#maybe i really am stupid. he's gotta be doing that. but then why do book reviews say there's love involved? you'd have to take it seriously
stinkbeck · 1 year
dude i'm gonna throw up. i cannot write a critical analysis of this writer without hating on him. i do not wanna make my prof feel bad either though. :/
#like ok he's supposedly a satirist but is it satire or just equally flattening everyone into stereotypes... am i an idiot??#he's like a satirist but his main thing is that the system works. :/ so uhhhh what r u doing...#like r u just writing to fill bookshelves at the store?? just so people can pass the time reading??? i'm confused.#+ like i feel like i get the moves he uses. it's very haunting it's just that it's also... archaic...#am i missing the point of this guy completely???#plus i think i'm haunted by his stories bc i'm like 'this is how he thinks the world works?!' but maybe i'm missing it.#maybe the point is that the narrator is a terrible person + all these people r just living their lives + the narrator gets their motives#totally wrong. i guess that could be the point of it...? or that the shallowest person in the story is the narrator for everything???#making false assumptions about everyone else???? based on sort of typical story structures????????#well i guess it's more interesting than taking it at face value. but i don't know how i could back any of that up other than being like#'this author is so well-regarded that he must be doing something smart like this.'#maybe i really am stupid. he's gotta be doing that. but then why do book reviews say there's love involved? you'd have to take it seriously#2 take away the idea of love..???#but it's just not a very satisfying love?? like the parts where the characters think they're doing things out of love are the most#transparently self-serving. like especially if you're seeing it as satire. i don't understand this at all.
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samandcolbyownme · 9 months
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Summary: y/n is partnered with popular party boy, Sam, for a project and she hates it. Not a request
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of alcohol, slight angst, slight hatred towards each other, mainly reader towards Sam, mean comments, flirting, unprotected sex, biting, scratching, general filth
Word Count: 10.4k | not edited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
"I've been thinking about it.." your professor starts out, "..and instead of doing an actual test for the final, I'm going to have you guys do a project. On any historical event of your choosing."
"If we get to have partners, you're mine." Your friend nudges you. You look at her with a nod, "Oh of course."
"You will have a partner.." your professor continues and you look at y/f/n with a wide smile. But, that quickly gets ripped away, "But I will be assigning you your partners."
"Of fucking course." Y/f/n grumbles and you sigh, "Maybe he knows how well we work together. Maybe he'll assign us together."
She sighs, "I doubt that."
You knew she was right. You knew you'd probably get stuck with someone who would have you doing all the work anyway. Someone who has excuse after excuse as to why they can't get together and work on it.
Your leg bounced up and down as you wait for you and your friend's name to be called. Finally, towards the end, "Y/n y/l/n. You'll be partnered up with Sam Golbach."
You closed your eyes, completely shutting everything out as you sat in your anger, "Really?" You look at your friend, "Sam's hot. You just hate him because he's popular or whatever. I don't know. Some stupid reason that you just need to get over. You're lucky you didn't get stuck with Nevin."
"Is that who-"
You pout, "I'm sorry." You knew she was mad, but not at you. She was just taking it out on you, which isn't something new. But she was right, you did kinda hate Sam, but it wasn't stupid, well to you at least.
She rolls her eyes, "Uh huh." She stands up, grabbing her bag, "Gotta go meet my project partner." You sigh, "Yeah, gotta go find mi-"
"Hi." Sam is standing there with a toothy grin. You wanted to smack it off of him, "Yeah, hey." You roll your eyes as you grab your bag off the chair next to you.
"Hey, no need to be so hostile." Sam laughs and you stay silent, turning away from him. You start to walk away and he's right on your tail, saying hi to every girl that, god forbid gawks at him.
"Anything to fulfill your ego, right?" You mumble to yourself as you stare at the door ahead.
Sam jogs up next to you, "You say something?"
"Even if I did would it matter?" You pull your book closer to your chest and Sam laughs, "I mean, yeah. Kind of."
"Why?" You stop and look at him and he shrugs while shaking his head, "Because.. we're.. partners?"
You pause for a moment, "Yeah. Still wish that wasn't real."
"Why are you so negative about me? Is it because I haven't given you any attention?" He laughs and you gag, "no. I'm glad you haven't. And if we weren't partners, I would still be avoiding you."
"Avoiding me?" He furrows his brows and walks with you, "Am I that bad?"
You snort, "I mean, I just don't want to risk catching anything you may have gotten from the streets here at Silverston."
Before he can say anything else, you cut him off, "You don't need to explain yourself to me because I promise you.." you turn to look at him, "I'm not even going to risk it."
Sam's eyes move over your face as he pushes the door open, "Uh huh." He motions, "After you."
You roll your eyes walking out of the building, "So I figured we could just go to the coffee shop and start working on this final."
Sam sucks air between his teeth, "Actually.."
"I'm going to be doing all of this?" You sigh, "Good thing I already planned on it." You go to walk away but he stops you, "Actually, I have a date, but if you wanted to I can come over after."
You laugh, "No. thanks. I don't need you infesting my dorm with whatever you'll freshly be infected by whatever falls into your trap this time."
"How do I know you don't have anything? Sounds like you're projecting.. or something." Sam smirks and you roll your eyes, "While I am impressed you know what projecting in that sense means, I can actually show you my medical record."
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He winks and you fight back laughter, "In your dreams, Golbach. I'll text you when I figure out what I want to do the project on."
You turn and as you're walking away, Sam yells out to you, "You don't even have my number."
"I'm sure I can walk to the street corner and get it." You yell back and walk away laughing.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You lean back from your laptop, cracking your knuckles as your eyes scan over the page of notes that you took.
Your phone chimes, you don't think anything of it.
It chimes again. Still nothing.
Finally on the third, you sigh, "I'm fucking busy." You mumble as you pick up your phone. You laugh as you read over the texts from an unknown number.
I guess you didn't walk to the street corner to get my number.
Did you find an idea yet?
Date went awful. Text me your dorm info.
"Fucking. Sam." You clench your jaw as you think of something to say, but instead you don't. You just set your phone back down and decided that you'll tell him you fell asleep or something.
As you go back to taking notes, there's a knock on your door. You thought that maybe your roommate forgot her key again, so you get up, "Did you forget your key again, Lauren?"
You open the door, smile instantly vanishing as your eyes meet those blue ones, "What are you doing here?"
"We have a project to work on, remember?" Sam pushes the door open and walks in. You look around to make sure no one seen him walk in and you turn, "Yeah no shit, but I mean.. here. In my room."
"You weren't answering my texts. My date went bad, and-"
You cut him off, "Then you told me to text you my dorm info... so what I'm getting is that you still can't take a hint?"
He laughs and swings his backpack off his shoulder, "yeah, yeah. Let's just get start- oh. Shit." He looks from your progress then back at you, "You're really doing this thing aren't you."
"I need to pass Sam. With or without you." You walk back over to the couch, sitting down to pull your laptop on your lap.
"Oh, so you did read my texts." Sam sits down and you laugh, "Where have you been? We were already over this."
"Well fill me in. What did you pick?" He leans over to look at your screen, and you stay quiet as you take in how good he actually smells, but quickly snap out of it. You shake your head slightly as you clear your throat, "I picked the Battle of New Orleans."
"That's a good one. I was thinking that one, too." Sam nods and leans back. You raise your eyebrows, "Really?"
He goes into shaking his head, "No. not at all."
"Figures. You were only thinking about getting your dick wet." You mumble and focus back on the computer.
Sam laughs, "Think what you want, but with who showed up on that date, you wouldn't be surprised that I ditched."
"Who was it?"
He raises his eyebrows, "Do you really want to know or are you just nosey?"
You shrug and smirk, "Both."
He laughs, "Alright, well I had a date set with Candice, but her sister showed up instead."
You raise your brows again, "Well.. that's not really fair. Setting her sister up for failure like that."
"Yeah, I don't know." Sam shakes his head, "Her sister, isn't my type so."
"Of course you have a type." You roll your eyes and he tilts his head, "You have a type, too, y/n. We all do." You look up at him, "Oh yeah? What my type then?"
He smirks, "Tall. Handsome. Blue eyes. Dark hair."
"Is that why you dyed your hair?" Your eyes flick up to his messy brown hair, "I knew something was off about you."
"Ouch. That hurt." He lays a hand on his chest, "I'm not your type?"
"Not at all." You go back to looking at your computer and reach out to toss a notebook at him, "That's what I have down so far. I'm thinking we can just do a slideshow."
He grabs it, eyes scanning over as he nods, "What can I do?"
"Are you actually going to take this seriously?" You look up at him and he nods, "Yes."
"Okay. Good. So what you can do first, is get out of my dorm." You stare at him and he smirks, "You're so cute when you're mad."
"Ew. No. Get out." You close your lap top, "I need to go get dinner anyway."
"Let's go together. We can work on this while we eat."
Although the offer did sound tempting, you really didn't want to be seen with him, labeled as another notch in his belt, "I'd rather stick needles in my eyes and slam my head into the floor."
"You really don't like me do you?" Sam smirks and stares at you and you shake your head, "Not really, no."
"What did I ever do to you, huh? Seriously."
He knew you couldn't answer because there wasn't anything he personally did to you. It was more or less how and who he is as a person.
"You want an honest answer?" You sit up more and cross your legs as you look at him.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Sam shrugs and you sigh as you lean forward to set your laptop on the small table in front of you, "You're a fuck boy, first of all. Second of all, I really don't want to be seen with you because I'm not going to be labeled a whore who's seen with the guy who's been in everyone on campus."
"I haven't been in everyone on campus." He mocks you, "I know that for a fact because I haven't ever been in you."
His words make your cheeks heat up, "Get out."
"Im joking. Im joking. I'm sorry." He laughs, "I had to. I had to, y/n.Now come on." He readjusts his sitting position and motions to the notes, "what can I do, other than get out?"
You sigh, "Why do you have to be my partner?" You grumble as you open up a new note book. Sam sighs, "Yeah I ask myself that, too."
"What's that suppose to mean?" You look over at him and he looks at you a few seconds, "Oh! I thought we were just saying things that we didn't really mean or weren't true or something like that." He snickers, "If it means anything, I'm glad you're my partner."
You snort, "Why? Because I'm smart and I'd do all the work? Or because you think you can get under my skin and torment me into wanting you?"
"I don't have to do anything, y/n." Sam smirks, "But since you said it. I do have to agree with you. You are very smart."
"Yeah, I know." You look down at the notebook that's lying between you and Sam on the couch, "Okay."
You write down a few things for him to research, "Here." You rip out the page and fold it up, "Look these things up and write down what you think is important enough to put on the slides."
He reaches forward and takes the piece of folded up paper, fingers brushing against yours, "I'll get right on that."
You pull your hand away, "Uh huh. I'm sure."
"I'm serious. I bet you I can fill this paper by morning."
"And If you don't?" You raise a brow, intrigued by this deal that's in the motion of being made.
Sam thinks for a moment and snaps, "I'll do the whole project myself.."
"Um, no. I really don't want to fail." You laugh slightly and he sighs, "Fine. You do one half, I'll do the other. And if I actually follow through my half.. I'll..." he looks around and shrugs, "I don't know."
You secretly liked Sam, but you put a barrier between you and him because you were saving yourself from the heartache of being cheated on or something.
"Maybe stick to one girl for once in your life." You look up, shocked that you just said that out loud, "I-um. I didn't.. mean to say that."
He stares at you, "Alright. You're on."
"You're lying." You roll your eyes, "As soon as you leave here. You'll be going home with the first bitch you lay eyes on."
"So come home with me."
"What?!" Your head snaps towards him, "No. no fucking way."
"Why not? That way you'll be able to know if I break our deal, and since we don't have any classes until next week.. you can just stay at my place." Sam shrugs, a smug smirk resting on his lips, "Just a thought."
"I have a math final Wednesday."
"So go to it and come back?" He laughs, "Look. I'm just trying to prove to you that I take deals and bets very seriously."
A twinge of excitement snaps in your stomach and before you can even take a second to think about it, "Fine."
Sam smirks and stands up, "Gather your shit. You're moving in."
"No. No. I'm not moving in. I'm just- actually. I don't even know what I'm doing." You run a hand through your hair and Sam walks over to you, leaning down so his face is inches from yours, "You know exactly what you're doing."
You squint, "Do I?"
He nods, "I think you do."
"What is it that I'm doing, Golbach?" You tilt your head and he smirks, "I think you like me."
"Wrong." You instantly say, "You couldn't be any more wrong."
"Then tell me why you agreed?" He stands back up, placing his hands on his hips, "I'd love to hear it."
You search for a reason, "Well, because. You, Samuel Golbach, are a player who needs to realize women aren't toys that you can pick up and put down whenever you get bored of them."
He chuckles, "That's.. not what I do.. but go on."
"It's exactly what you do, Sam. You pick a new girl, every day. Every other day. Maybe if they're lucky, half a week tops. Then you ghost them. Immediately moving on to the next victim.. I mean.. girl."
He laughs, "Oh I can't wait to prove you wrong."
"I will believe it..." You stand up, "When I see it. But you're on."
You start getting your stuff around, packing your school supplies and any other things you need.
"Don't forget clothes." Sam smirks as you look at him, "Yeah, because I'd forget the most important thing." You roll your eyes as he chuckles as you throw a few shirts and other items of clothing into the bag, "Alright." You turn and sigh, "Ready to see you fail."
"You mean win." Sam says in a smug tone and you sigh, "Yeah, whatever. I'm tired and hungry so let's just go."
As you walk out of the dormitory, you stop, "Wait. Girls aren't allowed in the dorms after this time." Sam laughs, "Who said I have a dorm?"
"You don't stay in a dorm?" You laugh, "Of course not."
"Yeah I have my own apartment right outside of campus." Sam points and you raise your eyebrows, voice quiet, "Of course you do."
"Don't worry. You won't catch anything. I rarely take girls there. I usually just kick their roommates out until I'm done."
"You're disgusting." You roll your eyes, hoisting your bag onto your shoulder with a groan. He looks over, "Want me to carry that for you?"
You shake your head, "Nope. I got it."
The thought of why you were doing this to yourself gets you through the walk to his car, "Why did you have to park so fucking far away?"
He rubs the side of his Tesla, "I don't want anyone scratching my baby."
You laugh slightly, "mhm." You throw your bag into the back and get in the front passenger seat, "This is actually quite nice, Sam. I'm impressed."
"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He smiles and you huff, "Way to ruin it."
He laughs and starts to drive. About a half hour of silently wondering what the fuck you're doing later, he pulls into the parking spot in front of a nice looking building.
"Well, mi casa es tu casa." Sam motions from you to the building and you tilt your head, "Wow, someone actually paid attention in Spanish."
"There it is." You shake your head and reach for the handle to get out but Sam stops you, "I actually just know that because my friend Colby says it every time I go over to his place."
"At least you're learning something." You raise your brows and go to get out by Sam stops you again, "hold on. One more thing.."
You turn your head and look at him and he sighs, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy you ga- I've actually been wanting to do better and I just.." his eyes scan over your face and you feel drawn to him, "I just wanted to say thank you for taking a chance on me."
You blink, breaking your stare from him before you can do anything you'll regret three seconds after, "I'm doing this to pass my class, Sam. Nothing more."
He nods, "Okay."
You turn to get out once more, and he mumbles a quiet, "Sure."
You close your eyes, fighting to give him the reaction he's fishing for, so you just get out. You shut the door before going back to get your bags.
Sam gets out and waits for you at the front of his car, he chuckles as you glare at him, "You act like you're the only one who hates this."
"Then why did you-" you stop, letting out a groan, "I'm walking back to my dorm." As you turn, you're pulled back by the sudden grip on your bag, "Sam!"
"I didn't mean it like that. I just.." he laughs, "the withdrawal, man."
"The with-" you laugh, "You are unbelievable."
"What? I'm just being honest. Isn't the first step to recovery admitting you have a problem?" He laughs slightly and you shake your head, "That wasn't you admitting you have a problem."
He shrugs and you huff, "Can we just go inside please?" He motions, "I wasn't stopping you in the first place."
"Actually. You wouldn't let me get out of the car." You walk past him and he sighs, "I wanted you to listen to me."  He walks ahead, opening the door for you and you nod walking in.
You look around as you follow him up the staircase. Your eyes move to the back of his head, quickly moving away from him as he looks back at you, "Do you want me to ta-"
"Alright. Don't say I didn't ask."
"I won't be saying anything. Trust me." You roll your eyes, stopping outside of his door as he unlocks it. He pushes it open and you walk in, honestly surprised that it's a nicely kept.
"Well, what do you think?" Sam shuts the door and you nod, "It's nice." Sam smirks, "Thank you."
You walk over to the couch, "So do you want to wor- really."
He looks up from his phone, "Yeah we can work on the project for a little bit."
You stare at him and he looks up, "Don't worry. I'm just texting Colby." You step towards him, "Um. What are you saying exactly."
"Nothing really, just that I have guest over."
"A guest." You roll your eyes, "More like hostage." He laughs and shakes his head, "Here. If you want to read them, go ahead." He tosses you his phone and you catch it, "Sam I do-"
"Read them." He walks over to his fridge, pulling out a beer, "You want one?"
You look up, shaking your head, "No, thanks." You go back to reading his messages between him and Colby and they're surprising not bad at all.
Sam is actually being nice, and not a jerk.
An unsaved number appears at the top and you laugh slightly, turning to him as you read it aloud in a higher pitched tone, "Hey Sam. It's Melina, was wondering if you'd like to take me out on a date yet."
Sam groans, "God she's annoying. Text her back something."
"Me? What do you want me to say." You stare at him and he takes a sip of his drink, "I don't really care, y/n. Just get her off my back."
You chew on the inside of your lip, debating on whether to ruin his life or not, "Okay." Your thumbs tap the screen and Sam walks over, "Whatcha sayin'?"
"Hey Melina, I don't think that's going to work considering I just tested positive for herpes."
His eyes go wide and his hands drop to his sides, "No the fuck you didn't." He leans in, sighing when he sees what you really typed, not going to happen. I'm done dating around. Have a good one.
He lets out a sigh of relief,  "She's going to know that that wasn't me." He looks at you and you shrug, "So what? You wanted her off your back right?"
He laughs and nods, "Yeah. I did. Well, looks like you're in charge of texting all the girls that text me."
You roll your eyes, "I have a project to work on."
"Hey, me too. Crazy isn't it?" Sam smiles and you shake your head with a slight laugh, "Yeah. Crazy."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Jesus Christ, Sam." You look up from his phone, "How fucking ma- actually. Don't answer that. I don't need to know."
He looks up from his laptop and shrugs, "Sorry."
