#maybe i should start tagging my pokemon when i talk about them
starrysharks · 6 months
name: ZENO
age: 15-17 (don't wanna share my exact age sorrey)
gender/pronouns: maybe genderfluid, probably just cis girl - use any pronouns you'd like but she/her and he/him are best
race: ghanaian AND PROUD 💯💪🏿🇬🇭 (living in bumfuck britian tho)
other than that basic info, i am a CARTOON ARTIST inspired by stuff like invader zim, sonic the hedgehog, and moe anime, who enjoys drawing primarily CUTE GIRLS... but also some GUYS too i don't discriminate. i'd say my art covers around 50% fanart 50% OC art. i LOVE my ocs so much and so should you, so check out the tags for them and ask lots and lots of questions about them please.
(HERE is where i'll eventually put links to my OC comics and projects when i finally finish them, so look forward to that!)
i also do COMMISSIONS! i can draw for absolutely anything you want, and these days i've been wishing to be commissioned for a T-SHIRT DESIGN, ALBUM COVER, or MUSIC VIDEO... so if my comms are open when you're reading this, GO COMM ME WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!?! (BY THE WAY even tho i am a MINOR all comm money goes into an adult relative's paypal account, so your money is 100% SAFE!)
other than art, my interests include nintendo games like SPLATOON, POKEMON, and the like, other games like TWDG, SKULLGIRLS, LITTLE NIGHTMARES, WORLD'S END CLUB (the best game danganronpa guy ever damn made), and KATAMARI DAMACY, cartoons and comics like INVADER ZIM, JTHM (which everyone should totally read please it's so good), DUNGEON MESHI, MLP, SOUL EATER, FLCL, SCOTT PILGRIM, and DOROHEDORO, and a million i forgot to name, and movies like THE SAW SERIES, SPIDERVERSE, and PROMARE!!!!
also i don't talk about it much, but i love NU METAL... i love KORN, LIMP BIZKIT, KITTIE, COAL CHAMBER, NOTHINGFACE, AND SLIPKNOT as well as many other music artists nu metal or otherwise!!! (notable ones being MCR and literally every vocaloid producer under the sun.) (i will reblog posts from haveyouheardthisband constantly to recommend my followers music, it's my god-given right)
i also LOVE TO HATE (am a critical fan of) DANGANRONPA and COOKIE RUN from time to time...
anyway even tho this is an account mostly for art posting and question answering, i do actually care about serious stuff going on in the world and will reblog posts talking about it sometimes... AND SO SHOULD YOU!!!
also i don't really have a DNI, just don't follow me if you're like. racist or something man that's fuckin' weird... also don't follow me if you're a TERF, NSFW account, or ED/pro-ana account! (SERIOUSLY)
ok i think we're done? cut the cameras
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thebrandywine · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
@catgirladjacent tagged me! and i like to infodump! let's go!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
97 including some that are under pseuds, though I did orphan a few once I started fixating on Resident Evil more fully. I was embarrassed lmao
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
865,796 o__o
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Resident Evil exclusively now!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
don't worry about this one cuz it's under a pseud lol
[every picture tells a story], 387 kudos
[lantern], 376 kudos
broken machine, 356 kudos
[the quality of mercy], 332 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do!!! more often than not it's just with some emojis now lol but i relish and treasure every single comment i get
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, this one has yet to be published :) don't worry! <3
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmm... probably Two Cakes (which is coming out this month)? made me feel all sappy at least :]
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not now, but I definitely got some hateful comments on things when i was a lot younger-- mostly people complaining that i was a bad writer or that i should delete (which i did, so they got their wish lol). now if anything i mostly get people who comment on my stuff to kind of pressure me to update XYZ (the nivannedy catboy fic is notorious for this, which is why i haven't been working on it very much lately). the block button is my friend tho <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
yeah :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think someone wanted to at one point and then never did lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i've talked with some people about this before but we've never gotten around to it :P
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
i love chreon but there's just SOMETHING about nivannedy---
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the lethan re7/re8 rewrite. i really want to keep working on them but i just have so much more on my plate that i keep pushing it off, especially when it'll require the research of rewatching playthroughs a few times to reimaging the plot points. maybe one day tho!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i've been told that my dialog is good which makes me happy because there are a few fics where i'm actually really proud of it :3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
describing things, especially people! for some reason i always feel like it breaks the flow so i just... am like "there is a man. anyway--" sorry readers but it's your job to imagine him skjfnskdnf
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i only speak english and i'm also VERY american. i don't personally want to mess around with that because it would be google translate type shit and that's just sad imo :/ so since i don't know enough i will abstain
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon!!!!!!!!! i literally found THE first fic i ever wrote which would have been somewhere between third and fifth grade because i PRINTED IT and DREW PICTURES. it is called The Mysterious Manaphy and makes no sense. i read it aloud to my partner and they howled. yeah, it was just that good
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
listen, i love broken machine, but dualities has seriously taken the cake!!!!!!!!!
thank you for tagging me claire :3 i tag @flurrin @fonulyn and @silvercap!!!
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crimekitty52 · 2 days
Reviewing/talking about every episode bulbapedia categorized as 'focused on meowth' #1: Island of the Giant Pokemon
anyway! after I do all of these I think i'll do the episodes categorized as 'focused on team rocket' :3
so this is part of the 'st anne arc' if you will, after escaping the sinking of st.anne. I remember this being one of my favorite epsiodes as a kid!!! I really liked seeing the interaction between the pokemon
for starters the moment Jessie and James take notice of Meowth's absence they say how they're the invicible 'teamrocket' with this pose
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they were expecting to complete the bit with them
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also he says the last couple of lines of the motto and theres the little musical motif in the background: I jsut think it's adorable lmao: particualrly how he says 'surrender now and prepare to fight!' and the very next line is
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Meowth instructs Ekans and Koffing to attact and is confused when they don't: explaining how they only listen to Jessie and James respectfully.
in his shock Meowth says that he is 'twice as smart' as those 'you call masters' : and this begins probably the MOST INTERSTING part of this episode
I went ahead and decidded to also check out the original japanese at of curiousity, it's pretty much a match. the sub on internet archive had the dialogue here as
Nyarth: what! nyou really think of those two clumsy blockheads as nyour masters?! [ in japanese nyarth speaks with a ton of little 'nyas' added, this is sometimes implemented particualrly in the early seasons with english meowth, specifically saying 'meowth' instead of 'me' on occasion. i wondered if maybe he spoke with osaka dialect sense those are often dubbed into brooklyn accents, but nah, the brooklyn accent was just a way of translating Nyarth's unique speech patterns in general: ANYWAY seems the subtitles are trying to put those nyas in with any words that start with y or a sounds.]
Arbo: a master's a master (Dogars: no other, no other)
Nyarth: but we nyare the villains, right? (listening the word he's using is 'warui' which I guess you can best translate as 'bad' excuse me for being a nerd but warui is also where wario and waluigis names came from, while the mario-wario makes perfect sense with m and w in english, waluigi as a pun only works in japanese (sense the actually character of the lu in luigi is the same as the ru in warui, l=r pretty much, so in japanese it's a perfect pun of warui and ruigi crossed over but in english it sorta just sounds like your tagging on the wa from wario) the villains do bad things whether there or nyot
Arbo: there's no such thing as villainous pokemon (honestly I think they should of subtitled this the 'bad guys' because 'theres no such thing as a bad pokemon' is a way more accurate and better sounding translation, also because villain tends too instead indicate taking an antagonistic role, where as this is more so talking about moral standing) (more Dogars backup dialoguue)
Nyarth: are nyou saying pokemon can't be villains?
Arbo: when a pokemon does bad things, it's because their master is bad.
Nyarth: nyo way! but I wyant to do bad things even without a master
(there is a small weird translation with that line into the dub but i chalk it up to lip flaps + an exprssion of speech)
anyway! that was a fun little side tangent! back to the point
I think this line is really interesting for a ton of reasons, for starters I think the point here is less so that 'pokemon are inherently good' and more so that Pokemon don't fit into human concepts of morality.
this is what I mean when I talk about one of Meowths core traits being 'the conflicting human and pokemon parts of his identity' Meowth is shocked/taken aback by this because he does view himself within human concepts of morality, he does acknowledge his actions as 'bad' from a human perspective (his perspective) so particularly the idea that 'pokemon only do bad things when their human guidance is bad/tells them to' is particularly offputting, as Meowth expresses that he 'always seems to act like a rat'
Meowth expresses particularly that he is 'bad' without human influence, and honestly I find this sentence to sort of weird as self-deprecating at another glance. especially when we take into account Meowth's past as a street-cat (which involved being a pest to humans)
I think Meowth proabbly also feels pretty fucking betrayed, as Ekans and Koffing ignore his pleas for help, like these are his teamates and he just learned apparently they don't share the same drive/goal as he and the Js
anyway the rest of the Pokemon talk while Meowth is just tied to a tree which godamn thats fuckign hilarous
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pikachu unties Meowth before Meowth even asked: there's this wonderful pause of Meowth staring at Pikachu like he's trying to asess his actions afterwarsds. (he says 'i couldve gotten out myself' becuse all cats are at least a little bit tsundere)
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also I spotted an animation error! (as an artist spotting animation errors is a fun little game i play litterally whenever watching animations)
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it's only visible for a second but theres a clip where meowths paws are colored wrong
so thats pretty much all! I really like this episode. 10/10 >:3c
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the-fluffiest-trainer · 9 months
Like this? I just talk and it... oh, yes, it's writing the words! How does it know how to do that?
Uh, well, hi everyone? Can I delete that earlier part? And that too? This would be so much easier if I had those "hand" things to actually press all these tiny buttons...
Let me start over. Hi everyone, my name is Fluttershy, and I... don't really know what I'm doing here? Or where "here" is? Or anything about these two legged people with their hands and their fancy devices that write for you when you talk into them, but at least they all seem nice so far, and that's good. This girl named Shauna gave me this device and she says I'm in a place called Kalos, but I've never heard of it.
Apparently there's a professor who knows about me already, and sent four kids out to find me? That's nice of him, and maybe he knows more about how I fell into this world. If any of you, whoever it is in here that I'm talking to, uh, however that works... if you know anything or have any advice, and... I don't know how I'm going to actually hear you, to be honest, but I guess this thingy takes care of it?
I wish my friends were here. Maybe they are? I remember Twilight, fighting for all of us but we couldn't help her, and... something... and then falling from the sky, and I barely got my wings under me before hitting the ground in this strange little town. I should definitely go find this Professor Sycamore and see what he knows.
