#maybe a miracle will happen and the pills start working again
hoshiina · 3 months
pairing: hoshina soushirou x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: he still dreams of you and wishes for another chance to make you his, some lines are inspired by hakujitsu by king gnu
warnings: reader is rather lively/bubbly,
notes: TYSM FOR 100 !!!, a/n (yapping) in tags
wc: 1800
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Hoshina Soushirou still dreamt of you. Every once in a while, you’d come to visit him in his sleep and it would make him believe that a miracle had occurred, that he had another chance. Every time, he would tell himself that he would never let this go, that he would give it his absolute all this time.
Yet, every time, he would wake up from this dream.
And every time, he would feel his heart drop at the realization of that. He was disappointed, and he knew, but there was no reason to be. It wasn't like anything had happened between the two of you. He liked to believe there was something going on— something more than mere acquaintances or friends, but he knew there wasn't. It must've been all in his head because the last time he had heard of you was before you were moved to the first division. He hadn't heard a single word from you since then, nor has he said anything— but that was just the way it was. There was nothing to do at this point anyway.
He wasn’t with you for all that long, and it was probably just the fact that both of you joined at the same time that naturally started the first conversation. He was far more weary of everything and far less cheerful at the time, and you didn't even work with him most of the time being a researcher, but you didn’t mind that one bit. If you had something you wanted to say, you would tell him and he’d just have to listen. At first, he had no idea why you kept talking to him when he paid hardly any mind, but after a while, he found comfort in your conversations. He had started to look forward to talking to you.
It had only been a few months before the defense force noticed how spectacular your work was and quickly called you over to the first division. There wasn’t a tearful farewell, or even a casual goodbye for that matter. You disappeared along with a cheerful ‘I’ll see you around!’ while you were moving your boxes out and he would hear those words ring in his head for the years to come— in your voice. Yet, at the time, all he could do was force a smile and nod.
It had been so many years since you had moved, he didn’t even know what you looked like now. Probably still stunning. Definitely still stunning. Although he had the chance to see the 1st division officers a lot, you were a researcher who worked behind the scenes. Naturally, there was no reason he'd bump into you, and he didn’t. He never did.
He loved to remember you, but he hated to think about you. He loved to remember the way you would laugh at his silly jokes, the way you would ramble on about the work you had to do daily but would still put in your all, and the way you would always visit him with some cold tea when he trained late into the night if you were still up as well. Actually, he hated thinking about the tea— it would make him start thinking about you. He would think about how you were now, if you were still pilled with work, and if you remembered him.
If he bumped into you, would you remember his name? Maybe if he cracked a lame joke. Maybe if he gave you a few days to think about it. Maybe if he started listing the things you talked about— his most treasured memories. Maybe then you’d say his name again.
See? This is why he hated thinking about you— he had things to be doing.
It wasn't like this happened everyday and it wasn't that big of a deal. It just ruined his day a little when it did happen. So if he had to say, he hated dreaming of you.
As you took over his thoughts again, the emergency alarm started to buzz, as if to tell him to snap out of it. He was thankful, he couldn't still be daydreaming like this.
A smaller-sized identified grade kaiju had appeared near the first division quarters, so the third division was doing more backup work this time. Hoshina was taking care of the smaller kaiju in the vicinity that had spawned from the presence of the honju. It felt nice for him to be doing work, it took his mind off his ramblings and cleared his head. He wasn't too worried about the honju, however. Although it was an identified grade, it wasn't anything they hadn't dealt with before and as much as he liked to tease Narumi about how he was always better at smaller kaiju neutralization, he knew Narumi was extraordinary at what he did.
At least that would have been true for any other kaiju of that size and strength, but Narumi seemed to be struggling far more than expected with this one. From his earpiece, he heard Okonogi notify him that the 1st division was asking to send Narumi some help if possible, and he immediately rushed over.
Yet, by the time he got there, Narumi had already neutralized the kaiju in question, although horribly beat up.
“I don't need your help, Hoshina!” Narumi still managed to yell while on the floor, absolutely bleeding out.
“Oh, shut up, do you want to die?” Hoshina asked. It didn't take an expert to see that Narumi’s condition was concerning.
Narumi soon fell quiet, probably unconscious, while Hoshina found his earpiece lying on the floor near him. He picked it up, hoping it'd connect to the first division just in case they had lost connection to his vitals.
“He's unconscious right now, but he seems to still be breathing. However, he's bleeding dangerously from multiple spots. I think a few ribs might also be broken,” Hoshina said. “There aren't any kaiju nearby at the moment and I'll take care of them if any do come— bring the stretcher right away.”
He waited a moment, but there was no response from the earpiece.
“Hello?” he asked, hoping for a response. After another moment, he heard it.
It was you. He would still recognize your voice from anywhere. Oh, how he missed you. His eyes were wide and he had nothing to say all of a sudden. You remembered him. You recognized his voice.
You remembered his name.
“Thank you for your report, we lost connection to some of his vitals halfway through. The medics should be there in a few minutes,” you said.
“I'll stand by,” Hoshina said and kept Narumi's earpiece in his ear. He had nothing he wanted to tell you, not one thing in mind, but he wanted to be on the line with you— even in silence. The medics came in a few minutes like you had told him and took care of Narumi right away.
“They got here, he should be fine now,” Hoshina said, as if you didn't already know. He just wanted something to say to you.
“I missed working with you,” you said and he couldn't believe his ears. Perhaps he'd wake up from this dream again. Perhaps he'd open his eyes and be utterly disappointed again. But he knew there wasn't even a hint of romantic affection in your words, just the respect you've always had for the work he did, and how you missed doing this job with him. And he did too.
“Yeah, I did too,” he said. “I still do.”
You chuckled a little and he could still picture you smiling. “That made my entire year,” you said. “Probably not the time for this, but we should catch up sometime. If you don't mind, of course.”
Made your year. What did you mean by that? And If he didn't mind? Oh, you didn't know how many times he's dreamed of this day.
“I'd love to,” he said. While he was a little embarrassed to imagine the rest of the first-division team hearing this conversation, that was not going to stop him. He'd be an absolute fool to let this chance go. He has promised himself to give it his all this time.
“Are you seeing anyone?” he asked quietly.
“Sorry?” you asked, hoping he'd repeat that. You heard it, but you were afraid you were so delusional you were starting to hear things. Your heartbeat quickened and you waited patiently, hoping it wasn't all in your head.
“Do you have a lover?” he asked a little more clearly, but obviously still nervous and flustered. You had never seen him like this, ever.
“No,” you replied, a little too quickly. “I do not.”
Relief washed over him and he felt his heartbeat quicken. Oh, thank goodness you didn't have access to his vitals. He was going to make you fall for him somehow.
“…do you?” you asked quietly, after a moment.
“Me?” he asked. “No, I don't.”
“I see,” you said, but he could hear the soft delight in your voice. He would never miss it.
Perhaps he'd just go for it. There was nothing for him to lose at this point, and he had made his feelings plenty obvious already. If you didn't want him, he'd just try again. He's tried countless times in his dreams already, what's a few more?
“But I'd love to be yours,” he said and heard you gasp quietly. That one he couldn't read. Was that a little too bold? Far too sudden?
“Did I hear that right?” he faintly heard you scream, asking your fellow first division coworkers. That made him laugh, you hadn't changed one bit. “I’ve loved you forever, Hoshina.”
There was absolutely no way. He was going to wake up soon, he just knew it. Well, might as well indulge in the dream for now, then.
“I've definitely loved you for longer,” he said.
“Hoshina, I'm going to kill you if this is a dream,” you said, and that caught him off guard. Yet, even that sounded nice to him, and that made him smile. He'd get to see you, at least.
But it wasn't a dream. The way your voice fluttered his heart could never be felt through a dream. The way your laugh filled his soul could not possibly make him feel so warm through a mere dream.
“I cannot wait to see you,” you said softly, your voice so full of love it made him melt.
He couldn't either, but that wasn't exactly what he had on mind this entire time.
“And I cannot wait to kiss you.”
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jhilsara · 6 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 11
Everything’s too cold, freezing almost, then it’s just as quickly too hot. She’s been rolling around in her bed for hours, trying to sleep but nothings working.
She looks over at her phone to check the time, it’s only ten at night but she’s been awake since four in the morning and she’s desperate to sleep. She’s tried everything, pills, tea, warm milk, nothing works. Nothing gives her the relief her mind needs.
She’s so frustrated she’s about to cry. She crawls out of her bed and shuffles into the living room. She’s in a hoodie and carries her big blanket with her. If she can’t sleep she might as well try to watch something and hope she passes out that way.
She makes a nest on the couch and tries to ignore the pounding in her head.
She’s sick, really sick. She’s running a fever and her body is aching in places she didn’t even know could be sore. She can’t remember the last time she was this ill… probably in university.
She’s practically begging her own body to just go to sleep.
The tv is playing lowly in the background but she’s not paying attention. She can’t look at it too long or her head starts swimming and she gets nauseous.
She’s already spent one night profusely puking, she didn’t need to do it again.
Her eyes are closed but she’s not asleep. Just resting to the best that she can.
Knock knock knock knock
She looks up groggily and sees Hobie at her balcony holding a small bag.
She motions that it’s open, refusing to get up. It’s a miracle her legs let her shuffle to the couch.
He gives a smile and let’s himself in, kicking off his boots. He walks over to her, leaning down to get better look, “Wow,” He whistles lowly, “You are sick.” He says reaching his hand out to check her forehead.
“I’m probably contagious, you should go home.” She slurs her words and squeezes her eyes shut again. She hasn’t heard her voice all day, it’s thick with congestion.
“Pfft. Not worried. I am worried bout you.” He says softly pulling some items out from his bag.
He sets a small prescription bottle down as well as some Pedialyte. He opens the medication and shakes out two pills for her to take. Making her sit up for it.
She groans as he helps her sit up. He holds his hands out for her and she dramatically grabs them as he pulls her up. He hands the medicine to her and she takes the pills happily.
“Where did you get these?” she asks as he presses the Pedialyte bottle into her hands.
He shrugs nonchalantly, “Know a few people in the pharmacy who owe Spider-Man a favor or two.” He says smugly.
“Now drink.” He tells her, “Know you’re dehydrated. You probably haven’t drunk anything all day.”
She drinks the beverage slowly, when she sets it down she gives him an unsatisfied look. “I had tea today…” She murmurs quietly.
“Ya only had the one cup didn’t ya?” he accuses raising a brow.
She rolls her eyes and goes back to drinking the Pedialyte. The silence answering his question.
“That’s what I thought. Scoot over.” He demands pushing his way onto the couch.
“What no!” She tries to stop him, her voice cracking and rough. “You’ll get sick!” she chastises.
“Don’t care.” He says and helps her readjust.
He lifts the blanket off of her and moves so she’s laying with her head in his lap. He gently covers her again and let’s her move so she’s comfortable.
She’s facing him, eyes closed, one arm wrapped around his thighs using them like a pillow. He gently runs his hand through her hair trying to get her to settle. She hums in contentment.
“Look tired…did you sleep?” he asks softly.
She shakes her head no, “Can’t, I’m miserable.” She whines with a yawn.
He rubs her shoulder reassuringly, “The meds should help.” He whispers, still lightly stroking her hair.
She opens her eyes to look up at him, eyes locking. She’s comfortable, more so than she’s been all day. Every touch has her relaxing even more, almost melting. He’s looking at her in that way that makes her stomach turn and flip. His gaze intense as he looks over her.
His gaze used to make her nervous, like he was searching for something she wasn’t willing to give… Not so much anymore. It’s a comfort, she didn’t know when that changed.
It’s nice to know if she looks out to find him in a crowd, his eyes are already on her. They’ve been looking for her since he played in the pub.
She doesn’t know when, but she does fall asleep on Hobie’s lap. She has fever induced dreams of webs, music, bright colors, and him.
It’s the best sleep she’s gotten in months.
When she stirs awake, it’s early morning light filtering in that wakes her. She’s still on the couch and she’s laying on a very solid form.
She makes a small noise as she rubs the sleep from her eyes and when she blinks through her blurry vision, she sees that she’s on top of Hobie’s very solid chest.
Her face burns as she looks up, he’s still asleep, head thrown back with small snores filtering through.
She breathes a sigh of relief, but finds her heart still racing as she looks up at him.
She almost laughs from how silly he looks, his mouth open as he sleeps, his hands lazily wrapped around her body.
She smiles warmly up at him, and lays her head back down. She wraps her own arms around him and nuzzles her face into his chest. She can hear his heartbeat. It slow and methodic as he continues to sleep. She wonders if his heart beats erratically like hers when they're together.
She finds herself wanting to hear that, wanting the confirmation that he’s just as flustered by her.
Her face warms up at that idea and she tries to go back to sleep, but she’s wide awake now.
She also notices how her body is achy again and that she’s still very congested. She doesn’t want to get up, but she knows she needs to take the medicine and probably drink some water. She groans to herself not wanting to move.
His hand moves up to rub her back comfortingly, “Mornin’…” He mumbles, voice thick with sleep and leans down to press a kiss into her hair.
She adjusts to look back up at him, “Morning, I didn’t know you were stayin’ here.” She says, voice still stuffy and low.
He just grins lazily at her, “Can’t leave ya alone after you finally fell asleep.” His smile turns to a smug smirk, “Ya started cuddlin’ and I couldn’t pass that up.”
She shoves her face into his chest slightly embarrassed, “Not my fault you’re comfortable…” she mumbles.
He just chuckles and tightens his hold on her. She feels his chest rise and shake but she also hears his heart beat quicken. She smiles to herself.
“I need to take those meds again.” She says going to sit up, she doesn’t want to move but she needs to.
“Stay here, I got it yeah?” He tells her. He moves to sit up with her in his lap, as he leans over to grab the pills off the table.
His one arm is wrapped lazily around her but presses her into him. She leans her head into the crook between his shoulder and neck.
“You’re seriously gonna get sick…” she mutters to him as he presses the medicine into her palm and holds the Pedialyte bottle.
“S’fine.” He mutters watching her take the medicine. “Just means you can take care of me when I inevitably get ill.” He grins at her.
She sighs in response and finishes the drink. “I don’t know if I’m this good of a nursemaid like you are.” She says playfully.
He pulls her back down to lay on the couch again, pulling the covers over them, “Sure ya are. You patch me up constantly.” He says softly wrapping his arms around her waist holding her close to him.
She keeps her hands pressed against his chest and nods her head. “Mmm you’re not wrong. You do end up injured pretty frequently.” She says with small concern.
“Oi, oi, oi, don’t say it like that! I’ve not been too beaten up when ya see me!” he complains playfully.
She gives him an accusing look. “You bled out next to my door waiting for me once Hobie…” She reminds him.
“One time. Just the one.” He gives a bright grin. “I didn’t know you the time I literally almost died, had to give myself stitches!” he tells her.
Her face sours, “Don’t tell me that, I worry about you enough…” she whispers.
He scoffs, “Don’t worry about me, promise. I can handle myself, been doing this a while.” He tells her tracing circles into her back with feather light touches.
“Seriously Hobie, I worry about you.” She moves her arms to circle him, hugging him. “I know what you do is important, and I love that you protect everyone… I just want to make sure you’re safe too.” She whispers looking at him.
His brown eyes pierce hers, really looking her over. He gives a soft sigh of resignation. “Fine ya win, ya win.” He shoves his face into her hair hugging her tightly to him, “Just stop lookin’ at me like that…” he mutters.
“Like what?” She replies hugging him just as tightly.
“You know like what, using those big doe eyes on me. Isn’t fair...”  His voice muffled.
She laughs at him, “Hobie what are you talking about?”
He pulls back and raises a brow at her, “You know you do it! That thing with those big eyes of yours, lookin’ at me like it’s the last time you’ll see me or something.” He scoffs pulling her close.
“M’not going anywhere…” he whispers.
She hears his heartbeat again, pressed so close to him, it’s beating wildly.
Her eyes soften and she moves to sit up, she runs one hand up to caress his cheek, her thumb brushing his cheekbone.
“Better keep your promise then.” She tells him, voice soft.
He moves a hand to grip the one she has on his face, he looks at her intensely, “Not going anywhere.” He repeats.
“Good.” She replies and settles back down laying with him.
He runs his hand lazily up and down her back, lulling her back to sleep, but she’s okay with that. He’ll be here when she wakes up.
And the next day after that.
And the next.
She falls asleep listening to his heart.
Tag List: @missshelleyduvall
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Oversharing moment: my origin for Lila's lying :) (In this fic she had faked a blood sugar condition to get Adrien's attention. When he called her on it she dug a medicine bottle out of he purse, dumping the pills back in, and threw it at him, and ran off in tears. Later, he apologizes with flowers(not roses, just apology flowers)
Lila turned the flowers over in her hands, seeing them again for the first time.  They gave off a light scent, she didn’t even need to bury her nose in them like in the movies.  She discovered her empty medicine bottle tied with a little ribbon to the stems.
Mustard.  The color always came so vividly when she looked at those bottles.  The color of the yellow shag carpeting on the floor of her room in their apartment six years ago.  Little Lila sitting with a bag of sugar in her lap, diligently spooning it into her mouth and down her throat.  It stopped tasting sweet somewhere along the line.  She still couldn’t stomach sweets anymore.  She had read on the internet, she knew what she was doing.  Too fast the first time, she made herself throw up and had to start over.  The second time she paced herself though.  The jittery energy turning sluggish and making her head spin even as she sat.  That was it.  Little Lila stashed the sugar with tingling fingers then stumbled down the stairs to collapse in front of her mother.
She normalized in the emergency room.  Her numbers were off, but the doctors wanted to observe her.  Her mother couldn’t leave her, so they packed the girl home.  It happened again.  The third time they gave her these and explained she should be watched while taking them.  Her mother would have to stay home now.
Only she wouldn’t.  Her mother would have to take on more shifts.  Lila was introduced to the kindly neighbors who lived upstairs.  She would stay with them to be observed until her mother came home.  They made sure she did her homework, and paid her no mind beyond that.  They didn't let her watch her movies, only the news for endless hours.  Lila had made her first miracle recovery.
She kept the bottles, and with careful use of a razor blade the date came off, leaving the rest intact to be filled with sugar pills that made her gag but at least did not make her sick.  Now they’d caught Adrien.  What was it about the best lies having a kernel of truth?
Lila pulled the bottle off the bouquet and stuffed it in her purse.  That would have to continue at least until she could make another recovery.  She set the flowers on her desk and traced one long petal of a Black Eyed Susan.  Maybe it would be the last recovery?
Lila lying for attention and going to extreme measures because smaller lies didn't work absoultely VIBES
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finding-the-honey · 2 years
An Ode to Prednisone
Thank you No, fuck you. But wait, maybe… No. Fuck you, why you gotta do this shit to me?