You set his phone back down and go back to typing on your computer, "Okay.. so.. I have the date, the location, and who won all on the first three slides. I'll add in.." you look at your notes, "I'll add in the commanders and leaders.."
"I have the casualties and losses along with stuff about the battle itself." He looks up from his notes and you nod, "Sounds good. Maybe we can knock this out in one night and I can go home."
You laugh, but Sam doesn't. He just gives a slight puff of air and nods, "Yeah."
You didn't dwell on it, not really letting yourself because you knew that if you gave in to him in the slightest bit, you'd end up hurt no matter what, so you just went back to typing.
You must have fell asleep while typing because you woke up a few hours later with a blanket on you, and your laptop was on the coffee table.
You slowly sit up, looking around slightly confused because for a split second, you forgot where you were.
You stretch your arms above your head, letting out a yawn before standing up. You turn around and jump when you see Sam sitting at the kitchen table, "shit."
"Oh hey, sorry. I didn't want to wake you and I couldn't sit on my bed anymore. My back was killing me." Sam looks back down at the computer.
You walk to the fridge, grabbing a water. You walk back over standing behind him as you look at his work, "Those look good."
He turns his head slightly to look back at you, "You think?"
You nod, "Yeah. I like how you have the pictures to the sides of the words." You point to the screen, "Wait, how many did you do?"
"I did seven." He leans back in his chair, "is that alright with you?"
You look at him, "That some sort of smartass jab?"
He shrugs, "It wasn't but it can be." He smirks and you roll your eyes, "Yeah, that's fine." You walk back over to the couch, grabbing your bag as you dig for a shirt and shorts, "I'm going to go change."
He nods, eyes focused on his screen. You walk into the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror as you slip your shirt off over your head.
You change and exit the bathroom and Sam's eyes are immediately on you, "What? You never seen a girls legs before?" You laugh, "Oh wait."
"Yeah, yeah." He shakes his head with a smirk, "You're lucky you woke up. I forgot about our deal and I was getting ready to see what Felicity was doing."
You felt some sort of jealous twinge, and you honestly wanted to puke. You knew Sam wouldn't last. You just want to stick it out so you could prove him right.
"Nice." You sit back down, back facing him and you hear him get up, "Why are you being so short?"
You shrug, "Maybe because I just woke up. Not everything is about you Sam."
"When did I say it was?" He leans on the back of the couch, "I don't think I did."
You nod, "Right. Right." You turn back to face him slightly, "Good for you, Sam. I'm proud that you didn't text one of your hoes."
"I know that's sarcasm but I'll take it." He taps the back of the couch and walks back over to the table.
You could strangle him, but at the same time, being this close to him, you wanted to just fuck him. Just so you could say you could, but also at the same time, you didn't want to be one of the girls that you ridicule for falling for him.
But you are, you just couldn't admit to it.
"If you want to go back to sleep, you can go sleep in my bed. I'm fine out here." Sam offers and you deny, "I'm fine out here, too."
He chuckles, "Sheets are clean if that's what you're worried about, sweetheart."
"Not what I'm worried about but thanks." You mumble as you type, "Did you put in about- nevermind. Found it."
You can feel him watching you. His eyes are burning holes in the back of your head.
"You okay?" You ask, "I can tell you're staring at me and it's me making me very uncomfortable."
"I beg to differ." Sam shoots back.
You look back at him, "how so?"
He bites his lip and tilts his head, "If you weren't comfortable enough already, I think you would have worn sweats and maybe a sweatshirt.." he takes a deep breath, "Not those.. shorts."
"What's wrong with my shorts?"
He shakes his head, "N-nothing. I didnt- fucking forget it."
You smirk as you turn back around, biting your lip as you know you're now getting under his skin.
Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll just kick you out.
But you found that part of you really didn't want to leave.
"Okay. I think I'm done for the night." Sam closes his laptop and yawns, "I'm going to head to bed since you don't want to take it."
"I'll be fine." You mumble and Sam walks up behind you, "I mean, it is a king size bed so.. feel free to join."
You turn your head, not realizing he was that close. You jerk your head back, "I think I'll survive on the couch."
He shrugs and stands up, "suit yourself." He walks over to the door, turning to face you, "Offer still stands."
"Is this you going through your so called withdrawal? If so, it's incredibly pathetic." You look over at him and he shrugs, "Maybe. Or maybe I just like you. Maybe that was my plan all along."
You roll your eyes, "Mm. Sure it was."
"Oh and here." He tosses you his phone, "In case anyone tries to phone be for a late night booty call."
"Will it happen?"
He nods, "Probably. There's a frat party going on so I'm sure they'll try and summon me." He smirks, "Night."
You nod, "night." You set his phone down on the couch next to you and try to focus on your slides. Sam taking his shirt off catches your attention and you close your eyes, whispering to yourself, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."
You crack your fingers, sighing as you set your computer on the table, "Fuck." You get up, walking around to behind the couch so you can stretch your back.
Sam's phone dings and you try to ignore it.
It dings again.
And again.
And again.
Finally, with a sigh, you bend over the couch, picking it up to read whatever sexual message you'll see this time. They're messages from a Veronica,
Sammm babyyy. Where are you? The party is almost over!
"Yeah.. it's almost four am?" You mumble to yourself as you continue reading.
Sam!! Wake up. I need a ride.. back to your place..
"Desperate much?" You laugh quietly and smirk as your eyes read over the last message.
You're really just going to ignore me?
You bite your lip, glancing over at an already sleeping Sam in his room and back down to the phone. Your heart starts beating faster as your thumbs type the words, Sam's busy, honey. And to be honest, I wouldn't text him again.
You drop his phone down after not giving it another thought with pressing send, honestly slightly embarrassed, "I'll have to remember to delete those." You tell yourself, "Okay." You reach for your laptop, but his phone dings again.
At this point you're too nosey to let it go, and you were kind of having fun with it now. You pick up his phone, smirking when you see it's Veronica.
Who is this?
Seriously.. why are you with Sam? Who are you?
You roll your eyes, reminding yourself that you're to get these girls off his back. He wants to start over and since he worked hard on his half of the project, it's the least you could do, right?
But why?
Your eyes scan over the phone, rereading what you typed out, it doesn't matter who I am. Sam doesn't need you anymore.
You hit send and stare at the phone with the urge to go through it. You shrug, swiping out of the thread and looking at the messages. You're shocked when you see that Sam himself hasn't answered very many messages.
He's left them all on read.
You raise your brows as you take a quiet breath, the hidden folder in his phone will really show who he is. You click on it, surprised he doesn't have any passcode or anything.
You're even more surprised that there's nothing in there. Usually guys like him have nudes of multiple different girls, but Sam doesn't.
You continue to snoop, going through it all and if you didn't know Sam, you'd think that he was actually faithful because there's nothing in his phone.
You shake your head, realizing what you're doing and you swipe out of everything and set his phone down.
You close your lap top, setting it on the table before you lay back down, pretty much forcing yourself to fall back to sleep because the thought of liking Sam only made you mad.
When you wake up, there's a coffee and a bagel sitting next to your computer. You smile slightly and reach out, grabbing the coffee to take a sip.
You grab your phone, seeing you have a text from Sam, Went out for a run. Nothing more I promise.
You laugh slightly, typing back, okay.
You set your phone down, grabbing your computer and opening it. You look over the slide show and shake your head, you were actually surprised Sam is sticking to the deal.
You continue to work on your half, completely in your own little world until you remember you didn't delete those texts you sent back to that girl.
"Oh shit." You freeze, "Fuck." You lay a hand on your forehead, "No, no, no."
You hear the door open and you take a deep breath before turning around, "How was the run?"
Sam nods, "It was good actually. I ran without stopping to talk anyone, which was.. weird actually."
"I'm sure." You laugh slightly, sipping on your coffee. Sam walks over, his grey shirt damp from sweat, "How's the coffee?"
You glance over at him, nodding, "Good. Really good."
"That's good." He chuckles and sighs, "I'm going for a shower." He tosses you his phone down on the couch without another word and walks into the bathroom.
As soon as the door shuts, his phone is in your hands and lo and behold, the messages between you and Victoria are still there, probably very much read by Sam.
You curse yourself mentally, mainly because it makes you sound like you and Sam are together and that isn't what you want.
Then why make it sound like it?
You bite your lip, eyes scanning over the text threads. Your eyes go wide as soon as you see y/f/n, "what the fuck?"
You brace yourself as you go to click on the message thread but you hear the shower turn off and you set his phone down just as the bathroom door opens. You look over and he peaks his head out, "Can you grab me a towel? There's one in the basket in my room."
You nod, getting up and keeping your eyes on his room. You walk in, looking around as you find the basket. You pull the towel from the mound of clothes and walk over to the bathroom, "Here ya go."
He smiles and takes the towel, "Thank you very much."
"Welcome." You walk back over to the couch, pulling your laptop onto your lap and what you dreaded, starts to come to life.
"So.." Sam walks out, towel around his waist and hair dark and messy. You had to fight to keep your eyes off of him, "So." You shift around, clicking on a blank slide.
"I have to thank you."
You look over at him, "For what?"
"Helping me."
"With what?"
He chuckles and crosses his arms over his chest, "You know what.. do I really need to explain it to you?"
You tilt your head, smirking slightly, "Yeah, I think you may have to."
He places on hand on the back of the couch, leaning his weight onto it as he sighs, "I wanted to thank you for being so willing to help me."
"Help you with..." you motion your hand for him to keep going and he laughs, "Now you're pushing it." He turns and walk into his room, shutting the door behind him.
You glance down at his phone, shaking your head as you avoid looking through his and y/f/n's text thread.
The door opens back up and he walks out in a pair of shorts, "So did you study for that math final?"
You shake your head, "No I wasn't sure if I could leave or not.." you laugh slightly, "..but you leaving this morning told me I could so I'll probably meet y/f/n later or something."
"Mm." He nods as he walks over to get his coffee, "if that falls through, I'm pretty good with math so."
"Oh you'd help me?" You roll your eye, "I somehow.. don't believe that."
He leans against the counter, "Hit me."
You squint your eyes, "forty five times eight."
He smirks, "Three sixty."
You frown, "That was.. too easy." You sigh and shake your head, "Okay. Sixty six times... fourteen."
He pauses for a moment, closes his eyes as he thinks, "nine... twenty... four." He opens them and smiles at you, "I can do this all day."
"I gotta go." You stand up, grabbing your backpack..
"You're going to leave, wearing that?" Sam asks, eyes moving up and down your body. He chuckles, "Whatever suits your fancy, I guess."
You laugh to cover up how flustered you actually were, "I guess I'm just really worried about this test."
"I can help you. Be your study buddy."
You roll your eyes, digging out a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, "You're not my.. study buddy, Sam."
"Could be a whole lot more if you let me."
He said it quietly, so you didn't think you were supposed to hear, or did you?
"Did you say something?" You turn to look at him and he shakes his head, "No?" You nod, "Okay. Well I'm going to go change.." you point to the bathroom and slowly walk into it.
You close the door and shake your head, thinking to yourself why he would say something like that.
Probably just to get under your skin. Sam doesn't really want you. He's said it himself, he's been in everything but you.
Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but still.
Your phone dings and you look down, "Fuck." You sigh as your friend's message, telling you she can't make it to study.
You reply, alright. Thanks for letting me know.
You open the door after changing and walk out, "Soo.."
"She canceled didn't she?" Sam chuckles and shakes his head, "Should have just said yes in the beginning."
You roll your eyes, wanting to say he probably knew because he's secretly fucking her, but you but your tongue, "Yeah, I guess."
"If you don't want to study with me, you don't have to I lm ju-"
"No. I could use you." You didn't know how your words sounded until Sam makes his remark, "Yeah you could." He smirks and nods his head and you laugh slightly, "No, sa-" you sigh, accepting defeat, "Yeah, I walked right into that one."
"Sure did." He smiles and walks over, grabbing your math book, "What do you need to know?"
I need to know why you're talking to y/f/n, you think as you sit down, "I'm guessing I need to know everything."
"Good thing we have all day then, right?" Sam opens the book, "Okay. So anything from chapter one on?"
You nod, "Yep."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After a few hours of answering the questions Sam comes up with, and catching a few glimpses of him staring at you, you let out a sigh, "Okay. I need to eat. I forgot to eat last night and that bagel, although it was good, it's not enough to hold me over."
Sam closes the book, sighing back, "I totally forgot I was hungry. I got so caught up in this book." He laughs and you smile, "I can't stand that book."
"More than me?" Sam smirks and you laugh, "You know what.. maybe a little bit more than you."
He lays a hand on his chest and sighs, "Wow. That's so nice."
"Shut up. You're working your way back." You laugh and stretch, "So. Late lunch?"
"You mean.." he looks around and back to you, "You want to be seen out in public with me?" He point to himself and you shrug, "I can just go myself and bring it back?"
He stands up, "Let me get a shirt. I'll drive."
You laugh as he gets up, and you grab your laptop, looking over your almost completed final.
"Looks good don't it?" Sam asks walking back out, "we did good."
You nod, "we sure did. I do have to say.. you shocked me, Golbach."
"Why's that?"
You shut your computer and look over at him, "I didn't think you'd do it."
"Have some faith in me, y/n. I know I have a bad reputation, but.." he shrugs, "I don't want to be the campus fuck boy anymore."
You stare at him, a million things running through your mind trying to slip off your tongue.
"What?" He asks, "You don't believe me do you?"
"I didn't say that."
"Then what?" He crosses his arms and you sigh, "Let's just go get food. I'm getting hangry."
"I can tell." He snickers and you push his shoulder as you walk by him. He lets out an, "Ouch!"
"Please. That didn't hurt." You laugh and look at him, "Do you want it to?"
He shrugs, "I don't know, I might like it." He winks and you shake your head slightly, "Do- no." You laugh and grab your bag, "Come on."
He follows you out the door and down the steps, "Where do you wanna go?"
"I kinda wanna go to McDonald's.. I've been wanting some nuggets." You look at him as you wait for him to unlock the car, "If that's okay with you."
You mentally smacked yourself, why do you suddenly care about what's okay with him and what's not?
"Whatever you want, sweetheart." He unlocks the car and gets in as you do, "I was actually going to say the same thing."
"Yeah?" You buckle up and look at him. He nods, "Yeah, actually." He starts driving and after a minutes, he laughs, "So. I have to ask.."
"Oh god, what?”
He rubs his chin and glances over at you, "How did you come up with the response to Veronica?"
"Oh.. god." You laugh and cover your face, "Can we not.. fuck, I forgot to delete them."
"No, no. Now why would you delete them?" He chuckles, "I thought it was a pretty solid response, y/n."
"It makes it sound like we're together." You roll your eyes and he shrugs, "So what?"
"So what?" You repeat, "I just-"
"You don't want to be labeled a whore. I know." He sounds annoyed and you sigh, "Sam. I didn't-"
"No. Actually, I'm glad I brought this up because I wanted to tell you. I've ever slept with four girls since being here." He looks at you and you chew on your lip, "Really?"
He nods, "you were just going off of what you heard other people talking about." He shrugs, "I'm good looking. People like me. I'm instantly labeled a fuck boy because I like to party and I'm always seen with girls."
"I'm sorry, Sam. I-"
He cuts you off, "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe.. there's someone I want, but they don't want me? Because I can assure you, that that is possible."
You stay quiet and he sighs, "Sorry.. I just.." he runs a hand through his hair and you hesitate but you lay a hand on his shoulder, "No you're fine."
He glances at your hand and sighs before he grabs it, interlocking his fingers with yours.
You're shocked at first, but you let it happen, "Did you sleep with y/f/n?"
He looks at you and laughs, "What?"
"When I was replying to the girls who- wait.. why did you hype yourself up like a fuck boy if you really aren't?"
"We can come back to that. Why do you think I'm sleeping with y/f/n?" He laughs slightly, "Did you not read the messages?"
You shake your head, "No, I didn't."
"Could have." He shrugs, "I was asking her about you."
"Me?" You raise your brows, "Why me?"
He smirks and lifts your hand in his, "This isn't enough of a clue?" He shakes his head, "Maybe I need to spell things out for you."
You smile and sigh, "I just.. I didn't want to do anything I wasn't sure you'd be okay with."
"You swore you hated me. Up and down, side to side. Called me, pretty much a man whore and told me I treat women like objects.. and I'm still here. I'm pretty sure you can hit me with a car and I'll come crawling back."
"Sam." You laugh and he laughs, "I'm serious. Since our sophomore year.. I just thought I'd let you get to know me yourself but.."
You cut him off, "I listened to the rumors in the wind, rather than.. yeah.. sorry."
He shrugs, "I know you don't trust me right off the bat.. I know it's hard but.. why do you think I gave you my whole ass phone."
"Okay.. I did go through it." You look at him and he pretends to be shocked. You laugh, "But that's when I hated you."
"What are you saying? You don't hate me anymore?" Sam smirks and you tilt your head, "Do I have any reason to?"
"Unless you're mad about the four girls, then no." He laughs and you shrug, "You did what you needed to do to get me off your mind."
He sucks air through his teeth, "Yeah, about that."
Your face drops and your heart picks up, oh god, you think, he lied about everything, "what about what?"
"Even when I knew you didn't want me.. I couldn't stop thinking about you."
"Shut up." You laugh slightly and shake your head. He squeezes your hand, "I'm serious y/n. You may be the boring girl who doesn't party and stays back at her dorm to study instead to some people, but to me.. you're the best kind of girl."
His words make your stomach flutter, "Oh." You laugh slightly, "I thought this was going to be a completely different conversation."
He smiles slightly, "I kept up the act because I wasn't sure how this was going to go and plus.. I like getting you going."
"Really?" You squint at him and shake your head, " I didn't notice."
"Really? Hmm. I gotta step up my game." He laughs and rolls the window down before he starts to order.
You tell him what you want and wait for him to finish.
"Thank you." Sam pulls around and lets go of your hand, "Don't go far." He smirks up at you as he reaches into his shorts to pull out his wallet.
"Do you want me to pay yo-"
"Nope." Sam cuts you off with a smirk and you smile, "Thank you." He nods, "Not a problem at all."
"So.." you pause as he pays, speaking back up when he pulls forward, "Question."
"Answer." He looks over at you and you laugh slightly, "the comment.. you made about rarely bringing girls back to your apartment.."
"Honestly. There was one girl there but she was a girl who came with Colby, so she wasn't even my guest, well I mean she was but she wasn't.. mine? I think." He laughs and you nod, "No, I get it."
He sighs, "Good. You make me nervous."
"I make you nervous?" You laugh slightly and he shrugs, "also why I kept up the show. I couldn't let you know you affect my badass exterior."
You roll your eyes, "Please. I always thought you were an asshole."
