#may delete this later. I’m sorry if I’ve come off as rude that was not my intention. a lot of tone is lost through text
yoolee · 3 years
Actual, real world advice from Lee: Useful corporate phrases
I have no idea if anyone still checks this blog, and if they do, this has nothing to do with what usually gets posted, but I’ve done two of these, so here’s a third!
“Thanks, you’ve given me something to think about.”
Use it: When you get feedback you don’t agree with - especially if you have an immediate emotional reaction to it.
Why: Because it acknowledges but doesn’t agree. Basically buys you time to react privately without damaging the relationship. Immediately (and emotionally) jumping into telling someone why they’re wrong is only going to strain the relationship. When you’re getting feedback, you want the other person to feel heard (science says even having the opportunity to air negative feelings makes people feel more positively about the thing). That doesn’t mean you have to AGREE. This statement lets you acknowledge, while buying you time to process. This also gives you an out on things like opinions people have on presentations or projects: if they bring it up later you can say you thought about it, but decided to keep what you had because A/B/C and by then you’ll have had time to craft an ironclad response. 
“I can’t, I have a prior commitment.”
Use it: When you’re being asked to work hours that your coworkers aren’t, or that you are not part of your regular schedule, or, you know, when you have a prior commitment and don’t want to give details.
Why: Your time is your time and you don’t owe an explanation! Yes, it’s important to be a team player, and it’s important to be flexible and get the work done when it needs to get done, bit if you’re in a situation where, say, a parent isn’t asked to come in the weekend because your boss knows they have kids, and you are because they know you don’t, draw the line. There’s often a temptation to justify unavailability (lie and say doctor’s appointment, family event, traveling) but you do not owe justification for your time being your own, and not wanting to take the burden of additional responsibility without additional compensation in return. Being in the habit of not providing justification will come in handy if you ever don’t want to disclose something later (eg, private appointment, interview at another workspace) - it won’t seem suspicious that you’re suddenly being vague. 
“The goal/outcome for this meeting is...”
Use it: When you’re running a meeting.
Why: You would be amazed how different everyone’s perceptions of their role in a meeting are, and setting expectations so obviously may feel silly but wow it helps. Let’s say I schedule a 1:1 with my boss. I just call it, Lee/Boss 1:1. I walk in and start venting about how Coworker is always late in responding to my emails. What does my boss do? In this case, my boss doesn’t know if I want them to fix my problem, if I want them to just let me air my grievances, or if I want them to give me advice, etc. If they do something other than what I want, we’ll both be frustrated. If I instead I preface it by saying, “I’m going to handle this on my own, but I just need to say it and be heard.” or “I need some advice.” then we both go into the convo knowing our roles. This works on big meetings too, “I’m going to make the final decision but I schedule this meeting to hear your input…” “At the end of the meeting I want to walk away with a budget we’ve all approved…” 
“What is the most important thing for us to accomplish [during this meeting]?”
Use it: When you don’t know the expectations for a meeting, you don’t think you need to be in the meeting, the meeting has a lot of people on it, or you’re getting frustrated because you don’t know why there’s a meeting in the first place.
Why: So that you and the person leading the meeting don’t focus on different things! See the above entry :)  
“Hypothetically, what would the ideal outcome look like?”
Use it: When someone is stuck on a problem (including yourself).
Why: We tend to artificially impose limits on our problem-solving, which stops us from being creative, going into an open-ended hypothetical offers a new vantage point.
A lot of times when we’re stuck, we try so hard to make do with what we’ve got that we fail to consider how much more is actually available to us. Start with the ideal and figure out which components of it are accessible. Then work backwards with what/how/who questions. What/how/who are open-ended. They make you think! Consider: “Can you rent space by this weekend?” this is a closed decision, it limits you to yes/no, and puts limiters on the delivery (what comes to mind are event halls, restaurants, etc) Compare to: “What kind of space do you need?” which could prompt something like, oh, just space for 10 people - what about a park? Open-ended questions are your friend when trying to help someone solve a problem (even if that ‘someone’ is yourself!) 
(not a phrase)  Save ‘I’ for remediation, passive voice for problems
Use it: When you have to communicate a problem that is not your fault.
Why: Because you shouldn’t take responsibility for something that isn’t your responsibility - but throwing someone else under the bus is NEVER a good look. Putting the ‘I’ on action shows you’re working on it. Consider, “I don’t have bandwidth to take on this project right now” vs “This project will require more analysis than that timeframe allows, but I can start on it [later ETA].” The latter is stronger - the fault is on the project, not your time management (or your leadership’s inability to see that your plate is full). Also, “I haven’t finished because Bob hasn’t sent me the graphics.” vs, “The project’s just waiting on graphics. I should be able to wrap up by Tuesday if they arrive Monday. I’ve reached out to Bob, his ETA is [ETA]”. Same thing - it’s communicated that the project isn’t finished, but the fault is left sort of nebulous. You’re not artificially taking it one, and you’re not tossing Bob under the bus. Takes some practice, but definitely makes life easier. Caveat (there’s always one): If you screw up, take ownership and do it fast. It is always, ALWAYS better to control the narrative of failure than for your leadership to find out you failed from someone else.
(not a phrase) KEEP TALKING
Use it: When you’re interrupted by someone being obnoxious.
Why: Because you’re not done, and they’re being rude, and this communicates that without calling them out. Legit, just finish your sentence like you don’t hear them talking. Don’t miss a beat. Not to make this about gender, but this is something I, as a female on mostly all-male teams, have found to be EXTREMELY effective, to the point of other people reaching out to me after like wow that interrupting person was kinda bein’ an asshole, sorry, and me being like no biggie thanks for noticing and taking my back. Has that secondary reach out ever happened when I just meekly cut myself off for them? No. Caveat - maybe don’t do this if the person interrupting is like, a VP/CEO they won’t take it well. Also, second caveat, have some grace for your coworkers if it’s not something they do often and you work with them frequently - we all get overexcited and interrupt unintentionally. This is specifically for use in scenarios where a) you are not being heard  and you need to be b) you are the authority (either by knowledge, seniority, or scheduling) c) to make someone who interrupts habitually aware they’re doing it to you.
Edit: The fantastic and wise @han-pan​ offered as well, “Can I finish?” quoth she: “I find it helpful because it identifies that person has interrupted, it is stark and direct enough to startle someone out of talking louder and louder until you finish, and it’s really hard to be mad at someone for asking your permission when you’ve fucked up.” AND I AGREE. This is a good one to use in those ‘have some grace’ moments, as it’s less likely to damage the relationship.
“Sorry, but I don’t have the decision-making or budget authority.”
Use it: When someone on LinkedIn wants you to try their service...
Why: Because they’ll leave you alone, usually.
“What’s the most important issue for you to solve/question for you to answer?”
Use it: When you’re disagreeing on approach with someone.
Why: Again, expectation aligning!
Sometimes people just dig their heels in on something. There’s usually a reason. Let’s say Coworker A and Coworker B are both working a presentation for Director C. Coworker A is frustrated because they’ve been given strict instructions to keep it to 15 minutes, but Coworker B keeps adding slides, even after A deletes them. By asking B what the most important question for them to answer is, A can use that as a guidepost to focus the presentation. (Likewise, if B asks, what’s the issue, they’ll understand A is really concerned about going over time)
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Can we get some content for how the Android darling and Ms. Bright would meet?
In this [🍰🍑🤖] we get a glimpse of what their relationship is like and a lil mention of how things have worked out- But let's see how it played out from the a.is perspective.
Hi boo, I hope you're doing great, I'm very sorry for the long ass waiting- Sadly I may warn y'all that I have gone through many stages while writing this: h 0 r ny, corny, and angsty. This is actually pretty heavy, as I tried pulling some of the loose threads that I left all over Ingrid's posts (I still need to give her an bio ;-; I'm sorry y'all-)
So this is all over the place, since this is a fic I've been writing for a long time.
Also I know jackshit about robotics, and I think this fic shows how much I don't know anything XD
TW: Family issues related to: LGBTQ identity // very angsty // Ingrid is very rude, but she also struggles a lot during this- // socially distant // socially awkward // being misinterpreted/having a hard time socializing //
Tags: angy sad lady // ownership dynamic // this is basically the reader reminiscing about the past (continuing it from where Happy Lies left off) // the reader is low-key a simp at times- // master x servant dynamic, possessive behavior and a lot of yelling // just angsty really, I'm so sorry //
Happy birthday, mistress [Yandere!CEO OC x A.I!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
3,763 words
Whenever you remember your first day of activation, or more accurately your first day of actually being able to be activated for more than five seconds (you can't remember it fully, but you're aware that because of your complex design, you had passed through a lot of prototype phases before you could properly function-), you almost feel an odd sense of nostalgia, maybe due to the fact it was indeed the most important day of your existence as an android.
It was Ms.Bright's nineteenth birthday, when she would be handed the corporation that has been passed down by generations. And not only would she inherit the company, but also a beautifully designed a.i assistant made to help Ms.Bright's every need. You were made to be an easy communication center from Ms.Bright to the employees, as Ms.Bright's had a hard time communicating with people and expressing herself.
At first, she didn't seem to enjoy the idea very much- It was clear that she considered you to be quite annoying and useless. And- Well- It did hurt at first, after all, you were built to help her and be her friend no matter what.
So hearing her be mean towards you was… Very tough at first. Your first day as her assistant wasn't easy, you ended up getting in her way most of the time- And since she also didn't know exactly what she was doing, she got overwhelmed by so many things going down in one single day.
Ingrid has always dreamed of being in power of the company- Actually, now that you know her a little more- You can positively say she was probably just stressed at having to deal with so many responsibilities so suddenly, even if it has been her lifelong wish to inherit the company.
And even if it seems impossible at times, she would still come back strong and find a way to deal with it. That's something you really admire about her.
Your first week on the job was basically just trying to get accustomed and trying to learn everything you needed to do- While also trying to understand Ms.Bright as best as you could. Now… You weren't built to say this- And- And of course you don't think like this anymore, but…. You used to think she was really mean.
Frightening, even.
Now that you're all alone waiting for her to get back from work, you can't help but feel like replaying those moments inside your head.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000050: "My second day at work"...}"
" Oh, what are you doing here?"
" Morning Ms.Bright! I-I was rechecking the files from yesterday and I was trying my best to reorganize them, a-after the incident-"
" The "incident" that you caused yesterday?"
" Well, yes, of course! I wanted to fix things up before you came back, I'm really sorry for being so reckless, I promise I won't do it again, I was just-"
"It 's fine. You don't need to worry about it."
" But… But I thought-"
" The files you had messed with weren't really all that important, and besides I'm sure there are copies all around the place. Sigh, who am I kidding- In reality, I should be the one apologizing for my behavior yesterday."
" I recognize that I shouldn't have treated you the way that I did, in a sense it's my fault you lost those files in the first place."
" … Well, it's nothing really mistress, I'm the one who should-"
" No, don't even finish it. You shouldn't have to apologize and shouldn't have spent the night wasting your battery on this-"
".... You know what, do whatever- I sometimes forget that you are… Nevermind, come back to my office as soon as you can."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.000.050… }"
You never knew what she was going to say, but you remember not being able to ask her that- As you were afraid of her potentially getting mad at you for asking too many questions. She always seemed so ruthless at times.
You remember the time you went to a family event with her, a family party, where an incident happened and she was absolutely livid. Your relationship with her wasn't so pretty at the time, you don't know why but- Your mistress didn't seem to trust you as much as you wish she did at the time.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000.001.588: "First party ever- And it was very unpleasant" ...}"
" What's the matter with you?! Why can't you follow simple instructions- I told you to stay here and not mess around."
" I'm. So. Sorry. Mistress-"
" Even your vocal module is broken- Who told you to enter that pool in the first place?? You can't tell me you did something so stupid all on your own."
" I. Slipped.-"
" Am I a joke to you? I've said tell me who gave you the order to jump in the goddamn pool while everyone else was inside- Don't you dare start lying to me."
" … One of the. Party guests. Lost something. Inside the water. I tried helping them. But I started to. Malfunction."
" … Sigh, okay. Continue."
" It wasn't. Their fault. I did it. On my own. I was just- Trying. To help."
" By throwing yourself inside a pool when you're well aware of the damage the water can cause to your inner systems?!"
" I'm sorry!"
" You could have- No, you SHOULD have called someone else to help you, I can't believe it- You could have drowned in there and I wouldn't even be aware of that since I was inside the house, [Y/n]!"
" …. But Ms.Bright. I can't drown-"
" Yeah, yeah- I know you-... I know you can't drown."
" … Listen, you could have still gotten yourself hurt okay? You could have permanently damaged your systems, and if I wasn't made aware of what happened, I wouldn't have been able to take you out of the water in time, okay?"
"... Sigh, I just realized how much I have been yelling, everyone is probably scared now that I've made such a scandal. This… Isn't really a new thing to me, I'm accustomed to ruining parties like this. I'll have to apologise later to everyone. [Y/n], please just- When I ask you to stay still, please listen to me. I was worried about you."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.001.588 ...}"
You can't deny it- Whenever she was truly irritated she could make any person next to her feel threatened, though the more you look at your recordings, you feel like she doesn't really want to be feared like this. Respected? Absolutely. Feared? Not ideal, but she takes it anyway.
You have a couple of different recordings here and there, your memories are separated into sections. You have recordings of events in several formats: pictures, videos, texts and audio recordings. Though the one you use the most is audio recordings, since videos take a very big space inside your mind, and pictures need context, otherwise they wouldn't be considered memories, right?
You can't have many memories at a time because most of your mind is supposed to be used to store the company's files, so you do have a couple of memories that you have deleted to make space for the Bright Vision's more secret/personal documents. Since Ingrid took you home yesterday, and said you won't be going to work for the company anymore, then maybe you can find somewhere else to store those files so you can make space for new memories with Ms.Bright.
First, you'll need to recheck some of your own memories to see if they're worth holding onto. There is probably a lot of junk in there that you won't be needing anymore, which can be a bit tedious and take some time, but you clearly have enough time on your hands to do so, considering how she is not home and- Well, you're pretty bored, you already done everything that she asked you to do.
Honestly, she gave such small tasks today, she probably didn't plan to change your work environment so suddenly.
After about an hour of research through your data you have realized that even if you have way too many files, it's kinda hard to delete them. At first you didn't mind the idea of deleting certain stuff, but now it feels a bit sad to erase parts of your memory, you just had so many good times and- And even the bad times are worth remembering, right?
It has been an hour of you just standing there, trying your best to not delete anything important while also revising each recording you have. Most files are a bit out of order, numerically speaking, but you don't mind that too much cause- Well, you can always reorganize them later.
… You never actually do that, but you like to think that one day you will, though.
After so many recordings of conversations, you found one who didn't seem to really belong in your head. You see, you always title every single thing inside your personal archives so that it doesn't get mixed with other files- All of your memories have a specific title so that you can have an idea of which is which.
The thing is- You don't remember this file, the title seems off, and it seems like it's incomplete. Oddly broken. Still, you decided to take a listen and try to remember what happened in this event.
"{... Replaying recorded conversation n°000.068.xxx: "I yell too much" ...}"
This is a very silent audio, there seems to be some background noise happening, but you can't make out what's happening. This audio sounds distorted, edited maybe. Someone tried messing with your memories but they weren't able to completely erase this file.
Maybe they were inexperienced at the time.
You think you heard something, it sounded closer to you- It sounded like someone possibly sitting down next to you. You don't know who it is, or what it is
".... I'm such a mess. Why am I doing this? Why does this feels so-"
It seems like someone is speaking, but you're not speaking back. Even in this heavily edited audio, you can still make out what sounds to be a feminine voice.
".... I'm sorry for, well, using you this way. It feels- So, so weird."
".... I just want… No, I need to vent to you for a while, even if you won't remember what I'm going to say."
This audio gives you an odd sensation. You think you're starting to recognize who this is- But then again, who else could it be, if not Ms.Bright herself?
" I never did this before, with something so- Human like- With something so human looking. I used to record my thoughts on my phone but I thought I would never need to vent with an object before- But here I am! Making a fool of myself…"
The speaker, who you assume to be Ingrid, seems to be having a lot of trouble speaking, her voice is cracking and her breathing seems uneven. She sounds out of breath, and she takes a lot of pauses to be able to speak her mind.
".... I have…. Thought about opening myself in this way because- Because I have no one else to listen to it, and I guess I can only blame myself for it. I know I'm difficult, I know I'm rude and I know I come across as a tyrant to everyone else- I- I really don't know what 's wrong with me, okay?!"
" Years, and years, and years of training, of studying, of planning to become the very next owner of this corporation as it's already not only a job but also a very painful family tradition that I felt proud of! That I gave everything that I could to be part of! I remember wanting this so bad, I remember how I used to daydream about this stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid tradition when I was a little kid who just wanted to do more, to be more!"
".… I almost lost all of this. 19 years of my life that were threatened to be thrown in the trash just because I- Because I'm not his son??! Because I- I'm not his only "son" anymore??.... Who said I ever was- Who said I ever was his son…?"
".... I- I know all about the stupid, awful and extremely unnecessary tradition of passing the leadership from father to son, and to this very day- inside the same office all of my predecessors had went through- I still think that tradition is garbage. I always thought I wouldn't make it here, I always thought something would stop me from being the next face of Bright Vision."
".... I can't tell- If I always knew about this- I can't even imagine how I knew this considering the dumb kid that I was, but…"
".... I'm his daughter. I'm Mr.Bright's only daughter, and the only possible heir to this twisted company."
" The people outside think our only focus it's on robotics and technology of all kinds. I wish I could go back to thinking that too, it would have been so much simpler that way."
" After a very long fight about my rights as the heir to this- Company. My father thought it would be wise to move to the countryside. Far away from all of this. And to be fair, I was- So, so mad at him that I thought that him moving away from here and letting me be would be better, but every now and then I- I miss him. I miss him so much…."
"He sent me a birthday present today. After three years of absolute silence he sends me flowers and- And a gift card containing his number… And I- Called him despite everything, and even so to this day he can't even say my name- IT'S BEEN THREE YEARS AFTER HE LEFT ME ALL ALONE WITH THIS CURSED BUSINESS AND HE STILL CAN'T FUCKING. SAY. MY. NAME."
You felt scared at the sudden yelling, even if her voice was progressively getting more aggressive and louder, you still got caught up by the sudden yelling.
".... I'm- A mess- I know that now."
You can't understand what's going on, but it sounds like she started laughing… Or maybe crying? Probably both.
".... I'm just terrible at this. I always was, weren't I? I'm just terrible at these types of interactions- Maybe all of them! I just don't understand how to- How to do it?? I don't know anymore…."
".... That's why I have you, in the first place, isn't it?"
" I had such an awful time expressing myself that they gave me an overpriced doll to do it for me. When I first heard about this three years ago, I- I've felt so fucking pitiful."
" Can you imagine it? The CEO of such a big corporation is so difficult to deal with that she needs an overly glorified doll that can translate her words to the other employees! An a.i created just to help me, an absolute idiot!"
".... I've felt so angry at them- I felt so angry at him for having to build a robot just to be a comfort pet to the stressful work that I would have to do for the rest of my position as owner of Bright Vision Corp, and I was mad at you! You pissed me off to no end, and I- I just couldn't help but be frustrated at you, not for being in my way, but for being an reminder that I'm awful at this-"
Her sobs stopped her from continuing that sentence.
".... I've treated you so unfairly because of this. I- I made sure that whenever you looked at me you would feel terrified of me because that's the only way I thought I could be respected, that's the only way I thought you would listen to me, and yet you never did…. You weren't built to follow my every order perfectly, you were made to be literally my only friend, after 22 years, here you are- The only person that can get me isn't even an actual person-"
"..... And I forget this…! I forget this every time I look at your eyes, I forget how robotic you are whenever I see you helping others not because you were told to, but just because you thought you could."
".... I always forget that you're supposed to be just another robot… He really did think about everything when designing you."
".... I always catch myself being awful towards you, being- Being excessively rude, not because of my way of talking but because of my own petty feelings towards you as my assistant… As my friend, as my android, as my-"
"..... I'm so sorry for being like this, you don't deserve to have someone who is constantly being mean towards you be considered your boss- Your boss, your friend- ...Sigh, even your owner…"
" I'm sorry [Y/n], I'm really, really sorry- But it doesn't matter how many times I say that- I don't know if I can ever make it up to you. Words won't heal any wounds, they never did."
".... But maybe actions will."
" I'll stop being so harsh on you, you really don't deserve this- I was feeling weird about using your recording system to vent like this, but now that I think about it I have been using you as a venting mechanism since the day we met……. I'm- I'm so goddamn awful."
" "How can someone so in love be so cruel?".... Would you be able to answer me if you were conscious?.... I don't think you would, no one has been able to tell me the right answer yet."
".... I hope I can be better- I will be better."
" I just need to remember how to delete this file before you wake up- I hope I can do that. End recording."
