
Whenever you've chosen the ideal pizza candy machine available to be purchased, the subsequent stages include getting an ideal place and setting up the machine. Keep in mind, the way to progress is perceivability and accommodation for your clients.
Pizza vending machines are something other than an oddity — they address the eventual fate of inexpensive food. With their comfort, consistency, and delectable contributions, it's no big surprise they are turning into a well known decision for the two purchasers and business people. On the off chance that you're searching for another undertaking, investigating pizza vending machines for sale could be the ideal open door. Embrace the future, and who knows, you may very well turn into the go-to detective for pizza sweethearts in your space!
So next time you're craving a slice, keep an eye out for one of these marvels of modern technology. And if you’re ready to dive into the world of automated pizzerias, there’s no better time to start looking for a pizza vending machine for sale. Happy pizza eating!
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producthealt17 · 1 month
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Write a positive review of the"Dominate The Male Enhancement Niche Today with Aizen Power " product in 1000 words with a tittle in British. and a Heading in every paragraph. and write like (I used the following product
Aizen Power: A Natural Boost for Confidence and Performance
Let's face it, gentlemen, as we get older, things can start to slow down a bit. In the bedroom, that can be particularly disheartening. I've tried various products over the years, some with questionable ingredients and even worse results. But recently, I came across Aizen Power, a natural male enhancement supplement that's truly impressed me.
Scientifically Backed Formula
One of the things that initially drew me to Aizen Power was its focus on natural ingredients. Many male enhancement products rely on synthetic chemicals that can have unpleasant side effects. Aizen Power, however, boasts a blend of herbs, vitamins, and minerals that have been chosen for their well-documented benefits in promoting male health. Tribulus Terrestris, for instance, is a herb known to improve testosterone levels, while Maca root has a reputation for enhancing libido. While individual results may vary, the science behind the ingredients in Aizen Power gave me a sense of security and legitimacy.
Easy Integration into My Routine
Another big plus for Aizen Power is how easy it is to incorporate into your daily routine. The recommended dosage is just two capsules a day, which I take with breakfast. They're small and easy to swallow, and haven't caused any stomach upset or other digestive issues. This convenience is key; let's be honest, who wants to add a complicated regimen to their already busy lives? Aizen Power fits seamlessly into my day, making it a sustainable solution for long-term use.
Noticeable Results in the Bedroom
Now, onto the real test: did Aizen Power deliver? The answer is a resounding yes. Within a couple of weeks of consistent use, I noticed a significant improvement in my stamina and endurance. Those late-night sessions that used to leave me feeling drained were a thing of the past. Beyond physical performance, I also experienced a boost in libido. That spark that can sometimes fade with time came roaring back, making intimacy more enjoyable for both myself and my partner.
Increased Confidence and Overall Well-being
The benefits of Aizen Power extended far beyond the bedroom. The natural energy boost I experienced translated into other areas of my life. I felt more energized throughout the day, allowing me to tackle my work and personal commitments with renewed vigor. This newfound confidence also spilled over into my social interactions. I felt more outgoing and assertive, a welcome change from the self-consciousness that can sometimes creep in as we age.
A Discreet and Reliable Option
Let's be honest, men don't always feel comfortable talking about these issues. Aizen Power is a discreet and reliable solution you can trust. The product arrived in a plain, unmarked package, ensuring complete privacy. The subscription service is also convenient, with automatic deliveries so you never have to worry about running out. The company also offers excellent customer service, which is always a plus.
An Investment in Your Well-being
While some might see Aizen Power as an expense, I view it as an investment in my overall well-being. The benefits I've experienced in terms of physical performance, increased energy, and boosted confidence are truly invaluable. If you're looking for a natural solution to enhance your sexual health and rediscover your youthful vitality, I highly recommend giving Aizen Power a try.
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Write a positive review of the" TonicGreens  Supplements - Health " product in 1000 words with a tittle in British. and a Heading in every paragraph. and write like (I used the following product )
TonicGreens: A Green Powerhouse for a Healthier You
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can feel like a constant battle. Between juggling work, family, and social commitments, fitting in nutritious meals often falls by the wayside. This is where I found TonicGreens Supplements to be a game-changer.
Packing a Punch of Essential Nutrients
TonicGreens is a daily powdered supplement boasting a potent blend of over 70 fruits, vegetables, and other superfoods. What initially impressed me was the sheer variety of ingredients. We all know the importance of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, and TonicGreens delivers on that promise. From leafy greens like kale and spinach to antioxidant-rich berries like acai and goji, this supplement ensures you're getting a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. This comprehensive approach to nutrition makes TonicGreens a convenient way to fill any gaps in your diet and support your overall health.
