#maybe bragi is with him too....
romy350-romyakari · 10 months
No, I don't allow it
Please crazy brain of mine don't start another AU rn
I don't need the nonsense of it and start to sort out the silliness
Another day it can be 😔
I am leaving the thing on the tags tho
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godsofhumanity · 12 days
You should make some general Thor headcanons since Marvel helped him become a popular god
okie i have some ideas.
i'll be real. marvel is what got me into norse mythology, and i find it super difficult to separate chris hemsworth's Thor from mythology Thor. so my hc's are pretty similar to that portrayal.
personality wise, i think Thor is generally a friendly guy. i mean, i dont think he makes friends as quickly as say, Freyr and Bragi, but deep down, he has a heart of gold and anyone who knows him, knows that this is true.
Thor doesn't really have any filter. he says exactly what he is thinking. he's call things as they are.
i think this makes his relationship with Loki very interesting. marvel has Loki and Thor as brothers, but in myth, that dynamic works better between Loki and Odin instead. so, my hc is that after Odin, i think Thor might interact with Loki the most largely because Loki is a *bit* scared of Thor.
Thor is superrrr strong. maybe the strongest in Asgard after Odin. his lightning is feared by everyone, as it should be. AND he has a temper to match.
with Thor, it's a short temper, but quicker placation. you can easily defuse his anger by apologising, or telling a joke, or acknowledging the situation. i don't think he holds on to troubles. so that's why with Loki, who perpetually sets everyone off, Thor tolerates Loki a lot because he just doesn't get angry for a long time. and once Loki has served his punishment for the crime of the day, Thor is satisfied... UNTIL of course Baldr's death which is simply too tragic to deserve any redemption.
now. as it has been said before, Thor isn't that smart. i think he's a bit all brawn and no brains. and that's ok. Asgard wouldn't want it any other way.
Sif is the love of Thor's life. i think he's always showering her with compliments and gifts.
i find it SUPER interesting that Sif has a son (Ullr) who is not fathered by Thor, while Thor has children Magni and Modi who are not mothered by Sif.
in all likelihood, Magni and Modi are products of extramarital affairs but i'm sick of having to write about gods and goddesses who cheat, so i hc that Magni and Modi, like Ullr, are products of previous marriages.
being warriors, and gods who are susceptible to death, it's completely possible that Thor and Sif's previous spouses/partners fell in battle... or perhaps even simply that they amicably left those partners because the relationship didn't work. idk,, i haven't thought about those details too hard just yet.
Sif has a GREAT relationship with her stepsons, and Thor has a GREAT relationship with his stepson.
i like the idea of Ullr being the eldest son. and i think he has gotten along with Thor from the start. Thor seems like a guy who wants a huge family, so having four kids i think is pretty good and natural for him.
Thor is a dad-joke kinda guy. and he also laughs at absolutely anything.
as i have mentioned before in my hc's with Frigg,, i believe Thor gets along with his stepmum very well. i think he has a lot of respect for hierarchy and power, and being a stepdad himself, i cannot imagine that he has a bone to pick with Frigg. it helps that Thor's own mother Jörð is treated well by Frigg and looked after by Odin too.
with Odin, i don't think Thor is that close. i hc Odin to spend a bit more time with the children of his who will take up important roles in his kingdom; for example, Baldr who is his heir, or Tyr and Freyja who would take charge of defense and war strategies, etc.
because Thor isn't all that bright, i don't think he that much responsibility in terms of organisation or management... he is simply a powerhouse who lends his aid when it's requested.
that's not to say that Thor and Odin don't like each other. they just have a different relationship. they are similar in terms of their personality, and i think Odin definitely would have given Thor instruction in the art of war, etc.
anyhow. amongst the rest of the gods, Thor gets along very well with Bragi. Thor loves music a lot, even if he sings offkey when drunk (which is most of the time).
he also enjoys spending time with Heimdallr. i think Heimdallr would tell Thor stories when he was a child that Thor later still recalls to tell his own children (Heimdallr is the eldest child).
strangely enough, i think Thor is one of the few gods who manages to break the ice (haha) with Skadi when she first comes to Asgard. because she's a hothead and Thor's a hothead and they're both super strong, i think they can go toe-to-toe with each other.
so yeah. there u go :)
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heartkade · 1 year
Thinking about that one theory of Luxu taking Brain’s body and sending his heart to the future. If true, it shows how important Brain is & how caring Luxu as a person is. (thoughts continued below)
We already know Luxu was super worried and cared about the Dandelions from the beginning. Throughout all the events he watched over their safety.
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But he didn’t just watch, he directly involved himself with them (when he shouldn’t have, thus making him the traitor)
Imagine how Luxu felt when the first Dandelion he actually gets to speak to is during the apocalypse… and it’s a kid who says he’s sacrificing himself to make sure at least his friends can live on in the new world.
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Luxu throughout his observing must’ve been very impressed by Brain, who put all the puzzle pieces together and remained coolheaded in the face of extreme danger. Because he did not want this kid to die.
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So going by the theory, right then & there he yoinked Brain’s body and sent his heart to the future, where Brain could be spared from the destruction, be recompleted and given the chance to live.
Bc realistically, Brain would have likely Not survived the total collapse minutes later without a lifeboat.
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And Luxu’s personal thoughts on self-sacrifice has persisted to present day (the below text is from his official character file set during that one KH3 Olympus scene)
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Luxu kept the naming pattern of his subsequent vessels really similar from what we can tell, too (Bragi, Braig).
I really doubt he selects only people who have the letters B-R-A-I in their names by coincidence. I think he names his vessels purposefully this way. What if it’s to remember Brain?
With Luxu going through so many lifetimes, maybe he wanted to ensure Brain’s memory was never forgotten in all of those years. Maybe this contributed to Brain’s later revival in Scala, since to be recompleted, there must be a person at the destination who remembers you.
Though since Luxu still does this, perhaps it’s really in honor of Brain? The Dandelion from the age of fairytales, who was his first vessel kickstarting a very long saga. Because without Brain’s sharp thinking, the Dandelion leaders wouldn’t have escaped & the current world of Kingdom Hearts as we know it… would not exist.
We also don’t know if those two met again (maybe they created a plan) and what other major stuff Brain does in Missing-Link! I can’t wait to find out!
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roxasboxas · 1 year
The "Luxu is Ventus' Dad" Theory 3rd Anniversary Remastered Edition
AKA: Theorizing two characters are related based on their lack of screentime together. Because this post is now 3 years old and we have some more information, I'm finally rewriting it.
Due to the release and completion of Dark Road, we now have a more solid idea of Luxu's personality and can say with relative certainty that we never met the original Braig. That was always Luxu. This was always likely, since as far back as BBS the guy was trying to snag MoM's keyblade back from Xehanort, but Bragi's mannerisms being revealed as Luxu-isms basically confirms it 100%.
This means that Braig's one (1) shown interaction with Ventus is also Luxu's one (1) shown interaction with Ventus.
The interaction goes as follows:
Braig (who is Luxu): How 'bout you leave the popsicle with me, so you can go have your little fight with Terra. You can't be too happy about him deep-sixing your Master. Aqua: Who are you? Braig: You think you two have got some grand role to play. As if. You're only here so that when I finish you off... Terra will succumb to the darkness. So... who wants to go first? Ventus: Shut up! Braig: Oh, so this kiddo thinks he's a full-fledged Keyblade wielder? He's got the angry look down. Aqua: Go ahead if you want to waste your time. Keep trying to drive us apart with your mind games. It'll never work!
Now, this is admittedly not immediately promising, but it actually gives us a lot to work with. It's their only interaction, and it's not exactly a positive one. Even though it's only a bluff, it's still a pretty heavy threat.
[Please note, lots of things after this point, Tumblr has eaten at least once.]
But then, if it's their only interaction, then...
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Why does he talk like there have been more?
For that first bit, we know he's not talking about Roxas at that point in KH2: Roxas doesn't glare at him like that during Days.