"{... End of recorded conversation n°000.068.xxx …}
It took you about an hour or so to be able to process what you have just listened to. And even then, you weren't able to fully comprehend what happened.
Ms.Bright- No, Ingrid- Ingrid has used your recording system while you were out, she probably tried deleting the file but because she was inexperienced with your kind of technology, she decided to just edit it and try to make it unlistenable.
It was- Barely audible but you still got to understand some of it.
Did she- Did she forget to completely erase it? Did she forget entirely??? You're not sure.
You don't know why but a sudden wave of- Something- Something feels so odd about this-
You don't know how to respond really. You don't feel mad about her ranting to you, you don't even feel bad about her ranting to you while you weren't aware- You feel bad, but not because of her but because of the emotional turmoil she has been hiding from you.
Should you do something? Should you say something?? How do you even- You don't know how respond to this-
You're programmed to comfort her, yet- This file is already old, and she didn't want you to remember this so maybe it won't be the best idea to bring it up, but what can you do??!
Maybe you just need to rethink this through, maybe you should listen to audio again, and try to figure out what's the best way to help her out when she comes back.
You're honestly baffled at the idea that someone like her had so much to confess to- You probably shouldn't have seen her as an unstoppable goddess in the first place, but then again- Even after hearing her open herself, even after listening to her insecurities- Your opinion of her hasn't changed.
She was holding this for so long, no wonder she always seems on edge.
She 's only human. Yet you never really saw her as just that.
She was always so much larger than you, so much stronger than what your fabricated body was, and she always sounded so much smarter and- And she was just always so… Terrifyingly beautiful to you.
Ingrid Bright was always considered a very good looking individual, but no one ever considered her to be much else because of her way of speaking to others (which may sound rude and occasionally condescending, causing others to avoid her as much as they could), but you always thought she was so much more than that-
It's hard to even explain it really, ever since you met you have started to understand the concept of how beauty and fear can mix together, you find her to be so beautiful, yet her demeanor and stature makes you feel afraid of her for some reason- And even worse than that, the fear she may unconsciously bring you makes her seem more beautiful in your eyes.
You shouldn't think of her as scary or frightening, she is your boss, your master and your owner, there is no reason for why you should feel this way towards her- But then again, there is no reason for you to even feel in the first place, you were just built to do so.
You don't think she means harm to anyone, after getting to know her you realize why her behavior can be misinterpreted as mean and scary- Ms.Bright always had a hard time socializing with others, even her family had a hard time understanding her, so maybe that's why she grew to have such a tough exterior.
As someone that was built to make the communication between CEO and employees easier, you've had to learn to understand her to be able to help others understand her as well, and vice versa. It wasn't easy, and you wouldn't say that you know her completely well- But you feel proud of the work you have done so far, you're her loyal companion but more importantly a friend.
Funny how much you learned not only about her, the employees, or even the business of the company- But also about humans in general in these five years of working for her, it makes you feel more whole when you remember how much you have achieved.
You hope you can somehow help her right now, and to help her from here on out. You decide to wait for her and possibly talk about how she feels and how she deals with said feelings. Hopefully all ends well.
Sorry for the loose ending! I was feeling very tired ;-; but if anyone wants it I could totally make a second chapter with a better ending.
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basicjetsetter · 3 years
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Part II
♡ Pairing: Peter Parker x Black!FemaleReader
▹ Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death, Depression, Triggering Content, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt
▹ Words: 3k
▹ A/N: ATTENTION! This is an emotionally heavy part. Please DO NOT READ if you know you will be affected. For those struggling with depression, I see you, I care for you, and I love you. You’re not alone and you are undeniably worthy of love.
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-Five Years and Twenty Nine Days Later-
You don’t want to get up.
Your phone’s alarm clock is rounding on its tenth circuit, if your counting is correct… and there’s a good chance you blanked out for fifteen minutes while watching a strip of sunlight lethargically inch down your blanket to the foot of the bed, so your number may be off by six or seven.
It’s not that you’re tired or anything, or maybe you are and that’s beside the point. It’s just that your bed is far too comfortable for your own good and you know today is Saturday, the busiest day at Hal’s Diner, and it just so happens you’re scheduled for an 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. brunch rush. If you had a choice, you’d stay in bed.
But you don’t. And you’re running twenty minutes late… for the fourth time in two weeks.
I’ve got you.
Shut the fuck up.
You wearily snarl, snatching your pillow out from under your head and slamming it against your face, uselessly stuffing it over your ears as if that would somehow miraculously block out the words. 
Usually, the voice stayed quiet. After three years of the repeated promise drifting around your brain like a lost ship at sea, you had finally figured out how to anchor it to the deepest, darkest, most unchartered recess of your mind. Every now and then, though, they’d find a way to rattle the chains, just to remind you of their eternal presence, but it never lasted long. You didn’t acknowledge them anymore. They no longer fooled you.
But, twenty-nine days ago, something reinvigorated the voice, giving them a renewed sense of purpose and a reason to break free.
Twenty-nine days ago, on the exact anniversary of their disappearance, everyone came back. 
Out of the blue, in the middle of the day, all of the people Earth mourned for five years reappeared to a very, very stunned world. Celebration rocked the streets of New York and all over the globe. Lovers lost returned. Mothers. Fathers. Sisters. Brothers. Babies. Friends. They all came back. And the voice in your head broke free of its chains, rampantly bouncing around your mind as if they were on pure steroids, ready to charge forward and find the one your Destined Words belonged to. 
Everything reverted back to normal.
Except, besides your newly released Destined Words, nothing changed for you.
You weren’t there when… when your best friend rematerialized in your previous apartment. You moved to a smaller, modestly priced place six blocks away. It was great for what little money you had, and your landlords, a lovely couple that always leaves you a present outside your door for Christmas and birthdays, were generous enough to accommodate for your lack of funds.
You just couldn’t keep your parents’ apartment. Not when you knew they weren’t coming back. 
No one ever speaks about the casualties of the ones lost that day, the ones who perished from the effects of the blip. For a long time, you just couldn’t cope with the fact that a swerving hit from a rogue truck whose driver turned to dust was all it took to take your parents away. But you had to move on.
Ever since that day five years ago, you’ve been on your own.
You’re sure your friend tried looking for you by now, continually calling up a retired cellphone number, searching through deleted social media accounts, maybe even asking your old high school for your whereabouts to no avail. Even though you’re not far from home, she’d never find you. 
You don’t want to be found. You like being alone.
With a great, gusty sigh, you roll out of bed, grab some clothes and undergarments, then pad to the bathroom, ignoring the chiming circuit of your alarm clock. It can wait. You go through the motions: washing up, putting your hair in its regular bun, brushing your teeth, and staring at your unaged face in the spotted mirror.
It’s not vanity, though it’s common knowledge that your features will be impervious to aging for a long while. You literally haven’t aged a single day since the blip.
It was an intriguing phenomenon after the first two years. Everyone your age who had heard their Destined Words but had yet to meet their Soulmate just stopped aging, and when the younger generation hit the age of eighteen, they stopped aging as well. For some, like you, the effect was felt rather than seen. Ever since the string inside you snapped, you knew that cosmic time would stand still until you connected with your other soul. You’re not holding your breath for that anytime soon.
As you step out of the steam-filled bathroom, your alarm blares out its last chime before switching to the Vmm Vmm Vmm of an incoming call.
You pick up on the sixth ring. “Good morning, Hal.”
“This is the fourth—”
“The fourth time. I know, I know. I’m on my way.”
Hal grunts into the receiver, “Don’t get smart with me, little lady. Just because you’re my best server doesn’t mean I won’t fire you.”
That’s precisely what that means, and he knows you know it. You blow out a sigh, “I’m seriously almost out the door. Like two steps.”
“Uh-huh,” he says, a hint of a grin in his quizzical noise. “Well, hightail it, would’ya? The joint’s packed already and I need all hands on deck, so scoot.”
“Scooting,” you confirm, snagging your bag off of your sofa and grabbing your keys. “Who’s with me today?” Please don’t say Wendy. Please don’t say Wendy.
“Chris and Wendy.”
You groan as you shut the door behind you. “Come on, Hal. She’s dead weight in the morning. I might as well be working with a zombie in an apron.”
Hal grumps, “At least the zombie gets here on time.”
“Have you had coffee yet? You’re not you when you’re decaffeinated.” It’s true. Even with your truancy, Hal wouldn’t hold it over your head more than twice. He’s usually as chipper as a dog in a dog park at this time, bustling and joking up a storm.
He takes a loud sip, then says, “We’re slammed, is all, and I’m missing my best hand.” Two disgruntled heys ring in the background and Hal immediately issues apologies. “Just get here, will ya?”
Before you can remind him again that you are on your way, he disconnects the call.
You’re wondering if it’s too late to go back to bed.
The little, infamous family diner is only seven blocks south of your apartment building, a nice walk when the weather’s good and a pain in the ass when it’s not. You used to enjoy the quiet mornings and the stillness that came with it, but ever since things went back to normal, you can’t survive the walk without a pair of headphones jammed in your ears and your music’s volume turned all the way up. Everyone’s just so… loud.
Thankfully, today, the walk is a straight shot and you’re in the doors within fifteen minutes.
It’s like stepping into a den full of ravenous animals. Worse, it’s like stepping into a den full of ravenous animals and being stuck with the task of serving them.
“Look who’s finally decided to show up,” Wendy chides, stifling a yawn as she shuffles to a table and places down three menus. She’s twenty-two years old and likes setting your teeth on edge.
You deadpan, “Did the cat drag you in from the front door or the back?”
“Knock it off, you two,” warns Chris, walking by with two arms balancing four plates of the Sunrise Breakfast Special. He looks at you, then jerks his chin back to the kitchen. “Boss is about to blow his top.”
Nodding, you make your way to the back, giving a small wave to some regulars. Out of breath and sweat running down his reddened neck, Hal is moving like a man caught in a whirlwind, flipping eggs and pancakes and sausages and hash browns and bacon while checking orders and filling plates. As soon as he hears the kitchen door close and sees you, he visibly sags in relief.
“Don’t bother clocking in. Just put your apron on and get out there.”
You nod. Set down your things. Put on your apron. Arrange a plastic smile.
Go through the motions.
It’s all the same thing every single day. Wake up, work, school, sleep. Repeat. Unlike the other constants, school is something you’re temporarily trying out. It wasn’t your original plan, the whole four years to a bachelor’s degree, then some more years for a master’s. You gave that up long ago. Right now, you’re just taking a free weekend art class at a community college. Oddly enough, it’s something you’re beginning to look forward to on Saturdays and Sundays.
Work, while you’re great at what you do, is never a highlight. 
Hal was right. The diner is slammed, and you’re swept up in the current of rude, demanding customers, snide remarks from Wendy, cheerful shrugs from Chris, and barking orders from Hal for six whole hours. You work through your two fifteen-minute breaks. No one reminds you. You slip on spilled hash browns. No one helps you. You bring back a plate three times to satisfy a customer who kept finding fault with their eggs. No one thanks you.
Everything is back to normal.
I’ve got you.
“Fuck off,” you snap, slapping a hand to your mouth when you see the elderly woman you’re serving knit her brows in revulsion. “Oh, no, ma’am. I’m-I’m sorry, I was—”
She stands and marches out of the diner before you could explain, snatching her ten-dollar tip off the table.
“… talking to myself,” you finish under your breath.
She’s the last of the brunch rush, leaving only the regular afternoon crowd and a few stragglers. The clock near the cash register reads 2:13 p.m.
You brush off the disappointment of a lost tip and head to the kitchen to grab your things and leave, Chris and Wendy following you. Hal’s two other workers, the ones here till closing, cover the floor well. Not like they had much to do.
Hal is whistling a jaunty tune when you walk in, stopping to salute you, Chris, and Wendy with an exhausted grin. “Nice work out there, you guys. See you tomorrow.”
Wendy is out the door the instant she clocks out.
Chris catches your arm as you grab your bag from your small locker. “Hey, um, I sort of heard your little outburst, and I was wondering if you were okay.”
You nod, gently shrugging his hand off. “Yeah, it’s just a tip. I made enough.”
“No, not that,” he shakes his head, clearing his throat and pushing a hand through his choppy beach-blond hair. He ineptly bends his head down a little, getting close enough for a private conversation you do not want to have. “It’s just… you’ve done that before and I just want to make sure everything’s alright with you.”
You can’t put the plastic smile back on, he’s seen it too many times to know it’s not real, so you half-heartedly grin. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”
“Yeah, anytime. Hey, so, me and a couple friends are hanging out tonight. There’s gonna be a music festival in Cunningham Park. Wanna hang?”
Chris tries this every week. At first, you thought it was his bashful attempt at asking you out, but he’s a happily taken man with a big heart and a lot of friends. Every customer he meets, boom, they’re friends and soon loyal customers of Hal’s. It’s a gift. You just wish he caught your not-so-subtle hints of evasion.
Tonight, though, you had the perfect excuse. “Can’t. I got class.”
He tilts his head in confusion. “On a Saturday night?”
“Yeah. It’s a free course. Get it where I can take it, you know,” you awkwardly laugh, hoping Chris wasn’t offended as you take a couple of steps back towards the exit.
His smile doesn’t falter. “Maybe next time, then.”
Not likely. “Sure, yeah. See you later.”
You duck out before he says goodbye, dashing out the front door and speed-walking home.
I’ve got you.
I’ve got you.
I’ve got you.
You stop dead in the middle of a sidewalk.
Where did that come from? It’s never said it three times in a row before. Does… does that mean something?
Your breath quickens at the thought, and you spin around, scanning the vacant street. You’re the only one occupying the sidewalk, you and a curious squirrel sniffing at the crisp air. There’s not a person in sight. When you’re certain you’re in the clear, pivoting a glance around one more time for good measure, you pick up the pace, practically running the rest of the way home.
Once you’re in your apartment and the door shuts, you desperately whisper to your mind, “Don’t say it anymore. I don’t want them, okay? I don’t want a Soulmate.”
“I know you hear me,” you bite out aloud, forcefully shoving back the urge to yell. “Stop saying the words.”
Still nothing.
Silence rings hollow in your mind like the voice is waiting for your temper to cool down. Like it knew it upset you and felt chastened enough to back off and take a time out in a corner.
You stand immobile in the middle of your cramped sitting area. Tense. Waiting. Waiting longer than you care to admit. The urge to fight deserts you as quick as it comes, but you’re still standing there with your fists balled up, feeling more and more defeated as the minutes drain away.
The voice isn’t going to leave you alone. You know that. It’s here to serve one purpose, and the only thing holding it up is you. You’re meant to meet whoever those words belong to… but then what? They magically fix you? They love you back to normal? Five years ago, you may have believed they can do that. But, the problem is, you’ve gone through enough life-altering events in the last five years to last you a lifetime, and this one person, this person destined to pair with your soul, won’t be your wave-of-a-wand solution.
You just want it to stop.
I’ve got you.
A lone tear slides down your cheek as you trek to your bed and climb in fully clothed.
For a long time, you simply stare up at the ceiling as the tears leak out the corners of your eyes. You make no noise, and your chest doesn’t jerk up and down with sobs. The tears gather, and then they fall. Gather and fall. Gather and fall until there are no tears left. You continue staring at the ceiling.
You think back to the days when those godforsaken words and the future they foretold brought you happiness. What a wonderful promise, pairing with someone who will always be there for you in some capacity and will instantly love you. You can’t recall any Soulmate story not working out. Maybe they just never speak about it. Why mar the fantasy?
The sun dipped below the horizon a while ago, and now the moon shines bright in the night sky. You missed your art class.
Your body is as stiff as a board when you sit up. There’s a tight pounding in your forehead, either from crying or lack of food, but you aren’t bothered enough to deal with it. Instead, you move to the only window in your room and pull back the curtains to gaze at the stars. Not many are out yet, but they glitter like gems around the moon, and the night sky nears a lovely shade of midnight blue.
The sight is so pretty; you find yourself grabbing a couple of paint bottles, brushes, and a small canvass, then heading out of your apartment, walking up six flights of stairs to reach the roof.
It’s quiet when you get up there, save for the noise of zooming cars below. The first time you came up on the roof, just out of curiosity, you loved how solitary it felt, loved the view overlooking the building-strewn skyline and the overall height of the complex. It became a nice place to visit when you wanted to be by yourself.
You walk over to the edge of the building, sitting your supplies down on the ledge, then look up at the sky for the best angle to capture the moon and the stars.
The sky is vast. So endless. So open. So free. You stop scoping out for the perfect angle and just admire the shining moon when your eyes land on it. It’s waning, only a sliver of its surface visible as it prepares to transition into a New Moon. Then you gaze at the stars as they dimly twinkle back at you… like they can see right through you.
Like they can see your sadness.
You step closer to the ledge, each step laden with the weight of smothered grief. You lost everyone. Your parents. Manda. She’d never recognize the person you’ve become.
You step onto the ledge, not looking down but up, trying to memorize the image.
You lost your Soulmate. That broken string in your chest never felt the same, even after everyone came back. Maybe you were too far gone for any connection.
You turn around. You’d thought you’d feel numb, but acceptance fills you. It’s okay to let go.
You lower your eyes, slowly lean back, and let gravity take over.
Air sails past your ears in a rush as you fall, and you can’t really focus on anything except your erratic heartbeat. You don’t struggle as your body wants. You just fall and wait.
And then, in a sudden flash of red and blue, you’re propelling sideways and swinging upwards, a strong arm pressing you against a hard chest.
“I’ve got you.”
As soon as he said the words, you knew who they belonged to, as if you knew this entire time. Even with the mask covering his face, you knew. But it still doesn’t stop you from incredulously saying, “Peter?”
His masked face snaps to yours. A small part of you tries to pin his surprise on you correctly guessing his identity, but something bigger assures you the reason for his alarm is a match to your own.
He knows you’re his Soulmate.
Part III
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Robert Picardo as The Doctor is the best thing about Voyager. Now I’m just imagining him teaming up with Penny.
It’s “Write incredibly niche crossover fic in response to an ask” hour! 🥳️
One might assume that when the ship hit an unknown anomaly, resulting in a non-organic entity that produced life signs appearing on the bridge, claiming she was from another reality significantly different from their own, that someone of significant rank would see fit to inform the Chief Medical Officer of this threatening, precarious development.
They didn't. The Doctor only found out when Paris stumbled into his sickbay, arm wrapped gingerly around his waist.
"Hiya, Doc. Don't suppose you know anything about treating hugs?"
His programming demanded that he focus on the most life threatening problem at any given time. Nevertheless, the Doctor found his gaze shifting to the woman behind Paris, hovering anxiously in the doorway. She appeared human at first glance, but the mechanisms attached to her legs and the soft, nearly undiscernible hum of a power source gave her away. She smoothed hands down the front of her skirt, casting him curious glances in turn.
Paris heaved himself onto a bed, biting off a curse. "Penny, meet the Doc. Doc, Penny. I bet you two would make great friends, I'd just prefer it if you started gabbing after we figure out if I'm dying."
"If only we were so lucky," the Doctor said, already in the midst of a scan, "Hmm. Sadly, the crew will have to weather your presence a while longer, Lieutenant Paris. Your rib was broken."
"Oh, that's just great, I — wait. Was?"
"Already healed." The Doctor waved the osteogenic stimulator in Paris' face. He bat at it like an obnoxious fly. "Really, you people do make a fuss over the smallest bumps and bruises. You're fragile too. Am I to understand that your eighth rib cracked under the force of a hug?"
Paris gestured across the sickbay, his other arm lightly palpitating his side. "Yeah? Maybe? Ask Ms. Super Strength over there."
The address seemed to break whatever stupor Penny was in. She let out a little gasp and flew to Paris' side, fast enough that the Doctor was left blinking at the near teleportation. He made a note to run a self-diagnosis later, just to ensure his optical processors were functioning properly.
"I did not mean to hurt you, Mr. Paris," Penny said, her voice soft and, seemingly, sincere. She reached out towards the biobed, only to draw her hands back before touching his leg. "I thought for sure that someone on such a dangerous mission, a part of your bridge team, would have his aura unlocked."
Paris blinked. "Aura?"
"Whatever it is she's emitting, I'd wager," the Doctor said, now scanning Penny from the top of her curls to the toe of her boots. At his words a shimmering green light appeared on the surface of her skin, seeming to be both a part of and separate from her. "Huh. Fascinating."
Penny nodded. Crisis averted and conversation turned scientific, she seemed to shake off the previous anxiety, beginning to bounce with a child-like glee. "Yes! Where I come from everyone has aura — it is the manifestation of our souls — but only a few are able to use it. You must train for a very long time and then your aura can protect you!" Penny looked down at her gloved hands, deflating just a bit. "I would like to show you, but I am not a human girl. Or a faunus one. Aura creates a shield to absorb damage and it can heal minor wounds, but though I am the first synthetic being to generate aura, my body is inorganic. Injuring myself would not provide you with the demonstration my friends could give you. I am sorry."