Easy to Integrate into Your Day
Incorporating TonicGreens into my routine couldn't be easier. Each serving comes in a single-use sachet, making it perfect for on-the-go mornings or busy afternoons. The powder itself mixes easily into water or your favourite smoothie, creating a refreshing and slightly sweet drink. There's no gritty texture or unpleasant aftertaste, which is a common problem with some green supplements. The ease of use makes TonicGreens a sustainable solution for anyone looking to boost their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
Feeling the Benefits from the Inside Out
The effects of TonicGreens became noticeable quite quickly. Within a few weeks of consistent use, I experienced a significant increase in energy levels. The afternoon slump that used to plague me became a thing of the past. I also noticed a positive impact on my digestion. Gone were the days of bloating and sluggishness; TonicGreens seemed to promote a smoother digestive system. These improvements in energy and gut health made me feel lighter and more in tune with my body.
A Natural Approach to Wellness
One of the things I appreciate most about TonicGreens is its focus on natural ingredients. The supplement is free from artificial sweeteners, colours, and preservatives, which is a major plus for me. I try to avoid unnecessary additives in my diet, and TonicGreens aligns perfectly with that philosophy. With its emphasis on whole-food sources of nutrition, TonicGreens provides a safe and natural way to support your well-being.
More Than Just a Greens Powder
The benefits of TonicGreens extend beyond just the essential vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. The formula also includes prebiotics and probiotics, which contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. This, in turn, plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system and overall health. Additionally, adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola are included, known for their stress-relieving properties. These additional ingredients make TonicGreens a well-rounded supplement that addresses various aspects of well-being, not just basic nutrition.
Investing in a Healthier Future
While some might consider a daily supplement an added expense, I view TonicGreens as an investment in my long-term health. The convenience it offers in ensuring I get a broad spectrum of essential nutrients makes it well worth the cost. Plus, the improvements I've experienced in energy levels, digestion, and overall well-being are invaluable. If you're looking for a natural and convenient way to boost your health and fill any nutritional gaps in your diet, I highly recommend giving TonicGreens a try.
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Write a positive review of the" TonicGreens  Supplements - Health " product in 1000 words with a tittle in British. and a Heading in every paragraph. and write like (I used the following product 
Draft 1
TonicGreens: Arefreshing Boost for My Busy Lifestyle
Juggling a busy life can make it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. Between work deadlines, family commitments, and social engagements, fitt... Draft 1
TonicGreens: Arefreshing Boost for My Busy Lifestyle
Juggling a busy life can make it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. Between work deadlines, family commitments, and social engagements, fitting in time for elaborate meals often falls by the wayside. This is where TonicGreens Supplements have become a lifesaver for me.
A Powerhouse of Fruits, Vegetables, and More
TonicGreens is a daily powdered supplement boasting a powerful blend of over 70 fruits, vegetables, and other superfoods. What initially drew me to the product was the sheer diversity of ingredients. We all know the importance of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, and TonicGreens delivers on that promise. From the essential greens like kale and spinach to antioxidant-rich berries like acai and goji, this supplement ensures you're getting a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. This comprehensive approach to nutrition makes TonicGreens a convenient way to fill any gaps in your diet and support your overall health.
Effortless Integration into My Day
Incorporating TonicGreens into my routine couldn't be easier. Each serving comes in a single-use sachet, perfect for busy mornings or afternoons on the go. The powder itself dissolves easily into water or your favourite smoothie, creating a refreshing and slightly sweet drink. There's no unpleasant aftertaste or gritty texture, which is a common problem with some green supplements. This ease of use makes TonicGreens a sustainable solution for anyone looking to boost their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
Feeling the Benefits from Within
The effects of TonicGreens became noticeable quite quickly. Within a few weeks of consistent use, I experienced a significant increase in energy levels. The afternoon slump that used to plague me became a thing of the past. I also noticed a positive impact on my digestion. Gone were the days of bloating and sluggishness; TonicGreens seemed to promote a smoother digestive system. These improvements in energy and gut health made me feel lighter and more in tune with my body.
A Natural Path to Improved Wellbeing
One of the things I appreciate most about TonicGreens is its commitment to natural ingredients. The supplement is free from artificial sweeteners, colours, and preservatives, which is a major plus for me. I try my best to avoid unnecessary additives in my diet, and TonicGreens aligns perfectly with that philosophy. By emphasising whole-food sources of nutrition, TonicGreens provides a safe and natural way to support your well-being.
