#maybe I shouldn't be surprised but jesus christ
onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
on account of recieving actual death threats from people im taking a break from telling tiktok users of the ship tag issue
if anyone else wants to do it feel free, but be careful and make sure to take care of yourself
THERE ARE PEOPLE GETTING THIS MAD OVER A SHIP TAG???????? yeah I'm glad I'm not on tiktok, please please do stay safe!!!! that takes priority over correcting a tag. and this goes for anyone else who wants to help spread the word on tiktok or anywhere else, please be careful out there
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corvidcall · 1 year
i shouldn't be surprised when i learn bad things the usa has done, but i still was pretty disgusted and upset yesterday when i learned cuba offered to send doctors to Louisiana to help with Hurricane Katrina recovery and GWB refused.
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theemperorsfeather · 2 years
Well, the property management company isn't wasting any fucking time - they just texted me to ask if they could show an "approved applicant" the place tomorrow afternoon, "we do understand you're in the process of moving," and on the one hand, uh, sure, whatever, but on the other - really? You ... couldn't wait just a few more fucking days?
So I went to the website to see what they're charging for rent and it's $400 more than I am paying now, which brings it to a total, hilariously, about what I'll paying for my house.
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wynnyfryd · 7 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 33
part 1 | part 32 | ao3
Chapter 8
cw: period-typical attitudes/language
"Steve," Robin hisses through the phone, and he can practically hear her nostrils flaring. "I have been trapped at Uncle Bobby and Aunt Deb's house for six. days." She drops her voice to a harsh whisper, the tone somehow even more disapproving at a lower volume. "HOW have you not kissed him yet??"
"It's not like I didn't try!" Steve throws his hands up; nearly knocks his broom to the floor. He's finally sweeping up the shards of glass in the living room, because he's tired of wearing shoes in his own house (and because at some point he's going to have to have the kids over whether he wants to or not. He's kind of surprised Erica hasn't shown up demanding to hang Christmas lights yet; that girl is aggressively festive.) "He was all 'ask me in the morning,' so I was gonna ask him in the morning! Not my fault it was Monday morning and his stupid uncle barged in yelling about how he was going to be late for school."
"You really shouldn't call him stupid," she interrupts, "that man is a saint."
"No, you’re right. Wayne's awesome."
It’s true. Wayne walked in on them that morning, like, fully spooning in their sleep — Eddie pressed all along Steve's back with an arm over his waist, their ankles intertwined — and rather than beat Steve's ass and ban him from their house like Steve expected him to, he just awkwardly grunted 'breakfast is ready' and shut the door.
"I'm always right," Robin gloats in his ear.
"You're always the worst."
"You love me." Steve hears shuffling as she adjusts the cord — probably wiggling around to lie on her stomach on the bed and kick her feet up in the air the way she likes — and then she says, "I'm still not seeing how this explains the other five whole days, though."
Jesus. Five whole days. Like she's his unimpressed boss and he’s late with the quarterly reports. "Our schedules kept not lining up! And then he went out of town with Jeff's family for the holiday."
"And you haven't called him?"
Steve glares flatly at the phone; hopes she can feel it through the line. "Literally how would I do that, Robin?"
"Well— I don't know! Maybe..." She hums in thought then snaps her fingers, talking fast. "Ooh! You could ask Wayne for the number? I mean, he'd have to know it in case he needed to reach Eddie, right?"
"Uh huh." Steve loves her solution-oriented brain, he really does, but that's one of the worst ideas he's heard in a while. (And he's including Mike and Dustin's attempted kidnapping last month.) "Yeah, let me get right on that," he snarks, switching the phone to his other ear. "I’ll just call them up and say, 'Hey, Mr. or Mrs. Jeff's Grandparents! This is Steve Harrington, may I—? Oh. Who's Steve Harrington, you ask? Nobody, sir or ma’am, just the kid who stood by and watched while his teammates gave your grandson a swirlie two years ago, so I'm sure he fucking hates me still for that! Anyway, can I please flirt with your house guest now?'"
Robin's whinnying into the receiver by the time Steve finishes his rant, and he begrudgingly laughs along with her, shaking his head as he stoops to pick up the dust pan.
"Okay," she concedes. "You may have a point."
"Thank you."
"But you still have to do something to make up for this when he gets home! Otherwise, he's going to think you're, like, having a straight boy crisis or something and get all weird."
"I'm not having a 'straight boy crisis,'" Steve rolls his eyes. He's having a bisexual boy crisis — at least, according to the three hour phone call he had with Robin the other night (which was humiliating, by the way; he never thought he'd be quietly crying tears of total confusion while saying the words 'I still likes boobies, though' out loud. Jesus Christ. Sexuality is embarrassing.) "And I already have a grand gesture in mind, anyway."
"Oh?" Robin perks up. "Do tell."
"I was thinking we could, like..." Hmm. It's sounding less grand when he goes to say it out loud. "Well, shit, I don't know. I thought we could go to one of his shows together when you get back, but now that sounds kind of lame?"
“No, that's good! That's perfect, actually. We can get a whole group together to go support him, then he'll see that you're not embarrassed to be seen around him with your friends."
"Wait, was that a concern?" Oh, god. He dumps more glass into the trash can; hisses when a little shard gets his fingertip; sucks the wound into his mouth. "Are you sure it’s not-? I mean, I want him to know I mean it in a romantic way, not just a friendly gesture."
"Well, yeah, obviously. But you can't just go by yourself; his bandmates hate you."
Oh, right. “Yeah.” That would be pretty awkward to loiter in a booth by himself all night while Jeff and Gareth and the other kid glare daggers at him. "Do you think you could get a group together? If I do it…"
"…We'll be hanging out with a group of dorky freshman all night?”
"You know what? Tell Deb and Bobby they can keep you."
"Ah!" Robin gasps. "You would turn to stone like a troll in the sun without me, and you know it!"
Man, he misses her. "Yeah, I know it." He puts the broom back up on the hook. "When ya comin' home?"
"Soon, I hope. I swear to god if I have to hear Deb and Patty fight over the leftovers one more time—!" She cuts herself off with a strangled noise, and Steve laughs at her plight. "Anyway, yes. I'll ask some friends at school—"
"—Is one of those friends Vickie?"
“I can multi-task; shut up."
"I love you," he smiles.
"Love you, too, dingus.” Her voice dips soft and sincere for just a second; there and gone. “Hey, I have to go, Carrie wants the phone.”
“You have too many relatives.”
“Ugh, I know. Okay. Leaving for real now; can't wait to see you for Operation Woo Your Man!”
"Robin, no-!”
“Got to go byeeeee.”
“We’re not calling it that!” He holds the phone out with both hands so he can yell into the receiver. “Robin? Robin!"
The line's already dead.
part 34
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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sugar-omi · 8 months
I THINK I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK.... jfc anywayz this is nasty n i love it. so fellow monster freaks, this is for you my loves!!!! <333
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*kinktober masterlist | *ao3
tags : NSFW, fem/afab reader, dub-con just bc y'all are so outta it, (mentioned/implied) dom/sub space, mermaid!cove x human!reader, soft to mean dom cove, biting, scratching, stomach bulging, knotting ment, ignore the kinda scary mer pregnancy bit okay
synopsis : cove finally lets you spend his heat with him, and your mermaid boyfriend is so much different than you had thought...
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maybe you should have listened to cove when he said humans couldn't handle a mermaids heat. at least not without fighting for their life.
mermaids are naturally rough during their heats, biting and fighting for dominance over the other.. not to mention the sheer size of them.
cove is bigger than the average merman, "standing" at 12 feet tall.
which is something you should have factored in along with the sharp teeth and claws. because now, you're in a isolated underwater cove, with a horny, giant mermaid who is currently rearranging your guts.
"cove-!" you cry, pushing against his chest. it's fruitless, and you're just asking for more assertiveness, more pain
"stay still." cove growls, his sharp eyes striking through you, urging you to stay still and take it. you whine, your eyes rolling back. you know cove is trying to be gentle, but his mind is clouded.
"i-i can't take more!" you whimper. even though he's proportional for a merman of his size, it's too much for you. you couldn't possibly take all of his dick. "it won't fit-" you drawl, the words straining through gritted teeth.
cove kisses your cheek, licking your tears. "it's okay, it's okay..." he comforts, panting from the effort to control himself. "you can take it... i've prepared you for this.."
you whine when he moves again, the prominent ridges on the underside of his dick stretching you open.
he really did try to prepare you, gifting you a toy roughly the size of his dick and some smaller ones to work up to his size. cove even ate you out beforehand, his fingers slowly stretching you open and making sure you would come out as unscathed as possible.
cove kisses you, swallowing your whines and moans and trading it for his long tapered tongue.
you kiss back, letting cove consume your senses and take away all your burdens.
bitten, bruised, and sore, it's so worth it. to be connected with cove on this level.. it's maddening.
"are.. you okay?" cove pants into your ear, his fingers flexing around your waist as he tries to keep restraint.
you swallow, drool pooling in your mouth. "yes, yes, please move…"
cove fixes his grip on your body to move you the way he wants, his hands are so big they easily wrap around your waist and the heat coming from cove makes you feel like you're burning…
"ah-!" you drape yourself over cove. wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. he's moving your body so easily..
you know you're much smaller than cove, so his strength shouldn't be a surprise. but the way he's moving your body up and down on his cock like you're his personal cock sleeve drives you crazy.
"covee~" you drawl, your eyes rolling back. fuck you're losing your mind.
every part of your body and mind is consumed with pleasure, any thoughts you have melt and reform to think about nothing but cove and his dick.
cove's nails dig into your skin, pearls of blood coming to the surface and washing away with the movements of your hips.
the scratches should hurt, cove's claws aren't for decoration afterall, but it seems that medicine cove gave you helps with the pain you are sure to endure during his heat.
cove groans, "fuck.. you're so tight…"
you pang, blinking away your fucked out haze. "you're… you're just too- ohh fuck- too big!"
cove's laugh is cut off by your twitching cunt tightening around him, "jesus christ, y/n… stop tightening up.." cove growls.
you whine, dragging your nails down cove's scaled shoulders. "i'm-i'm trying.." you whine, "it feels so good."
cove drags his teeth over the exposed column of your throat. his lips trail down to your shoulder, and with much care that most mermaids wouldn't afford, he bites down hard enough to leave evidence of his teeth, and he runs his tongue over it soothingly.
you huff, squirming in cove's hold. "please, please cove! faster!"
cove peeks at you, stopping his assault on your neck and collarbone. "...can you handle it?"
you huff irritably, rolling your eyes. "i'm taking your dick right now aren't i? i'm not going to break."
cove glares, "it took you a week to get up to the toy that was only 2nd to my true size, you shook and cried that you couldn't take it."
his voice is booming, and maybe it should scare you, but something about cove reminding you how you pathetically ran to him to help you with the toy… it turns you on.
"you've trained your pathetic human cunt to take my dick and you still cried that it wouldn't fit." cove stares down at you, his height and gaze making you still and a fire is burning in your stomach.
"if i give you more than you can take, you'll break. aren't you worried about me hurting you?" cove inquires and his gaze is a mix of intrigue and confusion at your eager negative shake of your head.
"as if, you can't hurt a fly." you're testing him, he's already holding back for you and yet you can't help but want to push him over the edge…
cove growls, a sound that rumbles deep in his chest and his gills flare.
he doesn't say anything else, you've said enough after all and if it's more you want, it's more you get.
cove hugs you, one arm around your back and the other under your butt, and uses the power of his lower body to thrust up into you.
you yell, your nails scratching down his scales and to his back, surely scratching off skin if cove's hiss is anything to go by.
with the change of pace, the last couple inches of cove's dick forces itself into you. you can't even catch your breath since with every rearing of his hips, the knot at the base of his dick pop in-and-out of you.
"cove!" you slap his shoulder, shaking at the stimulation.
cove nips at your shoulder and chest, leaving small marks where he pleases. "you wanted more. don't blame me if you end up becoming my pathetic cock sleeve."
you whine, drool slipping past the corner of your lips.
he's really fucking you dumb, leaving you no choice but to think about nothing but his dick.
his fat tip keeps bumping against your cervix, hitting that lovely spot between your womb and your gummy walls.
"ah! ohh fuck!" you cry, cove has taken your nipple in his mouth, swirling his long tongue around the bud and teasing it with his teeth, your other breast in his hands, rolling the bud between his fingers.
you whimper and moan, shaking your hips in return. the sensation is so good, especially since he's keeping you from running with his arm around your waist, forcing you to take the pleasure he's giving you.
as if you would want to run anyway. you've become way too addicted to this now.
sure you and cove have been intimate before, but this is the most you've ever taken of his ridiculously large mer dick and this is the roughest he's ever been with you.
usually he’s the one holding your hips to keep you from sinking any further on his length. but now he's fucking you with reckless abandon, giving into your pleas after all this time…
it doesn't take much to succumb to the pleasure that you've been craving this whole time.