And the second image is even more interesting. Most people at this point are seeing Xion as Sora. Axel, one of her best friends, sees Sora's face. Xemnas, the guy who's made of Terra (who trained alongside Ventus for multiple years) and Xehanort (who trained Ventus for a time and grew up dreaming memories of someone else’s life that include him) sees Sora's face.
Xigbar sees Ventus. I dunno about you, but to me having one hostile interaction with a teenager ten years ago does not override psychic mumbo-jumbo better than knowing that teenager for a cumulative 4 or 5 years. Even if you have amnesia-- especially by Kingdom Hearts rules, those memories are still there, even if you don't have access to them.
(Before that line, he also comments "What a blast from the past." Wouldn't be a "blast" if they met, like, once.)
And, as of Dark Road, we know that Luxu is willing to let the people he cares about die.
Bragi's confrontation with Baldr begins with him saying "You... It was you..." in reference to Baldr having killed, like, a decent chunk of the people they know. This is not an emotionally detached reaction! Luxu cared about these people! Maybe not as peers the way they cared about him, but he did care! He does care about the ones that are still alive!
So what does he say after revealing his identity and disarming Baldr in a single motion?
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He's not gonna do shit! He demonstrably could kick this guy's ass, but he chooses not to. Even though he cares about these people. Even though one of them is the grandson of someone he already demonstrably has a connection to from back before he wound up this jaded. That one, which he later on again did nothing to save, even with more and more reasons to do so stacking up.
Let's go back to the scene where Luxu and Ventus actually, you know, talk to each other, because there's actually a subtler detail in it that I want to talk about.
"Oh, so this kiddo thinks he's a full-fledged Keyblade wielder? He's got the angry look down."
In this one line of dialogue, Braig calls Ventus "kiddo." You might be wondering, "What's the big deal? He calls Roxas that all the time!" Yes, he does. He also calls him "Tiger," and Xion gets called "Poppet," both with notable regularity.
Contrast that with how he talks to, say, Sora. He still talks down to him, but he uses nicknames much more sparingly. In fact, he doesn't use any for Sora until Dream Drop Distance. All through Kingdom Hearts 2, the Organization is trying to stir Roxas' consciousness within Sora, but Xigbar doesn't call him any of the nicknames he used for and around the guy the whole time.
Not until DDD, when they've already given up on that plan. He starts out with a "sleepyhead", but there's a very specific moment I want to draw your attention to. A moment I may have neglected to mention earlier in this post, despite its relevance.
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Xigbar comments on the thing Sora does that reminds him of Ventus. Then he calls him "Kiddo." And then he never calls him a nickname ever again. I'm not kidding. Never ever.
We don't see a lot of him interacting with young people outside the Heart Hotel, but we do see once in Kingdom Hearts three he calls the Real Organization's Riku Replica "Kid." Not "Kiddo," but "Kid." An interesting distinction, don't you think?
So, to recap so far: One interaction, yet Xigbar talks about Ventus consistently. He's the only one to see Xion with Ventus' face. He uses nicknames more often on kids that remind him of Ventus, and specifically uses a different variation on a kid that doesn't.
"Okay Ace," you're probably thinking, "I can accept that this proves a connection definitely exists between Luxu and Ventus. But why are you so sure that they are father and son specifically?" Well, I have a few reasons.
We don't technically know how old Luxu is, but he is an adult when Ventus is like 10 or 11. It's not impossible for them to be, like, siblings or something, since some people have kids pretty far apart, but it's not dreadfully likely to me. Based on my own experiences with my big sister, they don't really act like siblings to me, but I suppose that's a personal thing. You could say Luxu "sounds young" in Back Cover, but once you hit a certain point a lot of peoples' voices stay the same for a long time.
Nomura has stated that the next part of the series will be focusing on "bloodlines." We already know we're probably gonna be seeing Eraqus' grandfather in ML and that guy's probably gonna be Brain. Xehanort's already descended from Ephemer. Characters are already descended from each other.
Luxu is short for Luxuria, the sin of Lust. So, from a certain perspective, Xigbar canonically fucks.
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starlightwayfinder · 8 months
If you don’t mind more Waypoint AU questions, what would Ven’s thoughts be on seeing the Daybreak Town mural? Or potentially learning that Ephemer founded Scala?
Does he wind up in the same class as Xehanort or are the Scalan officials more wary of him because he’s the second stranger to randomly show up (after Xeha)?
If he remembers the other Union leaders, does he remember Ava or the book of prophecy?
Thank you for the questions!! I don’t mind at all 💖
The Daybreak Town mural! I’m glad you brought that up, it’s important. In Waypoint, Xehanort is the one to find it. Thanks to Ven, he knows that Daybreak Town is the place from his dreams. Because of the mural, he’s also able to figure out that Scala is that same world. Since Ven is still hoping to find a way back to Daybreak Town… Xeha has to break the news to him. He takes Ven to see the mural and explains everything… It’s a pretty sad moment in the story, and Ven has to accept that if the others aren’t in Scala, he probably won’t be able to find them.
For Ephemer, neither of them knows that he founded Scala. Ven keeps Ephemer’s memory alive by telling Xeha stories about him, at least. (Eraqus might know about Ephemer, so maybe he could help them connect the dots…)
Yes! Ven is in their class and gets a training Keyblade. (He has to learn to hold it the way the others do for training, but when they practice unsupervised, or go on their mission to find the upper classmen, he holds it the same as always.) He also has to learn to read their language, so Hermod, Urd, and Xeha take turns acting as “tutors”.
Master Odin is the only Scalan official concerned with watching over Ven. That being said, he has a lot of other students to take care of too, so he doesn’t find out much about Ven’s origins. Since Xeha pretends not to know much about his past, Ven follows his example. They’re almost a bit mischievous, in that way. Having two secretive friends only makes Eraqus want to ask more questions. In fact, Eraqus is quick to assume they come from the same world, and knew each other before coming to Scala. (He’s almost right...)
Ven remembers Ava, and recognizes the Foreteller’s animal symbols in the classroom :
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 (It’s on the wall we can’t see in Dark Road, next to the entrance to the classroom.)
And the Book… he knows about it, sure, but that’s a little over his head. For the most part, he’s concerned with making new friends and trying to find out where the other leaders went. Xehanort on the other hand… he’s definitely interested in that sort of thing whenever Ven mentions it. I imagine Bragi spies on them when he can, just to make sure they don’t go getting any ideas.
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portellini · 6 months
Deastra X Heimdall - Song quote
"Love's gonna get you killed, but pride is gonna be the death of you and you and me. (and you and you and you and me) - PRIDE. , Kendrick Lamar
Message: No warnings, chill fic. Testing the waters with this one. Deastra is the OC I made for GOW x reader fics, I linked the character info sheet below.
Word Count: 1.8k ish
Vibes While Writing: ultimate sped-up playlist for actual hot ppl
-> Deastra / y/n character info if something is confusing: https://www.tumblr.com/tia-00l/736839705205817344/deastra-gow-oc?source=share
Heimdalls" POV
Again, she's waiting by the hallway, waiting for her "giant" brother to finish with the All-father, my father. Never does she move, and yet I'm still required to watch her even though any of these drunken dim-witted gods could handle her easily. But no, Father insists that I watch her, for the sake of keeping her out of the business he has with that weird boy. So, for another reckless and loud night in the Mess Hall, I pretend to read one of Bragi's many scriptures while endlessly watching this fake god, and my gaze never falters.
"Hail ye jerk!" Oh, what is it now? I hiss to myself. An Aesir who's drunk out of their mind approaches me. "Might I ask what made the All-Father's son such a pain in everyone's ass!" He starts to slug towards me, and I move out of the way while grabbing his face and throwing him in the other direction. The drunk bumps into more drunks and now they're all fighting each other. I scoff and look back to the fake god. "..." Oh shit, where did she go?
Deastra's POV
"And thanks to that lovely drunken Aesir, I smoothly escaped that puppy's gaze." Ever since we arrived in Asgard, I realized that I never fully explored this new realm. I stretch out my arms to the sky, Tonight is the night I fully explore. I look around and wonder where I am. "Oh shoot," I think to myself. I am a bit lost. This Asgardian city isn't too hard to navigate, but I can't help but find this place repetitive to look at. The only thing that really catches my attention is what's beyond those walls. So that is where I'll go. Except I don't know how to get back to the lift, I used my shadow jump a bit too much and ended up in a random shadow beside someone's house.
