#maybe I should start adding some facial hair to make him more mark
oifaaa · 1 year
I mean this in the nicest way but thinking about Jason Todd looking like Markiplier but tall gave me psychic damage.
I need everyone to know that when I draw Jason Peter Todd this is the reference image i have sitting on my laptop with a note saying add height even baby Jason is just Baby Tall Mark
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Hello (((:
I would maybe ask for a Kid x fem S/o Scenario? Its Valentinsday and Reader wants to have her first time with him.. obl nsfw
Hope its clear, also tysm (:
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- eustass kid x f!reader - nsfw, first time, v card gone on v day, valentinesday, eating out, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, brat taming - 1.3K
- a/n: I really did enjoy writting this, I hope that is what you imagined. It is very slightly fluff, but mostly Kid being horny and trying not to pound you instanlty....uh, Enjoy ♥!
[click here to read more about Kid!]
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He was towering over you in bed, covering your neck with sloppy kisses and occasionally letting his teeth grind against your flesh. He knew it was your first time, yet that didn’t stop him from doing it his way. He was more patient than he normally was, but soft and slow wasn’t his way. Which meant you’d have pulsing hickeys on your throat for the next days to remember.
His rough hand was sliding down your bare sides and groping whatever he could reach. Your bust, your waist your thigh. Nothing was safe from his colossus greedy pranks. It was only the foreplay but you already got a good taste of how Kid liked it in bed. Dirty, heated and rough.
He wanted you for so long and honestly, just touching you made his length press against the fabric of his underwear. Which he was still wearing, while you were butt-naked under him. And fuck, just having you exposed to him like this made Kid want to bury his cock inside you instantly. However, he told himself to wait. He’d take you good in a moment, but for you to enjoy the experience, you had to be wet enough. Taking your virginity should be a good memory for you, especially if you’ve a experienced man above you. Someone who also happened to love you and held himself back for your sake. To your luck.
His painted lips traveled down, leaving marks of his lipstick. You instinctively spreading your legs, giving him the sign that he was doing it right, which made a grin appear on his face. „So eager...“ He hummed, his hot breath hitting your flesh, while his hand disappeared further south sneakily. You mewled when you felt his finger slide between your folds, teasing you slowly.
„Fuck Kid, don’t make me wait..!“ The red head removed his hand and made it land heavy on your inner thigh , giving you a light spank and watching you intensely from his position. The moan leaving your lips told him that you liked it. „Who’s the virgin here huh? Know your place brat, you can’t take my cock like this.“
You looked down on him and bit on your lip. There was no cockiness in his voice, he wasn’t bragging about his size, rather honestly telling you that you were not ready yet. Which gave you goosebumps, trying to imagine how well hung he must be. Would he even fit fully?
You’d find out soon after he was done eating you out. He dipped his head between your thighs, making you feel his wet tongue against your clit. Kid obviously knew what he was doing, the way he circled around your most sensitive spot made you moan shamelessly. „G-God yes, Kid...“ Your hand searched for his mane to grab a hold and tug on it. Which turned the man between your legs just more on. He liked your tight grip in his hair and how his name sounded moaned. He’d never heard you like that before and fuck, it was hot.
But he told himself to calm down, yet again. He wanted to give you a good time, which he already did. His finger sliding into your entrance made it even better. He was pumping in and out, while his tongue still licked over your clit. You started to see dots infront of your vision and tugged harder on his hair, which told him you were dangerously quick to build your high. Which wasn't meant to happen now, so he retracted and sat up, straighening his broad back and looking down at you like some predator ready to jump on his prey.
The missing sensation between your legs made you roll your head in order to face him. If you wouldn't be naked already, his piercing glance would strip you off your clothes right now. Your eyes traveled from his face down to his crotch, and what you saw made you swallow. The bulge in his pants was...was big. His hand disappeard in his underwear and pulled his stiff cock out, showing you how well hung he actually was.
Kids lips left a deep chuckle at your facial expression. "I told you...but you didn't want to listen..." Now, this was cocky. The way he stroke his length and made you watch him present it to you. You mentally prepared yourself, and spread your legs a bit further, giving him the okay to start.
He spit into his palm, covered his cock with saliva and positioned his hand next to your head to lean over you properly. His glans was rubbing against your entrance, making you wince in pleassure. His faces was right infront of you and you wrapped your arms around his strong neck, looking him in the eyes. "Tell me when it's too much..." He whispered against your lips after you felt his tip enter.
Inch by inch he slowly, and carefully pushed himself inside of you. You seemed wet enough to take him good, yet he stopped from time to time to check on you, making sure it didn't hurt. You would have to get used to his size, and the first few thrusts of his might feel odd.
But Kid made sure to make you relax. His hand groped your chest rough, yet slow and sensually. His lips either captured yours or nibbled at your throat. And soon you melted into his touch, and allowed him to move quicker, thanks to him taking it step by step.
After you finally could let yourself fall into the moment, your man was pouding deep into you. The room was filled with your voice, the sound of skin clapping and ocassional grunts from Kid. He didn't have his usual pace- that would be for another time- yet his thrusts were still so deep to make your eyes roll back and dig your fingernails into his muscled back. With his size adding in, it felt incredibly good, and Kid was quite proud of himself making you feel like this.
Hearing you moan his name in pleassure and begging for more gave him a hard time to not cum immediatly. Yet when he felt your falls clenching and your voice shivering, he knew you were close too. Reaching your high, your walls tightening around him during your orgasm gave Kid the rest. With low grunts he grabbed you by your hip to push his cum into you, deep where it belonged. You felt the hot load inside of you, some drops of it getting pushed out while Kid rode his orgasm out.
Slowly but steadily his movement stopped. He tilted his head down to have a look at the mess. His cock was still inside of you and covered with your juice and his own. Your pussy swollen and red from the stimulation from earlier. A delicous sight which could made him go for another around.
But this was your first time, Kid didn't want to exhaust you too much. The first orgasm always was the best, the following rather okay. So he kept it at the first.
Facing you, some of his red strands fell down, slightly covered in sweat. His lipstick was smeared and his usually fierce looking eyes were hooded slighty, accompanied by a satisfied smirk. The amount of time and care he put into this told you how much you meant to him. This special treatment was truly only for you, the woman he called his. "Happy V day baby."
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uvobreakmylegs · 3 years
another fic inspired by the opening scene of a horror movie. This time it’s Feitan being awful
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Warnings: torture, graphic depictions of violence, graphic imagery, blood, slight smut, Feitan makes the reader do awful shit
“Stop screaming. We've barely gotten started.”
Feitan's words went unnoticed by the man strapped to the table beneath him, who yelled and struggled at his bonds as he tried to escape the hot poker Feitan was pressing against his side. You weren't sure who the man was; Feitan hadn't told you anything other than to get downstairs, and you'd done so without question. It was a scenario you were used to by now, and experience had taught you that if you just went along with it you were more likely to get out of this particular instance unscathed.
So when Feitan had kicked the struggling man into that torture room, the most you did was flinch at the noise. Trying to help the man would be a wasted effort and would just make Feitan upset with you, and you had no desire to give him any excuse to add to the scars that littered your skin.
You sat quietly in the corner as Feitan roughed the man up, stripping him from the waist up before he was strapped to the familiar metal table that sat in the center of the room.
It was sad that you were used to such things now. That he had shown you so much violence, so much darkness that resided within one man's soul, that you had become numb to it. It hadn't been like that at the beginning. Originally he needed to strap you to that chair to make you watch, and you cried and screamed at the things you saw. There had even been times where you had begged for the lives of those being tortured, and the results of doing so had been disastrous for both you and his victim as Feitan interpreted that as you having feelings for them. Those unfortunates were forced to linger on for days before they were granted the mercy of death, while the scars, bites and bruises he left on your skin increased in number.
Just don't say anything and get through it as best you can.
And that had worked for a time. You stayed as a silent observer in your corner while Feitan worked, only getting up when he had given you permission to do so. Do as he says and you won't get hurt.
But this time was going to be different.
Only a week ago he had confronted you, telling you that he wanted you to do more. When you'd asked him what that meant, he had rolled his eyes and answered “I'm not content with you just watching while I work anymore. I want you to assist me.”
It took a few seconds to realize that he was telling you to help torture people, and your throat seized up as you stared at him dumbly. Feitan just ignored your reaction, continuing by telling you that he'd let you choose what you wanted to do, that it could be as simple as taking out an eyeball or breaking a finger.
“I could even mark where you should cut,” he said mockingly, “would you like that? I paint the man, you cut the lines?”
You wouldn't be able to stomach doing the things that he did to people. But there was no way you would be able to talk your way out of this; there was nothing you could do once Feitan had made up his mind.
His musings on the tortures you would be able to perform got gradually more gruesome the longer he continued, and you needed to say something before he became upset with your lack of response and just chose for you. And with him, he would choose the worst thing he could think of.
Then your suggestion had spilled from your lips before you could really think about it, interrupting him. He paused and asked you to repeat yourself. You did so, and though it was hard to tell with the bandanna he wore, his facial expression didn't change, but you caught the slight glint in his eyes.
“..... Interesting.”
Feitan turned to leave the room, stopping only once to look back over at you while you tried not to have a panic attack as you second-guessed yourself and what you had volunteered yourself for.
“Teeth, huh?”
The hammer was heavy on your lap. The chisel was as well, but the hammer was a solid weight on your legs that you had to constantly readjust to try and feel comfortable, the gravity making it weigh like an anchor as you waited for Feitan to call you to his side.
By now Feitan had tossed the poker aside in favor of a new torture device, one that resembled a pair of pliers that he used to start the removal of the man's fingernails. The man screamed every time they were pulled out with a sickening rip, his struggles beginning anew when Feitan turned to deposit the nails into a small metal bowl to the side of him.
Feitan had barely looked at you this whole time and you hadn't been called up yet. A small, naive part of you hoped that you wouldn't have to. After all, you rationalized, the thing he wanted from you wouldn't help in interrogating the man – if anything, it would hinder it. Sometimes, when his victims were stubborn enough, they would hold out against the pain for as long as humanly possible, and that stubbornness would drive Feitan into such a rage that he would prolong their suffering long into the night, not being satisfied until he had put them through everything they were physically capable of and getting the satisfaction of watching the light in their eyes fade. It enraged him for anyone to defy him like that, and he wanted the pleasure of bringing them pain to belong to him and him alone. Maybe this man would be like that. It would mean immense pain for him, and you would need to sit there the entire time, but that way you wouldn't need to play any further part in this. But even as you silently begged the man to stay strong, you had a sinking feeling that you wouldn't be getting out of this. The man was a wreck, voice hoarse with tears and saliva streaming down the sides of his face as he begged for the torture to end.
Feitan reached the thumb of the man's left hand when he couldn't take it any more.
“I'll talk!” the man screeched, “I'll tell you whatever you want to know, but for the love of God, stop please!”
“Then talk,” Feitan answered, calmly setting down the pliers and leaning back while the man gasped for breath.
“Lie, and it'll be much worse,” he added.
The man nodded desperately, eager to please for the sake of his life. Meanwhile you sat with a pit forming in your stomach. Your eyes went back to the tools sitting in your lap and you would have let out a small sigh if you weren't worried that Feitan might notice.
“Th-the info was given to me by a-a woman! Her n-name was Marceline, I think!” the man yelled.
“You 'think'?” Feitan asked, his eyes narrowing.
“I-I know it was! That was her name!” the man insisted as his eyes grew wide on realizing his mistake.
“She's an older woman! Red hair, with a scar on her neck. She told me to feed that information to the troupe!” he continued.
“And you gave us that rotten info knowing it was a lie?”
“I-I just-!”
“You were hoping we'd fall for that trap, right? That none of us would come after you because we'd be dead,” Feitan's cold voice cut through.
“Too bad you're unlucky.”
The man flinched when Feitan picked the pliers back up.
“Please! I've told you everything!” he begged.
“I know.”
There was confusion in that man's eyes when Feitan turned his back on him, walking over to a shelf to place the bloody pliers. The man looked to you as he had done several times since the interrogation had started, confusion in his eyes as he tried to get some clue as to what was going to happen to him.
When Feitan spoke again, his words were directed at you.
“Get over here.”
The hammer and chisel hung at your sides as you stood, the hammer's weight pulling down on your dominant arm and making it hang slightly lower as you approached the table. Feitan walked towards it as well, a new device in hand while the man's protests began again, begging to be let go.
“I've told you everything!” he repeated.
“You said that,” Feitan answered, clearly annoyed.
“Then let me go! I'll do whatever you say, whatever the troupe wants, but don't hurt me anymore!”
Feitan tsked.
“Pathetic. So much bravado earlier, and now this.”
He wrenched the man's jaw open and slipped in a metal piece that fitted itself to either side of his mouth, forcing his mouth to stay open when Feitan's hands pulled away.
“What happens now isn't for the troupe. It's for my own pleasure,” he said.
His hands went into his pockets, and he glanced to you across the table.
“Your turn.”
They were words that you had been dreading, and your palms felt sweaty as you gripped the hammer to your chest, taking in deep breaths to try and calm yourself. The man was looking up at you, his eyes practically bulging out of his skull as he pleaded for you to stop, though the words weren't easy to understand with the way his lips had been forced open.
Feitan spoke your name in a warning tone and you bit your lip – if he needed to say anything else it would mean punishment for you.
Slowly, you lifted the chisel and placed the edge against the top of his central incisors. You couldn't stop the trembling in your hand and the chisel rattled against his teeth; to you it seemed like it echoed through the room.
When you lifted the hammer the man was red in the face, screaming at you to stop. You wished you could apologize to him, just let out a quick “I'm sorry” for what little it was worth. But Feitan wouldn't like that. And if you took any longer to get this started he would do something unspeakable to you.
You lifted the hammer over your head.
'Gravity does most of the work,' you told yourself. Like that helped.
You swung it down.
The crack that sounded reverberated in your ears as you stood petrified, watching the man beneath you writhe in pain after three of his teeth managed to fly out of his mouth, blood gushing from the open wounds. With the angle you had hit it them, some of the teeth behind the ones you had knocked out looked slightly askew and you looked back to the hammer, noting just how substantial its weight was.
“Do it again.”
Feitan's voice cut through your confused thoughts, and you rushed to comply, adjusting the chisel again without looking at him. He still sounded annoyed.
It sounded like the man was trying to beg you to stop again, but you ignored him as you swung your hammer again, taking out a canine and some of his premolars. They managed to fly out of his mouth again and hit the metal table sounding like pieces of hail on a car. You took less time to compose yourself after that, switching to the other side of his mouth and swinging again.
Even though he was practically out of his mind with pain, there was a hatred in the man's eyes as he looked up at you. It was hard to blame him for that, and you wished you had an excuse to stop, but fear of Feitan kept you in check as it usually did.
With the top gum having been turned into a mess of missing and broken teeth, you switched to the lower set. You were halfway done, you told yourself. Just a few more swings and then this would be over.
It wouldn't be, but hopefully your part in it would be ended.
You hit one of his bottom canines and a few drops of blood had somehow managed to spatter onto your cheek. Instinctively you set the hammer down, wiping at your face with a shaky hand. At least that gave you an reason for taking a break.
Feitan had been quiet since his last order, and throughout this you had been too scared to even look at him, fearing that might trigger him into some sort of action against you. But as the man gasped in pain, against your better judgment you looked over across the table.
Maybe it was because of your victim's screams, or just the way your heart pounded in your ears, but you didn't realize how heavily he was breathing until you looked at him. He had changed positions when you weren't looking, gripping the edge of the table so hard his knuckles were turning white, his figure completely rigid and his eyes practically burning a hole in you, excitement dancing in that normally cold gaze.
Was he.... Aroused by this?
You snapped your head back to the man, whose protests had become weaker, only able to let out strained noises that vaguely resembled the word “no”. Picking up the hammer, you raised it once again. Just a little bit more, and then it'd be over. You could go back to your corner and let the numbness carry you through the rest of this scene.
Feitan's breathing was still audible.
The man's tongue was still moving, trying to form words to appeal to you.
The blood from the holes in his gums dripped down to the back of his throat, making him choke and cough up onto the now bloody edge of the chisel.
The amount of blood in that man's mouth.
And you were the one who did this to him.
“I'm going to throw up.”
The words barely escape your lips before you practically drop the hammer and chisel and rush out of the room, sprinting up the concrete steps to try and make it to the bathroom in time.
It was one of the few small mercies Feitan granted you, that you could leave if you felt like you were going to be sick. Turns out, for a man who tortures people for a living, Feitan had no tolerance for vomit.
But it was a small mercy with a stipulation: you needed to come right back after you were finished. And he would typically wait for your return before he continued, intent on you witnessing everything.
As you threw up the meal you had eaten earlier, the bile already a clear taste in your mouth, your mind went back to the image of that man, and how you could count that Feitan would make you finish what you had started. All you could hope for at this moment was that he wouldn't be too upset with you leaving in the middle of it.
Surprisingly, he was waiting for you outside of the bathroom. Though he seemed calmer now, you looked down to the floor immediately after your eyes met.
“I'm sorry,” you whispered, fiddling with your fingers, “I just needed a break. I'll go back down.”
“Don't bother,” he said, stopping you just as you made a move to walk past him.
“You did well enough. I'll let you off the hook for the rest of it.”
You nodded in response, but said nothing: whatever small mercy this is, there's going to be a catch somewhere.
“Go back to the bedroom. Undress, and wait for me.”
And there it is.
You looked back up at him, and while his posture was relaxed, that excitement you had seen earlier is still present in his gaze. So you were right that he was aroused, though perhaps at this point you shouldn't be too surprised about it.
Feitan was already walking back to the basement stairway, and you wondered if he was going to kill that man downstairs, or set something up so that he was suffering even while Feitan had his way with you. For the sake of that soul down there, you hoped it was the former.
“Make sure you brush your teeth before I come back up,” he ordered.
He didn't take long to come back to the bedroom, spatters of blood visible on his dark clothes as he stalked towards your form while you sat still on the bed. His clothing was quickly removed and thrown to the floor, forgotten as Feitan used two blood-stained fingers to lift up your jaw and bring you into a chaste kiss.
The goosebumps that had formed on your arms while you had waited in the cold quickly vanished as he pushed you to your back, crawling over you to let his bloody hands trail over your body, tracing your healed scars while marking your skin with smears of that unfortunate man's blood. He kissed you again; this time it was more demanding and you opened your mouth in submission, the taste of cleansing mint still present as he dove his tongue in.
His hard length entered you shortly after and he started at a rough pace that had you grasping at the sheets, letting out small shrieks when he would lean down to bite you.
You would be hurting in the morning, but it was better to just go along with what he wanted.
He could do far worse than this.
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raibebe · 3 years
Sugar and Spice
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Genre: Fluff? Words: 4.390 Warnings: none for this chapter
Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | masterlist
A/N: Sugar and Spice is a series now, I know you all probably wanted more smut but I chose to write a prequel about how Jeno ended up being a sugar baby in the first place.  Since this is going to be a longer story, I wanted to try to do it in chapters instead of writing one giant thing. Later on I will switch the POV but I felt like it was needed to start off with Jeno’s.  Do not worry, there will be smut in later chapters.
Taglist: @yutaalove​, @byunniebaekhyunnie​
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Like all the bad decisions Lee Jeno had made in his life, this one started with none other than Lee Donghyuck. The two boys were sitting in the university’s cafeteria where Donghyuck watched Jeno eat the food they had served with a disgusted look on his face. “I don’t understand how you can even swallow that.” “It’s either this or instant ramen again and I am pretty sure my body consists of 60% ramen already,” Jeno whined, trying to wash down what must be the most dry piece of meat he had ever tasted his entire life with some water. “Dude you work like three jobs,” Donghyuck groaned, kicking his friend beneath the table. “Got fired from the library because they caught me sleeping,” Jeno sighed deeply. “You look like you’re ready to pass out right now.” “Hyuck, I am functioning on three hours of sleep and two redbull.” “Jeno,” Donghyuck sighed and Jeno hated it when he used that tone of voice. He didn’t need Donghyuck’s pity. He could do this. He was fine. Well mostly. Apart from the fact that he got an average amount of four hours of sleep, was barely passing his classes and got fired by one of his many part time jobs every few months his life was absolutely peachy. “I’m sure if you talk to your parents again-“ “No,” he cut Donghyuck off, “I won’t come begging at their door. I chose this path for myself and they simply don’t agree Hyuck.” “Your parents suck ass,” his friend sighed, leaning back in his chair, “Pretty sure my parents would throw a party each day for a week straight if I had told them I wanted to become a vet.” “Well mine aren’t,” Jeno sighed and raked a hand through his messy hair. It was getting too long again, his bangs hanging into his eyes. Could he ask Renjun to cut it again? Did he trust the furious Chinese man with something sharp that close to his eyes?
For a while it was quiet between the two friends while Jeno continued to stuff his face with the cafeteria food. He didn’t have much time before he had to go to his shift at a little record store not far from his dorm building. It wasn’t paying the best but the owner of the shop and no issues with him doing his readings there when no customers were around. “You know that we miss you, Jeno. Right?” Donghyuck cut the silence which made Jeno stop mid bite, “We haven’t done anything with all the boys in forever and I am not counting the times we were at the club while you were working and declining the tips we were trying to give you.” “I don’t need nor want your pity money, Hyuck,” Jeno groaned again and shoved the plate with his food away. His appetite had left him. Donghyuck and him had this conversation every other week always with the same outcome: Donghyuck explaining how he was worried about him and Jeno telling him that he was fine (which he most likely wasn’t but he managed). “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to make it to our meets ups, I really am,” Jeno tried to explain and Donghyuck’s eyes immediately went soft, “I just- I’m behind on my tuition again and haven’t paid the lease for the dorms for the last moth yet. I really need to take every minute and hour of overtime I can get and my grades aren’t getting any better either. This will all be for nothing if I fail my anatomy class again.” “Jeno,” Donghyuck tried again, “You can’t keep on like this for another three years.” “I have to Hyuck,” Jeno sighed, slouching back into his chair, “I have to.” His body had been screaming at him to stop whatever he was doing for weeks now and to be completely honest, he was aching for a full eight hours of sleep and not the usual four that were just disconnected naps throughout his day.