(OOC info under the cut)
Hey everyone, this is a pokeblogging rp blog for Fluttershy from MLP:FiM. She has no idea what pokemon (or humans) are and honestly, out of character I don't either because I've made it to nearly 30 without ever playing a pokemon game before now. At the recommendation of a good friend who's also into the pokeblogging scene here, I'm starting with Pokemon X. This blog is in the same universe as Gwyndolin from @moonlight-eternal, mostly because I didn't want to have to learn everything about two different games, but sometimes plot events will affect both blogs.
In general the blog is typically lowish stakes and sfw, and I'm open to interaction with any other pokeblogs, Fallers or otherwise (just be nice and everything should be okay). Given the plot of Pokemon X, some higher stakes will occur occasionally when dealing with Team Flare. Tags "#mid stakes pokeblogging" and "#high stakes pokeblogging" will be used as appropriate.
Twilight Sparkle is also here, having Fallen into Kalos several months before Fluttershy. Others of the Mane Six have landed elsewhere in the pokemon world and have been mentioned, but have not appeared on the blog.
Pelipper mail is on! This includes standard mailable objects, abstract things like "catness", horrible nightmares, you know, the usual for pelippers. I can't guarantee I'll post all of them given plot reasons but I try to address most of what comes in.
Headcanons / conventions taken with this timeline include:
All pokemon are sapient, but most cannot communicate in human language. Fluttershy's talent of speaking with animals carries over to pokemon as well.
Fluttershy is the equivalent of mid to late 20s in human terms, but the kids she meets are still kids, maybe mid teens or so.
Consistent font colors used:
Fluttershy: Standard black text
Visual description in videos: [Bracketed italicized black text]
Arden (Fluttershy's delphox): Orange text
Twilight: purple text
Lysandre: Orange bolded text
Team Flare members: usually red text
Shauna: pink text
AZ: green text
Hoopa (eebied Discord): Pink bolded text
Fluttershy's pokemon team:
Arden: delphox, trans girl, even fluffier than Fluttershy herself. She craves violence. She operates the holocaster sometimes for typing or taking videos.
Talia: gardevoir, girl, forcibly adopted a trainer so she can battle and eventually evolve.
Sienna/Muffin: skitty, girl, caught by Twilight and then given to Fluttershy via Professor Sycamore.
Keseph: amaura, girl, resurrected from a fossil in Ambrette Town.
Osha: absol (shiny), girl, found in the woods around Geosenge Town trying to warn about some sort of danger there.
Twilight's pokemon team:
Luna: espeon, girl, found Twilight right after she Fell and never left.
Raya: lucario, girl, sought out Twilight based on aura senses and led her to meet humans for the first time.
Spike Jr.: crobat, boy, given as a gift by Lysandre.
Crystal: lapras, girl, given by a pokemon breeder on Route 12.
Content warnings for this blog:
Canonical events of Pokemon X
Trainers can be affected by pokemon moves if improperly targeted
General blanket warning for post-apocalyptic themes
Other notes:
Sometimes I take liberties with game mechanics in favor of writing something that makes more sense from a perspective of actually living in this world and seeing pokemon battles and such. This may include:
I will typically ignore the physical vs special distinction for moves, stats, and so on.
I will ignore the effect of Natures on stats.
I usually forget that Abilities exist, or at least ones outside of the usual STAB. I do know STAB and it makes sense to exist.
While types do exist, I consider the advantage factor to be less than the games' value of 2. Probably more like sqrt(2), so super effective moves do 141% damage and not very effective is 71%.
On some occasions, I may even ignore a type matchup if narrative reasons or simple common sense contradict the game logic.
If the game goes to such lengths to obscure the actual values of IVs and EVs from me, then screw it, they don't exist. Every pokemon has IVs that make it good at the things its species is meant to be good at.
In general, all this basically means I'm taking an approach closer to the anime than the games. I have no prior experience with either, I just want something that makes sense and doesn't require being Autisms Georg about pokemon just to run a blog.
Story arcs so far:
Intro arc (no tag): Fluttershy arrives in Kalos and takes the position of player character, up through meeting Sycamore in Lumiose.
#reunion arc: After hearing from Sycamore that Twilight is also around, Fluttershy seeks out her and her research team in western Kalos. She finds out more about how exactly she Fell.
#screamkitty arc: Fluttershy foolishly ventures into the wilderness around Geosenge Town to investigate a terrible noise, and eventually acquires a new pokemon.
#darkened souls arc: Shauna asks for help with a mysterious pokemon ailment, but neither Fluttershy nor Twilight can figure it out. Aliana of Team Flare hypothesizes that another Faller may be involved.
#seeing a ghost arc: An error is found in Twilight's math, and the correction suggests that one member of the Equestria group actually Fell three thousand years ago. AZ shows up with a revelation.
#infinite princess glitch: The ponies visit the City of Otherworldly Dreams (Laverre) and Twilight starts experiencing phenomena she can't explain. (ongoing)
#betrayal arc: After seeing someone across the multiverse defeat a hostile Lysandre, the ponies investigate and confront their world's version. (ongoing)
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snorlaxlovesme · 3 months
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
i'm greedy
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
i'm glad it clarified "posted" story (i literally have a unpublished wip titled "self-indulgent wes and soul BS" because it's a sequel to ANOTHER wip, also not finished. that fic is my personal playground). ANYWAY. ignoring the fact that ALL my fics are self indulgent, More Confused Than Usual [x] is probably the best example of one. for starters, it's Pokemon, a fandom i rarely write for. it's also contestshipping (May x Drew), a couple i have only absorbed through fanon because I never actually...watched Advanced Generation? i've seen clips but i've watched maybe ONE episode feature May and Drew from start to finish. and thirdly it's tropey as hell. who doesn't love a good amnesia shenanigans fic? the writer i mentioned in your previous ask, Bittersweet Romanticide? she'd write something like this. THAT's probably why i love it.
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fic?
the last two fics i've posted both have the tag "food as a metaphor for love" which i found very funny in hindsight. is this my niche? i also love writing that gray area of love where 2 characters would die for each other but also have never come close to confessing their feelings or even admitting they HAVE feelings. my aroasexuality loves putting a lid on ANY concrete evidence of romance in my fics. YES these characters share a love that's strong enough to move mountains, to traverse oceans, to wage wars. no, they probably won't kiss.
72. What's your favorite writing compliment you've gotten?
any time someone tells me that my writing has like, existed somehow outside of their phone or laptop i lose my mind a little. like my baseline assumption is that people read my writing, then solemnly nod their head, think "hm.", and click the kudos button. so when someone tells me that my writing made them cry??? made them laugh out loud in class?? that they talked about my story with another human person? idk, it makes it feel more real. a real human person read something i wrote and somehow it caused a physical reaction out there in the world somewhere. isn't that weird?
79. Do you have any writing advice you'd like to share?
i think my favorite piece of writing advice is that "write what you know" is terrible advice. or terribly reductive advice. whenever professors at my college would trot around that piece of advice with no follow-up i'd get so mad. like you want me to write what i know?? my day-job is Maid and my night-job is Couch Potato. i clean toilets and go home and watch TV. what the hell do i know? and who'd want to read that? it felt like i wasn't allowed to go beyond that in my writing because i didn't have experience with it. then i took those Stief courses and got BETTER writing advice. when writing what you know, you should be writing the EMOTIONAL TRUTHS you know. you don't need every character or situation to be 1 to 1 comparable to your life, but if you want what you write to believable then try to find the emotional truths within that situation that are. ex: an original concept i've toyed with is a story where the world fast-forwards a whole year in the blink of an eye. as in, the entire world FORGOT what happened in the past year, and now is struggling to pick up the pieces of their new lives. people have moved, gotten new jobs, broken up, had children etc. and have to grapple with these changes they have no context for. the main character? a woman who works at the penguin emporium at the zoo. she puts on a scuba suit and sucks up fish guts and penguin shit from the bottom of the tank. she teaches little kids about penguin gestation periods. the conflict? all of her co-workers and loved ones have dramatic Leap Year conflicts except for her, because her life doesn't appear to have changed at all. i have never experienced long or short term amnesia. i have not and never will work as a penguin shit vacuumer at a zoo. this is very outside the realm of my expertise and has required a lot of youtube video research about penguin care. it SHOULD fall outside of my WWYK bubble, but that doesn't matter! the emotional truth is something that resonates with me deeply, as a late 20s woman who had felt stagnant in her life while other people were changing rapidly around her. are the readers going to get caught up in the penguin details, or are they going to relate that the book shelf they've been planning to build for months is STILL sitting in its box a year later, while their neighbor just got engaged AND promoted? that they STILL leave their clean laundry on the chair in their room instead of folding it, but their favorite co-worker doesn't actually work with them anymore because they transferred to the department they've always wanted to work in? i could have my character be space alien. a deepwater fish. a Vegas showgirl. that stuff is all window dressing if i can still get THAT emotional truth across. THAT'S writing what you know. and i can know all of that from my night job sitting on my couch.
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
i was tagged by @princesstokyomoon owo! ty for the tag i love talking about myself LOL
nickname: [not including nicknames based on my irl name for obvious reasons] rouge is what i go by online, sometimes called rougey too :3 kurama is another nickname, so is weirdo (started based on my old url, weirdobsessivenerd). i used to go by yoshi a while back in school too with some people
sign: taurus ♉️ !
height: uhh im 5'2" or 5'3" iirc
last thing i googled: koltins locations in totk, bc im hunting down bubbul frogs rn ! i have 32 left to get atm owo
amount of sleep: eh varies tbh? usually i get around 8-10 hours but sometimes it can be a little less or a little more depending on the night
dream job: character designer for video games!!! + general graphic design n world design n stuff like that. i love LOVE designing things, especially characters, its been one of my biggest and longest passions in my life !!! characters are my absolute fave thing to enjoy and work on, and i hope to one day create characters others can fall in love with like i have for many characters!!!
wearing: a hot pink nightgown with black lace, and black lacey shorts! its so cozy n me core :3
media that summarizes me: like... summarizes my personality? my interests?? hmm... im not really. sure what would really summarize me for my personality? maybe some of my fave things since they tend to have quite an effect on me?
the sonic series i think is a good representation of how im unashamed to be genuine to myself, positive and loving what i love and not caring about being cringy. and it absolutely influenced my love for rockin music, colorful series with darker stories, and edgy antiheroes lol.
maybe system of a down would be a good thing to mention here too, i love all of their music and they definitely have rockin high energy music that can get really wacky sometimes, and ive always had a love for weird shit and identified with being weird!
favourite songs: ough hmm.. ill limit myself to like. 6 songs i really love rather than trying to figure out my Favoritest Faves bc im indecisive lol. n gonna do some different styles for a variety of my tastes!
bring me the horizon ft babymetal - kingslayer
in this moment - sick like me
omega tribe - summer suspicion
megumi ogata - fukanzen nenshou
riff kitten ft kumiho - fallen world
i dont know how but they found me - mx. sinister
instruments: this is so vague lol like. is this meaning ones ik how to play? my fave instruments?