But really. Thank you.
I had a love-hate relationship with prednisone long before it was prescribed to me. I spent 5 years watching it work its magic on her - both the benevolent blessings and the malevolent curses. The first time she pulled half a tooth from her mouth I thought ... well damn, hope I never have to go on that shit.
And here I am!
By turns I love it and hate it. I love how fucking good it makes me feel - it really is night and day, so different as to feel like an actual miracle.
But then I find myself binge eating. Suffering through a hot flash bad enough to make me think hell on earth could be a real thing. I step on a scale and think well that's not going to go away on its own.
I think of all the potentials waiting down the line. How many things this small little pill can fuck up beyond repair.
And then I look at my kitchen and see it clean. I did that. On my own.
I don't know what's going to happen in April, other than the most likely 'start tapering down' part of the program. I don't know what my days will be like after (besides sweat free). Will the crushing muscle fatigue come back? Will the dishes start piling up again? The tumbleweeds and the tangles?
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Small steps, I guess. Or big ones, whatever. There's nothing else to do but keep going. Do my best and hope the bad parts don't get so bad I can't fix them.
Or even just accept the Devil's Bargain. Try to be grateful for the good parts. Try not to antagonize myself with the cost.
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kakaostories3 · 2 months
This post is ALL OVER the place. And it's long. I haven't blogged in a hot one lol
I'm not sure why I've been infrequent with journaling here. It was always a habit for me to let things out on an online diary in some form. Maybe just not having as much free time as I used to, and the free time is being spent watching TV or something. My thoughts are constantly racing. Side note, i missed a first appointment online with a therapist and they're charging me for it. I could sense the bitterness in how they canceled every subsequent appointment they scheduled me for the rest of the year. Lol. It's such bullshit but I'm paying that shit off when I get paid Friday. Anyway~ It's a miracle I manage to get some sleep at night because mentally my mind is all over the place.
I don't know if I ever wrote here that I moved to Mission Valley, but the move is now 100% complete except for a couple of reports to change my address. My new building is such a nice place and the neighbors are so friendly in comparison to my old crappy apartment downtown. Speaking of which - I threw away over half of what I had in that place, donated the large furniture, threw out that old nasty mattress. The corporate overlords charged me a fucking arm/leg though for the move-out fee. Fuck them. I will never rent anything again from UDR, ever. Especially when a ton of units are being rented out as airbnbs. When I had the apartment cleaned I realized how dirty it was including the floors and crown moldings on the floor. I neglected that place for two years. When my joke of a marriage started falling apart - less than a year into it.
My bf moved in with me a few weeks ago and it is the absolute BEST thing to have happened to me all year. Matt is such a sweet person and my life is honestly much better with him by my side. He is such a big help around my new place, financially and with the chores. Laundry is constantly being done, he cooks and cleans. I didn't hesitate to offer him to move in, I just knew he was going to be a good housemate. He is so loving and kind to me, I feel like the only other person who has surpassed this kindness is my mom. I'm so happy and ecstatic lately. Our home is minimal right now but it's the coziest I've ever felt. I'm trying very hard to keep our home clean so that every single spot in this little apartment is a place where either of us and the dog can feel comfortable. I'm more selective in the type of things I buy and push myself to splurge a little more in things that align with my taste in style, rather than settle for cheap shit. I got a big comfy couch from of my best friends in the world and it makes me want to be in the living room forever! We still don't have a bedframe (I ragequit assembling one I bought from Amazon ugh). Gonna probably just buy a dining table - a legit, sturdy one and not a cheap small one like I had before.
Work is going great lately. I've been thinking of applying to another unit since it's been SO damn busy at my current unit. I get drained after each shift and working a few days in a row takes a lot out of me. When I was getting used to my birth control pill my mood was absolutely terrible and I felt bad because it showed at work. These past few months have been much better though!
This is my sign to blog more often. This was a big ass post.
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annieintheaair · 9 months
No Matter What
I might have written about it here before but when James and I were dating many years ago, there was one night when we got into a fight. It was honestly a really stupid fight and I don't even remember how it started except that we were driving home and couldn't agree on what to eat for dinner. He wanted Taco Bell, I didn't want Taco Bell, but neither of us could come up with a different option.
By the time we pulled into the garage, neither of us were talking. On my way to the stairs, I saw something crawling on the back of the couch. In a shaky voice, I called out his name, "James..." and he came over to see the same thing that I saw. There was a giant cockroach crawling on the back of the couch.
Immediately, everything changed. We were suddenly working as a team, trying to fight a common enemy. That bug was so fast. We ripped all of the cushions off of the couch, they were all over the living room, and we were lying on the floor trying to crawl under the couch. We had the vacuum out and some brooms and together we were working to catch and kill the cockroach. Eventually, we did accomplish our goal and we were even laughing. It was like the fight in the car had never happened.
James ended up going back out to Taco Bell and I heated up some Trader Joe's mac and cheese. We settled in for the night to watch a movie and everything was good again.
When things started to get really bad towards the end, there were so many times when I wished a cockroach would just appear. I felt like everything would work out if we could be a team again. I thought that if by some miracle, everything was good again, maybe we could have a fake cockroach, and whenever we were in a fight and didn't want to keep going with the fight because one of us remembered that it wasn't worth fighting anymore, we could just take out the cockroach, throw it down, and the fight would end.
As it turned out, there were no more cockroaches and there was no more James. It wasn't because we couldn't agree on little things like what to eat for dinner but because we just didn't want the same things. It took me a long time to see that and at the time, it was really hard to see that no amount of cockroaches would have ever put us back together.
What are the things that are really worth fighting over?
Anyway, yesterday, despite how I've been feeling this week, I went to meet my friend Jillian to catch up. I've been so sick all week that I've been living off of Pepto Bismol and sleeping pills. I almost felt like I was going to need to cancel but I also had to pick up prescriptions (including more sleeping pills) so I had to make the trip out. I haven't been able to eat much and while everyone is talking about their New Year's weight loss goals, I've already lost 7lbs in the first week. It's not that I don't want to eat, it's that I can't. Everything makes my stomach hurt or makes me nauseous. Nothing seems to help. I wake up every day feeling sick and go to bed sick, too.
After spending time with Jillian, I had a little bit of time before church. The sun was starting to set and it was chilly but I drove over to the park by my old house and got out to take a walk around the pond. When I looked at my watch, I realized I didn't have as much time as I thought I did. I wanted to make the full loop so I walked extra fast, nearly running, around the whole pond until I was back at my car. The fresh air felt so good and being back there felt like I was home again. The only thing missing was my dogs.
At church, the new series was so good that I was glad to have made the trip to watch it in person instead of at home on my couch. So many things that Pastor John said just made me tear up. At one point, he was calling out job titles and he said, "flight attendant" and I immediately lifted my head like he was trying to get my attention. He asked if anyone has made any big mistakes and he talked about how much God loves us and forgives us.
All of this made me think about a Kathy Baker quote I loved when I was younger. She said, "There are different kinds of love, darling. Some people you love no matter what, and others you love when the situation is right. To me, the best kind of love is the no matter what kind."
Isn't that incredible to think about? God loves us no matter who you are and what you've done. No matter the mistakes we make, he still loves us. While I know that no one on earth will love me the way that God loves me, I still want the "no matter what" kind of love.
I saw something on Instagram yesterday that said, "The reality is... none of us are easy to be with. We all suffer from something. So when you meet someone who's willing to stay committed to understand you and actually want to grow with you, don't let something silly like ego and pride ruin it."
We've all been through things in our life that have shaped us into who we are. We aren't perfect people and we all make mistakes. When James and I broke up, Lysa TerKeurst came out with a new book called, "Forgiving What You Can't Forget." It came out at the perfect time so I bought both the book and the journal to go with it. God forgives us so why shouldn't we forgive others? I realized from the book that withholding forgiveness hurts you more than the other person. Even if the other person isn't even sorry, you can still forgive them.
One of the quotes from Lysa's book said, “Staying here, blaming them, and forever defining your life by what they did will only increase the pain. Worse, it will keep projecting out onto others. The more our pain consumes us, the more it will control us. And sadly, it’s those who least deserve to be hurt whom our unresolved pain will hurt the most.”
I think about the things I've been through and those people who have hurt me and it's like what they say, hurt people, hurt people. Whether the hurt came from the person you're hurting now or the hurt came from past trauma, aren't we all going through something? Don't we all have a past?
In the book, Lysa also said, “It is necessary for you not to let pain rewrite your memories. And it’s absolutely necessary not to let pain ruin your future.”
Why do we let pain try to erase all of the good? Why can't we see the good things instead of focusing so strongly on the bad?
“Relationships were reduced to attempts at managing what I feared about them rather than enjoying what I loved about them” (another Lysa quote). Why do we let fear consume us? Why can't we enjoy what's good?
The thing is, God loves us even though we're not perfect. He knows we're going to mess up, yet he gives us grace anyway. Shouldn't we do the same for others? God never stops giving us chances. He never gives up on us. If the goal as followers is to try to be like Jesus, then shouldn't we show others God's love by doing the things he would have done? Things like extending forgiveness, giving chances, and not giving up on people.
At the end of the service last night, Pastor John also asked if maybe we need to compromise in our relationships.
I drove the hour home from church, crying. Sometimes we just feel like we failed. The series at church is called "Hello my name is ____". Sometimes I feel like my name on that tag is failure.
I thought about how I wished I could rewind a whole year. I wish I could go back and make other choices and not move away from the place and people I loved. I felt like I had prayed so hard for God to put me in the right place but yet I still feel like I don't belong here. It has been an incredibly difficult year of so many ups and downs. Before I went to bed last night, I couldn't help but think of all of the things that I probably wouldn't have lost if I had moved here. I thought about the joy I had last New Year's when I got my dream car and was so excited.
I feel like everything has just fallen short of all of my expectations. I'm just praying that God helps guide me through all of this and into a better year.
If nothing else, the Vietnamese New Year (Tết) is on February 10th. Can we have a redo then?
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firmamentality · 2 years
Sometimes I feel like a failure
Sometimes I just don’t feel
Falling behind on my schoolwork
Falling deeper in my mind
Basic expectations loom above me like a blade
A guillotine I’m begging to fall
Never signed up for this gauntlet of panic
I run it and come out traumatized
If I come out alive at all
And why should I expect to win a race I couldn’t even run
Failures happen every day and I guess I’m just one of ‘em
Apathy comorbid to the illness in my life
A spiral slipping downwards as I lose the will to fight
Waiting on a miracle; I’m falling ‘til I die
I don’t want to die like this but living’s getting harder
And I worry that someday I’ll change my mind
Maybe I’ll dissociate until I reach delirium
My head’s so full of thoughts that have already lost their meaning
Delusion and reality blend through fiction and dreaming
It’d probably be a death sentence to lose control of thinking
All the thoughts that run around; the steering gone; can’t stop them now
Intrusive paranoia and deluded observations spawning dangerous compulsions with no grounding to prevent them
Impulse trancendescental projected into action
What’s safe and what’s a danger blurs, but what’s it even matter
If it’s dangerous it’s not like that would stop me
I’m afraid, I’m so afraid; I cry softly late at night
Nobody hears the air sucked through my teeth
And nobody sees the grimace on my face
Last night, I failed again
My fingertips too dessicated for you to notice
The dried blood under my nails
As failure in academy bleeds into failing everything
Failure as a tumor; all consuming ‘til it’s killing me
And I’m not a bloody doctor; I can’t surgically remove it
“Compartmentalize,” What good is that when every box is dying
All I do is take some pills and hope it goes away a while
But even if it’s beaten back I’m still a broken failure
Insomniac narcoleptic, gluttonous starvation, chaotic neat freak, hyperfocused work that will never reach completion
A mess of contradictions gently resting on a balance, always changing, nearly falling, til one day it topples down and something happens and I wish I knew
I’ll either sleep in permanent fatigue or go psychotic from exhaustion
Collapsing into hunger pains or cramps from overeating
In a whirlwind of discarded trash as my brain screams to clean it
Pushing past the breaking point lest I never even start it
Oscillating in between extremes on either side
The only way to hide is escapism so I hide all day
I can’t solve my problems; can’t do anything but run away
If I don’t look back I’ll never know they’re growing
One day they’ll catch up to me; destroy my life completely, but that day is not today
And then when the end comes I’d probably embrace it anyway
When I’m gone my failure stops
Relief comes as the burden drops
An empty satisfaction’s hardly more than just catharsis
But the empty denigration’s worse so it’s still liberation
The only way to set me free is for life to separate from me; dissociation, death, or maybe just a miracle
The life I want is possible I just won’t ever earn it
I’m too much of a failure to go through with any of it
At least the end will be quick when it comes.
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i believe what you said || hanji || trial 1.idk || re: reimi, luca || attn: ikko, mascots
I thought if I c-crushed a couple pills--
--it would make things easier.
She thought if she crushed pills...
...it'd make it easier.
She thought if she crushed pills and put it in his drink, it'd make it easier. It make his death easier. Make it calmer. Make it painless.
He'd fall asleep,
and it wouldn't
t e r r i f y i n g .
Hanji's grip on the puzzle loosens, their hands shaking against their will. How pathetic. This is completely unrelated case, and yet...
They try to subtly wrap their arms around themselves as though they were cold.
...don't do that."
Deep breaths. One, two, three.
Speak clearly.
(Their throat burns.)
"Pills... heavy duty painkillers, in specific... uh, they don't make ya fall asleep. But y'can violently overdose on 'em, that's fer sure. I ain't no doctor so the actual doc will haf'ta fact check this 'un, but sum'n happens to yer breathin' when ya overdose on 'em, right. Never heard o' them makin' ya violently cough up blood though."
And just like that, they're back to normal. See? Easy as pie! Chewing on the inside of their lip again, they shove their hands in their pockets for now.
"The pill cabinet was rummaged an nothin' was seemingly taken. But. Hisakawa's notes did say that shit gets refilled periodically. I originally assumed that it hasn't been touched 'cos the poisons haven't been replaced yet, but... I guess the rabbits just ain't restockin' shit at the same time or sumn'.
...My current guess now is that maybe th' vial an' clean tea cup belonged to Hisakawa. Notes clearly show that he's been in th' infirmary. Maybe after realizin' some vials were gone, he took one fer 'imself. Was gonna lace th' drink but... dude changed his mind. Even though he had a wife t'go back home 'ta, dude was probably too kind in th' end.
Not like it matters 'nymore, anyway."
The glove was clearly torn, and so the culprit's identity was as bright as day. Still, the circumstances were sad, even to Hanji, despite showing no feelings on their face. Well, there was no feeling, until their brows start to furrow.
"Luca... Yer startin' t'git real goddamn annoyin' wit' that."
Luca Knight... No, that wasn't quite correct. A rook or bishop, perhaps...? Did he have the worth of a rook? Bishop, maybe.
"Y'need t'git that potato sack off yer head and realize where you are. Now that someone's dead, folk're gunna keep dyin' like a domino effect. You need to accept that people are going to die around ya if ya wanna work towards doin' sum'mink about it. Sugarcoatin' shit ain't gunna do shit, or do ya jus' prefer 'ta have shit coated in pointless sugar all th' time?
People. Are. Going t'die. If we don't approach th' topic head on, then the fuck are ya expectin' us t'do. Sit on our asses hopin' a ~miracle~ will come if we do nothing? Think you'll git a trophy fer avoidin' upsettin' topics in an upsettin' environment? A game is stagnant if y'don't make any fuckin' moves. Conversations like this need to be had if we're gonna be here, and if we wanna get out.
Yet yer actin' like yer on a high horse fer havin' basic empathy. Is it so wrong for us to want to live too?"
Although it was a game they liked to think about a lot, Hanji knew not everything was black and white like a chessboard. Did this guy think everyone was so cruel for valuing their own lives? Sure, it was insensitive, and spoken in rather haphazard way, but... Since when did sensitivity ever belong in an environment like this?
Hanji sighs... They look at Reimi again, and they instinctively look away again. A painless death in one's slumber, huh...
"...Angeline. Do ya guys restock on all infirmary stuff all in one go, or only restock what ya can at th' moment and plan t'restock on others once ya can?"
0 notes
Doubt anyones gonna read but whatever...
so, since now its a pretty strong possibility ive lost my oldest and only remaining irl friend (my bff since we where 14 to be exact, we are 30, living prrtty far but relationship hasnt changed in 11 years mostly apart) or at the very least ive damaged our relationship INCREDIBLY
and all because of her ashole, conceited, full of himself boyfriend that i can't stand, accusing me of something i didnt do without even considering any other possibility (cause fuck presumption of inocense apparently?)
and her trying to pacify the situation, and by doing so basically putting herself on his side, and this knowing full well my current mental health state (mandated medical leave due to extreme depression, eating dissorder, high stress levels and extreme anxiety, being heavily medicated) and she's defending/excusing his behaviour after his selfish actions/words about some UNIMPORTANT BULLSHIT (this is all... Prepare yourself... About a piece of costume, a vest, i borrowed from him like 5/6 years ago AT LEAST to make patters out of and he thinks i still have it but i can't find it and im pretty sure i give it back... But he says no cause he can't find it... So its only possible I lost it... He's God's perfect creation an could NEVER have made such a mistake...
And i was already looking into btw even tho hes not my friend and i HATE HIM, cause my BFF already had asked me, but he felt the need to push me AGAIN last night AT 1AM (very polite, writing someone you dont talk to in the middle of the night without kmowing if youll wake them...) insisting about it and making me feel even more guily when he has NO BUSINESS talking to me... We are NOT FRIENS...
he gave me a panic attack last night, barely slept and I've had to overmedicate today to stop from loosing my shit altogether...
Which has never happened like this before...
I right now currently have exactly 0 percent to loose, thanks, you son of a fucking turd pile that thinks himself the best most specialest boy ever...
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So, i have more than 600 posts on queue (more people should use it tbh), set to 50 a day, so you will keep seeing me for a while, is just not "me, me".
I'll probably be gone after today. Don't know if ill be coming back this time... dont think so tho
Not that anyone here fucking cares 😂 i just thought it polite so say.
The few notes i usually get (if ANY) on my own posts are pity likes from mutuals 😂 (and even those are appreciated, guys❤️)
But hey, dont say i went without saying goodbye!
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You wont notice my absence (like the few days i suddenly stopped posting this past week, and i didnt even had the queue), but ill sure miss seeing you in my dash. Wish i could have tall to you more ❤️
TLDR: my life is shit, i had little, now i dont even had the only good constant in my life since before my mom died (i was 14) who is my bff. Its all asshole boyfriend of bff. Can't do anything cause i love her too much to cause her any pain, so i cant escalate and fuck him up as soon as i seen him like id love to...