“I’m going to make a suggestion and I need you to promise me to not be mad at me, alright,” Donghyuck suddenly said, holding out his pinky finger. “Hyuck, I won’t take money from any of you. I don’t want Chenle to pay for my lease again. That was a one-time thing and I told him that I would pay him back,” Jeno immediately argued, shame running through him. He hated constantly being treated to meals and the thought that he had a debt with his younger friend even though the Chinese had told Jeno hundreds of times that he didn’t need to money back. “That’s not what I wanted to suggest. Now promise.” Jeno rolled his eyes before interlocking his pinky with one of his arguably best friends. “Actually this isn’t my idea. But Jaemin and Renjun brought it up last Friday at our movie night.” That alone made Jeno feel bad again. While his friends had been all cuddled up in Chenle’s apartment to watch some movies and eat popcorn while drinking cheap beer, he had been working in a sweaty club with horrible music that made his ears ring. “I’m sorry,” he muttered under his breath but Donghyuck didn’t seem to hear him. “But hear me out: Have you ever thought about becoming a sugar baby?” Jeno lost all control over his facial muscles and was pretty sure his brain had just short circuited, his open mouth free real estate for the fruit flies that were all over the cafeteria. “No, no, think about it Jeno,” Donghyuck immediately argued, “I did my research and you can get a monthly allowance for at least a thousand dollar if not more. You’d be able to quit that job at the shady bar.” “Hyuck,” Jeno cut in when his brain had successfully rebooted, “In case you haven’t noticed in all the years we’ve been friends: I’m not gay.” “So what?” “What do you mean so what? I’m not going to prostitute myself for some old man just because I need money,” Jeno hissed between his teeth. “Oh my god Jeno,” Donghyuck sighed, “You’re so 2010. There are plenty of wealthy woman out there looking for some arm candy to pass their time.” “You’re insane Donghyuck.” “Insanely brilliant that is,” his friend grinned, “This is literally the perfect solution for all your problems.” “How is fucking some old hag going to solve any of my problems?” “Oh come on, Jeno,” Donghyuck groaned, “There are plenty of sites that let you choose your preferred partner for this kind of arrangement. And don’t even try to deny that you’re into older girls.” At that Jeno flushed a deep red color. His preference about his partners was basically an open secret in their group of friends that he had confessed after a drunken round of truth or dare some time in highschool when Renjun had asked him why he had rejected the confession of a cute girl a year below them to keep crushing on the substitute teacher they had. Chenle had not let this thing die until Jeno had started to date a girl from Mark’s class and even then the boy had made some cruel comments about their age difference. “Here, Renjun found a site that seems very legit,” Donghyuck brought him back from his memories, scribbling down a link on a piece of paper, “Please just check it out.” “That’s a lot of promises I have to give today,” Jeno mused but took the paper to put it into his pocket. “We’re just trying to look out for you Jeno.” “I know,” he sighed, “And I appreciate that.” “You’re running thin Jeno.” “I know Hyuck!” He said, making his friend flinch at his outburst, “I fucking know, okay. I’m sorry I am making you all worry with how terrible my life currently is. It’s not like I am happy about it but you could really stop bitching about it.” Just when Donghyuck opened his mouth to reply something, Jeno’s eyes shot to the big clock on the wall. “Safe it Hyuck, I need to go to my shift.” With that he got up to hoist his bag that was barely holding together onto his shoulder and basically fled the cafeteria. Donghyuck could bring back his plate, that was the least he could do.  
Once outside, the student quickly plugged in his earphones into his phone and played his favorite playlist on his way to the record store, inwardly scolding himself for being so proud and not leeching off of Jaemin’s spotify anymore when what felt like the third ad in ten minutes interrupted his vibing. At the record store, he quickly unlocked the front door and put on a random record to play over the speakers before he got situated behind the counter to try to revise his notes from today that were unreadable at best. He had fallen asleep at least twice in his morning class and had to be shaken awake by one of his classmates once the lecture was over. Great. So self-study it was.
Over the course of his shift, he was only interrupted twice from reading the chapter in the book that he was pretty sure he should have brought back to the library last week. But since he really didn’t have any money to spare for the fine, he had decided to keep it a little longer until he was at a financially better place which was nowhere near in close sight now that he was fired from his job at said library. Which brought him back to what Donghyuck had said to him. But him becoming a sugar baby? Jeno really couldn’t think of himself in such a position. Sure, he wasn’t bad looking but when he thought of the word sugar baby he thought of beautiful and petite boys like Renjun or maybe even Jaemin but him? Even though he had lost quite some muscle mass since this shitshow had begun, he was still built quiet broad and had more of a masculine, handsome feel than sweet and beautiful. And wasn’t that was sugar mommies would look for? If they wanted a man, they wouldn’t search for a someone younger. Jeno sighed loudly and let his head hit his book. This was a hopeless situation.
But he guessed having a look at the site wouldn’t hurt and so Jeno ended up typing in the address of the sugar baby site into the computer at work, praying the owner didn’t know how to check which sites he had opened once he’d delete the browser history. The site itself looked clean, mainly consisting of muted pastel colors and black font and accents. If you weren’t signed in, you didn’t get much information on what exactly was going on but the site claimed that keeping their clients data safe was their main concern since very influential people were using their site. Jeno completely blamed Donghyuck and the two redbulls he had already had for clicking on the pastel blue ‘sign up’ button. He then had to fill out basic data about himself: His gender, age, profession and interests along with his sexual orientation. He hesitated for a second when the site asked if he was okay to be partnered with someone of the same sex for a strictly platonic relationship but denied it in the end. Next he was asked to choose a nickname to chat with potential benefactors as the site called the sugar mommies and daddies. Was this where he should choose something cute to attract people to his profile? Whacking his brain for any cute plays on his actual name, he came up with exactly nothing other than the No-Jam nickname he had earned in highschool which really wasn’t cute at all. The only other thing that came to mind was when Jaemin jokingly called himself Nana and Jeno Nono in that god-awful aegyo voice which never failed to make Jeno cringe. Why did he have to choose a nickname anyways? It was to protect the benefactors; he really didn’t have anything else to lose than his dignity. Sighing, Jeno quickly typed in: ‘Jenonono’ as his nickname, only cringing slightly when choosing a password and entering his email address to confirm everything. Once he had activated his account with the link he was sent, Jeno only had to choose a couple of pictures for his profile to complete it. Well this was a problem. Jeno couldn’t even remember the last time he took a selfie where he wasn’t looking like death on two legs to send them to his friends. He quickly scrolled through his camera roll in search for at least one decently attractive photo. He only stopped scrolling when he found photos from almost a year ago before he had changed his field of study and had the fall-out with his parents. His hair was bleached a bright blonde color and the sides were shaved but he was looking good, more toned than he was now and like he actually slept at night. Not even close to how he was looking right now but it was still him, so did this count as catfishing? He quickly chose two photos with his blonde hair styled up and one with his natural haircolor from before he and Jaemin had the great idea to bleach each other’s hair and send them to himself via mail so he could upload them onto the website.
When Jeno pressed the ‘complete’ button, the site showed him on overview of what his profile would look like and it wasn’t even half bad if he did say so himself. He still felt a little uneasy about the whole thing and the fact that he was basically catfishing people into thinking he still looked so bulky and put together like he had looked last year didn’t help. “Come on Jeno, you have nothing to lose,” he grumbled and pressed the ‘confirm’ button one last time. His profile disappeared and the site instead showed Jeno their actual layout for the matching. Unlike other dating sites, he couldn’t swipe through potential benefactors himself; he had to wait until someone actually message him. Great. So he had to hope that his pictures and his honestly not great profile would lure someone in who was at least mildly attractive. Maybe no one would ever contact him and he could just throw it back into Donghyuck’s face how this had been a shitty idea to begin with. Sighing, he closed the site for now and deleted the browser history just to be safe as well.
The rest of his shift went by in a blur of trying to make sense of his scribbly notes and whatever the authors of the book he was reading were trying to teach him about the anatomy of different species and Jeno didn’t even think twice about the site he had signed up for when he closed down the shop and went home to his shitty dorm. The short trip to the convenience store only made him more aware of how poor he was when he had to choose between an actual meal and food for the cat he had recently (very much illegally) saved from the streets and taken in. He’d be more than damned if the kitten he had named Bongsik would have to suffer, so it would be a delicious meal for her and more instant ramen for Jeno.
Back at his dorm room - a single one that could barely fit his bed, wardrobe and desk - the little cat immediately rubbed its tiny head against his pant leg and Jeno couldn’t help but smile and bend down to pet the little creature. He felt a little bit of tension immediately seep from his tired muscles and indulged the kitten in a little cuddle session until he felt his eyes starting to itch. His allergies be damned! Sighing the boy got up to actually shed his jacket and shoes and opened the fresh can of delicious cat food for Bongsik who immediately devoured it. If she thought it was delicious, would it taste good for Jeno as well? Chuckling he turned back to prepare his own food, all this instant ramen might have started to take a toll on his psyche. He ate his meal in silence before throwing both containers in the trash. Jeno knew he had to work on his essay for one of his classes but for a moment he just felt the need to relax for a bit, especially now that he didn’t have to rush over to his job at the library. Taking out his phone, he quickly replied to the group chat of his friends where they were animatedly planning a trip to the cinema on Friday which Jeno had to decline. Not only did he have a shift at the bar but he also didn’t really have the money for it. Sighing he locked his phone again. Well that went great, now he was stressed again. “Bongsik you love me right?” He asked and turned towards his cat again who was lounging next to him on the floor, her belly full with delicious food. Oh to be a cat...
Jeno sighed again when his cat of course didn’t answer. He really was going insane. But it was going to be worth it, he reminded himself again. Once this was all over he would be a vet and able to help all kinds of animals. He would make good money and could pay off his tuition slowly and maybe a couple of years later he could even have his own medical practice. But to have all that, he really needed to up his grades. Especially this godawful anatomy grade. Groaning Jeno got up from the floor to plop down on his desk and start his laptop that made an awful lot of noise while booting up. Knowing that it took the device a good two minutes give or take to completely be ready, he started to go through his notes again before typing them into the document where he compiled all his notes just to have them all nice and neat in one place.
By some ungodly hour in the morning, Jeno’s eyes started to close more and more often on their own accord and the letters on the screen started to blur together despite wearing his glasses. “We should probably call it a night, Bongsik,” he spoke into the silent room, his cat already fast asleep at the foot of his bed. Fondly smiling at her, he saved his progress on both his notes and his essay and shut down his laptop. Jeno didn’t really dare to look at the time, so he just quickly grabbed his stuff for the bathroom and got himself ready for bed in the vacant bathroom he shared with a couple of other students. But at this time it was almost guaranteed to be empty.
Once back in his dorm, Jeno quickly climbed under the covers and plugged his phone in to make sure his alarm would actually go off in about 4 hours. Even though he was dead tired now that his body was surrounded by the warmth of his bed, a notification caught his attention. Leeching off of the free wifi at the record store, he had downloaded the app that came with the sugar baby site praying it would work on his outdated phone which it luckily did. Maybe the programmers had actually thought about broke students with shitty phones just like him for once. Taking a deep breath, Jeno clicked on the notification that had told him that a potential benefactor wanted to text him. Well that was quick. A lot quicker than he had anticipated. When the app had finally loaded with the shitty wifi he definitely not stole from his dorm neighbor (he had set his password as 1234, he was begging to have it stolen), a profile of a woman showed up. She smiled warmly in the picture she had chosen and it seemed to be taken at some tropical place judging by the palm trees in the background. Jeno quickly skimmed through the rest of her profile that only said that she wasn’t that much older than him. Well she was but not to the extent where she could have been his mother - ew. As her job she just had just listed estate agent. Did that pay well? Jeno didn’t know. His thumb hovered over the pastel button that said ‘accept’. If he would press this, this wasn’t just a ‘I’ll take a look at this app for Donghyuck’s sake’ then he was actually invested. But even if he accepted, he was not entitled to the woman. He could still say no if she turned out to be a creep. Hell, he didn’t even have to meet her ever if he didn’t like chatting with her. Before his courage could leave him, Jeno quickly accepted the offer and a new page opened that looked just like every other messenger.
To: Jenonono You’re up late.
What a weird way to open up a conversation. But it certainly was better than perverted innuendos or a ‘hi’ like Jaemin was continuously whining over whenever he had reinstalled tinder. But what was he supposed to reply? Should he try to act cute and coy? Was that what she would be looking for? But before he could even type anything, she had sent another message.
To: Jenonono You don’t seem like the typical boy you find on here.
What was that supposed to mean?
From: Jenonono I’m not? what are those like then?
To: Jenonono They’re not as handsome as you.
At that Jeno flushed a deep red color. He wasn’t used to such blatant flirting.
To: Jenonono I really like the blonde on you but the darker color is cute as well.
From: Jenonono it’s dark right now
As soon as he hit send, Jeno wanted to hit himself. What was she supposed to answer to that message? God he was such an idiot.
To: Jenonono Cute. Are you nervous?
From: Jenonono I have never done this before and didn’t think someone would message someone like me
To: Jenonono I haven’t been doing this for long either. And what do you mean by ‘someone like me’?
From: Jenonono you said yourself that I’m not the typical boy you would find on here...
To: Jenonono Well occasionally there is a diamond between all the rocks.
Jeno wasn’t sure if this was even an actual saying but it made him feel warm nevertheless.
From: Jenonono you’re pretty forward with your flirting
To: Jenonono Am I making you shy, baby?
As if to prove her point, Jeno almost choked on his own saliva, coughing loudly which ultimately woke up Bongsik who threw him a very much not amused gaze. He hadn’t known that just reading the word baby would have such an effect on him. A voice in the back of his head that sounded a little too much like Donghyuck called him a ‘bottom bitch’. Biting his lip he contemplated whether he should flirt back. Up until now it was fun talking to her. And he still had nothing to lose.
From: Jenonono What if I maybe blushed just the smallest bit?
To: Jenonono You’re so cute. I’m glad I found you. But you should go sleep, baby. It’s late already.
From: Jenonono shouldn’t you be asleep as well then?
To: Jenonono I just came back from a long flight and my bed seems a little lonely.
Was this his chance to get a little flirtatious himself? Was she testing him?
From: Jenonono would you want me there with you? so it’s not as lonely?
To: Jenonono That does sound very tempting, baby boy. Let me take you out for a meal before I take you to bed.
Jeno’s breath caught in his throat for a little before he broke out in little giggles. He had completely forgotten how good it felt to feel wanted between all the stress that his life currently was. Maybe but just maybe Donghyuck had been right and this truly could be the solution for many of his problems.
From: Jenonono is that an invitation?
To: Jenonono How does lunch tomorrow sound like baby? I’ll treat you to something delicious.
Gnawing at his thumb, Jeno read the message over and over. He didn’t even know the woman. Meeting up with her might be a risk. For all he knew she could be a serial killer.
To: Jenonono I know this is sudden. But I want to get to know you better. Face to face. Not just over a stupid text box.
Taking a deep breath, Jeno took all his courage and replied with shaking fingers.
From: Jenonono I have a little break between my last class of the day and before I have to go to my part time job.
To: Jenonono There is a cute little bistro not too far from where I remember the main dorm buildings were. [link attached]
Clicking on the link, a website opened and showed him a French-style bistro that judging by the address was right between his dorm and the record shop. He should be able to do it. Curiously he clicked on the menu and immediately regretted it. The prices were ridiculous. For the price of a simple piece of bread, he could easily feed Bongsik and himself for two days.
From: Jenonono isn’t this a little too much?
To: Jenonono Let me spoil you, baby. Just tell me the time and I’ll make sure that I can be there.
From: Jenonono would around one work for you?
To: Jenonono I’ll be there. I’m looking forward to meeting you. Now sleep tight and have sweet dreams, baby.
From: Jenonono maybe I’ll even dream of you
Screaming into his pillow, Jeno threw his phone away. He couldn’t believe that he just send that. Quickly grabbing his kitten, he pressed his face into her soft fur while she struggled in his hold. “Bongsik I have a date,” he whispered, “An actual date. With a potentially very rich woman. I can’t believe I actually did that.”
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261 notes · View notes
animanightmate · 3 years
Drawing The Musketeers 23
I seem to have developed a pattern now of drawing characters in the order I first drew them back last year. Which means it’s this bad boy’s turn again:
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[Image description: a detailed digital pencil drawing of Matthew McNulty as Grimaud in the BBC’s show The Musketeers, in full 17th Century(ish) costume. He is a stocky, white man with a close, scruffy beard and a dark, forked scar by his left eye. This is the only eye visible from the deep hood covering his head, and he’s glaring impassively toward the viewer. He is wearing a hooded coat with a great many straps and buckles, including a massive one where the huge, turned-down collar falls over the enormous diagonal strap across his chest. He has a cloth pouch at his belt.His right hand appears to be drawing a couple of inches of sword from his scabbard, but it’s difficult to tell. His clothes are deeply folded and creased, and it’s just possible to tell that he is wearing fingerless gloves and a ring on each visible finger. End image description.] 
Where do I start with this? Okay:
Look, it’s a long way from perfect, but I’ve been drawing this for a solid chunk of two days. You have to stop somewhere, right?
I have no idea what’s happened with his hand, and I could probably have shaded it a lot darker and got away with it, but here we are.
You know how I’m usually cursing lace? This time I’m cursing buckles.[Counts swiftly] 13 of them. I think there’s a 14th that’s really obscure but see above re: not going back.
I’ve learned a lot. Some of it is about software issues vs. hardware issues. Some of it is about texturing using reduced opacity. Some of it is about drawing with white instead of black (a real luxury of digital drawing).
I’ve also learned that Grimaud’s characteristic cloak/ coat thing had removable arms, and I’m mildly disturbed at the thought.
I’ve also learned that he had a random shiny ribbon tied to his Ridiculously Huge Clan Chieftain Buckle and I feel like there’s a story there...
You can probably already tell the section I did last, when I was in a fair amount of pain and fatigue. No prizes (and besides, you get to find out in the progress shots).
The eye works! The eye really works!
I was reminded all over again that Matthew McNulty is a very attractive human and that he and the makeup/ costume department did their utmost to make him look horrible and it didn’t really work.
There was a point where I had to stop for the day and added some red pen annotations. The following day I realised I was thinking “I can fix him,” and if that doesn’t sum up a significant portion of the Grimaud Stans, I don’t know what does...
I am very pleased with the big strap detailing, the money pouch, the buttonholes, the hilt of the main gauche, and the arms.
I kept going back and adding more face shading. I’d go “Ah, that’s enough,” then look at it again after some Endless Buckle Finagling and think: Nope, needs more shade. I still think I should have gone back and added more shade.
I appear to have shaded over some of the facial hair of which I was very proud. OH WELL.
I did a lot of deleting and redrawing. I am glad I did so.
I am falling into a real danger of perfectionism, and I’m not sure what to do with that.
It’s unbelievably better than last time I did Grimaud...
Measuring obsessively really made a difference.
Next time I’m doing someone wearing more contrasting clothes and maybe even smiling.
I like learning.
My arm hurts.
⬅Drawing 22
Progress shots behind the cut. There are a metric arseton of them, mind you!
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[Image description: dark grey, wobbly outline of the above-described figure. Various points are marked in short, dark lines down the middle of its length - frown lines, nostrils, mouth, beard, various straps and belts. The edge of the hood on one side is outlined. End image description.]
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[Image description: The above outline, but chest strap, collar, large buckle, join of coat, and more detail on the hood are sketched out. End image description.]
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[Image description: above image but cut off at waist. Shading on hood and some features are outlined. End image description.]
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[Image description: Above image but full-length again; the shading on the hood and on the right arm are much more detailed. End image description.]
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[Image description: above image but far greater detail in the shading of arm and hood. Creases on the left arm are sketched out. Hand and pommel of sword are sketched out. Hilt of main gauche is complete. End image description.] 
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[Image description: above image but cropped to chest. Face is completely detailed. Shading and buttonholes on collar are apparent. Buttons on chest are sketched out. End image description.] 
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[Image description: above image but full-length.More shading on abdomen and lower arm half-sketched out. Hand has more detail. All chest and abdominal buttons sketched.  End image description.]
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[Image description: above image with deeper and more intricate shading. Chest buckle has been reduced in size and detail added; right arm now in proportion along with fold of hood. Shirt lacing has been added. End image description.]
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[Image description: above image with hip and pouch completely shaded. Chest strap now has intricate detail and shading. Belt and sword hilt sketched out along with left hand. End image description.]
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[Image description: above image but all shaded now except left hand. End image description.]
33 notes · View notes
Types of kisses with Yoongi
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First kiss
Yoongi loved that on your dates with him you were okay just staying in, watching movies, or having him cook for you. He was a homebody and preferred to stay home where you two could speak freely and enjoy each other’s company without the fear of him being recognized and the two of you getting mobbed. Today he had invited you to his studio to listen to a preview of a new song for his mixtape. You were honored. You knew how special this place was to him and the fact that he trusted you enough to not only bring you here, but also let you hear a new song? You knew that day that he must be serious about you and it filled your heart with warmth.
You knocked on his door and he answered almost immediately, almost as if he was waiting for you. 
“Were you waiting for me Min Yoongi?” You tease him and he blushes and scratches the back of his head. 
“Um, maybe. I’m just really happy to see you.” He reaches his hand out and holds yours tightly and you squeeze it back. He leads you in to sit on the chair next to his own. “I ordered a pizza for us it should be here soon. I hope that’s okay.” 
“It’s more than okay with me! Thank you, Yoongi.” You smile at him and he offers a small smile back. 
“Of course. That’s one of the things I really like about you is that you’re just so... agreeable. I love that from day 1 you were just okay having dates in and not needing to go anywhere fancy.”
“Of course not. You don’t need to impress me, Yoongi. I just like being with you.” Your smile grows as does his and you see him glancing at your lips. He moves in as if he’s going to kiss you before his phone rings from the delivery person notifying him of their arrival. He nearly jumps away from you, face bright red as he gets up to get the food for you two. When he comes back he sets it down on the desk. 
“Well, you ready to listen to it?”
“I’d love to!” You listen to the song and immediately feel a whole slew of emotions hitting you. Sadness, initially, but then the melody moves to sound more hopeful. And like better days are coming. Even without lyrics, Yoongi somehow manages to portray the emotions of his song through the instruments alone. The song ends and you sit there for a few moment absorbing everything, He gets a little nervous thinking maybe you didn’t like it. He knew something was missing, and was hoping a fresh set of ears would help him know what was missing. 
“So what do you think?”
“It’s amazing. Really I don’t even know what to say. You can really feel the emotions you are trying to show in the song and you can tell that you put your whole heart into it.”
“You don’t think there’s anything... missing? When I listen to it I think it just sounds off but I don’t know what it could be.” That surprises you. The fact that Yoongi genuinely wants your opinion and help when you have no idea about producing music. 
“You want my input?”
“Yes. You’re really smart and I trust your judgment.” You feel your cheeks heating up and you ask him to play it again. You really listen this time and think you have an idea. 
“Why don’t you add some piano here?”
“The middle bit here?”
“Yeah! Maybe like...” You hum a little part of a melody that seemed to get stuck in your head after listening to the song. 
“Oh that actually is a great idea.” Yoongi pulls out his keyboard and plays the notes before adding it into the song. You watch him mixing and just can’t help but feel an overwhelming urge to kiss him. He’s so focused on his music, and so excited and passionate about it and you can’t help but hold so much admiration and respect in your heart for him. So you take a leap and lean in and kiss his cheek. Yoongi freezes, hand hovering over the keyboard as he turns to look at you. His face is bright red. 