well for ones i know how to play- well i used to know how to play anyways- i played the clarinet in band! n at some point i got an ocarina n tried learning that but never worked on it much. i used to be able to play a couple little tunes on it tho (like the jigglypuff song from the pokemon anime. or part of it at least). someday ill get back to it...
for my fave instruments... id probably say the violin and piano. i really love the sound of them, and i like how much emotion they can evoke!
aesthetic: oh god where do i even begin gkdkfbdkf i have a MILLION aesthetics i love lol. lovecore is probably my biggest one though, but i also love tech/glitchy stuff, gems, mermaid/ocean, general nature/flowers, clown/carnival, christmas, halloween, witchy, punk/goth/scene/emo (together since there can be some overlap between the aesthetics, ik theyre not the same), night/dreamy, space, yandere for a darker twist on lovecore stuff, and much much more. i love anything from pastel n cute, to neon and dynamic, to dark n creepy. i just!! absolutely adore aesthetics!!! its what im all about!
favourite author: ...i dont have one fkxbjf i havent read a book in years and even when i used to read more i didnt have one. could i just say yoshihiro togashi since he created the manga of my fave anime (yu yu hakusho) lmao?
random fun fact: i love pickles and will drink pickle juice straight out of the jar. have yall ever had pickle pops??? its like popsicles but with frozen pickle juice. i LOVE it. actually i should find our popsicle molds so i can make some soon
some mutuals to tag: if yall wanna, ill tag @megalo-station @mageofcolors @transgaykurama @foxdenji @skrunksthatwunk @l-lawliets-pussy @yoko-kurama-the-sex-god @shining-bewear @pipwife and weve only been mutuals for a short time but ill tag @shrineguardianhyena too owo
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blxnc · 1 year
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I guess it’s about time i make an introduction so you guys know I’m something kind of human! 👋 (Though most of you know otherwise.)
I’m Blanc (she/her) 24 years old and i’m a quiet and neurotic artist trying to navigate the real world and the world my mind has constructed around me at the same time. My dream is to be a vampire princess.
My art can be found on this blog in full, though I will reblog it here from time to time. Please take care when looking, I draw lots of dark themes and depictions of my own mental illnesses (menhera stuff, and the like). It’s catharsis for me due to how badly they affect my life.
I’m desensitized to a lot, so I’m pretty bad about cwing stuff, so, just reach out if you need me to start tagging anything specific in regards to my art. I also reblog a lot of dark stuff so if you can’t really handle that too often I strongly advise you to leave me be in my terrarium and go about your day pretending I’m not real.
More prattling below ▽
💜what you will find here: My biggest interests are project moon works (anything with Yesod specifically, but promoon in general), so limbus, ruina, lobcorp stuff and the like. You will also see lots of Pokemon and two specific train oriented twins from Pokemon Black and White. I draw them a lot too. Lots and lots and lots of goth/yamikawaii/menhera anime girls too probably. I’m also a FFXIV player. Take that as you will. I love Touhou, Arknights and of course I still listen to vocaloid. You may see gorey art, but never any real gore. I like BL and GL.
I’m goth, and love a wide range of gothic culture, fashion, and themes. You’ll see lots of art and photos I hoard like a dragon for my own inspirations. I wear lots of gothic lolita irl.
💀what else do i do: i watch a lot of anime while i draw (psg, madoka magica, penguindrum and rozen maiden define me as a person. i love tragic shoujo stuff.), i play a variety of games, Death Stranding by mister Hideo Kojima one I love dearly, but also the typical brainrot like minecraft or some niche jrpg. i write fanfics but I’m extremely shy about sharing those, so if you’re lucky, you miiight see me play around with excerpts. Maybe. I also love random, useless information, so I love to talk about strange and niche subjects usually involving culture and societal norms. i think a lot. just think of me as that weirdgirl in your class you aren’t sure you should talk to or not.
i’m a little sickly.
i’m a pretty private person but i’m always open to chatting and answering any questions i can. i’m like a slug.
💉what u wont find here: this is a peaceful little hole for me, i don’t care about fandom politics, and i’d appreciate being left out of that stuff. i don’t like interacting with minors too much, but you won’t see any nsfw here. i don’t reblog any sorts of drama, i’m here to not see that stuff. that’s about all i can think of.
nice to meet you!
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encyclopika · 2 years
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I posted 445 times in 2022
That's 41 more posts than 2021!
119 posts created (27%)
326 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 390 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#animal crossing - 96 posts
#animal crossing fish explained - 88 posts
#fish - 84 posts
#science in video games - 80 posts
#marine biology - 78 posts
#animals - 71 posts
#animal crossing pocket camp - 68 posts
#pokemon - 43 posts
#acpc - 41 posts
#art - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#what they should do is remake ingo's model so that he's still wearing his pearl clan stuff under either a new coat or his ripped up one
My Top Posts in 2022:
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #164
Brought to you by a marine biologist who is very tired...
Work has just been kicking my ass. I could definitely do like a seal and just lay around until I’m hungry. Unfortunately for seals, they have to get into the ocean to find their food (I just have to walk to the fridge). Despite their large size and agility underwater, seals have to contend with the fact that they aren’t at the top of the food chain and need to be wary of bigger, scarier things (like killer whales and sharks). Now, you might be surprised to find out that not all seals are built the same way. Today I’m going to use Phineas as a great starting point to talk about pinnipeds - the seals, sea lions, and walrus.
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Phineas was an NPC in AC City Folk and New Leaf that gave the player things - either balloons or other cute toys or, in New Leaf, badges for completing some milestone. Unfortunately he doesn’t show up in ACNH, which is a shame, but understandable - Tom Nook now gives you all of your achievements and those toys are given out by Isabelle or some other seasonal NPC. 
Anyway, Phineas is definitely a sea lion, *not* a true seal, and I will explain. So, all of these sea-puppy animals are in the clade Pinnipedia, which means “fin foot”. Pinnipeds are closely related to mustelids - like the sea otter and river otters we have covered - and the two are closely related to bears. So, if you think seals are cute and cuddly, they are the first thing, but maybe not the second thing. They can be aggressive, large, and fast, despite how awkward they are on land, and they have very sharp teeth and claws on their flippers. Give them a wide berth if you see them at the beach. Pinnipeds can be split into two neat groups - eared seals and true seals (the walrus falls under the first category, but we will talk about them when we cover Wendell). As the names suggest, eared seals (family Otariidae, sea lions and fur seals) have ear flaps and true seals (family Phocidae) do not. 
There are also a great many differences between the groups, such as the way they swim and walk. True seals are much more adapted to the aquatic lifestyle than eared seals - their hind legs are held backwards and they cannot bring them under themselves to walk like other Carnivorans (the Order that includes lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!). So, to get around on land, they scooch about on their bellies. They are really great swimmers though and they collectively dive deeper than eared seals.
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37 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #156
Brought to you by a marine biologist with a not-jellyfish...
I think this is finally where I’m going to throw up my hands and say right at the beginning that I don’t know what species these are. I would need a lot more information on these comb jellies than what the sprites give me, so we’ll have to make due with going through this group, as fascinating as it is, and learn what features they might have.
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38 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #170
Brought to you by a marine biologist and another we’ve done already...
I’m totally fine doing fish we have kind of done already. I just hope none of ya are bored. Writing one of these only scratches the surface of information about that animal, and I try to pick a trait or behavior that I can expand on in general. Believe it or not, it’s only gotten *slightly* more difficult to find something to talk about in general...or maybe I just find every fish wonderful. Who knows...
Anyway, today I will cover two fish at a time because they are the same fish - the Red and the Black Wakin Goldfish!
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57 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #209
Brought to you by a marine biologist with different fish, same name...
So, today we will cover the Silver Arowana, and I know what you’re thinking - gee, that sounds familiar. Didn’t we already cover the Arowana way back in like 2020 or whatever? And, yes, we did, but it was a different species, and I’m here to be wildly accurate and complete in my coverage of all the fish and aquatic friends in this franchise, so here we go!
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The Silver Arowana first appeared in AC Pocket Camp in June 2021 for Fishing Tourney 39 that featured fish named after precious stones or metals - so that tourney also included the Black Ruby Barb we covered just a few entries ago. The Silver Arowana is a mostly tropical species, native to South American rivers. So, it’s pretty cool ACPC released it in the summer. Makes sense.
Anyway, so we all know that there is a species of Arowana in AC New Horizons - I covered it already and found that one was the Super Red color morph of the Asian Arowana. Both the Asian and Silver Arowanas belong to the same Family of fish - the Osteoglossidae, or the bony tongues. The name is derived from a sharp, toothed bone at the bottom of the mouth that can grind against teeth at the roof of the mouth. The family is tiny, comprised of just the arowanas and arapaimas, for which there are only about 14 species. The arowanas are divided into two Genus - the Scleropages, which is where the Asian Arowana comes from, and Osteoglossum, which today’s Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) resides. 
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69 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #155
Brought to you by a marine biologist and another fish tied to a legend...
Figured I’d go with this “mythos” theme until I can’t anymore or I get bored. Whichever comes first, really. So, today I bring another Pocket Camp friend who’s gorgeous pattern may just be its undoing - the Achilles Surgeonfish.
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This is a summer time fish in Pocket Camp’s Saltwater Shores. It first appeared in July of 2018 and returned for the late summer to fall of 2019. Which makes sense. In real life, the Achilles Surgeonfish, or Achilles Tang (Acanthurus achilles) is a tropical reef fish, common around reefs throughout Oceania and across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii. They are chiefly algae-eaters, grazing algae off of the coral reef, which benefits the corals immensely by preventing algae from smothering them. Just like it’s cousin the Regal Blue Tang we covered a long long time ago, the Achilles also has a sharp, scalpel-sharp spine by the base of its tail, helping to form the corner of the striking orange, tear-drop pattern.
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100 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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hiraganasakura · 2 years
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I posted 2,370 times in 2022
That's 2,214 more posts than 2021!
82 posts created (3%)
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Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,367 of my posts in 2022
#reblogs - 2,237 posts
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#ace attorney - 330 posts
#pokémon - 258 posts
#pokemon - 257 posts
#positivity - 236 posts
#reminders - 225 posts
#stim - 160 posts
#miles edgeworth - 143 posts
#tw food - 125 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#for some reason he gives me vibes of 'if miles edgeworth was a blue-eyed ginger and realized wearing cravats in the 21st century is stupid'
My Top Posts in 2022:
"But if you crash the airship, then we're all going to die!" said Qrow.
"Lol," said Tyrian, "lmao."
57 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Happy Autism Acceptance Month! Where I am rn today is also World Autism Day! :D
To celebrate I made icons for some Ace Attorney characters that I hc to have autistic swag, since it's my current special interest. These aren't all of the characters I hc as autistic, there's too many to include in one post lol, but I picked some of my faves. Maybe I'll do more...
