#maybe another day i'll draw sans in that.
angelbitezzz · 3 months
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Happy Easter everyone. I forgot today was a holiday so you get this 15 min disaster XD
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sunnymainecoonx · 11 months
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This is kind of what I'd like to call a scribble drawing
I just mess around bc I'm lazy ;3 best way to finish drawings tbh
I hate backgrounds with all my life I hope they die
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insanelyadd · 1 year
Don't forget, it's now the third year of #LetPapyrusSayFuck ! I will be making an additional reminder about it a week from the day (so on the 9th of June)
Another wonderful year to celebrate Papyrus and his ever-present ability to say fuck! Before I talk about the day a bit more and give prompts as usual I would like to thank everyone who participated last year, especially those that showed your support for the additional #BringBackTheCoolDude campaign, which allowed the official cool dude shirts a limited re-release with a new easter egg on the inside referencing LPSFD!
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(Image ID: a picture of the new cool dude shirt, folded and displayed in such a way to predominantly feature the "COOL DUDE" design on the front, with the easter egg from the inner back of the shirt being a small doodle of Papyrus with a speech bubble that says "FUNK!" end ID)
As far as I'm aware there's still some available to purchase if you want!
Okay so for Prompts!!
Papyrus saying fuck or other swear words of your choice (maybe his puzzle electrocuted him, maybe he stubbed his toe, maybe he is tired of Sans repeating the same joke to him for the 38th time in an hour)
Papyrus commits arson
Papyrus as the Ambassador of Monsters is tired of human's political BS
Anything else your heart desires!
Include another character, from UT or anything else, that you want to be saying fuck with Papyrus (Inspired by the @let-them-say-fuck-tournament ) If you do include another character from Undertale or another fandom, I encourage you to make a #Let(character)SayFuck tag (no spaces so it's the same on twitter and tumblr)
Papyrus is encouraging others who deserve to say fuck for whatever reason to join him on the wonderful #LetPapyrusSayFuck Day! I already have an idea for what to do with this prompt, in addition to a completely normal standalone of Papyrus.
Tag your posts with #swearing (if that applies) #LetPapyrusSayFuck (regardless of whether he is or not) as well as #Papyrus #undertale and any other fandom or character tags that may apply.
You don't need to go all out and paint a masterpiece, you can draw a shitpost-y doodle, write a fic, knit a sweater?? Whatever you want! Just have fun. <3
If you aren't able to get your piece done for the actual day that's completely fine! Papyrus can swear any day of the year, and no matter what I'll be reblogging as many posts as I can to @letpapyrussayfuckofficial (which you are free to tag in your post!)
Don't forget to join the festivities by reblogging and liking other participants art, fics, whatever they've made! This is a fun communal event and I want it to be uplifting and supportive! :>
Have Fun!
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xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
I... still care | {No ship!}
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Theme: Angst+Fluff
Ngl I forgot i allowed requests for such as ones with no ships since I've not done things like this in a while LMAO
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Sanemi stopped at the voice of a boy who was definitely not his brother. He turned. "The hell do you want from me?"
Genya was there. He looked as if he'd just been fighting to death and Sanemi paused, wondering if he should help. Maybe... not.
"Sanemi... Can I talk to you?" Genya asked meekly under the Hashira's stern gaze.
"Fuck no, go away," Sanemi growled.
"You look like you were fighting an Uppermoon but I'm going to guess they couldn't even be close to an amateur demon. Are you a fucking idiot?" he spat, stalking closer to Genya.
"Quit the fucking demon slayer corps or I'll kill you," he hissed.
"No! Why?!" Genya said, stepping back.
Sanemi stepped forward. "Why not?"
"I want to be close to you, Aniki..." Genya mumbled. "I can't quit."
"You fucking will or I'll make you!" 
Sanemi clenched his teeth together, annoyed. "I'll beat you until you can't move, then you'll have to quit!!" he threatened, his eyes narrowed.
"I'll heal!" Genya persisted.
"Fucking hell, why don't you stop?!" Sanemi shouted.
"I already told you!! Why do you want me to stop?!" he asked. A rush of dizzyness hit him and he wobbled a bit as Sanemi stalked towards him.
"You literally look like you're about to fall of your own feet, don't contradict me when you know you have no fucking place in the Corps!" Sanemi retorted, grabbing Genya's arm to keep him from tipping over. "You're a fucking mess so go crawl your way to Kocho's or be left to die here. It's not that hard."
He let go, letting his (totally not) brother drop to the ground in a heap.
Genya groaned, rubbing his head. "Sane-"
Sanemi turned and walked a few paces forward, then glanced back and noticed Genya had gone unconscious. He muttered a swear and sighed, backtracking and picking up his brother carelessly, holding him by his arms. 
"I swear, you'll be the death of me sometime," he sighed. He half picked-up, half dragged Genya to his estate, not bothering to swerve around any rocks that Genya's body my bump into as he walked.
Once inside, he dropped Genya to the floor and went to find some bandages, quickly finding some medicine along with it. He filled up a cup with water and wet a towel, then made his way back to his (not) brother who was sat up now, looking dazed and confused.
"Don't ask," Sanemi ordered. He pushed the cup of water to Genya's lips and made him drink it in small sips. 
He dabbed the towel at the blood caking Genya's body, wiping it away. Most of the wounds looked like they would heal in a couple days time, save for one across his stomach that would need a bit more tending. 
Sanemi wrapped the bandages around Genya's torse and arm where the wounds were more dire—although none were deadly, unless infected or untended. 
He dropped one of the pain killers he'd acquired into the remaining water in the cup and again helped Genya drink it with a gentleness he rarely had anymore.
He stood, then, taking the bandages he hadn't used and the bloodied towel with him. 
Once he'd discarded them, he went back to his room and arranged another futon with some blankets and an extra pillow. He helped Genya stand, mostly dragging him to the bed and letting him get comfortable.
Once he was sure Genya was asleep, Sanemi went out to the back of his house, grabbing a wooden katana to train with.
He brought it up over his head, swinging it in what would appear a wild motion to anyone but a demon slayer, drawing in air as he cut down. He continued this for a long time.
He didn't know for how long he was out there, pushing himself to continue, ignoring the burn in his muscles as time drew on and his motions became both smoother and stiffer, showing him his limits, making him want to try harder. To do better.
After some time, he heard a clatter behind him. Clumsy footsteps. He hadn't noticed before; his mind had been preoccupied and he cursed himself for getting distracted.
He turned and saw Genya, struggling to get out of the pile of broken wooden katana's Sanemi had long discarded.
"The fuck are you doing?" Sanemi asked, sighing.
Genya looked up, quickly brushing off the pieces of wood that had stuck to his clothes. "H...Hi, Ani... Sanemi," he mumbled, looking guilty for having been caught—though anyone would've heard him from all the sound he'd made.
"Are you better now?"
Genya nodded. "Thank-"
"Then go. If you're healed then you can go." Sanemi raised an eyebrow (stfu) in a way that seemed to be evaluating whether Genya would contradict him or not.
"Uhm... Nevermind, my arm suddenly started hurting a lot," Genya said quickly, clutching his arm in mock pain. 
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Go back inside and don't bother me. There's some food somewhere if you're hungry but don't take all of it and don't mess anything up," he said, turning back to his training.
"Okay!" Genya said obediently, scampering back inside happily.
Sighing, Sanemi went back to his training, lost again in the movement of the wood slicing through the air.
Around mid afternoon, Sanemi headed back inside, using a towel to mop up his sweat.
He ran his hand through his hair, throwing the fake katana aside and walking in, the cool air of the house hitting him.
He breathed out, relaxing for half a second before he remembered Genya was here.
He walked around, in search of his brother, and found him laying down in the middle of a ranom hall, staring up at the cealing.
"The fuck are you doing?" Sanemi asked incredulously. 
Genya jolted him, not having heard him, and stumbled for a response. "Uhm, just thinking," he said quickly.
"I remembered... Uhm. When we were younger, after Father died, when anyone of us got hurt you would take care of us like you did for me today. You used to make us some soup and sit next to us all day or night until you were sure we weren't in pain, even when Mother told you to rest," Genya said, averting his eyes.
Sanemi paused. He remembered that too. It had been so long ago, but his old habits had probably slipped in slightly. He felt an odd sense of guilt stab him in the chest at the sight of Genya, seeming nervous around him. 
Before, Genya had trusted Sanemi. Most of anyone, maybe. 
But that was gone.
It was probably Sanemi's fault, though he would think of it as faulted by Genya, finding that he should've been more careful about his words that one day.
But Sanemi was really the one to blame. He'd pushed aside Genya for years by a grudge that was completely reasonable yet shouldn't have been held on for so long, especially since what Genya had said was completely justified. 
And yet, he felt he was still protecting Genya by ignoring him.
Apparently not, if Genya was coming to him all injured then fainting on the spot.
Sanemi sighed and turned around. "Fuck, I still care for you. But you're healed now, you can leave."
He didn't wait for a response, only continued down the hall to his room.
He could've sworn it was his imagination, but as he closed the door to his room, he heard Genya walking away, his steps seemingly lighter now. More content.