“Y-you just kissed me.”
“I did.”
“Because you looked adorable and you’re really passionate about your music and I just got an overwhelming urge to kiss you.”
“Do it again. But properly this time.” He pinches your chin between his thumb and forefinger and brings you back in to plant a kiss on your lips. It’s over all too soon for your liking and you chase after his lips for another one. He playfully taps your lips with his finger. “We have plenty of time for that sweetheart, let’s not rush it okay? I want to take my time with you because I really like you. And to be honest this is all really new to me. I’ve never developed strong feelings for someone as quickly as I have for you and it scares me a little.” You kiss his cheek again instead. 
“Okay, Yoongi. We’ll go at whatever pace you’re comfortable with.” 
“Thank you, angel.” 
Lazy kisses
“Baby come on, you gotta get up! You’ve hit the snooze button 3 times and if I have to hear that god awful alarm you have one more time I am personally yanking you out of this bed.” Yoongi scolds. You groan loudly and turn your alarm off, but your eyes flutter closed again.  “That’s it.” You feel a finger dig into your ribs and you yelp loudly and squirm away from him. 
“Okay okay! I’ll get up...eventually.” You roll over onto your back and feel your eyes start to droop closed again. You are almost back in dream land when you feel your boyfriend’s lips on your own. Well that definitely wakes you up. You let your lips move slowly against his. You’ll never get tired of his kisses. You completely melt and soon Yoongi pulls away and practically collapses on top of you. 
“I changed my mind you’re staying home today.” 
“Yoongi I have to go to work.”
“I mean... you’re already going to be late can’t you just call off? Tell them you had car trouble?”
“I can’t lie to my boss!” 
“Then I will for you.”
“Yoongi don’t-” But before you can stop him he has your phone out and is calling your boss. You can hear the conversation as he has it on speaker. 
“Y/n! It’s almost time for you to be here is everything okay?”
“Ah this is Mister Min, from Min’s auto repair shop. Y/n’s car broke down on the way to work and we’re currently doing repairs. It could take a while so I don’t know that they’ll be able to make it in. They asked me to call you because they were afraid you wouldn’t believe them.”
“Oh goodness of course I would believe y/n! They’re one of my best employees. Tell y/n not to worry about it and just come in tomorrow! It’s no trouble.”
“Alright. Thank you ma’am.” He hangs up the phone and you immediately burst out laughing. 
“Oh my god I can’t believe that worked!”
“I can’t believe it did either to be honest. But I am glad it did because now I can spend the whole day with you.” You smile and lay on your side to face him. Yoongi places his hand on your hip and scoots closer to you, connecting your lips again. He kisses you deeply, letting his lips linger there for a few moments before he pulls away.
“I could spend all day kissing you.”
“Well now you can. You got me for the whole day.” You say with a smile. Yoongi places a peck on your lips. 
“Best day.”
Heated kisses
“Yoongi? Can you come here for a minute please? I need your opinion on something.”
“Sure thing, angel!”
The both of you had went shopping and you wanted Yoongi’s opinion on a pair of jeans you were trying on. Were you purposefully trying to tease him? Absolutely. You knew your butt looked amazing in them and you wanted to see his reaction. He knocks on the fitting room door and you open it, turning around and looking over your shoulder.
“So what do you think? Should I get the-” Before you can finish your sentence his hands are on your shoulders spinning you around and a firm kiss is placed on your lips. His lips moves against your own as he backs you further into the fitting room. He keeps walking until your back is against the mirror. You let out a gasp at the cold feeling of it against your arms and he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth and intertwine yours with his. His hands move to slip under your shirt and rest at your hips while yours immediately go to his hair and give a light tug, knowing that it drives him crazy in the best way. You feel his breath coming in quick pants as he moves from your mouth to ghost his lips down your neck before stopping at your collarbones. He bites it harshly and you know there’s going to be a mark there. Not that you mind. You love showing off the little bite marks he leaves on you.
He pulls away with a satisfied smirk on his face before diving back in to capture your lips again. You’re trying your best to be quiet so you don’t get caught but when he grinds his hips against yours a breathy moan escapes. He immediately pulls away. His hair is a mess from where you fingers were pulling at it, his lips are red and swollen and you’re certain you must be in the same condition. He offers you a small smile before reaching out and smoothing out your hair and straightening your shirt. 
“Um... Sorry I kind of got a little carried away. I’ve been wanting to do that all day because you always look so sexy and beautiful but something about those pants just... yeah.” He’s blushing and unable to meet your gaze now and you can’t help but giggle.
“Feel free to get carried away whenever you want Yoongi if you’re going to kiss me like that. And I am definitely buying the pants.”
Sweet kisses
You two were laying in bed together watching a movie. But you didn’t notice Yoongi wasn’t watching the movie at all, his attention was fully on you. Every little facial expression, every time you smiled or laughed, he felt his heart flutter. You two had been together for a year now and still he got butterflies like the very first time he met you. He moves his hand across the bed and laces your fingers together. You finally turn to him and notice him staring at you with the fondest expression. 
“Everything okay?”
You always asked him that. Always checking in just to let him know that you were always there for him and just wanted him to be happy. He appreciated it more than you know. He smilies to help calm your nerves. 
“Yes everything is fine, my love. It’s just... you’re beautiful you know that?” 
He’s told you this before but something feels different this time and it makes your cheeks flush. 
“I think I’ve been told that a time or two.” 
“Just by me though right?” A few chuckles escape you. 
“Yes, Yoongi only by you. Well, only by you in a romantic way at least. The other members have too but you know they don’t mean anything by it.”
“Good. As they should tell you. Still can’t believe the most beautiful person in the world is actually mine.” 
“Mmm I think you’re mistaking that’s you. And I won’t take any arguments for an answer.” He opens his mouth to protest but you quickly lean in and press a kiss to his lips instead. He immediately forgets what he was going to say as his mind and senses are suddenly filled with you. He pulls away to pepper kisses all over your cheeks, to your forehead, your eye lids, and tip of your nose and finally ending up at your lips again. He lingers there for a moment before he mumbles against your lips. 
“Marry me.” You place your hands on his cheeks to pull his face away from you. You look into his eyes to see if he’s serious and he is. 
“Are you for real? You really want to marry me?”
“Yes. I am being serious. Of course I want to marry you. I don’t want a big wedding with a ton of people there. I just want it to be me and you. We can have a ceremony later and invite all our friends and family but... for right now I don’t want to wait. I want you to be Min Y/n and I want to start our life together.”  You feel tears welling up in your eyes. You don’t trust yourself to speak without bursting into tears so you just nod. The smile that you see on Yoongi’s face is what breaks you and finally allows a few tears to escape. He looks the happiest you’ve ever seen him, and knowing that just the thought of spending the rest of his life with you making him that happy makes you feel so many positive emotions at once they leak out in the form of tears. Yoongi is quick to kiss them all away, kissing your cheeks whenever one falls down your face until you’re smiling again. 
“Okay. Let’s do it then. I don’t want to wait either. I already know I want to spend my forever with you.”
Wedding kiss
True to his word, a few days later here you were. Standing with Yoongi at the park where you two first met. It was night time, Yoongi had always said he wanted to marry you under the stars because he thought you looked beautiful and absolutely ethereal bathed in moonlight. He knew someone that was licensed to marry so after everything was in order you two immediately planned the day you would go. It was quite late, not a single soul was there and it felt like you three were the only people left in the world. You both didn’t dress up, wearing jeans and the comfiest sweaters you owned. Yoongi had insisted you wear his jacket because it was getting chilly outside. He was even wearing a beanie and you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you. He raises his eyebrow at you in question.
“It’s just... all of this is so very you. Very us. Eloping and getting married under the stars, no fancy clothes or rings. Just the two of us and our love for each other and the world at our feet.” Yoongi smiles at that and leans in to kiss you but the minister scolds him. 
“No kissing until the vows!” You both look away sheepishly and giggle under your breaths. 
“Alright I guess I’ll start then.” Yoongi says. “I write lyrics for a living and here I am at a loss for words and have no idea what to say. I’m just so happy that you want to spend the rest of your life with me. Like holy shit how did I manage to pull that one off. You’re perfect in every way and so so good to me. You stuck by me through all the bad times, and I know there were some really bad ones. But you never lost your temper with me, you were always patient and kind and supportive through everything so I guess just... thank you. Really. And I just love you. That’s really all there is to say.” You hear the nervousness but also the sincerity in his words so you give his hands a squeeze to help comfort him. “Um.. I know I didn’t bring a ring because this was all kind of fast but I am getting one for you. It’s just going to take a little while because I want it to be perfect but hopefully this will do for now.” He bends down and picks a small purple flower off the ground. The weather had only just started to get colder so some of the flowers were still blooming. He loops the stem around your finger and ties it together. It’s such a sweet thing for him to do and you can’t help but place a kiss on the back of his hand before saying your vows.
“Yoongi you’ve always known I’ve never needed grand gestures to show your love, or songs written about me although the ones you did write I absolutely adore and will cherish forever. I can see you love me in the way you look at me, in the way you take care of me and always make sure I am happy. When you tell me you love me, I hear the sincerity in your voice. And I can only hope in the time we’ve been together that I was able to give you just as much love to you as you’ve made me feel. And you’re right. The only thing really to say is that I love you.”
The minster claps his hand together. “Perfect! I now pronounce you both officially married. Go ahead and kiss y/n, Yoongi. And congratulations to the both of you.”
Yoongi wastes no time in tugging you towards him and finally connecting your lips. His hands cup your face and he kisses you so tenderly and gently, almost as if he’s afraid you’re going to break. You two stay like that for quite some time, although when he pulls away it still doesn’t feel like long enough. 
“Holy shit we’re married.” He says with wide eye and surprise on his face. You giggle at his bewildered expression. 
“Yes we are.”
“I love you so much, angel.”
“I love you too, Yoongi.” 
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
acquainted | seven
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.9k
warnings: unprotected sex (in the form of a flashback in the middle of chapter), dick riding/straddling, slight scratching, slight marking, making out, cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, overthinking, insecurities, guilt, jealousy, some possessiveness, slight bitter feelings and tension in the air, wild, wild thoughts
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish@photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Y/N!" Ryujin gasped, her facial expression hard to read. She almost seemed proud, but also disappointed at the same time, but also really confused? You expected much, really. Just take a fucking look at your situation. "What the fuck! Seriously, you have balls! You do know he's still engaged, right? And that you really can't continue doing this with her around? That's coming from someone like me." You groaned.
"Fuck, I know, okay."
"S-so, what? What now? I knew you wouldn't let up on this!" She stutters, her hands out like this is some major political debate.
"I don't even know, I didn't even get the chance to process last night."
"You spent the night with him, didn't you? Where was his fiancé?"
"She's in New York for work."
"Did you guys fuck on their bed?!"
"Ryujin, really? Do I have to answer that?" She squealed, causing you to pinch her on the side to get her to be quiet.
"Holy, you're naughty as fuck!" Her jaw is still hanging from all the dirty details spilling out this morning.
"It was intense." Is all you respond with. It's silent for a minute, Ryujin getting a chance to read your body language and how torn you were.
"Ohhhh, Y/N baby." She brushed the hair out of your face. "You need to get out while you're still not in too deep."
"It's just.."
"You already developed feelings for him, haven't you?" She sighed.
"I know I shouldn't."
"What about Jungkook?"
"What about him? I haven't blown him off or anything like that. I texted him back this morning."
"Ohhhhhhh, this is fucked up."
"I'm stupid."
"No, no. No, you're not. We make mistakes. It's just best you learn from it and move on, especially in this position." You looked at her.
"Don't tell Jimin or Tae right now, please." She shook her head.
"I won't." Part of you was hoping you could get this settled before even telling them anything. But you knew it wasn't going to work that way. Last thing you wanted to do was hide this from your boys.
"I don't know what to do about Jin. I told Jungkook I'd go out on a date with him, and God, he's also so fucking attractive and sweet. But I—last night—" You sighed heavily, unable to finish your sentence. Last night was fucking amazing.
"Here's the thing. You need to stop talking like Jin is an option." You silently nodded and looked down at your feet.
"You're right."
"I'm sorry, baby. I know that's not what you wanna hear but we really have no choice. He's not someone you can go for, and quite frankly, if he can do this to his fiancé, he's capable of hurting you too. He obviously needs to get his shit together and figure out what he truly wants, but it's best you keep your distance while he does so. This could hurt a lot of people."
"Tried to keep my distance, obviously failed."
"Okay, but you didn't have Jungkook." She smiled. "Look, I can't tell you how to feel or force you to feel a certain way, but Jungkook looks like a good guy and he's probably worth giving a chance. Maybe he can make up for the lack of attention or touch you're yearning for. Maybe this can help stray you away from Jin."
"I... fucked him, though." You emphasized as reality settled in.
"Jungkook doesn't need to know that, you aren't a couple and you just met him last night." She sighed. "Please just promise me you'll give him a chance and stop meddling with engaged men. We all know Jin is beautiful, but we can't settle this way." You slightly chuckle. She was right. Maybe you just longed for someone good. Maybe it was time you started dating again. You couldn't have this with Jin, and you couldn't expect him to drop everything with Grace. Your gut was telling you that it wasn't going to happen that way, even with how things went down last night. What's done is done.
However, could you absolutely 100% say you'll keep up this end of the promise? No. You were being honest. It wasn't going to be easy, not with the way he fucked you so good last night. You let that door open and you weren't sure if you were ready to close it for good.
"Yeah, I hear you." She nodded, sighing in relief.
"Bitch, I don't believe you!"
"Stop, okay. I'll do my best." You shrug while she continued to cut her eyes at you.
"God, what a fucking night."
"Tell me about it."
"Was the dick good though?"
"Probably a dumb question, huh? Jin is truly a work of art."
"Not helping."
"So is Jungkook." She added. "What a family. I'm sure his dick will be twice as big with all that muscle he's packing. It's exciting to think about."
"I—" You pause, shaking your head. "It doesn't work that way, Ry. Let's just not, please." She chuckled.
"You're going to see Jin in class and just remember him destroying your pussy. Creative writing, who?"
"Fuck, okay! For the love of God. Are you finished?"
"I think." She laughed. "Just about." And so you continue walking around the lake, Ryujin now divulging the details about grabbing Namjoon's number and how she was interested in seeing where that went. Then, she finally put her pride aside and honestly told you how she had some feelings for Taehyung but she knew he wouldn't be getting his shit together anytime soon. So, she didn't pursue it, and probably won't. But, she was close. Not like this was anything new to you or Jimin.
You both ended up walking around the streets a little more before Ryujin decided she wanted to go home and take a nap to feel fully rested. You, too, were feeling tired being that you didn't really sleep for more than 4 or so hours. You got into your jammies, and laid in your bed, completely disregarding the assignments you had planned to get done.
It felt like you were asleep for all of 5 minutes before your phone went off.
You sleepily opened your eyes to see Jungkook's name flash across your screen, so you picked it up as you dug yourself back under your covers completely.
"Hello?" You said softly, causing Jungkook to chuckle.
"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, Y/N. Just let me--"
"You're okay, Jungkook. I should be getting up anyways." The thing about Jungkook, even though last night was really the only time you could say you 'spent' time with him, was that he had the softest demeanor. He was kind, and sweet. He was almost innocent in a sense, but you knew he was just an all-around gentleman.
"Tired from last night?" Mmm, you have no idea, love.
"Yeah, a bit. Did you finish running your errands?"
"Just about. I had to stop by Jin's really quickly to pick something up." That name makes you feel hot and bothered, especially in between the thighs. "I literally just stepped through my door, but I wanted to see how you were doing." You hear him fiddling with stuff in the background before shutting a door.
"That's sweet. I'm surviving." You chuckle.
"You and me both." He lets out a content sigh, assuming he had just plopped onto his bed or couch. "So, are you free this week?"
"I don't really have a life." You shake your head. The fuck Y/N, get it together?! "I-I mean, I do, but like, I meant to say I don't really do much outside of school and work." He laughed.
"Either way, I don't judge. What about Tuesday or Wednesday? Would you be able to spare me an entire evening on one of those days?"
"An entire evening, huh?" You chuckled. "Tuesday. I don't have late classes that day."
"Yeah, I planned a few things."
"What's the plan?"
"Mmm, I do remember saying I wouldn't spill the details."
"That's not fair."
"It'll be worth the wait, I hope." You blushed to yourself. Why was he so fucking cute?
"Setting yourself up for some high expectations, Jungkook."
"Never settle, right? Besides, I just want you to have a good time. That's all that matters to me."
"Cute." You chuckle. "Well, I'm looking forward to it." The phone conversation continues, even as you start getting up to finish up your homework. You easily felt comfortable with Jungkook, talking about random things and going off on different tangents. The more you slowly got to know him and the type of person he was, the more you felt torn. You just had this discussion with Ryujin and you were confident at the time; but as the day went on, you really couldn't stop considering Jin as an option. You wanted to hold onto something that wasn't even yours to begin with. On top of that, here was the added complication of Jungkook. Although it was too early to really determine what was going on between you and Jungkook, you didn't wanna stop exploring the possibilities with him. So now, you were in this predicament where you wanted to hold onto something that wasn't even yours to begin with, but you also wanted to see what Jungkook was about.
How the fuck do you even see your way out of things like this without hurting anyone?
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[ start flashback ]
Jin held your hips as you straddled him, guiding your hips as you rode him on the edge of his bed. You fixed your position so that you rested your feet on the bed, your hands on his shoulders and your legs working inwards in circular motions. You watched as Jin tilted his head back, his hands now running up your back to help support you.
"You know how to ride my dick so fucking well." He groans as he tilts his head back in pleasure.
"God, fuck, I'm gonna cum, Jin." You moan, gripping onto his shoulders tightly, nails scratching the surface and leaving red marks. His soft hands are caressing your back as he leans forward to lick a stripe up your cleavage and to your neck. He begins to suck gently on the base of your neck, gently nipping at your skin. He makes his way up to your lips as your hands are gripping around his thick neck, fighting for dominance with your tongue. His moans are captured inside your mouth as you begin to lightly bounce on his cock. Once you feel yourself beginning to spiral out of control and lose your senses, you begin to moan loudly, calling for Jin as if he wasn't just sitting below you, feeling you cum all over him.
He watches your facial expressions change as you ride out your high, making it enough for him to blow his load right into you. The veins on his neck begin to pop out as you hold him close, him filling you up and coating your walls with his seed while you continue to grip his neck and—
[ end flashback ]
"Y/N!" Jimin says at a rough, low whisper. "Hello?" You shake your head to bring yourself back to reality, the events of last night constantly taking up your conscience. It's obvious the promise you had made Ryujin was proving difficult to keep, being that you brought your ass over to Jin's house last night for another good fuck. You had hurriedly got yourself up and out of his house to make it to work, with Jin almost coaxing you into another round of 'me & you' time. And god, did you wanna risk being late for work for it, especially since Grace would be back later in the day.
"Sorry, Jiminie." You say, taking out a piece of binder paper. "W-what are we doing?"
"We have to work on this question together." He furrows his eyebrows a bit, confused as to why you've been in a daze all class. "Are you okay? You've been out of it all class."
"I'm fine. I just barely got any sleep last night and I'm dying to go home."
"Mmm, okay. Well, we're almost there, just hang tight." He continues to write his notes. You shoot Jin a look at the front of the room, a very subtle smirk on his face as he presses his glasses against his face and makes his way around the room to check on the rest of the class. Jimin is leading most of the conversation, and you know he's doing this because he's worried about you but he doesn't wanna press much on what's been bothering you. After a few minutes, Jimin changes the topic as you both are almost finishing up the partner work. "So, have you talked to Jungkook?"
"Yeah, I have." He smiles. He smiles from ear to ear because he really wanted to see you happy after all the things you've gone through and he was excited to see what could come out of this. And, that smile gets you every single time because if he only knew, he would be incredibly disappointed in you. Jimin was the one you were afraid of disappointing because he meant a lot to you [along with Ryujin and Taehyung] and he thought so highly of you. He never failed to remind you of it, and how he truly adored the strength you had.
"So?" You chuckle.
"Are you gonna go on the date with him?"
"I am, tomorrow."
"Oh shit!" He says excitedly. "Y/N has a date with Jungkook." He repeatedly teases and looks over at Taehyung and Ryujin working behind you two.
"Jimin, quit." You whine.
"You two doing okay here?" Jin comes from behind you, his facial expression slightly unamused.
"Sorry, yeah, we're good!" Jimin responds in typical Jimin fashion, chuckling and throwing a thumbs up his way. Jin simply nods, then fixates on you while pointing the piece of paper in his hand towards your way.
"Can I speak to you after class, Miss Y/L/N?"
"Yeah, sure." You swallow the lump in your throat as he sends you a reassuring smile before walking off.
"Whatever it is, tell him I didn't copy your shit word for word." You throw your pen at Taehyung.
"You're an idiot." Ryujin flashes you a look, dying to say something, but she knows she can't since she promised she wouldn't around Tae and Jimin.
[ryujin] 7:34pm: what the fuck is that about?
[y/n] 7:35pm: how do i know?!
[ryujin] 7:36pm: you should since you've been riding that man's dick! i'm onto you, woman! you said you promised :( come on, stay strong for jungkookie
[y/n] 7:37pm: ugh, i'm pretty sure it's nothing, okay? relax
You shoot her a look in hopes that she'll quit acting the way she is before the boys question you both. Class begins to wrap up, with you and Jimin passing your papers forward to be looked at and graded. The classroom is slowly emptying, your friends almost being the last ones out.
"Do you want us to wait for you?" Jimin asks as you both are about to approach the front desk. You shake your head and give him a reassuring squeeze.
"I'll be fine." He shrugs.
"Get some sleep then, okay? You worry me. Text me if you need anything." He ruffles your hair before walking out. You watch as Taehyung follows behind, quickly caressing your chin before shooting Jin a nod and walking out. Ryujin simply looks at you as she walks out, slowly hovering by the door as you turn your attention towards Jin.
"Uhm." He chuckles as he sees Ryujin still peeking by the door. "Is there anything else I can help you with, Miss Shin?"
"Noooo." She presses her lips tightly together as she slowly passes the door. You mouth for her to go and she simply rolls her eyes and walks away completely. Jin walks over to the door and shuts it close, being sure that no one else is hovering around.
"What do you need?" You hold onto your books tightly.
"Wanted to make sure you were okay."
"What makes you think I'm not okay?" You ask. You put up this wall in between you and Jin every time you have to be his student. You only felt obligated to, and you sure as hell didn't wanna make it obvious that there were things going on between you two beneath the surface. Having Ryujin know was enough work alone.