He laughs and thanks the person at the window before driving off, "Well, I can be."
"There you go. That's a start." You smirk and he rolls his eyes, "Whatever, let's just get you back so you can fill that pretty little head with knowledge for tomorrow."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·
As you wrap up the studying, you stretch your arms above your head, "I feel pretty good about tomorrow."
Sam nods, "Yeah?"
You nod, "Thank you for helping me."
"Does that mean I'm your official, study buddy?" He winks and you smirk, "Maybe. That depends."
"Depends on what?"
You bite your lip and smile, "On if you're going to make me sleep on this couch again."
Sam scoffs, "The offer to sleep in the bed has been there since yesterday." He stands up, "C'mon." You stand up, taking his hand in yours and follow him into the room.
"No funny business." You joke and he holds his hands up, "Not unless you want there to be." He smirks and you pull the blanket back, sitting out to swing your legs onto the bed, "What a gentleman."
He gets in next to you after slipping his shirt off, "what can I say?"
"You can say, Sam, you are such a good guy, I don't know why I ever listened to the rumors about you. You're also a very good looking guy too." He laughs and you sigh, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
"I'll take it." He chuckles and lays on his back, arm behind his head as you lay on your side with your back facing him. Your eyes can the wall, mind racing about everything that's happened.
You bite your lip and roll over to face him. He lays on his side and brushes hair from your face, "What's up?"
"Why didn't you tell me anything sooner?" You look up at him and he shrugs, "Your friend told me to stay away because of the image you had against me."
"But she.." you sigh and shake your head, "Nothing.. goodnight." You go to turn away but his hand on your hip stops you, "What?"
You look back at him, "She told me that I needed to lose my imagine of you and at least I got stuck with you as a partner instead of Nevin."
"She didn't tell you that we texted a few times? Always about you, trust me. You can read them if y-"
You cut him off, "No it's okay. And no.. she didn't tell me."
Sam raises his brows, "Sounds like she's jealous."
"Jealous? Over what?"
"Over me, liking you and not her." Sam smirks, "oh, and because I can do this." He leans in, gently pressing his lips to yours and you freeze.
He pulls away, "Sorry.. too soon?"
You stare at him for a few seconds, "No." you lean back in, pressing your lips to his, "I've actually wanted to see what all the hype was about anyway."
"Doesn't live up to it?" Sam smirks and you sigh, "Yeah, I say it does.”
He smiles, "Alright." His eyes scan over your face and he sighs, "Go to bed."
"You go to bed." You shoot back and he chuckles, "I'll go to bed when you go to bed."
"Fine." You roll over, lying closer to him and he smiles, "Get over here." He lays his arm over your waist and pulls you to him, "you can take my car tomorrow."
"Really?" You bite your lip, "You trust me enough with that thing?" He laughs and nods, resting his chin on your shoulder, "I trust you."
The next morning, you wake up before Sam, anxious about your final. As you're sitting on the edge of the bed, going over problems in your head, you feel a hand gently drag down your back, "You're going to ace this test, y/n."
You look over your shoulder at a still half asleep Sam, "You think?"
"Mhm. I know you will because I helped you study." He smirks and you push him, "I'll thank you when I pass." You smile and get up, checking your phone, "Oh shit. I'm running late."
You quickly get around, pecking Sam on the lips before rushing out the door. You throw your stuff into the car and get in, taking off towards campus.
As soon as you park, you run towards the building and y/f/n stops you, "Whoa, hey y/n. Where the hell have you been?"
You stop and point, "we gotta go. We're going to be late."
She shakes her head, "Professor Fritz postponed it for a half hour. He's running late himself, didn't you check your email?"
You pull your phone out, "No I didn't." You click on the new email that was delivered twenty minutes ago, "Shit. Well. Okay." You sit down on the bench and she sits down next to you, "So you gonna answer my question?"
"About where I've been?" You look over at her and she nods, "uh yeah. That would be the question."
You laugh slightly, "I've been with Sam working on our project."
"You've been with Sam? What do you mean?" She tilts her head and you shrug, "I've been crashing on his couch so we can knock it out as soon as possible, what's the big deal?"
"I just.. the big deal is.. you couldn't stand him three days ago and now you're sleeping on his couch?" She scoffs, "You hate him, y/n."
"What happened to me needing to get over the stupid reason as to why I hate him? You were so hell bent on me being okay with Sam?" You stare at her and she shakes her head, "That's before I knew just how much of an asshole he actually is. You were right."
"Actually. I was wrong."
"What do you mean?"
"Why didn't you tell me that he texted you about me?" You watch as her face goes pale and you can visibly see her stumbling over finding what to say, "I-I don't know.. I don't know what you're talking about."
"I seen the texts, y/f/n, and Sam also told me about them. Why didn't you just tell me that he likes me?" You wait for her to answer, but she doesn't so you sigh, "Look.. I get it."
"Get what?" She snaps and you shrug, "You like Sam. Right?"
"Who wouldn't?" She laughs, "I mean.. yeah. I guess I do, or did. I was just jealous I guess? I don't know." She shakes her head and looks at you, "Wait."
You raise your brows and she points, "Isn't that Sam's car?" She looks from the car to you, "Why are you driving it?"
"He told me I could. He also helped me study when you bailed on me."
"Sorry about that." She sighs, "I'm sorry about not telling you about Sam.. I guess I just let my jealousy of him wanting you instead get to me."
You thought for a moment, debating on whether or not you felt her apology was genuine, "I just.. I wouldn't have done that to you."
"No I know. And I knew that I just.. I'm sorry."
You see the doors open up and you stand up, "I gotta go." You turn, walking towards the now open doors.
During the test, Sam was heavy on your mind.
How he looked while helping you study for these questions.
His smile when you got one right.
His eyes, how they watched you as you thought about your answers.
The way his hands felt on your body when he held you all night long.
You blinked, taking a deep breath as you went back to trying to focus on your test, but it was hard. The fact that Sam really wasn't the popular fuckboy you thought he was all because he was too scared to be rejected by you, makes you really want him more.
"Thirty minutes."
You sighed quietly at the professors warning and made yourself crack down on finishing this final.
Once time was up and tests were collected, the professor stands up from his desk, "You should all know whether you passed or failed within an hour. You're dismissed."
You grab your bag, digging out Sam's keys before getting up. Y/f/n stops in front of you, "Hey wait."
"I gotta get back. I still have to finish my other final." You look up at her and she sighs, "How can I make this up to you?"
You shrug, "When I think of it, I'll let you know."
And with that, you head out to the car, making your way back to Sam's apartment. You never thought y/f/n would do something like this.
It honestly felt like a stab in the back and you didn't know how to feel other than mad.
You make your way inside and open the door. Sam looks at you from the couch, "Hey. How'd it go?"
You smirk slightly as you shut the door, "The part where I tested or the part where I called y/f/n out on being a backstabbing friend?"
He switches the tv off and raises his eyebrows, "You really called her out?"
You nod, "She said that she was jealous over you wanting me instead."
"She wanted me?" He laughs slightly, "Ah. I see."
You walk over and sit down next to him, "Yeah. She said she let her jealous rage come between us. She apologized and then asked how she can make it up to me.."
"What did you say?" Sam reaches over and twirls a piece of your hair. You sigh, "I told her when I think of something I'd let her know and then I left."
He shakes his head, "She messed up."
You nod, "She sure did. I actually kinda like you."
"Kinda? Yikes, okay." Sam laughs and you smile, "you're not so bad after all. I just don't understand why she would tell me I need to get over it if she was keeping how you felt away from me." You shake your head, "I don't know. She should have known the truth was going to come out sooner or later."
"Glad it was sooner." Sam smiles and pulls you to him, "Gimme a kiss."
You peck his lips and he shakes his head, "Um no. I said a kiss." He smiles as you smile and you lay your hand on his cheek as your lips gently move with his.
You lean back, "How was that?"
He shrugs, "It was kinda alright." He smirks and you push his shoulder, "Rude."
He laughs and brushes your arm, "It was amazing."
You smile and look down as your phone goes off, "Oh. That's so early." You look up at Sam and reach for your laptop, "My test results are in."
You click into your email and take a deep breath, "Okay." You wait for it to load and Sam moves over next to you, watching at the circle spins around and around, "I hate that it takes forever."
You nod, "Yeah, me too." You nervously chew on your nail and shove your computer into Sam's lap, "I can't look."
"Okay. I gotcha. Hang on." He lays a hand on your knee, "Still loa- oh. Okay. Here we go." His eyes move down over the screen and you hold your breath, waiting for him to deliver the news.
He looks up at you and a slow smile grows on his face, "You passed."
"I-I.. passed?" You ask in disbelief. He turns the laptop around and nods, "You sure did."
Without any hesitation, you lean forward, crashing your lips into his.
And it's an instant heat.
He moves the laptop, pulling you onto his lap fully, "What are you doing?" He mumbles between kissing you. You lean back slightly, "i guess I just really want to know what you're like in bed."
He chuckles and nods, "Yeah?"
"Do you not want to?" You go to move off of him but he stops you, grinding his hips up and he watches as your lips part, "I didn't say I didn't want to."
His hand slides to the back of your neck and pulls you down, closing the space between you. He swings you over, laying you down as his body moves on top of yours.
Your legs wrap around his waist and your hand runs through his hair, "Please." You whimper quietly as he kisses down your neck, "Sam."
"Please Sam what, baby?" He leans up, smirking down at you. You pout, "You know what."
He leans up, biting his lip as he undoes your pants and your hips raise as he pulls them down, throwing them onto the floor before he takes off his own shirt and works his shorts down.
Your eyes scan up and down his body as he's a lot hotter than you thought.
"Like what you see?"
You blink a few times, breaking the stare from his torso as you look up at him with a slight laugh, "Yeah actually. I do."
You sit up, taking off your shirt before laying back. Sam's brow twitches and he sighs, "Yeah, I like what I'm seeing too."
He leans down, cock pushing against your panty covered pussy and you whine, "Sam.. please." You look at him, "Fuck me."
He hooks his fingers in the band of your panties and pulls them down, quickly discarding his boxers and his body is quick to hover above yours.
All of the hateful things you thought about Sam are gone, right in this moment.
It was just you and him.
He was all you needed.
He slowly pushes his cock into you and lets out a groan that mixes perfectly with your moan, “Sam.”
His hand grips your outer thigh as it wraps around his waist and he leans down to kiss you. You rest a hand on his cheek, “You feel so good.”
He smiles against your lips, “You feel even better.” He starts to slowly pull out and thrust back in, groaning as his pace builds up.
You clench around him, moaning and gasping as you feel so close to breaking, “S-so close.”
“You can do it, come on baby.” He kisses your neck, biting and nipping, “Cum for me.”
You wrap an arm around his neck, clinging to him as your body tenses and twitches, “Fuck. Fuck. F-fu-“ you moan loudly, digging your nails into his back and dragging up.
He groans as the pain from your nails almost sends him right along with you.
“Fucking hell, y/n.” He roughly kisses you as he fucks you through your high, “I-I’m go-“ he moans into your mouth, gasping as his thrusts grow sloppy, “Shit.”
He pulls out and you feel him spill over your stomach. You cup his cheeks, kissing him as he relaxes.
He leans up, looking down at his mess on you and he sighs, "You look so fucking hot like this." His hand drags down your thigh and you bite your lip, "I don't have any plans."
"I'm taking that as a challenge." He chuckles and you shrug, "Take it however just as long as we're naked in that bed."
"Come on." He grabs your hand and pulls you up, "Well clean up later." He winks and drags you into his bedroom, shutting the door with a slam.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
I just want to give a huge thank you for all the patience. December has NOT been easy for me whatsoever, but the constant support and nice messages mean the absolute world to me. So I thank each and every one of you for that. <3
Likes and reblogs are appreciated
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riality-check · 2 years
steddie prompt! steve struggling with his dyslexia and feeling like he isnt smart enough compared to eddie and the kids?
In an effort to, in his words, "convert him to the light side," Dustin had given Steve an armful of what he deemed "essential reading" and sent him away to "learn the ways of the Force."
If Steve didn't like Star Wars so much, he would've made fun of that little nerd.
But, honestly, he's a little grateful. With no more monsters to slay and it being way too cold to venture outside of his house to go swim or play basketball, the books fill up a good chunk of time.
Too good a chunk.
It's taking him way too long to get through them.
He didn't try The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings because those looked way too intimidating. Dune's first twenty pages were boring as shit, and Ender's Game was a lot, to say the least.
So, he's been making his way through A Wrinkle in Time.
Slowly making his way through it. Too slowly.
Steve has been quickly reminded about why he hasn't voluntarily read a book since elementary school, and why he stopped reading the required books in high school.
It's hard. Reading sucks.
He doesn't know how other people get through it when the letters don't make sense and seem to switch, like how "b" and "d" or "f" and "t" look way too similar.
"Whatcha readin'?"
Steve looks up from the book - god, it's probably taken him at least an hour to get through chapter one, hasn't it - to find Eddie in the doorway of the living room.
Guess he's taking advantage of the spare key, Steve thinks to himself, but he's not mad about it, not even a little.
"A Wrinkle in Time," he says, holding up the book so Eddie can see the cover.
Eddie lights up. "Oh, I love that book! I think the last time I read it, I was in, shit, maybe fourth grade?"
Steve knows he didn't mean it, but damn. That hurt a little bit.
He can't even get through a book Eddie read when he was in elementary school?
"What part are you at?"
Steve tucks the book against his chest so Eddie doesn't see how the bookmark isn't very far in. "Not very. Just met Mrs. Which. It's kind of hard to get through-"
"Oh, yeah," Eddie nods. "It took me, like, three days."
"- because the letters keep switching."
Eddie frowns. "What?"
"The letters," Steve says. "Like, they're moving a lot for this book. I don't know why."
Eddie looks at him blankly.
"Does that... not happen for you?"
Eddie shakes his head.
Steve huffs out a laugh because of course this would be a uniquely him problem. Of course people like Dustin and Eddie and the rest of the party would like reading, because of course they would be able to do it right.
"I guess I really am stupid."
"It took me three tries to get through my senior year," Eddie says seriously, putting his hand on Steve's shoulder. "Does that make me stupid?"
"No," Steve says instantly. It doesn't. Just because Eddie wasn't good at school doesn't mean he isn't smart. He's a brilliant storyteller and musician, and both of those take brains.
Steve doesn't have a hobby that takes brains because he just... doesn't have enough. Plain and simple. That's how it's always been.
"Ok, then you're not stupid for having trouble reading," Eddie says like it's the simplest thing in the world.
"But what? We're all gonna struggle with something. For me, it was school. For you, it's reading. It's why we've got other people to fill in the gaps."
Other people don't fill in the gaps. Steve does. Steve stretches himself thin, makes sure he's everywhere at once to make sure the kids and Robin and Eddie are okay.
No one else can do that because. Well.
Steve has to be irreplaceable somehow. He's gotta be necessary somehow.
This is the only way they need him.
"Get out of your head, martyr," Eddie says, reading his mind. He's not as good at that as Robin is - Steve doesn't think anyone will ever be able to read him like Robin can - but he can still do it.
It's weird, just like Eddie is. Steve's learned to love weird over the past few years.
"Do you want me to stick around?" Eddie asks.
"You can stay, if you want," Steve says.
"I always want to stay with you," Eddie says, and damn if that sentence doesn't take Steve's breath away. "But I figured I'd ask."
So, Eddie lays his head in Steve's lap as Steve dives back into a world of tesseracts and space and time, and when Steve tilts the book down and points to a word that just isn't making sense, Eddie reads it for him.
He doesn't comment on how often he hears the pages flip.
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melefim · 2 months
Swearing in Dead Boy Detectives: Episode 7- The Case of the Very Long Stairway
Episode Overview:
46 total, 11 different words said by 9 characters.
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Edwin: 1 Fuck
Charles: 1 Shit, 1 Bloody, 1 Bloody Hell
Crystal: 2 Fuck, 6 Shit, 1 Ass, 4 God, 1 Jesus, 1 Screw
Jenny: 3 Fuck, 1 Jesus
David: 4 Fuck, 1 Bitch
Niko: 2 God
Esther: 2 Fuck, 2 Damn, 1 God, 1 Screw
Night Nurse: 1 Bloody
Cat King: 4 Fuck, 1 Bitch, 3 God, 1 Pussy
Curses Per Character:
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Edwin: 1
Charles: 3
Crystal: 15
Jenny: 4
David: 5
Niko: 2
Esther: 6
Night Nurse: 1
Cat King: 9
Uses Per Word:
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Fuck: 16
Shit: 7
Bitch: 2
Ass: 1
Damn: 2
Bloody: 2
Bloody Hell: 1
God: 10
Jesus: 2
Pussy: 1
Screw: 2
Esther: I'm gonna wring that chic little kitty's goddamn neck.
Esther: Oh, god.
Cat King: Oh god, they say that I'm a pussy.
Cat King: Why the fuck are you here?
Esther: I know you blew up Monty's spot, you little fucking snitch.
Cat King: Oh God.
Cat King: God, I am such a romantic, I hate it.
Cat King: I don't give a fuck, OK? End of audience.
Cat King: That was my third life, you bitch. I only get nine. Would you fuck off? Fuck!
Charles: What the bloody hell was that?
Crystal: Holy shit, you're still alive?
Crystal: What kind of bullshit is that?
Crystal: Jesus. You have never been to hell, stop acting like an expert. Look, when I got possessed, when I nearly ran off a cliff, when I screwed up and lost my powers, you both helped me.
Crystal: God, Edwin is my friend too, whether he likes it or not.
Crystal: God, if you really won't let me go, then I'll find my own way to Hell.
Crystal: Fucking bullshit, like I can't help.
Crystal: God, that's fucking insane.
Jenny: Fucking kid.
Charles: Bullshit. When did you go to school here for reals?
Jenny: What the fuck?
Crystal: Holy shit, Jenny. You shouldn't be here!
David: Why the fuck would you even want that?
Crystal: Just cut this shit!
David: I can't open a door to hell, you stupid bitch!
Crystal: These are mine, asshole.
David: What the fuck did you do? Where are we?
David: Maybe I was just fucking with you.
David: Fuck! Fine, you got your memories back.
Jenny: What the fuck was that?
Esther: And I'm gonna take that power, and get this goddamn town under my thumb.
Esther: You, you.. you think that you're the only one who's ever been screwed over? You're not. I fucking deserve this!
Night Nurse: And what do you mean 'did you know?' That's my bloody book!
Edwin: That is so fucking stupid, It's unbelievable!
Charles: We're going as fast as we bloody can!
Niko: Oh my God! You're both still dead, and didn't get trapped in hell forever!
Niko: Oh, thank god.