{Word count: 1276}
Fuck you Sanemi for being difficult to write 3:<< 
anyways it's so nice outside today and my mom is telling me to stop going online so maybe i might go outside for the first time in like a week 😇
i mean it'll calm me
also it made this easier to finish writing
i love them sm bro :'>
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punsmaster69 · 3 months
frisk groaned as they wiped up a mess of orange juice.
"How did I even manage to miss that badly?"
"We are all a little loopy in the mornings."
"Golly. The cup was RIGHT there... and yet you still missed!"
"Maybe you should leave that to Toriel still, huh?"
flowey laughed at frisk's misery.
"Flowey, be nice."
"...Though, I am more than willing to assist you if you need help, my child."
"I can pour it normally. Just... not right now, apparently."
"like she said - it's mornin' still, and you just woke up. don't beat yourself up over it."
i glance to flowey.
"and don't let any flowers beat you up over it, either."
"I'll say what I want!"
a stern look from toriel.
he huffs and goes back to picking the cereal out of his marshmallows.
toriel gave this a disapproving look too, but it's a regular occurrence.
she helped frisk pour another glass of orange juice, and they slumped back in their chair, deflated. don't know if i've ever seen a kid look more upset while drinking oj.
"Are you still planning to follow Sans home after you eat?"
they looked at me.
"paps won't be back until around ten."
"I'm good to hang out with you until then."
"Flowey, will you be-"
"Staying here."
"I don't want to be around those two nincompoops alone for two hours."
again, an occurrence too regular for her to bother saying anything about anymore. these days, she almost doesn't even notice the insults sometimes. i think everyone else tunes them out a little, too.
"so, are backwards shoes the new thing?"
frisk paused and looked down.
they started walking again.
"No wonder they felt weird."
"you wanna stop and fix 'em?"
"I'm gonna take them off at your house anyway, so I'm gonna just deal with it until then."
"well, c'mon - this way. i know a little shortcut."
a ball of paper bounces off my skull.
frisk slams their head into the side of the couch, not accounting for the fact that it'd hurt.
uncrinkling the ball, there was the start of a drawing with scribbles where the legs would be.
i folded the page back up, and they loosely smacked it out of my hand.
the paper smacked them in the face.
". . ."
"lady luck's got a vendetta against you, huh?"
sitting bolt upright, they shouted.
"Not just that, but I keep messing stuff up - and then having the WORST luck with just about everything else!!"
throwing their arms up in the air...
and immediately hitting my brother on accident, who just entered.
curling forward into a ball.
"welcome home, bro. you're a bit early."
looking with concern at the human groaning annoyedly on the couch in front of him.
"not just that - their luck's been shot all day."
"And shit."
he sat himself onto the couch and dragged frisk like a stuffed animal to his chest for a hug.
".....Can we just sit here?"
"sounds good to me."
"Nothing bad can happen if I do nothing at all."
"sound logic."
"If you're here, that's good. That happened and I didn't do anything to cause it."
"And I wanna hang out by doing nothing."
"we could at least put on a movie."
"and i'm pretty sure we've got popcorn still."
"we'll do a movie night."
they dumped the bowl of blackened kernels into the trashcan.
they sighed defeatedly.
he opened the cabinet and grabbed the popcorn box, reaching in and... patting the empty inside.
frisk pounded their head against the sink door. i put my hand between the door and their forehead to lessen the impact of the blows.
my brother gently pulls them away from the door by the shoulders, turning them around.
"me and undyne split the last of the chips the other day."
"here, i know a shortcut."
exhaling every bit of air they had, frisk looks between the cash on the counter, and the total on the screen - thirty cents short.
quickly appearing beside them, papyrus moves all their cash back into their bag (slipping an extra ten in) and pats frisk's head as he hands it back.
the way they looked at the machine, you'd think it was about to reject papyrus' card or blow up or something.
it didn't. he quickly waved goodbye to the cashier as he scooped up frisk's items into a bag himself. he passes it to frisk, and they take his hand. with the other, he grabs onto my hand.
halfway down the sidewalk, a branch catches frisk's bag. the bag tears; their chips and candy fall to the floor - sweet tea rolling away.
i stop it with my foot, picking the other items up as well.
"i'll pack 'em. no problem."
taking the torn bag and shoving it into my pocket, we continue walking.
a bit further on, papyrus spots a puddle on the side of the road. spontaneously grabbing frisk and lifting them up, a car speeds past and sprays him with water - i just barely get out of the way.
frisk remains unsoaked, thanks to my brother's quick thinking.
"sometime last night."
"AH. I SEE."
"Thank you Papyrus. I'm sorry."
"maybe we take a shortcut after all."
the rest of the day, papyrus is extremely diligent in making sure nothing else happens to frisk. in the end he secretly seems thankful for the doing-nothing choice.
it really is easier to keep someone out of bad luck's way when they're sitting still.
papyrus makes tomato soup for dinner, deciding nothing can go wrong with that. to be absolutely certain, he cools it to nearly room temp before serving any to them. when frisk almost spills it, he hands them a straw.
"...isn't that a bit much?"
"It's fine. Not like I haven't used one for soup before."
succeeding again, he messages tori to say he'll keep them just until bedtime.
frisk nods in silent agreement.
both me and frisk are impressed at his ability to navigate around unlucky situations throughout the night, but i suppose he 𝗵𝗮𝘀 been dealing with 𝘮𝘦 forever. avoiding messes is basically a special skill of his at this point.
when it was time for frisk to go home, paps was still pretty worried and accompanied them all the way home - apparently even going as far as to tuck them in himself, according to toriel.
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askquellowsans · 2 months
Incoming Quellow lore;
I often hear I'm luckier for a Dust Sans...
Sitting in a comfy safe space where only I could hurt myself, where I had animals he?..I.. They? sort of liked?.. Where Papy could barely visit him unless [Creator] gave him visiting permission..
Where he had to draw CVDust.. Him? His body... That's HIS body... Fighting.. Going through stuff.. Getting help, getting friends.. THAT'S HIS BODY.
CVDust.. Is not it's original owner. It was HIS.
It's lonely in here. Is that why he was Lucky? Because he doesn't have to experience life?
He already experienced life. Then it was stolen from him.. He loves CVDust.. It's him.. Technically. It's his body. And it's another Dust.. But why?
Why is it HIS name attached to it?
Why couldn't HE be Quellow?
Why couldn't [Creator] Atleast have destroyed his past identity?...
... Sometimes, looking at his bones.. It's jarring, not seeing the scars of Battle.. The scars, the scarf is even different.. This isn't Papy's scarf.....
.. This isn't his.. Body.. It's so comfortable.. But it's not the same.. It's light and airy and.. Soft.. Scratching does nothing but heal, heal, no scars, no visible damage.
He's lucky for a Dust.
Because he's not visibly hurting.
Because nobody can see him.. In this space. This 'comfy' space.. Where he slaves at art.. Taking care of animals he didn't like before, but loves now.. These aren't his opinions.. But they are now.
I'm scared I don't have a real personality.
I'm scared I lost my own personality the day I lost my body.
I'm scared that maybe one day I'll die as Quellow.. And not as Sans or Dust.
I'm scared
That I can't recognize myself anymore.
Lore here, read deeper into it
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helpfandom · 2 months
Yandere Stobotnik x Platonic Reader Chapter 2: The man
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TW: Kidnapping, Threatening, Emotional manipulation. Kind of a mental breakdown/ anxiety attack?
You woke up without Maddie or Ozzy in the house, leaving it to feel empty. You were colder without Ozzy to lay on, and nothing other than Tom taking a shower could be heard. You checked the time, 6:52. I guess Tom took the day off to pack and get ready for San Francisco? You got up and got dressed in matching clothing, which soothed you a little bit.
You got downstairs and decided to go and make breakfast, which lead to slightly singed pancakes, but a meal you made yourself. Tom finished and was dressed in a casual outfit when he got downstairs and smiled when he saw that you made breakfast for him. You looked at him questioningly, "D- Did you take the day off or?" He sat down, "I asked to come in a little later today since I had to drive Maddie." You nodded, "Ah, that makes more sense. What time are you coming in?" He finished the bite he was chewing and then replied, "Around lunchtime, don't worry though, I won't arrive then take my lunch break, I'll eat here." 
You nodded and finished the bite you were eating before asking another question. "You think Maddie's over there by now?" "Yeah, I think so, I believe her flight arrived at 6:30, but I might be wrong so why don't we call her later today and find out?" "Have you seen anything weird lately?" He paused and asked for clarification, "What do you mean?" "Like have you seen anything like a quill but it was to big to be a normal hedgehog's quill, or a slightly anthropomorphic hedgehog?" He paused and looked at you incredulously. 
"D- did you know I picked up a quill yesterday?" You almost dropped your fork and knife in surprise, "What?" Your heart was fluttering, in a bad way. "Yeah, I saw it while I was at the speed trap. Oh! And one thing, I had my speedometer go off twice with high numbers." "D-do you think that maybe those are connected, I saw something weird yesterday." "What did you see?" You explained that both you and Maddie didn't know what it was that you saw. "Maybe it's aliens?" Tom joked. "Me and Maddie said the same thing, maybe it's a sign to get the heck out of dodge." You hummed a agreement out and finished the meal in silence with each other. It felt wrong without her or Ozzy.