“cove!” you cry, your legs shaking.”i’m gonna, i’m gonna make a mess!”
cove growls, picking up pace, purposefully angling his tip to slam against your g-spot.
a couple solid thrusts is all it takes to have you shaking, your legs wrapped around cove as you squirt.
you're seeing white, your legs shaking and toes curling. you can barely process the groan that comes deep from cove's throat because of your convulsing cunt, you're wrapped so tightly around him that his cock drags against your walls when he tries to pull back.
you whine and shake, feeling sensitive after such an intention orgasm.
"cove…" you weakly call, pulling yourself up by his shoulders to try and get off his dick, that spongy spot inside your walls too tender from the abuse.
"don't pull away from me.." cove grunts, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter.
you pant, blinking and trying to keep consciousness.
you barely register that you're slipping into sub space, you've completely surrendered yourself to cove and obediently swallow the pearls he presses to your lips.
"mm, what.. what was that?" you ask, swallowing several times at the after taste. you know one of them was for breathing underwater, but you've never seen the other before..
"it's a contraceptive."
in this position you feel really small to cove, his body leaning over yours, completely trapping you between him and his nest.
combine that with his feral grin and sharp eyes… you're stuck and absolutely hypnotized.
"merfolk are very fertile, remember?" cove leans down to whisper in your ear. his voice deep and it penetrates your soul.
"we have a lot left to do before i impregnate you with my seed."
you shiver, looking at him with wide eyes. the thought doesn't terrify you, although maybe it should with what you know…
most humans don't survive it. and that's typically because they're not mated… something about DNA and special pheromones to relax and aid you in pregnancy and birth.
cove kisses your cheek, grinding his the tip of his dick near your womb. "don't worry… i know hoe to make it easier, don't be scared."
you nod mindlessly, trusting him.
"fuck!" you curse, the power of cove's thrust nearly burying you in his nest.
you cling onto his shoulders for dear life, your leg kicking out, allowing him to go even deeper.
"shhh, it's okay. just a bit more.." cove soothes, "i'm gonna cum soon…"
he groans, removing himself from your thoroughly marred neck to hold your legs and spreading them open, allowing him to piston into your weeping cunt.
you howl, throwing your head back and fisting the organized mess of blankets and materials of cove's nest, arching your back.
the movement just forces his dick deeper inside you, making you whine loudly.
you flip over, although not without much shaking, whimpering, and cove's nails digging into your skin.
although now that you've made it onto your stomach, weakly trying to escape the onslaught of pleasure, cove tugs your hips back and easily manhandled you.
he presses you against his chest with his hand, the other on your stomach, which he brings something interesting to your attention…
"fuck.. you see that?"
it takes you a minute to respond, too long because cove grabs you by your chin and tilts your head down, and shows you your stomach.
you moan lowly at the sight.
with every deep thrust you can see cove's dick protrude from your stomach, popping up right below your belly button.
cove lifts your head back up, his hand under your jaw, and he can't help but laugh at the tears running down your face.
"look at you, you've become a brainless slut."
you moan at cove's degrading comment. fuck you didn't think he had it in you but he does and you are losing it.
"maybe i'll keep you to myself forever. merfolk already have a bad reputation because of sirens.." cove growls in your ear, "wanna be my cute lil' cock sleeve, y/n?"
all you can do is beg and squirm for more.
"please.." you whimper, feeling cove's knot catching on your entrance. you want to be filled, you need him to cum inside..
cove laughs at your plea and kisses your lips, grinning a sharp toothed, wolfish smirk. "good girl, i'll take care of you…"
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Here, have this
"God, you're so annoying, y/n! You don't have any idea what you're fucking talking about!" Schlatt yelled, walking away from you and into the kitchen.
"Excuse me, Mr. I'm-too-busy-to-spend-even-a-second-with-my-girlfriend! It's not my fault you've taken on so much and stretched yourself so thin! You did this to yourself!"
It was the 5th night in a row where Schlatt had to call and tell you he 'had to work late' and 'sorry hon, rain check for dinner tonight'.
"Jesus Christ I am so tired of you nagging me all the time! You're always around, just leave me the fuck alone for once!"
"If that's how you feel then maybe we shouldn't even be together!"
"There's a bright idea. Nice to know you can have those every once in a while."
"Fuck you, Schlatt! We're done." You yelled, before grabbing your purse and walking out of his house.
Walking into your apartment, you let your purse drop to the floor and flopped onto your couch, leaning your head back, and letting out a loud sigh, releasing all the pent up anger you'd harbored on your angry drive home.
It unfortunately wasn't uncommon for you and Schlatt to get into arguments. They'd usually result in one of you storming out of the house, and either returning later that night to exchange apologies and end with rough, angy make up sex or returning the next day and deciding it'd be best for both of you if you took a break for a while.
This was the fourth time it'd happened, and you were tired of it. You loved Schlatt, you really did. But God was it exhausting to break up and get back together all the time. You knew that this wasn't what it was supposed to be like.
Deciding to call Schlatt in the morning you turned on your TV for the sole purpose of serving as background noise for you to numbly fall asleep to, preparing yourself for what would come in the morning.
When you woke up, you briefly looked around your apartment before remembering the previous night's fight. You'd grown used to waking up in Schlatt's warm arms, his face buried in your neck from behind, so it was almost a strange feeling to be cold and alone.
Looking at the clock it read 10:30. Schlatt would probably be awake, most likely editing again. You pressed the call button on his contact half expecting him not to answer.
"I think we need to talk."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Yeah. I can be there in 20."
"See you then."
You left only a few minutes later after running your fingers through your hair and brushing your teeth, making yourself look somewhat presentable, and almost subconsciously walked to the coffee shop down the street, a place that had quickly become of favorite of yours and Schlatt's.
Looking around and not seeing him yet you at a table by the door, watching it and gently scratching your arms as a distraction from the way you were feeling.
Schlatt walked in and after briefly meeting your eyes sat silently across from you. It was obvious how little either of you wanted to be there right now, and it looked like neither of you wanted to speak first.
"Schlatt, we can't keep doing this."
Taking a deep breath, Schlatt muttered a defeated "I know."
"I think we need to break up. For good this time."
He sat silent for a long pause, staring at the fingers he was tapping on table.
"Whatever." he finally said, quickly standing up and leaving the coffee shop without another word or glance your way.
You sat for a bit, letting what had happened sink in. That was it. Wiping away the trapped tears that were making your eyes burn and throat hurt you left as well, walking the opposite way that Schlatt had, to your apartment, heartbroken and alone.
It'd been a week. There were no texts, no calls, nothing exchanged between either of you. Schlatt hadn't posted anything, which surprised you. He had been trying to be more consistent with it. You posted a memory on Instagram and he wasn't among the notifications of likes like he normally would be.
This was foreign. You and Schlatt had started as friends before you'd gotten together the first time. You'd never gone longer than a couple days without any sort of contact, and that was only because he'd had to go back home and had forgotten his phone charger.
Your kitchen counters were littered with pizza boxes, food wrappers, bottles, you hadn't been bothered to cook anything or clean anything up. You could stand for a shower, shown evident by the greasy knot on top of your head and the thin layer of grime that had settled on your skin. Snotty and tear soaked tissues blanketed your living room floor. You were sinking and there was no one that could pull you up.
"I'm so pathetic" you whispered to yourself, looking at your smelly clothes and dirty surroundings. "I can't just sit here anymore." you resolved, standing up before moving to the bathroom to shower and start putting your life back in order.
A few hours later you were tying the last garbage bag, your apartment, and you, looking leagues better than they had earlier..
A knock on your door pulled your attention away from cleaning. You hadn't ordered anything and your neighbors weren't usually the kind to stop by for anything.
Opening the door you were surprised by what you saw.
There he stood, nearly filling your door frame with his large frame. He was unshaven, and his outfit looked about how yours had this morning, wrinkly and disheveled. But what surprised you was that he was crying. In all the time you'd known him, as a friend or a boyfriend, you'd never seen Schlatt cry.
But here he was, on your door step, big brown eyes watery with unshed tears, his nose running and red.
"Y/n" he choked out, voice rough from a combination of unuse and sobs.
Before you could say or do anything, Schlatt reached out and pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug and hiding his face in your neck.
"I'm so so sorry for how I was treating you recently. You were right, I'd been spending too much time away from you. But I'm gonna get better." He blubbered.
"Schlatt--" you started, before he cut you off.
"I am. I'm going to be so much better for you. I know I don't deserve you, Y/n, I know you deserve someone who's so much better than me, but I'm gonna be better for you. I love you so much, angel. I know, we've had our issues, and i've said things in the past, but none of it is true. You're it. You're it for me. I need you in my life, Y/n. This last week has been hell without you. God I can't even begin to explain how I felt in the coffee shop when you said we were done for good. My whole world came tumbling down. It hurt so, so much. And I know it hurt you too and i'm sorry that I pushed you to do that. Please, give me one more chance. Please."
He looked into your eyes after that speech, trying to find your response before you said it.
Letting out a small sigh you pulled him down into another hug, clearing your throat from the new wash of tears that came over you.
"I love you, Schlatt."
You could feel Schlatt let out a breath you knew he'd been holding before he held you even tighter than before, if it was possible.
"I love you. So much."
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weird-an · 1 year
It's a regular Wednesday. But Jim shouldn't have let himself believe that there is any routine or boredom with a psychic girl and a boy that has been possessed. Living with them is always full of surprises.
"Why isn't Steve coming over?" El asks, chewing a potato.
What the fuck? Jim stares at Billy. He didn't even know Billy and Steve were talking.
Billy chokes on his soda. His cheeks turn pink.
"Why should Harrington come here?" he asks hoarsely.
"He doesn't like it when you call him that," El quips.
"Why would I care what Harrington likes?"
Jim has to hide his laugh behind a cough. The kid is the worst liar he has ever met. He's glad though. Billy could use a friend. He always seems to have a ton of dates with a bunch of girls Hopper never hears about again after, but no friends.
Billy 's face is as red as the tomatoes in the salad they're eating. Because Billy says Jim's diet is shit. He's probably right.
El tilts her head. "Because you like him and he likes you."
Sometimes she sees the world a little easier than others. In a good way, Jim thinks.
"He's alright," Billy mumbles, picking at the potato on his plate.
"So why isn't he coming over then?"
Maybe El should become a cop. This is a fucking interrogation.
Billy doesn't answer, just glances at Jim. Only for a second from the corner of his eye. His jaw is working and his face is still flushed.
"I don't mind if you have friends over," Jim offers carefully. "He's welcome here."
"Thanks." Billy still isn't looking up. He tears the potato into little pieces. He grabs the forks so hard his knuckles turn white. "It's just..."
Jim waits. This is a new thing he's trying. Patience, waiting and all the shit Joyce showed him. Most of the time it works.
"Harrington," Billy starts, but stops when El frowns at him.
"Steve," he begins again. "Steve isn't a friend."
Billy continues to mash potato. Then he looks Jim straight in the eye. Challenging him. He's scared, Jim realizes. Jesus, this kid is fucking brave.
"He's my boyfriend," Billy says so silently Jim almost misses it.
Jim opens his mouth. Closes it again. Of all possibilities he never would have imagined this one. But everything seems possible with these kids.
"He's welcome here," Jim repeats his words from earlier.
"You.. aren't mad?" Billy drops the fork.
"Just surprised." Jim shrugs. He doesn't know shit about gay people, but he knows that he's happy that Billy has a person he can trust.
"Does he have to leave the door open, too?" El asks, waving a chicken leg at Jim. "Three inches?"
"Fucking hell, El." Billy's face turns even more red. So red that Jim fears his head might explode.
Jesus Christ, these kids are going to be his death, Jim thinks, when he's wheezing with laughter. Billy scowls at him.
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rainbowsillz · 10 months
Hi, I really loved your overblot!riddle fox and I was wondering if you would write something similar for another dorm leader
Maybe Vil, Malleus or Leona
(Also i love your writing, so glad I found your blog)
“ I'd rather be hated than allow for you to go. ”
FT. Yan! Overblot Malleus X GN! Reader.
Tags: Delusional behavior, obsession, toxic, etc.
CW: Yandere.
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You can't return to Earth, not when he denied you of this.
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Your open-mindedness was what welcoming, for you— who radiated like the sun itself to him.
Malleus was fond of you and that's no secret.
For a magicless student, you were bold, granted that you didn't know who he was. He can tell, it wouldn't be what deterred you away from him.
You were quick-witted, determined, nobody can frighten you. You don't let anyone stomp over you. And you cherished his friendship with you!
It was surreal.
This feels.. more of a mirage.
He'd give the universe to you had you asked him, his passion extends than you'd imagine it.
You had become what he cannot live without.
I mean if I were him, I wouldn't want you to choose your home too, so it sits on his chest, billion of thoughts visiting inside his head.
And like a blade through his heart, it's undoubtedly that you'll pick your family.
Twisted Wonderland wasn't a place where you'll reside forever at, and you trusted him too much that you told him of what you planned to do once the headmaster could send you back over.
He looked calm externally.
You noticed the shift in the atmosphere and decided that you shouldn't have said that.
For a close acquaintance, he'll probably be affected by this, so you didn't bring it up twice.
Hopefully, he'll forget about that.