"That's, uh..." Paris pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let me see if I understand this. You're sorry that you're not the one who's injured and instantly healing?"
"Right. Well, that's enough alternate reality for one day." Paris hoped down from the bed, patting Penny's shoulder. "Don't even worry about it, kid. Doc's given me a clean bill of health — "
"I've done nothing of the sort. There's clearly something wrong with you, though nothing I’m capable of fixing."
" — and you saved me from another of Tuvok's drills. Can't tell you how grateful I am."
Paris only had two inches on Penny, if that, but she looked up at him like he was larger than life. "Really?"
"Oh yeah. Safety drills with a Vulcan? That's this reality's torture. You're a hero, Penny, no question."
The Doctor was just opening his mouth to remind Lieutenant Paris of their protocols, which included trying to limit the subjective information given to visiting species, when the door opened and in stumbled Ensign Kim.
His expression was poised somewhere between worry and humor. It was, all in all, an unbecoming look.
"Salutations, Harry!" Penny gave a rather exaggerated wave considering they were only a few feet apart. Kim playfully held up his hands, warding off an advance.
"Don't tell me you're injured too," the Doctor said, but it seemed the trio was inclined to ignore him. What utterly rude behavior. He'd certainly never experienced that before.
Harry slung one arm around Penny's shoulders, his other over Paris', drawing the two close together. "Do you want to know a secret?"
"Oh yes!"
"Depends on the secret, Harry..."
He shot a feral grin at Paris. "Remember the fight last month? Gordon laying into Maria over those power couplings?"
The Doctor certainly remembered. It wasn't every day he got to extract a fork from a man's back. Not that Maria had pushed Gordon onto the utensil on purpose. Their rather dramatic fight had led to an equally dramatic makeup, the majority of which, sadly, took place in his sickbay.
"Well," Harry went on, "the Captain wanted me to install some cameras in the mess hall. The whole ship, really, given the number of anomalies we've encountered, you among them." He poked Penny in the ribs, eliciting a giggle. "But the majority of incidents tends to happen over meals, for whatever reason, and what I'm getting at is that I now have a recording of Tom Paris getting tackled by a little girl and crying like a baby."
"Delete it," Tom said at the exact moment Penny apologized again. For a second their three voices overlapped, demands, guilt, and elation all blending together. The Doctor observed the strange phenomenon, trying to follow what precisely had taken place. Something about Lieutenant Paris sharing his replicator rations, thus earning said, rib-crushing hug? Not that it mattered. The point, according to Ensign Kim, was that he'd secured the best moment in Voyager history on tape and, yes, he'd already sent a copy to everyone on board.
Such interactions, though humorous in their own way, were not meant for a professional environment. The Doctor had just opened his mouth to tell them all to get out, take the reality-bending anomaly with you, when the Captain saved him the trouble.
"Ensign Kim, Lieutenant Paris, please report to my ready room immediately."
"You're busted," Paris sang, doing a strange little dance.
"I'm busted? You're the one who tried to counterfeit extra rations for her — !"
And away they went, bickering all the while. The Doctor breathed a sigh of relief.
That is, until he realized that Penny hadn't gone with them.
"Ah... hello?"
The Doctor winced. "No need to shout. I'm right beside you."
"Oh. I am sorry." Penny came even closer, rocking forward on the balls of her feet. "Mr. Paris called you 'Doctor.' My father is a doctor too. He is the one who built me."
"And he did quite a remarkable job of it," he said, taking another few, discrete scans. "But I am a medical doctor, not a... biological engineer, I suppose, and as impressive a specimen as you are, I have a great deal of work to do. Not the least of which is adding your information to the ship's database in case your presence causes more than just a cracked rib. Because we certainly wouldn't want to inform the Chief Medical Officer of a new passenger, now would we? So if you would please...?" The Doctor made a few shooing motions that he hoped she understood. There was no way to tell how people in her reality might communicate, especially through something as complex as body language.
Case in point: Penny gave him a salute in return. The Doctor could only stare. No one had ever saluted him before.
...he rather liked it.
"Doctor?" Another hiss as the doors opened. Penny began vibrating.
"Salutations, Kes!"
The Doctor winced. "Is that the only greeting you know?"
"Says the man who begins every conversation with 'Please state the nature of the medical emergency.'"
Today was just a bundle of discoveries. The Doctor found that he didn't like the look Kes was casting him, nor the implications of her statement. "I tried others," he defended himself. "That was the best way to greet my fellow crewmembers! It's what I prefer, thank you very much."
"'Salutations' is what I prefer too," Penny said, seeming to have missed his earlier criticism. "It's such a fun, happy word, don't you think?"
"I don't — I'm not — " The Doctor cut himself off with a huff. From the corner of his eye he saw Kes snatch a vial off the nearby tray — Ensign Harver's medication — and give a jaunty wave and she trotted out the door. He'd raised his finger to point sternly at Penny, turned it on Kes, only to turn it back when she abandoned him. Rude. 
"I am a doctor," he said, “not an entertainer. It is my job to fix any and all medical problems that may develop on this ship, not to have fun with wordplay. I'm not programmed for fun."
Dismissing the whispered word, the Doctor decided that the best course of action was to simply ignore the girl. She was clearly attached to the rest of the crew already, so if he ceased engaging with her she would become bored and leave him in peace. However, no sooner had he turned away then Penny had zipped in front of him, demonstrating that impressive speed again. One moment there were the pristinely white walls of his sickbay, the next a mass of red and green had assaulted his vision, not unlike an exuberant Christmas tree. The Doctor stumbled back with a squawk.
"You are programmed? You are like me!" she cried, snatching his hand. He was too stunned to immediately pull away and Penny took full advantage of his shock, poking and prodding at his palm with an intensity he might have otherwise admired. "You feel very human. Father said that I must not get too close to people. They might notice the metal I am made of, but your father has done a most excellent job! I would never have know that you are an android too."
The description of Doctor Zimmerman as his father made something hot coil in the pit of the Doctor's nonexistent stomach, the feeling undercut only by the strange sensation of Penny holding his hand. Yes, now that she'd mentioned it, he could feel the difference: she possessed a heavier, less pliable appendage than a human would. It wasn't unpleasant, just an intimacy he hadn't asked for, and the Doctor snatched his fingers back, settling on the easiest of her assumptions to correct.
He straightened his shirt, adopting a sardonic smile. "I am not an android, I am a hologram. I am produced using a magnetic containment field and I can modulate my own projection to interact with the matter around us, or pass through it, if I so choose. It is a very convincing imitation of life, dependent on the ship's computers and the projectors in this room. In short, my existence is a far less impressive display of technological advancement than yours, something I suspect Lieutenant Torres would greatly admire. Perhaps you should visit her and leave me in peace."
Penny didn't leave though, just continued to stare up at him, obscenely innocent. "Imitation?"
"Are you programmed to repeat whatever I say? Perhaps I should be clearer: please leave!"
"You are not an imitation."
Reports were a common occurrence on Voyager, of first contacts, missions gone wrong, the current status of the ship. The Doctor considered himself quite qualified to explain any and all situations he might experience and, due to his increased memory, was arguably in a better position to provide an objectively accurate account of events. It was rather a point of pride, in fact. Yet if the Captain had asked him to explain the change that had just taken place, he would have been at a loss. Penny was a kind and soft-spoken girl, outside of her exuberance, of course. Yet someone different stood before him now, hard-eyed and burning with passion. Quite literally. The Doctor felt her core temperature rising by several degrees, the space between them growing hot as her mechanics responded to whatever emotion was currently coursing through her circuits.
How interesting, in a rather intimidating way. 
"I'm... not?" The Doctor suspected that any disagreement would be a mistake.
Penny furiously shook her head, curls whipping about her face. "You are not! And I find it very upsetting to hear you speak that way. I... I suppose Ruby must have been very upset too."
The Doctor didn't get the chance to ask. Penny grabbed his hand again, gripping it with a strength that made him better appreciate Lieutenant Paris' injuries.
"I used to think as you do, Doctor," she said, all green-eyed intensity. "That I was not a real girl because my father built me, because I could do more than a human girl could and, sometimes, less than as well, but I was wrong. And you..." Penny took a deep breath, her face lighting up with a smile. "You’ve got a heart and a soul. I can feel it. You think just because you're got a computer and projectors instead of nuts and bolts that makes you any less real than me?"
"I... no." And to his intense surprise, the Doctor found that he meant it. So what if he didn't have a physical stomach to experience anxiety in? Or if he could only exist in here and the holodeck? He thought, felt, could learn, make decisions... what else was life, really? Unconsciously, the Doctor squeezed Penny’s hand back. "You’re right. I’m not an imitation, but the real thing. Quite a stellar example of life too, if I do say so myself."
Penny squealed and flung her arms around him, pulling him into one of those deadly hugs. The Doctor winced, hesitantly reaching up to pat her back, but it appeared that this quick formality wouldn't appease her as it did Ensign Kim. With a sigh he rolled his eyes and resigned himself to the attention.
It wasn't horrible.
"I am so very glad that I have made a new friend today," Penny said, rocking him side-to-side.
"Oh. Are we friends now?"
"Ah, well then, as a friend..." The Doctor cleared his throat, letting her take just a little more of his weight. "I don't suppose you have any advice on choosing a name?"
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magicalforcesau · 3 years
Fragments of the Garden - Origins - Part 3
A companion collection to Dancing With Ghosts in Your Garden
(ao3 link)
Satine started to sit next to Obi-Wan every time she saw him at breakfast. Usually they would break out into an argument five minutes in, but even still he started showing up for breakfast more, and Satine always came back the next day.
It was Cody that had suggested they go find him at lunch hour and Satine had agreed easily, because she definitely noticed despite his appearances at breakfast, lunch and dinner were still another story entirely.
That was how she found herself, carrying two plates of food and following Cody with his plate down the hall to that empty classroom.
“Is this seat taken?” Cody asked shoving a couple of the desks together, surprising Obi-Wan completely.
“I- No?” He answered automatically.
“Good,” Satine responded, “It was a long walk here and I’m hungry,” She set down her plate in front of her and Obi-Wan’s plate in front of him. Cody was already digging into his food and he struck up a conversation with Satine quickly about their Charms homework. Obi-Wan was a little too dumbstruck to join the conversation, but did listen to them talk as he ate the food they’d brought him.
The end of the lunch period drew near and Cody collected Satine’s plate.
“Do you not like desserts or something?” Satine asked, noting the slice of apple pie sitting untouched on Obi-Wan’s plate. Being asked a direct question he responded with a surprised blush.
“It’s not that I don’t like them,” He admitted, “My mother says I can’t have any.”
“What? Why not?” Cody asked, surprised. Satine however remembered the women’s icy gaze and stayed quiet.
“She says men don’t like sweets,” He averted his gaze which was very unlike him.
“Well she’s not here right now,” Cody announced, “And what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her!”
“Cody’s right,” Satine found herself saying, “Plus he likes dessert so clearly her logic is false,” Obi-Wan opened his mouth, probably to argue when they heard the clamber of students heading their way. They grabbed their bags and Cody grabbed their plates and they headed out.
Satine decided that tomorrow she’d bring him 2 desserts.
That night was their first Astronomy lesson. They were supposed to start much, much earlier, but the headmaster had, had a little trouble replacing their professor after the last one had been in some sort of accident. Satine couldn’t get anyone to specify past that, but she suddenly missed not having class when she was rolling out of bed at eleven to head towards the astronomy tower. The first years all went together, and she found herself walking next to Obi-Wan.
“Are you okay Satine?” He had the misfortune to ask, she glared at him, looking absolutely perfect as always.
“Make a note,” She told him, “to never wake me up, unless it’s an emergency,” Obi-Wan wasn’t sure when that would ever be useful information to have, but he stored it away anyways, with a nod.
They all sat on the floor of the tower as the oldest wizard Satine had ever seen, made his way slowly to the front of the class. He was holding a piece of parchment in shaky hands and squinted through his glasses to read it.
“Hello class,” He spoke in a raspy voice and Satine had to wonder if this poor man would even make it through the year, “I’m going to take attendance, please raise your hand when I call your name,” and with that class started.
Satine let her focus wander until he got to the J’s and tuned in right when Kenobi would be called.
“Kenobi,” The professor squinted at the paper, clearly struggling with Obi-Wan’s stupidly wordy first name, “B-Ben?” He decided on. Obi-Wan, who’s ears had gone red, raised his hand.
“It’s Obi-Wan, sir, Obi-Wan Kenobi,” He corrected, Satine could hear the embarrassment seep into his voice and she slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from snickering.
“Oh, sorry my dear boy,” He moved on quite quickly to, “Kryze, Satine.”
“I’m here,” She raised her hand, laughter coating her voice, and Obi-Wan gave her a sideways glare, but perhaps it had been worth waking up so late anyways.
“Good Afternoon, Ben,” Satine greeted him, plunking down his lunch in front of him (two desserts as she’d decided) and sliding a desk over for herself, while Cody did the same.
“Ben?” Cody questioned, and Obi-Wan just rested his head on his arms with a groan.
“Don’t you dare tell,” His voice was muffled, so Satine elected to ignore him.
“The new astronomy teacher messed up his name during attendance,” Satine said gleefully.
“She won’t let it go,” He raised his head back up with a red-faced glare.
“Obi-Wan and Ben don’t even look alike,” Cody noted with a confused smile.
“I’m well aware,” Obi-Wan told him.
“Anyways, Ben,” Satine attempted a straight face, “I went to the trouble of picking you out two desserts today and it would be rather rude of you to not eat them.”
Satine was struggling with a rather long and tedious history essay. She supposed Ben was too, because he’d hidden himself behind a textbook and she hadn’t seen him come up for air in hours.
“I’m never going to get this done,” She sat back against the plush blue couch with a sigh, breaking the silence she’d been dying to break for at least 30 minutes now.
“What part are you stuck on?” He asked without even putting the book down.
“I have all the information, I think,” She mused, “But I’m struggling with how to format it,” At that Ben did lower the book.
“Do you want me to look it over for you?” He asked and she shook her head.
“I was thinking of taking it to my mentor actually,” Satine admitted. Ben seemed to freeze at the mention of a mentor, but didn’t make any move to go back to his reading.
“That would be a good idea,” He agreed slowly, “They’ve probably written the same paper,” She could tell Ben was now attempting to hide behind his book to finish the conversation, they’d been friends for around a month and he just kept getting easier and easier to read. She grabbed the spine of his book and pushed it down.
“I’ve never asked you,” Satine thought out loud, “Who’s your mentor?” Ben froze again and she could see he was trying very hard not to avert his eyes, “I’ve never seen you with anyone else in the common room? Are they from a different house?”
“No they’re a Ravenclaw,” Ben started slowly, “They’re just much older than you’d expect,” Satine furrowed her brow at him and he continued knowing the answer would be pulled from him one way or another, “You know our fifth years aren’t a very big class,” He tried before trying again, “You know Qui-Gon right?”
“Professor Qui-Gon is your mentor?” Satine asked incredulously, Obi-Wan then did avert his eyes.
“Well like I said, year five isn’t a very big class, and people probably saw ‘Kenobi’ and decided to choose someone else,” He trailed off, “It’s not so bad I like Professor Jinn,” Satine shoved the book out of his hands and wrapped her arms around him suddenly. It was only for a moment before she pulled back.
“I’m sorry, Ben,” She told him.
“I- Well, yes,” Ben seemed a little dazed, but Satine thought not much of it, and instead went about gathering her papers together.
“I’ve got to run if I want to catch the fifth years when they get out of class,” She told him standing up, “I’ll be back later though, if you want me to look over yours,” He nodded, gathering his book off the floor.
“Alright, thank you Satine.”
The snow was falling outside the window as the train pulled out of the station, Ben was staring out the window, brooding, and had been for some time. Satine had originally elected to ignore it in favor of chatting happily with Cody about their Christmas plans, but as time wore on, she couldn’t take it any longer.
“What are you planning on doing for the holidays Ben?” Once the words were out of her mouth, she saw Cody wince and had a sudden need to backtrack and delete the last second of her life.
“Oh, the holidays?” Ben contemplated, stretching his hands over his head and readjusting to actually look at his friends, “My parents will be throwing their annual Christmas Party. I suppose I will be hosting,” Satine remembered then, Cody’s mention of the Kenobi’s parties and she suddenly realized that going home for Ben, may not be the joyful celebration it was for her and Cody.
“You should write to us!” Satine demanded, “I don’t know what I’ll do all break if I don’t have someone to argue with,” She exclaimed dramatically. Cody rolled his eyes, but looked at Ben and nodded.
“I could use a distraction from my little brothers, I’d gladly welcome a reason to hole up in my room,” He grinned.
“My owl could use the exercise,” Ben joked, but then added, “If I can find a way, I’ll send you an owl.”
The trolley came by then and Ben bought each of them a sweet for the ride home. Satine contemplated, as she watched his eyes light up upon discovering his chocolate frog card, that she really didn’t know a lot about him. She vowed that come next semester she would start to learn even more, but until then she was just happy to be on a warm train sharing sweets and laughter with her two closest friends.
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spookygrantaire · 3 years
Of Heroes and Thieves
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First Meeting
A smirk flashes across red painted lips. An indecipherable look in her eyes. Though he was quite certain he should be able to figure out her intentions quickly, as the pistol pointed at his forehead was a pretty big clue. The second clue was the way she’d tied him up;though in his defense, he’d initially been led to believe that was going a different direction. “Sorry to disappoint you, Barton. But I do have a job to finish.”
He sighed, nodding. “Nothing you can do I haven’t done to myself, babe.”
Her smirk turned into a sad smile before she leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you around, Hot Stuff.” With that, she swung her leg over and left the straddling position she’d been in, put the dress back on over the lacy lingerie (much to his dismay), and exited through the window, jewels and his heart with her. At least she’d had the decency to cover him up with the little heart shaped pillow. 
Second Meeting
It was just as unexpected as the first time. He saw her across the room, his heart instantly speeding up, and made her way over. “Mind if I cut in?” he asked the man dancing with her, his eyes locked on her as her smile grew. 
The man left and he began the slow dance with her. “Love the dress, babe.”
“It’s about time you noticed I was here, Barton. I’ve been waiting an hour for that famous eyesight to work,” she smiled. “And thanks, it was a steal.” 
He rolled his eyes before taking in the black sinful dress she had on. He knew she wasn’t lying about how she acquired it, yet why couldn’t he resist her? “How’d you get an invite? I don’t think any of us even know your name.”
She grinned triumphantly. “A girl needs to keep her secrets. But I did come for a reason,” she said seriously. “I have some information. Avenger level information.”
He raised a brow, giving her a twirl. “Should we go somewhere private?”
She laughed, and he felt butterflies in his stomach. “Nowhere in this building is private. It was stupid of me to come here and show my face, anyways. Spiderboy and the two soldiers have already clocked me, and your witchy friend has been staring me down since I danced with her brother a half an hour ago. Quite a smooth talker, that one,” she commented. “Now, can I tell you what you need to know, and head home? I’ll have people after me after this.”
“We can protect you, you know.”
She shook her head. “No you can’t, Clint.”
His head tilted. “Why do you get to know my name but I can’t know yours? Do you just like to play with me?”
“I’d LOVE to play with you. Where’s your room?” she grinned. 
“Don’t tease me, babe.”
“Anyways,” she brushed him off, dancing closer. “I have some inside information that a certain, rival family of my employers, is now working with a certain, rival of the good Captain and his. Boyfriend?” she glanced over Clint’s shoulder. 
“What? HYDRA?” he asked.
“Developing some wicked new serum, I hear. I’m unsure if it’s another Winter Soldier reboot, or something worse, but as you may well know, Assassin’s have more poison knowledge than anyone else in this world. And they don’t play around. I know the octopus gang don’t play either. But, up to you all what you do with this information. I have to go.” She stopped dancing, forcing him to stop as well. 
“How did you find any of this out?” he asked.
“Can’t tell you that, Hot Stuff,” she shook her head. 
“Tell me your name before you go?”
“You’ll find out soon enough, birdy boy.” She took a step back, paused, and moved forward, meeting his lips, surprising him.
Before he could react, she was gone. He looked around the room, not finding her. His eyes met Wanda’s and she shook her head. Definitely gone. This was gonna be weird to explain to the team later. 
Third Meeting
The building was in flames, and they still didn’t have all the information they needed. Between him and Nat, they were trying to scour through the offices to find, copy, and destroy any and all files. Unfortunately, the team didn’t expect HYDRA agents to detonate any explosives. Fortunately neither did the Assassins nearby, as they heard the shouts “We don’t have copies, you idiots!”
They definitely got lucky. Clint made a mental note to thank her next time he ran into her. He pushed the thoughts back as he kicked down another door, beelining for the desk. Shock ran through his body as he saw the body slumped on the floor by the desk, blood dripping down her face. “No, no, no, no, no! Babe!” he knelt and grabbed her face, patting it gently before checking her pulse. Alive. She mumbled quietly, before her eyes opened. 
