#maybe I’m still too smad about it
Ugh I would like to write a post about how upset and disappointed I am about the retcons and changes to Kanan’s backstory in the Bad Batch and why I’m salty about the changes and why I think the comics are better, but I can’t write it coherently. Like I’ve started typing it up like 4 times but nope
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Millie's sheet still is not finished so have some incorrect quotes
Dylan, seeing Millie out somewhere: Yo, Mills!
Millie: Woah! Hey man. I almost didn't recognize you guys not sitting on my grandpa's couch. How goes it?
Brooke: I told Millie her ears flush when she lies.
Dylan: Why?
Brooke: Watch.
Brooke: Hey, Millie! Do you love us?
Millie, covering her ears: No.
Abby, trying to get to know Sarah's new friends: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million dollars?
Brooke: Eh, I could pay their hospital bill with that and nothing else. Healthcare is insanely expensive.
Dylan: Wait, Mills, you stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
Millie: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Dylan: Ok, hell yeah, good thinking.
Abby: What-
Sarah: Nono, Millie and I don't use pet names.
Dylan: I see. Hey, what do bees make again?
Sarah: Honey?
Millie: What's up, dollface?
Dylan: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Brooke: Is there a word that's a mix of sad and mad?
Millie: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Dylan: Smad.
Maurice: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Dylan: We’ve been dissociating for the past two and a half hours.
Brooke: I didn't realize you were talking to me.
Sarah: I got distracted about halfway through.
Millie: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Sarah: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Dylan: Not if they consent to it.
Millie: Depends on who you're stabbing.
Brooke: Not if they stabbed you first.
Abby: YES?!?!??
Dylan: What do we do if Maurice finds out?
Millie: We'll deal with that if it happens, but hopefully he won't. If he does, though-
Maurice: Millie. Dylan. Get downstairs, NOW.
Millie, hastily pulling paper and pens out of her desk: WE START DRAFTING OUR FUCKING WILL.
Maurice: Millie, what the hell has gotten into you?!
(Millie, internally: Haha I am in so much danger!)
Millie: Geez, gramps, at least start with a "good morning".
Maurice: Good morning, Millie. WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!
Brooke: Do you ever think before you make utterly cursed comments like that?
Dylan: For the record, yes.
Dylan: I think "Ha, funny!" And then I say it.
Maurice: How was school today, Millie?
Millie: I prevented a murder.
Maurice: Oh? How'd you do that?
Millie: Self control.
Millie, introducing Dylan to Funtime Freddy: This is Freddy.
FT Freddy: I'm a reverse necromancer!
Dylan: Isn't that just a murderer?
FT Freddy: ah, technicality.
Maurice: Has anyone seen Millie?
FT Freddy: It's raining a lot, maybe she melted?
Maurice: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat, then?
Millie: Fuck.
Maurice: Millie, we have to work on your cursing.
Millie: Why? I'm fine at it already.
Also love how we’re both in agreement that while he’s usually a sweet old man, Maurice can be scary af when he’s mad lmao
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Jess and Pam fluff/angst? Btw love ur blog bro. This show deserves more love and seeing ur post makes me happy. 👁👄👁💖💖👌
Note: I'm glad my posts makes you happy.
The Art of Avoidance and the Cost, Confrontation.
Prompt: Jess/Pam fluff/angst. Jess just wanted Pam to wish her a happy birthday. Pam just wanted Jess to leave her alone. Of course, it's not that simple.
"Happy Birthday!"
Jess knew that she didn't have the most... consistent relationship with Pamela Isley. There were times when she was sure that Pam felt something not negative towards her. Especially after a successful protest when Pam would scrunch her lips in an effort to tamper her smile. Or when Jess said something particularly amusing and Pam would quirk her lips as she passed by.
"Maybe she didn't hear us? ...Happy Birthday!'
But of course those times paled to all the other times Pamela clearly stated that she hated Jessica Cruz's butt. Forgo all the times Pamela would ignore her texts or greetings- there were times when Pamela would state at her with complete and utter hatred usually when she was doing mundane stuff like eating her lunch (a salad, of course) or talking to one of her friends.
"Err, Babs- Jess looks a little...mad? Sad? Smad?"
"Smad isn't a word, Hal."
"No one asked you, Karen!"
"Ugh, I hate when you say my name like that-"
So truly, Jess shouldn't have expected Pam to acknowledge her birthday. She really shouldn't have. It was a hope that would surely lead to dissapointment. But it still hit harder than expected when the morning passed without Pam even casting her a side eye.
All of her friends were loud..! Obviously if Pam didn't know it was her birthday from the beginning she should by now-
"Jessica! Are you alright?"
Jess snapped to attention, finding Diana and her friends looking at her curiously from where they sat at the lunch table. Barry, Garth and Hal (the only boys who stuck around after congratulating her) where standing, also staring at her.
They all shifted their concerned gazes from her to her salad- which she speared so fiercely it tore clean through.
Pushing her lunch away, she said, "I'm sorry, what?"
"Are you alright?" Diana repeated deliberately.
Bobbing her head eagerly, she said, "Yes! I'm great!"
"You just stabbed your salad," noted Kara dryly. "Did it make you angry?"
Zee elbowed her but didn't say anything- also curious to hear Jess explain herself.
"I was... thinking."
Silence stretched across the table, not that Jess paid it much mind. She was back to furtively scanning the cafeteria for the petite jerk who refused to acknowledge-
Ah, there she was.
Pam Isley.
When someone walked into a room there is always someone who looks up to see who. A handful of someone's. But as that handful checked and quickly dismissed Pam from their ignorant minds...Jess kept staring.
Because... how could you not?
She was absolutely breathtaking. Her full pouted lips, soft seemingly pink hair, long full eyelashes covering the most amazing green orbs.
But more than that- Pam made the room complete.
And almost as if Jess' stare was a physical tangible thing- Pam's eyes immediately met hers.
Jess wasn't very subtle.
Pam knew that Jess had been eyeing her all day. Pam knew that Jess was expecting something of her today.
But honestly Jess was always expectant of Pam so really it was easy to deflect. Not. Never could anyone deny Jessica Cruz.
So, Pam decided, that she would greet Jess and get it over with-
"Jess, let's go to Sweet Justice after school to celebrate!"
Pam narrowed her gaze as Jess broke their eye contact to answer Barbara. Hareleen's...friend? Hareleen's important something.
Celebrate what?
"O-oh, sure. I'd like that."
Pam took a step closer. What were they going to celebrate?
"God, you're so old now." The dumb jock (Harry, was it?) teased, tugging at her hair.
Something stuttered in Pam's chest.
A realization.
God, you're so old now.
It was Jess birth-
"You only turn 18 once!"
So...Jess beaming at her in the hallway, staring right at Pam... waiting for Pam. It was because she wanted Pam go wish her a happy birthday?
They weren't even friends! We're they friends? They were something. Pam couldn't deny that there was something intoxicating about Jess' company. That when Jess ranted passionately it was engaging and cute. That when Jess looked down at her, her hair twirled around her finger-
What was she thinking about again?
Pam brought Phil closer to her face, asking the plant an important question. "Phil, do I...like Jess?"
If Phil had eyes he'd be rolling them if his exasperated 'No shit, Sherlock' was any indicator.
It had gotten worse. Pam was no longer not noticing Jess- she was avoiding her. Ever since her birthday, Pam avoided Jess like the plague.
It was taking a toll on Jess. She couldn't sleep, her anxiety was sky rocketing and she had been craving something... greasy.
At first, when Pam first dodged her, Jess was willing to wait her out. The petite girl might not be in the mood. But eventually one encounter missed became two. And then three and four and five. And Jess was no longer patient.
She was pissed. Really, very pissed.
So pissed that the books were liable to catch on fire because of her stormy temper. She quietly fumed, hiding behind a library shelf waiting for when she could finally secure and corner Pam.
(Pam had taken to walking through the library to avoid Jess instead of the populated hallways.)
What was up with Pam? Usually the girl would at least humor Jess for a bit if only to get her off her back. Was she sick? She did look awfully flushed everytime Jess nearly cornered her! God, this was infuriating.
She...just needed to know if Pam was OK.
T-then if Pam was still set on keeping Jes from her life... she'll back off. She can take a hint...she can. And...- If Pam hated her so much she shouldn't make her uncomfortable anymore.
Only if. Only if there wasn't a good reason for her avoidance.
There probably was!
But still...
Her body did it before her mind could commit itself to the act. Her arms reached out, pulled the girl into the aisle, turning them both, and effectively caging Pam. Pam had her back against the wall and was blocked a quick escape by both of Jess arm's.
A triumphant smile breaks across her face.
She did it!
For a second all she could focus on was the beatific smile Jess wore. Then she saw Jess' smile soften and her eyes focus.
Then she felt Jess' breath all over her forehead and- oh my ivy. She was too close.
Her face went hot.
"What the hell," she hissed, turning her head so Jess couldn't see how quickly she was going pink.
"I wouldn't have done this if you had just- are you ok? Your ears are red, and" Jess spread her fingers on Pam's cheek, "your face is hot."
Was breathing always this hard? Holy-
"I-I'm fine. Just move, you're way too close."
As if just realizing it Jess startled and moved back, but kept her arms braced on both sides of Pam's head. (How was it that Jess didn't notice when that was all that Pam could think about?)
(Feeling this way and knowing that Jess didn't even think of the possibility that Pam felt the way she did pissed her off.)
"What do you want?"
Jess blinked, hurt flashing in those hazel eyes before her gaze narrowed, "I want to talk to you. You've been avoiding me."
"No, I haven't."
Jess stared at her for a second, stunned by her blatant lie. "...yes. Yes, you have Pam. And I want to know why."
She was still too close.
"I've just been," madly in love with you, "...busy."
"That's BS and you know it!" Jess takes her arms back and hugs herself. "Just tell me if I did something wrong. Are you mad at me? What did I do? I don't like it when you're avoiding me like this. You're a very good friend to me-."
Friend, huh.
Yeah, well...do friends do this-
And without further thought, without permission, without even knowing what she was doing...Pam Isley, a girl who has never as much as held someone's hand in a romantic way, kissed Jessica Cruz.
There is a blissful stage of confusion. Before everything makes sense, no- before that. Before anything exists besides that one emotion.
That emotion, for Jess, was peace.
Before she realized what she was doing and who she was doing it with. Before she can tear back and ask Pam what she was doing even though it was fairly obvious but at least why- Pam pulled back first.
"I'm not mad," there was an angry insane look in Pam's eyes. "I just don't think I can be friends with you anymore."
Jess, cheeks still hot, was indignant. "And why not?!"
Pam ducked away from Jess and began backing away, "I think it would make me very unhappy."
And Jess finally realized why.
Pam liked her.
Pam liked liked her.
Pam who loved the Earth.
Pam with those green eyes.
Pam. Pam.
Pam turned to face her, eyebrow quirked.
Did she say that out loud.
"What now?" Her.... Pam's lips were trembling in an effort to remain still.
Jess wanted to still those lips with her teeth.
Heat burned the inside of her face.
Oh wow.