So im giving up, starting by abandoning this hellsite (beloved) and abandoning myself to ALL the drugs (legal or not) that i can get my hands on that make me numb until hopefully i get to die all chill during the high of my life... Here's hoping🤞
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction || Didn’t Know That You Were Pregnant [Request]
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It was supposed to be a relaxing day out with the rest of the boys, going for a walk around the Han River and taking photographs with Hyunjin but your stomach was beginning to cramp and you were having back pains. 
"Maybe you should sit down," Minho said as he noticed how slow you were walking behind them, panting out of breath you walked over to some of the benches beside a fence and sat down. 
"Here," Felix called out as he rushed to your side and gave you a bottle of water, Chan glanced over at you smiling weakly as he noticed how sick you looked. The fact that you'd been sick for most of the week was starting to worry him but you pushed it aside as nothing more than a sickness bug that would pass sooner or later.
"Maybe we should call it a day, you look worse than you did yesterday," Jisung said in a worried tone he didn't mean for it to sound mean but he was worried about you, as were the other boys. Jisung's eyes kept looking between you and Chan as he walked over to your side but you let out a yelp in pain, at first, you thought you'd dropped the bottle of water that Felix had handed to you but then you felt pain radiate up your back and around your abdomen,
"Gross, Y/n needs to control her bladder." Minho laughed as he saw the pool of fluid by your feet and assumed you had wet yourself but that was when Chan's face ran pale and he began to calculate in his head. 
"I-I think my water broke," You mumbled as you looked over at Chan, he was piecing everything together over the last nine months, you'd gained weight, you'd been suck more often not to mention the weird cravings you'd been getting. 
"Holy shit." You yelled out as you struggled to get up from the bench, holding onto your stomach where there was barely even a bump. 
"I'm going to be an uncle?!" Jeongin screamed out loudly enough that the lady that was working the hot chocolate stand looked up to see what the fuss was about. Chan took your hand in his, walking with you towards the car so they could get you to a hospital but all of the boys were freaking out more than the two of you, yelling about how they weren't prepared and nothing was ready since you had no idea you were pregnant. 
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You always thought those who claimed not to know that they were pregnant were being dramatic but now you knew first hand that they weren't. Sitting on the maternity ward with your sleeping daughter in your arms while Minho sat beside you on the bed just watching her sleeping. You had been home when you felt a bad pain spreading over your body, you figured it was nothing until it got to the point you couldn't focus on anything but the pain and headed to the doctor. 
"I can't believe you created another human." Changbin muttered as he walked into the room with a look of surprise on his face,
"Neither can we," You laughed as you laid your head on Minho's shoulder still remembering the look of shock on his face he had when you told him that you were going to have a baby. It was as if someone had drained all the colour out of him and for a few moments you thought he was going to pass out but he took it well and spent hours shopping for everything you were going to need online and having it delivered to your apartment that you shared together.
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"Where have you been I've been calling all day?!" You yelled out as you stood in the doorway of one of the studios, Changbin was chilling with Jisung and Chan while he claimed he was working. 
"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" You groaned at his nagging questioning and looked down at your stomach, the bump was starting to bother you but you put that down to weight loss until about an hour ago when you felt something move inside of you followed by a gushing of water to your feet. 
"I'm in labour, so if you answered your phone I wouldn't have had to drive all the way here instead of a hospital," All three of the boys started to laugh with one another thinking it was some kind of prank but as soon as Changbin saw the seriousness on your face his smile fell to the floor. 
"You're really-"
"And I'm going to be dad-"
"Not if you don't get me to a fucking doctor!" You yelled out as another contraction hit you, bending over in pain as you tried not to fall to the floor in a puddle of tears from the pain that you were experiencing. 
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"Besides a little weight gain, there had been no other indication that you could have been pregnant?" A nurse asked as she looked at you at Hyunjin, the two of you had been surprised by home birth. You'd gotten up in the middle of the night to use the toilet only to realise you weren't in need of the toilet but a doctor. The two of you ended up delivering your daughter on the bathroom floor over the phone to nurses and an ambulance team that had been stuck on the roads. 
"No, I didn't even know I could. I was on the pill and we were using condoms." You mumbled as you glanced down at your sleeping daughter who was strong considering you hadn't been taking prenatal care or going for regular checkups, it was a miracle she was delivered as well as she was and as healthy as she was. 
"Well, the hospital will provide you with a crib and some emergency supplies but you will need to do some shopping soon." She began writing everything up that you would need, Hyunjin was already so taken with your daughter he could hardly take his eyes off her.
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As soon as the water hit the ground you knew you hadn't accidentally wet yourself and Chan knew from the look of it that it wasn't piss that had come out of you. 
"Y/n!?" Jisung yelled out as panic washed over his face, he was sweating as he rushed over to you, sitting you down on the sofa in the dorms as he began yelling out for someone to call an ambulance. 
"Relax, she's in labour," Chan said calmly as he watched the two of you but that did nothing to settle you, both you and Jisung turned to him with wide eyes, 
"SHE'S PREGNANT!?" You screamed out together as the boys around you began to laugh, Chan shook his head at you before looking around. 
"Felix call an ambulance, Seungmin get a blanket and Minho pack up some clothes for Y/n." The whole time Chan barked out orders Jisung was doing his best to coach you through the pain, giving you breathing techniques he'd seen in all of the movies and TV shows where people were giving birth.
"We're going to be parents." He whispered over and over again as if he was trying to convince himself that it was true and it wasn't some kind of dream that he seemed to be having. 
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Felix brought you to the hospital as soon as you said that you were in so much pain you couldn't get out of bed, doctors were running tests on you while you sat in a hospital bed crying into a pillow. 
"Mr Lee, Miss Y/l/n?" You glanced over at the door to see a set of doctors all rushing around outside the door, getting something ready while another came to speak to you. 
"It appears that you're pregnant, in fact, you're currently in labour." You started laughing at the male doctor thinking it was some kind of joke but when you noticed he wasn't laughing you stopped and sat up in the bed. 
"I'm what?" Felix's hand wrapped around yours as he tightly squeezed your hand, come to think of it there was a high possibility that you were pregnant but the two of you had been careful and used protection all of the time. 
"I would assume this is a shock but we need to check to see how far along you are in your contractions," A female doctor came into the room and began introducing herself while you and Felix stared at one another dumbfounded about how this could have happened and when. 
"Would you like to stay in the room?" The mid-wife asked Felix who turned to leave but you gripped onto his shirt pulling him closer to the bed, 
"We're in this together, don't even think about walking out of that door." You warned him as the doctor began to see if you were ready to push or not, 
"Almost there, I would say another hour or two at the most," She smiled looking up at you both as you worriedly looked at one another how you were going to break the news to everyone since you had no idea you had been pregnant in the first place.
"I need to call my mum," Felix stuttered as he looked at you, you nodded your head looking around for your phone. 
"I need to tell my family." You bit down on your lip not knowing if you were excited, worried or scared or if it was a mixture of all of those emotions at once. 
"I would make some arrangements quickly," The doctor teased before leaving the room, you turned to Felix wondering where to start with the conversation.
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"I'm telling you that there is nothing wrong with me, I just feel sick." You grumbled to Seungmin who was pacing around the room a nurse had placed you in, he'd insisting on taking you to see someone as soon as you started to feel sick and dizzy that morning and now you had been waiting around for hours. 
"The tests have all finally came back, we wanted to make sure it was 100% positive before we came in here," The same nurse that had admitted you explained as she held a clipboard to her chest with a worried expression on her face, 
"When you came in we asked if there was a chance of pregnancy and you said no-"
"Because there isn't, I'm on the pill and we use protection," You told her as she continued to give you a worried look, that was when she began showing you all of the tests that they had done to prove to you that you were eight months pregnant and in early labour which was why you were sick and in so much pain. 
"I-I'm pregnant?" You stuttered out staring from the charts to her face as Seungmin sat down on the chair beside your bed, 
"But we were careful," He mumbled as he looked at you, 
"Not all contraceptives are 100% effective, some are just 99.9% you're the lucky, 00.01% That gets pregnant," You knew she was trying to make you feel better but it only made it worse as you thought about how the baby had nothing waiting at home for them when you eventually got home. 
"I'll get the boys, they'll become builders for the day." Seungmin mumbled as he began to call Chan on his phone frantically. 
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Jeongin laughed down the phone when you told him you were sitting on the maternity ward of a hospital delivering his baby but as soon as he didn't hear you laughing a chill ran through him.
"You're joking right?" You groaned at him through the phone, rolling your head back against the bed as another contraction hit you making you scream out louder than the rest before it.
"Why would I joke about pushing a watermelon out of something the size of a pea!?" You yelled out down the phone to him while the midwife flinched from beside you wondering how you had been clueless about the pregnancy in the first place. It wasn't as though you were trying to get pregnant you were only together for two years, he was still young and how was JYP going to react to him getting a son or a daughter. 
"Please come to the hospital innie, I'm scared," Your voice cracked as you began to cry but Jeongin was already on the way, getting Minho to drive him as fast as he could so he could be by your side by the time his son or daughter came into the world.
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Tagline: @taestannie​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @minholuvs​ @sw33tnight​ @kneel-begyourpardon​
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
Chloe's Lament Part 2
Next part of Chloe's Lament. Chloe begins to learn of the changes to reality from her Wish.
She will not be happy about this.
When Chloe woke up, the first thing that struck her was the loud banging sounds from somewhere below her.
The second thing was pain.
“I have a headache!” She called out, laying an arm over her sleep mask-covered eyes. Her butler would hear her and respond accordingly, of course. He always did.
“And get them to stop that racket down there!” She flopped on her bed with a huff, waiting for the help to return with aid.
Really, the things she dealt with!
Normally, her butler would arrive immediately, with painkillers and fruit-infused water being presented to her within a minute.
But to her growing frustration, that minute came and passed.
Then two.
Not that Chloe was counting.
Eventually, it had been five minutes and there was still no word from the man. And to make matters worse, that damn banging from below was only getting louder and increasing her suffering.
“Ugh! Do I have to do everything myself?!”
She ripped off the sleep mask, only to wince at the level of brightness in the room. She was on the top floor with the best visibility but the windows were supposed to be tinted and covered to prevent this very thing!
Once her vision cleared, several things should have stood out as odd.
But the first thing to attract her notice was the sleep mask she had just removed—some cheapo dime-store brand. She tossed the rag away with a shriek.
“Is this a prank?!” She demanded. “That is not my personalized diamond-studded satin custom made facial mask! Jean? Jean!”
There was a ruckus from below. The sound of something being dropped. Footsteps—loud and fast and getting closer. Then the opening of a door.
“Precious! Is everything okay?”
She sneered at the sound of her father’s voice.
“No! My sleep mask was stolen, it’s too bright, my head is KILLING me and no one is getting me anything to help!”
He looked confused at that. “Are you out of Efferalgan in your bathroom cabinet?”
She gave him a look. Why would she have to get up and go to the bathroom for some painkillers when there should be someone to hand them to her?
He gave her a strange look in response. Like he was confused his daughter would expect someone to do something as simple as bringing her painkillers and water.
And water.
Preferably cherry-infused.
Was that really so much to ask? Or even require asking?
“Just…hang on a moment.” He said and left her her bathroom.
With nothing to do but wait, she glanced around, noting that…this was not her room.
Not the one she knew, anyway.
The light that had blinded her before was from a central window overlooking the room that so obtrusively settled on her bed. In addition, there was a skylight placed above a nook set behind her bed, which brought more light into the room.
She vaguely recognized the room. Well, by its floor plan, at least. The layout and decor threw her off though. The furniture and items were clearly cheaper than her usual high end designer brands. But she saw aspects that were suited to her tastes. Minute indications of her own touch in the assortment of objects around her. Yellow and white as the themes. Black cushions and aesthetic.
It was…decent. But so beneath her it was embarrassing! These were cheap models! Practically plastic! The bedsheets were…ugh…cotton of all things! The lamps were dim! She was missing her boudoir! And her shoes! And her jewelry! She didn’t even want to imagine the nightmare that was her closet—it was practically a hole in the wall! There was no way it would fit everything!
“Here you are, dear!” Her father said, returning from her bathroom with a glass of water and a pill in hand.
She fought the grimace.
Was this tap water?
By his expectant look, he clearly meant for her to drink it.
With her continuing headache and no better option for fast relief, Chloe reluctantly took the proffered items. She was unable to help the slightest grimace before she downed them both.
“Well, if that’s all, I’ll be getting back to setting up for the morning rush. Come downstairs to the bakery when you’re ready.” He looked almost relieved to be leaving.
Chloe barely took notice now that she had what she needed. Instead, she took to contemplating her situation and her new surroundings.
All the furniture aside, this room looked familiar. Not really well known, because Chloe was sure she had never been in such a place before. But…like she had seen it somewhere…TV maybe?
And her Daddykins was here. That meant…wherever she was, it was apparently expected for her to be here.
But where was here?
The last thing she remembered was…
She closed her eyes, straining to think past the pain.
That’s right! Hawk Moth’s offer! The Bee! She was Miracle Queen! And she had just won! She had Ladybug beaten…
Her fists clenched.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng…
It hit her.
This was just like her room!
She had only seen it a couple of times. Once for sure when Sabrina had snuck into her room per Chloe‘s instructions for blackmail material. She happened to glimpse a picture of the room here or there from other people’s phones of times that they had spent in this room—that she had really cared. It was a small and dingy room that had nothing on her glamorous abode at the hotel, which of course, was superior in every way.
She was vaguely reminded of that one show that Marinette hadn’t stopped talking about which had also apparently shown Marinette‘s room, but Chloe honestly hadn’t been bothered enough to watch it, so she didn’t have that to go on. But with what she did know, it was a safe bet to assume that this was some knockoff of Marinette‘s room.
So why was Chloe here? Why was her dad downstairs?
She… she had made the Wish, hadn’t she?
What…is this it?
She turned up her nose at the environment around her, completely unimpressed.
Was this dinky little room with its weird setup and tacky decor what the Wish gave her? Why would she be in any copy of Dupain-Cheng’s room layout anyway?
The Wish should have changed reality, that much was clear. There was no way she would be caught dead in Dupain-Cheng’s room otherwise—much less sleeping there like it was her own room!
…unless…it was her room?
Was it?
She had found some aspects of the room to her taste, but did that mean this was hers?
It would explain why she was there. And why her Daddy had come up. He had mentioned her bathroom earlier, then had gone through the nearby door to get a tablet and water from what she could only assume was the bathroom he had spoken of.
…he had mentioned a bakery.
Eyes wide, she stumbled out of bed and to the window. Sure enough, the school was just across the way. And there was a sign out front.
“Bourgeois Bakery”
Chloe stared.
Suddenly, it clicked. The banging from downstairs. Her Daddy talking about a ‘morning rush’. And to come down to the…
…no way!
This place was a bakery! Her Daddy was operating a bakery!
And given her location, it was the same bakery that Marinette’s parents owned originally!
…did this mean she was supposed to be Marinette?
She threw her pillow in a fury.
Stupid Wish! This wasn’t at all what she wanted!
You would think all-powerful Wish-granting artifacts would do it right!
“Where are those kwamis?!” She demanded, jumping out of the bed and looking around for anywhere she would keep such important jewels. “I’m going to give them a piece of my mind!”
She had a boudoir along with the various jewelry pieces kept there ranging among a variety of gold and diamonds—all fakes, much to her disappointment. And not a single Miraculous among them.
She slammed the final drawer in with a curse.
If she had the Miraculous, shouldn’t they still be with her? Do they just disappear after being used?
Ugh! Those things really were useless! Utterly useless!
It was when she stood back to full height that she noticed the monthly calendar. There were the standard holidays, but also a weekly appointment every Friday evening with some ‘Bridgette’. What was that? A spa day?
She shot a glance to her reflection in the mirror and grimaced. She definitely needed one. She could just feel all the oils on her skin!
But more to the point, there was one day circled on the calendar.
‘Start of School’
She grabbed her phone—an older, obsolete model with a glittery but fake casing—and checked the date.
That was today.
It was the first day of school. A…
She checked the date again, and sure enough, it was a year ago!
Had the Wish taken her back in time?
She froze, realization hitting her.
This was the first day of school. The same day as the first akuma attack.
And when Ladybug first appeared.
That meant…she was sent back in time to the day Marinette would become Ladybug.
It was a year in the past. She wasn’t at the hotel. Her room was in a bakery. Her father was working as a baker. She was Marinette now.
That meant…
She giggled, feeling a giddiness rise within her.
Today was the day she becomes Ladybug!
It looks like the Wish did something right, after all!
Chloe grinned, spinning away from the mirror and to her closet.
She had to get ready! She had to prepare the perfect outfit! Something for the day she becomes a hero!
No. THE hero!
She knew how the Ladybug worked. Hell, she knew the akumas to come. With her prior knowledge and skills, she would know how to use the yoyo and how to use the Lucky Charm better than the old Ladybug ever did! She’d have every akuma in the bag!
Hell, maybe she could force the Ladybug kwami to tell her where the Guardian is so she can get the other Miraculous, too! That way, she could have both the Ladybug AND the Bee again.
And her Adrikens would be her partner! To support her! To stay by her side! Just as it should be!
She paused, something niggling at the back of her brain. There was something she was forgetting.
A glance around the room as she wondered
Of course, the full extent of the change and just what that meant didn’t really hit her until she went downstairs and actually saw her father.
The poor man was in the middle of retrieving a pan lined with croissants from the unbearably hot oven, his hair contained in…fishnet? Latex? Whatever the cafeteria cooks wore when she had no choice but to eat from the school’s lunchroom.
Gross! He looked like a lunch lady!
He didn’t seem to notice her, too busy dancing around the kitchen and checking over the…whatever pastries those were and just looking proud of himself.
Daddykins, no. You’re better than this! How could you be reduced to such a state?
He seemed to notice her staring. “Are you feeling better?” He asked, looking concerned.
“Er…yeah.” She replied. She wasn’t, really, but she couldn’t tell him that. He could try to have her stay home and how would she get to see the fruits of her labors from there?
“Ah good!” He said cheerfully. “It is the first day of the new school year, and you certainly want to…” He hesitated, “…start off on the right foot.”
A pause. He looked at her expectantly, but she had no idea what he was getting at.
He shook his head and turned away for a moment to grab a box before coming back and presenting it to her.
Clearly he wanted her to take it, so she sighed and took hold of the box. A peek inside revealed a number of macarons.
For her? Now this was what she was talking about!
“Oh, Daddykins! You shouldn’t have!”