Jenny: Jesus.
Crystal: Oh, bullshit. A good detective does what he has to in order to close the case.
Crystal: God, I gotta figure out what I'm going to tell her.
Previously on Dead Boy Detectives…
Shown in this episode’s recap but not counted above:
Edwin: You’re a bloody crow! (Episode 6)
Simon: Give this little prat a proper scare. (Episode 1)
Added in a god from Crystal that wasn’t counted
More Dead Boy Detectives Swearing Posts:
Swearing by Episode
Swearing by Character
Swearing by Word
All Swearing Posts
And if you like lists of things like I do, you can check out my other Dead Boy Detectives ones here!
When Charles’ Shirt Colors Change
George Rextrew’s Edwin comic inspo board
Full soundtrack with timestamps
Moves, Incidents, and Cases Masterlist
First pass at finding where the songs in the score are used- full post with timestamps in progress
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absolutebl · 11 months
This Week in BL - It's weird where I am right now, Okay?
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top. However, I've put quite a few on hold for travel reasons.
Oct 2023 Wk 4
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Only a few screen shots for you this week, my hotel wifi is actually THAT bad.
Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) 1 of 8 - Classic unlucky in love failed crush on straight bestie = both v queer and v emo yaoi. I gotta say I like these actors way better in this than their previous series, and maybe that’s because Tew is more like Tul and I just like Meen better when he’s… erm… mean. All of which is to say, this is off to a wonderful start and I am about to lose my very sleep deprived little mind... ready for a ABL ecstasy rant?
"I play support because that way everyone is happy to see me show up," might be the single best moment of characterization BL has EVER seen.
Look here, in the grand cornucopia of BL universes this is my metaverse. It's pulp... but relatively high production. It has an established pair that I know I like... but who were given crap before. It's a tidy little script, it's not gonna run too long, and it's ALL the archetypes and tropes I love but rarely see. It's Japan's style otaku plus Korea's style gangster, Thailand's style friendship group, and it arrived out of NOWHERE. It's Korea's IP & money, Thailand's talent, and China's streaming service.
Do we know what the hell is going on?
No we do not.
Do we care when it's this much fun?
No we do not.
(In this I speak for everyone... no, EVERYONE.)
This show I why I got into BL.
Don't bother me with trifles. Me and My Dear Gangster Oppa are sailing off into the infinite pixilated sunset together, thank you very much.
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 11 of 12 - I managed to watch most of it on low rez before YT "discovered" I was in Asia and therefore could not be allowed to watch Asian shows. (AKA my VPN failed me.) But it seemed like a good ep.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Lucky Love ep 10 of 24 - I enjoyed this 2 part installment, it’s a bit of a sad sack recovery SAGA, but the acting is genuine, the couple believable, and the story felt particularly queer to me. 7/10 but close to an 8. It was really quite charming.
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However: Next week looks not good on many levels - it's horror and I spotted guitar. Which is even more horrific. 
Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) ep 5 of 12 - do temporal paradoxes exist in Thailand? That is the question. I gotta say Tor (Ongsa) is carrying this show and is doing a really great job, it's just the story itself doesn't resonate with me. Ugh it's so sad.
Is it, indeed, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?
We only on ep 5 and had a full story arc already, there is A LOT more to go.
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 9 of 10 eps - the fact that in losing Sky Venus also lost his surrogate family explains his resulting bitterness a little bit more. I wish we had gotten this back story much earlier. Still stupid pulp made me cry, which of course means it's back in my good books. This story is slow as fuck, but I'm going on a rollercoaster with it.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 11 of 13(?) - I love them, okay? All of them. This is a great sappy classic Taiwanese BL and it is my baby and you can’t take it away from me. MINE. 
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Viki) eps 8 of 10 - oh noes it got sad, I thought they would at least would have had drunken sex before the drama. Sigh. Still the kissing was good, as it should be from Taiwan.
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) ep 4 of 5 - Amane is so brave. About being gay. Being out. Confessing. Its admirable if scary. Otherwise this ep was pretty slow. 
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Bump Up Business (Korea Gaga) 3-4 of 8 - how do I feel about this show? Conflicted. Are OnlyOneOf doing a great job? Yes, actually. Am I enjoying it? No, not really. Is this anyone's fault? I don't think so.
The little linguistic negotiation was cute tho. And we seem to have gotten idols kissing in a BL both in the same group, so that glass ceiling dildo has finally been broken.
NineMill are unexpectedly good, also KB plays a great evil ex. Of the 3, I think only Nine is good enough to go into acting permanently (but he's not tall enough). Still, all hail OnlyOneOf... kings of the "gay concept." You boys make me v nervous but as couple-branding goes, you just out branded Thailand. Mad props baibies. Legit never thought I'd see the day.
Trust Korea to be in it to win it.
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 6 of ? - i pretty much just forgot to watch this.
It's Airing But...
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 8 of 12 - I will try to watch and do a series review in November but... not sure I will be able to. Fingers crossed.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 8fin - completed but I couldn't catch the last ep, my final thoughts in Nov.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 12 fin - completed, but see afore mentioned YT issues. I'll review it in Nov. I anticipate better internet soon.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. 
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) - adaptation of Harada’s manga of the same name (which I did not like) about a convenience store clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Upcoming October BL
10/31 SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 1 of 14 - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
Upcoming November BL
11/3 Twins the series (Thailand ????) 1 of 10
11/17 Pit Babe (Thai) - Pavel my love!
11/19 Bake Me Please (OhmFluke but not, Thailand)
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Thailand) - horroresk
11/25 The Sign (Thailand) - horroresk
11/30 For Him the series (Thailand) - high heat
VIP Only (Taiwan) - may be delayed/canceled
Cooking Crush (OffGun, Thailand) - may be delayed, there some kinda gossip/rumor/shade happening at GMMTV
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (Korea) - this one may be DOA
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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My Universe - I just enjoyed the angle of this kiss shot.
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Uh huh. Sure, honey. (Bump Up Buisness)
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(Last week)
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM ELLA ENCHANTED *  assorted dialogue from the 2004 film, adjust as necessary
i gotta work on that.
quiet, please. i can't concentrate here.
isn't it wonderful?
i have a no return policy.
why don't you go back to where you came from?
what a stupid name.
nobody wants you here.
i always knew something was wrong with me.
can't you take the spell back?
you must never tell anyone else.
i don't want anyone using it against you.
what's inside you is stronger than any spell.
take this. then i'll always be with you.
your father would like to speak to you.
it was either get married or sell the house.
is this the right address?
the house looks delightful.
my clothes need more room than this.
please don't touch it. it was my mother's.
admit you're stupid and don't know what you're talking about.
hold your tongue.
your coronation is next week.
i've kept my promise, haven't i?
i don't need your chivalry, thanks.
you're the first maiden i've met who hasn't swooned at the sight of me.
i want peace in the kingdom as much as anyone.
so you have a new plan once you take the crown?
that's what i thought. you're all just the same.
perhaps that's why i find your obvious disdain for me so refreshing.
i'll try and be more considerate next time i'm saving you.
next time? what makes you think we'll see each other again?
stop flirting with him.
i need you to do me a little favor.
a felon in my own family. i could die from embarrassment.
you are forbidden ever to see her again.
thank goodness you're all right.
i should have told you about this years ago.
i think it's only fair to warn you that i'm practiced in the ancient art of... origami.
don't let him scare you, sweetheart! kick his butt!
i am going to need so much therapy after this.
that's very sweet, but i'm on a tight schedule.
i'm on a tight schedule. were i not... i would love to have dinner with you.
great. i knew it. a talking book.
i think i may have found you another chance at your future husband.
elves aren't that short, you know.
the rustling always comes before the screaming and the running.
it never hurts to be on your guard.
i led a rally on your behalf the other day. maybe you heard about it.
we just did this. didn't we just do this?
who's to say it wouldn't have worked if you hadn't come barging in?
you're bleeding.
you'd better let me help you with that.
it makes it so much easier rescuing you if i don't have to commute.
your girlfriend doesn't mind being left alone?
that's not really my area of expertise.
you have the power to make a difference in the world and you don't even care.
they're not so bad. i thought they'd be all so big and scary.
i thought that maybe this would be a good time to possibly have a heart to heart.
do you know where the bathroom is?
i had no idea things were so bad.
you have to stay for the night.
i wish you would stay.
i hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're much prettier than i would have expected.
your father would have been proud.
i think he would have really liked you.
kiss me.
that wasn't an order, you know.
i trust your journey was pleasant?
might i trouble you for a moment?
you will tell no one of this plan.
i will do anything you ask.
please tell me you never wanna see me again.
we're together now. and when we're together, it's like magic.
will you marry me?
you tried to kill me.
i can't believe i'm saving you after you tried to kill me.
i should have disposed of you when i had the chance.
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tangerinesgf · 2 years
Miniature trains
Tangerine x reader, Lemon x platonic!reader
Summary: You bought a whole set of miniature trains. Featuring Lemon.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language and this is not proofread so any mistakes are my own
Tags/Warnings: none, just fluff and some language
A/N: Based on real events (meaning, yes, I actually bought these mini trains and they're adorable). I started picturing how the twins would react to these trains and that's how this happened.
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"You bought what?!"
Tangerine had come back from the grocery store with some final ingredients for tonight's dinner. Lemon was joining the two of you tonight.
He found you sitting on the floor in the living room. You were surrounded by discarded plastic bags that had all been opened. There was another pile which appeared to be yet untouched.
"They're miniature trains!" You said, voice full of excitement as you picked one of them up from the coffee table next to you and holding it out to your boyfriend.
Tangerine was not impressed in the slightest. He narrowed his eyes at the train you were holding out. It was looked like sushi.
"Didn't know they had sushi trains."
"They don't, Tan, don't be ridiculous." You said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"This is Diesel dressed as sushi, you can collected a bunch of them with different skins."
The deep frown on his face was adorable. He looked at you like you had grown another head.
You had no idea why you had bought the mini trains, they just looked so cute that you hadn't been able to resist them.
"Because... mini trains."
Tangerine chuckled at that.
"Can't believe I killed people only for you to buy some fuckin' miniature trains with that money."
"Lemon buys shit like this all the time." You recalled his special edition Thomas & friends train collection he showed you the first time you were at his place.
"Yeah, but I expected better from you."
You rolled your eyes at him and reached for another bag. Tangerine moved over to the kitchen, starting the preparations for dinner.
"Oh my god, this one smells like caramel popcorn, it's extra rare!" You shouted in excitement.
"Whatever you say, luv." He couldn't help the smile that formed on this face.
As much as Tangerine tried to be annoyed he found your enthusiasm over those stupid little things adorable. Lets just say he was staring more than actually cooking dinner.
Lemon had his own key to your place so neither of you had to get up to let him in.
"Hey guys- are those miniature trains?!" Lemon didn't even bother taking off his jacket or shoes before rushing over to you and the trains.
"Yeah, good to see you too, mate." Your boyfriend rolled his eyes at the lack of acknowledgement from his brother.
"Yeah, yeah... where'd ya get these?"
"Ordered them online it was a really good price, look this one's for you." You picked up one of the trains, which Lemon immediately recognized as Thomas, only this version had all kinds of different colors. Like a rainbow.
"He reminded me of you."
You handed the train over to him and before you know it, you were trapped in a bear hug with Lemon. You gotta admit though, he gives the best hugs.
"I love it, knew there was a reason Tan was keepin' ya around."
"Hey!" Tangerine shouted from the kitchen.
"I got one for you too, babe." You untangled yourself from Lemon's hug and reached for a another train.
"It's Gordon dressed as an astronaut." You showed it to Tangerine, but since he was in the kitchen and you in the living room, you were pretty sure he wouldn't be able to see it.
"The fuck am I supposed to do with a train dressed like a fuckin' astronaut?"
"Maybe put it on your bedside table? All you have there anyway are your cigarettes' and a book."
"I'll think about it."
And while that wasn't a lot, you considered his consideration a win anyway. For Tangerine that was a lot already.
"Are there more of these?" Lemon asked.
"Yeah, you can collect all of them." You said as you handed him the sheet on which all of the trains were displayed.
"Alright, where's your laptop? We're gonna get ya the complete set."
As you and Lemon rushed to find your laptop to buy more miniature trains, Tangerine took a break from chopping the vegetables and walked over to the coffee table.
For a moment all he did was stare at little train dressed as an astronaut. He gotta admit, it did look kinda cute.
He'd never told anyone but for a while when he was a kid he'd dreamed to someday go up to space. But that's all it had ever been. A dream. Tangerine shoved the thought back inside and picked up the train.
"Fuckin' Gordon.." he scoffed.
He stuffed it inside his jacket pocket never again leaving without it.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed it!! Feedback is always appreciated<;3
Taglist: @venusthepirate @bratdoll666 @waiting4ff @avocado-writing (lemme know if you wanna be added)
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daytaker · 9 months
For What It's Worth
Mammon has questions, but he doesn't necessarily want answers.
Ship: Mammon x Reader...? Word Count: 603 Cross-Posted on AO3
Answer me honestly. Am I the same as my brothers to you?
I can’t figure that out.
I shouldn’t be. I should be special. I was the first one, ya know. First one you made a pact with, yeah, but also I was takin’ care of you and all that garbage even before that happened. Lucifer put me in charge of ya. So I’m the most special one. I want you to treat me like I’m the most special one. I really…want to be the most special one. I’m never anyone’s special anything.
I know that’s probably kind of a shock, seein’ how much I’m respected around here, but it’s true. My brothers never come to me when they need help. If they’re lookin’ for me, it’s almost always ‘cause they want me to pay them back some ancient debt I forgot about years ago. But you’re not my brother. You’re not even a demon. So… I mean, what do you think? I’m pretty awesome, ain’t I?
For what it’s worth, y’know… You’re the number one human in my book. And I ain’t just sayin’ that! You’re one of a kind, you know that? Maybe that’s why I want you to see me like that too. Like I’m worth somethin’. Like I’m worth keepin’ around.
Agh. I hate when I start talkin’ like this. I sound so mopey. And maybe I wouldn’t normally say this to you, but I really…I need you to like me. You don’t gotta be in love with me or any crap like that! I mean, I’m not sayin’ I’d have a problem with that, but just…like me. At least like me. I feel like if someone like you thinks I’m worth a damn, then everyone’ll see it. They all listen to what you’ve got to say. So if you happened to be in the middle of a conversation and you went out of your way a little and said, “Damn, you know, that Mammon is one reliable guy.” Somethin’ like that? If you did that, then people would realize I’m actually pretty awesome.
You believe that, right? That I’m reliable? I mean, I get it, I’m shit at payin’ back loans and all that, but have I ever left ya in the lurch? Never! I always go lookin’ for ya, no matter what stupid crap you get yourself into! Nobody ever mentions that. It’s always, “Mammon’s such a scumbag, he owes me 20,000 Grimm,” or “Mammon’s such a loser, he’s always borrowin’ something from somebody. It’s so pathetic!” One of the drawbacks of livin’ in hell. Folks seem to always get hung up on the negatives. But you, you’re no demon, so you probably see things different. You probably see me different! 
…I wanna know how you see me. I wish I could just ask. Why’s everything so damn difficult?
How do you see me? Am I a scumbag who’d do anything for a Grimm? Am I an idiot who sold his freedom for a credit card? Am I at least kinda funny to be around? I think I could be alright with that.
But am I more than that? Am I a friend ya can count on? Am I a friend you can trust with anything? Am I more than a friend?
That’s what I wanna ask. I wanna ask if I’m more than a friend. But I don’t know if I wanna know the answer.  So let’s just keep things how they are. You’re still a rock star. I’m still a dumbass. But, you know… for what it’s worth…
I’m your dumbass.
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yuff7e · 3 months
hello, my my you are just the sweetest thing and I am LOVING how open your blog is. I literally feel like I can request anything and everything my heart desires and the freedom is awesome. Anyway hers my request, sorry if it's stupid or too long, I'm trying my best. Tom Delonge and female reader where he gets carried away and doesn't notice til after. Like he had a hard day at work and really needed to relax so he just takes the absolute lead. Dragging her to the bedroom and throwing her on the bed without a second thought. Forcing her on her knees like a rag doll and using her sweet pussy til he's satisfied. He'd get rough with it too, maybe he's bite her or cover her mouth just to hear how pretty she sounds moaning against him. Bruises where he held her too tight. And once he's done only then would it click in his mind that he didn't even ask first and that's why she's so shaky and whiny after. What would he do?
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ੈ✩ tom delonge using you after a hard day at work !! ‧₊˚ heavy nsfw / dirty talk / aftercare n fluff
female reader
hi anon !! and omg tysm !! you seem very sweet as well :)) and i will totally do this request for you !! if you have any other requests you’d like to add , also i hope i wrote him correctly !! - let me know !! enjoy <3
the cuties song -> www.spotify.com
you were laying on you and tom’s shared bed, reading your book as you wait for him to come home. you had been cooped up in the house all day, so pent up. you decided to sit up and walk around the shared home, making your way to the kitchen.
as you were in there you heard the front door unlock, keys jangling as he walked in. you turn and smile at him, “hi, honey.” he groans and makes his way over to you, tiredly plopping himself on you like a jellyfish. “tom! wh— get off of me.” you playfully push him off of you and he chuckles, "what? i just like grabbing you."
a blush creeps onto your cheeks as you feel his hand snake around your waist, pulling you close. "ive been missing you all day, come with me." he pulls you toward him and you both make his way to the bedroom, once youre in he throws you against the mattress and leans over you.
he easily had control over you, its like everything you did was nothing compared to how he owned you. he steadily kissed you, practically eating your face as you squirmed around him. "gotta get that mouth ready for me baby." he grinned, shoving his two fingers in your mouth and holding your jaw open with his other hand.
carefully placing you down on your knees in-front of him, he unbuckles his belt - slowly. terrifyingly slowly. he ruts a little against his own pants as he tells you how bad he wants you, what a good little girl you're being, etc.
finally, his cock springs out - the tip is wet and you can see it pulsating. you outstretch a hand to grap onto it but he yanks you back by your hair, "i wanna be in control today, baby." he takes his other hand and jerks himself in-front of you as he lines his tip towards your mouth.
"you're going to be a big girl and take my cock okay?" he coos, shoving it past your lips and into your mouth. you strain a little, not being allowed to use your hands is misery, causing you to gag worse. he begins to rut into your mouth, earning a groan or two from him.
"ooohhh fuuck baby.. mmm yeah fuck. you take me so fucking good, shit—." hes grabbed onto both sides of your head and is stuffing you down on his dick. you gag and moan as your hands pat his thighs, begging for release. eventually he pulls out once he’s close, “fuck, don’t wanna cum yet.” he says, grabbing you again and throwing you up onto the mattress.