Pam started to turn to walk away but Jess latched onto her wrist. She had such a thin wrist. She really needed to eat better-
"Say what you need to say so I can leave."
"You like me then?"
"Anything but that."
"What kind of person leaves after dropping a bomb like that on someone?!" Indignation made her chest swell and she stepped closer to Pam, using her grip Pam's wrist to pull them closer. "You should at least give them a second so they can think of how to react to that-"
Pam looked at her, stunned. Then, annoyed she rolled her gorgeous eyes and said, "Can you just shut up-"
"Make. Me."
Jess was panting with emotion and Pam's eyes were wide and her gaze flickered from Jess' eyes to her grip on the wrist and to Jess' lips.
Jess bit her lip.
Pam stared at her mouth.
They just stood there. Jess swallowed. "B-back to the topic.." What were they talking about again? "Uhm, right..! Well, it's unfair of you-"
"You already said that," a resigned smirk colored Pam's face.
"R-right. Well..."
"I'm not asking you to return my feelings-."
"You're not giving me much of a choice!"
A hand thumped on the bookshelf and they startled guiltily apart and whirled around to see who it was interrupting them.
"Shhh!" The librarian hissed, eyes narrowed before stalking off to lecture some poor kid.
Pam was hugging herself, hands twisting the material of her sweater. "What do you mean I'm not giving you a choice?"
"Well, you are so insistent that I won't return your feelings..." Jess looked at her, unimpressed. "It kind of feels like I'm not allowed to."
"You are."
It's embarrassing how desperate she sounds. But Jess must dig desperation since she grinned, pulled Pam closer. Hands cupping her cheeks, one pausing to brush her pink hair behind Pam's red ear.
Oh... Jess was teasing her.
That wouldn't do.
So then with just as much purpose as before, Pam pulled Jess down and their lips met again.
This was such a mess. But with Jess so close and soft and pliant under her hands. It's okay. Messy was ok. Right now. In that moment, Messy was perfect.
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abnormallynice · 5 years
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Let’s keep rolling deeper into the ship and headcanon’s, shall we? >;3c
I tried my hand at making Josh and Neku older and I love them. I’m still replaying TWEWY to get a good foundation but here are some personal headcanon’s so far (SPOILERS INBOUND):
- Above, Neku is about 19/20 and studying graphic design. Joshua is…??? Well, over 18 at least?? - As teens (during the Game), Neku is taller than Joshua, but as adults, Josh is taller. Much taller. His canon Composer ‘form’ is taller than Hanekoma after all! I actually made him still shorter than that, since Neku is still shorter than Mr. Hanekoma. - After the events of the Game, Neku lost contact with Joshua for a few years. Josh popped up all of a sudden one day and Neku was smad. Events that I’m plotting happen and sHIP. - They retain some of the teasing-rival aspects but its more in clean fun. Neku will get frustrated if Josh takes it too far, and Josh will make attempts to calm the situation. Will he apologize? Nope ;D - Joshua is physical-contact starved. He will cuddle, hold, touch and kiss Neku whenever an opportunity presents itself. Maybe he missed him too much after severing contact for years. Neku doesn’t mind, as long as it’s not inappropriate or in public (which 80% of the time, it is). - Neku is a power bottom. He likes leading. Joshua 'allows’ this. It’s cute to him >v>
Am I going in too deep? Yes.
//flings self down the rabbit hole.
Oh, you know the kissy drawings are on the way, fam.
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astrologista · 4 years
jason stop dying
ooooook i just watched ditf. it was PRETTY GOOD.... i only wish there was MOOORE! watching this REALLY brought me back to 2011 times to see it and i think they did a good job with most of the character design and animations insofar as matching it to the original. (maybe i’m totally wrong but i thought it looked good for the most part... also i just really love these character designs in particular). obviously the budget is not what it would be on a feature, so there are a LOT of places where animation gets recycled and many still frames. some parts are basically a slideshow lol. but i only sort of came to that realization awhile after watching, so i think they did a fairly good job of masking this... ymmv
so let’s get into it!!! 
SPOILERS a-head! do not read until you’ve watched it because i’ll spoil everything
now obviously the thing to be aware of if you are not is the fact that this adaptation is not a panel-by-panel adaptation of the original death in the family comic. all references to jason’s mother (save one mention of her dying of illness) are completely removed, they go to bosnia instead of africa, and the circumstances around jason leaving are also heavily altered to fit the new narrative. this adaptation does slot perfectly into the universe established by the under the red hood animated movie from 2011 though, without which one would be pretty confused when watching this. it’s kind of a mystery as to why they didn’t just package this with utrh and release the entire thing as a collectors edition. instead they package it with like 4 or 5 unrelated dc showcase shorts which makes absolutely 0 sense but go off i guess. anyway
i liked that they took the time to adapt the scene from the original ditf where bruce is talking to alfred about jason! (i do not like that alfred didn’t get any lines. bad choice). tbh i can’t understand why they bothered showing us alfred, barbara and dick if they weren’t gonna give them any lines..... like come on........??
HOW INTENSE BRUCE LOOKS WHEN HE FINDS JASON IN SARAJEVO and just. grabs him lol. hes smad :)
ok so one two skip a few and we get to the first branch. instead of calling 1-900 we now get to choose whether jason lives or dies. there are 7 possible endings i think i got em all so let’s see what we got here.
“Hush” Route - Robin cheats death
hgrgdggr. i definitely think this is one of the more interesting endings, if not the most interesting one. this is also the only ending in which both bruce and jason survive the bombing. bruce is still too late, but this time jason barely clings to life and survives. as a hurt/comfort fan i was 100% on this shit from the word go but then jason? runs away from home lmao lmao i thought that was SO funny because 1) hes super messed up, how is he able to just literally run out the house that is SO funny to me and 2) implying that bruce would ever not be keeping an eye on him after that is just, lmao. it’s so zany. i call this the “hush” route because of the bandages but there are no other references to hush so ok. that’s fair. so anyway jason is now angsty for loosely explained reasons but the most fun part is yet to come.
when talia showed up, i really thought / was terrified for a second that they were gonna bring up certain “events” regarding damian’s parentage / who damian’s father is but then she mentioned bruce and i was like OH THANK GOD WE CAN STILL GO TO HEAVEN. i am so so grateful to the writers for NOT going there. cuz it was damn close ok. im not sure what the implication of this route is in terms of talia, jason and damian being a family unit but i want to believe talia sees jason as a son and damian’s brother (which is how she refers to him, damian’s brother) and not... yknow. i mean. jason raising a baby is kind of like a baby raising a baby...
no actually the reality of this scene is really dfuckin interesting like. they actually go with the “birth of the demon” (forget if it was birth of the demon or bride of the demon. one of those.) explanation for damian and that is something i’ve NEVER seen adapted so whoever wrote this can have a cookie and i kNOW this is something a certain someone will appreciate :)
not only that but the implications? are interesting? so talia’s claim is she miscarried so bruce won’t have to “choose” between damian and jason and idk if she’s supposed to be all on the-up-and-up in this universe but. i’m sitting here like GIRL YOU DON’T GOTTA DO THIS HE HAS A PRIVATE JET HAVEN’T YOU HEARD OF SHARED CUSTODY and BETTER YET HE HAS A MANSION JUST GO ON MAURY AND GET THIS SORTED OUT RIGHT NOWwwww
i’m also LAUGHING at the implications of jason thinking theres anywhere on earth that he’s going to go and hide damian’s existence from bruce. because you already know he’s just going to be tearing the planet apart looking for jason so this is actually hilarious. imagine he finds jason in one piece and also a baby. his baby. he’d be like (@ talia) “OMG WHY WOULD YOU THINK I WOULDN’T WANT THEM BOTH u are tearing me apart talia......” BUT THEN HE WOULD BE SO FREAKING HAPPY BECAUSE HE HAS TWO ALIVE SONS AND HE THOUGHT THEY WERE BOTH DEAD / (lost to crime)!!!
please lord imagine all of jason’s angst probably just originating from the fact that he has a brain injury that hasn’t fully healed and the trauma of going through all those surgeries probably gave him a lot of fear / paranoia about bruce and associating him with the joker because his neural pathways are all messed up but after he leaves he starts slowly healing back and regaining some of his lost sanity and thats when he realizes he misses bruce so much... but hes also raising his child... and every day it gets more difficult for him not to just take damian and bring him home and i ;v;
anyway i thought this route, while it had a few inconsistencies in it, was really freaking interesting and it gave me feels and plot bunnies and is probably the one i want to write about the MOST despite the fact that baby damian looks like a character from one of those web flash games in this lol
“True” End - Jason Dies
now if you select that jason dies the route basically defaults to the canon of under the red hood and the fact that utrh does not come packaged with this movie is a rather mystifying choice to me as i don’t think this adaptation would stand on its own very well. like you need quite a bit of background to really get anything out of watching this on its own, which is probably why it’s classified as a “short” and not as its own movie.
instead of showing all of utrh, it seems they took the opportunity to give a ~30 minute recap of utrh with basically entirely reused animation but they allow bruce to sort of. give his dvd commentary over it.
the biggest feeling i have on this is that it’s sad that they had to waste 30 minutes like this that could’ve been used to do something new and much more interesting, but honestly i’m not mad. it seems kind of obvious that this choice was probably made for budget and/or runtime reasons because a short does not get the same budget set aside as a full length feature film does. so they basically took the option of recycling 30 minutes of animation from the movie and dubbing new audio over it.
in evangelion they ran out of budget and that’s why the last two episodes consist of nothing more than still pencil drawings and frames while the characters engage in philosophical debates concerning the nature of reality and human connection. and i really enjoyed that. and for the same reasons, i also really enjoyed this.
i enjoyed seeing the clark kent of this universe. i enjoyed that he was basically out on a date with bruce. i enjoyed that bruce was willing to open up for once and tell clark all of what happened with jason. but what really makes this segment shine bright are bruce greenwood’s line reads. there are SO MANY good line reads in here. and i LOVED how many times he said the word “son”. very wholesome. the way he describes how he felt during the final fight with jason? probs my favorite FUCKING part.
and then him and clark joking together about contingency plans and then they’re going to work together to find jason and i ;_; this is probably the closest thing to a “good” ending but as a continuation of utrh i thought it worked really well. i really want to believe that bruce and clark did find jason in this route and that there was some closure in the end even though we didn’t get to see it.
including clark in this was DEFINITELY the right move as well, considering that he played a rather large role in the original ditf so it’s a welcome nod.
The rest of the branches exist under a separate option where Bruce makes it in time to save Jason from the warehouse... but Bruce dies......... :O
let me tell you bout it... bruce’s fucking DEATH SCENE i don’t know WHAT my man bruce greenwood is on, but the freaking LINE READS in this dialogue had me making INHUMAN NOISES. LIKE NOT ONLY WAS THE DIALOGUE GOOD, NOT ONLY DID HE SAY “I LOVE YOU, SON”, but this man is just an amazing actor. not just voice actor, but actor. he really really really really gave it the most i don’t know how else to say it....... it was very very well done and punched me sideways in the heart and i haven’t recovered and i’m not going to recover. and
ok so once we get past that.... scene.... u have to choose whether you’re going to catch the joker or kill the joker. bruce asks jason to promise not to kill the joker but technically jason doesn’t promise so........