You washed the dishes when you were done and then got started packing the books in your room, at around 8:30, Tom calls you down. "On the phone with Maddie!" You rushed downstairs to join the conversation.
"Whatcha' doing?" You asked, curious. "Just drawing, with Jojo, And Rachel." "Has she -she being Rachel- convinced you to leave me yet?" "No, but she wants me to check your phone for dating apps." "Good luck, the only apps I have are the ones that came with my phone." A moment of silence, then, "And the Olive Garden app," You pitched in on the "Cause' when you're there, you're family." Tom was remined of something, and said "Hey fascinating stuff here, we got a power outage."
"Oh, that's interesting ...." A clatter outside was heard, Tom looked at you momentarily before deciding it was racoons. He moved to the drawer with the tranquilizer in it while still continuing to speak, "Hey, how much does the racoon need before sleeping, Greenhill's finest Vet?" "Tom, That's for bears-" He finished setting up the gun to shoot, "Perfect, then it'll work." A gasp could be heard through the phone, "TOM!" He hung up on Maddie, leaving her to wonder what he was going to do to the poor racoons.
You followed Tom to see what that was, maybe it's what I saw yesterday? Hm, unlikely, but still.  We walked out to the garage, I walked behind Tom, who was ready to bust down the door. He kicked it in yelling "SFPD!" You chimed in, "Pending background check!" You both rushed inside and there it was, the ?hedgehog?. "Um, Meow?" Tom shot him with the tranquilizer in surprise, leading the ?hedgehog? to drop the thing that he was holding and create a ?portal? to the top of a building.
You walked back in shock, what the. The ?hedgehog?  flopped to the floor and dropped the bag that he was holding. You watched the bag fall into the ?portal? created on the floor and land on the building. You and Tom watched in shock as the portal closed in on itself. You shared a look and then Tom seemed to have broken out of his stupor. 
Tom grabbed the thing and shoved it in an animal cage that Maddie left in the garage. You got out of your frozen state when he handed you the tranquilizer gun. You held it until you two got into the house, then you put it on the cabinet. You and Tom had a moment of silence before he stuttered something out to himself. "Wh-what the fuck is that?" You sat down, and watched the thing breathe for a beat before saying something. "I think that this is what I saw."
He turned and looked at you, "Really?" You looked at him, "Yes." There was a pause as you both thought about what to say to each other. "I think we should call it a hedgehog." "Why?" You turned back to the thing in the cage. "Because that's what I've been calling it in my mind." He chuckled a little bit, "I don't mean to laugh, it's just that you're delivery was funny to me for some reason." You shrugged. "Gotta have humor in serious situations."
The silence was starting to settle in like a heavy, weighted, blanket amongst you two. Tom, done with the silence, beckoned to you to get up and talk to him. You got up from your seat and walked over to him. You both put your back to the hedgehog and were going to call Maddie before you heard the cage door opening and you stopped Tom.
You both turned around, shocked -even though you both were pretty sure he opened the door- to find that he escaped from the cage. "hgn, What happened?" You gasped and stepped back again. Tom walked to the hedgehog and asked "What are you?" "A hedgehog?" It asked the incredulously, like in disbelief that someone wouldn't know what it is. There was commotion outside, and it ran to the window. "Oh no, they found me again." 
You raised your eyebrows, "Again?" It turned to you, "Yes, again." It turned to Tom, "You've got to help me, Donut Lord." The commotions stopped. "Why should I help you?" "Because you shot me, and this is life or death." Tom looked in distress between you and the hedgehog. "You, Room, HIDE." You pointed to the hedgehog and Tom rephrased the sentence, "It- Attic, You- Room."
You went up the stairs and pretended to go inside your room. You could hear Tom open the door, and talk to someone outside. You didn't hear much though, only little snippets. You tried inching closer, but remembered the floorboards are creaky, and that would tell them that you are there. "So tell me why I should let you inside my house?" You put your hand to your mouth, What? Is someone trying to get in? "Are you aware of ..." Something came in through the window, which made you stand up in alarm. The floor boards creaked as you walked -more like ran- to your closet to hide. 
What the fuck? 
It was silent for a few minutes, most likely seconds but your impatience left you thinking it was longer -as far as you heard at least- before you heard thumping ?down? the stairs. You waited a few beats, and then you could hear a scream momentarily and then rapid fire gunshots with glass breaking.
You shut your eyes, you were panic stricken, and waited until you could hear something. It was minutes, -you counted to try and calm yourself- before you heard something come ?up? the stairs. You heard two pairs of feet, which meant it was likely two people who were here. Doors were flung open and you could hear that they were getting closer to where you were hiding.
Your bedroom door was busted open and then you could hear that they were right outside the closet door. "Hey, Doctor? Are you sure that someone was here?" A fluttering was heard as someone turned around. "Of course I am sure that someone was here." They flung open the door to your closet revealing you to them, as they did though, they kept talking. "Did you doubt my robots, Stone?"
'Stone' -at least as far as you knew, they were named Stone- pointed to you, and smiled at the 'Doctor'. "Of course not, Doctor." Doctor -this time you knew for sure who was who- grabbed your arm violently and pulled you up to them. "Now, adolescent, we need you to come with us to the police department." Dear god, he's scary. "O-okay. W-where's Tom?" Stone's eyes flicked to Doctor then to you. Doctor just let go of you and walked away.
Stone stayed behind and put a hand on your shoulder to try to comfort you. "Tom is- Tom is unavailable currently." Stone then lead you downstairs where you saw a catastrophe of a house. The table was broken, glass shards were everywhere, bullet holes riddled the walls and floor. Stone was preoccupied with something outside, which left you alone in the house. What happened? Is he dead? Who are these people? You saw that the tranquilizer was still on the counter where you left it, and you compulsively grabbed it and put it in your pocket.
Stone entered again to drag you away from the mess that was now your house. There were two large trucks outside where Doctor was standing outside one of them, impatiently waiting and tapping his foot. Stone explained "I had driven one of the trucks to investigate one area, and the Doctor had driven the other to investigate here, but now he wants to drive you down to the police station and investigate there, while I drive the other back to base. So, you'll be driving with him." Base? 
"O-okay." You got into the truck with Doctor in tow and sat down in one of the seats, and odd one since it was your lucky number and you needed all the luck you could get. "No. Sit somewhere else." The Doctor ordered you, so you sat in the next seat that was your lucky number -another odd number-, but that wasn't good enough for the Doctor. "Sit down beside me then, if you can't sit in the right place." 
So you did just that, you sat down beside him and yelled at him from inside your mind. Excuse me what? I can sit down in the right spot. I was sitting down to get luck, and it wasn't in the way of anything or anyone so I was in the right, you are in the wrong.
Your thoughts of anger were quickly burst when Doctor asked you why you sat in the wrong place. "I sat in the luck number spot." "What do you mean?"  You shrugged, "It was my lucky number where I sat, and you're kind of scary so I need all the luck I can get." He huffed. "I don't see why you think that. Luck doesn't exist, it's just a construct we created, all there is is probability. " You swallowed, I have to tread carefully. "I don't know why I think that way either." 
You quickly arrived at the police department, much to your relief, and got out of the truck. Wade's car was outside, alongside a few black cars, none of which you recognized. You entered the air conditioned police station in tow of the Doctor. Wade was surrounded by some people in black suits. Wade looked discombobulated and also looked like he was about to cry. You walked over to Wade, who looked at you in concern. "I thought Tom wasn't going to show up for a while today." You sat down at a chair, "Yeah, well um." You leaned towards him, and started whispering. "I think Tom's dead, and these guys-" You gestured to the men, "Had something to do with it." 
He whispered to you, "You think Tom's dead?" The shock of it made his hands shake, "I do, there were bullet holes and gun fire, and now Tom's missing." "O, M, G." He looked at you and wrapped you into a hug, "I'm so sorry." Doctor harumphed and then announced to everyone in the room, "So, you simple minded compatriots, I shall tell you what is going on." You and Wade looked to the Doctor, "There is investigation of the power outage incident, and it occurred in this sleepy little town." Stone entered the police station, and walked to Doctor.
You and Wade shared a look of confusion, but neither of you wanted to interrupt him talking, and so you kept silent. I thought it just happened here? Was it farther than that? He continued, "We are from the government, and we are taking over for now." Your eyes widened, the government? Wade gasped a little in shock, a sentiment you agreed with. The Doctor finished his announcement, and walked over to you and Wade. 
He looked around for a seat to sit on and then grabbed it once he saw a seat, Stone stood behind the Doctor. Doctor scooted close to you two before asking a question. "What do you know about terrorism?" You leaned back a little in shock, "W-what?" He grunted in annoyance, "What do you know about terrorism?" You looked around, as if searching your memory , when it came to you. "Acts of violence, particularly against civilians, in order to get a political point across?" 
"Close but what about domestic terrorism?" A look of confusion came across you and Wade's faces. "The same but done with someone from the country?" You asked, looking around again for something. "Hmm. Close enough. That's what Tom is." Your eyes widened again. "B-but-" Wade came to your rescue, "He can't put bait on when fishing, there is no way he can be a terrorist." 