Malleus didn't. Why would a housewarden like him wouldn't recall this? That's ridiculous.
After that, nothing changed in your relationship and he didn't say anything that indicated about it. Time was fleeting, it continues on, despite the heaviness and the graveness it was for him..
Maybe he was childish because he was hurt.
And a lot of months flew by.
So— karma happened to you it seems.
It started out like any other until this.
It was sudden, for a person who managed to turn the tide around every time where overblots came, this was impossible. Attempts met with reality of him snuffing out everyone's work.
It didn't take an hour, it didn't last for long, thorns wriggled across marble floors, if you turn to the window you'd see that outside weren't much different from the interior carved in.
A prison by yours truly.
You were awake, not because you were a superhuman or that you have an immunity.
It was due to Malleus has to speak to you.
You were a nervous wreck, weren't you? You should be, considering the things he do.
How curious.
Malleus has read stories that good always prevailed, while evil served to make them more memorable and beloved in society's eyes.
So, if you were the hero, what's to be his role?
When you didn't response to him, he wasn't offended by that, an attentive smile fixated on.
“Why do you resist? ..I have neither intention of harming you nor anyone in our college.”
And he was true to his word.
“Jesus Christ, Tsunotarou, this is crazy, you are out of your mind. You can't use magic at us!”
Well, he can but that wasn't your point, okay?
“Crazy? I am that for you, aren't I?”
He mumbled to himself, having him in front of you was less reassuring than you anticipated.
What does he expect you to say?
His hand, tainted with ink, takes hold your chin.
Green pupils misted with turbulence, there was no malice in him, to your surprise, there was sorrow. Malleus was in grief, you assumed.
“Whether it's you or Lilia, I'll be left alone again. Isn't this how I should have it be?”
Your mouth was dry, unable to reply.
He can convince you, he shall, and until then? A slumber was what would befallen upon you.
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Sherlock x fem! reader
- oh. my. god. i got a few requests for this virgin/ inexperienced smutty fic and lord i got so carried away. I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH IT TOOK ME SO LONG BUT MY OWN WRITING HAS ME FERAL??? help x 
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Sherlock was feeling completative, pondering upon forbidden grounds that he wouldn't usually travel. He was walking through the avenues of his mind, the thoughts reeling through him- even though it really wasn’t a good time.
You were next to him, he was being awarded another stupid gift for his incredible and somewhat pretentious sleuthing skills but he really wasn't paying much attention. Not after what he did. Not after what he felt.
Sherlock accidentally grazed your fingers while you were standing next to him, he was versed enough to catch onto bodily reactions but yours was incredibly different. Your breath caught in your throat but you still let out an audible gasp, you stiffened under his glare and your face started to blush a heated rose with every moment he stared at you. Lips parted, eyes widened with a surprised sheen, teeth clamping onto your lower lip- he didn't know he had the ability to draw that type of reaction out of you. He hasn't really seen a woman react like that before. Especially because of something he did.
Jesus Christ, it's like you've never been touched before.
He stole another glance at you. You were incredibly bashful, not in a nervous way but in an endearing shyness. Naive but knowing, chilling but warm...sexy yet sweet. A mystery altogether and Sherlock wanted to uncover all the secrets you were hiding, you were concealing something and he wanted to find out what it was. It was nagging him relentlessly. He was in spite of it. Sherlock was able to deduce anything about anyone but he couldn't place his finger on you, maybe it's because he couldn't but maybe it was because he didn't want to. This helpless attitude he was beginning to adopt was disarming him and he did not like it one bit. Even if he did want you, he simply wouldn't have the opportunity, you were as blocked off as he was.
Stop, Sherlock. She's much too young.
Sherlock's sex life was incredibly demanding. It never really occured to others that he had a sex life at all but what he demanded in the bedroom was intricate and detailed- he fucked his women in the way he alone wanted. He pushed the limits of every woman he had ever bedded and to some it may be shocking that he had a line of women begging for him.
Sherlock's tastes were very singular, specific and he was beggining to question if...you...were adventurous in bed. He shouldn't even be thinking about you in this way because you seemed so...innocent. Normally he didn't find that attractive but you were a fascinating creature altogether.
His brow creased. He could quite literally feel you shiver. He wondered if you were cold or nervous, but it all began to click- the puzzle pieces began to fall into place and he only realised once you were alone in his presence.
He asked you to meet him at Baker Street.
You were filled with dread and pining, you weren't even sure if it was quiet or loud pining but the desperation that was beginning to bubble within you was becoming very difficult to control and hide. Especially when the object of your desires wanted you to meet him..alone. You were so sweet for him. So ready for him but concern began whirring the cogs in your mind...for one, Sherlock Holmes was quite frankly unattainable and you were...inexperienced. Either way you were fucked, and not in the way you wanted too. He was just too potent, too strong and he could see through anything and everyone, you couldn't deal with the embarrassment he would be so unashamed to put on you- dealing with the ramifications of that would simply be your downfall.
But you couldn't find it in your bones to say no. Saying no to Sherlock Holmes? It simply wasn't within you, you couldn't find the strength to pretend not to want him anymore. Your heart thundered with every step you took up those stairs. Velveteen and living single wasn't really cutting it for you anymore.
‘’Sherlock?’’ You called after him as you creaked the door open, not really expecting an answer from him. ‘’Sherlock, what do you want?'’ You sighed exasperated and annoyed by the way he was keeping you waiting.
He was very certain with himself. He had a simple hypothesis but he wasn't sure if it was true, it really couldn't be true. Sherlock came out from the kitchen to see you standing there, trying to keep yourself cool, calm and collected but anyone with a brain stem could see that you were filled with panic. He straightened his blazer and unbottoned it as he made his way over to you.
‘’Can I try something? Please.’’ Sherlock asked with inquisitive and dark eyes, you were wondering what he wanted, what he was going to do. ‘’An experiment of sorts.’’
All you could do was mindlessly nod. ‘’Yeah.’’ You breathed.
Sherlock gazed into the endless summer of your eyes. If time stood still you'd take this moment and make it last forever. Your pupils dialated and that was something to cross off his checklist, his face was nearing yours and you blinked up at his dumbly. Your breath mingled with his and you stilled once his fingertips grazed up the bare skin of your arm, the pads flowing on the suppleness like oil upon water. Smooth skin left with goosebumps, you let out a shaky breath- completely confused yet enthralled with what he was doing.
His head dipped near your ear. Sherlock could feel your pulse kick into overdrive, he felt your body alight as he neared you- warm breath coating your skin. You were so damn shy, bright, deep and arousing as hell.
‘’No. It simply can't be true.’’ Sherlock muttered, he let go of you and you felt as though the sun just left everything in complete darkness.
Sherlock swayed slowly to lean on the edge of the table, arms crossed and the way he stood was enough to make electricity shoot down your thighs. Sherlock was shocked. It really couldn't be true but he secretly hoped it was.
‘’What are you talking about?’’ You asked impassively, afraid to reveal too much of yourself and the desire to jump his bones you were feigning in.
Sherlock finally pieced together you hadn't had anyone. You were a virgin.
It made his breath halt in his tracks when he came to the realisation, aren't people your age supposed to be fucking like bunnies? It was an objective expression: you were beautiful, sweet, charming and completely disarming. You had barely been touched. The thought is strangely appealling. Inexperienced? He could work with that, God knows he wanted to.
‘’Have you been kissed before?’’ Sherlock asked out of the blue, completely oblivious to how dumbfounded you were.
‘’Of course I have.’’ He thought you looked offended.
Yeah, you've been kissed but not often.... for some damn reason, it pleased him.
‘’Have you ever been touched before?’’ He questioned as if it was a normal thing to say.
You opened your mouth to talk but you couldn't find it in yourself to speak.
You were so...different. So different to his other women. He liked that.
And he wanted to fuck you, spank you and watch your skin pink beneath his cold hands. You weren't talking, that's out of the question now- isn't it?
He wanted to whip you into shape, your mouth would need training of course but he liked your naivite- it provided a challenge. Well maybe not fuck, that's too heavy handed for you. Maybe he could break you in...show you the ropes. It would be a novel experience for the both of you.
The look in Sherlock's eyes was that of fire swirling into a cylone, he sauntered his way over to you like a sly fox. Your chest was heavy as you looked up at him, the proximity between you two growing smaller and smaller. You daren't blink when he hooked his fingers up from your chin and jutted it up slightly- the feeling of his hands on yours was enough to do you in.
‘’I would like to bite that lip.’’ Sherlock grumbled concisely, his voice low and authoritative and your lips parted in surprise, he grazed his thumb over the soft pink flesh of your lips.
‘’I think I'd like that too.’’ You whispered, shocked by your own words.
‘’Where have you been? How have you been- how could you…?’’ Sherlock breathed, eyes inquisitive. Imploring you to make him understand how no one had taken you, no one had had you or touched you. How could it be possible?
‘’Waiting.’’ You breathed as you felt his hands cradle your face. ‘’For you.’’
‘’And a nice young man hasn't swooped you off of your feet? Men must throw themselves at you.’’
You were melting, knees buckling- you felt pathetic.
‘’No. No one. Just wanted you.’’ You exhaled, so intense and certain of your desire for him as you give him a bright come hither look, he was startled by the fact you weren't feeling so innocent now.
‘’Can I kiss you?’’ Sherlock asked politely and under his breath, which he wouldn't normally do but for you he was willing to bend the rules, his rules and it made him irate. He didn't like his specific rules he set be broken...he was just so curious about you that he was pushing to just get you out of that skirt, gag you and fuck you over the table but he had to tread lightly.
You shocked him when you grabbed him by the collar like instinct and slanted your mouth against his. Sherlock twisted his hand in your hair while your lips seek to find his. You moan into his mouth, the call of a siren and finally he could sample you: mint, tea, peach and an orchard of mellow fruitfulness, a fresh full supply that he wanted to drown in. Innocence and sweetness.
You taste every bit as good as you look.
You reminded him of a time of plenty. Good Lord, he was yearning for you.
Sherlock grasped your chin, deepening the kiss and your tongue tentatively touches his...exploring. Considering. Feeling. Revelling. Kissing him back.
Good God in Heaven. You thought you would grow wings before you could see the day, this could only happen in your wildest fantasies and dreams. A manifestation of sorts. You were punch drunk off of his taste, completely intoxicated beyond your reach and you didn't want to let go but you had to tear your lips away from his to breathe.
‘’I want to take you now...can I?’’ Sherlock had to ask politely, he couldn't just jump your bones although he wanted to.
‘’Sherlock, please. Do whatever you want with me, take control, I don't care. Just because I haven't been touched in this way doesn't mean I'm fragile and breakable. Fuck me how you want to, show me what you like. I've waited long enough, just do something.’’
Your voice sensual and that of an exotic creature, far too holy to be considered earthly. Sherlock had to contain his amusement and surprise, wow you were pulling the rug from under him and he liked that a lot. Those big doe eyes wide and gleaming to give you a morsel of the pleasure you were craving. He loved your incessant blushing.
‘’You don't mean that.’’ Sherlock warned.
‘’Yes I do.’’ Your voice timid.
‘’You're incredibly brave. I'm in awe of you.’’
‘’I feel like I'm too clothed.’’ You flirted.
Sherlock wanted to taste you, eat you out until tears were leaking down your face and then shock you with his cock.
He'd get there soon...in time. Maybe next time, he'd use the riding crop.
Yeah, yeah keep dreaming Sherlock. You have her here right now, just ease into it.
When he gripped you by the hand and lead you to his room, you felt your cheeks pink in desire. Sherlock felt a wholly unexpected thrill unfurl inside of him. He held you flush against his body. You gasp in surprise and his loud thoughts were subdued by his libido, he was so damn horny because of you- you had no clue how arousing you where. So alluring.
Sherlock's fingers tug at your hair, pulling your face up to his as he gazed into your captivating eyes.
This is so different...so intimate. It felt so heated. Although there was no arrangement made between you two, nothing placed, no limits set, you weren't his to do with as he pleases but yet he was still excited.
Aroused. It was obvious the way he was trying to reign his eagerness in when he was peeling you out of your clothes. You were shivering into his feather light touches, your body was alight like the fourth of July- a million fireworks exploding into the clear night sky and you were bathing in the feeling. He was so damn seductive. It was an unfamilair and exhilerating feeling, the desire for him coursing through you, at the tipping edge of a giant rollercoaster.
Sherlock got you half naked fairly quickly, he kneeled in front of you as you stood and your eyes widened. Sherlock Holmes on his knees? Dear God. You felt so special. He got you in your bra and now he wanted to peel your skirt off. His gleaming eyes met with yours and they daren't waver, they were blown out and dialated. Sherlock hands gripped onto your hips and he kissed the skin below the hem of your skirt and it began riding up with his nose as it travelled north. You whimpered and threw your head back in pure ecstasy. Your brows tensed as he stopped kissing you and finally shimmied your skirt down your legs.
Damn it.
His cock hardened in his pants. You in stockings? You in fine lingerie even though you had no one getting to see you like this, this…intimate? Who were you wearing them for? Him? Oh fuck. He was on top of the world.