"KRAA!" A sound of birds catches my attention and I look up. I see a murder of crows resting on top of a house. "Maybe I should do the same as them," I say to myself. Without voicing another thought I shadow jump to the roof of that house disturbing the crows and they fly away. "Maybe I should've chosen another roof," I whisper while looking around for the wall's lift. I squat down and look through a circle made with my fingers. I find it aaannndd I need to get close to the Mess Hall again. That's going to be a problem for me, the poor pup probably noticed I'm gone already. Sigh, I hope the murder scattering wasn't too obvious.
"Oooh it was quite obvious, Sunshine." I look up and see Heimdall towering over me. "Oh shit, how nice to see you here." I grin at Heimdall and he replies with a neverending glare. His face shows slight confusion and annoyance, am I thinking of something weird? Well, I am happy to see him, I just realized I can get him to be my guide.
"Since you're here already-", "No" Heimdall hisses. "I didn't even finish what I was going to say!" "You didn't need to," Heimdall crosses his arms and his glare intensifies. I stand up and avert my gaze from his. I can't help but be nervous. Maybe I should make a run for the lift right now? Can he stop me? Probably. "Don't bother running, you won't make it." Heimdall cocks his head. "How do you know that?" I jokingly say still avoiding his gaze. Oh wait, he has foresight, wait, does he read minds or intent? I forget. I should be more attentive around here.
"Does half of your brain not work?" Heimdall suddenly spits. "Don't think I trust you or think of you as a docile being to the All-Father. It's just what you say is literally what you think, and there's no ill intent." Heimdall steps closer to me and leans towards me. "What really goes on in that brain of yours?" His hand grabs my jaw and makes me face him. Our eyes interlock and he glares into my eyes once more.
I grow uneasy, not from the lack of distance between us, but the lack of awareness I have of his abilities. How far can he see in my mind? He scoffs and pulls his hand from my face. He steps back and turns his back to me.
"Tell me, do you see yourself as the unwanted child in your family." Heimdall looks back at me with a stupid grin on his face. "With what I saw, I can certainly confirm it." I wince at his comment. Never have I doubted the bond I have with my family, but the thought of being unwanted is something I can't get rid of, no matter how silly it might be. Father and Atreus have grown closer throughout the years, and their bond is special. Never have they done anything to make me think ill of my position as their family, it's just a thought that intrudes my peace at times. I notice that Heimdall has turned back to me and his expression is filled with amusement. He sees deeper in my mind than I can realize, rather, he sees the layer of my thoughts that I choose to reject.
"Quit it," I say. "Haha, no, I don't think I will." His grin widens. "Kratos thinks of you as a constant reminder of his past. YOU were there with him in that other world." Heimdall draws closer to me again and bends down to meet my face with his. His eyes pierce mine. "And I suppose it doesn't help that his regrets with his old family resurface with your presence." Heimdall tilts his head, not breaking eye contact. "Your so-called father will never feel for you as deeply as he does for that boy, and you know that." Heimdall stands back to his full height and peers down at me.
I smile back at the god before me. Sure, what he said bothered me for a moment and I began to feel bad for myself again. But what he said was only things that I've thought before. To add, those are my thoughts, not the truth. "I will admit that revelation of yours did hurt to hear," I say while I place my hand on my chest. "But at least if how I felt was true, I wouldn't turn into this realm's greatest jerk." My smile widens and I shadow-jump to an open field that headed towards the lift up the wall. Heimdall most likely saw this coming as he arrived there shortly after I jumped.
"Oh please, what did you mean by that?" Heimdall coos. "I am the Herald of Ragnarok, I am the one he seeks council within nearly every situation!" He continues to spaz about the many feats that would make him feel that Odin loved him truly as his son. "Out of all my brothers, I am the most competent and smartest!" I started to dull out his voice in my head, which was something he noticed right away and did not like.
Heimdall's hand pulls my shoulder making me spin around and face him. I've been in his situation with Kratos when his revenge was his sole priority. I've been with Kratos when he regretted his actions and I did begin to remind him of all his pains. I was in Heimdall's position of having a father who had no true want for you. Although, after he granted my life once more, he gave me his blood and even Faye's as a way of becoming their child, he changed and I was no longer unwanted. Even with Atreus's birth, I was never treated any differently. So thinking I was unwanted in my family is only a pain from the past that still haunts me.
"You know nothing of my intent or the feelings my father has for me!" Heimdall's voice is seething with annoyance. Did he read my monologue just now? The god's face twists. "I do the All-Father's bidding because I must protect Asgard and him. I don't do this because I'm trying to gain his attention like a needy mutt." That's not at all what I thought, did that slip from his mind?
"I may not have the same ability to read intent and thoughts as you, but I can read people to an extent." This time I step closer to the Aesir god in front of me and rest my hands on my hips. "The twisted, disgusting, despicable, and ruthless feelings that old man has towards his sons are vile. He treated Atreus much better than he probably ever did to you and your brothers right?" Heimdall's eyes twitch. "I don't have any ill intent towards anyone here just yet, because the ones I do have issues with are dead, and I frankly don't want any more bloodshed. To be completely honest with you, I pity the hell out of you, and you probably hate that." Heimdall steps closer to me, his eyes dark. "Don't speak another word." I back off once he says this, I don't mean to anger the people of this realm, let alone Odin's most favored tool.
I'm sure this ass in front of me is capable of love. Except the only thing he does love is maybe that Gulltopr thing and Odin. His familial love for Odin will never be reciprocated. I hate how much I relate to this thing. I can't help to think about it either.
"Do not believe that we are similar in any way." He hisses. "Being tasked to watch you has proven to be a pain. You've only been here for one day and I have grown to feel sick of you." Heimdall turns towards the Mess Hall. "You are a rare truthful but infuriating being that I no longer want to deal with. I can truly see there is no actual threat to you being here, so I don't need to bother with you right now." Heimdall storms off. Before he leaves, I can't help but blurt one last thing.
"HEY!" I shout out.
Surprisingly he stops in his tracks. "Your love for Odin is gonna get you killed, but pride is gonna be the death of you and me." Heimdall turns his head to me, his face filled with annoyance. "And what do you mean by that?" My mind is blank, I don't know, I just said it. "No idea actually, don't dwell too much on it golden boy," I say to him with the intent of peacefully ending what feud we just had. I recall what I was doing, going to the wall. I begin to trek to the lift once more, forgetting about Heimdall who hasn't looked away from me. The gods of this realm are much more tolerable than the ones I knew in my previous existence. I genuinely hope to co-exist with these gods, even Heimdall.
Note: Do y'all like it if I color code who talks? Or only if I do it partially.
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lightandfellowship · 9 months
Another thing I'm realizing is that Xehanort and Vidar made the exact same mistake: keeping Baldr's darkness a secret from the others in an attempt to show him some degree of mercy and trust. In Vidar's case he just didn't think that Baldr would target his own friends, and in Xehanort's case he was presumably just reluctant to believe that anything was actually wrong with Baldr. In a way they share the blame for Urd, Hermod, and Bragi dying.
You could maybe include Vor in that list too since she probably wouldn't have gone to the tower all by herself if Vidar had actually told her that Baldr was dangerous and should be avoided (admittedly it's unclear just how much he revealed to her, but it really seems like he kept most of the Baldr stuff to himself).
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blairsanne · 1 year
Hi bb! 💗 I'm curious to know who are your top 3 favourite Deano characters and why? (To watch or read or write or just look at 😉)
Ahh, what a nice question, bb! 💛💛💛 I always need to form an emotional connection with the characters, so... while Deano is always nice to look at, this is really based on the character themselves.
This was honestly kinda hard to answer.
1. Anders Johnson (The Almighty Johnsons)
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This was probably an obvious answer, haha.