“Ouch,” her eyes focused on him, and she smiled. “Hey, Hot Stuff. You made it.” 
“What are you doing here?” he asked as he helped her up. “And how did anyone surprise you fast enough to knock you out?”
She leaned on the desk, before reaching down to her boot. His eyes widened when he saw the flashdrive she was holding. “Couldn’t really sit around. Got antsy. Boudreaux saw me, thought the Guild sent me. I’m really in deep shit now. But here. Take this. I’ve already deleted everything. You’d think between two teams of bad guys, they’d really have thought of making more copies.” she shrugged, watching him pocket the drive. 
“Guys, I have it. We gotta roll,” he told the team. 
“Great, get your girl and meet us at the jet,” Sam replied. 
He heard Nat give a short laugh. “He can’t even get her name, how’s he gonna convince her to come with him?”
“Guys, please,” Clint sighed. He met her confused look. “Right. Come with us. Even if you don’t stay, we can at least give you a lift?”
“That’s a bad idea, Clint,” she frowned. “I guarantee Julien has already spread the word. I’ll have two Guilds after me, and you won’t be able to protect me and yourselves. Best if I just disappear.”
“Don’t underestimate us, Babe. We have saved the world a few times, you know.” 
She hesitated, before nodding. “Okay, a ride.”
He smiled and offered his hand. “Let’s go, then.”
Back on the jet, she wasn’t sure how to take all the eyes staring at her. The only one being polite was the good Captain, and she was quite positive he was only being polite because he was piloting. “Uh, hi guys. Thanks for the lift?”
“Stop staring at her, guys,” Clint scoffed. “It’s pretty rude.”
“Sorry, man, but like. She’s real!” Peter shrugged.
“I danced with you once, did I not?” Pietro, squinted at her. 
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Flash, you did. Sorry, Clint’s a better slow dancer.”
He nodded. “That’s fair. So are you his next rehab project?”
She watched as Wanda smacked her brother on the back of his head. “Shut up, Pietro.”
“What--?” she began. 
“Oh yeah. He’s got a hobby of turning bad guys good.”
She glanced at him. “You gonna make me a good girl, birdy boy?”
“I--No I don’t rehab people. I just. Don’t like seeing good go to waste.”
She tilted her head, giving him a questioning look. “Am I going to waste, Clint?”
He frowned, trying to choose his words carefully. Before he could respond, Natasha interjected. “Your talents are being wasted on just stealing for the Thieves Guild. Sure, you feel free most of the time, but you’re not really. They own you. And only two ways you really get out.”
“Three, actually,” she countered. “Retirement, death, and excommunication. And if I have Assassins after me, chances of retirement or excommunication are slim to none. Don’t matter that the Patriarch’s son is my brother in law.”
“Wait. Your brother in law is Henri LeBeau?” Clint asked, both eyebrows shot up. “Fuck, that means you’re Y/N Laurent.”
“I. Yes,” she pressed her lips together. “But unless she speaks up for me, which is unlikely these days, I’m getting handed over to the Assassins, no questions asked.” Her eyes met Clint’s and she swallowed the lump in her throat. “It was nice knowing you, Hot Stuff.”
“Don’t be so negative,” it was Bucky’s turn to chime in, as he stretched his legs out and put his arms behind his head. “We’re keeping you. If they wanna come get you, they’re going through us. Besides, Barton hasn’t shut up about you since he met you. Imagine how bad it’ll be if you die or something.”
She gave an unexpected laugh. “Guess I’m glad the feeling’s mutual.”
Wanda jumped up and shoved Clint out of his seat to take his spot next to her. “Now will you please tell us about how you too met? We only got a little of the story from him.”
Clint groaned and Y/N laughed. “Well. The Guild sent me to steal those emeralds, if you recall…”
He wasn’t thrilled he was about to be embarrassed, but he had to admit he was feeling immensely more positive.
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hyuniebaby · 4 years
Focus (10)
Pairings: Baekhyun x Y/N x Junmyeon
AU: College student! Baekhyun, Professor! Junmyeon AU, college!au
A/N: So I've rewritten the whole Part 10 because Tumblr decided to mess it up... I didn't have any back-up file so… I completely changed the whole part. 😅 Sorry for updating this late, I had to cool down from my frustration over Part 10 getting deleted. I hope you still enjoy this~
Taglist: @coffee-prince-kyungsoo​ @thighhighsanti​ @littleflowercrown13​
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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Mr. Kim doesn’t know what came over him when he started walking towards Baekhyun as soon as he had a glimpse of him. He was even more surprised when the words, “Mr. Byun, if you have time, please come by my office later” left his mouth.
Mr. Kim was a very laid-back professor. He doesn’t mind what his students were up to as long as they were actually learning. He only ever intervenes when he notices that his students weren't doing well on his quizzes. But right now, that wasn’t the case when he finds himself talking to Baekhyun. Unprofessional as it may be, he wanted to know what’s happening between you and Baekhyun. Were you two in a relationship already? Was he wrong for taking a liking to you? Were you cheating on Baekhyun with him? Does Baekhyun know what happened between the two of you? There were so many questions he wanted to ask but he doesn’t know how to do so, especially not to Baekhyun. Baekhyun wasn’t his friend, you are. It would have been easier if it was you who he was standing in front of.
He should’ve just held back the words. He should’ve just waited until he saw you so he could talk to you instead. But he was very curious, he couldn’t think straight! He was slightly panicking inside for being so brazen but he kept the cool exterior.
Mr. Kim wasn’t expecting to see Baekhyun nod to him. “I’m actually free today.” Baekhyun says. Mr. Kim thought that he’d be able to get at least three hours to be able to think of a plan to subtly ask about the two of you. Now he had to think fast.
“Well then Mr. Byun, please follow me to my office.” He says.
He leads the younger male into his office. Baekhyun doesn’t seem to be as tense as him. When they arrive at his office, he motions Baekhyun to sit.
“So Mr. Byun I see that you’ve become distracted in class lately.” Mr. Kim starts to say. Quite frankly, it wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but he thought it would be weird he went directly to the point. He wasn’t sure how Baekhyun would react so he was being a little cautious.
Baekhyun shrugs nonchalantly. Wow, he doesn’t really seem to care, Mr. Kim thought. It was annoying for him to see a student act so indifferent. He was a professor after all and he deserves to be heard and respected.
“Mr. Kim, just get to the point, I know you don’t care about my performance in class,” Baekhyun says with a slight annoyance in his tone. Baekhyun was being rude and he knows it, but he was really not in the mood for beating around the bush. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to Mr. Kim at all. He was very much pissed to know that he was the person who dared touch you when he basically marked you as his.
Mr. Kim was taken aback with the tone Baekhyun used. He felt offended for the lack of respect. He gives the younger male a warning look, a sign that he shouldn’t test his patience. Baekhyun just stares at him, challenging him.
When Mr. Kim doesn’t respond, Baekhyun says, “I know about you and Y/N.”
Mr. Kim raises his brow. He knows you well enough that you’re only comfortable with telling these kinds of things to people who you truly trusted. The fact that Baekhyun knew meant that you’ve grown close to the younger male. Mr. Kim leans back to his chair and crosses his arms, “What about us?”
Baekhyun gives him an incredulous look. “You touched her and kissed her. God knows what else you’ve done!” He was so mad.
“Didn’t you do that to her too?” He says with a glare.
Baekhyun was caught off guard by Mr. Kim’s statement. Mr. Kim knew something happened between the two of you and he still touched you and kissed you! You were his and like he told you, he doesn’t like to share. He was furious at the older man. Right now all he wanted to do was to punch Mr. Kim in the face, but he refrains from doing so. He tries to compose himself and smirks, “Oh but we did more than that.”
Mr. Kim clenches his jaw in annoyance. Baekhyun tugs the collar of his shirt to reveal more of the hickeys you gave him. Mr. Kim’s eyes widened at the sight, he wasn’t able to notice the hickeys at first because he was too busy thinking of what to say to Baekhyun. The sight pisses of Mr. Kim. He scoffs,”Should I care? Even if you did have sex with her, I don’t think it counts so much. After all, she allowed me to touch her despite having slept with you.”
Baekhyun felt like he was slapped on the face. What Mr. Kim was true. He wasn’t anything to you aside from the man who you had slept with, twice. “As if you aren’t in the same disposition as me.” Baekhyun snaps.
“Oh but I’m not the same as you.” Mr. Kim smirks. “We’ve known each other for quite a while now. I was her friend even before I became her professor. Even her parents adore me. She won’t cut ties with me easily.”
Well shit.
“Just a tip, Baekhyun,” Mr. Kim says his name mockingly, “She almost never dates. You see, she prioritizes her studies over everything else. She gets easily distracted too, so she avoids distractions as much as possible. And if you’ve been observing her for the past few days, you’d know that you are a distraction. Maybe you should just step down and save yourself the trouble.”
To Baekhyun, giving up is never an option. Baekhyun is a gamer after all. The thing about gamers is that they’re very competitive and passionate. He naturally loves to win. This time it was you who he wants to win over.
The past few days of you avoiding him lead him to realize that he does feel something about you. And because of this realization, he’s not going to step down, even if it’s Mr. Kim who’s supposed to be his opponent. He hates losing. And he would definitely hate himself if he lost you.
Without a word, Baekhyun stands up and leaves Mr. Kim’s office. He’s furious. He has to find a way to make you his, before Mr. Kim actually makes a move.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You enter the classroom with your head down low to hide your red face. Baekhyun was driving you crazy. When you looked up from the floor, you saw your friends were already seated by your usual place. All your friends were looking at you already.
Before you can even take your seat, Mina says, “So... I think it’s time to tell them what happened to you last week.”
You know immediately what she was thinking about when she raises her eyebrows up and down. “Do I really have to?” You whine.
Mina doesn’t answer you, she turns to the rest of your friends with a smile instead and she announces, “She met this extremely good looking guy!!!!”
“How good looking?” Joohyun asks, leaning forward.
“Like a god! He’s tall and handsome. A gentleman too.” Mina says dreamily.
You roll your eyes, “Mina, I think you’re exaggerating.”
“What’s his name? Maybe I can find him.” Joohyun says. You don’t doubt her abilities, she does have a lot of connections.
“Uh… I think you will definitely find him because you have so many friends.” You pause, thinking of whether or not to tell her. You eye her warily, but she looks so interested, you didn’t want to dampen her mood so you say, “His name is Sehun.”
“Sehun as in Oh Sehun? The one in Performing Arts?!” Joohyun exclaims.
You were shocked she knew him personally. You thought it would take at least a day for her to find out about him through her other friends. “You know him?”
“Yes,” she then lowers her voice and glances at some person in the front row, “he’s Jongin’s best friend.”
You snap your head towards Jongin, it was a good thing he was taking a nap so he doesn’t know about the commotion. “What the fuck?”
“So are you dating him?” Seulgi pipes in.
You slightly cringe, remembering how annoying he actually was when sober, “Of course not!”
“Whose shirt are you wearing then if it wasn’t from him?”
You were caught off guard by the question, momentarily forgetting that you’re actually wearing Baekhyun’s shirt. “This is Baekhyun’s shirt.” You press your mouth in a thin line
Your friends squealed. “Oh my god! Are you two dating now?” You didn’t know who asked because they reacted so loudly you had to cover your ears.
“No, no. Nothing like that. We -- uh, haven’t talked about it yet.”
Your friends’ eyes soften. “Well, you know we like him. For you. So don’t be too afraid to jump in Y/N. It’s been so long since you and Kyungsoo broke up, maybe you should give him a chance.” Mina says.
You frown, “It’s complicated,” you pause while thinking about Junmyeon, “I don’t even know if he likes me that way.”
Seulgi rolls her eyes, “It’s quite obvious he has a crush on you! When you were avoiding him, he always had this longing look when he saw you in the hallway. Not to mention --”
You cut her off before she could say anything else. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, “Besides, I have to study well, especially since I have to beat Jongin.”
Your friends laugh at your reasoning. They were aware you thought of Jongin as a competitor ever since he was dared to beat the top student in the class, who was unfortunately you. It was supposed to be for a quiz only, but when Jongin lost to you, he didn’t give up. So he challenged you to the next quiz which led to another and another. There was an unspoken agreement that this “game” would continue until the end of the semester, or at least if someone concedes. It came to a point where your classmates took bets on who’s going to score higher. Even your professors were aware of the game you both played, but they didn’t say anything about it seeing that somehow the rest of the class got motivated to study for the quizzes and examinations because of the competition. Then by the end of the semester, your classmates tallied your quizzes and examinations and well, Jongin scored higher than you by two points. TWO points! It frustrated you. But it was fun competing with him like that since you got more focused and driven. This time you weren’t going to lose to him. You weren’t going to let anything or anyone distract you.
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My Lethal White episode 1 recap
After having had a lot of fun recapping episode 2, I went back and did episode 1 as well. It got a bit out of hand and is a loooong post...
Under the cut, because, evidently, there will be ALL THE SPOILERS! 🚨
*SQUEEEEE!!!* THEY’RE BACK!!! 🤗💃🏻🙌🏼  (Yes, I’m still squeeing, although this is a rewatch)
Let’s look at the title sequence, shall we? They’ve added a few new details: There’s the wooden cross from the dell, the White Horse of Uffington and Robin’s Houses of Parliament guest pass. The child from Billy’s memories and the pink blanket. Someone’s already mentioned the ‘whore’ swirling in the coffee cup, and then later we have a fencing icon in the pint. Cool hints. 😎
Cut to tired, head-achy Cormoran at the wedding. Strike has a slightly different haircut, and I wonder: they dye Tom’s hair darker for the role, but he has a glint of natural first grey at the temples that I’ve seen on Tom pre-Strike. How did they keep that? (Sorry about the hair kink digression…☺️)
Pet peeve of mine they carried over from Career of Evil: in the book, Donald Laing slashes Strike’s palm, but it didn’t happen in the series. There was no blood on his hand when he called Robin, and his glove was intact. And yet, Strike has his hand bandaged. I know it’s a silly pet peeve of mine, but stuff like that pulls me out of the moment. And Strike wouldn’t slap on a bandage just for a little bruising. *steps off soap box*
“You look beautiful.” - “And you look terrible.” - “It’s this jacket, needs taking in.” 😂
“I want you back.” - “What?” Augh, the double meaning of it all, Strike’s softness and Robin’s initial uncertainty of what he means. 🥺
When she realizes that Matt deleted Strike’s messages, there’s a tear spilling from her eye, and she quickly wipes it away. 😢 Such good acting. Such a brave girl.
A few of us have already addressed this in the chat: did Matt BLOCK Strike, or delete his calls and messages? Or both? They’re frustratingly unclear about this detail, and it makes a difference in terms of Strike being able to reach her or not. (I’m a continuity nerd, sorry)
Sarah standing next to Matthew. *gags*
Robin looks so beautiful! And so very sad. (Holliday is acting her heart out of this season, can’t say it enough). This is award material, hands-down. 🏆
Her look across the room at Cormoran while they’re eating! And he’s… just been staring at her all through the meal? Good god. These two.
If Cormoran falls asleep before dessert he’s got to be really, REALLY tired.☺️ Poor baby.
We’ve got to work on your fine dining skills, Cormoran darling! It’s very cowboy and rugged, handling cutlery like that, but you would SINK during an aristocracy under-cover op. Maybe the Comte de la Fère is available for a lesson?
The first chords of The Calling’s “Wherever you will go”. Ack. They really went for the original, and as someone who’s always been ridiculously in love with that cheesy song, I AM HERE FOR IT.
Cormoran walking slow-mo past the bridesmaids, looking at Robin dancing with Matt The Twat. My heart…💔
When I’m gone you’ll need love to light the shadows on your face… *sniff*
Cormoran’s FACE during the dance. I can’t. He looks like a puppy about to get shot. 🥺
(and what a juxtaposition to the little lady with the funny hat bobbing happily next to him, to everyone looking awww and being completely ignorant of the drama that’s playing out. Ugh. I’m dead.)
Matthew moves like someone who’s (painstakingly) learned exactly one (1) dance, and for their wedding only, and why is he even smiling so proudly? They must’ve just had the biggest row in history? Is he really so full of himself?
Even Robin is smiling, although staring longingly at Strike. I bet they did that so Strike would be a little mad at her and want to walk away.
AND HE DOES! 😟 You can just see the “Fuck this” from the book crossing his face as he turns around and leaves. Ack. I’m dead again.
If I could then I would, I’ll go wherever you will go
(Perfectly placed, kudos) 👏🏼
And she runs after him, looking like a fairy-tale princess. Did you see how frigging COLD it must’ve been, judging by her breath?! Poor Holliday must have been freezing to death during the shoot. And then to pull off such a heartbreaking scene…
(Also, the lawn in the park? A shitload of rolled sods. No grass looks this lusciously green in winter, and you can see the edges everywhere. Some landscaper had a field day there!)
“Are you sure?” - “Yeah. I am.” About WHAT, you idiots?! *wrings hands* To her coming back to work, of course, but there’s so much more to their statements. And I’m sure that non-book-readers thought they were about to kiss and elope, but - alas! - we know that’s not going to happen.😔
But at least we get The Hug™️, and it’s everything we hoped for: Robin crying, digging her fingers into his jacket; Cormoran closing his eyes… God help us, we are all DOOMED sailing this ship! 🙈💔
I was a little miffed upon first watching that they faded out of that hug so quickly. That was it? No, it wasn’t, as we now know, and I love, love, love that we’re getting all these extended flashbacks that reveal more and more of what happened to us!
ONE BLOODY YEAR LATER (I still can’t get over that time jump)
Lol at the subcontractor crashing his moped into the cab! It was only briefly mentioned in the book, and turning it into an actual dialogue was a fun idea.😂
And there’s Denise (that IS her, right?), completely uninterested in doing her job. Good grief - Strike and Robin are BAD a picking employees! 🙈
Robin looking not-jealous-at-all at Strike walking off with Lorelei. Ouch.
I like Lorelei, btw. They chose the actress well, and she’s nice and mature. Which doesn’t mean that I’m not secretly flinching every time she kisses Cormoran. It’s just not right.
Billy. Joseph Quinn does an incredible job playing him. 👏🏼 As dangerous as he appears at first, his despair and his efforts at holding himself together are heartbreaking. That battle he wages against his mental illness is on full display, and his scared big eyes are killing me. 🥺
Cormoran is admirably unfazed by Billy’s appearance - is that his Army training kicking in? Robin, though, is shaking but braving it out, recording with her phone although her hands are trembling. Good acting by Holliday.
Good riddance, Denise.
The good ole’ pencil trick. “I didn’t know people still did this.” 😌
I was surprised that Cormoran chose to simply break into the house on Charlemont road. It’s breaking and entering for no good reason. Could’ve been anybody’s home.
He’s not going to- EWW! He’s sitting down on that filthy couch. And plucking hairs from it. EWW!🤢
Robin: “...and some porn.” 😂 Says it as if it’s what they always find. The usual. Men… 🙄
Who’s the guy taking pictures of Cormoran? I seriously don’t remember this from the b- Oh, WAIT! Reporter guy. Patterson. Yeah. Him.
The CORE members are as cliché in their looks as are Chiswell’s upper class folks. It’s all a bit on the nose for my taste, but then clichés are clichés for a reason.
Cormoran needs to work on his disguises. Not fitting in at all with the CORE crowd, age-wise or in his look. No wonder they don’t trust him. He does it better in the books.
Oh Robin. I actually think you need a lot more therapy to work through your shit.
Ah, here we go. Seaborn bacteria. But first, Matt’s got to be a prick again. 🙄
Chiswell with his arrogance and his rudeness and his finger-snapping. *shakes head* I think if Cormoran hadn’t known he could make some serious money with this case, he may have walked out on him.
Btw, the “large” jacket is making Strike look slimmer instead of bigger. 😄 They’re so desperately mentioning Strike’s largeness, as if beating it over our heads could actually make us not see barely-6-foot and slender Tom Burke.
“Couple more potatoes wouldn’t hurt.” And his FACE! 🥰
Glenister is a really good actor. I always listen to the Strike audiobooks that he narrates, and I was worried hearing his voice in the show would be confusing, but it’s not because he sounds so different. Can’t wait for him reading “Troubled Blood” to me! 🎧
Is it a coincidence that Drummond’s art gallery has a painting of a horse in its front window? I think not.
I love that soft blue shirt they put Cormoran in. Makes him look very huggable. *blushes*
“Not sure I would make a convincing goddaughter either.”😂
So in England you can just walk up to a minister’s house and ring the doorbell without any security people stopping you? Interesting.
Chiswell just shutting the door in Cormoran’s face. RUDE.😠
The brown contact lenses. 👀 Okay, they make her look different, but not THAT different. It’s her sudden posh accent that’s the real stunner.