These icons are f2u btw!
Here you go, have fun y'all!
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85 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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Translation: "You have made me question both my personal philosophy and my romantic orientation"
100 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
It's not made clear how Manfred died but I think it'd be rly ironic if he died from lead poisoning due to having a bullet in his shoulder for 15 years. Like. He got that bullet in his shoulder and shot Gregory in the exact same event. It would be a well-deserved irony if the bullet killed him, don't you think?
122 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I feel like Phoenix and Edgeworth would talk very nonchalantly about the absurd things that have happened to them and it drives everyone else bonkers
Apollo tries coming to work with a rly bad cold, and Phoenix attempts to talk him out of it. Phoenix finally says "Look, Apollo, at least take some Coldkiller X. Just, uh... make sure it's not poisoned when you do." And Apollo's like "WTH IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN???"
Edgeworth is talking to a prosecutor going abroad and finds out that they're using iFly Airlines. "iFly?" he asks. "You should be careful on your flight. The last time I flew with them, I was framed for murder." He takes his tea and leaves the room while the other prosecutor is calling after him wanting to know the full story
Phoenix and Edgeworth are bickering like an old married couple (as per usual) and everyone around starts losing it when they bring up past experiences like that. It becomes a whole spectacle
1,197 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rejaytionships · 2 years
roark, what's your favorite childhood memory with linn??
ah, hello again! :)
i've talked about some fond memories (here) but i'd love to share some more general memories!
linn and i joined sinnoh's wrestling little league at the same time, since linn's dad wanted them to join and linn really didn't want to go in alone. they were the "sapphire storm" as dubbed by their dad, which was a really cool name! my chosen stage name was "rocky road" which i made up all by myself since i wanted to fit in with their alliteration, yes the name is like the ice cream. i was 10, okay? so, we had gone in for our first tournament and we were paired up against each other during the first round. linn was excited to be facing me since i was their friend, but i was nervous because only one of us could move past, meaning one person had to lose right away. however, i never told linn because they just seemed so happy to show me what they had in store. we got up there and i remember it was fairly evenly matched, actually i was pretty confident i was going to win, but oh man did i never anticipate the last sixty seconds of the match. i had linn pinned (my body perpendicular to theirs, arm across their chest), assuming i was about to win, but in my split second of cockiness they wrapped their arms around my neck and rolled with all of their force to fling me from one side of them to the other, pinning me down in the same position i had put them. i was so thrown off that i didn't even attempt to do anything back, even though in hindsight i totally could have. i was bummed to lose, but it definitely started our friendly rivalry throughout our teen years! it seems silly having me losing be a favorite memory, but you should have seen that match to be fair
(we also eventually formed a tag-team when we were 12, and kept it up for years until linn moved away! it was called "erosion" and we worked really well together. one day we'll make a comeback, i promise you!)
this one isn't so much us together, but it does involve them in terms of how i got here. linn had this window right by a big tree, so whenever i wanted to see them past dark i'd sneak out, climb all the way up that huge thing, and knock on their window. usually they would answer quick enough to let me in right away, but one time they must have stepped away because there wasn't any answer. normally i could wait a few minutes, but sinnoh also has quite a few pokemon roaming the trees. in this case, i thought i should maybe head back since it felt like forever, but when i turned around i came face to face with two big ominous eyes. it scared me so much i fell right out of that tree! of course, linn's dad was the one who found me on the ground, and he had a lot of questions. i thought he was going to kill me, or worse, tell my dad! but it turns out he thought it was pretty funny, and said he wouldn't tell my dad as long as i promised to go home (after he made sure i wasn't concussed, it was a nasty fall). turns out what scared me was a heracross! i usually love those guys, so it was silly
let me know if you want to hear more! i love talking about this sort of thing :)
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prof-peach · 3 years
What would make a good ghost-type starter? My kid's about to turn ten and REALLY wants a Gastly. I think it's because the Ecruteak Gym Leader, Morty, and his Gengar are like, her childhood heroes. She says she even wants to be a ghost-type specialist. Honestly though, I'm kinda reluctant. I mean, you've heard the rumors about ghost-types and children, right?
Your concern as a parent is wholesome, and I can understand your reluctance to dishing out a ghost Pokemon without further investigation first, so let’s put some rumours to bed here.
The dex entries often depict ghost types and tricky, scary, wild and sometimes even dangerous, stealing children away, being living grudges, turning lost kids to Pokemon, and being overall hard to handle, often somewhat lacking in empathy even.
This is what a dex does, it’s built for kids, it’s information is out there to inspire kids to find intrigue in species that are overlooked. When your little, you make up stories, as a parent I’m sure you know, some of those stories your kids tell you seem actually terrifying, horrific, some kids love to indulge in the creepy, the unusual. It’s not to be feared, it’s to be celebrated. The dex is an exaggeration, a base for further learning, and often the gateway to kids wanting to know more. There is a fatal downside, their entries and statements about some species can be unnerving to a regular adult. We are fearful, we see this potentially spooky dangerous thing and of course we want to protect the family from that. But the info given is often a 1% (at most) chance occurrence.
Phantump? They aren’t born of lost kids in the woods. You ask any breeder worth their salt, and they’ll tell you they’ve seen those Pokemon hatch from eggs like everything else.
Drifloon, tries to steal kids apparently? Nah, they’re lighter than air, most of their movements just simply look that way, but it’s usually the wind pushing their bodies about. They’re actually very kind pokemon.
What else, oh, Banette. Born of a discarded toy with an eternal grudge? Haha nope. They aren’t all made that way, at all, many evolve to be perfectly happy healthy Pokemon with a lot of love for their trainers.
The dex focuses in on the unusual, the extraordinary, the facts that statistically will interest their target demographic most, and kids have way less fear than us. Look at yours. She’s been exposed to the same stuff you have, yet she’s not hesitant to want a ghost type, she’s not afraid, not learnt that fear yet, which is an incredibly good thing.
On the very unusual case where a ghost type is like their dex entry, it’s usually captured, aided, and rereleased in a secure location, away from those who could get hurt by it.
Ghost Pokemon do not hatch with a choice of body, a choice of type, or a set of rules to follow. Just like us, they learn and amble through their life trying to find satisfaction, friends, work, family, love and kindness, and to figure out how they fit in it all. They’re highly complex and empathetic Pokemon, often treated differently because of what they are, rather than who they are. When they find people and Pokemon who don’t treat them with hostility and unkindness, they will spend their life with them, they will give everything for them, protecting their loved ones with the ferocity other species can’t muster.
I for one think that as long as your kid knows what to expect, and is responsible and reliable in caring for a Pokemon, then perhaps it’s a good time to start looking. A ghastly is a perfectly fine starter, they have low care requirements, snacking occasionally, but feeding mostly from places of reflection or worship.
You know why ghost types always hang around graves? It’s how they feed. When people reflect, they produce a certain kind of energy, it is not something you can measure easily, or see, but a ghost Pokemon can sense it. They have learnt to live off the energy people expend reflecting, and the most common accessible place to get this for a ghost type, is graves. They also frequent places of worship, monuments beloved by locals, and buildings that once housed a lot of love. You can tell when an abandoned house had something truly terrible happen in it, not even the ghosts will feed there. The energy is bitter to them, and many don’t care for it.
To help your kid, set up a place within the house where you, your family, your other Pokemon, can go to reflect. Some people build this space around the telephone, or computer. When thinking of, or talking to distant loved ones, the same energy is produced, so at home the ghost type can snack and not run low on energy. It’s a nice modern day adaption that’s makes caring for ghost much easier thankfully. Spending 10-20 minutes every other day in the reflection zone will feed the ghost, but will not drain you or your kid. They do not eat up a lot from us, nothing we haven’t already expended.
Along with this, be aware that the ghost line can be somewhat nocturnal, so setting up a regular bedtime might be a little tricky, so that the Pokemon is accounted for, but also so the kids not out all night, that’s not safe at all. Sunset seems to be their peak active hour on average, long shadows mean they can jump around fast between dark patches, a trick ghost show off regularly.
If you are worried, try to make time to go out with your kid and their partner, to a park or maybe a more central street that’s well lit, so they can practice and be trainers in a safe environment. I can totally get not wanting them out in the dark alone, safety always comes first.
What else. She’ll probably have to start carrying an umbrella around. Ghastly aren’t too keen on suuuuper bright light, midday is not easy for them, but some do not want to sit in the pokeball while their trainer is up and awake, they want to play and be around them. An umbrella means they can get some shade no matter the time of day, and have some freedom to move about even in harsh sunlight. Too long in the sun will drain them of energy, and they’ll need to rest and sleep it off, recharge at the reflection station at home, or go spend an hour in a churchyard or something.
They eat most things and sleep anywhere, so there’s not a huge amount of specialist items to be bought for the home. Test different flavours on them, and try to find a ghastly that has a temperament that’ll get along with your whole family. You should definitely check out local adoption centres, they are in undated with ghost types this time of year. People hand them in for all sorts of reasons.
Little tip, if you bring Morty spicy baked goods, like chilli cheese bread or something, he’s more inclined to help you. He hangs out near the burnt tower a lot with his team, and takes trips to the local food festivals too, so if you notice an advert for one, see if you can catch the guy there. He’s reluctant to take on students, but if your kid turns up with a ghastly, and (from what I can assume) and overabundance of energy for Pokemon, plus a spicy treat, the guy melts a little and you can ask questions or request a little time for your kid to get some tips and tricks from a professional gym leader. I think it’d be interesting to investigate at the least, sounds like he’s the closest link between her and the Pokemon she so desperately loves. Plus how cool would that be for her? Gets to talk to her childhood hero. Kind of cool.
As a parent, I advise you get some cleanse tags too. There may be rooms you don’t want them entering, or items you don’t want them messing with (knives/power tools ect) , placing a cleanse tag on each wall, or on the items, will stop them interacting with them, so you can sit knowing things are safe for the Pokemon and your family.
In short, don’t knock the ghost types, they’re just as important, kind and loving as any other Pokemon. I’m not saying naughty troublesome ones don’t exist, but chances are you’ll find one that’s a great match for your family. Thank you for asking questions and not jumping to just get a Pokemon ASAP, you’d be surprised how few people do their homework before inviting in a new Pokemon to the home.
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crystalmemoria · 3 years
Personally, I really like Calem's design, and I wish that more people would make content with him as the protagonist. I was checking the tag for him, and you seem to have headcanons about them! Can you talk about them? You've got me all curious, now!
Oh, hello! Good to see someone else that likes Calem! Please be aware this is going to be a LONG post, so it's all going to be under the keep reading.
Please note that there ARE spoilers for Pokemon X/Y below!
Well, I don't have a LOT figured out yet, but my idea for protagonist Calem is actually probably way different than you'd expect for a Pokemon MC.