Let’s start by choosing to kill the Joker. Jason attends Bruce’s funeral and various members of the Justice League show up to talk with him and just generally hang out. He has Alfred, Dick and Barbara as his support system, but Jason has some other plans.
This leads to a scene in a cafe where Jason meets with a man who... something something Killing Joke, flashlight, more Barbara being used as a plot device when she deserves better, Jason kills the Joker with a butter knife.
Once you do this you can choose to surrender to the police, or retaliate and escape.
Jailbird Ending
basically if you surrender to the police jason ends up in prison where he can actually attack even more criminals so.... ya
If you retaliate and escape instead you go to the Red Robin route where Jason becomes a vigilante who kills people much like the Red Hood and you get a further choice in a fight with Two Face where you can control how Harvey’s coin lands. 
Tim Ending!
If you choose the coin to land clean face up, the thing rewards you by having Tim show up and I forgot what happened (wasn’t really paying attention lol) because i was so focused on TIM!
Prolly they felt sorry for him what with Jason stealing what is essentially his outfit (ok I know it was Jason’s first, but Tim made it cool) so they let a little baby tim have an appearance :) he’s very smol
I guess in this ending Jason gets reintegrated with the family somehow and Tim becomes “Bat-kid” which is hilarious to me but you know what it’s cute. CUTE.
The one ending where the coin lands scarred side up
i honestly forget what happens if you choose to have the coin land scarred side up but let me just say this is a FUCKED route to take, not only have you had jason survive and bruce die, you’ve now chosen to kill the joker against bruce’s dying wish, you’ve chosen to attack the police, and at the end of that you really are gonna choose harvey’s coin to be scarred face up???? choosing this made me feel like a DICK because here i am supporting jason’s whole fall to madness and villainy thing the way it wants me to and now he’s gonna die HERE? i hate it here.
interestingly enough he doesn’t actually die in this route. he ends up at home with barbara and dick while dealing with the fact that he killed the joker but the route ends with jason saying “i promise” so i guess this is supposed to be kinda sad. im so confused lol ok
So that is all the options if you choose to kill the joker, I believe. You can also make the choice to just catch him instead of killing him but amazingly enough, those routes are even more FUCKED up. 
If you do this option Jason goes home, mourns Bruce with Dick, Barbara and Alfred, and becomes Red Hood BUT with a twist, he’s entirely on a bloodless operation in line with Bruce’s wishes. OR.... IS HE?
Things then follow the events of UTRH until the scene on the bridge with the van and the guys. Jason finally confronts Joker, who reveals the truth. 
Apparently in this route Jason has actually been killing and decapitating his victims just like in the original movie, but he’s repressed it so as to not even realize to himself that he’s doing it.
that is FUCKED. also. i wanna cry because jason doing all of that stuff but not even realizing it ;------; jason blocking it out, because he wanted to honor bruce’s wishes for him not to kill anyone ;______; but he’s doing it anyway ;_____; he’s actually hearing voices telling him to kill ;____; like it’s a very cheap twist in a sense and also really quite cruel but.... damn, son.
There is a branch here where you can choose to spare or kill the Joker at this point (UNDERTALE???) but from what I can tell it seems to be totally meaningless what choice you pick because you end up at the exact same point either way, I think there’s a small variation in what happens after you make the choice but after that they just coalesce back together into the following two endings. Which seems incredibly cheap to me, I mean making a choice like that should alter Jason’s path completely but, it doesn’t! So... ooook....
Either way Jason ends up on the Wayne building and Talia shows up with a re-animated Bruce from the pit. Here’s another fun blast from the 2011 past with more gratuitous Grant Morrison dreck, remember that shit? Well, they’re gonna jam it down your throat here, too.
The reanimated Bruce is the Zur En Arrh Bruce and he’s already dead so this is all meaningless but basically Jason fights him and you get to choose whether everybody lives or dies.
Zur En Arrh - Everyone Lives!
if you pick this, jason actually gets the re-animated bruce back to the batcave and they lock him up down there because he’s still pit-mad and the prognosis is not great. but i’m not sure what they expected, he is the zur-en-arrh guy so I don’t think he’s getting better. 
Zur En Arrh - Everyone Dies!
pretty much there’s an explosion and all three of them die and that’s it
I think that should be all the possible endings there are.
By the way the different ways in which black mask dies in this was actually a fairly clever running gag lollll. let that mf burn we don’t need no water.
overall there are a couple of things i would have done to SIGNIFICANTLY improve this adaptation beyond some of the obvious ones.
- the fact that all of the branching options are branched exclusively under the “jason lives and bruce dies” branch is a huge wasted opportunity. imo this is the most egregious problem with this, i was really looking for a more balanced tree / explanation of different things. i am probably super biased though being a fic writer and used to fic, we’re the ones making huge ass trees every day lol.
- the fact that there is no “good” ending here is something i kind of expected but given the context of this is lackluster. i sort of get it though because granted, the original ditf ends in an unresolved manner but it’s distinctly unsatisfying here. i secretly wanted an ending where bruce, like, figures out about the different endings and hacks reality to try to find a good ending where jason lives and everything is fine lmao. like a bat mite ending.
- i was disappointed in a sense that the narrative given in here is so basically simplistic? maybe i’ve been spoiled by games like 999 and undertale where shit gets messy and that’s not what this is supposed to be but when i play something with multiple endings in this day and age, at least play with the concept a little bit and connect some of the branches together narratively. use different devices. i was also hoping some of the choices would be a little bit meatier like you could choose to “forgive bruce” or something cool like that lol. but it looks like the majority of choices have to do with who lives or dies. and i felt like they couldve been a bit more creative with that ya know? being able to control harvey’s coin was a GREAT example of having some more fun with this.
- it is a huge missed opportunity not to have a “secret ending” on something like this. like where. the fuck. is my secret ending for completing everything. come on. and in a similar vein there should’ve been at least something in terms of bruce and jason interacting in a “true ending”. even if very brief. the closest thing to an ending this has is the “jason died” route and then the ending where he’s talking to clark which i feel like was a REALLY nice good optimistic ending as far as this goes, but it comes off as kind of disappointing i guess
there were SO many interesting nuggets locked into this thing though. i can’t deny it bugs me how many wasted opportunities there were with how they chose to structure things but i guess it’s the best you can do with limited runtime. i thought it was really well done though, makes an interesting companion piece to the original utrh, and is definitely something that i will be re-watching again soon!! overall i give it a 7/10 and some parts an 8/10+!
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nouru-vi · 4 years
Headcanons for my AFK Arena gang buckle the f up
Disclaimer: I take canon lore/relationships and throw out what I don’t like thank you have a nice day
Starter pack: Estrilda, Mirael and Nemora
Nemora is sent by the Wilders to help out Ranhorn City and these three stick together going forward
Estrilda and Mirael are in idiot lesbians with each other. They constantly try to impress the other and Nemora is in the bg facepalming but she also ships them hard secretly
The gang is sent to hunt down Lucretia who is rampaging indiscriminately through the countryside and they manage to subdue and capture her. As they’re bringing her back to Ranhorn, Nemora keeps drawing info out of her through treating her kindly, and learns her story. Then they’re attacked by a large group of Maulers or sg, and Lucy demands that they unchain her if they want to live (lbr she has to be chained and not tied), adding that she also refuses to die tied up. Nemora chooses to trust her and she helps them make it out alive. Then they’re like “okay this Zaphrael dude sounds like a complete dick and we’ll help you confront him when we find him and also you can stay with us, we won’t bring you to Ranhorn to be imprisoned/executed. No more rampaging tho” and that’s how Lucy becomes the local goth mom
Silvina is sent to assassinate Estrilda, to finish off the job of destroying the Raynes, but when she sees her, memories come back to her from before her death, when she saw the young Estrilda as the girl she never got to be. She is like “fuck this I’m not doing this” and realises it’s time to stand up to Vedan’s exploitation of her and Isabella, if not for her own sake but her sister’s. She confronts Estrilda and pleads her to help remove Isabella from Vedan’s clutches. Her and the team go to do that and Isabella doesn’t really understand at first but when Vedan hurts Silvina she’s like “Back off. I made you what you are, don’t think I can’t unmake you just the same.” Now outclassed, Vedan is forced to let them go, and the sisters join the gang. Lucretia is immediately like “I’m your mom now”
Bonus: months later Vedan shows up to be like “Please forgive me. I never knew what I had until I lost it, I treated you two like crap even though you were the closest thing to family I had! Pls come back to me T_T” and although they don’t do that they agree to let him visit sometimes, so he becomes their weird weekend dad. Lucy watches him like a hawk every single time but he tries his best (I added this HC as an afterthought because the official comics with Vedan and the girls are just too fucking funny to be non-canon)
Wu Kong helps out the team on and off and Lucy hates him because he’s a FILTHY CELESTIAL while he’s just like, lady im am just leetl monky. I’m new to being a Celestial actually and don’t even know this Zaphirel or whatshisface. I’m just here to punch bad guys and have a good time. But he also annoys her for fun because he’s just like that
Lyca joins the team as a somewhat more competent co-leader to Mirael. To Nemora’s relief, because she’s the only other person so far who is not a mess or dumb or both. Silvina develops a mega gay crush on her because she’s the bouncy nerd prep to her emo jock goth. It probably takes a very long time for this to come to the surface because she is a Disgusting Graveborn and Lyca is a Beautiful and Ethereal Wilder, according to Silvina, that is. Her concerns turn out to be baseless, of course, and then they’re cute and gay, The End
Solise joins to swell the ranks of people who are both dumb and a mess. She’s powerful though and a great alchemist, and adorable and everyone else is sapphic so go figure
Flora also shows up often to help the group and Lucy is like HISS GRRR CELESTIAL HRRR GRRR at her too, while she’s just like, lady. It’s gonna be alright. You will find justice one day. Calm down. Here’s a flower bigger than your head. Have a nice day :) ~flies off on her gay little flower broom into the sunset gayly~
Certain groups catch wind of Lucretia travelling with the group and as a result, Cecilia is sent after them. Since Lucy is family by this point, they’re forced to fight and subdue Cecilia. She gets injured and they’re unwilling to leave her to her fate, so they bring her along as she recovers. For a long time, she keeps going on about heretics cavorting with Hypogean filth and whatnot, but what’s this? Lucy is around, and although Cecilia can’t see her, her voice is inexplicably pleasant to hear, and she’s just so nice to those two girls! But surely that is the insidious deception of a treacherous Hypogean, seeking to corrupt every innocent soul, right? Surely she is not a loving mother, nor a valiant woman who will do anything for the sake of justice? Right??? (yeah spoiler they end up in gays and the sisters now have two mothers and a dad. They deserve all the parents)
One day the gang stumbles upon Torne and they collectively adopt them immediately. They’re big and smad and in need of hugs and therapy so the group is happy to provide.