His nose trailed over your panties and the scent of you was simply perfect, so delicious, he was salivating.
‘’Do you have any idea what I'm going to do to you?’’ He grumbled, planting kisses on your thighs.
You whined at nothing, the words filling you up entirely. You were entranced- lost in his spell- he was clearly happy with himself.
‘’Do you want me to kiss you here, sweetheart?’’ Sherlock asked and you nodded fervently as his mouth was dangerously near the place where your ache was.
Lord, you were pulsating. Soaked.
‘’Yes. Please.’’ You agreed politely and he loved how naive and cute you were, it was delightful that you remembered your manners.
Sherlock's thick finger pulled your panties to the side as he kissed and suckled on that spot that no one else had touched. You felt electricity course through you, your hands flew to his soft curls to tug at it. It made him feel so good. His tongue was doing his magic now, swiping and suckling on your swollen clit, illiciting these lewd noises out of you in the process.
You were seriously about to cry, it was all so much.
You grabbed his face to make him stand and he got on his feet in quick hot flashes, his mouth was fastened to yours again. You moaned into his mouth when his tongue tangled with yours again, you could taste yourself off of him- it was so damn erotic, something out of a dream. When he ripped his lips from yours to see the wanton look in your eyes, he found that you were covered in a delicious rose, your breathing shallow and quick. You were clearly embarrassed at how quickly he got you like this.
Sherlock groaned when you gripped onto his arms, he finally reached behind you and unclasped your bra. Your tits fell free and he immediately palmed at them, your nipples were painfully hard and it made him realise how badly you actually wanted him. Your skin was warm as you flushed. It was the first time anyone else had seen you naked and the fact it was the infamous Sherlock Holmes made it all the more better.
'So pretty, I want to mark your skin up, make you mine." He wasn't sure why he blurted the last part. Would he make you his? Well you weren't.
‘’Do it then.’’ You breathed.
Like clockwork, he obeyed. His teeth sunk into the skin of your neck as he littered bites all down the column of it, leaving his mark on you.
His mark all over you. You then noticed that he was still fully clothed and it made you frown and Sherlock saw that as he peeked at you.
‘’What's with the frown? Am I not satisfying you enough?’’ He taunted.
‘’You've still got clothes on.’’ You pouted. ‘’Let me take it off for you.’’ You offered so deliciously and for once, Sherlock let you. It was unheard of, but you were already bending his rules.
You unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off him, but before you could revel in his physique he pushed you onto the bed. Your face contorted into different scenarios of pleasure and he wasn't even inside you yet. Sherlock fawned over you, hands roaming every inch of your skin, your hands raking in his hair. Breath warm as he kissed you. Your hands flew to his pants.
Whoa...gentle. Easy. So...eager. He liked that. The naive innocent itching to just get into his pants- interesting.
You unzipped it and Sherlock finally let his cock spring free. He peeked up at your face to check that you were still keen but it was more than that. You were desperate. Your mouth formed into an 'o' as it popped open, eyes wide with how big he was. It startled you, even envisioning what it would look like. He was leaking. Fuck.
‘’You still want this?’’ He checks again and you nodded furiously, already panting. Has he ever been this aroused? He didn't get it…it must be you.
Sherlock postioned himself in between your thighs as he slid into you so he could take you on his whim. Your eyes were open wide, imploring him as you strained. Should he be gentle and prolong the agony or just go for it?
The need to posses you clouds him. He goes for it.
You cry out and the pain felt so fucking God, the sting burned and you fucking loved it.
‘’Is that okay?’’ Sherlock checked as his eyes bore into yours, your face was etched in pure pleasure.
‘’Mmhmm...fuck...it feels...nice.’’ You whisper in his ear, moaning and whimpering and it was like his favourite sound of music.
Sherlock? Nice?
Oh no, that's not good enough.
Sherlock wasn't nice in bed he was downright devilish in bed but for you he was willing to be soft, maybe later he'll fuck you in every way possible.
He had never felt this desire. This hunger before. He wanted so much from you but for now, he wanted you to cum on him.
Sherlock eased in and out of you slowly, eyes connected and scorching. Intimate. Hot. Slow. Normally, he would've pinned your hands above your head but right now they were in his hair and that's exactly where he wanted them to be right now. He began to pick up the pace and your moans echoed throughout his bedroom. It was just beginning to dawn on you that you were being fucked by Sherlock Holmes in his own bedroom.
‘’You're so fucking wet, I love it.’’ He cooed condescendingly and you didn't find it in yourself to care.
Sherlock reached you at the hilt, hitting that spot over and over as he kissed your lips and your jaw. He was just relentless and perfect.
‘’..God..'’ It was more of a strangled cry than an actual word.
‘’Cum with me...feel it with me, baby.’’
That's it…Feel it.
He loved that you were so responsive, he'd have to keep you in line for that later though. The pet name drove you to insanity as you bottomed out, gushing onto him as the flood gates opened and you had none of the means to keep them closed. Your cry was incandescent and it made him follow you in your footsteps. How telling. It was an explosive collision, a once in a lifetime event. That blush began to coat and prick your skin again.
When he finished, he rolled off beside you to regain his breath. The air was so thick and fulfilled, fire and erosion turning the atmosphere to molten lava. You cut through the pants.
‘’Am I supposed to thank you...because..uhm. Thank you.’’ You breathed bashfully, so sensual in your stance but you attempted to collect yourself and he wanted to laugh.
You were so amusing. So fun.
‘’This was more for me than you.’’ Sherlock admitted truthfully.
‘’Humility will always be a mystery to you.’’ You raised your eyebrow as you leaned to your side to peek up at him. Silence encompassed the air as your statement was incredibly true, he wasn't oblivious to it.
‘’How on Earth have you avoided…?’’ Sherlock seemed exasperated, confused as his brows creased but you cut him off.
‘’I told you, I wasn't interested. I only wanted you.’’
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the-goya-jerker · 16 days
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Immersion (Piss Christ) by Andres Serrano requested by @nintheyeblinder
This piece is part of a series by Serrano including other classical statues submerged in various liquids (blood, milk, etc.)
It is not, despite what some believe, anything against Christ or the religion that follows him. Instead Serrano had this to say about it:
"What it symbolizes is the way Christ died: the blood came out of him but so did the piss and the shit. Maybe if Piss Christ upsets you, it's because it gives some sense of what the crucifixion actually was like...I was born and raised a Catholic and I've been a Christian all my life."
And listen, I'm not into piss. (I also feel like Serrano should have been drinking more water when he made this piece in the 80's, but I digress). But I think that's a cool fucking sentiment. It's one I do agree with, despite not being any form of Christian. Death is fucking ugly. You shit yourself, you piss yourself, it's gross. And you know what, that isn't because death is unique either. Birth is gross, there's blood, the birthing parent is probably gonna shit themselves and not even know. Humans are gross in general. We're nasty creatures.
Too often in our modern hyper-sanitized culture we try to distance ourselves from the aspects of our nature that repulse us. Death, aging, sickness. You cannot so much as discuss piss without someone making some comment about piss kinks, essentially raising the accusation of what they perceive to be sexual deviance in order to shut you up.
To the surprise of none of you, I am sure, I think this is awful. Our distance from death alienates us from our own mourning. Our revulsion at aging has ten year old girls creating half hour skincare routines to manage wrinkles. I think in talking about humans, which Jesus was, we should not be so distant from the topic of piss and shit. In talking about human death we shouldn't refuse to admit that the human will piss and shit themselves. Jesus, the super duper holy figure of Christianity, would have pissed and shit himself! That's nasty, that sucks! But it's true! If you feel uncomfortable with that and you're Christian maybe you haven't considered the suffering crucified people faced in the Roman Empire. If he's your savior, why would you refuse to sit with that?
I think this is a lovely devotional piece. I love a good devotional piece... I do keep thinking about the smell of that piss though, man. And I keep thinking about Serrano's hydration...
Ultimately, it's not my vibe, but if I don't look at the picture and I meditate on the actual meaning, it is kinda hot. It kinda makes me wish I was Christian. Or into piss.
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stupidfuckingwindow · 7 months
Three's company // Holland March, Jackson Healy.
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Word count: 1.5k
Content/Warnings: NSFW, Holland cums a lot. Gets romantic real fast. Takes place after an upcoming fic. Slight crack in the beginning, emotional at the end.
Big thanks to @hoppingonjim for writing Jackson Healy fics. He just does something to my mind and I need him, I fear. I love their fics, go check them out. I reread their stuff to help me with writing my own version of Healy.
It's barely been thirty minutes and Holland's already cum twice, flecks of white splattered onto his chest. (And, by God, listen when I fucking tell you that it's an absurd amount of cum, Jesus CHRIST.) His suit- the blue and orange one you like so much- is nothing short of a disheveled mess, and his hair is in a similar state of disarray. At this point, it seems like Holland is having the most fun between you and his partner, despite the fact he's barely even been touched. Despite that fact, he's literally panting.
Going back to his made mess of cumming, he'd actually managed to get both you and Healy, who's a good enough distance away that you could almost consider Holland's unorthodox ability impressive. No matter how surprising that little idea seems to be, Jackson sure isn't impressed.
"We've barely even taken off your damn clothes," he tells Holland. He isn't given a response that's coherent, just a loud 'Fuck!' from March when his hips jolt upwards at the feeling of your hand wrapped around his cock. And, even with that, your grip is relatively light and Holland is doing all the work, fucking into your hand again like countless nights before this. The cigarette hanging from his mouth is on the verge of leaving him, just barely managing to stay between his lips.
Jackson mutters something under his breath along the lines of "Oh, Jesus fucking Christ," before he's tugging off Holland's suit jacket for him and starting to peel clothes off the older man. Even though he seems annoyed at best and irritated at worst, the erection straining against his jeans tells you that he's anything but.
..Maybe a little annoyed, definitely frustrated- You know that for sure.
You're in a similar state of arousal, heat having simmered in your lower half. But you and Healy had simultaneously and wordlessly agreed that it'd be best if you dealt with Holland before helping one another out. The only problem now is that Holland is still hard, still going, and is making such a racket that you're sure someone'll be at your door to complain in the early hours.
In an attempt to start pulling off the rest of Holland's clothes, the P.I. starts to grind his cock against your still clothed hips, letting out a low moan. His head falls back, eyes squeezing shut and making the skin around his nose scrunch up when he accidentally hits the back of his head too hard.
It takes you a minute, but you finally slide his boxers and dress pants off of him, haphazardly tossing the articles of clothing to the floor. His hips shift a little, legs moving to trap you between his thighs and keep you there. You squeeze the base of his cock in a positive response, and another curse leaves Holland. His whole body jumps in its attempt to seek more pleasure out of your grasp.
There's already pre-cum starting to collect on the head of his dick, pooling down your knuckles and onto your thighs that rest beneath him. More leaks out and spreads over your fingers, and your thumb brushes over the sensitive tip.
But you've already paid enough attention to Holland, you think. Your grip loosens around him, but you keep it there. Still, your attention switches to Healy (who's much more patient than you'd given him credit for, in all honesty). His focus is on you, too. Interest in those blues of his that you find to be lighter than Holland's. It's a subtle detail, but one to still be noticed and kept in mind for whatever reason. It's not important, it shouldn't be, but it is, to you, and you don't know why.
With your free hand, you wipe away a little of Holland's ejaculate from his face and bring your lips to his. Something new pokes through his usual exterior, surprise at your movements. He doesn't make any move to pull away or resist or even hesitate, his tongue against yours. You doubt he's been touched in a while. You think he'd admitted it himself to you, once, but you can't exactly recall.
Not like this, with Holland fucking your hand and his enforcer of a partner kissing you. In your home, because Holland didn't have the patience to drive to his place. Because Holland had wanted this now, with you and Jackson and no one else.
And, now that you think about it, Holland hasn't been touched in a while either. He's pent up, has been for a while, ever since his wife passed.
But, even knowing that he could have picked someone else, he didn't. He knows you, he chose you. And, even if he's not yet ready to say 'I love you', yet, you know he does. Some part of him cares, bothers enough to still talk to you. And it makes you feel wanted, even if this is a somewhat unconventional pairing, you and Holland and Jackson.
Even Jackson seems to care, as you two finally part for air. He's paid to protect, but that's not what this is anymore. It's unconditional at this point.
There's a faint string of saliva still connecting you and him when your attention turns back to Holland. And you were so lost in thought and the feeling, that he'd cum again unnoticed, large cock finally going soft in your hand while he gasps for air. "Jesus," You hear him mutter, to himself, see his eyes flutter shut. You let him go, leave him to curl on his side and sleepily mumble to himself about indecipherable nonsense.
You and Jackson are on one another pretty quickly, still a little slower and shy with one another as you get a feel for what the two of you even want to do. The two of you are still covered in Holland's release, but it's not a problem. The most it gets in the way is in the form of a taste between the two of your tongues, adding a tang of salt.
Your clothes are off before his, warm hands embracing your hips to pull you further against him while you work on undressing him. Your hand slips into the front of his jeans, pumping slow strokes up the length of his cock. He groans into your lips, hands squeezing your hips a little at the feeling.