“Yes,” he said with a nod. “I figured it would be a great way to start off the new year by sharing them with your classmates.”
Ugh. Seriously? All happy feelings vanished in an instant and she shot him a petulant look.
“Why should I have to share?” She demanded.
He hesitated.
She glared, tapping her foot in a clear indication of wanting an answer. Or preferably for him to just say they were all hers.
“It’s a new year and a new start.” Andre said, smiling nervously. “Maybe it’s time to just let bygones be bygones?“
It was a stupid question and she sure let him know it. She stared at him flatly, causing him to wilt.
Andre sighed.
“I know you don’t like her, but…” he hesitated. “Please, just try to get along?”
She blinked.
It suddenly struck her.
If she was Dupain-Cheng now…
That meant Marinette was in her shoes!
She grinned.
Marinette would be her bully! She’d be the rich bitch daughter of the Mayor and loathed by Paris while Chloe would be—
The one everyone rallied around.
The one Adrikens adored.
The one chosen as Ladybug!
She would have it all!
Part of her hoped the other girl would know about the previous reality…just so she could shove it in her face!
“Just take it slow,” he continued, unaware of her true thoughts. “And then you can report about it to Bridgette at your counseling session on Friday.”
Seeing her expression, he held up his hands in a gesture of peace.
“I know you don’t like it, but it was part of the agreement. You need to make a better impression this year, sweetie.”
“She’s the daughter of the Mayor. I’m not sure we can take another…” He trailed off before shaking his head and looking at her imploringly. “You understand, right?”
She got it!
“Of course, Daddykins!”
Clearly Dupain-Cheng was abusing her influence, just as she thought!
She had to hand it to the girl…a part of her hadn’t been quite convinced that she would go quite that far. But that just proof that Marinette Dupain-Cheng wasn’t so perfect and that even she would be the same as Chloe once in her position!
Chloe knew she would have to bear with the mistreatment for now. No matter how much it would grate her. It would suck to have to have to accept it for any period of time.
Still, it would be worth it! It just meant even more ammunition to use against her once Chloe was Ladybug!
She didn’t even notice the look of concern he gave her or his weak goodbye as she left the bakery with the box in hand. She was too wrapped up in her own thoughts. Particularly her plans.
And what plans they were!
So what if Maribrat had Chloe’s wealth? It wasn’t like she knew the first thing about status or being a symbol. No, Ladybug did that for her and she didn’t even use it right! Not like Chloe would.
She smirked to herself, imagining the future.
Well, as soon as she got the Miraculous, taking the pigtailed down a peg would be the first thing on her list. Maybe a dip in the Seine? Or ‘accidentally’ getting her hit by an akuma or two?
Why limit it to her personally? If Ladybug spoke out against the mayor, who would vote for him? From what she remembered of Marinette’s dad, that oaf had no business being in politics anyway! Then there was the hotel, which would no doubt be a mess with him in charge anyway.
And best of all, she thought with glee, with a word from Paris’s favorite hero, Dupain-Cheng could be implicated as an ally of Hawk Moth.
Who wouldn’t believe it? If Marinette was in Chloe’s place, that meant she had to be a brat despised by Paris. Everyone would likely jump at the excuse to run her out of the city!
It was slightly disappointing that the former Ladybug wouldn’t know why the new Ladybug was so against her or that she had even been replaced, but she didn’t deserve answers anyway.
For once, Chloe was getting everything she wanted. It was like the Universe itself was on her side! Chloe would be the hero with all the Miraculous and status just as she’d always deserved. And everyone would automatically see it and love her while they would already recognize Marinette as the selfish bitch Chloe always knew she was!
It was a win/win for Chloe and all her fans—which was the best kind of win for Chloe.
Sure, it meant she would have to suffer the loss of her basic comforts like a butler, the latest in fashion and accessories, and easy immediate access to a luxury spa for now…but it would be worth it in the long run.
…maybe not the luxury spa. She would kill for the hotel’s oils and masseuse. But she would just have to deal with, ugh, scheduling with a four star locale in the meantime.
It’s for the greatest good, she reminded herself, looking mournfully at her chipped nails.
And besides, she didn’t have to suffer for long.
Today was the first day of school, which signified the first appearance of Ladybug! This was the day she achieved her destiny! Once she became Ladybug, she would be back on top!
So what if her dad was a baker instead of a hotel owner this go around? Who said it had to stay that way? Just as she could use her position to defame the Dupain-Chengs and ruin Marinette, she could endorse the bakery for free publicity. Do special promotions and deals for money. Or even better! She could make the city pay her for her work!
After all, how much was her Miracle Cure worth, really? How much would the city be willing to pay for her to fix the damage caused by akuma fights? It was only what she was owed; the least they could do is compensate her for her time.
Really, it was Marinette’s own fault for not taking advantage while she could. She could’ve been an idol or the city’s star. She could have used the Miraculous to create an army. Hell, Hawk Moth should have been nothing against her! And instead, she just…wasted her potential. On things like loose zoo animals or out of control helicopters, no less!
Chloe wouldn’t make the same mistakes.
And now that Chloe was set to be the city’s hero…
Even if Marinette was rich (for now), it would be nothing compared to what Chloe would have. She would be Paris’s hero! The BEST hero! And unlike that has-been, she at least would use Ladybug’s power and status right!
She didn’t need to be the daughter of the Mayor! Her Mother was still THE Style Queen, Audrey Bourgeois. Adrien Agreste was still her best friend. She was still Chloe Bourgeois, the best thing to happen to Paris! And now as Ladybug, she would still be back on top and ruling Paris in no time!
And it would all start once she got to school.
“Get out of my way!” She exclaimed, shoving some old fart taking his sweet time walking, sending him to the ground and out of her way.
Move aside, peons!
Her destiny awaits!
Back at the intersection, Chloe never noticed the way the elderly gentleman cast her a judging stare from his position on the ground. Or his muttering.
“No, definitely not.”
“Are you okay?” Came a voice.
“Ah, yes!” He replied, accepting the offered hand and taking stock of the girl it belonged to. She was young. In college, likely. “Thank you, young lady!”
“Of course!” She smiled, handing him back his cane. “Do you need help getting home from here? That looked like quite a fall.”
“But don’t you have somewhere to be?” He asked.
“Just school, but I can spare a few minutes if you need…?”
“There is no need for that.” He shook his head. “I will be fine, thank you for your concern.”
Yes, he decided with a smile as he watched her go, this one will do.
Ugh, walking. Who invented such a thing? She couldn’t wait until she had a personal limo again. This was so not good for her!
Chloe continued plotting as she walked, magnanimously choosing to consider this as part of the reason for revenge instead of its own thing.
And speaking of revenge! Let’s see…
She scrunched her face, trying to remember the events of the first day of school.
There had been that fight with Marinette over her seat. ‘My seat now’, she realized with glee. ‘Which means I’ll be back next to Adrikens!’
Where she should be.
And if she and Dupain-Cheng were now supposed to be switched, that meant ‘the horrible bully Marinette’ would be picking on ‘poor sweet little Chloe’.
She couldn’t wait!
‘Let’s see how you handle being in my shoes, Dupain-Cheng!’
She giggled to herself, ignoring the weirded out looks she was getting from some passing students.
Or the way the other students in general seemed to give her a wide berth.
As they should for the real Queen Bee of this school!
She was already imagining how this was going to go. And with the classroom only a few feet ahead, her vindication was already so close she could taste it!
Except when she finally arrived at the class, it was immediately clear that something wasn’t right.
Dupain-Cheng was there as expected. With her same kiddie pigtails and her pink and grey ensemble with polka-dots—what kind of designer was she anyway?
What wasn’t expected, however, was that Cesaire was already was there as well.
Originally, Cesaire defended Dupain-Cheng and they became friends. If things played out the same, shouldn’t Cesaire be coming in late? Or standing up to Dupain-Cheng here? If anything, they already seemed to be friends.
Unless Cesaire was Dupain-Cheng’s tool like Sabrina had been for her?
It made sense that this new reality would swap more around, she reasoned.
Chloe frowned. Now that she was actually close enough to the classroom, she could see the classmates gathered into a sort of half circle around Dupain-Cheng and her follower. And as she reached the doorway, she could more clearly hear what they were saying.
“—at the Le Grand Paris.” Marinette said, gesturing to Alya with a smile.
“So cool!”
“That’s awesome! So you’ve just been staying at the hotel until you can get settled in?”
Alya nodded, smiling. “Yeah. At least for a little while until we could get our own apartment. Mr. Dupain-Cheng was really accommodating. Luckily, we didn’t need it for long before Mom found something. She didn’t want to take advantage of his generosity, but it’s just really amazing that he was willing to offer us room and board just to have Mom as part of his staff!”
Chloe raised a nose in disgust.
Who ever heard of such a thing?! What hotel made any profit letting people stay for free?
“We met when I was cleaning rooms and she offered to help!” Marinette explained brightly.
Chloe nearly gagged.
Marinette…actually cleaned the hotel?
Why do something that gross?
That’s what the help was for! And Sabrina.
Speaking of, where was she?
Chloe glanced around, but Sabrina was nowhere to be seen amongst the classmates.
Maybe the Wish had done more than switch her with Dupain-Cheng? Maybe Cesaire and Sabrina had been switched as well? So that meant Sabrina should be the new transfer, right?
No wait, that didn’t add up. She had just walked in on Cesaire being introduced.
Sabrina was probably just her best friend, then.
She nodded.
That was good enough, she supposed. At least if she couldn’t have her necessities from the hotel, she still had Sabrina to take care of the more mundane tasks for her.
Unaware of her thoughts, Marinette had continued talking to the others unhindered.
“—said she would be coming to Francios Dupont, and I knew I had to introduce her. She’s new, so be nice.” She instructed, giving a stare to Kim in particular. “Kim.”
The taller boy raised his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. I’ll give her a week before any challenges.”
Alya raised an eyebrow. “Challenges? Dare I ask?”
Everyone groaned.
“No dares.” Nino begged, covering his face with his hat. “Please. Kim is bad enough every year. I still can’t look at the hotel without remembering what happened last time…”
“Yeah, your dumb dare got us banned from the hotel’s pool for a month!” Alix said, pointing at Kim, who shrugged helplessly.
“Speaking of the hotel!” Marinette cut in, pulling out her tablet. “I convinced my dad to let us do this year’s work study at the hotel.” She tapped her tablet. “I have a little bit of influence over what they’ll choose as assignments, so we can try to come up with roles everyone will like.”
“Hey yeah! That sounds awesome!”
The classmates crowded the desk, chatting excitedly.
“So where will everyone go?”
“Maybe Kim and Max in security? Or Alix and Max in security, so Kim could work the pool area.”
“As a lifeguard?” Kim asked cheerfully. “I’ve done some training, after all.”
Marinette sent him a wry look and pretended to be thinking it over. “Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe as a pool cleaner?”
Kim pouted. “No fair, Mari!”
“Hey, it would do you some good to learn the cleaning process for the pools you use so much.” Mylene said, half jokingly and half pointedly, making Kim lower his head and groan.
Marinette giggled a little. “Well at any rate, I’ve set up a list of all the different jobs at the hotel so people can mark their top preferences. Between all the options, everyone is bound to find something that’ll suit them best.”
She sent Adrien a knowing look. “And of course Adrien will be in the kitchen.”
Adrien beamed at that.
Not that Chloe noticed.
“Kitchen?!” Chloe squawked. “You’re going to make my Adrikens work in a dirty old kitchen?!”
She had known Marinette would be bad, but how dare she punish Adrikens like that? She could just see it now! Her poor Adrikens, forced to slave away in a room meant for servants like…like he was a servant! Where he could get covered in grime and burn his precious skin!
Everyone frowned at her, as if she was the one being ridiculous!
The boy in question raised his hand.
“But I want to—”
“That is a flagrant abuse of power!” Chloe shouted, slamming a hand on the desk. “She’s making Adrikens work like a maid! What if his father hears about this?!”
Adrien wilted in on himself.
“The kitchen isn’t dirty or old.” Marinette said, sounding annoyingly calm with a terseness in her tone that Chloe had heard some service workers use when dealing with particularly difficult customers—though why they used it with her was beyond her. It was as if Marinette was acting like she the reasonable one dealing with an unreasonable customer or something. “They just finished the remodeling three months ago, we clean it regularly, and all of our utensils and equipment are taken good care of.”
“That’s not the point!” Chloe shouted. “How could you use my Adrikens in such a way? Gabriel Agreste would never approve when he hears about this!”
Because he would be hearing about this! Chloe would make sure of it!
“I could just explain to Mr. Agreste that this would be for good publicity.” Marinette suggested. “I’m sure he would allow it.”
She knew it! There were really no lows she wouldn’t go to!
“You’re really pushing this! And you call yourself Adrikens’ friend!” Chloe pointed at Marinette accusingly. “Just because your Daddy’s the Mayor doesn’t mean you can treat people like they’re lesser than you!”
Marinette frowned, looking uncertain as her gaze flickered between the others.
Hah! Even in Chloe’s position, Marinette still wavered easily and she couldn’t hide her insecurities to save her life. It was why she always gave in in the end! Anyone would roll over someone showing such an obvious weakness!
Hell, she may not even need to wait to see her taken down. This was a perfect opportunity to lead everyone in rising up against her tyranny.
After a few seconds, she turned back to face Chloe, no doubt to attack her for challenging her and show her true colors—
“Chloe, are you okay?”
“My Dad just runs the Hotel. He isn’t the Mayor.”
“My Mom is. You met her at your…” She hesitated, sending the others a glance before lowering her voice, “…meeting, remember?”
She had to bite her tongue regarding the ridiculousness of Dupain-Cheng’s mother being the Mayor. Was that woman even a French citizen?
But it was the other part of Marinette’s statement that concerned her. What meeting? What was she even getting at? Why was she trying to be quiet about it.
Nevermind! She’d worry about that later!
“It doesn’t matter!” Chloe shouted, forcing Marinette to back away. “The fact is that you can’t just throw your weight around to get your way and treat people however you like! And I’m not the only one who feels that way!” She exclaimed, turning to the classmates in expectation.
…only to get a number of blank or confused stares in response.
“Um, what are you even talking about?” Alya asked incredulously.
“Yeah, dude! Marinette doesn’t treat anyone that way.” Nino added.
“The only one who pulls that sort of thing is you.” Said Nathaniel bitingly.
Since when does that loser talk?
And also, what?!
“And aren’t you supposed to be leaving Marinette alone?” Alix asked, giving Chloe a pointed look.
What even was that about?
“I thought that was the agreement.” Mylene said quietly.
Seriously?! Was everyone on her side?
They were supposed to be silent! Or judging the Mayor’s brat! That’s what they did with Chloe! Instead, they were jumping to her defense!
“Are you serious?” She demanded. “Like she doesn’t abuse her power and authority to push people around!”
“Of course not!” Marinette insisted. And then to Chloe’s rage, seemed to draw herself up even more, actually looking confident and self assured in a way Chloe herself had never felt in her place. “As the daughter of the mayor, I have to set a good example.”
What even was that?
Unaware of Chloe’s short-circuiting, she continued. “And Chloe, I wouldn’t force anyone to do a role that they don’t want. That’s why I brought the list here for the class to review first.” She gestured to her tablet. “That way everyone has a chance to pick what roles they want and we can avoid the ones no one wants to do. How is that a bad thing?”
It wasn’t, admittedly. But Marinette wasn’t supposed to be the one doing it! That was the problem!
“And who put you in charge?!” Chloe demanded of Marinette. “Why are you deciding where we’ll do the work study? What, are you using the Class Rep position to flaunt your family’s hotel?”
It would make sense. Chloe had been the Class Rep for years originally. If Marinette was her…
Marinette just gave her a strange look.
“No. I’m not Class Rep, remember?”
Chloe balked.
“Chloe, did you hit your head?” Marinette asked, sounding worried. She held a hand out in offering. “Do you need to go to the Nurse’s Office?”
Chloe jerked away from the girl’s outreached hand. Why would Dupain-Cheng still be acting…nice?
Clearly she must still be pretending!
“Nevermind that! If you aren’t the Class Rep, then who is?”
“Your benevolent dictator is here!” Came a voice. A familiar voice. The last one Chloe expected.
“Hey, Class Rep.” Marinette said, giving Chloe a pointed look while waving to the person behind her.
Chloe turned slowly. She had to force herself to move. The strain made it feel like her bones were creaking.
Behind her, Sabrina stood tall with a tablet in hand and looking…surprisingly well for a new reality as a lackey of someone other than Chloe. She almost didn’t recognize her.
Chloe stood straight, expecting the standard greeting.
To her shock, Sabrina didn’t even look at her, instead moving past her to…
“Wow, Marinette! Nice jacket!” Sabrina said first thing in greeting as she moved over to the other girl in interest.
Marinette blushed at the praise. “Thanks! My dad got me some new fabric and I was inspired to try this style!” She gave a wink. “Now this is just a test run to see how it works out.”
“It certainly looks comfortable.” Sabrina said in awe.
Were…were they ignoring her?
“I have some of the material left.” Marinette said. “I could make you your own for your birthday if you want?”
Oh gag! Why would anyone want Marinette’s tacky creations instead of the latest in season creation?
And there was Sabrina looking like that was something to be excited about!
Oh no! Without Chloe to guide her, she had lost any sense of fashion! No matter how much fuller her hair was or how she no longer looked like a strong wind could blow her away!
Clearly, her life was a tragedy without Chloe!
“And I checked like you asked.” Marinette continued, unaware of Chloe’s glare. “My Dad said we could do the work study at his hotel.”
“Thank you!” Sabrina cheered. “That’ll be one less thing to worry about.”
“Yeah, we were talking about that when you came in.” Marinette explained.
Chloe glared pointedly at the girl over the way she was blatantly ignoring that they had been in the middle of Chloe calling her out! Seriously, what was the point of getting to tell people off for their flaws if they were going to ignore you and pretend it never happened! Really! You can’t just ignore the truth like that!
“We were discussing what positions everyone wanted.” Mylene said. “Even if we can’t get the exact ones we’d like, there’ll at least be options.”
“Juleka and I can clean the ball room!” Rose exclaimed. “It will give us a chance to check the acoustics of the room. We’ve been wondering about the effects and what to expect if our band ever plays in such an area.“
Nino looked intrigued at that. “Hey, that does sound like a good idea. Maybe sign me up for that as well?” He asked, turning to Marinette before mumbling to himself about the echo effect on his beats.
Marinette gave him a nod before turning back to Rose. “I heard you guys just started, didn’t you?“
Rose nodded, beaming. “It’s so much fun!”
Marinette smiled and marked it down on her list. “Then I’ll suggest that for you.”
She paused for a moment, hesitating in clear unwillingness to continue before giving a strained smile.