"You do know I can see you during class, right?"
"I'm fine. I'm just really tired." He nods.
"So, going on a date with Kook tomorrow, huh?" You roll your eyes.
"What's this really about, Jin?"
"Why are you catching an attitude with me? It's just a question."
"Yeah, I am." You look at him, the jealousy coming through to his eyes. He doesn't say much, nor does he break contact with you as he leans over on the front desk.
"Have fun with that."
"I will. Don't you have to pick up your fiancé?" He looks at his watch.
"In a few, yeah." You roll your eyes and subtly shake your head. Honestly, you have no fucking idea why there was so much bitter tension in the air between you two right now. You both had no right to be acting this possessive or jealous, especially Jin. But, he was wreaking of it and he didn't even have to try to show it. He wasn't even trying to shield it, for that matter.
"Good, you should get going then. Let me get out of your way—"
"I still wanna see you."
"And how is that gonna work?"
"You can tone it down, you know? No one's here." He says, slightly feeling agitated by your attitude. "Last time I remember correctly, you were in my bed calling my name."
"Jin." You flatly say. "Look, I don't know how that's possible. Maybe it's just something we need to tone down in general." He lightly scoffs.
"Okay. Clearly not trying to make ends meet here."
"Not with Grace around."
"Not with Jungkook around either." He retorts.
"I can do what I want, even if that includes your brother." You cut your eyes at him. "I'm not the one engaged, remember? Are we finished here?" Where the fuck did all this attitude and bitter energy come from? You had no idea. You were just going along with Jin's vibe, and quite frankly, he had started it with slipping Jungkook into the conversation the way that he did.
With reality really slapping you in the face tonight, you were beginning to understand how incredibly difficult it would be to keep this up with Grace back. You weren't sure if you could keep up. You knew it wasn't worth it, but Jin certainly had his ways to keep you wrapped around his finger.
Part of you also can't help but feel your pussy throb at this entire encounter. You knew he'd fuck you good and senseless with all this energy—Nope! We are not going there.
"Just about." He says lowly as he watches you swing the door open and slam it close.
"Hey!" Ryujin says coming out of the corner. You should've known.
"Girl, why the hell am I even surprised you came out of the corner like that?"
"I don't know, beats me. You should know me by now."
"Where's Chim and Tae?"
"Went home. I said I needed to stay behind to finish up some things." She flipped her hair. "So, what was that about?"
"Can you believe he has the nerve to ask me about the date with Jungkook? Made me catch an attitude with him."
"Ooooh, he doesn't like it one bit. How spicy." She catches herself. "Except we're not doing anything with Jin, remember?!"
"Too late, I already fucked him again last night." You blatantly spill the beans. Ryujin already knows, there's no point in hiding it.
"Oh for Christ's sake, I knew it! You both wreak of day after secret sex!"
"What is that even supposed to mean!"
"I know you both are trying really hard not to be obvious, but it's obvious, honey. You two can't stop staring at each other! You need to quit it, now."
"I am, okay? Grace is back."
"If she wasn't, would you be back at his place though?"
"I don't know." She groans.
"Wrong answer!"
"Look, calm down. Maybe things will change tomorrow." You say in a positive light.
"Hopefully?! Please don't hurt the guy, Y/N. He seems like a sweetie who would take good care of you!"
"I hear you."
"Please." She pleads. You have never seen her plead like this before, so you knew it was serious. "Don't do this to yourself. You've already been through enough."
"Okay, Ry. I won't." You squeeze her arm. The rest of the walk to your cars is pretty silent, with Ryujin updating you a bit on the latest news of her love life. To be honest, the entire conversation with Ryujin had brought your spirits down. It was hard to focus on whatever she was saying because you were too busy thinking about your own thoughts. It's annoying as hell. Why the fuck was this so hard for you?
Later that night, you get yourself into a nice, hot bath, scrolling through your phone as you and Jungkook text each other back and forth. You hadn't heard from Jin, but you didn't know why you were looking for him knowing where he was at. To be fair, he really did want to talk to you. He was starting to feel needy, and almost possessive. He felt greedy with you, even though he knew it wasn't right. Picking up Grace, he tried his hardest to put on his 'welcome home' face, his 'i missed you' face; even though he had been pretty occupied with other things.
And so when he gets home, Grace suddenly throws herself on her fiancé, almost like she had been gone for months on end. He wasn't expecting it, but he was a man who had needs, so he lets it happen. He wraps himself up, knowing Grace wasn't on any type of birth control and knowing where he had been. She doesn't question it because it wasn't anything new - she knew Jin wasn't ready for kids and nor was she being at this point in her career. Nothing has changed for her as she gets home, although lots has for him. He's trying his hardest to get into the soft, vanilla sex that Grace was always into, but he couldn't get your face out of his mind. And as completely and utterly fucked up this is, you're what gets him off tonight. The nasty, filthy shit you do to him, the faces you make, the way you yell his name like no one else exists - your moans repeating in his head over and over again like sirens.
And Grace has no idea what's going on in that itty bitty head of his. She just enjoys the fact that she can come home to him and have sex with him like any ordinary couple who had been away from each other. They cum together once and she calls it a night, when Jin could go for hours with you, pussy and cock almost throbbing in pain from how much you two can't keep your hands off of each other in one night.
She doesn't know you exist. She doesn't know you've slept on her side of the bed.
She doesn't know you're the one who's actually fucking Jin right now with the way he's thinking about you.
You're exactly what he needs to get off.
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Love you (not) - Chapter 2
Cheating a little today because I couldn't think of a way to fit a Ghibli AU in the fic. Anyway, thanks to @marichatmay for finally making me watch some Ghibli classics, aka Kiki's delivery service and Howl's Moving Castle. They'd been on my watchlist for far too long!
Hope you enjoy this chapter!
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Chapter 2: In which Chat Noir and Marinette struggle to hold a conversation without flirting
Chat Noir doubted that he’d ever laughed as much as he’d laughed during his lunch at the Dupain-Chengs. Marinette’s parents had just been so warm and welcoming, that he’d started to wonder if the relationship Marinette and her parents had was extraordinary, or if his vision was simply skewered by his father’s absence. He’d come to the conclusion that it was probably a bit of both; he remembered having fun with his mother as well, but there was something truly special about the way Marinette relaxed in this environment.
He doubted that he’d ever seen her so carefree (between bouts of almost fake embarrassment when Tom’s jokes got too bad for her taste; she kind of shared Ladybug’s facial expression when it came to those) in the relatively short time they’d known each other. He really appreciated her letting him see this part of her, and letting him into her family and her happiness.
This was why, after lunch was over and he really should have been heading home to study up on his Chinese, he’d accepted Marinette’s suggestion to stay a little longer, given the rain that was still pouring outside. There was just something about the prospect of spending more time with Marinette that warmed his heart; and, thinking about it, what harm could a couple more hours do? They’d hang out a bit, Marinette would probably realise that she’d been in love with an image more than with him all this time, and they would part ways as friends at the end of the day. Easy.
Alas, the plan had started to crumble the moment they’d decided to watch a movie together. Tom and Sabine had gone to take a nap after the copious meal (Tom really had gone all out on the courses), and he and Marinette had been left awkwardly standing around, twiddling their thumbs as they tried to figure out what to do.
Chat had spotted Marinette’s Howl’s moving castle DVD under the TV stand as his gaze wandered around the room, and he’d commented that it had been a while since he’d watched it. Marinette had jumped on the occasion, relieved that an idea had been handed to her.
She’d set up the movie and then had sat on one end of the couch, while Chat Noir sat on the other. So far, so good.
Things had started getting difficult when Sophie had entered Howl’s castle, and Marinette, whether by empathy or pure coincidence, had felt a draft and had moved to the angle of the couch - closer to him, although they were still far enough apart that he couldn’t consider it making a move - to escape it.
When that didn’t work to make her feel warmer, she’d whipped a blanket out of seemingly thin air and wrapped herself comfortably in it.
By that point, despite his supposedly thermal suit, Chat Noir had also started feeling cold, and had scooted a little closer so he could slide his feet under a corner of the blanket that wasn’t tucked under his friend. Marinette had then spotted his apparent discomfort, and before he knew it, he was buried under the blanket with her, and although there was still space between them, their shoulders definitely knocked against each other if they moved a bit.
The movie had been captivating enough that neither of them had focused too much on that fact while they watched the plot unfold, but Marinette was suddenly very aware of their situation when the credits started rolling. She wasn’t sure how to get out of it without her partner feeling pushed away, but supposed that sparking a conversation would probably help.
“So…” She turned towards him, stretching a little as she did so and seizing the opportunity to move a little further away from him. "Have you seen many Ghibli movies?" She cringed slightly at the question. Her social skills really seemed to have taken the day off.
"Yep," Chat said with a proud smile. "In fact, I think I've seen them all!"
"Oh, neat!" Marinette smiled, trying to find a good follow-up question. “Erm... so, who do you think you’d be in the Ghibli universe, then?”
He paused to think about it, a pensive pout on his lips, adjusting the blanket around him to close the gap her movement had allowed to form as he did.  “That’s a very good question, to which I don’t have an answer.” He shrugged. Suddenly, all the characters he'd ever related to seemed to have evaded him; one character stood out as he looked at Marinette, though, and he supposed it was good enough to keep the conversation going. “You, on the other hand, would totally be Kiki.”
Marinette crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “That’s just because I’m small, I have black hair, and I hang out with a talking cat.”
“You wound me, Purr-incess. Those are very superficial arguments.” Chat’s hand flew briefly to his chest, before he realised she wouldn’t see it under the blanket. “Those are some good points, but I actually thought that because you live above a bakery and you sometimes work there, you’re kind of clumsy... In a cute way, don’t worry!” He added quickly when he saw her roll her eyes, before widening his own as he realised what he’d just said. He felt his cheeks warm up under his mask. Marinette looked away, pink dusting her cheeks. So much for keeping things entirely platonic. This wasn’t sending the right message at all. “...And you’re always willing to help people, generally with pretty original plans.” He concluded after clearing his throat.
Marinette and Kiki also shared strong first opinions, he didn’t add. He hadn’t been scorned as long as Tombo had in the movie, granted, but he felt a certain connection to the boy nonetheless, probably because they both also shared a liking for clowning around. He couldn’t say anything about it without revealing too much, though; and he wasn’t sure that comparing himself to a character who had a crush on the character he was comparing her to would be a very good idea.
“So actually, I guess I would be Jiji, then. After all, as you said, I am a talking black cat.”
“You’re a little more than that, though.” Marinette snorted. “I actually think you’d make a fine Howl; you have this protector instinct, even though you seem to like putting yourself in danger - don’t think I don’t read the Ladyblog.” She shot him a pointed look. “But you’re also just both kind and generous, you know?And you obviously have a penchant for justice.”
Chat Noir felt his heart flutter in his chest at the compliments. Marinette really was too nice.
“Also, I guess you do look like him. If you let your hair grow, you really could pull off his cosplay.” She looked at him, head tilted as she started imagining what kind of outfit she could make for him.
“Is that you saying I’m handsome?” Chat waggled his eyebrows, before freezing. He needed to stop sounding this flirty with Marinette. It would just feed her hope, and that simply couldn’t do. He needed to make it clear to her that she was just a friend.
“I mean… it’s not like you’re unpleasant to look at…” Marinette trailed off, before realising what she’d said. She cleared her throat. “But whatever, will you just stop hogging the blanket?” She pulled on her side of it, hoping she could cover her blush with it somehow.
“I’m not! It’s just too small for us both!” Chat tucked his side under him so she wouldn’t take it.
“Fine then, I’ll just have to move closer to you,” Marinette said, looking him straight in the eye.
“Fine by me,” Chat Noir said in spite of himself, part of him screaming that it would have been the perfect excuse to say something about not liking her that way, or even to leave.
“Fine.” Marinette scooted as close to him as possible. Their bodies touched from the shoulder to their feet. What am I doing? She thought as she registered that fact. This is not how I'd seen the day going at all.  “Erm… Want to watch something else on Netflix?” She added, thinking it could only make things less weird.
“Sounds good to me!” Chat gulped next to her. He told himself he'd stay a little more to defuse the slight awkwardness, but promised himself to tell her how he felt before crossing her door to go home. “Maybe we could watch Kiki’s delivery service , since we were talking about it?”
The pair only got through part of the movie; Tom and Sabine emerged from their room for tea before they’d even reached the halfway mark, and as much as Chat Noir was tempted to stay for the macarons, the excuse to get back was just too good. It would probably be a miracle if Nathalie hadn't already come up to his room to check on him, and if she hadn't he was probably due a visit at any moment. Sabine insisted that he took some leftovers back with him, and he was so touched by the attention that the one thing he’d promised himself he’d do slipped his mind.
He was halfway home when he realised it; he'd been so preoccupied by thanking her parents and her, that he'd forgotten to talk to Marinette one last time, to tell her not to get her hopes up.
Guess I'll have to go back sometime next week, then, he sighed as he popped a macaron into his mouth. Oh, well.
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andrebearakovsky · 3 years
Folks, I promised you an essay with all my thoughts and feelings, and I'm giving you an essay with all my thoughts and feelings. Buckle your seatbelts because we are going on a bumpy ride. My essay, directed to GMBM.
I'm going to start off with: this trade makes absolutely no fucking sense. PARTS of it, maybe, but as a whole? No fucking way. The Caps sent a HUGE package to the Wings. They sent off Vrana, Panik, a 2021 1st, AND a 2022 2nd. For just Mantha. I don't know about you, but that seems EXTREMELY lopsided. Like Mantha's good I guess, but not enough to command ALL that. And he's signed for three more years beyond this, which like as face value demands a little bit more in return, but once again, not ALL that!!!
I'm gonna be honest I could not tell you much of anything about Mantha and how good he is. I see highlights of him sometimes, which means he's got some talent, but like he's still a big question mark. And he's a big power forward, which like on the one hand fits the model of the Caps, but on the other hand you ALREADY have SO MANY dudes on your roster who do exactly what he does. Vrana gave you speed and skill which you didn't have with just about anyone else on the roster, and now you have barely any of that which concerns me.
I have some serious concerns about the direction the team is going with this move. This team is OLD and SLOW. There's something to be said for experience but uhhhhh. The ENTIRE roster can't be old that's not a good move. And by trading Vrana you get rid of someone who is the opposite of both of those things, which was adding balance to your roster. And like Mantha's not old, he's 26, but that's still older than Vrana, who is 25. You're not helping yourself here. AND getting rid of this year's first when your roster is old as dirt is REALLY concerning to me. AND you're gonna be slower, did I mention that? Which also concerns a LOT. The only one here with any speed at all now is Carl Hagelin. Which is like. Alarming. I see teams like the Rangers skate around them and make them look like fools and this is not going to help.
So I guess my main point here on the logic side is that I don't understand the point? How are you improving? You're not getting anything new; everything he brings is something you already have. The fact that they traded Vrana is not exactly surprising, given his diminished ice time and recent scratches, but what they traded him for doesn't make sense.
And like I'm not SUPER upset Richard Panik is gone, he wasn't adding a whole lot to the lineup, but I am gonna be sad about the fucking destruction of the Czechoslovakian Mafia. You took away their leader (Vrana) and destroyed it in one fell swoop. I know all the Czechs and Slovaks were all friends so that aspect in them being gone makes me sad.
NOW it's time for my feelings. FIRST of all, how DARE you!!! How D A R E you!!!!!! I love that sweet boy!!! No thoughts head empty!!! An absolute delight!!!!!! His facial expressions so good, his interviews so funny, and I just!!! Seeing him always made me smile!!!!! And now I am ANGRY and HURT and UPSET and DEPRESSED!!!!! How DARE you take this joy away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU. I have so many good memories of him during the Cup run and now I think of them and want to cry. I get no more Jakub memories now. And you, personally, ruined this.
More hurt feelings: Vitek Vanecek and Jakub Vrana have been very close buddies since they were drafted in the same draft in 2014. They're both Czech, and they both came up in the system together. Joined at the hip in the minors. There was one prospect camp where Jakub fuckin translated everything for Vitek because Vitek like hardly knew any English at that point (there's even a sweet moment in this video when Jakub asks also-a-tiny-prospect-at-that-point Pheonix Copley to make sure Vitek gets to all the right goalie stuff). Jakub made it to the NHL much earlier, but when Vitek finally, finally, FINALLY got his break and made it to the NHL, Jakub was SOOOO happy for him!! And they were finally going to be able to live out the dream and play in the NHL together on the same team and you RIPPED THAT AWAY YOU FUCKING BASTARD.
My feelings are big hurt. You can't just trade Madison Bowey and then Christian Djoos and then Jakub Vrana on THREE CONSECUTIVE TRADE DEADLINES that's just illegal to my feelings. And a hate crime. I remember this article about all three of them coming up together in 2017-18 and now I'm extremely upset again. The ONLY silver lining here is that Christian Djoos is also in Detroit so he and Vrana will get to be reunited (unfortunately they missed Bowey by just a hair; the Wings didn't sign him over the offseason, so he went to Chicago and then today just got traded to Caps West in Vancouver).
You know I really thought the Raffl trade was the trade I was going to get Big Mad over today, but I literally didn't even get a chance to be mad about that. That one's fine I guess, a nothing move really. He's Austrian, and the Caps do love to collect their different nationalities. However I am still concerned about the age; the Caps trade two of their youngest players in Vrana and Siegenthaler for two players in Mantha and Raffle who are older. Mantha's not MUCH older but it's still older and a little bit concerning.
Also, Mantha is signed for SO MANY MORE YEARS. And like ugh I don't know if I want that. I know nothing about him but three more years sounds UGH right now. I don't want it. Go away. I get the feeling I'm gonna feel about him like I feel about Nick Jensen: you were traded for and replaced a sweet boy that I loved, so now you are my enemy. It's no fault of your own, but you're my enemy. I at least hope you're better at hockey than Nick Jensen.
Oh, and one more thing: the deadline came and went, you made all these moves and STILL DIDN'T GET A FUCKING DEPTH CENTER. You got TWO WINGERS. GMBM did you not see the circus that was the "everyone is hurt and we're resorting to having TJ Oshie play center" part of the season? If there was going to be ONE thing I would have asked for at the deadline, it would have been a depth center. Because currently on your roster you have literally no money to call anyone up, and if any one of the four centers go down it's big trouble, and TJ should NOT be playing center again!!!!!! Dear god!!! You failed on your one (1) task!!! Neither of these guys you got are centers!!!! What are you doing!!!!!!!
GMBM…blockbuster moves at the deadline have never been your forte. Remember the disaster that was the Kevin Shattenkirk trade? Stop doing this shit. You know what works? Supplemental moves that don't disrupt the balance of the whole team. Stick to the Brenden Dillon and Carl Hagelin level trades. You know what your gold mine of a deadline trade was? The Michal Kempny trade. Which was, surprise, a supplemental move and not a blockbuster one. And I'm gonna tell you that outright: you're never going to strike oil like that again. Not ever again. A Michal Kempny only happens once. Please stop trying to force something magic to happen by doing something crazy and stupid. You can't just go LOOKING for a Michal Kempny on purpose, and the big trades where you ship off an important, beloved top 6 member of your team is certainly not where you're going to find it. I'm just…stop.
Frankly, GMBM, I'm getting tired of you. You've tested my patience. You emotionally destroyed me to my core with the Marcus Johansson trade (which I STILL have not forgiven you for, and never will), and banishing Vrana to Detroit of all places might be the last straw. I'm gonna say the same thing I always do when trades like this happen: prove me wrong. I fuckin DARE you to prove me wrong. I for one am VERY displeased with this move in every possible way, both in my feelings and my logical hockey brain. Show me that I am wrong, otherwise it's going to be bad news for you in the future. I really think you made the wrong, wrong move here.
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omegatheunknown · 3 years
In which, not to get ahead of myself here, AEW puts on one of the best major wrestling shows in several years*, following the simple yet effective principle of giving the people what they want and sending everyone home happy and hungry for more.
- The incredibly 'Nitro' ending of the go-home Dynamite, which ran a little long on the 'heels beat everyone up and strut around like assholes almost too in desperate need of comeuppance' bit, short of garbage raining into the ring, did actually increase the heat for both promoted matches. Again, not rocket science, but executed perfectly. Catharsis was on the card, and catharsis went over several times Sunday. - Again, it's time to move on from the Casino theme, shuffling the deck and drawing suits really only detracted from the Battle Royale and seemingly always throws the production crew a curve. If they haven't hammered it by now, it's not going to happen. - Bit unhappy about the PAC/Andrade situation, but still over the moon with Andrade's promo style and Chavito being unhelpful at best.
Best Friends and Jurassic Express v The Hardy Family Office and The Hybrid 2 (**) - Not usually much to say about a loaded-up multiteam boondoggle, particularly when the show has yet to begin, but there were some moments worth sitting up to take notice -- there's a lot of talent in the ring, even if Jack Evans/Angelico aren't going to be more than mid-level mooks, little matchups with guys like Luchasaurus and Chuck Taylor are opportunities for innovative/weird spots. - Really this match exists to show-off Jungle Boy, play his theme song twice, and work him in to the aforementioned spots. I don't rightly know what Jungle Jack's ceiling is, but it sort of feels like he's plateauing, at least this version of himself. - Dan Lambert thing is interesting in that it doesn't seem to easily lead to something obvious... I mean who are Scorp and Ethan Page feuding with by proxy here, the concept of contemporary professional wrestling? Orange Cassidy and Kenny Omega?
*Main Card
Miro (C) v Eddie Kingston for the TNT Championship (***1/2) - 'Redeem Deez Nuts' T-shirts now available -- and made immediately redundant now that Miro has graciously redeemed Eddie's nuts. - Imagine looking at Miro, listening to Miro talk, and not really being able to figure out this guy is money. Also imagine panicking when he took a little while to find his groove in AEW. 'The Redeemer' is both entertaining and terrifying, and this match delivered heavily on the promise of two big fellas smacking together repeatedly. - Not only does Eddie's arsenal of power moves target Miro's neck, he may also be quite difficult to put in the full reclined camel clutch. Or he'd quite literally snap in half. It didn't come to that. - Weird heel turn by Bryce's attention span and the overall weirdness of the finish is all that kept this from being an excellent match, otherwise this was a tremendous curtain jerker and started off a dangerously fun run of pure adrenaline.
Jon Moxley v Satoshi Kojima (****) - The stakes were nebulous, the build was abrupt, yet this was a fantastic match and tremendous showcase for an underappreciated great who has been more or less just toiling for a bunch of years as a NJPW Dad. Same deal for Nagata, and I assume Tenzan is the same, Taka Michinoku even -- let's see it. - I have to assume the Cozy Lariat might have put Mox down, but Kojima otherwise played the hits (Koji Cutter, Piledriver, Brainbustaaaa) in a big way and Moxley once again proved he's become a very well-rounded wrestler who can match the intensity of just about any former IWGP champion. - More to the point-- KAZE NI NARE -- out of nowhere, too. Or out of nowhere to those not paying attention to the whereabouts of Minoru Suzuki (Right, he's just over here to fight Daniel Garcia and not Mox?), which I guess is to my own peril. Wow, though. Surprise Number 1- a complete surprise, and a welcome one. Let's have it.