“is your pussy wet yet babe?” he grabs ahold of your pants and peeks into them where he sees your underwear, “fuck, you’re really cute you know that?” he slips a hand down them making you gasp out and grab onto his tatted arm. his fingers brush against your leaking pussy, rubbing against the clit through your underwear - making you squirm.
“i know you like that, you want this dick in you so bad don’t you? fuck yeah.” he rubs you slowly, cupping your pussy with his palm as he feels how wet you are for him. “you’re kind of a slut.” he cackles and yanks his hand out of your pants before fully pulling them down past your thighs aggressively.
“my dick is so hard for you right now baby, you’re gonna feel so tight around me..” he lines himself up with you and playfully tries to push in, his dick flicking upwards past your clit causing you to spasm. he kisses you deeply, making out with you and pushing his hand under your shirt to fondle one of your breasts.
“i needed this so much, i was imagining at work how it would be like to fuck you right there. your pretty pussy stretched on this dick, so wet and creamy.. fuck, i need to put it in.” you grab his arm before he pushes himself into you, he looks at you for a moment and smiles.
“what? you wanna wait?” he chuckles a little, “i can wait for you baby.” you gulp, legs slightly shaking - you lay back and let him take the lead. he looks back down at your pussy and lines himself up again to push, once he pushes he throws his head forward and lets out a breathy moan. nearly collapsing on top of you as he catches himself with his arm, staring at your face - only mere inches away from your mouth.
“baby.. you’re so tight—- uhgnn..” he shakes his head, wiping a hand across his face. he props himself up and grabs ahold of one of your legs, slinging it over his shoulder and kneeling back down over you to kiss you. you kiss him breathless, clenching around his swollen cock as he pushes in you deeper.
he grinds himself into you for a bit, thrusting against your belly - eventually he picks up the pace, hard, wet thrusts against your body - rocking the bed in the process. you’re gripping the sheets above your head, holding onto anything for support, he laughs down at you - throwing his head back every other moment.
he would give a quick “mhm” everytime you moaned or groaned, breathing heavy. “who’s pussy is this baby?” “yours..” you croak, eyes squeezed shut as he rams himself into you - “huh?” “yours!” “good girl.” he places both his hands on your hips, going at full force. “you’re gonna take this… fucking dick like the good girl you are.. oh shit baby..” his thrusts become sloppy and needy against your tummy, his tip hitting your fucking cervix.
“oh fuck! please, cum in me.. fuck.. i’m gonna!!” you grind your hips against his thrusts, riding out your orgasm arching your back against the bed. he moans out in pleasure as you squeeze around his cock, your wet juices coating it. “fuck baby… that’s gonna make me.. cum—..” he strains out, thrusting a few more times before giving you one final pump and coiling over your body.
he grinds a bit as he rides his orgasm out, taking one of his hands and holding your throat - propping himself up. giving you a breathy chuckle he kneels down and kisses you once more, you’re shaky and you whine into his mouth. “what? don’t tell me you didn’t like that.” he laughs, standing up and pulling out of you quickly, causing you to jump.
you begin to shut your legs but he tears them open and kneels down infront of you, you look at him quizzically before he begins to suck on your wet clit. your eyes roll back and you fall against the bed again, “ah!! fuck— what are you doing??” you kick your legs up into the air as he eats you, everytime you push his cum out he pushes it back in with his fingers.
“i want you to feel everything baby, i want you fuckin—- mmnf— coated in my seed.” he begins to finger fuck you roughly, his own cum spilling out onto his fingers as he fingers your gaping hole - his thumb brushing against your clit.
you don’t think you could cum anymore than you already have, you’re shaking all over the place - eventually he stops and gives your pussy a little peck before standing up, he’s hard again but decides it’s probably best to give you a rest. “wanna take a bath?” he coos, rubbing the side of your thigh as you look up at him with furrowed brows.
“you’re a jerk..” you blush, moving your hair out of your face, “yeah? well you’re beautiful.” you can’t hide the playful smile that appears on your face as he watches you, “come on, let’s take a bath.” he pulls you toward him by your legs and picks you up, carrying you toward the bathroom.
hehe i finished !! i actually don’t know much about tom delonge, so i hope i wrote him correctly .. if not, please tell me !! i’d like to fix this better since im actually quite proud of this lolol - hope you enjoyed !!! <3 feel free to request again :)
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
Everyone Makes Mistakes
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Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: ellie makes a mistake on patrol and is distraught, feeling inadequate. You reassure her and go with her when she visits Jesse who's hurt, but doing ok.
Cw: none really, pretty fluffy fic!
You lied flat on your stomach in bed, your elbows propped up as you busied yourself reading a book. There was a light breeze as you'd left your window open, because your room usually got pretty stuffy and hot. You didn't even notice Ellie at your door, the reason being she was completely silent.
However, as she tried to walk in quietly, she'd managed to knock over one of the plants on your dresser. The pot shattered on the floor, dirt going everywhere. She let out a small gasp and took a step back. You let out a scared yelp as you turned around, coming to sit at the edge of the bed. You'd gotten startled, but then furrowed your brows as you noticed Ellies state.
"Fuck" She cursed, "Sorry, I'm so sorry." She rushed out apologies as she got down to begin cleaning the mess she made.
"'S fine, that one was dying anyways." You tried to reassure her, but worry settled in your chest as you noticed the tears brimming her eyes when she stood.
"Hey, what's going on Els? C'mere." You asked softly, holding your arms out for her.
She wouldn't give in to your touch though, just standing closer to you as she hugged herself. She let out a shaky sigh and wiped the tears that began to fall down her face.
"I- I messed up." She finally managed to get out, aggresive sobs causing her body to shake now.
"Alright, well that's ok. Everyone makes mistakes. You wanna tell me what happened?" You'd ask, standing to wrap your arms around her.
But she wouldn't let you, stepping back instead and dropping her head down into her hands. You sighed, feeling like you could cry yourself just seeing her so hurt.
"I-I was on patrol with Jesse and-" She stopped as her sobs were taking over and she couldn't speak, but eventually she found her voice, "I didn't see them! It just- it happened so f-fast and now..."
The crease between your brows became more defined, you crossed your arms across your chest for some kind of comfort.
"Now what? What is it babe? You can tell me." You urged her to continue.
"H-hes in medical now. He's hurt, bad. And it's all my fault! God I'm so stupid." She let out a frustrated groan as her hands settled in her hair now, her hot tears continued to fall.
"Babe, you know that's not true. I'm sure you did all you could." You place a hand on her shoulder, trying to offer some comfort.
"Oh, please! I did jack-shit, and now he's seriously hurt! I'm never going out again, am I do is fuck things up!" She yelled now, at you because there was no one else for her to take out her anger on.
"Ellie, I know you're upset, but there's no reason to yell at me. And don't say that, you've done countless amazing things out on patrol, why should one fuck up undo all of that?" You tried to reason with her.
"I don't know, maybe because it's like the worst fuck up. Ever." She shook her head and shrugged.
"Els, honey, you're being too hard on yourself" She sighed, glancing at you as more tears fell, "Please just let me hold you." You asked kindly, and finally she caved.
Your heart ached as you felt her body shake against you, harsh sobs racking her entire body. Your arms wrapped around her loving, her own pressed against her chest tightly. As you always did to comfort her, you rubbed your hands around her back, scratching your nails against it lightly just how you knew she liked it.
"I d-dint mean to. I really didnt." She cried.
"Shh, shh, baby I know. I promise you, everything's going to be ok. I got you." You reassured her, and she felt some of the weight fall from her shoulders.
"I-I know but-" her breathing started to speed up again.
"Hey, just breathe. You gotta calm down baby." You took slow deep breaths, hoping she'd mimic you and do the same.
She did, thankfully, her breathing slowly regulating as she calmed under your touch. You felt her let out a heavy sigh before she pulled away from you slightly, you kept your hands on her waist.
"I wanna go see if he's ok, but what if he's mad at me?" She spoke worriedly.
"Baby, I doubt he's mad. I'm sure he knows you tried your best and even if he is a bit upset you can always apologize and I'm sure things will smooth over." You reassured the worried girl, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear with a smile.
"Would you go with me?" She asked, biting her lip nervously.
"Yeah of course. You ready now?" She nodded and you held her hand as the two of you made your way to medical.
Once you arrived, it was quiet and mostly empty except for one nurse sat at the front desk who greeted you with a smile.
"Hi we came to see Jesse, I know it's kinds late but we were hoping you'd make an exception." You smiled.
"Sure girls, I trust you. Just sign in here and then head down that hallway and it's the first room on the left. He might be sleeping though." She informed as she showed you her clipboard, the two of you signed in then made your way to his room.
He wasn't asleep, and Ellie swallowed nervously when she saw him all bandaged up. He looked over at her, cracking a small smile.
"Hey." His voice was low and he groaned lightly.
"Hi" tears welled in her eyes once again as she removed her hand from yours and went to stand at his bedside, "Jesse I'm so sorry." She apologized as tears ran down her face.
"Hey, it's ok. Ellie, you saved my life. I might not be in the best shape, but I'm alive because of you. Thank you." She was pleasantly surprised at his words, also feeling a wave of relief wash over her as he wasn't angry in the slightest.
"See babe, I told you." You teased her and she rolled her eyes at you before turning back to face the hurt man.
"She make you come with, Y/n?" Jesse asked, addressing you now.
"Yup, she was scared you'd be mad at her." You answered him, crossing your arms smugly as you were right that he wouldn't be.
"Aw, Williams. I'm not mad, promise. And trust me, I'll be ok, I really will. It'll take some time, but I'll get better." He reassured her and she let out a small huff, taking note of how the two of you seemed to be teaming up on her.
"Ok well, rest up big guy. I'll come to visit you tomorrow and more this week I'm sure." Ellie held his hand, giving him a smile before walking back to you, showing she was ready to head home.
"C'mon." You smiled at her as you wrapped an arm around her waist, walking home with her head rested on your shoulder.
You got there and she broke down again, sitting down at the couch as she sobbed into her hands. A sigh fell from your lips as you went to sit beside her, rubbing a hand up and down her back.
"Baby, what's wrong? He's ok and he wasn't mad." You recalled to her, unsure of why she was still upset.
"I know. I know. I'm just still shaken up and I guess these are somewhat tears of happiness, relief." She explained, leaning into you and crying into your shoulder.
"Aw, that's ok. Shh." You wrapped your arms around her, laying down as you pulled her with you to lay on top of you.
Her breath hitched slightly as she rested her head on your chest, her arms wrapping around you as she sighed against you. Your own arms wrapped around her as well, rubbing her back soothingly. Eventually she'd fall asleep in your arms and you followed shortly after. As stressful as the day was, at least it ended calmly.
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atsadi-shenanigans · 3 months
Feeding Alligators 68 - SMDH
The crew has some Questions.
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On AO3.
Half the crew pointedly do not look at you, while the other half of them keep glancing over all unsubtle-like. Except Lae’zel, who glares steadily, but that’s just her face.
“Not a goddamn word outta none of you,” you say, picking around the semi-circle around the campfire to snag one of them griddlecakes.
Everybody eats in silence. The looks keep zinging over your head or behind your back—occasionally hit the corner of your eye. You rip off a hunk of the cake and dab up some of the jam Gale broke out for it. Strawberry, thank fuck. You can do strawberry just fine. At least you think it’s strawberry, because ain’t that another really funny form of parallel evolution? Unless strawberry seeds got carried across interdimensional space to end up cross pollinating over here.
And you wait. One of them is gonna crack. You can feel it. Your money is on Shadowheart. She wasn’t there, and her surreptitious glances are a touch too amused for your liking. Or maybe they’ll all forget because they’re a bunch of chaotic assholes and will actually keep their tongues to themselves.
“What is a ‘virgin?’” Lae’zel says.
Looking back, you shouldn’t be surprised. At least she’s direct about it.
You chew your griddle cake as she looks around camp at a bunch of people now avoiding her gaze. Is Wyll blushing? You can’t actually tell, but he’s doing that head duck thing that usually means somebody is blushing.
“Well?” Lae’zel says. “Or is this more istik foolishness?”
You sit there and take another bite like this don’t even concern you. It’s their turn to squirm.
It’s Gale that clears his throat and lifts his pointer finger (bless him).
“Typically, the word is used to describe someone who has never engaged in sex with a partner,” he says. And huh, ain’t no blush on the man or hesitation to him at all. Didn’t he say he was banging the goddess that dumped him? “But as Eleanor argued—rather successfully, I might add—the definition can be rather vague and unfitting.”
Lae’zel turns to you and says, point blank, “You have never mated?”
It occurs to you that this wouldn’t be happening if you’d just opened your coward mouth and fucking told that goblin vampire man the fucking truth to begin with. You one hundred percent made this entire goddamn bed, and now you gotta sleep in it. So you swallow, stare at your booted toes a second, and lift your head.
You ain’t some blushing maiden (technically you are, but that whole thing is a steaming pile of social construct bullshit). And brazening things out has been working pretty good so far.
“Nope,” you say, and pop the “p” at the end.
“Why? Are you deficient?”
Good old Lae’zel. It’s actually refreshing to have somebody just come out and say it. Don’t give the others a chance to go whispering their theories around.
“Didn’t like anybody enough,” you say.
Lae’zel’s eyes narrow.
“Aww,” Karlach says. “That’s cute. And kinda sad.”
“I think it’s rather noble,” Wyll says.
That one irks you, though you know he means well. People make assumptions. Sometimes painfully close ones.
“And you, Wyll,” Shadowheart says. “Have you met someone you liked well enough?”
He has to be blushing. He scratches behind one ear. “I’m an old-fashioned sort, it’s true. But there was a boy some years back…”
Fuck’s sake, seriously? You’re the only one? Goddamn everybody else and their stupid fucking libidos. It never doesn’t shock you how willing so many people are to drop their pants and grind their genitals together with a near damn stranger.
“I,” Gale starts. Stops. Actually reconsiders. You stare at him as he clears his throat. “In the interest of scholarly pursuits, I am rather curious where you got your information? Not that it was inaccurate! It’s just…in my experience, dormitory gossip tends to get things rather, er, wrong, and the kind of books that do get it right are rather harder to find.”
Wyll makes a sound. Covers his mouth. When everybody looks at him, he says, “Perhaps not so difficult.”
“The Blade of Frontiers reads erotic books?” Shadowheart says.
“It was…” Wyll sort of mumbles the rest. Both Karlach and Shadowheart lean forwards. Wyll coughs. “It was in my father’s study.”
Karlach guffaws. A real good one, too: head back, joy all but bursting out of her. “Wyll! You, skulking about your da’s office and finding dirty books? Oh mate, that’s proper gold, right there. I found my first penny papers, you know the ones, all ‘heaving bosoms’ and all that? Only this one had drawings. First proper pair of tits I ever saw! Aside from the neighborhood bathing days, anyway.”
Gale’s smiling. They’re all talking about this with each other, instead of focusing on you. He did that on purpose.
“So what’d you find?” Karlach says to you.
A whole lotta sin and sermons and hellfire.
“The internet,” you saw. And now you gotta explain that. “Gale, I think I seen a crystal ball in your tent before. Can you see stuff in it? Like, talk to each other with magic over a long distance?”
He can, and they have what he calls “sending stones.” Neat.
“Okay. So think if a lot of people, and I mean most common people, had crystal balls that were also them speaking stones, only they was flat and square and could fit in your pan—trouser pockets. And each one connects to every other one in the whole world. And you can put libraries in them. And music, and speeches, and plays and everybody else can access them. And it’s all got sound and color and sometimes it’s live—showing something as it happens.”
Gale watches you like he’s a dingo and you’re a human baby.
“So humans, being humans—”
Shadowheart rolls her eyes and mutters, “Of course.”
“—they put sex in it. Pictures, writing, performances. All of it.”
“Performances?” Wyll says. “You mean…?”
“Two—or more—people actually fucking, yeah. Like you’re there, only it’s in the crystal square and anybody with one can watch. I seen all kinds’a shit.”
“That’s,” Gale starts. Can’t even finish his sentence.
Is Karlach sweating?
“You can just…?” Wyll says and makes some vague hand motion.
“Ye-awp.” With another popped “p” cause it makes everybody uncomfortable and this is hilarious.
“So you view what you like, and then take yourself to bed?” Shadowheart says.
Cause that’s what happens when you get cocky.
“Bit personal,” you say.
She crosses her fucking legs. “Ah. You were comfortable earlier, though. With the bugbear genitalia. I only wondered.”
Jesus fuck.
You shove the last of your griddlecake into your face, chew it, and say, “I am inexperienced, not uneducated. And that’s it for me, before y’all actually embarrass me enough I gotta burn down the camp while y’all sleep. I’m going to bed.”
“All by yourself?” Shadowheart says, and she is smirking.
You give her a look. She just tilts her head, all sweet like.
“Y’all are a bunch’a dickheads.”
Y’all get caught up in your first mountain storm the next morning. Wake up and a bear is trying to rip into your tent. And then the shadow moves against the tent flap and Halsin ducks in. Has to raise his voice to be heard over the hissing and howling of the wind, and the thunder of rain pelting your tent (thank Gale for putting a water-off spell on all y’all’s tents).
The storm is too nasty for y’all to move. So you stay put.
Rain continues to dump. You don’t got nothing to do, so you scurry over to Gale’s tent for another TED talk/reading/language lesson. Which lasts a good few hours until water starts coming in through the bottom of Gale’s tent and he swears and everybody pitches in to grab his shit and evacuate. The water is up to your ankles by the time y’all are done—Astarion don’t come out once, though a candle burns in there and y’all can see his silhouette in the golden halo on the red fabric.
Wyll, turns out, probably has the best setup outta all y’all. And he’s nice enough to let Gale crash there while his shit dries out. There’s too many damn people in that tent, though, so you head back to your own and curl in for a nap.
The quiet is what wakes you. No rain. No wind roaring down from the jagged slopes above. Just the soft sounds of a mountain breeze at night—it’s dark in the tent, shit damnit you slept too long—and the snapping of a campfire.
You done went and wasted a dirt potion. You consider leaving it be, but somebody is awake out there, and you ain’t gonna be able to sleep again for a while, and y’all got yourselves a fucking stock of it. So you slam it back, and duck outside.
Gale greets you as you emerge. Sweetums looks up from where he’s nestled with Scratch in the open flap of Wyll’s tent. You’re all groggy and tired, and so are they, apparently. The wizard  is hunched by the fire, his boots set out on their sides to dry, clothing and rugs hanging over rocks and low branches.
“Is it bad?” you say.
“Oh, nothing I can’t handle,” he says.