“And Chloe...”
“How about trash cleanup?” Alix snarked, giving the girl a dark look.
“Excuse you?!” Chloe shouted in outrage. “Do you know who my daddy is?!”
The looks she was given were completely unimpressed.
“A baker?”
“And not even a good one.”
"Hey, his croissants are all right."
Chloe blanched, remembering that her father wasn’t the mayor in this world.
He wasn’t even rich.
He was just a baker now. A simple ordinary not even very good baker who was barely keeping his head above water trying to maintain his business and manage his teenage daughter.
And that made Chloe…
Her go to tactic now had no power.
But…but Sabrina! She realized in a flash that her minion was apparently the Class Rep! She could have her back her!
But when she spun around to look, the girl had actually just abandoned her and the gathering altogether to sit next to Mylene of all people! Mylene! And they were just…chatting! Since when did those two spend time together! And why wasn’t Sabrina there for her?!
“Chloe!” Came the only voice worth listening to.
Oh, Adrikens! Of course you would always be there for her!
She spun to him in expectation. Because of course her Adrikens would be on her side! Her savior! Her only ally against such cruel tyranny—
But he didn’t look happy. Or in any way amicable to her. “Don’t forget!” He whispered sharply to her. “You’re still on probation! You can’t start another commotion before the first class of the school year has even started!”
Chloe blinked.
“How am I on—?!”
It was impossible! She had never had a criminal record! She’d never even committed a crime! Or anything that warranted getting in trouble over!
Regardless of what Ladybug said, since she clearly had it out for her.
“Just leave Marinette alone.” Adrien whispered, turning her away from the rest of the group and…her. “Please.”
She didn’t want to. There were so many questions and so many things she wanted to demand right now. She was very well inclined to make demands regardless, because she didn’t know what was going on and she needed answers.
But it was her Adrikens asking.
And she didn’t have much chance to say anything else as Bustier had chosen that time to arrive.
“Welcome back, everyone!” The woman greeted cheerfully. Her arrival cut off all other discussion as the students made their way to their desks. “I hope everyone had a good break and that we’re all ready to start the new year.”
A chorus of affirmations followed as everyone took their seats.
Everyone except Chloe, who was glancing around the room in confusion.
None of this was right.
She had expected to fight with Marinette over her seat to get to sit behind Adrien, but he was sitting at the back next to Nathaniel. And Marinette was sitting in the mid row on the other side from him, pulling Alya to sit next to her. But if she wasn’t sitting behind Adrien, what was even the point of challenging her for her seat?
…where even was Chloe’s seat?
She would have sad next to Sabrina, but that traitor hadn’t moved from her spot next to Mylene and left no room for Chloe! And nobody else was calling Chloe over—so if someone else had taken Sabrina’s place as her best friend, she had no way of even knowing who it was!
“Chloe,” Bustier called to her, ever so gently. “Your seat is up at the front, remember? As we discussed the last time we met.” She gestured to the bench at the front.
It was across the one Chloe had sat at previously, being the front desk closest to the door. And to her frustration, there was no one sitting with her! How else was she supposed to get her assignments copied? And wasn’t that the seat that loser, Nino, had been put in because he got in trouble? Chloe wasn’t in trouble though!
Adrien’s words about probation hit her, making her wince.
…was she?
She wanted to ask. She wanted to stomp her foot and demand the answers she deserved.
But Bustier was staring at her expectantly. And she could hear some giggles and snickering from behind her the longer she waited. She glanced back to Adrikens, but…he wasn’t even looking at her! He was conversing with Nathaniel over something on his sketchbook!
How could a sketchbook be more important than his best friend?!
With little other choice, Chloe slid into the front desk, blushing furiously in humiliation and trying to ignore everyone behind her.
It didn’t matter.
None of them mattered!
None of this would matter once she got the Miraculous and put Dupain-Cheng in her place! Then everyone would know SHE was the Queen Bee!
She was sure of it!
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lazysimp · 3 years
Normal Again /// Bakugou x Fem Reader (18+)
✧Click HERE to read Male version ✧
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Rating: Explicit
Summary: A sequel to fine. You never expected recovery to be easy but you never thought it would be nearly impossible. In the weeks since your torture things between you and Bakugou had only grown more strained. Will you be able to save your relationship or is it a lost cause? 
Word count: 8.7k 
Warnings/tags: TW: Self hatred/violence, degradation (not in a sexy way), Angst, Explicit sexual content, Oral sex (giving and receiving), Anal play, She/Her pronouns, All characters are adults, SMUT 18+ Only
A vicious laugh filled the air as Bakugou’s boot connected with your cheek sending your body flying towards the ground. His deep red eyes were full of glee watching you spit out blood from your busted cheek. He crouched down, looking at you as if you were filth. 
“Look at you,” he sneered. “Just lying there taking it all. You are pathetic, honesty how did I ever see you as more than an easy fuck.” 
“Stop it Bakugou,” you beg weakly. You could not bring yourself to understand how such cruel words could come from the same mouth that used to worship you. 
His boot connects to your head once more sending blinding pain shooting through your skull. “Did you really think you were going to be with me forever? That I would tie myself to someone who can’t even stop themselves from getting kidnapped by a B-ranked villain.” 
His boot rests on your face, its thick rubber sole indenting its print into your cheek. “The only reason I kept you around this whole time was that you spread your legs whenever I wanted. You are easy, too easy and the whole office knows it. They all laugh at you, at how much of a whore you are.” 
Tears begin to leak from your eyes as he brought to light all your insecurities. You would rather he kept beating you than continue to torture you with his taunts. After every night of the same torture you had grown numb to the physical pain but no matter how hard you tried you could not escape his words. 
“If it wasn’t for you I would have already climbed my way to the top. All you can do is hold me back from my dreams with your constant failures. You make me despise you.” 
His heel digs into your temple creating an agonizing inescapable pressure. You were helpless to stop his merciless assault and you were not sure you even wanted to. All you really wanted was for all of this to stop. The constant pain and guilt had worn down your spirit, it was as though you had nothing left to even lose. 
“Look at you just lying there taking it. Why don’t you fight me you pathetic bitch? Why don’t you ever fight?” He screamed, emphasizing each with a blow to your head. You reach up to cover your ears not wanting to hear anything else but your arms were trapped down at your side, held by some invisible force. 
You try again to lift move your arms and then your legs but a warm tight hold tightened even further. Needing to escape the suffocating warmth you thrash around, lashing out at the invisible force. 
“Shh, baby it is ok,” Bakugou said above you his boot still on your head. “This is all just a dream.” 
You slam your eyes closed needing to escape the glaring red eyes that only brought you pain. 
“Mimic is dead and will never hurt you again I promise,” Bakugou’s voice grows closer to your ear. This was your chance! You manage to free one arm and reach up, blindly scratching at any body part you could reach. 
Your nails scream for mercy as you drag them viciously down his arm, their gliding made easy by blood. Despite the pain you know you must have caused, the invisible hold only tightened, trapping both of your hands. 
“Please baby open your eyes, you are safe I promise.” Bakugou’s voice cooed softly trying to pry you away from your own mind. 
You shake your head not trusting the voice, after all, it was the same one that had just been hurting you. With both your hands held still you are left with no choice but to use your teeth. You bite down on one of the arms holding you, sinking your teeth deep into the flesh until a rusty taste fills your mouth. 
“Open your eyes my beautiful girl please,” Bakugou’s voice grew clearer, the malice you had been expecting surprisingly absent. 
Reluctantly you relax into the warm hold and crack one eye open. A sweet smelling black tank top was the first thing you recognized. You blink your eyes a few times to clean them and get a better look around. 
The cold dark room you had been in only moments ago was gone, replaced by a soft bed and warm blankets. The tight suffocating grip that had held you earlier is now a warm embrace. 
You look at the strong arms holding you to your fiancé’s chest and wince. Deep red scratch marks littered his muscles and an already bruising bite branded his shoulder. With you no longer resisting he released your hands and started to run his fingers up and down your back. Despite his mask of relaxation, you could tell he was shaken up. 
“I did it again didn’t I?” you ask weakly already knowing the answer. 
Bakugou let out a sigh, “Yeah, it took me nearly ten minutes to get you back this time.” 
Overwhelming guilt filled your mind for the second time tonight. You had hurt the man you loved because of some stupid dreams. It had been months since your rescue and still every night without fail you dreamed about it happening. It was like the torture never stopped. 
“It is getting worse,” Bakugou says, continuing to pet down your back. 
You nod weakly. He was not wrong. Neither of you had gotten a full night’s rest since the incident. No matter what pills you took without fail you dreamed about Bakugou. Logically you knew it was not Bakugou who had been the one to hurt you. He was your hero and his reward is you flinching from his touch and attacking him in your sleep. None of this was fair. 
Bakugou’s lips softly pressed against your forehead as he pulled you in even closer. You ignored the spike of fear being close to him caused and tried to remember this was your Bakugou, not the sick twisted version Mimic created. 
“We can’t keep going like this baby,” he says weakly. “I think I need to leave for a little bit.” 
Absolute panic grips your heart, “No! Please don’t leave me. I’ll get better I promise. I will find another sleeping pill that one doctor prescribed worked for the first couple of weeks. We can figure this out, please don’t-” 
“Shh,” Bakugou pulled you in closer. “Right now I am not good for you.” 
You open your mouth to protest but he places his hand finger over our lips. “Baby you flinch every time I look at you.” 
You wanted to deny his claim but remember how his eyes felt on your skin and shutter. 
“My face, my voice, hell my smell are all triggers for you. I am hurting you by being near you. I am causing you pain by serving as a living reminder of your pain and I can’t do it anymore.” 
Hot tears start to fall from your eyes. You hated how everything he is saying is not wrong. He is a walking trigger for the memories of that night and you had no idea how to get over them. 
“So this is it,” you say, defeated. 
“No, baby god no. You and I just need some time apart until you are ready to see me again. I am planning on staying at Deku’s for a bit, the nerd offered me his spare bedroom.” 
Despair was the only thing you could feel. All of this was your fault and he should hate you for it but he doesn’t. Why doesn’t he hate you like you hate yourself? He should be screaming at you for causing all of this. The blame is yours and yours alone. If you had been just a little stronger you would never have been taken in the first place and none of this would have happened. 
“Until I can get you to talk to me about how you are feeling I can’t help you. All I am doing is making this worse.” His arms started to loosen their hold around you and for the first time in weeks you wanted them back. 
His arms pulled away completely, taking his warmth. “This is not permanent,” he assured. “It is just until you are ready for me to come back and I will wait as long as you need.” 
You start to reach out for him, to beg him to get back in bed but the silhouette of him above you sent a chill down your spine. You wanted to rip everything apart, every time you made progress there was something dragging you backward. 
You watch helplessly as he quickly dresses and leaves the bedroom, not looking back. You can’t blame him, you want to be free of yourself too. You could hear the front door to the apartment open and quietly shut, the lock clicking into place. 
Life moved slower when you did not have your angry gremlin by your side. It had been a few weeks since he left and you had never been more miserable. At first, you had agreed to the separation, after all, he was a giant trigger but you were quickly realizing it was worse without him. 
The anxiety of being alone at night had you reaching for your phone nearly every night, wanting to call him. It was a miracle you had managed to resist. With you not there to bother him maybe he would finally be getting some sleep. 
The only communication you had gotten from him was a couple of texts letting you know he was still alive. You know he was trying to give you space but the longer he was away the more you wanted to drag him back home. 
Your therapist had still not cleared you for fieldwork so the only thing you could to distract yourself was binge a couple of shows and try some cooking. Of course nothing you made tasted half as good as Bakugou’s cooking. By the end of the the first week your life consisted of sleep, tv, and takeout. 
Your glazed-over eyes half focus on the tv in front of you as you are lost in your thoughts. You hear a knock on the door and rush over to open it. Could he have changed his mind and come back? For the first time in a long time hope filled your chest but it was quickly shattered as you look through the peephole. Uraraka stood still outside your door holding a few grocery bags. 
You try to plaster on a fake smile and open the door. Uraraka did not wait for an invitation and barreled her way into your apartment. 
“Hello to you too,” you mumble, closing the door. 
She sets the floating bags onto the counter and releases her quirk. “Whew, you would believe the line at the store this morning. All the old ladies were fighting their way into the store for the 20% off sale. Of course none of them could beat me from being first in line.” 
You snort, no matter how many brand deals and hero contracts Uraraka had she never stopped being frugal. 
“How was your morning?” She asked, unpacking the many goods from the bags. 
You shrug, “Same as always, watched some tv and pretend my life isn’t falling apart.” 
Uraraka pauses and gives you a look of understanding. “You know he hasn’t forgotten about you, not for one minute.” 
You look away, “What does it matter, our relationship is practically over. I have not seen him in weeks and even if I did see him I would make everything worse with my stupid fear.” 
“You fear is not stupid, you went through something traumatic and need time to heal.” 
You scoff, “I have had time. But every time I make any progress something triggers me and I fall right back down to where I started.” 
“That is normal though! It took me weeks to even look at Deku without crying. You are both being too hard on yourselves.” 
“I am tired of waiting!” You yell, finally letting your anger out in the open. “I miss him so much it hurts. I miss how he would hold me every night after he helped me bathe because I was too sore to even lift my arms. I miss how he would pack my lunch every day because he could not stand watching me go hungry. I miss my Bakugou.” 
Uraraka wraps her arms around your shoulders pulling you in tight against her chest, letting you sob. It was the first time in weeks anyone had touched you. Her soft hands traced up and down your back, trying her best to soothe the pain. 
“I miss him so much,” you cry between hiccups. 
“So why don’t you call him? I am sure he would be happy to hear your voice.” Uraraka pulls out her phone and starts to dial his number. 
“No!” You snatch the phone from her hand and toss it over your shoulder. You wince as you hear the phone connect with the hardwood floor. 
The hand on your back stills, “You are going to replace that you know.” 
You nod, a worthy expense if it meant you did not have to confront reality just yet. At least with him gone you could pretend your relationship was not over. 
“Stop saying that! Your relationship is not over. What the two of you need is a good conversation.” 
You must have said the last part out loud. “What does it matter, even if we have a conversation and he moves back in I will end up having nightmares and keep him up for weeks. It is not fair for him to suffer through that for me.” 
“Ugh!” Uraraka shoves you off her chest and stands. “Both of you keep pushing each other away based on some convoluted idea that you are actually protecting each other. It makes me want to pull my hair out!
You cross your arms over your chest, “Well I am protecting him.” 
She rolls her eyes, “Sure.” 
“Hey, don’t make me regret teaching you sarcasm. I’m being serious, my nightmares were getting so bad I started to attack him in my sleep.” 
“No offense but Bakugou can handle you with his hands tied behind his back.” 
“But he shouldn’t have to! It is not fair for him to have to worry if his fiancé will attack him in his sleep every night.” 
“News flash, life is not fair. It was not fair when I watched the love of my life get skewered in front of me. It was not fair when I could not look at him for weeks without crying. And it was not fair when Mimic tortured you. None of this is fair or just, it is all shit we are given and sometimes it is more than we can handle.” 
She holds your chin in her hands, “The only thing you are doing wrong is pushing away the person who you need the most.” 
“But I hurt him when he is close,” you argue weakly. 
Uraraka’s eyes softened, “You hurt him more when you push him away. His quirk is not mind reading, he has no idea how to help you, how you can both help each other.” 
You knew she was right, that what you were doing was not working. But you were stuck, unsure how to even start talking to him again. Even so, you had to try. 
“Alright, I will try giving him a call-” 
Behind you, Uraraka’s phone rang, its piercing ring tone cutting you off. Your heart sinks, that ring tone only went off when a hospital was calling. Without a word, Uraraka bends down and picks up her phone from the floor. 
“Hello, this is Uravity speaking,” she said into the phone. 
You watch her face for clues and your heart grew even heavier as worry danced in her eyes. 
“Are you going to transfer him to the Hero’s hospital in Tokyo?” 
Your breathing stops. No, the world could not be so cruel. Your hearing grows fuzzy making it impossible to tune into the rest of Uraraka’s conversation.
“Hey,” someone said in the background. “Hey, I need you to focus. Bakugou is hurt, I am not next of kin so they won’t tell me anything about his condition. I am going to drive us over to the hospital, he should already be there by the time we arrive” 
You nod, too stunned to speak. He was hurt. Your Bakugou was hurt and you were just standing around. Ignoring the pain in your chest your mind finally snapped into action. 
Wordlessly you and Uraraka rushed down to her car below. The drive to the Hero’s hospital was short, only a few blocks from your apartment. The front entrance was already packed full of reporters trying to catch a glimpse of your injured hero. 
You bite your tounge to stop yourself from cursing the reporters out. Those nosy assholes wanted to broadcast Bakugou’s pain to the public for a quick buck. Luckily disappeared from your sight as Uraraka drove past the and into the private parking lot. 
Uraraka had not even put the car in park when you shoved open the door and ran to the sliding doors. You could hear her yell to wait behind you but you kept running until you found the front desk. 
You skid to a stop in front of a shocked receptionist and slam your palms down on the counter, “Where are they taking Hero Dynamight?” You ask, holding your hero license out so she would know you were not a reporter. 
The receptionist winced, “I am sorry but only allowed to disclose information to the family of the patient.” 
“Well I am his wife and I am demanding to know where he is.” You retort, not caring about the implications of the claim. 
“Dynamight is not married, his paperwork states he is a single but nice try.” 
“Listen here you-” your rant was cut short by a soft hand on your shoulder. 
“It was a private ceremony, they have still not made it public yet so there is now paperwork. I know that is not protocol but won’t you please let it slide this once ” Uraraka smiles sweetly trying to play cute to get what she wants.
The receptionist shook her head, “ I am sorry but I cannot allow anyone who is not documented family to visit any patient.” 
You open your mouth to yell but Uraraka beats you to it. 
“That is fine, thank you for doing such a great job protecting our heroes.” She gently grabs your bicep and pulls you away from the desk before you could say another word. 
“What are you doing she is our only way of figuring out anything about Bakugou.” You hiss trying to pry yourself free from her hold. 
“No she’s not,” Uraraka turns her head to look at you and smiles. “I spent a few weeks coming in and out of this hospital while Deku was recovering. Going through the main entrance is the easiest way but there is a locked side door. With enough force, it can be wiggle open.” 
“Won’t it have an alarm?” 
“Of course it has an alarm this is a heavily secured building. Luckily they have a well-trained hero there to investigate the disturbance,” she winked. 
You laugh, being a hero did have its perks. It only took a few more turns before she found the small door. 
“Now when I open this door a blaring alarm will go off and two security guards will come rushing from either end. I will handle the one on this side but you will be on your own for the other. Try not to hurt them too much.” 
