#maybe I'll revisit it later
m1smatched-starsigns · 11 months
Do you have any ideas about what hollyleaf(star) and breezepelts relationship or lack thereof would look like in your hollystar au? Just because breezepelt seems to have mellowed out a little which seems to be what you’re going for with hollyleaf, but in canon jayfeather and lionblaze have gotten … worse.
(I apologize that I'm answering this so late!)
So Breezepelt is a side quest in the Hollystar AU. After the Dark Forest battle, he sends Nightcloud back to WindClan by herself and he basically disappears into thin air.
The four leaders/deputies have a meeting after the battle to decide what to do with the trainees, and at that meeting it's revealed that Breezepelt is missing. Onestar admits that Breezepelt killed some of his own Clanmates and if he steps onto WindClan territory ever again, it's on sight.
On the walk back to their camps Heathertail (Onestar's new deputy) pulls Hollyleaf to the side and makes her an offer: If Hollyleaf so much as scents Breezepelt on ThunderClan territory, she'll only tell Heathertail so that Heathertail can deal with him. It's obvious that Heathertail disagrees with Onestar's "on sight" policy.
Hollyleaf is conflicted because she lowkey agrees with Onestar, and Breezepelt has proven time and time again that he can't be trusted, but Heathertail sweetens the deal: they're the future leaders of their Clans, and if Hollyleaf helps Heathertail here, then ThunderClan will always have an ally in WindClan.
So Hollyleaf keeps an eye out for Breezepelt on patrols, while she hunts, etc. She isn't totally sure what she'll do if she finds him; if she'll turn him into Onestar or if she'll let him go and tell Heathertail.
And then she finds him.
Sorry this doesn't really answer the question you asked! In short, it depends on which route Hollyleaf takes when she does find Breezepelt. In general I see Hollyleaf as the grudge holder between her littermates, the one who you screw over one time and that's it, but post-tunnels Hollyleaf is a little bit different. At the very least, I think she would be cordial with Breezepelt simply because she's a professional (and this is assuming he's eventually, somehow, welcomed back into WindClan and she's actually forced to interact with him on patrols and at Gatherings).
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matadorofheart · 10 months
rlly enjoying link's awakening, i think my downfall with alttp was using a walkthrough instead of just going buckwild and exploring everything
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ineed-to-sleep · 6 months
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Made a whole ass piece of Astarion + my tav but I didn't like how the whole thing turned out 🫠 so I'm cropping and sharing the only part of it I'm happy with
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mister-sol · 11 days
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geminison · 1 year
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i saw an angel today. he came to collect the debt
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brother-emperors · 8 months
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The river Weser ran between the Roman and Cheruscan forces. Arminius came to the bank and halted with his fellow chieftains:— "Had the Caesar come?" he inquired.​ On receiving the reply that he was in presence, he asked to be allowed to speak with his brother. That brother, Flavus by name, was serving in the army, a conspicuous figure both from his loyalty and from the loss of an eye through a wound received some few years before during Tiberius' term of command. Leave was granted, and Stertinius took him down to the river. Walking forward, he was greeted by Arminius; who, dismissing his own escort, demanded that the archers posted along our side of the stream should be also withdrawn. When these had retired, he asked his brother, whence the disfigurement of his face? On being told the place and battle, he inquired what reward he had received. Flavus mentioned his increased pay, the chain, the crown, and other military decorations; Arminius scoffed at the cheap rewards of servitude.
They now began to argue from their opposite points of view. Flavus insisted on "Roman greatness, the power of the Caesar; the heavy penalties for the vanquished; the mercy always waiting for him who submitted himself. Even Arminius' wife and child were not treated as enemies." His brother urged "the sacred call of their country; their ancestral liberty; the gods of their German hearths; and their mother, who prayed, with himself, that he would not choose the title of renegade and traitor to his kindred, to the kindred of his wife, to the whole of his race in fact, before that of their liberator." From this point they drifted, little by little, into recriminations; and not even the intervening river would have prevented a duel, had not Stertinius run up and laid a restraining hand on Flavus, who in the fullness of his anger was calling for his weapons and his horse. On the other side Arminius was visible, shouting threats and challenging to battle: for he kept interjecting much in Latin, as he had seen service in the Roman camp as a captain of native auxiliaries.