First off, please keep in mind this is my own Pokemon timeline/verse, this does not take personalities from Masters EX into account nor does it take the manga or anime versions of characters into too serious consideration (For applicable characters). Heck, I've even made up my own personality for Rival Serena because the version in the game was kind of bland, admittedly.
Back on the subject of Calem though! For one thing, he starts out more distant and even a bit rude. See, he grew up pressured into being a Rhyhorn racer by his mother and other people around him that expected him to follow her path in life, something that, as he grew up, really annoyed him and made him grow more frustrated with people in general. He, at first, expects them all to just pressure him. That's all he expects from the adults/authority figures in his life. Keep in mind that my goal with him is that he starts out distant and cold, but grows into a better person, becoming a bit more like what we see of him as the rival (While still being the protagonist).
When he moves to Kalos, it starts out similar to the canon scene in the game. He's woken up by his mom's Fletchling, he goes downstairs and is told by his mom that maybe he should say hello to the neighbors... but Calem has no interest and just wants to take a walk to clear his head after being rudely woken up.
When he steps outside, he sees Serena and Shauna hanging out right outside, wanting to talk to him. They look at each other, particularly Calem and Serena... and he just walks on past them, ignoring them after that. This annoys Serena greatly, who was trying to be nice. Thus, this is the beginning of their rather notable rivalry.
Shauna, meanwhile, isn't quite as hostile and thinks of it as maybe Calem's just awkward and shy, and tries to get his attention with the whole "Hey, you've been chosen to get a Pokemon!" thing, which actually does succeed at getting his attention.
See, Calem at this point hasn't had much direction in his life. He's been sort of floating through life desperate to do almost anything OTHER than Rhyhorn racing. The only thing he's grown passionate about at this point is fashion, but that still hasn't given him any real direction.
He actually is like "...Fine. Count me in." So they all go and deal with the starter Pokemon as usual. Calem gets Froakie. Also, he's stuck with the nickname "C-Meister" because he couldn't really get the others to just call him Calem, so he chose what he felt was the lesser of three evils (He doesn't like the nickname at first). Anyway, things go on basically normally through the game for a long time. Serena acts as a more annoyed rival because she doesn't like Calem at first. They butt heads, get annoyed with each other, and constantly try to outdo the other.
Also, Calem gets bad vibes from Lysandre from the very start, but can't act on it because he's... well, only the most powerful man in the region, and he hasn't done anything to Calem's knowledge. All Calem can do is just try to shrug off his creepy calls and speeches throughout the game, all while getting a pit in his stomach because he knows something's wrong.
And then there's his opinion of Team Flare. At first he has no real idea of what to make of them, and is mainly offended by them because their fashion sense is abysmal (Calem takes fashion very seriously). However, as the story goes on, he starts piecing things together, and realizes they're actually more sinister than they seem. This all builds up to when Lysandre's announcement about the Ultimate Weapon is sent out. See, another detail about my Calem is that he's actually afraid of death. So between all of the bad vibes haunting him to this point, the threat of death, and knowing that Lysandre is SERIOUS, something in him just freezes. It's a serious phobia of his, and he actually struggles to function as he realizes they're all going to die if the weapon isn't stopped.
This actually gives Rival Serena a bit of spotlight, as she's the one that takes the initial steps into Lysandre Cafe, and fights Lysandre once going down the elevator. Calem ends up realizing a bit after that that he needs to do something, even if he's deathly afraid, and he pushes himself to follow after her, catching up with Serena.
In the end he conquers his fear as he rushes through the secret base under Lysandre Cafe, and is proven by how he finally chooses the blue button when prompted with the choice.
Another good note is that before he and Serena step into the base in Geosenge, Calem stops, looks at Serena, and actually gives her a small smile for the first time. "It's been fun." He tells her that because somewhere along the way, all of the frustrations he's had with her, the butting of heads, the constant clashing... Somewhere along the way he started finding it strangely fun. He grew to cherish her presence, and he felt he needed to say something to her just in case something happened. Heck, he grew to cherish all of his friends along the way somehow, and this event caused him to realize what he's going to lose if the Ultimate Weapon is set off.
Serena calls him out on saying all that, saying that they're not going to die.
Still, he just wanted to say it. He wanted to be honest with her.
With that, they start dealing with the whole thing with the Ultimate Weapon together (and with Shauna when she shows up).
They deal with all of that, and from that moment on, Calem realizes he wants to help the Kalos region and the world as best he can, improving it in his own way. He finally has direction. To become Champion and use his influence as Champion to help everyone.
He might still be introverted and a bit distant, but he becomes a nicer, better person who wants good things for the world after having felt so disconnected and frustrated with it for so long.
There's a bit more, but this gets across my character development for Calem.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh S5 Ep 20: Yugi’s Senshi Outfit
So I’ve been doing a lot of work, and I haven’t looked at the blog for a hot minute and when I finally checked back in to do these posts I noticed something on my tumblr was just blowing up. I got all excited thinking “oh shoot, Did I draw something right??” and instead, it was a random post I made about the bootspants from season 1. Three years later, resurrected from the grave and covered in...thousands of notes? I don’t understand how this website works.
Anyways, the comments are mostly good, but a little bit wild. A lot of people seem to think I would know what Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is, when I’m an adult who is still watching the first 5 seasons of Yugioh. (I will never have time to watch Jojo,) and then some other people started talking about Actual Card Mechanics that went...completely beyond my comprehension. But then there was one person. One person who said one thing, and brought it all together.
The boots that are pants.
I can’t believe I looked at all the different combinations, but a Poots never crossed my brain.
It is so perfect, so cathartic, although it took 3 years to get there.
Anyways, we’re in S5 and unfortunately not in poots anymore, Yugi is now dressed in a tupperware container from hell and they have wandered into a desert. On cue, Grandpa has an injury, but at least this time it’s not his ass.
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You know how there’s artists who do hyper-realistic versions of pokemon monsters with detailed bone structure and muscle anatomy? I dare them to look at this orb and tell me how the hell it has wings. Like go ahead and try and pin a spine down on that thing. I’ll wait.
(read more under the cut)
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So Joey decides to sprint down this endless desert with just boundless positivity.
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Over the edge of this sand dune is a whole bunch of huts,just random civilization out in the middle of no where.
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One girl walks over and it’s a look.
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She’s really the only one here who can talk, and she just seems...so incredibly bored to be here. A whole lot of Wednesday Addams energy. She leads them into a hut where an old guy pulls a scroll out of blue fire. As you do.
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Again, this arc should have been a video game, because while it’s something to get the player interested if there’s some riddle they have to solve to progress, when you’re watching a TV show, it’s not like I’m the one solving the riddle. The format is honestly one of the downers of this arc, tbh.
It has strong “I played a D+D sesh and made a webcomic out of it vibe” and I know I just called out like half of you, but listen, I will not take it back.
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This episode, our gimmick is some asshole is going to be yelling at us from the other end of the map, just shouting in the background for the entirety of the episode like that tangible human skull meme.
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Then Wednesday Addams hands over yet another MacGuffin because why not?
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Tea can twin it up with Yugi now. Her necklace doesn’t seem haunted, but it’s only a matter of time. (also her necklace looks so freakin terrible, we’ll see it later and I’ll have a lot more to say because wtf it looks like some sort of polly pocket.)
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I’m not 100% that the voice that shouts at us from the end of the hall this episode is Mokuba’s voice actress. But I’m 99% positive it is, or Mokuba’s voice is just really that type of vibe.
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Stuff happens, and it felt like card duel stuff, so I’m gonna skip over the part where they pulled out their duel monsters one by one, since the fight was pointless anyway because the worms can turn you into stone. So Yugi and Pharaoh decide to have a chat about it because their plan is clearly not working.
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This is when Pharaoh has a vivid lucid daydream, which seems like something that would have been more convenient before he ended up turning into stone on the floor of some desert. But, hallucinations never come when they’re convenient on this show. They usually come during card games, tbh.
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Imagine with me that you’re dreaming of like...an old ass greek guy who is 99% Alexander the Great. Imagine he tells you to fuse with a sentient paper card that you already carry around in a weird capsule.
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For the love of all that is holy
Do not think about what it means to fuse with the Dark Magician.
Dark Magician is...he “exists” but he’s like not even a person. There seem to be whole fleets of dark Magicians, which are all the same guy, just cloned, right? Or maybe they’re a family? Or like...I don’t freakin know. Like they’re all hanging out together in some card dimension so it’d be more like fusing with the guy who dresses like Barney the dinosaur instead of actually Barney. Like he’s more of like a concept than a dude, but apparently you can just introduce him to your...whatever this armor is supposed to be, and Dark Magician turns into a Super Suit.
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I want to express my thanks to the Yugioh team for not putting Yami in his underoos. Hell, they didn’t even take off his jacket. I do not know what art directer ok’d this for animation and said “yeah, this won’t kills us if we animate it.” but that is a hell ton of lines and design right there. Yeah they have 3d, and probably had to 3d that staff...but that doesn’t mean you don’t end up drawing it, in the end--you still have to draw over your 3d. You still have to draw literally everything.
Anyway, when we get to the eye of the storm. The secret to getting there was that you have to fly, which again--3/5 of these guys already have a monster that can fly. We can finally tell the voice at the end of the hall to stop yelling because it’s really bothering all the townspeople, and then move on with the quest.
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Everyone else was stone during this. So when they un-petrified they kinda looked over at Yugi and were like “how freakin long was I out???”
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But youknow, Yugi’s 2 people, so it’s fine. So long as you don’t get down to the third bastard still sitting around in there.
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After this, our NPCs vanish, and the show pushes us directly forward. No time for them to piss off a land turtle or set a bunch of wolves on fire. Just get out of the desert and freakin go.
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I’m just so bothered by this random ass huge chunky necklace.
It’s like the size of your freakin fist. And it’s just...a pentagon. Congrats Tea, you have a fake ass plastic necklace. I guess it’s so that when we’re far away we can still see it on her chest but like...This show loves huge ass necklaces, and they’re all basic ass shapes. We got a pyramid, the Kaiba’s wear squares, Bakura wears a circle with kind of phallic bits hanging off of it and this is just...it’s literally just a pentagon.
I guess Ishizu wore a wadjet and Duke has an indecipherable clown as his necklace. But man...the Yugioh necklace game is just a lot of shapes.
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And so we continue on with this filler arc, which is also a pokemon arc, and even secretly has a Sailor Moon arc just stuffed in there for funsies. This arc is weird.
Also, I brought up the human skull so I legally have to post this.
Anyway, here’s a link to read these in chrono order, in case you just got here: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yugioh/chrono
And I’m off to drink a bin of ice water because it is 5 billion degrees right now in this house.