I love his sense of humour and desire to have fun. I love how cunning and cynical he can be, despite clearly having his own ethics and hopes for the future. I love how protective he is of his family/Dawn - especially when they don’t realize/appreciate it. I love when he’s confident and self-assured, but I also love when he’s vulnerable/we see his pain points (which all seem to revolve around his bros and Dawn? This is a man who loves certain people quite fiercely even if it’s not a romantic love and even if it's not always realized).
I interpret him as someone who has spent a lot of his life appeasing people to get by (whether his toxic childhood, or PR work in general, or Bragi powered interactions) but that desires to be more open with a few closer people. He both “trusts” them with his snarkier side and uses it as a shield to keep them from getting too close lest they hurt him with rejection. A bit of “well I don’t even like you anyway so there” at times, even tho it’s bs lol and only Axl ever seems to fully buy into it.
I feel like he needs some unconditional love in his life because it certainly didn’t happen with his parents, and it’s a bit touch and go at times with his bros. (Though Olaf seems very unconditional-grandpa-love? Maybe that’s why he and Olaf get on so easily.)
I think of him as a character that both represents aspects of myself and aspects I find attractive in others.
So in short, he’s my favourite because I think he’s very lovable and interesting and in need of love and he’s in a story where I love the concept and all the characters and it’s very easy to write him and imagine lots of scenarios for. 💛 (Also I find him very attractive in this role, even if he hated those absolutely magnificently tailored suits.)
2. Iolaus (Young Hercules)
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Also probably not much of a shock, given he's the other Deano I have a sideblog for! This was the first role I actually saw Dean in, and I loved Iolaus so much back when this was on air, so it was wild to realize this was the same person who played Anders after I got into him haha.
Iolaus is once again a very funny, cunning, cocky character who has some insecurities that I find rather endearing. Iolaus is very charming to me, with his playfulness and heroics. I don't think the other characters see him as heroic necessarily, but he clearly cares about his friends and has many moments of being just as protective of others as Jason and Hercules. 💛
Also I'm always impressed that Iolaus seems to be able to keep up with Hercules; I don't know that he gets enough credit for that. He also should, by all rights, probably get with girls easier than he does since he's such a flirt. (He does have a bad habit of lying, though... Insecure bb.)
Basically I want to be in that world and give him all the love he deserves! I think it helps that I like the universe/world building/conceit of the show already, so I enjoy all the other characters and how they interact too.
Plus: Leather Pants? Those curls? Come on. 😩
3. Jon (Pork Pie)
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This is where I got a little stumped. I also considered Barnaby and Will Johnson for third spot. Even as I write this I'm second-guessing my choice haha.
I really root for Jon. He's a fuck up, but he's trying to fix it. He's trying to make amends, and he gets caught up in a crazy situation, but he's so good-hearted. He means well, and you want him to succeed.
I love that he's a writer, but like, clearly not able to write because of what's been messing with his head (and then the shenanigans of the movie). His behaviours are just so funny at times, like how he orders his burger, his rapping along to the radio, etc. Even though I feel like Jon isn't funny in the sense of like, trying to be funny, he's really endearing and makes me laugh.
Mostly I think what I like about Jon is how "soft" he seems. Like, not in a weak way; he certainly powers through a lot of messed up situations and pulls off crazy things! But the motivation for all of it is this deep love he has, and I feel like he shows that love to his cohorts as well. He can be quite vulnerable at times, even when he seems to believe he will be rejected. The way he seems so touched by every kindness, his attempts to be supportive, and accepting...
I just really want to give this man a hug, haha.
Although I haven't formally written for him, I have a sequel to Pork Pie outlined in my WIPs that feels a bit daunting; both because of the plot I have in mind and because of how great the movie itself is. I feel like there's a lot to live up to, there, so we'll see if I ever end up writing it out haha.
Ahh thanks so much for this ask, bb! 💛💛💛💛
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sadfruittheatre-rp · 9 months
Me: Kateh | They/Them | 28 | Just an awkward silly little guy that can't stop rotating their ocs in their brain
The blog: This is an extension of my Dragon Ball OC art/writing/info blog, @sadfruittheatre! The bulk of character information can be found there, but I thought it would be fun to RP as well, so here we are.
Please read my rules before interacting!
Don't reblog this post to promo me! My actual promo is here!
The characters: So, we've got a handful of little guys here, though only one is currently available to actively interact with just because I'm starting slow right now. However, that doesn't mean that the others are exempt from popping up here and there. But for now, please treat it as though Bragi's the only muse.
I highly recommend that after reading the bios that you view each character tag chronologically in a browser in order to get a better idea of their progression, or just get a more coherent look at the overall story thus far by heading over to my narrative tag. (Though this is a lot more reading and not at all required). A slightly more thorough guide (as well as plenty of silly little extras) exists on that blog's masterpost.
More about everyone below.
Bragi: The primary muse (for right now). He's a Supreme Kai Attendant in-training from Universe 5. However, he's currently working in the Time Patrol as a "Maintenance Specialist" (read: janitor) in order to better understand mortals. He hates the job but he likes the mortals a lot more than he used to. Maybe a little too much?
🌟Full Bio
🌟Character Tag | Chronological (view in browser)
Aneas: Currently not available for asks/threads. He's one of Bragi's childhood friends, and current West Kai of Universe 5. They were once very close, but had a falling out. In that time, Aneas entered his name in the West Kai lottery on a dare and won. He doesn't actually want the job, but at least things between him and Bragi are better, and he's surrounded by loved ones (and plants. So. Many. Plants.)
🌸Full Bio
🌸Character Tag | Chronological (view in browser)
Tomor: Currently not available for asks/threads. Bragi and Aneas's childhood friend and a humble tea farmer. He lost track of his friends in part due to the aforementioned falling out, and in part due to the guilt and awkwardness of being the one to dare Aneas to put his name in the lottery. He'd like to get the gang back together, but they've grown up a lot and he... hasn't. At least, not as much as he thinks he has.
🎣Full Bio
🎣Character Tag | Chronological (view in browser)
Cayenne: Currently not available for asks/threads. A seemingly unrelated human girl who want's nothing more than to kick Gonku's (read: Goku's) ass to knock him down a peg or two. She has no hope in hell on account of being a normal human teenager, but she's trying. She also can't stand the gods, ever since her adoptive little sister Deeji brought Bragi home, her life has not known peace.
💥Full Bio
💥Character Tag | Chronological (view in browser)
Others: There are a handful of characters that will likely be referenced that aren't mine, but are very important to these guys. It's not a lot of reading in comparison but highly recommended.
Hope we can get along!
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ally-holmes · 1 year
A deal with Hades | Anders Johnson x OC Fem!Hades (Ch.2)
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Series Masterlist
Previous chapter -- Next chapter
Fandom: The Almighty Johnsons
Pairing: Anders Johnson x OC Fem!Hades
Rating: Mature (cussing)
Content warnings: free call on mythology and beliefs, swearing and self-esteem issues.
Summary of the chapter: Anders meets with Hades to figure out the extent of his deal.
Word count: 2410
More content in My Fanfic Masterlist | Multifandom
Also avialable on AO3
This work was created to be part of the Deanobingo2023 event by @deanobingo​ It fills the Free Space on both the Character Card and the General Prompt Card; why not?
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A deal with Hades | Chapter Two
A week after the incident, the Johnsons were yet to find the person that had tried to kill Axl and who knew that by doing so Odin and the other gods would be damned. They were genuinely afraid to contact Aïdi Ariti for starters, as she was Hades and all that, and tried to leave her a message at the law firm. She had not responded and her secretary had implied that she was out of the country for business. The idea that those businesses had to do with the afterlife was unsettling. Olaf and Ingrid were unable to find an answer to what had happened or what would happen in the future; they had absolutely no idea about ancient gods and if Greek myths were as reliable as theirs, they were in trouble, because they were all horseshit.
Anders had been taking some time for himself. His brothers looked at him oddly now and that was making him uncomfortable. They seemed to feel pity and gratitude at the same time that they thought he was suicidal. With this time for himself to think, alone and sober in his apartment, he looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.