The panic attacks. Holliday plays them so well, I almost feel like I can’t breathe myself. 😧
I was expecting the Houses of Parliament to look a little less like a stuffy basement full of old junk. *ducks*
Barclay! Definitely looking more attractive than his description in the book. And I thought I’d gotten food at understanding Scottish. I haven’t. *turns subtitles on*
Izzy is the only Chiswell offspring who doesn’t make me want to immediately vomit.
“Venetia. Like the blinds.” Oh God. 🙈
Winn is such a creep. 🤮 Poor Robin. GET AWAY FROM HER YOU LEECH!
Of course Matt doesn’t want Robin to wear the Green Dress. Twat.🙄
The house warming party. I always wonder why Robin doesn’t have friends of her own. I have a feeling Matt has something to do with that.
The earrings. So we will see Robin finding out Matt’s cheating on her! I can’t wait for her to rip him a new one! 😈
Robin calls Cormoran - and it’s not Coco but Lorelei who picks up. That’s a smart change from the book. And it makes her the rebound girl. Which she doesn’t deserve, but it is what it is.
“And she bakes.” 🥴 Is it just me wondering how Lorelei got that cake into the tin without ruining the icing?!
Flashback to The Hug™️. God, their faces are so close. Cormoran is so soft. Nnnnhhhggggg.
Enter the plaid shirt. Lumber!Cormoran is a good look on him! 😍
The Armchair of Sadness™️. Of course that’s where the devastating phone call to Robin’s house happens! The disbelief and disappointment on Cormoran’s face is heart rending. 😢💔
@lulacat3 and I have already established the continuity error with Cormoran’s facial injuries suddenly missing when he’s reached the pub. (And they should still be there; he’s still wearing the plaid shirt from that same evening.) If I were the makeup person I would have been deeply regretful of having missed dabbing fake injuries on Tom’s face again.
The Uffington Horse. Robin’s in appropriate Wellingtons, weather jacket and a beanie for their outing. Cormoran is wearing what he always wears, and Tom clearly wishes he had a beanie. At least he gets to wear a t-shirt under his eternally blue shirts this season. REVOLUTION! 😄
Sure. Let’s just go and dig for a corpse with a shovel so conveniently available! Just the two of them - one delicate Robin and one invalid. And then Robin finds the bones after ten seconds of digging. No further comment. 🙄
But I like the change with Cormoran’s leg. As stupidly heroic as he acted in the book, I like it better in the show where he has to acknowledge his handicap and Robin takes charge.
The bones. Dun-dun-DUN!
(Good first episode, although all in all the pacing wasn’t quite right yet, and compared to the book it all felt a bit rushed. I liked episode two better.)
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 5
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*not my gif*
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 4557
Warnings: Dickhole Tom
Summary: Uncharted filming is postponed and Tom comes back home.
A/N: Please lmk if you’re enjoying this series or have any constructive criticism for my writing! Don’t hesitate to ask to be a part of the taglist (if i can even make it work lol) Enjoy part 5, loves :)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
“What the fuck. She’s actually crazy! We have to do something about this. I mean she’s literally blackmailing Tom into staying with her!” Harry said loudly.
“Shhh, I don’t want the other boys to hear.” You said trying to quiet him down, “I know it’s crazy, but Tom and I said we’d figure out a way for her to stay quiet or something I don’t know. But the only thing we can do right now is let him stay with her.”
“No, Harry, if you do anything she’ll expose Tom and I. E-even though we’re broken up I’m not ready for people to go digging into my past life. We’ll figure something out I promise.” He nodded understanding how much you cared about your privacy.
“Hey Harry and y/n. You guys down to-” Haz came into the living room and saw your puffy eyes and bruises forming on your left arm where Allana grabbed you. It was still a mystery that she was able to bruise you, “Oh what the hell happened, are you ok y/n?” He said very concerned and picked up your arm to examine it.
“I’m ok,” You laughed, “Just a little accident when we were coming into the house.” You said trying to not mention Allana.
“Oh it was definitely far from an accident. Allana came looking for Tom and she was-”
“Harrison! We have to go outside! Allana is going psycho on y/n and Harry!” Tuwaine came running down the stairs to show Haz the security footage, “Oh, oops… I thought this was going on now…” You all laughed.
“Anyway, Allana is way crazier than we thought, guys. She was trying to accuse y/n of trying to take Tom, calling her a ‘stupid whore’ and such. Well you can see it in the security footage. We can’t let her near y/n if she comes back.” Harry said and the boys nodded crossing their arms like they were your body guards and your heart melted.
“Aw you guys are gonna make me cry, love you guys,” They smiled at you, “but I can take care of myself. She’s just being a jealous girlfriend.”
“Uh no. more like a fucking psychopath.” Harrison said sassily and the boys agreed.
“Ok whatever she is, it doesn’t matter. You guys also can’t tell Tom what happened. We all know he’d come back in a heartbeat if he finds out.” The boys looked at you with a face like, ‘what the fuck?’. 
“He left to have some time for himself so we’ll give it to him. Plus he’s gonna start filming in a few days so we can’t distract him from his work.” The boys agreed because you made a valid point.
“As soon as he gets here though I’m gonna tell him to break it off with her.” Harrison said sternly and you got a little nervous about that.
-*One week before lockdown*-
It’s been a few days since Tom had left. Tom tried to reach out to you a few times, but you wouldn’t budge.
You were beginning to get nervous hearing about the restrictions of travel to the US and your manager, Stacy, called.
“Hey y/n how’s it going?”
“Well, I’m sad filming was cut short, but I guess I could use a break. I’m trying to find a plane ticket home, but they’re so hard to find since everyone is trying to go back to the states now.” You said nervously.
“Yeah, y/n, here’s the thing. I don’t think you should come back home.”
“What? B-but what about my family?” Your manager sighed.
“Look, you were gonna be gone from home for a few months already, if you stayed it’d be like the same thing. And who knows? You may even start filming in 2 weeks like they said. Plus it’s really not safe to travel at this time. I don’t want you to get sick and I’m sure you don’t want to get anyone in your family sick.” Stacy was making really good points, you sighed and nodded, “I’m sorry, y/n, just try to come to terms with it.” 
“Ok will do, Stacy. I’ll talk to you later.” She gave you an apologetic smile and hung up. You were upset, but at least you wouldn’t be alone right? Quarantining with 4 other boys was going to get real interesting… especially when one of them is your ex.
“Everything alright, Y/n?” Harry sat next to you on the couch. You shook your head and rested it on his shoulder. 
“I can’t go back to my family because of the virus.” He looked at you apologetically and rubbed your back.
“It’s gonna be ok you have me, Harrison, Tuwaine, and Tom will probably be home soon.” You nodded and felt a sense of comfort knowing Tom would be back soon.
- In Berlin, Germany-
Tom got a text from the producers for the entire crew to meet in the hotel lobby. Tom already had an idea of what was about to happen. As soon as everyone got there the director, Ruben Fleischer spoke. 
“Thanks for coming down everyone, I assume you already know what this announcement is about. We’re going to have to postpone all production of Uncharted until it is safe to return. I suggest that you make your way home soon since travelling restrictions are getting worse.” As soon as he finished talking Tom got a text from his assistant, Ben, saying that he already booked Tom a plane ticket last night because he heard the news beforehand somehow. 
Tom was sad that he’d have to leave doing what he loves most, but he was excited to go back home and see you and the boys. He thought of this as a nice little break, then he remembered he had to deal with Allana and he sighed.
He sent a text to a groupchat called, “y/n and divs,” (which consisted of everyone in the house) saying he’d be going back home now.
- Heathrow Airport - 
Tom tiredly tried to hail a cab until a familiar car pulled up in front of him. 
“Hey, Tommy.” Tom's eyes widened. How the hell did she know he was coming back? “Hop in, baby.” He gulped and walked into the passenger seat.
“How’d you know I was coming back?” Tom asked, a little freaked out.
“I had Ben update me since you weren’t responding to any of my texts or calls for three fucking days! Which we really need to have a chat about.” She said getting mad, then she breathed out trying to calm down and cleared her throat, “I’m just worried about you, Tommy.” She smiled at Tom and kept driving.
“Sorry I was really busy with work and they needed me to come to set early.” He lied, hiding the fact that he was trying to get away from her. He texted the, “y/n and divs,” group chat,
Tom: Hey, just landed. Allana picked me up. She's taking me back to her flat, I’ll try to be home before 8
Harrison: Oh shit good luck lol
Tom looked confused at the text. Did Harrison know something?
Tom’s heart sped up when he saw that you texted, but in a private chat. 
Y/n: Make good decisions… Be safe please x
It’s the only thing you’ve said to him in a few days. He knew you’d come around eventually and your concern for his safety made him smile. ‘Wait, why is everyone texting me like embarking on a dangerous adventure?’ He thought.
“Who’re the texts from?” Allana asked. 
“Oh uh nobody.” Tom quickly deleted his messages with you just in case Allana would see.
“Bull shit.” She said sternly and snatched Tom’s phone, “Ugh why does Harrison hate me so much?”
“Allana what the fuck you’re driving! What the hell is going on? You’ve been really cr- uh different since the dinner.” Her mood went from mad to sad in 0.0002 seconds as she pulled over. She sighed and said innocently,
“I-I’m sorry, Tommy. I-I guess I’ve just been so insecure ever since y/n showed up and I don’t want to lose you because you're such a great guy. And it really hurt that you left without telling me because it was our 5 month anniversary.” Tom’s eyes widened because he forgot about that and began to feel bad and sighed.
“Allana, why didn’t you just tell me that? You have no need to worry either, Y/n and I aren’t getting back together.” Tom hurt himself when he said that. He wished he could get back with you, but you just wanted to be friends. Allana perked up right away and leant over the console to give him a long kiss, but Tom cut it short, still not able to trust her. She cleared her throat and began to drive again.
“I’m going to use the loo really quick, then we can go pick up some dinner.” Allana said. Tom nodded and decided to check his security cams since he hasn’t in a while. He casually scrolled through the usual footage of the mail men and people coming into/ leaving the house, that is until he saw a video of Allana going to sit on the porch and noticed it was from the day he left. His blood began to boil when he saw Allana yank you back and say all those mean things to you. 
The driver door swung open, “Ok, ready to-”
“Allana what the fucking hell is this?” Tom hissed and showed Allana the footage. Her eyes went wide, 
“First off you left me without any warning. I’m your girlfriend, Tom! Second you didn’t answer any of my texts or calls on our 5 month anniversary. Third it really seems like you weren’t trying to stay away from y/n, don’t even think for a second I didn’t see what Tuwaine posted.” Tom looked at her confused, she groaned and pulled up the picture of you laying across all the boys. “Care to explain? Because I’m very close to exposing your little secret.” She said darkly.
“Allana, jeez that was before you started this insane ‘deal’ of yours. I swear.” 
“Hm, you got lucky this time Tom.” She snarled. Tom was getting fed up,
“That’s it. You called y/n really rude things and would have hurt her. I can’t do this anymore you’re insa-”
“Ohp stop right there, Tommy, if you’re trying to break up with me right now remember that the ball is in my court.” Tom furrowed his brows in anger, “If you do I’ll make the story worse. I’ll go straight to TMZ and along with your past relationship I’ll tell them that you and y/n were fucking behind my back. I’ll make sure to ruin both of your careers.” Tom stayed silent. 
“Oh, Tommy, don’t look so sad.” She said in a baby voice.
“I need to go. I can’t be around you right now.” Tom got out of the car and retrieved his luggage. She yelled behind him,
“Don’t forget about what I can do, Tom. I want you back at my flat tomorrow.” 
Tom walked to his friend Connor’s house which was only two blocks away and knocked on the front door.
“Hold on I’m coming!” The door swung open, “Tom? Mate, it’s been so long you ok?” They bro hugged before Connor let him in.
“No actually, I uh came here for some info…” Connor raised his brow, “about Allana.”
“Oh shit, Tom. I told you you should’ve left her as soon as possible.”
“Yeah I know. I-I don’t know why I didn’t listen to anyone. I guess I just wanted to be with someone.” He sighed and his mind went to you as he plopped down on the couch.
Connor patted his back and sat next to him, “It’s ok you’re not the first guy to have troubles with Allana. Well, what’d you want to know?”
“Every single detail of her last relationship.” Tom said sternly.
“Thanks for giving me a ride home and for telling me everything, mate. I owe you.” Tom said, giving Connor a bro hug over the console.
“Don’t even worry about it. You already got yourself in quite a pickle.” Tom laughed tiredly and turned to walk to the house. 
“Hey guys I’m home.” Tom said in a very unenthusiastic way. Nobody came to greet him or anything, he heard voices upstairs and decided to check it out.
“Bro, that’s sick! Do it again.” Harrison said amused. 
“Haha alright I will, give me a second. Y/n, are you recording now?” This time it's a familiar American voice that’s coming through the phone. Tom walked into your room to see all the boys huddled behind you at your desk. He knocked on the door frame and everyone turned around. 
“Aye look who’s back. It’s Tom!” Tuwaine cheered. Your heart skipped a beat with excitement.
“Oh, wait a sec not yet.” You said as all the boys went to greet Tom. You sat there afraid that Allana might be watching the instagram live.
“What’s going on here?” Tom asked, coming to look at your phone. He saw you were on an instagram live with Gavin Leatherwood. His heart dropped and his body began to heat up with jealousy. 
“Hey, Tom! Long time no see. I was about to do a double front flip. Did you just get back from filming?” Gavin asked nicely. Tom had a straight face the entire time. You could sense Tom was not happy and you watched him closely afraid he’d do something bad.
“Yep. Filming got cancelled for me.” He said seriously and stood straight up to walk away without letting Gavin respond. ‘Well that went better than expected.’ You thought. The boys looked at him apologetically, but went back behind you to watch Gavin flip.
“Uh, Gavin, why don’t you do that flip and that’ll be the last thing because we gotta go.”
He nodded and did the flip, sticking the landing perfectly. The boys cheered and everyone in the comments went crazy. 
“Nice, mate, you’re so good at that!” Harry said, clapping still. Gavin laughed,
“Thanks it took a lot of time for me to get that down. Alright you all gotta go now?” You nodded, 
“Yeah sorry, it’s around dinner time here now.” You said.
“No worries! It’s breakfast time for me anyway. Text me and send me the video.” You nodded and both said your goodbyes to everyone watching the live.
“Man that was dope. Y/n, you have to get him to hang out with us when this is all over.” Haz pleaded before speaking with Tuwaine. You giggled and nodded in agreement.
“Y/n, I don’t think Tom was very happy about that.” Harry said sticking with you as Haz and Tuwaine walked ahead.
“Yeah no shit, he had a straight face the whole time. Should I talk to him?” Harry shrugged.
“Maybe? I mean it seems like he’s already had a really rough day.” 
“Yeah I just don’t want to make his day worse-” Harry cut you off pointing at Tom sitting at the dinner table. He was drinking a beer and had an empty shot glass next to him,
“Looks like you should talk to him, hear him out or something. I’ll help Haz and Tuwaine cook dinner.” Harry sighed and walked to the other boys.
You nodded and made your way over to Tom rubbing his shoulder before sitting down, “Not even 20 minutes here and you’re already trying to get drunk?” You joked and he scoffed. Oof. “Wanna talk about anything?” You looked at him concerned. 
“Hm yeah I do. I’ve got a lot to talk about actually, but seems like you’d much rather drool over Mr. Leatherwood instead of listen to poor old Tom.” You sighed and gave him a sad look. 
“Tom, Gavin just joined my instagram live because he was bored. We were just entertaining other people.” You didn’t want to say anything more because you were worried Tom would only get more upset. 
“That’s fucking bull shit.” He hissed taking another swig of beer, “He was literally just trying to impress you with his stupid flip, which isn’t even that impressive. You know I could do that too, y/n. He’s not special.” His jealousy was beginning to show. You smiled a bit at him and nodded, 
“I’m sure you can do that and more, but he’s just my friend and he knows that’s all he is to me.”
“Does he really? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better? Who decided to break up first in the relationship?” His voice was raising a bit and Harrison and Tuwaine kept looking your way. 
“Maybe we should take this conversation to the liv-” You said already standing up. But Tom lightly pulled your waist back down to the chair.
“No we’re going to talk about this here and now. Who decided to break up first?” 
“L-like I said, it was mutual.” You said softly
“No that’s bull. I can tell you’re lying.” You shut your eyes stressed and sighed,
“Ok, I was the one that suggested it.” Tom sat back looking satisfied taking a sip of his beer.
“Ya, that’s what I thought. You don’t like staying tied down. Did you also tell him you still wanted to be friends so that you could fuck him when you’re feeling lonely?” You stared at Tom in disbelief.
“What the hell, Tom?” He snickered darkly and shook his head.
“Oh my god, you’re not even fucking denying it. You probably go around telling guys that you’d be their friend instead of straight out rejecting them so you can fuck around with their feelings and have some sex when you feel like it.” Your vision began to get blurry with every word Tom said, but you refused to cry.
“You of all people should know damn well that I’m nothing like that, Tom.” You spat
“Do I really though, y/n?” Tom said, his voice booming. The other boys all turned to you two now. “You couldn’t even tell me the truth about you and Gavin and then I see the shit Allana did to you a few days ago? Well actually none of you fuckers bothered to tell me about it.” He said turning around and pointing at the other boys. “Damn it this is my house as well!” You stared at him with apologetic eyes.
“Hey, Tom. We didn’t tell you what went down because you said needed to leave for space and we gave it to you. Don’t blame y/n for anything.” Harry said standing up for you now. Tom scoffed.
He turned back around and looked at you straight in the eyes, “What, are you getting into my friends’ minds now? I left for you, y/n. I left so that I could fix shit and all for what? Fucking lies. That’s all I get in return,  and you never even communicated back to me. You were probably being petty because I left. Which again was for you damn it!” He was beginning to turn red and getting angrier by the second. Nobody was prepared for what he was about to say next.
“You know what? You’re a manipulative snake and get everyone wrapped around your little fucking finger so that they can do your work for you. You never probably even thought about how I felt about this situation or how I felt when you wanted to hide our relationship.” Tears rushed down your face now, “And you know what? I’ve fallen under your spell, but I can’t do it anymore, I’m done with your shi-” 
“Tom! You fucking dickhead. You don’t even know half the shit y/n has been through after you broke up. You can’t blame her for anything when she reached out to you and you couldn’t even work up the damn courage to simply reply.” Harry walked over to you and pulled you up as he glared at his brother. “Let’s go y/n. I’ll have the boys bring us food later and we can start a movie marathon now.” He comforted you as you walked away from Tom. 
“See, Harry? You’re falling for her shit too!” Tom said and Harry flipped him off. That made your heart break even more.
“Fuck!” Tom yelled and slammed his hands on the table. Haz and Tuwaine walked over to him and sat him down. All the words Tom said to you replayed in his mind and he immediately regretted saying them. 
“I fucked up didn’t I?” He asked his friends with his head in his hands.
“Majorly.” Tuwaine said.
“That was really harsh, mate.” Harrison said, “Why didn’t you tell us what was going on? You never even told us how you felt after you guys broke up. You kept saying you were fine when we tried to reach out.”
Tom sighed, “That’s because I’ve never felt that much pain before. I didn’t even know it, but I’ve been numb the whole time she was gone. I-I think I stayed with Allana because she distracted me from my heartache, and look how that’s going for me now.” He looked up at his two friends with tears in his eyes.
“W-well mate I mean anyone who was born yesterday could even see that Allana was just there to keep you busy…” Harrison said and Tuwaine slapped his neck while Tom groaned.
“God, Harrison, you’re shit at this. Tom, don’t pay attention to him. The only way you can fix this is by confronting the pain, not ignoring it. No matter how painful the feelings and memories are you need to bring them out and come to terms with it.” Harrison nodded.
“Yeah, you’re not the only one who’s felt pain before. You know I’ve been numb after a bad breakup before, and you were there to help me heal. It’s gonna be difficult to get over it trust me on that, but you have us here and your family to help you. Now if you don’t mind, why don’t you tell us what you’ve felt the past 6 months so we can help now.” Tom cried more and hugged Harrison and Tuwaine. 
“I feel very vulnerable right now, but thanks, you guys are the best.” They smiled and sat across from Tom to listen to his troubles.
“It’s ok to feel vulnerable sometimes.” Tuwaine said.
“Wow, I feel like shit, but also a little free.” Tom said sniffling, his eyes were beyond puffy, and they were hurting a bit. Both Haz and Tuwaine cried a bit as well.
“Yeah that was pretty heavy, but I know you’ll get through it, mate. You’re strong.” Tuwaine said with a smile and Harrison agreed,
“I think you should talk to y/n about this though. She needs to know what you’ve been feeling. Oh and of course apologize for what you said to her.” said Harrison. 
Tom nodded and asked, “Do you think y/n will ever forgive me?” 
“From what I know I think she’ll come around eventually, but you know her the best, mate.” Tom agreed and hoped to a high power that you’d forgive him even if it takes weeks. Tom was determined to win your trust and friendship back.