More Than Just Greens
The benefits of TonicGreens extend beyond just the essential vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. The formula also includes prebiotics and probiotics, which contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. This, in turn, plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system and overall health. Additionally, adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola are included, known for their stress-relieving properties. These additional ingredients make TonicGreens a well-rounded supplement that addresses various aspects of well-being, not just basic nutrition.
Investing in a Healthier You
While some might consider a daily supplement an added expense, I view TonicGreens as an investment in my long-term health. The convenience it offers in ensuring I get a broad spectrum of essential nutrients makes it well worth the cost. Plus, the improvements I've experienced in energy levels, digestion, and overall well-being are invaluable. If you're looking for a natural and convenient way to boost your health and fill any nutritional gaps in your diet, I highly recommend giving TonicGreens a try.
Disclaimer: As with any dietary supplement, it's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting TonicGreens, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.
Draft 2
TonicGreens: A Refreshing Powerhouse for Vibrant Health
Feeling sluggish, lacking energy, and struggling to fit in those five-a-day portions of fruits and vegetables? This was my reality for far ... Draft 2
TonicGreens: A Refreshing Powerhouse for Vibrant Health
Feeling sluggish, lacking energy, and struggling to fit in those five-a-day portions of fruits and vegetables? This was my reality for far too long. Work deadlines loomed, social commitments piled up, and healthy eating often fell by the wayside. Then, I discovered TonicGreens Supplements, a daily green powder that's become a vital part of my wellness routine.
A Symphony of Superfood Ingredients
What truly sets TonicGreens apart is the sheer abundance and variety of its ingredients. Boasting over 70 fruits, vegetables, and other superfoods, this supplement is a nutritional powerhouse. We all know the importance of a colourful diet, and TonicGreens delivers on that front. From the dark, leafy greens like kale and spinach to the vibrant berries like acai and goji, this powder ensures you're getting a comprehensive dose of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. This all-encompassing approach to nutrition makes TonicGreens a convenient and effective way to bridge any dietary gaps and support your overall health.
Effortless Integration into Your Day
Incorporating TonicGreens into my daily routine has been a breeze. Each serving comes in a convenient, single-use sachet, perfect for busy mornings or hectic afternoons. The powder itself dissolves easily into water or your favourite smoothie, creating a refreshing and subtly sweet drink. There's no unpleasant aftertaste or gritty texture, which is a common problem I've encountered with other green supplements. This ease of use makes TonicGreens a sustainable solution for anyone looking to effortlessly boost their daily fruit and vegetable intake.
Feeling the Positive Shift from Within
The positive effects of TonicGreens became apparent quite quickly. Within a few weeks of consistent use, I noticed a significant boost in my energy levels. That dreaded afternoon slump became a thing of the past, replaced by a sustained flow of energy throughout the day. Another welcome change was the improvement in my digestion. Gone were the days of bloating and sluggishness; TonicGreens seemed to promote a smoother and more efficient digestive system. These improvements in energy and gut health have left me feeling lighter, more vibrant, and more in tune with my body.
A Natural Path to Wellness
One of the things I value most about TonicGreens is its commitment to natural ingredients. The formula is entirely free from artificial sweeteners, colours, and preservatives, which is a major plus for me. I strive to avoid unnecessary additives in my diet, and TonicGreens aligns perfectly with that philosophy. By focusing on whole-food sources of nutrition, TonicGreens provides a safe and natural way to support your well-being.
More Than Just Your Average Greens Powder
The benefits of TonicGreens extend far beyond the essential vitamins and minerals typically found in fruits and vegetables. The formula also incorporates prebiotics and probiotics, which are crucial for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. This, in turn, plays a vital role in supporting your immune system and overall health. Additionally, the inclusion of adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola is a welcome touch. These adaptogenic herbs are known for their stress-relieving properties, making TonicGreens a well-rounded supplement that addresses various aspects of well-being, not just basic nutrition.
An Investment in a Healthier You
While some might view a daily supplement as an added expense, I consider TonicGreens an investment in my long-term health. The convenience it offers in ensuring I get a broad spectrum of essential nutrients makes it well worth the cost. Plus, the improvements I've experienced in energy levels, digestion, and overall well-being are truly invaluable. If you're looking for a natural and convenient way to boost your health, address nutrient deficiencies, and feel your best, I highly recommend giving TonicGreens a try.
Disclaimer: It's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting TonicGreens, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.