Nara joins from time to time, apparently because she just enjoys carnage, regardless of the target. She’s a gross and unhinged gremlin who’s somehow still hot, and her idea of humour is “bet I can kick a dead baby further than any of you”, but she’s pretty upbeat and more or less tolerated by the others. Things become awkward when the group finds out she used to be a crime boss and would-be slaver in life. She says something like “well, am I not allowed to make a new start?”, but she does have the decency to look embarrassed at least. Someone says “maybe she just wanted friends for once” and Nara throws them the most maybe so look of the century
There are some other heroes that I have yet to figure out how to work into the group dynamics and story, like Grezhul for example, as he’s one of my most used heroes now, or Oden, who has also become one of my faves. I do know Oden absolutely makes dad jokes, for a start.
That’s it so far, notice how all of these are wholesome and mostly gay? Yea that is how I roll. The AFK heroes have suffered enough in canon, only positive vibes around here and also I’m queer as shit bye
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franeridart · 5 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: Please wish me luck, I have an important art audition soon and I’m super scared.
Ahhhhhhhh I’m sure everything will be fine!!! Good luck, anon!!!!!!
Anon said: do you have instagram?
I don’t! and most probably never will
Anon said: you're my fav acc holy shit i love ur art sm! thank you for sharing them with us!! have a fantastic day!
GOSH thank you so much for thinking so!! I hope you’ll have all the fantastic days too, anon!!!
Anon said: What if I told you that you’re my favorite artist and I check your blog daily?
I’d cry!!! Definitely!!!!!!!! TTATT
Anon said: Your drawings are lovely, absolutely amazing, and your artistic skills are incredible. I admire you deeply and just wanted to let you know. Also, what is your favourite BnH couple? I'm curious! Sending lots of love towards you 🥰🥰
Holy heck thank you so so so so much!!! You’re so nice oh my god ;;;;;;;;;;;;; and kiribaku, definitely! I have a couple more I ship a lot and a whole damn lot I enjoy the aesthetic and/or dynamic of, but krbk is the real one and only, for me TT^TT
Anon said: Hii, i really REALLY love your drawings, and I'm so happy to see u continue to improve (tho I still find it as great as your first uploaded drawing, really, u are amazing) I'm kinda sad/mad/smad that I know u from a random page that reposted your art, but I'm glad I found u at last!! I was wondering tho, I love your kiribaku and I adore your tododeku art (big multishiper) but what about todobaku, mm? I would love to see in your style, so cute and wholesome, so thank u if u do it, stay lovely!
Ahhhh thank you!!! And I do enjoy todobaku too! I have at least one piece for them in my todobaku tag, and if you’re into that there’s a couple of things in my todokiribaku tag too! I love the tdbk dynamic, I might draw them again soon enough T^T
Anon said: I live for your Sero Artwork. Boy doesn't get enough love and you make him look sooooo good. 💛💛💛
Thank you!!! I’m glad you think so, it took a while to figure him out but now I have so so much fun drawing him! <3
Anon said: For your BNHA Fusion AU: I dunno why but I really wanna see a Dekusquad vs Bakusquad fusion cause I feel it would be a disaster in the making. Also maybe a teachers (Aizawa, Mic, All Might, midnight maybe?) fusion trying to stop them? Just some idea!
They’re all wonderful ideas anon, but I’m not really doing more art for that au anymore! I’m sorry ;;;
Anon said: Just a small actual question: how would be the best way to prepare a portfolio?
Damn anon, if you find an answer to that lemme know that I need to start making myself one too haha no, for real, the best I can tell you is to decide which kind of portfolio you want to make - which art field you mean to specialize in, is what I’m saying - and then look up examples of it on youtube. There’s a lot of videos that are just people scrolling and thumbing through their portfolios and explaining what they put where and how and why, and a lot of tutorials for how to put together a portfolio as well  - it’ll take a while to figure it out for both of us, but let’s both do our best!
Anon said: everytime i see you make an answers post i expect it to be tagged "franswers", not "fran answers".
I’ve had this pointed out to me so many times that by now I’m just being a dick and purposefully not going there ngl
Anon said: You like play some Videogame or VN? If you not I strongly recommend you to play "Your turn to die" which is free.
This was so weirdly omnious when I first read it LMAO but ah, I’m not a huge fan of games but sometimes I do get in the mood for those! So thank you so much for the rec, I’ll keep it in mind!!
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bitegore · 4 years
1, 7, 44, 50 for rex (and any other ocs you wanna do)?
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? 
Rex’s full name is Rezkierelayxl, because when I was coming up with the closerverse dragon culture i was really vibing with the idea that the names are like. theirs, picked out by them, and they keep their real names hidden except with maybe like a close friend or significant other. Rex is honestly a nonsense word for him*. Someone else picked it out and he was just like “yeah ok i didnt like my old name very much” Of course in the metatextual version his name is rex because i had a dream where the entire closerverse story happened and that was just. his name. Didn’t really pick it out from anything other than the aether.
bc i feel like it, i’m also adding Taz, whose full name is. shit. idk. who even cares its just long and basically alphabet soup with a whole bunch of unrelated syllables in there, and his name is “Tazryx” which roughly translates to “Freedom” in my dragon language conlang. this is ironic. for reasons. his name also fell out of the aether, but like with meaning intact.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
Rex? HAHAHAHAHAHA NO. He had like a few friends as a child but they got murdered and then he was like [angst and brooding] and then he made new friends but they were frankly awful people and he killed like two of them and was like [angst and brooding x5] and now he just has like. no friends. a few acquaintances, his ten billion cousins and assorted relatives, and like 2 immortal demigods who are bound to keep him alive that he’s like sort of friends with but not really
Taz? Yeah. But like half of them are dead now and he’s veeeeery smad about it. he channels that and constructs a city. it is very cool and like half the plot of the book
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
For Rex, it’s highly dependent on location; he prefers spring in foresty areas and summer in desert types. He likes being human in thunderstorms and being a dragon in dry heat. He’s not really great in either extreme in his human form, but he’s really bad with cold in his dragon form, and he complains LOUDLY AND OFTEN about snow. It is his opinion that snow is the worst thing that the sky could ever drop on them. (He’s probably been hit by a meteorite for saying that and still adamantly thinks that snow is worse.)**
Taz hates winter. He doesn’t really care much for any season (summer is too hot, spring is too rainy, fall is too chilly) but he like reaaaaally doesn’t like winter. His favorite ‘season’ is like 1 week in the middle of late spring. He’s awful in both the cold and the heat and whines long and hard about both. He mostly complains about inclement weather, though; if it’s sunny he’ll suck it up and be like “yeah ok this is kinda nice actually” eventually
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
oh this one is actually canon-relevant, thank you! according to him, rex’s essential travel bag contains:
at least two knives, one for hurting people and one for skinning animals
between five hundred and a thousand dollars cash in local money***
some sort of tradeable good in case he doesnt have the right local money. this is typically just another knife or two
a small bottle of something to drink for the trip because he doesn’t want to buy alcohol in places he doesnt know
two changes of clothes
and apparently sometimes he’ll also bring letters from people but he pretty much doesn’t have stuff that he’d take with him while traveling. even if he had to literally uproot his whole life the only difference would be the quantity of knives coming with him (upwards of like 200. hobbyist knifemaker in a blacksmithing clan = collecting lots and lots of knives and he only sells them sometimes). he also has like... a coat with many pockets full of knicknacks that he keeps on him at all times but those are like it.
Taz would bring like. clothing, food, water, and a whole bunch of knicknacks like. books and toys and shit. and then discover that he didnt have any of the things he needed and call someone in the middle of the night like “heeeeeyyyyyy i forgot to bring ANY money and i need to buy a TOOTHBRUSH, pls come take me home :(” and his poor siblings would have to mobilize to go rescue his stupid ass.
He’d call like, probably clothing and whatever hobby he’s on at the moment his essentials but he’d be wrong. his actual essentials are not his two-week hyperfixations, he is just [jazzhands] undiagnosed untreated adhd and based heavily off my untreated shortsighted self
*closerverse is like a thousand odd years after the apocalypse and rex is like uneducated. he doesn’t know latin. the people who picked his name did and they find it incredibly ironic for reasons he doesn’t know but would laugh at if he did know
**The gods of his world canonically do not like him very much and they would absolutely be like “hey now. snow is nice. fuck you. see how you like THIS” and then, because Rex never ever, ever, EVER does what they want, is just like “...that sucked. OH GOD IS IT FUCKING SNOWING, can’t i EVER catch a break!” and then brin and deva are just like [facepalm] and the entirety of the abyss curses his name and the bets they’ve placed on him again
***there are no banks in the closerverse. there are like fifty different systems of currency in the continental america alone at different exchange rates, many don’t consider other currencies valid, there is almost no standard, and its just a nightmare to deal with having the wrong currency.
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lotus-mirage · 4 years
untamed episode 34 liveblog
I’m interested to see where this goes now that we’ve caught up to the opening.  I have no idea what tone the rest of the story is going to take, frankly.
That is a very fluffy dog
Did - Is the dog trained to follow people??? That’s. That’s a very non-threatening pace for that sort of thing.
I cannot believe that LWJ front flips in to defend him from a fluffy dog barking in his direction.
So the Nie clan isn’t keeping up, then?
It’s Nie Huisang! Glad to see him even if he isn’t doing a good job at the moment.
Wait. Why is he the clan leader? What happened to his brother?
After all the times I wrongfully assumes that his brother died before, now he goes and dies off-screen? I mean I guess it sounds like it’ll be plot relevant, but. Pfft.
‘His cultivation went wrong.’ What? It can do that!?
:,( at both backstory and family angst
Didn’t LWJ not liked to be touched?
‘Wonder dog’. What
The. The dog is powerful??
So did Jin Ling just happen to walk into a trap on the same path that they were heading, or is this another set-up?
Did something break out of the tomb?? I’d say it looks too old to be, like, Wen Ning, but it’s damp and has been like 16 years.
Oh, it’s a bunker. Right.
That seems like too many bricks on the ground there.
Noisy like ghosts, or noisy like resentful energy?
Spirits, okay.
‘Blades shrine’ well that’s ominous
Would make sense for a place for the sword to have come from, though
Are those coffins!?
Sword coffins. Okay.
Okay, sword ghost doesn’t know anything, but... weird thought: he said the same thing Nie Huisang was just emphasized to be saying all the time.
Did we know that they could, like. Communicate with spirits this way before?
They actually brought up the Nie Huisang thing. I don’t know if that implicated him or. What.
These are some kind of complicated questions for a series of notes.
The spirit is who? No. Well. He can’t be dead, not already. Not with such little fanfare.
How does this world work
He’s in the wall!?
Buried and sealed in the wall!?
Well at least he’s alive
That’s a lot of people.
Okay, so the statues??
Was that a Lan disciple? Looked to be wearing white. Probably not the mystery instigator guy, at least.
Wait nvm not wearing white.
I don’t recognize the clothing
Definitely expensive though
Oh jeez that’s a evil looking infection.
Or spell, okay.
Yeah. Uh. That’s kind of an alarming thing to be woken up to.
‘One death is enough for me’ DO YOU NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORD ‘COVER’
it’s exactly the same thing he’s been doing the entire tome, though, so I guess I can’t really complain. can still be exasperated.