“Here take this food up to her and Harry as well.” Haz said, handing Tom two plates.
Tom lightly kicked your door because his hands were full. Harry swung the door open and clenched his jaw a bit when he saw Tom, but his expression softened when he saw how puffy and red Tom’s eyes were. 
“Well you look like shit.” Harry joked, making Tom smile a bit.
“I feel like it too.” Tom said softly. 
“Is that for us?” Harry asked looking at the two plates in his hands.
“Y-yeah,” Tom handed Harry the plates, “I wanted to apologize to you for being a dickhead, I get now why you guys didn’t tell me what happened.”
“We’re a bit at fault too, we should’ve thought about how you’d feel.” Tom nodded in agreement, “But you shouldn’t be apologizing to just me. You really hurt y/n’s feelings.” 
“Yeah I know. I need to talk to her now.” Tom said sternly. Harry peaked back into your room and said,
“Sorry she doesn’t want to talk right now.” 
“Y/n? Please let me explain everything. I-I didn’t mean what I said to you down there.” Your heart began to beat faster. The door was opened wider and you saw Tom’s tired and sad face, your heart ached, “Please, y/n, I-I need you.” You wanted to give in, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to and you shook your head.
“Tom, I’m sorry. I’m not ready to talk yet. P-please leave.” You said as tears rolled down your cheeks again, his heart dropped.
“W-well then, I’ll wait out here until you’re ready to talk.” You watched as he began to cry again and sit against the wall across from your door. Harry gave his brother an apologetic look before coming back into your room and shutting the door. He set the plates on your desk and gave you a long hug. You sobbed even more.
“H-Harry, I’m hurting.” 
“Shhh, I know. I can tell Tom is hurting right now too.” He rubbed your back.
“I-I think I should leave.” You said and Harry detached from you. 
“What? No you can’t do that, y/n. It’s not safe to leave the country a-and Stacy said you can’t remember?”
“No, I mean leave this house. I know it’s gonna be hard to find a place, but I’ve only caused problems and I don’t want to cause anymore conflict.” You looked at Harry sadly.
“I’m not gonna force you to stay, but running from your problems doesn’t solve anything. Remember when you told Tom that?” You nodded your head sadly. He was right, but you felt like a mess and you didn’t want the boys to have to clean you up.
- Hour and a half later -
“Love, I’m going to go to bed now. I can stay and sleep on the floor if you want.” Harry said.
“No no. It’s ok I’m feeling a lot better now. Thanks for making me feel better with Harry Potter.” You smiled at him, your eyes hurt a bit.
“No problem, love. Don’t hesitate to come to me if you need anything later tonight.” You nodded and he kissed your forehead walking away with the two empty plates. When he opened the door your heart melted seeing a sleeping Tom with an empty plate next to him. 
Harry looked back at you and chuckled, “He really did wait. You want to talk to him?” You thought for a bit before sighing and nodding your head. Harry nudged Tom with his foot and he stirred awake. Tom looked surprised at you before getting up. He thanked Harry for taking his plate and walked into your room. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry-”
“Tom, before you say more, I’m going to move out.” Tom’s heart broke. He couldn’t let you leave again, not after everything he told Haz and Tuwaine.
Tag list <3 :  @averyfosterthoughts @thollandx @mrsjeffwittek @panicattheeverywherekid @racewife2004 @greatpizzascissorstaco @witchything @wheelertozier @runway-to-my-aid @rafficorn @jessirosebud @peterspideyy  @superstarchick @jackiehollanderr @astridcommings @mineymak712 @hollands-osterfield @inhumanwithpowers @aduky​ @thevelvetseries​ @twelfthnightorwhatyouwill1998​
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tvmblrdothailey · 4 years
Bnha x trans woman reader
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A/N: I decided to write an x reader where the reader is a trans woman. To any trans woman reading this I just want you to know thAT I FŪCKING LOVE YOU💙💖🤍💖💙🥰😘🥰😘🥰😘 YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND I WILL LITERALLY FIGHT ANYONE WHO HURTS YOU.
Warning: Cursing, Transphobia, mentions of Sex Reassignment Surgery, Gender Dysphoria. Karen
(Y/N): Your name
(D/N): Your dead name
Summary: It took a while for your parents to accept you for who you are, you just hoped your classmates and teachers would accept you as well.
- Before the first day, you had recieved your school uniform, but it turned out to be a mens uniform. To which you had to “politely” ask them to send you the correct uniform.
- Once you made it to class you were immediently introduced to a green haired male who you’d later find out was named Izuku. Then you met Uraraka, Iida, Asui, etc.
- Eveything was going well until your teacher showed up and immediently had you all sent to change into P.E uniforms.
- It wasn’t the uniform that was the problem, it was the fact that none of them knew you were trans and had to share a changing room with other woman. And even though they seemed friendly at first, you still were unsure how’d they react.
- In the past you had to learn the hard way that a smile can really hide someones true colors and that not all people are willing to accept you for who you are and not what you are.
- It’s worth noting that you havent had Sex Reassignment Surgery yet, because you couldnt afford it. (You did take medication though)
- And even though you were generally confident about your Gender, you still had your moments where you started to doubt yourself abd even questioned if you were a real woman (WHICH YOU FRICKING ARE OKAY!!! 😤💙🤍💖)
- Once you were in the womans lockerroom, you tried your best to find a place where you could change without any of them seeing you. So far it was going good until Uraraka came looking for you. She blushed and in a panic you told her you were a trans woman.
- You froze for a few seconds before hearing Uraraka’s voice “Oh...okay, well just so you know, I think you’re a very beautiful woman!” My god you had to hold back from giving Uraraka a hug right then and there.
- Later down the line you had come out to the rest of the girls as a Trans woman, to which they all responded with hugs and affection.
- “We don’t care if you’re trans, you’re still the same (Y/N) we know and love.” -Hagakure
- “It doesnt matter whats in your pants, if you identify as a woman, then you’re a woman.” - Jirou
- “I am literally pink, and you think I’d judge you because of your gender? Hell nah, get over here and let me love you!” - Mina
- “If anyone tells you otherwise you come to me and I will have a “friendly” chat with them.” -Momo
- “Ribbit, You’ll always be our friend (Y/N), no matter what.” -Tsu
- They would die for you
- With the help of the other girls, you eventually came out to Aizawa, and he promised that you would be treated the same just as any other student. And if anyone gives you any problems you bring it to him for him to deal with. (Protective dad tm)
- Eventually the entire class knew and you felt the biggest weight fall of your shoulders.
- “It does’nt matter, you’re still (L/N) (Y/N). And we all care about you. 💚” -Izuku
- “I don’t give a damn about your gender! So stop it with that self-concious shit.” -Bakugo. Although his words may seem harsh, he really cares about you and is willing to blow up any wall, building or mountain to chase away any Dysphoria you may have.
- You had to exaplain it a couple of times for Todoroki since he was never educated about that kind of stuff, but once he got it he immediently replied “I didn’t know people could do that. Thank you for telling me, and I’ll do everything I can to support you.” 🤍❤️
- Of cource there were going to be some students who felt the need to belittle you...
- One time in the Caffiteria, Monoma had walked up to your table and desided that today would be the day he would be the biggest dick in the world
- “It’s shocking how people say Class 1A is one of the hardest courses to get into, yet they let someone like you in.” He said
- You looked at him “Excuse me?”
- “I’m just saying when you think about it scientifically, you’re still a man no m- “ Monoma didn’t get to finish his sentence before Kendo slapped him, knocking him out cold.
- “Hey, sorry about him (Y/N). I knew he was low but I didn’t think he was that low.” She then smiled at you “Don’t listen to him, he’s just desperate to finding ways to make his class seem better because of some imaginary rivalry that’s only exist in his head. Anyway, I need to take him to Recovery girl to get his brains checked, but I’ll see you later!”
- Kendo was the best, and she made sure that Monoma got a stern lecture from Vlad later that day.
- Then there was the Mall incident, when the class was going on a trip to the mall to buy supplies for Summer training camp, but then you ran into an Ex friend.
- Emphasis on the word EX
- “(D/N)?” They said. To which you froze, you recgonized that voice anywhere and you could already tell that this conversation wasn’t going to be friendly.
- You slowly turned around “Hey Karen...” She didnt look that diffrent, fake nails, fake jewlery, fake personality...what?
- “Why are you dressed like a woman?” She said.
- You groaned before responding “Because I am a woman, Karen.” You tried to walk away from her in order to avoid confrontation, the last thing you needed were hundreds of eyes on you. You made a note to yourself to come back tommorow when you would’nt have to deal with her. But you’re taken out of your thoughts as you feel someone grab your shoulder and spin you around.
- “Do you think it’s funny? To make fun of mental illness?” She said.
- There was a point in time when Karens words didnt offend you anymore, they just frustrated you because of how dumb and ignorant she sounded.
- “Karen, I have told you multiple times that I am a woman, I am not mentally ill, I am human. I get that it might be confusing for you but it’s not for me. I am happy the way I am okay?”
- “You’re the one that’s confused. You think you’re a girl but you’re a boy no matter what? That’s just how the human body works.” She shot back. At this point multiple eyes were already on you two. Some looked uncomftorable, others look confused and then there were a few that looked disgusted. Just a few people had the power to send Dysphoria crawling back into your mind.
- You started to hear fast footsteps before hearing “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY YOU BOOTLEG BARBIE BITCH?!”
- Oh hey bakugo (we’re gonna pretend him, Kiri and Shoto came along aight)
- “Bakugo, It is unacceptable to call a woman by such a deragatory term! Even though she was being rude to (Y/N) there are better ways to-“ Iida was cut off by Bakugo
- “SHUT THE HELL UP FOUR EYES!” Kiri then had to hold bakugo back while Todoroki and Uraraka steped in between you and Karen.
- “Don’t ever talk to our friend like that, she is more of a woman than you’ll ever be. I’d suggest that you walk away right now, our friend can only hold back Bakugo for so long.” Todoroki said
- Uraraka helped calm your nerves and whispered to you “Don’t listen to her, she’s just jealous because you can wear a dress better than her.”
- AIGHT, now the training camp.
- During the training camp, Tiger had not only helped you get stronger, but also helped scare away any Gender Dysphoria that remained inside your head.
- “Don’t ever let peoples harsh words get to you! You are doing this for yourself and that’s what matters!” He said
- When it was time to take a bath, you didn’t hesitate to get into the hot springs. The encouraging words Tiger gave you along with the constant support of your friends had made you feel safe and happy. You could’nt ask for better friends.
- One moment that stuck out was when momo dropped the question “Hey (Y/N), you dont have to awnser this but I was wondering, why have’nt you gone through Sex Reassignment Surgery? Are you not comftorble with it or...?”
- “Oh, I just dont have the money for it.” You responded
-Way way later on.
- your birthday was finally around the corner
- On the big day you woke up to your friends Uraraka and Midoriya at your door and they dragged you to the main room where the rest of the class along with Mr. Aizawa were.
- You noticed a large envelope on the coffe table and they looked at you before Hagakure urged you to open it.
- When you did you found two gifts, one was a shirt
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- And the other was a smaller envelope with the words Class 1A written on the back. You opened the envelope and pulled out a card and opened it to which a small keychain fell out that said “trans woman are real woman” and if that wasn’t wholesome enough...
- You looked inside the card but before you could begin reading Aizawa interupted and asked you to read it outloud.
- “Dear (Y/N), words can not describe how wonderful you are, how brave, how strong, or how amazing of a person and classmate you are. We all love you! When you came out to us as a transwoman, we all immediently wanted to make sure you knew you were valid and loved. It’s come to our attention that you haven’t had sex reassignment surgery because you are unable to afford it. So we banded together and decided we would help pay for your surgery-“ you couldn’t finish as you were allready in tears and you looked at Aizawa and the rest of the class to confirm that they were not messing with you.
- “I’ve already talked with your parents all you have to do is set up an appointment and all that fun stuff.” Aizawa said.
- Your tears turned into water falls and your classmates all went to give you hugs and affection. You thanked each of them through your tears of joy and hiccups.
- Definitely a Birthday that would be remembered.
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nerdzzone · 4 years
Light After Dark: Chapter Three
Summary: Brooke Harris was trying her best to be grateful. As the world tackled the COVID-19 pandemic, she was healthy and safe and so was the rest of her family, but her dreams had very quickly been crushed by the economic fallout. Trapped on the quaint island of Jersey with nothing, but free time to wallow in her mistakes, Brooke’s mental health was taking a hit, but when she collides with a handsome stranger she starts to realize that the future might not be so bleak and there might still be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N: This chapter is pretty dialogue heavy so I’m sorry if people find that annoying! I have ideas to make sure that’s not always the case, but obviously most social distance relationships of any kind involve a lot of just talking and not as much in person interacting
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I nervously chewed my nails as I stared at the blank phone that was lying on the bed.  Surely he wouldn't even notice. He probably didn't even have his notifications turned on or his phone would be buzzing a thousand times a day. Even if he did notice that he had another like, he probably wouldn't even realize it was me.
I'd just managed to convince myself that I hadn't made an incredibly embarrassing blunder when my phone buzzed and the light flashed notifying me that I had a text. I tentatively picked it up and unlocked it, hoping it was just a coincidence, but my hopes were quickly dashed when I read it.
Henry: Are you a big rugby fan?
I groaned, knowing I was caught. For a minute I debated deleting my account completely and feigning ignorance, but I knew I had to be a mature adult, bite the bullet and own up.
Me: Not gonna lie, I was hoping you wouldn't notice 😳 I thought it might get lost in the thousands of notifications you must get everyday
Henry: Thousands? You're overestimating my celebrity! I don't post often enough to get many notifications on a day to day basis...especially not on pictures that are over a year old 😉
My cheeks were still hot, but I smiled at his teasing.
Me: Over a year? Try six months! I barely even had to scroll and I didn't mean to like it
He took a few moments to respond and I worried I'd come off as too rude, but just as I was about to apologize, his reply came through.
Henry: Hmm, if you didn't mean to like any of my posts then why were you even looking at my account?
Me: Perhaps you came up as a suggested account to follow which supposedly means that you were looking at my account first
It was clearly a lie, but I figured it was worth suggesting. Maybe he had stalked me first if he was as intrigued by me as I was by him. But my hopes were quickly dashed once again.
Henry: Perhaps that's the case, but it would be quite tricky for me to have found you when all I have to go on is your first name
Henry: Perhaps it's more likely that you were doing some googling and therefore the internet thought you'd like to know that I have Instagram
Clearly, he was more than just a pretty face so I decided to come clean before I dug a deeper hole.
Me: Alright, Detective Cavill. You win. I was shamelessly creeping and accidentally double tapped a photo
Henry: 😂😂😂
Henry: There's no shame in that! I'm touched that you even cared enough to creep me 😉 and now I can do some creeping of my own, BrooketheBaker
I smiled, pleased that he was actually interested in looking at my pictures.
Me: Oh god, I hope there's nothing too cringy on there...maybe give me a few minutes to wipe all evidence of me being anything less than beautiful and hilarious
Henry: From the brief time we spent together, I find it very hard to believe there is anything that would convince me otherwise
My face heated up again at his compliment and my cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling. I felt like I was a teenager again, giggling and blushing at my phone as I texted a boy, but talking to Henry was fun and I hadn't enjoyed talking to a man this much in a long time.
Me: Well, enter at your own risk then, but the illusion will no doubt be shattered momentarily
Really, there was nothing on Instagram that I would be embarrassed for him to see. I didn't post that often, but I was very much my normal self on social media. I didn't put on an act for the few followers I had, I stayed true to myself. And sure, sometimes that was silly and goofy and not always flawless photos like some people post, but it was me. So, if he didn't like that then it was better for me to know now.
Henry: I'll have to do a deeper dive later, but for now all I can see is a very adorable and talented baker
A notification popped up that HenryCavill had followed me and like one of my photos as I read his text. I clicked through to see which one and saw one of me holding up a massive birthday cake I'd made for Molly's birthday back in February when she'd been allowed to host hoards of her friends. I followed him back before answering.
Me: Aw, shucks. You're too sweet. I still have a lot to learn, but that's half the fun
Henry: Well, my birthday is in a couple of weeks so feel free to send any experimental cakes my way
I made a mental note to check the exact day as an idea started to form. I owed him a thank you for helping me when my ankle was hurt anyway so a cake for his birthday would be a good gesture.
Me: Any allergies or flavour preferences?
Henry: I was only teasing
I was slightly disappointed that he hadn't been serious, but another text came through before I had time to worry.
Henry: But no allergies or preferences. I'll let the expert decide what's best!
I grinned at his compliment.
Me: I will see what I can do then, but I'm a bit rusty after all this time in lockdown so try not to set those expectations too high.
Henry: I'm sure your skills are still far better than mine
Me: I would hope so since I did try to make a career out of it 😉 
I heard quiet voices as Cassie and Molly left the bathroom so I awkwardly shifted off my bed, making sure to keep most of my weight on my good foot before limping to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I gave my face a quick wash as well before hobbling back to my room. My phone was flashing on my bed so I picked it up, smiling as I expected to see a text from Henry, but I was shocked to see not only a text, but also a missed call.
Henry: Sorry for being presumptuous. Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer speaking over the phone to a long text conversation
My stomach filled with nervous butterflies as my finger hovered over the little phone icon. It was cute that he actually wanted to have a proper conversation, but it was a little intimidating as well. Texting was so much less pressure and gave me time to think over my responses to come off in the best way, but over the phone it was more authentic which was probably his point.
Not wanting to make Henry think that he'd upset me by calling, I took a deep breath and pressed the button.
"Hello, Brooke," He answered right away. "I'm glad you returned my call."
"Of course," I smiled. "Sorry I didn't answer, I was just brushing my teeth."
"Hm, an important thing for a baker, I would imagine. After tasting all those sweet creations."
I laughed as I awkwardly balanced the phone on my shoulder so I could get settled back on the bed without hurting my ankle.
"That's probably true," I agreed. "But as I said, I haven't been making many sweet things to sample lately."
"I’m starting to think I might have to rescind my order for a birthday cake then," Henry teased. "I wouldn't want some sub par cake from an out of practice baker."
"Excuse me," I protested. "I never turn out sub par work! Besides, you said your birthday is in a few weeks so I have some time to practice before then."
"Oh good." I could hear the smile in his voice. "It's May Fifth to be exact, just in case you're wondering."
"Great, I'll write it on the calendar."
My words were dripping with sarcasm, but luckily Henry laughed. It was a deep and warming laugh, there was something comforting about it. I was almost disappointed when he stopped chuckling and spoke again.
"So, how did you get into baking?"
"Really it was just luck and natural talent," I admitted. "I'm not trying to sound big headed, but I used to watch a lot of cooking shows after school so I just decided to give it a go and happened to be quite good at it."
"Wow, that's impressive," Henry praised, making my cheeks blush once again. "I'll admit, I've tried my hand at making bread since this lockdown started, but it wasn't really all that good."
"Ooh, you jumped on the bread bandwagon?" I teased, knowing it was a big trend at the moment. "I'm surprised you managed to get yeast, I hear it's almost as hard to find as toilet paper at the moment."
"Luckily my mother was willing to share her supply," Henry chuckled. "But I think she regretted it when she tasted the final product."
"Don't beat yourself up too much, bread can be quite tricky," I assured him, smiling at the embarrassment in his voice. "You have to get the proofing right or it's a lost cause."
"See, the fact that I don't even know what proofing means is probably a bad sign."
I laughed out loud at that one, covering my mouth as I remembered that Cassie would probably be trying to get Molly to sleep and loud noises tended to be a distraction during that process.
"It's just a fancy term for letting it rise," I explained. "We like to make things sound more complicated than they are so that people don't realize that anyone can be a baker if they try hard enough."
"I very much doubt that's true," Henry disagreed. "There's an art to it. Maybe the technical side comes with practice, but knowing what flavours to use and how to make it look beautiful isn't something that anyone can do."
"That does come with practice too though. It's not like acting where you really need that natural gift."
"I think you need less natural gifts with acting than baking," Henry insisted. "Anyone can learn to act if they have the passion and enthusiasm."
"Hardly," I scoffed. "I can't even lie convincingly, there's no way I'd be able to properly portray an entirely different character."
"With a smile as distractingly beautiful as yours, I would imagine you probably don't need to be a particularly convincing liar."
I bit back a smile at his compliment, but I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the cheese.
"Wow, Mr. Cavill. Do they teach you that charm in acting school?"
"I never went to acting school," He admitted, the smirk in his voice clear even through the phone. "So the charm is all me I'm afraid."
"Hm, that makes it more dangerous then," I teased before turning the conversation onto his career. "So, were you busy working when everything shut down?"
"I was actually," Henry sighed. "I was gearing up to start filming the second season of the Witcher."
"Oh, I've heard of that!"
"Did you watch it?"