And, just as the attention had just been stuck on Holland, now it's on you.
Another set of hands join your hips from behind; Holland is up again, already. Jesus Christ. And he's already hard, grinding his erection against your ass while he whispers praise into your bare shoulder. Kisses trail the back of your neck, and you feel his hair tickle the side of your face. His breath is hot on your shoulder, naked body flush against yours. His scent is cigarettes and peppery cologne that he can't even smell.
"You're so good for us," He quietly tells you, nose buried in your shoulder while he rocks his hips against yours. The movement pushes you slightly against Healy, as well, pleasure shared between everyone involved. Thick fingers stroke at your hips soothingly, passion exchanged for a quiet, calm moment. It's less like the heavy, heated tension of arousal and more similar to the sweet focus of romance, only heightened by Holland's sweet kisses that are peppered across your skin.
Healy takes a second to remove the rest of his clothes, leaving you in his partner's embrace and care. But his presence is drawn close again, bringing back warmth to your front.
Holland shifts you and himself so that your legs will wrap around Jackson's waist, and his head moves to your other shoulder, chin resting in the crook of your neck. He kneads loving circles into your right thigh, keeping your legs open for his partner. Two of Healy's fingers slide into your cunt, thumb pressing against your clit. His eyes switch between your face to his fingers, watching how they move in and out of your wet centre.
As Healy fucks you on his fingers, Holland's free hand traces little shapes and patterns into your skin, his eyes fluttering shut. He's still tired, no doubt, but it doesn't matter more to him than this does.
Every side of you is warm, seen and touched and handled with care.
And when the tip of Healy's cock finally pushes past your folds, Holland's praise is just as unwavering. His kisses are slow and deliberate, matching in perfect timing with each drag of Jackson's hips against yours. Holland's arms wrap around your torso, practically radiating warmth into your skin that settles along your body.
"I love you," Holland finally admits, long after you and Healy have cummed together. Once the three of you had finally curled into bed together and Holland and Jackson held you. Long after the lights had turned off. And it's a confession that matters, to you. One telling the truth. He's fully sober as he says it. And even if Healy is asleep and no one but you can hear it, it's a step in the right direction.
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pupyuj · 10 months
ive read your yves story and it was amazing oh my god.. i wanted to ask if you could write something similar with chaeyoung? (no gp) <3
assuming this is twice chaeyoung, i think i nailed itjdjfjfnfk thanks for the ask, my brain short-circuited writing this 😭😭😭 btw i didnt know if anon wanted dom chaeyoung or sub so i kinda did what i thought was fitting??? hope thats ok!!!
[cw: smut, stepcest, brat taming, degradation, dom!reader (surprise..), fingering, overstimulation, slapping, spanking, masochism too ig]
i imagine chaeyoung would be like this annoying little sister that's somehow still very endearing that you dote on her and become snobby at her at the same time 😭😭 she's definitely a tease too and is not at all subtle with her interest in you, which becomes a problem when family members are around bcs jesus christ, she's relentless with her affection that is definitely not appropriate for someone that you call your sibling 🫣
at first, it was all just little touches and jokes about dating you if the two of you weren't family,, but then it turns into chaeyoung staring at you like she wants to pounce on you, wearing revealing clothing to rile you up, whispering things to you during family dinners, sitting on your lap not-so-innocently, and then touching you everywhere ... but unfortunately for her, you had better control of your temptations than she thought 😩 .. until you didn't??? 👀
what if you're not the nice and adorable (y/n)-unnie anymore when chaeyoung got soooo jealous of you spending too much with this one pretty friend that you had :(( chaeyoung visiting your room one night with a mission in mind while you're walking back and forth doing some chores, getting increasingly annoyed at her ranting and then she just,, disrespects your friend and you snap??? you tell her to take what she said back, but being the brat that she was, chaeyoung says no and y'know.. the classic brat thing to say, "make me."
being the big sister, you should be teaching her a lesson right??? she shouldn't be talking about your friend in front of you like that,, so you had to do something, right?? maybe sit her down and talk to her normally.. but chaeyoung keeps on talking badly about your friend and any ounce of consideration you had for her just fades away and you just,,, hit her across the face w your palm,, you wanted to apologize as soon as it happened but this fucking girl.. she looked at you in the eye and said, "...can you do that again, unnie?"
and you did, in fact, do it again! but this time chaeyoung's shorts were off and she was bent over your bed, whimpering and moaning every time your hand hits her ass. "apologize. you shouldn't talk about your unnie's friends like that." you said in her ear as you pulled her hair back, preventing her from burying her head on your sheets to muffle her sounds. chaeyoung, the little brat, grins despite the pain in her scalp and she shakes her head, "no. i don't like unnie's friends— aghh...!" she's squirming every time you hit her, desperately trying to ease the growing wetness between her thighs. she wanted you to fuck her already,,
😵‍💫 spanking chaeyoung for what seems like forever bcs she absolutely refused to apologize,, her ass so red and her cheeks stained with tears,,, she's sobbing but she wants more, this was everything she wanted from you and there was no fucking way she was going to let the opportunity pass just like that. you were silent for minutes too long, and chaeyoung thinks you might have left the room,, but then she feels her panties getting pulled down and suddenly, she was full.
you forced your middle and ring fingers inside of her without warning and immediately started pounding her at a rapid pace,,, 😩 chaeyoung not being able to hold anything back anymore and just moans loudly,,, tears starting to fall again bcs it felt so good to be fucked and put in her place by her very own older stepsister 😵‍💫😵‍💫
listening to chaeyoung letting out the dirtiest sounds, and her begging for you to go faster and harder and to make her come,,, so blinded by irritation that you start become a meanie :((
"you must be so fucking happy about this, huh?? getting railed by your unnie, just like you always wanted... you're just a good-for-nothing slut..."
"is this the only way to get you to behave? so be it, then..."
"the fuck are you crying for? this is what you were trying to achieve all this time, right? so fucking enjoy it.. because we'll be doing this until you decide to stop being a pain in the ass and apologize."
you were scaryyy,, but chaeyoung loved it.. your words only turned her on even more :(( her coming with a yelp, and then sobbing bcs you wouldn't stop,,, continuing on fingering her even when she turned into a shaking, babbling mess on your bed,, chaeyoung couldn't count how many orgasms you forced out of her that night, and that fact only made her fall in love with you even more,, nasty nasty girl 🤭
would definitely try to piss you off again <3 and again and again and agai—
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Based of this idea I had.
Imagine the reader getting continually distracted by Steve being shirtless and Eddie being all like...
😑😒 and those big brown eyes are all sad and he's just a pouty, jealous, baby boy
Most importantly he does not die in this.
Warnings; Jealous Eddie, he's a pouty, grumpy baby boy. Teeny tiny bit angst, Clueless reader, mutual pining. Fluff.
If you enjoyed this then please consider giving it a reblog. It is very much appreciated 😘
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I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
You would think that being in the Upside Down for the first time would be the thing that she focused on most but it wasn't.
Instead, that accolade went to Steve who was shirtless and covered in demo bat at bites.
She really shouldn't look but she couldn't tear her eyes away.
When did he get so hairy? it was a good look on him it's just since last year when they met she never noticed it.
Maybe because at that time they were fighting for their lives at Starcourt and this time they... were still fighting for their lives but now he was all shirtless and being distracting.
Eddie was beside her, she could smell his Old Spice aftershave and instinctively stepped closed to him but notices his jaw is tight and he has the cutest pout on his face and big sad eyes.
What happened? Some small part of her told her that he noticed she was looking at Steve and a thrill goes through her. Was he jealous?
Something about him drew her in and they spent a lot of time together because Dustin, Lucas, and Mike were in Hellfire and she would take over picking them up on Friday if Steve was working.
She had started to fall for him but had no idea if he felt the same.
He looked so adorable and grumpy all she wants to do at this precise moment is kiss him.
The ground started to rumble bringing her out of her reverie. Steve grabs hold of Nancy and Robin.
The impact of the ground shaking knocks her off her feet and into Eddie who captures her in his arms as they both hit the ground.
His arms are tight around her waist and she peers up at him - at those gorgeous doe eyes and has the urge to kiss him.
Eddie's eyes widen slightly then darken with something that makes her ache deep down in her core.
Robin clears her throat smirking at them and Eddie helps her up.
She thanks him then turns away her heart racing as she focuses on Nancy who is working out a plan.
Steve's chest is also still very distracting and she sneaks a glance at him.
Suddenly Eddie's denim vest flies toward Steve hitting him on his chest, it knocks him back a few steps.
Eddie's eyes are flashing and he looks very angry.
"For your modesty dude," he stalks away as they begin their walk to the Wheeler's house, and her stomach fills with butterflies at his reaction to her and Steve.
Maybe things weren't as hopeless as she thought on the feelings front?
It had been exactly four days since Vecna was defeated and the upside down was closed for good.
Four days since the demo bat attack almost claimed Eddie's life when he had put himself in danger to distract the bats from getting to Nancy, Robin, and Steve while they lit Vecna's Grinch-looking ass up.
Jim Hopper was back, which was a surprise to a lot of us because we assumed he died in the explosion last summer, El promised she would tell us the full story once Hopper told her.
Since he was back and reinstated as chief of police he had cleared all the false charges against Eddie for the murders that Vecna caused.
Even for a town as strange as Hawkins, it would be hard to explain that a monster called Vecna who was once a human called Henry Creel and supposedly dead- now very dead) was the culprit.
Eddie brings her out of her thoughts as he settles beside her. He's just out of the hospital but is still very sore.
"Jesus h Christ what a fucking week" he groans and she nods.
"I know, will be nice to have some peace and with the Upside Down closed thankfully none of us has to take that trip again"
He huffs.
"I'm sure there were some things that were interesting to you" he grumbles and she stares at him for a second.
"What?" did he mean her looking at Steve?
"Steve has a distracting chest, I get why you like him, he's a good guy, handsome, good with chicks, you dig the bush on his chest," he says and he looks so cute and pouty that she sighs.
"You're a butthead, Eddie Munson" she replies, how can he not see it's him she likes? Sure Steve is handsome and she was distracted by him but she liked Eddie.
"You wanna know my type?" he perks up and looks at her intrigued.
"Steve..." she shakes her head and sighs then lets all the feelings she has pent up out in the open.
"Not Steve, no. I like a hot metalhead who has the biggest, most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. Who's kind and sweet and so fucking handsome and I adore him. Who I've been falling for and never thought he liked me"
He looks stunned for a second then moves closer to her and kisses her.
"Never thought I like you? Now who's the butthead" he smirks and she rolls her eyes but is still beaming.
"I adore you, princess. That's why I was so jealous" he presses a light kiss to her nose then back to her lips and she wraps her arms around him feeling like she is home- that being in his arms is the best feeling in the world.
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zorciarkrildrush · 7 months
I really get and support conscientious objection to military service, but I think it's also worth reminding mainly Americans but definitely not only Americans that Israel's wars are not comparable to things like Vietnam (where dodging the draft was, obviously, the thing people like me would be supporting), and definitely not Iraq and Afghanistan or any other damn overseas conflict they grew up with. I get that you did not, and will likely never experience actual frequent attempts to invade and destroy your country and your people. That's good! I get why for you, military service seems morally indefensible. You wouldn't catch me calling you wrong, or a weak hearted liberal, or any other damn thing. You think the service itself is wrong, that serving an armed force in any capacity is wrong, and I really get that!
But Israeli troops - conscripts in compulsory service (which of course, they would go to jail for dodging) and reservists and NCOs and so on, aren't opting for overseas operations done purely for funsies and capitalism and fear of the USSR. You must recognize this false equivalency is very prevalent, even when your criticisms of the Israeli government and the IDF are very true and important. God knows I have a lot of criticism for both, jesus fucking christ do I. In the mind of every 18-year old dumbass kid, getting their first letter of conscription (which is again, compulsory and will be enforced with jailtime) - and also their parents, and their grandparents, is actual and real danger to their lives. Our neighbours invading with the real, publicly expressed intent of killing us, of demolishing our homes and driving us to the sea as a whole. This isn't a proxy war overseas, where they can just not go and be fine with it - there are actual people with guns and they're firing actual rockets aimed at your mom and everybody else you know. People with guns are breaching the fence with the express purpose of murdering you and your family. Not random Palestinians or other Arabs just trying to live their life - actual governments with actual armed forces, who use those armed forces to kill you. Hell, you probably know someone, either directly or one step removed, who violently died because of it. This was true since Israel's inception, and the staggering amount of times it happened is not something you can just solve with "well they shouldn't have done so and so!". Because yes, certainly, the Israeli government shouldn't have done a lot of things, and maybe you'll say those dastardly Zionists should have never wanted to come here, seeing how nice and safe and wanted they felt back home. But discussing what people shouldn't have done is very nice, especially when it doesn't personally affect you, especially when you never lived with the frequent and real danger of violent death - but I'd also suggest it doesn't really help anyone. Certainly the person currently launching a rocket aimed at my house shouldn't have opted to do that, and certainly the person who chose to pick up a gun and fire at me shouldn't have done so either, but I'd really prefer to talk about what we should do now - what the actual solution is for both Palestinian and Israeli parents to stop losing sons and daughters to violence every fucking year of their lives. Is that okay? Is that allowed? Or is it more effective to just say an 18 year old kid, commanded to pick up a gun and watch for someone coming over to kill their mom, which is a constant and real threat and has been for decades, is a mindless murder monster? That he's doing it for funsies and due to brainwashing only? My answer might surprise you.