Is it the same pendant? If so - how’d he get it?
Oh! I recognize that voice!!
Proobably not great for WWX at the moment though
they walked right past his horrible hiding spot
I. Right past him.
The dog is smarter than most of the characters combined, I swear.
I guess that’s one way to get him to reveal his face.
Yeah he’s really just piling up evidence against himself isn’t he
This entire conversation is just painful
Ouch, flashbacks too.
Hmm. Not sold on the idea that it was Wen Ning.
I’m kind of trying to distance myself from the conversation here because it. Kinda hurts.
Wait, he’s letting him go and going with him!? Was not expecting that at all, frankly.
Nor was I expecting him to be able to use Zidian, but I guess that makes some sense.
Did he forget about meeting LWJ?
Jin Ling named his dog like his uncle named his and I find that adorable.
Okay yeah Jin Ling is oddly adorable by himself anyways.
Did. Did Mo Xanyu have a unique mask? I guess it’s recognizable and not a lot of people seem to be wearing them, but he’s referring to it specifically
Actually both his actual facial structure and mannerisms look a lot like Jiang Cheng’s. Props to both the actor and people who did the casting.
Did he knock him out so he wouldn’t get in trouble with Jiang Cheng or??
No, the curse, right.
Transferring it? I guess he doesn’t really have another option right now.
End notes:
So. He seems to have forgotten about the meeting with LWJ, which is probably going to escalate some things.
As is transferring the curse. That might endear him some to his brother and nephew, but frankly is going to probably be very troublesome in the near future. And also scare LWJ.
I do wonder what it actually does, though? And why he didn’t point it out to Jin Ling or Jiang Cheng?
So. Jiang Cheng has been catching people that he thinks could be WWX, but ah. This one is definitely him and I think he knows it. The both of them being gone is probably going to get him pretty mad/scared. Which may or may not be his entire state of being at this point. Or mad/grieving. Smad.
This is me being lighthearted about the whole thing, to be clear. I’m. Really not glad to see him effected like this. I can’t wait to be done with this series and be able to go read fix-its - there must be a ton of them.
I wonder who it was by the bunker?? Wen Ning was wearing his all-black combo+cape thing, I think, and the guy didn’t seem to be chained up.
Actually. That whole thing might have been a ploy by Jin Ling to get Jiang Cheng to go out searching. Smart, but a little cruel, given the circumstances.
The Nie Huisang thing got suggested and then dismissed, but I feel like it’s. I don’t know, the opposite of a red-herring? Like, an option is raised and dismissed, and then it turns out to be the solution all along (or to something related).
The guy at the bunker didn’t seem to be extremely coordinated and I don’t recall Nie Huisang being a fighter (aside from the original Danfan mountain fight, maybe), but I’m not sure that a clan leader would be able to just leave like that without an entourage, especially if he can’t fight.
We don’t really have many options, that I know of, really. What other named characters could possibly be there? Meng Yao? One of the two wandering cultivators? We haven’t seen those guys in a while.
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assless-chapstick · 5 years
Thinking about the couch au like…
John’s track coach asked him if he wanted to join the junior swim team to help him keep fit in the off-season; it’d help develop his upper body and he’s got the body type for it already. He had to admit to his coach that he doesn’t know how to swim – didn’t tell her he was desperately afraid of water any higher than waist deep and absolutely can’t stand putting his head underneath…
He’s kind of smad at himself about it, too, cuz swimming could provide more opportunities for him but he’s just… too afraid.
Javier knows how to swim, and has offered to take John to the pool just to check it out (teased about buying him a lil string bikini to wear) but John absolutely is not comfortable with that. I think at the time they’d only been dating for a couple months…
Maybe by the time summer rolls around, John is willing to… not try swimming, but just… splash around, a little.
So they go to this little outdoor wading pool, where the water ain’t more than six or eight inches high… they bring a lunch and sunnies and Javi puts sunscreen on John’s back… It’s not even really a pool at all, so they don’t bother wearing swim trunks or anything, they just go in barefoot and the water only comes up to their ankles anyway…
They spend a lot of time kicking water at one another and it ends up with John chasing Javier all around the pool, splashing up so much water as they run that their clothes get soaked. Javier can’t outrun John cuz, hello, sprinting, and it ends up with John getting him in a headlock and wrestling him to the ground til they’re rolling in the water and soaked to the bone and laughing their asses off.
And then since they’re in the water anyway, Javier lays down and shows John all the different strokes he knows, pretending to swim in ankle-deep water until John is laughing so hard he’s crying…
It’s a real hot day that day, too, so by the time they get home in their wet clothes they’re a little chilly, and Javi has been staring at John’s nipples were they’re all pointy in his clinging shirt for like, the last 20 minutes… and John is eating icecream in the least sexy way possible, and he’s eating it even though he’s shivering and covered in goosebumps “but this was like a four dollar icecream, Javi, I’m not gonna just toss it – No, you had yours already! No! get off!!!”
So they get home and hop in the shower to “get the chlorine off” (absolutely there was no chlorine in that glorified fountain) and inevitably start making out in the warm spray of the shower, kissing between washing one another… Javier ends up giving John a really slippery, soapy handjob as John clings to him… the soap (the shitty Axe shower gel that John and Arthur share) makes it real easy for Javi to stroke him, just by squeezing he can get a good, hard stroke on… John keeps trying to pull away like “cmon, baby, let’s go to bed, you can fuck me proper, suck my dick, please, I don’t wanna cum in the shower, I’m not supposed to, please suck my dick, please, Arthur said, please, Javi…”
But Javi is starting to realize he enjoys the tease, loves teasing John and making him beg like that, likes the way he gets desperate and whimpery and how even though he wants to go make love, he’s still letting Javier stroke him in the shower cuz he can’t keep himself from mouthing at Javi’s neck and thrusting into his fist
Javi makes John cum just from a handjob and wraps him in a towel and they go to John’s room to hang out – naked, of course, Javier’s clothes are still the in the dryer – and Javi is still hard... John’s always kinda shy around Javi after he cums, so he’s just like, want some help? And Javi’s like nah, just come lay with me on the bed
And that ends with Javi running his hands all over John’s body, fingering him open so John can sit on his dick and ride him cowgirl….
A couple weeks later, Javier makes John model a little string bikini for him and John turns so red with embarrassment he looks sunburned...
I think John, in addition to being afraid of swimming/water, is also afraid of heights...
I also think that the first time Javier convinces John to go to a Real pool, John has a kind of mid-tier freakout, and it’s the first time Javi has ever seen him like that.
Like, the pool starts ankle deep and grades deeper, and Javi walks in up to his waist, but when he looks John ain’t beside him… he turns around and John is still on the pool deck, frozen, on the verge of tears… Javi’s like “c’mon Flaca, it’s just a couple steps, come on in” and John is just like, no, no, no, no, no…
He knows his fear is irrational but that doesn’t help, and Javi hugs him as John has an embarrassing stress-cry in the locker room …
Cuz the thing is, John didn’t care about learning how to swim, about overcoming this fear … not until one day, casually, Javi was showing him pictures of the beaches he used to go to when he was a kid, visiting family in Mexico … Javi'd gotten so excited about it, said they should plan a road trip down there after graduation, and John… wants to do that with him.
But can’t until he learns to fucking SWIM. Or at least not be afraid of water …
They’ve worked on it a lot, and now adays, John is able to go in up to his belly button……. He spends most of his time at the pool clinging to Javier though, and Javi mostly just carries him around in the water. John can lie on his back and float now, so long as Javi is there with a hand under his back… but he still gets really scared and stiff when he does it cuz he don’t like to get his head so close to being submerged…
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lordeasriel · 5 years
Ok, I’ve read chapters 1-11 of The Secret Commonwealth and this is my set of impressions so far. I’m using the audiobook, which is wonderful and I recommend it! Under the cut for spoilery reasons:
First and foremost, the audiobook: Michael Sheen is A-MA-ZING! And because he did La Belle Sauvage too, lots of voices are recognisable and I love it. Pan sounds a lot like young Malcolm, but less sweet and more sharp and snappish and it’s beautiful. Marcel has hints of Bonneville = Papadimitriou aka disgustingly smooth but scholary and witty. Lyra sounds amazing; Alice and Hannah have the same voices as they did in LBS (i love you michael for this). Malcolm has a mix of Coram’s voice and Asriel’s voice, he sounds worldly and sexy scholarly at the same time, I love it! Olivier sounds like a lil bitch.
I love the part where Lyra is telling Miriam about her origin story and it’s added that she wasn’t sure about the horse, but she liked it. She won’t give up on the romantic vibes of Asriel saving her, first the swordfight, now a horse lmao;
“I saw someone being mudered” Pantalaimon no chills lmao I love this adult Pan, he is so special to me, but then again I always loved him and his grumpy mood.
The Hyperchorasmians: this was such a wild moment, I laughed out loud and was like “is this a self meta?” but someone did brought to my attention it may be a self parody, I love it regardless.
Pantalaimon saying "I do exist (...) we exist” and so on, was really powerful, because it feels like a horrible existential crisis and I get his anger with Lyra and I feel his entitled to it. Right now, they’re struggling with their sense of self, yet they are one, and while Lyra finds that concept interesting, Pan is afraid because the same concept suggests he ain’t even real. In our world, our existential crisis consists of asking “do i exist or not?” but in Lyra’s world, is like asking if only a part of you is real and that’s bloody horrible to even think about.
I love how smoothly Pullman retconned Alice’s age, in “Lyra now thought she wasn’t as old as she first thought” like yeah my man, nice try, but I see through the lies of the jedi your retcon, yet I love it all the same lmao I’m glad she’s alive and well.
I love that remark of Lyra having learned how to charm people and manipulate information out of them with her wits and small talk. That’s such a Marisa trait, at least as I always perceived her and it really made be bubbly and cheerful as I noticed that.
I also noticed how Lyra refers to Asriel either by his name or as Lord Asriel, and she still refers to Marisa as Mrs. Coulter, although she acknowledges them as father and mother when other people refer to them that way. I’m a little sad she doesn’t refer to them as mom and dad, but then again i feel like they never earned that treatment from her and I get it.
Pan suggesting Malcolm and Alice may be lovers and Lyra stares at him then ignores him because the mere thought of it it’s inconceivable LMAO
Lyra remembering Asriel’s moonlight walk with her was too much for me, that’s as emotional as I’m gonna get. It really made me sad that Asriel was living hand to mouth and that he left her nothing; to think that his most recent luxury was his house arrest on Svalbard is, well, sad.
On a happier note, Dr Carne supporting Lyra is my favourite thing. He cared enough about her to actually give her a home and support, and I think people should respect him more. This guy is the father Lyra had, however quirky the entire situation was and I have an immense love for this character.
Oh my God, I cannot believe they kept Lyra in the dark for so long. She is so fucking clueless about everything! What is wrong with those people? Tell the girl everything for fuck’s sake! The moment she snapped I snapped too; for fuck’s sake, she should have known about that stuff the moment she came back from the other worlds. Also, the fact she does not know about Asriel and Marisa is infuriating, but that one I can forgive because they kinda did threw themselves into a fucking void and didn’t wanr anyone about it, so...