Ain’t nobody else up. Goddamn, how long did you sleep?
“I took first watch,” Gale says. “Seemed prudent, given the chores I’ve yet to attend to. I’m afraid dinner is whatever cold rations we’ve got. Should be some bread and cheese in the pack over there.”
You nod. Dinner would be good, though your stomach ain’t woken up yet. But that’s not what pulled you outta your bedroll. That is your screaming bladder.
“Sounds good,” you say. “I’m just gonna go take care of something.”
“Piss, yes,” he says. In English.
“I’m gonna regret teaching you that, huh?”
“Oh, it’s not like wizards have a tendency to become knowledge-obsessed, power-hungry madmen or anything. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
He can only hold a straight face for a couple more seconds. Then he cracks, and so do you, and so does your bladder (nearly).
You wave and scurry off. Note that Astarion’s tent is dark—must be back on the hunt.
“He left not long ago,” Gale calls out. “Rotten mood. I don’t think he’s had any success for a while.”
Shit. Y’all are gonna have to talk, then. See if you can’t come up with a solution. Maybe get Shadowheart to help you bleed into a cup (you can’t do it yourself; your brain shies hard from that thought).
You can talk to Wyll, too; see if he can’t bring in his hunts and trappings and let y’all’s resident vampire at them first.
Y’all are set up next to a shallow valley in the woods. Trees sweep all the way over and up the flanks of the mountains on the other side. Ought to be deer or bunnies in there. For you, these woods is spooky in the dark. Yeah yeah, Cherokee princess noble savages one with nature shit. But smart people don’t go into the fucking woods alone at night. That’s how mama mountain cats feed little baby mountain cats.
You piss hard to speed it up and get back. Do a little shimmy in your crouch and wipe with the square of torn up rags you brought with (you been collecting them and boiling them when y’all make camp) (you made yourself Baby’s First Breechcloth, but it’s an unwieldy mess in your trousers cause you don’t actually know what you’re doing and the goddamn cloth bunches up sometimes).
The creepy gets worse. You shove your britches back in and button yourself up. You start to turn back when your brain finally registers what’s giving you the heeby jeebies.
It’s quiet. Not just “storm fucked off” quiet, but there should be owls. Squirrels. Mice or rats or possums rustling around. But there ain’t.
It is dead quiet.
The hairs on the back of your neck lift. You should turn. You don’t wanna. Don’t need to see some old woman with one finger a long, long talon staring at you from behind a tree.
A crow caws. You damn near jump clean outta your skin.
“Fucking asshole!” you hiss.
A branch rustles right above you. The damned bird. It’s dark out here. Proper dark. A bit of the campfire glow filters in, though. Just enough for you to make out dark wings up there as the stupid bird flaps over to land right above your head.
It caws again.
“Right, sorry for being on your turf,” you say. Only something ain’t right about that bird. Something about the wing ain’t moving correctly.
Is it broken? Is this a hurt bird nosing for scraps? But as you peer up, you realize it’s got something in its beak.
“Whatcha got…there…?”
A berry, you think. Some kinds big, pale berry with the stem still attached. A long stem, trailing down, flopping as the bird twitches. Only that ain’t a berry. That’s a motherfucking eyeball.
The crow caws three times, a sort of “a ha ha!” Only it don’t sound like a crow no more; more like an old woman.
Like a fucking swamp hag.
You’re still in screaming range. Gale’s awake, and you know he can blast a good quarter of an acre to ashes. You can back away, you start to back away—
Dark tent. He just left, not long ago. No luck hunting. He’d be tired; be slower, weaker than usual.
Your voice seems to spook the bird. It takes off in a burst of feathers, heading further into the dark.
“Wait,” you say. “Wait!”
And it does. Fucker stops, perches about ten feet further in. That little bastard is waiting for you. And now you know why White people get murdered in horror movies. Because this is a trap. One hundred percent, most definitely a trap. But you feel deep down in your bone marrow that if you (sensibly) sprint for backup, or shout out a warning to the others, that crow will disappear and something very, very bad is going to happen.
“Fuck, fuck.”
You waffle for a second. Maybe two. And then it’s like a hook grabs your insides and hauls you after that goddamn, motherfucking lure bird deeper and deeper into the woods.
You crash through bushes. Branches swat your face. Your toes skip over something and you tear open your palms catching yourself on the rough trunk of a tree. The crow stops. Lets you catch up before it laughs and heads deeper and you’re so fucked. This is so fucking stupid. This is how you get murdered by a swamp hag in the woods. This is how a monster pounces on you and crunches right through the back of your skull.
Then the glimmer of torchlight. Orange and flickering. And your brain spits out an image of Astarion lounging next to a campfire, munching down on a squirrel like it’s a boiled ear of corn. He’d lift his head all lazy to give you a judgmental look when you emerge from the woods like a madwoman with sticks in your hair.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
A clearing. A horse in that clearing, with a torch set into a harness on the saddle. The crow flaps to a branch on the edge, flutters its rotten wings, and visibly gloats.
You reach the edge.
A shape on the ground. Big, brown: a deer, very dead. And next to that something else. White hair spattered in red. White shirt and pale hands, also red. Red everywhere.
“Astarion?” you say.
He’s on his back, unmoving. There’s something wrong with his chest. A branch or a…
A stake. A stake right through the middle of his chest. And then you look at his face and his eyes are huge and his mouth moves but no sound comes out—
“That’s far enough, friend,” a voice says.
You turn. Spot the crossbow. The leather arm braces. An embroidered vest and a pointy beard.
Gandrel the monster hunter stands with a bolt aimed at your face.
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what are your thoughts (and potential headcanons) about aegon iv's nine mistresses?
Ouffff well I gotta be honest I probably won’t have as many headcanons about them as I did for the daughters in law of Daeron and Myriah- but I’m more than happy to share my thoughts about them!
Falena Stokeworth
Thoughts: Groomer!!! Get lost lady you’re literally his dad’s age!!!!! Should’ve locked her up in Harrenhall and thrown away the key maybe!
Headcanons: Honestly I think canon already kind of spells it out for us given her age relative to his own, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was preying on Aegon’s whole mommy issues deal in order to get into a relationship with him. Pain and suffering all around.
Thoughts: Honestly poor girl she deserved sooo much better :( pretty sure her whole deal was supposed to be another commentary on how nobility don’t actually give a shit about the smallfolk even when they’re lovers and all that, but goddamn I just feel bad for her :(
Cassella Vaith
Thoughts: Ngl another girl who deserved so much better- it’s kind of weird how they give her a description but not the other mistresses but hey who am I to judge- makes her easier to draw ig?
Headcanons: Oh she was absolutely psychologically tortured during her time with Aegon because that man is notttt capable of being nice to any woman. I imagine the reason she wasn’t married off after being returned home was because of how traumatized she was
Bellegere Otherys
Thoughts: Okay this may sound stupid as hell given all the shit I talked about Aegon prior to this but like…. Idc, I support her decisions in choosing one of the most rancid men in Westeros to be her lover. In her defense!!!! Pickings for royalty were very slim- her only other options were a former teen dad who’s still hung up on his ex wife and is always busy trying (and failing) to keep his nephews from dying, a member of the kingsguard who’s obsessed with his own sister, and Baelor, of course she was gonna go for Aegon! Bellegere can get the one exception because I think pirate women are really cool and tbh I think she’s also the only one who was with him for funsies before dropping his ass like a sack of potatoes when he got too annoying for her
Headcanons: Ngl I kinda like to think her daughter Nahra took up the whole trading/smuggling/pirating business after her, and Bellegere got to retire and chill in Braavos watching all the shit go down with the Blackfyre rebellions. Good for her <3
Barba Bracken
Thoughts: I mean…. She’s a bitch, but tbh she kinda deserved better too. Even if she is meant to be a bad person, she was also just a teenager when Aegon began sleeping with her and was mostly pushed forward by her own dad, and its sad that she then continued the cycle of abuse to her own sister :(
Headcanons: I kinda like to think she and Daena had a very toxic frenemy-ship, that’s my main reasoning to explain why Aegor was so loyal to Daemon lmao
Melissa Blackwood
Thoughts: I mean, she’s one of Naerys’ only canonical female friends so she gets an automatic like in my books. And also kinda funny that the Bracken/Blackwood slap fight actually caused another Targ civil by just pushing their female relatives in front of a horny king. She absolutely deserved so much better
Headcanons: I refuseeee to believe she died in childbirth, in my head she’s also retired chilling in Raventree Hall with her daughters and occasionally got updates from Brynden about the war crimes he was committing <3
Bethany Bracken
Thoughts: Deserved so, SO much better. Mr lord Bracken sir I will see you in HELL!!!!!
Jeyne Lothson
Thoughts: Only thing I have to say is…. Absolutely gothic horror girlie because holy shit. My god. Was George intentionally writing her story to be horrifying or was it a weird fetish- I’m hoping to god it was the former. Anyways she absolutely deserved so much better than all the adults in her life
Headcanons: For added flavor aka more horror! I do headcanon her to actually be Aegon’s daughter, and I believe Danelle was either her daughter or granddaughter because- well, we do definitely need to sprinkle in some more cursed bloodline shit to the house that’s already doomed cause they’re living in Harrenhall, yippe :))
Serenei of Lys
Thoughts: Boring as hellllll that she died from childbirth like- COME ON!!! Let the lady die from implosion, or slipping on a banana peel or something!!! Also kinda sucks that we barely know anything else about her! I want the lore George!!!
Headcanons: Due to lack of lore, I’m stealing someone else’s previous headcanon that she’s actually a Hightower bastard because 1. Absolutely hilarious and is absolutely the level of hustling scam-artistry that I would expect during Aegon’s reign, and 2. Kinda explains her whole deal- why Jon even brought her to court, why we know nothing about her past, why she’s so distant and kinda secretive. Shout out to whoever came up with that headcanon cause that lives in my head rent free forever now
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Lucifer Rising
Masterlist pt 1
Masterlist pt 2
Dean was staring out the window, brooding. We had returned from the motel to Bobby's house and told Bobby what happened...well, I told Bobby. Dean didn't really speak much since we left and I was honestly scared to say anything to him. 
I know he's hurt and angry, so was I, but I just didn't know what to say to him. The whole drive back, we sat there in silence and I placed a comforting hand on his leg. He lowered his right hand and goes to grab my hand and, at first, I was worried he was gonna reject my comforting hand but he took my hand in his and held onto it, tightly. I ran my thumb over his knuckles and the two of us stayed like that until we made back to Bobby's.
"Dean? Dean! You listen to a word I said?" Bobby asked Dean. "Yeah, I heard you. I'm not calling him." Dean said. "Don't make me get my gun, boy." Bobby threatened and Dean turns to face him. "We are damn near kickoff for Armageddon, don't you think we got bigger fish at the moment?" Dean asked him.
"I know you're pissed. And I'm not making apologies for what he's done, but he's your--" Bobby started to say but Dean talks over him. "Blood? He's my blood, is that what you were gonna say?" he asked. "He's your brother. And he's drowning." Bobby said. 
"Bobby, we tried to help him, we did. Look what happened. He almost killed Dean..." I said. "So try again." Bobby said and Dean shakes his head. "It's too late." He said. "There's no such thing." said Bobby.
"No, damnit! No. I gotta face the facts. Sam never wanted part of this family. He hated this life growing up. Ran away to Stanford first chance he got. Now it's like déjà vu all over again." Dean yells as he goes to sit down. "Well, I am sick and tired of chasing him. Screw him, he can do what he wants." Dean growls and I look at Bobby then back at Dean.
"You don't mean that." I said and Dean looks up at me. "Yes I do, (y/n). Sam's gone. He's gone. I'm not even sure if he's still my brother anymore. If he ever was." Dean said and I felt pity for him while Bobby turns and leans on the table, fuming.
"Dean..." I started to say, softly, when Bobby makes a big angry sweep with his hands, tossing books and papers to the ground. He advances on Dean, who stands. "You stupid, stupid son of a bitch! Well, boo hoo, I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess! Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good?! Bake you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family!" Bobby yells at him, which made me jump back at this. 
"I told him, you walk out that door, don't come back and he walked out anyway! That was his choice!" Dean yells back at him. "You sound like a whiny brat. No, you sound like your dad. Well, let me tell you something. Your dad was a coward." Bobby sneers. "Oh no." I muttered as Dean glares at Bobby. "My dad was a lot of things, Bobby, but a coward?" Dean said, questioning.
"He'd rather push Sam away than reach out to him. Well, that don't strike me as brave. You are a better man than your daddy ever was. So you do all of us a favor. Don't be him." Bobby said and Dean turns back to staring out the window.
Bobby and I lower our heads and look at the floor then I raise my head up to see Dean gone. "What the hell?" I said and Bobby looks up to see him gone as well. "Where did he go?" Bobby asked and I start to put two and two together. "The Angels." I said and now I start to get worried.
*3rd Person POV*
Dean turns around, only to find himself in a large, lavishly appointed room. The walls are painted white with gold trim and accents, and a marble table stands in the center. "Hello, Dean." a voice said behind him and he turns to see Castiel standing behind him. "It's almost time." He said and Dean furrows his brow at this.
*(y/n)'s POV*
​​​​​​"Well, what now?" Bobby asked as I sit in a chair, head in my hands. "I don't know, Bobby. I wish to God, I knew what was going on..." I groaned as my head felt heavy. "You okay?" Bobby asked and I shake my head. "Honestly, Bobby, I'm not sure. Sam drinking demon blood, Dean now angel-napped by the freakin' angels since he basically told them he'll be their bitch, and I'm just...I haven't gotten alot of sleep lately and feel just...worn down and now the apocalypse looming over us...it's just...too much." I cried then I look back at Bobby. 
"Sorry, about the bitchin'..." I said and Bobby places a hand on my shoulder. “You don’t need to apologize. This is some serious crap we’re stuck in.” Bobby said. “That’s an understatement. I miss the days when this job was just about vengeful spirits and folklore monsters.” I muttered, rubbing my forehead.
“You ain’t the only one. I’m getting too old for this crap.” Bobby grumbled and I let out a weak chuckle. “Alright, Sam’s gone, the angels got Dean, and we’re stuck here with our thumbs up our asses. What are we gonna do?” Bobby asked. I let out a heavy sigh, shaking my head. “I guess…I guess the only option is to try and find Sam. He’s all we got left right now. Maybe after hearing that Dean got angel-napped he’ll snap out it and help us.” I said, a bit of hope in my voice. “Dean’s still his brother. He’ll come back around for him.” Bobby assured me. “I hope so.” I muttered, thinking back to the last thing Dean said to him.
Bobby patted me on the shoulder and walk around his desk. “Alright, I’ll stay here and call some hunters. Maybe someone has seen Sam or has any idea where the angels might have taken Dean.” He said, sitting down and pulling out a book full of contacts.
I nodded. “Call me as soon you got something.” I said, standing up and walking to door. “You got it. And (Y/n)...” Bobby said, I stop in doorway of the library the led into the hallway, and turn back to look at him. “We’ll get the boys back.” He assured me, I smile slightly and nodded.
*3rd Person POV*
Dean pokes around the room, looking at the magnificent pastoral paintings on the walls. He turns back to the table and finds that it now holds a silver bowl packed with ice and full of beer bottles, and a large platter of hamburgers. He picks up a beer bottle and looks at it.
"Hello, Dean. You're looking fit." A voice said and Dean turns to see Zachariah. "Well, how 'bout this? The Suite Life of Zach and Cas." Dean jokes, setting the beer down, but the two angels look at him, blankly. "It's a...never mind. So, what is this? Where the hell am I?" Dean asked them
"Call it a Green Room. We're closing in on the grand finale, here. We want to keep you safe before showtime." Zachariah said then he indicates to the food on the table. "Try a burger. They're your favorite. From that seaside shack in Delaware. You were 11, I think." Zachariah said. "I'm not hungry." Dean said. "No? How about Ginger from season 2 of Gilligan's Island? You do have a thing for her, don't you?" Zachariah asked and Dean furrows his brow at him.
"I have a good woman, thank you. Let's...bail on the holodeck, okay? I want to know what the game plan is." Dean said. "Let us worry about that. We want you...focused, relaxed." Zachariah said. "Well, I'm about to be pissed and leaving, so start talking, Chuckles." Dean said, impatiently, and Zachariah sighs. "All the seals have fallen. Except one."
"That's an impressive score. That's...that's right up there with the Washington Generals." Dean jokes. "You think sarcasm's appropriate, do you? Considering...you started all this? But the final seal...it'll be different." Zachariah said. "Why?" Dean asked. "Lilith has to break it. She's the only one who can. Tomorrow night -- midnight." Zachariah said.
"Where?" asked Dean. "We're working on it." Zachariah said. "Well, work harder." Dean demanded. "We'll do our job. You just make sure you do yours." Zachariah said, in a firm tone. "Yeah, and what is that, exactly? If I'm supposed to be the one that stops her, how? With the knife?" Dean asked, angrily. "All in good time." Zachariah said.
"Isn't now a good time?" Dean asked, annoyed. "Have faith." Zachariah said, smirking. "What, in you? Give me one good reason why I should." Dean challenged and Zachariah gets in Dean’s face. "Because you swore your obedience. So obey." Zachariah growls and Dean looks past him at Castiel, who looks down guiltily.
*(y/n)'s POV*
After Bobby drops me off to my safehouse, I go up to the shed behind it and enter inside. Then I walk over to the cloth tarp and pull it off, revealing my motorcycle. I smile as it has been awhile since I've driven this and I kinda miss it.
I grab the keys out of the bowl on a table nearby. I mount the bike, turning it on and felt the engine come on. The roar of the bike makes me smile as it only reminds me the times Dad took me on this bike when I was a kid.
I rev up the engine and start to take off back to Cold Springs, maybe going back there and find clues will help find Sam.
I had been driving for awhile when I felt a pain sear through my head, like a sudden headache. I groan and then pull my bike on the side of the road, to avoid any traffic, then shut it off. I take my helmet off and place my hands over my head as the pain kept hitting me. Then I got flashes of a hospital, then a woman and then Sam and Ruby. I let out a yell as the flash shift and they had the nurse tied down to a table, her eyes black.
"Sam..." I groaned as my head felt like it was gonna split open. Then it subsided and I start takes some deep breathes and let them out. Oh God, are my visions coming back?!​​​​​ I thought as I regain myself and slowly get up on the motorcycle.
Once my head was cleared, I opened my phone and dialed Bobby's number. "Bobby, I think my visions are coming back." I said to him.
*3rd Person POV*
After the angels left, Dean paced along the room, holding his phone and considers it. "Ah, screw it." he mutters and he opens the phone and dials. "It's Sam. Leave me a message." Sam's voice-mail said then there was a beep.