With that Uraraka wraps her hand around the door handle and pulls, her arm muscles bulging from the effort. You stand still, stunned to watch your friend pry open the solid steel door.
The door finally gives sending out a blaring alarm but you had already made it past the first couple hallways, hiding in a small doorway as a guard runs past. You wait another minute to make sure the coast is clear besides casually walking down the hallway until you found a nurse’s station.
“Excuse me,” you say, trying to sound as polite as possible. “The front desk told me to ask you which room my husband is in.” 
The oldest nurse looked you up and down skeptically, “What is your husband’s name?” 
“Bakugou Katsuki.” 
“Uh-hu sure, wait here a minute for me while I go find his nurse.” She turned and disappeared into the room behind the station.
Fuck, she was onto you. You slowly walk backward away from the door’s line of sight and rush down the hallway looking desperately for Bakugou. He had to be here somewhere but the hospital was a maze of hallways and doors with no names on them. 
You could not yell out for him that would only alert security to your position faster. You spin on your heels looking frantically for any sign of him but the more you look, the more lost you become. 
“Hey! You cannot be back here,” A security guard yelled, a taser already armed in his hand. 
You put your hands into the air, looking to your side for an escape. You could handle one petty security guard but you did not feel like explaining to the commission why you beat a guard. Sucking in a deep breath you run towards the officer who was too shocked to pull the trigger on the taser. Sticking your leg out you kick his feet out from under him sending his back to the floor. 
Without looking back you run down the hall taking as many turns as you could to find a hiding spot. One of these rooms had to have no camera in it. 
In your frantic looking, one door stood out. It was off to the left in a dead-end hallway. It had to be a good enough hiding spot as any. You sprint to the door and swing the door open into a pitch-black room. 
You felt bile rise in your throat at the thought of entering the darkness but you had no choice, security was hot on your heels. You close your eyes and step into the darkness, closing the door behind you. 
Your back rests against the door and you listen to the guards run past the hallway. For now they had no idea where you were. You let out a sigh of relief and feel around the wall for a light switch. 
Mercifully, you find it and switch it on. The room looked like any other hospital room except for one thing. There was someone in the bed and they were about to look up. 
Shit! You duck under one of the tables in time to hide from their view. 
“Oi, I thought I told you people to leave me alone! I already took the damn pills and agreed to stay the night.” 
Your breathing stops at the deep rough voice of Bakugou. You found him; he is not in a coma fighting for his life. He is in bed resting safely just feet away from you. A sob of relief climbs your throat, and you have to slap your hand over your mouth to mute it. 
The rush of blinding fear to find Bakugou suddenly turns into fear about seeing him. What if he did not want you to visit? Fuck you should have thought about this more before you left. 
“I can hear your breathing! Don’t make me get out of bed or I will kick your ass.” 
Not wanting him to hurt himself by standing you relent and force your weak knees up. You keep your eyes to the floor not daring to look at his face, “Surprise,” you tease weakly. 
“W-what?” Bakugou said, his voice high and full of confusion. 
“I-I heard you got hurt, no one was telling me anything, so I decided to come and check up on you myself. But I see you are fine so I will leave you alone. I am sorry for barging in.” 
“Wait! Don’t leave,” Bakugou winces as he sits up in bed, his abdomen covered in bandages. Instantly you rush to his bedside. 
“Don’t move that fast you will hurt yourself!” You lecture, gently pushing him back down to the bed. Bakugou looks down at your hands with shock, you had not touched him caringly since the incident. 
You quickly realized your hands were still on him and snatch them back to your side. You stand there awkwardly, unsure what to do. It was like the months of being together had been erased since he had left. 
“W-what happened?” You finally ask to break the silence. 
Bakugou looks down at his hands, “Some stupid kid ran out in the middle of the fight and almost got themselves killed. I didn’t have enough time to get them out of the way, so I had to shield them instead. Damn villain managed to shoot me.” 
“You got shot!” 
“Yeah, pathetic asshole knew he could not take me without a gun. Lucky for me he had terrible aim and managed to only graze my side. The only reason I am still in this stupid bed is because Rescue Girl is on vacation and refuses to come in and heal me.” 
The heavy weight on your heart lifted slightly knowing he was not seriously hurt but you still worried about his current condition. Bakugou was not one to sit around until he felt better. In the time the two of you had been together he only got sick once and it took tackling him to the ground and tying him up in bed to keep him from working. 
You knew him and Deku were on good terms now but dealing with a hurt Bakugou was a full-time job. “How long did the doctor say you have to be off work?” 
Bakugou scoffed, “She thinks I have to wait at least a week even with Recovery Girl. As soon as I can escape this bed I will head back to the office I have a villain to hunt down.” 
You put your hands on your hips, “Oh no you won’t. If the doctor tells you to wait a week you will wait a week.” 
A mischievous grin spreads across Bakugou’s face, “Oh, and how are you going to enforce that?” 
Blood rushes to your face making your cheeks feel like they were burning. To keep him from fighting his restraints the last time he was sick you had to fuck him until he was too tired to care he was chained up. By the time he had recovered from being sick you could barely walk and he had to be the one to take care of you.
“Don’t look at me like that when you are hurt.” 
“Then answer the question, how do you plan to keep me from working this week.” 
“What are you five? Do you really need an incentive to be good?” You taunt. 
A wolfish grin spread across his face, “Yes.” 
You throw your hands up in the air, “Ugh, you are terrible!” 
His hand reaches out and grabs your wrist to pull you in closer to the bed and for a second fear flashes in your eyes. All of the teasing had made you forget your fear but his touch brought is all back. 
Bakugou sensed the change in your demeanor and opened his hand to free you from his touch. 
“Wait, don’t move your hand,” you suck in a deep breath. “Just give me a second.” 
His warm long fingers wrapped themselves back around your wrist, holding still as you try to calm your heart. You were stronger than this fear. You could do this. 
“Baby, you don’t have to push yourself, I understand-” 
“No!’ You yell, taking a step closer to his bed. “This is ok, I will make this ok again.” 
You avoid looking at his face, needing to build up your strength before testing your limits. Being separated from him had helped your memories heal some but it was still difficult to see him. 
Forcing the tight fear in your chest down you intertwined your fingers through his and pull them up to your lips, gently kissing his knuckles.
“It is easier when I control where you touch,” you mumble to him, trying to follow Uraraka’s advice. 
“What?” Bakugou asked, unsure what you meant. 
“When you are the one controlling the touching, it makes me nervous because I don’t know what will happen next. It makes me feel like I have no control and that is when I start to freak out.” 
You look down to where your hands were joined, “When I am leading the touch I have some idea of what will happen next and it is easier to not feel scared.” 
“So you have to be in charge?” 
“I don’t have to always be in charge, I just need to know what you are thinking, what you are doing before you do it or I need to be guiding it.” 
Bakugou smiled, “So if I told you to sit on my face would that work?” 
A few incoherent words fall out of your mouth as you try to process what he just said. 
“Well, maybe, but you are hurt and need your rest. Besides, you should not be thinking about that while you are lying in a hospital bed. When you are discharged, we can try something like that.” 
Bakugou sat up straighter, “Oh no you don’t. I have gone without your taste on my tongue for too long. You are going to get that sweet ass over here and sit on my face.” 
“No, Bakugou. Look at the state of you. I could seriously hurt you.” 
That was the absolute worst thing you could have said, in seconds his teasing eyes filled with fiery determination. The last time he gave you that look was when you rejected going on a date with him. A week later he had your legs wrapped around his waist. 
He lifts his finger and points to you and then his face, “Come here.” 
You stubbornly shake your head, “This is not happening Bakugou. You could tear your stitches and have to stay in the hospital even longer.”
He shrugs, “Fine with me as long as you are here.” 
This damn man must be suicidal. “We need to talk more about our relationship before we dive right into sex.” 
“Your mouth will be free and clear to talk.” 
“This is an awful idea. What if I get freaked out in the middle of it all?” 
“That’s easy, we stop,” he gently pulls you in closer his face now only inches away. 
“Please baby I have missed you; I promise I will stop if it gets too much.”
You were conflicted. Neither of you were in a state where you should be fooling around. But the feel of his hand on yours was so calming and warm that you wanted more. 
“Alright,” you whisper. “But If you are in any pain you need to let me know.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I promise. Now get that pretty ass up here,” he pats his shoulders. 
“This is such a bad idea,” you mumble to yourself as you slip off your pants while Bakugou lowered the head of the bed. This could go wrong in so many ways but the longer you thought about his tongue on you the less you cared. 
“Fuck baby,” Bakugou groaned, “Climb up, you won’t hurt me.” 
You toss your pants to the side and do as he said. Climbing up onto his bed and carefully lowering yourself over his face. Your face was burning at the thought of what all he could see. Needing support, you grab ahold of the headboard. After all you did not want to hurt him. Bakugou was not having that. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you down until you had no choice but to rest your weight on his face. 
“Wait, you could hurt yourself,” you protested breathlessly. 
He only laughed, his hot breath teasing your aching cunt. He sat still under you for a few minutes letting you get adjusted to the feeling of his touch, and it let him soak in the sight of you above him. 
“Such a pretty pussy,” he mumbled against the soft skin of your thighs. Not wanting to move too fast he first places a few sloppy kissing along with your inner thigh, giving you ample time to mentally prepare for his mouth on your cunt. 
You try to stop yourself from shaking but it was impossible. It had been months since someone had touched you and to have Bakugou beneath you, ready to worship your body, was almost too much for your brain to process. 
Bakugou’s mouth teased your other thigh before settling on your already soaking wet pussy.
“That’s my good girl, already wet for me. This pretty pussy knows who it belongs to, but does its owner?” 
“Bakugou stop talking to my pussy and get to work,” you growl. 
“Tsk, when did you become so greedy?” The hands on your thighs shift around until they were able to spread open your sex giving him complete access to you.
“You are lucky I miss this just as much as you do or I would tease you for hours. Tie your ass to the bed and not let you leave until neither of us could move.” 
You rock your hips trying to egg him on, “Sounds to me like you are all talk.” 
The hands on your thighs tighten forcing you to put all your weight onto his face. You try to pull yourself up, not wanting to suffocate your boyfriend but he refuses and goes straight for the kill. His soft wet tongue drags a straight line up the slit of your cunt, gathering up your juices. 
Your hands abandon the headboard and thread through his hair. Bakugou groaned, settling into feasting on your cunt. His soft lips slide through your folds, looking for your hidden button. 
“Ah please Bakugou,” you beg, “it feels so good.” 
You could feel his smile against your skin before his mouth latches onto your throbbing clit, dragging it into his mouth. 
While his lips teased your clit, one hand left your thigh to snake around under you. You lurch forward as two thick fingers slip through your folds, wetting themselves in your slick before they gently press at your entrance. 
Your hips buck away from the combined sensations fearing to be too much but Bakugou was not having it, he strengthened his hold on your thighs and pushed you down on his fingers. You sob at the feeling of being stretched, it had been so long the burn was more intense than normal. 
“Fuck baby you are so tight around my fingers, I can’t wait to have you wrapped around my cock,” he groaned. 
“Bakugou,” you whined. “You can’t just say things like that.” 
He releases your clit with a pop, “Like what? Like how I want to feast on this pussy until you are all I can taste for weeks. Like how by the time I am done with you, you will be a sobbing mess that I will have to take care of. Just listen to this sloppy pussy take my fingers. Fuck baby people would kill for even a sliver of this cunt but too bad for them it is all mine.” 
You shove a fist in your mouth to stifle a loud moan. The last thing either of you needed was someone barging in. 
Bakugou pulled your aching bud back between his lips and got to work. The two fingers inside you started to pump, curling to hit your sweet spot each time they were inside you. His delicious tongue flicked up and down on your clit driving you mad. 
Trusting you would not run away he releases your other thigh and reaches under your shirt. His large hand stroked up your stomach, caressing the skin there before latching onto one of your nipples. He pinches the soft peak between his fingers, rolling it until it pebbles. You arch your back into his hand and start to rock your hips wanting more. 
Bakugou moans into your cunt, able to tell you were growing lost in the pleasure. He loved it when you were too engrossed with feeling good to care about anything except him. 
Looking down in between your legs you could see his light blonde hair peeking out from the apex of your thighs and had a devilish idea. 
“Bakugou stick out your tongue,” you order. 
He releases you from his mouth and looks up, his chin soaking with your juices, “What?” 
“Stick out your tongue, like this,” You show him with your own mouth. 
A spark of recognition flashed in his eyes and he smiled. Good, he liked the idea too. With no delay, his tongue stuck out of his mouth. You reach down and spread yourself open, settling back over Bakugou’s eager tongue. His fingers abandon you in favor of holding onto your ass while you dig your fingers into his hair. 
With both of you settled you slowly begin to rock your hips, riding his tongue. You start off slowly, watching closely for any sign Bakugou was not comfortable but judging by his growl of pleasure you would say he is just fine. 
A red hot warmth started to grow in the lower half of your body, slowly spreading its tingle to your lower belly. Fuck, the image of Bakugou beneath you, letting your ride his face was almost too much to process. 
“Oh god Bakugou,” you moan. “Please, it feels so good.” 
He could only groan in response, his mouth too busy bringing you to your peak. When you looked down at him between your legs you could only see his bright lust filled eyes. They were intensely watching you fall apart. 
White spots started to grow in your vision and you increase the speed of your thrusts. The fingers in his hair tighten, now holding onto him for dear life. It only took a few more rocks of your hips before the white spots grew into a blinding white light.
Overwhelming waves crashed into you, sending glorious pleasure pulsing through you. Your body was not your own as the electricity ran through you making every muscle grow taunt and release in a never-ending cycle. 
Bakugou redoubled his effort, not letting you even finish your first peak before he was building you up to another. The idea that you would feel that pleasure again was enough to make you mad. 
His fingers slipped into your clenching entrance and curled forward, teasing your sweet spot. His lips returned to your clit, sucking it gently into his mouth and lashing at the tender bud with his tongue. 
You release his hair, afraid you will rip it out, and hold onto the headboard as all the clenching tension finally releases, sending you spiraling. Loud wanton moans ripped from your throat and you could do nothing to stop them. 
Bakugou toyed with you until you could no longer hold yourself upright. Only then did he gently lift you off his face and down onto his lap. You slouch over and rest your forehead on his shoulder. The world around you was fuzzy, your mind still reeling from how hard you finished. 
“Wait, Bakugou you are not supposed to be lifting anything!” You yell when your mind finally returns to reality. 
“Tsk, I already told you I am fine.” 
You fought the urge to slap him, “You idiot what if you had busted open your stitches!” 
“You did not seem too worried about that when you were rubbing your cunt on my tongue.” 
“Well, obviously I was not thinking straight,” you mumble. Damn him for being right. 
Bakugou gives you a sly smile, “You know I am feeling a little sore.” 
Regret slams into you, “Damn it Bakugou, I was worried this would happen. Where are you hurting.”
His hips thrust upwards forcing his rock-hard cock against your ass. “Right there baby.”
You flick your finger against his forehead, “I was really worried you asshole.”  
“But it aches, won’t you make it feel better?” 
“You are lucky you are hot,” you whisper into his ear before carefully descending his body. You settle in between his legs, pulling down the blankets to free his cock. 
You have to stop and stare at it. Everything about your boyfriend had to be perfect. His cock was long and proud, resting on his stomach with a small tuft of blonde pubic hair at the base. His cock had one large vein running up the length of it, pulsing with each heartbeat. God, you wanted to trace that vein with your tongue. 
Reaching up you wrap your hand around the base of his cock. He was so warm on your hand, like your own personal space heater. You shuffle your body to get your mouth a little close to his cock and then before he could say anything bring the head of his cock into your mouth. 
His reaction was instant, his hands shot down to grab at the sheets beside your head. You could feel his hips flex under you as he fought the urge to thrust up into your mouth. 
Feeling emboldened by his reaction you relaxed the muscles in your jaw and took more of his length into your mouth. His salty flavor spilled across your tongue as he started to release pre-cum. Your poor baby had gone too long without any attention. 
Redoubling your effort you bring up your free hand and wet it with your spit. Reaching under your busy mouth you slide your finger down until you find Bakugou’s tight entrance. 
“Hey, what do you think you are doing?” Bakugou growls, grabbing your wrist. 
You let his cock fall out of your mouth and look up innocently, “I am making you feel good baby, just lay back and relax. I promise this will feel good.” 
He looked conflicted but slowly the iron-clad grip on your wrist loosened enough to set you free. Not waiting for him to change his mind you begin to circle his hole with your wet finger. Before you could even try to push your finger forward you needed him to relax. You return to teasing his aching cock with your mouth, sucking on his tip just the way he likes all the while circling your finger around his hole, waiting for him to relax enough for you to slip it in. 
As you take another inch of him into your mouth you could feel him relax enough to slip your finger slip past the tight ring of muscle. You could feel Bakugou tense so you did not move the finger forward, giving him time to adjust to the intrusion. 
With your tongue on his dick it was easy enough to distract him as you slowly inch your finger in. Once you went in far enough you twist your finger around, looking for a soft spongy spot inside him. A sharp thrust up into your mouth signaled you had found exactly what you were looking for. 
“What the fuck,” Bakugou groaned, his hands going to hide his face. You smirk, finally, you were the one driving him insane. 
You benign to move your hand and mouth on his cock in time with your finger in his ass. Small pathetic whines were leaving Bakugou’s mouth and you felt like a god. You were so engrossed in bringing him pleasure you had no time to think about anything else. 
You could hear his breathing begin to grow more labored and his cock grow even harder in your mouth. “Fuck, baby I am going to-” Was the only warning you had before his cum shot to the back of your throat. 
You swallow his release down, making sure to ease your hold on his cock, now only gently pumping your hand and finger to lengthen his orgasm. 
Slowly the pulsing of his cock stopped and you released him from your mouth, wiping the spit on your chin off with the back of your hand. You could not help but smile as you watched Bakugou slowly come back into the real world with a beautiful dazed look on his face. 
He slid his hand under your chin and lifted your head to meet his eyes, “Where the fuck did you learn that?” 
“Being away from you for this long made me desperate so I watched a couple of videos to make it easier.” 
“Right,” he said breathlessly, “You need to show me that shit later if it taught you that.”
You laugh, “Gladly. Now lay down you need your rest.” 
Bakugou tilts his head, “What the hell do you mean rest? I have not been away from you for too long, I can rest later. Now I am going to get my cock into that tight pussy.” 
“Bakugou you just finished.” 
“So,” he thrusts his hips up, rubbing his already erect cock against your ass. 
“How?” You ask in amazement. 