He was twenty-one when he found out about this gods' situation, and like Axl, he had looked up for information. Unlike Axl, he had actually read it. Apart from that, he had also read the outlines of other mythologies. He had a great memory although he’d built all this personality and character on the premise of being an asshole that's too superficial to actually care for anything. He cared. He cared about his family.
The whole hypothesis of Axl dying before finding Frigg seemed to be a big joke at the beginning. Of course, people die every second, but he hoped that his brother would have a long life. The goddesses didn't want to kill him anymore once he had his two hearts, only to find Frigg before them. So, yeah, Anders was pretty confident in the fact that Axl would be able to live until his forty without finding Frigg. That did not mean that he had to like it. That's why seeing him bleeding out in front of him was worse than when he had this arrow in his chest. He was definitely going to die and with him, his brothers. Anders couldn't bare the idea of Ty dying… Even Mike, although their relationship had never been easy. Anders just assumed that he was the odd one; they didn't need him and most of the time they didn't even want him anyway. Giving his life to save them seemed like a good deal. If Mike or Ty, or even Olaf, had known anything about Hades they would've done the same, and their loss would've been worse than his.
Suicidal? Yeah, maybe. It might've been that which pushed him down the line and affirmed his resolution.
Did he regret it? Not really. It is true that some parts of him still were unaware of the heaviness of his contract with Hades, but the alternative was not an option.
When he deemed himself ready to face his destiny, Anders went straight to the law firm. Her main office was located in a luxurious business building. He walked decisively toward the secretary, ready to use Bragi's voice if needed. The woman at the desk barely glanced at him.
"She's been expecting you," she said doing a gesture with her hand for him to go inside the office, her eyes not leaving the computer screen anymore.
As he entered the new room, a combination of warm and cozy furniture and decoration welcomed him. Aïdi was not like Eva; at all. She was wearing one of her numerous lawyer outfits, seated at the comfortable chair behind her huge desk while scribbling something down. Next to her desk was a dog bed occupied by a golden retriever wearing a vest that announced it as an emotional support animal.
Anders was so overwhelmed by the scene that he froze in the middle of the room. She tore her eyes away from her documents to look at him.
"How's your brother?" She asked politely leaving her documents aside and providing Anders with her undivided attention.
He felt like blushing out of the blue. The chairs in front of her desk turned out to be comfortable as he sat on one, "Alive."
"Good. He'd better keep it that way or I'm going to end up with a collection of all the Johnsons." To his silence, she gave him an apologetical smile, "Too soon?"
"A bit." A pause for him to get more comfortable in his seat, "We're still looking for the person that stabbed Axl. Do you know what was of them?"
"I killed them, of course. That's where I've been lately, apart from doing paperwork. Don't think much about it. Zeus has always been the egocentric type. The idea of having another god known as 'the father' of the gods is insulting to him. At the same time, he's way too lazy to get down the Olympus and do the job himself. Pay him no mind, Axl is now under my protection against them thanks to you."
The dog got up from its bed, stretched letting its joints crack, and then walked its way to Aïdin who allowed the animal to put its head on her thighs. She scratched the dog absently while waiting for Anders to lead the situation; the dog licked her hand.
"Didn't know you owned a dog."
She gave him a genuine smile, "I'm sure you've heard about the dog with three heads, love. We have a ton in the netherworld. They do change their appearance when they're here too. He's Blanc."
"I ran out of names."
Anders couldn't help but smile. The tension in his body accumulated in his stomach. "Why am I not dead?"
"Why should you?"
"I changed my life for my brother's."
"No. You traded your souls. That's different. Plus, you gave yourself to me. You belong to me now. If I want you to be always young and healthy and alive, then that's what's going to happen. If you have a car accident and die, I can just give you another body or fix your former one and keep you alive. Or maybe just collect your soul and take you to my palace."
"You have a palace?"
"Of course I have a palace. Where did you expect me to live? I'm a god."
"I don't know! I didn't even know you were a god!"
"In my defense, you were not supposed to know." She explained to him all the history of her existence, and how she came to New Zealand looking for Loki and decided to give the Johnsons a little hand looking for Frigg from the distance when her path crossed with Anders'.
"So, this is all Loki's fault. Why am I not surprised?"
"Because you've met him. Is there anything else I can do for your curiosity, Anders?"
He got suddenly shy. She was a god, a proper one, and the idea of awakening her ire was frightening. "I thought Hades was male."
"Yeah… Let's say that most of us were misgendered at the beginning by mortals and that got mixed with the fantasies they wrote about us and– Just to be perfectly clear, I did not take Persephone nor did I marry her or anything like that. Did she come to my realm? Yes. Did Demeter freak out? Of course! He was a particularly obsessive father and she was kind of rebellious, you know."
"Demeter is a dude."
"Told you. We were missgendered."
"But you still refer to yourself as a god, not a goddess."
"You think of me like one of the gods from Classic Greece. I'm not greek. The existence of the death gods or gods of the dead is parallel to the existence of life. We were created with creation itself. I'm older than mortals, older than language and writing. Hades is one of the names I like best, to be honest, and Aïdi is just a way of interpreting it. When mortals started to worship me there was only one word to refer to us the-ones-that-are-divine: god. For you it might have a gender; for me, it's a neutral word.
"If that was all you needed for now, Misery has a copy of our contract for you and your brother. Just for you to keep. You can read it, if you like, that way you would understand better what you agreed on, Anders."
"Your secretary's name is Misery?" He smiled.
"Don't assume she's mortal, love."
She went back to her documents ignoring the nervousness that rushed over Anders to the pet name, again. Misery approached him once he was out with a heavy binder and a cream envelope.
"The envelope is for your brother. Some sort of receipt. This, on the other hand, is for you. Be good to her, Anders Johnson; she has a soft spot for you already." For once in his life he was out of words; he nodded and turned towards the exit when Misery talked again, with a dismissive tone, "It would be nice if you read your contract. The paperwork for this kind of trade is exhaustive. That's why she had to bring the dog with her this time."
"You're weird…"
"Wellcome to the family, Anders Johnson," she deadpanned.
Dawn talked to him with her usual tired yet angry tone in her voice. He wasn't focusing, like, at all. The binder rested on his desk, big and heavy looking; expensive. Anders' look kept drifting toward it instead of the documents. Dawn kept complaining about the missing clients and how they didn't want to meet with them; she kept pushing him to make the calls himself because he was the one with a silver tongue. If she only knew… Bragi's powers were only useful in person when he could engage the mortal with his eyes as well as his voice.
"You know what? You're right," Anders determined standing up and cutting Dawn's whining.
"Am I?"
"Yeah. I'll go talk to some clients," he picked the binder with his other things, "and you can close up once you're finished."
She followed him to the door. "No. No! Anders! Don't do this to me! You can't just leave me here!"
"Then go talk to some clients in person too, Dawn. Who's going to stop you, huh?"
He placed his hand on her shoulder, "You got this. Bye."
Anders heard her curse through the door but didn't mind. He went to talk to a client; two of them in fact, but they didn't receive him. He drove to Mike's finding it closed to the public although all the gods and Zeb were there drinking for free, as usual. Anders greeted them in his fashion before handing Axl the cream envelope.
"What's this?"
"I saw Aïdi today. That's yours."
"You found her?" Ty questioned immediately.
"Not so hard, really. She was at work." He took a long sip of his beer noticing in the corner of his eye how Axl was opening the envelope.
"She wasn't there when we called," Mike replied.
"Been busy, apparently. Aïdi found the one that tried to kill Axl. As it turned out, they were Zeus' kid. Zeus wanted Odin finished forever. So, she was busy with that," another very long sip; the beer was almost gone just like that. "Oh, and the paperwork for our deal."
Axl, who had been reading the document inside the envelope, looked at his brothers with a frown. He gave it to Mike, who was about to snatch it from him. "Does this mean that if I don't sign, I'll be dead?"
"What? No! You didn't make the deal, I did. This is just a receipt for you. I have a whole binder with my contract. Heavy as a bad fuck. On the bright side," he finished his beer and opened another one, "I have all eternity to read it, don't I?" His smile was big and sarcastic.