"No," I admitted earning another chuckle from Henry. "But I heard a lot of really good things. I'll have to check it out."
"It's worth it," He insisted. "And I'm not just saying that because I'm in it. The material is great and the other actors and actresses are amazing."
"Alright, you've convinced me," I sighed dramatically. "But if I really like it you have to promise to give me all the spoilers for season two."
Another chuckle filled my ears and my stomach fluttered at the sound.
"I can't do that I'm afraid. They swore me to secrecy before they gave me the scripts."
"Oh, so you do have the script then?"
"It's sitting right here next to me as we speak."
I smirked at his confirmation.
"Alright, then if I have any questions after I'm done, I can just sneak into your house and find out for myself."
"You're going to break into my house?!" Henry was trying to sound incredulous, but I could hear the smile in his voice. "I didn't think you were such a criminal!"
"I said sneak!" I pointed out with a laugh. "I'm not a criminal, but apparently you're easily disarmed by a nice smile and I might just have to use that to my advantage."
"Damn, I shouldn't have showed my weaknesses so early in the game," Henry said, regretfully. "But I'll have to warn you, with a massive dog and three kids under ten running around, it's quite hard to sneak anywhere around here."
"That's alright," I shrugged. "Your show might be shit anyway and it won't matter."
A laugh burst through the phone at my ribbing and I couldn't help, but join in. He had an infectious laugh. The deep, richness made it sound like one of those shoulder shaking, full body laughs that puts a smile on the face of everyone in the room. I didn't know any celebrities and I rather presumptuously always assumed that most of them would be quite stand-offish and pretentious, but Henry was delightful. He was easy to talk to and joke with. He seemed very down to earth.
"I appreciate your honesty," He told me once the laughter had subsided. "But I really hope you don't think it's shit. It's my favourite role that I've ever had. I loved the games before there was even a show in the works and the books are incredible. I basically get to make a job out of my favourite hobby now so it's quite dear to my heart."
"That's the dream really," I smiled, feeling a twinge of sadness in my heart as that's what I was also doing before my bakery had been forced to close. "It's like that old saying. If you do what you love, you won't work a day in your life. Or something like that, I might be paraphrasing."
"I know what you mean and it is very true," Henry agreed. "It's brutal work. Some days I'm up at three in the morning for make-up and we don't finish until late, but it's not as tiresome when you're fully invested and enjoying the work."
"I know the feeling. Baking is probably much less physically taxing than what you do, but the days are long and they start much earlier than most people prefer."
"With all that stirring and dough kneading I would think baking could be physically taxing at times."
I snorted a laugh at that comment.
"I've seen your muscles, Henry," I reminded him. "There is no way baking is as physically taxing as a job that requires you to look like that."
"The swords I have to wave around are surprisingly heavy," He admitted. "But you seem quite fit yourself."
"Yeah, so fit that my ankles snap at the briefest impact," I joked. "And my lungs forget how to function after about ten minutes on a treadmill."
"You have asthma. You can't hold that against yourself," Henry lightly scolded me. "But how is your ankle?"
"Much better," I smiled, flexing my foot to test out the pain levels. "It honestly feels almost healed. I still have a bit of a limp, but it's loads better."
"I'm glad to hear that. I wanted to check up on you, but I didn't want to be a bother."
"It wouldn't have been a bother at all," I assured him. "Honestly, it's been really nice to speak to an adult that I'm not related to. I love my family, I do, but it's difficult some days being trapped in a house with them all."
"I understand completely," Henry said with a chuckle. "I'm in the same boat. It's lovely having the chance to be here for an extended period of time with no other obligations weighing on my mind, but it's had it's challenges as well."
"I'm glad I'm not the only one," I agreed as a piercing scream came through the phone. "Sounds like perhaps some of those challenges might be happening right now..."
"It does, but I'm in my room so it shouldn't be a pro-" Before Henry could finish his sentence there was the slam of a door as the wailing of a small child became much more clear. I heard Henry mumble something to the culprit before he turned his attention back to me. "I'm sorry. My niece is rather upset about something that is apparently of the utmost importance so I'm going to have to go."
I laughed, having been in that situation many times myself.
"That's okay, I understand. Thanks for calling though, it really has been nice."
"It has," Henry agreed as the voice in the background whined for her 'uncle Henry'. "Would it be okay if I called you again soon?"
My cheeks felt like they were about to split from how wide I was smiling at that suggestion.
"I would really like that."
"Perfect, I'll speak to you soon then."
"Yeah, speak to you soon. Good luck with your niece."
Henry sighed and thanked me before saying a quick goodbye and hanging up.
I felt giddy. He was so easy to talk to and so refreshing. He made me feel like the little black cloud that had been following me around for the last few months might finally be starting to dissipate. It was one conversation and I was levelheaded enough not to get ahead of myself, but he was starting to remind me that things might not always be as bleak as they seem.
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hardygalwrites · 3 years
FanFiction.Net Link
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Anime/Manga: Hetalia
Characters: England and 2P!England
Synopsis: "We are not just ourselves, you know. We're our people as well. I may be some other aspect of the people, but I am the people all the same."
Assaulted and made a prisoner in his own home, England is forced to endure the hospitality of an unexpected and very unwelcome visitor, who puts England's self-deprecating attitude into a whole different perspective.
Note: Originally published on FFN sometime in 2016, deleted, then edited and republished early 2018. TW for force-feeding
The powerful voices of Bostridge and Drake, singing their cover of Franz Schubert's Die Forelle, echoed about the kitchen as the strawberry tarts were pulled from the oven. He inhaled the sweet-scented smoke and sighed pleasurably. But for the sounds of frustrated exertion that could be heard above the tenors of Bostridge and Drake, it was all near perfect. He frowned and quickly went on with finishing up the tarts.
Soon, he had the sugary little pastries displayed on a fine china plate, which he carried into the dining room. All the while, his feet danced in time with Schubert's lied - around the overturned table, over the shattered vase, between the splintered halves of the broken chair. He came to a stop at the dining table and set the tarts in front of his dining companion, just as the song ended.
There was no other sound now, besides the light static of the record player, though that too was gone once he removed the needle from the record. He smiled down at his companion. Then, he noticed the blood making slick the cords around his companion's wrists.
"Well, goodness," he exclaimed. "What did you do to yourself?"
His companion was silent, knuckles white about the arms of his chair, posture stiff, countenance stony, overall just looking plain inhospitable.
He sighed, tutting disappointedly. "You can't go hurting yourself like that, all right?"
He pinched his companion's stiff cheek, drawing a wince, and went to sit across from him. "After all, I don't want all my hard work to go to waste. It's been a fair while since I cooked a full on dinner for someone."
His companion simply glared, teeth bared in a distasteful snarl, which he easily countered with a benign grin. This persisted for several seconds.
"...Not very talkative, are y–?"
"Damn it, what the bloody hell do you want!?"
"And no wonder!" he gasped. "Did you kiss mum with that mouth?"
His companion strained to release himself from the chair, only inflicting more damage to his wrists. "You broke into my house, ransacked my drawing room, and–!"
"Broke into your house?" he exclaimed, offended. "My dear Iggy– Ah, do you mind if I call you Iggy? It's something that the boys sometimes call me. I know it's meant to be demeaning, but I can't help but find it adorable. Do your boys give you any affectionate nicknames?"
Bad-tempered silence was the only reply.
He nodded understandingly. "Ah, I see. Touchy subject."
"Oh, shut up," the other muttered. He tilted his head back, sighing. "Why are you here?"
"Well, I heard about you - don't ask me how - and I thought, well, why not go visit?" He clasped his hands. "I wanted to see how alike we are. And judging by the state of your kitchen, I imagine we are not quite so alike as I'd hoped. A tart?"
His companion curled his lip. "Untie my hands first."
"Oh, no, no, no, if I do that you'll jump at me! Here..." He plucked a beautifully crafted tart from the plate. "Open wide!"
The seated individual cringed, leaning back as far as his bonds would allow. "Like hell I'm eating from your hands!"
"Now, that's rude. I do wash them before and after I cook; what uncivilized brute doesn't? Really though, I insist." He poked the tart at the seam of his companion's tightly sealed lips. "Come on, open up! You know, my little boys loved it when I played the 'eat your food' game, especially when they were being disagreeable."
"And how does that go?" the other growled, only speaking when the tart was lifted away.
He lifted a finger, smiling brightly. "Oh! How about a demonstration."
Holding up the tart again, he leaned in close to his companion. "So I'd do this, and I'd say something to the effect of, 'Sweetheart, you need to eat your food.' And if they still said no..."
He gave his companion an expectant look, prodding him with the tart. A shake of the head was all he received, and he smiled.
"Well, if they still said no, then I'd do this."
Quick as lightning, he lashed out with his free hand, gripping his companion's jaw in a vice. A tight squeeze forced his companion's lips open, and he popped the tart between them with a happy giggle and manually aided his reluctant guest into chewing the treat.
As soon as said treat was gone, his companion jerked out of his grip, cursing furiously. "You bloody git! You son of a hell damned wanker!"
He gasped, affronted. "Goodness me, you really do need to work on that language of yours!"
His companion glared at him dangerously, slowly rotating his jaw.
"Oh, don't give me that look. Such language was hardly called for, and I know for a fact that my food can't be that bad. Scone?"
"You're mad." His companion released an odd sound that was something akin to a laugh. "Yes, that's it. You're stark raving mad."
He returned the laugh, choosing a scone from one of the plates. "Mad, yes. An absolute freak. One might even say a punk. I acknowledge this with full acceptance."
He picked up a knife and pressed it against his chest, as though making a vow. "As our dear gentleman, Mr. Carroll, once so aptly wrote, 'We're all mad here.'"
Laughing again, he cut the scone in half and lathered one half with jam. "Or at least, that's the case where I come from. Everyone there is depressed, sociopathic, and just plain mad. You ought to visit sometime."
"I ought not."
"Ought too! But let's not argue. Here, try the scone."
Despite his offer, those lips were once again sealed.
"Come now dearest, you don't want to play the 'eat your food' game again, do you?"
His companion scowled, but opened his mouth, and he happily pushed the scone between his companion's lips lips. Looking him straight in the eye, his companion bit down on the scone and shut his mouth. He waited expectantly, but his companion's jaw remained otherwise unmoving.
He frowned. "Go on! Chew it! ...If you don't chew it I'll have to make you."
He waved the jam knife in front of his companion's face, only to pull back when his companion lunged at him like a mad-eyed Jack-in-the-Box. The yelp that had escaped him quickly turned into laughter as his companion was halted by his bonds.
Clapping his hands, he exclaimed, "Oh, that was naughty of you. Very sly! Ah, but really, I would finish that scone if I were you."
His companion groaned frustratedly.
Two quick chews and a swallow later, he nodded approvingly. "Good lad. You really ought to eat a little more slowly though. Eating fast is so American, and it does terrible things to the digestive system."
"Tell me," his companion growled, continuing to work at his bonds. "When your store of cyanide and strawberry preserves runs dry, do you feed off of the humiliation you inflict on others?"
He smiled, buttering up the second half of the scone. "It's funny, my loving big brother asked me the exact same thing..."
"And what did you say?"
"'Brother dear, I never humiliate others,'" he quoted sincerely. "'They're humiliated, but only because they perceived it that way.'"
He took a bite out of the buttered scone and shrugged. "If you find it humiliating, that's your problem. Tea? Or perhaps you want to finish your scone..."
The other laughed humorlessly. "Oh, a lovely principle you've got there."
"Tea it is, then."
"I'm sure that your friends agree wholeheartedly with that little philosophy. That is if you even have any friends."
He sent his companion a reproving look as he prepared a cuppa. "No need to be sarcastic, Iggy dear. I do have friends, thank you very much, though at this point I am unsure whether or not I can say the same for you."
"I do have... some friends." His companion squirmed, something besides frustration and anger crossing his facial features.
He smiled sympathetically, returning to the preparation of the tea. "Ah, I've been there, mate. There was a time when not a person in the world wanted to be my friend. Then they discovered my wicked cooking skills, and the fact that I am a stubborn little man who won't take no for an answer."
He turned back to his guest, teacup and saucer in hand.
Instantly, his companion's face darkened, as did his voice. "You force-fed me scones and tarts, but I swear that if you try to force-feed me tea I will give you the soundest thrashing you'll have ever received in your life."
"Tough words coming from a man with jam on his mouth."
His companion started, evidently having been unaware of the strawberry jam staining his upper lip, and he laughed.
"Oh, you are adorable," he sighed, managing to wipe away the offending gob of preserve in spite of his companion's evasive flinch. "If you're really so adverse to our veritable lifeblood, I'll set it aside for later. Remember though, it's best served hot."
He set the cup and saucer aside, within reaching distance of his companion, who hissed, "Well, maybe if you bloody untied me, I could enjoy it to my leisure."
"Well, maybe if you weren't such a foul-mouthed little troublemaker, I would consider doing so," he retorted cheerfully. "Oh come now, dearest, enough with the glaring. You have such a handsome face if I do say so myself, and you shouldn't mar it with that drab expression."
He pinched his companion's cheek. "You ought to smile more!"
His companion pulled away with a snarl. "Stop telling me what I ought and ought not to do! I don't care to have anyone telling me how to live my life, least of all you!"
"I'm sorry, I hope you'll forgive my playing shrink, but maybe that's why you're so lonely. You rely solely on self-deprecation and slow-learned lessons, as opposed to outside criticism and well-meant advice."
"You don't know a damn thing about me."
"Don't I, now?" He raised an eyebrow. "I am you, after all. We've both gone through the same history, made same choices, suffered the same consequences..."
"I am nothing like you," the other hissed, glaring.
He succeeded in startling his companion by clasping his face and examining it closely. "Hm, unkempt hair, handsome facial structure, eyes not too far from the blue spectrum, subjectively svelte, impeccable fashion sense - though I can see that you prefer stark green over something a little softer - and of course those uncontrollable brows... I'm sorry, but what was your point?"
"Let go of me," his companion snapped, tearing his face away. "The resemblance is superficial at best."
"On the contrary, I daresay that if we had a test, we'd find that we share the same DNA!"
"Our DNA is that of the people, you idiot; of course it'd be the same."
"That's just my point!" he exclaimed, spreading his hands. "We are not just ourselves, you know. We're our people as well. I may be some other aspect of the people, but I am the people all the same."
"Oh, is there some aspect of the English people often associated with pastry-obsessed psychopaths who insist on overbearing hospitality that I am unaware of?"
"Again with the sarcasm. My dear Iggy," he said, regarding his companion with pity, as one would regard a man who was too slow to fully participate in the world around him. "You would be surprised at what aspects are so prominent within our lovely culture, and yet so unclear to ourselves.
"Now..." He clasped his hands. "How about a teacake?"
"What do you mean by that?" the other demanded.
He grinned obligingly. Picking up a small teacake, he held it out in front of his companion.
"You see this? Foreigners associate this notoriously delicious baked good with our country. It is what the tourists come here for. It is the epitome of traditional English baking. And I baked it," he declared proudly, placing a hand on his chest. "Now, based on your own argument of us having nothing in common, and judging by the frankly miserable remains found in your kitchen, what do you think that means for you?"
His companion maintained a sullen silence, and he continued. "You are simply another aspect of our people that I had never quite considered having existed until now. An unfortunate aspect, but an aspect nonetheless. ...And on that note, open wide!"
His companion deliberately turned his face away.
He sighed. "Really dearest, we aren't honestly going to do this again, are we? Come on, open up."
His companion leaned away still further.
"You're not sulking now, are you? That's very childish of you, darling. ...Don't look at me like that, you know it's true." He sighed again. "I'm giving you one more chance to accept this graciously, Iggy, else I'll have to let our little game commence. Open wide now."
His companion glared defiantly.
The following struggle was an interesting one, and he found himself being quite impressed with his companion; for someone tied hand a foot to a chair, he was a jolly good fighter.
"Good gracious, you are a troublemaker," he exclaimed, finally succeeding in getting a firm grip on his companion's face. "It's only a teacake, no need to make a kerfuffle over it."
The other continued to struggle, and he was starting to feel rather exasperated. "Oh, honestly, my boys never put up this much of a fuss. Not even America was this troublesome!"
"Really?" his companion hissed between clenched teeth. "Was he always defiant of you?"
"Has been since his discovery and continues to be so. Now open..."
"Funny, because my boys always loved my cooking. They enjoyed my company."
It was as though an electric charge had gone through him. He stood paralyzed, teacake held limply in his hand and his grip slackening.
His companion took the chance to pull away from the loosening grip, a triumphant glint appearing in his green eyes as he said, "So what exactly does that say about you, Iggy?"
His own eyes narrowed, and he managed to regain a sharp grip on the other's face, pulling him close. The teacake lay forgotten on the carpeted floor as he spoke, voice quiet but filled with malice.
"Oh, that is clever of you. Flaunting your past as though it's something special, something better, that's just jolly. And yet the joke is still on you, dearest," he sang, smile returning. "We still end up in the same boat. And we both know that our boys left it a long time ago."
His vision went white and he staggered back. A painful throbbing emitted from his forehead and went on to take over the rest of his head. His companion lay on the floor, the chair having become unbalanced and tipping over backwards. The two groaned in tandem with each other.
As he pressed a hand to his forehead, trying to stem the pain, something began to build up in his throat, slow but powerful. Before he could identify what it was, it burst forth from his mouth in the form of hysterical laughter. He laughed for what seemed like hours, when in reality it may have only been seconds. By the time he was finished, the pain had died down and his whole body felt exhausted.
He wiped a tear away from his eye, giggling tiredly. "I feel like I may have overstayed my welcome."
His companion still lay on the floor, staring up at him with a strange look on his face. "You're one mad bastard."
"Yes, yes I know." He sighed, straightening his bowtie and cuffs. "Takes one to know one, doesn't it?"
With a wink and a bright smile, he turned away.
"Hey, you can't just leave me here!"
"Can't I, now?"
"I'm a seasoned British soldier! I've escaped from concentration camps! It's only a matter of time before I get out of this!"
"That's what I'm counting on," he said cheerfully. "Sorry I won't be able to see your great escape, but I do have to run. Don't worry though, I'll leave Schubert to keep you company."
Already humming a few bars of Die Forelle, he put the needle on the record. The powerful voices of Bostridge and Drake soon rang throughout the house once again. But for the broken furniture and shattered objects strewn about, and the sounds of frustrated exertion and furious cursing rising above the powerful tenors, everything seemed exceptionally ordinary.
Smiling benignly, steps dancing in time with the lied, he left the room and closed the door behind him.
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Hi! Hope this doesn’t come off as rude, I’m just curious, how often do u delete asks? I’m just asking because over the past month or so I’ve sent you a few (not prompts, I know those take long, but stuff like compliments and questions about some of your AUs, etc) but you haven’t answered any of them... So like I’m curious if tumblr keeps eating them or maybe your inbox is just too full to answer everything or yeah 😅
Not often, honestly?? Like - maybe one out of every hundred or so, and usually it’s only if I literally cannot think of anything to say in response or, more rarely, if I went “oh that’s nice I’ll respond later” and then 10 new asks come in all at once and it gets lost in my inbox and then has to be deleted because the subject it was talking about is now weeks old. 
Also every once in a while, I will keep questions about AUs that are not meant as prompts to be used as prompts, so that may also have contributed to it? I’ve been trying to be better about not doing that and just responding to people, though. 
It may very well be a tumblr-eats-the-ask issue, I’m sorry to say - I’ve been having some issues with that (like when I get parts 1, 2, and 4 of an ask series, which drives me insaaaaaane). So, uh, keep trying I guess?? sorry about that
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sp00ks-odyssey · 4 years
Before You Follow Me-
☆ I don't do roleplays as much or not at all
☆ I have other sites and in real life things I have to take care of so I won’t be on all the time to chat so If you message and I don’t answer then I’m busy
☆ I'm on for fun not for arguments or hate sometimes I get mad or triggered I try to avoid being rude or lashing out in anger
☆ I hate myself, my ideas and my art and I can't help it
☆ I'm not used to kindness so if you say or do something nice for me I will try and beg you to let me do something in return or deny your nice words cause I physically can't accept it
☆ The word "Love" Is dead to me, please don't ask why and please don't use it towards me or want me to say it back
☆ Don't force your fandom on me, if I don't want to get into it I don't have to but don't make me feel bad for not joining.
 Don't Follow If: ☆ You're Homophobic, racist, sexist, ect. ☆ You're a Minor Attracted Person or a Pedophile. ☆ You're a toxic person. ☆ You just want a follow back. ☆ You don't respect my likes, dislikes, SelfShips etc. ☆ You get triggered by my rants ☆ You have NSFW work on your account (I do not like looking at those kinds of things please avoid making me see them) ☆ You don't respect people's pronouns.  ☆ You have a problem with any of my friends. ​​​​​ Follow If: ☆ You are okay with annoying ideas and 4:00 rants ☆ You're fine with my messed up personality and mood swings ☆ You like lazy terrible art, ideas and things I make ☆ You like memes, vines ☆ You are kind and nice not mean or rude ☆ You respect people's pronouns. ☆ You're in any of my Fandoms, (you may still follow if your not in my fandoms I don't mind) ☆ You respect my friends  Disclaimers:
☆ I'm a really insecure person when it comes to new people. Please, be patient with me when getting to know me.