Dr Britt Baker, DMD (C) v Kris Statlander for the AEW Women's Championship (****) - I love Kris and her best friends but she didn't have a prayer of dethroning Britt. She got one promo, several weeks ago, and though she did make a meal of Hayter and Rebel, the chase has been abrupt and not given much discussion, other than Mark Henry and whomever else acknowledging what is extremely evident -- Statlander is stronger than she looks, and she looks really strong. They've got her doing Cesaro-level 'modify your grip while holding your opponent's entire weight' nonsense, and it's amazing and scary. - Even with the reign of the good doctor not being credibly threatened, this was an excellent match that demonstrated the continued growth of the competitors in the women's division, even as it underlined that their storylines remain undercooked and perfunctory: Orange Cassidy whipping off his shades to urge Stat to get up was a beautiful moment. Britt's Panama Sunrise, also, too sweet. Statlander eating shit on her 451 and her pendulum moonsault was properly brutal, as were Britt's curb stomps. Really great match between these two. - Again, if they had bothered to write anything into this story, such as Kris' alien physiology making her immune to the lockjaw or something... actually, maybe that's a terrible idea. it's an idea. Undefeated challenger is defeated, on to the next for Dr Britt. Statlander and OC should tag against some of the boys.
The Young Bucks (C) v The Lucha Bros for the AEW World Tag Team Championship(*****+) - Can't not mention the insane entrance lined up for Fenix and Penta. It was bewildering, it was enchanting, it was aggressive, it was hype. It also reminded everybody how very badly we all wanted the Lucha Bros to win. The crowd has been setting new peaks with their volume since Punk showed up, but things were absolutely thunderous and ecstatic at the end of this match. Absolutely valid response. I yelled on the couch. - Nick's facial hair was a bigger tell that it was time for the Bucks to lose than anything else about this build. There's literally nowhere to go from there -- they've done the hair, the bandanas, the kicks, the animal print, the dangly earrings -- peak visual heel for this time and place. - Sincerely thought this was going to be too much of a full sprint spot-fest (the PWG-esque circle of trading blows is not really 'my thing') but even so they kept finding gears, and ramping and ramping and adding blood and brutality along the way. Even a bit of levity, with the tacked up sneaker, followed by the sincerity of Penta throwing himself in harm's way to protect his brother. Immense match, I think you'd have to go back to the Bucks vs the Addiction and MCMGs Ladder War to find a more thrilling tag team gimmick match. - If there's a single flaw to be found it's in the production not really settling on wide angles for simultaneous action at the start of the match. They figured it out. - Rey Fenix is the best luchador in the world.
Women's Casino Battle Royale (**1/2) - If nothing else, this really shows off that they now have a surplus of women's wrestlers who deserve time to hang in the ring. Unsurprisingly, the match picked right up when Thunder Rosa and then Jamie Hayter got to the ring, with additional props to Tay Conti and Jade Cargill, who was dumped rather unceremoniously given her general booking... - Okay, there was something else. Welcome to the rechristened Ruby Soho, who I've not seen a lot of outside of her extremely limited showcase in WWE, but she has so many friends in the back and in the industry and that's never for nothing, not in wrestling, anyway. Intrigued to see where she fits, and if the women ever get more than a match per show. - Touched on this in the preamble but this was the roughest part of the night for the home viewer, just weird decisions on cutting away from various entrances to show... nothing in particular happening. Also while the commitment to not-kayfabing the countdown clock is... admirable? It makes the pacing hinky. - Almost everyone who got new gear for tonight was looking like the white ranger -- Nyla, Swole, Bunny, someone I'm missing. Except Anna Jay, whose stars and glitter gear looked great.
MJF v Chris Jericho for the fate of Jericho's in-ring career (***) - MJF's unauthorized homage to Y2J's entrance: good. Fozzy's guitarist going off tempo with the instrumental Judas: weak, and would've been sad if this were the end for Jericho. Especially as the build has felt... muted, somehow. - Props to the commentary for continuing to feed the red herring of 'in AEW,' as a caveat to stipulation, it did feel like... a remote possibility that MJF would win. - Credit to Aubrey for calling this one down the middle and not putting the fix in for her friend Jericho, and I guess the Dusty finish will give MJF plenty to gripe about. - MJF wrestles with a pure heel style, holds, chops, blocks, and Jericho is fifty years old, so the level of wrestling on exhibition in these matches is well beside the point. It was solid to good, and I was fighting burn out from the first half of the card's level of excitement.
CM Punk v Darby Allin (***1/2) - There are a couple benefits of Darby as a dance partner, and it's certainly better than having to watch Punk return against like, QT Marshall or Shawn Spears. Darby does make everyone look slow, but he can also be tossed around, and this raises his profile even in defeat, obviously. That said, the stakes here are... meta, at best, in that we want to see the man look good and justify the hype. It's a weird thing to root for. He certainly does look good. (Tights? Tights!) - It's fun to theorize about actually booking an angle where Punk is rusty and needs to regain his prowess, and maybe he'll stumble, but maybe the most we get out of that angle is hitting the GTS a little close to the ropes so Darby falls right out of the ring, in what was, for me, the spot that justified this whole match. - Sting's proud step-dad aura is still a hell of a thing, I really liked the end of the match kudos all around. - Match was good, hard to hang my emotions on. I wasn't watching WWE when Punk was in WWE. Definitely feeding off the excitement of others a bit here, and he sure can talk. I'd like to see him cultivate a stable, certainly.
Paul Wight v QT Marshall (n/r) - ...popcorn match? QT Marshall is like the anti-Daniel Garcia in that while his prominence and presence is just as inexplicable, I don't want it to continue, and he doesn't justify it in the process. - Match was two minutes longer than it needed to be.
Kenny Omega (c) v Christian Cage for the AEW World Championship (****1/2) - Crowd was both burnt out and more or less waiting for the post-match angle. Which I get. it's hard to cruise to the main event and having seen all the different things we've already seen on this card, even a singular performer like Kenny Omega and a legend with whom he (surprisingly? fittingly?) has superb chemistry with in Christian Cage were up against it to deliver something memorable. - Context dependent, I can definitely see rating this below their Rampage match, especially since... I mean Christian isn't winning the AEW title off Kenny at this or probably any other event. - But! It was really good! It was very good! They really do match-up well, and Kenny's v-trigger has rarely looked more devastating than when it knocks Christian flat. Christian got cut open in a novel and initially worrying way, and Kenny followed up a botched moonsault with a harder version of the same move off a rail, but it was a really great match and it deserved more energy than was available.
Post-Show - Calling back and inverting the end of Dynamite, The Elite strut about the ring, slightly less stoked than they were on Wednesday, but with the Bucks smiling through the pain, and Jungle Boy once again subjected to violence for his misguided heroism, Kenny 'not much a promo' Omega lays down a killer line about nobody being fit to challenge him who isn't unavailable, already tired or dead. - The Undertaker ADAM COLE, BAY BAY as Surprise #3 was a minor stroke of brilliance, and a fun swerve because while it's exciting to see him, his appearance at this point in the narrative does nothing to solve the problem of The Elite beating up Christian and Jungle Boy. Unless he's still sore about his unsolved murder, which he isn't. Storytime with Adam Cole is back and it's beautiful. Also Jungle Boy died for this. - Okay. But. Just. Okay. CM Punk and Bryan Danielson are All Elite. They will hopefully tag together. Bryan will head to NJPW, almost definitely. Minoru Suzuki just walked in and started slugging on Mox. The Forbidden Door is wide open. Will Kenny Omega one day return to Wrestle Kingdom? There are so many possibilities and they are all very exciting. This was a phenomenal show and it didn't have Hangman Page, Cody Rhodes, FTR, Santana and Ortiz, PAC, Andrade, Sammy Guevara, Team Taz, and the rest.
- Wrestling is good, actually. Imagine watching like five hours of wrestling and loving wrestling at the end of it.
*What competes- WK11, Dominion 2018, 2019, DoN 2019, 2021.. All-In, probably. Wrestlemania 30. A few Takeovers. Kris Wolf's retirement show...
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masjestickingdom · 4 years
My Little Secret (Part 2)
Pairing: NCT Jaehyun x reader
Genre: Angst 
Summary: So you made a promise to yourself that you would get over your feelings for your sister’s husband. Except you can’t.
Note: This is part 2 of My Little Secret! If you haven’t read the first part, please check it out here. And if anyone wants to drop anything in the suggestion box, please do so. I’m open to any ideas, seriously, so don’t feel embarrassed--you can send it anonymously.
    Nothing about that night felt right. Your dress was too tight. The curling iron was nowhere to be found. Half of the jewelry you owned were tangled. Worst of all, you were sweating bullets from walking back and forth from your room to your small office, rapping to your boss, who was also your friend, on the phone. 
    “What? I was never given that file,” you would repeat when your friend asked you to look something up.
    It was only half past seven and all you wanted to do was to go back in time and take back your statement, “I’ll go.” It was stupid of you to agree to go to some charity event to meet a guy when you strongly despised social settings, which was odd because your work required you to socialize all the time.
    With one of the most important business meetings ahead of you in a week’s time, Jia was freaking out over how disorganized everything was.
    “Jesse,” she whined, calling out your name for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. “I swear I gave you the file.”
    “Maybe I left it at the office,” you said, rushing to slip on your heels. “I’ll be there as soon as the fundraising event is over.”
    Once you made it out of the building, the cold breeze of the dark autumn night ran past you, and you instantly regretted not bringing out with you a light coat. You hissed under your breath as you made your way over to your car, which you parked across the street for some reason you couldn’t recall.
    “I just had to park it at the farthest corner,” you murmured while your friend kept babbling on about some random dude on the street (and sometimes you wondered how Jia got the position of marketing manager with her tendency to chatter whenever she was anxious). “Hey, I need to get going, so call me when you need something else, okay?” you told your buzzing friend, hoping to free your mind of work for the next couple of hours. 
    The ride to your sister’s house was peaceful. The street lamps and office lights lit up the navy night sky and, subsequently, your mood. Every passing street had people strolling on the sidewalks, some with families, others with friends, and some alone. With your window rolled down, you listened to the sound of the wind and the delightful screams of children running around. But your peace ended quickly: before you knew it, you were standing in front of an all-too-familiar brown door, across the mowed lawn, with your fingers drumming lightly against your bare thighs.
    “Please get me through this night” you whispered to an invisible force before the door flew open with a friendly face.
    “Jesse!” your sister excitedly greeted, immediately welcoming you with a warm hug.
    “Hi, Janet,” you said, trying to return her enthusiasm. “How’s the stomach pain?”
    In a hushed tone, she replied, “Honestly, I’m just using that as an excuse not to call our nanny. I’ve got the feeling that she has her eyes on Jaehyun.”
    “Oh, really?” you reacted weakly as you pulled away from her embrace. “That’s a shame.”
    That did not at all throw your mind into chaos. Not at all. Your sister quickly changed the subject as she scanned you from head to toe and wiggled her eyebrows. “Well someone cleaned up nicely.”
    You simply shrugged, letting yourself in the house. Everything was in the same place, still as boring as ever. The only new additions were the two humans who were approaching you with wide smiles.
    “Jesse, long time no see,” Mark and Doyoung said with wide arms, to which you decided to hug both of them simultaneously.
    The two black-haired beauties had known you since they moved in, which wasn’t a long time ago, but the three of you clicked. You loved music and had always fantasized about becoming a music producer when you were younger. Mark and Doyoung were living the dream, and you couldn’t wait for big things to happen for them.
    While you were catching up with them, your nephew Jaehyung made his appearance out of the hallway with his adorable hands partially wrapped around his father’s, the man you secretly loved.
    “Auntie!” your nephew shouted, willingly letting go of his father’s hand as he dashed towards you at full speed.
    By instinct, you bent down to receive the speeding little boy who almost toppled you over.
    “I’m starting to get the feeling that he loves her more than he loves us,” Mark said to Doyoung in a not-so-quiet manner.  
    “Well, I’m a blood relative,” you told your same-aged friend, lifting Jaehyung up from his feet and letting him join you and your sight of the world at your freakish height. “Isn’t that right, LJ?”
    “Auntie is always right,” your nephew sweetly responded, to which Mark and Doyoung dramatically gasped.
    “I don’t mean to break you two apart,” your crush spoke, “But we have to get going if we don’t want to be late.”
    Thankfully, you were able to shoot a calm smile at Jaehyun, greeting him very briefly before handing the sweet little boy in your arms to his mother, all without making a fool of yourself. Jaehyun was absolutely gorgeous. With his slick-backed hair and dark blue suit that complemented his eyes, you could just run your fingers along his beautifully placed--
    No, you couldn’t. You had to physically refrain yourself from acting out your fantasies by forcefully turning your back to him, and you lowly hummed to a pop song, hoping your amoral thoughts would wash away. However, the fact that the other two called the back seats, leaving you at the shotgun with Jaehyun by your side, forced you to swallow the rising guilt inching near your throat. To your luck, Jia had called you and whisked you into the world of your comfort zone, which was funnily what you were sick of: work.
    “There is no way you actually got him to get back with his ex.”
    You were just about to text back your secretary regarding something Jia requested to have when Mark pulled out the vacant seat next to you and said what he said.
    “You actually got Jungwoo to leave the event to talk to her,” the dumbfounded boy said, shaking his head in disbelief.
    That’s right. You somehow managed to encourage Jungwoo, the guy your sister and Jaehyun set you up with, to get back together with his ex-girlfriend. There was nothing wrong with Jungwoo; in fact, he was the perfect gentleman you would have dreamed of having in your younger years. He was stunning--physically, facially, and personality-wise. He was funny and considerate. He had a soft, melodious voice that you swore you heard on the radio. He even shared your weird preference of music. But there was one thing: he was the perfect gentleman, except he wasn’t Jaehyun. The amazing skills you had to convince someone, someone as fine as Jungwoo, to leave you for someone else astonished Mark.
    “You must be a beast when you negotiate,” he murmured while you typed away on your phone. 
    “Believe me, I had no intentions of shooing him away,” you told him. “He just mentioned that he got out of a long-term relationship, so I asked him a few questions. I swear that’s all I did.”
    Your same-aged friend snorted. “Yeah, yeah.” When you continued to text your secretary, he added, “You should really get off your phone and interact with others.”
    You simply hummed and Mark, in response, swiftly snatched your phone and tucked it away, far from your tech-deprived hands.
    “What do you think you’re doing?” you questioned your smirking friend, your eyebrows deeply furrowed.
    “Getting you to mingle.”
    “You’re gonna get me fired,” you huffed frustratedly.
    “Mark almost got me fired,” you heard your other mischievous friend say. “It was one of the worst days of my life.”
    “I should get ready for that anytime soon then,” you said, rolling your eyes.
    “Get ready for what?” another familiar voice spoke.
    The apple of your eye joined the table, sitting across your seat. Suddenly, the table seemed longer than it was, stretching for miles and miles. You quietly let out a sigh and decided to look around your surroundings, eyes gliding over the mass of people conversing. In the midst of your scanning process, Doyoung and Mark abandoned their seats to get more drinks. Without you noticing, Jaehyun managed to scoot down to you, stealing Mark’s seat.
    “Is there anyone here who catches your eye?”
    Startled at the proximity of his voice and suddenly uncomfortable, you began tapping your feet to the rhythm of the background chatter. You didn’t dare look at him in the eye; you didn’t want to face his genuine curiosity--it would destroy you. Instead, you picked up your glass of wine ever so slightly, swirled it around, and answered with a plain “no”.
     “I’m sorry that you and Jungwoo didn’t work out,” Jaehyun said with pity filling his voice.
    “Well,” you began in an effort to keep the conversation rolling instead of childishly letting your emo-side take over, “I’m 30, and I seem to be wedded to my work. I’ll be alright.”
    “Work does seem to like you a lot,” the beautiful man joked. “But you don’t seem to hate it.”
    You offered a small smile. “I’m over it with people constantly calling me, but, yeah, I don’t hate it.”  
    When a moment of silence passed, you deemed it fitting to finally take a sip from your drink. But it was then when Jaehyun thought it was appropriate to say,  “Janet seems to think that you’re a work-a-holic.” Now that was a label you had never thought applied to you. A work-a-holic? You? Impossible. What was wrong with simply liking to bow down to fear?
    “I guess I need to fill up that loneliness,” you said lightly, setting your glass down. “Gotta have something, you know?”
    Jaehyun dismissed your half-hearted comment. “You do know that she’s concerned out of love.”
    You simply nodded and added, “Gotta love her too,” earning you a knowing look. “Okay, being my brother-in-law doesn’t mean you get to scold me too.”
    A low feeling of heartache stirred in you as the conversation carried out. If this basic conversation about your life had you killing inside, how could you face three weeks worth of the same thing with him in two weeks time? Answer: you couldn’t.
    “You know, if you keep working like that, you won’t have time to date.”
    “I’ll just date my work then,” you replied sarcastically. “No one needs a human significant other to fulfill their satisfaction.”
    For once, you looked at Jaehyun straight into his eyes. Those deep brown orbs of his spoke of genuine curiosity. You were right: they destroyed you. You forced yourself to avert your gaze back to the crowd before you.
    “Come on, why don’t you give yourself a break?” he asked, leaning closer to you due to the sudden increase in background noise.
    His natural honey-scented self was overpowered by the soft lavender-scented perfume you saw Jia spray on him earlier. It was the perfume you had gotten them for their four-year wedding anniversary, with the card, “Don’t worry: it’s gender-neutral.”
    “Okay, I really don’t want my brother-in-law giving me advice about my love life,” you grimaced bitterly while trying not to breathe through your nose. “It’s weird.”
    “Then take it as a friend.”
    A new wave of the aromatic scent reached your nose as you sharply inhaled at the words that left Jaehyun’s lips. Friends? Friends? Since when were you and Jaehyun friends? Sure, you guys talked, but it was only because of his relationship with your sister. If you hadn’t met him through your sister, you were sure that you wouldn’t have had the guts to approach him yourself. Being friends with your brother-in-law was not something you had in mind, not especially since you were in love with him--not that you were planning on making a move on him. In fact, you wanted to do nothing with him. 
    But if you were friends, then wouldn’t that be the first step to getting over him?
    Thankfully, a fellow co-worker of Jaehyun’s saved you from your train of thought, informing Jaehyun that their boss was looking for him. Before he could leave, though, Jaehyun patted your shoulders and sent you a comforting smile. You watched him go farther away from you as he interacted with his boss whose face instantly brightened. Smooth talker. Sociable. Look at me, sitting and moping as if there’s no tomorrow, you thought bitterly, tasting your wine for the first time.
    And that was how you spent the night--sitting by yourself, worrying your phone would be broken from the number of calls Jia would have made, and watching the man you loved mingle with others like the loveable man he was. You were officially pathetic.
    When the time came to leave, you were more than ready to sprint out the doors and claim freedom. Instead, your boss called and the cold wind slapped your face.
    “Jia, I got the file,” you said to your friend, pushing your company’s tall glass doors open and waving the thick file in your hands even though she couldn’t see you. “Yeah, I told Sophie to leave it at my desk. Don’t worry, I’ve got things covered, alright?”
    Before Jia could say anything else, you stepped onto the pavement when you heard someone call out your name. Once you saw who it was, you greeted that person with a bright smile. That man could liven up your day with his mere presence.
    “Johnny!” you exclaimed, reciprocating the tall man’s lively tone. As you initiated a hug, you asked him, “You’ve been here the whole time?”
    “Yeah, my boss pulled me back,” Johnny said grimly. “What’s with the file?”
    “Oh, this? It’s just something Jia was freaking out about.”
    Your considerate co-worker sent you a sympathetic smile. “Couldn’t get Sophie to get it to your place, huh?”
    To that, you shrugged and said, “It’s not that bad. It’s just weird having people peeking into my house.”
    Talking to Johnny was like meeting your long time friend. He was a breath of fresh air, asking you about things that had nothing to do with your love life. You admired the way he could easily change topics without seeming too sudden and appreciated his quick wit. Unfortunately, the fruitful conversation didn’t last long, and you two parted ways, Johnny taking a cab while you jogged across the street to reach Jaehyun’s black, family-friendly SUV.
    “Hey, who was that?” Doyoung said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows in a manner you thought was silly. 
    “A coworker,” you replied emotionlessly, hoping Jia would stop texting you.
    “He was checking you out,” Mark blatantly remarked.
    You stopped typing momentarily and shot a glance at his direction. You meant to give him a menacing glare, but you were caught off guard by Jaehyun’s arm resting behind your headrest. You cleared your throat once you realized that he was backing up the car from the parking lot.
    “He’s just a friendly person.”
    Sick of Jia’s constant demands--you still loved her--and the horrible night full of pain, you rested your elbow comfortably against the window and rubbed your temple. You were not going to be able to sleep that night with that splitting headache, especially with Mark and Doyoung teasing you.
    “Come on guys, give her some privacy with her love life,” Jaehyun defended you as he removed his arm from your seat. “I think she’s had enough tonight.”
    You offered Jaehyun a weak but warm smile. “Thank you.”
    He, in return, gave a cheeky one. “Hey, do you know the song that goes, ‘Jesse and Johnny sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-’”
    “-I-N-G!” - Doyoung Mark chimed enthusiastically.
    Sinking into your seat, you grumbled, “I’m really babysitting four children next month, aren’t I?”
    And the way back to the house of torture was filled with laughter and childish rhymes while all you wished to do was jump out of the car and end your misery. Oh, but you had no idea that the three weeks that awaited you made that night seem like nothing in comparison. Nothing you could do would prepare you for hell. 
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For You: Stand By Me
Taglist: @jineunwootrash @angels-from-california @jayjaydawn
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Recommended Reading: For You: 4 O’Clock; these works have separate, independent, but deeply interwoven timelines.
Chapter 15: The Girl Who Woke Me Up
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Sehun's POV
It wasn't like Lei to be late, but she was nowhere to be found half an hour into the New Year's party. Although she had been helping her mother set up just a few hours earlier, Lei was not by Manager Kim's side as she made frantic rounds about the room, tiptoeing carefully around Donghae's lingering gaze. Although she and Lucas were nearly inseparable, Lei did not stand by him as he downed another glass of champagne while laughing with Mark Lee at the NCT table.
I was about to send her a concerned text when Taemin said from his side of Jongin, "She is so beautiful."