“I have been fantasizing about fucking you for months baby. Did you really think once would be enough to satisfy me?” 
Without waiting another minute his hands grab into your hips and lift you up. Lining your entrance up with the tip of his cock. In a flash you involuntarily tense your body, the memories of that night rushing back into your head. No, no, no, not now, not when you were so close to being one with Bakugou again. 
His bright red eyes meet yours as he feels you tense. Fuck, why did you always mess everything up, this was all your fault. Why could you not just be normal, that is what he deserved a nice normal happy girl. 
“Hey,” Bakugou whispered softly. “Talk to me, what is wrong.” 
You wanted to keep your lips shut, to pretend that everything was fine but that would be lying. You never wanted to lie to him. 
“I can’t stop thinking about Mimic. One minute I am fine and the next he is all I can see.” 
Bakugou’s eyebrows furrowed, “You were fine with what we did earlier? What triggered it?” 
You shake your head, “It is different every time. It is just hard for my mind to differentiate from my Bakugou and the one Mimic made.” 
“So call me Katsuki.” 
“If you are having a hard time with there being two Bakugou’s, then try calling me Katsuki. That way there is at least one easy way to tell me apart from him.” 
“You want me to call you by your first name?” 
His eyes softened, “Yeah baby, I want you to call me by my first name.” 
“Katsuki,” You test his name out, loving how it feels on your tongue. You watch his face to see his reaction and see lust fill his gaze. Oh he liked it.
You start to whisper his name over and over again, like a prayer to remind yourself you were no longer under Mimics thumb. You were with the man who would kill anything that tried to hurt you.
“If you keep saying my name like that baby I am going to fuck you,” Katsuki growled into your ear.
Oh would he now? You wiggle your hips, teasing the head of your cock with your dripping slit. Pulling him in close you whisper one little word, “Katsuki.”
“You asked for it,” He laughed, hauling your hips back up until they hovered over his cock.
The hands on your hips gripped down with bruising force and his cock slipped into your entrance. All the play from earlier had left you more than prepared enough to take his length. The familiar burn started as his cock sank deeper inside you, opening you wide for him.
“By the time I am finished with you, this tight cunt is going to be fucking dripping in my cum. I am going to fill you to the fucking brim.”
A low groan was your only response he bottomed out inside you, his cock leaving no space unfilled. You could damn near feel him in the back of your throat. Normally he would be the one to initiate thrusting but you were growing too impatient.
Bracing your hands on his chest, careful to avoid his bandages, you lift your hips up until only the tip of his cock was inside. Then you slam your hip down, marveling at the feel of him entering you again.
His cock was perfect for hitting all the sweet spots inside you. Not wanting to be left out Katsuki grab ahold of your ass and uses his own strength to strengthen each thrust.  
You look down to where you both were joined and almost came on the spot. The sight of his cock pistoning into you was mind-shattering. He looked like a god beneath you. His large muscles building with effort, the thick veins in his arms standing elevated.
“Look at me,” he ordered, his bright red eyes filled with determination. “Right now you are mine, that means the only thing you are allowed to think about is me. About how good my cock feels splitting you open. Is that clear?”
You weakly nod your head, too overwhelmed to speak. A soft smile spreads across his face, “That is my baby, so good for me.”
His praise felt like a caress on your skin. You needed to distract yourself or this would end too soon. You lean forward and press your lips onto his. His tongue glided along the seam of your lips, demanding entrance. You happily opened your mouth allowing his tongue to slip inside. The taste of his spit was mixed with your own flavor, and you still had some of his taste on your tongue. The combined flavor was so fucking lewd and hot.
The familiar tingled started to grow in your pussy, you were not going to last long. The muscles in your legs begin to tremble making your thrusts grow sloppy. Katsuki was not having it. His hips rose to meet yours, forcing your body to endure even more pleasure all the while he toyed with your mouth.
It all became too much, the different sensations all worked together to drive you up, higher and higher you were climbing until it was hard to even breathe. Then, just like that, all the pressure released sending you spiraling.
Your pussy clamped down on his cock, forcing Katsuki to erupt. The thought of him filling you only lengthened the brutal pleasure filling your mind. There was no room in your mind for anything but him. You had no care in the world but him just like he ordered. 
As the pulses of pleasure slowed you were able to finally catch your breath. You both laid still in each others arms for a few minutes, letting you come slowly back to earth. Of all the times the two of you fucked this definitely had to be in the top three. Though they did say that makeup sex was the best. 
“How are you feeling?” Katsuki asked, his voice rough. 
You rest your ear against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, “I feel good.” 
He places a soft kiss on your forehead, “Do you think you are ready for me to come home?” 
You take the time to think about it. Having him back in your life did not set off fear like it used to. Instead, it made you feel warm inside. You looked forward to going to bed with him instead of dreading it. 
“Yeah,” you smile. “Yeah, I am.” 
The arms around your waist tighten pulling you impossibly closer to his chest. You snuggle in closer, getting comfortable. Katsuki would never admit it but lying here with you in his arms safe and happy was one of the happiest moments in his life. 
Neither of you was healed from what had happened but you refused to push him away again. You will get past what happened and you will do it with him by your side. 
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Obey Me characters forgetting a mating anniversary
Anon: reactions to their alpha missing an anniversary? or you could switch it and do reactions to realizing they forgot an anniversary. either or !
Anon part 2: hi! i’m the anon from the anniversary request. i was thinking maybe the obey me! fandom? whichever characters you like. my exams are coming to an end so i’m looking forward to spending hours on that app during the summer 😤😤 i hope you’re doing well ! 💕
(Hey hey!! I’m going to do their reactions to forgetting a mating anniversary, because they’ve been alive a long time, I imagine it would happen at least one hehe. Let’s see~)
Warnings: Mention of sex in Asmo’s section
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Lucifer – He denies it at first. He can’t have forgotten, he would never forget something so important, you must have the date wrong. His response is very likely to make his alpha either more angry or more upset, and he inadvertently blows the whole thing out of proportion because he struggles to admit that he’s wrong. But when he realises that he is wrong? That he was so caught up in paperwork for Diavolo he did forget? It’s a hard pill to swallow. He would probably buy his alpha some expensive flowers as an apology of sorts, but unless he’s been in a relationship with his alpha for several hundred years, I don’t see him directly apologising. He does feel guilty, but he really finds it hard to articulate. The upside is that it’s extremely unlikely that he’ll ever do it again. He’s checking four times every week at least now that he hasn’t missed any important dates by mistake.
“Our anniversary is next week, my beloved, you must have confused the dates.”
Mammon – Mammon metaphorically shits himself when he realises he forgot an anniversary. His scent is pure, unadulterated panic. His first instinct is to plan an anniversary event that moment. Hell’s Kitchen must still be open right? He tries to pull his alpha with him right that second. If that doesn’t work, he starts to panic that he’s ruined the most important thing in his life. This is when the begging starts. He says sorry about a hundred times, will get on his knees, offer whatever you want as long as you forgive him. Mammon is actually a very compassionate person who doesn’t like upsetting his loved ones, so it’s very hard to stay mad at him. Unfortunately, he’s not great at keeping track of dates, so it might happen again. The best thing to do is organise something together and give him a few reminders when that date’s coming up.
“Oh shit! Er, Hell’s Kitchen is still open right?? I’ll buy you whatever you want, we’ll order one of everything, does that work?”
Leviathan – He almost certainly forgets because of some game event or new releases. And to make everything worse, at first he acts like the game and event was more important than the anniversary and he thinks it’s a legitimate excuse that you can’t argue with. He realises pretty quickly after the event finishes that he’s completely alone because you’re mad at him. He turns to tell you everything about the game but you don’t want to listen to him?? He sulks in his room for a while. What pushes him to apologise is when he sees you hanging out with other people instead of him. He growls away the other person, pulling you into his room and sobbing angrily against you, asking why you love other people more than him. He apologises then, desperate to have his best friend and lover back with him. He might do it again, but he learns pretty quickly to just communicate when he wants to partake in a special gaming event and then he never forgets again.
“W-Why don’t you love m-me, like you l-love him?! I’m sorry, p-please don’t leave!”
Satan – He feels guilty, but he handles it well. He is phenomenal at apology dates. He organises the perfect romantic date, taking into consideration his alpha’s likes and integrating them. If you have a favourite romantic novel, you know he’s going to recreate a date scene with you. If you have a favourite restaurant, he’s booked the best table and ordered a bouquet of your favourite flowers for the centrepiece. It’s very hard to stay mad at Satan, especially because it’s very out of character for him to forget a date so important.
“If you want any more drinks, just let me know. I want you to enjoy this evening as much as possible.”
Asmodeus – He also deals with it fairly well, even if he can’t believe that he forgot! He’s honest and upfront about forgetting and expresses regret. He will definitely try to seduce you as an apology though, offering to let you do whatever you want to him. If that doesn’t work, next step is a joint pampering session! He’s pretty good at conveying a genuine apology without making anything too dramatic. I think it’s unlikely that he would do it again, because he loves, loves, loves anniversaries!!! He genuinely can’t believe that he forgot because he normally plans everything months in advance.
“Oh! I can’t believe that I… Oh dear, here come to my room and let me make it up to you…”
Beelzebub – He’s heartbroken that he forgot! He is so upset. He apologises immediately, looking like he’s on the verge of tears, and he asks you to tell him what he needs to do to make it up to you. He doesn’t offer up solutions, he wants his alpha to pick something, so he knows they’ll enjoy it. The only thing he definitely does immediately, is offer whatever food he’s been saving for them to share with him while they discuss. He will likely ask for advice from some of his brothers, probably Belphie (who doesn’t help) and Asmo (who’s slightly more helpful). He may do it again, but he always tries his hardest to make your anniversaries as special as he can.
“Here, you can have my ice cream… I’m really sorry… What can I do?”
Belphegor – He doesn’t think it’s a big deal that he forgot, because you can both just rearrange it, right? I think it’s pretty unlikely that his alpha takes kindly to that opinion. It takes Belphie a little while to realise that a) he’s in the wrong and b) he needs to apologise. He’s not good at planning, but when he genuinely puts his mind to it, he’s actually pretty good at giving gifts. He buys something you’ve been wanting for a while, he might even put a sticky bow on top if you’re upset enough. He gives you the gift while mumbling apologies. The second you forgive him, he drags you to take a nap with him because he hasn’t been sleeping well since you’ve been mad at him. He’s pretty likely to do it again at least a few times, but he learns not to be such a dick about it eventually.
“Oh, I guess I must have forgot… We can just go tomorrow; I want to take a nap.”
Diavolo – He is gutted that he forgot. He organises the most extravagant apology dinner possible (which is pretty extravagant, because he’s a king, very dramatic, and very in love all at once). He gives a dramatic speech about how there’s no excuse, how he never wants you to think he doesn’t value your relationship etc. At this point, I imagine most people would be begging him to chill out and promising that they already forgave him. Either way, I don’t think it would ever happen again, especially because he tells all of his staff to remember your anniversary and always remind him the week before. He isn’t going to let this happen again.
“My love, I will never forgive myself for hurting you in this way. I will never stop trying to make it up to you, even if it takes me a millennium.”
Barbatos – This would never happen. He is amazing at keeping organisational data in his brain, especially data that means so much to him. Also, he can see the future, so, even if by some miracle he did forget, he would see your future reaction and know in advance that he forgot. Barbatos isn’t perfect, but he’s not one to forget important dates.
Simeon – Simeon is another one who is heartbroken that he’s treated his most beloved one this way. He feels awful. He does tear up a little bit if the relationship is old enough. Simeon makes a huge effort to create some adorable picnic date, cooking baskets and baskets of food and picking the most beautiful park. He brings flowers and bunting and a little cake that he ices with an apology in an unbelievably cute handwriting style. It’s very, very hard not to forgive him when he’s so apologetic and good at making you smile. He goes out of his way to make sure he never upsets his alpha in this way again. 
“My beloved, I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I will seek to make it up to you for as long as you’ll let me.”
Solomon – He doesn’t care that much about anniversaries but he’s not dumb enough (like some other people on this list *cough*) to think that saying that to your face is a good idea. He definitely tries to play it off as though he had something planned all along and that making you think he forgot was part of the plan. He then scrambles to plan things last minute, and he’s quite good at covering up his mistake. If his alpha doesn’t believe him, he makes up for his mistake with expensive and rare gifts. He will find something special for his alpha. A first edition copy of your favourite book or limited edition merchandising of your favourite media, something like that. He knows the excitement will help dull any negative emotions you have towards him. I could definitely see him doing it multiple times, but if his alpha ever expressed genuine hurt long-term about that particular habit, he would readjust his priorities. He’s not a complete asshole after all, he just sometimes has a hard time pulling his head out of said asshole.
“Here, it took me three days to track down someone who had a copy, but I finally found a first edition for you. I hope you will accept this as a token of my apology, my dearest.”
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Summer of Whump #27: Injured
Warnings: left to care for injuries alone, thoughts of death, torture, vomit, hallucinations, fever, hurt villain whumpee
Villain fumbled with his doorknob until it opened. He collapsed with it, using only his momentum to shut the door behind him. Immediately, he slumped against it as the world around him slowly started to fade to black.
When he regained consciousness a few moments later, he momentarily forgot where he was. The pain was so great that it blocked any thoughts from slipping into his mind. He mouth tasted like blood and when he licked his damp lips, he realize that they were covered in blood.
The memories flooded into his mind like a wave, fast and overwhelming. There was Supervillain and Hero and then... Villain choked back tears. Hero abandoned him... she...
Darkness threatened to overcome him again as his mind raced with thoughts. He blinked it away and allowed his gaze to drift down to his thigh. A dagger was in the side, pushed through all the way to the hilt. Villain, with shuddering breaths, grabbed onto it with sticky hands and pulled.
A white flash of pain exploded in front of hid eyes. He let go, his body going slack and his mind spiraling down through a tunnel of oblivion.
The last thing his clouded eyes saw before he blacked out again was new blood pouring out of his wound.
He sat like that for a while, drifting in and out of consciousness. Sometimes he found himself face first into a cool, wooden floor and other times, his cheek was leaned against a cushioning substance. He just barely tried to wonder what was going on. It really didn't matter, and the agony made sure of that.
Once, he woke up enough to drag his broken body to a cupboard. He breifly considered how smart he was to keep his first aid box in a low one before pain consumed him once again. His shaking arms threatened to give out he half hoped that they did.
Villain collapsed to the ground, but didn't pass out. He weakly grabbed to the door of the precious cupboard and opened it. Quickly, he grabbed the kit and opened it.
And then he vomitted without warning, right onto his floor. It racked his broken ribs as they moved with the motion. He began to cough until he started spatting up blood.
His face sunk into the blood and puke, exhausted. He wanted so desperately for someone to find him and help him. He closed his eyes, swimming through his memories. He knew that no one would come, the one that would betrayed him, so he had prioritize injuries.
A boot clashed with his ribs, snapping and breaking them.
A spud bar hit his finger, severing it off.
Another boot hit his jaw. There was a crack right?
Hands grappled at his throat while others tied a heavy chain right above his hips.
He was dragged through barbed wire, glass, and nails.
Tears flowed freely from Villain's bloodshot eyes. The salt stung the open cuts on his cheeks. Sure he was a villain, but did he deserve this? Did he deserve to be tortured half to death and then have to lick his wounds by himself? His head lolled to the side. He didn't know what to do. In the back of his head, he was vaguely aware that shock and adrenaline was preventing the true onslaught of pain from attacking.
He groaned. He had to take care of himself before he was unable to. He opened the first aid box and grabbed guaze pads and other supplies. The dagger was the first to be removed and it would bleed, a lot.
He wrapped a towel into a roll and placed it in between his teeth. The fabric tasted funny from being mixed with all the ointments, but Villain could care less.
His hands then went to the hilt and he hesited. What if he lost consciousness again? He could wake up in complete agony and would die of infection.
Villain pushed those thoughts aside and wrapped his hands around the dagger. Before he pulled, he realized that he was using his hand with four fingers, yet he felt no pain. His heart started beating in anticipation.
Drawing in a deep breath, Villain pulled the dagger out.
Only it stopped half-way out. Villain took in shaky breaths and blinked away the black splotches in his vision. It was barbed.
"Mm," Villain groaned, laying his head back down. He swallowed the limited saliva he had. This was impossible.
More tears spilled. Villain spit out the towel. It fell out, but landed on his cheek, irritating it. He weakly raised his hand to brush it off, but it didn't work. He tried again. No luck. He tried again until frustration allowed him to kick out.
Pain erupted through his leg, centering on the dagger. Villain screamed, loud and laced with sobs.
"I-it hurts," he cried as if someone was with him, tending to him. "It hurts soo bad."
The adrenaline disappeared, leaving Villain beyond tired with a dagger half-stuck in his flesh. Hero would have someone to take care of her. Heck, she would be so pumped full of painkillers that she wouldn't feel a thing as she drifted in and out of lala land. And here Villain was, completely alone without even a simple, warm hug.
He allowed his eyes to slip shut, knowing that sleep could act like a painkiller. But it didn't come, pain kept him awake just like it brought unwanted unconsciousness.
His eyes danced back towards the dagger. Maybe his brain would shut down if he accomplished that one simple task.
Villain dug his fingers into the gnarled flesh, clenching his teeth in pain. He worked to dislodge the dagger until it broke free, clattering on the ground.
Villain sighed in relief, but was caught mid sigh when blood started pouring out the wound at a crazy fast speed. Villain lunged forward, grabbing the towel and earning a broken scream from his throat. He pressed the towel to his thigh, but his arms were not strong enough the staunch the flow.
"Hero," Villain cried. As weak as it was, it sounded booming to Villain's desperate ears. Unless, it was his foggy mind playing tricks on him. Making it seemed like he could call Hero and she would come running. Heck, would he even start hallucinating that she was indeed here?
Villain finally was able to stop the blood flow. His trembling hands hovered over the hydrogen peroxide, but he decided against it. Pouring that over the wound would make it hurt. And hurt was not on Villain's wishlist.
He instead reached for a gauze pad and gingerly laid it over the gaping injury. His shaking fingers applied medical tape over the pad.
When he was done, he closed his eyes. His head limply hung over his chest. His lips turned up in a slight smile as exhaustion pulled him under like anesthesia.
Villain came to only a few minutes later- maybe ten, but to him, he felt like hours. He so desperately wanted to sink back into sleep when he remembered what happened. His mouth was oddly dry had an unpleasant taste in it.
"Hero," he whispered, lifting his head up only for it to flop forward again.
The gauze pad was now stained with blood, but Villain had neither the energy or the will to take care of it. His whole body ached, especially at his jaw. He moved it, testing it, but it creaked and fired up in agony. Broken.