You interjected, "I-isn't he dead anyway?" Doctor sighed, "Sadly-" He gave a look to Stone, "He isn't, nor is he captured." Tears came to your eyes in relief that Tom wasn't dead, You didn't want to lose another parent so soon. "Oh." "Oh?" Doctor queried. "I thought he was dead, ya 'know cause of the bullet holes, and gunfire." Doctor nodded, "A incorrect assumption, but I see how you jumped to that conclusion. But, back to the topic at hand here, Tom is a terrorist, even if you think him a good man."
No, no way he's a terrorist. It must be because of that hedgehog we helped earlier. The thing must be wanted by the government. You snuck a look at the clock, 4:41, whish was surprising because time had moved so fast. "Why is he a terrorist?" You dared to ask. "He is helping an enemy of the state, which reminds me of something." He stood up and beckoned you to do so as well. Stone stepped back to let Doctor through, and you followed Doctor to an empty room. 
Doctor grabbed something from Stone's pocket and held it in front of you. It seemed like a quill from a hedgehog, but it was long, glowing blue and sparkling with electricity. "What is this to you? And what was it doing inside your house?" "It must have been a glowstick, from a previous performance of mine." He hummed, "Then why is it so bright?" "Good glowstick, perhaps?" He hummed again, then handed it to Stone to keep. He started walking closer to you, and he grabbed your chin to look at him. "Look, adolescent, Don't play games with me." "I-I'm not, I don't know what's going on a-and I'm s-scared c-cause I thought that my dad was dead, and I didn't want him to die as well, and-" You burst into tears, all of your anxiety caught up to you and exploded within. 
You dropped to the ground and held your knees to yourself. You couldn't stop crying, even though it showed that you were vulnerable right now, you just couldn't stop. Stone kneeled beside you and started rubbing circles into your back. Doctor just stood there dumbfounded, he didn't know what to do, as someone just started crying in front of him, seemingly without warning. He just left you crying with Stone. 
It was hard, you didn't want to cry but your body was crying without you meaning it to, leaving you feeling awful making you cry more. Stone just kneeled there rubbing your back and giving you tissues while you were crying into yourself, which was for a while, because you couldn't stop. Eventually you did stop, but that was when all the tears in your body were gone.
You breathed in, and blew your nose again before standing up. "I'm sorry that you had to do that. I shouldn't cry." He gave you a sympathetic look, "It's okay to cry, it must have been a lot for you today." You laughed a little. "Yeah, it was." You threw away your tissues and breathed in really deep. "I'm okay now, I promise." "Okay. You ready to go out there?" 
"Yeah, I think so." You opened the door and took a look at the clock when you sat back down with Wade. 6:11. Doctor was talking to somebody else when you sat down. "You okay? Your eyes are puffy and red, did they make you cry?" You shook your head. "No, they didn't make me cry. I'm fine Wade." He said nothing, but moved the tissue box closer to you.
You were exhausted, but you fought with your tiredness to stay awake by stabbing yourself with your fingernails. You did end up falling asleep, but you woke up at 8:22, so it was just a little nap. Wade tapped you on the shoulder to see if you were awake. He needed to tell you something. "Hey, you awake?" You mumbled something, and then shook your head to wake up. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that."
"It's okay, I understand, but they have a plan as to where you'll be staying." You were more awake at that point, "What? What do you mean?" He paused for a moment then shook his head about something mentally. "Um, so, you won't be staying at your house 'cause it's an investigation zone and you would be trampling evidence, and since both of your guardians are unavailable to watch you, you will be staying with them - I think." You blinked slowly at him, "Why can't I stay with you?" 
He shrugged, "I don't know. Sorry, kiddo."  Doctor and Stone stopped by Wade's desk where you two were, "Did you manage to relay the information?" Doctor asked in a demanding tone. "Yeah, I told Y/N that they wouldn't be staying with me." The phone started to ring, and Wade picked it up before Doctor could. 
Tom's voice was a bit staticky, but you could hear him through the phone. "Hey Wade." Wade whispered into the phone, "What is going on, Tom? There are these men in suits and they were asking about you and asking about terrorism, and I told them you couldn't put bait on, there is no way he's a terrorist." Tom cut him off, "Wade, I need you to not let them know I called you." Wade looked at Doctor and Stone, "Yeah, I think they already know." 
Doctor grabbed the phone out of Wade's hand, "Mr. Wachowski ." "Ah, Hello Robotnik." "I want you to know that the only other person to punched me in the face was the school yard bully, he hit me in the cafeteria causing a blunt force contusion to the soft tissue surrounding my orbital bone, humiliated me in front of the entire school and you know what I did in response?" "I assume that you went to the teacher and reported him?" "No, I examined the inefficiency in a world where brawn overtrumped brain and I used technology to resolve that inefficiency. The boy ate his meals through a straw for a year. You are about to become the bully with a straw. I am coming for you Mr. Wachowski and when I catch you- I'll." Tom hung up the phone abruptly, stopping Robotnik from finishing his sentence.
"Hello? Hello? Hello Hello Hello?" Wade interrupted Robotnik, "Um, I think he hung up actually, 'cause I noticed the light isn't on." "Thank you, Officer Brainfart." Wade pouted at the insult. "You know what, just sit there and be you - sless." He beckoned for you to come with him as he walked off from the room.
"Um, aren't any of you going to erase my memory or something?! I will tell people about this!" But nobody did anything.
You followed Robotnik and Stone where they stopped in front of the truck. "Now, adolescent, are there any questions for my superior intellect?" You fiddled with your fingers, "A-actually, yes there is, Why couldn't I stay with Wade?" He laughed a little, "You were in the home and care of a terrorist, why would we let you be alone with someone when we could watch you?" Stone entered the truck, and it was just you and Robotnik outside. 
"B-but I d-didn't do anything, Why are you watching me?" He put his hands to his temples and rubbed them in frustration, and screamed at you, "BECAUSE!"
You grabbed the tranquilizer in your pants, I am not going with someone with power in the government that high, he can do almost anything without consequences, he could do anything to me. You shot the man with the tranquilizer and ran, but you could hear him grab the dart out from his leg and drop it to the ground. The crunch of the ground beneath your feet was quickly doubled as the man ran behind you, quickly catching up as you didn't do much exercise.
All you saw in front of you was the bright vermillion eyes of a robot floating in front of you.
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oh no..... had a thought about the au where tanjirou is giyuu and ayame is sabito.........
tanjirou and ayame face the hand oni, but they're both so unprepared for it. tanjirou's rib is broken, his forearm is probably fractured and he's been limping since they managed their escape. it's almost too dark for ayame to see where they're hiding in the cave, but she can feel the terrible tremors of the hand oni as it hunts for them.
the terrified expression on tanjirou's face is what makes her decision for her.
the hand oni said "sweet little fox".
maybe if he sees the fox mask and cloud jinbei and nothing else, then they might have a chance.
or, well, tanjirou might have a chance. urokodaki-san would be sad if he didn't return. urokodaki-san doesn't have anyone anymore.
ayame tears the jinbei off tanjirou's shoulders, replacing it with her kimono while he's still disoriented. she pulls it loose around her, then snatches the mask off his head.
"what - ayame, what - ?"
"stay here," she says quietly, her expression hidden behind the mask urokodaki-san carved for him. "i'll lead the oni away. don't make any noise, then make your way down to the wisteria trees as soon as the coast is clear."
"the mask - "
"tanjirou." her voice is solemn. "whatever happens... tell my shishou i was always grateful for everything."
she disappears from the cave before tanjirou can demand answers.
murata finds tanjirou and helps him through final selection. there is only one casualty for final selection that year.
kamado tanjirou is the water hashira, and he wears a dark blue seigaiha haori, the pattern dyed red. he's the water hashira, so no one wonders why he wears seigaiha. the charcoal half of his haori is hard to explain, but no one will ask.
when sabito is faced with the boulder, a girl in a fox mask appears before him. she holds himself the way a master swordsman does, and her strikes are swift and merciless. she knocks him out in ten seconds and doesn't bother to wait for him to wake up.
he begrudgingly admits that the way she moves is beautiful.
another girl, also with a fox mask, but with the mask resting against the side of his head, is the one who greets him when his eyes open.
"sorry about ayame-san," she says with a rueful chuckle. "she isn't very patient."
ayame-san, sabito learns early on, doesn't speak much if she can help it. she doesn't linger, even if sometimes he feels like he's being watched when he's alone. she continues to use a bokken while he wields a live sword, but it doesn't matter; she is always the one who deals out the first strike. often the last one as well.
"ayame-san doesn't want to show off too much," hikari says as she braids a flower crown. "she's a bit different from the rest of us, that's all. she doesn't stay for urokodaki-san after all."
"then who does she stay for?" asks sabito.
hikari's smile is secretive as she rests the daisy crown in her dark hair. "one of these days, you should ask her, sabito. you might be the only person she answers."
three months later, ayame stands before him with a steel katana at her hip. she draws it slowly - almost reverently. sabito notices that the curve of it is slightly different; it's steeper, the kissaki almost menacing.
"so," she says in a measured voice, "after six months, you can finally face me as a swordsman. hikari-san did well training you."