Like everybody else at the table, I looked toward whoever managed to turn Taemin's voice into a lyrical whisper. It didn't matter that it was none of our business who held Taemin's heart. When somebody loves that openly, everybody wants to watch for a second or two— even me.
My jaw dropped as my eyes settled on her. She was Lei.
Walking beside Baekhyun, Lei held three hearts in the palm of her hand: mine, Baekhyun's, and Taemin's. And I don't even think she knew what she held, what she could destroy with a single touch should she so choose. I think she only felt the weight of my heart because I forced it upon her through forever-kisses at that Christmas Party.
But how— how light, how insignificant might my heart feel compared to that of her ultimate idol? How cold and callous and uncaring might my voice sound compared to his?
How dark, how dull might my love look compared to that of the boy standing next to her? How rough and careless and frozen might my touch feel compared to his when he catches her before she can fall?
My stomach twisted as I fought (and failed) to tear my eyes from the visual of Lei and Baekhyun. They matched so perfectly from head to toe that, had I not known better, had I not believed that she loved me, I would have assumed that she coordinated her outfit with him.
Their dark hair was parted on the left side. Their clothes were crafted from the same sparkling midnight blue material. Their silver masks were a perfect pair that accented their best facial features. Their flowers— their flowers were the worst part. Atop her head, Lei wore a crown of white roses accented by blue baby's breath; she looked like a princess. In the suit pocket over his heart, Baekhyun tucked a white rose; he looked like her prince.
At that moment, I realized that it is much harder to believe in coincidence than it is to believe in fate. At that moment when she was so far out of reach, it was easy to see that Lei and Baekhyun were written in the stars, and I— where was I written?
Suddenly, it was as clear to everyone in the banquet hall as it was to me at the foot of the stairs in Lei's house: they were meant to walk together. Lei and Baekhyun were meant to be viewed as a pair.
As whispers about them, some approving and some disapproving, overtook the party, the tips of my ears burned. My hands formed tight fists under the table. And all I can remember thinking is I have to hide my breaking heart. No, I have to keep it from breaking, at least for now, because it is in her hands. My heart is in her delicate hands, and the jagged shards will make her bleed.
It didn't matter that Baekhyun was standing right there, willing and ready to bandage her. It didn't matter that Taemin could stop the bleeding with a single smile. I didn't want to hurt Lei ever again; I didn't want to scar her anymore. If protecting her meant suffering silently— well— that wasn't anything I hadn't done before.
Quietly, Jongdae whistled. "Who knew that sweet little Princess Lei would grow up to be so pretty?"
Chanyeol laughed loudly as his elbow dug into my ribs. "Someone did, right, Sehun?"
Obviously, I wouldn't have responded to Chanyeol's jest even if I could have found my voice. I wouldn't have known what to say.
Afraid of saying or doing something to shatter the loving image I left with Lei on Christmas, I turned to walk away from the scene that threatened to destroy me. Of course, I wasn't going to hide forever. The plan was to stand some ways away long enough to untangle the knot in my stomach. The plan was to stand aside to remind myself that choices are as significant as fate, and I was Lei's choice. I am Lei’s choice. 
The problem, of course, was my promise to stand where she could see me. I won't go far, I told myself. I'll stand right there, right against that wall, and maybe— hopefully— wouldn't it be nice if she comes to me?
That's pathetic, isn't it— the fact that I still dreamed that she would take the first steps? I'm sorry that I wasn't stronger. I'm sorry that I wasn't bolder. Always, always I was aware of my inadequacies. Always, always I daydreamed about filling them with her. At that moment, however, it occurred to me that that was not right; it occurred to me that that is not love. Above all, it occurred to me that I wanted to give Lei the purest love in her life. 
And I— I didn’t know how. Nobody ever taught me how. 
On my walk, I nearly collided with Taemin. Despite his eagerness to escape the table, he said, "Excuse me, Sehun," through a small smile. The smile wasn't a forced display of manners; it was genuine. I could tell because little wrinkles formed around his eyes.
I had never seen a smile like that before. Although faint, it was not at all sad or indicative of a broken heart even though we were walking away from the same scene: the one we loved beside another. Taemin's smile was joyful, inspired merely by seeing Lei from afar.
I needed to be more like Taemin, I realized as my back pressed against the wall. I needed to learn to love Lei a little more quietly, a little more peacefully, a little more selflessly. Rather than loving her like the careless teenager I had been when we met, rather than relying on her for constant assurance in our relationship that endured storms over a decade, rather than hoping for her to meet me most or all of the way—
I needed to grow up. I needed to find assurance in the steady beating of my own heart. I needed to take the first step for the rest of forever. I would. I will. That’s the promise I made to myself, the promise I made in one of the hearts she held. 
I will love you. I won’t love you perfectly. I won’t love you through a smile as gentle as Taemin’s. I won’t love you with an unmistakable, inescapable warmth like Baekhyun. But I will love you in the best way I know. I will love you with every word I say. I will love you with the words I am not yet brave enough to say. I will love you so deeply for the rest of my life that you will never wonder how I feel. You will never wonder who hung the moon and stars in my sky. 
While Lei defended herself against Chanyeol’s allegation that she had broken my heart as if she could ever be cruel enough to do such a thing, I wrestled with the best way to express my feelings. A verbal conversation wouldn’t do; she enjoyed debating and pressing my buttons too much. I couldn’t very well write a song; that would require enlisting the help of someone like Chanyeol who had better knowledge of music production, and I didn’t want to share my feelings with him (or anybody else, for that matter). 
While Manager Kim captivated the entire room with her heartfelt good-bye’s to Super Junior and Heechul declared that she was resigning from her position as their manager because of her feelings for Donghae, I decided that I could best express myself in writing. Starting from the beginning, I could map out our stars, and there— there I would be written. 
There, I could point to myself on a page and say, ‘I belong here too. I love her too. Even if she wakes up tomorrow and chooses one of you, even if my nightmares come true and she outgrows me, once upon a time, she chose me. Once upon a time, she loved me. Once upon a time, we were the best love story ever written, and I— I— I will never forget that I was her first love, so you shouldn’t either.’
That’s what I wrote on the inside cover of the leather-bound notebook containing our story, by the way. That’s the first of my thoughts that Lei read in my handwriting; it made her break into laughing tears. By that, I mean she was gasping through laughter and tears. So I was also gasping through laughter and tears when she set the book on our bed, crawled to me, and cupped my cheeks with her soft, warm hands, whispering onto my lips, “My first love, my endless love, my Sehun— I am so glad the road led to you.” 
And I believe her. 
When I found Lei standing alone on the terrace where everyone gathered to watch fireworks an hour early at Changmin’s urging, I embraced her. I didn’t think much of the fact that somebody was always watching. I didn’t much care about lingering stares, and I told Lei plainly when she mumbled into my chest, “Someone is going to see, Sehunnie.” 
“I love you,” I reminded her in a whisper per her request. My heart melted into a warm golden puddle in my stomach because of the spoken nickname and because she didn’t push me away. She didn’t argue with me as I declared, “I love you so much that I want everyone to see.” 
That was a funny thing to say, considering that we were huddled together in the darkest corner where no eyes would have strayed. 
I dropped a kiss onto her flower crown because it marked her as a princess— my princess— and it didn’t matter that Baekhyun gave it to her. The affection, I hoped, I prayed, would make me her prince. 
“I love you so much,” I muttered against a rose, “that I want everyone to hear.” 
That was a funny thing to say, considering that I spoke in the faintest whisper that only she could hear. 
Lei giggled as she linked her hands around my waist beneath my jacket. Her laughter was, is, always will be the most beautiful melody in this world. I loved being its conductor. I loved being its audience. 
“I’m so happy, Sehun.” She said my name with the brightest smile I had ever seen. 
It so closely resembled the smile she gave me all those years ago when she first gave me her name. It was still too big for her face, and it made her look much younger than the scowl she hurled at Chanyeol in the banquet hall. The only difference was that she no longer spoke through a gap in her front teeth; the gap was closed. 
After assuring her that I was happy too— far happier than I ever imagined because she stood near— I said, “I miss your gap, Lei. You’re beautiful, and I wouldn’t change a single thing about you, but I really wish I could see your gappy smile one more time.” 
“There are plenty of pictures of it.” The tips of her ears burned red at the compliment, and I thought that I had to call her beautiful every day. From the dimple forming in her chin, however, it was evident that she knew the limitations of photographs. “You know, I miss my gap too. I hated it when I had it, but the thing is: I always picture myself with a gap in my front teeth.” 
I stared into her wide eyes, finding my lovestruck reflection within them. “I always think of you with stars in your eyes.” 
I heard her breath hitch as she held me closer. Breathlessly, she reached for my hand. “I always think of you with my heart on your hand.” 
After bringing my frozen, trembling hand up her lips, she left a ruby-red kiss mark where she once left a fingerprint heart. I wanted to carry that mark everywhere with me. I wanted to boast it to everybody, and I promised to learn how to do that. I promised to learn who to tell. I promised to learn what to say to make them understand how much it meant to me— how much it means to me. 
I think I have learned. I think I have made you understand. I hope that I have. Please, tell me that I have. 
Her gesture rooted in our past, her touch— still electric— made my heart flutter. Her touch, even as my favorite memory, still makes my heart flutter. 
Her touch compelled me to say out loud, “I fell in love with you the day you marked your heart on my hand, you know. All at once, I opened my eyes and realized I was on the edge of a cliff, and I—” I choked on my emotions, but I forced myself to continue— “I was so scared that you wouldn’t wait for me at the bottom.” 
The wind blew and filled my eyes with tears that I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to become an overtly sentimental person, but every wall I ever built around my emotions tumbled at her touch. I didn’t want to shed a single tear, but Lei brought both hands up to my face, wordlessly promising to catch each tear before they fell. 
Lei loved me. She loved me so much from the day we met, and I— I am so grateful. I did not know whether love was meant to be repaid, but I resolved in that moment under her moon and all of her stars to return every loving gaze for the rest of my life. 
I held both of her hands against my cheeks because her touch made me brave enough to speak. “You said that I could walk with you anytime. And I just want you to know that I want to walk with you forever. I want you to know that I’m so sorry for—”
For trying to walk away. For breaking her mistletoe crown. For failing to regard her heart as the treasure it had been all along. 
But I couldn’t say any of those things she deserved to hear. My throat tightened around my words. 
Wiping my tears, Lei promised, “I forgive you. I forgive you, Sehunnie. Everything— everything painful is past, and now we are walking hand-in-hand on a path that doesn’t end.” Her thumbs stroked my cheeks, raising goosebumps in their wake. “Don’t carry things we don’t need, angel. Don’t carry things that will only hurt you. It’s okay.” 
Lei pulled me into the sweetest kiss. It lasted for about a millisecond, a blink in time, and I knew that was all we were, but God— God— we felt infinite. I think— no, I know this is love: when somebody makes you, a mere mortal, feel as though time has stopped; when somebody makes you feel as if forever, eternity, and fate were words written for you. 
“In case you forgot,” Lei said, “I love you too.” She beamed up at me, so I had to smile even as she winked in an attempt to dig under my skin: “In case you forgot, I loved you first!” 
Because I couldn’t argue with the truth, I rolled my eyes. “Yeah. Okay. You loved me first, but—” I caught her around the waist and leaned to whisper in her ear— “I’ll love you longer.” 
“As if,” she scoffed, pushing me away so I could catch the furrowing of her brow. “How can you even make such a bold claim? I told you, Sehunnie, I’ve loved you forever, and I’ll love you forevermore. What could last longer than forever?”
Feigning deep contemplation, I hummed through puckered lips, hoping that Lei would rise to kiss them. (Note: Lei never disappoints.) “Maybe forever in writing? I think I heard once that a love recorded on paper, in a film, or in a song lives forever.” 
“If you’re planning to write about me,” she said, “you should know that I’ve been writing about you too. I’ve been trying to map out or stars since we kissed in your car, but I— I can’t figure out how the stars aligned.” Her head went aslant. “But I also can’t figure out how we could have ended up anywhere else with anybody else.” 
It had been made clear to me that any misstep could have led Lei to Baekhyun or Taemin. Maybe she will find her way to them someday no matter what I do, but I gave no voice to those thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I soared at the imagination of Lei writing to pinpoint the correlation between the me of the past, the me of her dreams, and the me of right now. I hoped she was proud to have created a place where we could be together forever, even if someday we should wake up on different paths. 
It’s romantic, isn’t it, that we separately experienced the same epiphany concerning our stars? 
“Some things are just meant to be,” I figured, sounding unlike the version of myself who struggled to believe in things like destiny, the version I had been for almost all of my life. “You and I— Lei, we are the greatest meant to be I can imagine.” 
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When I stepped into the warmth of the agency building from the winter snow, I quickly found Lei asleep at that table by the vending machine where we met. Her face was almost completely nuzzled into the bend of her elbow, into the cloud-soft baby blue sleeve of her sweater. Her dark hair sprawled over much of the table; it was so long then, almost reaching her waist. She shouldn’t have been recognizable, but I would have known her anywhere, from any distance. 
“Wake up,” I whispered into her ear as I settled into the chair next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. “I’m here.” 
Once Lei sat upright and set to rubbing her sleep-swollen eyes, it was obvious that we couldn’t go out on an adventurous date. That much should have been obvious, I know, determined by our roles as idols, but I hadn’t shaken that image of her and Baekhyun standing together at the New Year’s party from the front of my mind. 
I wasn’t jealous anymore. That initial towering wave of nausea and the drowning sense of inferiority had passed without casting me overboard. It just occurred to me once the storm cleared and the sun broke through the clouds that I wanted to be the person by her side forever; I wanted to stand by her in the light; I wanted it to be obvious to strangers from a glance that we were meant to walk together. 
Rising to her feet and slinging her bookbag— the tiny pink Hello Kitty bag she carried since childhood, the bag still donning the keychain I bought for her tenth birthday— Lei groaned, “I’m exhausted! And I didn’t even realize it until I woke up.” 
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” I said as I followed her, “but there are more comfortable places to sleep, you know.” 
Lei had worked herself to the point of exhaustion, I know without a doubt, because she made no argument; she loved to argue. 
On our walk to the door, I reached for her hand, which was always much smaller than mine. She flinched at the contact probably because my hands were always cold, maybe because she wasn’t yet used to affection, hopefully because my touch was electric. 
As shocked as she had been at the start, Lei was the one who interlaced our fingers. Lei was the one who whined when I had to break the contact to open the passenger door and then round to the driver's seat. Lei was the one who reached for my hand as soon as I set it on the steering wheel. 
“I just want to feel you.” Her words blurred together drowsily, but her eyes shot open— wide awake— when I glanced at her. “Your hands are so warm, Sehunnie, and it’s so cold outside. I’m freezing!”
After turning the heat up, I said through a budding smile while starting down the familiar path to her house, “Nobody has ever called my hands warm. Then again, nobody ever held my hands before you.” 
“And nobody will hold my hands after you,” I almost said. Because I didn’t want to think of a time after her— I didn’t want to think of a time without her— I bit down on my tongue. I left those words unsaid. Unspoken words hold power too. 
“Your hand was warm at the drive-in too,” she told me. “Holding your hand made me feel like the moon and stars smiled down at us.” 
There was no moon and there were no stars that night, I remembered clearly, but I didn’t remind Lei. Maybe this sounds crazy, but I hope she misremembered a lot about those days before I could love her. In a way, I hoped she romanticized them; I hoped she saw them— I hope she saw the past me— through love-colored lenses. I hoped the stars smiled in all of her memories. 
With an almost childlike quality of honesty— the kind that I never wanted to argue with, the kind I only thought I had to argue with— Lei said, “Holding your hand makes me feel like spring has come.” 
Butterflies raged in my stomach and told me the perfect thing to say: “That’s funny. Looking at you makes me feel like spring has come.” 
I think that might have made her squeal had she not been drifting to sleep. Her head banged against the window every few seconds. 
“Lay back,” I tried to demand sternly, but my voice was nothing but a gentle whisper around her after Christmas. “Lei, lean your chair back and go to sleep. You’re gonna bruise your face or give yourself a concussion if you keep hitting your head.” 
Without opening her eyes, she argued, “I don’t wanna go to sleep! I wanna stay awake with you!” 
She was being rather childish, I thought, but she repeated that sentiment once we sat together on her living room couch, which was no longer tainted by the memory of finding Lucas atop her on her birthday. 
“But you’re tired.” Tightening my arms around her waist, I pulled her closer and encouraged her to lean into me, to fall asleep on me. “Just close your eyes, and I’ll go to sleep with you.” 
Lei didn’t resist my pull. Her eyelashes tickled the skin on my neck as she laid against me and allowed her eyelids to flutter shut. Without mumbling another word, she fell into that deep heavy-breathing sleep, and I wondered how many nights she had avoided sleep. I wondered how I was supposed to fall asleep with her laying so close. I wondered how I was supposed to close my eyes while my heart pounded in my chest, eager to break free and unite with hers. I wondered how I was supposed to breathe while her breath whispered across my skin. 
I was wide awake— I am wide awake— and I never want to sleep again.
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seostudios · 4 years
middle of the night: all about luv - p.js
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you just needed to pass your classes and you'd be out of this hellhole but of course you couldn't do it alone! it was a two man job with your lifestyle so the school assigned you to the one and only park jisung, clumsy straight a student who you may or may not have now taken a liking to....
pairing: park jisung x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 4.5k
info: rebel!reader, nerd!jisung, strangers to lovers!au, non-idol!au, high school!au
warnings: explicit/vulgar language, mentions of drugs, alcohol, little bit alcohol consumption
a/n: hey omg i can’t believe i finally posted a part to this series, i hope u guys enjoy it and PLEASE tell me if you want a taglist okay? thanks! 
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You were fierce, everyone knew. Even those who haven't even seen you and your tricks in-person feared when you attended school. Although you were known to play tricks,  rough-house, and start problems with the other kids who didn't even bother attending school or pursue their actual desires- you had one and was determined to make it come true one way or another. But unfortunately, you were pretty dim compared to the students who roamed the hallways, it never stopped you, Today you decided on approaching your math teacher since she was surprisingly the only one who cheered you on with your aspirations,
"So...I'm passing three of my four courses this semester!?" You eagerly questioned the woman in front of you, "Yes, you are" confirmed with the recent grade updates, you sigh in relief knowing you were passing most of your classes with satisfying marks, so you made your way to the exit. 
However, she pulled you back down to your seat. "You're failing Science Y/n," she added pointing at the 34, "Well I don't even know what's happening in there, how can I pass in such a short time?" 
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He stared out the window of the Science lab. He had plans after school, "Jisung? Park Jisung?" an unfamiliar teacher called from the door frame; his attention was mainly towards the girl behind her which sent shivers down his spine.
"Can you meet me in Room 284 after school?" Of course not, he's finally scored a fucking date with Lee Jieun one of the prettiest and popular girls of the junior division, he looked over to Jieun in the back of the class who was listening in on your conversation along with everybody else in the classroom, she looked disappointed but nodded permitting him to ditch their date, he smiled apologetically at the girl before focusing his attention to the door, 
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Knocks were heard from the door which made your busy teacher who was marking work signal you to go open the entrance to this quite cold classroom. Roughly around 5'11 probably 6'0 boy is wearing a worn-out white shirt, with a navy blue blazer, pants and a poorly tied tie. His attire was mandatory but his hair was unique, rocking pink-brown hair was not something you see every day unless they were idols. The sun shined passed the windows onto the boy making his rosewood hair turn into a more dark salmon colour. "Jisung!" Your Math teacher chirped to the boy pulling out a chair next to yours indicating you two to sit back down. She took a good two minutes out of your time to finish up on marking and organizing the sheets sprawled across the desk, you and Jisung just sat in silence. In all honestly, Jisung was shitting himself. You and the reputation you had here were most definitely the reason why. Shifting his position every ten seconds, the occasional glances to you, and bouncing his leg. Finally, she turned her attention to the pair in front of her, "So you two are probably really confused."she stated looking at Jisung, then you."Poor Y/n here, my favourite student-"She pauses looking at you with a smile and towards Jisung who looked confused on how,"which is surprising to the staff apparently which I have no idea how...she hasn't been...rebellious in a few weeks since she's trying to pass before the summer break."Clasping her hands together she looks up at you two, "Jisung I need you to tutor Y/n until she gets her final grade in." When I tell you his eyes widened enough for you to see the wrinkles on his forehead form, you did. You smiled accepting the help but it quickly seeing his distressed self, "Are you okay? Do you not want to tutor me?"You asked, and it was your first time ever speaking to the boy he never expected you to sound so soft and gentle; predicting beforehand that you had a rough deeper voice. His facial expression softens slightly at your hopeful gaze piercing through him- hoping he'd tutor you, cause frankly, you needed it more than anyone in your division at this point (Maybe you're being a little selfish but who cares.). Jisung was sitting in his seat, zoned out, probably processing all this. It took him a minute, but he finally looked up from fiddling with his fingers. "Oh Of course I will! I can do Wednesdays after school and Saturday around noon?"It was pretty shocking how confident he sounded ordering you around that second- which made the teacher grin at the shy boy's sudden dominance. Chuckling a little with a small smile plastered on your face you say "Works perfectly, I'll be leaving now. Bye Ms.," You said jolting up grabbing your backpack walking towards the door, but before you leave you gotta leave a nice impression on the boy plus its rude to not say goodbye isn't it. 
"Goodbye Jisung Park."
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It was Tuesday and Jisung was sitting in the Music room during lunch eating and catching up on his Health papers when you walked in. This was your usual spot in the late spring when you needed AC and a place to lay down. On a regular day for Jisung, he'd be in the front of the school on the bench working however it was too hot for him today so he opted to break into the already unlocked classroom to eat and study in. Sitting on top of the sink counter you lean to open a window pulling out a cigarette, you came here to smoke and it was a great place since it was deserted. "W-What are you doing?" Jisung asked looking up from his notebook sitting on the carpet. "Do I look like I'm about to jump out the window? no. I'm gonna smoke."You informed sarcastically on the boy. He was slightly taken aback you were so sweet yesterday and today your back with your bad girl reputation still strong. He threw you a quick look before getting up, putting his things in his bag, and throwing out the rest of his lunch. Now, walking towards you he takes the cigarette out your hand before you could even light it and threw it out the open window. "Hey! I wasn't done with that, and I didn't even start with it!" You raised your voice at him which did make him flinch but provoked him to argue back, "Yah! Your smoking is unhealthy and against school rules." He paused but started again, "You want to pass, don't you? I'm helping you pass, aren't I? Get your things together if you want my help Y/n."He spat. Honestly, you didn't think his words would affect you so much but it fueled the fire you started a minute ago. "Shut up Park, stop acting all tough when you know nothing about me, I never needed your help I was just going along with Ms." you argued back before grabbing your backpack and the lighter on the counter before hopping off pushing the tallboy to the side rudely, muttering something about bullshit.