Villain closed his eyes again. He tried not to, but his thoughts drifted to the long list of priorities he came up with. His finger was long gone and he wouldn't be able to care for his jaw. The bruises on his hip bones would fade as would the surface cuts on his face.
He could wrap his ribs up, but he wouldn't be able to get his arms around to his back.
His back.
He knew that he had glass and nails stuck in it. He knew that it would get badly infected within a couple days.
If he lived that long.
Villain shut his eyes close momentarily. He would live. He wouldn't give Supervillain or Hero the satisfaction of killing him.
Fueled by motivation, Villain shot to his feet. He immediately regretted it, however, when the world tilted and collapse in on itself. He blinked back the dizziness, gripping the counter like his life depended on it. In a strange way, it did.
Villain pushed himself towards the bathroom, sometimes having to lean against walls when a sudden wave of wooziness threatened to make him crumple. But he went on like a determined father in a snowstorm, trying to get home to his freezing wife and kids with firewood.
Villain finally reached the bathroom, triumphant, but he instantly fell onto the ground and threw up again. On his way down, he smacked his head against the tile floor.
A loud sob escaped his throat as he realized his dire situation. The previous energy faded into frustration and anger, but mostly exhaustion and loneliness. He pictured the thought of an injured Hero lying in a hospital bed.
She wouldn't be covered in sweat and vomit.
She wouldn't be lying on her bathroom floor.
She would be cared for.
Villain buried his head into the crook of his elbow, wiping snot and tears on it as he dived back into sleep.
Villain woke up on a couch. He didn't recall dragging himself onto it, but one glanced at the blood smeared floor confirmed that he indeed did.
His head felt like a hammer was hitting it. He groaned and brought a hand to his forehead. Almost instantly, he pulled backwards shocked.
His forehead waa sweaty and burning.
Villain looked at his thigh and saw it festered and puffy. He knew that his back was no better.
And now he had a fever. Fabulous.
Within the next two days, Villain tried to tend to ongoing fever with little luck. He contemplated wasting the energy to drag himself to a phone and call 911, but decided against it.
He also started hallucinating.
Apparitions of Hero and Supervillain's face danced across his hazy vision. The floor around him also turned to lava. Between these realistic (according to Villain) and the burning pain of a fever, he was in a hole of misery.
Once he even woke up on the floor of the bathroom, leaning against the bath tub. Tylenol pills were strewn all over the floor in a sloppy attempt to take a few. A thermometer also made its home by Villain's feet. The number still read 104.
He shouldn't be alive.
It was a miracle, really, but part of him wanted to die and leave this mess.
"Hero," he would sometimes cry out. He wanted her- needed her. He hurt, oh so bad, and was scared and alone.
In his short spans of consciousness, he would take in his surroundings the same way each time. Look around, look at leg, and then give in again.
He remained in the bathroom, but was now collapsed on the floor, unable to do more than lift his finger.
Hero wondered what happened to Villain after beating him up. Many times, she wanted to go see, but she also feared her sister, Supervillain.
Not that Hero did not take any pleasure in injuring Villain; it was quite satisfying in an extent, but her sister went extreme when she did not allow Villain any care.
So what brought Hero to Villain's doorstep that evening? She didn't know. All she knew was that the second no one answered the door, she had this need to barge in and find Villain.
And find him she did.
Only it was not the sight she was hoping for.
Villain was passed out of the bathroom floor, shivering like a dog with hypothermia. He was covered in sweat, blood, and vomit. Wounds that covered his exposed back were deeply infected with pus.
Hero did not hesitate. She ran to Villain and scooped his figure into her arms, guilty and mortified. She allowed this to happen.
"Hey," Hero tapped Villain's cheek. "Wake ul for me, will you?"
No response.
"Villain?" Hero asked, starting to rock. Villain's eyes fluttered and he looked up at the hero in fear.
"Wha-wha," Villain tried to speak, but his heavy tongue made it difficult. He decided to just snuggle into Hero, happy to not be lonely.
"I'm so sorry," Hero reached forward and grabbed the thermometer. Villain opened his mouth willingly, but whimpered when Hero stuck the point under his tongue.
It beeped. 104.
Hero stood up with Villain still hanging limply in her arms. She would fix this.
She promised.
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omg-imagine · 4 years
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Pairing: Johnny Silverhand x female!V
Summary: V is a little loopy from her anesthesia, and Johnny finds it amusing.
Words: 1.7k
A/N: Requested by @thescorpionrodriguez. Hope you enjoy!
“Come on, V, wake the fuck up already.”
Silence. Johnny swears he could hear a pin drop.
V’s body remains lax on the bed; her eyes wound shut as if she were sound asleep. Slow and rhythmic, the rise and fall of her chest were calming, lulling. For once, she looks to be in peace, a rare moment for those who live and breathe in Night City.
She had been lucky. Extremely lucky. Two or three millimeters more to the right and the bullet that pierced her abdomen would have hit an organ. By some miracle, it missed anything vital and had exited out cleanly. It did fucking hurt judging by the sound of her agonizing groans, but here she was—still kicking, still alive.
And Johnny’s relieved that she was. They may not get along at times, but he genuinely cares for V. Hell, he would even consider her a good friend. She could call him a snarky asshole as often as she wants (and she does), yet he knows that deep down, she too has grown a soft spot for the rocker boy.
It’s been hours since the mission that went awry, and Johnny was getting pretty antsy. Vik had to put V down while he worked on repairing her cyberware. Nothing major, though the anesthesia should have certainly worn out by now. Much to Silverhand’s surprise, the ripperdoc wasn’t acting all too worried about it. He thinks V could use the sleep since he’s aware of how little she’s been getting.
Unfortunately, Johnny was all but a patient man. Bored out of his damn mind, he’s tired of roaming around the operating room, waiting and waiting for V to regain consciousness. Johnny’s more than ready to leave, perhaps grab a smoke afterward. He hasn’t gone this long without one lately, and he can’t enjoy one if V’s lying here, knocked out cold.
Nearly the rest of the day flies by, and the sun begins to set. That’s when he feels it; a spark—a familiar jolt of electricity emitting in the depths of V’s mind. Johnny manifests by her bedside, watching as her body finally stirs awake. That’s my girl, he silently praises, a flicker of a smile playing on his lips. V’s eyes flutter open, taking a minute to survey her surroundings before her line of sight lands on him.
“Well, look who decided to come back to life,” Johnny quips, leaning closer. “You doing alright, kid?”
V doesn’t respond. Rather, she bursts into a fit of giggles out of nowhere.
What the fuck?
Bewildered, Johnny glances everywhere but notices nothing amusing of the sort. “Care to share what you find so funny?”
“You’re too good looking to be my nurse,” V drawls, no doubt experiencing side effects from the anesthesia.
“I’m no nurse, princess, but thanks,” he corrects her. Then, it dawns on him. “You recognize me?”
She blinks at him blearily, the gears in her head turning as she tries to put a name to the face. “I dunno, should I?”
“It’s Johnny. Johnny Silverhand. Ring any bells?”
Again, V chuckles, a light-hearted tone that Johnny rarely hears, but they were sweet music to his ears when he does.
“Nope, zero bells. Are you like my husband or something?”
Johnny’s eyes widen. “Husband? Oh, no, honey. We ain’t even gone on a date yet. I’d say, think of us as partners-in-crime.”
“Wait!” V blurts out, gasping. “I remember you. You’re from that band—Samurai, right? God, I used to listen to your songs a lot as a kid.”
“Huh, you told me you’d never heard of Samurai,” Johnny recalls, slightly entertained at this point. “Didn’t peg you as a fangirl, V. I’m flattered.”
“So, can I… y’know, get your autograph?”
Just before Johnny could continue playing around with a loopy V, Viktor strolls in with Misty in tow, both delighted to find the merc out of her prolonged slumber. He lingers by the foot of her bed as Vik explains to V what happened, but she doesn’t seem to be processing it. She stares at him, dazed, and Johnny wonders when she’ll be back to normal.
“The effects should go away in a few hours,” Vik informs Misty once he’s examined V. She’s healing nicely and isn’t complaining much, yet that could be because of all the painkillers she was jacked with. “I’d say watch over V until she can stand on her own two feet without tripping. Other than that, she’s good to go.”
“Where are we going?” a clueless V asks, looking back and forth between the two. “Is Johnny coming?”
Misty furrows her brow at her. “Johnny?”
“Yeah, mister sex on legs over there,” she points eagerly, and Johnny smirks at that. “I’m not done talking to him yet.”
Vik shakes his head before reminding Misty of the engram residing within V’s psyche. “Oh, yeah. Silverhand. Uh, I guess he could come, too. Don’t really have much of a choice there, doll.”
The walk back to V’s apartment was a journey in itself. Lucky for her, she was pushed in a wheelchair throughout it all as Johnny stays visible for her benefit. They reached the door just before the skies turned completely dark, the warmth and comfort of the room being somewhat familiar to V.
Misty carefully moves her onto the bed, propping her up with pillows behind her back before smoothing out the blankets covering her legs. Johnny observes from a distance, quiet in his pondering. He’s never seen V this vulnerable before. She’s always been incredibly independent, not to mention stubborn as hell. She won’t accept anyone’s help unless it’s dire, and even then, she’s reluctant to do so.
“You must be starving,” Misty comments once V is settled. “How about I get you somethin’ to eat downstairs. Better food than what’s here, if there’s any. Hang tight for a bit, ’kay?”
Nodding, Misty then heads out of the room, the front door sliding shut when she’s gone, leaving V in the presence of Johnny yet once again. He glitches to sit by the edge of the mattress as V stares at him incredulously. Her eyes shone what he could best describe as innocence; she truly has no clue of what they’ve gone through together in the previous months.
“Can you sing me a song?”
Johnny narrows his gaze, a small chuckle rumbling in his throat at her deliriousness. “I don’t do concerts anymore.”
“Oh, come on!” V pouts, almost child-like in her ways. “Pleeease?”
“No,” he refuses sternly before an idea comes to mind. “How about you sing to me? Said you were a fan. Give me a performance, and maybe I’ll consider it.”
V does not hesitate. On cue, she starts to serenade Johnny with one of Samurai’s greatest hits, going as far as imitating the gruffness of his voice. Off-beat and lyrics garbled, V belts out the tune confidently and loud enough that her irritated neighbors began banging on the wall, yelling at her to quit it.
She ignores them, of course.
Meanwhile, Johnny’s having the time of his life. It was quite endearing to him, although embarrassing for V if she later finds out about this. Yet, he doesn’t stop her. He encourages her even further by singing along, not giving a fuck in the world.
At the end of the song, Johnny laughs heartily along with V, who had crawled closer to him. Their eyes meet for a moment that seems to last longer than it actually did. His mouth quirks up in a smile, the kind of smile that was reserved for her and her alone.
“You’re pretty cool, Silverhand,” V mumbles sleepily, touching the cold surface of his chrome arm. Sighing, Johnny guides her drowsy self back under the covers, certain that she would crash in the next minute or two. “I think you should take me on a date. We’d be a hell of a couple together.”
“I think you’re going to regret everything that’s happened just now when you wake up in the morning,” he returns, and there was a slight pang in his chest.
V only hums in response, and he doubts he had even heard what he last said. It doesn’t matter, however. Johnny was sure she wouldn’t want to bring this up again.
“Fuck…” V exhales groggily, her blinking eyes wincing at the bright sunlight flooding into the room. She feels pain all over, her head throbbing immensely as she tries to gather memories of the day prior. It comes back in bits and pieces until suddenly, she remembers everything.
“Good morning, princess,” Johnny greets after materializing before her, a cocky smirk plastered on his face. “How ya feelin’? Still loopy or need a little more refreshing from ‘mister sex on legs?’”
V’s reflexes are quick; Johnny doesn’t even register the pillow being hurled at him at first. He only realizes it when the empty glass bottles on the center table falls to the floor, shattering and making a mess.
“You’re lucky you’re just a hologram, right now,” V muttered as she stands up unsteadily.
Johnny holds his hands up. “You were the one who said it.”
Rolling her eyes, V reaches for the painkillers Misty left on the side. “Don’t remind me.”
“Alright, but at least let me tell you that you’ve got a shitty voice.”
“That’s why I don’t do karaoke,” V snorts before swallowing the pills and heading to the couch. “So, what do you think?”
“What do you mean?” Johnny questions.
“You, me, dinner?”
V waits for his reaction, smiling coyly at his confusion. When Johnny finally understands what she was referring to, he almost couldn’t believe it.
“Wait, are you fucking serious?”
She lets out a chortle. “Yeah, I’m serious. Don’t get me wrong, I’m mortified about last night, and I’m never going to let Vik knock me out with that stuff again. But hey, the truth came out. Might not have remembered you, but even while high as fuck, I knew I liked you.”
Briefly, they traded a look of longing, acknowledging at last this deeper connection they’ve felt for a while. It was much more than sharing a body, a mind. Something more profound than what Johnny and V have experienced before in their lives.
And though it was all entirely new to them, they both wanted it. They both wanted each other.
“Better get to it then,” Johnny flashes a grin, mirroring V’s own. “Wanna start with breakfast? Bet you’re hungry after skipping what Misty brought you, samurai.”
“Never going to live that one down, are ya?”
Shooting her a cheeky wink, Johnny throws on his stylish pair of aviators with ease.
“You bet your ass I’m not.”
Permanent Tags: @penwieldingdreamer @keandrews @feminine-machinegun @fanficsrusz @thehumanistsdiary @flaminasteroid @rowserein @unaspiringwritings @planetkt @breakthenight @baphometwolf666 @rdjloverxxx
Johnny Silverhand Tags: @silverse​ @overheardatthecontinental @life-is-fuucked @ataraxydreams
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therealvinelle · 4 years
Carlisle wouldn’t want to be human
This really goes for most of the Cullens, Rosalie excepted (I think Edward would last one day without his telepathy and superpowers before this happened (well honestly I think his denial would keep him from ever admitting this but this isn’t an Edward post so we’re cutting this thought short right now before it spirals)), but I see both Edward and general fandom just sort of take it for granted that if anyone offered Carlisle a miraculous human again pill (and I’m just picturing that as some hokey pill being sold on ad TV) he’d praise Jesus and swallow that down immediately, and I’ve to see anybody argue with that so here I go.
First of, if Carlisle were to suddenly find himself human again I have every belief that Aro would materialize and go, “My dear Carlisle has been made a human? How tragic! Never fear, old friend, I’ll fix that for you. Om nom nom.” and then Carlisle would not be human. And I’m only half joking when I say that, because Carlisle has a lot of friends, and while his animal diet is all well and good, if he were to actually do something like this they’d be very sad his human obsession has gone too far and stage an intervention. “We’re doing this because we love you, Carlisle. Now please try not to be too delicious. Om nom nom.” And then we’re back to Carlisle being a vampire again, though with slightly longer hair this time.
More seriously, if Carlisle was offered this miracle pill, then as a doctor he’d probably be less than enthused about it. He was there to see what happened to the Native Americans when the Europeans came carrying brand new disease, and after viruses and bacteria have had 350 years and a globalized planet to evolve, our seventeenth century priest is going to be in trouble. He’s unvaccinated to boot. He also has a completely different intestinal bacterial flora than modern humans do, which I imagine would not be fun for his digestion. This guy would be a sickly, constipated mess.
As for the main reason - why would Carlisle ever want to be human?
Before he’d mastered his thirst, then he’d probably feel obligated to. For as long as he hadn’t mastered it there was always the risk of him losing control and killing somebody. In his early days he certainly would have jumped on the chance. But none of this is a problem anymore.
So, to take the reasons why he wouldn’t say yes in the present day - first of, why would he not want to be a vampire? He is past worrying about his thirst. His vampirism is at this point purely an asset to him. It makes him great at his job. All his friends and family are vampires. If he were to become human again, he’d not just suddenly suck at his job (as I imagine he has incorporated his super senses into his work to the point where he would pretty much have to learn everything anew if he still wanted to be a doctor), his brain would be slow and limited, and he could never see his cherished friends, people he has known for centuries, again. He’d have to start over with another fake identity in a new place, and sure, this time he could stay until he died of old age, but he’d still be lying to everybody he met about his identity. Carlisle is very much a social butterfly, and he’d be unable to form meaningful friendships when he could never get truly personal with anybody.
In other words, Carlisle would be signing himself up for a lonely life of being average if not bad at his work. And his work is incredibly important to him.
Then there’s the fact that as a doctor, modern viruses aside, when it comes to health problems Carlisle has seen it all. He would know better than everybody that even if the modern viruses don’t make him a sickly mess, even if he doesn’t join the statistics of people who die in tragic accidents, he could still get a brain aneurism at the age of 24 and his human LARP is over. And who knows, maybe he had some nasty disease lurking in his DNA just waiting to ruin his life had he lived long enough, such as ALS. But assuming that Carlisle says “I’LL RISK IT”, even if he makes it to an older age, aging is no joke. Dementia, gout, incontinence, the general and inevitable decline of his body - this is the looming shadow hanging over all our heads. For an immortal who has seen countless humans succumb to it, why choose this?
And for what?
So he could have kids of his own, presumably with Esme?
He has a whole family. Rosalie and Edward especially are his children. Just, this guy loves his whole family so much, I can’t imagine he’d throw them aside in favor of some faceless toddler concept. I also don’t think he’d even want kids of his own, but I think that’s for another post. And also mostly a vibe.
So he could grow old with Esme?
Again - why? She’d be just as much an outcast as he, and face all the same health risks (except I suppose for the modern viruses, she hasn’t been dead for that long). I can’t imagine he’d want to sit idly by and watch her either die ahead of schedule, or live long enough to become unable to care for herself.
Then there’s the fact that at most he’d have six or seven decades. To him, that’s just the blink of an eye. And, again, a very unpleasant blink where he loses everything, is less intelligent, and slowly dies.
Lastly there’s the fact that the human he was is dead, his time has passed. Carlisle doesn’t belong in the human world any longer. He interacts with it because helping humans gives him joy and meaning in life, but he’s a man out of his time and this brave new world is not the one he once lived in. He would not in any way belong, and I think he knows that quite well.
Just, the whole idea that Carlisle would want this is founded on Carlisle having some sort of innate worship of humans where being human is inherently better. I’m sorry, but that’s Edward. If Carlisle felt this way, he wouldn’t be turning others into vampires, and he wouldn’t have vampire friends all over the globe. To him, thirst isn’t a problem, and his vampirism means he can save more humans than he otherwise would. The remaining concern would be God, but Carlisle’s life philosophy is that being a vampire is not by itself a sin, so he’s fine in that regard too.
In summation, I think Carlisle is quite happy being a vampire, and wouldn’t have it any other way.
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