"you had just as much to do with it, ayame-san," hikari calls out from the side.
sabito snarls. it pulls the scar on his cheek, making him look more dangerous.
"today is the day i win," he declares, unsheathing his own blade.
ayame tilts her head. he wonders if her lips follow the same downward curl of her mask, or if she smirks at him like he always imagined she has.
"then you'd better hit me with everything you have, sabito."
time slows around him. his nose twitches, picking up a strange scent. it's metallic and sharp, like a freshly polished katana. it winds through the air, and he finds his blade following its arc.
for the first time since they met, his blade reaches ayame first.
there is a moment of stillness.
sabito can't believe his katana sliced downward first. her arms are still raised, and she doesn't move as her sleeves fall downwards, exposing the kumihimo cords she has wound around her left wrist.
the fox mask splits in half - sliced vertically in a perfect line. when the wood falls to her shoulders, sabito is shocked to meet shockingly blue eyes.
ayame's lips are parted in surprise. as he watches, her lips curl into a small smile. the slightest twitch of the corners of her lips is both happy and sad.
"sabito..." she murmurs.
sabito can never catch ayame's scent. for the first time, there's a hint of charcoal and something floral lingering in the air, muted by the scent of a summertime rain.
"you did great. remember what you just did, ne?" her voice lowers. "win, okay, sabito? beat that guy too."
sabito glances at hikari in disbelief. she smiles at him encouragingly.
"ayame," he hears himself say, "who do you stay for?"
surprise flits across her features.
"hey," she chuckles sadly, "next time you see tanjirou, be sure to say hi to him. he's so gloomy nowadays."
sabito glances at hikari, but she's disappeared. when he turns back to ayame, she's gone too.
the only thing left in the clearing was the boulder, sliced in half. exactly the same way he had sliced ayame's mask.
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vivtok · 2 years
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This one is based off a sexy-metalocalypse Twitter poll thing (back when the Tumblr sexyman Sans vs Reigen happened)
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And then this is based off a funny little meme I saw so I drew Murderface interacting with one of my OCs who plays bass.
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KLOKTOBER!!!!!!! I thought I would be able to keep up with it but college life had other plans. At least I got to draw Abigail!! Also excuse Toki's weird pose.
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And here's a Skwisgaar sketch I did two days ago!! It was my first time actually drawing Skwisgaar.
I'm (slowly) working on a mini comic featuring the band and another one of my OCs (who plays rhythm guitar). Maybe I'll do a headshot of Pickles since he's become another top fave recently!!
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aurafantastic · 1 year
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a touch up 2023 change some details I read in a place that her hands were ugly instead of getting angry or upset the truth I said by God it's true and aside from Mayoi's profile and her hand I always saw it wrong but I said maybe I'm tired that day... but well I'll talk all this so that those who continue in this practice I am not and I will never be the best but I enjoy and I feel alive drawing I feel in another world and the truth is if I have to improve so be it never stop practicing and improving a hug sorry for not bringing this year a drawing of this year of valentine I haven't had a good time this year but well take care of yourselves
un retoque 2023 le cambie algunos detalles lei en un lugar que estaban feos sus manos en vez de enojarme o estar molesta la verdad dije por dios es verdad y aparte el perfil de mayoi y su mano siempre la vi mal pero dije tal vez estoy cansada ese dia … pero bueno platico todo esto para que los que sigan en esto practiquen yo no soy y nunca sere la mejor pero disfruto y me siento viva dibujar me siento en otro mundo y la verdad si tengo que mejorar que asi sea nunca dejen de practicar y mejorar un abrazo perdon por no traer este año un dibujo de este año de san valentine no la he pasado bien en este año pero bueno cuidense mucho
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ellayuki · 1 year
we're all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023
- Day 17: FLUFF
"Come on, now, go to daddy, go to daddy, that's it," Fai coos as he gently nudges the little boy towards where Syaoran is sitting cross-legged on the floor of Sakura's drawing room. 
The child crawls, hesitant at first, but then speeding off with a squeaky giggle towards his father. Syaoran smiles and it's probably the most at peace Fai has ever seen the boy (not a boy anymore, he reminds himself, he's a grown man now, with a family of his own). "I'll never get tired of the way he squeaks like that, like he's delighted about what he's doing," Syaoran says, just as the boy reaches him. He picks him up, brings him close and presses a soft kiss to his sand-coloured hair.
Fai nods. "I think every new parent has that, that wonder, when it comes to things, especially adorable things, that their children do." He huffs, amused and fond, and shakes his head. "Hell, it's not even just the new parents." When Syaoran looks at him with a questioning glance, Fai shrugs. "You and Sakura-chan both, you're adults now. And yet, I still find most everything you do endearing and wondrous."
Syaoran's eyes widen just a smidge, before he ducks his head to hide his reddening face. (It's adorable, and proves Fai's point perfectly.) "Fai-san…"
Fai shrugs again, before reaching over, patting Syaoran's head gently, and then picking the now squirming child out of his arms. The boy instantly settles, big, green eyes blinking up at Fai, before crossing adorably when Fai lightly boops his nose with the tip of his finger. The squeaky giggle that follows is as heartwarming as it was earlier.
"Will you and Kurogane-san have one, do you think?" Syaoran asks after a mostly silent minute, voice soft, eyes on his son when Fai looks up at him. 
Fai hums, half in thought, half for his grandson. "Maybe. It's never really come up, honestly, not even when we got the news of Sakura-chan's pregnancy." Fai has thought about it, though, once or twice. It doesn't sound like a bad idea. "Don't worry, though," he teases with a scrunch of his nose. "You guys are still going to be our first children. That won't change, even if we do decide to have another."
And Syaoran nods, face still pink (Fai wants to poke his cheek, see if it's as warm as it looks). "Then I'll be looking forward to having a little brother or sister."
("Kuropon, what do you think about having children?"
"It's tiring and bad for the heart."
"I mean, yes. But."
"But what? Spit it out, mage."
"I was thinking of maybe having one?"
"We already have one, idiot. More than, actually."
"Kuro-sama, you're being obtuse. I mean, let's have another. A baby. Maybe two."
"...Did the brat's kid send you into a baby fever or something?"
"No. No. Ah, nevermind. It was just a silly idea."
"...okay. If that's what you want. Sure."
"Yes, really."
"I. Alright, then.")
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maybenotmei · 2 years
kaoru gf hcs pls😭🫶?
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with you !
today i'm going to give you the "precious treasure" that you've always wanted!
— ((( o(*゚▽゚*)o )))♡ —
notes: Hiiiii anon i'm assuming general dating so i'll do that <3 thank you for letting me ramble abt kaoru . i have like four kaoru 4* on jpn so i think it's only right i write a lot about her. can you tell i really Really love kaoru seta .
also another anon sent kaoru seta hcs and im wondering R U guys the same person. if not then this is out to 2nd anon as well!!!
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dramatic. very, very dramatic
dramatic in the "proclaims your love for you from the top of the haneoka building if she could" kind of dramatic
(she shouldn't look down though)
in public... it really depends on if you've made your relationship public or not.
kaoru has a ton of fans. you know this very well, especially if you were once one of her diehard fans. in order not to cause or stir any drama, you both will keep your relationship private for a while.
like. remember how rokka's class reacted to when kaoru called rokka "cinderella" out of nowhere and everyone was already freaking out ("what is this?! explain yourself kaoru-san!!")? yeah think that but for the Whole school if they found out.
dating kaoru is like dating a really really famous person except most if not all her fans are in the same general location at the same time. pda is a little hard for you, but to kaoru? oh she'll treat you like one of her "kittens" as to not draw any attention (but if you squint you can tell she has favoritism towards you.)
cmon, she wants to show how much she loves you in public too, you know?
if you guys DO go public, it's going to be a mess. kaoru will be there for you of course, and both of you make sure that you two will not let the mean words or whatever get to each other at all. you're ready to fight for each other if needed because you love each other
(that prev hc could be tied w the overprotective hcs i've done in the past)
kaoru's the type to give you nicknames,
the ones you're comfortable with, of course. darling, love, a lot more, although just tell her you don't like a nickname and she won't use it on you. promise.
kaoru has a way with her words, so she'd say a ton of flattering praises and compliments towards you. she'd compliment you whenever she has the chance, but you can catch her off-guard by complementing/flirting with her back— and seeing her flushed face is so worth it
she's scrambling to find her words if you return the flirt. "o-oh, that's very flattering, dear.." (trying to keep her cool)
^^ i think this is Exactly how rumors would start (and your relationship will inevitably become public)
but she also loves spending time with you! when it's simple, day to day life, she loves spending it with you. the little things in life start to feel a lot nicer when you're with the one you love, and that's exactly how kaoru feels about you.
that doesn't mean she's not extra extra with your dates sometimes...... although those only happen when she plans it carefully or hhw's willing to help (and fund) it. once, your date was on a literal cruise ship. you two were inside though (and if you're not easily sea sick, you both went outside on the deck)
has she dedicated multiple performances to you? yes. has she tossed guitar picks on stage in your direction in hopes you'd catch it? absolutely. has she given you one personally with her signature during a really special performance on your anniversary where you didn't catch the guitar pick? yes, yes she did.
practices and after concerts are almost the same in a way that she would take up every opportunity to flatter you— except after concerts, you'd congratulate her. whether it'd be roses, chocolates, or maybe just a simple hairpin, she'd treasure it. you might catch her wearing that hairpin the next day, or in a concert for everyone to see.
now, theatrical performances. she loves you but she has to stay in character, right? however that really doesn't stop her from looking over in the audience for you, hoping, just hoping you're there. and when you are, when she sees you, she will perform to her utmost best. (not like she already was... but seeing you makes her motivated)
you mean everything to her, and she'll never ask for anything more.