Draft 3
TonicGreens: A Refreshing Boost for My Busy Lifestyle
Keeping on top of a healthy diet can be a real challenge in today's fast-paced world. Juggling work, family, and social commitments often lea... Draft 3
TonicGreens: A Refreshing Boost for My Busy Lifestyle
Keeping on top of a healthy diet can be a real challenge in today's fast-paced world. Juggling work, family, and social commitments often leaves little time for meticulously planning and preparing nutritious meals. That's where TonicGreens Supplements have become a lifesaver for me.
A Powerhouse of Fruits, Vegetables, and More
TonicGreens is a daily powdered supplement that packs a powerful punch of essential nutrients. Boasting a blend of over 70 fruits, vegetables, and other superfoods, it truly delivers on its promise of a "greens powerhouse." The variety of ingredients is what initially impressed me. We all know the importance of getting a rainbow of fruits and vegetables in our diet, and TonicGreens offers an impressive range, from the likes of kale and spinach to antioxidant-rich berries like acai and goji. This comprehensive approach ensures you're getting a wide spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients all in one convenient scoop. It's a great way to plug any nutritional gaps in your diet and support your overall health.
Effortless Integration into My Routine
The ease of incorporating TonicGreens into my daily routine is a major plus. Each serving comes in a single-use sachet, perfect for busy mornings or afternoons on the go. The powder itself dissolves easily into water or your favourite smoothie, creating a refreshing and subtly sweet drink. There's no unpleasant aftertaste or gritty texture, which is a common problem with some green supplements I've tried in the past. This convenience makes TonicGreens a sustainable solution for anyone looking to effortlessly up their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
Feeling the Positive Effects
The positive effects of TonicGreens became noticeable quite quickly. Within a few weeks of consistent use, I experienced a significant boost in energy levels. The afternoon slump that used to plague me became a distant memory. I also noticed a positive impact on my digestion. Gone were the days of bloating and sluggishness; TonicGreens seemed to promote a smoother and more efficient digestive system. These improvements in energy and gut health made me feel lighter and more in tune with my body overall.
A Natural Path to Wellness
One of the things I appreciate most about TonicGreens is its commitment to natural ingredients. The supplement is free from artificial sweeteners, colours, and preservatives, which is a major selling point for me. I try my best to avoid unnecessary additives in my diet, and TonicGreens aligns perfectly with that philosophy. With its focus on whole-food sources of nutrition, TonicGreens provides a safe and natural way to support your well-being.
More Than Just Greens
The benefits of TonicGreens extend far beyond the essential vitamins and minerals typically found in fruits and vegetables. The formula also includes prebiotics and probiotics, which contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. This, in turn, plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system and overall health. Additionally, adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola are included, known for their stress-relieving properties. These additional ingredients make TonicGreens a well-rounded supplement that addresses various aspects of well-being, not just basic nutrition.
Investing in a Vibrant Future
While some might consider a daily supplement an added expense, I view TonicGreens as an investment in my long-term health. The convenience it offers in ensuring I get a broad spectrum of essential nutrients makes it well worth the cost. Plus, the improvements I've experienced in energy levels, digestion, and overall well-being are truly invaluable. If you're looking for a natural and convenient way to boost your health and fill any nutritional gaps in your diet, I highly recommend giving TonicGreens a try.
Disclaimer: As with any dietary supplement, it's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting TonicGreens, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.refresh Regenerate drafts volume_up
TonicGreens: Arefreshing Boost for My Busy Lifestyle
Juggling a busy life can make it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. Between work deadlines, family commitments, and social engagements, fitting in time for elaborate meals often falls by the wayside. This is where TonicGreens Supplements have become a lifesaver for me.
A Powerhouse of Fruits, Vegetables, and More
TonicGreens is a daily powdered supplement boasting a powerful blend of over 70 fruits, vegetables, and other superfoods. What initially drew me to the product was the sheer diversity of ingredients. We all know the importance of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, and TonicGreens delivers on that promise. From the essential greens like kale and spinach to antioxidant-rich berries like acai and goji, this supplement ensures you're getting a wide range of essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. This comprehensive approach to nutrition makes TonicGreens a convenient way to fill any gaps in your diet and support your overall health.