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seokiloquy · 3 years
Game Cartridges - Kenma Kozume
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Au: Regular/Gaming
Tags/Warnings:  GN! Reader, short and fluffy, Time Skip spoilers
Word Count: 2.1k+
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"Lev, are you almost done?"
A deep raspy voice echoed into the gym, loud and authoritative, startling the volleyball players. Once all eyes turned your way, you laughed, letting your natural voice still the silent atmosphere. Your hand smacked the metal door as you hunched over, gasping for air between each series of laughs. 
Lev, who had just landed from a spike, opened his mouth in a loud cheer at the sight of your slumped form in the door. “(Y/N)!”
You straightened your spine, sighing as you watched Lev’s nose get caught on the mesh net as he tried to limbo under it. He looked like a pig for a moment, before the bottom of the net snapped and Lev ungracefully fell on his face.
As he laid flatly on the gym floor, Kuroo —who you managed to identify based on Lev’s description (though you did expect a comical beak to be attached to his muzzle)— walked over, thumbs playing with the waistband of his shorts. Before he started to talk, you leaned over, looking behind him to see a partially blond boy dig the toe of his shoe into your tall friend’s side. Kozume Kenma.
The rooster in front of you started to speak. “You sure gave us all a shock. Thought you were a janitor coming to kick us out,” he chuckled, lifting a hand off his hip to scratch the back of his head.
“Ya sorry, Lev just finds that voice creepy so I use it every now and then to scare him.”
Kuroo sidestepped as his hand moved to gesture you inside. “So, you’re a voice actor?”
“That’s the plan at least.” You bowed and walked to the bench that was pressed against the wall, a small bag swinging over your shoulder. The old man, Nekomata, gave you a wrinkly grin as you sat next to him, watching your hands as you pulled out a DS from your small bag.
Kuroo smiled, snapping his head to the clock before looking over his teammates.“Nekomata, should we start cleaning up?”
The couch hummed thoughtfully, turning his attention away from you and onto the team captain. “We still have a half-hour before our practice is officially over. How about we do 3 vs 3, to, ah, 7 points?” He then turned his attention to Lev, who was rubbing his nose as he got to his feet. “Pair up evenly for the beginning, the odd player out will be keeping track of scores and rotate into the next team. Got it?”
Lev raised his hand. “Can you explain the rotation again?”
You looked up from your handheld console to give your friend a deadpan look. Nekomata laughed before answering, “The odd player will take out a player of the next team and so on to keep teams fresh. Got it?”
The Silver hair boy hummed, standing to his full height. “Got it.”
As players dispersed randomly, not selecting any teammates, in particular, to play with, you were vaguely aware of the new bodies that came to sit alongside you on the bench. Instead of looking up to whichever boy had chosen to take the spot next to you, you kept your head down as you played on your DS.
“Ah.” Quiet
“Um.” Again.
Sighing you turned your head on a swivel to the blond boy who sat next to you. His head was downcast but through the dyed strands, you could see his eyes flicker from his fidgeting fingers to the device in your hands. His eyes shot up to meet yours before quickly turning away.
You wore a kind smirk. “Need something?”
Kozume turned his head slowly, pointing to your small bag that was laid open, exposing the variety of games you owned. In a calm voice, “You have lots of games, why are you playing Nintendogs?”
You laughed looking back down at your small virtual pet. “Well, a lot of those I haven’t started yet, Lev gave them to me yesterday as a gift. And well, I’m only going to be waiting for about 30 minutes for you guys to finish before we leave, so I don’t really want to start something new.”
You heard the clicking of the plastic game cartridges as Kozume riffled through them. He pulled out one, a Pokemon game you had yet to touch. “Play this.”
“But my dogs.” 
“They aren’t real. Play this, it’s fun.”
Nekoma called for the teams to switch. Kozume stood up but waited for you to take the game out of his hand before he left for the court.
You sighed, pulling Nintendogs out of the DS and putting the Pokemon game in, Pearl, apparently. 
“Your name is (Y/N), right?”
“(L/N) (Y/N), ya.”
Kozume hummed, before stepping onto the court, letting a sweaty Lev fall into the spot he had previously occupied.
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Another day, another practice and you were back to sitting next to Nekomata, waiting. Occasionally, you looked up from your DS to see the two setters toss a ball up for the players to hit, watching as the players ducked under the net to collect their balls. 
Once their final water break came around, Kozume, who had been eyeing your DS since you sat down, shuffled to sit beside you. “Ah, use the water attack.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, head tilting as you showed him your progress.
“Hmm, gym battles are mostly element-based, you want to use mostly water attacks for this one.”
Nodding, you clicked the option Kozume had so helpfully pointed out. “I know nothing about how to play this.” The battle ended, giving you a pretty badge, to which you realized there were more empty slots to fill. “Damn it.” You turned to see partially bleached blond chugging back his water. “Kozume, could you help me with the other gyms?”
“Kenma is fine. And I could, but you’d probably have to be here for that, you have to find the other gyms after all.”
The wince you wore caught his attention. Hissing you dropped your hands into your lap, still holding the sides of your plastic game. “I’m not sure how possible that would be. My luck is just running out isn’t it.” He kept watching, half-listening to Nekomata as he explained the cooldown drill before practice ended. You pulled out your little red flip phone from the side pocket of your back. “Put in your email. I’ll message you and give you my contact.”
Taking the device from your hand he quickly typed out his address before dropping it unceremoniously into your bag and running onto the court with his teammates. You smiled at the sight of his hair bouncing before your smile dropped and your head lowered to look back down at the game in your lap. The colours on the screen seemed a bit dimmer.
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Where did the Pokemon go?
Kenma had quickly become your go-to Pokemon consultant. Always there in your time of need.
Which one?
He responded quickly, which helped.
Uh, one of the three ones? I was trying to catch it but it’s not there anymore. I tried dropping revival items and stuff but it’s not there.
(Y/N) did you kill it?
Reload the game.
I’ve done that.
Did you save after you defeated it?
Messages with Kenma typically surrounded classes and videogames, more so the latter. With that though, came a sense of consistency with messages outside of active school hours and giving your mind a constant timeline to follow throughout the chaos that surrounded you.
Ya, I had to save my progress.
It took a minute for him to respond, but you could feel the sorrow radiating off him through the screen.
You’re going to need to restart the game if you want to continue.
Shit. Well then, got any other recommended games? Ideally RPGs.
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After many practices with your presence sitting silently against the wall, Kenma was surprised when the end of practice came around, and you were nowhere in sight. Kenma pushed the rolling basket of volleyballs up next to Lev as they gathered up all the equipment.
“Where’s (Y/N)?” he asked, crouching down to pick up a stray ball.
Lev lowered his chin to see the setter clearly. He hummed, “Ah, I think it was called, New York?”
Kenma paused, dropping the volleyball into the basket with cold hands. “What?”
“They moved to the USA. I don’t think that they’re going to be there forever though. But Mr. (L/N) got a job there from what I remember. They were staying with my family before they moved.”
Kenma’s nose scrunched. “Why did I have to make friends with someone who was moving away? You’re terrible, Lev.” He gripped the blue fabric of the basket a bit tighter and began pushing it into the storage closet, grumbling.
“What did I do?”
After practice, Kenma quickly got to his phone, typing away as he walked home alongside Kuroo.
Your response, despite being in a different time zone, was quick.
IM SO SORRY I TOTALLY FORGOT!!! I just liked talking to you and it slipped my mind whenever you were around
Kenma sighed, washing away the anxious feeling in his chest. 
Another email came through.
I’m only going to be here for a couple years, then I’m going to come back. Messages may be slow because of time and all, but I’ll always respond.
You didn’t lie that day. You were always quick to send a message back, but over time those messages stopped coming and you didn’t have the heart to send anything in return.
You’d ponder on it occasionally, hoping that all it was, was forgetfulness, or a changed contact. But after a couple years, it was easier not to think about it, and go on with life and pursuing your passion.
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“Stop spamming the chat guys, please,” Kenma grumbled, wincing at the repetitive notifications that rang in his ear. Turning to look at the live responses, he paused the stream of messages to read over a few. “You’ll stop once I start playing? Fine, fine. Let me get it booted up.”
As he pulled up the Japan-made open-world RPG that had been released for Beta earlier that week, the chat went into a flurry of excitement, with various images and repetitive cheers rolling by.
Kenma turned to face his main screen as The main intro to the game played with a flurry of colour. The chat increased in speed as the two-player options appeared on screen, ready to be selected. When his mouth moved over one of the characters they moved, reciting a line.
“Oh they’re voices are nice.”
The chat exploded again.
(Y/N)’s voice is great!
They do both of the MCs voices
All the talent 
Selecting the male character, Kenma listened to the boyish tone, furrowing his boy as he caught sight of the name being repeated over and over again in the chat.
“(Y/N)? That sounds familiar, are they in an anime?”
The chat responded with a list. 
Tilting his head, Kenma pulled out his phone as the game began to load, talking out loud for the viewers of his stream.
“(Y/N). that sounds familiar.” He entered the search for the game’s voice cast. Immediately seeing a familiar portrait at the top of the list.
The chat quickly caught on to Kenma’s look of surprise and started spamming again.
“(Y/N)?! Ah! I know them! It’s been years!”
Ignoring the chat and fully loaded game for a moment, Kenma smiled at the image of an older you on his phone screen. Putting down his phone and sitting straighter, he looked at the camera that was focused on his face.
“Hmm, this makes me want to play Pokemon. Maybe later. Time to start this.”
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I was going to write a full-length fic with this au but…. You know how it goes.
Short and fluffy cause I have to get back into the groove of writing after 2 months. Ahaha. I finished all of One Piece this week (when I wrote this), 966(now 971) episodes thus far and all the movies. Makes me want to write for it. Maybe If Kiwi watches it I will. 
….If I do, it’ll probably go on Ao3… but if you’re reading this and want me to…. Let me know… I’m tempted.
Kiwi. Watch One Piece so you can edit One Piece fanfiction that I’ll probably never write…. Unless. - Bacon
Maybeeee I can still edit without watching it thoughhhh. I’d edit whatever you’d me too - Kiwi
Unless!- Bacon
Posted: 25/04/2021
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ven-finn · 4 years
May I have the Hiccup is autistic info dump please? As a treat?
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OK OK LETS GO!!! I’m going to put this under the cut because it’s really long, and I’m not gonna apologize for that, since yall asked.
First off it’s like: everyone on the spectrum is different so I understand that another autistic person might have a completely different take here or not see what I see in how I relate to Hiccup. But that’s exactly why I think he’s neurodivergent !!! For the most part a lot of my headcanon comes down the the base text in the trilogy. 
 We’ve got the in canon, outright shit that is:
-He starts off as an outcast for explicitly being ‘different.’ All the other vikings are constantly talking about his different way of thinking and a different way of interacting to the world around him and their inability to understand them socially isolates Hiccup. He’s been noticeably the odd one out from day one, even if no one can name why!!! God!! Felt that little man!!!!!