HOW THE FUCK IS THE MAGISTERIUM STILL STRONG???? I am so fucking angry! I can understand why it takes a long time for them to dissolve entirely, but they are still strong and influential and Asriel’s war was for absolutely nothing. He and Marisa died for nothing, everyone that died there died for nothing and I am so angry because I hate theocracies with every fiber of my fucking being and I AM SO FUCKING SMAD;
Lyra does mention “the witches of the north” and that got me thinking that there may be more types of witches around the world and that not all of them have split daemons. But I don’t know, just a thought.
I only read 11 chapters, but so far I am 95% percent sure Lyra and Olivier are going to end up together by the end of the third book. I will not elaborate on this now since I have very little to go on with, but I will speak more as I read more. I do not approve of this, but I fear this may be the route Sir Phil is going for. I hope I am wrong.
Malcolm’s description of his feelings for Lyra are creepy and cringe. If he only, I don’t know, “discovered” his feelings for her recently, I could overlook it with a certain frown, but he’s been having those weird ass feelings since she was his student and a minor and that’s creepy, to say the least. I know he acknowledges that what he felt wrong was wrong and weird, and wow, thank god, but the fact he indulges himself on those feelings now that she’s older is weird. I feel like Pullman is deceiving us, I’m just not sure. I love Malcolm, I do, and I am slightly attracted to him now lmaoooo but no, you see? No. Not okay, but as I said before, I don’t think they’re ending up together. I hope I am right.
Also the way Pullman describes it lmaoooo “Malcolm Polstead, age 31, was in love with Lyra” or something like that. It was so funny, I felt like I was read a very well-written fanfiction that suddenly the author had a stroke and wrote as if they’re 12 and in love. It was very cringe, I don’t know, I was embarassed on Malcolm’s behalf.
I really love that Oakley Street is still going strong, sort of lol and that Malcolm is now a member and I hope we get to see more of them. I love spies and I love Oakley Street and I’m sad Nugent is dead.
Makepeace referring to Pan as “my boy” warms my heart because it shows the daemons’ treatment we should see and treat them: they are people and they have feelings and they exist and should be acknowledged. I just cherish the whole conflict between Lyra and Pan because this is what it feels so far: the struggle of being who they are and the pain that comes with it.
I have an unpopular opinion here, but I love the relationship between Pan and Lyra; I love their banter, their fight, their anger with each other. It feels right, although I am sad that they are fighting a lot because of the existence business, I think Lyra is really being inconsiderate with Pan. But, I think their constant disagreement is in-character; they always disagreed with each other, they always were very different from each other, so I love that they struggle with that, it’s just sad that they’re bordering on self-loathing and they need to work on that. I want them to find the spark of love they had, but not to the point where they are clingy again; they’re people and they’re different and they are the same person, so they need to come to terms with that. It really hurt me when Pan had to yell that he exists, that hit so close to home and I don’t know, I felt speechless for a moment.
Pan saying: “You are in a world full of colour, and you wanna see it in black and white” was a powerful. I really appreciate how that argument was handled. It’s beautiful and sad and painful to listen, there’s so much emotion in Lyra.
Back to Malcolm, I think that Pullman is going for a weird route here, not gonna lie. But so far I think that Malcolm’s awareness of its weirdness is alright, I think and as long as he never acts on his feelings, we’re gonna be fine. I want Lyra to end her story alone and with a healthy relationship with Pantalaimon, because that’s what really matters in life.
Now, more Oakley Street: I’m sorry but Glenys Godwin is awesome and I am so happy that a woman is the head of my favourite spy organisation, thank you sir phil for this gift. I love her and her daemon, and that OS is a bit stronger than before. RIP Lord Nugent, thank you for your service, you ruthless bastard.
I do not trust that priest tho; I think it’s cool and stuff, but I just dont trust religious figures in general lmao i hope he is not a traitor.
I don’t know what is wrong with Marcel, but I like him cause he’s clever but I hate him cause he’s a Magisterium bitch. I had the spoiler that he is Seasea’s brother, I had this theory that maybe they’re twins, but so far it hasn’t been mentioned and I am horribly curious. I wonder, did he changed his name? Did Marisa change her name? I thought van zee was canon tbh
Giorgio Brabandt is a man, my friends, and what a man he is. He is AWESOME. I loved him immediately. I love the gyptians in general.
What the heck is happening to those roses?
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countessrivers · 5 years
Following on from my post about Jeremiah and Bruce’s B’day: things get even more complicated with Dick in the picture.
Because most holidays are weird for Dick, especially in the early years. Father’s Day is the worst, but there’s always a part of him that feels sad and sick and guilty every time a holiday rolls around. And Bruce never pushes, he’d never want to replace Dick’s parents, because he knows, so it’s something they’re all aware of, but Bruce’s birthday is different. There’s no baggage, nothing complicated in that day for Dick. It’s just a day for Bruce.
But Bruce has never really been big on his birthday (guilt and bad memories and self-hatred etc). He enjoys the time with Alfred, and with the others, like Selina and Jim and Lucius if they’re around, but otherwise he doesn’t like to make a big deal. Never has. Jeremiah, and his idea of appropriate birthday /”anniversary” gifts just makes things 1000x worse.
So here’s Dick, wanting to celebrate with Bruce, wanting to do something nice for him, even if it’s just something quite, just the family, and Bruce is stressed and anxious and even more worked up and overbearing than usual (because it’s been happening for years). And that’s if the “presents”, or rather, everything behind them (which, he has an idea, but Dick still hasn’t gotten the full story - Bruce won’t tell him, and Alfred and Jim aren’t talking either. Dick keeps meaning to ask Harvey) don’t just make Bruce sad. So instead of a nice family dinner (maybe with the Gordons, Lucius, Selina if her and Bruce are on again) with presents and a cake, Batman and Robin are out all night, dealing with whatever particularly over the top/awfully pointed bit of chaos Jeremiah has cooked up. Or they’re at home, waiting on tender hooks for some terrible delivery that’s probably made up of body parts. And that’s only when Bruce hasn’t made Alfred take Dick out of town for the week (just to be safe).
Eventually, Dick decides he’s had enough, he’s going to give Bruce a nice birthday god damn it, whatever it takes. So the next time they run into Jeremiah, the next time it’s just the two of them - Batman’s somewhere behind them, dealing with two dozen or so of Jeremiah’s latest batch of hired help - he just kind of snaps.
“I want to do something nice for Bruce on his birthday, but you keep ruining it with your everything,” he says, while trying to kick Jeremiah in the head.
““What are you on about, brat?” Jeremiah replies, dodging the kick and slashing at him with his knife.
““You! With the random fires and explosions and the body parts you keep leaving on the manor doorstep like a serial killing cat, every single year. You’re ruining Bruce’s birthday, and you’re making him smad.”
That brings Jeremiah up short, which is a mistake because it allows Dick to punch him in the face.
He swears and Dick lets out a whoop.
““What?” Jeremiah says, swiftly backing up to avoid another hit and glaring at Dick in both confusion and anger, though the effect is somewhat lost under the way he’s prodding at his nose to see if it’s broken.
“I said, you’re ruining Bruce’s birthday.”
“No, no, I got that bit. I mean, I’m making him what?
“Oh. Smad. It means a combination of mad and sad.”
It hurts to laugh, because he’s fairly certain his nose is broken, but he can’t help it. 
Jeremiah’s always appreciated a good portmanteau. 
(Plus, ‘sad’ is somewhat validating)
“So,” Dick, says, speaking loudly and firmly over him. “I’m going to need you to stop.”
That just sets Jeremiah off again.
“Well it doesn’t really matter what you need, little bird,” Jeremiah says after he manages to calm down, wiping away fake tears of laughter. He takes a step towards Dick, making sure to keep his knife obvious and visible, in-case anyone who’s not Bruce gets any bright ideas about punching him in the face again. “It’s not up to you. It’s not your day, is it? It’s mine. Ours.”
“It was Bruce’s first. And I want to do something nice for him.”
Dick rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, nice. Like cakes that don’t explode. And presents that don’t contain human heads.”
Jeremiah lets out a huff, rolls his eyes too, but Dick takes his relative silence and the fact that he hasn’t tried to stab him again as encouragement.
“Look, you have 364 days of the year to be The Worst, and to mess with and creepily flirt with B. Can’t you let him have one day? Keep the origami people hearts or whatever for Valentine’s Day if you want.” Jeremiah raises an eyebrow at him. “I mean, you shouldn’t being doing that sort of stuff anyway, it’s gross, and wrong, and not cool, like at all, seriously, what is wrong with you? But if you must do it...” 
Jeremiah makes a considering noise.
“Origami people hearts. As in-?”
“No, never mind. Forget I said anything. I just mean, you clearly want to do something for Bruce’s birthday too. Because the day is important to you.” Dick leans in. “Because he’s important to you.” 
Dick had worked that out pretty quickly. Nobody will really talk about the clown-like elephant in the room (Bruce certainly won’t) but Dick has noticed. He’s seen the way Jeremiah Valeska looks at Bruce, he’s heard the stuff he says. He’s confused and weirded and grossed out. But he’s noticed.
(Jeremiah thinks the kid’s manipulation skills could do with some work - Bruce is far better at it - and he’s fairly sure Dick’s trying to give him some version of puppy dog eyes. The effect is definitely lost a little, coming from behind a domino mask, and it’s not like they would work anyway, even if he is not actually wrong, in regards to Bruce’s importance. Also, the brat just punched him in the face.)
“So I get that, I do. That’s fine,” Dick ploughs on. “But have you ever thought of giving him like a normal person present? Like, something he could use or wear. Or even flowers. I’m pretty sure he legitimately likes the flowers you always send whenever he ends up in hospital, even if he won’t admit it.”
And even if they are kind of creepy, Dick thinks, though he keeps the thought to himself.
“I just think,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest and starring Jeremiah down. “That Bruce deserves a proper birthday. A nice, quiet, normal day where he doesn't have to worry about work, or work, or you or anyone else committing all kinds of awful atrocities, in general, much less, you know, for him. . I think he’d enjoy it, and I think it would make him happy. Which is why, again, I’m going to insist you stop.”
And it’s not like Jeremiah likes Dick or anything. He most certainly doesn’t. He doesn’t really like anyone besides Bruce. But Dick has spirit, which Jeremiah sort of likes (same with Gordon’s spawn) and Dick’s not a threat to Jeremiah’s share of Bruce’s affections/attention the same way Selina is, and if anything, Bruce adopting Dick makes the three of them practically family, and if it would make Bruce happy... (and if Jeremiah’s able to show everyone else up with his superior gift giving skills...)
So that’s how Jeremiah is talked into, essentially, leaving Bruce alone on his birthday.
(Just the one day though.)