"Hey, it's me. Uh..." Dean starts before he clears his throat. "Look, I'll just get right to it. I'm still pissed...and I owe you a serious beatdown. But...I shouldn't have said what I said. You know, I'm not Dad. We're brothers. You know, we're family. And, uh...no matter how bad it gets, that doesn't change. Sammy, I'm sorry." Dean said, his voice shaking a bit before the voice-mail beeps then he hangs up.
Minutes, or hours Dean didn't know, when by and he began to get frustrated. He pokes at one of the numerous figurines on one of the many mantlepieces and tips it deliberately to the ground. It shatters with a crash just as Castiel appears behind him. Dean turns around, looking slightly guilty.
"You asked to see me?" Castiel asked him and Dean clears his throat. "Yeah, listen, I, uh, I-I need something." Dean said. "Anything you wish." Castiel said. "I need you to take me to see Sam." Dean said. "Why?" Castiel asked him. "There's something I got to talk to him about." Dean replied.
"What's that?" Castiel asked. "The B.M. I took this morning." Dean said, sarcastically. "What's it to you? Just make it snappy." He said. "I don't think that's wise." Castiel said. "Well, I didn't ask you for your opinion." Dean growls.
"Have you forgotten what happened the last time you met?" Castiel asked him. "No. That's the whole point. Listen, I'm gonna do whatever you mooks want, okay? I just need to tie up this one thing. Five minutes -- that's all I need." Dean said. "No." Castiel said, firmly.
"What do you mean, no? Are you saying that I'm trapped here?" Dean asked. "You can go wherever you want." said Castiel. "Super. I want to go see Sam." Dean said. "Except there." Castiel said.
"Then I want to see (y/n)." Dean said. "Why?" Castiel asked. "Cause she's probably losing her mind on where I am. Just want to talk to her." Dean said. "Fine. I'll go with you." Castiel said. "Alone." Dean said. "No." Castiel said. "You know what? Screw this noise. I'm out of here." Dean growls and he heads for the door.
"Through what door?" Castiel asked and Dean turns to face him, frowning. When he turns back, the door has been replaced by a smooth wall. He turns back to face Castiel, who has also disappeared. "Damn it." Dean growls, angrily.
*(y/n)'s POV*
I made it to the Cold Springs and was getting off of the bike and started to walk along the street when a sharp pain goes through my head. I placed my hands over my face as I got another vision and this time I see Sam and Ruby sitting in a car while a female voice was screaming from the trunk.
Then it switched to when they had the girl tied down and she was saying something but the only words I made out was St. Mary's.
Then I came back to and I shake my head. I go and dig in my pocket to pull out phone and dial Bobby's number. But as I raise my head I noticed I wasn't in the town of Cold Springs but a very fancy looking room, white and gold. "What the hell?" I said as I heard the dead tone on my phone.
"(Y/n)?" A voice said and I put away my phone in my pocket and turn around to see Dean. "Dean!" I exclaimed, relieved, and I run over to him and we hugged. 
"Now you have her, will you quit hurling feces like a howler monkey? It's unbecoming." A different voice said and we pull back from our hug and I see an older man with little to no hair wearing a business like suit. Then the man nods at me. "Hello, Ms (l/n). I'm Zachariah." He introduced and Dean goes to push me behind him, protectively.
"Let us out of here." Dean demanded. "Like I told you: too dangerous out there. Demons on the prowl." Zachariah said. "I've been getting my ass kicked all year. Now you're sweating my safety? You're lying. I want to see my brother." Dean yells. "That's...ill-advised." Zachariah said.
"You know, I am so sick of your crap riddles and your smug, fat face. What the hell is going on, huh? Why can't I see Sam? And how am I gonna ice Lilith?" Dean asked him, angrily, and Zachariah sighs. "You're not...Going to ice Lilith." He said and I furrow my brow at this.
"What?" Dean and I asked. "Lilith's going to break the final seal. Fait accompli at this point. Train's left the station." Zachariah said. "But me, (y/n) and Sam, we can stop..." Dean said but then he stops. "You don't want to stop it, do you?" he asked and Zachariah smiles. "Nope. Never did. The end is nigh. The apocalypse is coming, kiddo, to a theater near you." he said.
"What was all that crap about saving seals?" I asked him, angrily. "Our grunts on the ground -- we couldn't just tell them the whole truth. We'd have a full-scale rebellion on our hands. I mean, think about it. Would we really let 65 seals get broken unless senior management wanted it that way?" Zachariah said and my jaw drops at this. 
"But why?" Dean asked and Zachariah shrugs. "Why not? The apocalypse? Poor name, bad marketing -- puts people off. When all it is is Ali/Foreman. On a...slightly larger scale. And we like our chances. When our side wins -- and we will -- it's paradise on earth. Now, what's not to like about that?" He asked. "What happens to all the people during your little pissing contest?" Dean asked. "Well...you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs. In this case...truckloads of eggs, but you get the picture. Look...it happens. This isn't the first planetary enema we've delivered." Zachariah said.
And it seemed that Dean was looking at something as Zachariah was following his gaze. "Uh, no, Dean. Probably shouldn't try to bash my skull in with that thing. Wouldn't end up too pleasant for you." He said. "What about Sam? He won't go quietly. He'll stop Lilith." I yelped and Zachariah inhales deeply. "Sam...has a part to play. A very important part. He may need a little nudging in the right direction, but I'll make sure he plays it." Zachariah replied.
"What does that mean? What are you gonna do to him?" Dean asked him. "Sam, Sam, Sam. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia. Forget about him, would you? You have larger concerns. Why do you think I'm confiding in you? You're still vital, Dean. We weren't lying about your destiny. Just...omitted a few pertinent details. But nothing's changed. You are chosen. You will stop it. Just...not Lilith, or the apocalypse. That's all." He explains. 
"Which means?" Dean asked and Zachariah gestures to a painting on a wall of an angel flying over another winged person with his spear raised, as if he's going to stab him. "Lucifer. You're going to stop Lucifer. You're our own little Russell Crowe complete with a surly attitude. And when it's over...and when you've won...your rewards will be...unimaginable. Peace, happiness...two virgins and seventy sluts. Oh, I mean seventy-one sluts, gotta add Ms (l/n) there." He chuckles and I glare at him.
"What did you just say?!" I growled and Dean holds me back from attacking this asshole. "Trust me -- one day, we'll look back on this and laugh." Zachariah said. "Tell me something. Where's God in all this?" Dean asked him. "God? God has left the building." Zachariah replied and my eyes widen, in shock, at this.
*3rd Person POV* 
Dean kept attempting to call Sam again while (y/n) paces the room. "So your visions are back?" Dean asked (y/n) as he tries to call Sam. "I guess...I honestly didn't get much except for the words, St. Mary's." (Y/n) said as Dean listens into his phone but could hear only static. "You can't reach him, Dean. You're outside your coverage zone." Castiel said as he appears behind the two and they turn to him.
"What are you gonna do to Sam?" Dean asked him. "Nothing. He's gonna do it to himself." Castiel said. "What's that supposed to mean?" (y/n) asked and Castiel looks down. "Oh, right, right. Got to toe the company line." Dean grumbles and he sighs.
"Why are you here, Cas?" He asked him. "We've been through much together, you and I. And I just wanted to say, I'm sorry it ended like this." Castiel said to him. "Sorry?" Dean said, disbelieving, then he punches Castiel, who hardly flinches. (Y/n) jumped a bit at this while Dean turns and flexes his hand in pain. "It's Armageddon, Cas. You need a bigger word than sorry." Dean yells at him.
"Try to understand -- this is long foretold. This is your..." Castiel started to say but Dean talks over him. "Destiny? Don't give me that holy crap. Destiny, God's plan...It's all a bunch of lies, you poor, stupid son of a bitch! It's just a way for your bosses to keep me and keep you in line! You know what's real? People, families -- that's real. And you're gonna watch them all burn?" Dean yelled.
"What is so worth saving? I see nothing but pain here. I see inside you. I see your guilt, your anger, confusion. In paradise, all is forgiven. You'll be at peace. Even with Sam and (y/n)." Castiel said and Dean glares at him. "You can take your peace...and shove it up your lily-white ass. 'Cause I'll take the pain and the guilt. I'll even take Sam as is. It's a lot better than being some Stepford bitch in paradise. This is simple, Cas! No more crap about being a good soldier. There is a right and there is a wrong here, and you know it." Dean said and Castiel turns away.
"Look at me!" Dean shouts and he grabs Castiel's shoulder and turns him back to face him. "You know it! You were gonna help me once, weren't you? You were gonna warn me about all this, before they dragged you back to Bible camp. Help us -- now. Please." Dean said, gesturing between him and (y/n).
"What would you have me do?" Castiel asked him. "Get us to Sam. We can stop this before it's too late." (y/n) said. "I do that, we will all be hunted. We'll all be killed." Castiel said. "If there is anything worth dying for...this is it." Dean said and Castiel shakes his head and looks down. "You spineless..." Dean said as he turns and walks away. "…soulless son of a bitch. What do you care about dying? You're already dead. We're done." Dean said.
"Dean --" Castiel mutters. "We're done!" Dean yells at him and he turns to look behind him, but (y/n) was the only one standing there.
Castiel was standing at a riverfront, staring out at the water as he thinks over what Dean had said. He started to feel some sort've emotion after the argument he and Dean just had. And Castiel had no idea what else to do or where to go after this.
He lowers his head then sighs. "Ariel..." he mutters, as if she could hear him. He wasn't for sure if she'd come but he needed to try; to help Dean, Sam and (y/n), he needed her help. Castiel looks upwards towards the sky and begins praying, hoping that Ariel will hear it.
“Ariel, you were right, I regret taking my order. I know they are wrong but still I follow them. As you said it, I’m scared. I’ve been a loyal servant of Haven for so long, that idea of thinking for myself is terrifying. I wish I could go back to how things were before." Castiel said before he sighs again. "Before I raised Dean Winchester out of hell. Everything seemed so much simpler. But I can’t, I’m here now and I know that keeping Dean and (Y/n) from Sam is wrong. Not just wrong, dangerous. You’re brother, Lucifer should never be released. He and Michael will destroy this beautiful planet. Destroy God’s greatest creations. I can’t turn a blind eye anymore…I don’t want to. The first time we spoke, you said no one can tell me what to do. No one but myself. But please…just this once. Give me advice on what to do. Please help me.” he said, a bit desperately, and he looks around himself but doesn't see her.
His heart sank as he started to think Ariel was ignoring him and he goes to turn around, only to see Ariel standing behind him. He stops and stares at her, shocked, and she smiles. "What took you so long?" She asked, jokingly.
Back at the hostage room, Dean and (y/n) pace along the room. Dean pauses in front of the platter of hamburgers and considers, (y/n) walks up next to him. He takes one, when s,uddenly, Castiel appears behind them, grabs them by the shoulder, and shoves both of them against the wall, pressing his hands over Dean's and (y/n)'s mouths and drawing a knife. A moment passes while they stare at each other, then the couple nods slightly.
Castiel lets them go then he draws the knife across his forearm and takes the blood with his other hand, smearing it on the wall to form the angel banishing sigil. "Castiel!" Zachariah shouts as he appears. "Would you mind explaining just what the hell you're doing?" He asked while Castiel  finishes drawing and slams his hand in the center of the sigil. In a violent flash of white light, Zachariah vanishes.
Castiel looks around himself then Ariel appears behind (y/n). "Is he gone?" Ariel asked, making (y/n) and Dean jump. "What the hell?" (Y/n) said, startled. "Who the hell are you?" Dean asked her. "This is Ariel, she's an angel." Castiel said, gesturing to her. "Just know that I'm here to help. We have to find Sam now." Ariel said to Dean and (y/n).
"I think I kinda know where. I had a vision before Zachariah angel-napped me and I remember hearing something about St. Mary's." (Y/n) said and Ariel and Castiel share a look. "It's a start." Ariel said and Castiel nods. "I think I know someone who will know what that is." Castiel said then Ariel turns to Dean and (y/n).
"We have to stop him from killing Lilith." She said.  "But Lilith's gonna break the final seal." Dean said. "Lilith is the final seal. She dies, the end begins." Ariel informs and Dean's and (y/n)'s eyes widen at this.
Chuck is on the phone with an escort service, pacing in his kitchen. The document on his computer screen reads Supernatural – Lucifer Rising by Carver Edlund. "Oh, yeah? Really? At the same time? Really? Wow. T-that sounds...moist." Chuck said into his phone and the woman laughs. "Well, it can be."
"Uh, what are your rates?" he asked. "We can get you one girl, one hour -- $1,000." the woman explains. "Okay. Then, uh, I'll take 20 girls for the whole night." he said and the woman on the phone was taken aback by this. "I'm not sure you can afford that." she said. "Lady, sometimes you got to live like there's no tomorrow." Chuck said when Castiel, Dean, (y/n) and Ariel appear suddenly and Chuck looks up in shock at them.
"Wait. T-t-this isn't supposed to happen." Chuck stammers. "Sir?" the woman asked and Chuck turns back to his phone. "No, lady, this is definitely supposed to happen, but I just got to call you back." he said and he hangs up and looks between the four.
"So, St. Mary's is a convent?" Dean asked Chuck after he told them the information they needed. "Yeah, but you guys aren't supposed to be there. You're not in this story." Chuck said. "Yeah, well..." Castiel said then he glances at Dean, (y/n) and Ariel. "We're making it up as we go." He said.
Then Chuck's computer screen flickers as a great rumbling begins, accompanied by a blinding white light. "Aw, man! Not again! No!" Chuck exclaimed. "It the Archangel!" Castiel said and Ariel turns to Dean and (y/n). "Cas and I will hold him off! We'll hold them all off! Just stop Sam!" she said and she touches Dean's and (y/n)'s forehead, transporting them away.
Immediately, Dean and (y/n) appear in an empty part of the convent. They look around then at each other before they walk down a hallway.
Castiel, Ariel and Chuck stand side by side to face what comes. Chuck places a hand on Castiel's shoulder and the other hand on Ariel's arm; The two angels give him a look, and Chuck drops his hands in embarrassment.
Sam enters the sanctuary and flings out a hand, Lilith flings across the room and slam into the altar and fall to the ground. Sam, with Ruby behind him, advances on Lilith and flings out his hand again, making Lilith forced back against the altar. Dean and (y/n) come around a corner and see what is happening in the sanctuary.
Runy looks back at the two and smiles. She puts out a hand and the doors to the sanctuary close while Sam walks towards Lilith. "I've been waiting for this...for a very long time." Sam growls. "Then give me your best shot." Lilith taunts.
Sam reaches out a hand, throwing his power at her. White light shines on Lilith and she cries out in pain. He then lowers his hand, the light fades and he heads voices. "Sam!" Dean's and (y/n)'s voices shout from the closed door. Sam turns to look at the door.
"Sam!" Dean and (y/n) shout as they bang on the door. "Sam!" They scream. "Dean? (y/n)?" Sam said, confused,  as he stares at the door. "What are you waiting for?! Now! Sam, now!" Ruby shouts at him as he continues to stare at the door.
"You turned yourself into a freak. A monster. And now you're not gonna bite? I'm sorry, but that is honestly adorable." Lilith laughs and Sam faces her then raises his hand again. His eyes turn black as he concentrates his power and hurls it at Lilith. She convulses several times, her body glowing and flickering until, at last, she goes limp. Sam's eyes turn back to normal.
Dean keeps trying to shoulder charge the door but (y/n) stops him. "Wait, wait, wait." She said and Dean stops and (y/n) raises her hand, using her powers to open the door. Dean steps aside as she does this.
Blood pours out of Lilith's body in a steady stream; the stream is flowing in what looks like a very deliberate direction. "What the hell?" Sam asked, confused. "I can’t believe it." Ruby mutters and Sam turns to her.
"Ruby, what’s going on?" He asked her. "You did it. I mean, it was a little touch-and-go there for a while, but...you did it." Ruby said and Sam looks at her, confused. "What? What -- what did I do?" he asked. "You opened the door. And now he's free at last. He's free at last!" Ruby exclaimed.
"No, no, no. No, he -- Lilith -- I stopped her. I killed her!" Sam said, in denial. "And it is written that the first demon shall be the last seal. And you bust her open." Ruby said, feverently, then Sam puts his hands to his head. "Now guess who's coming to dinner." Ruby said, laughing. "Oh, my God." Sam whispers, devastated.
"Guess again. You don't even know how hard this was! All the demons out for my head. No one knew. I was the best of those sons of bitches! The most loyal! Not even Alastair knew! Only Lilith! Yeah, I'm sure you're a little angry right now, but, I mean, come on, Sam! Even you have to admit -- I'm -- I'm awesome!" she exclaims, happily, as Sam stares at her, disbelieving before it turns to anger.
"You bitch. You lying bitch!" He growls and he thrusts his hands at her, trying to use his powers, but he drops, clutching his head instead. "Don't hurt yourself, Sammy. It's useless. You shot your payload on the boss." Ruby informed him. "The blood...You poisoned me." Sam groans and Ruby kneels in front of him.
"No. It wasn't the blood. It was you...and your choices. I just gave you the options, and you chose the right path every time. You didn't need the feather to fly, you had it in you the whole time, Dumbo! I know it's hard to see it now...but this is a miracle. So long coming. Everything Azazel did, and Lilith did. Just to get you here. And you were the only one who could do it." She said. "Why? W-why me?" Sam asked her. "Because...because it had to be you, Sammy. It always had to be you. You saved us. You set him free. And he's gonna be grateful. He's gonna repay you in ways that you can't even imagine." she said and (y/n) was finally able to break the door open with her powers and Dean draws the knife.
Ruby stands to confront them. "You're too late." she said. "I don't care." Dean growls as he advances on her and (y/n) holds her hand out, and Ruby's body stiffens as if she's frozen. Then Dean stabs Ruby, she flickers with light, then crumples to the floor, dead.
(Y/n) lowers her hand then her and Dean look over at Sam, who looks devastated. "I'm sorry." he said, broken, then Dean and (y/n) go to hug him.
The blood pouring out of Lilith had finished its pattern on the floor. A brilliant white light shoots up from the central point of the pattern and the convent begins to tremble, making the trio turn to look at it.
"Sammy, let's go." Dean said but Sam grabs their arms. "Guys...he's coming." Sam said as he stares at the light. Dean and (y/n) stare at the light, their hearts beating in fear, as another flash of white engulfs them.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @ellie-andthemachine
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year
For the fake title ask game: "Laughing through your crocodile tears" (I'm picking random song lyrics lol)
Okay this one gave me some trouble.