-And Hiccup spends nearly every day focused on dragons, and consumes the handbook for it all in one sitting researching the night fury. Then when he’s not working on understanding the dragons and taking note of what Toothless reacts to, he’s engineering different mechanisms to fly with Toothless.  
-He fidgets constantly, and seems to have a hard time looking at people when he’s talking. I love the gifsets where people are showcasing all of his hand flailing and talk about how endearing it is in the tags. It makes me feel better about my own stimming. There’s also like... the entire opening conversation w Astrid from 2 that’s like “I don’t move like that” “you just did!” and I love it so much. A lot of the mannerisms I know were probably thrown in as animation dramatics but they are *my* mannerisms on screen so autism be upon ye, Hiccup.
-and when he’s talking he’s mouthy and often doesn’t realize he’s said the wrong thing until it’s too late! one of my favorite parts of httyd2 is when Hiccup is going on a tangent to Valka about ‘hey everythings gonna be great you can come back home and drago’s a nonissue and and and!’ and its a bit overbearing and Stoick literally has to say “slow down” so Hiccup can give Valka some breathing room. It’s like oh hey I’ve done exactly that before. (and I also hc Astrid as having ASD bc to me it makes their initial conflict all that more interesting and funny to me. Astrid’s like ‘hey wait don’t go against the social rules I memorized i worked very hard to be this socially competent’ and Hiccup stomps on that and is like “what?” It’s why their bond throughout the trilogy gets me so hard like we love to see two trans autistic vikings in love and winning.) 
-On the topic of his social skills, it’s the way he explains things to other people too that reads as autistic to me. He doesn’t go out of his way to verbalize most of his affection for dragons or why he thinks other people should understand. He just taps Toothless’ head and is like ‘I can show you’ through the act of riding itself. It’s either that or he goes on longwinded rants that he himself struggles to follow, so he relies on the former more frequently. 
 And guess what his pattern-tapping and his unique abilities end up setting him apart from others but it’s also what brings dragons and vikings together!! It is a good thing!!! No one else can think like he does and maybe they don’t have to but the world is better for him existing in it!! What a wonderful story!!! A story that becomes stronger for me when I put in the lense of “not only does this autistic character not have to grow out of his own skin to be accepted, his neurodivergent traits are what make him brilliant, what make him so in tune with dragons!” and not in the like. gross autistic savant or hollywood autism trope u see in shit like Hannibal or Sherlock. Hiccup is just some guy, but he’s just some autistic guy, who can do great things! don’t get why autistic cis men will tell u our only icons are like. Rorschach and Rick Sanchez when Hiccup is literally right there/hj. 
This is more sub textual than the rest of my points but there’s the aspect of Hiccup’s focus on *specifically* animals. It’s a common early special interest for plenty of autistics. Fun fact is the creator of pokemon, Satoshi Tajiri, was autistic and had a special interest on bugs-his love for them is partly why Pokemon exists! And My own animal special interests were elephants, pandas, and cats. It was such a big thing for me that still, every year for my birthday people still get me plushies of them. I was 6 when Httyd1 came out, but I watched it like. Religiously. And less so for any of the characters or story but because I adored Toothless, who I knew was based off of a cat without having to be told. So Hiccup being so quickly dedicated to this dragon... :) yeah. He understands dragons so much more than he understands people and Toothless and the rest seem to comfort him because being with the dragons forgoes stressful human conversation for just being content to be!! what a story!! what a grand thing!! 
tldr: hiccup stims a lot, has clear moments of hyper-focus and special interest, and his social skills are parallel to my own. To me, his most base story reads as an autistic story. 
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caffeinated-cryptid · 4 years
bishop to castle; check.
3.8k words | AO3 link | tags/warnings: suicidal behaviour, risk of falling from a height, talking someone down from a ledge, hurt/comfort, platonic roceit, positive ending.
“After weeks of moping post-POF, Janus goes into the imagination to find Roman. They end up having a much more intense conversation than he could have ever planned for.”
Janus hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Roman since their last argument. It was fine, probably, he justified to himself, despite how Patton had returned from their talk with pursed lips and worriedly furrowed eyebrows. He likely just needed time to process everything that had happened, and Janus wasn’t going to push that. 
(His reluctance to address the issue had nothing to do with the fact that he dreaded another confrontation. Totally not.)
After all, forcing his presence on Roman now could potentially only make things worse. So instead he would just have to wait for him to come around first-- to calm down enough to be willing to hear him out without resorting to name-calling.
Janus was plenty busy anyway, what with his new position in Thomas’ life. More than smoothing over one less-than-steller relationship with a side (which Janus was collecting like pokemon cards recently, it seemed), he elected to focus on ensuring Thomas held true to his promises of self-care, which meant working with Patton more often.
That wasn’t so terrible, at least it wasn’t as bad as the him from a year ago would have expected; the side was trying harder to welcome his contributions which he appreciated. Though inadvertantly through this new partnership, he found himself being dragged into more casual hang-outs, where they would do nothing but...chat. Sharing daily anecdotes and worries and secrets about themselves. It was strangely open and the sort of thing Janus had to adjust to, but with this new friendship he had found himself in, he did his best not to ruin it.
“I’m getting worried.” Patton admitted one day, setting down the tv remote after a finished screening of some Air Bud spinoff. How Janus had been wrangled into watching that ceaseless dog series was beyond him. “I think the others might be starting to come around to you, but Roman...”
Patton didn’t need to finish his sentence, because Janus already knew what he meant. With Virgil and Logan, he’d been making an effort to try to prove his worth as a member of the team (whether or not that was working was yet to be seen, despite Patton's generous assertions that it would all work out eventually), but he hadn’t even gotten the chance do to that with the creative side. As much as he had first assumed that time and space would do the trick, it seemed like that wasn’t the case after all.
 “I suppose a confrontation is inevitable.” He grimaced, knowing that this had been put off for long enough.
“Would you do that?” Patton asked suddenly, looking to him with relief. It made Janus realize that it sounded like he had signed up to go talk to Roman himself.
“Uh...” Janus tensed, his previous concerns surfacing again. “I don’t think I would be the best suited to have this conversation-”
“Oh- Pleeease? You two need to talk most of all! Besides, when I went, he wouldn’t even...” Patton trailed off, biting his lip with a pout. “...Could you try, at least? Maybe you could get through to him.”
“...Alright. I’ll go before lunch.” Janus agreed begrudgingly, rewarded by Patton’s grateful smile. Stupid puppy face. That would have to stop working eventually.
That was how Janus found himself in the lawless lands of The Imagination.
It had filled him with dread, knocking on the red and gold door and recieving no response. Even more so when he risked intruding anyway and seeing the wrecked state of the room, and then noticing the entrance to The Imagination wide open.
Unsurprisingly, that was where he found the side in question. More surprising was when he did, finding him sitting on the edge of the tallest turret of his castle, like he had decided to overlook his kingdom in the most dangerous way possible. Janus wasn’t so naive to assume that was all it was though.
Roman probably saw him approach as he ran the rest of the way to the castle, and that pushed him to go faster, dashing through the lonely walls of the old building until he was climbing up those spiralling stairs all the way to the top. When he finally made it, he stood there doubled over and completely out of breath as he adjusted to the high altitude winds that bit at his cheeks. He used the seconds he took to catch his bearings to figure out what to do-- his eyes never once leaving Roman’s back, who luckily hadn’t moved at all during his frantic dash. Perhaps his insticts had been wrong and there was nothing dangerous going on here. Every part of him screamed to stay and stop whatever this was though-- so he did.
“Roman.” He ended up saying once his breath had evened out, and nothing more. There was too much going on in his head to break whatever balance they currently had; too much to ask, too much to say, to explain, to defend, to try to understand.
Said side turned his head slightly to make eye-contact; not facing him, yet it was acknowledgement at least. “Deceit.” He said after a beat. His voice was cold, but not angry, and for some reason Janus would have prefered it if Roman were upset with him. Anything but this odd indifference that made him feel guilty for not summoning up the courage to check in sooner.
“Janus.” Janus corrected in an invitation to use his name. He intended it as a sign of goodwill, but Roman’s face twitched and he looked away again, this time his focus on the ground directly below.
“I came to talk.” Janus said in an attempt at a distraction. He was disheartened when Roman made no move to acknowledge him again, so he continued despite his uneasiness. "Would you please come down?”
“What? Scared, Deceit? I'm not doing anything. I'm not going to either, so you can go back to whoever sent you and tell them I’m fine.” Roman scoffed and the string of lies felt bitter in the fridgid air, enveloping him like an unwanted hug. If possible, Janus’ heart begun racing even quicker.
He wanted to protest and say that he had come of his own volition, but Janus knew that lying right now wouldn’t do either of them any good. “In that case, would you do it for my peace of mind?” He tried instead, and it earned him a wry smile, sent from over Roman’s shoulder.
“What ever gave you the impression I care about that?” Roman shot back, standing up only to turn on his heel to step down into the crenel next to him, then back up onto the the next merlon. He continued, going up and down and slowly circling around Janus like a predator would it's prey, but somehow he didn't feel like the one being hunted here. Actually, it was more like he was trying to convince a mouse that the cheese on a trap wasn't worth it. And being a snake himself, that simile was especially ironic.
“...That’s fair. We can talk like this, then. I wanted to apologize and hopefully make amends.”
Roman’s footing twisted haphazardly and Janus all but shot forward to steady him until he was given a deadly glare that froze him in his tracks.
“Stay back! You're not fooling me again. As far as I know, you'll just try to convince me to take a swan dive right of the side of this tower. No greater depth to plummet to than that, huh?"
“I- that's the complete opposite of what I want.” Janus stressfully replied, fighting against the urge to pull Roman off of the edge and end this whole thing himself, instead holding up his hands as a sign that he wouldn’t come closer. God, where had he gone so wrong go end up in this situation? He should have convinced Patton to come with him when he had the chance-- at least he probably would have had a better idea on how to get through to Roman when he was like this. Comparitively, Janus had no clue. He didn’t have the trustworthiness or the years of friendship.
“I believe you. You've already made it so clear just how much you care.” Roman replied sarcastically. Janus felt his hackles rising.
“I’m not lying! I didn't want any of this.” Janus gestured around. “There's so much I wish I could take back, but especially whatever I did to cause this.”
“Oh, Janus.” He felt a small dose of hope when Roman finally used his name, which was quickly dashed as he huffed out a laugh. “Always thinking you have a finger in every pie. Isn't it enough for me to come to this conclusion by myself?”
He continued bitterly, practically stomping his way around the edge of the tower now. “It's not like it was hard. Even an idiotic egomaniac prince like myself can tell when he's not wanted anymore. When the dream has died.”