"Then you don't sign."
"God of wisdom my ass," he mumbled. "Axl, you egg, I already sign it. That's why you are pretty much alive and I have this thingy in my skin."
The silence became pregnant and uncomfortable. Anders drank looking only at his hands wanting to sort out his own feelings and thoughts. He finished his second beer and looked around.
Frowning, he faced the others, "Come on, my soul belongs to Hades. So what? That's worse than the alternative. I'm not dead, stop looking at me like that! What's more, you are all going to grow old and die, and I will still be me and be alive if I want to because Aïdi is fucking awesome for a god of the dead. She's nothing like that emo-crazy child Ty got married to."
"But– What if you end up like Ty after he got with Eva?" Olaf voiced common concerns.
To Anders, the sole idea of Aïdi having that behavior towards him was so ludicrous that he couldn't help but burst out laughing; honest and freely. "Let me deal with her, all right? She's nothing you should worry about."
Oh… Oh, that was new. Was this what they call jealousy? Maybe not, but it hit quite close to it, though. The idea of his family drawing Aïdi's attention to the point of him not receiving enough was unsettling. True, it wasn't the first time that he had wanted her undivided attention on himself. It had happened before he knew she was a god, but he assumed it was the unsatisfied sentiment of accomplishment. He wanted her. He had wanted her badly, but flirting and dancing around each other was more satisfying than just using Bragi's powers to lure her. So he had waited and used his mortal methods on her without the desired outcome. However, no other guy seemed to be lucky either when they tried to hook up with her, and he always put some extra effort into distracting her from them. Anders had thought that the burning feeling in the pit of his stomach, the crawling of his skin, and the sudden sour mood were the result of him not getting what he wanted and not the fact that someone else was going to steal his place. Because it was. It was his place.
To be continued on Chapter Three
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ulirblood · 6 months
The most intangible things take the longest to prepare.
Even as the date approaches, even with all of his practice under Lady Deirdre's tutelage, as diligent as his practice with the bow had been all his life, Andrei remains unsure of his decision. It would be easier, he knows, to simply acquire a trinket with his limited funds, as he had the previous year. There would be no chance of failure, and Edain would accept it, would appreciate it, would find it meaningful.
(After all, she expects so little of you that anything you have to offer would be a pleasant surprise.)
But it wouldn't have been as meaningful, not to him. He'd known what he'd wanted to do, had known ever since his ill-fated return to Jugdral had been a failure. If he cannot be allowed to rectify his mistakes... he would at least attempt something truly right and good, for once. Even at the risk of Edain not quite understanding the significance of such a gesture, coming from him, it is something he needs to do.
And so it is with this conviction that he seeks her out. "There's... something I'd been practicing, that I wanted to show you," he says, the only explanation he gives before reaching out with palm up, a silent gesture for her to take his hand. Should she comply, Edain would find her brother's fingers, slightly cold to the touch as usual, closing over hers. A beat of silence, then—
Warmth, and a soft, white glow, blooming over her hand.
It's easier to cast a Heal spell without the presence of a physical wound. It's what beginners are set to practice, over and over, until they are deemed ready to work their magic on living beings needing treatment. For all intents and purposes, this is not a difficult task for Andrei, who had worked tirelessly to master the spell in the lessons given to him. Still, his expression holds the same utter concentration as when he'd shot his first arrow, under Brigid's watchful eyes.
(This is important, so he cannot fail. A sentiment unchanged across time and circumstance, for better or for worse.)
The light finally dissipates. Andrei squeezes Edain's hand, his own still warm from the lingering magic. A small, inadequate repayment for the kindness she'd given him since their reunion, but an earnest attempt all the same.
"It's not really much of a present, but..." he trails off. It's not a present, but at the same time, it's what he'd wanted to show her. That she'd left a mark on him, one as potent as that of Lady Sister Brigid, though he'd been blind to it nearly all his life. That he sees her, that he'd always seen her, as important, even if he'd tried his hardest to convince her — and himself — otherwise. That her faith in him isn't completely in vain, despite how much he might stumble.
That he would choose to take her hand, as long as she is still willing to extend it to him.
"...Happy birthday, sister."
once upon a time her brother had berated her at the thought of her becoming a priestess. there wasn’t anything to be had in nunhood, he would have scoffed a long time ago. how would they find lady sister if not as a bow knight of the beige ritter?
and she had subscribed to that idea too, for a long while— for longer than she should have, perhaps. she’d grown up dreaming of becoming an esteemed knight of the beige ritter— with no mark of ullr, there should be nothing else for her. yet she learned the role of the priestess, ones who did not hurt but healed. women and men serving bragi and the crusaders and using that faith to help the people around them. she was never the religious sort beyond her appreciation for her ancestor and crusader ullr. yet still, edain knew she wanted to be part of that. andrei at that time would still have insisted that the bow is the only path for them.
but maybe, just perhaps, what if ullr was telling her to follow her heart?
it was those few gran that she spent in agony, constantly wondering if the bow was how she wanted to help people. if the bow was the only way that she would ever see her twin sister, or if there was some other way that they would be reunited. 
that’s why she remembers far too vividly andrei’s confession of hatred after she had said she would go into nunhood and become a priestess. he’d accused her of giving up— as if such a thing was ever possible for lady edain of yngvi.  the announcement had ended up in tears and their separation, with andrei telling her that he hated her.
she remembered that moment for a long long time, could never quite get rid of that memory forever. with time she had managed to justify the memory— they were both kids with a lost sibling people were giving up on finding, how could they ever have been expected to communicate properly? the maturity was not there. their decisions were informed by the trauma of losing their dearest sister. all sorts of little statements to herself as if to keep herself sane.
but still, it stuck in her mind despite her best efforts to not let it affect her emotional health. it wasn’t until she met up with him in fodlan after belhalla that she had finally gotten closure on that relationship. he had never said it out loud, but she knew that her brother had really loved her the entire time. first it had been the way he had said he didn’t hate her— and then it had been his recurring presence now for her birthday. little things that had her believing he loves her that added up over the last few gran.
it is safe to say that their relationship is doing far better now than it was doing only ten gran ago. still, she does not expect him to ever take interest in her faith and her profession— and that she would never blame him for. she recognized how different it was from their ancestor’s way of handling things, after all. how different it was for a yngvi to go into healing, of all things. even her sisters of nunhood had scoffed at the idea of a noble princess like herself becoming a priestess until she proved herself to them.
so when he takes her hands and tells her there is something he wants to show her, she does not know what to expect. she looks down, larger more calloused hand embracing her own soft and dainty one. the warmth of a heal spell does not quite hit her right away.
but when it does, her eyes widen in surprise. she looks up to see the concentrated expression on andrei’s face. the very same one she used to see at the training grounds in the duchy of yngvi when he would pull the string of his bow back. “andrei…” she whispers his name in disbelief in the brief silence between the two of them. it’s not really much of a present, he says.
he could not be more wrong. “you…” she swallows and looks down at the ground, shaking her head as she feels tears forming in the corner of her eyes. “you idiot. this means the world to me.”  did he know what this really represented for her?
it was once again more evidence that he loves her, but this piece larger than anything she’s seen from him before. a reminder that she was seen for what she believes in and a reminder that she was not the only one putting effort into their relationship. 
“thank you.” she sniffles briefly, pulling her hand away and moving in closer to hug him tight and bury her head into his  shoulder. she did not even stop to think where he’d learned this from, only the meaning behind it all. “this is the best present you could have given me, brother.”
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tishinada · 1 year
So, last night @rainofaugustsith​ ran Kass through the Ghimlyt Dark (thank you!!)
I adore the way Raubahn physically interacts with a Lalafell (Haurchefant was also really good at this.) After the dungeon, when you’re reporting to him about Alisaie’s collapse and you get another vision from the Crystal Exarch trying to pull you to the First, he runs around the table and gets on one knee to talk to you and make sure you’re ok. Not really a surprise since, of course, a lot of his story arc has been as surrogate father to Nanamo and Pipin, and except for being a bit over-protective of Nanamo, he’s clearly treated them with respect for their abilities (you don’t get that sort of unreserved affection and loyalty in return if you haven’t.) But that moment really struck me. Even if he did the same with other races, I feel like it was included so he wasn’t towering over a Lala WoL in particular.