Effortless Integration into My Day
Incorporating TonicGreens into my routine couldn't be easier. Each serving comes in a single-use sachet, perfect for busy mornings or afternoons on the go. The powder itself dissolves easily into water or your favourite smoothie, creating a refreshing and slightly sweet drink. There's no unpleasant aftertaste or gritty texture, which is a common problem with some green supplements. This ease of use makes TonicGreens a sustainable solution for anyone looking to boost their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
Feeling the Benefits from Within
The effects of TonicGreens became noticeable quite quickly. Within a few weeks of consistent use, I experienced a significant increase in energy levels. The afternoon slump that used to plague me became a thing of the past. I also noticed a positive impact on my digestion. Gone were the days of bloating and sluggishness; TonicGreens seemed to promote a smoother digestive system. These improvements in energy and gut health made me feel lighter and more in tune with my body.
A Natural Path to Improved Wellbeing
One of the things I appreciate most about TonicGreens is its commitment to natural ingredients. The supplement is free from artificial sweeteners, colours, and preservatives, which is a major plus for me. I try my best to avoid unnecessary additives in my diet, and TonicGreens aligns perfectly with that philosophy. By emphasising whole-food sources of nutrition, TonicGreens provides a safe and natural way to support your well-being.
More Than Just Greens
The benefits of TonicGreens extend beyond just the essential vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. The formula also includes prebiotics and probiotics, which contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. This, in turn, plays a crucial role in supporting your immune system and overall health. Additionally, adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola are included, known for their stress-relieving properties. These additional ingredients make TonicGreens a well-rounded supplement that addresses various aspects of well-being, not just basic nutrition.
Investing in a Healthier You
While some might consider a daily supplement an added expense, I view TonicGreens as an investment in my long-term health. The convenience it offers in ensuring I get a broad spectrum of essential nutrients makes it well worth the cost. Plus, the improvements I've experienced in energy levels, digestion, and overall well-being are invaluable. If you're looking for a natural and convenient way to boost your health and fill any nutritional gaps in your diet, I highly recommend giving TonicGreens a try.
Disclaimer: As with any dietary supplement, it's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting TonicGreens, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.
0 notes
stevenlyle1990 · 3 months
What Is the Authoritative Use of Cardamom?
The lovely countries that make up Indo-China, Sri Lanka, and Guatemala ensure that cardamom is inevitable. Cardamom seedlings are rich in nutrients and energy, although they can be demanding and tiresome. Three of the seeds in the case select the exact flavor on any given occasion. Tan seeds represent just one of the various perspectives on the reasons behind the redesign within the enormous area. Vidalista 20 will soon enable you to manage ed. Even though they're incredible and capable of eating your bundle, they might be enthusiastic about you! They are frequently referred to as the "heads of Flavors," the India of the eleventh century when it comes to study!
tolerant, accommodating. It is a level of caution. Cardamom is ready to help! It's not in a particularly good spot because the entire store is passively connected to life. It has the idea of methanol inside of it. The main alcohol, which fits a very awful basis on the enormous situations, is ready to control stomach-related illnesses and conditions, regardless of the direction, including indigestion, acid reflux disease, farting, and abdominal pain.
Try cardamom out in the unlikely event that you just need a little more mending while it's on the stomach-cooperated device. A small amount of mobile work helps you get your soaking, and the fact that it's connected to your eating schedule makes it worthwhile. 
A Stand-In For Cardamom's Abdomen-Related Success?
Apart from taking a shower, the antiquated flavor might even contribute to arguments. It will become a strong carry when the size of preventing is reduced in addition to the showering repetition.
A Repair for Bronchial Asthma
Cardamom adds another layer of development to blossoming as you flow between one creation and the concurring. Drawing in bronchial asthma and associated symptoms, such as hacking, shortness of breath, and frequent wheezing, may also be beneficial. By practicing its often expected chemicals and calming qualities, the breathing apparatus can assist with the development's symptoms. As a result, cardamom can aid in soothing sore throats caused by misplaced tissues, promoting blood disbandment for the lungs, and making ordinary fluid layers more delightful.
The evaluations are proper now the technique for overseeing closing the precise wonderful benefit. However, clinically educated professionals, on the whole, will for the very best proportion of half float in the direction of inexperienced cardamom for the repair of different respiratory challenges that aren’t bronchial asthma-related which arranges bronchitis.
Help With Mollifying An Upset Throat
One other repair legitimizes the work to deal with your exacerbated throat. Cardamom’s benefits for good can asset within the restoration of sore throats generally by slashing down contamination. To get an extra robust repair becoming a member of cinnamon and cardamom and cinnamon will asset the cost by inspecting its antibacterial properties. Be part of the flavors in water and also you’ll get a horrible occasion for counterfeit sore throat remedy.