Tacitus Annals 2.10-11
there's a lot going on in there! Arminius switching to Latin is a detail that always makes me feel a deep kind of sadness, especially with how it's preceded by mention of their mother. I wonder what she thought of what became of her sons, on opposite sides of everything but still, inescapably, brothers. even when they want to kill each other. there sure are a lot of fucked up and unhappy brothers around. and Arminius asking about Flavus' injury............I also had a whole thing typed out about the horror of imperialism and colonization and the trauma of assimilation but I think this sets the tone better
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Rome's Greatest Defeat: Massacre in the Teutoburg Forest, Adrian Murdoch
and also this, just for fun
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this post is already a mile long, so lets add another mile to it: a little scene at the start of their conversation! tfw you go in for a hug and your younger brother who also ended up being taller starts roasting your hair style
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bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app⭐ko-fi
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maxbytes · 6 days
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pov: you meet your evil(er) parallel universe selves. i don't think any of us wanna know what's going on with 2nd dimension maxdoof...
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mewkwota · 2 months
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Had a MegaMan on the mind one evening, and it's one I've never drawn before surprisingly, so there he is. I think Juno is such an interesting character, with that aura (and hair) that he has.
(He should be A Lot Bigger in that last shot, oh well.)
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caycanteven · 11 months
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Some concept art of Mafia!Lex
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saltpixiefibercraft · 9 months
Hi! I got gifted a small (40cm wide) rigid heddle loom with a 10 DPI reed for Christmas. It's my very first loom and first experience weaving, I'd like to try to learn twills and dishtowels like what you have on your loom. How heavy of cotton do I need to use to get a drapey towel fabric, or do I need to get a reed with higher DPI? Thanks in advance, I'm reading all I can and I am so so lost haha
Oh that's so exciting! I started on a rigid heddle too, if you are just starting out I would say that the 10 DPI is a great place to start. For that reed I tend to go with more DK/Worsted weights to get a solid fabric, but the thinner you go yarn and/or thread wise it will create a lighter, more flowy fabric due to the increased space between threads.
To make a drapey dishtowel I would suggest using a light fingering weight cotton for the back and forth yarn (your weft) and in the warp go a size up with a heavier fingering or sport (?? I think? I've gotten so used to sizing yarn in weaving terms like 8/2, 2/20 and etc lol)
My favorite dishtowel yarn is 8/2 cotton from Maurice Brassard, but it is a yarn that plays much nicer with a higher DPI, like 12, or 15
My best advice is to try out different combos of yarns you have access to and start making a little sample library. My best advice, label EVERYTHING so you can recreate fabrics that you like. Do not be like past me, young and full of hubris, she who wrote down naught what she did and would have to attempt to re decipher later.
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moe-broey · 1 month
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Dream that felt like a memory
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cherrywithastar · 15 days
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What if the tooth fairy was cool and epic
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mikodrawnnarratives · 19 days
almost done with revisiting supernova... just gotta get my hold on the audiobook back
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infriga · 10 months
I watched a video talking about Returnal and the story, and it got me theorizing again about the story and what it meant because watching someone else summarize the elements and posit their own theory of what happened got my mind churning and cleared a few things up that I was previously unsure about regarding certain aspects of the plot
I could write a lot about how I think the death loop in part represents the cycle of generational trauma and neglect, but this is already going to be long and that part is a bit more obvious in the game anyway so I'll spare you that stuff (for now at least lol).
Anyway, to the meat of it: I like to think that in the secret ending the one who escapes the car and rises to the surface is supposed to be Helios, escaping the cycle of trauma, abandonment, and neglect, because Selene is finally able to confront her own issues and memories and come to terms with being a mother for Helios's sake. It looks like Selene is the one swimming to the surface based on the jacket sleeves, but she says Helios's name as she surfaces, and throughout the story it's implied that the roles of mother and child are interchangeable in the flashbacks and house sequences since it's a cycle that Selene is repeating from her past. Selene is both the mother and the child in this story, and thus symbolically she is also both Theia and Helios. In saving and freeing Helios from the cycle she in turn saves and frees herself. There's even a xenoglyph, the second to last in the game, that says "Helios lies shattered and I must put him back together."
In the secret ending we see that Selene is the one in the astronaut suit which causes the accident. There are 3 test xenoglyphs in the game, the first, tenth, and thousandth tests, which refer to Selene's story alone from the beginning at any translation stage rather than the Sentients, and are much more abstract and fragmented even when fully translated with each segment being accompanied by a question mark. I think the name of these xenoglyphs is referring to how the crash is in a sense a "test" for Selene as a mother.