Also, Kass wakes up in a bed in Ishgard that’s big enough for about 8 Lalafells to sleep without touching lol.*
Then I stayed up way too late getting her through the opening quests of Shadowbringers, lol.
I’ve not only looked forward to this because Shadowbringers is so good, but because one of the first things I noticed on Zas was there were no Lalafells on the First. Anywhere. Which is eerie if you like Lalas like I do. But of course, you don’t find out where they are (or even that they are called dwarves) until you reach the level 78 quests just before Mt. Gulg. Even if dwarves are mentioned, there’s nothing to suggest a connection to Lalafells
And because we know the First’s dwarves are so reclusive, I wondered if people would react uniquely to a dwarf (especially an unhelmed dwarf because presumably at least some residents of the First would know what that culturally meant to the dwarves of the First.)
It turns out that yes, someone does. AND if you’re playing a Lalafell WoL, you are given enough information to know your race is called dwarves on the First before you even meet with the Crystal Exarch for the first time:
During the tour, Bragi, the manager of the marketplace says: Forgive my asking, but you are a dwarf, yes? We don't get many of your lot coming down from the mountain these days."
And I have the option to respond with "dwarf?" or "Actually I'm a Lalafell." (paraphrased, I didn’t think to type them out atm.)
Then he goes into his description of the peoples in the crystarium which obviously doesn't include dwarves. So Lalafell players find out their First equivalent are called dwarves long before anyone else. He also adds later if you click on him:
"Bragi: I didn't point them out earlier, but I'm sure you'll spot a Mystel, or another Ronso like me sooner rather than later. Even Viis like Captain Lyna aren't that unusual in this city.
Bragi: Aye, the Crystarium's long been a sanctuary for all manner of refugees─except maybe the dwarves. Your lot prefer to keep themselves to themselves, in my experience."
So, a Lalafell player gets this information way before anyone else. Which is only fair since it would be really eerie (and tragic) to be moving through an entire world where apparently your people didn’t exist.** Instead, you’re given just enough information that a player with a Lalafell WoL isn’t particularly bothered by their absence. And would realize when you’re sent to the dwarven village in the MSQ that you are about to meet the dwarves.
I’m looking forward to seeing what other unique dialogue Kass gets, particularly in Tomra, lol. And because I’m going to lean into this a lot, have Kass’s Shadowbringers glam for warrior:
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My HC is that the Crystal Exarch brought the chest piece with him when he met her outside the city so she wouldn’t stick out any more than necessary since lalafell/dwarves are such an unusual sight on the First. And already thoughtfully dyed that shade of pink she loves (considering his hero worship for the WoL, I think it’s entirely likely he’d extracted details like that from one of the Scions who arrived earlier.) Either he dismissed the idea of the helm because he knew she’d reject it, or that would conflict with their story that she was from the Exarch’s homeland, meaning she wouldn’t have the right to wear the helm belonging to either dwarven village. Easier to have her be viewed as an exile.
I’ll post any more unique dialogue as I find it!
*I found the solo duty at the end of post-Stormblood with Zenos was a lot easier as a tank than it was for Zas as dps, lol, mostly because warriors really do soak up most damage with a shrug. It just takes longer than with dps like bard.
**I did check to see if Giott is in the bar at the beginning. She is not, so Kass is the only “dwarf” in the entire Crystarium.
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recusant-s-sigil · 10 months
xehabraig drabble mayhaps?
This’ll probably stay here unless I really feel like putting it somewhere else but yeah. Somewhat ooc but who cares I wanted to write something fluffy
The Key
Braig watched Xehanort pace around the room, a hand to his lips in a contemplative manner.
“So what you’re saying is,” the silver-haired youth began, “I’m comprised of two other people.”
“Both of whom wielded a giant key-shaped sword.”
“Keyblade,” Braig corrected.
Xehanort slowed his pacing. “Right. So it stands to reason that I could summon one as well?” His voice rose at the end of the sentence in childlike excitement and wonder.
With a short, sharp laugh, Braig barked, “You’ll never know unless you try!”
Xehanort’s brow furrowed playfully and he ceased his pacing, setting his hands on his hips and leaning toward the guard with a pout. “Like you’ve wielded one.”
Braig gaped in fake scandal and gasped. “I can’t believe you would direct your sass at me like that! I’m hurt, Xehanort.” His grin was contagious. The apprentices’ laughter rang like a clock’s chime.
Eventually Xehanort managed to compose himself, wiping away a tear that had managed to find its way onto his cheek. “Okay, but seriously. Did you really wield one?”
The last peals of mirth were torn from Braig’s throat at those words. He decided to match Xehanort’s tone shift, growing quiet. “A long time ago,” he muttered almost unconsciously, only realizing what he’d said a second too late.
Him and his big mouth. Maybe Braig was secretly hoping Xehanort’s heart would remember. Maybe he was tired of hiding. Either way, he had a sudden urge to lay it all out in the open.
The words spilled out of him. He told Xehanort everything about his time as Bragi. As his classmate and friend. He didn’t dare allow himself to go back further.
Xehanort listened to the tale intently, enraptured by all Braig had endured but not exactly listening to the content of his words more so than his voice. Yet something about his admission… Awakened something in Xehanort’s heart. The memory of something in his hands, something sturdy and intricate and dangerous. His fingertips tingled and he stretched out his hand and in a flash of purple and black smoke it was there in his grasp.
Braig’s rambling trailed off as he saw Xehanort standing in the middle of the room holding the Keyblade, staring at it with wide, frightened eyes and mouth ajar. He was breathless as he examined the weapon.
“Wow?” Braig parroted. “You just summoned a Keyblade and all you can say is wow?”
Xehanort grew bashful at his friend’s comment. He glanced away and chuckled, slightly scratching his face with his free hand. “To be fair, I didn’t expect it to just appear like that.”
Braig shrugged in that nonchalant way. “Whatever. Okay, now that you’ve summoned it, think you can un-summon it?”
Xehanort closed his eyes and loosened his grip. The Keyblade clattered to the floor, thankfully muffled by the rug. They both still winced at the sound. Xehanort dove to pick it up. Braig bit his tongue to keep from laughing at how red Xehanort’s face was.
“Why don’t you try that again,” he prompted.
This time Xehanort continued holding it. With a steadying breath, he gave a silent command to the Keyblade. When he opened his eyes, his hand was empty. Cheered by his success, he practiced conscious summons before letting his instinct do the work.
“Enough with the light show,” Braig said, shielding his good eye, “you’ve got it down!”
“All because of you, Braig,” Xehanort cheerfully said, dismissing the Keyblade. He jogged over to his friend and grabbed his hands. “I wouldn’t have known it was possible without your help. Thank you.”
Those two little words exploded in Braig’s heart. “You’re… Welcome…” he said, a little more breathlessly than desired, his first genuine smile in forever plastered on his lips. 
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stresslitzia · 10 months
🎶 ask game!!
Song rolled: Pigeon - Cavetown Themes: Contemplation, regret, and loneliness Character: Baldr (Kingdom Hearts) Setting: Post-DR 'Baldr kinda-Succeeded' AU Length: ~400 words
Fuzzy feeling and I miss you Why can nothing stay the same?
The quiet air around Scala felt eerie. For a town with so much life, it had seen quite its share of death recently, too. To the best of Baldr's knowledge, there were thirteen deaths over the past two weeks- though the Heart-shaped moon never appeared as he'd been told it should have. He must have made a mistake somewhere. Perhaps someone had survived, or someone hadn't counted. And now…?
Well, now he was left to face the realization of what he'd done.
The pale boy found himself near the edge of town often now- right where he and his former classmates often spent hours bantering. There were never any creatures in the area, and the locals avoided him like they feared they would be next on his list of targets. But today was different. As Baldr picked apart the sandwich he had made, tossing bits of his meal onto the cobblestone before him, a single creature finally deigned to visit. He watched the bird- a nearly solid black pigeon- pick up the discarded bread he had previously tossed.