Hair Patches But Crown Nice
It doesn't just fit into your trick naturally—it also makes you feel amazed! Cardamom's benefits for antibacterial and cell support extend two or three levels beyond treating typical crown points and supporting the skin. It also enables the growth of your hair follicles' vitality. All you need to remember to do is mix cardamom with water and incorporate it with your ideal compound and conditioner. It will take the place of your hair's upside and shimmer. As things stand, you'll appear to be faltering, significant, and gorgeous!
Work From The Top Of Your Areas
These can also be places where I focus my energies. Cardamom is used to support the hair and crown, but we're also allowing it to have an impact on oral health. Obviously! The thriving offerings of its flavor will undoubtedly be the primary sources of energy for overflow, deterring terrible breath!
Cardamom's wonderful flavor and aroma come from the regular attar. However, the actual flavor may also strengthen your salivary gland remodelling by preventing tooth fractures. Additionally, it allows you to work while you relax. This bad breath cure may work well for most flavors, including anise, which is one of the many flavors that bad breath attacks.
0 notes
shadowydazeparadise · 4 months
Some Wonderful Features Offered The Particular Samsung Un55b8000 55 Inch 1080P Monitor
As Seen a tv personality name brand products have been around for years, and they're almost as much a part of America's heritage once the automobile! As these types of grew in popularity, and people became more comfortable shopping from home, new innovative and useful products were released almost every single week until there were hundreds of what to choose from.
As a dad or mom you can also add some limits to what amount television could be watched each day. Set a time limit for your youngster. This could be a certain number of hours or even certain associated with shows that she or he can have a look at. If you come check here up using a limit, you should stick with it. This not only includes watching exhibits but playing games on the television also. Adhere to the limit.
If this is true, Christakis' research validates the slowly move the Academy of yank Pediatrics gave in 1998. The Academy said children under two shouldn't watch any television, and children two and older should be restricted to one to couple of hours per day of the week.
The more professional of Plasma introduces us to the PM6700, home for the outgoing PZ570.The PM6700 can be a Full HD, 3D smart tv - offering built in Wi-Fi is actually a first for LG, as in the past seasons you possessed to obtain a Wi-Fi Dongle on almost the 9500 LED lady. Another new fantastic feature is Wi-Di (see below). The PM6700 also boasts THX3D display certification, 2D-3D conversion, Time Machine recording, a Magic Motion Remote with Voice as well as a cutting edge Triple-XD processing engine. One pair of 3d Glasses are also included in the box.
If you're working on a bad side of your company, or maybe your company competes with the wrong side of the market then it may just unquestionably be a matter of one's time before your number appears and you along searching for others are cut.
She was covergirl for Stuff magazine in April 2006. Individuals softlogic tv when she chose the moniker "Tila Tequila" as her official celebrity or stage name and this wounderful woman has been branding that name since. In August 2006, she was on duvet cover of Maxim UK, since number 100 on the 2008 Maxim Hot 100 list.
Start planning activities that overlap with regards to your television the moment. Do those things instead in your own evenings. A person are busier and have things to do, things like television aren't quite as vital as the other things are that often times are more fulfilling.
By knowing where the best places are for a television and tips on how to appropriately and properly integrate it in the areas where involved with challenging, a tv can definitely welcome add on.
0 notes
sportyconnect · 11 months
In the realm of sports, details make all the difference, and golf is no exception. There's an unexpected player making rounds on the greens, and it's not a new club or cutting-edge golf ball technology. Meet the Gold FX clippers, the golden secret that's driving golf enthusiasts and professionals alike to enhance their game. It's common knowledge that many golfers have unique rituals or carry-around talismans they believe contribute to their performance. Some may consider the Gold FX Clippers as just another addition to that collection. However, it goes beyond that, representing a potent blend of functionality, style, and novelty that can complement any golfer's repertoire. The Winning Edge in Golf Gold FX Clippers stand as a symbol of perfection and precision, two traits every golfer aims to master. As you perfect your swing on the woodlands golf course or any other majestic green, these clippers are a gentle reminder to hone your game's artistry and precision. The path to golf mastery starts at the basics. A beginner might feel overwhelmed at first, considering the sport's intricacies, but resources like golf for beginners help in creating a solid foundation. Add a touch of Gold FX, and you've got a winning combination that drives the passion for the game. "Just as a Gold FX clipper epitomizes precision, every golfer aspires to execute each swing with surgical accuracy. It's a reminder of what we're aiming for - the perfect