Initially was thinking post-movie or post-S2 finale. Everyone saying they're fine, making excuses for odd behaviors, smiling and pretending everything's all right and they can go back to normal. But eventually the cracks start to show and it's just a matter of who falls apart first.
But then I had a really mean idea. Time to throw Leo under the bus again. Sorry Leo. Leo's a liar, right. He lies easily, not out of maliciousness, but more like because he's two steps down from a con artist sometimes. He might not be the most charismatic but he knows how to lay on the bullshit. So opposite of one those "cursed to only tell the truth" tropes. Leo can only answer in LIES. And as these things tend to go, it's not that big of a deal at first. "Leo, do you wanna play some video games?" "With you? No way." "Leo, do you want the last slice of pizza?" "Nah, I'm not hungry." And it's not hard to put together that something's wrong with Leo. Those boys are stupid sometimes but they're not that stupid. "Leo, are you cursed?" "Whhaaattt? Pfff, no! Me? Cursed? I would never be cursed." "Yeah, he's definitely cursed." "Am not! You can't prove it!" "Leo, do you like Jupiter Jim?" "Uhg, no! They're the worst movies ever!" "...bro, you're totally cursed."
It's all funny haha make Leo say stupid stuff. But then it gets...bad. Then it escalates, as these things tend to.
He can't communicate with his team during a fight. Everything he says is a lie, an opposite, a trick. It ends up getting them hurt. He ends up insulting Donnie's tech. Badly. And it's...it's really hurtful. And Donnie logically knows that Leo didn't mean it because it's the curse talking. But...hearing that from his brother? Logical doesn't really hold a candle to hurt feelings. Mikey tries to help and get Leo to talk about how he really feels. And it works. Kind of. Actually it backfires, in a way. Leo ends up screaming his insecurities and self-loathing for everyone to hear.
And then, because what he really wants to do is cry. He laughs instead. Because why not top everything off by his own body betraying him. He wants to run so he stays put. He wants to hide in his shell but he can't move. He's hungry but he can't eat. Tired but he can't sleep. And everything that spills out of him is a lie. And if he tries to lie, tries to do the opposite of what he wants to do, tries to trick the curse into working for him, nothing happens. He's lost complete control of everything that he is. And the lines start to blur. He starts questioning where the curse ends and where Leo begins. Is he still cursed? Is he still lying? What if he's telling the truth now? It's messing with his head and he can't sleep and he's starving and his body aches because he wants to rest, so he just keeps moving, pacing the lair until Raph grabs him and holds him close because Leo's feet have been worn bloody and he's gasping for air and trembling and scared. But he can only laugh and tell them he's fine, he doesn't need help, he'll be fine. They know it's a lie, but he's still saying it with the smarmy grin of his and it's so Leo of him to do that. But it's not Leo.
And now they have to find a way to break the curse before Leo's body completely gives out on him, before the curse ends up killing him.
I don't have a resolution, I just wanna put Leo through the ringer. :) Maybe the Mystic Library has the answer? Find the right book, perform the right ritual, that whole shebang. Maybe they gotta make a deal with Big Mama? But that's a whole other can of worms. Maybe Hypno's got the answer, that would be interesting to play with. There would be a happy ending, of course, I'm not going to let Leo die like that. But it would be a terrifying and harrowing experience for everyone.
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crimeronan · 1 year
i love all the comics coming out about luz explaining bisexuality to hunter theyre all so fucking funny and choice. i gotta join the headcanon train i've been thinking about how this would go down and CANNOT stop imagining, just. like. god
hunter already knows he finds any gender attractive. however hunter did NOT know that there's a word for this. he basically asks luz why there's a word for "water is wet" and luz is like oh boy. alright i'm not explaining homophobia to you. but hunter are you. are you aware that.... that not...... not everyone. is bisexual
hunter was not aware of this. hunter finds this entire concept both baffling and vexing. so he immediately starts in with a million threads of "but HOW. but WHY. but that MAKES NO SENSE" that just get increasingly autistic. while luz is like I DUNNO DUDE. SEXUALITY IS FLUID I CAN'T WRITE YOU A THESIS ON IT RN I AM FOURTEEN YEARS OLD I'M JUST ONLINE
hunter's like "but that's STUPID!!!" luz is like my man. my guy. my dude my pal. you have No Idea how many microaggressions you're committing right now. Ohhh My God
then in trying to explain it Again, luz is very patiently like "well i like a lot of different types of people! amity likes girls exclusively though. it's just how she is"
which causes hunter to get caught in another loop of "BUT WHY THOUGH. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH BOYS THEY LOOK NICE"
"she's just never liked a boy like that!"
"oh my god. hunter. you had no way of knowing this so it's okay but 'maybe someday you'll meet the right person' is like, the WORST thing you can POSSIBLY say. don't do that. it really doesn't matter That Much. you don't have to get it. it's fine"
hunter's like well okay fair enough i don't care enough about it to tread on people's toes. but also i hate this. i hate that you have cursed me with this knowledge and that i'm going to lay awake haunted for at least a week trying to figure it all out. why doesn't everybody in the entire world just do things that make sense to me, someone who is completely normal and rational about everything all the time
luz is like. alright drama queen. we can find some books and articles and stuff about it. is that cool??
hunter agrees to this and immediately perks up upon being told that there's an entire field of study just dedicated to stuff like this. but then after a second, still sounding just as vexed as before, he goes "i feel like i must be missing something obvious. i don't even know what gender MEANS"
"okay. what if.... i tell you...... that there are words for that, too."
and basically all of this deeply silly nonsense resolves with luz just being like. alright my bisexual genderqueer weirdo broski whom i love so much. PLEASE ask me for etiquette tips before you go out and meet Literally Any gay people at all in the human world, anywhere, ever. i am Fucking Begging You,
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ashes-writing-corner · 7 months
Hey guys! I am so sorry for the super long delayed update to this. I've been super busy, I've been sick, and I've had an injury I'm recovering from. I'm doing better, I just messed up my tailbone a while back. And i've also been super dedicated to getting my book done. But you're not here for that! You're here for the Ghosts that We Knew! Let's gooooo!
Taglist: @stargatenovus @poisonedsultana and @cedar-bees
Tw: none really, maybe a mention of Necrophilia, hinted Spectrophilia but it doesn't go into details. So yeah...
Ghosts That We Knew
Part 14. Spectrophilia
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“Are you and mama mad at each other?” Ellie asked one afternoon as she put aside the doll she was playing with.
Ghost was watching her from a corner in the room, as he always did when the girl was home and playing by herself. She had seemed somewhat somber these days, since you had figured out who he was and what he did. Ellie had felt the tension. She was doing everything her little mind could come up with to try and make them happy again, and it seemed to work to a degree. But there was still a sort of intensity whenever you and Ghost were in the same room. You hadn’t completely stopped talking to him, but you seemed hesitant to say anything.
“No lovey, we aren’t mad at each other” he answered quickly.
“Mama seems upset about something” Ellie pointed out, looking at the ghost who looked so comically big in that small corner.
Ghost sighed a little. “I…did kinda do something”.
“What’d you do?”.
Now to come up with an explanation a little kid would understand. That was the hard part. Ghost wasn’t stupid. He knew kids were smarter than adults usually gave them credit for. However, this wasn’t her fight to sort out. This wasn’t her problem to solve. This was between you and Ghost, whatever this was.
“I kept a secret that I shouldn’t have” he said.
“But I thought that’s the point of secrets?” Ellie cocked her head.
She wasn’t wrong. Thankfully he had a good counter for that.
“Sometimes yes. But serious ones, ones that could hurt people, they need to be told. Not be secrets. Surprises are temporary, secrets aren’t. I kept something from your mum that seriously hurt her feelings. We talked about it and I thought we were doing okay”.
“What was the secret?”
Now that was something he didn’t want to tell her. Not yet. Not to mention it really wasn’t his place to tell her. It was yours, and he wasn’t about to take that from you.
“Your mum will tell you when you’re older, I’m sure”.
“But I wanna know now,” Ellie said, “Please?”
Behind his mask, he couldn’t help but smile. “I appreciate the manners, kiddo, but I can’t tell ya. No matter how much I want to. It’s gonna be alright. I promise. Your mum just needs time and we gotta wait for your little brain to develop a little-”.
Ellie frowned. “You think I’m stupid…”
“What? No! No, never! I could never think that way about you, lovey. You’re a smart kid. It’s just that, problems between adults should stay between adults” he carefully sat down just in front of her on her bed, “What gave you that silly idea?”
Ellie put her hands on her head. “I hate talking about my brain”.
“Makes me feel dumb”.
“Sweetheart, you are anything but dumb. There’s just some things that you don’t understand yet. But I promise you, someday you will. It’ll take a while, but you will. And I’ll be there when your mum wants to tell you. You’re not alone Ellie, and you never will be if I can help it”.
With that, he hugged the little girl as best he could. It was cold, but Ellie didn’t seem to mind it. She was still worried about the situation though, she couldn’t help that.
“Can you and mama be friends again?” she asked.
“I’ll try to talk to her and see what’s going on. I caused this and I think only I can fix it. But seriously, Noelle…Do not for one second think you're dumb, stupid, ugly, or whatever negative thing is in your little head. You are remarkable. You’re sweet, kind, and you have the biggest heart of any kid I know. What or whoever is saying otherwise-”.
“My brain says it…” she admitted with a frown.
Behind his mask, Ghost frowned. Depression in such a young child was hard to swallow. He understood what she meant and that was a sad thing. But at least he knew.
“My brain used to say things like that too” he told her.
“Really?” she asked.
Ghost nodded. “A lot, actually. I…Only I didn’t hear my voice in my head saying things like that”.
Ellie cocked her head. “It wasn’t your voice?”
“Nope. My father was very mean, he’d say terrible things and do terrible things. Whenever my brain said negative things about me, I’d hear him say it”.
“What would you do to make it stop?”.
He couldn’t tell her that in the end, the voice had won over. No, he wouldn’t let her be without hope like he had been. He couldn’t do that to her.
“I’d tell him to shut up. That I was doing the best I could, and if nothing was good enough for him, then I’d give him nothing. Pay him no mind, give him no credence. No attention. Nothing. I would listen to music. Think of things that I liked, things that made me happy. And most of the time, he would stop”.
Ellie looked thoughtful. “Can you tell my brain to shut up?”
Ghost chuckled. “I can do something better. Close your eyes for me”.
The girl did as he asked and he put his hands on either side of her head. Again, his touch was cold, but she didn’t seem to mind at all.
“Hey, Ellie’s brain…be nice” he whispered, “She’s got it rough enough as is. She doesn’t need you makin’ it worse. If you aren’t nicer to her, I’ll come in there, and you’ll be very sorry”.
Ellie laughed and her eyes fluttered open. “Will it help?”.
“Well, when your brain starts saying mean things, I want you to remember that. I want you to hear my voice in your head saying just that. Sometimes our greatest bullies are the ones inside us. But it doesn’t need to be. When that happens, tell me or your mum, and we can make those thoughts go away”.
Ellie nodded in understanding. “Thank you” she wished she could hug him.
She didn’t need to, as Ghost reached his arms out and embraced her in an icy hold. “There isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for you, sweetheart. Remember that”.
“I’ll try…” she answered.
“That’s all I can ask” he replied letting her go, “I’ll try talking to your mum. I promise you, none of this is your fault or anything. It’s purely mine. I’ll take care of it. I promise. You just worry about being the best dang Ellie there is”.
Ellie smiled widely and nodded. “I’ll try. Thank you!”.
“You got this little one” he stood, “Now to go talk to your mum. Whatever you hear, I promise: It’s not your fault. Alright?”
“Not my fault”.
“Exactly. If you have to, cover your ears and keep saying it”.
“Are you guys gonna yell?”
His eyes softened more at that. “I’ll try not to. But your mum is really upset with me. Not you, me. Everything’s gonna be okay, I promise”
He remembered being that young and being afraid of his parent’s raised voices. He didn’t have anyone to protect him then, and he would be damned if he failed to protect her. It was bad enough the poor dear suffered from depression already. Ghost refused to make it worse if it could be helped.
Now it was time again to face the music, and figure out what exactly was bothering you now…
You were sitting in your room, having just washed up from dinner and now settling into your night routine. You were still looking for a therapist, as you weren’t about to go back on your word with Ghost, despite the new information you had. Soap had messaged you not too long ago, but you weren’t sure if you could talk to any of them without anger. You weren’t even really sure why you were angry at them. Price, Gaz, and Soap hadn’t actually done anything. They were just there the night of your transplant.
It was bad enough your mom and sister were there. You hated that they saw you like that, on the verge of death and needing a transplant. You hated that Ellie saw you like that. A chill passed by you and you set your book down, turning your app back on so you two could communicate somewhat.
“About as good as I can be in these circumstances” you answered.
“You’re angry?”
No…you. Me.
“I’m still processing everything and I actually learned something else”.
“Your friends were there that night”.
That took him by surprise. The guys were there? Why? Was it time? Were they coming to say goodbye? Did they still think that fondly of him at that point? He didn’t know what to say to that.
“Price called me, he left a message. I thought of calling him back, but I haven’t had the time and I don’t wanna run the risk of screaming at them. It was bad enough that my family saw me in that condition. I didn’t want your friends to be subject to it too”.
He wondered if they were actually there for him. It would make sense…
“It’s possible. I just…I hate thinking of all those people’s eyes on me. I was sick, and I needed help. Not pity”.
You got help.
“I know but…I just have mixed feelings about it”
That didn’t answer his question though. You had been really tense with him as of late, and he wanted to know if perhaps he did something wrong.
You sighed. “As I said, I just need time to process everything. I didn’t expect to get so tangled up in the military again. After my partner’s passing I didn’t want anything to do with it anymore. Now I’m caught in it forever. I just feel awkward around you now, it’s weird”.
You sighed and looked over at the end of the bed where you assumed he was sitting. It was now or never, and he had a right to know.
“You…Okay, I don’t want you to feel weird like I do, but I think it’s important” you got up and closed your door, careful to make sure you didn’t make too much noise as Ellie was about ready for bed by now.
With the door shut, you went back to the bed, heart hammering in your ribcage like a bird trying to get free. You weren’t sure how he was going to take this. Hell, YOU didn’t even know how to take this. It was so…bizarre and maybe wrong on some deep moral level. You weren’t sure. You opened your mouth to finally talk.
“When you touched me the other night…my chest and everything…” you were looking at your hands, trying to keep your palms from sweating, stifling the urge to pick at your arms, “You made me feel something. Some kind of way. I…haven’t felt anything like it since before my partner died”.
Uh oh…
Oh god…
Red flags were going up in Ghost’s head. A voice in his mind, for once not his father’s, was screaming: “Go away, go back to the closet right bloody now and do NOT come out!”. This could not be going where he thought it was going. Even so, he couldn’t move. He wanted to, oh gods he wanted to, but something just held him in place. He was stuck in some kind of nightmare scenario and there was no getting out of it.
When he didn’t reply, you continued.
“Maybe I’m just crazy, or lonely or something…but…I liked it. I liked it…definitely more than I should have. I mean, I totally get it, you didn’t mean it in like a sexual kinda way, but…” your words failed, “Fuck…”.
An awkward silence hung between you. Simon had NO idea what to do or say. You actually liked that he touched you? And he definitely didn’t mean it in that sort of way, but it felt…nice. He hadn’t felt warmth like that in ages, softness in even longer a time. He didn’t find the action to be entirely unpleasant and you definitely didn’t either.
Weird and yet, it felt so right…in a strange way.
Simon snapped back to reality. No, this wasn’t some weird romance novel shit. This was actually happening and it was wrong. He was dead, you were alive. To wish for such things would be black mark on both of you. He would be holding you back. And you, if anyone ever found out, would be ostracized as a…well…was there a term for someone who wanted to sleep with ghosts?
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything. I feel so damn stupid” You shook your head and kept your gaze still on your hands, “I’m not a necrophiliac I swear…”
I know.
“It’s wrong. It’s so wrong…”.
Feel wrong?
“Feel wrong?”
“Well no because you asked permission first. All I wanted to do was show you the scar, to show you what you did, in a way” you answered honestly, “And again, I know the intention behind it wasn’t-”
You stopped, stunned. Hell the question even took Simon off guard. But gods be damned he…he actually wanted to touch you again. As he had said before there were things he missed about being alive, warmth and softness being chief among them. A ghost's afterlife tended to be empty and cold. But you…you made him feel like he actually existed…
You were almost too stunned for words. “I…I think I’d like that…a lot”.
You felt a blast of cold over you as you laid back against the pillows, like he was moving on top of you. It was a heavy feeling, but not exactly physical. It was hard to describe. You felt the same chill softly bristle your cheek, like something was gently touching you. As odd a sensation it was you didn’t find it at all unpleasant. You drowned out the voice in your mind screaming that this was wrong and that you shouldn’t want this. But goddamn…did you ever want something so badly?
You felt both of his hands on your cheeks, your head moving seeming on its own accord. You felt almost hypnotized as the deathly cold traced your cheeks and down your face. Your heart hammered again inside you, your stomach was doing odd flips. You closed your eyes, something taking over you. Your lips felt suddenly cold and you just knew…you just knew.
Ghost was kissing you.
You were being kissed by a dead man.
A dead man whose heart beat in your chest.
Knowing this only seemed to heighten your senses as you felt his icy hands roam over your mostly bare arms. The straps to your simple cami fell to your shoulders as the kiss intensified. You seemed to meet those cold lips with the same intensity, closing your eyes as you felt your stomach go warm…and something further down started to ache. It had been so goddamn long…
When you opened your eyes, he was there, mask half up to reveal his graying skin and violet tinted lips. You weren’t afraid. You had never been afraid. And you sure as hell weren’t now.
“You alright lovey? Is this alright?” he asked, his eyes intense and his voice a little husky.
You let out a few quivering breaths before you answered. “This is fine. I’m okay. I promise”.
“Do you want me to take this off of you?” he asked, eyeing your cami shirt.
You felt your cheeks go warm as he asked, but you could only nod. Ghost took it as silent approval and moved his icy hands to your waist so he could pull the shirt up and over your head. Still ignoring that damn pesky voice, you raised your arms a little to let him pull it off. Your eyes found his as he flung it away and put his head to yours.
“Don’t you worry about a thing tonight love…I’ve got you” Simon kissed your head.
Something in you settled a little and you knew for certain that he was right. This was right…
Sorry guys but I'm not a smut writer, I leave that to the pros cause I sure as hell am not one. Maybe I'm a coward or maybe it's cause I'm on the ace spectrum. Who knows?
Anyway if you guys liked this part please feel free to like, comment, tag, and please reblog. I really appreciate it. I hope yall are having an awesome day and I'll hopefully be back soon ^.^ thank you for your patience!
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