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"I was helping her! And she says you know nothing about me Park! like of course I don't butt why does she need to be an asshole when I'm trying to help her out." Jisung complains to Chenle in front of him. "Maybe she's like addicted," Chenle says trying to make the best out of the situation "Look, she'll warm up to you eventually cause you two will be spending lots of time together now." Jisung huffs in disbelief that Chenle is basically on your side here, getting up from the grassy field to join the rest of his gym class in soccer.
From the corner of his eyes, he sees a figure under the bleachers; you. He knows you are upset with him as much as he is with you but he still wants to encourage you to pass Science with his help. "Park! Get your ass over here!" Yedam, his classmate calls him to grab his things on the field before heading into the change rooms.
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The school bell rang, you watched students walk out of their classrooms to their lockers, friends, lovers. You were leaning against the wall beside the empty Music room contemplating if you should leave and hang out with some friends by Unjeong Lake Park or stay in with Park Jisung to study for Science. Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a voice, "Hey." Jisung stood in front of you, backpack resting on one shoulder and a Science textbook in his hand. "Hi," It was awkward being around him after you little tilt.
"Let's go," You trailed behind Jisung watching him take you to an unfamiliar part of the school, the West End. "Why are we here?" You question the pink-haired boy, but all you get in return is silence. At last, he brought you two to the old gym, it hasn't been used in almost 6 years but somehow it looks squeaky clean. "This is my hangout spot after school, I kind of made my friends go down to Unjeong for the day so we could study here until I find a proper place." He explains to you placing his books and bag on the stacked mats, offering to take your bag too, you let him. "So what Unit is your class working on now?" He asked you once the two of you sat on one of the many beanbags in the gym (Probably brought in from his pals), "Well my mom made me take Biology I and I know you are in my class I just don't show up..." You lean back on the beanbag playing with the lighter in your hands "What are we learning Park?" He visibly gulps at you doesn't even know why he's nervous himself, maybe because your scary? Probably.
"Well we're on our last unit of the year and the Unit test and Final Exam are what can get you to pass the class with at least a 60," He said moving to grab his textbook flipping to a page with sticky notes plastered all over. "We are in Unit 5, Plants: Anatomy, Growth, and Function. It's an easy Unit so we could go through it in two months then spend the two weeks before the final exam prep." Jisung finished speaking and handed you the textbook that was on the Unit page, it didn't look hard but you knew better to judge a book by its cover. "Alright, where do we start." You smile at the grinning boy who's suddenly amused by your aspiration to pass the course.
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It's 2:45 and you are in the middle of the last period, Science. It was your last day of the Science of the year, technically. You still had to prep for your final exam, but this was the final unit test which meant for the next month you'd be stuck in a silent classroom with your peers all silently studying over and writing recap notes for the final exam. You finish writing the date on your page and adding a little smiley face at the end of your name, flipping your paper over you take out your earbuds, and play music to pass time. 
Good, 15 minutes have passed, and you see students getting up to hand in their papers, this where you tag along and hand it in too. Patting the eraser ends on your skirt off you make it back to your desk sitting then turning to look behind you, a few desks down to a now chocolate haired boy. He was finishing up his test when he looked up to see you basically ogling at him. Throwing you an awkward half-assed smile he looks back to the girl behind him, Jieun. 
Jieun and Jisung took a very bad turn once Jisung agreed on tutoring you. She's ghosted the boy and took a liking to her lab partner, Taehyun. It was disappointing to see a girl get jealous over her date tutoring a very incompetent girl like you. If you were in her position, you might've gotten scared but wouldn't drop the kid; it was rude, and honestly, you were glad Jisung accepted that fate and moved on from her. He played with the end of his test sheet before sighing thumping his head against the desk, okay maybe he wasn't that over her yet but he's doing better than you ever would. Over these four months you and Jisung surprisingly got along well, you've opted to occupy a booth int he back of your town's ice cream parlor for studying instead of that abandoned gym in the West End. 
In all honesty, you felt bad about how you treated the tall boy in the first few weeks of tutoring. You showed up late which strung the classes longer making one hour, two. You complained, never listened, argued, actually punched him once. But after warming up to him you've started to take a liking, noticing his features a little more than you did last week, finding his beauty mark under his lip stunning. Nowadays he seems ten times more charming, appealing, engaging, and irresistible to you, memorizing his favourite things how he looks up to Kai, the teacher assistant for the seniors. And that he actually hates Science and prefers Gym and Sociology class. He likes all kinds of ice cream and tries new flavors every visit, he never writes with a red-inked pen since he prefers the black one and always lets you know that too ("Y/n did you know red ink stains are a nasty stain to get out, always use black ink."). You aren't the only one who's learned to love the newly blossomed friendship as he's learned as much as you about him, on how you've always wanted to become a Veterinarian, that your love for animals is just unexplainable and the only things holding you down is this horrible reputation you've built yourself over the two years of attending. But better late than ever to change your ways and Jisung was absolutely mesmerized by your determination to achieve the new milestones you've set for yourself.
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"PARK JISUNG!" You shrieked barging into the empty ice cream parlor to see the boy sitting idling on his device, he looks up at you running towards your booth. "Hey, shhh", he quiets your overly excited self-telling you to sit."I got my Unit Test mark," you stop talking to take your backpack off and pull out your Unit Test which was graded and with a big fat A on it. "Holy shit! Y/n this is amazing!!"He exclaimed eyes going wide seeing the mark, his hard work really did pay off. 
"Now we can start prepping for Finals," Jisung told you after handing your papers back, your shoulders sagged and your smile disappeared, you were hoping to possibly celebrate with your tutor and newfound friend. Shaking your head, you look at him again, "No sorry, I wanna celebrate this tonight," you inform Jisung who looks at you with a somewhat annoyed expression. "Sorry Y/n but one A isn't going to help you get to a passing mark, you need more than that and the only thing that'll help you pass Biology is your Final Exam which is what we need to prep for." What the fuck? Jisung Park, the golden student, and who you thought was your friend basically telling you that your grade wasn't worth all that cheering two minutes ago. That was unbelievable what type of asshole does that, oh wait apparently Jisung Park. You knew you weren't gonna pass with one test, of course not. You might've been dumb but not to that extent, you clench your fists wondering how all that admiration you had for someone just got poured down a drain so quickly. You chuckle heartlessly ' that thought lingered before you look at him and speak.
"Yea of course I know that but do you not understand how big of a milestone this was for me? I am one step behind passing my hardest subject of the semester and you telling me that it's not enough and we need to prepare for a final at the end of a month that has just started is fucking rude Park."You hiss at him now baffled on how he couldn't comprehend after four- almost five months of knowing you. Getting up you grab your backpack and phone and turn to exit the ice-cream parlor. 
You were now outside of the small store, and Jisung didn't even come after you. Sighing knowing you should've known associating yourself with someone with a better reputation wouldn't have been smart. Pulling your phone out, you dial in a friend who you knew would be there for you and who had more free time than most students his age. "Jeno," You stammered through the phone "Y/n? Are you okay?" You smile weakly at his concern, not even a minute into a call."Can you pick me up?" you asked quietly to the older boy. Looking through the big glass window to the back of the shop, you see Jisung sitting there watching you intently, and he knows he hurt you. It wasn't his intent to; he just wanted you to reach your goals and he thought celebrating could've been done another time instead not today, I guess he hit a soft spot seeing your facial expression so fragile.
He saw a motorcycle pull up beside you and a muscular guy go and place a helmet on your head after holding you in his embrace for a moment before the two of you hopping back on the ride driving off to god knows where.
You kick around an empty pop can on the sidewalk waiting for your ride. Jeno knew something upsetting you over the phone so he decided not to question it and get you riled up but to drink a couple of beers and play darts at his crib. A Black 2018 Kawasaki Ninja pulls up in front of you, the driver removes his helmet revealed to be your dear friend, Jeno. He felt your gloomy aura already deciding to just embrace you tightly, "Whatever it is, you did amazing." He assured you before breaking the hug to plop the helmet on you and hopping back on with you behind him seated.
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"Great job Y/n, I can see you making it through the year, I just finished putting in your final mark 89 is an amazing score and all on your own is shocking." Your Science teacher complimented you after holding you back to show your improvement to you, Jeno encouraged you to still study hard solo after acknowledging that you didn't want to work with Jisung anymore, hard work did pay off now your officially finished with your junior year and with flawless grades. "Have a great summer break," You tell her before walking out for lunch. Last day of school before the summer break, it's been a crazy weird year but you don't seem to be upset. Jisung seemed happy without you anyways, you've been skipping Music to sit out on the bleachers while he had gym class, and made sure to visit the West End more often. You didn't realize it yet but Jisung looking happy stung more than it should've.
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Fuck that bullshit Y/n is on, Jisung is miserable without her. He didn't take note of it but he was more than happy to spend his Wednesdays and Saturdays with you. He liked the way your eyes widened or how your jaw almost touched the floor when he teaches you something new, or when your eyed shimmered when your grades went up every quiz. How your nose scrunched up at a difficult question, the way you organized his pencil case when he wasn't looking because 'it had to be cute like him'. He was too much of a coward to keep you by his side, it's safe to say Jisung Park likes you back. Head over heels in love with you probably, but we shouldn't stretch it that far knowing he's working his ass off to get over you, and of his mind but when does he even succeed. It's the last day of school and possibly the last time Jisung gets to see you roam the halls, watch him in Gym class fooling around with his friends, or just see you until the next school year. No, Jisung made it his goal to win you back. He's never seen you that way, never thought he'd need you, all he wants is to see you, hold you.
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"No Park. She's not even here kid," Your friend, Yuna told Jisung who was at your doorstep asking for you. "Just, just tell her to text me." He said frustrated now leaving.
"I thought you said he didn't want anything to do with you?" Jeno asked sitting on the couch of Yuna's living room beside you. "He doesn't, I don't know why-" Yuna was quick to argue with you, "He likes you and you left." Jeno nods agreeing, "I see that happening..." He half-joked. "Listen I know he was a jerk in May, but it's June- July tomorrow! He's not being a jerk right now because what freaking jerk comes to your doorstep BEGGING to talk to you?" Yuna ranted. 
You know he's not a jerk and he meant no harm that day but it hurt. Everyone always sugarcoated things with you so when Jisung was pretty blunt with you, it stung. You whine at all this thinking about Jisung and feelings, plus even if he did like you, there was so much to unravel than just some lame highschooler who wanted to get her shit together. So so much more than just that. Drinking the rest of the alcohol in your plastic cup you sit up straight staring at the two in front of you who were dying to hear your say in this, "Okay so what if we have our happy ending, what'll happen then? He'll figure out how toxic I am and go running back to Jiwoo or whatever name is."Stopping and using a couch pillow to cover your face- did you seriously imagine yourself with a happy ending, you've fucked up so much that it seems impossible to turn back. Yuna notices your heartache and decided to tone down on his jokes and talk to you 'for realsies',"Sweetheart if he leaves you because your teeny issues were too overwhelming for him it's not worth it but from his recent actions it looks like he'd want to be there with you through those issues. Honestly, he could live a little too so dealing with you- and giving me and Jeno here a break should be thrilling."Adding a light-hearted joke was what you needed to place a soft smile on your lips.
“Now go get your man” Jeno says slapping your back playfully encouraging you to leave the house and venture off to him- wherever he is.
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"Can I help you?" A boy wearing Yonsei University sweatshirt asked you. 'This must be Jisung's older brother he told me about' You thought to yourself, "Oh Yes, is Jisung home?" You ask him looking up trying to look as innocent as you can. "Oh you just missed him, he went to get ice cream with his friends," he said. Shouting a quick thanks you run down to the only ice cream parlor Jisung probably knows in town.
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CLOSED is all you see in front of the ice cream parlor. Did Jisung's older brother lie to me? Now that you think of it, he and his brother aren't close enough to share those type of things from what you heard, and what type of boy would avoid the girl he supposedly likes. You sit down on the curb looking off into the little soccer field, watching kids play with their friends thinking, then it hit you. Did Jisung lie to his older brother? C'mon Y/n think of the one place Jisung and his friends could be...The park? Nah, too crowded. The mall? No, too far. Think Think Think, one place. Where in the world could Jisung- WEST END! God, why didn't you think of that in the beginning, of course, he's there. Getting up off the curb you make your way quickly to the back of the school, remembering Jisung telling you a back entrance to the West End.
Reaching the back entrance you see it open indicating someone (Jisung and friends) was inside. Maybe you shouldn't barge in and ruin their fun...opting to send Jisung a text you search your pockets to find, nothing. How could you leave your house without your phone? You're like addicted to it. "Excuse me?" A deep voice booms behind you, turning around you look up at the man. It's Jaehyun, the volleyball team captain. "Y/n." You know him, through Jisung, of course, why else would he be at the West End or know your name. "Hi," your breath rather softly which throws the older boy way off since he knows you for your snarky remarks or overly confident aura...Today you seem the opposite really. "Can you tell Jisung to come out for a second?" you ask avoiding eye contact and resorting to looking at the chalked up pavement. He gives you a thumbs up and heads in.
"Park Jisung-ah!" Jaehyun shouts for Jisung loud enough for it to echo in the empty gym. Looking up and seeing Jaehyun, Jisung excuses himself from his current conversation with Doyoung, Yuta, and Renjun to jog over to his Hyung. "Your chick is here," He says pointing out the door to you, Jisung's eyes lit up already knowing who Jaehyun was talking about peeking his head out the door to see you looking off into the parking lot, watching the sunset. He was pulled right back in by Jaehyun, "You better fix whatever's been going on between you, Y/n looks like an actual school girl being all shy and soft. I'm actually disgusted I need that spunky girl back before I force you two to kiss or some shit," Really Jaehyun? Some advice you got there.
"Alright kid go get your chick" Jaehyun cheered before pushing him and closing the door loud enough to alert and make you turn back.
It felt like a dream, none of this felt real. It hasn't even bee 24 hours since you last saw Jisung, but it's been a month of not interacting to get your heart racing this much. You looked unreal to Jisung, out of a fairytale actually and he looked amazing, like always. This is when he started to panic, you smiled weakly and started walking up to him. He looked down at his shoes not having the balls to look you in the eye, "Jisung look at me you pussy." You said so calmly but so rudely(?). It was funny and made Jisung giggle which made you short circuit.
Jisung looks up from his feet to see you staring into his brown eyes, taking in all his features again looking at him from head to toe; how fluffy his dark coffee bean hair was or his cheeks- god you always took the chance to pinch them when you could. His broad shoulders you always wondered how his hugs would be, probably so comfy and perfect. The beauty mark under his lip, fuck always wanted to kiss it. Your thoughts were disrupted when you felt two large hands enclose you in a tight hug; reacting almost immediately you wrap your small hands around his waist and rest your head on his chest while he brings his large hand to caress the back of your head. "I'm sorry, I know what I said was wrong and I shouldn't have made you seem so slow-witted when you totally aren't. I think over that conversation almost every night. I'm so so sorry Y/n," He finishes tightening the hug for a moment sympathetically.
You loosen the hug and tippy-toe up to the boy placing a small peck on his pink lips which caused his cheeks to go crimson. "You're forgiven, Park," you say giving him a tight smile. You see the tall boy pout a little and turn his reddened face to the side before mumbling "I was supposed to do that," which caused a fit of giggles from you. 
"You'll have plenty of opportunities in the future Jisung."
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sangorous · 4 years
Hi, could you do the straw hats reacting to someone who has no dream or is looking for one. Iv'e been kinda stuck in my head about this and I'm not quite sure what I'm meant to be doing. I kinda always run from things. thank you, and keep up the good work.
author’s note: hi i completely understand you. as a person who runs away from things and problems, you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing in life. i tried my best to write this as best as i could because this is something that i can relate to and understand. i hope that you enjoy this and if you ever need someone to talk to i’m here ~ tori <3. 
word count: 1,181. 
gender neutral!
warnings: none
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the reflection of the sun glistening on your thighs while you watched the wave currents crash together on this boring afternoon. sitting on top of the rock and staring at the ocean almost every day has been quite the hobby you picked up. sometimes you would stay until the moon came out, not caring about the time. it's been like this for about two years. every day you would come out to rocks and think about life. you were hoping to find a dream, but the more you sat on the rocks and did nothing; you still couldn't find one.
everyone has dreams. people want to be doctors, some people want to be teachers, some want to do something meaningful with their lives, but you? you weren't sure. ever since you were little, you never had a dream. you grew up searching for a dream and here you were at the [your age], still looking for a one. to you, it wasn't bad not having a dream considering you were still searching, but you knew that you couldn't run forever and had to stand your ground eventually.
as your eyes were fixated on the sea, you noticed a pirate ship coming towards the island. watching each member walk off the ship and stand at the entrance of the forest, you contemplated if you should help them out or let them figure out what they needed to do by themselves.
"heyyy!" a loud voice shouted, and you looked down and saw the stranger standing in front of the rock.
he wore a red button-down shirt that was open with a straw hat on top of his head, he also had an x mark shape on his chest.
"can you tell us where the closest restaurant is? we're hungry and we need to fuel up before we start restocking," his smile was big and bright.
"idiot," a woman with orange hair punched him on the head and he flew down on the ground.
"don't mind him, we were wondering if you could show us to the town so we can restock our ship. that's if you don't mind," she added with a smile.
you slowly climbed down the rock and made sure that you watched your step so you wouldn't trip. you looked at everyone and felt a little intimidated, their gaze was sharp while they had a serious look on their face.
"if you guys follow me, i could show you where you need to go," you cleared your throat and began to walk towards the town.
the straw hat crew looked amazed as they looked at every store they made eye contact with. this island was definitely different from the previous ones they've stopped at.
"luckily for you guys, everything you need is within close range so you won't be able to lose each other," you gave them a smile.
"nice, i can find some more parts for sunny,"
"i can find more cooking ingredients,"
"i can find more herbs and medicines,"
"i can find a new sword since this one is bad shape,"
you listened to all of them rambling on about what they needed and it made you curious about them.
"so, are you guys pirates," you stared at them while the man in the straw hat licked all of the plates in front of him cleaned.
"yeah, i'm luffy. i'm the captain," you were surprised that you understood what he said considering he still had food on his mouth.
"that's nami, sanji, zoro, franky, usopp, chopper, and robin. they are part of my crew," he added, taking a sip from his drink.
"what's your name?" nami gave you a curious look.
"i'm [name]," you gave them a smile as they nodded their head.
once they were done eating and getting everything they needed for their ship, they walked back to where their ship was docked. you couldn't lie, you were hoping that they were leaving so soon because they were an interesting group to be around.
"hey i have a question, i hope i'm not stepping over any boundaries," nami looked at you.
you nodded your head, letting her know that she could ask her question.
"why were you sitting up on top of that rock?" a small chuckle left your lips as you looked at the sea ahead of you.
"every day, i sit on top of the rock and stare at the sea, hoping to find my dream. everyone has a dream, everyone but me,"
"you don't have a dream?" luffy gasps, looking at you.
you shook your head, taking a seat on the log. the others took a seat around you as they had different facial expressions.
"i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing. am i supposed to be studying to be a doctor, or am i supposed to be a teacher, or am i supposed to be doing something meaningful with my life. every day i sit on those rocks and stare at the sea and try to figure what my dream is," you sighed, looking down at the ground.
"hey, it's fine if you don't have a dream. not everyone grows up having a dream and that's okay. you may not have one yet, but eventually, you will find your dream," robin gave you small smile.
"dreams don't have to come to you at a certain age, you can figure out your dream in your sleep. either way, don't beat yourself up about it," franky looked at you.
"once you experience something that's life-changing whether it's good or bad, a dream will come to you. it's all about your life experience and what you do, when you do something that you truly love, you'll find your dream," usopp spoke with a smile.
"so don't beat yourself up about it," sanji spoke, blowing the smoke out of his mouth.
"hey how about you join our crew?" luffy shouted, looking at you.
"we go on crazy adventures and maybe you'll find your dream on the next adventure we go on, so what do you say?" luffy looked at you with a small smile on your face.
you just met him and it hasn't even been a whole day, yet here he was asking you to join his crew. you could tell by his smile that he didn't have any malicious intentions, but still, would it be wise to join someone's cry that you didn't know? the others were staring at you as well, making you grow anxious.
you thought about what they said, and they were right. how were you going to find your dream if you never went out and took risks and ran away from your problems? you took a deep breath in before you spoke.
"i'll join your crew," the sound of them cheering and clapping their hands made you happy.
is this what it felt like having friends? especially ones that were willing to help you find a dream and be happy. all you knew is that you were excited to start your new journey and find your dream.
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sdktrs12 · 4 years
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( Days 1 - 8 ) ( Days 9 - 16 ) ( Day 17 ) ( Day 18 ) ( Day 19 )
I apologize profusely for being late yet again and this lengthy chapter! Ratings bump - E (smut, smut, smut)
Beth watches from the doorway of her office as Annie takes an extra roll of white streamer and wraps it around Mick’s arm, slapping a piece of tape on it to hold before moving on to the other arm.  
He’d shown up to the Halloween party almost half an hour ago, sans costume and Rio, and Annie had pouted for all of five seconds before deciding she would just DIY him a costume instead.  
Apparently, he was going to be a mummy.
Beth bets he’ll probably rethink showing up costumeless next year.  
Or coming at all.  
She’s itching to ask him about Rio, but she’s also refusing to give in to temptation.  
He’ll show up when he shows up.  
If he comes at all... 
Beth smiles as Annie moves on from Mick’s arms to his neck and head and he tries to shake her off.  
She bites her tongue on yelling for her not to be wasteful, because they could recycle the Halloween decorations that didn’t get used for other holidays.  
But it’s just too much fun watching her little sister struggle to wrap up this surly, stocky, fairly intimidating man.  
She’d forced Annie to come in earlier to help her decorate for this party, grumbling the whole way even though she was the one who’d wanted to throw the damn thing, and they’d even roped Ruby in to help as well.  
They’d set up orange, black, and white balloons, streamers, banners and backdrops. Beth had added flashing lights, a fog machine, and a rented photo booth opposite the snack and drink table.  
And Annie had at least proven more than useful in that department, conjuring up some “potions” into shot glass tubes labeled ‘snake venom’ and ‘vampire blood’ and ‘witch brew’. 
Beth hears a loud laugh and looks over to her left, already knowing who it is before she even sees him.  
Dean’s standing by one of the hot tubs with Eric, talking to one of the new hires, Jessica.  
Jessica’s perched on the side of the hot tub, perky and cute and smiling up at Dean as he animatedly tells some story, flinging his arms out wide, almost hitting someone behind him and then he brings them in close again, pulling a truly goofy face and oh—Beth knows this story.  
She knows this facial expression and these wild gestures and she smiles as she anticipates the punchline, two seconds before all three of them start laughing and—
God, it’s...strange, being on the outside looking in at these jokes now.  