blend of power, control, and strategy." The Gold FX Clippers - A Symbol of Elegance The elegance of golf isn't limited to the greens; it's also mirrored in the gear we carry. Gold FX Clippers embody this elegance, and owning one is like having an exclusive sim 2 max driver in your bag, a statement of style and personal branding. Golf fashion has evolved considerably, with players' golf tee shirts becoming a canvas for personal expression. Gold FX Clippers complements this trend, lending a luxurious touch to a golfer's ensemble. Beyond the Greens Gold FX Clippers aren't limited to the golf course. Whether you're watching the American Century Championship or practicing your golf fade, this accessory is a statement, a conversation starter, and a symbol of a golfer's commitment to the game. After a round of golf, these clippers can also play a different role. They can help you tidy up your look, preparing you to attend social events or tournaments, where networking plays a vital role. Just like any sport, golf is not only about what happens on the course but also what happens off the course. Your journey in golf might begin with learning how to golf, but it extends far beyond just hitting the ball. It's a lifestyle, a statement, and Gold FX Clippers fit perfectly into this narrative. A Closer Look at Gold FX Clippers Despite their compact size, Gold FX Clippers embody the blend of luxury and functionality. Designed with the modern golfer in mind, they integrate seamlessly into the golfing lifestyle. Here's what makes them stand out: Gold FX Clippers are Versatile: The first thing to note about these clippers is their versatility. They're not just handy on the links golf courses, but also prove useful off the green. From managing your beard to getting that clean, crisp look for the clubhouse, they cover it all. Compact and Portable: Unlike a cobra ltdx or a bulky golf bag, Gold FX Clippers are lightweight and portable. They fit snugly into your golf bag, making it a convenient companion during your golf rounds. Stylish Statement Piece: Gold FX Clippers aren't just about utility. They serve as a stylish statement piece that reflects the golfer's pursuit of excellence. As you're checking the golf lpga scores or browsing through the golf us masters, the glint of Gold FX in your kit reflects your passion for the game and a commitment to a golfing lifestyle. "Golf isn't just a game; it's a way of life. The equipment you choose reflects your commitment to that lifestyle.
And there's no better reflection of this commitment than a pair of Gold FX Clippers." Gold FX Clippers: The Perfect Companion on the Course Whether you've just scored an eagle in golf or are enjoying a peaceful day at the golf ybrig, Gold FX Clippers can be your perfect companion. As you line up to drive your golf mk1 lx down the fairway, you'll feel the assurance of having a versatile tool at your disposal. From a practical standpoint, Gold FX Clippers ensure that you're always looking your best on the course. After all, confidence isn't just about how you play; it's also about how you feel. And nothing boosts confidence like knowing you're well-groomed and ready to face any challenge the game throws your way. The Impact of Gold FX Clippers on Your Game In golf, a sport where concentration and precision are king, even the smallest details can have a tremendous impact on your game. The Gold FX Clippers, in their own subtle way, contribute to enhancing this experience. Let's consider how: Confidence Booster: As previously discussed, when you know you're looking your best, your confidence naturally elevates. This can translate to a more composed demeanor during your golf swings, resulting in improved accuracy and control. Golf Etiquette: Having a well-groomed appearance, facilitated by the Gold FX Clippers, is also a nod to the unspoken etiquette of golf. Being presentable is a sign of respect for the game and your fellow players. When you show up at the American Century Championship looking sharp and ready, you're adhering to the traditions that have defined golf for centuries. The Comfort Factor: With their lightweight and compact design, the Gold FX Clippers are designed to provide you comfort, not burden you with additional weight in your golf bag. This plays into maintaining a relaxed state of mind, which is essential for performing your best on the course. Final Thoughts: Why Gold FX Clippers? So, why Gold FX Clippers? Simply put, they are an embodiment of golfing culture, blending form and function in a manner few other accessories can. They are a symbol of the golfer's lifestyle, of their commitment to the game, and of their dedication to presenting their best self on and off the course. Next time you're on the tee, ready to drive down the fairway in your favorite golf tee shirt, remember the role the Gold FX Clippers play in your journey. Remember the shine of the clippers as a reflection of your passion for the game. Remember how, with every swing, every victory, every defeat, they are right there with you, ready to continue the journey. In golf, as in life, the journey is often more important than the destination. And what better companion for this journey than the Gold FX Clippers, the emblem of the modern golfer's life? #SportyConnect
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xtruss · 1 year
When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamin D — Morning or Night? Why Bother to Take a Supplement If Your Body Isn't Primed to Absorb It?