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127tyong · 2 years
Highway to Heaven: Part 2
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Pairing: NCT Dream ‘00 Line + Yangyang X Reader
Smut Pairings: Haechan X Reader, Jeno X Reader X Jaemin
Genre: PWP, Fluff, Angst, College AU
Warnings: Explicit Language, toxic (really toxic, dead dove do not eat), possessive themes, anal, oral, threesome
Word Count: 6.2k
Intro: Part 1:
"Oh my God, you're crazy!" You slapped Haechan since he was crouching in front of you, but it was pretty gentle.
"You need to learn how to properly slap someone. Go on, do it again." Haechan pointed to his cheek, sticking his face out. 
"...No?" You stared at him, tilting your head out of confusion.
"No? Come on, just slap me!" He whined and pouted.
"Fine!" You slapped him as hard as you could, swinging your arm back and towards him, the smack loud enough you were sure everyone else could hear it.
"My ears are ringing now." Haechan looked at you, stunned.
You rolled your eyes. "You asked for it."
"Oh, you wanna be obedient? Get on your hands and knees then."
You looked at him blankly.
"I mean… I know you and Renjun aren't actually dating." Haechan paced around the room, scratching the back of his neck.
"Excuse me?" You deadpanned.
"If you don't want me to tell Jeno… you'll do what I say." Haechan sat back down next to you, and traced his fingers down your spine, that mischievous glint never leaving his eyes.
You stood up. "No, we're really dating, I mean, didn't you hear me and Renjun?" You said, referring to your moans.
Haechan scoffed. "Just because he likes you doesn't mean you like him."
"Do you really think I'm like that?" You looked down at him.
He stood up and pinned you against the wall, his hand around your throat, pushing your chin up, looking directly into your eyes. "Come on, do you really think that I believe that you were in love with Renjun while you were cuddling with Jaemin?" Haechan rolled his eyes. "And we all know you sucked Jeno off. Fucking whore can't even make up her mind." 
You bit your lip. "Why don't you like me?" 
"Don't think that way. I'm just telling the truth." Haechan started to rub your thighs, lifting your skirt up. "If anything, I like you."
"You like me?" You stared up at him.
"Are you always this surprised when people tell you that they like you? Jesus Christ." Haechan released you from his grip. 
You fell onto the floor and sucked in air. "What do you want?" You coughed.
"It should've been me." Haechan hissed. 
"What?" You croaked out.
"You shouldn't have gone for Renjun, it should've been me! I should've been the one to take your virginity."
"I didn't- I don't-" You stuttered.
"Actually… One of your holes is still a virgin." Haechan bent down to your level and stroked your hair.
"I'm- I- uh-" You kept stuttering.
"Aw, can the pretty girl not even think?" Haechan caressed your cheek. Haechan grabbed your arm and pulled you up, then bent you over in front of your mirror. "Stay put for me, pretty." He whispered into your neck.
Haechan was gone for maybe 10 seconds, but you started to consider running away. But you knew deep down that this is what you wanted. Renjun treated you well, but Haechan was just the right amount of rough on you.
And he knew that. He knew you were into him. He knew he was perfect.
The door swung open then closed again. "You're so obedient, aren't you?" Haechan pulled your panties down. 
You could hear the cap flip open, so you turned your head. You could see Haechan pouring lube onto your dildo. "Are you not gonna fuck me?"
Haechan laughed. “Didn’t Renjun just take your virginity? I doubt I can even fit two fingers inside you.”
“I don’t know.” You told him the truth. “I never tried.”
“Hm.” Haechan globbed a bit of lube onto his fingertips, and slowly stuck a finger inside you. "Let's see how well you can take it."
You squealed a bit, the cold hitting you first. "Haechan!" You moaned out.
"Gosh, you're so cute. So, so, so cute… Whore just got fucked and she's still horny." Haechan slipped another finger in and began trying to stretch you out, his fingers poking around. "All stretched out now?"
"No!" You screeched. "Please, don't put it in yet…"
"Aw, you can take it baby, I know you can." Haechan slid a third finger in. "See, you're doing fine. Your body was built to take me."
"Please…" You croaked out. 
Haechan sighed and pulled his fingers out. "So cute." He looked at your gaping hole, trying to figure out how he wanted to put the dildo inside you. He lined up the dildo against your hole, teasing it. "So fucking cute."
"Hurry up already." You whined. "Stop teasing me."
Haechan grabbed you by your hair and swung you over to your bed, bending you over, shoving your face into your mattress. "Don't try to act tough when you're under me. You'll do what I say, got it?"
You furiously nodded. "Yes, Haechan!" You squeaked.
"Good girl. Good girl…" He suddenly slid the dildo into you.
You screamed out of fear and pain.
"Is it too much, my pretty?" Although you couldn't see his expression, you could sense the smirk on his face. "See, you're taking it so well…" He began thrusting the dildo into you.
Your breathing became shaky. "Hae-haechan…" You grunted out.
"Hm?" His pace quickened.
"Want… you…" You moaned out. "Want your dick."
Haechan stopped and pulled out. "Arch your back more." He grabbed your arms and pulled them back, crossing them behind your back. He poured more lube onto your hole, then tried to shove his dick into you. "Fuck… it's not going in." He groaned. 
It hurt so much, and you could tell he was trying his hardest to shove his dick into you. "Do you think you'll be able to pull it out?" You cried.
"Fuck!" Haechan dug his nails into your arms, and shoved it inside.
Despite your pain, you could hear how good Haechan felt. He wasn't even thinking about how much pain you were in, he just wanted to fuck you carelessly.
"My little whore… take my cock like the slut you are…" Haechan wrapped his arms around your waist and began using you like a sex toy, bouncing you up and down on his dick.
"Haechan… too fast…"
"You're the one who wanted this!" He snapped. "Little fucking whore doesn't even know who she's messing with!" He dropped you back onto the bed and pulled out. You felt the warm cum drop onto your skin, covering your back.
You practically passed out after hearing the door open then close, Haechan's footsteps fading.
It had been a few days since Haechan toyed with you, but you didn't know how to handle it. After all, it's not like you and Renjun were really dating, but you understood that you had to tell Renjun what happened.
"Renjun… I need to talk to you." You approached Renjun, who was watching a movie in the living room with Jeno and Jaemin.
"Oh, sure." Renjun stood up, pushing Jeno's head off his shoulder. 
You dragged him into your bedroom.
"I'm gonna listen in on their conversation." Jeno stood up immediately after your door closed, and pressed his ear to the door.
"What? Jeno, don't." Jaemin tried to get Jeno to stop, pulling his arm.
"Shh! You wanna know if they're lying too, right? It's not like they're gonna talk about anything that bad…" Jeno's voice faded after he heard what you said.
“You’re so fucking annoying.” Jaemin scoffed, following him.
"I let Haechan do whatever he wanted to me." You held Renjun's hands, both sitting on your bed. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to let you know unless he tells everyone else that we're not actually dating."
Renjun comforted you, petting your hair. "I'll talk to him. He wouldn't tell anyone."
"See! I told you!" Jeno whispered. 
Jaemin kept his ear pressed on the door.
You let out an exaggerated sigh. "I liked fake dating you. Teasing Jeno with our relationship was fun."
"Fun? Gosh, he's too scary." Renjun shivered.
"Oh, I don't think Jeno that bad, it's not like he would actually get violent."
Renjun laughed awkwardly. "That's only because he wants to fuck you."
"I know, but he won't as long as we're dating."
"True. I'm gonna go back to Jeno and Jaemin."
"See ya."
Jaemin ran towards the kitchen, and Jeno ran to the couch and landed on it. 
Renjun left your room. "Hey Jaemin, you making coffee?"
“Uhhhh yeah!” Jaemin strained his voice. “You want some?”
That night, Jeno dragged Jaemin into his bedroom. “What the hell are we supposed to do now?” Jeno asked Jaemin.
Jaemin shrugged. “To be honest, they look pretty happy together to me. Let’s just leave them be.”
Jaemin rummaged around Jeno’s room. “Jeno, no. No matter what we do, it’s just gonna come across as pathetic. A pathetic attempt of you trying to win her over.”
Jeno fell onto his bed and pulled out a vape from his nightstand, so Jaemin cracked open Jeno’s window. “I don’t know what to do. It’s not even like I want to date her or anything, I just wish she’d at least be nice to me.”
“I get that- Oh my god, is this our middle school yearbook? Why did you bring this?” Jaemin spotted the book behind the stack of textbooks on Jeno’s desk.
Jeno darted out of his bed and tried to grab it from Jaemin. Naturally, Jaemin pushed him away. “What are you trying to hide, Jeno?”
“Ugh, whatever, you were going to find out either way.” Jeno sat back onto his bed.
“Wait… this is her? That’s her name!” Jaemin’s finger pointed to your headshot and name next to it.
“Yep. The girl we bullied 5 years ago is now our roommate. I recognized her name when we got the room selection email.” Jeno hit his vape, laying back down and staring at the ceiling, his eyes glazing over.
“Ugh, I hate how that explains so much.” Jaemin hid the yearbook back where it was. “So you feel guilty or something? You aren’t just being obsessive?”
“God no! Jaemin, we all know that was one time sophomore year, plus Chaewon was into that shit.” Jeno threw his vape at Jaemin’s head. “And yeah, I guess I feel bad. I don’t want her to think I’m like that anymore.”
Jaemin tackled Jeno, jumping on top of him and laying on him.
Jaemin picked it up and hit it. “Ew, strawberry lemonade?”
“Sorry, I didn’t go through a mango Juul pod phase like you.” Jeno rolled his eyes.
“Fuck you Jaemin! You’re heavy!” Jeno groaned.
Jaemin hugged Jeno, still on top of him. “I’m glad you weren’t just acting insane for nothing. I was really about to stop being your friend.” Jaemin kissed Jeno’s cheek. 
“Yeah, yeah, get off me now, you bastard.” Jeno hugged Jaemin back.
Jaemin rolled off Jeno. “Anyways, didn’t you force her to suck you off the first week you met her?”
Jeno grabbed the pillow from behind his head and started beating Jaemin with it, his eye smile not fading. “I’ll… figure it out!”
“We were… really assholes to her, weren’t we?” Jaemin laid on his side and looked at Jeno, taking in another puff of smoke.
“She had to move to America, for fucks sake. I think we were bad.” Jeno turned to face Jaemin, and took the vape from Jaemin, putting it back in his nightstand. 
Jaemin wrapped his arm around Jeno’s waist, cuddling into his chest. “Should we even say anything to her?” 
“I don’t know. All I know is that we should tell the others.” Jeno stood up and turned off the lights. He went back into bed and gave Jaemin another hug, stroking his best friend’s hair until he fell asleep.
The next morning, you woke up before everyone else so you decided to make breakfast.
When you finished, you decided to wake up the boys.
"Yangyang!" You knocked. "Breakfast!"
Yangyang stepped out, a dark, unfamiliar aura surrounding him.
You decided not to poke the sheep at this time.
"Jaemin! Wake up!" 
No response, so you opened the door. Empty.
You figured Jaemin left, probably with Jeno, so you skipped Jeno's room and checked on Renjun and Haechan, who already heard you waking the others up, so they were awake.
You assumed Jeno was gone so you didn't bother to knock, but opened his door a crack to double check.
"Psst! Yangyang! Haechan! Renjun!"
Yangyang's energy faded towards you, and you noticed his aura shined brightly when he saw the two boys cuddling. "Cute." He took his phone out of his pocket and took a picture of the two.
"They look like babies." Renjun also giggled and took a picture.
"We should take a selfie with them." Haechan laughed, and walked in their room, careful not to wake them up.
Since Yangyang had the longest arm, he took the photo, you peering over his shoulder, whilst Renjun and Haechan posed. It was a beautiful photo. A photo of the 4 of you making fun of Jeno and Jaemin for cuddling with each other.
It was funny to see the guy that scared the whole dorm sleep peacefully, and even cuddle with his best friend.
"Wake up!" Haechan belly flopped onto the two, earning laughs from the rest of you all.
Jeno made a noise resembling the noise of getting the wind knocked out of him.
Jaemin just moaned out of pain.
"Ouch…" Renjun winced. "That must've hurt."
Haechan got off of them. "Okay, we made breakfast."
"We? It was all me!" You pouted.
"Get out of my room." Jeno sat up and glared at you.
"Um, sure." Yangyang grabbed your hand.
"Not you, Yangyang. Her." Jeno ran a hand through his messy morning hair.
"Uh…" You awkwardly stepped out. "I'll make you some coffee, Jaemin."
"Close the door behind you." Jeno instructed, and you followed.
You needed to wash your face and mentally process what just happened.
"What the fuck? You can't just treat someone like that!" Renjun yelled.