They’d come to this party separately, haven’t even interacted much since it started, but she still feels his presence, still knows exactly where to look to find him at any given moment and—
There he goes, head turning, eyes searching her out now that he’s finished his story, almost on instinct.  
He smiles and nods when he spots her and she returns the gesture and then he’s turning back to the small group and she wonders if that habit will ever fade. 
Beth steps away from the office door, moving further into the store, toward the drinks.  
She smiles and greets people as she goes, a little self conscious as she adjusts the hem of her dress, pulling at it a little.  
Honestly, she should never have let Annie have any say in her costume, but she’d been feeling desperate, this being the first Halloween party she’d been to in years that wasn’t just for the children.  
She’d spotted the witch hat while shopping for Annie’s Halloween costume and had immediately thought of Mick and known it was perfect for the party. She’d originally planned to wear it on its own, but then Annie had come swooping in, talking about some black dress she’d just seen that would be perfect for it.  
Said black dress turned out to be skin tight.  
But it at least covered a fair amount of skin, with a fairly decent length and covered chest, but it had an open and plunging back.  
When Mick had shown up, he’d taken one good look at her and turned away, but Beth swears she saw a smile before he did.  
Beth grabs a tube labeled ‘poison’, trying to remember what Annie said was in each one.  
She thinks this one might be vodka and...lime juice?  
Beth glances over in Annie’s direction, hoping to get her attention, and freezes, her heart skipping a beat because...
There he is.  
He’s leaning into Mick, trying to tell him something and Beth wonders what, how important and private it must be that he doesn’t want it shouted over the music playing.  
Annie’s talking to Ruby and Beth briefly wonders where Stan is before her attention is turning back to Rio.  
He’s wearing a deep blood red henley and dark jeans and she rolls her eyes because of course he didn’t dress up—but then he’s moving away from Mick and Beth’s mouth drops open slightly as she sees him fully, because there on his head are two red devil horns.  
Beth turns away quickly, biting back her grin as she tries to focus on the tube in her hand and the pale green liquid inside. She brings it up to her lips and quickly drinks it, tossing the empty tube into the recycling bin as she glances back over her shoulder at Rio...
Except he’s gone.  
Beth turns fully then, neck craning as she tries to see through the crowd and find him again.  
She moves slowly around the outskirts of the party, eyes on the crowd, so when she reaches the photo booth, she almost screams when a hand reaches out and grabs her wrist and yanks her in.  
“What the hell is wrong with you?” She hisses, shoving at Rio as she straightens herself up from where she’d been practically laid out across his lap. 
He ignores her question, eyes raking over her from head to toe and Beth pulls down at her dress where it’s ridden up, suddenly realizing how very small this photo booth is.  
“You look good mama. Suits you.” He observes with a smirk, still entirely too close for her brain to function properly.  
“Could say the same for you.” She retorts, reaching up and poking at his horns and he grins as he snatches her hand and brings it down to his mouth, biting at one of her knuckles and Beth yelps as she yanks it away from him.  
“Or maybe a vampire would’ve been more on brand.” She corrects, rubbing her finger over the mark he’s left and then she sucks in a sharp breath as he leans in close, mouth right next to her ear. “I can be both if that’s what you’re into, sweetheart.”  
“You know what I’m into—”  
“Lemme guess, people who knock?”  
And he has the nerve to laugh, because of course he would think his own jokes are just hilarious.  
“Why are you even in here? Do you actually show up in pictures or do you ghost out of those as well?”  
And there he goes, laughing again and making her want him so badly she can taste it.  
“I don’t know, ma, why don’t we find out.” He says it like it’s a challenge and she furrows her eyebrows, biting at her bottom lip because she’s serious...
“I’m serious, you have to take pictures like a normal person.” She says slowly and Rio rolls his eyes as his jaw clenches.
“I take pictures like a normal person, you let me bend you over that desk.”  
And just—what?
“No one said this was a negotiation.”  
“But ain’t it more fun if it is?”  
She glares at him and he just stares right back and she feels a flush creeping across her chest the longer she lets this silent battle stretch out.  
“Fine.” Beth reaches over and slaps her hand down on the button to start the pictures.  
The booth lights up in a soft glow, a voice coming over the little speakers to give directions and tips for the best pictures, but Rio and Beth are just staring at each other, still caught in this moment, neither one willing or able to break it, and Beth’s already cataloguing every detail, right down to the lick of his lips and the slow blink of his eyes as he brings his hand up, brushing it over her cheek just as the flash goes off for the first picture.  
And then Beth is practically crawling into his lap in the already limited space, and her skirt is too tight, she can’t position her legs the way she wants so she just ends up sitting in his lap as she slides her hands around to the back of his neck, gripping it tightly as she pulls him into a kiss.  
She pushes down on him, smacking his head against the wall as she grinds her ass into his lap and he groans against her mouth, arms coming up to wrap tightly around her and squeeze.  
The flash keeps going off until the pictures are all done and they have to pull apart to come up for air.  
And then there’s a knock against the side of the booth and a tentative question of whether they’re done or not and Rio shifts Beth off his lap, moving past her to exit the booth first, leaning off to the side and then reaching in and tugging her out by the hand.  
He makes a beeline straight for her office and Beth feels like her whole body is on fire with the way he pulls her through the crowd, the sense of urgency he always seems to feel when it comes to—this, to them, makes her chest ache with want.
He steps aside so she can go in first and then closes and locks the door, going around to each window and shutting the blinds and Beth laughs as she takes her witch hat off and tosses it aside, running her fingers through her hair. “You’ve never been very subtle.”  
“I’ve never been a lot o’ things before you, darlin’.”  
Beth glances over her shoulder and sees he’s done with the blinds, just standing and watching her now, and the laser focus he has, has her feeling a bit bold as her hands find the hem of her dress, fingers hooking in to shimmy the fabric up and over her ass as she leans over the desk, planting her hands firmly on top and she sucks in a sharp breath when he’s instantly on her, hands sliding over her ass, down her thighs, swiping between her legs like he craves every inch of her skin and he doesn’t know where to start first.  
Her breath quickens, breasts straining against her dress as her chest heaves a little and then his mouth is biting at her shoulder as she rocks back against him, and he’s plastering himself to her back, pushing her down with his body as he shoves things off the desk, until she’s pressed flat against it.  
He rocks himself against her a little, grinding into her, the rough fabric of his jeans rubbing over the silk of her underwear and jesus, Beth really thinks she could come just like this.  
He continues his slow assault on her senses even as he lifts up, his fingertips trailing down the expanse of exposed skin at her back. He leans down and places a single kiss along her spine and Beth shivers as she pushes back against him.  
She thinks he can sense her impatience, because he slows down even more and she whines in frustration.  
“You need something, baby?” He asks, laughter in his voice and Beth pushes herself halfway up. “You are so annoying.”  
But then he’s placing a flat palm against her back and pushing her back down, growling out a “Stay.” that has wet heat shooting low and jesus, she thinks she’s soaked through her underwear already and he’s barely touched her.  
He reaches down and yanks her underwear off and then he’s bending down and biting one of her ass cheeks and Beth jerks against the desk as she gasps. 
She swings her arm back to smack him and he grabs her wrist, pinning it against the small of her back as his other hand unzips his jeans and Beth tries to pull her hand away, but his grip just tightens and then he’s kicking at her feet, spreading her legs further apart right before he pushes into her and Beth bites down on her lip to stop from crying out, her free hand smacking against the top of the desk.  
“Fuck, Elizabeth...drive me fuckin’ crazy.” He husks, pressing into her wrist harder as he pulls out slowly and then thrusts back in just as slowly, repeating the motion again and again and again until Beth feels like she can’t take anymore.  
“God, Rio please...” She breathes out trying to pull at her wrist once more, and this time he lets her go, pulling out of her and yanking her up and spinning her around, dropping her right on top of the desk before pushing into her again just as his thumb swipes over her clit and Beth sees stars, eyes closing as her hand yanks at Rio’s shirt and he kisses her, swallowing her moans as she comes. She slumps against him and he slows his thrusts into short shallow ones as he places soft kisses along her neck and collarbone and lips.  
And then he’s gathering her up close in his arms, holding her tight as he fucks into her fast and hard, chasing after his own orgasm, and she strokes her hands over his hair and neck and shoulders, shivering a little when she feels him come inside of her.  
They stay like that, clinging to one another, for awhile and Beth thinks this might be her favorite part.
This part right after, when he’s still inside of her, the hard, sharp planes of his body pressed so firmly, so surely, against her soft curves, breathing heavily against her skin as he presses open mouthed kisses there.  
This part when he’s soft and pliant and trembles beneath her gentle touch.  
He gently pulls out of her and she lets out a shuddering breath as she keeps a grip on his arm, keeping him close and he chuckles as he pulls his clothing back into place and reaches over, grabbing a few tissues from the box that’s knocked over next to her, gently wiping between her legs, and then tossing the tissue in the trash bin.  
Beth looks up at him and laughs as she realizes he’s still wearing the horns, although a bit more lopsided now.  
He grins as he reaches up and takes them off, slipping them onto her head instead, hands sliding through her hair, tugging her head back as he pulls her into another kiss.  
“Diabla...” He murmurs against her lips and Beth thinks she can probably guess what that means.
He pulls away from her, reaching down to grab her underwear and help her slide them back on and then he helps her off the desk to pull her dress back into place.  
“You go first.” She says, still feeling a little wobbly on her legs as she pats at her hair, and swipes at her eye makeup.  
She turns around, surveying the mess scattered across the floor and she’s about to bend down and pick up her witch hat when she feels him behind her as he presses his hand into hers. “See you out there.” He whispers in her ear, lips brushing against her shoulder and then he’s gone and Beth lifts her hand up, unfurling her fingers to look at the slip of photo paper he’d pressed into her palm— the top half of the pictures of them from the photo booth.
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glumpiglet · 4 years
Indulgence (F!ReaderxBeetlejuice)
Alright well in my other fic ‘Reassurance’ I had an idea of Beetlejuice being all hot and bothered by the reader licking a knife. And I explored that a little more… And I did realize I might have a little bit of a food kink… ANYWAYS This is the product of that. Woof, enjoy or like tell me it sucks please, whatever... I’m so nervous posting this. I’m blushing and i know this isn’t even that lewd.
Warning: NSFW! 18+! I am going full smutty smut smut with this. Beware. I’m talking about Oral, Overstimulation. Light BDSM. the works. 
You believed people could find satisfaction in any number of things. Food was one for you. From a young age you took your time with meals, savouring the tastes and textures of what you put in your mouth, wanting to know best how to prepare the things that nourished you.  
The career you had didn’t consist of being some five star Michelin chef, but you were a good cook. Took care with the food made and was always trying new things in the kitchen. Even spent most of the extra money you had on any appliance or ingredient that caught your fancy. 
What you never expected was ever to share the company of a ghost, never mind a demonic, powerful spectre that was Beetlejuice. Or Lawrence as he let you call him. 
A dead boyfriend was something you had been taking pretty well all considering. BJ was quirky, to say the least. 
Lately you have been trying to give him hobbies other than attempting to scare the living shit out of those around him, and trying to get your attention all the time. 
Showing him how to collect bugs from the garden, you had an old aquarium brought out and set up with the ghost, watching with pride as he took to it naturally. Filling it with dirt, sticks; creatures flitted around inside and you saw he was becoming quite the connoisseur.
Loving books was another passion of yours, had a pretty well stocked bookshelf if you did say so yourself. It had taken weeks to get Beetlejuice to confess to being subpar at reading and spelling. You didn’t know what kind of education he had had, but teaching him had been a thrill. It had been slow, arduous work, but he was coming along nicely, reading at an excellent level. You even had a decent Stephen King collection Beetlejuice seemed to enjoy.    
Another peculiar thing about Beetlejuice made itself known when you cooked.  
Beetlejuice acted strange when you ate. He hardly ever joined in on your meals, had told you once that he didn’t need to eat much, being dead for forever and all. 
In all honesty it would have been easier had he had any desire for the food you so enjoyed. 
Instead he sat at the table, and watched. 
You had to get over your shyness quickly. Beetlejuice was exorbitant, a bundle of energy. Boundaries were something that did not exist to him. Even before you started having sex, he was constantly touching; playing with your hair, marveling at your soft, smooth skin. 
He was particularly devilish tonight. You could tell by his sly smile, his whole body practically glowing green. Bolts of pinks shifting through his hair as he caught you up on his trip to the Netherworld. And maybe you were trying to tease him a bit tonight, comfy in a pale nightgown you knew he liked, and could felt your nipples perked with the AC running through the house. 
Having to practically push him out of the kitchen as you cooked the pasta however, he kept getting in the way and you were going to burn yourself if he tried to distract one more time.
Once the dish had been cooked and you sat down to eat, watching with amusement as Beetlejuice scraped the nearest chair towards you, he plopped down in immediate proximity to you. In the past, it was common to have to tell him to get his own chair on several occasions, he had a habit of wanting to just sit into your lap.    
“.......So I says to him, ‘Buddy, I don’t know where you think you are, but that’s no guppy biting your leg!”
Giggling at his boisterous story, the two  of you shared a laugh as you slipped some of the noodles into your mouth. You had begun to grow your own tomatoes and zucchini, and had to say it was a success so far, they were juicy, almost sweet. This might have been the best primavera you made in your life.  
Moans were coming out of your mouth before they could be stopped. Your family was always making fun of you about the way you ate, joking they couldn’t take you to restaurants because of it. It couldn’t be helped. Taste was your favourite sense, a thing that activated the happy nerve in the brain, making your body react in a subconscious way.     
Beetlejuice went silent.
Taking a few more bites, humming at the flavour and oblivious to BJ’s sudden change. A moment you looked up and took notice of how the air was tense. 
BJ didn’t scare you in day to day life. But you knew never to underestimate him, and to not play innocent around him. Beetlejuice was a predator, a veritable horror show of demonic talents that were solely used for scaring breathers.
Still, when Beetlejuice gave that look, golden eyes glittering with savage intent, hair blown a completely different colour; you knew it wasn’t scaring he had in his mind.
BJ pounced. Gripping your shoulders, he kissed desperately. Shoving his tongue into your mouth, you stumbled, dropping a fork as he basically hauled you up. Pinned by his body against the table, you made a noise of discontent at his assault as he pulled back, looking with eyes blown wide with lust.   
“Fuck….. Sorry, babes, I need you..” Swept up in his surprise attack, a bolt of pleasure made you quake as he kissed the sweet spot on your neck, latching on and lapping the skin. 
Beetlejuice was obsessed with marking, rubbing his facial hair vigorously across sensitive parts, biting and sucking sometimes on the peak of being painful. You knew he wasn’t trying to hurt you, sometimes his eagerness could take over. On the tip of your tongue was a protest, but when it was realized you weren’t going into work tomorrow….. You’d suppose he could have his way.   
“Now.” The growl against your cleavage was impatient. You knew if you didn’t stop his rough clench of his fists in your nightgown, he would just rip the thing in two. As he manhandled your body, there was the instinct to submit, allow him to have his wicked way.
You knew the truth.
He missed you.
It was at your encouragement that made him  go back from time to time, he mentioned having several friends ‘back home’. You felt bad for him, he had said he had been stuck invisible among the living for a long time, longer than you could comprehend. 
Then one day you were being curious about ghostly things and he showed you a book called ‘Handbook for the Recently Deceased.’
“Why do you have this? You’re not recently deceased.”
He looked at you as if you’d grown an extra head, and explained slowly.
“It comes with the tote bag, babes.”
He even opened it, once you realized you couldn’t ‘being a breather and all’. It was the oddest thing you ever saw. Glowing pages filled with ancient looking text. It smelt of old pages and sulfur. A line caught your eyes ‘Proceed directly to the Netherworld…’
“This says in order to get to the Netherworld, you just draw a door.”
“Yeah that’s how it works…. Welp, cupcake, you don’t wanna read that boring thing…..Wanna see a puppet show?”
Trying to take it from you, you held it out of his reach. Beetlejuice could be so deflected sometimes. It became a game, and you were getting really good at knowing which questions to ask.  
“Wait, I’m confused. You mean you’ve been able to go back the whole time? Why haven’t you?”
Snatching the book from your hands, he muttered about ‘bad idea’ and ‘stupid’ until you got it out of him. 
“I never really….Belonged there. My mom was always telling me….. Demons weren’t like me, I was a failure….”
Juno. That cunt. Oh yes, Beetlejuice had told you about his ‘mother’. 
Realizing if you took a trip down, you might be able to give that rotten bitch a good piece of your mind. Sadly, trying to get him to take you to the Netherworld had been a vehement ‘no’.
“Absolutely not, (Y/N). Breathers are not allowed there and…….I don’t need anything to ever happen to you.”
That had been it on that, you couldn’t exactly argue with him. Pushing murderous thoughts to the back of your mind, but the idea was never completely forgotten. 
“I think you should still go and visit your friends, BJ. I’ll be here when you come back.”
Assuring him over and over it would be okay, finally he began his vacations. Time apparently moved differently down in the Netherworld, he would be gone for extended periods of time. So once in a while you had to let your little bug fly away, but every time he came back, you remembered that old saying about ‘if you love something, set it free…’ 
Chuckling into the present, you tried to extract from his hold. “Slow down, I didn’t even finish my dinner.”
His hands greedily twisted in the fabric of your gown, bunching it up to your thighs, you shivered as the cool table was pressed against your ass. Feeling him slipping your panties down your legs, you shifted onto the table, more than willing to help his progress.  
“Babes. I’m hungry. Tonight, you gotta feed me.” His intention was immediately clear and you gasped at his vulgar words. 
Barely able to stutter out a “B-Beetlejuice!” The demon dove into you.
Intense, sudden stimulation to your clit had you reeling. Gripping his magenta hair, trying to find an anchor, you couldn’t stop from moaning out. 
Beetlejuice wasn’t just enthusiastic when he ate you out, he was ravenous. Drooling at your taste, his growls were immediate, low and consistent like a beast. Added vibration from his response made your pussy clench. He just started but already you could already feel the flutters of an impending orgasm,
He certainly wasn’t helping. Face buried deep between your legs you began to hear low murmuring. Deep, rasping praises that you struggled to quiet to hear over his slurping.  
“Mmm….Taste so fucking good, babes… That’s right….. Feed me your sweet cum.” You had to cover your glowing face with your hand. You couldn’t take Beetlejuice’s mouth sometimes. What it said, or what it could do to you. 
That was it. His voice was enough. Lolling your head back, you surrendered as the convulsions overtook your body, pussy spasming as you came. Hard. Your hips swiveled, chasing the bliss. He slowed down to tender licks, but he didn’t stop completely. Your body continued to writhe, trying to push him away with hands to his forehead. His grip only intensified.  
“Ohhh, jesus….. Sweetie. I’m not nearly full yet. You gotta give me more.” His voice was granite. Dark, and tensed through clenched teeth. His face was slick with saliva and cum, trails of the mixture stringing his face to your pussy, glistening his cheeks and your thighs. He was making such a mess of you, and showed no signs of stopping.  
“I-I can’t.. I’m too s-sensitive..” Changing his pace, you could go limp as he gently sucked and licked at your entrance, teasing the walls just inside; running his nose over your swollen lips. 
“I don’t think so, doll…. Hmm…. I think if I stayed like this for who knows… Another hour, you could come at least 4-5 times for me. That would fill me.”
“BJ, no!” Lifting your upper body off the table, you watched as two hands appeared from under his jacket, gripping your wrists to the surface as his own kept your thighs parted. Continuing your desperate pleas, more hands jutted out. Grabbing at your shoulders, your hips. Pinning you down.
Whining, your treacherous body peaked again, just the idea of being at his mercy heady. You loved when he was like this, as vulgar as it was.  
“I know you can do it, babes. Just give me a bit more of you. I need it.” Snarling into your mound, he gave you a small respite and began to nuzzle and nip at your thighs. The hands were also being kind, stroking your skin, running across your nipples teasingly; letting you at least catch your breath before you hyperventilate. 
“What's the safe word?”
“Chartreuse…” You considered using it, you seriously didn’t think you could cum anymore, the pleasure was too intense.
“That’s it, baby. You ready?”
Nodding, he began anew and you sighed at his soft, kitten licks. He knew just how to bring you around and soon you were pulsing, working your way to another climax, pushed harder by Beetlejuice’s minstrasions. 
“You got it…. Just relax…... Daddy gonna take care of you.”
At some point, you lost track of time. Delirious, all you could do was lay there as he continued. 
Beetlejuice alternated between rough, frantic treatment, or tenderly nuzzling into you, playing against your tender inner walls with meaty fingers. Orgasm number three and four reached you at some point, one brought around so softly and sudden you hardly realized you had it at all. 
The pleasure started to move into pain. After shivering through one final eruption, you cried out in slight discomfort and Beetlejuice knew immediately. 
BJ pulled back, multiple hands caressed down your body, making you shudder as they disappeared back under his jacket. Soon enough, it was just his own hands stroking your trembling thighs, shushing you passionately.
“That’s it...Delicious…. Fucking gorgeous little breather….. You did so good, baby.” His voice was wrecked. Nothing more than deep razor blades cutting in the air, reaching your ears from a distance. 
Dazed was an understatement. You were knocked out. Sleeping on your dining room table was a pretty good choice at this very moment, but instead you felt yourself being lifted. He was floating with you in his arms, well you supposed having a demon for a lover had to have its perks. 
He laid you down on your bed and you sighed into the cool sheets against your overstimulated body. Staying there comfortably, you couldn’t even gain the strength to open your eyes to see where the devil disappeared to. 
You jerked as you felt a cool cloth being run around your privates, glancing up at Beetlejuice, rapt in his attention. The aftercare he was giving you never ceased to make your heart swell. He just treated you so well. 
A burst of energy made you intent to return to favour. 
As he leaned over you, you grabbed at his lapels, pulling him down onto you with an ‘oof!’ As you began your descent passed his tummy to his cock, deftly unbuttoning and slipping your hand inside. You weren’t prepared for what met you there.
Beetlejuice was flaccid. The idea that something was terribly wrong with him flashed through your mind before you realized something else. He felt sticky. Heaving out a choked, sensitive sound, he grabbed at your hand to still it. You put two and two together. 
“Did you-?”
“Uh, yeah…….I came like three times during that… I guess I better get these off.” Giggling at his honesty, you watched as he snapped his fingers, transforming from big bad ghost with the most to the snugly little bug you hunkered down with nightly. 
Pajamas you had provided for him when you found out he only owned the one suit…. Yikes. You’d have to ask him for that in the morning to wash. 
Snuggling into your bed, once again thankful for his cooled body against your hotness. You ran your hand through the thick fuzz on his tummy, murmuring words of adoration to each other, you felt safe enough to drift off. Knowing that Beetlejuice would be right where you left him. 
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