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susartwork · 2 years
✧ Welcome, have a nice stay! ✧
Ask - open Request - closed (read the rules below before sending the request)
Next event: 1K followers special
Mod's status: Very busy with school atm.
✧ ↓ CW hashtags, about me and my projects, request rules ↓ ✧
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Undertale and Undertale AUs
My art (do not repost any of my drawings, ask me before using my art, always give credits, and do not copy or trace. Thanks!)
Safe For Work/SFW posts - 13/14+ blog
Blood/gore (#cw: blood)
Bad language (#cw: swearing)
Other types of content warnings
I don't often make content that contains CWs. If I forget to tag those posts right, please tell me.
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You can learn a little more about me HERE! (≧▽≦ )
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Underwizard masterpost | Basic!Sans masterpost
If you want to show me your fanart of my characters don't hesitate to tag me! I'd love to see it ♡ -> #underwizard fanart | #basic!sans fanart
You can ask questions to my characters or about my characters.
I might not answer to interactions and art chains.
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I usually go in order from earliest to latest request.
Only Undertale/Deltarune related requests.
I will prioritize requests for a single character.
I won't take requests of something I'm uncomfortable with or its too difficult for me to draw. If I don't take your request don't feel discouraged, try another time with something else maybe :3
Do not send more than one request at the same time nor one too often.
Please know that I may not color and render them all.
And please don't keep asking "why haven't you drawn my request yet??".
I would be glad if you use a nice tone when you send the request. It will make my day and I'll work better, thanks ♡
Don't try to befriend me for fanarts or requests. Also because my real friends don't often get drawings from me anyway lol (sorry :'3) I don't answer to random DM messages.
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To read about my Undertale & AUs headcanons / theories, go here! There you can also find some extra curiosities about my characters.
To roleplay with me and my characters, go here!
Here's my Instagram.
And here's my Youtube channel where I post speedpaints and animations.
I also have a few random accounts on other platforms that I never use. I either go by susartwork or itsubear ☆
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arthrobug · 1 year
Yo yo yo! I'm exhausted and it's 1:30 AM
Vote for an idea of mine, my broken kneecaps and back are on the line homies, please reblog and vote
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I kinda suck at deciding for meself, since I like all of them (of course some are favourites I'll get to dat later), so I need some help if y'all don't mind! If you want to, you can simply comment which idea is your favourite! It would be GREATLY appreciated!
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First up, is a story I made almost two years ago now (April 3rd-5th 2021), The Living Void!
The Living Void follows 24 skeleton children who seemed to appear out of the blue! They all have different goals they're pursuing, but a question that's on all their minds in one way or another is: 'Why are we here?' or 'How are we here?', or something else to that effect! Muscadine is the appointed leader of them, and he is the one most motivated to answer this question, due to the fact he seems to be 'strangest' one. Fighting through their multiverse, Muscadine and the other Living Void kiddos will have to encounter various enemies, such as a group dedicated to eradicating kids like them, a fellow group like them, of course a Destroyer of Universes, and various others!
The Living Void is one of the top three stories! This is because I love my kids and honestly I love the intractability of it.
(By the way this description is so much shorter than the others because it's an interactive story, and details are asked by other people, so if you wanna know Muscadine's backstory, than ask for it if this story is chosen!)
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Secondly, is Killer and a Baby, my oldest story yet! I made it in September of 2020, which is two years ago, and since I go by years and not months cuz' my brain's a bit lazy, almost three years ago. (Feels longer being honest lmao)
Killer and a Baby follows Sans in a post-apocalyptic world, driven mad by the death of dozens of monsters close to him, and watching hundreds, maybe even over a thousand other monsters be slaughtered by discriminating humans. Sans slowly takes the name 'Killer', and due to his new 'lifestyle', determination now drips from his eye sockets, and his soul can now be seen out of his body at all times. One day, while scouting out an abandoned city, he hears human soldiers acting up nearby and hides until they can no longer be heard. Killer leaves his hiding spot only to pass by a dumpster with a small skeleton baby inside. It starts to cry black tears like his when he plans to just leave it there, and he panics and grabs it. Later on, Killer shockingly discovers the baby's soul is also permanently out of it's body as well, but in a shape of a bright star instead of a red target. What an oddly similar child.
KaaB is a tie between bottom three and top three for me, since it's my oldest and I REALLY wanna finally flesh it out, and while I like making backgrounds, backgrounds are still super tedious for me and I also suck at drawing them sooooooooooooo,,,, oh and just as mentioned there's mass genocide so violence/heavy themes warning
It'd be tubular if y'all voted for it, but just know this one will take quite a while because of the details it'll def have.
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Third is Glitch Dad, a more recent story I've never even posted about ANYWHERE yet! Due to that, I don't really know exactly when I made it, I just know I made it sometime this year, maybe mid 2022, whoopsy.
Glitch Dad follows Erratum, a sort of 'reincarnation' of another Multiverse's version of Error. That Error somehow fell into the void, and was scattered across time and space until two great deities decided to give him another chance at life, and placed him in a far of multiverse where he could finally be free of his forced destruction. Error awoke as Erratum, and decided to try to find other monsters (preferably skeletons) like him, his fellows. Instead, the first one he finds is a skeleton toddler, named Ragnarok. Throughout the years, Erratum does find fellows, but in skeleton children that were either abandoned, orphaned, or mistreated in some other way. Because of his slight resemblance to the Error of that multiverse, this giant version of him being still standoffish but quite kind was causing quite the ruckus in the multiverse.
There is seven fanchildren in this that I will include, such as Ragnarok (Hatemare), Meteo (OuterKiller), Somber (Crossmare), Kenza (DustLust), Starcross (Cream), Belladona (DustLust), and Mute (AfterDeath). If I am not allowed to use these characters, PLEASE someone inform me of this.
Glitch Dad is the story tied with KaaB for top three and bottom three, because there will of course be a story in all six of these, but Glitch Dad will be comprised of mostly memes and softness/fluff (AKA an absolutely ginormous traumatized guy being a nice/good dad to equally traumatized kids), so this one is tied because I think it'll be fun to make awsedtryftygouh
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Number four is Bloody Buttercups, the second oldest story! This started because I like the trope of someone hurt caring for another hurt person or something similar to that lmao.
Bloody Buttercups takes place in SaveFell, an AU that exists for (currently) unknown purposes, all that's freely known is that the Sans somehow is in possession of a Determination Star/Save Point, and there is no Player in the files or anywhere. Sans is commonly bullied for being known as the 'soft' monster of the Underground (SaveFell isn't entirely based around strength/LV, it's based around personality and what you do. Strength is still important though-), and one day after leaving his post because he couldn't handle seeing humans from the surface enslaving skeleton monsters due to their heightened magic/strength capabilities, he goes to the Ruins, and sees the usually clean river streaked with fresh blood. Sans follows it until he finds the source, an odd skeleton monster with small destroyed wings. He seemed to have maybe fallen from the surface, somehow, but he had no chains whatsoever. Only odd clothing, ripped up wings, and the large skull of a bird placed upon his own skull. Sans decides that for once, he's going to act like the 'softie' he is, and with some struggle, brings the skeleton to his home to care for in secret.
Bloody Buttercups is one of the top three! This is because it's one of the older ones, has not too many characters, I REALLY like the trope/main character interactions included, AND, this story, when finished, could connect to two other stories that are included! I'm not telling which ones though hehehe
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Number five, UNDERRINK! Probably the newest story I can't remember lol
UNDERRINK follows Frisk, a nonbinary child who is a selective mute, and resides in a rural orphanage. There is some good snowfall one day, and one of the other kids invites Frisk to ice-skate. Frisk doesn't know how, so they reject the kind offer. However, he does take the skates that are given to him. They wander into the forest nearby, but they suddenly feel the ground dropping. Suddenly Frisk falls under the ground, and she lands on a large pile of snow. Soon, she wakes up, to be met with a yellow flower, wearing a yellow scarf, calling themselves 'Flowey the Flower'.
UNDERINK is simply UNDERTALE but played with battle/competitive ice-skating in mind! Everyone simply has a skill and clothes change, nothing magic related! Oddly enough though, 'Sans' looks very different. He has a scar under his left eye, has snowflake shaped eyelights, and even though the story is a basic change, 'Sans', who prefers to be called Frost instead, uses Ice magic?
Oh well, you'll only know the story and why Sans is unique if this is voted for! (And, if this is voted for, and the story finishes, it won't exactly end yet :].)