Batman bursts in shortly after they shake on it - at Dick’s insistence - and he finds them standing awkwardly across from each other, obviously not fighting, though the dried blood underneath Jeremiah’s nose suggests they had been. When he carefully asks “What are you up to?’ they both shout “Nothing” then turn to glare at each other. They then back to look at him and Jeremiah says “It’s a surprise”. Neither of them are really able to pull off a convincing look of innocence, but Bruce ignores the oddness of the whole thing to give Dick a quick once-over before lunging for Jeremiah, who drops a smoke grenade and uses the distraction to jump out the window and into the harbour before Bruce can grab him.He has new plans to plan and other plans to un-plan after all, so he can’t really stick around.
When Bruce’s birthday rolls around again a few months later Dick is only about 50% sure Jeremiah is going to honour their deal. And he’s quiet in the lead up, which of course makes Bruce nervous, but it’s almost a relaxed quiet. A kind of quiet that doesn’t really shout “Up to Something Big”. The day of, the residents of the manor wake to find a parcel on the doorstep. It’s small, and it’s not ticking, but it’s wrapped in a green and purple bow, so there’s no doubt who it’s from. Upon opening they find a bottle of Bruce’s favourite Scotch and a usb that, they’ll find out, contains a wealth of dirt and intel on The Riddler, There’s a card too, which is suitably creepy and inappropriate, but only mildly threatening.
Bruce of course takes it all immediately down to the cave, testing the bottle and its contents and running the files through the (Bat)computer. Nothing turns up, and there’s quite a bit in the files that Bruce didn’t know, or at least, wasn’t certain of, and while Bruce doesn’t completely relax, after the third lot of tests he puts up practically no fight when Dick grabs him by the hand and drags him out of the cave for a late breakfast (and presents) so Dick ultimately counts it as a win. 
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scahngbin · 5 years
hold your hand | h. hyunjin
this is my FIRST fic ever so i'm sorry if it's bad but i hope you like it!! ALSO,, this is dedicated to my very best friend, so if you're reading this now, this is for u bub <3
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your day seemed to only got worse by the time it was last period
the teacher paired you up with your chair-mate and you absolutely wasn’t happy about that
your chair-mate was the type of person who would just sit and watch their partner doing the group project alone while they actually had nothing to do
but the thing is, you couldn’t switch partners
and even if you could, everyone else seemed to already doing the project with their signed partners
so you sighed harshly as you wrote down everything you know about the subject
you took a look at your partner, han jisung, who was busy doodling on the very back of his book
“aren’t you going to help me or something?”
he glanced at you before shrugging and focusing back on his doodle
you sighed,
you really wanted to hit him on the head or something to knock some sense in him
but you couldn’t do it because then you’d get in trouble
so you did the project alone,
struggling alone,
while jisung was busy talking with this girl you didn’t even know was in this class
you let out a breath of relief when the bell rang, signaling that it was the end of the school for today
and you were more than happy to go home and took a long nap
so now you were walking down the empty street to your house, alone
you had always been alone, you just preferred being by yourself than to hang out in big groups
and it wasn’t like you had that many friends either
well, you did had one,,,
his name was hwang hyunjin,
but you had always called him jinnie
or jin,,,
you two were that best friend everyone was jealous of
like, your guys’ friendship made everyone jealous
even some of your classmates and teachers thought you two were dating
but! you guys! were not! dating!
well, maybe you had wished it worked that way but everyone didn’t have to know that
but now you two were like strangers,
he started to hang out with those popular students and acted like you didn’t existed
so you had started distant yourself from him at some point
and you two are basically COMPLETE STRANGERS
but you couldn’t really do anything about it because he didn’t even seemed to care anymore,
he didn’t even spared you a glance anymore
you’re basically no one to him now
fuck him and his popular friends
you ain’t need no one
ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙
or so you thought,,,
when you were alone and you saw other students hanging out with their friends,, you started to missed him
you missed his company, his jokes, his laugh,
you sighed, and when you noticed a small cafe just across the road you decided it was time for some coffee
it looked new and you hadn’t seen it before so you assumed it had just opened not long ago
so you turned around as you made your way there
and as you were about to cross the road, you felt someone grabbed your arm and pulled you back to the side
you were sURPRISED
who was this guy and wHY DID HE GRABBED YOUR ARM???
you immediately pulled your arm out of his grip and backing away from him
however, when you look who it was that had probably saved you from getting hit by a car, you were even more SHOCKED
yes, it was him
it was hwang hyunjin who had saved you
the both of you just kept looking at each other while you had your hands on your chest, gripping your shirt tightly because of the shock
you just stood there looking at him like,,
instead of having that look on his face, he looked at you like he was,,
he looked like he was glad he had saved you from possibly getting hit by a car,,
or glad that he was able to be this close to you again,,
but you could definitely see the disappointed look on his face
but,, why did he look so disappointed????
it’s not only that but HE ALSO LOOKED SAD???
you were about to ask him if he was okay when he suddenly took a step forward and said,,
“did you forget about me?”
the way he said your name,,
made you want to HUG him,,,,
even though you were MAD that he had treated you like shit for about A YEAR,
you still loved him
yes, you loved him
as in more than just a friend type of love,,
you were in love with him
you were in love with YOUR BEST FRIEND
of course you had thought that it was wrong, that it could affected your friendship with him badly
when he realized you weren’t going to say anything for probably forever, and before you could run away, he hugged you
he. hugged. u.
his arms were wrapped around your small figure and your face were right on his chest, cheeks mushed up
and somehow, your hate towards him disappeared
like it wasn’t even there in the first place,,,
so you hugged him back and almost as soon as you did that, he hugged you tighter
basically squishing you,,
but you couldn’t complain BECAUSE IT’S HYUNJIN!
\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶//  \\٩(๑`^´๑)۶// 
he pulled away after a while and you noticed a tear slipped out from the corner of his eyes and you took a step forward him and wiped the tear off his cheek with your thumb
“i-i’m so so sorry”
the way he said it sounded so sincere
almost as if his life was depended on it and you too, almost cried
he was looking down as if the ground was the most interesting thing for him,
but that’s wrong bc u r the most interesting thing for him,,
but since you were shorter than him, you were able to see his face and when you noticed his pout, you got EVEN MORE SAD \\٩(๑`^´๑)۶//
so you pouted, too :((((
“why are you saying sorry? you did nothing wrong hyun-”
“i dumped you for a stupid threat-”
“h-hey calm down! let me explain it first, okay?”
you nodded and that led you two to the new cafe
he had ordered one iced americano for him and one caramel macchiato for you,
a.k.a your favorite
you were surprised that he still remembered your favorite drink after almost a year of acting like sTrAnGeRs towards each other,,
“so, uhm.. what happened?” you asked,
he took a deep breath before started spilling out words, telling you what had happened for the last one year, well almost a year
“someone from my class threatened me,, it started after we went out to the arcade on your birthday last year. they kept sending me messages about how they would,, hurt you if i keep hanging around you.
“i ignored them, of course because i thought they were just messing around, but then that day when came to my place, your body full with scars, i knew it was them who did it so,, after i took care of you i decided to.. distant myself,,
“i.. know it’s wrong, that i shouldn’t have stopped hanging around you just because of a threat, but i just,, i,, it’s..”
he was crying at this point, hands wiping away tears that kept flowing down his soft cheeks,
you wanted to know so badly what he wanted to tell you, but you knew he’d keep crying if you kept asking
so you kept quiet and wait for his cry to die down,
and when he finally stopped crying, he still let out a few sobs though, you leaned forward to took his hands in yours and wiped his tears, again
“hey.. breathe, okay? you don’t have to tell me now, but just promise me that you will-”
“no, y/n it’s okay i-”
“no, hyunjin i-”
“i like you, y/n”
( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) 
( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) 
( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : ) ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : )
“i-i’m sorry i shouldn’t have-”
you BLUSHED when he finally looked you in the eyes
your cheeks are probably SO RED by now
“i,, like you..”
you said it,,
you said it,,
but you didn’t see his expression because you immediately shut your eyes after you said it
and now you were too scared to look at him,,
what if he didn’t mean it like that???
what if,,
honestly, y/n you are so dumb
“r-really? you,, wait, you actually,, what”
you looked up, and you honestly just wanted to squish his cheeks and kiss them
you smiled, finally gathered up confidence
“yeah, for quite a while actually,,”
hyunjin was shocked by your confession,,
he just couldn’t believe you actually LIKED HIM BACK
he could passed out right then and there,,,
but he had to keep his cool in front his crush ♡( ◡‿◡ ) 
so he said the one thing he had been wanting to asked you since forever,,,
“so.. do you want to go on a date with me?”
you also got your best friend back!!!
your heart was so full of love and it basically spilled out
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ 
you only realized you hadn’t answer him when you noticed his smile faltered a little,,
“i- of course yes! i mean, i’d love to go on a date with you,,,”
when it had getting quite dark, he suggested that you two should go home
and so you did,
with hyunjin by your side, walking close beside you,,
you guys were walking very slowly, as if by walking slowly you guys wouldn't had to say goodbye to each other
it was quiet, but it wasn't awkward at all,,
it was comfortable,
just you two walking down the empty street of seoul, enjoying each other's presence, hand in hand–
since when did he hold your hand,,,
you suddenly stopped on your track, and upon noticing this, hyunjin looked at you,,
turned out you were looking at your right hand that was in his left one,
he chuckled, he thought you looked totally cute with your cheeks red from the blush,,,
you looked up at him and you blushed even harder,
he smirked
oh how much you wanted to wiped that smirk off his perfect face,
“what? if we're dating, am i not allowed to hold your hand?”
your cheeks were probably already burned at this point by how much you had blushed that day,
“let’s go, girlfriend” hyunjin said, and walking towards the direction of your house, hand intertwined with yours.
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vancila · 5 years
I just hhhhhng, old men yakov and malor (if i havent asked already, in which case you can choose whom you’ll fill) and old men jame and dagon?
i doubt i’ve done this set
Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Malor moves himself closer if Yakov doesn’t pull him in
Dagon is strong and also a big cuddler, mind you aren’t smothered
How do they wake up next to each other? Ex - Tangled in each other’s arms? Is one falling off the bed? ECT.
Sometimes still cuddled up, usually separate though
At the very least Dagon has one arm around Jame
What movie do they watch when they both had a bad day and just want to turn off their brains for a little while?
They don’t know about movies, go pet chickens
Something dumb, I don’t know, Mission Impossible or something
Who picks something up, says a pun with the object then laughs as if it’s the funniest thing they ever heard?
Neither really, if anything then Malor finding one more egg from a chicken nest and calling it “un-egg-spected” and Yakov snorts oatmeal up his nose
I don’t know if either is too punny, Dagon will laugh at programming jokes
How do they hype one another up?
Malor is ready with compliments if Yakov seems down and will run through an entire forest if he catches wind of him baking something because he wants a bite of that, Yakov admires Malor getting bullseyes while practicing archery and is always very grateful for whatever game he brings from the forest
Both kind of settling into a whole new kind of lifestyle with so much more freedom, Dagon encourages Jame to wear the worst shirts and to keep that thing open, walk hand in hand, do stuff people without crushing expectations do. Work-wise Dagon just admires silently, he doesn’t entirely understand what’s happening but oh well
When one of them gets a new outfit, how does the other react?