Jeno laid back down. "You remember middle school? We bullied that one girl."
"Oh, the emo girl?" Haechan asked.
"The soccer girl that beat you up?" Renjun asked, sitting in Jeno's desk chair.
"Or the girl with the stutter?" Yangyang asked, making sure the door was closed all the way.
"No, not the emo girl. The loner who moved after we bullied her." Jeno got out of bed.
"Oh, big tits!" Yangyang laughed.
"Yes, big tits." Jeno grabbed his middle school yearbook. "Do you notice any similarities between big tits and our current roommate?"
"Jeno, I don't even remember her name." Renjun shook his head.
Jeno flipped to the page you were on and showed it to the boys. "Check the names."
"Wait, didn't you have a massive crush on her and that's why we bullied her? Because you couldn't pull?" Yangyang glanced up at Jeno. “Wait! Isn’t she the reason we started that stupid fucking bet in the first place? Because we all fought over her?”
Haechan sighed. "I knew."
"Wait, you knew and didn't say anything?" Jeno asked.
"I realized it was her when I saw her titties bounce when she laughed." Haechan said.
"Wow." Jaemin scoffed, fixing his hair through his phone camera. "Real romantic."
"Anyways…" Yangyang opened the door. "This is your problem. You deal with it. I did nothing. So if you'll excuse me, I have breakfast to eat." Yangyang closed the door behind him.
"I hate when Yangyang's right." Jaemin scoffed.
"Just you?" You shot Yangyang a smile, your face wet after you washed it in the kitchen sink.
Yangyang came over to you and hugged you. "And the best."
You started to pull espresso shots to make Americanos and lattes.
"Jisoo only taught me how to make Japanese food, so I hope you're okay with miso soup and grilled mackerel." You set a bowl of rice and soup in front of Yangyang.
"Of course I am." Yangyang took a bite of fish, and his face immediately puckered. "It's… uh, good."
You pouted. "Jisoo's the chef of the friend group…"
"I'm sorry, but this fish is so fucking salty." Yangyang laughed and chugged the miso soup. "The soup is saltier, how did you manage that?"
"You don't have to eat it…"
"It's okay, I'll help you fix it!" Yangyang said with full confidence, knowing he can't cook for shit.
"Well, what do you even want to do to resolve this issue?" Renjun asked Jeno.
"Honestly, in my mind, this isn't a problem at all, it's not like she knows." Haechan paced around.
"It's not a problem till we make it one." Jaemin shrugged.
Jeno shook his head. "Forget it. Just wanted you all to know."
"In that case, I want to see what's for breakfast!" Haechan ran out the door.
You and Yangyang were leaning over the counter, giggling and teasing each other. "Give us 5 minutes!" Yangyang shouted out.
"Oh no, the food is gonna be ruined." Haechan groaned.
"Hey, she was the one who-" You low kicked Yangyang in the shin, cutting him off.
"Yes, everything that went wrong is Yangyang's fault." You set a bowl of the remade soup on the table as Haechan sat down.
Haechan took a sip. "Not that bad, actually."
Yangyang finished cooking the mackerel. "Okay, taste it, Haechan."
Haechan took a bite. "Really not bad!"
You sighed, handing Haechan a latte.
"You should marry me." Haechan stared at you. 
You laughed. "Huh?"
"I mean, you can cook, you're pretty decent to live with…"
"No, she's mine." Yangyang gave you a back hug and pulled you away from Haechan.
Renjun shuffled out of Jeno's room. "Feed me…" He whined. "Also, she's mine, thank you very much." He grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Yangyang.
You started setting up the table, giving everyone their bowls of soup and rice.
Jaemin slid out of Jeno's room, Jeno following him. They both sat down.
"Jaemin! Iced Americano with 5 shots of espresso (literally just 8 shots of espresso and ice), right?" You handed the cup to him.
"Thank you, princess." Jaemin sipped the drink.
"Hey! Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!" Renjun snapped.
"We know the truth." Jeno glared at you. "We all know, we're not stupid."
"What?" You looked up from the table.
"We all know you two are not actually dating." Jeno scoffed. "We heard you two talking. We heard she fucked Haechan."
You swallowed. "Oh… well, I guess we might as well come clean, ye-"
"I love her. We might not actually be dating, but my feelings are still real." Renjun stood. "And, I still took her virginity, so you can back off."
Your eyes darted all over the room. You've never seen Renjun that mad, despite seeing him getting mad at the boys, the usual unserious, smiley Haechan was gone and replaced with a cold shell, Jaemin looked like he was disassociating, and Yangyang's eyes penetrated you, the usual warm gaze replaced with disappointment.
And Jeno? Jeno wasn't even looking at you, he was too focused on Renjun.
Jaemin finally stood up after a bit of silence. "You know…"
"Jaemin, stop." Jeno snapped. "Let's just… be roommates. Nothing else. I don't want to deal with this bullshit anymore. It's none of my business if that fucking whore wants to get around."
“One fucking normal day…” Haechan licked his plump lips. “God, all I ask for is one normal day…”
Yangyang grabbed your hand and pushed you into your bedroom. 
"Ugh, just give him an hour and he'll calm down." He sat on your desk chair and turned on your computer. "You got any games on this thing?"
"Uh, Sims 4?" You raised your brow.
"Really? Not even Minecraft?" He laughed. "I'll buy it for you."
"You don't-" 
"When I hide from the boys I'll come in here and play Minecraft. Give me your password.
You sighed and leaned over him, then typed in the password for your computer.
He went onto the Microsoft store and purchased the game. "Log into Microsoft." He pat his knee. "Come sit on my lap."
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto your lap, his arm around your waist, still holding onto the mouse "You're gonna hurt your neck leaning like that." He lowered your chair. "There, you can see better, right?"
"I guess…" You logged into your Microsoft account.
"Let's make your character together." He clicked on the "Edit Character" button. "Smaller." 
"No, I'm totally tall!" You giggled, putting your hand on top of his to click on the "Tall" selection. 
"Medium?" He clicked on it.
"Sure, I can live with that." You nodded.
"Look at me." He instructed.
He used his left hand to hold your chin, his thumb on your lips. He moved your face around, looking at all your features intensely.
Your face heated up from all the staring.
"Got it." He let go of you, and made a character that looked like you.
"Aw, that's actually really cute!" You giggled. "Hey, let me off!" You pushed his arm.
"Why should I?" He grabbed you, both his arms tightly wrapped around your waist, his lips on your neck.
You squealed. "Ah! Yangyang!"
He nuzzled his face into your neck, his nose tickling your neck.
You laughed louder, trying to break free.
His hands hiked up your tank top, and he began tickling your stomach.
The door slammed open, and when you turned your head, you saw Jeno, fuming. Yangyang released you, and you faced him again. 
"That fucking-" You whispered. Yangyang was smirking smugly. 
He knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to make it sound like you two were fucking!
You tried to get off Yangyang's lap but his grip around you was still tight. 
"We're just playing Minecraft, Jeno." Yangyang turned your monitor to face Jeno. "See? Now… you should tell her the truth." The smug look on his face turned cold.
"I'm not…" Jeno rubbed his forehead, stressed out. 
Jaemin appeared behind Jeno and firmly placed a hand on his shoulder. "Yangyang, that's enough. He'll tell her when he's ready. Come on Jeno."
Jaemin pulled his friend out of your bedroom, and closed the door.
Yangyang let go of you and sighed. "That asshole."
You stayed on his lap. "Yeah…"
Yangyang kissed your cheek. “It's okay, I'm here for you.”
"Why?" You chuckled. "Isn't he your best friend?"
"He's still an asshole." He said, pulling down your shirt.
"What's so serious that you think I should know anyways?"
Yangyang shrugged. "Who knows."
"What does that mean?" 
"It's not serious to me, and I'd tell you myself, but he obviously cares a lot. He's such an idiot." Yangyang began nibbling on your ear. "Such an idiot."
"Wait, Yangyang…" You held your breath, not wanting to moan. 
"Hm?" He pulled away. 
"N-nothing…" You stuttered, and stood up. "I'm gonna talk to Jeno myself." You ran out of your room, still feeling Yangyang’s breath on your neck.
Obviously, Jaemin and Jeno were nowhere to be found. 
Renjun said that they went to the gym, so you waited in the living room for them.
"Is she inside?" You heard Jeno talking outside the door.
"Of course she is!" Jaemin exclaimed. "She lives here too."
They both walked inside. 
"I'm going to take a shower." Jeno instantly ran past you.
"Jeno, wait!" You ran after Jeno, grabbing his hand.
"No! I have nothing to say to you!" He pushed you away.
"What did I do?! You have to tell me that much!" You teared up.
"Fine! You wanna know that badly? You ruined our friendship! You're a whore that throws herself at every guy in this dorm! There! Is that enough?" He spat at you.
"All I wanted was to be your friend…" You threw your face into your hands and sobbed. "You know that? I never intended on fucking any of you guys! It was your fault!" You pointed at Jeno. "If you had never walked into my room-"
Jeno grabbed your arm and dragged you into his bedroom, Jaemin following. "Jeno, stop!" Jaemin yelled. 
Jeno tossed you onto the bed. "Let's make us all even." He ripped off his shirt. "Come on… I know you want me. Been staring at me since the first day we met."
You didn't know he meant middle school, but Jaemin knew. 
"Jeno, stop!" Jaemin grabbed Jeno's arm.
You had had enough. You weren’t going to be a pawn in whatever game Jeno wanted to play with you, you wanted to be queen.
"You're right… I've been waiting for this. Waiting to get fucked by Jeno and Jaemin." You started to undress, trying to make them flustered.
Jeno grabbed your wrist to stop you. "What?"
"Why would a whore want to only fuck one guy when I can take both?" You bit your lip, forcing yourself to talk.
Jeno kissed your neck, sitting next to you. "I'll make you regret saying that."
"I came here to fucking apologize and all you can do it yell at me? I think you're the one who will regret it." You sat on his lap, feeling his boner through his athletic shorts.
"Jeno, come on, stop it…" Jaemin pulled you off Jeno's lap.
"You say that but I can feel your boner poking my back…" You glanced up at him. “Admit it, you want this as much as I do.”
“Don’t delude yourself. Of course I’m hard, you’ve got your fucking titties out. That doesn’t mean I want to fuck you. I don’t want Renjun’s seconds anyways.” Jaemin covered you with a fuzzy blanket. “Get out.”
Jeno grabbed you by your waist. “Jaemin, last time I checked, this is my bedroom. You can get out.”
“No, I’ll go. Why would I want to do it with just you anyways?”
“Jesus fucking- Fine! You wanna be a slut so bad? Here, take it!” Jaemin grabbed your shoulder and forced you onto your knees. In a split second, his sweats were around his ankles, and his dick was mercilessly shoved into your mouth.
“Gosh, Jaemin, you always get to go first.” Jeno sighed.
Jaemin had your hair in a fist, face fucking you, causing you to drool down his dick, eyes watering. “It’s not my fault she was begging me to fuck her!” Jaemin got a few more pumps in, before he pulled out and came all over your face. “Dumb slut knows how to take my cock, hm?”
You wiped the drool off your mouth and neck, jaw aching from the girth of Jaemin’s cock.
“She was not begging for you, she was begging for me!” Jeno grabbed you and ripped the rest of your clothes off, then bent you over his bed.
“Hey! You know how much I love backshots!” Jaemin whined.
“Dude… fuck you.” Jeno shoved his dick inside your warm, wet hole.
“Jeno! You can’t just shove it in!” You screeched. Jeno was longer than Renjun, thicker than Haechan. You felt your pussy ripping, certain blood was dripping onto the white bedsheets. 
However, you couldn’t deny the fact that he made you feel ecstasy. He was better than Renjun, knowing exactly what spots to hit, and tried to avoid hitting your cervix.
“You’re not a virgin anymore anyways… Renjun really stretched you out.” You could feel the warmth of Jeno’s breath on your neck as his lips made their way towards the back of your neck, his lips biting on your shoulder.
“It hurts!” You moaned, gasping for air.
Jaemin got on his knees in front of you. “Suck.” He instructed, and you listened, his hand on the back of your head, pressing your head up and down.
Your nose sunk against his skin, as you held his waist, trying to let go so you could breathe for a second, feeling lightheaded.
Jaemin grabbed his phone and recorded you sucking his dick while Jeno fucked you, Jeno’s grip on your thighs tightening. 
“Hey, Jeno, stop fucking her so hard, she’s getting too sloppy.” Your drool created a puddle on Jeno’s sheets.
“You like girls that are nasty though.” Jeno chuckled. “It’s my bedroom anyways.”
“She’s still moaning on my dick.” Jaemin started thrusting into your mouth as you sucked. “Princess’s eyes are all rolled back.” 
“Fuck, she’s so good I’m gonna cum again…” Jaemin started gripping on your hair, almost pulling a chunk out.
You tried to scream as you climaxed, but Jaemin’s dick was filling your mouth up.
“Fuck!” Jeno came inside you.
“Swallow it all.” Jaemin instructed again, and you did, finally gasping for air.