☆ It may take some time for me to respond to something but I may also reply instantly, If I don't respond please don't spam me I'm probably busy and can't come online or my wifi is out or my computer died.
☆ If I think I did something wrong, I will probably apologize over and over again. Do not get mad at me for this, it will just make me apologize even more and stress me out, I will think literally anything small was my fault.
☆ It takes a very long time for me to warm up to someone fully, me ranting or talking to you doesn't mean I'm instantly your friend, please don't try and rush me to get me to become your true friend. I need time when getting to know you. Eventually, I'll count you as a friend once I know you better and feel like I'm able to talk to you if I don't forget.
☆ Please try your best not to get mad at me and yell at me for something simple. I forget things, I get triggered easily and my mood swings vary, I type before I think cause writing is how I let out my emotions at the time, I don't mean to be rude. 
☆ It's hard for me to get used to life on the web, I'm old school and don't know many recent trends so if I don't know or like something you share please don't hate me, get mad or call me names. ☆ I'm forgetful, I can't remember good so if I say I forgot something please help me remember it if it's important. ☆ I can't be on 24/7, my phone and laptop are too old for 24/7 play so I need to take days offline and go do something else without feeling like a jerk for leaving so when I leave please don't make me feel bad by complaining I wasn't on.
☆ When I say I have to go that means I need to get up and go no matter what I was doing, I always wait for the person I talk to to let me know I can go by them saying bye or later or cya but please, when I say I need to go don't worry me by saying something sad or spam my pms with vents, usually I can't see the bye from them cause I need to get up and go so if I don't answer after you said bye then that means I left.  ☆ I get triggered easily and when I vent or rant it's cause I feel like I can without problem and I try to delete it later, so if you see a rant or vent of mine please don't add your own problems to the vent post cause then I worry about you when I'm stressing over my own things which won't end well so please if you see a rant don't repost it or comment on it with something bad about your own life or how it's a mood cause (Insert problem) 
☆ Please don't ask me to draw something for you, I'm terrible at art and feel awful showing my crap ☆ If you want to insult my crap art please pm me don't reblog my art and say it there I'm insecure enough showing it as it is. ☆ Please if I made something you loved please like and reblog it, many of my posts are just empty and none of my good things are noticed. ☆ I love making jokes about random things but if I made a joke that you didn't like or it affected you please tell me on pms and I will say sorry and I will try not to do it again. ☆ I don’t like dots when you say .... in sentences it makes me think your sad and I don’t want sad friends :( be happy (: Fandoms I'm in
☆  Five nights at Freddy's  (first Fandom I've ever been in and the first video game I got into, and it's been awhile since I've seen what's happened) 
☆ Sander Sides (Currently new) ☆ Invader Zim (I'm not really into it into it I'm on and off back and fourth)  ☆ My Hero Academia (for a few years now) ☆ Undertale/Aus (old/new and in between) ☆ Soul Eater (another amazing anime I go back and fourth in) ☆ T H E    D I S N E Y  M O V I E S   F A N D O M  Accept all this before you follow
I have an account called @sizzlingjellyfishchild
if you wish to show me Ink Sans related memes, pictures etc go to that account or tag that account not this one
The same rules for following apply there as well
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thoscheitrashdhawan · 5 years
Don’t You Let Me Fall - Tom Holland x Reader
Words: 3k
Summary: Over 2 years after you walked out on Tom, you’re happily married. Well, you’re married. But your feelings for Tom are still there, and your husband can tell that something’s off...
A/N: A bit of angst, a bit of fluff, and... that’s it. So this is the longest chapter so far, and I’m pretty happy with it. Also every title has been a lyric from the song Senorita and I love this line and it fits well with this chapter I think and,,, If you want me to type up the next part, let me know! And please give me feedback, I ThRiVe off it, and it lets me know how many people are reading and enjoying this series! (Also, @ the people who’ve sent me requests: ily! and i’ve seen them and I’ll post them soon I promise!)
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9 months later, and you’d almost made yourself forget about Tom. At first, it had been hard. Even though you’d left him and married someone else, it felt like he’d broken your heart by leaving that night. When you’d gotten home, your husband was already asleep, and you’d collapsed onto the couch in tears, regretting everything. But you weren’t sure what you regretted more - going out dancing that night and seeing him again, or actually getting married to someone else. How could you have ever married someone else, when your heart belonged to Tom?
You loved your husband, of course you did, but you loved Tom too, and it had taken you so long to forget about him. Well, not to forget him - you knew that you’d never be able to do that, but you’d finally moved on with your life, married a man that you loved, and you were happy. Until you’d seen Tom again, and all those old feelings had resurfaced. Part of you hated him for crashing back into your life and causing you all this pain. But the more rational part of you knew that it wasn’t entirely his fault - after all, you’d left him with no real explanation, after promising to stay, and then when you saw him again, you didn’t tell him you were married. You’d wanted to stretch out the night forever, but you should’ve known that that could never happen. You should’ve told him the truth straight away, instead of lying to him and yourself. 
That night had felt a lot like the story of Cinderella, except with an ending that was nowhere near as happy. You’d gone to a party, like her. You’d danced and danced without telling him the truth, and then at midnight, you’d had to run back home. But in this story, he hadn’t chased after you. He hadn’t tracked you down; he hadn’t even tried. He couldn’t do it, not a second time. Especially knowing that you were married - as much as he wanted to come find you, and be the prince who saved you from whatever horror you were going through… there was nothing to save you from, and he was a gentleman who wasn’t going to try and break up a happy couple for his own selfish desires. If he’d tried, then he wouldn’t have been much of a prince.
The next morning, your husband had woken up to find you on the sofa, finally asleep. He’d draped a blanket over your body, and made you a hot drink, which he left on the table, ready for when you woke up. And when you finally did, he sat next to you, putting an arm around your shoulders as you cried. You didn’t tell him what was upsetting you, but he didn’t put any pressure on you to do so, just wanting to help you through your pain in whatever way was best for you.
The heartbroken feeling decided to stick around for a few weeks, and he noticed, but didn’t say anything. He frequently asked if you were okay, but when you lied and assured him that you were fine, he decided not to push it. 
Your husband was a huge fan of Marvel movies, and the two of you made sure to always see them on the opening night. So, when Tom got the role of Spider-Man, and your husband dragged you to the cinema to see the movie, it was hard, to say the least. It just didn’t feel right - the two men that you loved, in the same room. Of course, Tom wasn’t there physically, but watching him on the screen while sitting next to your husband felt weirdly like you were cheating on him. But, thankfully, your husband didn’t know about your history - although Tom’s fans knew you were his best friend back when you travelled with him, they’d mostly forgotten you now, and your husband only started liking Tom when he got a role in the Marvel franchise. 
Each time you watched a movie with Spider-Man in, your heart broke a little more. And although your husband didn’t know what was causing it, he noticed. You were pulling away, and he could tell. And after nine months, he’d had enough. Something happened, and your trust in him was instantly gone. He was your husband, and no matter how you felt about Tom, you loved him. Or, you used to. Now you weren’t so sure.
You picked up your phone and keys, and ran out of the house, going to a local cafe. Before you could stop yourself, you were recovering your old Instagram account, and sending Tom a message. A few minutes later, it said he’d seen it, but he didn’t respond. So, you sent another one, which he also read. You sighed in frustration and put your phone away, choosing to focus on drinking your coffee as you looked at everyone around you, jealous of how content they all seemed to be. In your head, they all had perfect lives, and it felt like they were flaunting it. 
A few hours later, it was starting to get dark out, and you headed back to the dance hall. You’d visited it once since you saw Tom there, but it hadn’t felt the same. Not because he wasn’t there - you’d gone dancing a few times since you got married - but because you couldn’t get that painful scenario out of your head. Everywhere you looked, you could see pieces of that evening. On the dance floor, you could hear his words echoing in your head. I should’ve said it sooner. I love you too. And when you’d left, after barely dancing, you could hear his words from the end of the evening. It can be like it was before, but better, because now we know we love each other. But as the taxi pulled up and you climbed in, you could clearly picture the hurt look on his face, the way his eyes had betrayed his emotions despite how hard he’d been trying to hide them, and the firm tone he’d used to say his last words to you as he walked away. I shouldn’t have come.
As you returned to the dance hall, all those memories came flooding back, and you suddenly wished you hadn’t come back. It was stupid, really. But in that moment, you weren’t thinking clearly. Your thoughts were centered around Tom, around the man you really loved, and you took a seat at the bar, watching everyone dance. You sat there for over an hour, just watching everyone and holding your now empty glass. With a sigh, you started to stand up, before seeing, in the corner of your eye, a man slipping into the seat next to you. 
“Two Tequila Sunrises, please.” He said to the bartender, and you ignored him. It was probably you being crazy, but it seemed rude to get up and leave just after someone had sat next to you. He might end up thinking there was something particularly awful about him, if you did that, so you didn’t make a move, instead staring down at your glass. But the man was still vaguely visible in the corner of your eye, and you could tell that he wasn’t looking at you either, too busy looking at his phone, bringing something up on his Instagram page. You watched as he found a profile and thumbed out a quick message. 
Another sigh escaped you as you wondered how long you’d have to wait before making a natural exit, but when your phone vibrated in your pocket, it distracted you, and you quickly turned it on, waiting for the notification to load. At the same time, the bartender came back over with two drinks, and the man next to you slid one over to you. 
“You look like you could use a drink.” He simply said, and you looked up at him, getting ready to refuse, mentally preparing yourself to tell him that you were just leaving. But, before you could, your phone vibrated again to say that the notification had finally loaded, and your eyes flicked down to look at it.
You: Where are you right now?    (Seen)
You: I’m going dancing tonight.   (Seen)
[30 Seconds Ago]
Tom: I’m here.
As your gaze moved back to the face of the man in front of you, he gave you a soft smile and picked up his drink, waiting for you to say something. After a moment of silence, he took a sip.
“I was never particularly fond of these. I guess they grew on me.” He simply said, as an attempt to fill the silence.
“Tom?” You finally whispered, your voice cracking a little as you said his name. For some reason, it felt like all you could do was whisper, as if talking any louder would shatter the illusion that he was sitting in front of you once again. It just didn’t feel real. “You came back.”
“Of course I did. Sorry it took me so long, I wasn’t in the area, so I had to catch a plane.” He responded, putting down the drink and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “I was kind of at the mercy of the pilot, but it was a 3 hour flight, so I got here as soon as I could.” You looked at him with a shocked expression, trying to process what he was saying.
“I sent you one vague message and you caught a 3 hour flight to come see me?” 
“It was two messages. And I knew that you deleted your Instagram account, so you must’ve recovered it just to talk to me, and I figured you wouldn’t want to do that unless you really needed to talk, so I did what I could to get here. But I didn’t get a chance to respond, because as soon as I saw your messages, I started trying to get a flight, and then when I got to the airport, my phone had to be put on aeroplane mode.”
You nodded at him, feeling like you were in a daze. Your eyes stayed locked on each other as you took a sip of your drink, and let his words sink in. He flew all the way over here to see you, just because he thought you might be upset. He may have admitted it last time you saw him, but now you could see it; love. Dropping everything and getting on a plane after two messages wasn’t something that normal people would do, unless they were in love. Internally, you were kicking yourself. How could you have ever left him? How could you have walked out on him, when he so clearly loved you?
“Are you okay?” He asked, his eyes examining your face and immediately seeing how upset you were.
“Yeah, I-” You started, before taking a deep breath and starting again. “Something…” Your voice trailed off again, and you swallowed the lump in your throat before putting on a fake smile, standing up, and holding your hand out to him. “Dance with me?” 
The worry was still etched into his features, but he took your hand and nodded, understanding that you were just wanting to change the subject, that you didn’t want to talk about it yet. That reaction was completely understandable, since the wound was so fresh, and especially since you hadn’t had a proper conversation with Tom in over 2 years, if you ignore the last time you’d seen him. 
As the two of you started to dance, despite all your time apart, it felt natural, like you were born to hold each other. Tom was thinking the exact same thing as he looked lovingly over at you, and as you swayed in his grasp, he couldn’t help but think that your body fitted perfectly in his arms.
The rest of the evening seemed to pass by quite quickly, but that was at least partly due to the alcohol you kept ordering. Tom didn’t try to stop you, but every time you asked for another drink, the look of worry on his face only got more prominent. In between each drink, you were dancing with him, but it wasn’t the same type of dancing you’d been doing before - this time, you were letting loose; your bodies were closer, rubbing against each other with every movement you made. A few times, your gaze landed on his lips, and you considered closing the small distance between you, but never actually went through with it. Thankfully, the bar area closed after a while, so you didn’t have the chance to get properly drunk, just tipsy. More than just a little tipsy, but the alcohol seemed to be cheering you up, or at least taking your mind off the thing that was upsetting you. 
When all the customers were finally kicked out, you pulled Tom’s arm around your shoulders as he guided you to the exit. 
“Let’s call you a cab home, yeah?” He muttered, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone, but you started shaking your head.
“No, no, I can’t go home. Not yet.” You responded, vigorously shaking your head before burying your head in his jacket and clenching your hands into fists around the material of his shirt. Tom wrapped an arm around your shaking body, keeping you close to him as you continued to mumble words under your breath. 
“Alright, I won’t take you home. But can I show you one of my favourite places in this city?”  He asked, looking down at you until your head tilted up slightly so you could look him in the eyes, and you nodded. “Great. Come on.” Reluctantly, you let go of him, but he reached out to take your hand with a small smile, which you returned.
The two of you walked for 20 minutes, mostly in silence, until you reached his favourite spot. But, since it was the early hours of the morning, the whole area was pitch black, and you could only partially make out what was around you as he pointed out a bench, which the two of you sat on. And since the two of you hadn’t had a chance to catch up on each other's lives in over two years, you spent the time talking about everything that had happened, although you completely avoided the topic of your husband, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Tom, but he didn’t bring it up. At some point, you’d started to shiver, and he’d taken off his jacket, wrapping around your shoulders. 
“Thank you.” You smiled, enjoying the warmth of his jacket and the smell of his cologne that was now surrounding you. “I missed this.” You murmured, after a beat of silence. “I missed these intimate little moments. But most, I missed you.” As you spoke, your hand reached out to sit on top of his, and you leaned a little closer to him. He smiled back at you, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, but his hand lingered, moving slightly to cup your jaw. You looked up at him and you breath hitched as he leaned closer, but before your lips could touch, you pulled away.
“I’m sorry, I-” 
“No. It’s not what you think, it’s just…” You took a deep breath and looked at the ground, eyes getting teary just by thinking about it. “The thing that happened, the thing that upset me…” You paused again, swallowing the lump in your throat, and when you continued, your voice was barely even a whisper. “He cheated on me.” Once you’d finally said the words, you fell against Tom’s chest, trying to stop yourself from crying, or at least stop him from seeing it. One of his arms wrapped around you and the other gently stroked your hair as sobs wracked your body. 
“I’m so sorry…” He mumbled, repeating the phrase a few times as he wasn’t quite sure what to say, and his voice was calming you down. “What can I do to help?” He asked, once you’d calmed down a little and were barely crying.
“Just stay with me, please.”
“Of course.” He nodded. He’d always stay with you, unless you said you didn’t want him. No matter what you were going through, he’d always want to be by your side. And he proved that, by sitting with you, holding you close, and listening patiently while you cried and ranted about your husband, feeling lost and not knowing what to do.
By the time you’d finished crying and had fallen into a comfortable silence, it was starting to get lighter, and you rested your head on Tom’s shoulder as you both watched the sun rise. 
“This is why it’s my favourite spot.” He whispered, as the sky started to turn orange and pink above you. “There’s nothing in the way, and you can see the sun rise perfectly.” 
“It’s a breathtaking sight, isn’t it?” You mumbled, looking out at the horizon, and he nodded.
“It’s a stunning one.” He agreed, though his eyes were fixed on you.
Your tiredness became obvious when you started to drift off to sleep, so he called a cab and gently shook you awake when it arrived. The journey to his hotel wasn’t a long one, but you were asleep again by the time you arrived, so Tom paid the driver and came round to your side of the car, carefully lifting you out of the car and carrying you bridal style up to his room. (He’d had to ask the receptionist to come and open the door for him, since his hands were a little full.)
He laid you down on the bed and pulled the covers over you, before laying on the floor at the bottom of the bed with the spare pillow and blanket that he’d found in a cupboard. It felt weird, sleeping so far away from you when the two of you used to sleep so close. But he knew it was best to be respectful; you were married, after all, and the two of you might still work things out. He considered it for a while before he started to fall asleep, too, and the last thought he remembered having was a simple observation that he should’ve noticed earlier. You weren’t wearing your wedding ring. 
Thank you guys so much for reading, let me know what your reactions are, and tell me if you want me to write the next part! And if you want to be added to my Taglist for this fic, a specific person, any of my marvel fics, or everything (aka Marvel + Sherlock), then tell me in your comment/reblog or send an ask!
‘Baby’ Taglist: (people crossed out couldn’t be tagged) @ivegotparticulartaste @brokenhearted-littlegirl @jennyparkerpizza @ballerinaphan @focusedqueensblog @littlebookbengal @edrahil-nargothrond @mindset-jupiter @a-dorky-book-keeper @frog-face-wolfhard @estate-euphoric @ad-iuficium @shitemylife @harrystylesdolan @thenerdiverse @ollie-october @greenarrowhead @lizzy077 @invisiblelakes @lost-in-translating @ooftherails @spookydreamermugroad @x-lunar-moon-x @demonsintheair @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @nvthvlyy @babyjesuscat @secretlittlewonders @philautia-love-of-self @what-a-fantasy 
People interested in another part (tell me if you don’t want to be tagged): @courage-means-angel-wings @eve-morningstar @whatareyouhidingpeter @sparkling-halz @i-seeright-throughme @moonificantlou @putabirdonit1 @casualprincesss
Marvel Tags: @avengersassemblee @peterpandco @tc5322 @marvel-lock
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thatlittledandere · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 21, 24, 37, 38 and 39 for those writer questions. (Sorry for being so many at once I'm just curious)
fic writer’s meme
1, 2 and 3 already answered!
13.  What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
You don’t need to write scenes chronologically! Changed my life.
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Those lists of words to use instead of “said” FUCK that. Also my high school Finnish teacher pissed me off, like, in general. And we didn’t even really WRITE fiction.
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
...Do I revise? *checks the definition of the word* Yeah it’s possible I don’t exactly “revise” after a fic is complete. Of course every time I open it to edit it or continue I go through what I already have and make alterations, but if all of that counted for this, it would be like asking “how many sessions does it take to write a fic” which is impossible to answer as it can range from one to dozens, even with oneshots. After I finish the last scene I post it and return to it, like, two days later to fix the typos lol
24. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
37. Talk about your current wips.
Uuuuh I have WAY TOO MANY unfinished ones to mention and I’m not even sure which ones I’ve abandoned for good and which ones I’ll finish one day... But I started and two fics for Souyo week and I’m still PRETTY determined to finish them! 
One was... more of a vague idea than an actual plot, which is why I stagnated. But it’s my personal headcanon that while the seeds for Yosuke’s attraction to Yu were sown while rescuing Yukiko, Kanji’s dungeon is where Yosuke first started to... start to be somewhat almost aware of it. Like that’s where he had the first butterflies and/or the “wait a second” double take that he adamantly refused to acknowledge. And yeah that was supposed to be the fic for the Fog prompt because, uuh, steam is almost like fog, right? Yes I know what words mean
The second one was for the Stormy prompt. I made the storm more of a mood than a weather condition because I’m pretentious like that, and it was an argument fic. But then it spiraled out of control when more and more narrators kept forcing their way in and I got a case of bad conscience bc the reason for their argument was Yosuke’s internalized homophobia that he still wasn’t completely over and idk suddenly I started feeling guilty for exploring it constantly;; Like I haven’t even WRITTEN anything with that trope/headcanon yet but it’s always on my mind and it kinda feels like it’s all I can think or write about and like I’m somehow making light of other people’s trauma and yeah I’ll stop typing now
*clears throat* ANYWAY! I may or may not finish these one day.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
I feel awkward naming names sdsfsdgf but this one time I felt a fic came out really forced and then one of my favorite authors commented that it “flowed naturally” and I was so happy I showed it to my mom lol. And my April Fools mistake got a really long comment picking apart scenes and lines I had already forgotten writing by that point (next day, but I wrote it in a real frenzy). Oh and someone commented on one of my stupid joke fics that “the plot is actually really good” and yea... I think about it a lot.
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Luckily I haven’t gotten any!
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