They don’t really do new outfits, maybe a new cloak or coat sometimes, it’s always nice to see something new but don’t react much. If anything then admiring the craftsmanship and commenting on how the fur lining suits the other one’s hair colour.
Both big fans of ugly shirts, Dagon has plenty and the hunt for an uglier one is always on. Kinda new to showing off and himself does comment on it, asks if it’s new and says it’s really nice, loves the colours. 
Who tries to playfully scare the other person and who always knows where the other person is?
If anyone was mischievous enough for that it’s Malor and he won’t scare his already a bit anxious husband, sometimes Yakov just walks behind him though and gives a hug but Malor knows where he is
I dunno if either, maybe inadvertently when Dagon has been sitting in front of the computer for the past five hours and Jame shows up asking if he’s been sitting there for the past five goddamn hours
When they grocery shop, what is one section they love to playfully mess around in and why?
They mess with chickens but not produce
Probably no messing, Jame just sneaks greens into the basket
When their partner has a bad day, what is something the other picks up to try and make their day a little better? Ex - Fast food, flowers, a punny card, ect.
Yakov straight up starts baking if Malor is smad about something. Malor books it to Floria to get some honeycomb, maybe gets a chicken for Yakov to cuddle, maybe not. If there’s flowers outside he brings in a bunch and hangs it up to smell nice.
Just company is fine for Dagon. Open a window maybe, let some fresh air in. Will appreciate something sweet to eat, but it’s not necessary. No need to talk or anything.
Who runs up and hugs their partner while the other catches them?
Malor might parkour off a barrel and launch himself higher for Yakov to catch him if they haven’t seen each other in a while
Neither probably runs, gotta act more dignified. A hug is fine though
Who presses their nose against their partner’s cheek before kissing them?
Malor cuddles up nicely and his nose is smaller and Yakov’s cheeks are softer so it’s a lot nicer that way
Neither has noses... but when cuddling then Dagon might, kind of as a hello I’m here can I have a kiss-way
What small quirks do they love about each other?
Yakov is touchy-feely in a way that makes Malor feel immensely loved, like just petting hair briefly, scritching under chin, a hand resting on his cheek for a little moment, small things while passing by. Yakov enjoys watching Malor sit in a ray of sunshine with his eyes squinted because he knows Malor feels very content at the moment and it makes himself feel calm and content too
Dagon is awkward and kinda bumbling through trying to be open about feelings but oh my god does he try, if nothing else then at least showing Jame a meme with a crying cat. Dagon will grow to really like Jame touching the heart patch on his chest (in private tho).
Who accidentally snorts when they laugh and that makes both of them laugh harder?
Malor might snort, making him laugh hard enough is a challenge on itself but when he does then oh boy
Dunno if either, Dagon doesn’t laugh that much anyways so
What are somethings that they do for one another because they know their partner hates it? Ex- do the dishes, phones to make an order, talks to sales clerk. ECT
Malor will clean the chicken coop, he’s a lot smaller so it’s easier, also he’ll get to pick up all loose chicken feathers for arrows. Yakov hangs up all laundry, it can be heavy and he’s taller so
Dagon is not one for cooking at least, definitely doesn’t like cutting small things into smaller things with a very small knife. He’ll do anything that needs you to be taller, in turn.
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avelera · 5 years
Predictions for Game of Thrones 8.3 in no particular order (mostly who is gonna bite it):
- Someone is going to end up at the front of the White Walker line as a wight and it’s gonna be a very scary fighter we care about a lot. 
My bets are at least one of the three: Jaime, Brienne, or Tormund. Things are not looking good for Tormund getting out of this. 
The Hound is also not looking good for survival odds. My guess his closure will be more to do with overcoming his fear of fire heroically before he dies, if he does. 
Jorah is also not looking good. 
Podrick seems doomed to me, as does Gray Worm who invoked the “one week from retirement” trope. 
Theon’s looking like a target as well.
People I’ll be a genuine mix of SAD/MAD, one might even say SMAD if something happens to them:
- Samwell - you hurt him, I hurt you. 
- Lyanna Mormont seems very much in peril and I’ll be SO SMAD if somethign happens. 
- Arya or Gendry. They’re going to be in the thick of it and seem like prime heartstring bait, Gendry does not look like good odds to me and I’ll be crushed. 
Other predictions for 8.3 and beyond:
- Anyone in the Crypts, including Tyrion, just had a big -10 to their survival odds after all that foreshadowing. I think Tyrion might get out if the dead in the crypts are raised but anyone who gets out is going to See Some Shit before they do. 
There’s a very good chance they fail to protect Winterfell IMO and Winterfell falls. 
There’s also a good chance that they beat the army of the dead as early as Episode 3/4 and we’re left with Cersei as the Final Boss. 
- I actually think Bran doesn’t have good odds, even though he was the Vegas favorite for the Iron Throne (weirdly?). That feels like a proper GoT style Twist Death. I think baaaad things could happen if Bran falls too. 
- The dead Starks are going to rise from the crypts. There’s also other stuff that is Bad down there (that’s a more book based prediction though). The Night King is tied to the Starks in what’s going to be a creepy and shocking way, maybe even a Stark himself, and the Night King is going to get down to the Crypts to confirm or reveal this. Either way, there’s a BIG twist coming with the Night King.
- Bronn either gets killed and ends up in the White Walker army or he actually fulfills his charge by Cersei and just when we thought everyone was safe after the battle, he kills/wounds Jaime or Tyrion by crossbow.
- If Cersei is final boss, Arya’s going to kill her using Jaime’s face if Jaime falls in battle. Long-shot prediction: Arya then steals Cersei’s face to make peace with Sansa and/or Daenerys politically. Be wary if Cersei starts acting reasonable is all I’m saying. 
- Weirdly, with Gendry telling Arya about his true parentage, I felt like a +5 just got added to his chances of being on the throne. We’re still talking VERY unlikely of course, but less totally impossible than it was.
- I could also very easily see a Game Over ending - the dead rule Westeros. It’s one of the few shows I can think of where “Everyone Dies, Bad Guys Win” or everyone dies except a few refugees is actually an ending that wouldn’t necessarily piss off the entire audience. It would feel somewhat appropriate given how long Westeros dicked around about dealing with climate change the dead. 
- I heard once that the weird seasons cycle in Westeros with the long winters are unique compared to the rest of the GoT world. Breaking the wheel could include fixing the seasons. I wonder if the opening animation could have been a hint all along (but that’s a very old theory). 
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bts-bap-trash · 6 years
My 2018 K-pop Top 100
This is a hugeass post so scroll away if you don’t care or click on 'Keep reading’ if you wanna know my number one (hint: it’s not any of my bias groups). ❤
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I only chose the songs with MVs. I’m lazy and I didn’t even do my own gifs but maybe next year if I’m in a better place. Also sorry I was gone for a while, if anyone still follows or remembers me lmao. ❤
Special mentions because I just can’t listen to them at all yet but they are all amazing:
Jonghyun - Shinin’, Before Our Spring
SHINee - Good Evening, Our Page, I Want You, Countless
KEY - One of Those Nights, Forever Yours
ONEW - Blue
Okay, let’s go!
100. Momoland - BAAM
99. N Flying - Hot Potato
98. A.C.E - Take Me Higher
97. UP10TION - Blue Rose
96. Wanna One - Light
95. SPECTRUM - What Do I Do
94. Highlight - Loved
92. (G)I-DLE - HANN (Alone)
91. Hyolyn - See Sea
90. J-Hope - Daydream
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89. IN2IT - SnapShot
88. BtoB - Only One For Me
87. IZ*ONE - La Vie en Rose
86. JBJ95 - Home
85. UNB - Black Heart
84. EXO - Universe
83. Samuel - Teenager
82. Twice - Dance the Night Away
81. HOLLAND - I'm Not Afraid
80. iKON - Love Scenario 
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79. LOONA - favOriTe
78. Pristin V - Get It
77. Twice - What is Love?
76. NCT 127 - Touch
75. MAMAMOO - Starry Night
74. GOT7 - Look
73. BTS JungKook - Euphoria
72. UNB - Feeling
71. Kim Dong Han - Good Night Kiss
70. TEN - New Heroes
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69. Jennie - Solo
68. Red Velvet - Bad Boy
67. Sunmi - Heroine
66. EXO-CBX - Horololo
65. CLC - Black Dress
64. EXID - I Love You
63. GOT7 - Lullaby
62. The Boyz - No Air
61. Seventeen - Getting Closer
60. RM - Moonchild
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59. INFINITE - Tell Me
58. NCT Dream - Go
57. Twice - Yes or Yes
56. EXO - Tempo
55. Stray Kids - Grow Up
54. Girls' Generation-Oh!GG - Lil’ Touch
53. BoA - One Shot, Two Shot
52. NCT U - Boss
51. Dreamcatcher - What
50. BTS V - Singularity
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49. Seventeen - Oh My
48. Hyolyn - Dally
47. Chungha - Roller Coaster 
46. ATEEZ - Treasure
45. Lucente - Your Difference 
43. Dreamcatcher - You and I
42. Stray Kids - Get Cool
41. Sunmi - Siren 
40. NOIR - Airplane Mode 
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39. Apink - I'm So Sick
38. (G)I-dle - LaTaTa
37. 24K - Bonnie N' Clyde
36. BIGFLO - Upside Down
35. BTS Jin - Epiphany
34. Cross Gene - Touch It
33, MAMAMOO - Egotistic
32. Pentagon - Naughty Boy
31. Stray Kids - My Pace
30. Mino - Fiancé
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29. EXO-CBX - Blooming Day
28. iKON - Killing Me
27. IMFACT - The Light
26. Leo - Touch & Sketch
25. Kim Dong Han - Sunset
24. BTS - Idol
23. VAV - Gorgeous
22. Stray Kids - Insomnia
21. Stray Kids - District 9
20. ATEEZ - Pirate King 
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19. VIXX - Scentist
18. Astro - Always You
17. Nu’est W - Help Me
16. MONSTA X - Jealousy
15. DAY6 - Shoot Me 
14. The Rose - Baby
13. Seventeen - Thanks
12. IMFACT - Nanana
11. Stray Kids - Voices
 My top 10!
10. JBJ - My Flower
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9. MONSTA X - Shoot Out 
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08. Gaho - Stay Here
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(the lack of Gaho gifs saddens me)
7. EXO - Love Shot
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6. Momoland - BBoom BBoom
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5. SF9 - Now or Never
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4. BTS - Fake Love
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3. Stray Kids - I Am You
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2. Nu’est W - Dejavu
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(couldn’t find a decent gif of the point dance so here’s JR to hypnotize you all like he did me)
1. PENTAGON - Shine
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Overall, a good year, musically. Can you even tell I started stanning Skz by the amount of their songs here? They are amazing. ❤ Also I started listening to more girl groups which is nice. IMFACT and Nu’est W finally creeped into my life. And probably very soon into my top groups. ❤
Also from the moment I heard it, I knew Shine was gonna be my number one. And I was seconds away from fully stanning them but then my bias got kicked out and now this song is bittersweet. I’m still so smad about it but it’s too late, I love them now and I am heartbroken. Such an amazing song tho. ❤
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