Jeno handed you a washcloth. “Wipe your face, you look like a whore.”
You wiped Jaemin’s cum off your face.
“Video’s so fucking shakey, God.” Jaemin scoffed, tossing his phone back off the bed.
Jeno tossed your clothes at you. “Get out.”
You slid your shirt and shorts on, and went to take a shower.
After all was said and done, you realized your classes start tomorrow.
Jisoo came over the next day, at your request. “I brought red wine!” She giggled, holding up two bottles.
You let her in. “Red wine? What, are you planning on sleeping with Shotaro tonight?” You laughed.
She rolled her eyes.
Yangyang approached the two of you. “Jisoo, the chef, really bought Trader Joe's wine to win us over?” He took the bottle from her. “I'll uncork it!”
“Jeno home?” Jisoo made herself comfortable on the couch, flipping through the channels.
You shook your head. “No, everyone’s out right now. At a freshman fraternity hazing thing.” You sat next to Jisoo.
“You're not gonna join a frat, Yangyang?” Jisoo watched Yangyang as he grabbed glasses. “Really? Those glasses?” 
“I know you’re a fancy bitch because you’re a chef, but this is all we have here, deal with it.” He placed the uncorked bottles on the coffee table and handed the two of you the cups. “It’s fucking two buck chuck.”
“These are old fashioned glasses! Who the hell drinks wine out of these?” Jisoo wiped the cup with her sleeve.
“Me, bitch.” Yangyang sat on the carpeted floor, behind the table. He poured you all drinks.
“Wow, a one handed pour.” Jisoo rolled her eyes. 
“Yeah, she’s really needy, in more ways than one.” Yangyang rolled his eyes. “And I say that out of love.”
“Last time I checked, we’re the same age.” Yangyang scoffed. “Why are you here anyways?”
Jisoo gave you a hug. “She’s in a time of need.”
Jisoo quickly stood up, ripped the hair stick out of her hair and pointed the sharp end next to Yangyang’s eye. “I swear to God, if you fuck my best friend, I will gouge your eyes out.”
“Okay! I’m sorry!” He yelled, raising his hands to surrender. “Please don’t hurt me…” He whispered. 
“Good boy.” Jisoo tied her hair back up with your help, since Jisoo didn't know how to do it properly.
After a while, and way too much red wine, Jisoo said, “Okay! Let’s play a game!”
“Sure! What?” 
“What’s the secret you’re keeping from everyone, to the point even Shotaro won’t tell me?” Jisoo leaned in, her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees.
“Truth or dare!” Jisoo said excitedly. “Yangyang, truth or dare?”
“Uh, knowing you, you’re gonna make me do something insane. Truth.”
You started leaning in, curious.
Yangyang instinctively leaned back. “The one involving all of the boys or just me?”
Jisoo scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Why do you all have so many secrets? Just you.”
“So, I may or may not have had this idea when it was announced we would have a female roommate…” Yangyang fidgeted with his shirt. “One that involved me flirting with her… And involved getting Jeno jealous… And involved me telling Renjun that he should protect her… And involved me eventually fucking her…”
“Wait, you planned all this?” You stood up.
“You know, I hate the word planned, it makes me seem manipulative! But if you’re saying I acted a certain way to make Jeno mad, yes, yes I did.” Yangyang nodded.
“Wait, you plan on fucking me? You’re gonna be the last one to fuck me!”
Yangyang looked insulted. “Even Jaemin hit?”
“Well, I gave him 2 blowjobs, so sure.” You shrugged.
“Hun?” Jisoo grabbed your wrist. “You've slept with all of them?”
"You made sure they used condoms, right?" Jisoo’s grip tightened. 
"They at least pulled out, right?" Jisoo was basically breaking your wrist at this point.
"Jeno didn't…"
“You're so-” She let go of you. “Never mind. Just make sure to at least take Plan B.”
“Yeah, that would be the smart thing to do, wouldn’t it?”
Jisoo flicked your forehead. “Stupid!” She downed another glass of wine.
"Hey, let's all compare schedules!" Yangyang said the night before classes started, while everyone sat in the living room.
"OCHEM 1005 is my first class, at 10:20." You said.
"My first is at 9:10!" Haechan almost threw his phone on the floor. "What the fuck!"
"Mine's at 8:45…" Renjun stared at his phone.
"Oh…" Everyone groaned.
"I have night classes, so I start at 4 and end at 8." Jaemin smiled.
"I start at 1:30." Jeno smirked.
Everyone placed their phones on the coffee table.
"It looks like we have COMM 1112 at 1:30 together!" Yangyang nudged you. "What class is that?"
"Public Speaking."
Everyone simultaneously groaned again.
"I have PSYC 2337 then. Physical Science. We should get lunch together before then!"
"Oh, I'm in that class too!" Renjun smiled.
"Sounds good! Don't cheat off me!" Haechan pushed Renjun teasingly.
"So lunch at 12:30? Here?" You asked.
"Yeah, cool." Jaemin nodded. "You can wake me up then."
“I’m not your mommy.” You scoffed.
“Would you like me to call you mommy?”
“Okay, y’all can stop.” Renjun cringed.
“I’m gonna get ready for bed.” You stood up and stretched. “See y’all tomorrow!”
“Good night!” They chimed.
When they heard the door close and the click, the smiles on their faces dropped instantly.
“I can’t do this for a year! We should tell her!” Yangyang was the first to stand up and pace around the room.
“Deal with it. I think you’re just upset about the fact you're the only one who hasn’t hit.” Haechan pulled his cigarettes out of his sweatpants pocket and opened the floor to ceiling window, sitting on the windowsill.
“But-” Yangyang pouted. 
“I am not! (I kind of am.) But it’s not just that! She looks genuinely happy with us! What if she finds out?”
“So, she won’t find out.” Jeno stole a cigarette from Haechan and lit the cigarette in Haechan’s lips, then lit his own.
“I’ll make sure she doesn’t.” Jeno sighed. “With the way she moans on my dick I doubt she’ll leave even if she does find out.”
“Fucking asshole.” Yangyang muttered, Renjun rubbing his back.
Renjun whispered something into Yangyang’s ear, and Yangyang nodded. 
“What is it?” Jeno blew some smoke out into the window.
Yangyang stormed into the kitchen, ignoring Jeno.
“It’s nothing, Jeno.” Renjun followed Yangyang.
“Yangyang’s too sentimental.” Haechan put out his cigarette on the brick outside the window. 
Jeno nodded. “Too nice.”
The next day, Jeno and Jaemin were alone before their classes started.
"I need to tell you something, wake up." Jeno shook Jaemin awake.
"What?" Jaemin croaked out.
"I planned this whole thing." Jeno's hands remained on Jaemin's shoulders.
"Okay?" Jaemin went back to sleep.
"You're not listening! I stalked her mom on Facebook to check what college she was going to, forced you all to come with me, kicked Shotaro out of this dorm, forged an email to tell her to live with us, then changed the housing selection by pretending to be her dad! Did you never think it was strange? No one in college dorms gets their own rooms, except us! I paid almost a million for this to happen!"
"So… you thought it would be funny to trick the girl we bullied in middle school into living with us?" Jaemin sat up.
"How was I supposed to know she was dumb enough to agree to it!" Jeno let go of Jaemin.
"You knew her family wouldn't be able to afford student housing easily so you tricked her! It's hard to feel bad for you." Jaemin got out of bed. "Also, you literally stalked her parents to see what college she was going to so we would go to NCIT, then you forged a housing email, then you changed the housing selection by pretending to be her dad. Dude! What part of this doesn't seem insane to you?"
"Hey, we're just having fun though."
“Out.” Jaemin pointed to the door. “Get the fuck out of my room you psycho! So you fucked her and now you’re satisfied with yourself, so you’re trying to kick her out? Or what? You gonna marry her?” Jaemin laughed bitterly.
“No! No, we’re not! We’re suffering, because you can’t keep it in your pants! Wait a minute, is that how you caught her masturbating so you could force her to suck you off? That’s why you’ve been so weird?” Jaemin paced around, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. “Fuck, you really are insane…”
“Jaemin, you’re my best friend…” Jeno ran his hands through his hair.
“I… I don’t know. I didn’t think that far ahead.” Jeno shrugged.
“I always knew you were a freak but… fuck this is too much. Get out.” Jaemin pushed Jeno out of his bedroom. Jaemin collapsed on his bed. “How the fuck am I going to explain this to everyone?”
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fullstcp · 6 days
"You Signed Up For This" by Maisie Peters Sentence Starters
"I still haven't got my driver's license."
"I am sorry to make it about myself again."
"But you, you signed up for this."
"Please don't give up on me yet."
"I know I'll get better, I'm just not better yet."
"Can you tell I'm trying?"
"I only drink to get drunk."
"Do you think that I'll grow any more?"
"I was so in love, and that don't come off in the wash."
"You're seeing someone pretty and I hate her/his/their guts."
"We were bad but we're gonna be good."
"It didn't work like I thought it would."
"I resent you just a little if I'm honest."
"One of us has gotta try to keep a promise."
"I might be bitter and twisted and broken and petty and lying, but at least I'm trying."
"I want a 'sorry' but I'll settle for a handshake."
"Not friends, no, we're somewhere in between."
"You're awful and I miss you and I killed you in my dream last night."
"It's a low when even in my dreams you still don't want me there."
"Some people think I'm funny, baby, don't look so surprised."
"God, you haven't changed at all!"
"You might be awful like all of the time, yeah, it's almost inspiring."
"This wasn't how it's supposed to go."
"I should be the one you're dancing with."
"You were meant to follow me."
"I was gonna act surprised even though I'd know you wanted me."
"It's not like I've been crying."
"There's just smoke in my eyes."
"You look right through me every time you walk by."
"If you don't want me, then you're not the one."
"You don't owe me anything."
"What am I gonna say?"
"What am I gonna do?"
"Thought you liked me too."
"I just want you, so that's cool."
"You're not in love."
"You only kissed me after midnight in an outdoor pool."
"It's the worst day of my life, but it's all good."
"Tell me where I went wrong."
"Thought it was gonna be us."
"You only kissed me once."
"I could see a bloodbath coming."
"Guess that was my stubborn season."
"You're bad in the bones."
"Loving you hurts."
"Loving you don't work."
"I fell for you and got a bad concussion."
"Don't text me."
"You kept me as your favorite secret."
"I thought we just took it slow."
"It's funny how everybody but me knows."
"I feel like you feel nothing."
"Please leave this behind."
"You're losing your mind."
"You made me feel so useful, then so used."
"You don't want me at all."
"You don't want me to fall for anyone."
"Maybe you should be scared."
"It got progressively harder to miss you."
"You should take this personally."
"You're a serial cheater."
"When I told you you were funny I lied."
"You're a love 'em and leave 'em with a terrible reason."
"Now is not the time to reply."
"I can do better than this."
"I wasn't broken till you tried to fix me."
"I wasn't lonely till you came around."
"It's all magic till you see the trick, babe."
"We had a future till you made it history."
"I was yours until you let me down."
"The casualty of love is the price of being free."
"This hurts so loud."
"You left me hollow."
"Are you happy now?"
"I hope you're happy now."
"Now I'm a comma in your explanation."
"I wish you felt the way you used to."
"You're the one that got away and you got away with a lot."
"They say it's better to have loved even if you lost, but I can tell you it's not."
"I just miss my friend."
"Remember calling me the one?"
"Don't freak out."
"Now you're kissing the person I shouldn't worry about."
"How do you think I'm dealing?"
"Of course I wanted you to stay, but you didn't."
"I'll burn this house, I mean it."
"Well, what does that make me then?"
"I'm your villain."
"This is getting ridiculous now."
"Please, I don't need reminding."
"Jesus Christ, just move on already."
"Don't you think I'm trying?"
"Of course I wanted you to change."
"Whole town's gonna hear how you messed me up."
"I hate your tracksuit."
"What happened in Harlem?"
"Come on, have you seen those eyes?"
"You were always on my mind."
"I'm trying to keep you out my mind."
"Your name floods when my eyes are shut."
"You gave it all and I gave it up."
"I was yours and you were mine."
"Oh God, I'm in over my head."
"I've got no right to miss you."
"I was scared to throw my heart off the edge."
"It was easier to tell myself we'd mess it up instead."
"I still wish things were different, don't you?"
"I get not everyone sees you the way that I'd like."
"They talk about the news - I just talk about you."
"I can't stop, even if I wanted to."
"I'll throw you in a volcano, I hope death is sudden."
"When I say I'm sorry, baby, I'll be bluffing."
"You got away with it."
"You crossed then burnt the bridge."
"You pulled a lot of shit."
"I'll cry you a river, then I'll drown you in it."
"Bet you hope I'm done, but there's no way I'm finished."
"I was hard to handle."
"We burnt out like a birthday candle."
"Everybody knows that a breakup is better when there's someone to hate."
"You were my favorite way to stay up, and I'd say that still."
"You are one tough act to follow."
"You forgot how to miss me."
"I know that we weren't perfect."
"I hope you meet someone tomorrow and I hope they're everything you wanted."
"I hope I'm one tough act to follow."
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