I'm going to be honest though, UNDERRINK is in the bottom three, specifically the VERY bottom,,,, Mainly because I have no clue how ice-skating works GNEKGHWNAS so if there's someone who knows a lot about ice-skating and is willing to teach it easily to me that would be  a w e s o m e , also I have to draw the entire/main points of the UNDERTALE game so this could either be the longest or shortest one lmao
OH! And, one of the characters (bet you can guess who lmao-) could (keyword, could) be included in one or more of the other stories, hehehehehehehe
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LASTLY! Tunnels, my autistic arse's favourite! (but on the bottom three and I'll explain why in a moment-)
Also pretty new, but older than the last one!
Tunnels is a multi-perspective story following humanoid Arthropods, except Crustaceans, f*ck Crustaceans, no one cares about them right now. This is basically the 'bugification' of the UTMV characters lmao
Some of the main characters include Paint, the dragonfly version of Ink, Sun, the wasp version of Dream, Passion, the moth version of Lust, Slayer, the centipede version of Killer, Grimm, the true bug version of Reaper, a couple of humans too, such as Alphys, and even more!
Since there's so many, I couldn't possibly provide a story example of each one lmao so y'all are just getting this:
Each one has some sort of trauma, minor or major, and they're all dealing with this one detail- Humans have discovered their existence and that might cause a bit of problems, especially violent ones.
By the way, 'Oh wowie bug story!' Gets slapped in the face with some REALLY MESSED UP SHIZ. I think this is the darkest one other than KaaB, which is mass genocide and regular gore (but mass genocide is in UNDERTALE so um). So that's your warning if you're still interested-
The EXTREMELY dark themes warning is because when I was just awfully explaining the backstory of one of the characters to my mother, she had to stop me because she was getting uber uncomfortable with how gory it was, from me just  t a l k i n g  about it,,,, So  U H , major warning! I didn't even really realize how dark this one is until I started explaining some of the story awesrdtfyijnmokl-
Anyways, this one is on the bottom three even though it's a favourite of mine is because: The story and world is absolutely MASSIVE. The large amount of characters require an amount of meticulous detail, and as mentioned previously, Tunnels is one of the darkest ones out of the six. It'll be fun for me that's for sure, but I haven't even fleshed out a solid storyline yet, it's just in bits and pieces for each character.
If you guys want this before all the others though, same as the others as well, totes rad I need a singular thing to focus on lol
That's the six I'm willing to work on, this took about maybe two hours to write out holy he c K my back and neck hurts
PLEASE CHOOSE ONE! If you can't decide or if you want to list out your favourites to least favourites, PLEASE DO SO! Literally any sort of decision other than just going, "this sucks" is awesome ersdtyfiohjk
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gaoau · 5 months
See through my eyes
Raison d'Être warnings — none. word count — 2.7k
prev. — next.
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For someone that hadn't been eating proper meals for the past few days, [Name] had a fair amount of food and ingredients in her kitchen. She had such a wide variety of spices and herbs that Chifuyu could only guess she enjoyed cooking. He'd have to confirm with her later. Right now, he was preparing breakfast for the two of them, just to keep [Name] off her feet for a bit longer. He never thought he'd be arguing with [Name] on a Sunday at 9 am, but she was incredibly stubborn. It took so much convincing and a lot of repeating himself to have her give in and let him handle working the kitchen.
"Okay," she had finally given up in a groan, "but I'll clean up afterwards."
It brought a smile to Chifuyu's face. He figured a little white lie wouldn't hurt her when he agreed to her terms. "Just leave it to me." And for a second there, he almost called her partner like he did with Takemichi. Much like Takemichi, [Name] didn't know when to take a break and let others take care of the work for her.
He really wanted her to rest, though, especially after how little sleep she got through the night. After only two hours of falling asleep on her couch, [Name] suddenly woke up and walked into the kitchen in the middle of the dark to get herself a glass of water. She only woke him up by accident as she tried to tiptoe around him lying on the floor—which they also argued over, because she refused to leave him alone and sleep in the comfort of her bed when he got the hard couch, though she ended up on the couch anyway. She hadn't expected him to be awake when she returned to get some more sleep, judging by how she jumped and gasped as she caught his open eyes in the dark. Impressive, really, how she managed to see anything without the lights on.
"Are you okay, [Name]-san?" he asked, voice slightly hoarse while he sat up.
[Name] hummed, "Yeah, don't worry about it. It's normal." She lay down again to avoid taking up his own rest time.
He figured maybe it was normal. But then she woke up two hours after that again. And by 8 am, she was wide awake and gave up on sleeping anymore. If she had this much trouble getting some rest when she was very clearly exhausted, then Chifuyu was going to do as much as he could so she would get some shut-eye—or at the very least, relax both her body and brain for a bit. Anything to get her back on her feet.
As they sat at the table, sharing eggs and confirmation that [Name] did enjoy cooking—it gave her a sense of control, she said—Chifuyu's eyes averted to the canvas he'd taken a few glances at the previous night. Now in broad daylight, he could appreciate just how big it was. He swallowed another bite while [Name] sipped her coffee—the one he learned she liked with half a teaspoon of cinnamon. "What's with the crazy huge canvas?"
[Name] choked. Chifuyu tried not to laugh at her reaction. She knocked on her chest and coughed, leaving her mug on the table before she spilled her drink. "What?" she managed to articulate with her breath stuck in her throat.
Chifuyu puffed a chuckle, nodding towards the canvas leaning on the wall. "That guy. How big is it?"
"Almost two by one meters. A hundred and eighty by ninety centimeters, actually." She stared at it with a pondering gaze. Her elbow on the table, she leaned her cheek into her palm. "I might have to start working on it again if I wanna, you know, get it done."
"Oh!" The excitement escaped him in an enthusiastic gasp he couldn't control. "Can I stay and watch?" [Name] turned her attention towards him, eyes blinking blankly. His words took a while to process in her mind. He could almost see the cogs turning inside her brain. Then she frowned, cocking her head slightly confused. He clarified, "I like watching you draw."
Her brows jumped. "Ah." Then she fell quiet. Her pupils sliced past him and back to the canvas, bouncing around while she contemplated. She was fighting really hard to keep her cheeks from burning up. She lowered her hand, sitting up straight. "Yeah, sure, I don't mind." In fact, with Chifuyu as company, maybe she'd get more work done. Just a few more of those pesky squares and she'd reach one hundred; only nine hundred more to go. She nodded to herself. "Yeah, I'll clean up and set up my things." She looked at him with a determined smile on her lips. It was a good look on her, if he were being honest.
Though that was Chifuyu's cue to betray her. He shot up from his seat before she could even think of moving. "I'll take care of the dishes. You can get started."
He never saw a smile disappear so quick. "Chifuyu-san, you said—"
"I lied." He couldn't help his laughter as it bubbled in his chest. She gaped at him incredulously. "C'mon, don't argue now."
Was she pouting? "I'll remember this." She was. She was pouting childishly.
"I'm sure you will, [Name]-san."
[Name] reveled in the sound of his mirthful giggles as he headed towards the kitchen with their plates and mugs in his hands. He left her sitting at the table, lost for words. With a playful scoff to accept her defeat, she went to haul the canvas closer, underneath the lighting in the dining room. The melody of water running and Chifuyu's humming swam into her ears while she stared at her boxes of art supplies. She contemplated which ones she should pull out for the few bits and pieces she'd complete today. With how rusty she was, she would be lucky if she could get through one.
She grumbled to herself, "Purge the thought, [Name]." Her hand latched onto the tiny bottle of india ink, which was actually running a bit low. She pondered over her choices. Black india ink or colored gouache? Black india ink or colored pastels? Black india ink or white acrylic paint? "India ink, here we go." Her eyes stuck to the other abandoned and neglected materials. "I'll come back for you guys if I ever need you," she mumbled to herself, hoping she wouldn't need them. But she knew she would. There wasn't a lot of black in a Winter landscape.
[Name] set up her pens and ink, moving a chair out of the way so she could stand while working. She glanced over at Chifuyu wearing her apron as he washed the dishes. The sight admittedly messed with her head more than she expected. Almost as if he could feel her gazing at him like he was everything that was right in the world, Chifuyu closed the tap and glanced over his shoulder. He grinned at her when he caught her stare, flicking water off his hands before patting them dry with a towel.
He did a little excited bounce when he saw the art supplies prepared on the table. "You're starting?" That smile on his face was just so endearing. His hands hurried to untie the apron from his body and hang it back up on its hook.
"Yeah, you can sit anywhere."
He approached with a skip in his step. His eyes seemed to be sparkling as he scanned them over the few squares she had already completed. They were smaller up close. "These are smaller up close." But the amount of detail she managed to carve into each and every one genuinely astonished him. He tried counting them in his mind as he made himself comfortable at the table.
"Yeah, I know, it wasn't—My—Uh—" [Name] fell quiet before a single idea became concrete in her voice. She dipped her fountain pen into the ink. Chifuyu was almost jittering in anticipation to watch her start working over the faint sketches on the canvas. And she did, a concentrated frown settling on her brows. A sigh slipped, "My thought process with this one was… interesting. But I didn't really think it through." She giggled to herself.
He failed to count them. "How many are there?"
She remained quiet as she inked in the trunks of some trees. It was impressive how steady her hand was. "Um, should be nine hundred." It was also impressive how delayed her responses were. "It's thirty by thirty." Chifuyu tried doing the math in his head. Actually, it made more sense to do it like that, but he wasn't known for being very smart. [Name] was glad he didn't try to confirm that it wasn't, in fact, thirty by thirty.