…And so, he chose to continue his visits, if just for the feathered friend he'd made over his inability to properly eat. The weight of his deeds was still great, but he often found himself talking to this bird. He could relate, after all- being so absorbed by Darkness that others cast you aside. Needing to find another way to survive.
"They thought I was a beast," he'd once told his companion, "or a monster of some kind. But to have villains, you need a hero, right?" Of course, the bird hadn't responded to him. It was a bird. Baldr was left in silence when his companion fluttered away that day. Left to remember what he'd done in detail. The ones that stood out in his mind were those he had been so smug over. Urd, Hermod, Bragi… The pride he had felt the day he struck down Vor, Eraqus, and Xehanort was all but gone. The pride over all his classmates, really. Maybe he shouldn't have done it.
While Baldr persisted, the black pigeon had all but abandoned him. The locals of the isle he called home had all left. Perhaps it was time he did, too. But he couldn't. Not yet. And so he stayed there. He stopped returning home as the weather turned cold, ultimately deciding to just let the snowfall take him far, far away.
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luminousrider · 11 months
“The way you all showed up together,” Sara muses as though trying to grasp air, something that she cannot entirely understand that slips through her fingers the harder she tries. “Family…”
She does not know every detail of how Leif and Altena ended up as strangers to each other nor does she even really care to be privy to them, but Leif hardly knows his sister any better than Sara does.
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“I do not need to tell you about the Crusader Bragi, do I? Anyone who spends more than a day in Jugdral has surely heard of him. Even I know of Bragi and of the church he founded. Do you still keep in touch with Coirpre or is your real family more important? I’m not criticizing you, I’m just curious - how strongly one’s blood calls.”
“Ah, I still need to tell you about your partner. Her name is Camilla. Look for tresses a shade off from mine. She’s nice. Apparently, she comes from a large family. She said she is sure you won't disappoint her. I don't think you will either.”
I’ve brought the equipment you asked for: Iron Lance (Blue) Ignis (Offensive Special) grants an additional 0.5 to damage dealt Rally Speed (Assist) grants 3 speed Defense+ grants 1 defense However, if you’ve had a change of heart since signing up, you should tell either me or Lord Leif right away and we can exchange it for you.
Your real family.
Sara's words freeze the blood in Altena's veins. She knows she means her biological family, her birth family, but to hear them referred to as real feels wrong. It's such a simple word but it's powerful enough to erase every happy moment from her life growing up as Thracia's princess if she does not correct it.
"Both of my families are real." She does not intend to speak with as much defensive venom as she does but she cannot help but think about Arion and Coirpre too. Even if she hadn't been raised as Coirpre's sister she'd always considered him something of a younger brother. Both of them deserve far more than to be considered anything less than real. Both of them receive regular letters from her. More than she ever has for Leif.
She sent letters ahead of her return home the last time she had been in Fódlan.
She left without a word to Leif. Let him find out on his own that she'd returned to Thracia.
But she came back. For him. She signed up for this tournament because he had a hand in running it. She's here because he's her brother even if she hasn't been much of a sister. Maybe now is the chance to start.
She sighs. Sara has been there for Leif more than she ever could and, really, she is glad that her brother has someone like her in his life even if that someone isn't herself.
"I know Camilla. We've fought together before. And no, I won't disappoint any of you."
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crossingbaranduin · 1 year
Post-3x02 thoughts: I know it’s impossible in show canon, but I would love to see Dawn’s reaction to the Anders’ near death incident. Word dump of various reasons below while I work:
(General note: besides #6, this takes place post-series finale but with Dawn remembering + having been told about their time as gods. Details beyond that don’t really matter; I’m placing this sometime within a year post-finale, where Dawn finds out about the Idun stuff in passing and then finds out the full story from Anders. Cue “what the fuck”.)
1) Huge one is because I think she’d have one of the more interesting “outsider-looking-in,” mortal takes on the whole situation. Neither Anders or Gaia had control over the situation; it’s lose-lose, and they clearly didn’t want it as themselves. I think it’s a reasonable mortal perspective to expect the gods to get this, considering it’s a vessel-specific problem — but the inverse occurs where it’s almost seen as a worse offense/excuse (or, at the very worst, the accusation that Anders used his powers on Gaia to make this all happen). Really just want a confrontation here that boils down to “if anyone should understand why the hell neither of them could stop this, it should be the gods, so what the fuck happened?”. (Even more room for discussion with how while Gaia does get some criticism for what happened, Anders definitely takes the majority of the heat by the end.)
2) I think Anders would explain the situation better to her than the actual conversation with his brothers, at least to a degree. A lot of where the bar conversation goes wrong is with Anders’ blustering that super reads as a defense mechanism tbh. It’s definitely not that he’s good with being emotionally open with Dawn, but I think if the subject was pressed, she’d have the best chances by far of getting the emotionally honest version of how fucked up it is to be a vessel in that situation.
3) Ty/Dawn material because I can: add in a Ty and Dawn conversation about what happened. I need it. So much good hurt/comfort potential there. Ty’s reaction to seeing Anders’ injury and his subsequent falling unconscious really gets me (him pleading with Anders to stay awake? so many emotions about that), and tbh that’d be pretty damn traumatizing to see. Really just want a conversation that goes from “how the hell did this happen?” to “even for this family, how did it escalate this badly?” to “things went unchecked for way too long, and now Ty has to live with seeing his brother bleed out in front of him in mere seconds”. Can’t really get a better postponed breakdown finally happens + comfort hugs scenario than that! (Also: Ty being the only one to really get how unavoidable the bond is between god-spouses. Would any conversation have gone differently if the Hod-Hel and Bragi-Idun parallel had been explicitly brought up?)
4) I have a MILLION thoughts about the scene where Anders almost opens up to Mike about what’s happening but just stops short of doing so. This literally might get subheadings. Anders ending up in over his head and subconsciously running to Mike to fix it on instinct and then rethinking it because their relationship isn’t the same as it once was. Mike not having 100% confirmation but knowing what happened before it’s confirmed nonetheless. Mike wondering if he had actually pushed Anders and intervened, maybe they could have had a different conversation with Axl not leading to Anders�� near-death. In general, the complications that come with needing to run after Axl but that also meaning Mike can’t/doesn’t stay back to see how Anders is recovering. (Okay, back to the part that actually involves Dawn, oops!) Less direct than I feel like there’d be with a conversation between her and Ty, but I feel like after the topic gets brought up again, it’d be possible for Anders and Mike to have a fuller conversation about this hell scenario and to at least repair like, one tiny block in the Jenga tower that is their relationship.
5) Axl’s got a looot of shit to work through, which I’m usually much more sympathetic about. However, in this context, I really want to see the hilarity that is “the former most powerful god getting intimidated to hell and back by one very angry and terrifying mortal”. Don’t piss off Dawn, she basically runs JPR for a reason.
6) While I’m picturing this post-series finale, with the caveat that Dawn remembers everyone + they’ve explained their former god powers to her, a mid-S3 AU has some fun angst potential with Anders still having Bragi’s powers. Specifically: Dawn confronting the other gods about how almost killing someone over something they couldn’t control is Pretty Fucked Up, but Anders attempts to Bragi her out of continuing because he doesn’t think this talk will have any real effect and being openly defended in this situation is not something he’s mentally ready for. Twist: Dawn is 100% set on doing so because she genuinely believes this one wasn’t on Anders, so his powers fail. One hell of a shock for everyone involved, especially considering how rarely his powers fail in canon!
7) I just need more Anders and Dawn hugs in general. He’s tiny enough in comparison (especially with Dawn in heels) and deserves to put his head on her shoulder and be wrapped up in a good hug.
…This went on for far longer than I expected and should basically be its own Google Doc fanfic WIP at this point. TL;DR: please ask me about my 3x02 related thoughts because I have So Goddamn Many Of Them. (Thanks for reading if you got this far!!)
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