Janus, despite the silver tongue he may possess, struggled for words in the face of Roman’s insecurity. He had wanted the anger because he had assumed it would be easier to prove that he wasn’t as evil as Roman was so keen to accuse him of being. He just hadn’t expected this issue to be so deeply sensitive. (Though perhaps he should have picked up on that hint when he saw the other side looking ready to jump to a temporary death). “Thats not true at all, you’re incredibly important and all of us need you. Perhaps we’re operating under new rules now, but that doesn’t mean you’re not wanted.”
But it seemed that wasn’t the best thing to say. Roman stopped in his tracks, his expression unreadable as he began shaking with fury or perhaps something else. “...If I’m ‘so important’, why does it never feel that way? Why am I the only one who has to change constantly for rules that can never stay the same? Why do I have to make sacrifices and tone down my voice?”
His controlled tone got louder and more stressed. “Why are my best efforts never good enough? Why are my doubts ignored? Why is it considered fair to disparage my work? To ignore the blood, sweat, and tears I put into everything?”
Janus stared in horror as Roman kept going, yelling over anything he could have possibly wanted to say.
“Why does it take this to be be fucking noticed?!”
Both of them paused when his rant reached a screaming crescendo and fat angry tears rolled down Roman's cheeks.
"...Forgive me if I'm having a little difficulty trusting what you say right now.” He sniffed, ducking his head away to wipe his eyes. The words were distant despite the soft way they were uttered.
Once again Janus was lost for what to say as he watched Roman compose himself. There was simply too much there to unpack, too many years of built-up stress and resentment. What in the absolute hell had these sides been doing all this time? “...I do wish to take some responsibility for that, though. Your hesitancy to trust again.” That seemed like a good place to start, if any.
Roman only snorted humourlessly at his efforts though, voice tired and unenthused. “I'm sure you would. It's a lot easier to sweep aside a broken vase rather than acknowledge its cracks when they’re forming, after all. That was the lesson you taught us, right?”
Janus winced at the callback to his first appearence to Thomas. He didn’t necessarily regret that day, but having it thrown back now made it feel like something to be ashamed of; seeing his lessons interpreted in such a way. “...Is that how you see yourself? Broken?” He asked instead, squashing down his indignation.
He only got silence in return. Janus swallowed, definitely regretting his hesitance to resolve this issue now.
“Roman, even though I doubt you’d trust my words, I promise that we're not trying to simply ‘sweep this aside’. If we're going with the vase metaphor, all of us want a chance to try to glue the pieces back together. Make right on all of the ways you’ve been wronged.” When that got no response, he tentatively asked, “Have you ever heard of Kintsugi?"
“...Broken pottery fixed with gold, I'm aware. But trying to apply that right now is sloppy, even for you. People are never so beautiful after being so thoroughly broken, nor is it that easy." Slowly, Roman sat down on the edge, and even though his legs were dangling over the wrong side, Janus' heart finally felt some semblance of rest. He took a step forward.
"I disagree. Kinstugi is rarely an straight-forward process either, and yet it achieves such splendid results with just a little patience and care. Which is to say... while it may not be the easiest thing to do, there’s undeniably beauty and strenght in survival. Trying again even when it feels impossible.”
“Of course you'd think that, Mr. Kill or be killed. You have no choice in whether you get to continue forward. But I do.”
Janus paused at that, only four paces away from Roman now. The creative side startled when he peered backwards and saw him so close, and then he glared at Janus as he stood up again, this time facing him fully. His foot slid backwards until the worn-down structure crumbled under his heel, sending rocks tumbling down below. It was a warning, Janus realized as his blood frooze in his veins.
“Don’t look so shocked. I control everything here, or did you forget?” Roman smiled. It wasn’t a happy smile or even a smug one; it only looked like he was stretching his mouth unnaturally, all pretenses of putting on a convincing performance stripped away. “If I want, I could have a Pegasus fly by and save me at the right moment. Or I could expand the moat to catch me. Or..."
Roman looked frustrated for a second when he couldn't think of anything else, even more so when Janus patiently waited for him to think of another example. In the end, he gave up.
"The point is, I call the shots about what happens to me."
"But would you? Save yourself?" Janus questioned hesitantly. He knew he was treading on thin ice, so he left it there. Roman raised an eyebrow at him and he returned it, making it clear that he wanted an answer. He recieved it with a scoff.
“Of course I would. What kind of question is that?”
Janus winced. “Roman... You are aware of my ability to detect lies, yes?”
The creative side blinked in surprise and then looked at him with wide eyes, as if he hadn’t expected to be called out. Like it had been so natural to brush aside the question that he didn’t even realize his own feelings. Fortunately, Janus’ ability was too keen to be fooled by one’s own self-deception. He could see below the surface like that; pull people’s hidden truths from them and keep them for himself, like a keeper of forbidden knowledge (Though in moments like these, sometimes he wished he couldn’t. Ignorance truly is bliss).
“Should I ask again?” He pressed. “Are you really planning on saving yourself?”
This time Roman’s face screwed up in confliction and he directed his gaze to the floor of the tower. It was an awfully clinical way to ask, but it felt necessary to stop dancing around what was important-- this casual show of self-destruction.
Eventually, the other cracked with a tired huff of laughter. Sadly genuine this time.
“...It's certainly nice to think that I could.” Roman admitted as he rubbed his face, apparently not mad at being called out this time. “Finally being a hero again, even if it's only to myself.”
Janus paused in shock. Was he still misinterpreting that moment?
“That wasn't a lie.” Janus blurted out, taking even himself by surprise by the thoughtless exclamation. “Thomas still thinks of you as his hero. There’s no need to do things like this to prove it.”
Romans eyes went watery and he avoided his gaze.
“At this point I don't think it matters, when I haven’t been acting like it at all lately.” He whispered coarsely, uncharacteristically quiet compared to the wind. “Frankly, I'm surprised you're even trying to stop me."
Janus eyes softened and he took another tentative step forward, then another when Roman didn't react badly. “Why wouldn’t I? I’m not just Deceit, you know. Part of my job is to help you.”
“...Because you hate me? At this point you have more reasons to than not.” Roman explained warily, looking at him like Janus were seconds away from snapping and shoving him over the edge. It hurt to have that sort of mistrust placed on him, but at the same time Janus understood it. He had often been in that sort of situation before; doubting the safety of opening up to other people. That was just part of his job, to be doubtful and wary in order to protect the self. Yet to see it so openly on somebody else felt like a punch to the gut, even though he should have been used to that feeling of being distrusted by now.
“Do you think me so sensitive that a schoolyard insult would make you my archenemy? Or being called evil? That is...sort of what I’ve been going for.” He cracked a joke, gesturing to his outfit. When Roman kept staring at him he sighed. “Of course I don’t hate you, Roman.”
Roman shifted doubtfully. “That doesn’t mean you like me, either. Maybe it doesn’t mean much to you, but you should know how- how being called that hurt me.”
"...Yes.” It was Janus’ turn to be uncomfortable. “Perhaps at first I felt attacked and wanted to make you feel the same hurt, but I would never have said that had I known just how deeply it would have impacted you. I’m sorry for that.”
Roman’s expression turned incredulous, like he couldn’t believe Janus had apologized. “...You know, I wanted to make you upset. I wanted you gone.”
“I figured.” Janus nodded.
“And that doesn’t change anything? Even though I acted so...” Roman bit his lip. “So unheroic?”
Janus stifled a sigh. By now, he really hated that word with a passion. It had caused so many high standards, so many instances of self-sacrifice, so many misguided attempts at selflessness and perfection. Perhaps later they could talk about it all and lay out why it had done so much harm, but for now he decided not to push it, not when he felt so close to getting a breakthrough.
“Believe it or not, but I think that you've been plenty heroic already. This whole time you've been fighting for something you thought was valient and noble, and that means something, even if it was for a misguided cause.”
That took Roman off-guard. He moved his foot away from the edge subtley, and had Janus not been focused on his face, he would have considered it a small victory.
“...What’s the point of all of this, really? Is this some... some dastardly plot?” Roman questioned skeptically. He was looking even more cornered now that he was letting Janus’ words sink in.
“All I'm here for is to offer the helping hand you need, if you’ll accept it.” Janus said softly as he extended his hand up to him. “Really, my only plot right now is to get you off that ledge before you give me a heart attack. Please?”
Roman stared at him, desperately trying to find some sort of mistruth in his eyes before his gaze lowered to the outsretched hand. It felt like time slowed in the seconds he was making his decision and Janus held his breath, waiting...wating... until finally the other side nodded and took his hand.
With Janus’ help, Roman stepped down, looking confused and lost now that he was away from the edge. The expression pained Janus’ heart, so he opened his arms half expecting rejection, only to be taken back by how quickly Roman latched onto him. Janus wasted no time clinging back, so relieved that he actually suceeded that he didn't want to risk ever letting go, like this moment could be torn away at any second. It was no surprise when he felt the other’s chest jerk with held-back sobs until there was a wetness on his shoulder, and he didn't say anything about it. He didn't need to either, because Roman spoke up first.
“It didn’t mean anything. Really!” He exclaimed through messy tears. “I was only thinking about it!”
“...It's okay if it was more than that.” Janus soothed, patting his back. “It's okay to feel low and in need of help.”
That made him cry harder and Janus was relieved to see the excess of emotions finally pour out. While waiting for Roman to calm down, he had to fight for his own tears to not spill over. Inevitably, the stress of the situation finally caught up when the adrenaline wore off, and he sagged into the hug, sniffling quietly and trying not to fall over on his aching legs. He really just sprinted up multiple flights of stairs, didn’t he? Belatedly, he realized that he must have lost his hat at some point during the journey because he could feel the wind tousle his hair.
It would have been funny if it weren’t for the absolute rush of emotions he had just gone through.
The two of them stood there for what would normally be considered an awkward amount of time, except the act of simply hugging on solid ground was the biggest comfort in the world, too much to ruin the moment. They waited until they got through the worst of their tears before they dared speak again. Once again, Roman went first.
“Sorry for laughing at you back then.” He said, voice reflecting the yelling and crying he'd been doing. It felt genuine. “I actually really like your name...the mythology suits you. Very dramatic.” 
Janus laughed wetly, finally a true statement. “Why, thank you. And I apologize for where I’ve wronged you.”
Finally, they straightened up. Roman took one look at him and summoned hankerchiefs for them both. Janus accepted it and wiped away his tears as gracefully as he could.
“Hopefully we can have a more in-depth discussion on this later, but for now Patton and I prepared lunch, if you’d be willing to have us.” Janus asked, hopes raised.
“...That sounds good.” Roman smiled.
Janus smiled back.
Together, the two of them descended down the steps of the tower, and the imagination was the slightest bit sunnier when they reached the outside.
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