The final test xenoglyph says "stand turn and flinch? The triggering event?" presumably referring to how Selene as the astronaut triggers the accident, but I think it also refers to how the original accident with her mother when she was a child was in her eyes the triggering event that resulted in her relationship with her mother worsening. The first test xenoglyph also refers to returning to the house (which I think represents her memories) as a "final visitation", while the second glyph refers to witnessing the memory as a "final unbrooked retribution" and the astronaut as a "warning to end the return". They also mention a death without purity behind a broken sun (Helios is likely the "broken sun"), as well as the astronaut dying for the first time, and claims that remembrance of an accident is seeking absolution from the white shadow. So remembrance is both retribution and absolution, as well as a final visitation, and the astronaut dies for the first time behind a broken sun. The astronaut is also a warning to end the return.
My theory: there were two accidents. One where Theia is driving and crashes with Selene but both survive with Theia being permanently disabled while Selene is uninjured, and one where Selene crashes while driving with Helios. It's possible that Selene caused both crashes, the first time by distracting her mother unintentionally, the second time by not paying enough attention to the road and then swerving to avoid a sudden obstacle causing her to drive off the bridge into the river. During the second accident Selene considers abandoning Helios to save herself and escape motherhood which she feels trapped by. In that moment Selene is forced to confront her memories of the original accident which lead to the toxic relationship with her mother which see sees as abandonment as a result of her mother's resentment towards her for living the life Theia wanted by becoming an astronaut. Theia may even have expressed the wish that Selene had died in the crash, or never been born at all, at some point. These memories are painful to address and always have been, but they put into perspective her own treatment and feelings towards Helios and how she's doing to her own child what was once done to her. It serves as a warning of what will happen if she holds on to her own resentment and repeats that toxic cycle of neglect and abandonment, and in confronting that part of herself and her own past she seeks absolution for the ways she's already neglected Helios due to her own hangups and regrets.
The result is Selene undergoing an ego death and subsequent rebirth, letting go of her resentment towards her own mother, her child, and herself, allowing her to save Helios, and thus herself, so they can both escape the sunken car and reach the surface. This ends the "return", ends the loop, ends the cycle, and prevents the destruction of Helios.
The start of the game and each loop where you abandon the ship represents both Theia's abandonment and neglect of Selene following the first crash as well as Selene's neglect and intent to abandon Helios and save herself after the second crash, which culminates in the end of act 1 where she believes she escapes the planet and views the loss of Helios as the price for escape from the trappings of motherhood she feels bound by, which are largely coloured by her feelings towards her own mother. But in the end her thoughts would always return to that moment, she would never forget abandoning Helios and would forever be tormented by those memories alongside her memories of Theia as retribution for what she did, for continuing the cycle of neglect. She will always return to the crash no matter how much time passes. Even if sometimes for a while she's able to leave it behind and convince herself that she's free and happy, in the end she will never escape that moment and will always remember it in an endless loop of madness and suffering, and Helios would continue to lay broken, abandoned and decaying. So she returns to the crash site, both physically and mentally. She falls further into the void of the Abyss, dives deeper into the water, returning to the sunken car at the bottom of the river and seeks absolution through ego death by defeating the creator/destroyer, which represents herself as a reflection of her own mother, and removes the final barrier preventing her from going back for her child. She's no longer abandoning Helios but instead fighting to save Helios. Selene's history and relationship with her mother, represented by the astronaut, is the warning sign for what she's been doing, and what could happen to Helios if she continued, hence why it grants a second chance at life and thus a second chance at preventing the return: it's a wakeup call. And like how the first crash is the triggering event for the deterioration of her relationship with her mother, the second crash is the triggering event for Selene to wake up and change her ways in order to prevent a repeat of the past and end the cycle. Only then does she finally stop abandoning Helios.
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cattyanon · 5 months
Tomorrow is the day I finally post my first bit of Sonic Mariner May art! I don't have a lot (might make more over the coming days) but so far the days I've done are 6, 10 (still a bit of WIP), 11, and 16. Gonna try and at least draw one thing for the 20s but no promises... And as a side note it's all based around that one Sonic Prime AU I have where No Place's Sonic is a siren.
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everlastingfable · 4 months
the only problem with getting books from the library is the deadlines
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