— By Stephanie Dolgoff | May 19, 2023 | Medically Reviewed By Stefani Sassos, M.S., R.D.N., C.S.O., C.D.N., NASM-CPT, Nutrition Lab Director
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Tanja Ivanova//Getty Images
We get it — if you’re going to the trouble of swallowing your daily supplements, you want to know the best time of day to take it. There’s no point in spending money on extra vitamins and minerals if they're not going to get absorbed that well, or you’re just going to pee it out.
Which is why people are curious about the best time to take probiotics and vitamins — in particular vitamin D, a nutrient that most people in the United States do not consume enough of, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Weirdly, that doesn’t mean many Americans are truly deficient in it — when participants in the ongoing National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) had their blood levels tested, just 5% were at risk of deficiency. That may be because many of them got added vitamin D from sun exposure — aside from consuming it through supplements or food, your body makes its own vitamin D when it’s exposed to the sun.
But you can’t get all you need through sun exposure alone (especially because we all need to be protecting ourselves from the sun's damaging rays) and you may not be getting what you need through the food you eat. That’s why it’s “very reasonable,” to take a supplement to be sure, says JoAnn Manson, M.D., MPH, DrPH, a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Dr. Manson is one of the directors of the ginormous and ongoing VITAL study, which is looking at whether taking vitamin D3 or omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce the risk of various major conditions. The study found that most people do not need to take a vitamin D supplement to avoid being deficient, but that it’s safe to take 1000-2000 IU a day as a type of insurance. “Most multivitamins have vitamin D, so that is one way to do it,” she says.
Vitamin D Benefits
Vitamin D helps you absorb calcium, which of course helps to build and maintain strong bones. In fact, the two — calcium and vitamin D — together can help protect you from osteoporosis, a disease that weakens your skeleton and makes bones more likely to break if you should fall, adds Carol Haggans, MS, RD, a spokesperson for the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. Your muscles also need it to do their thing, as do your nerves, which carry messages between your brain and your body. Oh, and without vitamin D, your immune system would be less adept at fighting off bacteria and viruses.
How Much Vitamin D do I Need to Consume Each Day?
Most of us — healthy adults between 19 and 70 — should try to consume 600-800 IUs, says Haggans (the recommended amounts are different for healthy people who are older or younger.)
But some folks need more than the suggested amount for their age group. Breastfeeding moms should take note: “It’s recommended to give breastfed infants a supplement, because breastmilk doesn’t provide infants with enough vitamin D,” says Haggans.
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Tanja Ivanova//Getty Images
Others who may need more vitamin D that the recommended amounts:
People with conditions that limit fat bsorption, such as Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease or Ulcerative Colitis;
Older adults, whose bodies become less good at making vitamin D from sun exposure as they age;
Folks with dark skin (your body may make less vitamin D from the sun);
People carrying a lot of bodyweight or who have had gastric bypass surgery;
Those who wear a head covering, are meticulous about never exposing their skin, or simply don’t go out in the sun a lot.
People on a vegan diet. “If you don’t have any milk or fish, you’re cutting out two big sources of vitamin D,” says Haggans. “Look for fortified orange juice and breakfast cereals and check nutrition labels.”
It's also important to make sure you don't overdo it. “More is not better, and megadosing should be avoided,” says Dr. Manson. The upper limit per day for everyone over 9 years old is 4000 IUs, unless you’ve been screened by your doctor and have issues specific to you that they feel require a higher dose. Extremely high levels can cause symptoms like vomiting, muscle weakness, confusion and pain, among others, according to the NIH; extremely high levels can lead to kidney failure, irregular heartbeat and even death.
When to Take Vitamin D
It just plain doesn’t matter, as long as you take it with food, says Dr. Manson. Her advice: Take it when you’ll remember to take it — morning, noon or night — and take it with a meal, she says. “It is important that it be taken with food, because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin,” meaning it does not dissolve in water and is absorbed with fat, so it is better if there’s a little healthy fat to mix it up with, says Dr. Manson. “Often it will come in a soft gel with a little oil in it to help it absorb, but it’s still best to take it with food.”
The Best Vitamin D Supplements
Both vitamin D2 and D3 are good, but “D3 has better bioavailablilty,” says Dr. Manson, meaning that it’s more easily used by your body.
But that doesn’t mean any old brand will do. Dietary supplements are not approved by the FDA prior to going to market, so we recommend that you do a bit of research or ask your doctor for a good brand. You’ll want to look for options that have been third-party tested for purity, potency and safety and can confirm that what is on the label is actually what is in the bottle — look for NSF or USP logos on the label.
Below, you'll find some picks that have been recommended by the experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute.
GHI-Recommended Picks
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