"I thought you didn't like working with white."
A brief silence. Then she spoke, dipping her pen into the ink again, "I don't." And she fell quiet once more. Her hand traced more lines as if it had a mind of its own. A moment later, she pulled away from the canvas briefly to turn to face him. The frown on her face disappeared, replaced by a light simper. "But it's something I need to do. Like, evolve or something." She shrugged. "There's probably a better word."
"Maybe," her voice trembled with laughter.
Chifuyu watched with attentive eyes as she returned to work. Again, that frown on her face, gaze fully concentrated on the drawing coming to life before her. He rested his forearms on the table, leaning as close as he could to catch onto every single detail. "So you're doing nine hundred snowy forests and lakes?"
[Name] suddenly stopped for a second, staring into the forest she was creating. He raised a brow while her shoulders bounced, a smile trying to fight its way onto her lips. She was so glad he wasn't known for being smart. She didn't comment on her own little outburst, instead returning to the painting. "Snow is the whitest thing I can draw without losing black and other colors." Her fingers brushed over previous squares of dried acrylics. "Dark green, dark brown, pale blues, some reds and pinks if I'm feeling a sunset, you know?"
He didn't. He really didn't know. He knew nothing about art or the way she saw the world. But he was nonetheless extremely proud of her for diving into a project so big and so out of her comfort zone, despite not needing to. As she bit her lip in concentration, Chifuyu couldn't keep the satisfied grin growing on his face and digging into his cheeks. The scratching of the metal tip on the fabric as she cross-hatched depth into her landscape was like music to his ears in the pleasant quietude enveloping the two of them. There was something so peaceful about watching [Name] draw—even more so now that this was more of a challenge to her than she let on.
She was in her element; so bold and striking while she manipulated the black ink as if it was an extension of her body. Unlike that drenched puppy she had mirrored back when they first met; unlike the oceans of her own tears she'd allowed to peek through her weakness; unlike her downcast eyes when her impostor syndrome swallowed her brain. Chifuyu grinned widely, brightly, more than [Name] could handle if she were to see him.
But she couldn't see him right now as she lost all her focus to the snowy forest. Her breathing stopped for a moment, eyes wide and brows pulled down even further into a concentrated scowl. Her pen dragged diagonally to the right, mumbling, "Tangent, tangent, tangent, tangent. No, no, no, please, no, don't do it—fuck, tangent!"
So peaceful.
"Tangent like the math thing?"
It took her a second to react. She burst into amused giggles, glancing over to him. "Yeah, like the math thing. You usually wanna avoid tangents in art for the sake of composition and visual interest. But now this very lovely tree is a tangent to this very lovely mountain in the back. Unbelievable. Maybe I can fix it. This is what happens when I go in without a reference. I'm kidding, I just had to follow the sketch, so that's my bad." The way she rambled on and on, each thought that crossed through her mind without bothering to filter any of them. It was far more amusing than Chifuyu could have guessed. He liked seeing her flow so freely.
"You do have a really steady hand. Like, that's so impressive."
"Oh, you'd be surprised. I'm more steady when I'm standing than when I'm sitting. I think it's the balance, I don't know. When I was drawing Kazutora-kun, the amount of times my hand would just, um, fail me on his hair."
Chifuyu perked up suddenly. "Can I see those?"
"The Kazutora-kun sketches?"
"Uh, yeah, sure, they, uh…" Her brain trailed off as she looked away from the canvas. She squinted towards the end of the room, towards a bookshelf surrounded by unfinished paintings and lined with numbered sketchbooks. "They're in the twenty-third sketchbook, over there."
She was giving him free reign to venture and scavenge through the piles of art she had accomplished through the years. Practically bouncing, he rose from his seat and bounded over to the shelf, tracing his eyes over the spines of black covers with numbers written in [Name]'s handwriting. Number twenty-three was set apart from the rest. He recognized it as the one she had used to draw him. But before he dove into flipping through the pages, he first took a look at the different canvases scattered around. Cities and buildings, plenty of landscapes, semi-realistic portraits, sliced and whole fruits. Himself.
No, there was no way.
Chifuyu blinked repeatedly. There was no way that was a completed painting of himself. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure [Name] didn't notice him snooping through pieces of her own brain that she manifested into acrylics. When the coast was clear, he crouched down to incredulously assimilate what he was looking at. It was himself. Far more detailed than the sketches she had whipped up in a few seconds each. Surrounded by neon lights and crowned with diamond droplets of rain—was this how he reflected in [Name]'s eyes? Those eyes that were incredibly sharp and analyzing, gazing at things from a different perspective; those eyes saw him like this?
He almost lost his breath, physically feeling his face heating up at this revelation. [Name]'s signature on the corner of such a beautifully crafted painting of himself slammed his heart against his chest. He forced a cough out of his throat to recompose himself. His legs dragged him back to the table in a daze.
"Found it?" [Name] snapped him out of his flustered stupor. He was so glad she didn't look away from the gigantic canvas.
"Wh—? Oh. Uh, yeah, yeah, I got it."
With his palm slapped over his mouth to somewhat tame his blush, he settled down and began flipping through the sketchbook. Ink drawings she had already shown him, perspective studies spanning a few pages, the Ai sketches she'd played with, and then three spreads of himself, blue eyes popping among all the black. He flipped one more page to find Kazutora's face plastered on every inch of the white paper. His side profile, some emphasis on his beauty mark, hair up, hair down (Chifuyu couldn't guess how she managed to convince him to do that), a range of expressions from extremely uncomfortable to a faint pout to a warming smile, there were even a few of his whole body sitting across from her.
Chifuyu hummed to himself in thought. He was quite happy—overjoyed even—to know that these two were finally getting along, but was Kazutora really that fun to draw? Five and a half spreads. Almost six spreads of nothing but Kazutora portraits. Almost double the amount she had managed for him. Was it really that much fun?
Then again, the one [Name] had painted with color was only Chifuyu. The thought made him smile.
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fanfic-gallery · 2 years
Hello! Your spooky month event seems really fun! Mind if I hop in with 589 for Yuta Aoi? Feel free to ignore if you don't vibe with the prompt though, this is my first time requesting so I'm kinda nervous about this haha
Well regardless, happy spooky month to ya! Hope you have a great day/night!
scaredy cat
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“ they were different as individuals, though it seems you were wrong.. ”
✎ yuta aoi x gn! reader
     || platonic, fluff, cowardly! reader
✎ manager’s note : oh don’t be nervous, love, any request is always welcome in my inbox and i hope you have a happy spooky month too 🥺🥺🥺
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“eRK!” you flinched back in your seat, hands rubbing at your eyes, hiding away the plastic toy of a grasshopper from your sight. fear. you had been living in fear for the past few weeks leading up to halloween. anxiety spiking with every step, beady eyes never taking a rest, always observing every room before entering. rummaging through your food before chowing down, scared of anything popping out and spooking you.
you were cautious, specifically hinata. maybe that is why you favoured his brother slight better. yuta, in your eyes, had always been the more sensible one of the two. despite his kin for mischief similar to his older brother, he knew his limits and stuck to them.
it was no secret, you were terrified of scares. any little noise could either send you running towards the other direction or stumble backwards. both the twins had already detected this from your first day, your paranoia wasn't anything to sneeze at. your little habits of nimble at your fingers when you're anxious, swaying your body back and forth.
“producer-san?” you squeaked, trembling pupils darting backwards, shakey breaths calming down when meeting with ginger locks. yuta, the one in question, smiled meekly, dragging at the chair across you before plopping down for a sit.
"onii-chan got 'cha again, didn't he?" he pointed at the cold muss on your plate, chuckling at your weary response. with your head hung low, slouching over, you whimpered. "i'm not- hungry anymore.. is all-" the boy let out a giggle, his palm caressing yours in a gentle motion.
you turned to check up on the ticking clock a few meters from your table, pushing away at the glass dish as you steadily packed up to return to work. "oh, is break already over? why don't i take you back to the office, practice isn't up till later on~" you nodded, receiving another soft grin from the younger male.
"sigh.. i told 'em to put off the pranks, yet he still didn't listen, what am i gonna do with nii-chan, haha~" you both trailed the halls in banter, the sounds of laughter filling the muffling music behind the doors of the training rooms.
"looks like we made it! have a nice day, producer-san, i'll try my best to stop nii-chan from picking on you today~" yuta waved, slowly walking off as you tug at the handle of the entrance.
why did you felt wet?
"..." eyes rolled and stared at the plastic bucket sitting on the flooring of your office. drawing yourself back you glanced, your uniform all soaked and papers drenched. that giggle. you bolted for the door, hues lingering at the figure inches away from you. yuta withholding a smirk, his hand covering up his lips and the other warped around his stomach.
"i- i thought you were an 'angel'!" you pouted, snuggling into your almost translucent paperwork in embarrassment.
"sorry, producer-san, hahah, i must have forgotten the 'fallen' part~"
they were twins for a reason, either one is more mischievous than the other..
yet you couldn't help but fall for their charming trickery.
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